mrnrnm J 1 'i 1 i :TIIE JOURNAL. CLEARFIELD, PA., JULY 1, 1S57. V TVRO.NK & CLEARFIELD RAILROAD. ExcuitsioN party: Th Directors and Stockholders of the Ty rone and Clearfield Railroad, and all others who feel interested in the completion tf the roa-., are requested to meet at Tyrone on Mon day evening or early on Tuesday morning next, for the purpose of making an excursion " portion of the road which is now under contract. It is hoped that every one who can possibly do so, will attend. Examination. There will be an examina tion of the pupils of Clearfield Institute du ring Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. The public are respectfully invited to attend. , The Asscal Exhibition of Clearfield Insti tute will be on Thursday Evening, July 9th, inst., in front of the Academy. A cordial in vitation is extended to all. Convention of Directors. In pursuance of a resolution passed at the County Convention of School Directors held at Clearfield on the first Monday of May, 1857, a meeting of dele gates from the various School districts of Clearfield county was held at the Town Hall, Clearfield, cn Thursday Juue 2-3ih, 18-57. The Rev. L. L. Still was selected as President and L. J. Crans and- Robert J. Wallace, appointed Secretaries. ". The copimittec on text books submitted the following report. To the President, &c. : The Committee appointed for the purpose of examining and selecting suitable school books to be used in the Common Schools of Clear field county, beg leave to report; that through the kindness of several publishers in Philadel phia, New York and Boston, with whom they pnt themselves in correspondence immediate ly after their appointment they have been en abled to examine many school books of great value. ..The saying of Solornan "of making uiany books there is no end" seems as appli cable to the present, as it was to his time. From the examination which your committee have made they are satisfied that many books which aro highly recommended are books long in use now out of" date remodeled, introdu cing slight changes of matter but no improve ments. ... Your committee have been desirous of recommending none but the best publica tions. 'Among the books recommended will be found some already introduced into our schools, and a few which have not j et found their way into our county. Where your com mittee have examined books by different au thors possessing equal merit, various consid erations have induced them to prefer those named in the report, among which, style of publication, price, and the fact that the books are now in general use in our schools, have Lad their weight. The Committee recommend for adoption - the following : Sargent's Smaller Standard Speller and Standard Speller. Lynd's First book of Etymology and Class book ef Etymology. Sander's 1st, 2nd, 3d, 4th, 5th and High School Readers, new series. - Greene's Introduction to Grammar and Ele ments of English Grammar. Kerard's History of the United States. Trego's Geography of Pennsylvania. ilitchell's series of School Geograpies. Warrea'a Physical Geography. , Davics' Arithniatics, Algebras, Calculus, Legendrc and Mensuration. G ummsre's Suvey ing. Coniitock's Natural Philosopl- and Chem istry. Comstock's Elocution and Alphabetical Charts. Webster's Dictionary, (unabridged.) BecKer's American System of Penmanship. The adoption, by the several school districts throughout the countj-,of similar school books, and the exclusion from the schools of all other orks on. the same subject, must be attended with very beneficial effects. Such a co'rsu will enable ihe teachers to properly classify their pupils, and effect more good in a term of four months than is now accomplished in six will greatly facilitate the CountySupcrintendent in imparting instruction at his regular visits to the schools, and in the end be a saving to pa rents in the purchase of Luoks. Connected with the adoption of text books the purchase by the several boards, of a suf ficient nnmltcr of books for the use of their schools which are to be plrced in the care of teachers who are to be responsible for them, xecms to your committee to be a proper and important subject for discussion and action. They would also recommend that in, every school a regular record be kept and that pa rents be informed, weekly or monthly of the attendance and progress of their children. Your committee think V better plan could be adopted to "a spii it "cf emulation in the echulars, increase the interest of parents and render our school system more efficient. Respectfuliy submitted. . L. J. Crans, Ellsha Fenton, R. J. Wallace, Jesse Broomall, j "Win. F. Johnston, " The report hiving been read it was on mo tion, unanimously " Resohrd, That It is necessary and proper for the different school districts in Clearfield coun ty, to adopt the same works as text books and exclude other works on the same subjects from the schools. , On motion, the books recommended by the committee were considered seperately. Da isies' arithmetics being under consideration, Mr. Boyr.ton moved as an amendment to strike out Davies' and insert Grocnleaf. Mr. Broom 1 moved to amend the amendment by insert ing Vogdes. The amendment to the amend pxcat and the amendment were Jost, and pa ries' aeries adoptcd.with one dissenting voice. Ht. Wallace moved as an araendment that Da- Jura- I liim- I ii ! mere's. The amendment was lost and G mere's Surveying unanimously adopted. All the other books recommended by the commit tee were, in order, unanimously adopted. The suggestion of the committee as to the purchase of books by the different Boards of Dm-ctors was discussed by MYssrs. Boyriton.J 1 attou,' 1- enton, Johnson, Crans and Broomall, after which it was ' ": . " Resolred, That the plan proposed 1s the most economical, and best calculated to promote the objects of the common school system, and that we recommend its adoption to the difler-. cnt districts. . On motion, it was Resolred, That a regular, permanent record should be kept in each school, and parents bo informed regularly of attendance and progress of scholars. General Patton offered the following : Rssolred, That we recommend that some portion of the Scriptures," without , note or comment, be read each day, by the Teachers, in our schools. This resolution" was discussed by Messrs. Wallace, Patton, Russell, Fcnton, Broomall, Johnson and- Crans and then adopted. It was on motion Resolved, That the procee dings of this convention be published in the Clearfield Republican,' 'Raftsman's Journal,' and Common School Journal.' Adjourned. .Tiie "Merrimac" Speculation. The fol lowing article from the Telegraph, printed at Wyoming, Nebraska Territory, may prove in teresting to some of our Clearfield friends : Swindling. Charles S. Gilbert, is engaged in swindling by selling lots in a town called Merrimac, or rather, giving a number of them away to make the rest more valuable, charging only $1, to pay the commissions, stating that the law rccpiircs a consideration in a deed to make it valid. This was a commcmfable fore sight in him, and the thing looked so fair, the lots were readily disposed of. He sent his plan and circular to the different postmasters, requesting them to act as agents and as an inducement, offered them a lot for every ten they sold. We hear that in pome localities there were as many as SO lots sold by one post master, .Somo of the victims even were in duced to come to the Territory for the purpose of looking up and improving their lots. Now for the information of all concerned, we in form theia that no such city as Merrimac exists, except in the prolific imagination of the said Gilbert ; and that there is not a stake stuck, nor the fine school-house, ware-house, or steamboat landing, as he avers there is in bis circular, anywhere in the vicinity of the place he designates Merrimac City to be lo cated. It is an unmitigated humbug, and Charles S. Gilbert is an impostor. We would advise our eastern friends to keep a sharp look out for these speculators in city lots on paper; for Gilbert is not the only one who is engaged in such swindling operations. Xew Advertisements. By a reference to our advertising columns, it will be seen that the administrators of Richard Curry, dee'd, offer some valuable property for sale. W. A. Campbell will dispose of his personal property on the 11th inst. The books of E wen L. Miller are in the hands of W. A. Wallace, Esq., for collection. Persons indebted to the firm of Bloom & Montgomery are requested to pay np. The card of Thomas G. Snyder, of Kyler town, will also be found among the new adver tisements which appear in this paper. Fatal Accident. On tiie 22d June, Mark L. Johnson, son of Robert Johnson, of Jordan township, near Ansonville, was killed by the falling of a limb of a tree at which he was working. The limb struck him on the head and broke the skull, causing instantaneous death. He was about 12 years of age. A Good Move. We sec the "borough fath ers" are taking some steps towards grading acd otherwise improving the streets. We trust they will continue at the good work un til the streets are-put in such condition as they should be. We should like to sec them well maca'damised. Marp-ied June 11th by Rev. N. S. Conk lin, Mr. Keirex Caldwell to Miss Mart F Johnston, both of Fruit Hill, Clearfield co. On the SOth June, by M. A. Frank. Esq., Mr. George Mcllkn to Miss Cecelia Cardon, both of Lawrence township. Died On the 2-5th June, Merct A.v-x.daugh of T. H. and Mercy B. Spence, aged 2 years, 2 months and twenty-three days. Tin the same day, Alexis Bird, son of T- II and Mercy Ii. Spence, aged 6 years, C mouths and twenty-five days. Thou art gone to rest, dear ones, To sleep in the silent tomb, Thy spirits to heaven are gone Oh ! why art thou called so soon. But death hath come you must go, Tho' friends should o'er you weep ; It is God's will be it so We ne'er will disturb yonr sleep. On Friday morning, the 2Cth June, James M. Kelly, of Glen Hope, aged about 3 years On the 27th June, Mrs. Graham, wife of Wm. Graham, of Bradford township. Great Horse Race at Albany. A race for $2000 a side, came off on Wednesday af ternoon, in Albany, between tho Dalton horse owned there, and the Taylor horse, owned in New York. The distance was twenty miles, in harness. The Dalton horse made a waiting race for seventeen miles, laying close to Tay lor's qnarters and taking, it easy, and at the eighteenth mile Dalton drew ahead and main tained it for a mile, when Taylor ran past him, going in a few lengths ahead. The time for travelling the twenty miles was one hour twelve minutes and fifty four seconds. The Judges decided the race in favor of Dalton, who gets the stakes, in consequence of Tay lor's horse running. The horses are matched for a fiftv mile race to come off at New York. MBROTYPES. P. C. PURYTANCE, Pro fMS1.r nf Phntvranhin Chemistry. Gallery at his residence on 2d Street, one door South of Merrell A Carter's Tin-ware establishment, ticar ficld, Ta. pDays of operation : Friday and vies' Surveying be inserted, in place of Gum Saturday ot cacn wcck. J"""1' "J A TTENTION ! REGULARS. Yen axe ordered J. to meet for parade, on Saturday, July 4th, at 10 o'clock, A. M." Knch mrtnbrr will provide bimsbir with ten rounds ol cianK earinuge. xy ordor of the Captain, J. Vf. KHEhM, juueZl first cergeanu CAUTION. All persons arc cautioned againu meddling with a certain Gray, now in the possession of John J. MeCracken, Knox town ship, as the same belongs to us and is only left with the said MeCracken on loan. june!7-3t . McM URRAY A II EG ARTY. F OR SALE IN" NEW MILLPORT. FOUR lots, each 60 by 110 feet. One has a large two story frame dwelling house upon it. Thry will be fold cheap and on easy term.?. Apply to 1 . , p:n;.. -i r-T i . -, t - ouun o. t wuauip, ai r ew .uujpori. or me suuscri- . . x r,, .- . . r uer, at viearueiu. - - june24-'S7-tf - J R. M EN ALLY. BACK AGAIN Pi TIIE ; OLD SHOP, ON TniRD STREET. The subscriber informs his old friend snd the public generally, that be is now re-established in tbe OLli tsilOP, on third street. lately occupied by Jacob huuk weiler, where bo hopes by strict at tention and keeping a good stock of assorted iron, to merit the favor ot the public. Country produce and cash never refused. An apprentice, from 16 to 18 years of ago, will meet with a good situation if application be made soon. ' ' Ulcarficld, Jlay 13, 1357. .7 U. W.VKK.' NOTICE. The stockholders or the Tyrone and Clearfield Railroad arc hereby notified that the second instalment of five dollars a share was payablc'on the first of March la?t. A thi.d instal ment of five dollars a share will be due on the 1st of May next; a fonrth instalment of five dollars share on the 1st of June next: a filth instalment of five dollars a share on-tho 1st of Joly next, a grceably to resolution of the- 15o.ird of Managers. As the company bave now a large force of man at work, it is absolutely essential to the prosecution of the work that the Stock be regularly paid- JAMES I. LKOSAKD, -Clearfield. April 29 J857. Treasurer. SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of writ of Fa. issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Clearfield County, and to me . directed, there will be sold at tbe Coutt House, in the Bor ough of Clearfield, on Monday tbe 20th day of July next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., the following des criber real estate, to wit : A rcrtain tract or piece of land, situate in Gosh en township, Clearfield county, containing 106 acre.?, more or less, adjoining lands of John Sulf' rulge, Kins Lavcrgooa, itooernrrauara ana omer?, with a log house and I off stable, and a small lot cleared thereon. Seised, taken into execution, and to bo sold as the property of Samuel Spedy. -J.' 11. i;ti.L, fcncriu. Clearfield. June. 24. 18T.7. AUDITOR'S MITICE. The undersigned an Auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court of Clearfield county to distribute the balance in the bands of Hobt. Forter, Administrator oj jo seDh Morrow, deceased, anion 2 the just creditors of the said deceased, will attend to the duties of his appointment on Thursday the 14th day of May next, at one o'clock p. m., tit the office of Larri mor & Test, in the borough of Clearfield, when and where all those interested may attend if they. see proper. J AS. Jl. LAttlUJ tti, April Ij, 1857. , Auditor. ETlie above audit continued by order of the Court, until Tuesday tho 7th day of July next. . J As. 11., Auditor. Juno 10th. 1857. SO.UETIIINU "EW ! Voi nc Amer ica Fire-Cracker Pistol'. This is admitted to be the most amusing Toy ever offered to loung America, suitable for all times a year. It makes a report Cqual to tho common pistol, and carries a ball with the same precision for ten paces, though not with' force cnousrh to kill, making it the only cheap and harmless pistol for target practice in ex istence. 100,000 sold in tour weeks : Ketail price, 25 cents and upwards, according to the market. Trade price, 14 dollars tor 100 pistols, cash on de livery. Sent by express to any part of the coun try. A. W. HALL. 33i Broadway. X.Y., Inventor and sole Manufacturer. A full dciieription. with engravings, sent to any address on rceeint of a postage stamp. FIKE-CIIACKEKH constantly on hanu. 1 iuuu Agents Wanted. A beaut ifut S'pccimcn Pistol sent by txprcss or Jiaii prepaid on roceipi oi ?i. junelO 3t. REMOVAL. JOSH IT a S. JOn.SO., CABINET MAKFK. has removed his shop to the new building of John Trmitman on Market street, where he will keep on hand or manufacture to order, (of superior finish.) every variety or jiousenoia ana n.iicnen FURNITURE," snnb ns Tabloa. Bureaus. Safes. Stands Cupboards, Sofas. Bedsteads, Ac, of every stylo and variety. which he will disposo of at cheap rates as any o ther establishment of the kind in the county. Call and examine his furniture, and judge for yourselves of its quality and finish. CHAIUS of all kinds on hand or made to order. He is also proparcd to make COFFINS to order, on tho shortest notice, and will attend funerals with a hearse, when called upon. . JOSH IT A S. J0UNS0X. Clearfield. Pa.. December 17. 1856. CI ALES ! SALES!! SALES!!! SALES!!!! kJ (BUT XOT SHERIFF'S SALES.) AT TITE "SHOUT SHOE SHOP." VUAXK SHORT informs his friends in cencral and all man and woman kind in particular, that bo has on hand a fine assortment of Gents' Gait era, Ladies" and Children's tiaiters. Also, Eng lish 'Walltina Shoes of his own manufacture, of trench l atent uau, renen iaii wunouiinc rai cnt, md all other kinds of fine and coarse work constantly on hand, and the material to make anvthimr in his line from a '-cack" np to a back- stran Boot. Also. Findings of all kinds, (kit ex cepted.) P.oan and Pink linings, Thread, Nails, Pegs, Hecl-balls, Uristlcs ana Jioroccos; j;ooi jio rocco, Ladies dressed and undressed Morocco, French Morocco, Kid and Bindings of alt kinds, Come one ! Come all ! Give Shorty a Call ! and if von don't like the goods, don't soil them TERMS. One half CASH when you purchase, and the other half at the same time. june21-'57-3m. FRANCIS SHORT. P..S. All old customers indebted to me, are re o nested to com e forward and settle their accounts and sae costs, as I nni called upon to settle the other side of my book bv niv creditors, lmmerti atcly. If said customers have not got tho "ready tin, they can give their notes. This is positive ly tbelast notice. FRANK SHORT. - A iUOXEY MAKING TRADE FOR J OSB DOLLAR. JEFFRTES S MANUAL OF PROFITABLE rsKrrr, trades, arts and occcpatioa wrrnorT a master, is w beady for SALE. This is one of the most valuable little books of tho times, to all persons out of employment, as a number of money making trades and arts, can bo learned without a master, beside all the genu ine ami popular receipts, and instructions of the day, for tho manulacture 01 me musi, uenuuciiu, and saleable articles, now in common use. Any ?eri,on forwarding one dollar post-paid, to C.JEF U1ES. Jett'ris. CUarfield Co.. Pa., or to A. II. Battnuiu, Tyrone, . Blair Co., Fa., will receive a copy by return mail. And any person forwarding twenty-five cents, post paid, to C. Jeffries, will receive by return mail, one of the three following instructions: How to make the celebrated artificial Hoskv. How to rai.e double crops, of all kinds of vegeta bles, with little expense, and how to catch all the Wolves, Foxes, Minks and Muskrats in the ncigll- borhood. Any person lorwaruing mijr reu, receive the whole three by return man. June 4. 1S56 ly. ; BAK. IRON and CHAIN rVfRvrv'6 cheap at tho Corner. . M.- IRVIA-. ap!25 ALL at the Corner Store" of Wm, Irvinin c Curwensville. if yon want "- fe . "l OT of pood WINDOW SASH, 10 by 12: jor sale by MERRELL & CARTER. A FIRST RATE Sett of BlacksmithtngTools, including Bellows. Anvil, Screw-plas.-Ao , forjsalo by Qan7J MERRELL & CARTER IOR SALE, AT LOW PRICES, One good two horse Coach, and one new two-horse Wagon, well-ironed. Enqure of 510MTLLIUS t TEN KYCKK. jun!7 It Curwensritle, Pa. E M O V A L. The undersigned notifies & . . . l.i- .i a i i. . msoiu customers aim me iuiuiic um m m removed his BLACKSMITH SHOP to his new building a few doors south of the shop be former ly occupied, where ho is prepared to do on the suunc BOiiuv any worn in uis tin vi ouiiuch. April 15, 18o7. JC0B SHUNKWEILER. GAUTION. All persons arecautioned against meddling with the following property now in possession of Isaac Wilson, of Knox township, as the same belongs to me ana is only leit wiin me said Wilson on loan : One light two-horse wagon, one long sled, and one grind-stone. HENRY HEGARTY. Woodward township. June 11th, 1357. j!7-3t IJI1ILADELPIIIA WOOD MOULDING MILL. W illow Street above Twelfth, North Side. Mouldings suitable for Carpenters, -Build ers. Cabinet and Frame Makers, always on band. ANY PATTERN WORKED FROM A DRAWING.' Agents wanted in the various Towns in" his por tion of the State, to whom opportunities will bo offered for large profits to themselves. apr?-2iu Hi. w tin. "TVOTICE.-TlIE LUMBER CITY IIOTFJ, 11 has been reopend and refitted by the under signed, who rcspccttully informs the public at large that no is well provided with house room ana sta bling, lie Batters himself that he can render gen eral satisfaction to all who may patronize him. Lumber City, March 25, 1S07. - . - 1 OH ACRES OF LAND, on the Erie Turn. Xmf pike, about 7 miles west of Curwensville. and 135 ACRES OF LAND, adjoining the same, will be sold on accommodating terms. . The land lies well, is all susceptible of cultivation, and is well covered with choice pine timber suitable for shingles, sawing or square timber. A saw mill near by. " Apply to L. J. CRANS. mar2a t-lcaraeitt. DISSOLUTION The partnership OF PARTNERSHIP. heretofore existing between been dissolved by mutual the undersigned, has consent. All persons indebted to said firm are re- quested to settle their accounts without delay. JOHN tit'ELlCD, April l.lS57-tt. K. B. The business DANIEL BENNER. will be continued at the old JOHN GUELICH. stand by E STATE OF WM. CLEAVER, DEC'D. Letters testamentary on the estate of William Cleaver, late of Penn township, deceased, having been granted to the subscribers, all persons in terested are hereby notified to 'make immediate settlement, or present their accounts duly authen ticated, to our attorney, li. J. i.'rans, fesq.. viear- Leld, or cither ot us. MILKS . M', JOHN RUSSELL, Penn Tp . Juno 10. 1S57 . Executors. MAN S I O N II Clearfield. Fa. O IT S E , The undersigned respectfully announces to the public that he has leased the above Hotel in Clear field borongh, and that he is prepared to accom modate all who may favor him with their custom. His house is commodious and convenient, and his tabic shall be supplied in the best manner possi ble. No effort will bo spared to render gcueral satisfaction. Bv strict attention to business, and to ths wants and comfort of his guests, no expects to peenre a liberal Ehare of patronage. - fcbll-:57 DAN. M. WEAVER. CTOXE WARE POTTERY FOR SALE. k3 The property occupied by Porter A l.rotner in Brady township, near Luthcrsburg. will bo sold low, as the owner contemplates removing westward. I'll a nntlArv U in t.mI order and has connected with it about 60 acres of land, about one half of which is in grass, fbe balance in wooa. .mere is anew twottory dwelling and sufficient stabling and sheds on the place. toou material ior iuc manufacture of stone ware and abundance of coal arc on the property. For terms apply to Apr20. L. J. CRANS, Clearfield. mO THOSE WHO WANT FARMS, X A FARM W ITH IN THE REACH OF EVERY MAN. THE RIDGWAY FARM COMPANY has made ar ransemcnts bv which all who desire to settle or purchase a home can do so. The farms consist of tho best limestone Boil of the most superior quality for farming, in a rapidly improving place, into which an extensive emigration is now pouring. The property is located in Elk County, Pennsylva nia, in the midst of a thriving population of some 10.000. The climate is perfectly healthy, and the terrible plague of the west fever is unknown. It also has an abundance of the boat quality of Coal and Iron. The price to buy it out is from $3 to $20 per acre, payable in instalments, to be located at the time of purchasing, or a share of 25 acrf? entitling to locate the same for S3l)0, payabln $6 per month or 12i acres payable $4 per month. Discount for every sum of SlOOand under, paid in advance, a discount of 5 per cent, will be allowed, and for over ? 100 a discount ot 10 per cent. In considering the advantages of emigrating to this locality the following nre presented: Firxt The soil is a rich limestone, capable of raising tho heaviest crops, owiflg to which this set tlement has attained its present great prosperity. Feranil It is the centre of the great North West Coal Basin, and is destined soon to become one of the greatest business places in the State. It will supply the great Lake market (according to popu lation and travel the greatest in the Union.). It has five workable veiucs of the best Bituminous Coal, amounting in the aggregate to over 22 feet, which makes 22.000 tons of coal under each acre. This will make the land of inestimable value. Third The eminent state geologist Dr. Chas. T. Jackson of Boston, has made a geological sur vey of tho land, and analysed the coal, the iron ore and the limestone. This report together with maps will be furnished to inquirers. , Fourth Three railroads are laid out through this property. The Sunbury and Erie Railroad gives us a market for our coal to the Lakes it runs from Erie to Philadelphia. A large part of this road has been finished, and U now in running or der. A heavy force is now working from Erie to wards our land in the western direction, tho means for the completion of which has been raised it will soon be finished. The Allegheny Valley Rail road connects us with New York, Boston and Pitts burg. Tho Venango Road connects us with the West. There are already good Turnpike roads running through the property, various other roads have been opened to accommodate the emigration and settlement which has already taken place. " There is no opportunity equal to it now offered to the man who wants to provide himself a home in an easy way, and make a settlement where he can live in prosperity and independence in a cli mate PERFECTLY HEALTHY. No caso of fever ever having been known to ocf cur in this settlement. It is not like going to tho backwoods of the West, among perhaps intollerant people, where there is no society, churches, or schools, w here tbe price of land is high, and where tho emigrant, after being used to the healthiest climate in the world, has to endure sickness and pain, and perhaps ruins his health and that of his family. But here is a thriving settlement having three towns, containing churches, schools, hotels, stores, saw mills, grist mills, and everything de sired. ' There is a cash markct'athand. The lum ber trade last year amouBtcd to over two hundred million eet of lumber. In a short time, owing to the coal, it will still become more valuable, as a number of iron works and manufactories will soon be started-; they are at. present starting them ex tensively at Warren. - Even for those who do not wish to go there, the payments are such that they can easily buy a farm to save their rising families from want in the fuuire, or to gain a competence by the rise which will take place in the value of lands By an ontlay scarcely missed, a substan tial provision can be made Persons should make early application, apply or write to E. Jefferies, Secretary, No. 135 Walnut street, below Fifth, Philadelphia. Letters care fully answered giving full information. Shares or tracts of land can be bought or secur ed by letter enclosing the first instalment of five dollars, when., tho subscriber will be furnished with books, maps, Ac. Warrantee Deeds given. Persons can also purchase from our agentd.' Route from Philadelphia to Tyrone on the Penn sylvania Central Railroad, and thence by St age to tho land. This is a delightful season to visit St. Mary's the best hotel accommodation is afforded. Enquire for E. C. Phultr, Esq. tbe Agent for the property at St. Mary's. - ' JuBvld-'oT-Jm- FOR SALE, THE FARM pied h F. Wiley in Ferguson township, ining juo acres, ikivi vmrvu , uv, vt vi, buiidinirs tbvreon erectod. . ALSO. 50 acres of land or the Umber thereon situate in Pike township within one and a half wiles of the river on a good road to haul. . . Foj further description acd terms apply to : . f L. J. CRANS. May 20. 1857. . Clearfield. NEW CrQOJDS! JUST RECEIVED at the 'CORNER STUKfc," in Curwensville. a very large and well-selected stock of GROCERIES. DRY GOODS, HARD WARE. BOOTS.nOES, HATS, ic. all of which will be sold at low prices for ready pay. Attention is directed to our large and va ried assortment of - SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, including RonneU of the latest style, and Dress Hoods of the most approved patterns. Also, a stook of READY-MADE CLOTHING, of all siies patterns and prices. Purchasers are invited to call and see for themselves. WM. llt IN. Curwensville, March 27, 1857. NEW GOODS! GEDDES, ?I A It S II & C O., would respectfully announce to their custo mers and the public in general that they are re ceiving from the East, aud opening at their store bouse at lluena inta. in Bell township, I'lcarheld county, a large and well selected stock of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. H.1RD JV.4RE, QUEESS WJRE, &c, which they will sell as cheap as the cheapest. All kinds of country produce, boards, shingles, &c. taken in exchange for goods, and Cash not refused. . ivo us a call and examine , our stock. - o charge for showing goods. jSone but responsible persons need ask credit. SAMUEL T. HOOVER, Agent. Bell Township, May 6, 1.S57 6mp TVEW FIRM. MERRELL ft CARTER would J.1 inform the.public, that they bave just open ed an extensive ' COPPER. TIN AND SI1EET-1KOX WAKE . JilA&UFAGfOBY, On Second Street, im the Imrongh of Clearfield, where they are prepared to'furnish at reduced pri ces, every variety ol articles in tneir line. Steel. Bar-iron, nails, steves of every variety Ploughs and farming u ton hi Is, pumps of every description, stove pipe, patent sausage cutters, funnels and self sealing cans Kept constantly on hand. All orders for eastings for Flour MilIs,Saw Mills. 4e. will be thankfully received snd promptly at tended to. HOUSE SPOUTING DONE TO ORDER. They are also prepated to receive every varie ty of article on commission, at a low per-centage. - . V. U. iUJUVACljU. L.U. CARTER. Clearfield. Sept. 19. 1S55 ly. OBI.NS' E X P ECTORA.NT, COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY. FOR THE CfRE OF Bronchial affections.Coughs. Colds, Pleurisy, Bron chitis, Asthma, and all other diseases of the throat and lungs, except Consumption.. This invaluable remedy Is no quack nostrum, but is prepared from the recipe of a regular physician, who during a practice of twenty-five years, used it with unpar alleled success. It is a combination of expecto rant remedies, simple in their character and used by every educated physician. It is easily taken, produces no nansoa or other disagreeable effects, and gives almost immediute relief. In this ever changing climate, where eftughs and colds so fre quently end in consumption and death, no family should be without this cf.rtai; curb. It would be casv to follow in tbe wake of the ven ders of patent medicine, and multiply crtifieates got up for the occasion, of miraculous cures, but no such adventitious aid is necessary in introducing this preparation to the public. Its real value, ana never failing success, in accomplishing all promis ed for it, cannot but give it a wide circulation, and recommend it to all those afflicted with diseases for which it is a remedy. Price 3 i CetOx per Bottle. Prepared exclusively by THOMAS ROBINS. Druggist March 4, 1857.-tf Clearfield. Pa. 1 O M ETUI N G N E W ! 3 LEATHER AND HIDE STORE, U'ett End of Spring Crrxi liridge. Cheapside, liellefonte, renu-a. The subscriber respectfully informs the public that he has just opened a Leather and Hide Store at bis Tannery establishment.- in Bcllefonte, "Centre county.Pa .where he will keep constantly on hand a good assortment of leathers. Ac. as follows: Out Tittmed Swinish Sole Leather, Hr.mtorL- Spanish Sole Leather. French Calfskin, Kellom leather. Oil Tanned Tsi eimr Leather, Split Leather, Patent French Calf sliti, Mailrat Boot Shn. Itivi-Renti and linl Liniinr. Cape liindiusr and Gai ter Kid, Tanners' Oil. A LSO: Plas tering hair ; Copper Rivets and Burr ; Thread. Brixtler and B'ctx, and all iind of Ton!, ljat, Jfe., for Shoemaker. TO MACHINISTS. For the convenience f Ma chinists of all kinds he will keep on hand a good supply of Patent Riveted Stretched Leather Belt ing Straps frojn 1 to 21 inches wide, which he will sell at city prices. CASH paid for all kinds of Hides and Skins. tyThe above articles have been carefully se lected, and are the very best quality ; but call and examine, and judge for yourselves. THOMAS BURNSIDE. Bcllefonte. April 29. 1857-tf. C)Z WITXESSES; THE FORGER CONVICTED. s! JOHN S. DYE IS THE AUTHOR. Who has had 10 years experience as a Banker and Publisher, and Author of O A series of Lectures at the liroadtnn.ii Tabernacle "2, when, for 10 successive nights, over O 150.000 PeopleVl O Greeted him with Rounds of Applause, while he exhibited the maimer in whieh Counter O fcitersexecutetheirFrau Is. and the 5 Surest and Shortest Means of - Detecting them ! 2 The Bant Note Engrtrrrr all wy that he is the H greatest Judge of Paper Money living: GREATEST DISCOVER Y OF TITE U PRESENT CENTURY FOR Detecting Counterfeit Bank Notes. Describing Every Genuine Bill in Existence, g and Exhibiting at a glance every Conn O tcrfcit in circulation !! Arranged so admirably, that bf.firf.xce is easy 45 and petectiox ikstastasf.ous. SOXo Index to examine! . No pages to hunt ? np! But so simplified and arranged, that jr? the Morchant, Banker and Business . : Man can sea all at a Glance. ENGLISH, FRENCH AND GERMAN. " .Tncs Each may read the save i nis owl Si h tive Tovctr. Mot Perfect Bint Note List Published. ri Also a List of all the Private Bankers in America. . A complete summary of the Finance of Eu . rope and America will be published in csch edi u tion, together with all tho Important News of the day. Also OFrom an Old Manuscript found in the East. ! - , . I . , It - lurnisucg ino mini complete nistory ot o. ORIENTAL LIFE, (describing the Most Perplexing Positions in O which the Ladies and Gentlemen of the coantry ,have been so often found. . These Stories will C continue throughout tho whole year, and will prove the most entertaining ever offered to the "ti public. - ' -H lyFurnisbed Weekly to Subscribers oslt, at .All loiters must be addressed to to JOHN S. DYE, Broker, ublishor and Proprietor, 70 WaU Street, X. Y. 02 April ."V, l80-iy - - A LARGE stock of READY MADE CLOTHING jl V selling cheap at the "Corner Store, J Curwensville, may 27. WM. IKVIA. T STONE-WAKE ; always n hand at the Corner Store" . ' WM.IUMN. Curwensville. May Zt . 1SJ- A. and BESI SYRUP MOLASSES, for sale atthe corner- I'TJ WJL IKYIJi. Clearfield Q estate arc -VMIM - s. and those having,, agaVi.. sent thera, properly anttean,. - - ..- SAMUM. MILEsTr JOHN S. WiixtaV'a iunel7-o? Aaaiinistr.." EXTESSIVK M AKBLE,YA.i?rr" -"AT TYRONE CIIY", PA; " Having just received a lot f tb Jikr ' ble that can procured at- me nniati-. tibia Yards. .1 am now ready to furaiebt. all kinds of work in omt line, vis I Mon- uments, Tomb-Tables. Marble Door-stepsact Untols, .Mantle-pieces. Centre-Table, Card-Table, Bnrcau-tops. Ac of either "American or ItaWas Marble. rPN B. All-orderssentby mail, promp-. ly attended to. . We will not b beat either in work or prices. iaec2- oo.iyj i. ilkki. M. A. Frank, fcsq.. Agont. nearnciq. r. HALLOA! NEW WAGON MANUFACTORY. ; The undersigned would respectfully an nounce to bis friends anu.tne puone reneraiiyv that he has opened out a new Wagon-Making tablishment in "New Salem City." Brady town ship, where he will at all times be prepared to manufacture, on the shortest notice, all kinds -of Wagons, Carts, Wheelbarrows. Ac. The best ma terial that can be procured will be used, and bis work will be made la tbe most substantial anddn rable manner, such as will bear the test of -strict . examination. By a close observance or his baat ness engagements, and by disposing of his work -- on the most reasonable terms, which he wul.ji . for either cash or approved country predoce, be hopes to merit and receive a liberal share of pair1 -lic custom ' BENJ. RISHEL.. New Salem City. Jan. 16, 1356. ... - , 4 VALUABLE PROPERTY" FOR SALE!. J-1 desire to sell my property in Tyiwne City, . lair Co. Pa., commonly known as the .Tyrone City Hotel. Comprising as follows : One large three story brick boas. Slaty rfeti. ; wo fronts, and finished off in complete style.. A, ar?e and extensive stable, an excellent waaa bouse and other necessary out-ldiss-.- TSere is also, on the same Lots, one frxnm house, witfi-. out-building attached, now rentiag for one httn- , lred and thirty dollars per atrmiim . The whole stands upon three valuable Lotti8 -In the tiot.-af said town, and affords several very eligible loea- - tions for store, offices, Ac Ae. The whole will be sold on reasonable terms. And to-any-persxro, de-: siring an investment, or speculation.- now is -the chance. Private reasons caute me to sell tb.ia.vaU. uable proper'y, which 13 every day increasing in ' value. Inquire of Caleb Guver. or tbe subscribes J. D. STEWART.. Tyrone City. Sept 13. lSjj.-tf. " LOG-FLOATERS TAKE NOTICE That at a meeting of the Lumbermen keM'af Clearfield on the ISth inst., the undersigned w-ere. appointed a committee to institute prosecutions gainst all pcrsonsobstructingthe navigable streams, by the Coaxine of louse loss. We therefore notify. all persons concerned, that proceedings will be in stituted and prosecuted to conviction against ait and every person, whether owner, contractor or laborer. enzared in putting loose loirs into tbe riv er or any of its tributaries in the counties of Clejar- held. t.iK anu uentre. juiia si. inaoi, W. II. ROBISON, ROUT. MAUAFFET,'. WM. STEWART, JAMES ASKEY, . -DANIEL RHOADES. C. W BLAKE. lt. C. WINSLOW, KUUT. KUIUKWIE. J. Z. LIN DEM VJ li August 27. 1856. DO C TOR K E LLLN.Q.' CANCER INSTITUTE... For the Treatment f Cancers, Tutuen. Wens, Ulcers, Scrofula, any Growth or Sore.. Chronie Diseases, generally, can be cured (if curable.) with out surgical operation or poisenv Fov all partictr lars write, Mate diseases plainly. and encte-twen$ ty-nve cents for advice. All letters, jnust have a postage stamp enclosed to pre-pay answer Med icine can be sent any distance. Address - C. L. KEELING, M. JV Mecbaniesburg. Cumberland Co Pa. Gr"Mechnie8bBrg n 8 milts from Harrufbttrgs on the C. Y. Railroad, and accessible from . ail parts of the Union. . . Old and young, poor and rkh,conM all we will de you good. pTo those afflicted who canaot-visU me per sonally, I will send, per mail, on-receipt of SS-W only, a Recipe to prepare Medicine, with ifull di rections for use, Ac. State all particular; . Ad dress as above. February IS, lSj7-fim. T O T PI E I E O 3? L E X or CLEAE FIELD COCSTTi . A NEW MARBLE WORKS IN BELLEFUNTE, PA i 1 S. A. GIBSON A CO., are new fully prepared (to furnish the People of Clearfield county, with alt kinds of Marble work, at a much, lower fate than can be bought at any other cstablLfhmer t ,in this part of Pennsylvania, and of a FA It SUPERIOR, STYLE OF WORKMANSHIP. - M R.WILLI AM : All AG AN. ewe of the Irni. may be found at the public bouse of D.M.W"eaery im Old Town, during each Court, far the. purpose of re ceiving orders, and will alse paaa every lew weeks fbrougn all the different parts of the county. Persons in want of work, will de welllnreteia their orders until called upon, er send .'them Ay mail. . . . -. - The work wiir be delivered to any Jart of thv county, free of freight. Address. ?. is. A. G IBSON A CO.. ; - - ,-. : Bcllefonte Marble Work..' . May 13, 1357-m. " - Bcllefonte, Pa.--- ! .ii.ii . i , !- DAILV, SEMI-WEEKLY" ft VVEJ2KLY1 . TELEGRAPH. . - , , The Dailt Telpgraph. Notwithstanding th'e ru mors spread abroad by our political opioneats.: that the 'Daily Telegraph1 would be disjeoutinued after the election, we aunoonco to the public that we shall not only continue iU publication, brtrit shall bo done with renewed vigor atd determina tion td meet the public expectations and wants. The publishers will spare so' labor er expense 4ar make it a paper eminently worthy of the-capital of Pennsylvania, and one which' should bo found at every fireside in our borongh ' The 'Daily Telegraph' will contain the- latest news received by Magnetic Telegraph ni Mails.. We shall give particular attention to our Local de partment, and endeavor te wake the Kep4rt as full and interesting as possible. TheKditorial De- partment will be under the management Of" able1 and experienced .' gentlemen, who, aponr ail te tions affecting the public, will express their upin? ions fairly aud freely. Our next Legislature will be entrusted with several important duties tho election of United States Seantor-, the cleotioei fcf.a, State Treasurer, the apportionment of the Stata, Ae., which will make the proceedings unusually interesting ancLimnortant. The 'Telegraph' wait be able to present this and all other news transpi ring at the Stale Capital much sooner snd saera satisfactorily than any other paper in the State. - The 'Semi-Weekly and Weekly Telegraph' wilt' be published, as heretofore. - We shall eodeavot to make the 'Weekly Telegraph' the best family, newspaper in the State. - It will eon tain all rha latest news np to the hour of going to press. It will contain full reports of the markets in tbe At lantio cities. A portion of our columns will be de-. voted to the interests of Agriculture and Mechan ics.' Tbe 'Semi-Weekly' will be published- only during the sessions of tbeLegisleture.r Oareferta shall be to make the Telegraph the model news, paper of the State. ' - TERMS s The Iaily Telegraph will be famish ed at a distance for 54 per annum;. 52 fe six, months;- or SI for three months. Single subscri bers in the town will be furnished at six cents per track payable weekly to the carrier. - i - ' The Semi-Weekly and Weekly T eJe graph .-wU be furnished to single subscribers atr3 per antrum. Our Clubs Rates aro as follows; - ' ' . Clubs of 5, - ; ; ,1.1 - $9 - 10, ...... 1T 20, . - ' - " - - 30 " The person who raises a club. wtlY cccaifft a,o py of the jiapoT gratis.' Whcro is the person who. cannof afforf this? Three cent per week fos, a newspaper, which.shall convey to him, in addition to political intelligence, all foreign, doatesiie M.i looa.1- in-a word-, all of political interest which nay jniire els ther at homeoraind..-a - Thanking our wiends everywhore fiqv eger ous patronage they, have extended to us during the campaign, we ftaist that thov wftl nt onee re- new their tmbservatioeft. and-make 1he Telegraph, in future a eonetajat visitor at tbeis treride - J : Miijr.'b7TnETKc:ieii-.':