Til rafts mm lioiks Stoey. Nov. 10, Co1" J-fJay. Heard Mr. Cutler, of Ipswich JZJalet ; dined at Dr. Putnam's with Col. Put nam and lady, and two young gentlemen, nephews of the Doctor and Col. and a Mrs. Scollay. ..Col. Pntnam told a story of an Indian upon Connecticut river, who called at a tavern, in the fall of the year, for a dram. The land lord asked him two coppers for it. The next spring, happening at the same house, he called for another, and had three coppers to pay lor it. 'How is this, landlord ?" says he ; "last fall you asked but two coppers for a glass of mm, now tou ask three." "Oh !" says the landlord, "it costs me a good deal to keep mm over winter. It is as expensive to keep ahoesheadof rum over winter as a horse." "Ah !" says the Indian, "I can't see through that ; he won't eat so much hay ; maybe he drink as much water." This was t,her wit, ... : r- A trim humor. ITumor. wit and &UVAOL&KC lilVA " ' satire ia one very short repartee. The Jndsre of a Western Court recently de- oint. adverse to a certain lawyer T.vprwas stubborn and insisted that court was wrong. "I ten yoirxuai. 't'". veiled the judge, with flashing eyes. "I tel you, you are not !" retorted the counsel. ' nm rizht!" reitered the court, "curse a nig car if I aint !" "I say you aint !" persisted the counsel. "Crier," yelled the Judge, "I adioura this court for ten minutes'." Jumping from the bench, be pitched into the counsel, and after a lively little fight, floored him. after which business was again resumed ; but it was not long before another misunder- atarding arose. "Crier," said the Court, "we will adjourn this time for twenty minutes !" and he was about taking off his coat, when the counsel said -. "Never mind, Judge, keep your seat the p'int is yielded my thumb's out of j'inl, and Pre sprained my shoulder! A student of one of our State Colleges had a barrel of ale deposited in his room, contrary to usage. He received a summons to at near before the President, who said: "Sir, I am in formed that you have a barrel of ale in your room." "Yes, sir." "Well, what explana tion can you make V "Why, the fact is, sir, my physician advises roe to try a little each day as a tonic, and not wishing to stop at the various places where the beverage is retailed, I concluded to have a barrel taken to my room." "Indeed! And have you derived any benefit from the use of it ?" "Ah, yes, sir. "When the barrel was first taken to my room, ten days since, I could scarcely lift it. .Now I can carry it with the greatest ease." We believe the witty student was discharged with out special reprimand. Rochester Union. It is ascertained that, in females, the ratio ot cases of pulmonary consumption, to all o ther diseases, is highest in those following se dentary employment, less in those having mix ed ia-door employments, and least in those occupied out of doors. The highest ratio oc curs in the case of females whose habits of life arc irregular. In men, the ratio of cases of pulmonary consumption to those of all oth er diseases in the cases of those following in door employments varies inversely as the a mount of exertion being highest where there is least exertion, and lowest in employments requiring strong exercises. Look Oct. When a young lady has "turned the first corner," and sees no connu bial prospect ahead, it is natural she should look out. When you find a man doing mora business than you arc, and you want to know the reason look at the advertisement he has in the news papers and look out. Look out for rain when the almanac tells you to, and if it don't come, why you can keep looking out. It seems that a Church in MansfleM, Ohio, put up in 1823, by volunteer hibor, is being torn down. A "Poic" in the Herald thus pathetically closes "a Node" to the "Old Meat In House :" Fairwell '. old church Of mi boihood ; witnesscr of kat Tykisms and backakes a lencing onto titrate seats a kansink me menny a spank Ink at hoam for not a sittin jtrato To meeting old church Good, lii ! A gentleman was dining at one of our fash ionable hotels. Peas had just come in season, and everybody called for peas until they were all gone. Tho gentleman was very fond of peas, but he was too late ; so, rising and throw ing himself into the attitude of Patrick Hen ry, he exclaimed : "Gentlemeu may cry peas, peas, but there is no peas !" Ir yon meet with a man that is a man, or a woman that is a woman, and nothing else, you may flud soclh?ng human about them ; but the quibbles and quirks, hypocrisy and mean ness, the heartlessness, treachery and sordid ness cf what is denominated "good society," are scandalous beyond all names for scandal. Many years ago, men could be found to give any evidence upon oath, that might be requir ed; and some f these persons walked openly in West Minster Hall with a straw in one of their shoes, U signify they wauted employ ment as witnesses ; hence originated the say ing, TIe is a man of Straw." Is the middle ages in France, a person con victed of bcis a calumniator was condemned to place himseif on all fours, and bark like a dog for a quarter of an hour. If this custom were adopted at the present day, there would be considerable bow-wow-ing. "Ned has rnn away with your wife," said no friend to another. "Is it possible! I truly pity bis sudden mishap." The Moslem creed divides hell into seven stories sunk one under tho other, the lowest being for the hypocrits of a 1 nations. If we all had windows to our breasts, to morrow what a demand there would be for Winds. TERMS. The Journal is published every Wednesday at O.ve Dollar and Fiftt Cests per annum in advanoe, or lwo Dollars within the year. Advertisements inserted at any cents per square, of twelve lines, for the fi.st, aDl twinty-five cents for each additional insertion. A liberal deduction made to those who adverse by the year. The 'Terms' will be strictly adhered to. Xo paper discontinued without jay ment of ar rearages, unless at the option ot the publisher. X PENNSYLVANIA EAILEOAD. On am! after Monday, Feb. 23d,lS j7, passenger trains will leave Tyrone station as follows : West. East. Fast Lane, 1.57 A. M. 8.55 P. M. Express, 8. 23 A. M. 3 A.M. Mail, 6.21 P. M. 2 P. M. HOUSE AM) LOT FOK SALE. The late residence of J- M. Pfouu, in Ansonviile, may be bought cheap by iinmediaU application to me, dcctO-if J. B. M KXALLY. JAMES B. GRAHAM. Dealer in SAWED LUMBER. QUAKED TIMBEit, SIIIXtJLES, BOARDS. Ac, is prepared to fill, on the shortest iiolice. all orders lor articles in his line of busi ness, on as reasonable terms as tbey can be Pro cured in the connty. trrahauipton, Clearfield Co.. Jan. 23. 1S56 TTIOK SALE, The subscriber offers for sale i1 his is farm, containing about 152 acres, with a- bout 25 acres cleared and under giod cultivation, having thereon erected one 2-story house and oarn, situated one and ajluilf miles above Cloar field town, opposite the new bridge. For terms apply to the subscriber on the premises. may!4-tf JJILO I10YT. ITtOK SALE A firm of 120 acres on the river . above Cnrwcnsville ; A farm of 6-1 acres in Penn town-illip ; A farm of 100 acres in Ferguson township ; A farm of 1(10 acres in Penn township ; 2 farms of 100 acres each, 'adjoining,) in Fergu son township; 300 acres timber land in Bell tov.'nship ; 233 acres timber land in Ferguson township. For description and terms apply to mar25 L. J. CRAN'S, Clearfield. GUL1CII & BEXJi'EK, wo lid respectfully inform the citizens of Clearfield, and public generally that they have entered into co-partner ship in the CABINET MAKING BUSINESS, and keen constantly ou hands, i nd manufacture to order, at the lowest prices, every variety of furniture, consisting ot Dining, Breukfast, and Centre Tables, Sewing, Writing, and It asn-bfanas, Xahogany, and. Common Bed-sleadt ; Mnhogony and Cane-bottomed Chairs, Bureaus, Sofas. Lounsres, Ac, Ac. Coffins made and funerals attended on the short est notice, with a neat hearse, and appropriate acenmpanyments. House Painting done on the shortest notice. Shop and Ware-rooms, same as formerly occupi ed by Johniulich, mearly opposite the 'Jew Store,' Clearfield. Pa JOJtA liLLlCJl. May 22, !55.-ly. 1A'IEL UENN'ER A T KOBINS LITER AltY DEPOT, JjL. Shaw g Row, Clearfielu, l'a., CAN ALWAYS BE PROCURED BD0KS OF ALL RIND lO Stationary, FANCY ARTICLES AND CONFECTIONARIES, Tobacco and Cigars, DRUGS, MEDICINES, DYE-STUFFS, FAINTS, Chemicals, i-e., Among his stock will be found Histories, Bioera. phies. Sketches. School Books, Poetical, Scientic, Mechanical, Medical and Law works : the latest publications always on hand or procured to order: all the Magazines furnished monthly, at publish ers prices ; fancy and common letter paper ; plain and ruled cap paper; perforated paper; note pa per ; fancy and common envelopes ; blank Deeds; a great variety of Steel Pens; common and fancy pen-holders, pencils, Ac. Ac. Ac, which he will sell at the most reasonable prices. His stock of Drugs, Medicines. Dye-stuffs. Paints, Ac. is large and well selected; among which are Calomel. Jilue .Mass, Uumine. 3Iorpbia, Ked I re cipitate ; Rhubarb, root and pnlvcrized ; Rocbelle and Epsom Salts; Cream of Tartar, Sulphur. Sen na, fink Hoot, cup. Carlionate coaa. lurtaric A cid. Sulphate of Zinc ; Liquorioe, Col umbo and Gentian root; Logwood, Oil Vitriol, Blue Vitriol, Coperas, Alum, Red Lead. Prussian Blue, Chrome Green and Yellow, Vermillion, Terra de Sienna, and in fact a general assortment. He has also a fine lot of Ladies' Gold Breast Pins, Ear Drops, Finger Rings, Ac. Also, W a to h Guards and Keys. Penknives, Hair oils; Hair, Reading. Fine and Pocket combs, Tooth-picks. 11 a tors and Strops, Sadlcrs' Silk, Pearl. powder, Fan cy Soaps and Perfumery a great variety. Also. Prunes, Figs. Raisins, Almonds, Pea-nuts and Filberts; Candies a general assortment; Cin amon. Cloves. Pepper, and other spices; Blacking, and Spool Cotton; the most popular Patent .Med icines of the day ; all of which will be sold at the very cheapest rates. Call and examine the stock nnd judge for vour clves. fdoel7 THOMAS ROBINS. BKOADWAY t!OLI PEV MAMTEAC TU1UNG COMPANY.. AO. 33 5 miOADWAY, iXEW YORK. LIST OK UF.T nr. rm . ES : Gold Tens. $1 00 Gold Tooth Picks. $2 00 Gold Pen and Silver ' Tooth and Ear holder, 2 00 Picks, 3 00 Gold Pen and doublo Gold Pencil AWatch ex-Silver holders, 3 00 Kev- 3 00 Mamouth, " 4 00 Ladioi GoldPcncils.2 00 Leviathan. 5 CO " " " 3 00 Fountain , Ten, Desk , " : " 4 00 Holder, 3 00 '-with pen o 00 Mamouth, " b 00 Gents' Gold Cases Engrossing Pens, 2 00 and Pens, 8 00 Leviathan and Box. 5 00 " " 10 0U Gothic Silver case A '; Go-Jiic " 12 00 Pen, 3 00 " Screw Pencil, 8 00 K Engrossing " 4 00 And al I other kinds and " Mamouth " 5 00 styles at retail prices. PREMIUMS PRESENTED TO PURCHASERS. To every person buying n gold pen of us we pre sent a numbered certificate, and each of these ccr tilicatcs entitles the holder of it, by the extra pay ment of 2o cents, to an article of jewelry, in value from?! toSlOO. This jewelry consists of Gold and Silver Watches in great variety. Silver Goblets, Silver Fruit Baskets, Gold Guard chains for ladies, Lockets. Bracelets, Genu' gold fob and vest chains, Thimbles. Breastpins- Ear Drops, Studs, Rings, Crosses, Ac. none of which sell for less than SI. J'or rcsrif .Vvllar jaiil . the. party i. entitled to a nn inhered eerli fictile, aiul by the iotiiiient of 23 cts. extra oti each certificate he i entitled to receive mltatever the nnmlie.r of the certificate designates. We have been in operation for three years and thousands have bought of us, and we hare never learned that any one was ever dissatisfied. This plan affords every opportunity of obtaining a gold watch or some article of jewelry, for a trifling sum. All our pens, pencil cases, Ac, are genuine arti cles manufactured by ourselves with great care, and oner them preciselv at prices asked in all oth er stores in the city, to agents we make advan tageous offers, and any energetic person can do well by working for us. We wish agents in every place in the country, and persons who would like to become such will please ad.lnss us, and we will send them printed circulars of prices terms, Ac ie nave no stated periods of distribution. The moment a pen is purchased, the purchaser is enti tled to receive his premium on the payment of 25 cents extra. Jibiiutch, bkmto a DLAK, 335 Hroadway. New York. AGENTS WANTED. N. B. Gold Pens repointed in a superior man ner. Enclose the Den and 3J cents in P. O. stamns. and the pen will be repointed nnd returned post paia. The Broadway Gold Pen Manufacturing Compa ny, is well known throughout the country, nut as there are undoubtedly some who are not acquaint ed with us we append the following well known firms as references : Fellotvs A Co.. No. 17 Maiden Lane, New York Hicks A Mitchell, No. 20 " Benton Bros . cor. Broadway A Courtland St.. N. lork, and Chesnut street, Philadelphia J. 11. Sturdy A Co., No. 5, Gihey bnilding.N.Y Gould A Wood, No. 9, Maiden Lau, Jfew York February 4, 1857 3m. i 4-' ( nLD UYE WHISKEY, BKANi .. GIN and WUnLs, for sale at the chesp cash'ore of pr8 R.SlfleSQP. AMBKOTYPES P. C. PURVIACE, Pro fessor of Photographic Chemistry. Gallery at his residence on 2d Street, one door boutn of Merrcll 4 Carter s Tin-ware establisdmcnt, Clear- Cell. Pa. 0"Days of operation: inday and Saturday of each week juncl3'50 STILL 0 HA.MJ! The understgnca con tinues the CLOCK AND WATCH MAKIXG BUSINESS, at his new shop on the eorner of Main and Mechanic streets, one door fcoutn oi vr. n. v . Wilson "s ofSee, where he will be pleased to accom modate his customers at all times. Repairing done on the shortest notice. aug201 K. K. WELSH. HAVE YOU SEEN SAM? The subscriber would inform his old friends and the public generally, that he still continues to keep a house of entertainment in New Washington where those whocallwith him will receive every attention, and be made comfortable. Good stabling, and every other convenience for horses on the premises. - D. S. PLOTNER. NEW GOODS: The undersigned has just re ceived a large assortment of NEW GOODS, IT HIS STORE IN KARTHAUS, which he offers for saie cheap for cash or country produce. F. P. HURXTH ALL. September 5, 1855. T P. NELSON 4 CO., 9. Murrix Toirnxhiv. Clearfield Co., Pa., Would resnectftill y inform the citizens of that vi cinity that they keep constantly ou hand a large assortment or Dry Goods, Hard-Ware. Qirecnsfire. Groceries, i'onfectionaries, llati tj- Caps. Boot te Shoe, and all other articles usually kept in a country store, which they are determined, to sell low for cash, country produce, or lumber. August 1, 1S55. TXCIIANGE HOTEL, PIIILIPSBPUG JL.J Th? subscriber, thankful for past favors, would respectfully solicit a continuance of the lib eral patronage bestowed upon his House by tho fublie -He is prepared to accommodate water men. editors, drovers, and all others who may call with him, in tho very best manner. He also purposes to run a line of Hacks from Tyrone to Clearfield, for the accommodation of the travelling public. J. G. RL-Nlk.. Philpsburg. March 14. 1855.-tf. DAVID S. TLOTNEU Respectfully informs his old friends and the public, that he has obta ined the services of a good Cutter and work man as a foreman in tho tailoring business, and he is now prepared to attend to any orders in his Iineot work on the most accommodating terms.an I short notice, and will have clothing on hand at all times, such as dress coats, frock coats, vests, and pantaloons of their own manufacture, and good material at the lowest prices. ith a wish to ac commodate, he solicits a share of patronage. New Washington. May 9, 1655. N JEW ARRIVAL. A. ir J. PATCHIN, Have just received a new and splendid assort ment of Goods the best that was ever brought in to the upper end of Clearfield Conntv. Thcv in vite their friends and the public generally to give them a call, where they will find all kinds of goods usually kept in a Country Store. Come and examine our stock we charge noth ing for the exhibition. AARON PATCH IN, JACKSON PATCH IN. Eurnside, Nov. 28, 1855. SAMUEL JOHNSTON, BARBER AND HAIR DRESSER, would respectfully inform the citizens of Clear field that he has opened a shop in '-Shaw's Row," in the room recently occupied by F. Short, as a Boot and Shoe shop, where he is at all times ready to Cut Hair in the most fashionable style and do Shaving in the most scientific manner. Shampoo ning also performed He solicits the patronage of the public. Jan. 7, lSa7. He also keeps on hand a cosmetic for removing dandruff, which receives tho highest praise of all who use it. WEST BRANCH FIRE INSUR ANCE COM PANY, LOCK HAVEN, CLINTON CO., PA. CAPITAL, $300,000. Insures Detached Buildings, Stores, Merchandise and other buildings and their contents. DIRECTORS : Hon. John J. Pearce, Hon. G. C. Harvey, John B. Hall, T. T. Abrams, I. K. Jackman, W. White. Thomas Kitchen. HARVEY, Pbes t. Charles A. Mayer, Charles Crist, Peter Dickenson, Hox. G. C. Thos. Kitchen. Sec'y. T. T. Abrams. V ice Pros t. The undersigned having been appointed a- gent by this company, gives notice that he will insure Buildings of every description, Goods, Ac, on the most reasonable terms. This company is in a prosperous condition, and meets all demands promptly. The capital stock of the company is S100.000 with privilege of increasing to S300.C 00. A. M. MONTELIUS. Cnrwcnsville, Pa.; Aug. 20, 1650-fimp O! FOR THE TEMPLE OF HONOR BRAD IN ir M'G 1 K K' S. Tin, COrPEB, & SHEET-IRON WARE ftlAUFACTOHV, P11ILIPSBURG, PA. BRADIN A M'GIRK have just opened an exten sive Tin, Cupper, dr Shed-Iron Ware JMaiiufactii ry, w here they are at all times prepared to supply customers with every conceivable article from the smallest Coffee pot spout to the longest pipe ima ginable. Thev will do both a WHOLESALE & RETAIL business, and will at all times have 'on hand a large assortment of readv-made waro. UOUS E S P O UTI JV G done to order, on the shortest notice, and put up in a neat, substantial manner. STOVES, STOVE-PIPE, $ KETTELS, of every variety kept constantly on hand. They will furnish to order any of the following Cook Stoves, viz : Tho William Penn. Queen of the West, the Atlantic, and Cook-Complete, all of which are suitable for both wood and coaL Among the Parlor Stoves will be found the "Lady Washington," the '-Excelsior," 'Home Parlor,' Ac. Produce of all kinds taken in exchange for goods. A. A. BRADIN. JNO. D. M'GIRK. October 21. l?35.-tf. Cast your Bread upon the Waters, for after many aays ye. snail jina it. A Certain Care for all Rheumatic Pains. POS'T COXUEMX BUT TRY IT, IT CAXXOT FAIL. E. C. ALLEN'S CONCENTRATED ELECTRIC PASTE, AN1 ARABIAN PAIX EXTRACTOR. FOR MAX k nOltSE. Copyright secured according to Law. SMAL-a JAR 50 CENTS, LARGE JAR SI. Til E Electric Paste acts upon the Muscles.Tcn dens, and upon the whole nervous system, re moving torpidity and producing a healthy action of the blood. There being no volatile matter in its composition.it remains in action until it accom plishes its work. It cannot lose its strength, and is altogether harmless, its constituent parts being entirely vegetable. WHAT WILL IT CURE? We answer Rheum&tic Pains, when everything else fails. Cramps, Cholic, Coughs, Chilblains, Burns. Scalds, Sprains, Headachefoothacho.Swel lings, Bruises. Sores. Ringworm, Tetter, Stiff Joints, Contracted Chords, Fresh Cuts. Ulcerated Sores.and all Scrofulous Diseases where external remedies can be used. Sore Throats. Stiff Necks, Ac. WHAT IT WILL CURE for Horses and Cattle. Sweeny, Spavin, Fistulas, Poll Evil, Windfalls, Ulcers, Cholic, Sprains, Collar and Saddle Galls, Stone Bruises, Stiff Joints, Vertigo, Splints and Running Sores. ld?"None genuine hut those having the words "E. C. Allen's Concentrated Electric Paste, or Ara bian Pain Extractor, Lancaster, Pa.," blown in tho bottle. E3r"Look out for counterfeits. Don't for get to ask for ALLEN'S. Letters upon business, address, E. C. Allen, care oi ji. j . nocsancia ts. to., Lancaster, l'a. LlfFor sale at the Druir Store of Charlen T Watson, Clearfield, Pa., and country storekeepers anu xrnggisc inrougnout inornate may2l'06-ly rILOTHING. A generel assortment of ready I . Jil; . . . . . V m auc tium.Dg jusi received ana openea at Nov2d W.F.IRWIN'S. S ALT! SALT!! A quantity of Coarse and Ground Alum bait, tor sale at w. r. ibwis s. FIRST OF THE SEASON W M. F. IEWIIT lias just received and is now opening at Lis store in ClearheUi borougli, A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF SPRING & SUMMEIl 2) Hi 17 S) 9 ID 8 .j GIlOCEIllKS, HARDWARE, QUEENSWAEE, &c, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, and a general variety of such articles as aro usual ly kept in a country store, which he olters to the public at the most reasonable prices. (may 13 WAR IN CHINA! NEW GOODS AT THE CHEAP CASH STORE ! "H"UST received from the eastern markets, one of 3 the largest, best, and cheapest assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS ever brousht to Curwensvillc. consisting of a fine stock of GROCERIES, I BOOTS AND SHOES, 3 0 lit 3 t 3, LATEST STYLE, AND DRESS GOODS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. ALSO, keeping a number of the best workmen in the Shoe Shop, making "11 kinds of work to order at the shortest notice and lowest prices. All kinds of Lumber. Hides and country produce taken in exchange for Goods, Boots. Shoes, tc. We are thankful for past favors, and invite all to give us a call, examine our handsome stock ot goods, free of charge, before you buy elsewhere. Junc3- 57 MONTELIUS & TEN EYCKE. ON HAND AGAIN! NEW STORE ! 0 ID AND NEW PRICES ! ! ! HD. PATTON would respectfully announce to the public that he has returned from the Last with a large and well assorted stock of HEW, FASHIQSAfiLE & SEASG9ABLE which he has opened at his NEW STORE ROOM. in Curwensville Borough, a few doors east of the Good Intent Hotel, and which he will sell at the lowest prices. His stock is extensive, embracing a largo and splendid variety of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, LADIES DRESS GOODS, BONNETS, Shawls, Mantillas, Embroideries, Gloves, Hosiery, &c, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENS WAKE, &c, &c. Domestic Goods, Neck Ties, Cravats, Collars, Car pet hacks, Brushes, Handkerchiefs. Perfume ry, Ribbons, Laces. Edging. Gloves, Para sols, Combs, Hair Pins,'Thimblcs, Sewing Silk, &.c, Ac. Also, a stock of KEADY-.MADE CLOTHING, and a general assortment of such articles as arc usually kept in a country store. Don't forget to call at the NEW STORE, if you want to purchase good and cheap goods. Call iu. it costs nothing to look at goods. 11. D. PATTON. Curwensville, June 10, 13.r7. JOHN RUSSELL & CO., TANNERS AND CURRIERS, I'eunniJl- f.lsnrKI.I "V. Keep constantly on hand an excellent assortment of leather, which they offer for sale at the lowest casn prices, iiidcs taken in exchange. July lo. ISM. J ViVv Magazine for the. Jlntn.es of the X tJ' I People. GRAHAM S I L LUSTRA TED MAGAZINE, the Pioneer Migazine of rie country, estnoiinlterl in. iH . f-ubsoribc fur tho New Volume commencing with the January number, 13S7. WATSON A CO., the new publish ers of "Graham's Illustrated M.isazine.' announce to tho Ladies nnd Gentlemen of the United States in feneral. and to the former natrons of the work in particular, that it is their intention to make use of all tho immense resources at their command to produce a rirxt Class Masr-tztur. To this end no expense or exertion will be spared. The best Lit erary and Artistic Talent will be employed, and nothing that capital, trsc and enf rprixe, can ac complish will be wanting to make this Jlagazine more than ever deserving the liberal support so generously extended to it during the past. 'iU years. Every number will contain 2 fine steel engrav- iu;;a. uno illustrative oi some oi tuc most popu lar pictures of the day : the other a bciutiful col ored fashion Plate, drawn from actual articles of costume. Also, a number of fine wood cn "ravin" patterns for Crochet and Needlo-work, engraved Irom the articles themselves. All the latest styles of costumes for Lailirs and Children, will bo m. pied from the newest patterns, nnd fully describ ed and illustrated in every number. - Ladies about forming clubs of subscribers are requested to compare "--Graham" with any other Magazine published, and we are confident their good taste and correct judgment will decide in our favor. Gentlemen who arc about to subscribe for a Mag azine for their own reading, or to present to their lady friends, should procure a copy of '-Graham" and examine it thoroughly, and then see if any other periodical presents equal inducements for their subscriptions. The twelve numbers of "Graham" for the year 18o7, will comprise one of the most magnificent volumes ever issued ! containing in all 1200 pages of reading matter ! 100 fine wood engravings ! 12 handsome steel engravings! 12 beatiful colored fashion plates ! 100 engravings of ladies' A children's dresses! 50 coming illustration ! And over 300 patterns for needlework, Ac TERMS : One copy, one year, S3 00 ; Two co pies, S5 00 ; Five copies, and one to getter op of tlub, $10 00 ; Eleven copies, and one to a-ent. S20 00. Graham's illustrated magazine will be supplied to subscribers punctually, and at as early a day in the month as any other magazine published. Send in your subscriptions early to the Publish ers, WATSON A CO., 60 South 3d street. Phipa. EYTRA NOTICE. Subscribers sending rArr dollnrx for one year's subscription to '-Graham," will receive a copy of G minim's Ltulies1 Pajtertor one year without charge ! Send for specimen numbers of Graham 'slllustra ted Magazine and Graham's Ladies' Paper. g ROCERIES. Just received and now openme, a general assortment of choice groceries, which will be sold at the lowest cash prices at WM. F. IRWIN'S. PROFESSIONAL. D O. CROUCH, PHYSICIAN. OSce in Cur- wensville. May 14. lS.iC-tf IJACKSOX.UK ANS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, im Clearfield. PcHH-'a. Office dioinic his residence, on Second Street, Olearfield. August 1. 1355. JB. M EX ALLY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Clearfield, Pemi'a. Practices in Clearfield and adjoining counties. Office in new brick addition, adjoining the resi dence of James B. Graham. August 1. 1855. LAKRIM t'U & TEST, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will attend nromntlv to all letral and nthr bu siness entrusted to their care in Clearfield and ad joining counties. Clearfield, Aug.6:185G. JAS. H. LARRIMf.K. 1. TEST. DR. M. WOODS, tenders his professional ser vices to tho citizens of Clearfield a'ad vicini ty. Residence on Second street, opposite the of fice of L. Jackson Crans, where he can te found unless absent on professional business. Clearfield, May 14, 1850 :iui. rspnos. j. b ccM.ortiii, attorney at X LAW nnd DISTRICT ATTORNEY, Clearfield. Pa., may be found at his ofiicc in Shaw's Row four doors west of the '-Mansion House." Deeds and other legal instruments prepared with prompt ness and accuracy. Utb. lii ly. DR. . I AKLEY, PHYSICIAN, " Grahauitan, Clearfield County. Pa., tenders his professional services to the inhabitants of Grahamlon and surrounding country he can at all times be found at his Office, directly oppo site Mr. J. B. Graham's store, when not profes. Munrtiiy engageq. Apl. 25. WM. A. WALLACE, E0BT. J. WALLACE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Clearfield. Penn'a., Have this day associated themselves as partners In the practice of Law in Clearfield and adjoining counties, ine business will be conducted as here tofore in the name of William A. Wallace. Business entrusted to thcin will receive prompt ana careiui attention. .March 1. Is57-ly. ITEOICAL PARTNERSHIP. Dr. Henry -L'A Lorain, having associated with liim. in the practice of Medicine. Dr. J. G Hartswick, thev offer their professional services to the citizens of Clearfield and vicinity. They will attond to pro fcssional calls at all hours, and in all seasons. Dr. Hartswick will be found durinz the dav at their office opposite Dr. Lorain's residence, and at night, at his residence, on 2d street, one door north of Reed A Weaver's store. June 13, 1856. PW. B A R R E T T, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Luthersburg, Clearfield county, Pa., will attend promptly to all business e ntrusted to him. mar25-tf lilahdpljia kerfomunb. CALEB COPE A CO, No. 183. Market St., Phila delphia. Dealers in Linens, White Goods, Ho. siery. French. English and German Silk Goods, La. ces, Gloves, Bolting Cloths, &e. Aug. 1, '55.-ly GEORGE W. COLLADAY, Conveyancer and Land Agent, No. 3, Goldsmith's Hall, Philadelphia, will faithfully attend to all business entrusted to his care. lAng. 1, 1855.-ly. ISAAC M. ASHTON Hat Store, No. 172 Market St., Philadelphia. Hats, Caps. Furs, Ac, of every variety, and the best quality always on hand. IA"3- 1. 1855.-ly. AT. LANE A CO. Wholesale Clothing Store No. 171, Market Street. Every variety of ready made Clothing, in the most fashionable stylos constantly on hand. Aug., '55.-ly. BEIDLEMAN & HAYWARD Wholesale Gro wers. Tea Dealers, and Commission Merchants No. 273, Market Street, Philadelphia. D. BEIDKLMAN, Aug.l,lS55.-ly. A. HAYWARD, WILLIAM S. HANSELL A SON, Manufac turcrs and Importers of Saddlery, and Sad dlery Hardware, No. 23 Market Street. Bhiladcl phia. Saddles. Bridles, Harness. Trunks, Whips Saddle Bags, Bridle Filling, Bits, Stirrups. Buckles Carpet Bags, ect. Aug. 1. '5a.-ly HOOD A CO Extensive Dry-goods Dealers. No, 1S7, Market St., Philadelphia, ktcp constant ly on hand a large, splendid, and cheap stock of the most fashionablo and elegant goods. They in vite country Merchants to call and examine their splendid assortment, before purchasing elsewhere. August I, 1855. ly. WEAVEll. F1TLER & CO. No. 10 North Water Street, Philadelphia, Dealers iu Carpet Chain, Yarn. MANILLA AM) HEMP HOPES, Bed-cords, Clothes-lines, ie.. ic. January 1. 1S57. 1 ycar-p. HARRIS, ORBISON & CO., " WHOLESALE DH"JGGISTS, No. 259, Market St., North side between 6th ,t 7lh. Philadelphia. Drugs, Medicines. Chemicals, Pat ent Medicines, Surgical Instruments, Druggist's Glassware, Wiudow Glass, Paints, Oils. Dyes.Per fumery, Ac, Ac. JOHN HARRIS, M. D. E. B. OR 151 SOX, Aug. 1 , ?55.-lv . J S11ARSWO01). JY. RUSH TON & CO., " 245 Market Street, PHI L ADELPHIA; Importers and Dealers in Earthen-M arc, China, Glass, and Queens Ware, Oppos-ite the Red Lion Hotel. Philadelphia. J. Y. UUSHTOX, J. C. HOPKINS, Nov. 8, '54 .-ly. ROBT. ST I LSO N . CONRAD & WALTON 2i5 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA; Importers and Dealers in IIAHDWARE, IRON, NjJILS, 4c, They respectfully invite the pcorle of Clear field, to continue their favors. Aug. 1, 1 $55.-1 y. TtfOUNT VERNON not'SE, No. 59, North Se:ond SUeet, PHILADELPHIA. The undersigned having taken the old well known house, which has been renovated and re modeled throughout, respectfully solicits his Clear field friends to give him a call on their visits to the city. The furniture is all new, and has teen selected with care from Hcnkles well known establishment in Chestnut Street, and is of tho latest and most fashionable style. The location for Merchants and others com in" to tho city is convenient, being in t ie centre ol business. I. L. BARRETT, Aug. 1, 1355.-1 y. Proprietor A VISE'S CHEAP WATCH AND JEWELRY STOKE, No. 72 North Sucosn Street, (oppo site the Mount Vernon House.) Pphiladelphia. Gold Lever Watches, full jewelled, 18 K. cases. Silver Lever do., do.; Silver Lepine, do.; Quartier; Gold Spectacles, Silver do.; Silver Table Spoons, Silver Desert do.; Silver Tea do.; Gold Pens and Gold Cases; Gold Pens and Silver do.- toethei with a variety of fine Gold Jewelry, GoldCurb Guard and Foo Chains. All goods warranted tt be as represented. Watches and Jewelry, repair ed in the best manner. Also Masonic Marks, Ping, Ae.. roade to order. -,,' AU or(ler8 ont by mail or otherwise will be punctually attended to erwise r.iTV'V j81 ."s,uft11 p0t and Quick Sales Philadelphia, April 25, 1855. ; Vy AGON - MAKI G. T 1 1 E u n d e rsi n gned wJLr0? M a,"nou tlt they manufacture ISoPAk f . fcnptions, Buggie.;. Sleds, Ac., at their shop in New Salem. Br.idy township, Clear held county, which they oOW for sale at as Veasona- ble rates as can be purchased clsewhero. They res pectfully solicit a share of patronage. r.i . CAMBRIDGE JOHNSTON, Octl-'ofi-tf WILLIAM LEWIS. MACKEREL, SHAD and HERRING, for sale at the "Corner Store." by WM.. IRVIN Curwensville. May 27, 1657. rpHE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN THE j. iwtiiria xAABtrue Ihoutaai Dollar Cash Prizes The Twelfth Annual Volume rf useful publication commences oo the 1 JtU day f September next The Scientific American an Illustrated Periodical, devoted cliff-to tV.c pro mulgation of information relatlrig U, tse various Mechanic and Chemie Arts, ln-iunri.il Manufac tures. Agriculture. Patents. Inventions, Kceineer ing, Millwork. and all interests which the light of PRACTICAL SCIENCE is calculated to advance. Repoits of U. S- Patents granted are also pub lished everv weeV including Official Copies ol I1 PATENT CLAIMS, together with news and infor forrcation upon thousands of other subjects. S 1000 IN CASH PRIZES will be paid on the lstcf January next, for tho largest list of .subscri bers, as follows : S200 for the 1st; S175fr the 21; 5150 for the 3d; 5123 for the 4th; SUM) for the 5th : S75 for tho fish ; S50 for the 7th ; S10 f r the Sth '; 30 for the 9th ; 525 for . tho 10th ; $20 for the 11th and $10 for the 12th. lor ail Clubs of 20 acd upwards, tae subscription price is only S1.40. Karnes can be sent from any Post Office until January 1st, 13d. Here arc fine chancs to secure easi prizes. TheScirjittfie A mrriemi is publ ished once a week ; every number contains eight large quarto pages, forming actually a rmnnb'to nvi splendid vol'-isne,-illustrated wUh" SEVERAL HUNDRED ORI GINAL ENGRAVINGS. Tkrms. Single Subscription?, S2aycar, SI for 6 months. Five copies, for u months. 54; 1 year S3 Specimen trcm'jcrs Sent Gratis. Southern. We?fern and Canada money, or Pot OtTice Stamps, taken at par tor subscriptions'. Letters should be directed (post paid) to MU.NN & CO., Aug. 22. 128 Fulton Et., New York. . Messrs. Munn fc Co., ore extensively engaged in procuring patents for new inventions, and will advise inventors, without charge, in regard to the novelty of their improvements IF YOIT WANT CHEAP WINTER CI.O THINi;,call immediately on M. A. FRANK, who has just purchased a lot and is now dispot'li.g of them VERY LOW. You will find him in Gra ham's Row, Clearfield, Pa., three doors east of tk Journal office. Aug. 27. TV'OTICE. In the absence of Eli Bloom, Trea 1 1 surer of Clearfield county, tho Books and Pa pers will be in the possession of John McPhcrsoa, who will attend to the business at all times. Clearfield, May 24, .1856 TV'OTICE. Having purchased the Books of the L Raftsman's Journal with the establishment all rmounts unpaid for Subscription. Adrertuia, or Job-work, are to be settled with the undersigned. m.irl9 . S. B. ROW. AYER'S Cathartic Pills, (SUGAR COATED,) ABC M tDI TO CLEANSE THE BLOOD AND CURE THE SICK Invalids, Kalliers, 31 others, Phyklclana, I'lillanthropikls, rend their L.flct, nil judge of their Virtues. - Yvll THK CCItE OF Headache, Sick Headache, Fonl Stomach IIttsbuuo, May 1, DR..T.C. AvtiU Sir: I lisve bcrn rcieatrdlj currd of the worst liea'Uclie any KxJy can have by a dose or tw of your rills. It srenif to arise from s funl itomach, which thry cleanse at once. If tlicy will curs others a they tlo Die, the fact is north Vnowiuj;. Yours with great respect, KD. W. PREBLE, Clerk of Steamer t'tarivn. Bilious Disorders and Liver Complaints. IUmrtxett or th Tstebior, Wshixutc9, D. C, 7 Keb, 1S68. J Sir: I have nsrd yuiir 1Mb in my general and hospital practice cvrr since you r.'.nte tlietii, and rannot hositatets ay they are the lnst cathartic we employ. Their regu lating action tn the iirrr is qiti-k and deci'leA, consequent ly they are an admit alle remedy ior derangements of tlmt onran. IiwIhcI. 1 have seMom found a cam of bitious shsv eatt so otuilitiBt.: that it did Dot readily yield to tbem. fraternally yours, ALON7.0 BALL, M. D Pftyrician of Utt Marine Hospital. Dysentery, Relax, and Worms. Post Office, IlAr.THM), Lir. Co, Jlica, Nov. 18, 1S5&, ). Ayes: Your Iills are tho perfection of madicina. Tbey hare done my wife mora e-ood than I can te'.l vcm. -She had Ixt-n sick and l ining away for months. fat olT to be dnrtored at frrrat expense, but got no lartter. She then coiumnni-ed taking your Tills, which suoa cored fcar, hy exi'lHng large quantities of worms (aead) from her body. They afterwards cured bor and wir two children of biondy dysentery. . One of our neighbors had itld.ac4 my wife cured litra with two doses of your Pills, while others around ns paid from five to twenty dollars doctors bills, and lost much time, without being cured eutirely even then. Such a medicine as yours, wluch is actually good and honest, will he prized here. GKO. J. OniFinX, rottmaster. Indigestion and Imparity of the Blood. from Iter. J. P. H.mts, IXistor of AJrent Cliurch. DoxLom. Dn. Arr.n: 1 have lued your Pills with extraordinary success in my family and anion? those T am called to visit in ditrc. To regulate the organs of digestion and purify the blood they are the very lest remedy I tave ever kuowu, and 1 can confidently recommend them to my friends. Ywuia, , J. V. HlilKS. TTarmw, Wroiiixn Co.. X. Y.. Oct. 24. ISiS. Ifar Sir : I am using your Cathartic Pills in my prac tice, and find tliatn an excellent purgative to cleanse the y,teui and purifv the fountains of ti e tdool. JOIIX G. meachajCsj. d. Erysipelas, ScroOila, Kinc's Evil, Tetter, Tumors, nnd Salt Rhrnm. F rem a F warding Jfrrc'iant of S. Louis, tb. 4. ISM. fa. Atf.ii: Your Pills are the paragon of all that is enrat iu medicine. They have cure.) my little daughtsr of u1itou wres un her li.Tn li and fret that l ad proved iiu-iimhlv fr vc-.ut. Her mot iter has been long grievous ly afflirte I with hiotches and pimples on her skin and ia tier hair. A Tier our child was cured. rW also tried tout Pills, and tl.ey nave cured her. ASA MOUGRIDOE. IUicuir.atiMii, Xemnlgia, and Gont. i". ow the JCrr. Dr. Hatrl. ts, nf V,e MMuxiist Fjrit. Vhmxk. 1'fL.ASKI lioiKE. !-VAX!AC. fl Jan. 6. Is;'. I!osoF.n hn: : I should be migrMeful tor the reliel your kill has brought nie if 1 did not report my ca.e to yua. A vld fettled in my liml and brought tn exciu'it:cg neuralgic ;uns, whi-:h ruiied in chronic rheiiinatun. Ni'twiihbtitr.dii.s 1 hnd the l-t if physicians, the i:eaa grew worse an, wursu. until, l-y the advice of rour excel lent agent in i'.:i!tiinore. I'r. Jla ki-nzic, 1 tiit-fyour Pills. Their etlects were slow. hi7t sure. Hy persvverii ia tLa use of tliviu 1 aiii njv entirely well. - , Srs.iTE Ci! ijiiikr, BiTos liofCE, I.A., 5 lec TSr.5. Db. Avkk: 1 have been entirely cured l v ytmr Pills cf pheiinmtic tiout a painful uisouae that i,ad aCikted me I r years. VINCENT S1.1DEI.L. For Dropsy, IMcthora, or kindred Com plaints, letjiiiiui aii aui purge, they aie r.a excel lent re:jl'(iy. For Costiveness or Constipation, and a a Dinner Pill, they are sgieenblu and efTcctimL I'it!, Suppression, I'aralysis, Infltiairna- tion. and eieii Diafiirm, and Partial b'liud nea, have been cured by the alterative action of these Pi".. Mtt or the pi!N in market Contain Vercnry, which, al though a valuable remn'y in skilful hands, is dangerous hi a pnVic pill, from the'dreadful rousts uence lint fn jueutly follow its it:rniitiii:s use. These. CCD lain no mer cury or mineral substance whatever. AYER'S CHERRY. PECTORAL . FOR THE RAPID CUKE OK COUGHS.COI.DS, HOAR SEXESS.INFLV KNZA, BRONCHITIS, UHOOPISU COUGH, CROUP, ASTHMA, IK CIPIKNT CONSUMPTION, and for the relief of consumptive patients ia advanced stages of the disease. We need not speak to tlia public of Its Tlrtnea. Throughout every town, and almost every hamlet of tbm' American States, its wonderful cures of pulmonary com plaints have ma.le it already known. Iay, ft-w are tho families in any civilized country on this continent without some personal experience of its effects: and fewer yet the communities any where which have not among them some living trophy of its victory over the subtle and dan.', geroiw diseases of the throat and lungs. While it is the" most powerful antidote yet known to man for the formi dable and dangerous diseases of the pulmonary. organs, tt is also the pleasantcst and safest remedy that can be em ployed for infants and yoiirg persons. Parents should have it in store against the insidious enemy that steals, upon them unprepared. We have abundant grounds to believe the Chkbrt PrcTOR-U. saves more lives by the eon sumptions it prevents than those it cures. Keep it by . yon, and cure your colds while they are curable, nor neg lect them until no human skill ran master the inexorable canker that, OiMened on the vitals, eats your life away. All know this dreadful fatality of lung disorders, and as they know too the virtues of this remedy, we teed not do more th.:n to assure them it is' still made the bet it can bo. We spare uo rost, no csjjv no toil to produce tt thi most erfect pos.ile, and thus aff.Td those who roly on it the best agent whu h our skill can furnish for their cure'. PREPARED BY DR. J. C. AYER, Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Hasa, AND SOLD Br M. A Frank, and C. D. Watson, Clearfield ; J C. Brenner, Morrisdale ; P. W . Barrett, Luthera fi. 8 I? Se8"er Cnrwensville, and by dealer, through the country. Sept 3, 185.