THE JOURNAL. CLEAR F I ELDT PA APRIL S, 1S--.7. ToCoaEo.iDKSTi. A Raftsman,' Mose, and others Kill receive Attention a soon as possible.' ' Acctdsnt. On the 31st March, a small boy, on of the w idow Spachman, of Boggs town ship, was thrown off what it called a "flying T:orse," and had the bnse of his skull fractured. Be Med profusely at the ears and mouth. The professional services of Pr. Crouch, of Cur wensville, were called into requisition, but the lad's recovery Is considered doubtful. A Sxow Storm. On last Monday, tho Cth April, we had a regular old-fashioned snow storai. It "blow, snew and frit," and by noon th ground was covered with snow, the atmos phere was cold and chilly, and everything looked and felt like winter. Testcrday the snow nearly all disappeared, but the air was raw and disagreeable. CLIPPINGS AND SCRIBBLING?. QWe hare no rafting freshet here yet. The water is low in the river. C5Read the new advertisements in to-day's Journal. There are quite a number of them. CLast Monday was the day on which the election in Connecticut was to be held. CSome one says that the reason why old maids wear mittens is, to keep off chapt. 37The Methodist Episcopal denomination has decided upon building a college near Pal. znyra, Kansas. Dillon. G. R. Barrett and family, who wore residing In the east during the past winter, returned to this place a few days ago. CyMen often mistake notoiiety for fame, and would rather be remarked for their vices and follies than not to be noted at all. Cy Boston folks are talking of indicting the Speaker of the lower branch of the Massachu setts Legislature for "keeping a disorderly Louse." CyA few dsys since, a man named Thomp son, from Pennsylvania, was drummed out of Charlotte, South Carolina, for alleged tamper ing with slaves. DyTho barn of Gen. James Barrett, near Springfield, Illinois, was destroyed by fire on .tiie 20th March, and fifteen valuable blood mares burned. CyCol. E. E. Lane, a nephew of President Hcchaiians, died week before last at Lancas ter, of disease contracted at the National ho lei, Washington city. CyBaccE, of the "Fallon House," Lock Haven, was in our town the beginning of this week. He is a decidedly clever gentleman, and is said to keep the best hotel in the whole country. Cylt is said that Walker has earned seme advantage over the Custa Ricans. But it Is but little djpendance we cr.n place on news of thin kind, as it is manufactured to encourage recruits. CiyAccortiing to the official returns, the township of Highland, in Elk county, is tlm Btna'iiost district in Pennsylvania, having but jtlglit taxables. Jackson township in Potter county has fourteen. CyA post moitem examination of the re mains of a gentleman who died in Pennsylva nia from disease contracted at the National Hotel in Washington city, shows a deposit of arsenic in the stomach. CyThe Mississippi Legislature at its last session, allowed its laws to go to Boston to be printed, and made an appropriation of three thousand dollars to pay one of its members to go there and read the proof sheets. CyEnchanan Grip. Hon. Samuel Brenton, Member of Conre from Indiana, dind at his residence in Fort Wayne, on Sunday, March 29th, from Ihe disease he had contracted at the National Hotel in Washington. CyEnsland, France and China. A letter from Paris says it is now certain that England and Prance have agreed to act jointly in the China affair. France will f urnish twenty thou sand troops against England's superior naval force f and England allows France to intro .tluce a clause into the arrangement in favor of ihe Catholic religion. The Kansas Census. A letter to the X. Y. Tribune, dated Lawrence, March 19th, says: "I have just been down to the Miami Islands and find them in the same situation as the Shawnee. More than one half of the month devotrd to taking tho census is gone, and I have not seen a census taker cr his deputy, or heard of them, nor have I been able to flnd any man who has. F-y one section of the census law do man arriving in after last Sun day can vote at next June election. On that day there were not 300 voters on all oi tnese border reserves, but I am advised that they will contain a sound listed population of voters .of upwards of 3'JOO. reeling is getting more excitable on tbe border. A few days ago a centlcman driving his team through t est port saw a crowd. Some of these hailed him and asked him if I.e was "Law and Order." He replied in the affirmative, and added that he had sworn to support the Constitution of the United States four times. This was unsat isfactory. "Was he sound on the goose i" 'Ves he was." he responded. "Well," tliey added, "we havo got 3500 men here who own claims in the Territory, and who are listed by the Sheriff, and will vote." noixowAT's Oiktmest A5D Puts, are as tonishing Remedies Tor Bad Breasts. The wife of Mr. John Langton, of Cincinnati, Ohio, had a remarkablo bad breast, in whicn tnere were two large ronning wounds, to what causa attribnte it. the doctors did not know, but ad vised the adoption of a variely of remedies, which were of no nj. At last Mr. Langton determined to trv what Hollowav's Pills and Ointment would do, ho fortunately purchased a quantity, and after his wife had used them for three weeks, a visible improvement took i.lace ; by continuing them for two months, she was jvrfct'y cured. Advantage op iiavino Tnarn Wives. John S. Pprauo has escaped punishment at Portland, Me., by beinj proved nure guilty Ulan be was charged with in the indictment. He was tried by the Supreme Court for biza,- my last week, and the fact of his having had two wives was clearly established, when his counsel introduced evidence to prove that he already bad o:io wife when married to the oth er two; and as the indictment was based upon the assnmption that the second marriage was me nrsi ana legal marriage, it was held that no bigamy was committed, because Sprague was the legal husband of neither. So he was acquitted. Married On the 81st ult.. by the Rev. P. S. Nellis, Mr. Frederick Hertleix to Miss IIax.nau Snyder, all of Karthaus township. Died On Sunday, April 5th, Henrietta, daughter of Jordxn and Sarah Reed, of Law rence township, aged 10 years, 10 months and 13 days. On the 3d Inst., llcatf, son of Joseph Mc- Mullin, of Lawrence township, aged about 8 monlhs. OLD RYE WHISKEY, BRANDY, O IX and WINES, for sale at tbe cheap cash store of wprrt R. M0SSOP. NOTICE. The partnership heretofore exist ioi: between M'Bride and Wrisrht has this day, by mutual consent, been dissolved, and we wish all persons having accounts on our books to call and settle them The business will be con tinued in future by Wm. M'Bride. M BRIDE A YUUOHT. Curwcnsville. April 7. 1857. PHILADELPHIA WOOD MOULDING MILL, Willow Street above Twelfth, North Side. Mouldings suitable for Carpenters, Build ers. Cabinet and Frame Makers, always on hand. ANY WORKED FROM A DrtAWINU. Agents wanted in the various Towns in his por tion of the State, to whom opportunities will be ottered lor large profits to themselves. apra-zin mlask. wkiu. TVOTICE. TO THE SCHOOL DIRECTORS OF 11 CLEARFIELD COUNTY. Gentlemen : In pursuance of the 4:1 J section of the Act of eth -Mar. 1354. you are hereby notified to meet in Convention, at the Court House in the Horougb vt Clearfield, on the FIRST MONDAY of MAY . A. D. 14j7. being the Fourth day of the month, at 1 o'clock in tbe afternoon, and select. viva voce, by a majority of the whole number of Directors present, one person of literary and sci entific attainments, and of skill and experience in the art of teaching, as Cocntv Superintendent, for the three succeeding years : determine the a- mount of compensation (or tbe same, and certify the result to the State Superintendent at Harris- burg; as required by the 39th and 40th sections of saiu act. A liDiiiniiLD, ... - . ry. it nil l i ri'ti Countv Superintendent of Clearfield Co Near Clearfield Bridge, April 4th, 1307. T 1ST OF RETAILERS of Foreign and Do JLi mcstic Merchandise in Clearfield County, for the rear 1857, subject to the payment of license. Barnes. class. license. Becciria Township. S. C. Patchin. 14 87 00 Hegerty A McCullah, H T 00 Jeremiah Cooper, 14 7 00 Samuel Hegany, 14 7 00 Clearfield Coal and Lumber Co. 13 10 00 Bell Township. George A Lewis Smith, 11 7 00 Thomas McOhee A Co., 14 7 00 Oeddcs, Marsh 4 Co. 14 7 00 E. L. Miller, .14 7 00 Boggs Township. Charles Sloan, 14 7 00 Ralston A Beatty, 13 10 00 Brady Township. John Carlisle A Co. It 7 00 F. K. Arnold, 14 7 00 S. II. Arnold. 14 7 00 P. W. Barrett, 14 7 00 R. II. Moore. It 7 00 Frederick Kohler, I t 7 00 Davidlrvin. 14 7 00 Jaco Kuntz, 14 7 00 F. K. Arnold, 14 7 00 Bradfjrd Township. James B. Graham, 12 12 50 Matthew Forcoy, 14 7 00 John Holt. - 14 7 00 Edward Williams, 14 7 00 Win. Albert 4 Brothers. 14 7 00 Biirnside 'Township. James McMurry, 13 10 00 Patch in A Brother. 14 7 00 Cumtnings A Mahaffcy, 14 7 00 Russell McMurry, 11 7 00 Allison 4 Snyder, 14 7 00 Chest Township. Michaels 4 Worrell, 14 7 00 Christopher Kratxer, 14 7 00 Covington Tow?tship. John Barmoieo, 13 10 00 Francis Coutreit, 14 7 00 John P. Rider. 14 7 00 Clearfield Borough. Charles D. Watson, 14 7 00 Reed 4 Weaver, 13 10 00 A.M. Hills, 14 7 00 Wm. F. Irwin, 13 10 00 Wm. L. Moore, 13 10 00 Christopher Kratzer, 11 15 00 Richard Mossop. 13 10 04 Merrell 4 Carter, 14 7 00 Citrwensville Borough. McBride 4 Co. 12 12 50 Mrs. E. Irvin 4 Sons, 12 12 50 Moutelius 4 Co. 13 10 00 Bloom 4 Montgomery, 13 10 00 11. D. 1'atton, 11 15 00 Decatur Township. J.J. Lingle, 14 7 00 J. F Steiner A Co, 14 7 00 Downiau 4 Perks, 13 10 00 Ferguson Towmhip. Martin O. Sterk, 14 7 60 Goshen Township. E. Irwin A Sons, 13 10 00 A. B. Shaw, 14 7 00 R. Leonard A Brother. 14 7 00 Girard Township. James Irwjn A Co. 14 7 00 Humphrey 4 Hale, 14 7 00 Augustus Leconte, 14 7 00 llictton Township. David Tyler, 14 7 DO Jordan Township. David McGehan, 14 7 00 Chae 4 Swan, 14 7 00 McMurry 4 Hegarty, 14 7 00 Karthaus Township. F. P. Ilurxthal, 13 10 00 K.J. liaynes. 14 7 00 Lawrence Township. James Forrest. 14 7 00 Morris Township E. F. Brenner, 13 10 00 John Kyler, 11 7 00 O. F. Hoop, 14 7 00 J.P.Nelson 4 Co. 14 7 00 J' tie Township. A. Bloom, 14 7 00 Pcnn Township. Bon. Hartshorn, 13 10 00 A. Hile 4 Brother, 14 7 00 Woodward Township. James A. Hegerty, 14 7 00 John M. Chase, 14 7 00 Henry Bycrs, 14 7 00 K. B. McCullah, 14 7 00 Thomas Henderson, 14 7 00 Union Township. Daniol Brubaker, 14 7 00 RETAILERS of Patent Medicines. C urwensville Borough. II. D. Patton, 4 6 00 J. B. Scgner, 4 a 00 CUarfisld Borough C. D. Watson, 4 5 00 OYSTER SALOONS. Curwensvtile Borough. Ktnhfn Graff. 8 5 00 NOTICE. An appeal will be held on Tuesday I tho 19th day of May, at the Commissioners' Offico in Clcaifiold borough, when and where all who foci themselves aggrieved uy iue aouvo appruise incut oan attend, if tbey see proper. iHRTll JM1C11UL.B, jr. April f. 1357. Ireantil9 Appraietr BOLSTER'S NOTICE. Notice is here- bv riven, that the following account hnve examined and pinned by tne, and remain filed f record in this office for tho inspection of heirs, egatccs. creditors, and a'l others in any other way intresodL, and will he presented to the next Or- pnans' Court ot Clearfield County, to bo held ftt the Court House, in the Borough of Clearfield, commencing on the third Monday of May, 157, irr connrmation and Allowance: The finnl account of John Smith. Administrator of Isaiah Barto, late of Burnside township, Clear field county, deecased. 'Ihe account of Isaac Horton, Sen.. Administra tor of Zebulon Warner, late of Caledonia, Clear- neia county, deceased. Tbe account of James Somerville, surviving Ad ministrator of David Somerville, late of Chest township, Clearfield county, deceased. The account of Thomas Strona?h and Josej h Wrigleswoitb, Administrators of Joseph Collings worth, late of Pen a townshin. Clearfield count v. deceased. The final account of Israel Rorabnutrh and Christian Rorabaugh, Executors, Ac. of the Es tate of John Rorahaugh, late of Chest township, wearueia county, deceased. tJ AMES WK1UUI, Clearfield, Pa., April 8, 1857. Register. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of Administration on the Estate of Christian ShofT, late of Woodward township, Clearfield co., Pa., deceased, having been granted to the under signed ; all persons indebted to said estate are re quested to make immediate payment, and those uaviDg ciaims against tne same will present mem, properly authenticated for settlement. SAMUEL SHOFF, ) . , . r i ciini-i' ' 1 Adm rs. April 4. 1M7 V . K, A A. S A. A j Woodward Tp. T7"ENDl?E! BARGAINS!! BARGAINS! ! ! April 21. 1357 There will be sold at public outcrv, on tbe pre mises of George Wilson, Sr., in Boggg township, Clearfiold Co.. on Tuesday, tbe 21st day of April, 1807, at 10 o'clock. A. M., the following property ; Dorses. Cattle, and Hogs. Poultry. Bacon, and Bees, Saddles, Bridles, Carriage, Sleigh, Carriage and sleigh harness. Ae. ALSO, farming utensils, such as now. Harrows, Wagons, Sleds, Threshing-machine. Cultivator, Cider-mill. Wind-mill, Cutting-box, Log chains. Fly nets, Wagon and Plow harness. Ao.. Besides a varietv of household goods. Terms made known on day of sale by WILLIAM L. WILSON. Agent for G. Wilson. Sr. March Zith, 18o7.-3t-pd. FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned of fers to sell at private sale his farm on Gram pian Hills, within a mile of Pennville, Clearfield county, adjoining lands of Thomas Wall and the Church property, containing 106 acres, about 48 acres cleared, under good cultivation, and the re mainder well timbered with hemlock, pine, and other timber. There are a LOG HOUSE, GOOD BARN, and other outbuildings, and a number of young fruit trees on the premises. There is a saw mill close by. As the undersigned is desirous to quit farming, he offers the above property for fa' at reasonable terms, which can be ascertained by applying to bim on the premises. April 1. lHjZ-St. THOMAS M. MARTIN. T71 A S II 1 0 N A R L E TAILOR. 1 X' J. A. CAMPFIELD. Respectfully announces to the citizens of Glen Hope and vicinity, that he has per manently located himself in said place, where he may be found at all times, ready and willing to do any work in his line in tbe shortest possible time. llvmg bad several years experience as foreman, he feels confident chat be is safe in warranting his customers '-fits." His fashions arc of the latest style. All garments warranted to render satisfac tion. Shop in the "Glen Hope Hotel''. Givemc trial. April 1. 18j7-3t. T?AR)1 FOR SALE. The undersigned of- A fers at private sale his farm situate in Mor ris township, Clearfield county, I'a., containing 107 acres, about 05 acres cleared, and in a state of good cultivation, having thereon erected a NEW r LAN K Jl'JLMv, and large barn. 48 by 80 feet, and 30 or 40 young fruit trees thereon growing. The farm is in a good et dement almut one mile from Kylertown, and will bo sold on reasonable terms, which can be ariertained by applying to the sub scriber on the premises, or to M. A. Frank. Esq., Clearfield, Pa. GEO. J. WAGGONER. Sr. April 1. 1857,-3t-p FOR RENT OR SALE, (tho latter preferr ed.) the former residence of the subscriber. one mile c.t of Clearfield, on the Pike leading to Luthersburg, with about 8 acres or ground, o of which are cleared, and in a good state of cultiva tion ; buildings about 32 by 40 feet; a good chain Cump at the door; and stabling sufficient for three orses and three cows, as well as all theout-build- ings tha t are necessary for the accommodation of a family. Terms will be made reasonable, by Marchll-tf L. R. CARTER. F OK SALE A farm of 120 acres on the river above Curwensvillc ; A farm of 64 acres in Pcnn township ; A farm of 100 acres in Ferguson township ; A farm of 100 acres in Penn township ; 2 farms of 100 acres each, 'adjoining,) in Fergu son township ; J00 acres timber land in Iscll township ; 2.13 acres timber land in Ferguson township. For description and terms applv to inar25 L. J. CKANS, Clearfield. A DMI.NISTKATOirS NOTICE Letters il of Administration on the estate of James L. Flegal, lato of Goshen township, Clearfied county. Pa., deceased, having been granted to the subscri ber, nil persons indebted to the said estate, aro re quested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same, will present them properly authenticated for settle ment. JOHN A. L. FLEGAL, Adm'r. March 18. 1857.0t-p. Goshen tp. 4 DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters J. of Administration, on tho estate of John Ad dcrson, late of Pike township, Clearfield county, Pa., deceased, having been granted to tho subscri ber, all persons indebted to tho said estate, are requested to make immediato payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will present them, properly authenticated for settle ment. JOHN L. REX, Administrator, Feb 4. 1856-6t-p New Millport. jhOfUI ffi ly resolution of tha Board of tjJIOUIjWt School Directors of tho Bor ough of Clearfield, the undersigned were appoint ed a committee to negotiato a loan not exceeding Eight Hundred Dollars. Persons having about that amount which they desire to invest for sever al years and realize interest regularly can apply to L. J. CRANS. or March 4. 1S57. R. J. WALLACE. DISSOLUTION The partnership tbe undersigned, has consent. All persons quested to settle their April 1,1857-tf. N. B. The business stand by OF PARTNERSHIP. heretofore existing between been dissolved by mutual indebted to said firm are rc accounts without delay. JOHN GUELICH. DANIEL BENNER. will bo continued at tho old JOHN GUELICH. CAUTION. All persons are hereby eautioned against taking an assignment of a certain note given by me to Joseph Warner, on the 13th day of March, A. D. 187, calling tor Ltteen dollars, pay ablo on Monday tho 16th of March, as above. As I havo not received value for the same, I am deter mined not to pay said note, unless compelled so to do bylaw. JOHN SULFRIDGE. March 15, 1857 'it. -. NOTICE TO KIVERMEN. A PIER has been erected in tbe Dam at Columbia, 3o0 feet long, at an expense of $2,500. It is quite suf ficient to accomomodato all craft coming into the market. A good depth of water assures certain harbor at all times The shuto at the dam is nav igable and in good order. DANIEL HERR, Aprl-'57-3t President of Pier Company OTICE. THE LUMBER CITY HOTEL baa been reopend and refilled by the under signed, who respectfully informs the public at largo that ho is well provided with bouse room and sta bling. He flayers himself that he can render gen eral satisfacLoa to all who may patronise htm. ENOCH McMASTER. Lumber City. Marc ?, 137: It It OBINS' EXPECTORANT, M COMPOUND SYKUP OF WILD CHERRY. mil Tiir.rrnK of I'.rnnnh In I -,. inns Cone lis. Colds, Pleurisy, Bron chitis, Asthma, and all other diseases of the throat njid liings except Consumption. iuu im. uimc remedy is no quack nostrum, but prepared from tbe recipe tf a regular physician, who dnring a practi.-e or twenty-five years, useu n im uiij.m alleled success. It is a combination of expecto rant remedies, simple in their character and used bv cverr educated nil vsician. It is easily taken, produces no nausea or other disagreeable effects, and gives almost immediute relief. In this ever cbanging climate, where coughs and colds so fre quently end in consumption and uoaui, no laniuj sbould be without this cxnTAi.t cf re. It would be easv to follow in thewakoof tbe ven ders of patent medicine, and multiply certificates got up for tbe occasion, of miraculous cures, but no such adventitious aid is necessary in introducing ttiis preparation to the public. Its real value, and never failing success, in accomplishing all promis ed for it, cannot but give it a wide circulation, and recommend it to all those afflicted with diseases for which it is a remedy. Price 371 Cents per Bottle. Prepared exclusively by THOMAS" ROBINS, Druggist. March 4, 1357.-tf Clearfield, Pa. G1ELICII & BENNER, would respectfully T inform the citizens of Clearfield, and public generally that they have entered into co-partnership in the CABISET MAKIXG BUS MESS, and keep constantly on bands, and manufacture to order, at the lowest prices, every variety of furniture, consisting of Dining, Breakfast, and Ctnlrt Tables, Stwittg, Writing, and Wush-Standt, Mahogany, and Common Beds' tads ; Mahogony and Cane-bottomed Chairs. Bureaus, Sofas. Lounges, Ac.. Ac. Coffins made and funerals attended on the short est notice, with a neat hearse, and appropriate accompany ments. House Painting done on the shortest notice. Shop and Ware-rooms, same as formerly occupi ed by John Gulich. mcarly opposite the 'Jew Store,' Clearfield, I'a JOHN 11, May 22. '55.-1 y DANIEL BENNER. DO C T O It K E L I. I N G ' S CANCER 1 A7" T1TU TE, For the Treatment of Cancers, Tumors, Wens, Ulcers, Scrofula, any Growth or Sore. Chronic Diseases, gcucrally. can be cured (if curable.) with out surgical operation or poison. For all particu lars write, state diseases plainly, and enclose twenty-five cents for advice. All letters must have a postage stamp enclosed to pre-pay answer. Med icine cau be scut an v distance. Address " C. L. KELLING, M. D Mechanicsburg. Cumberland Co , Pa. r7"Mcchaniesburg is 8 miles from Harrisburg. on the C. Y. ltailruad, and accessible from all parts of the Union. Old and young, poor and rich, come all we will do you good. r?"To those -afflicted who cannot visit tuc per sonally. I will send, per mail, on receipt of -5.00 only, a Recipe to prepare Medicine, with full di rections for uso, Ac. Stato all particulars. Ad dress as above. February 18, 1857-Cra 4 VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. J I desire to sell my property in Tyrono City, Blair Co. I'a.. commonly known ns the Tyrone City Hotel. Comprising as follows : One large three story brick house, Sixty feet, two fronts, and finished off in complete style. A large and extensive stable, an excellent wasn house and other necessary out-buildings. There is also, on the same Lots, one frame house, with out-building attached, now renting for ono hun dred and thirty dollars per annum. Tbe whole stands upon three valuable Lots as in the plot of said town, and affords several very eligible loca tions for store, offices, Ac., Ae. The whole will be sold on reasonable terms. And to any person, de siring an investment, or speculation, now is the chance. Private reasons caute me to sell this val uable property, which is every day increasing in value. Inquire of Caleb Guyer. or the subscriber J. D. STEWART. Tyrnne City. Sept. 19. 1855.-tf. WKAVEIt. FITiyEIt & CO., No. 13 North Water Street, Philadelphia, Dealers in Carpet Chain, Yarn, MANILLA AND HEMP ROPES, Bed-cords, Clothes-lines, Ac. Ac. January 1. 1857. 1 year-p. LOOK II E K E ! The undersigned has Wheat. Rye. Corn. Oats, Bacon, Fish, Salt, Plaster nd Dried Apples, also a general variety of Merchandise, to EXCHANGE FOR GOOD BOARDS AND SHINGLES. J. II. HOMMER. March ll-3tp Water Street, Hunt. Co., Pa. MMO CARPENTERS Proposals will be ro- Jl ceived up to the first of April next, for doing the carpenter work of a plank frame dwelling house, to be built on tho River bank at Curwetis ville, size 34 by 68 feet. Plan and specifications can be seen by calling at the office of the subscri ber at Curwcnsville. WM. IK 1. Curwensvillc, March 11. 1857. IMPORTANT. The person who received, on last Court week, from tho undersigned, at Mr. Lanich's corner in Clearfield, a letter directed to S B. Diller, is requested to return tbe same im mediately or leave it at the "Journal'1 oflice. if it is yet in his possession, or give information of what he did with it. C. JEFFRIES. niarll .'It UNION CANAL This work having bocn en larged throughout to admit the largest sized Pennsylvania Canal Boats: tbe water will bo let in from Middletown to Reading, on tho 1st day of A pril. Toll Sheets and information respecting the (.'an ii I can be obtained nt the office of the compa ny. No. 56 Walnut Street. Philadelphia, on appli cation to R. RUNDLE SMITH, snarl I nt President. Ac. IIOR SALE. The subscriber will offer by public sale, at 2 o'clock P. M. on Saturday the 2th March, one half acre of ground in tho town of New Washington, with a two-story frame House, frame stable and other buildings thereon. Terms made known on tbe day of sale, by JOHN M. RIDDLE, for the heirs of Hugh Riddle, deo'd. Burnside township, March 1 1, 1857. ITIOR SALE A two-story frame House, with a half acre of land adjoining, situate in Law rence township, on the road from Clearfield to Curwcnsvillc, about li miles from Clearfield. For terms apply to Zebad Law head, Lawrence town ship, or to tbe subscriber. L. JACKSON CRANS. june4 Clearfield, Ta. E STATE OF JANE KLINE, DEC'D. Letters of Administration on the estnte of Jano Kline, late of Bradford township, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all per sons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will make payment immediately, and those hav ing claims against the same will present them du ly authenticated for settlement. JOHN WILSON, Adm'r. Bradford Tp.. Feb. 25. 1857. 1 OH ACRES or LAND, on the Erie Turn XiJ pike, about 7 miles west of Curwcnsvillc. and 135 ACRES OF LAND, adjoining tbe same, will be sold on accommodating terras. The land lies well, is all susceptible of cultivation, and is well covered with choice pino timber suitable for shingles, sawing or square timber. A saw mill near by. Apply to L. J. CRANS. mar23 Clearfield. WANTED 100 BUSHELS WHITE BEANS, for which the highest price will be given by MERRELL A CARTER. Clearfield. Dec. 17. It AFT S T O V E S for sale very low at Ifcbll MERRELL A CARTER'S. LOT of good WINDOW SASH, 10 bv 12, for sale by MERRELL A CARTER. w HEAT Jan24 LOUR for sale at MERRELL A CARTER'S RON Iron of all kinds, to ha had low at the L Store ef H. D. Patton, in Onrwnrrt!l. riXTENSIVE MARBLE YARD, 111 AT TYRONE CITY. PA. Having lust received a lot of the bst eastern Mar- bio that cau be procured at tue i uuauci- r . i . . r ' 1 - phia larjs. lain new veaay io iuriii.-ii an ainud oi wuir in uui uuc, . .-.v.. , Tomb-Table. Marble Dor-steP.i J Lintels, Mantle-piects. Centre-Table, Card-Table. Bureau-top. Ac., of cirlrer- American or Italian Marble. "N. It. All ordersent by mail, prompt ly attended to We nil I not be beat either in work o'r prices. tdec2l-'58.!y I. I'LKEY. M. A. Frank, Esq.. Agent. Clearfield. Pa. CLEARFIELD INSTITUTE. The third quarter of the present school year of this Insti tution will commence on Monday, Februtry 9th, 1857. Persons wishing to fit themselves for College, Teachers, Commercial or other avocations in life, will here receive every desired facility. A thor ough Scientific and Classical course is here given on terms lower than in similar Institutions in the State. Parents at a distanea csn obtain boarding for their sons and daughters under the immediate eare of the Principal, where they will recoive rare advantages, with all the comforts and pleasures of home; and their morals will be carfully guarded. It is particularly desirous that pupils forthe ap proaching term be pres. nt at its commencement, to select their seats and be properly arranged in their respective classes. Further information and Catalogues of tbe In stitute can be had bj addressing. W A. CAMPBELL. Principal. Aug. 20, 1856. Clearfield. Pa. F ALL AND WINTER at the sign of the STYLES ! "CHEAPEST GOODS," Market Street, Clearfield, Fa. The undersigned has just received and opened at his store room, a large and well selected stock of Seasonable Goods, which he offers at tbe most rea sonable prices to purchasers. His stock embraces DRY GOODS. HARDWARE. C1 EENSWABE, GROCERIES, Boots, Shoes, Hats. Caps. Ac. He respectfully invites all who wish to purchase Goods at low prices to give him a call. Approved country produce taken in exchange for goods. Persons wishing to purchase, and receive a fair equivalent fur their money, will do well to give him a call. Remember the sign of the CHEAPEST GOODS, on Market street, and call and be convinced that there is truth in the words thereon inscribed. WM. . IRWIN. Clearfield, ra.. Nov. 23, 1356 V .MONEY MAKING TRADE FOR ONE DOLLAR. JEFFRIES S MANUAL OK PROFITABLE A USEFUL TRADES. ARTS AND OCCUPATIONS. WITHOUT A MASTER, IS NOW READY FOR SALE. This is one of the must valuable little books of the times, to all persons out of employment, as a number of money making trades and arts can be learned without a master, beside all the genu ine and popular receipts, and instructions of the day, for tbe manufacture of the most beneficial, and saleable articles, now in common use. Any peroon forwarding one dollar post-paid, loC.JEl' FRIES, Jeffries, Clearfield Co., I'a.. or to A. 11. Ban man. Tyrone, Blair Co., Pa., will receive a copy by return mail. And any person forwarding twenfy-five cents, post paid, to C. Jkffries, will receive by return mail, one of the three following instructions: How to make tbe celebrated artificial llostr. How to raise double crops, of all kinds of vegeta bles, with little expense, and how to catch all the Wolves, Foxes. Minks and Muskrats in the neigh borhood. Any person forwarding fifty cents, will receive the whole three by return mail. June 4, 1856 ly. T OOK HERE '!! LOOK HERE !!'.!: LAKGEST AND BEST STOCK OF FALL AND "WINTER GOODS, EVER OFFERED IX CLEARFIELD COUNTY. PENN 'A. The undersigned has just received from the East and is now opening at his Store in tbe borough of CURWENSV1I.LE, one of the LARGEST and most cjrtrvsire stork of Fall and Winter goods ever offered in Clearfield county. Having select ed his goods with the especial view to the wants of this community, and being determined to sell them at as low prices as tbey can be purchased any where in this section of country, be hopes to se cure a liberal share of public patronage. His stock consist of Dry Goods, Groceries. Hardware. Qieensware, and in fact every article kept in a country store. The largest and best assortment of Boots and Shoes. Hats and Caps, Rcady-mado clo thing, Ac, Ac. Ae. Country produce and Lumber taken in exchange for Goods. Cash not refused. Curweniville Novl2- 56 II. D. PATTON. B ROADWAY CHILD PEN MANUFAC TURING COMPANY., NO. 3 3 5 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. LIST OK nETAIL PRICES : Gold Pens. I 00 Gold Tooth Ticks. 52 00 " Tooth and Ear Gold Pen and Silver holder. 00 Picks. 3 00 Gold Pencil A Watch Kevs. 3 00 Gold Pen and double ex-Silver holders, 3 00 Mamouth, 4 00 Ladies GolJPcncils.2 J0 Leviathan. " 5 Fountain Pen, Desk Holder, 3 Mamouth, " 5 Engrossing Pens, 2 Leviathan and Box, 5 Gothic Silver case A Pen, 3 " Encrosfine " 4 00 : 00 4 00 00 with pen 5 00 00 Gcuts' Gold Cases Ui) and Pecs, 8 00 00 4i " " 10 00 ' Gothic 12 00 00 " Screw Pencil, b 00 00 And all other kinds and " Mamouth " 5 00 sty les at retail prices. PREMIUMS PRESENTED TO PURCHASERS. To every person buying a gold pen of us we pre sent a numbered certificate, and each of these cer tificates entitles the holder of it. by the extra pay ment of 25 ceuCs. to an article of jewelry, in value fromSl toSIOO. This jewelry consists of Gold and Silver Watches in great variety. Silver Goblets, Silver Fruit Backets, Gold Guard chains for ladies, Lockets, Bracelets, Gents' gold fob and vest chains. Thimbles, Breastpins. Ear Drops. Studs. Rings, Crosses, 4c. none of which sell fcr less than SI. For every Dollar paUl ns. the party is entitled to a nnmberctl certificate, and by the puymrnt of 25 els. extra on each certificate hi is entitled to rec.ivt trkatrrer the number of the certificate designates. We have been in operation for threo years and thousands have bought of us. and we have never learned that any one was ever dissatisfied. This plan aCords every opportunity of obtaining a gold watch or some article of jewelry, for a triflingsuin. All our pens, pencil cases, Ac, are genuine arti cles manufactured by ourselves with great care, and offer them precisely at prices aidccd in all oth er stores in the city. To agents we make advan tageous offers, and any energetic person can do well by working for us. We wish agents in every place in the country, and persons Mho would like to become such will please address us. and wo will send them printed circulars of prices terms, Ae We have no stated periods of distribution. The moment a pen is purchased, the purchaser is enti tled to receive his premium on the pavtnent of 23 cents extra. MERRICK. BENTON A DEAN, 335 Broad wav. New Yoik. AGENTS WANTED. N. B. Gold Pens repointed in a superior man ner. Enclose the pon and 39 cents in P.O. stamps, and the pen will bo rcpoiuted and returned post paid. The Broadway Gold Pen Manufacturing Compa ny, is well known throughout the country, out as there aro undoubtedly some who arc not acquaint ed with us wo append tbe following well known firms as references ; Fellows A Co.. No. 17 Maiden Lano, New York. Hicks A Mitchell. No. 20 " Benton Bros., cor. Broadway A Conrtland St.. N. York, and Chesnut treet. Philadelphia. J. II. Sturdy A Co., No. 5. OUf building N.Y. Gould A Wcl. No. 9, Maiden Lano, New i ork. Fe bru ary 4. !S57-3in. CLOVER SEED, for sale at -A small lot of Clover Sosd MERRELL A CARTER'S. o NE DOUBLE PLEASURE SLEIGII-three ft ant L. a s a w. VJt, A. 31. 11 1X1,3. H OLLO WAY'S PILLS AND OINTMKXT. art fr f tit at A MARVELLOUS REMEDY , FOR A MARVELOUS AGE '. HOLLO WAY'S OI TMEJi T - THC G1AND EXTERNAL REMEDY.' ' BY the aid of a microscope, wc see millions ef littl openings on tbe serfaeo of our bodfe. Through these this Ointment, when robbed ca the skin, is carried to any orgun or inward part. I;is crnr of tb Kidneya. disorders of tbe Liver, affec tions of tho KerT. infammation ofTheinag?T Asthmas. Conghs and Colds, aro by its moans ef fectually cured. Evcrv houocwifs knows that salt paoe freelv through Lone or meat of any thick ness. This healing Ointment far nioro readily penetrates through any bono or fleshy part or lb living body, curinjj tbe moat dangerous inward complaints, that cannot Le reached by other aci. ERYSIPELAS. SALT RHEUM AND SCORBUTIC HUMORS. - - No remedy has ever done so much for the care of diseases of the tkin, whatever form thy may BJ-unie. as this Oiutment. No case of Salt Rlum, Scurvy. Sore Heads. Scrofula or Erysipelas, can long withstand its influence. The inventor .has travelled over many parts of tbe globe, visiting tbo principal hospitals, dispensing this'Oi"ntmea. giving advice as to its application, and has tbs been the means of restoring countless numbers to health. SORE LEGS, SORE BREASTS. WOUNDS AND ULCERS. Some of the most scientific surgeons now rely solely on the use of this wonderful Ointment, when having to cope with the worst cases of sores', nicer wounds, glandular swellings, and tumors. Profes sor Holloway has. by command of the Allied gov ernments, dispatched to tbe hospitals of the East, laree shipments of this Ointment, to' be used uu der the direction of the Medical staff, in the worst cases of wounds. It will cure anv ulcer, gl.nndt. lar swelling, stiffness or contraction cr tae joints even of 20 years' standing. PILES AND FISTULAS. These and other similar distreing coinplainta can be effectually cured if tho Ointment te well rubbed in over the parts affected, and by otherwise following the printed directions around each pot Both Ihe Ointment and the Pills should btnstd in Ihe following cases : Bunions, Mercurial Eruptions, Swcllnd' Glands Burns. Chapped Hands, Stiff Joints, Chilblains, llheiimalisiu. Ulcers. . Fistulas, Salt Rheum. Veneris! Soros, ' Gout, Skiu Diseases. Sore Logs, Lumbago, Wounds of all kinds, Scalds; Piles. Sore Breasts. Sprains, Scalds. Sores .f all kind. Sore Throat. Sold at the Manufactories of Professor Hol loway, 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and 214 Strand, London, a ml by all respectable Druggists and Dea lers of Medicines throughout the United Stales, and the civilized world, in Pots, at 2i cents, 621 cents, and SI each. I v There is a considerable saving by taking th larger sizes. N. B. Directions for the guidance of patients in every disorder arc affixed to each pot April H. lHjii. AT ROBINS' LITERARY YLTOT, Shaw's Row, Clearfield, Pa., CAN ALWAYS BE PROCURED BOOKS OF ALL KiHDS, Stationarv. FANCY ARTICLES AND CONFECTION ARIES, Tobacco and Cigare, DRUGS, MEDICINES, DYE-STUFFS, PAINTS, Chcmitais, ire, S-v Among his stock will he found Histories: Biogra phies, sketches. School Books, I'oetil, Sciectic, Mechanical, Medical and Law works ; tbe latest, publications always on hand or procured to order; all the Magazines furnished monthly, at publish ers prices ; fancy and common letter paper ; plain and ruled cap paper ; perforated paper; cote pa per ; fancy and common envelopes; blank l'eeus; a great variety of Steel Pens ; common and fancy peu-holders. pencils. Ac. Ae. Ac, which he will sell at the moft reasonable prices. His stock of Drugs. Medicines, Dye-stuffs-. Faints, Ac, is large and well selected; among which are Calomel, Blue Mass. tuicicc, Morphia, Red: Pre cipitate ; Rhubarb, root and pnivcrizej ; Uochcl J and Ep?om Salts; Cream of Tartar. Sulphur. Sen na, Pink Root, Snp. Carbonate Soda. Tartaric A cid, Sulphate of itisc ; Liquorice, Columbo and Gentian root; Logwood. Oil Vitriol. Blue Vitriol, Copcras, Alnui. Red Lead. Prussian Blue, Chrome Green and Yellow, Vermillion. Terra de Sienna, and in fact a general assortment. He has also a fine lot of Ladies' Gold R'reast Pins. Ear Drops, Finger Kings, Ae. Also. Watch Guards and Keys. Punkcivc. Hair oils; Hair. Reading. Fine and Pocket combs. Tooth-picks, Ra- tori and Strops. Sadlers' Silk, Pearl powder, Fan cy Soaps and Fcrfuniery a great variety. Also. Prunes. Figs. Raisins, Almonds, Pea-nuts and Filberts ; Candies a general assortment; Cin amon. Cloves. Pepper, and other spices; Blacking, and Spool Cotton ; the most popular Patent Med icines of the day ; ail of which will he soli at the very cheapest rates. Call and examine the stock and judge for your selves. dec! 7 THOMAS ROBINS. EMPLOYMENT FOR TIIE WINTER. The best Bool for Agents. TO PERSONS OUT OF EMPLOYMENT.. An Elegant Gift for a Father to-Present-to his Family ! Send for on copy, a-nd try it among your friends? WANTED Agents in every section of the Uni ted States, tocirculaio SEARS' LARGE TYi'H QUARTO BIBLE. For Family Use Entitled -The People's Pictorial Domestic Bible," with about One Thousand Engraving .' This useful book is destined, if we can form an opinion from the Notices of the l'rcse; to-Iiave an unprecedented circulation in every section cf our wide-spread continent, and to form a distinct or. in the sale of our works. It will, no dnnbt. in a few years become The Family Bible of tho Amer- ican People. CP The most liberal remuneration-w-iM be al. lowed to all persons mho may be pleased to pro cure subscribers to the above. From 50 to 100 co pics may easily be circulated and sold in each of the principal cities and towns in tbe Union.. IT WILL BE SOLD BY SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 'Application should be made at ccce, as the field will soon be occupied. T Persons wishing to act as agents, and do a safe business, can send fur a specimen eopy. "On- the receipt of the established price. Six Dollar, the Pictorial Family Bible. wi;h a well bound Sub scription Book, will be carefully boxed, aad for warded per express, at our risk and expense, to any central town or village in the United States, excepting those of California. Oregon and Texas. Register your Letters, and your money wUl come safe. "In addition to tho Pictorial Bible, we publish a large number of Illustrated Family Works, very popular, and of such a high moral "and unexcep tionable character, that while good men may .fa. ly engine in their circulation, they will confer a Public Benefit, and receive a Fair Compensation for their labor. Orders respectfully solicited. For flirt her pars ticulars. address tbe subscriber, (post paid.) ROBERT SEARS. 1S1 William St.. N. Y. WILLIAM TIXTIIOFP. CLOCK AND v WATCH MAKER. Informs the citizens of CrwensviU and viotr.itj that he has opened a shop hetw-ecn Peters and Masons' hotels in said borough, wbere he is pre pared to do all kinds of work in his line on tho shortest notice and upon (be most reasonablo terms. He will warrant slihis work for one year. Ho respectfully solicits- share of public, patron age (Curw.teville, Dec. 10, lSi0- . SA JI I' E L JOHNSTON'. BARBER AND HAIR DRESSER.. ' wonld respectfully inform tbe citizens of Clears field that he has opened a shop in "Shaw's Row." in the room recently occupied by F. Short, as a Boot and Shoe shop, where he is at all times rea ly to Cut Hair in the most fashionable stvle and du Miaving in the most scientific manner, 'bbampoo ning k'.io performed He solicits the patronage of the public Jan. 7. 16ir. . He also keeps on hand cosmetic for removing dandruff, wbioh rooeives ihe higeeat prai of til who nae it. "1 ff S.VC'IS OF SALT, far sal -llA MERRELL" A CARTER, Dee. 10,1356, Clearfield, Pa. UMBRELLAS and Parasol, a large asscrfmet of the lafevt ptenn, te b had oaeep at rev m Moafcrt. . -