Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, May 13, 1857, Image 3

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    THE MWm
CLEARFIELD, PA., MAY 13, 1857.
Temperance Meetiso. The Wasbintoni.ms
will hold their quarterly mcctitig, on Monday
the 18th day of May, in the Court House, lit
early candle light. The people are kindly in
vited to attend. G. Thilipp Guelicu,
May 13, 1867. President.
Scalded. A small child of Mr. Thomas
Robins, of this place, had Its legs and feet
scalded, on last Saturday, by precipitating a
tea-kettle of boiling water over itself. It Is
convalescent .
Charles D. Watso:, Esq., the new Tost
Master at Clearfield Borough, entered upon the
duties of his appointment on last Saturday.
The office is kept in the same room which Mr.
Watson occupies as a Drug Store.
Cct his IIead. Whilst a lad of Mr. Andrew
Shugarf, of this borough, was cutting with an
axe, on last Wednesday, a younger brother
came too clone, arid the descending axe cut a
largo gash in the top of his head.
TnE First of the Season. Wm. F. Irwin,
hasjnst relumed from tie city with a large and
well selected stock ol Seasonable Goods.which
lie is opening out at his store room in Clear
Held Borough, and will dispose of at the most
reasonable prices. See Advertisement.
A bill fixing the fees of tho District Attor
ney in Clearfield, and a number of other coun
ties, at $6 in cases tried, and $3 where bills
are ignored or a nolle prosequi entered, passed
both branches of our Legislature and has been
signed by the Governer.
Local News. We would be obliged if any
ol our friends in different sections of tho coun
ty would furnish us with . occurrences that
would be of interest to our readers. Ministers
and Justices would also confer a favor by sen
ding marriage or death notices.
Fire i.f the Woods. We understand that
fires have broken out in the woods in differ
ent sections of the country, ard are destroying
timber, &c. On last Sunday, a fire broke out
on the bill East of town, but we believe
no other particular damage was done than to
burn several cords of wood for (Jen. A. M.
Hills, which was stacked up in a clearing.
We direct the attention of persons desirous
of procuring Marble Work of any description,
to the advertisement of Messrs. S. A. Gibson
& Co-., of Bellefonte, in another column of to
day's Journal.
Attention is also called to the advertisement
of Geo. W. Orr, who has re-commenced the
blacksmithing business at the. old shop, on
Third street, Clearfield borough.
Mo.net Wanted. We would remind such of
our patrons as are in arrears, that we, like ev
erybody else, are in need of money, and would,
therefore, respectfully, yet earnestly, urge
them to give us a call as soon as convenient,
or remit to us by mail. The ensuing Court
week will give many an opportunity of attend
ing to this matter. So, roll in, gentlemen
we shall be happy to sec you, at any time.
Bodt Found. La.st Wednesday the body of
a man was drifted out on some brush some
where in liie neighborhood of Moore's, in Clin
ton county, which has been identified as that
of Mr. James Flannegan, of this place, who
was drowned at the "Big Pitch," on Easter
Suud.iy. The body, we believe, was interred
at the place where it was found. Moore's is
about 36 miles from the place where Mr. Flau
negm was drewned.
Rafting. During last week, nearly, if rot
quite all, the timber, lumber and spar rafts
from Cherry-tree, Chest creek, &c, passed
this point on their way to market. We sup
pose that a great portion of the rafts in Clear
field creek, and other tributaiies of the West
Branch, also passed down, and in a short time
we may expect to see some money afloat in
Clearfield, and times easier than they have
been for sonic months.
Something Sensible. The following item
f sensible advice is taken from HalTs Jour
nal of Health, and we think it not out of place
to insert it, as it is peculiarly applicable to
this region : "Dress children warmly, woolen
flannel next their person during tho whole
year. By every consideration protect the ex
tremities well. It is an ignorant barbarism
that allows a child to have bare arms, and legs,
and feet, even in summer." The circulation
should bo invited to the extremities j warmth
does that ; cold repels it. It is at the bands
and feet we begin to die. Those who have
cold handi and feet arc never well. Plenty of
warmtli, plenty of substantial food and ripe
fruits, and plenty of joyous out-door exercise,
would save millions of children annually."
A Fair Hit. Mr. Choate writes a hand
which has been compared to the autograph of
a seventeen legged spider, just crawled out of
an inkstand. An exchange says : "We are
informed that non. Rnfus Choate will be sent
to China not, however, by the government as
Minister Plenipotentiary, but that he has
been engaged at a large salary to go out to
Canton, where he will bo employed in lettering
tea-chests ! Jt is said that his peculiar style of
chirography will enable him to put on those
interesting hieroglyphics at a much cheaper
rate than the Chinese painters can do it."
The Highest Watehfall in the world is
n the Sandwich Islands, and is stated to be
between four and five thousand feet high.
The stream on which the fall occurs, runs a
mong the peaks or tho highest mountains in
the islands. It falls sheer from a precipice so
high that the water actually never reaches the
bottom. The resistance of the air changes it
into mist before it can reach the bottom," so
great is the distance, and ascends to the clouds
again. This must be a sight to see a small
cataract literally suspended in mid air. Eith
er that is a big waterfall, or a big story.
fr7"Counteifeit Five Dollar notes on .11-, e
Tamaqua Bank have been put into circulation.
GThe Democrats carried the municipal c
lectinn in Philadelphia on the 5th instant.
:X7Looks fine the new bead of the Lock
Ilaven Watchman. Dunham prints a rather
spicy paper.
QjAuout Jack Frost, for several morn
ings. Truly, "winter lingering, chills the lap
of May." ,
EThe bill releasing General Small from
imprisonment for contempt of Court bas been
signed by Governor Follock.
Cp-Down tho water in the river, "and rafts
have quit running. Nearly all the lumber has
been taken from this section.
CTThe trial of Mrs. Cunningham, for the
murder of Dr. Burdell, Vas progressing in
Jfcw York last week. It is thought she will
be acquitted.
tr?"Out for Wilmot the Daily Saw, the old
Native American paper of Philadelphia city.
It gives 'side-door' Sanderson particular 'fits.'
By-the-by, the Sun is one of most spirited pa
pers In the city.
tC7"This is a progressive age. A chicken
fancier is trying to get up a new race of puj
lets, by crossing weather-cocks with shanghai
hens. We shall await the result of his exper
iment with much interest.
Cp-Lady Franklin has determined to fit out
anotherArctic expedition. The London Times
suggests that she should bo presented by the
English public with the Resolute, for the exe
cution of the enterprise."
K?It is thought, in consequence of the re
jection of the Dallas-Clarendon treaty, our
Minister to England, Mr. Dallas, will return
home, and that ex-Secretary Marcy will be
sent out as his successor.
!T7J. M. B. Petriken, arnember of tho Le
gislature from Lycoming county, was last week
lying in a critical condition at Buehler's Ho
tel, Harrisburg. He is one of tho victims of
the "National epidemic," and bis recovery is
considered doubtful.
C7""An exchange asks very innocently if it
is any harm for young ladies to sit in the lapse
of ages.' Our opinion is that it all depends
on the kind of ages selected. Those from 18
to 2-, we think are somewhat hazardous, but
are generally preferred by femininity.
E7"A pocket-book containing 0,000 in
Dotes has been found in the city of Montreal,
and being American money, the American
consul in that city sent a communication to
Mayor Vaux, of Philadelphia, notifying him
of the fact. Who is the owner 7
rX7How to make Time pass Quickly get
a note in bank for ninety days, and you will be
astonished at the velocity of time 1 By doing
this in December,winter will seem remarkably
short, Sad spring appear quite as soon as you
are ready for it. Any person who does not
beliuve this, can experiment for himself.
C7The Persian Ambassador at Paris, Fc-rouck-Rhan,
has just presented to Louis Na
poleon four Arab horses of the purest blood,
from his master, the Shah. Their peculiari
ties are two that they aro larger than any
blood horses hitherto seen, and that they have
no manes. Paris was very much delighted
with the beauty of these animals.
C7Thc direct intelligence from Walker is
to the 13th of April, by way of the lake and
river. A dispatch came to Grcytown of that
date from Gen. Mora, stating that he had got
Walker and his whole force confined to only
two houses that he had dug a trench all a
round what was left of tho city, and that Walk
er would be forced to surrender by the 20th.
rJ"Thc Louisiana sugar crop was not mate
rially damaged by the recent frosts, though
advantage was taken of the fact to advance
the price of sugars. At first a material cur
tailment of the crop was predicted. No doubt
the young cane was severely bitten, but as a
general rule it promises to regain its vigor,
or at least to a fair proportion of saccharine
L7"Thc Chinese Sugar Cane About 250
bushels of the seed of this cane have been dis
tributed by tho Patent Office this season. It
is thought by many that this cone is destined
to be cultivated as extensively in the United
States as Indian corn, yielding, as it does at
the same time, sugat for man, and provender
and grain for beast.
OyFreemasonry was first known in Eng
land, in 674, and was forbidden in 1424 ; toler
ated in 1G00, and excommunicated by the
pope in 1CS8. The Charity for Freemasons
was established in 1788. The Grand Lodge of
England was founded in 1727 ; of Ireland, in
1720. Freemasons' Hall, Great Queen street,
was built in 1775, and opened in May, 1770.
E7A fellow in North Carolina, having been
put in jail for marrying thirteen wives, recent
ly made his escape. A gentleman afterwards
recognized him, and anxious to secure the re
ward for his apprehension, invited him to din
ner, and then slyly, slipped out in pursuit of a
constable ; but.great was his surprise on his re
turn to find that the culprit had absconded
with his own wife. So says an exchange.
B""""-Thc proposed Convention at Lancaster
is to be held on the 5th June, instead of the
20th May, as at first announced. It will no
doubt be a great affair, some half dozen Loco'
focos, wearing the American livery, managing
and controlling it. It was rumored last week
that arrangements were being made by leading
Democrats at Harrisburg and tho sidc-doorites
to run Gov. Geary as a third candidate, but we
can see no confirmation of the rumor.
Died On the 1st May, Joseph McGovern,
of Girard township, aged 7 years and i mos.
On the 2d May, Miss Almira Jt kt, of Gi
rard township, aged 7 years and 7 months.
i1 AUTION. All persons ore cautioned against
J meddling with one yote 01 muioy oxen now
; nasion of Wm. W. Cathcart. of Pike town
ship, as tko .tarns belongs to me and only loft with
the iiid catucart uu ww-
tne saw t.muu M CATUCART.
Knox township, April IS, .lS57-ap23-3t-p.
SHERIFF'S SALES. Vr virtue or sundry
writx of Ft. Fa & Vend. Exp. issued out of tho
Court of Common ricasofClcnrlieldco., and to me
directed, will be espied to public sale. t the-1 ourt
Houso m tho borough 01 t learneld, on mv. i'ax
THE 1STH DAY OF MAY, 1S57, the follow
ing described real estate, to wit ;
A certain tract of land containing 75 acres with
about 35 acrcsclcarcd.with ahousennd barn there
on erected, and bounded by lands of Israel Rora
baugh, M ktrcn. in. agouer ana otners
Seized, taken in execution and lo be sold as tho
property of Jonathuu Snyder and Jonns Snyder.
Also a certain tract of land situate in Ferguson
township, containing about 75 acres, bounded on
the west by land of G. W. Scott, on tho south by
Kdmond Williams, on the west by i. lubbs. with
north bv . havinir about 40 acres cleared.
Seized, taken in execution and to bo sold as the
property of Jacob Kooscr.
Also a certain tract ot land., situate in c nest
township, containing 40 acres, bounded on tho cast
by lands of John Byers, on tho south by lauds of
8. A A. Tozer, on the west by lands of Neff A Ro
rabaugh and others, and on the north by land of
John Patton. Seized, taken in execution and to be
sold as the property of K. S. Montgomery.
Also a certain tract of land, situate in Fergu
son township, containing 100 acres, bounded by d-
niond imams, Jotcpb Straw, loung and others,
with log hou.se and log barn, and 40 acres cloarod,
property of defendant. .Seized, taken in execution
and to be sold as the property of Geo. W. Scott.
Also a certain tract of land, situate in Fergu
son township, containing; t)0 acres, bounded on tho
south by Orango Thurstin, west by Joseph Sttaw,
witu log house, log stable, aud ZD acr :s cleared. and
a piuall orchard Seized, taken in execution and
to b sold as the property of Albert Thurstin.
Also a certain tract of land, containing 50 a-
cres. unimproved and well timbered, bounded on
east by 11. J'.arrett, north by John Green, sown oy
Swan A Looker, west by Nathaniel Scott. Seized,
taken in execution and to bo sold as the property
of John M. Scott.
Also a certain house and lot in AnBonvillo,
known as lot No 8, having 50 feet frout on Henry
street, beginning at corner of lot No. 10. thence s.
4'J e. 50 ft. s. 41 west by lot No. 9, 200 ft. to 25 ft."
alley, thence by saU alley s. 4a w. ju it to .no. io,
and thence by No 10 to place of bcgiu-iiiig, with
a two story frame store house thproon Also, ano
ther tract or piece of land in Jordan township, as
follows : beginning at a hemlock by land of Jusiah
Jlcnrv. 40 e. 54 perches to post, s. 50 e. 120 per. to
hemlock, thence by land of drier Bell s. 40. 70 per.
more or less, to an ash. down thenco by John Pat
chen's land s. 50 west 105 perch, to hemlock. thenco
lands of Win. Thurstin n. 50 o. 4S per. to place of
beginning, containing 100 acres more or less.
Seized, taken in execution and to bo sold as tho
property of James M. Pfoutz.
Also a certain lot of land, situate in Clearfield,
known as lot No. 152. bounded south by locust st.,
cast by an allcy,north by an alley, west by lot No
'.','J, being same premises conveyed I.Sth Ju!y,lS5ti,
bv G. S. Reed and wife to defendant, with a large
two story house and a largo barn and other im
provements thereon, beizcd, taken in execution
and to bo sold as tho property of Samuel Evans
Also a certain tract of land, situate in Chest
township, containing about 3:1 acres, more or less.
late the property ot James Ytood. f.sq., Dounaed
by lauds of Woods nnd others, baring about 15 a
eres cleared and a dwelling bou.no thereon erected.
Seized, taken in execution and to bo sold as the
property of 1'avid Wood, administrator of James
Wood, deceased.
Also a certain tract of land, situate in Brady
township, containing 100 acres, with a log houso
ami barn theroon. mid forty acres cleared, bound
ed by lands of JcsR I.iiios.'KllTin l.mg onJ IIoLort
Smiley. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold
as tho property of Alexander Dunlap.
Also a certain tract of land, situate in Fergu
son township, Clearfield county, beginning at ori
ginal whito oak corner of this and John Stcjiicr
survey, thence by said John Steiner survey north
westerly about 340 perches to post, thence by John
Purs survey to post on line of land of Matthew
bloom, thence by enme and land of Geo. Williams
s. 40 e. 337 perches to old tract line. Ibence by same
about 142 perches to place of beginning, contain
ing about 250 acres, part of tract warranted in
name of Abraham Scott, with 30 acres cleared,
with ft log houso and log barn. Seized, taken in
execution and to be sold as tho property of James
M Crackcn.
Also a certain tract of land, situate in Chest
township, being an undivided uioity or half part
of a certain tract containing about 433 acres 150
perches, having about 20 acres cleared and three
dwelling houses tlicrcon erected, being tlio satno
tract which Kobcrt Koss and wife by deed dated
5th September, 1855, granted and conveyed to Da
vid Wood nnd Luther Unrrett in fee. Seized, ta
ken in execution and to be sold B3 the property of
Kobcrt Pennington and David Wood.
" Also a certain tract of land, situate in Wood
ward township, containing 100 acres, bounded by
Andrew Laughman and other lands of Joseph li.
Logan. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold
ai tho property of Joseph K. Logan.
Also two certain tracts of land, situate in Mor
ris township, Clearfield county, one piece begin
ning at a poet by a white pine, thence s. 105 per
ches to post, west by Lorain 10S perches to post,
north by Allport 101 p. to post on north side of
turnpike, east by Win. Mcrrcll ISO perches to be
ginning, 110 acres and 145 perches aud allowance.
Tho other piece beginning at post near whito pine
east by Wm Merrcll 180 per. to hemlock, north by
liorain 108 per. to red oak down, west by land of
lillon 1;!0 perches to post, south by Win. Merrell
to beginning, containing 112 acres, being the
north-east and south west quarters of tract in name
of Win. 1'igler. and patented on warrant dated 10th
of August, 1839, with 30 acres cleared land and 2
j. lank bouses on tho same. Seized, taken in exe
cution and to be sold as the properly of William
L Merrell.
Also a certain tract of land, situate in T-rady
township, Clearfield county, adjoining lauds of G.
W. Horn, with abont 20 acrescluared and log house
ami barn thereon erected. Seized, taken in execu
tion nnd to bo sold as tho property of Wui. Irwin.
Also a certain tract of land, situate in Fergu
son township, Clearfield county, adjoining lands of
tircenwood llell. Giorgo Walter and others, con
taining 334 acres. Also, in 100 acres of land in
same township, adjoining Drinkers heirs,. Thomas
Owens, tho river Susquehanna, being late the es
tate of Joseph Wiley, dee'd. Seized, taken in ex
ecution and to be sold as the property of William
T. Wiley.
Also a certain tract of land, containing 123 a
cres. situate in Woodward township. Clearfield co ,
Pa., part of survey in namoof Win. Wistar, ad
joining lands of W. B. Alexander nnd others,
known as tho 1'cllecina property, having a large
two-stojy frame bouse and other out buildings, an
orchard and about 40 acres cleared thereon. Also
Deft's interest, of, in and to 220 acres of survey in
name of Thomas Neil, situate near Clearfield
creek, in Woodward township, Clearfield county,
being the same premises bought by Deft, in com
mon with A. K. Wright from Hardman Philips.
Also that certain piece of .land in Woodward town
ship, adjoining lands of Samuel Jlegarty, Samuel
Sb off nnd others, containing 21 acres and 32 perch
es, being the samo premises bought by Deft, from
lianiel iligley. having a house, barn, nnd about
15 acres cleared land thereon. Also that certain
lot of land, situate in tho village of G len Hope,
having a large two-story frame house with other
out-buildings thereon, being tho samo premises
bought by Lefts grantors from S. C. Patchin. Al
so all that lot of land situate in the village of
Glen Hone. Clearfield county, being a corner lot
and fronting on the Main street thereof? having a
large two-story store and dwelling houso ana other
out-buildings thereon, being the same premises
bought from m. 11. .Dickinson. Seized, taken in
execution, nnd to be sold as tho property of George
W Shoff.
Also a certain tract of land, sitnato in Penn
township. Clearfield county, being the undivided
half of 140 acres, with about 100 ncres cleared, 2
bouses and barn thereon, bounded by Hilc, Wide-
mi re and others. Seized, taken in execution, and
to be sold as the property of Asher Cochran.
Also nil Defendant's interest of. in nnd to
two certain tracts of land, situate in Morris
township, Clearfield county, one being tho south
half of tract in name of Paul Wetzel, adjoining
tract in name of llyman Grata on tho south and
In ii.l ,r tinnrrr nn tlin east, containing 222
acres and allowance ; the other being south half of
tract in name of David Hall, joining Paul Wetzel
i,o i ,! luml of John Cook on tho south.
coiUainins 237 acres and allowance, being parts of
two lnrtror tracts or surveys, and same premises-
bought from David Gratz and others, aud having
a saw mill, 4 dwelling houses, stable, and about 8
acres cleared thereon. Seiicd, taken in execution
and to bo sold as the property of David Wann.
Also a certain tract of land, situate in Chest
township, bounded by lands of Jonathan t-nyder,
T.ni.-n and otliprs. containing one hundred aers,
with 5 acres cleared, and log house and saw will
thereon -reeled Seized, taken in execution, and
to bo sold as the property of John aud Jonas cny
j,,s A certain tract of land, situate in Chest
township, Clearfield county, containing J acres,
bounded north by Byers, east by A. A J. Tozcr,
south by John Penninirton, and west by Montgom
ery. Seized. taVen in execution, and to be sold as
the property of John II. Byers, Simon Montgomery
and Samuel Byers.
Also all Deft s. interest of. in and to a certain
lot of land, situate in Clearfield borough, known
as lot'No. 27 in said borough, bounded south by
Market street, west by Front Street, north by Lot
No. 26, and east by an alley, with two-story tav
ern house and frame stable and other out-buildings.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold
as the property of Wm. J. Hemphill.
, Also a certain tract of land, situate in natm
township, Clearfield oounty, containing 235 acres,
beginning at a beech, thence south 70 west 1 14
perches to post, thence north 20 west 323 perches
to a hemlock, thence north 70 east 114 perches to
post, south 20 cast 312 perches to place of begin
ning. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold
as tho property of Barr A Valentino Ilevncr.
Also a certain tract of land, sttuate in Chest
township. Clearfield county, containing 114 acres,
bounded by lands of Joseph M'Murray, Thomas
Wilson and others, having erected thereon a frame
house and log barn, and about 30 acres cleared.
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the
property of Robert McFaddon
Also all defendants interest of and in about H
acres of land in Kylertown, Morris township,
Clearfield county, bounded west by lands of John
B. Kyler. north by town plot of Kylertown, east by
hinds of John Unborn and south by lands of John
Kahorn and G. F. Hoop. And also two lots of land
in Kylertown, adjoining lands of Leonard Kyler
on the north, lot of George Hoover on tho east,
Main Ftrcet on the south, and lands of John B. Ky
ler on tho west, being 216 feet in depth and 110 ft.
in front, and widening toward the rear, having a
two story frame tavern house, one stable, a store
house nnd other outbuildings thereon. Seized, ta
ken in execution and to be sold as the property of
Thomas Kyler.
Also, by virtue of a writ of Levari F.uiat. All
that tract or piece of land situato in Ferguson tp.,
Clearfield co , Pa., beginning at a post, nlso a cor
ner of tho Crst herein recited tract "Fox's Ker
ward," and of land conveyed to Vastino & Boone,
thenco by said land south 40 d. west 222 perches,
more or loss, to a post, thence by older surveys
north Srfd. e.356 perches, moreor less.to a dogwood,
theuco along the original boundary of said trict,
'Fox's Reward' south iOJ. west 201 perches to place
or beginning, containing 177 acres and 31 per
ches, part of tract surveyed on warrant dated 21th
Jan. 1 793. granted to Geo. Roberts, jr., and by him
25th Jan. 1713, conveyed to Samuel Fox tho elder,
patented 19th August,"l (Hi), enrolled in patent book
No. 3(1. pago 240, and same premises which Charles
Norris. trustee et al. conveyed to David Ferguson.
Seized taken in execution and to bo sold as tho
property of David Ferguson.
JiiSIAll R ItEED, Sh'ff.
Clearfield, April 15, lH57-to.
LIST OF RETAILERS of Foreign and Do
mestic Merchandize in Clearfield County, for
tho year 1857, subject to the payment of license
Names. Class. License.
Beccaria Toxoiship.
F. C. Patchin. 14 $7 09
Hegcrty A McCullah, 14 7 00
Jcremiuh Cooper, 14 7 03
Samuel ilegarty. It 7011
- C)aaiUU Uvl in4 Immbcr Co. 13 10 09
llell Township.
George k Lewis Smith, 14 7 00
Thomas MoGhee fc Co., 14 7 00
Gcddes. Marsh A Co. 14 7 00
E. L. Miller, .14 7 00
IJoggs Township.
Charles Slonn, " 14 7 00
Ralston fc Bcatty, 13 10 00
lirady Township.
John Carlisle Jt Co. 14 7 00
F. K. Arnold, 14 7 00
S. H. Arnold. 14 7 00
P. W. Barrett, 14 7 00
R. H. Moore, 14 7 00
Frederick Kohler, 14 7 00
David Irvin, 14 7 00
Jauoj Kuntz, 14 7 00
F. K. Arnold. 14 7 00
Brail ford Township.
James B. Graham, 12
Matthew Forecy, 14
John Holt, 14
Edward Williams. 14
Wm. Albert A Brothers. 14
liiirusuic Town-ship.
James McMurry, 13
Patchin A Brother. 14
Cumiuings A Mahaffey, 14
Russell McMurry, 14
Allison A Snyder, 14
fhest Township.
Michaels A AVorrell, 14
Christopher Kratzer, 14
Covington Township.
John Rarntoico. 13
Francis Coutreit, 14
John P. Rider, 14
Clearfield Borough.
Charles P. Watson, J 4
Reed A Weaver, 13
A M. Hills, 14
Wm. F- Irwin, 13
Wm. L. Moore, 13
Christopher Kratzer, 11
Richaid Mossop, 13
Merrell A Carter, 14
C'tricensville Borouah.
McEride A Co. '12
Mrs. E. Irvin A Sons, 12
Montelius.A Co. 13
Bloom A Montgomery, 13
H. D. Patton, .11
Decatur Township.
J. J. Lingle, 14
J. F Steiner A Co, 14
Bowman A Perks, .13
Ferguson Town-ship.
Martin O. Sterk, 14
Goshen Township.
E. Irwin A Sons, 13
A. B Shaw, 14
R. Leonard A Brother, 14
Girard Township.
James Irwin A Co. 14
Humphrey A Halo, 14
Augustus Lcconte, . 14
Huston Township.
David Tyler, . 14
Jordan Township.
David McGehan, 14
Chase A Swan, 14
McMurry A Hegarty, 14
Knrtlians Township.
F. P. Hurxthal, 13
R. J. Uaynes, . 14
Lawrence Townslup.
James Forrest, 14
Morris Townslu'p
E.F.Brenner, 13
John Kyler, 14
G. F. Hoop, 14
J. I. Nelson A Co. 14
I' lie Township.
A. Bloom, 14
Penn Township.
Ben. Hartshorn, 13
A. Ililo A Brother, 14
12 50
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
10 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
10 03
7 09
7 00
7 00
10 00
7 00
10 00
10 00
15 00
10 00
7 00
12 50
12 50
10 00
10 00
15 00
7 00
7 09
10 00
7 00
10 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
10 00
7 09
7 00
10 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
10 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
Woodtpard Township.
James A. negerty, 14
John M. Chase, 14
Herry Byers, 14
R. B. McCullah, 14
Thomas Henderson, 14
Union Township.
Daniel Hrubaker, 14
RETAILERS of Patent Medicines.
Cnrweusvile Borouerh.
7 00
II. D. Patton,
J. B. Segner,
Clearfield Borough
C. D. Watson.
4 5 00
4 5 00
4 5 00
Cnrwensville Borough.
Stephen GrafT, 8-5 00
NOTICE. An appeal will bo held on Tuesday
the 19th day of May, at the Commissioners' Office
in Clearfield borough, when and where all who
feel themselves aggrieved by the above appraise
ment can attend, if thev see proper.
April 8, 1857.-- Mercantile Appraiser.
WINES, for sale at the cheap cash storo'of
pr3 R, MOSSOP.
IlEKISTER'S KOTICK.-Notice is here-
XV bv civen, lhat the following accounts have
been examined and passed by me, and remain Tied
of record in this ofiiee for ths inspection of heir,
legatees. creditors, and all others in any othc.- way
interested, nnd wijl be presented to the next Or
phans' Court of Clearhcld County, to bo lieia at
the Court House, in the Borough of Clearfield'
commencing on the third Monday of Ma, 1857,
for confirmation and allowance:
The final account of John Smith. Administrator
of Isaiah Barto, lato of Burnside township, Clear
field county, deceased.
The account of Isaao llorton. Sen., Administra
tor of Zebulon Warner, late of Caledonia, Clear
field county, deceased.
The account of James Somwrville, snrvivinir Ad
ministrator of David Somervillc, late of Chest
township, Clearfield Coonty, deceased.
The account of Thomas Stronach and Joseph
Wrigleswortb,- Administrators of Joseph Collings
worth, lato of Penn township, Cleaificld county,
The final account of Israel Rorabaugh and
Christian Rorabaugh, Executors, Ac., of the Es
tate of John Rorabaugh, late of Chest township,
Clearfield county, deceased.
Clearfield, Pa.. Apri 1 8, 1357. Register.
DO C T O 11 K K I. f. I i ' S
For the Treatment of Cancers, Tumors, Wens,
fleers, Scrofula, any Growth or Sore. Chronic
Diseases, generally, can be cured (if curable.) with
out surgical operation or poison. For all particu
lars write, state diseases plainly, and enclose twen-
ty-tive cents tor advice. All letters must nave a
postage stamp enclosed to pre-pay answer. Wed-
i . . , -. . . ,1
mine can oe seuv any uisianre. .nuurcFs
V. It. KEIA1.MJ, M. D
Mechanicsburg. Cumberland Co , Pa.
t sMcchaniesburg is ri miles from Harrisburg.
on tho V. . Kailroad, and accessible from all
parts of the Union.
Old and voung. poor and rich, come all we will
do you good.
rTo thoso afHictcd who cannot nsit mo per
sonally. I will send, per mail, on receipt of S5.00
only, a Recipe to prepare Medicine, with full di
rections for use, Ao. State all particulars. Ad
dress as above. February IS, lS57-Giu -
LICEXSK KOTICK The following named
persons have filed in tho Office of tho Clerk cf
the Court of Quarter Sessions of Clearfield County,
their respective Petitions for License at MAY
Session next, agreeably to Act of Assembly of
March 2S, is 6, entitled "An Act to regulate tuo
Sale of Intoxicating Liquors," Ac.
Lorcnza I). Ililc. Lumbcrville, Penn township.
Enoch MeMasters, " "
Thomas C. Davis. Penn township.
R. W. Moore, Luthcrsburg, Brady Township.
Henry Post. Decatur township.
Daniel M. Weaver, Clearfield borough.
George D. Lanich. " "
David Smith. Curwcnsville Borough.
Win. A. Mason, "
John Drauckcr, " "
Isaac Bloom, jr, ' " "
Henry Goodlander, Brady township.
George W. Long, "
Frederick Zeigler, " "
Adam Knarr. " u
Charles GrafT. Union township.
William Askoy. Bopgs township.
Andrew Cross, " '
John P.iesh. " '
Merrell P. Marble, Kylertown, Morris twp.
Dcnnison .luhnston. MoTris township.
James M'Clellan. Morris township.
William S. Wiggins, Bradford township,
Cyrns 11. Thurston, Chest township.
Wesley Nevling. Beccaria township.
John Sulfridge. Goshen township.
Robert Leonard. Goshen township
James Bloom. Pike township.
R. B. Merully. AVoodward township,
Solomon Bauder, Covington township.
Moron wim MF.itrnAsnisE.
BrokerhofT A Mullen, Covington township.
II. D Patton, Curwcnsvillo borough.
Stephen Graff, Curwcnsville borough.
Aprl3-'57 GEO. WALTERS, Clerk.
inencing on tho 3d Monday, the ISth day.)
1. Adams, vs O. B. Engles adni'rs.
JI. Philip s ex rs, vs
Reams et al
D. Mitchell A Mchaffey, vs
S. J. Tozer et al
John I ninpbcll, vs
Hngh MciJonigal, vs
Samuel B. Rittcr, vs
John Drauckcr, vs
Joseph Burtop, VS
S. Crow et al, vs
William M. Lyon, vs
Hughs A Loyd, vs
Mehaffey A Mitchell, vs
H. Billington, trustee, vs
Same, vs
Borough of Clearfield, vs
John J. Bloom. vs
William Harrold, vs
T. V Dunbar, vs
Ira Sabin, vs
Abraham Bloom, vs
P. Chambers, vs
Jonas Bowman, vs
Wm II Joy, vs
L. W. Johnston. vs
E. Willi.imsAKooscr,
Js.iao Gaines.
Hurxthal A Brother.
Benj. Hartshorn.
Abel Brooks.
John Overdorf.
Abraham Grss.
T. F. Dunbar.
Simon Pennington.
Abraham (loss et al.
John Crane et al.
Lawrence township.
Abraham Bloom,
David Lits.
Thos. M'Gheo et al.
John J. Bloom,
.1 B. Hewett.
William Bloom.
Graffius A Wood.
James M. Leonard.
quarter of tho present school year of this Insti
tution will commence on Monday, APRIL 27th,
Persons wishing to fit themselves for College,
Teachers, Commercial or other avocations in life,
will hero rcceivo every desired facility. A thor
ough Scientific and Classical courso is here given
on terms lower than in similar Institutions in the
State. Parents at a distancs can obtain boarding
for their sons and daughters under the immediate
care of tho Principal, where they will receive rare
advantages, with all the comforts and pleasures of
home; and their morals will be carfully guarded.
It is particularly desirous that pupils forthe ap
proaching terra be pres. nt at its commencement,
to select their scats and be properly arranged in
their respective classes.
Further information and Catalogues of the In
stitute can be had by addressing,
W A. CAMPBELL. Principal.
April 15, 1S57. Clearfield, Pa.
has removed bis shop to the new building of John
Troutman, on Market street, where he will keep
on hand or manufacture to order, (of superior
finish,) every variety of Household and Kitchen
such as Tables. Bureaus, Safes, Stands Cupboards,
Sofas. Bedsteads, -Ac., of every style and variety,
which be will dispose of at cheap rates as any o
ther establishment of the kind in the county.
Call aud examine his furniture, and judge for
yourselves of its quality and finish.
CHAIRS of all kinds on hand or made to order.
He is also, proparcd to make COFFINS to order,
on the shortest notice, and will attend funerals
with a hearse, when called upon.
Joshua s. jonxsox.
Clearfield, Ta., December 17, 1856.
ajL of Administration on the Estate of Christian
Shoff, late of Woodward township, Clearfield CO.,
Pa., deceased, having been granted to the under
signed ; all persons indebted to said estate are re
quested to make immediate payment, and those
having claims against the same will present them,
properly authenticated for settlement.
C.J. SHOFF, - Mmr9
April 4, 1S57 f.tp Woodward Tp.
JVTOTICE. The partnership heretofore exut
ll ing between M Bride and Wright has this
day, by mutual consent, been dissolved, and we
wish all persons having accounts on our books to
call and settle them The business will be con
tinued in future by Wm. M'Bride.
Curwensville, April 7, li7-
REJIOVA L . Tho undersigned notifies
hisold customers and the public that he has
removed his BLACKSMITH SHOP to his new
building few doors south of the shop he former
ly occupied, where bo is prepared to do on the
shortest notice any work in hi line of business.
April 15, 1857- JACOB SIIUNKWEILER. :
Cast vour W
lyaifrt, jbt after many
A Certain Cure for
iecured according to' Lato.
rillE Electric Paste acts npon the Muscles.Ten
M. dens, and upon the whole nervous system, re- ;
moving torpiditv and producing a healthy action
cf the blood. Ihere being no volatile matter in
its romposition.it remains in action until itaccom- -plit-hes
its work. It cannot lose its strength, and 1
is altogether harmless, its constituent parts being
eutirely vegetable. r
Nil A i w lL.li ll. tlftt: ,
We acswer Rheumatic Pains, when everything
else fails. Cramps, Chnlic, Coughs, Chilblrins,
Burns, Scalds, Sprains, Headache,TootLaclie.Swel
lings. Bruises. Sores. Ringworm. Tetter, Stiff Joints,-
Contracted Chords, Fresh Cuts. Ulcerated Sorcs.and
all Scrofulous Diseases where external remedies
can be used. Sore Throat. Stiff Necks, Ac.
WHAT IT WILL CURE for Horses and Cattle.
Sweeny. Spavin. Fistulas. Poll Evil, Windgalis,
L leers, tholic, fMirams. Collar and Saddle Galls,
Stone Bruises, Stiff Joints, Vertigo, Splints and.
Running Sores.
lgone genuine but thoso having the words
E. C. Allen's Concentrated Electric Past. o'Ara
ian Pain Extractor. Lancaster. Pa.." blown in the
bottle "Lk out for counterfeits. Don't for
get to ask for ALLEN'S.
Letters upon business, address, E. U- Allen, care
of H A. Kockafield A Co., Lancaster. Fa.
I"STor sale at the Drug Store of Charles D.
Watson. Clearfield, Pa., and country storekeepers
and Druggist throughout the State maySl'56-ly
I71AU.M TOR SALE. The undersigned of
fers to sell at private sale his farm on Gram
pian Hills, within a mile of Pennville, Clearfield
county, adjoining lands of Thomas Wall and the
Church property, containing 100 acres, abont ii
acres cleared, under good cultivation, and the re-,
mnindcr well timbered with hemlock, pine, and
other timber. There arc a LOG HOUSE. GOOD
BARN, and other outbuildings, and a number of
young fruit trees on the premises. There is a Raw
mill close by. As the undersigned is desirous to
quit farming, he offers the above property for sale
at reasonable terms, which can be ascertained by
applying to hiin on the premises.
April 1. l!57-t. THOMAS M. MARTHf.
4 lTOKTIONMEXT of Tavern Licenses to
XjL the several districts of Clearfield county for
the year 1607, as per last trienniel as?emont.
Clearfield borough 3 Pike township.
Curwensville boro'
Burnsido township,
Penn "
Beccaria "
Boggs "
Morris "
GirardAGoshen "
3 Brady
1 Chest "
1 Jordan "
1 Woodward 44
2 Bradford "
1 Union "
1 Huston ,r
1 Karthaug "
Curwensville boro' 1 Clearfield boro'
an order of the Orphans' Court of Clearfield
county, there will be exposed to public salo iu the
"orouh of Clearfield, on Tuesday the 10th day of
May. (Court week) the following described lots, to
wit : Two lots. No's 112 and 115. in the borouzh of
Clearfield, hnving erected thereon a good dwelling
house and large shop.Ae.. bounded nort'j by Cher--ry
street, cast by Third street, south by on alley, .
west by lot No. . For terms apply to
L. 11. TURNER, Adm'r.
Clearfield. April 20, 1S57.
N. B. A lot of Carpenter's tools xsill be sold on
the same day, at the above named shop.
Having just received a lot of the best eastern Mar
ble that can be procured at the Philadel-
phia Yards. I am now ready to T"r"'ht,.V ,
all kinds of work in our line, vis : Mon- j..
uments, Tomb-Tables, Marble Door-step 3. SS'i
Lintels, Mantle-pieces. Centre-Table, Card-'la' le,
Bureau:tops. Ac, of cither American or Italian
Marble. ir?"N. B. All orders sent by mail. -r-jnpt-ly
attended to We will not be beat cither in -work"
or prices. dec21-'56.1y I. I LREY
M. A. Frank. Esq., Agent, Clearfield. Pa.
TTIAIOl FOR SALE The nndersirwed of-
JL i'ers at private sale his farm situate in Mor
ris township, Clearfield county, Pa., containing 101
acres, about G5 acres cleared, and in a ebite of
good cultivation, having thereon erected NEW
PLANK HOUSE, and large barn, 4S by SO feet, and
30 or 40 young fruit trees thereon growing. Tho
farm is in a good settlement about one mile from
Kylertown. aud will be sold on reasonable terms,
which can be ascertained by applying to the sub
scriber on the premises, or to M. A.' Frank, Esq-,
Clearfield. Pa. GEO. J. WAGGONER, Sr.
April 1. lS57.-r.t-p.
The property occupied by Porter A Brother in
Brady township, near Luthersbnrg. will be sold
low, as the owner contemplates removiRg westward.
The pottery is in good order and has connected
with it about 60 acres of land, about on half of
which is in grass, the balance in wood. There is
anew two dory dwelling and sufficient stabling,
and sheds on the place. Good ma'crin! for th
manufacture of stone ware and abundance of coal
are on tho property. For terms apply to
Apr'29. L. J. CRANS, ClearSeU.:.
AUDITOR'S NOTICE The undesigned.,
an Auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court
of Clearfield county to distribute the balance in .
the hands of liobt. Porter, Administrator of Jo
seph Morrow, deceased, among. the just ere liters
of the said deceased, will attend to the dutie" f
his appointment on Thursday tho 14th day of May
next, at one o'clock p. m.. at the office of Larii- -iner
A Test, in the borough of Clearfield when
and where all those interested may attend if they,
see proper. JAS. 11. LARRIMER;
April 15, 1S57. Auditor.
No. 19 North Water Street, Philadelphia,
Dealers in Carpet Chain, Tarn,
Clothes-lines, Ac., Ao.
January 1. 1S57. 1 yesr-p.-
1 OH ACRES OF bAXD, on the Eric Tarn- -.1
w pike, about 7 miles west of Curwensville..
and 135 ACRES OF LAND, adjoining tho anme, .
will be sold on accommodating terms. The land
lies well, is all susceptible of cultivation, and is :
well covered with choice pine timber suitable for
shingles, sawing or square timber. A saw mill
nearby. Apply to L. J. CRANS.
mar25 Clearfield.
The partnership
the undersigned, has
consent. All persons
heretofore existing between
beeu dissolved by mutual '
indebted to said firm are re- -
quested to settle their
accounts without delay.
April l.lS57-tf.
N. B. The business
stand bv
will be continued at the e!J
- MILL. Willow Street above Twelfth, North
Side. Mouldings suitable for Carpenters. Build- -ers.
Cabinet and Frame Makers, always or. hand..
Agents wanted in the various Towns in bis por
tion of the State, to whom opportunities -will be
offered for large profits to themselves.
CJTRAY IIOKSE. The undersir6e4 : has in
5 his possession at Frenchville. atry horse of
bay color, and about 17 hands bigh. Tho owner
is desired to come farward and 'prove property, pay
charges, and take him away or be will be di. -posed
of according to law. JAMES MULLEN.
April 27, lf57.
Tho subscribers have this day dissolved
partnership in all their business (eiCcpt the saw
mill property) by mutual consent. '
April 5th, lS57-aprl5 ( '
API RSTRATE Sett of BlocbsmitbingTools,
including Bellows. Anvil. Screw-plates, A ,
for sale by 157 MERRELL A CARTER.