u u A JBaffsman's MmxYJ r J.& er' - - f TPvic class common- iyaT'were 'seated upon the .rSj ofthe Tree Prc office, a day or wpsJftclShaviDg disposed of their stock in -VMe.tod feeling, Inclined to eDjoy the genial hMt trim April son as it poured down bright and warm upon their resting place. The pro fits of the day's work were counted over, and the conrersation, in a confidential vay, grad ually turned upon the respective merits of the several dailies of the city. Both agreed that the Free Press -went off three to one when compared to the others, and young enthusiast l"o. 1 swore he'd "be dog derned if it warn't the gallusost paper In the whole country." At this emphatic expression of opinion, his friend Bob administered a severe poke in the ribs, accompanied with "Ah ha ! swere'd, did ye ; give me that cent now." Upon inquiry we found that a bargain had been ratiued, by which each of the friends had.agreed to pay the other a cent every time he swore. Dod ger demurred in this case, however, on the ground that "dog derned" wasn't swearing, and, the dispute waxing warm, the matter was referred to a clerical looking young man, who passed at the moment, who decided that it was swearing, and, seeing the cent paid over, in quired the nature of the arrangement. It was duly explained, with the additional informa tion that during last week, Dodger gotten cents ahead. This evidence of a desire for reformation pleased the meek young gentle man Tery much, and he patted the unctions Dodger on the head with "Good boy, good boy what did you do with the money give it to your mother ? put it in the charity box T send it to the missionaries ?" "Mis-sion-a-ries !" replied the indignant Dodger, contemptuously, "Bob won it all back, playing "old sledge" last Scnday J" Detroit Free Press. The finest idea of a thunder storm extract was when Viggins came home tight. Xow Viggins is a teacher, and had been to a tem perance meeting, and had taken too much lemonade, or something. He came in the room among his wife and daughters, and just then he tumbled over the cradle and fell whop upon the floor. After a while he rose and said "Wife, are you hurt ?" "Xo." "Girls, are von hurl ?" "No." "Terrible clap, wasn't it ?" A Good Remedy. The local editor of the Lynchburgh Virginian, publishes the follow ing, and says ho has tried it and found it a good remedy :-r-"To cure a pain in the breast, procurea well made silk or woolen dress with an equally well constructed woman inside of it and press close to the part affected. Repeat the application till the pain ceases. This re cipe, when the directions are carefully ob served, has rarely been known to fail to effect a cure. The medieino is found in almost ev ery household, and may possibly cost a trifle.' We find the following capital parody on Mc Kay's "Tell me, ye winged winds V is going the ronnds : - Tell me, ye winged winds, That round my pathway roar, Do ye not know some spot Where women fret no more I Some lone and pleasant dell, Some "holler in the ground," Where babies never yell, And cradles are not found 1 The loud wind blew the snow into his face, -And snickered as it answered, "Nary place." Spiders Gettisg Rabid. Spiders seem to have run mad this year. The women folks will need to use their brooms unsparingly at the corners of their rooms and extirpate the dangerous creatures. We learn from the Bus ton papers of Saturday a-week that Miss Sa rah J. Colbourn, of Chaplin, Ct., died on Tues .7 of last week from the bite of a black spi - J the third death this season from the same AD.se. The chewing of catnip and binding he bruised herb upon the wound, is said to be a perfect antidote. Ccriocs Extrt. In the parish register of Suckley is the following whimsical verso, which must be read down and up alternately : There and I'm one and he Is one the but only only But only only loves one the One and she that you are A dsrkey having been to California, thus speaks of his introduction tSan Francis co 1 "As soon as dey landed in the ribber, dar moufs began to waiter to be on land, and soon as dey waded to do shore4 dey did'nt see any goold, but dey found such a large supply of noffin to eat, dat dar gums cracked like baked clay "in a biickyard." Mole hills are curiously formed by an outer arch impervious to rain, and an internal plat form with drains, and covered ways on which the pair and young resides. The moles live on worms and roots, and bury themselves in any soil in a few minutes. Cow many fond mothers and frugal house wives keep their pretty daughters and their preserves for some extra occasion, or some "big bog" or other, nntil both turn sour !' This seems to ns marvelously poor economy. In the county of Norfolk, a lady had six ons, each of whom is six feet four inches tall She says the way she drew them out so was by feeding them oa legs of Shanghai chickens A hint for our short friends. They have at length got a statue of Wash ington at New York, which has been placed in the Park opposite the City Hall. It is of brown atone, and was modeled by Thorn, a Scotchman. - Nw Potatoes were selling last week, in the Philadelphia market, for 6 J. cents per pound. They are what is termed the Bermuda Fotato, and are a good article. as -I" VT TS. : awrT Wednesday " vf- tu.. . vn Fiitt Cists ner annum in advance, or Two Doli-aiis within the year. Advertisements mserica of twelve lines, for the first, and tfnJ-nve cents for each additioral insertion. A liberal deduction made-to those who advertise by the year. The 'Terms' will bo strictly adhered to. No paper discontinued without payment of ar rearages, unless at the option of the publisher. PENNSYLVANIA HAILBOAD. n anl miter Mondav. Feb. 23d. 1S57. passenger trains will leave Tyrone station as follows : CSl. A-u. k. Fast Line, 1.57 A.M. 8.55 P.M. Express, 8.23 A. M. 3 A. M. Mail, 6.21 P. M. 3 P. M. HOUSE 'D LOT FOR SALE. The late residence of J. M. Tfoutz, iu Ansonville, may be bought cheap by immediate application to me. declO-lf-l J. li. MbALLY. JAMES IS. GUAM A.M. JJealer in sawcu LUMBER, SQUARED TIMBER, SHINGLES, BO RDS, Ac, is prepared to fill, on the shortest notice, all orders for articles in his line of busi ness, on S3 reasonable terms as they can w nro curcd in the county. Urahampton. uiearneia in.jn. io.-u FOll SALE. The subscriber offers for sale his farm, containing about 62 acres, with a bont 25 acres cleared and under good cultivation, having thereon erected one 2-story house and barn, situated one and ajhalf miles above Clear field town, opposite the new bridge. For terms apply to the subscriber on the premises. mav!4-tf MILO HOYT. F Oli SALE A farm of 120 acres on the river above Curwensville : A farm of 64 acres in Penn townehip : A farm of 100 acres in Ferguson township ; A farm of 100 acres in Penn township ; 2 farms of.lOd acres each, 'adjoining,) in Fergu son township ; 300 acres timber land in Bell township ; 233 acres timber land in Ferguson township. For description and terms apply to mar25 L. J. CRAXS, Clearfiold. GITLICII & BEXNER, would respectfully inform the citiiens of Clearfield, and public generally that they have entered into co-partner ship in the CABINET MAKING BUSINESS, and kooD constantly on hands, and manufacture to order, at the lowest prices, every variety of furniture, consisting ot Dining, Breakfast, and Centre Tables, Sewing, Writing, and Wasti-blands, mahogany, ana " Common-Bed-st 'eads ; Jfahogony and Cane-bottomed Chairs, Bureaus, Sofas. Lounges, Ac, Ac. Coffins made and funerals attended on the short est notice, with a neat hearse, and appropriate accompanyments. llou.-ie Painting done on the shortest notice. Shoo and AVare-rooms. same as formerly occupi ed by John Gulich, mcarly opposi to the 4 J : w Store, Clearfield, Pa juhs tiuuui, May 22, '55.-1 y. DAXIEL BEXXER A T ROBINS' LITERARY DEPOT, JJL Shaw's Row, Clearfield, Pa., CAN ALWAYS BE PROCURED BOOKS OF ALL KiUDS, - Stationary, FANCY ARTICLES AND CONFECTIONARIES, Tobacco and Cigars, DRUGS, MEDICINES, DYE-STUFFS, PAINTS, Chemicals, c, ire., i$t. Among his stock will be found Histories, Biogra phies, sketches, School Books, Poetical, Scientic, Mechanical, Medical and Law works ; the latest publications always on hand or procured to order; all the Magazines furnished monthly, at publish ers prices ; fancy and common letter paper ; plain and ruled cap paper ; perforated paper; note-pa per; fancy and common envelopes; DianK xeeus; a creat variety of Steel Pens ; common and fancy pen-holders, pencils, Ac. Ac. Ac, which he will sell at the most reasonable prices. II is stock of Drugs, Medicines, Dye-stuflk Taints, Ac, is large and well selected; among which are Calomel, Blue Mass, Quinine, Morphia, Red Pre cipitate ; Rhubarb, root and pulverized ; Rochelle ana tpsom salts; cream ot tartar, cuipnur, cen na. Pink Root, Sup. Carbonate Soda, Tartaric A cid. Sulphate of Ziiie ; Liquorice, Col umbo and Gentian root; Logwood, Oil Vitriol, Blue Vitriol, Cooeras, Alum, Red Lead, Prussian Blue, Chrome Green and Yellow, Vermillion, Terra de Sienua, and in fact a general assortment. ile has also a fine lot of Ladies' Gold Breast Pins, Ear Drops, Finder Rings, Ac. Also, Watch Guards and Keys, Penknives, Hair oils; Hair. Heading, f me and foclcet combs, loom-picas, na- or and Strops, fcadlers bilk. Pearl powder, tan- cy Soaps and Perfumery a great variety. Also, Jfrunes, rigs, naisius, Ainionas, rea-nms and Filberts; Candies a general assortment; Cin- amon, Cloves, 1 epper, and other spaces; Jilacking, and Spool Cotton ; the most popular Patent Med icines of the day ; all of which will be sold at the very cheapest rates. Call and examine the stock and judze for vour elves. decl7 THOMAS. ROBINS. BROADWAY GOLD PEN MANUFAC TURING COMPANY.. NO. 33 5 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. LIST OF RETAIL PniCES : Gold Pens. 51 00 Gold Tooth Picks. S2 00 Gold Pen and Silver " Tooth and Ear holder, 2 00 Picks, 3 00 Gold Pen and double Gold Pencil AWatch ex-Silver holders, 3 00 Keys, 3 00 Ma mouth, " . 4 00 Ladies GoIdPcncils.2 00 Leviathan. " 5 00 " " " 3 00 Fountain Pen, Desk " " " 4 00 Holder, 3 00 " "with pen 5 CO Momouth, " 5 00 Genti' Gold Cases Engrossing Pens. 2 00 and Pens, 8 00 Leviathan and Box. 5 00 " " 10 00 Gothic Silver case A "Gothic ' " 12 00 Pen, 3 00 " Screw Pencil, 8 00 u Engrossing " 4 00 And altother kinds and " Miiinotith " 5 00 styles at retail prices. PREMIUMS PRESENTED TO PURCHASERS. To every person buying a gold pen of us we pre sent a numbered certificate, and each of these cer tificates entitles the holder of it, by the extra pay ment of 25 cents, to an article of jewelry, in value from1?! to100. This jewelry consists of Gold and Silver Watches in great variety. Silver Goblets, Silver Fruit Baskets, Gold Guard chains for ladies. Lockets. Bracelets, Gents' gold fob and vest chains, Thimbles, Breastpins. Ear Drops, Studs, Rings, Crosses, Ac. none of which sell for less than $1. For every Doli'ir paid , the pirty 1 entitletl to a numbered certificate, and by tit payment of 25 cts. extra on each certificate he it entitled to receive whatever the number of the certificate dexignatet. We have been in operation for three years and thousands have bought of us, and we have never learned that any one was .ever dissatisfied. Thij plan affords every opportunity of obtaining a gold watch or some article of jewelry, for a trifiingsum. All our pens, pencil cases, Ac, are geiiuino arti cles manufactured by ourselves with great care, and offer thuni precisely at prices asked in all oth er stores in the city. To agents we mc-ko advan tageous offers, and any energetic perron can do well by working for ns. Wo wish agents in every place in the country, and persons who would like to become tuch will please address ns, and we will send them printed circulars of prices terms, Ac We have no stated periods of distribution. The moment a pen is purchased, the purchaser is enti tled to receive his premium on the pavment of 25 cents extra. MERRICK, BENTON A DEAN 335 P.roadway. New York. AGENTS WANTED. N. B. Gold Pens rcnointed in a snuerinr man. ner. Enclose the pen and 39 cents in P.O. stamps, and the pen will be repointed and returned post paid. Tho Broadway Gold Pen Manufacturing Comm. ny, is well known throughout the country, but as there are nnaounteaiy some who are not acquaint ed with us we append the following well known nrms as references : Fellows A Co.. No. 17 Maiden Lane, New York Hicks A Mitchell, No. 20 " ". Benton Bros., cor. Broadway A Conrtland St.. N. lork. and Cheanut street, Philadelphia. J. H. Sturdy A Co., No. 5, Gilsey building. N.Y. Gould A Wood, No. 9, Maiden Lane, New York, r ehruary 4, las7-3m. OLD RYE WHISKEY, BR ANE Y, GIN and WINES, for sale at the cheap cash store of r3 R.MOSSOP. 19 a M BROTY PES. P. C. PURVIANCE, Pro- fessor of Photagraphio Checistry. Gadery at his residence on 2d Street, one door tooum 01 Merrell A Carter's Tin-waie establishment, Clear field, Pa. tF'Days of operation : I riday ana Saturday of each week jnnel6'5ft STILL ON HAND ! The undersigned con tinues the CLOCK AND WATCH MAKING BUSINESS, at his new shop on the corner of Main and Mechanic streets, one door South of Dr. R. V. Wilson's office, where he will be pleased to accom modate his customers at all times. Repairing done .1 1 ... r in9m U.K. WELSH. uu lua uv.-oi i'- 1 HAVE YOU SEEN SAM? The subscriber would inform his old friends and the public generally, that he still continues to keep a house of entertainment in New Washington where those who call with him will receive every attention, and be made comfortable. Good stabling, and every other convenience for horses, on the premises. D. S. PLOTNER; , VrEW GOODS: The undersigned has just re i ceived a large assortment of ; -NEW QOODS, AT JUS STORE IN KARTUAUS, which ho offers for sale cheap for cah or country produce. F. P. 1IURXTHALL. September 5. 1355. J P. N ELSON & CO., Morris Totmfhip, Clearfield Co., Pa., M'M AI.nnf..ll infnrtn iha ritirons of that vi cinity that they keep constantly on hand a large assortment 01 Dry Goods, Hard-Ware, Qncni.rrnrre, Groceries, Unt . A- n.nrtn. TSnntjt .V Shoes. iirrr,uivnufidj i, - . . , and all other articles usually kept in a country store, which they are determined to sell low for cash, country produce, or lumocr. August 1, 1355. TT'Vr-TTAVflT'. nflTET. PTTTT.TPSBITRG lW Tha aiihwrihpi- thnnkfnl for nil St favors. would respectfully solicit a continuance of tho lib eral patronage bestowed npon his House by tha Public Ho is prepared to accommodate water men, editors, drovers, and all others who may call witn mm, in tne very Desi manner. olaA nnrnnfloq ti rnn SL line nf Hacks from --' J - - WW w- Tyrone to Clearfield, for the accommodation of the n:. T 1 Bl'VV Philpsburg. March 14, lS55.-tf. D AVID S. PLOTNER Respectfully informs his old friends and tho public, that be has obta ined the services of a good Cutter and worn man as a foreman in the tailoring business, and he is now prepared to attend to any orders in his Line of work on the niost accommodating tcrms.ana short notice, and will have clothing on band at all times, such as drcs3 coats, frock coats, vesta, and pantaloons of their own manufacture, and good material at the lowest prices. v ith a wish to ac commodate, he solicits a share of patronage. New Washington. May 9, 1855. TTEW ARRIVAL. 11 A. A-J. PATCITIN, Have just received a new and splendid assort ment of Uoods the best that was ever brought in to the upper end of Clearfield Connty. They in vite their friends and the public generally to give them a call, where they will find all kinds of goods usually kept in a Country Store. Come and examine our stock we charge noth ing for the exhibition. AARON PATCH IN, JACKSON PATCHIN. Burnside, Nov. 23, 1S5S. SAMUEL J O II NT S T O N , BARBER AND HAIR DKESSER, would respectfully inform the citizens of Clear field that he has opened a shop in "Shaw's Row," in the room recently occupied by F. Short, as a Boot and Shoe shop, where he is at all times ready to Cut Hair in the most fashionable style and do Shaving in the most scientific manner. Shampoo ning also performed He solicfts the patronage of the public. Jan. 7. 1867. He also keeps on hand a cosmetic for removing dandruff, which receives the highest praise of all who use it. WEST BRANCH FTRR INSURANCE COM PANY. LOCK HAVEN, CLINTON CO., PA. CAPITAL, $300,000. Insures Detached Buildings. Stores, Merchandise and other buildings and their contents. directors : Hon. John J. Tearce, Hon. G. C. Harvey, John B. Hall, T. T. Abrams, Charles A. Mayer, D. K. Jackman, Charles Crist, W. White. Peter Dickenson, Thomas Kitchen. Hon. G. C. HARVEY, Prks't. Thos. Kitchen. Sec'v. T. T. Abrams, Vice Prcs't. The undersigned having been appointed a- gent by this company, gives notice that he will insure .Buildings ot every description, Uoods, Ac, on tho most reasonable terms. This company is in a prosperous condition, and meets all demands promptly. The capital stock of the company is S100,000 with privilege of increasing to $300,000. A. m. juoxifciauis. Curwensville, Pa.; Ang. 20, 1856-6mp HO! FOR THE TE.MPLE OF HONOR BRAD IN V M'G 1 R K' S, UU, COPPER, & SHEET-IRON WARE PIIILIPSBURG, PA. BRADIN A M'GIRK have just opened an exten sive Tin, Copper, if Sheet-Iron II are JMa-niifactH-ry, where they are at all times prepared to supply customers with every conceivable article from the smallest Coffee pot spout to the longest pipe ima ginable. They will do both a WHOLESALE & RETAIL business, and will at all times have on band a large assortment of ready-made ware. HOUSE SPOUTING done to order, on the shortest notice, and put np in a neat, substantial manner. STOVES, STOVE-PIPE, KETTELS, of every varioty kept constantly on hand. They will furnish to order any of the following Cook Stoves, viz: Tho AVilliain Penn, Queen of the West, the Atlantic, and Cook-Complete, all of which are suitable for both wood and coal Among the Parlor Stoves will be found the "Lady Washington," the "Excelsior," 'Home Tarlor,' Ac. Froduce of all kinds taken in exchange for goods. A. A. BRADIN. JNO. I). M'GIRK. October 21, 1855.-tf. Cai your Bread npon the Waters, for after many days ye shall find'it. A Certain Cure for all Rheumatic Pains. dos't cosdemx but try- it, it casxot faii.. E. C. ALLEN'S CONCENTRATED ELECTRIC PASTE, AND ARABIA PAIN EXTRACTOR, FOR MAS 4 HORSE. Copyright secured according to Lav. SMAL j JAR 50 CENTS, LARGE JAR $1. npiIE Electric Paste acts upon the Musclcs.Tcn JL dens, and npon the whole nervous system, re moving torpidity and producing a healthy action of the blood. There being no volatile matter in its composition, it remains in action nntil it accom plishes its work. It cannot lose its strength, and is aiiuguiuci uai uiKu, iu cuusuiucnt puna ueing entirely vegetable. WHAT WILL IT CURE? We answer Rheumatic Pains, when everything else fails, Cramps, Cholic, Coughs, Chilblains, Burn.i, Scalds, Sprains, Headache, Toothache, Swel ling9,Bruises,Sore3, Ringworm.Tettcr, Stiff Joints, Contracted Chords, Fresh Cuts.Ulceratcd Sores, and all Scrofulous Diseases where external remedies can be nsed. Sore Throats, 'Stiff Necks, Ac. WHAT IT WILL CURE for Horses and Cattle Sweeny, Spavin, Fistulas, Poll Evil, Windgalls, Ulcers, Cholic, Sprains, Collar and Saddle Galls, Stone Bruises, Stiff Joints, Vertigo, Splints and Running Sores. tdt?"None genuine but those having the words 'E. C. Allen's Concentrated Electric Paste, o Ara bian Pain Extractor, Lancaster, Pa.," blown in tho bottle. CLook out for counterfeits. Don't for get to ask for ALLEN'S. Letters upon business, address, E. C. Allen caro of II. A. Rockafield A Co., Lancaster. Pa. ' C5"For sale at the Drug Store of Charles D. Watson, Clearfield, Pa., and country storekeepers and Druggist throughout theStato may21'56-ly CLOTHING. A general assortment of ready- made clothing just received and opened at Nov26 W. F.IRWIN 8. s ALT! SALT!! A quantity of Coarse and u round Aiiua bait, tor sale at y . t . iawut's, . FIRST OF THE SEASON WM. P. IE WIN lias just received and is now opening at his store m Ulearneia uorongn, A LARGE AND WELL SELECIZD STOCK OF SPRING& SUMMER GROCERIES, HARD WAKE, QUEENSWAEE, &c, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, and a general variety of such articles as are usual ly kept in a country store, which he oflers to the public at the most reasonable prices. . (may 13 WAR IN CHINA! NEW GOODS AT THE CHEAP CASH STORE ! TUST received from the eastern markets, one of F the largest, best, ana cneapesi assortment oi Ci illlU 1- " J - " ' o - to Curwensville, consisting of a fino stock of GROCERIES, BOOTS AKD SnOES, SOS It i f Q, LATEST STYLE, AND DRESS GOODS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. ALSO, keeping a nnraber of tho best workmen in tho Shoe Shop, making all kinds of work to order at toe shortest notice ana lowest prices, ah kiuus of Lumber. Hides and country produce taken in exchange for Goods, Boots, Shoes, Ao. We are thankful for past favors, and invito all to give us a call, examine our handsome stock oi goous, iree of charge, before you buy elsewhere. June3-'6T MONTELIUS A TEN EYCKE. ON HAND AGAIN! NEW STORE ! AND NEW PRICES!!! HD. PATTON would respectfully announce to the public that ho has returned from the East with a large and well assorted stock of & which he has opened at his NEW STOREROOM, 1n Curwensville Borongh, a few doors east of the Good Intent Hotel, and which he will sell at the lowest prices. ' His stock is extensive, embracing a largo and splendid variety of CLOTHS, CASSIMEKES, VESTINGS, LADIES DRESS GOODS, BONNETS, Shawls, Mantillas, Embroideries, Gloves, Hosiery, &c, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GROCERIESHARDWARE, QUEENS WARE, &c, &c. Domestic Goods, Neck Ties, Cravats, Collars, Car pet Sacks, Brushes, Handkerchiefs, Perfume ry, Ribbons, Laces, Edging. Gloves, Para sols, Combs, Hair Pins, Thimbles, Sewing Silk, Ac, Ac. Also, a stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING, and a general assortment of such articles as are usually kept in a country store. Don't forget to call at the NEW STORE, if you want to purchase good and cheap goods. Call in, it costs nothing to look at goods. II. D. PATTON. Curwensville, June 10, 18."7. JOHN RUSSELL & CO., TANNERS AND CURRIERS, PeJinvitle, Clearfield Co., Pa., Keep constantly on hand an excellent assortment of leather, which they offer for sale at the lowest cash prices. Hides taken in exchange. July 15, 1S34. 1 QEIT A Magazine for the Homes of the X OO I ; People. GRAHAM'S ILLUSTRA TED MAGAZINE, the Pioneer Magazine o f the Country, established 1827. Subscribe for the New Volume commencing with the January number, 1857. WATSON A CO., the new, publish ers of "Graham's Illustrated Magazine,' announce to the Ladies and Gentlemen of the United States in general, and to the former patrons of the work in particular, that it is their intention to make use of all the immense resources at their command to produce a First Class Magazine. To this end no expense or exertion will be spared. The best Lit erary and Artistic Talent will be employed, ajd nothing that cnpttal, taste and cutrrjtrise can ac complish will be wanting to make this Magazino more than ever deserving the liberal support so generously extended to it during the past 30 years. Every number will contain 2 fine steel engrav ings. One illustrative of some of the most popu lar pictures of tha dnv : the other a. hnnuliful ful. ored Fashion Plate, drawn from actual articles of costumo. Also, a number of fino wood engravings, patterns for Crochet and Needle-work, engraved from the articles themselves. All the latest styles of costumes for Ladies and Children, will be co pied from the newest patterns, and fully describ ed and illustrated in every number. Ladies about forming clubs of subscribers are requested to compare ''Graham" with any other Magazino published, and we are confident their good taste and corrtct judgment will decide in our favor. Gentlemen who are about to subscribe for a Mag azine for their own reading, or to present to their lady friends, should procure a cony of '-Graham" and examine it thoroughly, and then see if any other periodical presents equal inducements for their subscriptions. The twelve numbers of "Graham" for tho year 1357, will comprise one of tho most magnificent volumes ever issued ! containing in all 1200 pages of reading matter! 100 fine wood engravings ! 12 handsome steel engravings ! 12 beat i ful colored fashion plates ! 100 engravings of ladies' & children's dresses ! 60 coming illustration! And over 3u0 patterns for needlework, Ac TERMS : One copy, ono year, 3 00 ; Two co pica, $5 00 ; Five copies, and ono to getter np of club, 510 00; Eleven copies, and one to azent. S20 00. ' . Graham's illustrated magazine will be supplied to subscribers punctually, and at as early a day in the month as any other magazine published. Send in your subscriptions eariy to the Publish ers, WATSON A CO., 50 South 3d etroot, Pliil'a. ETTRA NOTICE. Subscribers sending three dollars for one year's subscription to "Graham," will receive a copy of GraJtam's Ladies' Paper for one year without charge ! . Send forspeeimen numbers of Graham 'slllustra ted Magazine and Graham's Ladies' Paper. GROCERIES. Just received and now opening, a general assortment of 3. ffi choke groceries, which will be sold at thefeiiSO lowest cash prices at WM. F. IRWIN'S. PROTESSION A L D O. CROUCH, PHYSICIAN. Ofiiecin Cur- ' wensville. - May 14,1 Sao-tf I JACKSON CRASS, ATTORNEY A i WW, Jm . Clearfield. Penn? a. Office adjoining his residence, on :ccon4 fctrect, Oloarfield. August 1. ISjj. X D.M'ENALLY, ATTORNEY AT LAW IP Uiearjuia, I'enn a. - P..ttAAa rMftovfitM jtnrl nil inininir eonntifS. ACH.XWa 1U ..v.". "-"-- J O . Office in new brick addit4on, adjoining the resi- .. . . , , o r dence ot James B. uranam. August i. iq.v. LAR RIMER & TEST, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Will attend promptly to all legal and other bu siness entrusted to their care in Clearfield and ad joining eeunties. Clearfield, Aug. 6,1 856. 3X9. H. LARR1MER. 1. TEST. DR. 31. WOODS, tenders his professional ser vices fo the citizens of Clearfield and vicini ty. Residence n Second street, opposite the of fice of L. Jackson Crans, where he can be found unless absent on professional business. Clearfield, May 14, 1856 3m. VrUIOS. J. AlcCULLOUGH, ATTORNEY AT A LAW and DISTRICT ATTORNEY, Clearfield, Pa., may be found at hia ofSco In ShaW's Row, four doors west of the '-Mansion House." Deeds and other legal instruments prepared with prompt ness and accuracy. Feb. 13 ly. DR. B. F. AKLEY, PHYSICIAN, Grahamton, Clearfield County. Pa., tenders bis professional services to tha inhabitants of Grahamton and surrounding conntry he can at all times be fonnd at his Office, directly oppo site Mr. J. B. Graham's store, when not profes. sionally engaged. Apl. 25. M. A.WALLACE, ROBT. J. WALLACE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Clearfield, Penn'a., Have this day associated themselves a partners in the practice of Law in Clearfield and adjoining counties. The business will be conducted as here tofore in the name of William A. Wallace. Business entrusted to them will receive prompt and careful attention. March 2, 1857-1 y. EDICAL PARTNERSHIP. Dr. Henry Lorain, having associated with him, in the practice of Medicine, Dr. J. G. Hartswick, they offer their professional services to the citizens of Clearfield and vicinity. They will attend to pro fessional calls at all hours, and in all seasons. Dr. Harwick will be round during the day at their office opposite Dr. Lorain's residence, and at night, at his residence, on 2d street, one door north of Keed A Weaver's store. June IS, 185(5. PW. BARRETT, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Luthersburg, Clearfield county, Pa., will attend promptly to all business. entrusted to him. mar25 tf fjjjtlabelp jjia ili)Derfoeniente. DIALED COPE A CO. No. 1S3. Market St.. Phila J delphia, Dealers in Linens, White Goods, Ho. siery, French, English and German Silk Goods. La. ces, moves, ttolting biotas, te. lng. i, -jj.-ij. GEORGE V. COLLADAY. Conveyancer VJT and Land Asent, No. 3. Goldsmith s Hall, Philadelphia, will faithfully attend to all business entrusted to his care. lAug- 1, lJ5.-ly. ISAAC M. ASHTON.-Jllat Store, No. 172 Market St., Philadelphia. Hats, Caps, Furs, Ac, of every variety, and the best quality always on hand. Aug. I, ISjj. ly. A T. LANE A CO Wholesale Clothing Store XjL No. 171, Market Street. Every variety of ready made Clothing, in the most fashionable stylos constantly on hand. Ang. I. '55.-ly. B EIDLEMAN A HAYWARD Wholesale Gro- ers. Tea Dealers, and Commission Merchants No. 273, Market Street, Philadelphia. I). 1JEIDELMAN, Aug.l,1853.-ly. A. HAYWARD, WILLIAM S. HANSELL A SON, Manufao turers and Importers of Saddlery, and Sad dlcry Hardware, No. 2$ Market Street, Bhiladcl phia. Saddles, Bridles. Harness, Trunks, Whips Saddle Bags, Bridle Filling, Bits, Stirrups, Buckles uarpet Bags. cct. Auj. I, 'oo.-iy HOOD A CO Extensive Dry-goods Dealers, No, 187. Market St., Philadelphia, keep constant ly on hand a large, splendid, and cheap stock of tue most rashionabio and elegant goous. J hoy in vite country Merchants to call aud examine their splendid assortment, be tore purchasing elsewhere August 1, l53.-ly. WEAVEIt, FITLEIi & CO. No. 19 North Water Street, Philadelphia, Dealers in Carpet Chain, Yarn, MAXILLA AND IIE.MP ROPES, Bed-cords, Clothes-lines, Ac. Ac January 1. 1857. 1 ycar-p. HARRIS, ORBISON & CO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. No. 259, Market St., North side between 6th A 7th, Philadelphia. Drugs', Medicines, Chemicals, Patent- Medicines, Surgical Instruments, Druggist's U lass ware, Window Ula.s, I'aints, Oils. Dyr, Per fumery, Ac, Ac. JOHN HARRIS, M. D. E. B. OR It I SON, Aug. 1, '53.-l.1 J. SHARSWOOD. TY. RVSnTON & CO., . Dili PHILADELPHIA; Importers and Dealers in Earthen-Ware, China, u lass, ann vuecns t are. Opposite the Red Lion Hotel, Philadelphia. J. Y. RUSH TON, J. C. HOPKINS, Nov. 8, '54.-ly. KOBT. STILSON. CONRAD & WALTON, 255 Market Street PHILADELPHIA; Importers and Dealers in HARDWARE, IROX, NJILS, 4-c, 4-c. They respectfully invito tho people of Clear field, to continue their favors. Aug. 1, lS55.-ly. MOUNT VERNON HOl'SE, No. 59, North Second Street PHILADELPHIA. The undersigned having taken the old well known house, which has been renovated and re modeled throughout, respectfully solicit his Clear field friends to give bun a call on their visits to the city. . The furniture is all new, and has been selected wiin care irotn iiprB ab wa i rnAw. .at. hi .( . ...... nuv. . .OHlviiauUlCIll in Chestnut Street, and is of the latest and most The location for Merchants and others coming to the eity is convenient, being in the centre ol business. I. l. BARRETT. Aug. 1, 1855.-ly. Proprietor. A VISE'S CHEAP WATCH AND JEWELRY STORE, No. 72 North Second Street, (oppo- tui ma juutwi enion jionse,) i pnuaaeiphia. ftntil I.rror Wntxtiaa full 1Q IT - . . .u.i JT.11V.V, ikj IV. vust'S. Silver lvnrilA An Ritv.. 1 A I . : ., .J... w.furct uw., yunriicr, Gold Spectacles, Silver do.; Silver Table Spoons, Silver Desert do. ; Silver Tea do. ; Gold Pens and viuiu vhsps, woiu jrens ana silver uo.: totretbei iiu ui una uoia Jewelry, liolcl Curb Guard and Foo Chains. All goods warranted U be as represented. Watches and Jewelry, repair ed in the best manner. . .Also, Masonic Marks, Pins, Ae., made to order. N. B. All orders sent by mail or otherwise will be punctually attended to. His motto is: "Small Profits and Quick Sales. Philadelphia, April 25, 1855. WAGON - MAKING. THE undersingncd would announce that they manufacture Waggons of all descriptions, Buggies. Sleds, Ac, at their shop in New Salem. Brady township, Clear field county, which they offer for sale at as reasona ble rates as can be purchased elsewhere. They res pectfully solicit a share of patronage. CAMBRIDGE JOHNSTON, Octl-'56-tf WILLIAM LEWIS. MACKEREL, SHAD and HERRING, for sale at the "Corner Store." by WM. IRVIN. Curwensville, May 27, 1857. FOR SALE A first rate new KOCKAWAT. bnilt by Merrell A Park, bv jun3-4t GEO. W. P.TTTrM. ACON, FLOUR, and SALT, just rcwivrd and for sale at the Corner Stor. Curwensville, Aprii 2j. WM. 1RVIN. TVTOTICEHaving pn:!.?e' the T- of tb 11 Raftsman's Journal with tL .a-bH?hment all I rmeums nnpaia ior ruoscnpn-n, Aavrrtisinst, Job-work, s.rc to be settled with Ve andcri-no.t. Tj - . . .- or maris . H. ROW. PERU AM OUTDONE I i he propr.-tor of the Mercantile Guide would respectfully call tho attention of merchants, farmers and mecaan ics residing outside of this city, to the me-iarate sum of yearly subscription to the Guid, being to mail subscribers only Bfty cent per anrum, ma- . king it tho cheapest family newspaper in me wai ted States. The columns will contain tue usual variety of original and spicy articles, written not only to please but to instruct. In regard to poli tics, the Guide will maintain an independent tone, and from time to time will advocate such measures as will conduce to benefit the greatest number. Postmasters and others are respectfully request-" cd to act as agents for this pper, to whom we for-" ward specimen copies free when desired to uo so. PREMIUMS. As inducements for persons to in terest themselves to obtain subscribers to the Mer-' cantilo Guide, we offer the following premiums : Upon recoint of names and pay in advance, we will forward them by express or otherwise if cfilcr ed, to tho address of those entitled to them for' three hundred and sixty subscribers, cash, thirty-" five dollars; for two hundred and fifty subscriber" we will give a splendid fine gold watch .warranted. -thirty dollars; for two hundred stbr$bers, on' elegant gold locket, foor glasses, worth fifteen dt1-" lars ; for one hundred and sixty subscribers, anef egant bracelet, worth eleven dollars; for one hun dred subscribers, a gold vest chain worth eight dollars; for seventy-five subscribers, a gold pen and bolder, handsomely engraved, worth ten dol lars; for fifty subscribers, a gold pen and holder worth eight dollars ; for forty subscribers, a gold pen and holder worth six dollars; for fifteen sub scribers, a medium gold pen and holder, worth two dollars; for twelve subscribers, a gold pen and hotdcr, worth one dollar and fifty cent. All communications should be addressed to W. A.BLAKENY, Editor and Publisher of the New York Mercantile Guide, No. 164 Greenwich street. New York. Newspapers throughout the Union, by pub lishing this notice two months, and calling atten tion editorially to the same, and sending us the pa per, will be entitled to an exchange, and receive a gold pen and holder worth twelve dollars. June 17, 1S57 2m. AYER'S Cathartic Pills, (SUGAR COATED,) AKR VIDE TO CLEANSE TEE 1LO0D AND CURE THE SICK Invalid, Kallters, Mothers, Pliysiclana, Philanthropists, read their Effects, ami Judge of their Virtue. FOR THE CCBK Of Headache, Sick IIendache,Fonl Stomneh. llTTSbL'EC, IA, S1T 1, ISii. Pit. J. C. A Tit. Sir: I have ln rrpeatedly cured of the worst heailaclis any boily ran have br a due or two of yonr I'illa. Itaoenia toris fruui Afoul tunimch, which they clfttnse at onr. If tliry will cure other aa tbay Uo nie, the fsu-x i worth knowing. Your wilh greal rct, ED. W. PREBLE. Clerk "f Steamer CUurmm. Billons Disorders find Liver Complaints. I) e pa am est or the Itemo, WismsoTos. D. C 7 Feh, lbM. f Sni: I haT nan! yjar Till in my genera! and hcsiital practice CTer iinrn jou r.a"l them, and cannot heitatto kkt they are the bet cathartic we employ. Their rera lating action on the I.'rrr ia quick and decided, conaequrbt. ly they are an admirable remedy for iVraiigementt of that organ. lnieed. 1 liar aeldvm found a cace of bdious at, cose ao olwtiuitta that U did nut readilv Tield to them. FratermUly yonr, ALOXZO BALL, M. I J'hysiciun of the Marin IlutptUU Dysentery Relax, and Worm. Tost Office, Hakthto. Liv. Co, 3Iich, Not. 19. IKS. Da. Ateb: Yonr Pill (ire the perfection of medicine. Taey hare done my wife nHre iod than I can tell yon She had been si k aud pining away fur month, lv ent off to be doctored at ktuU expense, but put ao better. ha then cnnimem-ed taking your Piiix. which oon cared bar, by exjielling larpo otututitira of worm (dead) trout her body. They aftcraania cured her and our two children of bloody dytentcry. One of otir neighbor had It bad. an4 nir wife cured him with two due of your Pill, while other aronnd iu paid from fire to twenty dollar locxort bills, and lost much time, witltont being cured entirely even then. t?m-h a mcdirine a your, which ii actually good and honost, will be prized here. UEO. J. GRIFFIV, nttnuuier. Indigestion and Impurity of the Hlood. From Ker. J. V. JT.'mes, ujrfr of Attrent (Jittreh, BofUm. I. Ant: I hare nsed your Pill with extraordinary uccei in my family and among thoao I am called to Tim t in diarrett. To regulate the oripius of digest ion and purify the blood they are the very I est remedy I bate erer known, aud 1 cau coriudvtiliy recommend thera to my friends. Yonra, J. V. HIM to. TTtasiw, Wtomixo Co- X. Y- Oct. 14, 1K5. Heab. Sir : 1 ant using rctir Cathartic Pill in my prae cipe, and find them an excellent purgative to cleanee tha yateui aud purify the fountain of the blood. JOHN O. 51 E ACH AM. V. T. Erysipelas. Scrofula, Kins's Evil, Tetter Tumors, and Salt Khcum. From a Fnraniing .VcrrA.n of S. iximi, tit. 4, ISM. Da. Ana : Tour Pill are the paragon of all t!it ! great in medicine. They hare cured my little daughter of ulcemn aore upon her han 't and feet that bad proved incurable for year. Her mother has been long grievoue ly afflicted a iih blotch? and pimpir on her kin aaJ ia mr hair. After our child wa enred. she also tried toot I'ill. and they bare cured her. ASA MukGUDGE. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, nnd Gout. From, Uu See. Dr. Hawlrs. of tlte Htth-idist Fnii. Chore. Piiaski IIocte. Savaxxah. Gk Jan. C ISiS. HoNOKcn Sir : I abould t uuratclul for the relief yonr kill ha liron'ht me if I did not report my race to you. A cold settled iu my ltml and brought ou excruciating neuralgic pain, which ended in chronic rhrmnatiam. Notwithstanding 1 tad the lst of physicians, the disease crow sun ami wore. r.ntil. by the a J t ice of your exorj-h-nt agent in P-altiiuore, l'r. Mackenzie. 1 tried'yonr tills. Their ellects were slow, but sure. l!y persereiiug in Uio use A them I am now entirely well. Senate Ciumper, TUtox Ttoroa. L, 5 Pee., 1KJ5. I. Atse : I hare been entirely enred by your Pills of niieumntic Gout a painful di.--ne that had afflicted oie for years. VINCENT Fl.lDi LL. For Dropsy, rielhora, or kindred Com plaints, mpiiuuj; au aclire purge, they ate an excel lent remedy. For Costiveness or Constipation, and a a Dinner lyil, they are asrevable and cncctimL Fits, Suppression, Paralysis, Inflamrnn tion, aud even nearness, and l'artial Blind lies, have jeu cured bv the alterative action of these Pill. Most of the pill In market contain Slercnrr, which, al though a valuable remedy in kilfnl hands, is dangerous hi a public dll, from the dreadful consequence that fre quently follow its incautious twe. Theee contain no mer cury or mineral substance whatever. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL FOR THE BAPID Cl'KE OF COrGIIS.COLDS.IIOAnSKXKSS, IHFLV NZA, BROXCIIITIS, 1VIIOOPIKU COUGH, CHOIP, ASTHMA, IX CIPIKNT COSSl'MPTION, and for the ndtef of consumptive patieuta in advanre stages of the disease. VTe need not speak to the public of Its Tlrtnesy Thronghont every town, and aliuoot every hamlet of tha American States, its wonderful cares of pulmonary com plaints have made it already known. Kay, f w are tha families In any civilized conntry on this continent without s.ime peraonal experience of its eflects; and fewer yet the, communities any where which hare not among them, some living trophy of its victory over the snbtte and dan., gerous diseases of the throat and lungs. While it is tha. most powerful antidote yet known to man for the fornuY, liable and dangerous diseases of tho pulmonary organs, i is also the pleasantest and safest remedy that can be em ployed for infants and young persons. Parents should), have it in store apiinst the insidious enemy that steals, upon them nnprenared. We hare abundant grounds to. believe the Chekbt Pectobal ssto snore lire by the con sumption! it prevents than those it cures. Keep it bjr you. and cur yonr colds while they are curable, nor Beg-, lect them until no human skill can master the inexorable canker that, fastened ou the vitals, eats your life awar. - All know the dreadful fatality of inng disotdee-, aud aa, they know too the virtues of this rem. ay, we need not do.' more than to assure tbem it is still made the best it can. be. We spare no cost, no care, do toil to produce it tha wet perfect praKhlo, and thns afford those who rely oa it the best agent which oar skill can furnish for their cur. PREPARED BY DR. J. C. A lER Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell. Mas. SOLD BY M. A Frank and C. D. Watson, Cloarneld ; J C. sBrenner, Morrisdale ; P. W Barrett, Lnthers i?TS; SeSn'r' CunrtWTilU, nd br dealers Mo igpt 3, ioa. ,