Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, June 03, 1857, Image 3

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    the vwnmm$ mmnm.
Seasonable Gooes. Montcliusfc Ten Eyck
have received and opened at tlicir store in
Curwensville, a select and Taried assortment
of Spring and Summer Goods, which they are
offering at prices to suit the times. Their ad
vertisement w ill he found in another column, f
Bars Burned. On last Wednesday night,
wo regret to learn, the barn of Mr. Joseph
l'others, of Knrthaus township, was destroyed
by fire, with its contents, including a horse
and cow, and all his harness. It is supposed
to have been the work of an incendiary.
On the same night, the barn of Mr. William
White, of said township, was also set on fire,
but fortunately extinguished before any se
rious damage.
There seems to bo a gang of scoundrels
prowliug about different sections of our coun
ty, committing robberies, burning property,
n l perpetrating other villanies. It ia time
tli it thuir operations aro stopped, and we trust
-;V,'T good citizen will lend his aid and influ
ence in bringing them to justice.
Honoron Taxes. What becomes or rar.
.'foxFTf Don't be scared at (he heading of
!.iis Peru, for we don't intend bringing any
i harge of fraud -or embezzlement against our
borough fathers."' Nor do we wish to be un
derstood as intimating that those "invc ted
with authority," are cither derelict In duty or
mismanage matters far from it. But our cit
izens,' who are every few days called upon (or
borough taxes, lime a perfect right to know
what amount is levied and collected, how dis
posed of, atid whether the disposition Is eco
nomical or otherwlw. We think, thereforo,
that a statement of" flio financial oll'iirs of our
borough should bo made public, in some way
or other, at least once a year. Last year a
pretty heavy tax for street purposes was lev
ied. But the public do not know how much
of this tax was collected, or to what objects
the portion collected was applied. True it is,
A considerable sum was spent in a laudable at
tempt to drain "the swamp" in the eastern
portion .of the town and wo are glad tn see
that the work there done has been attended,
in a great mensnre, with the desired result.
But as inquiries about our borough o Hairs are
frequent, we trust that those having control of
tlictil will take the tint tor into consideration,
nnd give the public the means of judging how
they arc discharging "tho important trust"
committed to them.
Li'M nr.it. Tho llarrisburg Telegraph of May
"0, snys: The following aro tho wholesale pri
ces of lumber at Columbia. They aro about
tho same at all other linnbrr marts along tho
river Common cull boards and grub plank,
$10 1 culling, do., $13 t 2nd common, do., $18;
lf,t common, do., $30 j panncl, do., $30 hem
lock boards and scantling,$ 11 t hemlock boatds
nnd scantling, long lengths, $13 j plno scant
ling, $15 plaster lut!., $2 a 3 j shingles, $12
a $18.
TnK Crops. The prospect for a "bard sea
son," In consequence of tho high prico of al
most every nrticlo that makes up tho daily con
sumption of a family, is considerably relieved
by the intelligence received daily of tho prom
Ising condition of tho growing crops. Tho
croakers, as usual, were ahead of tho times, in
proclaiming tho gloomy tidings of a failure ol
tho great staples of our country. Tho follow
ing article, from the Sandusky Register, is one
among a largo number of notices that have fal
len under our notice
It is well ascertained that tho crops, all
over tho country havo not promised better, for
many years, at this season, than now. True,
there are districts in which particular crops
havo suffered from tho long winter and back
ward spring, but these form tho exceptions to
tho general rule. We have carefully noted
the accounts of our exchanges in this and oth
er States, and the conclusion at which wo have
arrived Jin, that the present promise is of an
unprecedented yield, both of grains and frnits
East and West. In Ohio, especially, tho pros
pects aro unusually flattering for wheat, oats,
ic. Corn planting in the northern section is
nearly over with : and although tho farmers
ate later than usual in getting in their crops,
tiic ground is in such excellent condition to re
eeive it, and the weather is now so favorable,
that tho impression is, it will coiuo forward
rapidly enough to niako up for lost time. Tho
Cincinnati Price Current publishes a large
ii ii lu bo r of letters from different points in Ohio,
Indiana ami Illinois, relative to tho grain pros
. pects, all of which, with only occasional excep
tions, sneak most encouragingly. Tho Chica
go Journal furnishes similar information from
numerous correspondents from points in tho
.ewer Western States, Iowa, Wisconsin, Min-
VMCta, Michigan, and others. I!, closes its com
incnts upon tho summary thus furnished, as
follows:" "We venturo the prediction that
the yield of wheat at the coming harvest in
tho west will bo inoro abundant than it ever
lias boon nt any preceding harvest, ami that tho
grain crops in this country of every kind will
be most ample, both for home consumption
and thn foreign demand. We almost daily
Lear reports indicative of this state of things,
from various parts of this aad neighboring
States, since tho season has fairly opened.
Tho wiutcr wheat in most localities looks well,
' nnd a liberal extent of soil is being devoted to
tho spring sown wheat. The quantity of corn
that will be planted this season is almost In
credible, and with anything like favorablo
weather for planting and growing, by far tho
heaviest crop of corn will bo gathered this
year that has ever been harvested inthiseoun
try." 1
I7A gentleman who has just returned from
a somewhat extensive trip through Upper Ca
nada, informs tho Rochester Democrat that
nothing can exceed the promise of the wheat
crop there, and unless some evil, now unex
ported, shall befall it, there will bo an unusual
bountiful harvest the present season.
C7"Tho Pittsburg Daily Gazette, one of the
best papers in the State, has come out in new
and beautiful dress.
tE7Better be smitten with a young lady than
tho rheumatism. Depends much on circum
stances, however.
fI5Don't crow before you are out of the
woods," is politely rendered, "Do not jubilate
prior to emerging from the forest." "
tET-Rev. Mr. Itoberts and 200 Welsh emi
grants have arrived at Poitland, in the Circas
sian, on their way to settle in eastern Ten
nessee. C'lIow many deaths T" asked the hospi
tal physician. "Nine." "Why, I ordered
medicine for ten." les, but one would not
take it."
K7"Fino affair tho "May Tarty" last Thurs
day. Notwithstanding tho shower of rain, it
passed off pleasantly. Tho refreshments were
K7"About three hundred artizans aro now-
employed at tho government armory at Har
per's Ferry, in tho manufacture of tho rifle
musket and tho rifle.
Cy "Sonny , does your father take "a paper V
Yes, sir, two of them. One of them belongs
to Mr. Smith, nnd the other to Mr. Thompson.
I hooks them off tho stoop."
rE7"It is" stated that hail-stones, by actual
measurement nine inches in circumsercncc,
fell two weeks since in Hinds county, Missis
sippi. Tho general size was about that of a
hen's egg.
DyLiterary. Dr. Kane's heirs have been
paid $57,000 for tho sale of the lamented ex
plorer's work, tho Arctic Expedition; and
rror. Longfellow, it is said, netted $13,000 by
the salo Hiawatha.
Oyriio Governor has advertised tho Main
Line for sale on the 25th June. Tho Locos
aro trying to get tho Supremo Court to issuo
an injunction against the salo. The 'buzzards
are not yet satisfied.
Cy"Grecno County Republican" is the ti
tle of a new paper printed at Waynegburg,
Greene caunty. It is Republican in politics,
is spirited and interesting, and gives Locofo-
coisin some hard thrtists.
K7"Mr. Secretary Stanton has been examin
ing tho Border' Ruflian Laws of Kansas, and
has said, "that tome of Hum art damnable."
Ho is more candid than his doughfjce breth
ren in Pennsylvania.
iX7"Gov. Walker goes to Kansas, backed up
by a large amount of Wall-st. capital, pledged
to operate with him in a giant land specula
tion. So wo may expect to hcaroflndiun Re
serve being bought out.
Cy Hester Simons, in Troy, has been fined
$75 for disinterring the corpse of tle husband
of a widow lady w ith whom she had a quarrel,
and upon whom she thus vented her spite.
That's the latest Invention of feminine cruelty.
CC7"Tho iron horso now pursues his way,
without stop or Important deviation' from a di
rect line, from Bangor, Maine, to Jefferson c
ty, Missouri, adistancoof littlo over seven
teen hundred miles, half as far as to Loudon'
in three days I
ff7"Tlie Limerick Reporter writes In a tone
of alarm nt the continuance of tho population
drain. Tho people, it is srid, aro literally fly
ing in thousands from tho Irish shores. If
emigration proceed at this pace, the Limerick
journal foars there will not bo hands to till
tho soil.
K7"Judgo McElralh, of Dccatursville, Ten
nessec, publishes a note in the Nashville U-
ii inn in w hich he says t "Tho jail of this conn
ty was entered this morning by some unknown
scoundrel and three prisoners taken out of
prison." This is certainly a new phase in tho
crimo of burglary.
CC7Found Guilty. In the case of the Stato
against Sam Greo, (free negro',) who was tried
at the April term of tho Circuit Court of Dor
cheater county, Md., for having in his posses
sion abolition pamphlets, among which was
"Undo Tom's Cabin," tho court lias adjudged
hint guilty and sentenced him to the peniten
tiary for tho term of ten years I
C7"Tho Tittsburg and Stcubenville Railroad
has been leased by the Pennsylvania Railroad
Ccmpany for tho term of twenty years. When
tho bridges necessary to be built on this road
will bo completed, Philadelphia will have a
shorter and mbre direct routo to Cincinnati
and tho chief points in tho West than any o
thcr of tho Eastern cities.
tETXadics' Veils A Caution. Curtis, i
celebrated writer on sight, says that tho woar
ing of veils permanently weakens many natu
rally good eyes, on account of tho endeavors
of tho eye to adjust itself to tho ceaseless vi
brutions of that too common article of dress.
Ladies then should bewaroof hiding their prct
ty faces with veils.
r7"Ncw Jersey rearls. The pearl-hunting
mania lias extended to New ark, and tho brooks
in that vicinity are overrun with explorers.
Sveral pearls havo been found during tho past
few days, ranging in value from $5 to $50.
Pearls of considerable valuo have also been
found in Elizabethtown, Trenton, and at va
rious points in Monmouth county. N.Y.Trib.
fj-Not to bo Trusted at Largo. Queer
things happen sometimes, even in Lunatic A
gylums a rough fellow passing tho Worcester
establishment, noticed at tho window an old
acquaintance, and bawled out to bim, "hello,
old fellow, what aro you in for ?" "Voting
for Fillmore " was the prompt reply. The
enquirer sloped he had probably done it
3""Slde-door" Sanderson and Flanlgan, of
the Philadelphia Daily A'cips, have prosecuted
Fletcher of the Daily Sun, of that city, and
Dunham,' of tho Lock Haven Watchman, for
libel, the lattemcharging them wifn treachery
to tho American party, and alleging that the
Aeu was controlled by Locofoco money.
They will have a "time" of it before they.get
through with Fletcher ana uunnam.
Married. On Sundav, May 31, 1857, by i
Rev. in. H. Rex, Mr. Alfred A. Lo.vo to
Miss Eliza Bloom, both of Piko ' township,
Clearfield county, Pa.
Having just received a lot of tho best eastern Mar
bio that van be procured at the Philadel- Tryt-j
phia Yards. I am now ready to furnish 1. 1 S
all kinds of work in our line, vis : Mou- SL,
uments, Touib-Tnblos, Alnible Poor-steps. SiE?lc3
Lintels, Mantle-pieces. Centre-table, Lard-lame,
Bureau-tops. Ac, of either American or Italian
Marble. ITiT". lb All orders sent by uinil, prompt
ly attended to We will not be beat either in work
or prices. dec2t-'50.1y I. ULREY.
Jl. A. I rar.k, i-.sq., Ageni, nearncm, ra.
171 AK M FOR SALE Tho undersigned of
fers :.t private snle his farm si tun to in Mor
ris township, Clearfield county, la.. containing 107
acres, about 65 acres cleared, and in a stnte of
f ood cultivation, having thereon erected a NEW
LANK HOUSE, and Urge barn, 48 by SO feet, nnd
30 or 40 young fruit trees thereon growing. The
farm is iu a good settlement about one mile from
Kylcrtown, and will be Sold on reasonable terms,
which can be ascertained by applying to the sub
scriber on the premises, or to At. A. Frank, F.sq.,
Clearfield, Pa. GEO. J. WAGGONER, Sr.
April I, IH57.-:-p
Sium-; WAiiii l tlx i eh v for sale.-,
The property occupied by Porter tt brother in
Brndy township, near Lutbcrsburg. will be sold
low, us the owner con templates removing westward.
The pottery is in good order and has connected
with it about ISO acres of land, about one hnlf of
w hich is in grass, the balance in wood. There is
new two ttory dwelling and sufficient stabling
and sheds on the place. (Jood material for the
manufacture of stone ware and abundance of coal
are on the property. For terms apply to
Aprg-l. L. J.CRANt. Clearfield.
"I Qf ACRES OF LAM), on the Erie Turn--I
wv piko, about 7 miles west of Curwensville.
and 135 ACHES OF LAND, adjoining the same,
will be sold on accommodating tortus, lbe land
lies well, is all susceptible of cultivation, ami is
well covered with choice pine timber suitable lor
shingles, sawing or square timber. A saw mill
near bv. Apply to L. J. CHANS.
inar'.'j Clearfield.
The partnership heretofore existing between
the undersigned, has been dissolved by mutual
consent. All persons indebted to said firm are re
quested to settle their accounts without delay.
Jllll.N HI M.llll.
April 1. 1857-tl. HAM EL BENNER.-
N. It. The business will be continued at the old
stand bv JOHN GUELICH.
has been reopend and refitted by tho under
signed, who respectfully informs the public at largo
that ho is well provided with house room and sta
bling. He flatters himself that he can render gen
eral satisfaction to all who mav patronise him.
Lumber City, March 25, 1357.
ITIOIt KALE A two-story frame House, with a
hnlf acre of land adjoining, situate in Law
renee township, on tho road from Clnnrtield to
Curwensville, about 1 i miles from Clearfield. For
terms apply to .chad Law bead. Lawrence town
ship, or to tho subscriber.
junet - Clearfield, Pa
(il'dlf I (Ml lly n resolution of tha Hoard of
!Olll,vnl School Hireetorsof the Jior-
ough vf Clearfield, the undersigned were appoint
ed a coinuiitteo to negotiate a loan not exceeding
Ditflit Hundred Hollars. Persons having about
that ii mount which they desire to invest for sever
al years aud realise interest regularly rim spply
to L. J. CHANS, or
March 4, 1S57. K. J. WALLACE. ,
OTIC E. The partnership heretofore exist
ing between il lirhte and Vt right has this
day, by mutual consent, been dissolved, and we
wish nil persons having accounts on our books to
call and settle them lhe business will bo con
tinued iu futuro by Win. M'llrlde.
Curwensville, April 7, 1 S.r7.
RE M O V A Ij .Tho undersigned notifies
his old customers nnd tho public that ho has
removed his It LACK&MtTll FIlOl' to his new
building a few doors south of tho shop he former
ly occupied, whore he is prepared to do on the
shortest notice any work in his line of business.
April 15, 1H57. JM'Olf fejll I NKWEI LEH.
J nt i meeting of tho Lumbermen held at
Clearfield on tho isth Inst., the undersigned wore
appointed a committeo to institute prosecutions a
gainst nil personsobstructing tho navigable streams
by tho floating of looso logs. Wr. therefore notify
ul'l persons concerned, that proceedings will be in
stituted and prosecuted to convietioii against all
nnd- every person, whether owner, contrnctor or
laborer, engaged in putting loose logs into tho riv
er or any of its tributaries in tho counties of Clear
field, Elk and Centre. JOHN M. CHASE,
W. U. lioillSiiN, KOIiT. MA1IAFFEY,
Aiigu.t 27. isjrt.
VI'IHTOH'S" OTICE The undersigned
an Auditor appointed by tho Orphans' Court
of Clearfield county to distribute tho balance in
tho hands of Hobt. Porter, Adiniuistrator of .Jo
ni.li Miirrnw. deceased, amoiiir tho iust creditor
of tho said decease. I. will attend tu tho duties of
his appointment on Thursday the 14th day of May
next. Ml Olio O umkk . 111., nt liiu tuorv it lui 1 1-
mer A Test, in tho borough of CIourBel'' -when
nnd where all those interested mny ntfon- f "they
see proper. JAd. 11. LA1UUMKK,
April 15, 1S57. Auditor.
has removed his shop to tho new building of John
Troutman. on Market street, whero ho will keep
on hand or manufacture to order, (of superior
finish,) every variety of llousouoia am iiiwucn
F U H n 3 T U HE ,
such as Tables, lturoaus. Safes, Stands Cupboards,
Sofas. Bedsteads, Ac., of every stylo and variety,
which be will dispose cf at cheap rales as any
thcr establishment of the kind iu the county.
Call and examine his furniture, and judgo for
yourselves of its uuality and liiiislr.
CHAlKSofall kinds on hand or made to order.
He is also prepared to mako COFFINS to order.
on tho shortest notion, and will attend funerals
with a hearso, when called upon.
Clearfield, Pa., December 17, 1H5.
ajL of Administration on the Estate of Christian
SliolT, late of Woodward township. Clearfield co.,
Ph., deceased, having been granted to tho under
signed : alt persons indebted to said estato aro re
quested to mnke immediate payment, and those
bavin; elaimsagaiusi tne same win present uiciu,
properly authenticated for settlement.
v. w . niui , t
April 4, 1H57 f.tp
Woodward Tp.
OA'7i' VOLJ.Ati.
SALE. This isonc of the most valuable little books
of the times, to alt persons out of employment,
as a number of money making trades and arts, can
be learned without a master, beside all tho genu
ine and popular receipt, and instructions of the
day, for the manufacture of the most beneficial,
and saleable articles, now in common use. Any
pcron forwarding one dollar post-paid, toCfL I -FRIES,
Jrffri', Cl"rfiAd Co., Pa... or to A. 11.
Uanman, Tyrotm, Blair Co., ra., will recoive a
oopy by return mail.
And any person forwarding twenty-five cents,
post paid, to O. JitrrBlES, will receive by return
L.;i f tha three following: instructions:
How' to make tho celebrated artificial Hoser.
How to raise double crops, oi an aiuus ui tk-u-blcs,
with little expense, and how to eaten all tho
Voim. Minks and Muskrats in the neigh
borhood. Any person forwarding fifty cents, will
roceivo tho whole tnrco oy return uiiwi. .
Juno 4, 1358 ly.
V-T INLS, for sale at tno encap ensn siore ri
n ' If M 1)4.41 in
MILL. Willow Street above Twelfth, North
Side. Mouldings suitable for Carpenters, l'.uild
rrs. Cabinet and Frame Makers, always on hand.
Agents wanted in tho various Towns in his por
tion of the State, to whom opportunities will be
offered for large profits to themselves.
apr-2m SILAS E. WEIR.
quarter of tho present school yearof this Insti
tution will commence on Monday, APRIL 27th,
Persons wishing to fit themselves for College,
Tenchcrs, Commercial or other avocations in life,
will here receive every dosird facility. A thor
ough Scientific and Classical course is here given
on terms lower than in similar Institutions in the
State. Parents at a distancs can obtain boarding
for their sons and daughters under the immediate
care of the Principal, where they will receive rare
advantages, with all the comforts and pleasures of
home; and their morals will be carfully guarded.
It is particularly desirous that pupils for the ap
proaching term be pres. nt at its commencement,
to select their seats and be properly arranged io
their respective clusses.
Further information and Catalogues of the In
stitute can be had hy addressing.
W A. CAMPBELL. Principal.
April 15, 1857. Clearfield, Pa.
4 09 Broadway, New York.
Fine Gold Jewelry Girrti Attray to Purchasers of
All Books will be sold as low as can be had at oth
er Stores, many of them for less. New books re
ceived daily. A tiift varying in value from 25cts
to $1.00, given with each book at the lime it is sold.
Having on hand a very la rye start of new ami nil
uafilti Ixiols, and as our motto is Large sales and
small profits," we ifro determined to give our cus
tomers better bargains than can be had elsewher .
Any book published in New York or Philadelphia
will he promptly sent, gift "included, on receipt of
publisher's prico. Catalogues of Hooks and Pre
sents, containing full explanations will be sent
free to all parts of the country.
The most Ithrral inHncrmrnts are otTcred to A
gents. Any person by sending us an order forten
books, with money enclosed, will be entitled to an
trim. Book and Oijt. All orders for books, con
taining money, (to enuru perfect safety.) should
be registered at tao Post-oflice where they are
nailed, and directed to Evans A Co., 4051 Broad
way.' New York.
Bkfkhksck. M. Thomas A Sons, South Fourlh
St. Philadelphia; J. B. Lippeneott A Co., Phila
delphia ; D. Appleton A Co., Broadway. N.York;
Derby A Jackson, Nassau Street, New York.
L for a Catalogue.
Principal Store. 409 llroadway, New Y'ork.
Branch stores at 1 25 Chestnut street, Philadel
phia, and it Washington, D. C. Dec 17 3m
JL Tit IVeiP York Iler
has now attained the extraordinary circulation of
One Handred and Ninety Thousand copies. The
Ledger U devetod to Polite Literature. Original
Tales. Sketches. Poetry, Essnys.Oossip anil current
news, and maintains a high moral tone. It is ev
erywhere acknowledged to be the best family pa-
per in the world ! lienor Its extraordinary and un
heard of popularity. Mr. Bonner, the proprietor
of tb Ledger, employs the best talent in fhe coun
try, and by so doing makes the best paper. Such
writers as Vanny Fern, Sylvanus Cobb, jr., and E
nmrson llcnnett, aro permanently engaged on it,
and will write for no other paper hereafter. Mrs.
Sigourney, also, writes constantly for it ; so do a
host of other popular authors, including Mrs. Em
ma D. E. N. Southworth. Alice Cary, Mrs. Yaug
han, Mary W. Stanley tlihson. Clara Sydney, Ao
The Ledger is beautifully illustrated every week I
The New York Ledger is printed on beautifu
white paper, and is composed of eight pages, ma.
king the handsomest weekly paper in the country.
It is published every Saturday, and sold at all the
news offices in every city and town throughout tho
country ; and is mailed for subscribers at two dol
lars per annum ; two copies are sent for three dol
lars. Any person obtaining eight subserilrs at
f I 50 each, (which is tho lowest club rate?.) and
sending us $12. will be entitled to a copy free.
Terms invariably in advance. Address all letters
to ROBERT BONNER. Publisher of
New Y'ork Ledger. 41 Ann st..N. Y.
X. B. Now is a good time to ubseribo as Emer
son Bennett's great original Novel of Frontier Lifo
w ill be commenced in the Ledger on the first of
J a n u ii ry, dee!7-2t
JL PIER COMPANY has erected a Pier in the
Hivor. opH8ito Columbia., about 400 feet in length,
2(H) yards front the shore, and 200 yards below the
Columbia Bridge, for tho bitching and securing of
Hafts. Arks, Ac., ami of capacity suflloicnt to bold
securely, nnd at any stage of water, any number
of crafts likely to slop hero nt any one season.
Tho depth of water immediately around and at
a great distance in every direction from this Pier,
at a low stage, is seven feet; so that there is not
tho slightest danger of becoming fast aground at
anytimo By running in tho usual course to the
bridge, nnd then heading out. tho Pier can bo
renched by crafts without tho slightest difficulty.
A second Pier is about being creeled a short dis
tance below the present one. and is expected to be
so far completed as to be ready for use during this
Spring's business.
One or inoro competent persons will be employ
ed by tho company, to receive and take charge of
Knits, Arks. Ac, delivered to them; nnd strong ca
bles provided, to secure the fleet left in their care.
Thochnrgo for fastening to the Piers, the present
season, will bo One liolf.tr far any time tiot r.r
crrrtin one weef- ; and 1'i'ty rents for each ailJi
tlnnal iiwf or portion of a werl.
This, tho company feel assured, will be the very
best and most advantageous landing on tho river.
No property landing here need bo molestod, or get
aground nnd bo sacrificed on account of a sudden
falling of tho water; but can remain here secure,
whilst tho owner mny bo trying to sell in the va
rious markets to which ho has access ; and ho can
leave hero at any time, and at anv stage of water,
with his properly, if he can do Letter in another
market, either by river, canal, or railroad lor
Baltimoro, Philadelphia, or any vf the various
markets elsewhere having his own time in which
to do so. OEOIUIE BOOLE,
Columbia, April 20, 1H57. Superintendent.
IA The best Hook for Agents.
An Elegant Gift for a Father to Present to his
Family !
Send for one copy, and try it among your friends!
WANTED Agents in every section of the Uni
ted States, to circulate SEARS' LARGE TYl'K
QUARTO BIBLE, For Family Use Entitled "Tho
People's Pictorial Domestic Bible," with about
Ono Thousand Engravings!
This useful book is destined, if we can form an.
opinion trom ino nonces oi tne i rcss, to nave an
unprecedented circulation in every section of our
wide-spread continent, and to form a distinct era
In the salo of our works. It will, no doubt, in a
few years becouio The Family Bible of the Amer
ican People.
t""The most liberal remuneration will be al
lowed to all persons who may be pleased to pro
cure subscribers to the above. From 60 to loo co
pies may easily bo circulated and sold in each of
the principal cities and towns in the Union. IT
Application should bo luado at once, as the
field will soon bo occupied.
Persons w ishing to act as agents, and do a safe
business, can send for a specimen copy. On the
receipt of the established price, Six "Dollars, the
Pictorial Family Bible, with a well bound Sub
scription Book, wilt be carefully boxed, and for
warded per express, at our risk and expense, to
any central town or village in the United Slates,
excepting those of California. Oregon and Texas.
. 1 Register your Letters, and your money will
Come safe.
Vn addition to the Pictorial Bible, we publish
a large number of Illustrated Family Works, very
popular, ant,' of such a high moral and unexcep
tionable character, that while good men may safe
ly engage in their circulation, they will conferg
Publio Benefit, and receive a Fair Compensation
for their labor. '
Orders respectfully solicited. For further par
ticulars, addrt ss the subscriber, (post paid.)
ROBERT SEARS, 181 William St., N. Y.
CI ALL at the ;Corncr Store' of Win. Irvin in
J Curw ensville, if you want to buy cheap goo-is.
4 LOT of good WINDOW SASH, 10 by 12 ;or
J. m. sale by
V FIRST RATE Sett of BlacksmithingTooU,
including Bellows. Anvil, Screw-plates. Ao ,
for sale by jan7 MERUE LL A CART E R
ACON , FLOUB . and SALT, just received nd
for sale at the Corner M.ire.
Curwensvillo, Aprii 2:-.' WM.IKV1N.
CAUTION. All persons an hereby cautioned
against harboring or trussing my father,
Charles Terpe, on my account, as 1 am determined
to pay no more debts of Lis contracting after this
date without an order from me.
Luthersburg, Mny 2. Ift57-3t.
CJTRAY" HOUSE The undersigned has in
3 bis possession at Frcnchville, a stray horse of
bay color, and about 17 hands high, lhe owner
is desired tooome farward and prove property, pay
charges, and tnko hiui away or he will be disposed
of according to law. JAMES MULLEN.
April 2", 1S57.
JJ1ARM FOR KALE. The undersigned of
fers to sell at private snle his farm on Gram
pian Hills, within a mile of l'ennville, Clearfield
county, adjoining lands of Thomas Wall and the
Church prope rty. containing 1110 acres, about 44
acres cleared, under g'tod cultivation, nnd the re
mainder well timbered with hemlock, pine, and
other timber. There area LOG HOCSE, GOOD
BARN, and other outbuildings, and a number of
young fruit trees on the premises. There is a saw
mill close by. As the undersigned is desirous to
quit farming, he offers the above property for salo
at reasonable terms, which can bo ascertained by
applying to him on the premises.
April I. lS57-6t. THOM AS M. MARTIN.
CA XCltn 1 iV TITl' TU,
For the Treatment of Cancers, Tumors, Wens,
Ulcers, Scrofula, any Growth or Sore. Chroni-j
Diseases, generally, can be cured (if curable.) with
out ' urgical operation or poison. For all particu
lars write, state diseases plninlv. and enclose twenty-five
edits for advice. All letters must have a
postage stamp enclosed to pre-pay answer. Med
icine can be sent any distance. Addrcsj
Mechaniesburg. Cumberland Co , Pa.
I f J.Meclninicsburg is 8 miles from llarrisburg.
on the C. Y. Railroad, and accessible from all
parts of the Union.
Old and young, por and rich, come all we will
do you good.
feTTa those afflicted who cannot visit me per
sonally, I will send, per mail, on receipt of Si.ei?
only, a Recipe to prepare Medicine, with full di
rections for use, Ac. State all particulars. Ad
dress as above. February IS, 1357-Am
IT has been the lot of the human race to be weigh
ed down by disease and suffering. HOLl.O
WAY'S PILLS are speciallv ndjpted to the relief
of the WEAK, tho NERVol S, the DELICATE,
and the INFIRM, of all climes, ages, sexes, and
constitutions. Professor Hollowny personally su
perintends the manufacture of his medicines in the
I'nilml States, and offers them to a free and t nlixlit-
eued people, as the best remedy the world ever
saw Tor the removal or disease.
These famous Pills arc expressly combined to op
erate on the stomach, the liver, tho kidneys, the
lungs, tho skin, and the bowels, correcting any de
raugement in their functions, purifying the blood,
the very fountain of life, and thus curing disease
in ell its forms.
Ncarlv half the human race hnve taken tliee
Pills, ft has teen proved in all partsof the worlJ,
that nothing has been found equal to them incases
of disorders of the liver, dyspepsia, nnd stomach
complaints generally. 1 hey soon give a healthy
tone to these organs, however much deranged, and
when all other means hnve failed.
Many of the most despotic Governments have of
pencil their Custom Houses tu the introduction of
these Pills, that they may become the medicine of
the masses. Learned Colleges ml in it that this
medicine is the best remedy ever known for per
sons f delicnte health, or w hero tho system has
been impaired, as its invigorating properties never
fail to ali'ord relief.
No female, young or old. should bo without Ibis
celebrated medicine. It corrects and regulates the
monthly courses at alt periods, acting iu many ca
ses like a charm. It is also the best and safest
medicine that can be given to Children of all ages,
nnd for any complaint; consequently no family
should bo without it.
llollotntif's Pitts arm the heit retnrdy Inoirn in the
srnrld for the following liisrasrs :
Asthma Diiirrbiea SeeondarySyniptom
Coughs Chest Diseases Stone and Gravel
Colds Fever and Aguo Venereal Affections
Inlliiensa Bowel Complaiuts Femulc Complaints
Costiveness Iiiflamnlion Wotms of all kinds
Dyspepsia Indigestion Imiwiicss of Spirits
Debility Liver Complaints I nward weakness
Dropsy Piles Headaches
Sold nt the Manufactories of Professor Hoi.
i.ow av, HII Maiden Lane. N. York, and 244 Strand.
Loudon. nnd by nil respectable Druggists and Deal
ers of Mediciuo throughout the United States, and
the civilised wulrd, in boxes at 25 cents, 021 cents,
and. I each.
t Tbere is a considerable saving by taking
the larger sites.
N. B. Directions for the guidance of patients in
every disorder aro affixed to each box. nprH'AS
Tiik Daily Tklrciiapii. Notwithstanding tho ru
mors spread abroad by our political opponents,
that tho 'Daily Telegraph' would be discontinued
after the election, we announce to the public that
we shall not only continue its publication, but.it
shall be done with renewed vigor ai.d determina
tion to meet the publio expectations and wants.
Tho publishers w ill spare no lalxir or expense to
make it a paper eminently worthy of the capital
of Pennsylvania, and one which should be found
at everv firesido in our borough
Tho 'Daily Telegraph' will contain tho latest
news received by Magnetic Telegraph and Mails.
We shall give particular attention to our Local de
partment, and endeavor to make the Reports ns
full and interesting ns possible. Tho Editorial De
partment will bo under. the mnnngc ment of able
and experienced gentlemen, who, upon nit ques
tions atlecting tho puldic. will express their opin
ions fairly and freely. Our next Legislature will
bo entrusted with several important duties the
election of United States Senator, tha election of a
Statu Treasurer, the apportionment of tho State,
Ac, which w ill make the proceedings unusually
interesting and important. The 'Telegraph' will
be ablo to present this and all other news transpi
ring nt the State Capital much sooner and more
satmlactoril v than any oilier paper In tho Mato.
The 'Seini-Wockly and Weekly Telegraph' wi
bo piiblished.as heretofore. Vfc shalr endcavr
to make the 'Weekly Telegraph' tho best family
newspaper in the State. It will contain all the
latest news up to tho hour of going to press. It
will con'ain full reports of the markets in the At
lantic cities. A portion of our columns will bedo
voted to the interests of Agriculture and Mechan
ics. The 'Senii-Weeklv' will ho publisncd only
during the sessions of the Legislature. Our efforts
shall be to make tho Telegraph the model news
paper of tho St-ite.
TERMS : The Daily Telegraph will be furnish
ed at a distance for t per unnuni ; $2 Tor six
months; or SI for three months. Single subscri
bers in the town will be furnished at six cents per
week payable weekly to the carrier.
The Semi-Weekly and Weekly Telegraph will
bo furnished to single subscribers at $2 per annum.
Our Clubs Rates are as follows :
Clubs of 6, . . . . . - SO
" 10, If
20, .10
The person who raises a club will receive a co
py of the paper gratis.
Where is the person who eannot afford this 7
Three cents per week for newspaper, which shall
convey to him, in addition to political intelligence,
all foreign, domestic and lo':nl news; in a word,
all of political interest which nmy transpire ci
ther at home or abroad.
Thanking our friends everywhere for the gener
ous patronngo tly have extended to us during
the campaign, wc trust that they will at one re
new their subscriptions, and make the Telegraph
in futuro a constant visitor at their firesides.
Tl.o President or the late American Repub
lican Convention has appointed the VoUowiag
State Central Coiiiniitt, vie i
LrMtt.L Tii, Chairman.
Simon Cameron, Joseph Catwy,
John J. Clyde, Oeoro-e Bergner, .
John M.-Sullivarr, William I. Kelley,
Joseph B. Myers,
2. M. Sellers,
Henry W bite,
I. inillev Smith,
P. C. Elhnaker,
II. Ij. Bonner,
David Newport,
Win. II. Keim, ,
Peter Martin,
Peter 8. Michler,
Thos. E. Cochran,
E.C. McPherson,
John Penn Jones,
John Laporte,
U. Gillespie.
James Edwards,
J. B. Lancaster,
Jacob L. Gossler,
Edward C. Knight,
Edward Darlingto, t
WMsvn eH,
Sawincl E. Dimmock,
DaYi.I E . Small,
B. Hush Petriken,
VT. P. Miner,
L. P. Wiilistoir,
C. B.Cnrtisy
JohnX. Purvianee, I)
Kobt. P. McDowell, D
L. Eptoii, " .
E. Finney,
John If. Wells,
J. K. Edie,
T. J. Cotloy,
John Covode,
Joseph ShantB.
A.J. Fuller,
Robert M. Palmer,
AR IRON and CHAIN PUMPS, for sate
ehcnp at the Corner. WM. IRVIN,
1. and BEST SY It UP MOLASSES, for sale at the
corner apl2i WM. I RV1N.
Cast yortr litrait upon the Water, for after many
days ye shall fitd it.
A Certain Cnre for all Bhenmatia Fains.
nos'T coNir..ii bi-t rnr it, it cassot riik
Copyright srettred according to Law.
rill I L Electric Paste acts npoii the Mu-ls,Ten- .
X dens, and upon the whole ntrvous system, re
moving torpidity and producing a healthy action
of the blood. There being no volntile mntier in
its composition.it remains in action until it aecoin -plishes
lis work. It cannot lose its strength, and
is altogether harmless, its constituent parts being
entirely vegetable.
We answer Rheumatic Pains, when evervfhing
else fails. Cramps. Cholic, Coughs. CbilldMws,
Burns. Scalds, Sprains, llcadnclie. Toothache. Swel
ling. Bruises. Sores. llingworin.Tetter. StifT Joints,
Contracted Chords, Fresh Cua. Ulcerated Sores. and
all Scrofulous Disease where external remedies
can be used. Sore Throats. Stiff Necks, ie.
WHAT IT WILL CI ItK for llorsvs and Cattle.
Sweeny. Spavin. Fistulas. Poll Evil, W indfalls,
Ulcersi Cholic, Sprains. Collar and Saddle Galls,
Stone Bruises, Stiff Joints, Vertigo-, Splints aud
Running Sores.
VNone genuine but those having the worda
"E. C. Allen's Concentrated Electric Paste, o' Ara
bian Pain Extractor. Lancaster. Pa.." blown in tho
bottle fT'Look out for counterfeits. lKn"t for
get to ask for ALLEN'S.
Letters upon busiuess. address. E. C. Allen, care
of H A. Itoekafield A Co., Lancaster. Pn.
I vT'For sale at the Drug Store of Charles D.
WmIsok. Clearfield, Pa., and country storekeepers
and Druggist throughout the Stnte ntay2l'ir-ly
at the "Corner Store." by W'M.IRYIN.
Curwensville. May 27. l.r)7.
C CLOTHING. A genenil assortment of ready
J made clothing just received and opened at
Nov.'O W. F. IRWIN S.
SACKS OF SALT, for sale Vv
Clearfield, Pa.
Doe. 10. 18.r.
T for which the highest price will be riven
Clearfield. Dec. UT '
"I P. ELSON ft i'O.,
" jTorris Township. Clearfield Co.. Pa.,
Would respeeirullv liiTorin the citizens of that vi
cinity that they keep constantly on baud a largo
assortment of
Hm tloa's, Hirrt-Warf. tjnmtr. f!mreriet
Con'ertiouarirs, II its A- Caps, limits A- lhar,
and all other articles usually kept lu a et unlry
store, which they are deleriiii ned to sell low fur .
cash, country produce, or lumber.
August I , iHjj.
lOR SALE tho Farm occupied bv Itichsrl
i. Dinners. Jr.. situate in Penn towm-dip. about
one milo from l'cnnsv illj. Ileoiittins 01 acres, ol
w hich 4 j are cleared and under good fence. The
improvements are a two-story frstne honse and
kitchen, barn and out-houses. There is a young
bearing orchard on the place, ami the whole ia
well watered, l'ur terms applv to
junet Clearfield. Pa.
i The subscriber, thankful for past favors,
would respectfully solicit a continuance of tha li b
eral patronage bestowed upon his Iloute by tha
Public He is prepared to ni-pommmlate water
men, editors, drovers, and nil others who may call
w ith him, in the very best manner.
He also purposes to run a line of Hacks from
Tyrone to Clearfield, for the aoeoirfmodation of tho
travelling public. J. G. HUNK.
Philpsburg. Man-lilt. lfijj.-tf.
SALT! SUTIl-A quantify of Coarse; and
Ground Alum Salt, for sale at W. F. IrwiVs.
-t V"AGON OI IKING THE undersingned
f T would announce that they manufacture
Waggons of all descriptions, Buggies. Sleds, An., at
their shop in New Sulem. Brady township. Clear
field couuly, which they offer for sale at as reasona
ble rates as can be purchased elsewhere. They res
pectfully solicit a hhaio of patronage.
Ocll-'53-tf WILLIAM LEWIS.
borough of Clearfield ; several BUILDING
ing from three to ten acres each, near tha borougli
of Clearfield.
AIo several desirablo FARMS and pieces tif
TI MBER LAND, in various pnrts of the county.
Terms accommodating. Apply to
A p ril Iff. IS.',,. ClearfieHl, Pa.
AVE YOU SEEN SAM? The subscriber
would inform bis old friends and the publio
generally, that he still enntinnes to keep a honso
of entertainment in New Washington where thuso
who call with him will receive every attention,
and be made comfortable.
Good stabling, and every other convenience for
horses on tho premises. D. S. PLOTNF.lt.
STILL ON HANOI-The undersigned con
BUS1 NESS, at bis new shop on the comer of Main
ami Mechanie streets, one door South of fir. It. V.
Wilson's office, where he will be pleased to accom
modate his customers nt all times. Repairing dona
on the shortest notice. laug2H 11. It. WELSH.
. '1 ho underigned would respectfully an
nounce to his friends and the public generally,
that he has opened out a new Wagon-Muking Es
tablishment in '-New Salem City," Brady town
ship, where he will at all times bo prepared to
manufacture, on the shortest notice, all kinds t
Wagons, Carts, Wheelbarrows Ac. The best ma
terial that can be procured will be used, and his
work will be msde in the most substantial and du
rable manner, such as will bear tho test of stiiet
examination. By a close observance of his hni
ncss engagements, and by disposing of his work
on the most reaaonalda lanna ..:.. I. I :n .i .
- - UW Will llll
lor either ensh or approved country produce, ho
" uirm ami receive a liner; shnre or pub-
... llh.XJ. 11IS1IEL..
ewalem City. Jan. Id, Hid.
(JOODS:-Thounder-lgned has jut re
11 ceived a large assortment of
AT HIS STOTti: .V K Alt Til ACS,
which he offers tor sale cheap f. r reentry
produce. F. P. UUKXTIIALL..
September 5, 1855. . .