.RAFT THE JOURNAL. CLEARFIELD, PA., APRIL 29, 1857. Ret, Da. Gibso will preach in the Presby terian church in this place next Sabbath. . -ifEw A&TERtisiMEjFTS. A large number of new advertisements appear in to-day's paper, to which we direct attention. "Wm. Irvin, Esq., Laying purchased the stock f goods lately owned by II. D. Patton, at the old Corner Store in Curwensville, is ready to npply customers with anything in his line. Thomas Bnrnside has opened a Leather and llide Store in Belleionte. : L. II. Turner, adm'r of Win. Barr, dee'd, of fers for sale a house and two lots in this town. A stone-ware pottery, in Brady township, can be purchased by applyidg to L. J. Crans, Esq., Clearfield borough. The stockholders of the Tyrone and Clear field Railroad will find a notice of some inter tat to them. James Mullen advertises a stray horse. Wm. M. Cathcart publishes a caution. Several other advertisements also appear. Attempt to Break Jail. On last Thursday night the two prisoners in our jail, charged with horse stealing, niado another attempt to break out. They had dug a hole through the back wall large enough to escape through, and ccr.cta'ed it by" replacing the heavy plank with wiiicli the room is lined. The stone they placed rnIer their beds to avoid detection. Abont 12 o'clock on the night named, one of then' succeeded in forcing the heavy iron door of his cell from ils hinges, bnt before he had proceeded any farther the Sheriff entered the room, pnt a stop to his operations, replaced f : door, and secured the prisoners. Too Tacs. All doubts as to the tate of Mr. T'annegan,' who we mentioned in our last as being probably drowned, are removed he, be yond all question, having found a "watery grave." Ilo leaves a large family to mourn ) Is death. Search has been made for his body 'Uthont finding it. Truly, "in the midst of iiie, e are in'death." New Postmaster. Charles D. Watson has been appointed Post Master for this place, in the place of John II. Tlilburn, removed. Tie ri:! take the office in a few weeks. The attention of School Directors is called to the fact that next Monday is the day fixed upon lor electfrg r. County Superintendent. CLIPPINGS AND SCRIBBLINQS. CyPlenty mud and duns, y Scarce butter and "hen fruit." Sjr-About the man that can beat all roos terdom crowing. E7"Came down several rafts from points a Love this, during the last few days. Car-An improvement the board walk along Mr. Isaac Johnston's property. - CComing on the May court, when we eipect those who owe us to call and "plank down the ready." "-Returned from Iowa our (riend J. B. McEnally, Esq. lie looks hearty, and is con alderably fascinated with the western country. COn the fourth page will.be found the bal ance of the Superintendent's Report of Com mon Schools In Clearfield County. C3By leading the letter of Judas Drnm rr.onJ, on the first page of this paper, an in sight can be had of aflairs in Utah. CPIt is stated that Gov. Geary, since his return from Kansas, is a thorough American Republican, and intends to stump the State lor Wilmot. GThe Reading Journal says the leading liquor men in that town and county are up in arms against the "temperance dodge," and bolt Packer to a man. CyLucky D. W. Moore, Esq., editor of the Republican in this place. "The powers that be," have appointed him special mail a gont, which is a lucrative birth. CTho girls of Northampton have been sending a bachelor editor, a boquet of tansy and wormwood. lie says he didn't core, he'd rather smell that than matrimony. LTTlie latest case of absence of mind is re corded of a lady about to 'whip up' some eggs for sponge cake, who whipped the baby, and aang Watts' cradle hymn to the eggs. X7"A man was fined $10 a few days since, in Providence, for kissing a woman. If she was another's wife, or if she was not engaged to him, he had no right to kiss her without her consent. That's so- E7The Tyrone Herald, is the title of a new paper started at Tyrone, Blair county, by Robt. Stodart. It is to be an independent journal. The first number is a very fair one, and we wish Mr. S. success. K7"An unknown "poick" has produced the followir pointed and refreshing gem: The firet bird of spring, attempted to sing, Tut ero he had sounded a note. He iellfroia ths Mmb ah, a dead bird was him! The music iial friz in his throat." 7"Thc bi!I separating the office of -Supcr-;r.!enint of Common Schools from the office of the Secretiry of tbo Commonwealth, has fi nally passed both houses of the Legislature, fend will be signed by tho Governor without deUy. OvOue Tom B. Walker, of Louisville, the other day, bet that he could drink sixty glas ses of lager-becr, between 6 o'clock, A. at., and 10 o'clock, p. u. ; and ho finished sixty one glasses by 8 o'clock, winning the wager. An animate beer-barrel! ir7There is trouble in the ranks of the sham Di-rr.ocracy. The Liquor League is second only in their army to the Irish Brigade, and i:e League have found out that Gen. Packer voted for the "infamous Jug Law !" They can't stand such a tnan, anvhow, and unless he can "satif'y" thcia they are resolved to have out a Free Liquor candidate one who would blow Packer & Co. sky high alamode "Muhlenburg ftXo Free Schools" in 1835, There's rocks efor the Democratic craft. CyUov. Geary. It is stated that Gov. Gea ry will soon in self-vindication, publish a sketch of his sojourn in Kansas as its Gover nor, and that it will make a profound impres sion upon the public mind and heart. Let it all out, Governor, hit where it may. , C7Gen. Walker offers a very large bounty to those who will join his fortunes in Central America. Those who go thither will doubt less come In for a liberal share of the newly grabbed territory, (six feet by two at the very least) without counting such luxuries as yel low fever, knife wounds, tec. CThe "fair election" promised Kansas, la just such an one as Louis Napoleon had when he was "elected" Emperor. "Jemmy," said Paddy, "you may have your choice of the two mares, but, be the Howly Virgin, Pit have the gray one." They may "elect'? to stay at home or be cheated and perhaps murdered in the bargain." HOW SOME THINGS ABE DONE. We stated a few weeks since that the '"side-door"' leaders were resorting to every means to get names to their call for a State Convention. The follow ing letter shows that the name of Mr. Abr'm Hoyt, who resides in Lawrence tp., was attached without his knowledge or consent. Mr. Hoy t authorized ns to'also make a statement to that effect. He has too much spirit and good sense to allow himself to be made the tool of low and base political tricksters. We copy the letter From the Harrisburg Telegraph . Clf.arfielo, April 21. 1857. Messns. Editors': I see aenll published ia the Philadelphia Daily iYirtrx, for what purports to bo an American State Convention at Lancaster, on the 20th of May, to nominate candidates for State offi ces. I take this method of stating that I neither placed my name to the call nor authorized it to be used inthnt connection. I would also ft a to that I have no affinities with that clique of disorganizcrs who are at the head of the movement; on the con trary, I am honestly and sincerely opposed to Lo cofocoism. and will co-operate with the great body of the Opposition, in its efforts to overthrow tho sham Democracy. Respectfully yours. A. G. HOYT. FEOM THE STATE CAPITAL. IlARKisnrna, April 2-3th, 18G7. Mr. Editor of Jocrkal Bear Sir: The House did not take up the bill to prevent throwing obstructions in to the Bennet's Branch of the Sinnatnohoning on last Monday. What was the reason 1 It was made the order of the day, and it requires a two-thirds vote to snspepd the order. The reason is simply this. No one called for the orders of the day, and it flipped. Mr. Backus attempted to call it up on Thursday, but failed, theie being not two thirds in favor of suspending the orders of the day for this purpose. He had, however, per mission of the House to make a statement, and read quite a lengthy speech on the bill, and was followed by Mr. Petriken on the oppo site side, by like permission of the House. There was some merriment in the House while Mr. Petriken jvas speaking, when he would re fer to the bill before the House, tho cry from different parts of the House was beard, What Bill V there being no bill before them, and Mr. Petriken speaking by permission. The storm on last Sabbath and Monday, the 19th and 20th, was very severe and general. It commenced here on Saturday evening, and continued until Tuesday. The wir.d iva9 so strong, that it was with great difficulty one could in any way carry an umbrella. The snow in different places ranged from one inch to two feet deep. Many places it melted nearly as fast as it fell. The House have passed the bill for the sale of tho Main line. The bill will no doubt, be made less objectionable in the Senate than it now is. The objectionable features of the bill are, it relieves the property of the Rail road Company from taxation and remits the tonage tax, for the consideration oJ $1,500,000. A hill to guarantee the redemption of a loan ot $3,000,000 which it authorized tho Sunbnry and Erie Railroad Company to make, and pled" gi tig $3,000,000 of the bonds to be received from the sale of the Main Line for that pur pose, failed yesterday by a tie vote. It may be reconsidered. Immediately after the above vote was taken, a resolution was adopted to appoint a special committee with instructions to prepare a bill authorizing the sale of all the public improve ments of the State, except the Main Line. While this was pending a member asked "Does that include the arsenal V Speaker "Yes and the House of Representatives too." Another member vociferated, "That is already sold'" referring to the special fees he insinuated the members had reoeived for their votes on the bank bills, and the bill for the sale of the Main Line, and for the Sunbury and Erie Railroad Loan bill. Yours for the truth. Eur Cocktt. The Administration ignores the Free State party in Kansas, while each day develops the design of the proposed Constitutional Election as a fraud upon the franchise of resident citi zens sympathising or acting with that party. What are the facts 7 All the appointees of the administration for Kansas, are radical pro slaveryists of the Whitfield school. Federal officers, known to have deliberately murdered Free State men, are retained in office, and no outrage committed by them has been rebuked by the past or present administration. Walk er, radical, supersedes Geary ; Lecompte and Cato, infamous for judicial tyranny, are re tained in office ; while every avenue to power is jealously kept in the hands of the enemies of the Free State cause. Even the land-offices are confided to Whitfield, Woodson, el al. whose decisions of disputed claims invariably favor the Pro-Slavery side. The time fixed for tho taking in Kansas of the consus, preparatory to the election for a Constitutional Convention, expired on the first. The Lecomptrm correspondent of the Missouri Democrat writes that less than half of the Free State settlers have been counted in. And ev ery body knows that the great mass of emigra tion from the Free States, had not on the 1st inst., reached the territory. That the Consti tutional Convention act was intended to dis franchise the Free State men of the territory is clearly seen. None but those wilfully blind will fail to discover the grossly fraudulent in tent. Married Oh the 16th, by B. D. Hall, Esq., Mr. Godfrey Fisher, of Bald Hills, to Miss Eliza IIeicbell, of Karthaus tp. Died On tho 12th April, at Glen Hope, Cambridge Boogs. son of Samuel C. and Het ty Patch in, aged 11 months and 13 days. On the 1.3th April, Philip, son of Philip Gilnett, of Union township, aged 11 years and 21 days. On Monday morning, the 27th inst., Mrs. Elhabeth, wife of William Alexander, Esq., of the borough of Clearfield, at an advanced age. Oo the 21st April, of scarlet fever, Russell Lt'THEB, son of Wilson and Adeline Dunlap, of Lawrence tp., aged 1 year, 11 mos. and 21 days; and Rachel Maria, daughter of David J. and Rebecca Dunlap, aged 8 years and 6 rn. SHERIFF'S SALES. By virtue of sundry writs otFi.Fa 6r Vend. Exp. issued out of the Court of Common Ploasof Clearfield eo., and to me directed, will be exposed to public sale, at the Court House in the borough of Clearfield, on MONDAY THE 1STH DAY OF MAY, 1857, the follow ing described real estate,, to wit: A certain tract of land containing 75 acres with bout 35 acres cleared, with a house and barn there on erected, and boarded by lands of Israel Rora- baugh, M'Ewen, Wm. Wagoner and others. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Jonathan Snyder and Jonas Snyder. Also a certain tract of land situate in Ferguson township, containing about 75 acres, bounded on the west by land of O. W. Scott, on the south by Kdmond Williams, on the west by N Tubbs, with north by , having about 40 acres cleared. Seized; taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Jacob Kooser. Also a certain tract of land, situate in Chest township, containing 40 acres, bounded on the east by lands of John Byers, on the south by lauds of iT A-.Tolor n the west by lands of Ncff A Ro and others, and on the north by land of John Patton. Seized, taken in execution 'and to be sold as tho property of R. 8. Montgomery. Also a certain tract of land, situate in Fergu son township, containing 100 acres, bounded by Ed mond Williams, Joseph Straw, Young and others, with log house and log barn, and 40 acres cleared, property of defendant. Seized, taken in execution and to bo sold as the property of Geo. W. Scott. Also a certain tract of land, situate in Fergu son township, containing 90 acres, bounded on the south by Orange Thurstin, west by Joseph Straw, with log house.log stable, and 20acr js cleared, and a small orchard Seized, taken in execution and to b sold as the property of Albert Thurstin. Also a certain tract of land, containing 50 a cres. unimproved and well timbered, bounded on east by II. Barrett, north by John Green, south by bwan A Looker, west by Nathaniel Scott. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property Also a certain house and lot in Ansonvillo, known as lot No 8, having 50 foet front on Henry street, beginning at corner of lot No. 10. thence s. 49 e. 50 ft, s. 41 west by lot No. 9, 200 ft. to 20 ft. alley, thence by said alley s. 49 w. 50 ft to No. 10. and thence by No 10 to place of beginning, with a two story frame store house thereon Also, ano ther tract or piece of land in Jordan township, as follows : beginning at a hemlock by land of Joaiah llenry, 40 e. 54 perches to post, s. 50 e. 120 per. to hemlock, thence by land of Grier Bell s. 40. 70 per. more or less, to an ash, down thence by John Pat chen's land s. 50 west 10(1 perch, to heinlock.thence lands of Wm. Thurstin n. 50 e. 46 per. to place of beginning, containing 100 acres more or leas. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of James M. Pfoutx. Also a certain lot of land, situate in Clearfield, known as lot No. 152. bounded south by locust St., east by an alley, north by an alley, west by lot No 139. being same premises conveyed ISth July,1856, by U. S. Keed and wife to defendant, with a large two story house and a largo barn and other im provements thereon. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Samuel Evans Also a certain tract of land, situate in Chest townsnip; containing about 33 acres, more or les, late the property of James Wood. Esq., bounded by lands of Woods and others, having about 15 a cres cleared and a dwelling house thereon erected. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Iavid Wood, administrator of James Wood, deceased. Also a -certain tract of land, situate in Brady township, containing 100 acres, with a log house and barn thereon, and forty acres cleared, bound ed by lands of Jesse Lines, Elias Long and Robert Smiley. Seized, taken in executionand to be sold as the property of Alexander Junlap. Also a certain tract of land, situate in Fergu son township, Clearfield county, beginning at ori ginal white oak corner of this and John Steiner survey, thence by said John Steiner survey north westerly about 340 perches to post, thence by John Burn survey to post on line of land of Matthew Bloom, thence by same and land of Geo. Williams s. 40 e. 337 perches to old tract line, thence by same about 142 perches to place of beginning, contain ing about 250 acres, part of. tract warranted in name of Abraham Scott, with 30 acres cleared, with a log house and log barn. . Seized, taken in execution and to bo sold as the property of James M'Cracken. Also a certain tract of land, situate in Chest township, being an undivided moity or half part of a certain tract containing about 433 acres 150 perches, having ubout 20 acres cleared and three dwelling houses thereon erected, being the same tsact which KobertKosa and wife by deed dated 5th September, 1855, granted aad conveyed to Da vid Wood' and Luther Barrett in fee. Seized, ta ken in execution and to bo sold aj the property of Kobert Pennington and David Wood. Also a certain tract of land, situate in Wood ward township, containing 1Q0 acres, bounded by Andrew Banghman and other lauds of" Joseph E. Ixgan. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Joseph E. Logan. Also two certain tracts of land, situate in Mor ris township, Clearfield county, ono piece begin ning at a post by a white pine, thence s. 105 per ches to post, west by Lorain 108 perches to post, nerth by Allport 101 p. to post on north side of turnpike, cast by Wm. Mcrreil 180 perches to be ginning, 110 acres and 145 perches and allowance. The other piece beginning at post near white pine east by Wm Mcrreil 180 per. to hemlock, north by Lorain 10(5 per. to red oak down, west by laud of Dillon 180 perches to post, south by Wm. Merrcll to beginning, containing 112 acres, being the north-east and south west quarters of tract in name, of Wm. Bigler. and patented on warrant dated I9th of August, 1339, with 30 acres cleared land and 2 plank houses on the same. Seized, taken in exe cution and to be sold as the property of William L Morrell. Also a certain tract of land, situate in JJrady township, Clearfield county, adjoining lands of G. W. Horn, with about 20 acres cleared and log house and barn thereon erected. Seized, taken in execu tion and to be sold as the property of Wm. Irwin. Also a certain tract of land, situate in Fergu son township. Clearfield county, adjoining lands of Greenwood Bell, Gtorge Walter and others, con taining 334 acres. Also, in 100 acres of land in same township, adjoining Drinkers heirs, Thomas Owens, tho river Susquehanna, being late the es tate of Joseph Wiley, dee'd. Seized, taken in ex ecution and to be sold as the property of William T. Wiley. Also a certain tract of land, containing 125 a rres. situate in Woodward township. Clearfield Co , Pa., part of survey in name.of Win. Wistar, ad joining lands of VV. B. Alexander and others, known as the liellecina property, having a large two-stojy frame house and other out buildings, an orchard and about 40 acres cleared thereon. Also Dcft's interest, of, in and to 220 acres of survey in name of Thomas Neil, situate near Clearfield creek, in Woodward township, Clearfield eounty, being the same premises bought by Deft, in com mon with A. K. Wright from Hardman Philips. Also that certain piece of land in Woodward town ship, adjoining lands of Samuel Hegarty, Samuel Shoff and others, containing 21 acres and 32 perch es, being the same premises bought by Deft, from Daniel lligley. having a house, barn, and about 15 acres cleared land thereon. Also that certain lot of land, situate in the village of Glen Hope, having a large two-story frame house with other out-buildings -thereon, being the same premises bought by Defts grantors from S. C. Patcliin. Al so all that lot of land situate in the village of Glen llopo, Clearfield county, being a corner lot and fronting on the Main street thereof, having a large two-story store and dwelling house ana other out-buildings thereon, being the same premises bought from Win. R.. Dickinson. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of George W Shoff. Also a certain tract of land, situate in Penu township. Clearfield county, being the undivided half of 140 acres, with about 100 acres cleared, 2 bouses and barn thereon, bounded by Ilile, Wide mire and others. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Asher Cochran. Also all Defendant's interest of. in and to two eertain tracts of land, situate in Morris township, Clearfield county, one being the south half of tract in name of Paul Wetzel, adjoining tract in name of Uyman Grata on tho south and land of Geo. Hoover on the east, containing 222 acres and allowance; the other being south half of tract in name of David Hall, joining Paul Wetzel on the east and land of John Cook on the south, containing 237 acres and allowance, being parts of two larger tracts or surveys, and same premises bought from David Grata and others,. and having a saw mill, 4 dwelling houses, stable, and about 8 aores cleared thereon. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of David Winn. - Also a certain tract of land, situate : in Chest township, bounded by lands of Jonathan Snyder, Pentico and others, containing one hundred acres, with 5 acres cleared, and log nonse and saw mill thereon erected- Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of John and Jonas Sny der. - .'.' Also--A certain tract of land, situate in Chest township, Clearfield county, containing 82 acres, bounded north by Byers, east by a. s j. lozer, soutn by John 1'ennington, and west by Montgom ery. Seized, taken in execution, and" to be sold as the property of John H. Byers, Simon Montgomery and Samuel Byers. ' ' Also all Dcft's. interest of. in and to a certain lot of land, situate in Clearfield borough, known as lot No. 27 in said borough, bounded south by Market street, west by Front Street, north by Lot No. 25, and east by an alley, with a two-story tav ern bouse and frame stable and other out-buildings. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Wm. J. Hemphill. Also a certain tract of land, situate in Huston township, Clearfield county, containing 235 acres, beginning at a beech, thence south 70 west 114 perches to post, thence north 20 west 323 perches to a hemlock, thence north 70 east 114 perches to post, south 20 cast 312 perches to place of begin ning. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Barr A Valentine Ilevner. Also a eertain tractof land, sttnate in Chest township. Clearfield eounty, containing 114 acres, bonuded by lands of Joseph M'Murray, Thomas Wilson and others, having erected thereon a frame house and log barn, and about 30 acres cleared. Seised, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Robert McFadden Also all defendants interest of and in about 1 1 acres of land in Kylcrtown, Morris township, Clearfield county, bounded west by lands of John B. Kyler, north by town plot of Kylcrtown, east by lands of John 15 ah or n and south by lands of John Rahorn and 4). F. Hoop. And also two lots of land in Kylcrtown, adjoining lands of Leonard Kyler on the north, lot of George Hoover on the east, Main street on the south, and lands of John B. Ky ler on the west, being 216 feet in depth and 110 ft. in front, and widening toward the rear, having a two story frame tavern house, one stable, a store house and other outbuildings thereon. Seized, ta ken in execution and to be sold as the property of Thomas Kyler. Also, by virtue of a writ of levari Rwin, AH that tract or piece of land situnte in Ferguson tp., Clearfield co.. Pa., beginning at a post, also a cor ner of the first herein recited tract '-Fox's Rer ward," and of land conveyed to Vastine A, Boone, thenco by said land south 40 d.west 222 perches more or less, to a post, thence by older surveys north 8HJ. e.356 perches, moreor less, to a dogwood, thence along the original boundary of said trftct, 'Fox's Reward' south 50d. west 291 perches to place of beginning, containing 177 acres and 31 per ches, part of tract surveyed on warrant dated 24th Jan. 1793, granted to Geo. Roberts, jr.. and by him 25tb Jan. 1703. conveyed to Samuel Fox the elder, patented 19th August, 1793, enrolled in patentbook No. 30, page 21G, and same premises which Charles Norris, trustee ct al, conveyed to David Ferguson. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of David Ferguson. JOSIAII R REED, Sh'ff. Clearfield, April 15, 1857-tc. LIST OF RETAILERS of Foreign and Do mestic Merchandize in Clearfield County, for the year 1857, subject to the payment of license. Names. Class. License. fieccaria Township. S. C. Pafehin, 14 " S7 00 Ilegorty 4 McCallah, 14 7 00 Jeremiah Cooper, 14 7 00 Samuel Hegarty, It 7 00. Clearfield Coal and Lumber Co. 13 d 10 00 . Kelt Township. . George t Lewis Smith, 14 7 00 Thomas McGhee & Co., 14 7 00 Geddcs. Marsh & Co. 14 7 00 E. L. Miller, 14 7 00 Ensgs Township. Charles Sloan, " . 14 7 00 Kalston &. Beatty, 13 10 00 lirady Tuxenship. John Carlisle & Co. . . 14 7 00 F. K. Arnold, 14 7 00 S.H.Arnold. , 14 , 7 00 P. W. Barrett, 14 , - 7 00 R. H. Moore, 14 7 00 Frederick Kohler, ' it 7 00 David Irvin. 14 7 00 Jacoj Kuntz, '14 7 00 F. K. Arnold. 14 7 00 . . Jira'ford Township. James B. Graham", 12 12 50 Matthew Forcey, 14 7 110 John Holt, 14 7 00 Edward Williams. 14 7 00 Win. Albert Brothers. 14 7 00 liiuruxide Township. James McMurrv, " 13 . 10 00 Patchin & Brother. 14 .7 00 Cumniiiigs Mahaffey, 14 7 00 Kusscll McMurry, 14 . 7 00 Allison 4 Snyder, 14 7 00 Chest Township. Michaols & Worrell, 14 7 00 Christopher Kratzer, 11 7 00 Covington Township. John Barmoiee, 13 10 00 Francis Cotitreit, It. 7 00 John P. Rider, 14 7 00 Clearfield Borough. Charles D. Watson, 14 7 00 Reed 4 Weaver, 13 10 00 A.M. Hills, 14 - 7 00 Wm. F. Irwin, 13 10 00 Wm. L. Moore. 13 10 00 Christopher Kratzer, It 15 00 Richard Mossop. 13 10 00 Merrell fc Carter, 14 7 00 Curwensville Borough . McBrido A Co. 12 12 50 Mrs. E. Irvin A Sons, 12 12 60 Montelius A Co. 13 10 00 Bloom A Montgomery, 13 10 00 II. V. Patton, 11 15 00 Decatur Township. J.J. Lingle, 14 7 00 J. F Steiner & Co, 14 7 00 Bowman A Perks, 13 10 00 Fergnson. Township. Martin 0. Sterk, 14 7 CO Goshen Township. E. Irwin Sons, 13 10 00 A. B. Shaw. 14 7 00 R. Leonard & Brother. 14 7 00 Girard Township. James Irwin A Co. 14 7 00 . Humphrey 4 Halo, 14 ' 7 00 . . Augustus Leconte, 14 7 00 Huston Township. David Tyler, 14 7 00 Jordan Township. David McGchan, 14 7 00 ' Chase A Swan, 14 7 00 McMurry A Hegarty, It 7 00 Kurthaus Township. F. P. Hu'rxthal, 13 10 0.0 K.J. Uaynes, ,u 7 00 Lawrence Township. James Forrest, 14 7 00 Morris Township E.F.Brenner,' -13 10 00 John Kyler, ,. .14 7 00 . . , V. Hopp, 14 7 00 J. P.Nelson A Co. ,14 7 00 V lie Township.' AEloom, : 14 . 7 00 , Penn Towns7iip. Ben. Hartshorn, 13 10 00 A. Rile A Brother, - 14 . 7 00 . Woodioard Township. James A. Hegerty, It 7 00 John M.Chase, It 7 00 Henry Byers, . 1 7 00 11. B. McCullah, 14 7 00 Thomas Henderson, 14 7 00 Union Township. Daniel Brubaker, 14 7 00 RETAILERS of Patent Medicines. Curwensville Borough. H. D. Patton, 4 5 00 J. B. Segner, 4 5 00 Clearfield Borough C. D. Watson, 4 5 00 . ' . OYSTER .SALOONS. Curwensville Borough. Stephen Graff, 8 5 00 NOTICE: An appeal will be held on Tuesday the 19th day of May, at the Commissioners' Office in Clearfield borough, when and where all who feci themselves aggrieved by the above appraise ment can attend, if they seo proper. ,:. MARTIN NICHOLS, Jr. April 8, 1857. Mercantile Appraiser. LT RYE WHISKEY, BRANDY, OIN and INES. for sale at the cheap cash store of apr8 v . X. M0680P. TOBINS' EXPECTORANT COMPOUND SYKCP OF WILD CHERRY. ; roa THE CURB nr Bronchia! affections, Coughs. Colds, Pleurisy, Bron chitis. Asthma, and all other dueaaes of the throat and lungs, except Consumption. This invaluable remedy is no quack nostrum, but is prepared from the recipe of a regular physician, who during a practice or twenty-five years, used it with unpar alleled success. It is a combination of expecto rant remedies, simple in their character and used by every educated physician. It is easily taken. produces no nausea or other disagreeable effects, and gives almost immcdiule relief. In this ever changing climate, where coughs and eolds so fre quently end in consumption aud death, no family siiouta te witnont mis certain ctre. It would be easy to follow in the wake of the ven ders of patent medicine, and multiply certificates got up lur toe occasion, oi miraculous cures, but no such adventitious aid is necessary in introducing this preparation to the public. Its real value, ana never failing success, in accomplishing all promis ed for it,caunot but give it a wide circulation, and recommend it to all th ose afflicted with diseases for which it is a remedy. Pi ice 37 i Cents per Bottle. i rcparca cxciusivciv ov - THOMAS ROBINS, Praggist. March 4. 1857.-tf Clearfield. Fa. DOCTOR KE LL I N O ' S CAXCF.R 1XSTLTUTF.. ' For tho Troatmcnt of Cancers. Tumors. Wens. Ulcers, Scrofula, anv Growth or Sore.' Chronie Diseases, generally, can be cured (if curable,) with out surgical operation or poison. For all particu lars wrile, state diseases plainly, and enclose twenty-five cents for advice. All letters must have a postage stamp enclosed to pre-pay answer. Med, icine can be scut any distance. Address U. Ij. KfcLLINU. M. D - ' Mechanicsburg. Cumberland Co , Pa. EUOJechanicsburi is 8 miles from llarrishurz. on the C. V. Railroad, aud accessible from all part or the L nion. Old aud vounz. poor and rich, come all wo will do you good. I rlo tuoso afflicted who caifhot visit me per sonally, I will send, per mail, on receipt of 5.00 only, a Recipe to prepare Medicine, with full di rections for use, Ac. State all particulars. Ad dress as above. February 18, 1857-6m LICENSE "NOTICE. Tho following named persons have filed in the Office of the Clerk ef the Court of Quarter Sessions of-Clearfield Countv. their respective Petitions for License at MAY Session next agreeablv to Act of Assembly of March 28, 185fi, entitled '-An Act to regulate the Sale of Intoxicating Liquors," 4c. APPLICANTS FOR TAVERX LICENSC Lorenza D. Ilile. Lumberville, Perm township. Enoch McMastcrs, ' Thomas C. Davis, Pennownship. R. W. Moore. Luthersburg. Brady Township. Henry Post. Decatur township. Daniel M. Weaver, Clearfield borough. George D. Lanicb, " David Siuiih, Curwensville Borocgh. Wm. A. Mason, . John Draucker, " " Isaac Bloom, jr. " " Henry Goodlandcr, Brady township. George W. Long, " ' Frederick Zcigler, " " Adam Knarr. " " Charles Graff, Union township. William Askey, Boggs township. Andrew Cross, " John llicsh. " " Merrell P. Marble, Kylertown, Morris twp. Dennison Johnston. Morris township. James M'Clellan, Morris township. William S. Wiggins, Bradford township, Cyrus II. Thurston, Chest township. Wesley Nevling. Beccaria township. John Sulfridgo, Goshen township. Robert Leonard. Goshen township James Bloom. Pike township. R. B. McCully, Woodward township, Solomon Bauder, Covington township. motor with XRnrnASP-isE. Brokcrhoff A Mullen, Covington township. H. D Patton, Curwensville borough. RESTArUAXTS. . Stephen Graff, Curwensville borough. Aprl3-!57 GEO. WALTERS. Clerk. TRIAL E1ST, FOR MAY TERM, 157. (com mencing on the 3d Monday, the 1th day.) I. Adams, vs G. B. Engles adm'rs. II. Phfltp ez'ra, rs Reams et al, I). Mitchell A Mehaffcy, vs S. J. Tozer et al. John Campbell, vs E. WilliamsAKooser. Hugh McGonigal, . vs I saao Gaines. Samuel B. Ritter, vs Hurxthal A Brother. John Drancker, vs Bcnj. Hartshorn. - Joseph Burtop, vs Abel Brooks. . . S. Crow et al, vs John Ovcrdorf. William M.Lyon, vs "Abraham Ooss. HughsALoyd, vs T.F.Dunbar. Mehaffoy A Mitchell, vs Simon Pennington. II. Billington, trustee, vs Abraham Goss et al. Same, vs John Crane et al. Borough of Clearfield, vs Lawrence township. John J. Bloom. vs Abraham Bloom, William Harrold, vs David Litz. T. F Dunbar, vs N. Hughs. Ira Sabin, vs Thos. M'Gheo et al Abraham Bloom, vs John J. Bloom, P. Chambers, vs J B. Hewett. Jonas Bowman, vs William Bloom. Wm II Joy. vs Graffiu A Wood. L. W. Johnston. vs James M. Leonard. Aprl3 GEORGE WALTERS, Prot y. CLEARFIELD INSTITUTE The last quarter of the present school year of this Insti tution will commence on Monday, APRIL 27th, 1S57. Persons' wishing to fit themselves for College, Teachers, Commercial or other avocations in life, will here receive every desired facility. A thor ough Scientific and Classical course is here given on terms lower than in similar Institutions in the State. Parents at a distanes can obtain boarding for their sons and daughters under the immediate care of the Principal, where they wlil receive rare advantages, with all the comforts and pleasures of home; and their morals will be carfully guarded. It is particularly desirous that pupils for tho ap proaching term be pres. nt at its commencement, to select their seats and be properly arranged in their respective classes. Further information and Catalogues of the In stitute can be had by addressing. W A. CAMPBELL, Principal. April 15, 1S57. Clearfield, Pa. REMOVAL. JOSHUA S. JOIISON, CABINET MAKFIZ, has removed his Ehop to the new building of John Troutman, on Market street, where he will keep on hand or manufacture to orderi (of superior finish.) every variety of Household and Kitchen FU R ft 3 T U H E , ' such as Tables, Bureaus, Sas. Stands Cupboards, Sofas. Bedsteads, Ae.. of every style and variety, which he will dispose of at cheap rates as any o tber establishment of the kind in the county. Cull and examine his furniture and judge for yourselves of its quality and finish. CHAIRS of all kindd on hand or made to order. He is also prepared to make COFFINS to order, on the. shortest notice, and will attend funerals with a hearse, when called upon. JOSHUA S. JOHNSON. Clearfield, Pa.. December 17, 185ft. A DMIMSTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters ."X of Administration on the Estate of Christian Shoff, late of Woodward township, Clearfield co.. Pa., deceased, having been granted to the under signed ; all person indebted to said estate are re quested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will present them, properly authenticated for settlement. SAMUEL SHOFF, . . e t 1 Aum rs. April 4, 1ft57 6tp Woodward Tp. "JJOTICE. The partnership heretofore exist II ing between M Bride and Wright has this day, by mutual consent, been dissolved, and we wish all persons having accounts on our books to call and settle them The business will be con tinued in future by Wm. M'Bride. - ....... r ... m. irDliTIK Curwensville. April 7, 1857. RE M OVA L . The undersigned notifies his old customers and the puVilio that he has removed his BLACKSMITH SHOP to his new building a few doors south of the shop he former ly occupied, where he ia prepared to do on tao shortest notice any work in his line of business April 15, 1857. JACOB EHUNKWEILER. r r EGISTER'S- NaJI XV by given,' that the follow, been examined and passed by zne, ana ' of record in this office for the inspection ot legatees, crediton": and II others in any other way -v. interested,- and will be presented to the next Or ; phana' Court of Clearfield County, to be held at the Court House, in the Borough of. Clearfield, commencing on the third Monday of May, 1857, . ; for confirmation and allowance: The final account of John Smith, Administrator 7 of Isaiah Barto, late of Burnside township, Clear field eounty, deceased. - . S The account of Isaac Horton, Sen., Administer ' tor of Zebulon Warner, late of Caledonia, Clear field county, deceased. t 1 be account of James bomervilia. surviving Ad ministrator of David Somorville, lata of Cheet . township, Clearfield eounty, deceased. - - "... i The .account of Tbomaa Stronach aad Joretb . Wriglcswortb, Administrators of Joseph Collrsgs--worth, late of Penn township. Clearfield eoastv, deceased. . , The final account of Israel Rorabanrh and Christian Rorabangh, Executors, Ac. of the - ' tate of John Rorabangh. late of Cheat township. Clearfield county, deceased. JAMES A71UGLEV, Clearfield, Pa.. April 8, 1857. - Register.- - - TVTOTICE TO THE SCHOOL DIRECTORSOF"" 1 1 CLEARFIELD COUNTY. - I Gestlkme!! : In pursuaooe of the 43d section of - the Act of 8th May, 1S54. yoa are hereby notified " to meet in Convention, at tho Court House in the Borongh of Clearfield, on the FIKST MONDAY, of! MAY, A. D. 1857, being the Fourth day of tho month, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, and seloct. ' rv porn, by a majority of the whole number of .' Directors present, one person of literary and soi entific attainments, and of skill and experience in. tao art or teaching, as Lor-vrr ecPEaiwTssnEM," for therthree succeeding years : determine the a- mount of compensation for the same, and certify the result to the State Superintendent at Harris- burg; as required by the 39th and 40th sections of said act. - AT. SCHRYVER. CoHtUv Superintendent of Clearfield Co Near Clearfield Bridge. April 4th. 1857. ' APPORTIONMENT of Tavern Licenses to the several districts of Clearfield eountr for the year 1S57, as per last trienniel assessment. ; -... . Clearfield borough 3 Pike township. 1 ' Curwensville boro' 3 Brady A 1'urnside towuahip, 1 Chest " Penn 1 Jordan ' 1 T' Beccaria " 1 Woodward 44 1 Boggs 2 Bradford -. 1 - Morris " 1 Union " 1' ' GirardlGoshen ' 1 Huston"'' '1 Covington " 1 Karthaus I EATING HOI SES. - Curwensville horo' I Clearfield boro - 1 Aprl3'-57 GEO. WALTERS. Prot'y. " DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. The subscribers have this day dissolved 1 partnership in all their business (except the saw-- mill property) by mutual consent. SAMUEL WIPEMIRE, JOHN WIDEAURE. . April 5th. Ifi.i7-apr15. 4 D JI I X I STRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters .-t. of Administration on the estate of James L--Flegal, late of Goshen townehip. Clearfied eonnty. Pa., deceased, having been granted to the subscri ber, all persona indebted to the said estate, are re quested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same, will present them properly authenticated tor settle ment. JOHN A. L. F LEGAL. Adm'r. March 19. 1357-f,t-p. Goshen tp. XTENSIVE MARBLE YARD, AT TYRONE CITY, PA. Having just received a lot of the best eastern Mar ble that can be procured at the Philadcl- pnia l aras. lam now ready to furnishi all kinds of work in our line, viz : Mon uments. lomb-Xables, Marble Door-stcns. Lintels, ilantle-picces, Centre-Table, Card-Table, Bureau-tops. 4c. of either American or Italian Marble. LSNB. All orders sent by mail, prompt ly attended to We will not be beat either in work ' orpriees. Jdee24-'56.Iy I. ULREY. - M. A. Frank, Esq-, Agent, Clearfield, Pa. - DISSOLUTION The partnership OF PARTNERSHIP.', heretofore existing between--been dissolved hv mntnal , the undersigned, has consent. All persons indebted to said firm are re-- quested to settle their account without delay. JOHN GlELICH, DANIEL BENNER. will be continued at the old " JOHN GUEHCH. April 1. lS:7-tf. N. B. The business stand by AUDITOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned;, an Auditor appuintcd by the Orphans' Court, of Clearfield county to distribute the balance in the hands of Robt. P.rter, Administrator of Jo seph Morrow, decea-ed. among the just eroditors of the said deceased, will attend to the duties of ' his appointment on Thursday the 14,th day of May next, at one o'clock p. m., at the office of Larri-'-mer A Test, in the borough of Clearfield, when-: and where all those interested mav attend if thcy sec proper. JAS. 11. LARKIMER, April 15, 1S57. Auditor. I3I1ILADELPIIIA WOOD MOULDlNtS MILL. Willow Street above Twelfth. North Side. Mouldings suitable for Carpenters, Build ers. Cabinet anl Frame Makers, always on hand. ANY PATTERN WORKED FBM A DRAWING. Agents wanted in the various Towns in his por tion of the Mate, to whom opportunities will be offered for large profits to themselves. aprS-2m SILAS E.WEIR.- I7ARM FOR SALE The undersigned of--fers at private sale bis farm situate in Mor ris township, Clearfield county, Pa., containing 107 acres, about 65 acres cleared, and in a state of good cultivation, having thereon erecW a NEW PLANK HOUSE, and largo barn, 48 by t0 feet. and". 30 or 40 young fruit trees thereon growing. Tho farm is in a good settlement about one mile from . Kylertown. and will hr sold on reasonable terms, which can be ascertained by applying to the sub seriber on the- premises, or'to M. A. Frank, Esq.. . Clearfield, Pa. GEO. J. WAGGONER, Sr. April 1, 1857.-3t-p. CQAfs flfl E-v resolution of tho T-.0a: i of OVi,lyvf School Directors of the- Bor Aigb of Clearfield, the undersigned were appoint' ed a committee to negotiate a loan not exceeding: Eight Hundred Dollars. Persons having auout that amount which they desire to invest fo sever al years and realize interest regularly can apply to L. J. CRANt ot March 4.1857. R. J. WALLACE. WEAVER, FITLER & CO., No. 19 North Water Street. Philadelphia, Healers in Carpet Chain, Yjun. MANILLA AND I7EMP ROPES;. Bed-cords, Clothes-lines, Ac, Ac. January 1. 1857. ' 1'ycaitp. IOR SALE A two-story frame Honse, with a half aTe of land adjoining, situate in Law rence township, on the road from Clearfield to Curwensville, about If miles from Clearfield. For terms apply to Zebad Lawhcad, Lawrence town ship, or to the subscriber. L. JACKSON CRANSI june Clearfield, Pa. "I ACRES OF LAND; otvthe Erie Turn XWJ pike, about 7 miles west of Curwensville and 135 ACRES OF LAND iHjoinicg' the same! will be sold on accommodatmg terms. The land lies well, is all susceptible of cultivation, and ia well covered with chotee- pine timber suitable for shingles, sawing or square timber.. A saw mill nearby. Apply to L, J. CRANS. m"2j Clearfield. FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned of fers to sell at nrini. i. l:. r " n - ,,,,, . . . . ma lartu vu Gram pian Hills, within a mrl r.t ri j.u county, adjoining lands of Thomas Wall and tho Church property, containing 10G aores. about 6 acres cleared, under good cultivation, and the re mainder well timbered with hemlock, prrve. and r Atlerc I HOUSE. GOUJ BARN, and Other Onthllililino-a mr.,1 a umhornf young fruit trees oa tie premises'. Taere is a saw n;n -i i . - , . . uv uj. am iuv unanrsignea isaeiro to quit farming, he offers the above property for sale at reasonable terms, which oan be ascertained by applying Co him on the preinieea. -- pnj l,l63f St- . J U'.'PIAO a. UAJTUK- : i 4 a;'- I i J :1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers