MU . ...-' ..Tits Mkwt mm& 8&tiiu .18 1 3 i i TERMS. Tba Jttbrai. Ii poblithed every Wednesday t Cn avi Fifrr Ckmts per cnnntu in draoe, or Two PotLARS within the year. Advertisements Insetted atfiftyeents per square, rf twelve lines, for the llret, and twenty-live cents fur each additional Insertion. A liberal deduction made to tboM who advertise by the year. . The 'Terms' will be strictly adhered to. So paper discontinued without paynieot of ar reersgea, artless at the option ot the publisher. PENNSYLVANIA BAILROAD. On and after Monday, Feb. 23d, 1557, pasnngar trains will leave Tyroae station aa follows : West. East Fast Line, 1.57 A. M. fl 53 1. M. Express, 8.23 A. M. A.M. . Mall, 6.21 T. M. 2 P. M. PW.BAR K E T T, JUSTICE OF THE e PEACE, Luthorsburg, Clearfield county, Pa., trill attend promptly to all business entrusted to him. niar25-tf WEST BRANCH FIRE INSURANCE O OI PANY, LOCK H AVEN. CLINTON CO., PA. CAPITAL, S300,yno. Itlures Detached Buildings. Stores, Morchandiso and other buildings and their contents. DIRECTORS'. Hon. John J. Poarce, Hon. O. C. Harvey, John B. Hall, T. T. Abrarns. Charles A. Mayer, I). K. Jackman, Charles Criit, W. White, - Peter Dickenson, Thomas Kitchen. Hos. O. C. HARVEY, I'bes't. Trios. Kitchen. Sec y. T. T. Abrarns. Vice Prcs't. The undersigned having been appointed a gent by this company, gives notico thKt be will insure Uuildirgs of every description, Goods, Ac, on the most reasonable terms. This com fumy is in a prosperous condition, and meets all deiunnds promptly. Hio capital stock of the company is 100,000 with privilege of increasing to SoUO.OOl), A. M. MOXTELIUS. Curwensrille, Pa.; Au. 20. 135o-Gmp REMOVAL. JOSH T A S. JOHNSON, CABINET MAKFR, has removed his shop to the new building of John Troutiuan, on Market street, whero he will keep on band or manufacture to order, (oi superior finish.) eTcry variety of Household and Kitchen FURNITURE, each as Tables, Euresus, Safes, Stands Cupboards. Sofas. Bedte:ids. Ac. of every style and Tariety, which he will dispose of at cbenp rates as any o ther establishment of the kind in the county. Call and examine bis furniture, and judge for yourselves of it3 quality and finish. josuua s. jonxsox. Clearfield. Pa.. December 17, 1356. Ci a . s v h a r r y i: it , ' LUMPER MERCHANT. MARIETTA, Of the firm of L'ndsey and Schaffncr, Timber Inspectors. Respectfully oilers his services to the Timber men of the West L'rnnch in the spring, to take charge of the Timber of those who are desirous of returning borne and to their business agiin. From his know l edge cf the business be fuels confident of being able to obtain the highest market rates, of nil con signments entrusted to him. All attention paid to Timber left to his on re after the spring businvsi. As for reference would refer to James h. Ohaham, Esg. Wit. Powell, Cut,. Johx Patches. Marietta, February -I. 1357-2m. Hf ANSI O N II O V S E , 11 Clearfield, Pa. The undersigned respectfully announces to the public that he has leaded the above Hotel in Clear field borough, and that he is prepared to accom modate all who inny favor him w ith their eti'tom. His house is commodious and convenient, and bis tablo shall be supplied in tho best manner possi ble. No effort will bo spared to render general satisfaction, liy strict attention to business, and to the want) and comfort of his guests, ho expeits to secure a liberal share of piitronage. fobll.'57 HAN. M. WEAVER. CA U X ION . All persona are cautioned a gainst meddling with the following property, now in possession of Win. Curry, Sr. and Samuel Curry, of Knox township, as tho sumo belongs to me and onlv left with tho said Curry's on loan. Or.o bay llorse. One bay Marc, Ono sorrel Min e, 'Two setts of Harcc-s. and Two Cows. H. D. PATTON. Curwensvillo, Deo. 10. 13j6-jnn7-'a7-.1inl OO-TLOATTEKS TAK E NOTIcl'ThTt J nt a meeting of tho Lumbermen held at Clearfield on the ltb insf., the undersigned were nppoiated a committee to institute prosecutions a nil pcr50t:?obstructing the navigable streams by the floating of Uoe logs. We therefore notify all persons concerned, tbnt proceedings will be in stituted and prosecuted to conviction against all and every person, whether owner, contractor or laborer, engaged in putting loose logs into the riv. er cr any of its trilularic in i'n enmities of Clear field, LIU and Centre JOHN M. CHASE. W. H. nniHfnX, HOLT. MAIIAl I'EY, WM. STLWAKT, JAMES ASK E V, DANIEL RHOADES. C. W LLAKK. K. C. WIXSLOW, ROHT. ROTH ROCK. J. Z. LINDEMCTH. August It . lr.ily. J. P. NELSON 5c CO., Jturrn lowushiv, Clear Hfld Co.. r,i., Would rerr.eetfull v inform the citizens of that vi cinity that they keep constantly on hand a large assortment of Dry Goorfi, ll:trd-Warr. Qitffiin'rart. (irnreritx, Cont'tctiaiiaric. llati iV Caps. Boots V S7(or, and all other articles usually kopt iu a country atore, which they are determined to kell low for eaxh. country produce, or lumber. . August 1 , 1V j. TVLW HOTEL: Tho old 'SK.mi-.r-. Hoi rb,' at L NEW WASHINGTON, bM been re-opneii and rc-litted by the undersign ed, who respectfully auiicits a sliuro of jiublio pat ronage. lie is well provided with houe room and Rood (tabling, and intends keeping a Temperance House, at which he will alweys endeavor to make his guests feel at home. . J01IX SIIETTER. Augtift 1,. Hoi. tr. "IT'Olt SALE. The subscriber offers for sale X bis farm, containing about l2 acres, with a boat 25 acres cleared and under good cultivation, having thereon erected one 2-story bouse and barn, situated ono and a'hall miles abovo Clear field town, opposite the now bridge For terms apply to the subscriber on the premises. may 14-tf Ml LP IIOTT. JOHN Kl SSELL & CO., ta..j:hs a.p curriers, l'ntuviU, CliurfioM Co., Pa., Keep constantly on hand an excellont assortment of leather, which they offer for sale at the lowest casb prices. Hides taken in exchange. July 1 . la-l. BLACKSMITHINC The subscriber would inform the public that he has taken the Black smith Shop formerly occupied by George Orr. on the corner of Third and Main streets, in the bor ough of Clearfield where he carries on the business 5n all its various branches. June 6, ls.-.i.-ly JACOB SHUNKWETLER. aflOOD INTENT HOTEL. The subscriber VJT having taken this well known HOTEL in the borough of Curwensvillo. wishes his old customers and the travelling public generally to give him a call, as he has the best establishment of the kind in the eounty. lie Lopes to give general satisfaction. Curwensville, AuM-'SJ JOS. PETERS. M O X E Y WILL BE PAID FOR 500 BUSHELS OATS, at the highest market price, delivered to A. M. HILLS, Clearfield Borough. trOOPEN WARE A lot of superior Bucket and for sale at the sign of the bot2 PA11LOK STOVES Several excellent Par lor Stoveg to be had at If. D. PATTo.ViS. IRON. Iron of all kinds, to be had low at the Store of U. P. Patton. in Curwensville. w HEAT Jas24 FLOUR fcr tale at , TERRELL A CARTER'S LET US REASON TOUETHEU. HOLLOWAY'S , FILLS. WHY ARE WE SICK 1 IT has been the lot of the human race to be wcih ed down by diseaso and suffering. HOLLO WAY'S PILLS are specially adjpted to the relief of the WEAK, the NERVOUS, the DELICATE, and tho INFIRM, of all climes, ages, sexes, and constitutions. Professor Holluway personally su- Ccrintends themanufacture of his medioincs in the ui ted States, and offers them to a free and enlight ened people, as the best remedy the world ever saw for the romoval of disease. THESE PILLS PURIFY THE BLOOD. ' These famous Pills are expre.-sly combined to op erate on tho stomach, the liver, the kidneys, the lungs, the skin, and tho bowels, correcting any de rangement in their functions, purifying the blood, the very fountain of life, and thus curing disease in all its forms. DISPEPSIA AND LIVER COMPLAINTS. Nearly half tho human raoo have taken thesa Pills, it has been proved in all parts of the world, that nothing has been found equal to them in cases ri disorders of the liver, dyspepsia and stomach Complaints generally. They soon give a healthy tone to these organs, however much deranged, and when all other moans have failed. - GENERAL DEBILITY. ILL HEALTH. Many of tberoost despotic Governments have of pened their Custom Houses to the Introduction of these. Pills, that they may become the medicine of tho masse?. Learned Colleges admit that this medicine is the best remedy ever known for per sons of delicate health, or where the system has been impaired, as its invigorating properties never fail to atlord relief. . FEMALE COMPLAINTS. No female, young or old, should bo without this celebrated medicine. It corrects and regulates the monthly courses at nil periods, acting in many ca ses like a charm. It is also the best and safest medicine that enn be gi ven toChildren of all ages, and for any complaint; consequently no family should bo without it. lloIotctitf's Pill are the best rcmrdy known in the icorld for the following Diseasr.i : Asthma Diarrhmsf" SccondarySymptoma Coughs Chest Diseases Stone and Oravel Colds lever and Aguo Venereal Affections Influenza Towel Complaints Female Complaints Costivcns.'S Infiamation Worms of all kinds Dyspepsia Indigestion Lowness of Spirits Debility Liver Complaints Inward weakness Dropsy Piles Hcadnches :Sold at the Manufactories of Professor IIol LOW Y, 60 Maiden Lane. X. York, and 21 1 Strand, London, and by all rcpectable Druggists an d Deal ers of Medicine throughout the t inted States, aud tho civilized wolrd, iu boxes at 2j cents, 62i cents, and 1 cuch. tr?Ttcre is a considerable raving by taking tho Iargor sizes. X. li. Directions for the guidance of patients in every disorder ore affixed to each box. apr'J "i6 D VILV, SEMI-YVEKKLV & WEEKLY TELEGRAPH. The Daily Tct-EcnArn Notwithstanding the ru mors spread abroad by our political opponents, that the 'Dnily Telegraph' would be disoontinued after the election, we announce to the public that we sh.'ill not only continue its publication, but it shall bo done with renewed vigor ar.'i determina tion to meet the public expectations and wants. The publisher j w ill spare no labor or expense to make it a paper einiT.eiitly worthy of the capital of Pennsylvania, and otic which should be found at ererv fireside iu our borout-h The 'Daily Telegraph' will contain tho latest news received by Magnetic Telegraph and Mails. Wo shall givp particular attention to our Local de partment, and endeavor to make the Reports as full and interesting as possible. The Editorial De partment will bo under the management of ablo and experienced gentlemen, w ho, upon nil ques tions afl'ei-ting the public, will express their opin ions fairly and freely. Our next Legislature will be entrusted with several important duties the election of United States Senator, the election of a State Treasurer, the apportionment of the State. Ac, which will make the proceedings unusually interesting and important. The 'Telegraph' wi l'l he able to present this and all other news transpi ring at tbu Stato Capital much sooner ami inure satisfactorily than any other paper in the State. Tho Semi-Weekly and Weekly Telegraph' will be published, ns heretofore. Wo shall endeavor to make tho 'Weekly Tolcgraph' the best family newspaper in tho State, it wHI contain all the Infest i.cits up to the hour of going topless, it will contain lull reports of the markets in tho At lantic cities. A portion of our columns will be de voted to tho interests of Agriculture and Mechan ics. Tho -Semi-Weekly' will be puhlisacd only during tho sessions of the Legislature. Ourcfforts shall be to mako the Telegraph tho model nows paper of the State. TERMS : Tho Daily Telegraph will bo furnish ed at a distance for SI per annum; 52 fur six months; or 1 for three months. Single subscri bers in the tow n will bo furnished at six cents per week payable weekly to the carrier. The Semi-Weekly and Weekly Telegraph will be furnished to single subscribers at?2 per annum. Our Clubs Rates are as follows : Clubs of o, - . . . . S9 10, 17 ' 2'). so The person who raises a club will receive a co py of the paperirr'(j, Whero ia tho person who cannot afford this? Three cents per week for a newspaper, which shall convey to him, in addition to political intelligence, all foreign, domestic and local news; in a word, all of political interest which may transpire ei ther at homo or abroad. Thanking our friends everywhere for the gener ous patronage they havo extended to us during the campaign, wo trust that they will nt once re new their subscriptions, and make the Telegraph in future a constant visitor nt their firesides. Cast your Urr.ii upon the Wntrrs. for after many Uay.t ye shall find it. A Certain Cure for all Rheumatio Pains. dow't condemn m r try it, it cavxot tail. E. C. ALLEN'S CONCENTRATED ELECTRIC PASTE, AJB AKAMA PAIN KXTHACTOIt. FOIt SI A NORSK. Copyright sentrei according to Isiw. ?MAL. JAR 50 CENTS. LARGE JAR $1. FilllE Electric Paste acts upon the Mnseles,Ten JL dens, and upon the whole nervous system, re moving torpidity and producing a healthy action ti the blood. There being no volatilo matter in its remains in action until it acconi plishes its work. It cannot lo.e its strenzth. and is altogether harmless, its constituent parts being cuureiy vejjeiaoie. WHAT WILL IT CURE? We answer Rhcunu.tic Pains, w hen everything elso fails. Cramps. Cholic. Coughs. Chilblains Burns. Scalds, Sprains, Headache. Tootha'-hc.Swel-lings. Bruises. Sores. Ringworm. Tetter. Stiff Joints, Contracted Chords. Fresh Cus. Ulcerated Sores. and all Scrofulous Diseases where external remedies ean he use4. Sore Throats. Stiff Necks, Ac. WHAT IT WILL CURE for Horses and Cattle. Sweeny. Spavin. Fistulas. Poll Evil, Windgalls, Ulcers, Chohc, Sprains. Collar and Saddlo (ialls. Hone Bruises, Stiff Joints, Vertigo, Splints and Running Sores. rXono genuine but those having the words "E. C. Allen's Concentrated Electric Paste, or Ara bian rain r.xtractor, Lancaster, Pa.." blown in the bottlo EIrf-ok put for counterfeits. Don't for get to ask for ALLEN'S. Letters upon business, address, E. C. Allen, care of H. A. Kockafield A Co., Lancaster, Pa. f3Tor sale at tho Drug Storo of Charles D. Watson, Clearfield, Pa., and country storekeepers J 11 :. . .i , . . i . i . . . , . . . uu irujijiji wiruognoui ir.ectnio mayii sn-iy JAMES n. CRAHVM. Dealer'in SAWED LUMBER. SQUARED TIMBER, SUING LLS, BOARDS. Ao., ia prepared to fill, on tho shortest notice, all orders for articles in his lino of busi ness, on as reasonable terms aa they can bo riro eurod in the eounty. Grahampton. Clearfield Co., Jan. 23, 1SSU HOUSE AND LOT FOIt SALE The late residence of J. M. Flout, in Ansonvillo, may be bought cheap by immediate application to me, declO-if J. B. M'EXALLY. JEW ELK Y A lot of fine Breast Ping Ear Drops. Sbilt Studs, Ac. for sale vervcheap. by Clearfield . Dec.3 THOMAS RpBBIXS. A EllvS'i' It ATE Sett of J.iacksmithingTools, X. including Bellowa. Anvil, Screw-plates, Ao , let aeJe by lja7 iLERRELL A CARTER. REMOVAL : The undersigned begs leave to inform bis friends that ho has removed bid . BOOT AND SHOE ET0RE, from "Shaw's Row," to hia new building, opposite the Offioe of Jamv.a Wrigly, and two doors south of the Office G. K. Barrett, Esq. He still keeps eoiutantly on hands, every varie ty of Ladies slippers, gaiters, pumps. Ac. Meu'8 fancy shoes and gaiters, with an excellent assort ment of hoavy work, all adapted to tho various wants of the pcoplo of Clearfield . He hopes hia friends will call at his NEW STORE, and ex auiinu hia Stock. Boots and Shoos made to order, and monding done aa heretofore. ISAAC JOIIXSTCN. Clearfield. June 27, 1855. GOINfJ IT ALONE. Tho undersigned hav ing taken to himself the store formerly own ed by Patohin A Swan, takes pleasure in informiug his friends and the public generally, that he has just received from the city a splendid assortment of Dry Goods, Hardware, Quecnswarc, Groceries, Coufectionarics, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, and every thing else usually kept in a country store. Persons wishing to buy cheap and good Goods should not forget that he is determined not to ho undersold by r any store inthe county. His motto ia ' a nimble penny rathe than a slow six pence. S. C PATC1IIN. Glen Hope, July 5. ISiL I EXCHANGE HOTEL, PHILIPSBEIIG. li The subscriber, thankful for past favors, would respectfully solicit a continuance of tho lib eral patronage bestowed upon hia House by the Public He is prepared to accommodato water men, editors, drovers, and all others who may call with him, in tho very host manner. He also purposes to run a line of Hacka from Tyrone to Clearfield, for the accommodation of the travelling public, J. G. RUXK. . .Philpsburg. Marcti 14. 18.15.-tr. AVID S. PLOTNEK Respectfully informs his old friend.i and the public, that bo has obta ined the services of a good Cutter and work man as a foreman in the tailoring business, and he is now prepared to attend to any orders in his Lineof work on the most accommodating tcrnn.and short notice, and will have clothing on hand at all times, such ns dress coats, frock coats, vests, and pantaloons of their own manufacture, and good material at the lowest prices. With a wish to ac commodato. he solicits a fchare of patronage. - New Washington. May 9, 18.1.1. TEW AHKIVAL. A. b J. PATCH IX, Have just received a new and splendid assort ment of Goods the best that was ever brought in to the upper end of Clearfield Connty. They in vite their friends and the public generally to give them a call, where they will find all kinds of goods usually kept in a Country Store. Come nud examine our stock we charge noth ing for tho exhibition. AARON PATCH IN. JACKSON PATCH IN. Burnside. Nov. 2-, 1S.1.1. ITIOK SALE tho Farm occupied by Richard Danvers. Jr., situate in Penii township, about ono mile from PcniiKvillo. It contains 01 acres, of which 4o are cleared and under good fence. The improvements are a two-sttiry frame house and kitchen, barn and out-houses. There is a young bearing orchard on tho place, and tho whole is well watered. For terms apply to L. JACKSON CHANS, junel Clearfield. Pa. J K W A U K I V AL. The undersigned has just received a large stock of HEW GOODS, adapted to the season, consisting of DRY GOODS. GROCERIES. (Jl'EEXS WARE, H A II D W A R E, Co N F ECT I O N A R 1 ES, NAILS. HOLLOW-WARE, UEDEK-WARE, Ac. Ac. JAMES B. GRAHAM. Orahamton. Aug. 22. 1S55. HO! FOU THE TEMPLE OF IIONOK n li a n i v y ji a i n ic ' TIN, COPPER, & SHEET-IRON WARE MANUFACTORY, PHILIPSBUUG, PA. BRADIN A M'GIRK have just opened an exten sive Tin, Vopjtrr, fr St'rt-Iron Il'.re Mtntifactn hi. where thev are at nil times iirenaroJ to uily customers with every conceivable article from tho smallest Cotfue pot spout to tho longest pipe ima ginable. They will do both a business, and will at all times have on hand a large assortment of ready-made ware. n o c s e .s p outi x a douo to order, on the shortest notice, and put up in a neat, substantial manner. STOVES, STOVE-PIPE, $ KETTELS, of every variety kept constantly on hand. They will furnish to order any of the following Cook Stoves, via : The William Pcnn, Queen of tho West, the Atlantic, and Cook-Complete, all of which are suitable for both wood and coal! Among the Parlor Stoves will bo found the "Lady Washington." tho Excelsior," 'Home Parlor,' Ac. Produce of all kiudg taken in exchange for goods. A. A. BRADIN. JN0. D. M'GIRK. October St. 185.-t.-tf. WHOLE-SALE The subscriber wishing to V f rctiro from the Mercantile business, (sole ly on account or press or Professional business) lo sircs to disposo of his entire stock of Storo goods at wholesale and will soil them on the most accom modating terms. Any person wishing to engage in trading in any part of the county will do well to call and sec mo beforo making any other ar rangements. A. M. HILLS. Clearfield. August 27. 1S.1I. 17 OK SALE, TWO BUILDING LOTS in (ho 1 borough of Clearfield ; several BUILDING LOTS and PASTURE AND WOOD LOTS, contain ing from three to ten acres each, near the borough of Clearfield. Also several desirublo FARMS and pieces of TIMBER LAXD, in various pails of the eounty. Terms accommodating. Apply to L. JACKSON CRANS, April 10, 185ft. Clearfield, Pa. f TAVE YOU SEEN SAM? The subscriber MJL would inform bis old friends and tho public generally, that ho still continues to keep a house of entertainment in New Washington where those who call with him w ill receive every attention, and be made comfortable Good stalling, and every other convenience for horses on tho premises. D. S. PLOTNER. STILL 0N HAND ! The undersigned con tinues the CLOCK AND WATCH .MAKING BUSINESS, at his new shop on tho corner of Main and Mechanic streets, one door South of Dr. It. V. Wilson's office whero he will be pleased to accom modate hia customers at all times. Repairing done on the shortest notice. augL'o R. R. WELSH. FAY TC-DAY. AND T3UST T0-M03R0W. I 8 6 0. riIIE OLD COKN EU STORE OF J- A. M. HILLS. IS JUST NOW BEING CRAMMED with a choice selection of seasonable goods, A T THE PURCHASERS OWN PRICES. READY-MADE CLOTHING in great variety and of the choicest qualities. A largo variety of choico DRESS SILKS, which will be sold at city prices. Some beautiful CRAPE and Summer ER0CIIAE Shawls, which w ill be sold very low. BOOTS A SHOES in great variety, lower than they have ever been offered in this county. FANCY GOODS extremely low in prico, and of the most beautiful patterns. CALICOES at 10 CENTS per yard, warranted fast colors and full width. PLEASE CALL and tnmine MY STOCK before jutrrAajtiug rsewtcre. Il-E-A-D-Y P-A-Y is tny motto, and I ant fully determined to sella L-I-T-T-L-E L-0-Y-E-Rthanan one else, notwithslaiulinq "20 ct. Jean worth 46." All kinds of marketing, boards and shingles ta ken in exchange for goods. X. B. A few beautiful Gold Brooches and Gents' Breast-pins, gold and silver hunting-cas? patent lever watches, Ao., very low for tho Ready Rhino p. s. Justeall at yonr leisure. I've got goods enou-h tAdoyouan.sotliatoneoaa t get a-head of another I junallM-af. A- M. HILLf?. .' ' VISE'S CHEAP WATCH AND JEWELRY TORE, No. 72 North SicroNU Street, (oppo- tile the Mount Vernon. Iluuse.) Pidiiladelnhia Gold Lever Watches, full jewelled. 13 lv. cases. Silver Lever do., do.; Silver Lepine, do.; Quartier; Gold Spectacles, Silver do.; Silver Tablo Spoons. Silver Doscrt do. ; Silver Tea do. ; Gold Pens and Gold Cases; Gold Pens and Silverdo.: tngethet with a variety of fine Gold Jewelry, Gold Curb Guard and Foo Chains. All goods warranted U bo as represented. Watches and Jewelry, repair od in the best manner. Also, Masonio Marks, Ping, Ac, made to order. N. B. All orders sent by mail or otherwise will be punctually attended to. Hia motto is: "Small ProGta and Quick Sales,' Philadelphia, April 2a, 18.15. MOUNT VEIINON HOUSE, No. 59, North Second Stteot, PHILADELPHIA. Thft undersigned having taken the old well known house, which has been renovated and ro modeled throughout, respectfully solicits his Clear field fi iends to give him a call on their visits to the city. The furniture is all new. and has been selected with care from Henklcs well known establishment in Chestnut Street, and is of the latest and most fashionable stylo. The location for Merchants and others coming to the city ia convenient, being in the centre ot business. I. L. BAIIRLTT, Aug. 1, lS55.-ly. Proprietor. OMIAU & WALTON, 255 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA; Importers and Dealers in HARDWARE, IROX, XJIf.S, 4c, r. They respectfully invito the people- of Clear field, to continue their favors. Aug. 1, ltt.16.-ly. KUSI1TON & CO., 245 Market Street. PHI LASELFH2 A; Importers and Dealers in Earthen-Waro, China, Glas::. and Queens Ware. Opposite tho Red Lion Hotel. Philadelphia. J. Y. RfSHTON, J. C. HOPKINS. Nov. R. 'f.L-ly. ROBT. 8T1LSQN. HAHKLS, OillHSON & CO WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, No. 259. Market St.. North side between Gth A 7th. Philadelphia. Drugs, Medicines. Chemicals. Pat ent Medicines, Surgical Instruments, Druggist's Glassware. Window Glas, Paints. Oils. Dves, Per fumery, Ac, Ac .1011 N HARRIS. M. D. K. B. ORBISON. Aug 1, '55.-1 j. J. SHARSWOOD. RUSSELL & St'HOTT, Noa. 13 S Market St.. 5 Ker:haat St., PHILADELPHIA. Importers and Wholesale Dealers iu DRUGS, CHEMICALS, ,?.. They respectfully invite their ClcaCeld friends to give them a call. .In. 17. "55. -ly. TTOOD A CO Extcnive Dry-goods Dealers, No, I J- , Market St., Philadelphia, keep constant ly on hiind a largo, splendid, and cheap stock of the most fashionable and elegant goods. TItcy in vito country Merchants to call and examine their splendid assortment, before purchasing elsewhere. August I. lS5.1.-ly. riLLIAM S. II ANSELL A SON. Manufue turers and Importers of Saddlery, and Sad dlery Hardware. No. 2S Market Street. Bbiladcl phia. Saddles. Bridles. Harness. Trunks. Whips Saddle Bags, Bridie F'illing. Bits, Stirrups. Buckles Carpet Bags. ect. Aug. 1. '5.1.-lv "0 E I D LEM AN A HAY WA Rl Wholesale Gro" X3oers. Tea Dealers, and Commission Merchants No. 273, Market Street. Philadelphia. D. 111.1 DLLMAX, Aug 1. 1355.-ly.l A. II AY WARD. 4 T. LANE A CO. Wholesale Clothing Storo yNo. 171. Market Street. Every variety of ready made Clothing, in the most fashionable styljs constantly on hand. I-1")?. I. 55.-ly. ISAAC l. ASHTON Hat Store. No. 172 - Market St., Philadelphia. Hats, Caps. Furs. Ac, of every variety, and tho best quality always onnano. "g- '. lJ5.-Iy. G1 EOIKJE W. COLL AD AY. Cuiiveyancr I" and Land Agent. No. .'1. Goldsmith's Hall. Philadelphia, will faithfully attend to all business entrusted to his care Aug. 1, Ij55.-Iy. CALEB COPE A CO, XoTTs.r Marked sLThlla delphia, Dealers in Linens, White Goods. Ho siery. French. English and German Silk Goods. La cesO loves. Bolting Cloths. Ac (Aug. I. 'jj -ly lROOK. TYSON A KHEN Wholesale Dry . .9 Good s phia. tore. No. NO. Market Street. Philadel- I Aug. 1. LS5.-ly. "I Q.CT Migozinr for the JLim of the 1 OJ 4 People. (1R AH A M'S ILLUSTRA TED MAdA'.IXE. the Pioneer Muwziiie of the Country, r.tiblishrd in IH27. Subscribe for tho X'ew Volume commencing with the January number, 1817. WATSON A CO.. the new publish ers of 'Graham's Illustrated Magazine.' announce to tho Ladies and Gentlemen of the United State's in general, and to tho former patrons of tho woik in particular, that it ia their intention to make use or ull tho immense resources at their command to produeo a Esrst (7t Mrnzinr. To this end no expenfc or exertion will be spared. The best Lit erary and Artistic Talent will be employed, and nothing that eapitiil, t-t'te nod nit-rprise can ac complish will be wanting to make this Magazine more than ever deserving the liberal support so generously extouded to it during the past years. Every number will contain 2 fine steel engrav ings. One illustrative oT some of the most popu lar pictures of the day ; the other a beautiful col ored Fashion Plate, drawn from actual articles of costume. Also, n number of fine wood engravings, patterns for Crochet nnd Needle-work, engraved from the nrticles themselves All the latent, styles of costume for Ladies u I Chititmt will be co pied frotn tho newest patterns, nud fully describ ed and illustrated in every number. Ladies about forming clubs of subscribers are requested to compare 'Graham" with any other M agazino published, and wo are confident their good taste and correct judgment will decide in our favor. Gentlemen who are a1out to subscribe for a Mag azine for their own reading, or to present to theTr lady friends, should procure a copy of '-Graham'' and examine it thoroughly, and "then see if any other periodical presents equal inducements for mcir subscriptions. The twelvo numbers of "Graham" for tho year 1S57, will comprise ono of the most magnificent volumes ever issued ! containing iu all 1-00 pages of reading matter !. 100 line wood engravings! 12 handsome steel engravings! 12 beatiful colored fashion plates 1 100 engravings of ladies' A children's dresses '. 50 coming illustration ! And over IMO patterns Tor needlework, Ac TERMS : One copy, one year. ?3 00 ; Two co pies, $5 00 ; F'ive copies, and ono to getter up of rlnh. $10 00; Eleven copies, and one to ngent, S20 00. ' Graham's illustrated will be supplied to subscribers punctually, and at as earl v a day in the month as any other mngazinc pnblis'hcd. Send in your subscriptions carlv to the Publish ers, WAT SOX A CO.. 50 South 3d street. ThiEa. EYTRA NOTICE.-Subscribers sending thr.t Hollars Tor one year's subscription to "Graham," will receive a copy or Ginhanys Ladies' Paper for one year without charge ! Send for specimen numberscf Graham's Illustra ted Magazine and Graham's Ladies' Paper. WAGON - MAKING THE uudersingned would announce that they manufacture Waggons of all descriptions, Buggies. Sleds, Ac, at their shop in New Snlcm, Brady township, Clear field county, which they offer for sale at as reasona ble rates as can be purchased elsewhere They rcs- . .11 i . . pvciiuuy eoiicii u enure oi paironage. CAMBRIDGE JOHNSTON WILLIAM LEWIS. Oetl-'5(?-tf CLOTHING. A gcncnrl assortment of ready in ado clothing just received nnd opened at . Nor 2ft y. F.IRWIN'S. FOR SALE. A second hand 2 horse wagon aud a lot of harness for sale verv cheap by CIcarGeliL apr2 A. M. HILLS. "CLOTHING. Ready-made Clothing of all J kinds. Juet rotri at B- D TATTO' A" l'KOFESSI O N A I. A M TfTT T.S n T) S Ofi;o o.l ;- Jr inr hia Store. Clearfield. Pa. Artificial Teeth, from one to a full aeU-U-U-U-r" mounted in tho most approved inodorn stylo. Killing, Filing, and Cleaning done with care and neatness. Teeth extracted with all tho care and dispatch modern science can furnish. DR. IU LLS. can always be found at Ms office, as he is now devoting his whole attention to hia profession. June 20. '55. MEDICAL PARTNERSHIP. Dr. Henry Lorain, having asaooiated with fcim. in the practice of Medicine. Dr. J. O Hartswick, they offpr their professional services to the cititena of Clearfield and vicinity. They will attend to pro fessional calls at all hours, and in all seasons. Dr. Hartswick will be found during the day at their office opposite Dr. Lorain's residence, and nt night, at his residonce. on 2d street, one door north of Reed A Weaver's store Jane 18, I860. W M.A.WALLACE, ROBT. J.WALLACE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Clearfield. Penn'a., Have this day associated themselves as partners ia the practice of Law In Clearfield and adjoining counties. The business will bo conducted as here tofore in the namo of William A. Wallace. Business entrusted to them will receive prompt and careful attention. March 2. lS57-ly. U. II. F. AKLEY, PHVSfCIAN, GrahamtoH, Clearfield Comttif. Pa., tendcr3 hia professional services to the inhabitants of Grahamton and surrounding countrv be can at all times be found at his Ollice. direotly oppo site Mr. J. B. Graham's atore. when not proles. aojiaUy engaged. ( Apl. 25. milON. J. .McCrLI.Ol'GH. ATTORNEY AT J. LW and DISTRICT ATTORNEY, Clearfield, Pa., may be found at his office in Shaw's Row, four doors west or the '-Mansion House." Deeds aud other legal instruments prepared with pronipt ncssaud accuracy. l'eb. IS ly. DR. M. WOODS, tenders his professional ser vices to the citizens of Clearfield and vicini ty. Residenco on Second street, opposite the of fice oT L.Jackson Crans, where ho can be found unless absent on professional business. Clearfield. May 14. 156 'Am. LAR KIM EuTtEST. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Will attend promptly to all legal and other bu siness entrusted to their care iu C learfield and ad joining counties. ClearCcld, Aug.6.15515. j as. ii. LAuniiirn. i. test. TU. f M'ENALLY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Clrnrfi-IU. Pel:l'a. Practices in Clearfield and adjoining counties. Office in new brick addition, adjoining tho rei denceoTJiimcs It. Graham. August 1. 1H55. Ij S. DUNDY. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Clearfield. Penu'a. Office in the new brick addition, adjninir g the res idence of James li. Grahpm. August 1. 15.11. TJ A C KSON C II A N S. ATI '0RN E V aTlaV,". J Ci.urfirld. Pciut'a. Ofliec adjoining his residence, on Second Street. OKarheld. August 1. If 5.1. HIUCII EU SWOOl'Ti. ATTO;tiVD COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Clearfield. Pa. Office iu Graham's Row, next door to Journal office April 16 tr. D. O. CROUCH, PHYSICIAN. Ofuec in Cur wensville. Mav 1 1, If .i.'i-tf TVEW FIRM. MEEK ELL & CARTER would It inform the. public, that they have just open ed an extensive COPPER. TIN AND SHEET-IRON WARE ftiAiMFAGTOBY, On St out. I Street, in the boronsrh of Clearfield, whero they are prepared to'furuish at reduced pri ces. eery variety of articles in their line. Steel, Bar-iron, nails, sieves or every variety Ploughs and farming uter.sils. pnmps of every description, stove pipe, patent sausage cutters. Tunnels and self scaling cans kept constantly on hand. All orders for castings Tor Flour Mills. Saw Milla, Ac. will be thankfully received snd promptly at tended to. HOUSE SPOUTING DONE TO ORDER. They are also prepated to receive every varie ty of article on commission, at a low per-centage. O. 15. MKKKKLL. L.R. CARTER. Clearfield. Sept. 19. 1S.15 ly. r.TALLOA! NKW WAGON M ANUFACTORY I Jl The undersigned would respectfully an nounce to his friends and tho public generally, that he has opened out a new Wagon-Making Es tablishment in -New Salem City!" Bradv town ship, where ho will at all times be p re pared to manufacture, on the shortest notice, all kinds of Wagons, Carts. Wheelbarrows. Ac The best ma terial that can bo procured will be used, and his work will be made in the most substantial and du rable manner, such as will bear the test of strict examination. By a close observance of his busi ness engagements, anil by disposing of his work on the most reasonable terms, which he will do for cither cash or approved country produce, be hopes to merit and receive a liberal share of pub lic custom P.ENJ. RISHEL. New Salem City. Jan. 10, lS.lti. TYI.W GOODS: Tho undersigned has just ro II ceived a large assortment of NEW GOODS, AT HIS STORE IN KARTIIAUS, which he offers for sale cheap for ca.-h or country pr'lucc. F". P. 1ILRXTHALL. September 5. 18.15. ALT! SALT!! A quantity of Coarse and J H round Alum Salt, for sale at W. P. InwiVs. rBMIE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN THE J- TWELFTH YEAR One Thousand Dollar Cash Prizes. The Twelfth Annnal Volume or this userul publication commences on tho J3th day of September next. The Scitutific American is an Illustrated Periodical, devoted chiefly to tho pro mulgation of information relating to the various Mechanic nnd Chemic Arts, 1 Manufac tures. Agriculture. Patents. Inventions. Engineer ing, Millwoik, nnd all interests which the light of PRACTICAL SCIENCE is calculated to advance. Reports of U. S. Patents granted are also pub lished everv week, including Ofiicial Copies of all PATENT CLAIMS, together with news nnd infor formation upon thousands of other subjects. SMUOti 1. CASH l'lUZLS will be paid on the 1st of January next. Tor the largest list of subscri bers, as follows: 2ti0 for the let; 7i for the 2d; SI50 for the 3d ; S125 for the 4th; Sl0 for the 5th ; $75 for the 6th ; S.10 for the 7th ; 510 Tor the 8th; S-'tO for the 9th ; .2.i for the 10th : $20 for tho Uth and $10 for the 12th. For all CJuus of 20 acd upwards, tae subscription price ia only SI. 40. Names can bo sent rrom anv Post Offico until January 1st, 1857. 'Here are' fine chances to secure cash prizes. The Scientific A uteri ran is pn bl ished once a week; every number contains eight large quarto pages, forming actually a complete and splendid volume, illustrated with SEVERAL HUNDRED ORI GINAL ENGRAVINGS. Terms. Single Subscriptions. S2 a rear, SI for 6 months. Five copies, for ti months. S4"; 1 year S3 Specimen numbers sent firati. Southern. Western and nmn.. T....i Office Stamps, taken at par tor subscriptions. Letters should be directed (post paid) to MUNN & CO., " 123 Fulton St., Now Tort. Messrs. Munn A Co., are extensively cna"od in procuring patents for new invention, an3 will advise inventors, without charge, in regard to the PvcRy of their improvements HO! I OR IOWA!!-Tho undersigned, do 'roua of gomg Westoffers to sell at private sale three lota in the village of Marysville, one half niile east of Clearfield Bridge in Boggs town stiip, having thereon erected a two-story weather boarded dwelling house. good stable and a black smith shop, lhe terms, which will be reasonable, can be ascertained by inquiriug of the undersign ed, residing on the premises. jnay2H-tr SAMUEL B. DILLER. F tVtS Jf cverv description for sale sa2?-iijVA RtjlHt a moderate advance at Nov2i'5o WM. F. IilWIN S. TI1WO ON EWIOKSE PLEASURE SLEIGHS, for sale Vy ... ? A. M. HILL)4. AMBUOTYPiaP o. PURVIANCE. Tro 2X. fcysorof Photographic Cbemit ry. Gallerr at his residence on 2d Street, one dovr South of Merrrll A Carter's Tin-ware establishment Clear field. Pa. Days of operation: Krin .n.i Saturday of each week junel6'5ti - IV VOn WANT CHEAP WINTER CLO THING, call immediately oc M. A. FKANR. who has just purchased a lot and is now disposing of them VERY LOW. You will find him in Gre ham'a Row, Clearfield, Pa,., three doors cut of the Jo urtrat office. Aug. 27. TYTOTICE. In the absenoe of Eli Bloom, Tre. 11 surer of Clearfield county, the Books and P pers will b in tho possession of John MePhersea, who will attend to the business at all times. Clearfield. May 23. .1S50 TVOT1CE. Having purchased the Books of tk i-l Ra firman' t Journal with the ritablihtnaru all rtnouoli unpaid for Subscription, Advertising, or Job-work, arc to be settled with the undcrsineX! "arl &B. ROW. JB' M'EXALLY. ATTORNEY AT LAW has chaneed his olfiee to tba r Jlr till ii L. tion. adjoiumg the residence of James B. Graham. All business will receive prompt attention. Clearfield. July 10, I $56. GRAIN! GRAIN!! Wheat. Rye. Oata aad Corn, can nt all times be procured at the Pi oneer Mills, on the Moshannon iu Morris town ship, at the lowest selling rates. JulylG HENRY G ROE . G ROCERIES. Just received aud" now fS opening, a geiural assortment of f.g; choice groceries, which w ill be sold at t h r - lowest rash prices st WM. F. IRWIN'S. 1 (i nflfl Fer "r BOARDS wanted br XXJUfWlf A.M. HILLS, at his store In Clear' field, fur which the highest market price will be P'id in goods at cash prices. rarl9-tf A K- WIUIIT, MERCHANT, axd EXTEN SIVE DEALER IX LUMBER. Second Street one door south of his residence, Clearfield, Pa Clearfield, March 14. 1855. CLEARFIELD LODGE No 193 I. O. of O. F. meets every Saturday evening, at 7i o' clock, at their Hall in Merrell" A Carter's new bull ding on Second street. feb20 fUlOflOO EONG SHINGLES wanted bv A. 0JJ9JJU M. Hills, at his store. ft,r which tho highest market price will be paid Id Ooods at the lowest prices in the county. J juno25-tf fAGONS and BUGGIES. for sale chean. by 11. 1 PATTOS. (ftfbl3) AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, roil TU K ItAPID CLT.E OY Co!tIK, Coitsfts, :zml Io:(rMicss. TlRtvnr.t e, Mvss , '2h Vc.. 1.'S. Ita. J. C. Atcr : I j tut h-.-.-un tonur the lit roinre v 1 have eTr found foV Ciii.:li4. li.iar4'ijv. I iifl-ieiiyu. anl th roTir.-miitunr i:;tiijif a Cuid. Njut,r Ciikrrt I'lXToaM.. lia constant uj In my pracii.-a arid my fa.-niiY fur tho taat t!l reur I . lmii It t m9w piif rior virtues tli" tro-itmeat of llteje romi.laiiit. KltKN K.M: 11 T, M. l. A. It. MOitTU'.Y. :... of I tin.; K.y, writes: "I Lara it'l yi.ur tr.y-lf au-l in nn faaiiW rrrr unr jon iiivoMte I it. atel lHi;re it lh Ut mejidn .r it (mrpo. nvr put out. With a e ld I tlmeM a.xnar y twenty-five d-V.I irs fir a Vol tl lliaa do without It, tak.1 any nthor r.!lllcy.,, Croiin, M hoopjng Coach, InSuenza. lifstwmrm. Mim, F.-b. T. 1S54. PnoTHtn Avrar I uill elKH-rfMy cei :il yuur l'cT'.'.l l tlif lt rvitie-ly we pos.i f. r't'-ie cere of If.iwmp t'w.ig!,. C.O'iji. ami tiie clK-st .lis;ts tT !:illrcn. V' of jour fi-atrrnity tn 'tie H ii;a appreeiate juur akill, an ! couiiueud Jour iiK"iiciiie to oor ptple. 1IIKAM IMNKMV, M.D. AMOS I.F.F.. T.iu ItoxTBt-r-. Itvvritrs. 3t J!,..l?i: SJ iul a Inltuf-Mzn. vl kli confined mi in i1im r m-U: -. k n.ny ino.:in Tittiout ivlivf; Ornvlly trifnl tr rveT.m!. I.y tlie K.tic it onr cl-rVT-;aii. Tlie Oi-t lise tviiej .treti.s iu ii-.y tVnt anJ hiocs; l.jw tbao on. half tl Uiti ma4.. mo c.-nt'1et4r wll. Y"or me-li.-in.' si-f the chiH-t ai weil u t:.r bat we rjn buy. ami ev;,..i ,-iii, Iu,'ttir, an 1 jviir r-tue-lliva. a tliO m.r u.h:i' f.ieii.i.t AtitLsna or Phthisic, nn! Erourhiti. H ist .M tMiitsTtK. YvU. 4, 1-'.V. Ve:r Ciirsr.r PrtT-SM is perf-nsiac: n.ji vellu'.t fitM l'l t!:t (M-. ti..n.' U ! n 'i-v .t vwTtl fmia Klium lit,; yMi't"'ni ;f c.Hiutttpti.ii, aii-i i now curing a niREi wh.i bilMrwl i.inl.T mi niV-. t:..n if t!ir lntn:j fur lue ll r..rty ysr. HfcMtV L. PAKUS. Mr.hant. A. A. UAVSi:y. !.!.. Ai-ci.'SJ, Moxaoa Co.. loi, vvi-it..s. Srpt. '. IS..: M Ptirin my piactice t.f nianT ra:-f I ti.wr l',ti;iiJ iMilttiiiff r.uttl t.i y,.iir CtitunT rscnRAt. fir pvim; rare ami rrlii.f t,i oniki:!i,i.i,t I aik'iita, or curing sti.'U ar clIll'.", We ini'i' fl I viiliimn tff rvi'leuee. but tlie mot cen Timiu prtxtfuf the vii tnri ut this U f und ia It cfTiHrtei ntM.'U trial. Connrnptin. T'rotuMy no mo rrnieity lia ever I con known w!:ik enrrd so iiinny w mcb ram as this. 8nie no huiuHti all can nmcli ; but ern to tkjw tlia Cnuir I'tcumt Trd relief an.l romfcrt. Aitor Il'vcsa. Nrw Xnr.K Citt, Marrh 5. 1S5 Avr.a. Low ell: I fl it a duty and a pleasure t inform you what your Cnsav I'ren'RAL ilone f r my wife. She li.l l'rn 3ve nion'lis Ialvjring nndrr tta Nni;i'roii symptoms f Couaiimptinn. from liirh n.i aid tr coe.M prv-niti frava b maeh rrlief. She was steadily r..ilinu. nntii Ur. Strong, of ihia city, we have cuni for advi.. recommended a trial of yonr mule-hie. We tU liikindii)s. u we do yonr k:l"l. fcr fche fcas reeov eied IV. m tliat day. Nie Is not jet a tr.; as !. oet tu bo. but l- free from her tnnph.aml calLs huraelf w!t. V.'Uia nilb an-l r-ttrd. I'ULAN IK SlltiLKV, vt Snujrnixr. fmrumitirfi, d. l;t :e-'r tilt you hn' bird Avta'a Ch'-kby I'rcTor.A!.. It ii iniuie l v Jih-! the tM n.euual eliemiats in tlie world, and its cores all ftrtMiitd n brpiak tlie bi-i tnrriis it vlrtjts. J':,iladrlJ,i Lrayrr. Ayer's Cathartic Pills. fHK -iea.-e tT 'liemi;ry and Mr.licine have beea L tatru tlirir litm.-t to produce this Imt, nnwl perfect purpitie whili ia kimun to niaa. Innumerable pnala ate rhewa tlmt tlieae I'll w have virttiee Ui h mu-jsa ia CXcellcuce the ordinary medicine, aad that they win nt precedentettly un the esteem of alt meu. They are aaftv and jdeasant to tul.. but rs.werful to cure. Their peee-t:-atiiiK pruporti.. stimnlnte activities uf the iudy, tr.iove the !-:ni.-ti.i;,s i f its or,;nns. puriTy the t imid, and expel di-o-ace. Tliey r-nrout the roiil li.:mos which breed and pivw tlietetnper, sttutula'.e ahicioh or liimic-den-u or:u Into their i.atur:il action, and iiepart ben!;by tone Willi Mrenlli to the l;ole yte:u. Net only do lin y cure ll.o evei r-iHy cuuipliia vT every budy, also f.uinidaMe and tlntiip.w dise that Lave UiWcd, tlie bc-it cf bnn.Ti tk:;i. While tlity produce puwerrtu (Ti-U. Itiey are ut lit un time. In diminished d.xe. tli saftt and U-tl pbysif that van be employed 6t childrett. II, ii-r.itid. liny a:e plr:ujiiut to l;.kc: and Ivitif purely Teetaii,-. ar f:ee tria ajiy ri-k i.i iiai tn. Cnre have bivn made wbi. Ii rr.rpas b, lief were tiny not ub. .tanl!t d by nun of each ex-i'.ied i'i;tion and eh.irarte a to f.ubi i tiie etifpii-ieTT i.f!h. Manv ejimrl clcif ynien find physician have 1-nt tlieir T,Kne to pcrti fy tu t'.u piildl.. the reliability of n.y reiiie.i!- while otii era have sent me the aotniuee i.f ilieir ronvi. tM-n tba my I'n parnUctit rontrilnite inimense!) t i the retiofof tu; attlicted, fuffcriiis; f. liow-tuc n. Tlie Agent Udow loun.-i is l. n .1 tu fiiriiisb eratia n. American Almanac. c-.'iitai:i:u uiuvUt.:.' f-r thuir viae aa tertificiitt s of their cure, r.f the ftdlowins ei'tiiplaluU:-: fVsitven-'R. JtilVus C jnpl iin'e, I heiiiir.ti-iii. ln.p Hearthiint. Ui-iAnche r.: :i ;uc f;.'n n eui s-tmnach. ae. Iudicetiou. Morbid lnit-ti.:i nl tbe l.we4i and Pnt. aiisiuj; than-fron, K'tfttil. y, l uf Appvtite, all Ulcer. n and Ci:t:in. .iti; l)i hi. li re,,iiie ail em.aM:V Medicine. ScTi'luln ur liinr' t-v it. They alwi. by p-.irily-iiiK tin" bUkhl i,d fctinmlatiuit tb eyeleui, tuie ruivny eoiiiplaiut it U jiil l leJ U iiiiHXl they (oo'M n :,:li, su.-b IVvti:. s. I urtiul lilindneea, Neui-uliiv and NetToui. lrri'el'ility. Iieranpeui.'tit .if the liver and Kid. " iieva, ti.uit. m;d fiber kin iini eviiipldints aii?.i!iK tVmn a, low state ef tiie Iny or nVtrurtion of its functions. ho m4 bi- put oTT ly unprincipled dcalero with ai ib ' ether pill they make more profit on. A-L for Arra s 1n.LS. and ruke r.olliii: eW. Xo other they eau in ytn compares with this in Its intrinsic value or curative powers. The aii'U waul line be; ait) there ia for thetu, and they should have it. Propavert br.Xlr. J. C. AYE II, Practical and Analytical Chemist. LoveU, aTaas. I'RICt 85 CTS. rSH BOX. rtVS EOStS FiB $1. 80I.D BV 'M. A Frank, and C. I. Watson. Clearfield ; J C. Lrenner. ilorrisdale ; P. W Uarrett, Lutbers -imrjr; J. It. Segner. ClirwensTilh, and brdeal-if. tfarough rheeouBtry. Svpti,i tP T- al y'' saV' SS. " - - ACsAgoidMof SZZj" in