u u .t 3 I J It t f 5 ; ' li i ! V v ,rUX. FACT FANCY. - 'Stsnd aside, little boy, I want to pass." .Don't cull to a little boy, air"' I have smok ed mod chewed tUeto two y".. a rTo -urnnller" is now rendered: Take yonr departure to the abode of the reverbera ting echoes of Ileaven'B artillery. . t. . A couple in Virginia lately eloped an.'! walk ed fifty miles to be married, the gentleman's arm encircling the lady's waist the whole dis tance. " Patrick gave his testimony frankly in the great riot case over in the Jerseys "Beja bers, the first roan I see coming after mo was two brickbats." : - ' A medical man says that those ladies who make it a business to trouble dry goods clerks and never buy anything ought to bo called counter irritants. : The new government light at Kenosha, for which $1,000 was appropriated two years ago Ly Congress, consists of a plank box,on a pout with a lantern on the tup. ' Accounts from the middle and western sec tions of North Carolina toll of great scarcity of corn, amounting in some cases to a fear of famine, and the actual death of stock for want of food. . ; : h i t 1 1 - ! . - TFendell rhillips, in speaking of our na tional aptitude lor politics, says that if you put an American baby six months old on his feet, be will immediately say, 'Mr.Chairman!" and call the next cradle to order. " A gentleman asked a wag the other day the reason why so many of the tall gentlemen were bachelors. The reply was that they were o- Lligetl to lie cornerwise in bed to keep their feet in, and that a wife would be in the way. It is calculated that about three hundred thousand persons will emigrate during this season from Xew England to the 'Western States and Territories, an exodus equal in pop ulation and wealth to the removal of the whole city of Boston. , Taddy was summoned to court for refusing to pay his doctors bill. Judge "Why do you refuse to pay 1" Paddy "What for should I pay 7 shnre, an did he give mo anr tffing but some emetics, an' divil a one could 2 kape on me stummick, at all, at all." A tipsy customer who was seated on the box with a stage driver, swayed backwards until lie tumbled off. The mud wis deep, and be fell soft. "There now," he exclaimed, "I knew yon would upset ; if you didn't take care !" On being told that he had not upset, said, with amazement i "Not upset : if I had known that I would not have got off !" A rcnowued gentleman lately preached a rather long sermon from the text, "Thou art weighed and found wat ting." After the con gregation had listened about an hour, some began to get weary and "vent ont ; others soon followed, greatly to the annoyance of the min ister. Another person started, wherenpon tho person stopped in bis sennon, arid said : "That is right, gentlemen, as soon as you aia weigh ed, pass out." He cotifinucd b!s sermon at j some length after tiiut, but no one di it or bed j him by leaving. ' , PtTTr Good. A few weeks ago a substan tial farmer of this county, a staunch republi can, had a hired man, an unyielding democrat. Tho firmer, accustomed to attend church him self, tried very hard to previil upon the man to do likewise but in vain. Tho man persis ted in spending the Sabbaths in hunting or fishing. On boing pressed for the reason why lie would not attend church, his answer was, Beca?! ho Is forever preaching politics." ' The farmer, thinking the argument would be overcome, if he could only get the man to at tend, hired bim on a certain Sabbath to go. 0;i returning home the man said : "There, it was just as I told yon it would bo all politics from beginning to end." "No" said the farmer ; "not bo j there was not a word of politics in the whole discourse." "Ys" slid tho man, "thcro was. Tbo text was politics." Why, what was it ?" asked tho farmer. . "This," said the man : "If the Republicans scarcely to aarc2, where will tho cursed Dem ocrats appear ?" "No, it was not," was the reply. On the contrary, it was, "If the righteous scarcely bo saved, where shall the ungodly and sinner ap pear?" "I know it, "was tho answer; but darn him, X knew uhat he meant !" M'ayne Democrat. The North asdtub Soitii. The most elo quent of all Southerners, as I think, Mr. Pren tiss, of Miss., was addressing a crowd of some 4,000 people in that State, defending the tariff, and, in the course of an eloquent period which toso gradually to some beautiful climax, lie painted the thrift, tho energy, tho comfort, the wealth, the civilization ot the JN'orth, in glow ing colors, when there rose p on the vision of tho assembly, in tho open air, a horseman of maguificent proportions; and, Jnstat the mo ment of Jhushcd attention, when tho voice of I rentiss had ceased, and tho applause was a- bont to break forth, the horseman exclaimed, .iJ3 n the .North 1" The curse was so much in Giiison with tho habitual feeling of a Missis sippi audience, that it quenched their enthusi asm, and nothing but respect for tho speaker kept the crowd from applauding the horseman. Prentiss turned his lame foot aronnd and said, "Major Moody, will you rein in that steed a moment?" Ho assented. Said he, "Major, the horse on which you sit came from Upper Missouri ; the saddle that surmounts liiin came Jrom Trenton, N. J.; the hat on your head was made iu Daubtiry, Coiio.; the linen of yocr shirt is Irish, and Boston made it np ; your broadcloth coat is of Lowell manufacture, and was cut in New York and if to-day you sur render what yon owe the d-n Worth,"., you would sit stark caked." (Laughter and loud Sjplsuss.) t:kms. The J'UTBSAL is published every Wednesday at Owe Dollar ado Fiftt Cests per annum in advance, or Two Dollabs within the year. ' Advertisements insertod atflfty cents per square, Of twelve lines, for the first, and twenty-five cents for each additional insertion. A liberal doduction made to those who advertise by the year. The 'Term's' will be strictly adhered to.' So paper discontinued without payment of ar rearages, unless at the option ot the publisher.' PENNSYLVANIA EAILKOAD. On and after Monday, Feb. 23d, 1H57, passenger trains will leave Tyrone station as follows : Wert. East. Fast Line,' I ; 1.57 A. M. ' r,' R.55 P. M. Kinrcss .. 8.2H.A. Jl. , ! A.ai Mail, . ' C2t P. M. P. M. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. The late . residence of J. M. Pfouts. in Ansonville, may be bought rheap by immediate application to me. . declO-tf.J - . J. R.M'KNALLV. TAMES It. CJIt AirA.M. Potiler in SAWED J lcmi BER. SQUARED TIMBER, SHINGLES, HOARDS, Ac, is prepared to fill, on trio snortcst notice, all orders for articles in his line of busi ness, on as reasonable terms as they can De nro curedin the county. Grahatnpton, Clearfield Co.. Jan. 2.1. 13'fi ' FOR SALE. The subscriber offers for sale his farm, containing about 112 acres, with a bout 155 acres cleared and under good cultivation, having thereon erected one 2-story house and barn, situated one and ahalf miles above Cloar field town, opposite the new bridge - For terms nroly to the subscriber on the premises. may 11-tf - . f jMlLU IIOYT. ' mi RAT.!: A farm of 120 acres on tbo river a. ' above Curwensville : '. . K ',' ?. . A farm of (51 acres in Penn town?bip : A farm of lOO acres in Ferguson township f t A farm of 100 acres in Penu township ; 2 farms of lOo acres each, (adjoining.) in Fergu son township ; - - ' S ' : , , ' ' 1 2:1:1 acres timber land in Ferguson township. For description and terms apply to niar2."' r, - :L. J- CRANS, Clearfield. TVTEW TERM. MEBBELL &CABTEE would 11 inform tlie.public, that they have just open ed an extensive - COPPER. TIN AND SHEET-IRON WARE ; :.M M U FACTORY, - ; (In Srronri Strrtt, in the boronsrh of Cln'rfirl,l, where they are prepared to'l'uruish at reduced pri ce", every variety of articjes in their line. Steel, lior-iron, uailf. -sieves of every variety roughs and farming utensils, " pumps of every description, stove pipo,. patent saucugo cutters, funnels and self aealing cans kept constantly on hantl. : All orders for castings for Flour Mills.Saw Mills, Ac. will bo thankfully received sou promptly ai- tendpd to. IIOlSE SrOUTI.NG DOME TO ORDER. 'l'hev are al.-so nrepated to reeeivo every varie ty of article on coinmLion, at a low per-cmlaga. ... O. 11. MEKKKLL. . ' ' "L.R. CAUTER. Clcarfidd. Sept. 19. 1S55 ly. AT ROISINS' LITERARY DEPOT, hnw'g Row, Clearfield, Pa., CAN ALWAYS BE PROCURED BOOKS OF. ALL .KINDS, ' Statinary. FANCY ARTICLES AND COXFECTI0XARIES, Tobacco and Cigars, DRUGS, MEDICINES, DYE-STCFFS, PAIXTi?, Cht'mirtJ. 4""- V'- iVp niong bis stock will be found Hi.-rt.iric. Pi?ra- Shics, sketches. School Rooks. Poetical. Scicntic. lechanieal, Medical and Law works; "the latest piblications always t,n hand or procured to order; all tbc Magzine furuished rjomh'.y, at publish ert prire ; fancy ai.d common letter paper; plain lid roled tap paper; peif.-ratcd paper; note pa per; lancy autl oouiuion eBkclopis; blank Deods; a great variety of Steel Ptus ;.-.'inmi;n and fa.tr.y ien-boMers, p .-ncils. Ac. Ac. Lc, frbkh he will sell lit the most rcusor.aM- pricui. W.i tock of Drugs. Medicines, Iyc-stufii, Paint, Ac. if lare and well selected; among which are Calomel, Rlue Mass. Quinine, Morphia, Red Pre cipitite ; Rhubarb, root and pnlvcriied ; Rochelle nntl fcjitim ?iars- Lrenin ol Jrt;'.r. .'ulntiur. en r,a. Pink llot. Jup. CarboiiSte Sofia. Turtario A- ;iJ. rulphat'!.(f Zinc ;. Liquorice, C"1uuite and icntian root; Logwood, Oil Vitriol, Rlue Vitriol, Copcras, Alum. Red LradrruaMan Uluo. Lhrouie lireen and Yellow, Vermillion, Terra do Vienna, anil in fact a general assortment. lie has .also a fine lot of Ludic' flold.Rrcaft Pins, Ear Drops, Finder Rings, Ac. Also, Watch (iuanls and Keys, Penknives, Hair oils; Hair. Reading. Fine and Pocket combs.Tooth-pieks, Kn ors and Strop", Sadlers' Silk, Pearl powder, Fan cy Soaps and Perfumery a great variety. Also. Prunes, Figs, Raisins, Almonds, Pea-nuts and Filberts; Candies a general assortment; Cin amon. Cloves. Pepper, and other spices; Rlacking. and Spool Cotton ; the most popular Patent .Med icines of the day ; all of which will bo sold at the very cheapest rates. - Call and examine the stock and judge for vour elves. Idccni THOMAS ROBINS. BROADWAY GOLD PE. MAMTFAC--Tf RING COMPANY., I'Q. 3 3 5 'BROAD VA Y, .K ir YORK. . l.MT OP RBTAIL J'llK'KS ! 51 00 Gold Tooth Picks. S2 00 Gold Tens. Gold Pen and Silver Tiintli tsnrl Inr - holder, ' 2 00 .' ricks, ' r 3 00 Gold Pen and double . Gold Pencil AWatch ex-Silver holders, 3 Oft ' Keys. 3 0(1 Mamouth, " 4 00 Ladies GoldPcncils.2 00 leviathan, " 5 00 u " 3 00 Fountain Ten, Desk " , " " 4 1)0 Holder, - .1 00 " ,Iwithpcn5 Oil Mamouth, " 6 00 Gents' Gold Cases Knfrroscing Pens. . 2 00 . and Pens, 8 00 Jieviathan and Box, b 00 " ' " 10 00 Gothic Silver case k - " Cothio ",12 00 IVn, 3 00 " Screw Pencil, 8 00 " Engrossing " 4 00 And all other kinds and " M:imoiith " 5 00 styles at retail prices PREMIUMS PRESENTED TO 1'UKCU ASKltS, To every ier?ou buying a gold pen-of us we pre sent a numbered certificate, and each of these cer tificates entitles the holder of it, by the extra pay ment of 20 cents, to an nrliclo of jewelry, in vuluo froml to100. This jewelry consists of Gold and 'Silver Watches in great variety. Silver Goblets, Silver Fruit Basket. Gold tJuard chains Tor ladies, lockets. Bracelets, Gents' gold fob and vest chains. Thimbles. Breastpins. Ear Drops, Studs, Rings. Crosses, Ae.. none of which sell tor less than SI. for rrery Dollar jkiuI tit. titi jytrtji is entittrd to a nitmherrd errti fir-rte. nnii by tlr paumrut of 20 ct. r.rtra nn racli ctrtijieat he if entttlnt to receive v hotrrrr the number of the errtt jirnte designates. We have been in operation for throe years and thousands have bought of us, uni wo have never learned that anv ono was ever dissatisfied. This plun affords ercry opportunity of obtaining a gold watch or some article of jewelry, for a tridingstiui. All our pens, pencil cases, Ac, are genuine arti cles manufactured by ourselves with great enre, and offer them precisely at priwes apked in all oth er stores in tho citv. To agents we raako advan tageous offers, and any energetic person can do wen iy worKing lor us. we wi.-h agents in every place in the conntry, and persons who would like to Itecome such will please address ns, and we will send them printed circulars of prices terms, to, We have no stated periods of distribution. Tho moment a pen is purchased, the purchaser is enti tled to receive his premium on the payment of 25 cents extra. MbiiKiCK. ut.MOJ ft PEAS, -335 ltrond way. New York. AOE NTS WANTED. N. R Gold Pens repoinled in a snperior man ner. Enclose the pen and 3'J cents in P.O. stamps, and tho pen Kill be repointcd and returned post pnid. Tho Broadway Gold Pen Manufacturing Com pa ny, is well known throughout the country, out as there are undoubtedly some who are not acquaint ed with us we append the loliowing wen Known firms ns reference : Fellows A Co.. No. 17 Maiden Lane, New York. Hicks A Mitchell, No. 20 " " - Benton Bros.,eor. Broadway A Courtland st.. N. Tork, and Chesnut street, Philadelphia. J. H. Sturdy A Co., No. 6. Gilsey building, N.Y. Oould A Wood. No. 9, Maiden Lane, New York. February 4, 1807-3in. . . . . 4 M R ROT Y PES. P. C. Fl KVJA.Cfa. rro- , XX. fessor of Photographic Chemistry. Gallery at bis residence on 2d Street, one door South of Merrell A Carter's Tin-ware establishment, Clear field. Pa. LSTDays ot operation: xriuay auu Saturdav of each week juncl8'ao CJTILL ON HAND ! The undcrsignea con tinuestha CLOCK AND WATCH MAKING iireivr Yyim now ihnn nn the corner of Main and Mechanic streets, one door South of Dr. I. V . Wilson s office, where he will be pleased to aceom- l. ...inn,n ntnll limra Kennirinrdono IUUUUIV mo vuvuiuviir I "n on the shortest notic-o. aug20 R. K. V ELSII. HAVE YOU SEEN SAM? The subscriber wonld inform his old friends and the public generally, that ho still continues to keep a houso of entertainment in New Washington where those who call with him will receive every attention, and be made comfortable. ' Good stabling, and every other convenjcjcc t-- horses on the premises D. S. PLO t .Vl.lt. NEW GOODS: The undcrsignod has just re ceived a large assortment of NEW GOODS, AT HIS STORE IN KAUTJIAUS, which ho offers for sale cheap for cash or country produce. F. P. IIUKXTUALL. September 5. 1355. . . TP. NELSON & CO., - ' ' Morrix Toirii'hip, CUnrfield Co., Va., Would respectfully inform the citiiens of that vi cinity that they keep constantly on hand a large assortment of Dry Good, Jlard-Wart. Qiieensirare.,llrorrriet, : Coufrctioiiarie. Hal V Cup. Boot kV Shoe, and all other articles usually kept in a country store, which they ore determined to sell low for cash, country produce, or lumber. ' v ' ; August I, ImS.'j. ' E XCIIANGE HOTEL, PI1ILIPSBURR, Tho subscriber, thankful for past favors would respectfully solicit a continuance of the lib eral nafronnzo bestowed upon his House by tho Public lie is prepared to accommodato water men, editors, drovers, and all others w no may can with him, in the very best manner. He also rrirrmses' to run a line 6f Racks from Tyrone to Clearfield, for tho accommodation of the travelling public. J. w. Philpsburg. March 1 1. 1355,-tf. ' DAVIDS. PLOTNER Respectfully informs his old friends and the puhlie. that he has obta mcd the services or a good Cutter ana worK. man as a foreman in tho tailoring business, lind he is now prepared to attend to any orders in his Line of work on tho most accommodating terms. and short notice, and will have clothing on band at all times, suc h as dress coats, frock coats, vests, and pantaloons of their own manufacture, and good material at the lowest prices. With a wish to ac commodate, ho solicits a hare of patronage. New Washington. May 9, 1S55. TVEW ARRIVAL. Have jiift received a new and splendid assort- tnont. fif lioods thi lipct t li lit was ever brought in to the upper end of Clearfield Connty. They in- them a call, where thpv will find all kinds of gooils usually Kept in a Country r-tore. Come and examine our stocK we cnarge noiu ing for the exhibition. AARON PATCIITN. JACKSON PATCH IN. Eurnsido, Nov. 23. 1S05. Ci A M IT EL "JOHNSTON, k3 BARBER AND HAIR DRESSER, would re?pectfully inform the citizens of Clear field that he has opened a shop in "Shaw's Row," in tho room recently occupied by F. Short, as a Root and Shoe shop, where ho is at all times ready to Cut Hair in the most fashionable style and do Shaving in the most scientific manner. Shampoo ning a'so performed He solicits the patronage of the public. Jan. 7, 1S37. He also keeps on hand a cosmetic for removing dandruff, which receives the highest praise of all who use it. WL'ST P.R ANCII FIRE INSFRANCE COM PANY, UCK HAVEN. CLINTON CO., PA. CAPITAL, 43IMUWMI. Injures Detached Buildings. Stores. Merchandise - and other buildings und their eontents. imiKi'Toiis : Ron. John J. Pcarce, Hon. O. C. Harvey, John B. Hall, T. T. Abrams, ; Charles A. Mayer, D. K. Jatkinan, Charles Crist, W. White. Jctcr Diekcueon. Thomas Kitchen. Ho. G. C. HARVEY. Pres't. Thos. Kitchen. Sec'y. T. T. Abrama. Vice Pres't. The undersigned having been appointed -gent by this company, gives notice that he will insuro Buildings of every description, Goods, Ac, on tho most reasonable terms. This company is in a prosperous condition, ajid meets all demands promptly. The capital stock of tho company is 5100,000 with privilege of increasing to 1300.000. A. M. MON TELIL'S. Curwensville. Pa.: Aug. 20. lSOG-Omp HO! FOR THE TEMPLE OF HONOR B R AD IN if M'G 1 K K'S, . TIN, COPPER, ft SHEET-IRON WARE MA3SUFACT0RY, PHU.IPSBURG, PA. ' BRADIN A M'GIRK have just opened nn exten sive Tin, Copper, J- ti hurt-fro n'M are M'lnnfaclH ry, where they aro at nl times prepared to supply customers with every conceivable article from the smallest Coffee pot spout to tho longest pipe ima ginable. They will do both a WHOLESALE A RETAIL business, and will at all times have on bard a large assortment of ready-tnado ware. -. H O US E S P O U TI x a done to order, on the shortest notice, and put up iu a neat, substantial manner. STOVES, STOVE-PIPE, KETTELS, of every variety kept constantly on hand. They will furnish to order any of tho following Cook Stoves, vis : Tho William Tenn, Queen of the West, tho Atlantic, and Cook-Complete, all of which aro suitable for both wood and conL Among the Parlor Stoves will bo found the "Lady Washington," tho ''Excelsior," 'Home Tarlor,' Ac. Produce of all kinds taken hi exchange for goods. - A. A. BRA DIN. JNO. D. M'GIRK. October 21. ia55.-tf. Caf your Bread tipon the Water, for after many day ye. shall find it. A Certain Cure for all Rheumatic Pains. DOS'T COXDEM rt'T TRV IT, tT CASXOT FAIL. E. C. ALLEN'S CONCENTRATED ELECTRIC PASTE, AND ARABIA PAIS EXTRACTOR, FOR MAS! A HORSB. Copyright secured according to Law. ' ' 'PMAL j JAR 50 CENTS, LARGE JAR $1. rill IE Electric Paste acts upon the Muscles,Tcn X dctis, and upon the wholo nervous system, re moving torpiditv and producing healthy Action of the blood. 1 hero being no volatile matter in its composition, it remains in action until it accom plishes its work. It cannot loso its strength, and is altogether harmless, its constituent parts being entirely vegetahlu. WHAT WILL TT CURE? Wo answer liheumr,tie rains, when everything else fotl, Cramps, Cholicy Coughs, Chilblnins, Burns. Scalds, Sprains, Headache. Toothache. Swel lings, Bruises, Sores. It inworm. Tetter, Stiff Joints, Contracted Chords, Fresh Cuts.L'Iccrated Sores. and all Scrofulous Diseases where external reniedie.s can bo used. Sore Throats. Stiff Necks, Ac. WHAT IT WILL CURE for Horses and Cattle. Sweeny, Spavin, Fistulas, Toll Evil. Windgalls, Ulcers. Chnlie. Sprains. Collar and Saddle Galls. Stone Bruises, StifL Joints, Vertigo, Splints and Rnnning Sores. E"None genuine but those, having the words "E. C. Allen's Concentrated Electric Paste, o Ara bian Pnin Kxtractor, Lancarer, Pn.. "blown in tho bottle ITrXook out for counterfeits. Don't for get to ask for ALLEN'S. . .. Letters upon business, address, E. C. Allen, care of H. A. Roeknfield A Co., Lancaster. Pa. t-iifFor shIo at the Drug Store of Clinrlea D. Watson,. Clearfield, Pa., and country storekeepers and Druggist throughout the State may2r5t-ly CLOTHING. A general assortment of ready made clothing just received and opened at Nov2l W. F.IK WIN S. SALT! SALT!! A quantity of Coarso and Ground Alum Salt, for tale at W. F. Iawis's. A VISK'S CHEAP WATCH AND 'JEWELRY . JX. STOKE, Nx. 72 North Sacoxn Street, (njijio tite. the Mount Vernon House.) PpbiiftdclpbU. Gold Lever Watches, full .jewelled, D K. ewics. Silver Levtr do., do.; Silver Lcpine, do.; yuarticr; Gold spectacles, Silver do.; Silver Table Spoons, Silver Desert do. ; Mlver lea og. ; uwu i em nu Gold Cases; Gold Pens and Silver do.: togethei with a variety of fine Gold liwclry, Gold Curb Guard and Foo Chains. All goods warranted U be as represented. atenss ai.u jewciry, repair ed in the best manner.. ' Also, Masobie Marks, T:ns. Ac, mtute to order. N. B. All orders se.t by mail or otherwise will bo punctually aVetrted to. llis motto is: "Small rroutsanu vjuick caics, Philadelphia. April 25, 18;5. ' MOUNT VERNON HOUSE. No. 69, North Second Stroet, PHILADELPHIA. - The undersigned having 'taken tho old well known houso, which has been renovated and ro modeled throughout, respectfully solicits his Clear field friends to give him a call on their visits to the city. The furnitnro is all new, nd has been selected with enrefrom Henklcs well known establishment in Chestnut Street, and is of tho latest and most fashionable stylo. The location for Merchants and others coming to the citr is convenient, being in tho centred business. I. L. BA RRE'ff , Aug-. 1, lS53.-ly. Proprietor. CONRAD & WALTON, 255 Market Stre t, PHILADELPHIA; Importers and Dealers in II A II D W A R E,' . . JRON, NJII.S, $c, Sr. They respectfully invito tho people of Clear field, to continue their favors. Aug. 1, lS5.).-ly.- JV. KVSIITON & CO., . 245 Market Street, - " ' " PHILADELPHIA; Importers and Dculcrs in Earthen-Ware, China, Glass, and Queens Ware, OppokUle tho Red Lion Hotel. Philadelphia. ' J. Y. RL'SIITON, .T O. HOPKINS, Nov. 8, '5I.-1y. ltOBT. STILSON. n ARRIS, ORUISON & CO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, No. 200, Market St., North side between 5th A 7th, rbiliidelohia. Drugs, .Medicines, Chemicals, rat cnt Medicines. Surgical Instruments, Druggist's (lasswaro, Window Ulass. l'aints. Oils. Dyes, 1 er fumcry. Ac, Ac. JOHN HA KRIS, M. D. . E. B. ORBISON, Aug. 1. '05.-1.l J. SlIARSWOOD. WEAVElt, & CO. No. 19 North Water Street, Philadelphia, Dealers in Carpet Chain, Yarn. MANILLA AND . HEMP ROPES, Bed-cords, Clothes-lines, Ao.. Ao. January 1. 1H07. . 1 ycar-p. TTOOI) A CO Extensive Dry-goods Dealers, No, JL 187, Market St.. rbiladciphia, keep constant ly on hand a large, splendid, and cheap stock of the mSst fashionable and tlogaut goods. They in vite country Merchants to call and examine their splendid assortment, tieturo purchasing clscwnere August 1. Irt55.-ly. - "4 WILLIAM S. HANSELL A SON, Mannfac 1 turers and Importers of Saddlery, nd Sad dlery Hardware, No. 23 Market Street, Bliiladul pbia. Saddles. Bridles. Harness. Trunks, Whips Saddle Bags, Bridlo Filling, Bits, Stirrups. Buckles Carpet Bags, ect. Aug. 1. '.a.-ly B EIDLEMAN A HAYWARD Wholesale Gro cers. Tea Dealers, and Commission Merchants No. 273, Market Street, Philadelphia. D. BKIDKLMAN, Aug.l,lS03.-1y-l A. HAYWARD, VT. LANE A CO. Wholesale Clothing Store' No. 171, Market Street. Every variety of ready made Clothing, in the most fashionable stylas constantly on band. Ang. 1, as.-iy, ISAAC M. ASH TON Hat Store, No. 172 Market St., Philadelphia. Hats, Caps, Furs, Ac., of every variety, and the best quality always on band. lAnS- l3J.-iy. GEORKE AV. COLLADAV, Conveyancer and Land Agent, No. 3. Goldsmith's Hall, l'hilndclphia. will, faithfully attend to all business entrusted to Ins euro. Aug. I, ISj.-ly. "1ALEB CORE A CO, No. 183. Market St.. Thila J dclphia, Dealers in Linens, White Goods, Ho siery, l rench, English and (ierman Silk Goods, La ces. Gloves, Bolting Cloths, Ac. (Aug. 1, '5.i.-ly. JOHN RUSSELL & CO., TANNERS AND CURRIERS, Peniivitte, CletrfirJd Co., r,i.. Keep constantly on hand an excellent assortment of leather, which they offer for sale at the lowest cash prices. Hides taken iu exchange. July 15. 1834. ' "I OfJ7 A Magazine fur the Ilomr of the X CO i.Pele GRAHAM S ILLUSTRA TED MAGAZINE, the Pioneer Magazine of the Country, est-Mislicd in 1827. Subset ibe for the New Volume commencing with the January number. 1807. WATSON & CO., the new publish ers of 'Graham's Illustrated Magazine,' announce to the Ladies and Gentlemen of the United States in general, and to the former patrons of the work in particular, that it ii their intention to make uso of all tho immense resources at their command to produce a First Class Magaziite. To this cud no expenro or exertion will bo spared. Tho best Lit erary and Artistic Talent will be employed, and nothing that eaptlnf, taxte and enterprise can ac complish will bo wanting to makn this Magazine, tuoro than ever deserving tho liherul support so generously extended to it during the past .'10 years. Every number will contain 1 fine steel engrav ings. Ono illustrative of some of the most popu lar pictures of the day ; tho other a bonutiful col ored Fashion Plate, drawn froin actual artiolesof costume. Also, a number of fine wood engravings, patterns for Crochet and Ncodlo-work. engraved from the articles themselves. All the latest styles of costume for lstdie and Children will bo co pied from the newest patterns, and fully describ ed and illustrated in every number. Ladies about forming clubs of subscribers are requested to compare "Graham" with any other Magaxino published, and we aro confident their good taste and correct judgment will decide in our favor. Gentlemen who are about to subscribe for a Mag azine for their own reading, or to present to their lady friends, should proenro a copy of '-Graham" and . examine it thoroughly, and then see if any other periodical presents equal inducements for their subscriptions. . The twelve numbers of "Graham" for tho year 1807, will eompriso ono of tho most magnificent volumes ever issued ! containing in all . 1200 pages of reading matter ! .. - 100 fine wood engravings! " .. 12 handsome steel engravings! . 12 beatiful colored f.usliion plates ! lOO engravings of ladies' A children's dresses ! 60 coming illustration! And over 300 patterns for needlework, Ao TERMS : One copy, ono yoar, $3 00 ; Two co pies, 5 00 ; Five copies, and one to getter up of Hub, 510 00; Eleven copies, and one to agent, ?20 00. ........ . .Grahnm's illustrated magaxino will be supplied to subscribers punctually, aud at as early a day in the month as any other magazine published. . Scud in your subscriptions early to tho Publish ers, WATSON A CO., . . 50 South 3d street, rbil'a. f EYTRA NOTICE. Subscribers sending three dollars for one year's subscription to -'-Graham," will receive a copy of (imiiatn's Lalien' Paper for one year without charge ! , " Send for specimen numbers of. Graham's Illustra ted Magaxino and Graham's Ladies' Papor. IIOR SALE, TWO BUILDING LOTS in the 1 borough of Clearfield ; several BUILDING LOTS and PASTURE AND WOOD LOTS, contain ing from thrcii to ton acros each, near the borough of Clearfield. . - . , , Also several desirable FARMS and pieces of TIM11KK LAND, in various parts of the county. Torms accommodating. Apply to ,L. JACKSON CRASS.; f April 16, 183. ' " Clearfield, Pa. P ROFESSION A L MEDICAL PARTNERSHIP. Dr. Henry Lorain, having .socjated with lijin. is the practice f Medicine. Dr. J. G KarU-ytick, tbey offer their professional services lo the citizens of Clearfiold and vicinity. They will attend to pro fessional calls at all hours, and in nil seasons. Dr. Hartswiek will be found during tho day at their office opposito Dr. Lorain's residenco, and at night, at his residence, on 2u street, one door nortn of Reed A Weaver's stor. - June 18. 18o.- WSL A: WALLACE, R0BT. J.WALLACE, . ATTORNEYS AT LAW. f! I a , I J T a n I Tfavf) this flflV AMttiMMuted tliomst.l v ns ri n r I r fr in the practice of Law in Clearfield and .idir.ir.ine counties. The business will be conducted as here tofore in the name of William A. Wallace. ' . Business entrusted to them will receive prompt and careful attention. . March 2, 1S07-1T. DR. B. F. AKLEY,Wr.SC;.LV, -' ' Grahamlon, Clearfield County. Pa., tenders his professional services to tho inhabitants of Grahainton and surrtmnding country he can at all times be found at his Office, directly oppo site Air. J. B. Graham's store, when not profes. sionally engaged. Apl. 20. rnnos. j. Mi cuLLoi'oii, attorney at Jl LAW and DISTRICT ATTORNEY, Clearfield, Pa., may be found at hid office in Shaw's Row, four doors west of the '-.Munjion Houso." Deeds nd other lesal instruments prepared with prompt ness and accuracy. Feb. IS ly. DR. M. WOODS, tenders his professional ser vices to tho citizens of Clearfield and vicini ty. Residence on Second street, opposite the of-" lice oT L. Jackson Crans, where ho can be found unless absent on professional business; " s " Clearfield, May 14. 1 sOQ .",m . LARRIMER & TEST, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Will attend promptly to all legal and other bu siness entrusted to their care in Clearfield and ad joining counties. Clearfield, Aug.6.1 S55. JAS. H. L VIUtlMBIl. , 1. TEST. JJi. M'EN ALLY, A TTORNE Y AT IA IU, Clearfield, Prnn'a. Practices in Clearfield and adjoining counties. Office in new brick t ddition, adjoining the resi dence of James B. Graham. August 1. 1;j0. JT J ACKSON.CRANS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 1 1. ' - Clcarji'ld. l'emi'a. Office adjoining his residenco, on Second Street, Clearfield. August 1. IS55. O. CROUCH, PHYSICI AN. Office in Cur i wcnsvillo. May 14. l,S06-tf .W. It A K R E T T, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Luthcrsburg. Clearfield county, Pa., ,,, ... ..ii l... .: . .....i . will niicnu proinpiiy lo uu ou5lu'.a ciiuiimcii io him. - . mar2.-tf -wrAGO.V-MAKING. THE undersingncd V V would announce that they manufacture Waggons of all descriptions, Buggies. Sleds, Ac, at their shop in New Salem, Brndy township, Clear field county, which they offer for sale at as rca.ona ble rates as can bcpiirc-hascd elsewhere.' They res pectfully solicit a eharo of patronage. -CAMBRIDGE JOHNSTON, Octt-'55-tf WILLIAM LEWIS. A KAEVULIiOUS fiEMEDT FOR A MARVELLOUS AGE ! 1 HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. THE GRAND EXTERNAL REMEDY. BY tho aid of a microscope, wo see millions of little openings nn tho- surface of our bodies. Through these this Ointment, when rubbed ou the skin, is carried to any organ or inward psrt. Dis eases of tho Kidneys, disordttrs f tlo Liver, affec tions of the Heart, infliimmatiou of the Lungs, Asthmas. Coughs and Colds, aro bv its means ef fectually cured. Every housewife knows that salt passes freely through bono or meat of any thick ness. This healing Ointment far more readily !enetrates through any bone or fleshy purt of the iving body, curing the most dangerous inward complaints, that cannot be reached by other means. ERYSIPELAS. SALT RHEUM AND SCORBUTIC HUMORS. No remedy has ever donn so much for tie euro of discases'of the skin, whatever form they may assume, as this Ointment. No case of Salt Rheum, Scurvy. Sore Heads. Scrofula or Erysipelas, can long Vithstand its influence. The inventor has travelled over many pnrts of tho globe visiting t'.ie principal hospitals, dispensing this Ointment, giving advice ns to its application, and has thus boon the means of restoring countless numbers to health. SORE LEGS, SORE BREASTS. WOUNDS AND ULCERS. Some of tho most scientific surgeons now rely solely on the use of this wonderful Ointment, when having to cope with the worst cases of sores, ulcers' wounds, glandular swellings, and tumors. Profes sor Holloway has, by command of the Allied gov ernments, dispatched to tho hospitals of the Lust, largo shipments of this Ointment, to be used un der tho direction of tho Medical staff, in the worst cases of wounds. It will cure any ulcer, glandu lar swelling, stiffness or contraction of the joints, even of 20 years' standing. PILES AND FISTULAS. These and other similar distressing complaints can be effectually cured if the Ointment be well rubbed in over tho parts affected, nnd by otherwise following the printed directions around each pot Both, the Ointment and the Pills should be used - in the following cases i Bunions, Mercurial Eruptions, Swelled Glands, Burns, Chapped Hands, Stiff Joints, Chilblains, Rheumatism, . Ulcers, Fistulas, Salt Rheum, J Venerial Sores, Gout, Skin Diseases. Sore Legs, Lumbago, Wounds of all kinds, Scalds, Piles, Sore Breasts. Sprains, Scatds. Sores ef all kinds. Soro Throat. i"vdJ at tho Manufactories of Professor IIol loway, SO Maiden Lano, New Y'ork. and 244 Strand, London, and by all rcspcclablo Druggists and Dea lers of Mcdiciues throughout the United State, and tho civilised world, in Pots, at 25 cents, CJi cents, and Si each. tyihcre is a considerable saving by taking the larger slses. N. B. Directions for tho guidance of patients in every disorder aro affixed to each pot April 9, ISifi. GIJ LltTlT&BENNER; would respectfully inform tho citixens of Clearfield, aud public generally that they have entered into co-partnership in tbo - CA U 1NE T MA KING B US NESS, and keep constantly oa bauds, and manufacture to order, at tho lowest prices, every variety of furniture, consisting of Dinintr, Breakfast, and Centre Tables, Saving, Writing, and WahSlatids, Mahogany, and Common Bed-s'.eitds ; Mahogony and Cane-bottomed Chairs, Bureaus, Sofaa, Lounges, Ac. Ae. Coffins made and. funerals attended on the short est notice, with a neat hearse, and appropriate nccompanymuiits. - . t . House Painting done on tho shortest notice. Shop and Wnre-ror-ins. same as formerly occupi ed by John Gulich, uiunrly opposite tho 'Jew Store,' Clearfield, Pa; . JOHN GULICH. May 22, '55.-1 y. DANIEL BENNER. A VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. I desire to sell my property in Tyrone City, Blair Co. Pa., commonly known as tho Tyrone City Hotel. Comprising as follows : One largo three story hrirk house, Sixty feet, two fronts, and finished oil' in complete stylo. A large and exteusive stable, an excellent wash house and other necessary out-buildings. There is also, on tho same Ixts, ono frame houc, with out-bnildings attached, now renting for ono hun dred and thirty dollars per annum. Tho wholo stands upon three valuable Lot as in the plot of said town, nod affords several very eligible loca tions for store, ollices, Ac, Ae, Tho wholo will bo sold on reasonable terms. And to any person, de siring an investment, or speculation, now is tho chance. Private reasons caus-e me to sell this val uable property, whirh is every day increasing in value, insane of Caleb Guyer, or the subscriber ' . J. D. STEWART. lyrone City, Sept. 19. lS35.-tf. G1 KOLfclUfcS. Just received and now OUfininn. JL arc-nor a. I mmit w rmon t sf choice groceries, whioh will b sold .it the 3 lowest cash prices at ' WM. F. IRWIN'S. MACKEREL, SHAD and UEKKINU, for Bale at the "Corner Store," by WM. IUVIN. Curwensville, May 27, 1837. ..swui ..u..u..wU luuinicnrei on the Fith dav of September ne, .-The ,Ar A,J,ni IIIa-draMO Per-odh-al, devoted ehi.-f.-, ,.. , "n mulgation of iiifoi-rop'ion r:l(:tinir .u" t'.i. r.J , 1 Mechanic and Chemic Arts. iDth-rtriul Mannfiui tyres. Agriculture. Patents, Inventions. Engince rI ing, Militvotk. a:id ft-i! interests Ahich ill y.w.t r PRACTICAL SCIENCE is emulated to .Ua" "l Reports of U. S. Patents granted aro it!Mi,' lishcd every week, including OKicial Copies o( n PATENT CLAIMS, together with news a..J i,,for. formation upon thocranf! of other subject'. S loon IN CASH PRIZES wilt be paid on the 1st of January next, for the largest list of subscri bers, as follows: 200 for tho 1st; 5I7Sfor ths 2d; S100 f..r the 3d; 12. for the 4th ; 1 00 for the 5th ; $75 for the Cth ; $00 for the 7th ; $40 for tho 8th; .10 for the Sth ; $20 for the 10th ;20 for the 11th and $10 for the 12th. For all Clubs of 20 and upwards, tne subscription price ii only 1.40. Names can bv sent from any Post Officv until January 1st, 1S07. Ilcre are fine chances to secure cash prises. The Sricut'fic American is published once a week; every number contains eight largo quarto pages, forming actunllv a complete and splendid volmnc, illustrated with SE VERA I. HUNDRED ORI GINAL ENGRAVINGS. Terms. Single Subscriptions, $2 a year, $1 for' C months. Five copies, for 6 months, 6-4; 1 year Specimen numbers sent Graft. Southern, Western and Canada money, or Tott--Oflico Stamps, taken at par tor subscriptions. Letters should bo directed (post paid) to MUNN & CO. Aug. 22. 128 Fulton St., New York. JJessrs. Munn A Co., are extensively eagagrd in procuring patents fur new inventions, and will advise inventors, without charge, in regard to tho novelty of thyir improvements - IV YOU WANT CHEAP WINTER CLO THING, call immediately on M. A. FRANK, who has just purchased a lot and is now disposing of them VERY LW. You will find him in Gra-. ham's Row. Clearfield, Pa., three doors ca:t of Ike Journal office.- -Aug. 27. 1VOTICE.-In the absence of Eli Bloom, Trea Xl surer of Clearfield county, the Rooks and Pa pers will be iu the pos?ses.-ion of Jobn McPhcrson,' who will attend to the business at all times. Clearfield. May 2S. .ISOq . TVOTICE. Having purchased tho Books of the i. i Raftxvian Journal with the establishment all ruiouuts unpaid for Subscription. Advertising, or Job-work, are to be settled with tho undersigned. niarl9 S. B. ROW. , AYEFVS CIIEItllY PECTORAL, KOR THE RAPID Cl'ItE OK Cold. CoiJfflas nnd Iloarsem's. BntwnsLn, Mass.. 2nih IW, IS55. Pa. J.C. Aver: 1 do not hesitate ioimt tho bost reinefir I bve ev.T fonn.1 fir Cough. lliMtrsttnrw. lnfltiorsa. and tho fnnt-onittniit svtr(omipr S t V!il.i Tour CuRRl Pcctohau lu cniixtiuit uw in my practice ami my family for lli !rt ten years has Iio u it to prawn pup rior virtues tT tho treatment "f th.-e coin hunts. I'.IIK.N K.MGI1T, M. D. A. U. MrtUTLKT. lSQ..ofl'Tic.N.r, writas: "I have usl your I'ccrestL myself and in my family er sines you lurentod it. and tMwve it the lK.-st oie.inii f.tr ll piu-pxe ever i:t ent. With a Ii.kI ml.M aliuuld soonar psy twHMty-five iht!ar f a little tliaa dv without it, ar tiitJ any other rraivdy ." - Croup, Whocpincr Conjh, Inffnenra. .i-ai.MiriL!t, M-ss, h'ol. T. ISiii. Paornra Arra: I will chirol!y rx-rUfyyotir fccvoail Is the ronn-ily we p-s for tho euro of Hlionrinj tXtuih. Clouji. and the clu-st ilise.-uh-s if rhillrn. im your frntTnity in thn '.n!li ajipm iuto jour skill, tul coiuuieud vour niediciue to o:ir IMj,;e. lli::.VM C0NKI.1X. M.P. AMOS I.EK, F.sQto!rrEFFT. Ti,-rl(, ,:l.iii,ls;: "I hail a Unlioiw lu!1;iei7jt, whi- 'i teiMied use In 'Iiwrs six weeks; took many in-;uiiii- withont itHUf; Dually tried yir I'isiToittL ly the advice f onr rli-ifvma. The fii-st lio relieved tho sirnr.s In niy thrust sn Innpt; lew than one half llie Initio made me rofttoUtaly welt. Your melii-i:M- are the Hnwpwt as well us thelieat w can hoy, and we esteem yon, l).ictor, and viur f-iua-dics. as tlie pior nian's friend." Asthma or Phthisic, nnd Kronchitia. W.st .M ANCH-Ttii. ls Fob. 4. ISi. Pre: Yi'iir Cnrtisr I'rt-romu l rforniimr uiarrelluus cures in this aertii.n. It ha, n-lieved seTi-ra.1 fnai alarm ing ymit"ms vf cotisumitiim, and ia now caring a mam who La litln-ired nnder an aiT'-rtioii of tlie linif Ur the tort forty years. HKMtY I- I'AI. KS, Merchant. A. A. U AM. SKY, M.T Ai.mvf, M.acs Co.. lows, writes. Sept. 6. 1S5: " Puriinr ny prarrir-e of manryears I have f.iuud in-lhin; e.jnal to yum- Cucanr PtcionjL kr tivhii - an-l relii-f Ij coiisiiiiiitivo paiieuts, or curinj; surh 11s are ciindHr." Wo nrlit add vi'i.ines of vi-!inoe, but tlis most coa viueing protif of ths viiines of this remedy is fuuud ia its elTect iixn tiial. Consnmption. rrolnbTy no one retiie.lv I1.4S ever been known wLUa cured so msny and snrh dn;?nin puses as this. S.i no human aid can rew-t; hut even to those ths ChusT PsCTOBal affords relief and comfort. A-.TOS H-v. Nxw Yhk Crrr. March B. 155 IKxtos Area, liwtlt: 1 feel if a duty and a pleasure t- inti rni yn what yonr Cmrrtsr I'tiT'-s iL has die f-jr mv wife. She ha t heen llv months Inhorlnjt tinder the danenins symptoms of Couimipthn. from w hk-h a4 w- could procure prive her mnrh n-lit-f. She was steadily f.iiline. until Dr. t'lnmj. of this city, whiTe we hTe come for wlvlr, recommended a trial of your medi-iue- We bless hiskindiieii, as we i!o ymr kill,-fi r slie has recov er, d from that d:iy. She is not yet as strutiK s h used to ho. hut is free from her conph. an t cll herself U. Yours with pratitnde and repird, - ' UliLAMW r-HLl.l)Y, or Snr-Lwnxs- Omiumptirrs, U) uot despair till you fcave tried Arts's CllEr.kV Pm-roUAL. It is made ly oueof the best medical chemists in the world, and its chits all aronnd us Usiesk the hifh merits of its virtues. Jfiiiad.lpfiia Ledger. Ay er's Cathartic Pills. rilllE sciences of Cliemistry and Mclicine liar been A taxed their utmost to produce this beat, most Jrfect pnrpttive which is known to man. Innumerable proofs are shown that thcae Pills hare virtues which surpass in excellence the ordinary medicines, and that they win un precedentedly upon tlie estcm of all men. They are safe and desniit to tukn, but xiwerfnl to cure. Their pene trating properties stiinulnti the vital activities of ths body, remove tlie oUitrticti-tns of lis orpins, purify tlie blued, and expel disi-nse. They purp; out the foul humors which breed an-l prow distetiimr, timulate shigrKish or disor dered organs into their natnral actioti. and import healthy time w ith strength tn tlie wlx.le system. Not only do they cure the every-iliiy complaints of every body, but also formidable and dnnperons diseases that have 1-alTtcd tho best of hnninn tkill. While thvy prmlnce powerfai tlects, they are M the same time, in diininishrd ilnsvs, ths safest and beet physic that can be employed for children. Belnjr aiipur-t-..ted, they are !ea.ant to take: nnd lieinfr purely v p-table, are fro- from nny ritk of harm. Cnrs? have been made which surpass belief were they not mb-st.-intiabl by mell of such exaltcl jxwition and cliHraete as to forl-id the suspicion of untruth. Many eminert clerpymon and physician have lent their names to certi fy to the iul-'ic the rrlinhi'.ity of my rrmeilir. while eth ers hare scid me t!)p a.nrance id th.-ir conviction tha. my I'reparatii ns contribute immensvl to the relief of mf afnicted. sufTeHiu; felkw-men. . Tlie Aent bulow canted ia pleased to fnrtiish g-rati n. Amei icau Alnmiinc. containing dim-tion" for their ti an t certillcat'-s of tbrir cures, of tlicH-llnw iiiir coniplainU:- CiKtiveue.'w. B.lions romphiints. IllieiiniaUsm. Propsa, Ueartboru. lleada-ho aiisint: fivu fold Momaih. Nao sea. Iiidiirextloii- M.m l.i.l 1na. lioii of the K.varls aixl Vaisi t'L-iiifC then fnim, FlntulcncT. of-Aptwtite, all Vlcer. onsad CutaneniM li-.-n-.- which i-eiiuie an evacnank Mclicine. Scr.fu)a or Kine " Kvil. Tbey by p-irily-in the l'lood aiuLti:t"'aiiim the system, enre many complaints which It w.aild lMt airpoosed they could V re-h. audi a H.-trirr. I'artial llhudiieas, .euraleja and Nervous liTitut-ilitv. Pernnpementa of the Liver and Kid neys, ti.mt. and otlx-r kiii.trtnl nmiphiints arming frc-m a hiw atate of the body or obstnicthui of its fuiutk-es. m f not l pat off by unprincipled dealers with eomo other pill they make mre protit oa. Ask for Atsa's 111X8. and take mxliinjr vise. X "(her tliey can jrive yon compare with this ia lte intriBW value or ctirstivs rawer. ' Ths aick want the bust aid there is tit then-, and they sl.oulJ have it. . I'rrparrd toy Dr. J. C. AVER, Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, ilasa. rwet as Cra. pes Poi. Fitc Boxta roa $ 1. 80LD BY M. A Frank, and C. D. Watson. Clearfield r J C. Brenner, Morriadale ; I. W DarretU Lulhcrs burg; J. B. Segner, Curwensville, tnd bvdenjerf through the eountrj. Septi, 1M. 8- .-1 ii r I L: 1 ; I " At)t-'i awn