U U V -I V. ?' i it A tOJOWif SCHOOLS OF CLEABFIXLD CO, '. REPORT OP ' Bti district bu 6 schools, and 112 pupils. Ko. In Mch tudr reading 89, writing 60, -rithmetio 25, geography 8, grammar 12.' Best ia .rithmetio to Fractions, and Interest In Da Ties. . Teachers all good. , ."..' . Beocakia has S schools, 200 scholars read lug 77, writing 50, arithmetic 88, geography 6, grammar 4 1 best ia arithmetic to fractions and single rule of three. -Biapfobd. 7 schools; 260 pupils; reading 161, writing 124, arithmetic 61, geography 12, grammar 17j algebra one to equations second ' degree, philosophy one, not much advanced 8 best in arithmetic, thro' Daries, other in re duction, fractions, proportion, &C. . Boqgs has 4 schools, 160 pupils; reading 71, writing 72, arithmetic 53, geography 8, gram mar 6 ( best in arithmetic to fractions and rule of three. . The teachers, Kepler and Shaw, in Bradford and Boggj had a good exhibition at the close of the school. -' Bradt has 9 schools, 400 pupils; reading 189, writing 153, arithmetic 65, geography 14, grammar 9 ; five best in Luthersburg school, taught by B. P. Ste bins, are through Davies' Arithmetic ; good ia reading, geography and grammar, , Tho citizens are nioro reconciled to tho school system as they can obtain better teachers aD.l receive moro benefit to their children. - . Bcrssidi 10 schools, 6 in operation; No. of pupils, 250 ; reading 144, writing 102, arith metic 61, geography 21, grammar 11. Some good teachers ; pupils not much advanced ; some good in geography and grammar ; best In arithmetic to fractions, square root and pro portion. Covinotox has 4 schools, 120 pupils; read ing 36, writing 26, arithmetic 12, geography 3, grammar 2, mostly beginners, but are impro ving. The best teachers are wanted. Chest has 5 schools, 160 pupils ; reading 75, writing 58, arithmetic 33, geography 5, gram mar 4. - Cannot report progress, as the schools were visited too early to do much. Ono house burned down and two new ones were built, both Tery good. Teachers only middling, but anx ious to learn and improve, and this I may say of nearly every teacher who is deficient ia the branches to lu taught. Clearfield Boro Two schools under one roof. Teachers, Chas. Sandford and Maggie Ilartman, both good. No. pupils, 122 ; aver age attendance 80; reading 95, writing 53, arithmetic 64, geography 16, grammar 9. Three best through Davies, 4 to int. and dis count, 20 tbror.gh fraction, 10 in reduction all improved very much over last year. Ccbwexsville Boro' Two schools, parti ally graded and well classified. One school has 100 pupils. Principal teacher, Amos Hut ton Assistant, Mr. Kinter, of Indiana. Pri mary school has 46 pupils teacher, Thomas Ross. I think the Curwensville schools will compare well with any school of equal advan tages in any other county. The pupils have been taught to reason and think for them selves, without being carried along, as is too often the case have been thoroughly drilled in all the branches from orthography up to al gebra have made good progress in ail the branches. No. reading 117, writing 95, arith metic 50, geography 13, grammar 23, algebra 8, to quadratic equations an.l reviewed, arith UU.c 25 through Davies and reviewed, 30 .through fractions, that commenced in the sim ple rules :ihers that began with the multi plication taHo hare advanced to denominate T).rr.ers and some to fractions. Another class of 27 in Intellectual Arithmetic only need to bo seen and heard in their mental problems to be applauded. Books used Sander's series. T?i.ies' Arithmetic and Algebra, Kirk ham 'a and Bullion's Grammar 's. , Curwensvillo is bound to prosper in education the rilit spir it is op. An excellent brick house has been erected a noble example worthy of imitation. May their success equal their generosity and real in a good can sc. DECArra has 6 schools, 190 pupils; reading 110, writing 102, arithmetic 65, geography 15, grammar 14, philosophy 1, 6 nearly through Greenlcaf's arithmetic and 10 to fractions and loss and gain, some goad in geography, gram mar, &o. The aim in all the schools is to give thorough instruction in the primary branches so as to more easily compaehend and progress 1n tiro Hghor. Ftiioroox has 3 schools, 130 pupils; read ing 111, writing 88, arithmetic 46, geography 10, grammar ' 8 1 progress and deportment good ; 4 through Davies' Arithmetic and 20 to fractions or interest and the cube root. Hou ses can be made to servo the end for which they were designed, but are is bad repair, bad eats and tables and cold in the extreme. If Pandora's box bad been searched, I doubt whether a greater variety could have been found, than were the books in ono school, viz: nine authors on arithmetic and fourteen dif ferent reading books. What sane man would agree to teach such a school and give satisfac tion J Some had no book? there was no blackboard; yet, strange to tell! the pupils did learn and made considerable progress. The precedent is not worthy ol imitation, and I trust will not be adopted elsewhere. Goshen Two schools, 55 pupils ; reading 20, writing 15, arithmetic 10, geography 3 Pupils small and not far advanced. No change from last year In bouses. . ' . ' Gikard Three schools, 100 pupils ; reading 63, writing 42, arithmetic 10, geography 7, grammar 2. The schools were visited too ear ly to report progress.. Hcstox three schools, no. pnpils 75 ; read ing 55, writing 21, arithmetic 19, geography 14,grammar 5 progress and deportment good. The people are in favor of schools and good teachers. " JoHtoATr has 3 schools, 150 pupils; reading 93, writisg 75, arithmetic 41, geography 10, grammar 15, algebra 1 to equations or the first degree, 5 through Bose'a arithmetic, 10 to in terest and rule of three, &c, good in gram. rar and all improving. Kaktbacs has three schools, 105 scholars ; xeadipg 49, writing 40, arithmetic 14, geogra phy 6, grammar 2 ; all rather backward, owing to irregular attendance ; some daya only or 6 pnpils attend out of 20. The citizens are in favor of schools and had two good teachers, one not so good. ' . ., Knox has 4 schools, 180 pupils ; reading 81, writing 68, arithmetic 80, geography 6, gram mar 4; progress good; one through Rose in arithmetic and 8 or 10 to Interest and rule of three rest commencing. . No black boards. The citizens want good teachers if to be had. Lawrence has 10 schools,' 430 pnpils ; read ing 810,' writing 820, arithmetic 188, geogra phy 91, grammar 71,' 15 through Davies' or Greenleara arithmetic, 40 to fractions, 50 through denominate numbers, balance not so much advanced, 8 In algebra, one (Miss Ful ton) through, and 2 to equations of the second degree, one through Comstock'a philosophy, 20 in geography through the U. States, others good so far as they have studied, 20 in gram mar very good; history 13 medium, ia primary history." The Directors were fortunate in se curing good teachers in all the schools. Tho greatest number of advanced scholars in ge ography, grammar, algebra, philosophy and a rithroetic, &c, is in Wolf Run school ; teach er, Wm. C. Roto. Next best advanced, Cen tre school, Miss H. Goodfellow ; 3d, in Arith., Wm. Bradley; 4th, Wm. T. Schryver. I be liovo the teachers have all done well and given an equivalent for value. received. The pupils havo all made good progress, and hereafter will require more good teachers of a higher grade than any other district only 'give them the. means and a chance and they will not lose time. Two good new houses have been erect ad in Lawrence tho past year, w hich are a cre dit to the district. Morris has 7 schools, 230 pupils; reading 125, writing 115, arithmetic 52, geography 18, grammar 15 : best to fractions and rule of three and interest. One house lias been de stroyed by fire, and ono new ono erected. They are all in favor of schools and want good teachers. Pike has 7 schools, 310 pupils ; reading 210, writing 210, arithmetic 93, geography 27, grammar 16, some good in all the branches; 8 through Davie's or Rose's arithmetic, 20 to fractions and rule of three, others beginning. School directors aro of tho right mind, attend to the schools well, and know how to appreci ate education and the services of good teach ers, who can learn the pupils more in one term than a poor one can in three. - Tess has 5 schools, only 4 open during the" winter terra ; No. scholars, 200 ; reading 1 12, writing 97, arithmetic 88, geography 2C, gram mar 16, physiology one ; in ono school were three colortd pupils, and three routes. The directors aro efficient, energetic and deeply in terested in the cause of education have been fortunate in procuring good teachers. Ten pupils have been through R oso or Davies' A rithmetic, 30 to fractions and rule of three some very good in writing, geography and grammar. A new house in Pcnnvillo speaks well for itself and citizens when finished will be comfortable and convenient. . fjjiiojr has 3 schools, 94 scholars; reading 44, writing 42, arithmetic 29, geography 12; pupils not much advanced, go Irregular'on ac count of distance and sickness in the district. The people have discovered the difference du ring the past year between good and poor teach ers, tfnd some say they would prefer such or such a teacher at $40 per month to some oth ers at $10 per month. This discovery is not in Union only, but in many other districts. Woodward has 6 schools, 5 in session this year; No. scholars, 130: rcsding 70, writing 11, arithmetic 21, geography 5, grammar 4 ; formerly had poor teachers, hut are more for tunate this year, and the pupils aro making good progress. A. T. SCHRYVER, County Superintendent. TEH. IIS. The JornAi, is published every Wednesday at Ose Dollar An Fiptt Cents per annum in advance, or Two Dollars within the year. Advertisements inserted nt fifty oents pcrsquare, of twelve line, for the first, and twenty-fire oents for ench additional insertion. A liberal deduction made to those who advertise by the year. Tho 'Terms' will be slrictiv adhered to. No paper discontinued without payment of ar rearages, unless at the option of the publisher. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. On and after Monday, Fob. 23d, 135", passenger train will leave Tyrone station as follows : West. East. Fast Lins, 1.57 A. M. 8.55 P. M. Express, 8.23 A. M. 3 A. M. Mail, 6.21 P. M. 2 P. M. WEST HKANCH FIRE INSURANCE COM PANY, LOCK HAVEN, CLINTON CO., PA. CAPITAL, S30U.OO0. Insures Detached lluildings, Stores, Merchandise and other buildings and their contents DIRECTOR8 t lion. John J.'Fearco, Hon. O. C. Harvey, John B.Hall. T. T. Abrams, Charles A. Mayer, D. K. Jackman, Charles Crist, W.White. Peter Dickenson, Thomas Kitchen. Ho, (i. C. HARVEY, Tmes-.t. Thos. Kitchen. Koc'y- T. T. Abrtins. Vice Pres't. . Tba undersigned having been appointed a- gent by this company, gives notice that he will insure Buildings of every description. Goods. Ae on the moet reasonable terms. This company is in a prosperous condition, and meets all demands promptly. The capital stock of the company is Si 00,000 with privilege of increasing to o(in.ni0. A. M. MONTELIUS. Curwensville, Ta.; Aug. 20. 18o.6rap MANSION HOUSE, Clearfield. Pa. 'Ihe undersigned respectfully a public that be has leased the above Hotel in Cloar fiehl borough, and that he is prepared to accom modate all who may favor him with their custom. His house is commodious and convenient, and his table shall be supplied in the best manner possi ble. No effort will be spared to render general satisfaction. By strict attention to business, and to th wants and comfort of bis guests, be expects to secure a liberal shara of patronngo. feblt-'57 DAN. M. WEAVER. CAUTION . All persons are cautionod a gainst meddling with the following property, now in possession of Wm. Curry; Sr, ana ainubi Curry, of Knox township, as the same belongs to me and only left with the said Curry's on loan. One bay Horse, One hay Mare, One sorrel Mare, Two setts of Harness, and Two Cows. II. V. PATTON. Cnrwensrille, Dec. 10. 1856-jan7-'57-3m IJWJK SALE. The subscriber offers for sale his farm, containing about o2 acres, with a bout 25 acres eloared and under good cultivation, having thereon erected one 2-story bouse and narn, situated one and ahalf miles above Clear Held town, opposite the new bridge. For terms apply to the subscriber on th premises. msjH-tf . .. . MILO H0TT. (T3E.MOVAL : -The undersigned bogs leave to It inform bis friends that he has removed his HOOT AND SHOE STORE, . from "Shaw's Row," to his new building, opposite the Offioe of James Wrigly, and two doors south of the Office O. R. Bariiett, Esq. . . He still keeps constantly on hands, every varie ty of Ladies slippers, gaiters, pumps. Ac. Men s fancy shoes and gaiters, with an excellent assort ment of hoavy work, all adapted to the various wants of the people of Clearfield. He hopes bis friends will call at bis KKW STORE, and ex amine bis Stock. . Boots and Shoes made to order, and mending done as heretofore. ISAAC JOUNSTCN. : Clearfield, June 27, 1855. - , GOING IT ALONE The undersigned hav ing taken to himself the store formerly own ed by Patchin A Swab, takes pleasure in informing bis friends and tho public gonerally. that be has just received from the city a splendid assortment of Dry Goods, Hardware, Queensware, Groceries, Confectiooaries, Hats and Caps, Boots and rShoes, " ' and every thing elso usually kept in a country store. Persons wishing to buy cheap and pod Goods should not forget that be is determined not to be undersold by r any store inthe county. Ilia motto is '-a nimble penny ratne man a siow bix- .. on D1TIHITW pence Glen Ilope, July 5, 1854. EXCHANGE HOTEL, PHILIPSBlHtc;. The subscriber, thankful for past favors, would respectfully solicit a continnanoo of the lib eral patronage bestowed upon his House by the Public He is prepared to accommodate water men, editors, drovers, and all others who may call with bim, in the very best manner. He also purposes to run a line of Hacks from Tyrone to Clearfield, for the accommodation of the travelling public. J. G. RUNK. Philpsburg. March 14. I355.-tf. DAVID K. PLOTNER Respectfully informs bis old friends and tho public, that he has obta incd the services of a good Cutter and work man as a foreman in the tailoring business, and he Is now prepared to attend to any orders in his Line of work on the most accommodation terms.ond short notice, and will have clothing on band at all times, such as dress coats, frock coats, vests, and pantaloons of their own manufacture, and good material at the lowest prices. With a wish to ac commodate, ho solicits a share of patronage. New Washington. May 9, 1855. EW ARRIVAL. , A. J- J. PATCH IN, Have just received a new and splendid assort ment of Goods tho best that wns ever brought in- to the upper end of Clearfield Connty. They in-' vite their friends and the public generally to give thorn a call, where tbey will find all kinds of goods usually kept in a Country itoro. Come and examine our stock wo charge noth ing for tho exhibition. AARON PATCITiN, JACKSON rATCHIN. Eurnside. Nov. 23. 1855. ITOR SALE the Farm occupied by Richard Dim vers, Jr., situate in Penn township, about ono mile from Pcnnsvilltf. Itcontains 04 acres, of which 45 arc cleared and under good fence. The improvements are a two-story frame house and kitchen, barn and out-houses. There is a young bearing orchard on the place, and the whole is well watered. For terms apply to h. JACKSON CRAN3. junet Clearfield. Ft. N E YV AKKIVA L. The undemguod has just received a large stock of NEW GOODS, adapted to the season, consisting of DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, Q I.' E K N W ARE, II ARDWARE. CON FECT ION A R I ES, MAILS. HOLLOW-WARE, CEDER-WARE Ac, Ac: JAMES B. GRAHAM. Grabamton, Aug. 22. 1)455. II Ol FOR THE TEMPLE OF HONOR Ji li A J) I JS & M'ti 1 K K'f. TIN, COPPER, & SHEET-IRON WARE MANUFACTORY, PHILIPSBURQ, PA BRAPTN & M'GIKK have just opened an exten sive Tin, Copper, tf Shf4-fron Ware Mnnufactn ry, where they aro at all times prepared to supply customers' with every conceivable article from the smallest Coffuc pot spout to the longest pipe ima ginable. Thev will do both a WHOLESALE RETAIL business, and will at all times have on hand a large assortment of ready-made ware. HOUSE SPOUTING done to order, on the shortest notice, and put op in a neat, substantial manner. STOVES, STOVE-PIPE, It KETTELS, of every variety kept constantly on hand. They will furnish to order any of tho following Cook Stoves, vis: The William Penn, Queen of the V) est, the Atlantic, and Cook-Complete, all of which are suitable for both wood and coal! Among the Parlor Stoves will bo found the "Lady Washington." the '-Excelsior," 'Home Tarlor,' Ac. Produce of all kinds taken in exchange for gnoai. si. A. i;iiaiu. JNO. D. M'ti IRK. October 24. 18o5.-tf. Y"IIOLE-SALE. The subscriber wishing to retire irout tne itiercantilo business, (sole ly on account of press of Professional business) do sires to dispose of his entire stock of Store goods at wnoiesmo ana win sen tnem on tne most accom modating terms. Any person wishing to engage in trading in any part of the county will do well to can ani soe uio beture making any other ar rangoments. A. M. HILLS. Clearfield. August 27. 185G. ITIOIt SALE, TWO BUILDING LOTS in tho borough of Clearfield ; several BUILDING LOTS and PASTURE AND WOOD LOTS, contain ing from three to ten acres each, near tho borough of Clearfield. . , Also several desirable FARMS and pieces of li.MUMl UMt.m various parts of the county. Terms accommodating. Apply to L. JACKSON CRANS, April 16, ISSfl. Clesrficld, Pa. ITAVK 1 Ol! SEEN SAM? The subscriber a. X won Id inform his old friends and the publio generally, that be still continues to keep a bouse ot entertainment in New Washington where those who call with him will recoive every attention, and be made comfortable. Good stabling, and every other convenience for norses on the premises. I. 8. PLOTNEK. (J TILL ON HAND! The undersigned con 3 tinues the CLOCK AND WATCH MAKING BUSINESS, nt his now shop on the cornor of Main and Mechanio streets, one door South of Dr. R. V. Wilson's office, where he will be pleaded to accom modate his customers atall times. Repairing done on me snoncst nonce. nug-'l) it. K. WELSH PAY TB-DAY. AWD THDST TB-MOHfiDW. I 8 5 O. rrmE old corner store of A A. M. HILLS, IS JUST NOW BEIG CRAMMED with a choicp selection of sensonaoiiNgoous, AT THE PURCHASERS OR'.V PRICES. READY-MADE CLOTHING in great variety and of the choicest qualities. A largo, variety of choice DRESS SILKS, which will be sold at city prices. Some beautiful CRAPE and Summer BROCHAE Shawls, which will be sold very low. . BOOTS & SHOES in great variety, lower than they have ever been offered in this county FANCY GOODS extremely low in price, and of the most beautiful patterns. CALICOES at 10 CENTS per yard, warranted fast colors and full width. PLEASE CALL and ernmin MY STOCK before purchaniiigrheirUer. K-E-A-D-V P-A-Y is my motto, and lam fully dettrmuied to sett a L-l-T-T-L-E Lt)-W-E-Rthanay OH4 tUs iiotuuthtlatuiii'g "20 ct. Jeans worth .' All kindi of marketing, hoards and shingles ta ken in exchanco for goods. N. B. A few boautiful Gold Brooches and Oents' Breast-pins, gold and silver huntinr-easo patent levar walohes, Ac, very low for the Ready Rhino P. s. Justoall at your leisure.- I've got goods enokeh to do you all, to that onsean't gat a-hsad of another i Jal!,'l9-tf. A.M. HILLS. ' A VISE'S CHEAP WATCW AND JEWKLKY STORE, No. 72 North Skcom Street, (oppo site, the Mount Vrrnoit Hons;) Pphiladelphia. Oold Lever Watches, full jewelled. 19 K. cases. Silver Lever do., do.; Silver Lepine, do.; Quartier; Gold Speotacles, Silver do.; Silver Table Spoons, Silver Desert do. ; Silver Tea do. ; Gold Pens and Gold Cases; Gold Pens and Silver do. : togethet with a variety of fine Gold Jewelry, Gold Curb Guard and Fod Chains. All goods warranted t be as represented. :' Watohes and Jewelry, repair ed in the best manner. ' Also, Masonio Marks, Pins, Ac. made to order. . N. B. All orders sent by mall or otherwise will be punctually attended to. Hi motto is: "Small Profits and Quiok Sales, Philadelphia, April 25, 1855. MOUNT VERNON HOUSE,.-.-' . No. 69, North Second Street, -PHILADELPHIA. ' The undersigned having taken the old well . known house, wbich has been renovated and ro modeled thronghout, respectfully evlicite his Clear field friends to give hiw a call on their visits to the city. r - i The furniture is all new, and has been selected with earefroin llenkles wull known establinhuient In Chestnut Street, aud is of the latest and most fashionable style. . - The location for Merchants and others eoming to the city ia convenient, being in the centre ot business. . I. L. BARRETT, Aug. 1, 1853-ly. ' ' '. Proprietor. ON RAD .TWALTON, 259 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA; Importers and Dealers in HARDWARE, IRON, NJILS, -5-c, cc. They respectfully invite tho people of Clear Gold, to continue their favors. Aug 1, !S55.-ly. i J Y. RUSIITON & CO., 245 Market Street, ' PHILADELPHIA; Importers and Dealer.-) iu Earthen-Ware, China, uiass, and yueens arc, Opposite the Red Lion Hotel, Philadelphia. J. Y. RUSIITON, J. C. HOPKINS, Nov. 8, '54.-1 y. ROBT. STILSON. HARRIS, ORIHSON ft CO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, No. 259, Market St., North sido between 0th A 7th. Philadelphia. Drugs, Medicines. Chemicals, Pat ent Medicines. Surgical Instruments, Drngeist's Glassware, Window Glass. Paint9, Oils. Dyes, Per fumery, Ac., Ac. JOHN HARRIS, M. D. K. H. OK fust IN, Ang. 1, 'Sa.-ly.l J. SHARSWQQ1). HOOD A CO Extensive Dry-goods Dealers. No, 187, Market St., Philadelphia, keep constant ly on hand a large, splendid, and cheap stock of tne most lasnionable and elegant goods, i hey in vite country Merchants to call and examine thoir splendid assortment, beloro purchasing elsewhere. August 1, 1855.-ly. T7"ILLIAM S. HANSELL A SON, Manufac v T turers anil Importers of Saddlery, and Sad dlery Hardware, No. 2-J Market Street, Bhiladel phia. Saddles. Bridles. Harness. Trunks. Whips Saddle Bags, Bridle Filling, Bits. Stirrups. Buckles Carpet Bags, ect. Ag- 1, '55.-ly BEIDLEMAN & II AY WARD Wholesale Gro oers, Tea Dealers, and Commission Merchants No. 273, Market Street, Philadelphia. D. BKIDELMAN, ' Ang.l,13.-5.-1y.1 A. II AY WAP. D, A T. LANE A CO. Wholesale Clothine Store J No. 171, Market Street. Every variety of reany maue looming, in tne nioi lasnionanie styles constantly on hand. (Aug. 1, '55.-Iy. ISAAC M. ASIITON. Hot Store, No. 172 Market St., Philadelphia. Hats, Caps. Furs. Ac., of every variety, and the best quality always on hand. Ang. I. IS55.-1y. GEORGE W. COLLADAY, Conveysnwr and Land Agent. No. 3. Goldsmith's Hall, Philadelphia, will faithfully attend to all business entrusted to his care. (Aug. 1, lS55.-ly. CALEB COPE A CO, No. 18.rMarket St., Thiu delphia, Dealers in Linens, White Goods, Ho siery, French, English and German Silk Goods, La ces, Gloves. Colting Cloths. Ae. (Aug. I, '5o.-ly B ROOK. TYSON A RI1EN Wholrsnln I)r Good's Store, No. 14ft, Market Street. Philadcl- rhi JOHN RUSSELL ft CO., , TANNERS ANI) CURRIERS, PeiinvUU, Clearfield Co.. Pa., Keep constantly on hand an excellent assortment of leather, whieh they offer for sale at the lowest cash prices. Hides taken in exchange. July IS, 1854. 1 CfcT A Magazine for the Hornet of the X OJ I People GRAHAM S ILLUSTRA TED MAGAZINE, the Pioneer Migazine of the Country, ettabliihrd in 1827. Subscribe for the New Volume commencing with tho January number, 1857. WATSON A CO., the new publish ers of -Graham's IlluMrated Magazine.' anncunco to the -Ladies and Gentlemen of the United States in general, and to tho former patrons of the work in particular, that it is their intention to make nso of all the immense resources at their command to produce a Ftrxt Clm Magazine. To this end no expense or exertion will be spared. The best Lit erary and Artistic Talent will be employed, and nothing that enpttitl, taxt and enterprise can ac complish will bo wanting to make this Magazine more than ever deserving the liberal support so generously extended to it during the past :tt years. Every number will contain 2 fine steel engrav ings. One illustrative of some of tho most popu lar rii.'tures of tlin dnw lliaihr kn.niir.,1 ored Fashion Plate, drawn from actual articles of costume. Also, a number of fine wool engravings, patterns for Crochet and Noodle-work, encravrd Iroui the articles themselves All the latest styles of eostnme fur Lottie au4 Citilrireii will bo co- piod rrom the newest patterns, mid fully describ ed and illustrated in every number. Indies about forming clubs of subiierincrs are requested to compare '-Graham'' with any other Magaxine published, and we are confident their good taste and Correct judgment will decide in our favor. - , -, Gentlemen who are about to subscribe for a Mag ar.ino for their own reading, or to present to their lauy menus, eiiouia procure a copv of '-Graham" and examine it thoroughly, and "then see if anv other periodical presents equal inducements for their subscriptions. The twelve numbers of "Graham' for the year o.,,, m comprise one ol the most magnificent luiumcn ever ifwueu ; containing in all 121)0 pages of reading matter! 100 fine wood engravings! 12 handsoino steel engravings! 12 beatiful oolored fashion plutcs ! 100 engravings of ladies' A children's dresses! 60 coming illustration ! And over olMf nattcrns for neeillownrlr x TERMS : One copy, one vear. S.I till : Two .. pics, $5 00 ; Five copies, aud one to setter ud of Ink in nn. . " " , i-ivnu copies, unu ouo to agent, 20 00. Graham's illustrated magazine will bo supplied to subscribers punotually, and at as early a day in the month as any other magasine published. Send in your subrcriptions early to the Publish- . WATSON & CO.. Pn , 60 ooth 3d street, Phil'a. -ETRA NOTICE. Snl,.riK.. ......i: .. aollnr for one year s subscription to "Graham," nut rwuire a copy 01 irratan t Unlit? Paper for one year without charge ! . Sond for specimen numbers of Graham's Illustra ted Magazine and Graham's Ladies' Paper. WAGON-. MAKING. THE undcrslngned would announce that they manufacture Waggons of all descriptions. Bmrsnos. sio.l. their shop in New Salem. Brady township. Clear field county, which they offer for salo at as reasona ble rktcs as can bo purchased elsewhere. Thi pcctfully solicit a share of patronage. 17A.-UUK1IM1U JOHNSTON. Octl-'5fl-tf WILLIAM LEAVIS. ' rl LOTH UNO. A general assortment of rcadr- ww viutuiuK jubl recoi TRfi nnn nnnnad Nov26 . - W.F.IRWIN'S. 1 "NOR SALE A second hand" 2 horse wagon and a lot of harness far nln ,r. .i.n l, Clearfield. apr2 A. M. HILLS.' CLOTHING lUady-mada Clothing of all kinds last rMolvkrf n n n pitivwi . ESSIONA AM. HILLS, D. D. S. Office adjjin- Ing his Store. Clearfield. Pa. Artificial Teeth, from one to a full set. mounted in the tnost approved modern style. Filling, Filing, and Cleaning done with care and neatness. . - . Teeth extracted with all the oare and dispatch modern science can furnish. " DR. HILLS, can always be found at his office, as ho ia now devoting bis whole attention to his profession. June 20. '55. MEDICAL PARTNERSHIP. Dr. Henry Lorain, having associated with him. in the practice of Medicine, Dr. J. G Hartswiek, they oiler their professional services to the citizens of Clearfield and vicinity. They will attend to pro fessional calls at all hours, and in all seasons. Dr. Hartswiek will be tbund daring the day at their office opposito Dr. Lorain's residence, and at night, at his residence, on 2d street, one door north of Reed A Weaver's store. . . . June 18, 1856. WM. A. WALLACE, ROBT. 3. WALLACE, . . ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Clearfield, Pottn't.',. ' Have this day associated themselves as partners in the practice of Law in Clearfield nnd adjoining counties. Tho business will be conducted as here tofore in tho name of William A. Wallace. Business entrusted to them will receive prompt and careful attention. March 2. 1857-ly. DR. B. F. AKLEY,yrFVC.i.Y, Grahnmtnn. Clearfir.'d County. Pa.. tenders his professional serr ices to the inhabitants of Grnbamton and surrounding country be can atall times be found at bis OtUoe. directly oppo sito Mr. J. B. Graham's store, when not profes. Hionnlly engaged. A pi - 25. rrwios. j7iif ci'LLoi'cii, attorney at JL LAW and DISTRICT ATTORNEY. Clearfield, Pa., may be found at hi office in Shaw's Bow, four doors west of the "Mansion House." Deeds and other legal instruments prepared with prompt ness and aocuraev. It'cb. l;j ly. ; DR. M. WOODS, tenders his professional ser vices to the citizens of Clwarlicld and vicini ty. Residence on Second street, opposite tho of fice of L. Jackson Crans, where ho can bo found unless absent on professional busineta. Clearfield. May 14. I85f :iin. LARKI.MER ft TEST. A TTO R XE YS A T LA TP, t Will attend promptly to all legal and other bu siness entrusted to their care in Clearfield and ad joining ceunties. Clearfield, Aug.6.18."fl. JAS. H. I.AlmlMF.n. I. TEST.. JB. .WEN ALLY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Clearfield, Penn'n. - Pract ices in Clearfield and adjoining counties. Office in new brick addition, adjoining the resi dence of James B. Graham. August 1. 1855. sTmfSD Y, ATTOR NEY ATLAIV, Clearfield . Penn'a. Office in the new brick addition, adjoining tho res idenoe of James B. Graham. August 1, 1855. I JACKSON C RANS. ATTOUNE Y AT LAW, J Ctrarfielit. Penn'a. Office adjoining his residence, on Second Street. Olcarfield. August 1. IS." 5. D. O. CROUCH, PHYSICIAN. Office in Cur wensville. May IK 1854-tf 1:5 IV. B A U R E T T, JUSTICE OF THE . PEACE, Luthersburg. Clearfield county. Pa., will attond promptly to all business entrusted to him. tnar2i-tf TVTEW FIRM. MERE ELL ft CARTER would 11 inform the. public, that they hat e just open- COPPER. TIN AND SHEET-IRON WARE MANUFACTORY,' tOn Second Street, i tht Itorovsh of Clearfield, where they are prepared to'furnUh at reduced pri ces, every variety of articles in their lino. Steel, liar-iron, nails, sieves of every variety Ploupbs and farming utensils, pumps of every description, stove pipe, patent sauage cutters, funnels and self scaling cans kept constantly on band. All orders for eastings for Flour Mills.SawMills. Ac. will be thankfully received and promptly at tended to. HOUSE SPOUTING DONE TO ORDER. They are also prepatcd to receivo every varie ty of article on commission, at a low per-nentagc. O. B. MKHKELL. L. R. CARTER. Clearfield. Sept. 19. 1R55 Iv. II ALLOA! NEW WAGON MANUFACTORY The undersigned would respectful! v an- nounco to his friends and the publio generally, that ho has opened out a new Wagon-Making Es tablishment in '-New Salem City." Krady town ship, where he will at all times be prepared to manufacture, on the shortest notice, all kinds of Wagons, Carts, Wheelbarrows. Ao. The best ma terial that can be procured will be used, and his work will be made in tho most substantial and du rable manner, such as will bear tho test of strict examination. By a close observance of bis busi ness engagements, and by disposing of his work on the iuot reasonable terms, wbich be will do for either cash or approved country produce, he hopes to merit and receive a liberal share of pub lio custom BENJ. EISHLL. New Salem City. Jan. 16, 185t. N eV GOODS: The undersigned has just re coived a large assortment of NEW GOODS, AT HIS STORE IN KAIITHAVS, which be offers for sale cheap for cah or country produce. h. P. UL'RXrilALL. September 5. 1855. SALT I SALT!! A quantity of Carse and Ground Alum Salt, for salo at W. F. InwiVs. flHIE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN THE -I- TWELFTH YEAR One Thousand Dollar Cash Prize. The Twelfth Annual Vwluino of this useful publication commences on the 12th day of September next. The Scientific A me neat is an Illustrated Periodical, devoted chiefly to the t ro- niulgation of information relating to the varions Mechanic and Chenno Arts. Industrial Manufac turns Afrriftliltnr Putnnt. f .-.... .... . T : ing, Millwork. and all interests which the light of PRACTICAL SCIENCE is calculated to advance. reports oi u. r. 1'atk.nts granted are also pub lished every week, including Ollicial Copies of all DITl'YTI'l ltfo a .. . 1 - u. ''. luRi-mor Willi news and in tor formation upon thousands of Other snhioc'a 5I.KI0-IN CASH PBIZKS-will be paid on the 1 nf Tun..... a. fr , . . - ' . -... un j ivr inu inrgcsi list oi subscri bers, as follows: 2llrt forth, l.t- it;.. .u. 2d; $150 for the 3d; $125 for the 4th; SI (10 for tho 5th ; $75 for the 6th ; $50 for the 7th ; $40 for the 8th ; $.J0 for the l)th ; $25 for the loth ; $ 0 forthellth and $10 for tho 12th. For all Clubs of 20 and upwards, tac subscription price is onlv 3tl li fl nlur.a ...... 1. - . f ... ""luo i-uu mi eem irom any lost I'nieo until January 1st, 1857. TJHere are fine chances ThtSritmti fie American ispubUahed oucoo week; every numlxjr contains ixLt Urge quarto paces, fnrtii i ft rw notunlltt n a.v... i . forming actually a complete and gptcnrliil volume. GLyALLGRAV '""1" "" Tf.rvs. Singlo Subscriptions. $2 a year, $t for ft m nut ka T - f ., . , . . . - ""ii.iio. i it v wpn-B, ior n inonius, ?4; i year $S Specimen numbers sent Gratis. Southern. Wantarn ami r,ann,l m. Office Stamps, taken nt par tor subscriptions. ui-ikcrs suuuiti uo uitoctcu (post paid) to . -t. MUNN & CO., Messrs. Munn A Co., are extensively engaged In procurinir patents for t,. s....:. ... . " . . " luicuuuun, inu via - iiiiyrummtnu NEW nOTEL: The old 'Sranu.0 Housb , at VrW tDsTff.f.a has been re-opened and re-fitted by the undersign ed, who regpectfullv solicin. . ronage. . , . " lie is well provided with house room and good siaoiinK, and intends keeping a Tcmperauee House, at which he w ill ). . ..' guostafeel at home. -. ..j a cuuntur i inline Q19 JUIIN SHETTER. au gun I, 1855. tf. 2)f every description for sale at a moderate advance at -lrfL ' 'WM. F.IiaviNV?. TWO O.VE.HORSE PLEASURE SLEIGHS, . ftr 41fl1a K . . . A It U IT I 4 MBRO TVPES.-r- C. PURVIANCB. Pro IX. feasor of Pbotosrapbic Chemistry. Oallcrr at his residence on 2d Street, ons door South of Mcrrell A Carter's Tin-ware establishment. Clear-1 field, Pa. ' t"ylny of operkiu : Friday and Saturday of each week - junelS'6'l IP VOU WANT CI1 EAP WINTER CLO TIIINO.eall immediately on M. A. FRANK,'. who has just purchased a lot and is HOW digpteiop of them V ERY LOW. Yon will And him in Gra ham's Row, Clearfield, Pa., three doors can of tke . Jn urn til office. Aug. 27.' jVOTICE. In the absence of Eli Bloom. Trtal J.1 surer of Clearfield county, the Books and Pa pers will be in the posseasion'of John McPberton,' who will attend to the business at all tiroes. Clearfield. May XS, .1858 lV'OTlCE. Having purchased the Books of the J. s Raftsman' t Journal with the establishment . all rmounts unpaid for Subscription, Advertising. -or Job-work, are to be settled with the undersigned. ninrl9 S. IS. ROW. J B- 3I'EN ALLY. ATTORNEY" AT LAW has changed his office to the now brick addi tion, adjoining the residence of James B. Graham. All business will receive prompt attention. Clearfield. July Ifi. IX5H. GRAIN 1 CHAIN ! ! Wheat. Rye, Oata and Corn, enn at nil times be procured at the Pi oneer Mills, on the Moshannon in Morris towsK ship, at the lowc.it elliug rates. Julyia HENRY GROE, (GROCERIES. Just 4-eceirod aud now M opening, a general assortment of choice s-roceries. which will re sold at the lowest cash prices at WM. V. IRWIN'S. 1 fif Ci(fi Fcct r S00'1 BOARDS wanted by 1UU,UUU A.M. HILLS, at his store in Clear field, for which the highest market prfco will be pi 1 in goods at cash prices. marl9-tf AK.WRItillT, MERCHANT, asn EXTEK SIVK 1I-:aLKR IN LUMBER. Second Street one door south of bis residence, Clearfield, Ta. Clearfield. March 14, 1855. CL E A R EI EL I LOD;E No. 193 I. O. of O. F. m-ets every Saturday evening, at 7t o' clock, at thfir H!l"in Merrcll A Carter's new boil ding on Second street. (feb20 fiinOs L,x1 SH INlLESwantcd bv A. JUvr,UUJ M. Hiils, at his store, for which the highest market price will be paid In Goods at the lowest prices in the couuty. J june25-tf TlTAtlONS and BIGGIES, for sale cbeap.br M : (fM3i H.P PATTON. AYER'S CIIERUY PECTORAL, FOR THK RAPID CCUE Or Colils, Coiiglis, nnd . IIonrscncis. BRmnrin, Ms 'jnth Dec, 1SS5. Dn. J.C. Arm: I lo imt lmitittr tosny lb lst remody I have ever fouu.l t.tr CoukIis. IlApnei, lnflur'nra, and lh -onc.iiitnt srtniitom of n Coll. is ywr Cueaar I'ict'i.jl. Iu mnstant ne in niv practice n I hit family fur tlia liwt ten ywrs bits shorn n it to ss rirpe riur irtnt for tli tientnnt of ill.- complsiiitj.. ERKN KMdllT, M. D. A. n. M'WTLEY, Esa-.orrTi'-i.X.T, m: "I hara nsol j-our PreroaAi. oirself a..': in my faiul'.r it aiace you IutciiIp-I it. tn l l-hur it tli- tct ir.iicin fur iw piirp.vr putouu V,'. U a ImJ coM 1 shooM oonvr rT tweuty-Ove .lollars a Uotllo Ibun do without K, r lk any otkpr reiulT. - Croup, Whooping Courh, Influenza. ' i-Rlsanatn, Miss, Vth. I. list. . Iirothi Area: I chenrfill.v crt'ifT your Pfrrnaia Is the Iwt r- u.-lr wo ihwwtih for'tlie cure of mmtiM 0'iph. CSimp, and t!i cli'-st tlimsvs of cliildrvn. Va ut your n-nt-rnity iu the Aitli apprc-iata yoir skill, nJ commend your tuetUcim to oir . pie. HI RAM COXKLI.f, II. D. AMOS l.EE, Kwj, Munnii, Ia, wrilp. 8.1 Jan.. 1S I bal a teK.us liifltinzA, Hiiich conliiicd nia la donra pix wvekt; tuok Jny niHidm i witlmiit r.!l. T; anally tril Tour ritTOKl lr tl.e advica f onr clfrcTmsii. Tlie Brut lias rvliere.1 Ilia aurenew in niv thrt and ItinRs ; 1m ttian one half t!ie lw-ttl ma'le me coini.lrlaly Vonr mr1irifie am tho rhrnnrat aaw.-ll a tL LmI well. w can nnv. a.ii we ntiMi Ton, ihirtur, and y vnr rca dies. aa the MKr inan'a frieuit." ' Asthma or Phthic. and Hroncbi'is. WrT M !'iir.sTa, I'a, b. 4, l'. 8it TimCmilt I'ktobal ia fwrfjmiinr mrTlku curoe in tliii a-ti.n. It l:aa relieved ar.rai frm aiarai ttig ivmt-'nil cf cntinitkn, and ia now ourilia a man who b Ulxttvd untr an 1i-.-tion of the trap for tba lt fiirty years. II KN KT L. PARKS, Marcbaut. A.' A. UAM3KT, M.D.. ALmcfa. Mosaoa Co, Iew, writra. ?-pt. . "luring iht pnurtice of man yeara ( hare futiiiil n Kliiric equal to your Cnaaar Ict(ai. fer fcivi ne aii'J reli. f to ciiuiupua pttieuta, or tuniif uch as irra curable. Vf miifht ad I rnlumea of rTiJmioe. bnt Ilia dim! caa Tinring r.f if tlie ii tuea ot iLia remedy k tuuart ia Ita effect upon trial. Consumption. . Prubnbly no one rem.iy hiu evei lieea known wblak cured ao many and such liicrHi oaea aj Uii. fjoaia no hmnan aid ran reach ; bat aren to thoee tba CaaatT I'ictohi afford relief and comfort. Arroa 1 1 wis. Sw Yor t Crrv. March S. 1SS pnrroa Arm, Uwix: 1 foal it a dulr and a pleaane tjiiifoT-ra yon bat your Chemit l'rrT(,aL baa ilantfr my wife. She had tnren flTa mnn'lia lalorinr under the .laiiKtro.n fymptominf Connimitton. from which no aid we rould procure cave her much relief, ."he raa ateadily filling, until Dr. Strong, of this city, whera wa hare cvma for auviv. recumaiended a trial .f yonr medn-tna. Wa blna. hikindnra, aa we do yonr skill, for she baa recov ered from that day. Hie i" not yet as strong as she need to be. but is free from her coup h. and calls herself weil. Yours with crarittiil and recard. OK LAN IK) SilbLUY. or !nu.sTvnxc. thntnmttivrt. do not despair tilt you hive tried ATtft't Chkkrt l'krrak. II is made by n'neof the lt saediral clirmixs iu Ihe ir!.l. and its cures all Mcmnil l) tsak tlie hih iuetils or its vu tues. . J'hUadttpHia Ledger. Ayer's Cathartic Pills. riltlE sciences of Cliemls'ry and Melieina Thara been - L tAxed tbrjr utm,t to produce this liest, nnt rtert purgative wliieb is knoau to man. Innumerable prot(a re slemn that these hus bare virtues fshkli surpass In excellence the ordiuarv medit inee. and that they win oih prccedoiiteUly upon the esteem or all men. They are sa!W and pIcaKiit to Ink., but powerful to cure. Their pena tratiiaj properties tini-:tute the vital a. tlvities of the Mr, remove tlie ulxtnutions of Us organs, pnrify tba bloud, and expol iiia. Tliey purge out tin.- ft ul humors hK-h broed ami piiw (!iteriiyor, atimnlate elnr-j-h or disor dered orfraus intotli. ir natural action, and unpen healthy ton with strength to the whole system. N. only do tbey core the erorr-day roniplaiuts tT every hw'.y. but alao fornii lablr aud dauperviii diseaae that l.aea twfr.sd the best of bmran skill. While tliey pr.nlnce powerfu. afte-ta. they aie at the same time, in riini:nlshe.t d es. tlt asfiwt and best hylic that can ta smployetl for children llrinx sejrar-conT".!, they are ptra.int to take: and belnf rurr'y rcpetniile. are free Timn any rUk of barm. Cure base tieen m.-id wliirb surpass Iwlief were tlwy net snb. stantinttMl by nra of such exalted ition and chxrncta aa to forbid He sin; icii n of untruth. Many en;in-nl t-lerrjrmen annpliyatelans bare tent tbeir names to certi fy to the public the reliability of my remedies, while oth ers have sent me the axsnram-e -f their coitrirtion tba my Preparations contribute immensely to the relief wf m; aftlk-tvd, suiTrriiig f. Ilvw ni"o. The Agent bi-low named is pleased to furnish (rratis 11.' Amerkn Almauac.rontainiiiK Jireotions Sir their use an i rartillratos of tbeir enrea, of the (.Mowing complaints: Ciiseness. Bilious (Vmi-lninta. liheiimalism. DrxMy.. Heartburn. Ileadwiie armiifr from a fold HtomacU. Naw aea. ladiiriwtiou. AiorM.i insi lion of Ihe towels and l'aia aiisins; tlien fnm. rwtnlciu y. t is of Apietit. all Vlcer. mis aud CntnneniM I'w-aees whi.h re,nir an eracuant Medicine. Scrofula or Kane's Ktil. .Tbey also, by purity. . imr the bll and stitmils'lnK the system, cure many eomplainta wbi. Ii il w.hiI.1 not be supposed tliey roUd reach, sn. h an IVafnes. CariL-J Hlii. lnts. .Netimltia and. Nervous Irritability, lVrunrom'-nis of tba Ijreraud KiuV at . (ioiil. ami other kin-tred eoinptninu ntieinr; from a. low state of the body or obetriH-tiua 14' ita functions. - - Do not be put off try nnprlncipled dealers With aosn other pill tbey make mora profit oa. Ask for Area's PilL. and take uotiiiug else. No other thy can f-ira you compares with this in iu intrinsic value or euranva powers. . The sk k want tba best aid there Is t.r tlienv and they should hara it. . I'rcpurcd by Dr. J. C. AVER, " Prtctioal snd Anlyiicl ChemUt, LoweU, lis Psjct s Crs. rsa Box. Five Boxu ro $ 1. 80I.D BY M. A Frank, and C. D. Watson. Clearfield ; ,T .. iirenner. Murrimlaln P vr i- i .. burg; J. 11. Scjrnar, CurwsnirilU,' and by dcnJwt. wr't W '.. ' 4 f. I X ' " ' ' - " UiUir. t 'ictL. good w wf -1 TTTT
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers