1 : TERMS. The JorKNIX Is published every Wednesday i Ore Loli.au ii Futt Cet per anauru in advance, or Two Dollars -within the year. Advertisements inserted at fifty oents per square, f twelve lines, for tho first, and twenty-five oents for each additional lnrtion. A liberal deduction niada to those who advertise by the year. The 'Terms' will be strictly adhered to. Ku paper discontinued without payment of ar rearages, unless at the option ot the publisher. PENW3TfLVANIA BAILROA.D. On and after Monday, Feb. 23d. 1807, passenger trains will lesvt Tyrone station as follows : West. East. Fast Lino, 1.57 A. M. 8.5 P. M Express, 8.23 A. M. 3 A.M. Mall, 6.21 P. M. 2 P. M. Cast your Br tad trpon the Waters, far alsr many days ye. shall find it. A Certain Cure for all Bheumatlo rains. 0'T COSDBMV BtT THT IT, IT CA5KOT TAIL E. C. ALLEN'S CONCENTRATED ELECTRIC PASTE, ASD AHA.BIA'S PAIS EXTRACTOR. FOR MAN A I10KSS. ' Copyright securc-l according to Law. SMAL-j JAR 50 CENTS, LARGE JAR SI. A11E Electria Paste acts upon the Muscles.Ten X deui, and upon the who'o nervous system, re moving torpiditv and producing a healthy action cf the blood. Ihcre biine:r.o volatile matter in its composition. U remains in action until it accom plishes Us woik. It cannot loso its strength, and Ualtogclner harmless. itH constituent parts being utirely vegetable. WHAT WILL IT CUKE? Wo answer Ehcum&tic I'ains, when everything else fails. Crnr.ii 3. Cholic, Coughs, Chilblains. Burns, Scalds. Sprains. Headache, I' oothnchc. Swel ling's. Bruises. Sore?. Rinyworm. Tetter. Stiff Joints, Contracted Chords. Frch Cu'.Ulecratcd Sores. and all Scrofulous Diseases where external remedies ean ho use-J. Poio Throats. Stiff Necks. Ac. WHAT IT WILL CUKE for Horses ard Cattle. Sweeny. Spaviu. Fistulas. Foil Evil. Windfalls, Ulcers. Cbolic. irprains. Collar and Saddle Galls. Stone Bruises, Stiff Joints, ertigo, Splints and Running Sores. CEfNone genuine but tho30 having tho words "E. C. Allen s Concentrated Electric Paste, o' Ara bian Tain Extractor. Lancaster, Pa.," blown in the lottlc Jj?Look out for counterfeits. Don't for get to ask for ALLEN'S. Letters upon bu-dns address. E. C. Allen, care cf Jl. A. Rucknfiild k Co., Lancaster. Fa. ITifFor salo nt tho Drug Store of Charles D. Watson. Clearlleld. Fa . and country storekeepers artd Dri22i.t throughout the State may Jl'jii-ly IOG-l'EOVTEKS TAKE NOTICE-Thnt J at a uieetii,g of the Lumbermen hell at CiearScid on t!io ISth inM.. the undersigned were aj pointed a cemmittee to institute prosecutions a eaict ail pcisonsobstructir.g the navigable streams by the floating of Iooo logs. We therefore notify all persons concerned, that proceedings w ill be in stituted and prosecuted to comictiuu against all and svery person, whether owner, contractor or laborer, engaged in putting lo-.se logs into the riv i r or any ot its tributaries in the counMcsof Clear field. Elk on I Centre. J'-1IN M. CHASK. W. II. KOF.rsON. 1;F.T. M AH AKFEY-, WM. STEWART. JAMKS ASKEY. DAN ILL Iili"ADE?. C. W LEAK L. K .C. WINi LOW, Arg-.ist 27. 14 6 F.ORT. ROTIIROCK. J. L. LINDKMUIH -a r. r.i.so.N & cci., I ilfui 'M Toinuhip, Chnr field Co.. l'a., Wo'tld rc7,eftfully inform the citizens of that vi cinity that they keep constantly on hand a large asortrpen of Dry Goo-It, Hard-1arr. Qiee?tt"-:rre. Groceries, Cotifectioiitries. Hat iV Capt. Boot iV Shoer. and all other articles usually kept in a country store, which they are determined to sell low for cash, country produce, or lumber. August I. ! h.).). TVEW HOTEL: The old 'Skriunu Hovsk, at. 11 MEW WASHINGXON. bas heen re-opened and re-litted by the undersign ed, who respectfully solicits a share of publio pat ronage. lie is woll provided with house room and good Stabling, and intends keeping a Temperance House, at which he will always endeavor to make his guests feel at home. JU1IN SJILT'iLli. August 1, lrii.j. tf. 17OK SALE. The subscriber offers for sale his f;nn, containing about 12 acres, with a bout 25 aores cloiircd and under good cultivation, having thoreon erected one 2-siory house and barn, situated one and a'half miles above Clonr fiel l tow n. opposite the new bridge For terms apply to tho Ruls;ribtr on l!io 'I'oni"' in -Ty lt-tf .MIL') HOYT. i:rssi:i.L & i n., TANNER AND CUHRIKRF. fe.tiuvlle. ClcurfiJd Co.. l'a.. Keep constantly on linn 1 an excellent assortment or leather, which llicy oiler lor saio ai tne lowe cash prices. Hides taken iu exchange. July 15.13M. "ILACrCS.lITIIIN:. The subscriber would infoim the public that helms taken the Llack- railb Shot) formerly ocupiel bv Ueoriro V'rr. on the corner of Thiid and Main streets, in tho bor ough of Clf arficld where he carries on tho business it ail its various brancues June 8. lio-!y JACOB SllUNKWlTLEU. CsOOD INTENT HOTEL. The subs liber JT having taken this well known HOTEL in the linrourh cf Curnensviilo. wishes his old customers and the travelling publia genornily to give him a call, as bo has the best establishment of the kind in the county. He hopes to give general sitifnction rnrwcnsville, An g I4-'6'J JOS. PKTKKS. ii 6 x j: v WILL EE TAID roil 000 BUSHELS OATS, at the Ligiict market price, delivered to A M. HILLS, Clearfield Borough feb2' BACON, FORK. LARD. . LUHLR, SALT, aud WHITE BEANS, kept constantly on hand and for sale by JOSEPH K. IRWIN. Clearfield. dc2l-'55 sUOODF.N WARi: A lotr f (uperior Tucket f f Tul a and Willow Rackets, just received and for sale at the sign of the norM '-CHEAPEST GOO !) " AEIKST KATE Sett of niack-mithingTooIs. in'iludiri Rtllowg. Anvil. Screw-plnles. Ae , for sale by ja ii7 MFRRI'LL A C A RT K R . IAULOU STiVi:.S Several exeellnr7rFar lor Stoves to ha ha l at II. D. PAT J ON S. 1 ea.ly-made Clothing at your ow u r'rl" i : ;nn -I ' es. at the cheap aloro of mar 21 RICHARD MOSSOT rf-1. HATS! HATS Richard Mossop is now re reiving and opening a Cne lot of Spring and Summer Ilnls of the latest styles, which Le will ell at prices from 12j cents to fi.Ort. fT7ri, ,SI" FISH !! Superior Mackerel and I ' '$ t Herring just received and opening at Ihc TmMrtt cheap Caah store of Richard Mossop in Clearf.H feb IN'i.7 )QUEENSWAEE A aupeiior lot of Fancy and Common Queensware now opening and fur sale nlthor.-ot reasonable nrloes at the store of RirilAHD MOSS'tP. BLAC Tii LACK, Imperial and Young Hyson i us of the best quality to bo had the lowest ench t rice at , M OSSOP'S. HARDWARE and Cuttlery just received and now oponing at Mossop's cheap cash store in t'learfleld febll ritorf. Iron of all kinds, to bo Lad low at the Store of H. D. Patton, In Curwensville. HEAT f Jd2I1 I. O V R for tnle at MERRELL A CARTER'S AIAP", lot of Faniilv f, rocrltr just receiving Mossrjn in CiearfieM. fVbll- JT Trier LET ES REASON TOGETI1EK. IIP LLP WAY'S PI LLP. WHY AKE WE SICKf IT bas been the lot of the human race to be weigh ed down br disease and suffering. HOLLO W AY'S PI LLS are specially adapted to the relief of "the WEAK, the NERVOUS, the DELICATE, and the INFIRM, of all climes, ages, sexes, and constitution. Professor Holloway personally su perintends the manufacture of his medicines in tho United States, and offers them to a free and e nlight ened people, as the best remedy the world cvor saw for the removal of disoato. THESE PILLS PURIFY THE BLOOD. These famous Pills are expressly combined to op erate on the stomach, tho liver, ttio moneys, iuo lungs, tho akin, and the bowels, correcting any de raugement in their functions, purifying the blood, the very fountain of life, and thus curing disease in all its forms. DISPEPSIA AND LIVER COMPLAINTS. Noarlv half the human race have taken theso Pill. It hns boen proved in all partsof the world, thnt nothing has been found equal to them in ciuo'S of disorders of the liver, dyspepsia, nnd stomach complaints generally. 'Ihcyaoon give a healthy tone to theso" organs, however much deranged, and when all other moans have failed. GENERAL DEBILITY. ILL HEALTH. Jinny of tbomost despotic Governments have of pened tiicir Custom Houfcs to the introduction of these Fills, that they may become the medicine of the masses. Learned Colleges admit that this medicine is the best remedy ever known for per sons t f delicate health, or where the system has ben impaired, as its invigorating properties never fail to afford relief. FEMALE COMPLAINTS. No female, young or old. should bo without this celebrated medicine. It correct." nnd regulates the monthly courses at nil periods, acting in many ca pes like a charm. It is obso tne uesi aim shicm medicine that can be given toChildren of all ages. I nnd for any complaint; consequently no family -' . i vbould bo without it. Holloiciy's Pills are the best remedy known in the tcorl-l Jor the following Diseases: Asthma Diarrhea SecondarySymptoui!) Coughs Chest Diseases Stone and Gravel Colds Fever mid Ague Venereal Affections Influenza Bowel Complaints Female Complaints Costiveness Inflamation Wurm3 of all kinds Dyspepsia Indigestion Lowncss of Spirits Debility Liver Complaints Inward weakness Dropsv Files Headaches Sold nt the Manufactories of Professor Hoi. loway. SO Maiden Lane. N. York, and 214 Mrand, London, and by all respectable Druggists and Deal ers of Medicine throughout the United States, and the civilized nolrd, in boxes at 2i cents, rjJJ cents, and "51 each. rTTTbrm is a considerable saving bv takinz the larger tiles. N. Ii. Directions for the guidance cf patients in every disorder are nflixed to each box. apry'i6 DA1LV, SEMI-WEEKLV & WEEKLY TELEG II A J 'Jf. XilE Daily Telegraph. Notwithstanding the ru mors spread abroad by our politijal opponents, that the -Dailv TeleKrupU' would be discontinued alter the election, we nunoiinec to the t)ublio thnt wo thall not only continue its publication, but it thiiil be it.n- wiih r.-nowed viuor ai.d determina tion to meet the public expectations and wantii. I ho putdrihtrs will spare no labor or expense lo make it a paper tuiii.cutly worthy of the capital of Pennsylvania, and one which should be found at everv fireside in our borough inc 'Daily Telegraph will contnin the Litest news received by Magnetic Telegraph nnd Mails. o shall give particular attention to our l.oal Ue- artment, and endeavor lo muku tlic 1 epulis as lull anii interesting as possible. 1 lie J-.Uitorial uc partment will be under the management of able ana cxpeneneea geiiiiemcn. wuo, upon an ques tions affecting the public, will express their opin ions fairly and freely. Our next Legislature w ill bo entrusted with several important duties the election of United States Senator, the election of a State Treasurer, the apportionment of tho State, Ac, which will make tho proceedings unusually interesting nnd important. The 'Telegraph will be able to present this and all other news transpi ring at the Stato Capital much sooner and more satisfucioiily than nny oilier paper in tho State. 'ihc 'Semi-Weekly and Weekly Telegraph will bo published, as heretofore. We shall endeavor to make tho -Weekly 'Jlcrnph' the best family newspaper inthc State, it will contain all the latest news up to tho hour of going to press. It will con'ain full reports of tho markets in the At lantic cities. A portion of our columns w ill bede voied to the interests of Agriculture nnd Mechan ics The 'Semi-Weekly' will bo publisaed only during the serious of liie Legislature. Ourcfiorts xiiall bo to make the Telegraph tho model news pnin r of the State. TERMS : The Dailv Telegraph will bo furnish ed nt a distance for SI per i.nnnm; 2 for six months: or ! f r I h ree months. Single subscri bers in the town will be furnished at six cents per week payab'e weekly to the carrier. The Semi-Wceklv and Weekly Telegraph will be furnished to single subscribers at $2 per annum. Our Clubs Hates arc n.s follows : Clubs cf 6. 50 ' 10, 17 " 2U, - - - - iiO Tho person who raises a club will receive a co py of tho paper gr i'i.i, "Where is the person who cannot fiffordthis? Three cents per week for a newspaper, which shall convey to him. in addition to political intelligence, nil foreign, domestic and local news ; in a word, nil of political interest which may transpire ei ther at home or abroad. Thanking our friends everywhere for tho cener ous patronage they have extended to us during the campaign, we trust that they will nt once re new their subscription, and make tho Telegraph in fulure a constant visitor at their firc-dde.s. M) rs Yl IE T DIE FOR BARGAINS! NEW GOODS AND NEW PRICES !! '"yhiiri antes anil smtll profits .'" nAVI NO just returned from the East. I would inform my old customers nnd tho public in general, that I am now receiving nnd opening at my "old stand'' a splendid assortment of Spring and Summer Goods, which I will sell a little lower than any poods heretofore sold in Clearfield, a monc which will bo found MANTILLAS, a large assortment nt exceedingly low pries. SILKS, nt from 70 cents to 1.25 cents per yard. GINGHAMS, nt from 11 ccntsto 2j cents per yd. CALIC'T.S. at from it cents to 12 els per yard. SHAWLS a good article of Shawls.at from C2J crnts to in. each. BONNETS a large lot at from 00 cenls to $5- LADIES GAIILRS for I..OO worth S2. " IJr.ots. Shoes and Slippers at from C2 cr.n's to 1.2.' cents per pair. LADIES' will please call, ns I have almost eve ryiiiin;; in their lino, nt extraordinary low rates. G I.NTS' Loots, Shoes and Gaiters at very low ri-t. s. MUSLINS, at from 6 to 12 cents a yard. JEANS, at 20 cents a var I worth 4(1. CLOTH5 Rlnrk. Bluo. 01ivi firnen. nr,l nibr color, vcrv rhean. CASSIMEP.ES Black and a variety of Fancy cob'i s of tho latest styles. VESTING? a great varietyof fancy nnd plain. SUMMER CLOTHS. Casnimores, Trimmings, and in short, a varietyof almost all sorts of Oentlo mer.s' nnd hoys' wear. t all soon, n hilo you can hnve an opportunity to select from the whole stock. All tho above, and a great variety of other goods ean l o purchased at tho very lowest prices l'OK CASH, as I have determined not to bo undersold way 21 'aft RICHARD MOSSOP. ' TA M ES D. GRAHAM. Dealer in SAWED LUMBER. SQUARED TIMBER, SHINGLES. BOARDS. Ac. fs prepared to fill on the shortest notice, all orders for articles in his lino of busi. nets, on as reasonable terms as thoy can bo rro curcd in the county. Orahainpton. Clearlleld Co.. Jan. 2.1. lftSrt blEAND LOT FOR SALE. The I.Tto residence of J. M. Pfoittc, iu Ansonvillo, may be bought cheap by immediate application to me. IdoolO-if. J. II. M ENALLY. J EWELRY. A lot of lino JlroastPins Ear Drop. Sbilt Studs, Ac, for sale verycheap. by Clearfivld. Dec-1 THOMAS ROBDINS. "sAlf ot ail kinds anil at all prieea to hst had at v. fmay 21 MOSJKr' . :.i J..r w- io i UttZlVl IrT" . hC h-emoved hiv J nnT AND BHOE STOBE from "Shaw's Row," to hi new building, opposite the Offico of Jamee Wrigly, and two doors south of the Office G. R. Barkktt. Esq. He still keeps contaullv on hands, every vane-, tvof Ladies slippers, gaiters, pump?. Ac Men' fancy shoes nnd gaiters, with an excellent assort ment of heavy work, all adapted to the various wants of the people of Clearfield. Ho hopes hid friends will call at his NEW STORE, uud ex amine his Stock. Uoots and Sboes mado to order, and mending done an heretofore. ISAAC JOHNSTCN. Clearfield. JuneZi, GOI.N(J IT ALONE. Tho undersigned hav ing taken to himself the store formerly own ed bv Patch in A Swan, takes pleasure in informing his friends and the public generally, that he has just received from the city a splendid assortment of Dry. Hoods, Hurdware. Queensware, Groceries, Confectionaries, Hats and Caps. Roots nnd Shoes. and every thing rlso usually kept in a country store. Persons wishing to buy ehcup nnd good (ioodrf should not forget that he is determined not to be undersold by r any store inthc county. His motto is ' a nimble pennv rathe than a slow six peneo " S. C FATCHIN. tllen Hope. July 5. 1-1. TilXCIIAXOE HOTEL, rniLIPSBUKi;. Jli Tho subs.-riber. thankful for past favors, would respectfully solicit a continuance of the li b eral patronage bestowed upon bis House by thi Public Ho is prejared lo accomuiodatc water men, editors, drovers, and all others who may call with him. in the very best manner. He also purposes to run a line of Hacks from Tyrone to Clearfield, for the accommodation of tho travelling public. J. RUNIC. Philpsburg. March It. lS.li.-tf. D AVID S. I'LOT.NEIt Respectfully informs bis nld friends and the luibln:. that lie has oota inea me s.-rviees u kuiwvuhc. .,o... ,. . .i r !"'... -n-Ir be is now prepared to attend to any orders in his Line of work on the inott acuoimuo luting terms.and short notice, and will have clothing on hand at all times, such as dress coats, frock eojts, vests, and pantaloons of their own manufacture, and good material at the lowest prices. With a wi-h to ac commodate, he solicits a share of putronage. New Washington. May V. 1S.'j. 7EW AKKIVAL. A. iV J- rATCU, llavo just received a new nnd splendid assort ment of Goods the best that was ever brought in to the upper end of Clearfield County. They in vite their friends and the public generally to givo them a call, whcie they will find all kinds of goods usually kept in a Country Store. Come and examine our atoel; we charge noth ing for the exhibition. AARON PATdllN. JACKSON PATCH IN. F.urnside. Nov. 2. lHOi. Ijldll SALE the Farm occupied by Rkharl V Dunvcr3. Jr., situate in Penn township, about one m ilo from Peiin.svill.. It eoutains 0 1 acres, of which 4 j are cleared and under good fence. The improvements arc a two-story fimno houso and kitcheu, barn and out-houses. There is a young bearing orchard on the place, and the whole is well watered. For terms apply to L. JACiiSON CRANS. jnnol Clearfield. Pa. "jr E AV A K R 1 V A L The undersigned has Jl 1 just received a large stock of NEW GOODS, adapted to the season, consisting of dry goods, (i k'clkh. queenmvare, 11 a it d war e. c . fect i on aries, nails. hollow-ware, ceder-ware; '"'ja'meS B. GRAHAM. Grahamton. Aug. 22, ltj.". HO! FOR THE TEMPLE OF HONOR Jl R A D J N A- Aid 1 II v'.S. TIN, COPPEB, &. SHEET-IEOII WAEE PIIILIPSBURG, PA. BRADIN A M'GIBK have just opened nn exten sive 'J'tn, Copper, iV Sheet. Iron Ware M i l nfiiclu tif, nl.vro they arc at nil times prepared to supply customers with every conceivublr article from the smallest Coffee pot spout to the longest pipe ima ginable. Thev will do both a WHOLESALE & RETAIL business, nnd will nt all times have on hand a large assortment of rendv-made ware. Jl U L 6 A' I' O U T I N G done lo order, on tho shortest notice, and put up in a neat, substantial manner. STOVES, STOVE-PII'J:, s- kettels, of every variety kept constantly on hand. They will furnish to order any of tho following Cook Stoves, vh : '1 he William Penn. tjueen of the West, tho Atlantic, nnd Cook-Complete, all of which are suitable for both wool and coal. Among the Parlor Stoves will bo found tho "Lady Washington." the '-Excelsior," 'Home Parlor.' Ac. Produce of all kinds taken iu exchnngo for troods A. A. BRA DIN. JNO. I). M tllRK. October 24. 1S.r..-tf. rHOLE-fSALE. Tho subscriber wishing to retire from tho Mercantile business, (sole ly on account of press of Professional business) do sires to dispose of his entire stock of Store goods nt wholesale and will sell them on tho most accom modating terms. Any person wishing to engage in trading in any part ot the county will do well to call aril kco mo beforo making any other ar rangements. A. M. HILLS. Clenrtiel I. August 27. 1S.0C. I s; r v TU'f. i-r i r tit Vi t mt ; JlWBV 7 . m a 4 I. M ' I" a 1.' 1 1 VI ti' ' t t 4II HIV 1 borough of Clearfield : several BUILDING LOT'S and PASTURE AN D WOOD LOTS, nontain inj from three to ten acres each, near the borough of Clearfield. Also several desirable FARMS nnd pieces of TIMBER LAND, in vnrious j.arts of the county. Terms accommodating. Apply to L. JACKSON CRANS. April 15. l.'.f. Clearfield. Pa. AVE YOU SEEN NAM? The subscriber would inform his old friends nnd the puhlic generally, thnt he still continues to keep a houso id' entertainment in New Washington where those who call with him will rcccivo every uttcntioii, nnd be made comfortable. Good stabling, and every other convenience for horses on tho premises. D. S. PLOTNKR. s FILL ON JIAND! The undersiirned eon-tinii-slho CLOCK AND WATCH MAKING BUSI NESS, at his new shop on the corner of Main ami Meclianie streets, one door South of Dr. R. V. Wilson's office, where ho will be pleased lo accom modate his customers at all times. Rcpairingdone on tho shortest notice. u.ig.'Dl R. R. WELSH. PAY THAT.llDTiKT TB-HBMIff. 1 8 ft H. rpiIE OLD CORNER STORE OF 1 A. M. DILLS. IS JUST NOW BEING CRAMMED with a choice selection of Seasonable goods, AT THE PURCHASERS OWN PRICES. READY-MADE CLOTHING in great variety and of the choicest qualities. A largo variety of choice DRESS SILK?, which will bo sold ateilv prices. Somo hcmitifu CRAPE and Summer BUOCHAT; Shawls, which will be sold very low. BOOTS, A HIOEg in great variety, lower than they haye ever been ofl'orod in lliis county, FANCY GOODS extremely low in price, and of wj o ....'Pi L't-ii. ..inn i.niicrtt. CALICOES nt 10 CENTS fast co'ors and full width Tcr yard, warranted PLEASE CALL nod examine MY STOCK be, ore pun-hosi n)t l sru hrre. R-E-A-D-Y I'-A-Y is my motto, and tain fitllif determined to sella Irl-T-T-L-E I-O-W-E-Rthananu n,te,l,e, not in that, i iuli ii f "20 Jnans u-uith 40." All kinds of marketing, boards and shingles ta ken in exehango for goods. N. B. A few beautiful Gold Brooches and Genta1 Breast-pins, gold and ailvcr hunting-case patent lever watohes, Ac, very low for the Ready Rhino P. 8. .lost call at your leisure. I've got goods enough to doyou all.aothat oneoan'tgeta -haad of another JnnllW W A. M. niLLS. A VISE'S CHEAP V.ATI U AM) jfcWivLHi STORE, No, 72 North S,:n Street; (nrp0. site the Mount. Vernon JIun.tr,) Fphiladelphia. Gold Lever M'atches, full jewelled, 13 K. cases. Silver Lever do., do.; Silver Lupine, do.; Quartier; Cold Spectacles, Silver do.; Silver Table Spoons, Silver Desert do. ; Silver Tea do. ; Gold Fens and Gold Cu."es; Gold Pens and Silver do.: togethot with a variety of fine Gold Jewelry, Gold Curb (iuard and Foo Chain?. All goods warranted U be as represented. AVatchus and Jewelry, repair ed in the best manner. Also, Masonic Marks, Tins, Ac, mado to order. N. I). AH orders sent by mail or otherwise ! will be punctually attended to. ... . . . .... f . . . 1 . C 1 . Mis motto is: "tmaii rroiiia ana vuick .-5h-s, Philadelphia. April 25, LH.r..S. Ol'.NT VERMIS HOUSE, No. 59, North Se:owi Stteet, . - PHILADELPHIA. The undersigned having taken the old well known house, which has been renovated and ro modeled throughout, respectfully aolioiu hist'lear fielil friends to give him ft call on their vif-ils to theeitv. The furniture Is all new. anil has been selected with enrcfroin Henklea well known establishment in Che.-dnnt Street, and is of the latest and most fashionable stylo. The location for Merchants and others coming to the city iJ convenient, being in the centre ot business. - I. L. 15ARKETT. Aue. 1. 18i".-1y. Proprietor. rtUSKAU & WALTON, J 255 Market Stre t. PHILADELPHIA; Importers and Dealers in HARDWARE, 1IIUS, i$-c. They respectfully invite the people cf Clear field, to continue their favors. Aug-l. l'-I"- J V. RI SIITON & CO., r. 213 Market Etree:, PHILADELPHIA', Importers and Dealer? iu Eaithon-Ware,"CLlna, GhidS. nnd (Jueens M arc. Opposite the Red Lion Hotel. Philadelphia. .1. Y. RLSlliON, .1. C. HOPKINS. Nov. 3. r.l.-ly. ROUT. ST1LSON. 1 1 ARRIS, ORBISON & CO., li WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, No. 2jJ, MaiketSt., North side between I'.th A 7th, Fhil idelphia. Drugs Medicines. Chemical-. Pat ent Medicines, Surgical Instruments. Druggist' Glassware, Window Glass. Painta, Oils. Dyes. Per fumerv, Ac, Ae. JOHN HARRIS, M. D. E. JJ. ORIUSON. Aug. 1. '5.V-H.1 J. SHARSWOOM. SSELL fis SCIIOTT, Ifoa. 133 Karket St.. B Hersliant St. PHILADELPHIA Importer? and Wholesilo Dealers in DRUGS, CHEM1CJLS, They respectfully invite their Cleaiield friends to give them a call. .fan. I". 'j.V-ly 001) A' CO Extensive Drv-goods Dealers, No, 1ST. Market St.. Philadelphia, keep constant ly on hand a large, splendid, and cheap stouk of the most f ar-hioniiblo und elegant goods. They iu vite country Merchants to call and examine their Kplcndid assortment, before purchasing elsewhere. August 1. ISi5.-ly. A 7TLLIAM S. HANSELL A Sii, Manuf.e f tiii-crs nnd Importers of Saddlery, nr.d Slid dlery Hardware. No. 'l Market Street. Bhiladcl jdiia. Saddles. Bridles. Harness. Trunks, Whips Saddle Bags. Bridle Filling. Bits. Stirrups. Buckles Carpet Bags. cct. I Aug. 1. "ii.-ly J3 EIDLEMAN k HA YWA 11 D Wholesale Gro wers. 1 ea J tellers, and Commission .lercliants No. 27.1, Market Street. Philadelphia. D. I'.KI I'ELMAN, Aug.l. 15'o.-lr.1 A. HAY WARD. 4 T. LAN E A CO. Wholesalo Clothing Store il Xo. 171. Market Street. Every varietyof ready made Clothing, in the most fashionable stylos constantly on hand. I Aug. 1. -ly. ISAAC M. ASHTON Hat Store. No. 172 Market St., l'hiludclph in. Hats. Cups. Fur.s. Ac, of every variety, and the Lest quality always on hand. Aug. I. ISix-ly. "1i:OUJi: W. COLLADAY, t'onveypneer Ji and Land Ag"nt. No. Goldsmith's Hall, Philadelphia, will faithfully attend to n!l lmsines! cnlrustc 1 to his car. Aug. 1. ISD.V-ly. C1AL1 del 1ALEB COPE A CO, No. 1 S.J. Maikct St.. Phila lphia. Dealer in Linens. White GooI. Ho siery. French. English nnd German Silk Goods, La ces. Gloves. Bolting Cloths. Ac. Aug. 1. Via.-ly BROOK. TYSON A RII EN Wholes-Un Drv Good's Store, No. 1 1C, Market Street. Philadel phia. An,j. 1. LS.i.-ly. 1 OfTy jI izaz'iir far the 2Ioni f the OJ I People tl RAH. I MS II. LU.- IRA TED MAGA's. I N1Z. tli' J'inncr M mazine nf the Cnmitri, ft-ihlislicd in lhJ7. Sub.-ciibe fur tho New Volume coinii.eiicir wiih the Jainiary number. Ab" . WATSON A CO.. the new publish ers of 'Graham's Illustrated Magazine.' nnm.uiice lo tho Ladies nnd Gentlemen of the I nimd Stnter in general, and to tho former patrons of the work in particular; thnt it is their intention to mnkc use of nil tho iiiimens' resources nt their command to produce a I'trst CljssMnr tzi.ir. J this end no expense or exertion will be spared. The bet Lit erary nnd Artistic Talent will be employed, and nothing that capital, tn.sle an I enterprise enn nc complisli will be wanting to miiko this Magacine more than ever deserving the liberal support so generously extended to it during the p.ut .'!( years. Every number will contain '2 lii.e steel engrav ings. One illustrative of son;" of t h-s ino-f popu lar pictnrcs of the day : the other a beautiful col ored Fashion Plate, drawn from actual articles of costume. Also, a number of fine wood engravings, patterns for Crochet and Needle-work, engraved from tho articles themselves All the latest styles of rostitmrs for Lnilim mi l Children will be co pied from the newest patterns, and fully describ ed nnd illustrated iu every number. Lndirs rbout forming clubs of nuKscri tiers are requested to compare 'llrahnin'' with any other Mara7.inc published, nnd wo ere confident their good taste and correct judgment will decide in our favor. Gentlemen w ho arc nbont to subs-ribo for a Mag azine for their own reading, or to present, to their lady friends, should procure n copy of 'Graham'' and cxnmine it thoroughly, and "then see if any other periodical prei'-tits equal inducements for their subscriptions. Tho twelve numbers of "Graham' for tho yenr 1S.'7. will comprise one of tho most magnificent oliimes ever issued ! containing in nil 1 200 pages of reading matter ! 100 fi no wood Migrnvings ! 12 hnndsoino s'eol engravings! 12 bcatiful colored f'a.lii i plutes ! 100 engravings of Indies' A children's dresses ! fill coming illustration! And over 300 patterns for needlework, Ac TERMS: One copy, one year. $.'! 00; Two co pies, J, j oo ; Five copies, and one to getter tip of Hub. ?10 (10; Eleven copies, nnd olio to agent. S20 00. Graham's illustrated magarino will bo supplied to subscribers punctually, and at as early a day In tho month us any other magazine published. Send iu your subscriptions early to tho Publish ers, WATSON A CO.. fin South 3d street. ThiEa. EYTRA NOTICE Subscribers sending three dollars for one year's subscription to "Graham."' w ill receive a copy of Graham's Indie' J'ajicr for one year without ehargo ! Send for specimen numbersof Grahnm'sIUustra tnd Magazine nnd Graham's Ladies' Paper. w AGO.N MAKING THE undersingned Waggons of all descriptions. Buggies, Sleds, A c, at their shop in New Salem. Brady township, Clear field county, which they offer for salo at n reasona ble rates n.s can bopurchiised elsewhere. They res pectfully solicit a aha re of patronage. CAMBRIDGE .HUIXST0N, Ooti-'M.tf WILLIAM LEWIS. C1LOTIIING. A gencriil assortment of ready. J mado clothing just received nnd opened at Nor 25 W. F. IRWIN S. If O RNATJE. A aeconThan d 2 h" orse wagon and a lot of harness for salo vcrv Cheap bv Cle-irfiold.ni.r2 A.M. HILLS. CLOTHING Raaiy-made Clothing of all kindi, jurt wcIt4 at H. T FATTOy'?. ESSIOSA M. HILLS. I. 1. S. OCi-e adioin- J: in? his Store. Clearfield. Pa. Artiftcial Teeth, from one to a full set, mounted in the most approved modern style. Filling, Filing, and Cleaning done with care and neatness. , Teeth extracted with all the care and dispatch modern science can furnish. DR. HILLS, oan always be found at his office, as ho is now devoting his whole attention to his profession. dune ?0. '55. 1 V E DICTA L l'A UT' EKSI1 1 T. Dr. Henry Xi m. Lorain, having associated with him. in the practice of Medicine. Dr. J. G Hartswick, they offer their professional services to the citiiens of Clearfield and vicinity. They will attend to pro fcsonal calls at all hours, and in all seasons.. Dr. Hartswick will bo found during the day at their office opposite Dr. Lorain's residence, and at night, nt bis residence, on 2d street, one door north of Reed A Weaver's store. Juno 18, IH:(i. fH. A. WALLACE, TIOET. I. WALLACE, AllUK.XLla a J l.A , Clearfield. Penn'a.. Have this day associated themselves as partners in the practice of Law in Clearfield and adjoining counties. The business will be conducted ns here tofore in the name of William A. Wallace. Business entrusted to them will receive prompt and careful attention. March 2. b.'.T-lr jj. r. aklev, pjiysicr.iN, Gr.ihamlon. Clrarfirtd Coiaiti. Pf.. tenders his professional services to the inhabitants of Grahamton and surrounding country he can at nil times be found at his Olfico. directly opposite- Mr. J. B. Graham's store, when not'nrofes. i sion.illy engaged. All. 20. rgMIOS. J. AlcC' ELLOl'OH. ATTORNEY AT A LAW and DISTRICT ATTORNEY. Clearf.eld, Pa. may be found at hu office in Shaw's Row. fovr doors west of the ''Mansion Home." LWds and other legal in-arunientj prepared with prompt ness nnd accuracy. 1-eb. 13 ly. It. M. WOODS, tenders his profc?iou.nl srr- iees to the citizens of Clearfield ind vicini ty. Residence on Second street, opposite the of of L. Jackson Crans. where he can be louud , ficc of unlc.-is absent on professional business. Clearfield. May I I. ISoij 3iu. IARRI.MER & TEST. U A TTORNEYS A T LA IP". Will attend promptly to all legal and other bn siness entrusted to their earc in Clearfield nnd ad joining counties. Clearfield. Aug..lSe. JAS. H. LAHIUMT.n. I. TEST. T U. M EN ALLY, ATTORNEY AT L.1 IF J Clfarfuhl, I'enn'a. Practices in Clearfield and adjoining counties. ( Ofiico in new brick addition, adjoining the rfsi- (len'-e ot ,lai:i." II. Ijrahain. -uei:st I. I'iOJ. 7 S. DUNDY. ATTORNEY AT LA IV i CUarfitld. Pen if a. Office in the new brick addition, adjoining the res idence of James B. Graham. August I. lS..r. J J ACKSO N C R A NS. ATTOR N E Y AT LAW. Cleirfe'd. J'ain'a. Office adjoining his residence, on Second Street. Oh nrfield. Aneust 1. IS.m. 1 r J',U in:k swooi'i:, attorney and i L COUNSELLOl AT LAW. Clearfield. Pa. Office in office. Graham's Row. next door to Join t:il April 10 If. CROUCH, PHYSICIAN office in Cur- wcnsvillc. Mar ' 1. 1 s jG f f TVEW I IBM. M2EP. E LL CASTES would j 1 si inform the. public, that they have just upen- . cd au extensive COPPER. TIN AND SHEET-IRON WARE On SiCjii I Strut, t.i the '.';, of Cir-.'.d where they are prej arc-l to'f.irni di at reduced pri ces, every variety of articles in their line. Meel. Bar-iron, nails, sieves of every variety Ploughs uud farming utensils, pumps of every description, stove pipe, patent saungo cutlers, funnels aud self (scaling cans kept constantly on bar. J. All orders for coolings for Flour Mills. Saw T.ti'ils, Ac. will be thankfully received snd promptly at tended to. HOUSE SPOUTING DONE TO ORDER. They are also prepated to receive every varie ty of article ou coinnii-bduli. at a low per-contage. t. B. MERRELL. L. It. CARTER. Cienrueid. Sept. 10. 1655 1 v. ALLOA! NEW WAGON MANUFACTORY The undersigned would respectfully re nounce t hi frirndj and tho public generally, that he bas opened out a new Wagiiu-M'iking L tablirhmeiit in "New Sab'io City,"" Brady town ship, where Le wiil at ail times be prepcr? 1 to manufacture, on the -diorlst notio. all hinds of Wagons, Carts, Wheclburro'ts Ac. Hie heft ma terial that can be procured wi'l to u:-ed. and hi. work will ba made in tho most suhsf ai.tinl und du rable manner, s--ich as wiil bear the tevt of ftrict examination. By a c!je id-jervuiico of bis Uusi l.css engagemeiTts. and by disposing of his work on the most reasonable terms, whicii he will do for cither cash or ni.pioved country produce, ho hopes to merit end rceivo a liberal shar i f pub lic custom . BENJ. RISHEL. New Salem Citv. Jan. If. 1S'''. IV l!W GOODS: The undersigned has iust re ceived a lnrge assortment of NEW GOODS. AT HIS STORE IN KARTJIAC-S. which ho ofiVr3 fur sale cLcao for cash or country produce. P. HURXTHALL. " September fi. 1 "".".". .Mill . n'ftl.l Il.A rtll.11i.HV f.l 1 i,-,r--a ur... SALT!! A nuniitity . Ground Alum Salt, for sale at W. F. I ii n i's riiii: scientific: American the JL TWELFTH YEAR. One ihoiiBaTid E-lIar Cash Prizes. 'I he 1 welfth Annual Ynlume of this useful publication commences on the l.";h day of September next. This Selenitic Aoierictn is an Illustrated Periodical, devoted ch icfly to the pro mulgation of information relating to the various Mechanic and Cheinic Arts. Industrial Manufac tures. Agriculture. Patents. Inventions. Euginecr it g. Millnoik. and nil interests which the liht of PRACTICAL SCIENCE is calculated to advance. Reports of U. S. P.m t.nts granted nre also pub lished every week, including Ollicial Copies of till PATENT CLAIMS, together with news nnd infor formatiori ujion thouturiils 0 ether inlMes's 5jl,ii0 IN CASH PRIZES will be paid on the lid of January next, fur tho Iarget list of subscri bers, ns follows: -2(10 fur the I t; c17jfor the 2d; 5150 f..r theSd; 2: for the 1th: I no for the ."th ; S75 for tho Oth ; for the 7th ; i0 fir the 8th: S-I(l for the 0th : .2. for the loth : 20 forthcllth and 510 for the 12th. For all Clubs of 2o nrd upward, tne subscription pri -e is only 51.10. Nnui.s ean be sent from any Post 03io until January 1st. 1S57. Here aro' fmo chances to secure cash prizes. The Scientific Ainrn'cin is published or.ee a week; every number Contains eiiclit largo quarto pages, forming iictuaUv a cmnplctu nnd splendid volume, illustrated will. SEVERAL HUNDRED ORI GINAL ENGRA V1SGS. Ti-iim. Single Subscriptions. ?2aycar. St for 0 months. Five copies, for i months, SI; 1 year S3 Specimen numbers sent Gratis. Southern. Western and Canada money, or Post Oflico Stamps, t.-.ken nt par tor subscriptions. Letters should bo directed (post p.iid) to MUNN & CO.. Aug. 22. 123 Fultcn St.. Not? York. Messrs. Miinn A Co., are extensively engaged In procuring patent for new inventions, and will ndviso inventors, without charge, in regard to the novelty of their improvements HO! FOR IOWA!! Tho undersigned, de siro.is of goinz West, oilers to sell at private sale, three lots in the village- of Marysvillo. oue half mile cast of Clearfield Bridge, in'llogga town ship, having thereon erected a two-story weather boarded dwelling house, go'id stable, and a black smith shop. The tei 'iis, w hieh will be reasonable, can bo ascertained by inquiring of the uudcrsign ed. residing on tho premises. jnay2j-tf SAMUEL B. DIT.LER. t fTA f rV '-'"' -.T"" every dc.-crip'ion for sale a moderate advance at Nor20Vl : WM. F. IRWIN". fllWO ONE-H.ORSE PLEASURE SLEIGHS, X r lalt by A M. HILL I A Jlliltui n..-r. C. PURVIANCE. Trtw ZIl. fessorof Phottjgraphio Chi-mistrj. .fiallery at his residence cn 2d Street, one door "South 'f Merrell A Carter's Tin-ware establishment, Clear field. Pa. - liDays of ojieratiwu: Fridav and Saturday of each week JunciS'Stt IF TOE WANT CnEAP WINTER CLO TIIIN'CJ.cail immediately on M. A. FRAJtR, w ho has just purchased a lot and is now dUi.o.inr . ., f i r.ti- v- .:n r..A : ox inem iii ii.J. . juuwiii him um iu ra il aw 's Row. Clearfield Jo'trn aJ office. Pa., three doors east of tao Aug. 27. TVOTICE. In the absence of Eli Bloom, Tr. 1 1 surer of Clearfield county, the Book and P pera will be in the possession of Joni McPUrio, who will attend to the business at all tbucs. Cleaifiold. May 2. -ISC TVOTI CE. Having purchased the Books of tbs 1 1 Raftsman's Journal with the establishment all rmounts unpaid for Subscription, Advertising, or Jub-work, arc to be settled with the undersignad murig S. B. RVV. I EN A LEV, ATTORNEY AT LAW I hi hns changed his office to the new brick addi tion, adjoining the residence of .lames B. Graham. All business will receive prompt attention. Clearfield. July 10. lS:.fi. f RAIN ! ;K.1.N ! :-WUat. Rye. Oats and vX Corn, can nt all times be procured at the Pi oneer Mills, on the Moshannon i a Mortis town ship, nt the lowest selling rates. Julylli HENRY GROS. gi ROCERII.S. Just received rnd now T VI opening.-a genral assortment of choice rroeeri'-s, which will be sohl at tbe-E-- lowest cash prices at WM F. IRWIN'S. 1 flM final rtet tf S"0'1 BOARDS wsnttd fcy 1 J JfJj A . M HILLS, at hisstore in Clear field. fcr which the highest market price will b p'id in goods nt cash prices. warl3-tf K. WRIGHT, MERCHANT, asd EXTF.N SIVE DEALER IN LUMBER. Second Strvtt cue !-"or south of his residence, Clearfield, Pa. Clearfield. March 14. 1 05 CLEARFIELD LODGE No. 1S?3 1.0. F. meets evert Saturday evening, at ' of O. clock, at their Hall in Merreli A Carter's tew bull ding on Scond street. feb20 -Tf f LONG SHINGLES wanted br A. 9jjUjJJYJ M. Hills, at his store, for which the hiyhest mark. price w:!' be paid la O'1"'! at the lowest prices in the county. june2-if "rAGONS and V (febl3) GIE f:r sale cheap, by H. D PATTON. AYES'S Cathnrtic Pills, (SUGAR COATED. J ASS UAfl i- CLEAKSS TICE BIC0D AKD CViiK TUt llCi Invalia's, Kallirrx, Plot tiers, Pliyalclana, PI. linn I li i .; tt . rcitil tlivlr KfTreli, Bii.l Jli.Isr if tlirir Virtues. yiAi run cli:e of ITcHilacIie, Siek Iiendr.c'jc,1"oiil Stomarh. I iiMirai, y,nr 1. I'r.. J.C. ATtr Sir: 1 lmo l-A.n rvpeei.xllv ru-e.l of !l, t n-i. l-.-i1v l,r i 4rt w c. yi-er 1'ilip. It i-.-H I. r.rU-! t"-,n. a ti-n! st.,iTTi-h. brji d-y ilmiM .it ,-. If t'.y nu, cut uU.nc t t! 0 r:. . V Iii,- w r. ,: -i, Uri' ipp. V jiu villi g.-iu; r-i-c:. D. V pr.KI.LE. Cir-: : S.'sncr CInw. Eiliou Disorders: nnil Liver Comp'ninl. I"i.!"rTrTr rr tn Isnrje, i jiei-i..Tos, V. C. 7 b, 1. fvlf : I Is'.f ni- v,.nr in in u:y ,T.t Kl iin-l IkiiIIaI ur-tii, v-.r .iti.-r v-;- flim. a.i 1 uuir-t hesitaieto . y t!t.-v arp I(:.- I ;-r t;.finrtir wo pnii l' y. Tlieir r.n-!:-'iM t h-. !i.!i iu ll p '.Vrr 1. ,1-i, V nn-! tl. -ikl. cw.wq.ifr.it It lie y ni- tr .diii;..i: 1 r-inf ly f-jr i1:'rui.iEuen' of Ibst iii;.ir. Il'.'.-'.I. 1 -i-ioiu t up I r- 4 bittous dis- r-JM SO I'rft. It '.:! i. r- '.-'v .! to tll-T. I 'ruu rnaliv yu.-,i. ALj.VZO BALI, M. P. '".ynom cf tf,e jn IktOj. Dysentery. Eilat, r.nl "VVorme. pfr u IT", I! :Vt tjv. Cj , Vtcf Ncv. if, I S 1'.'.. Atr.": V,-;,r Pi::s nrv liie i-.Tfrriii'ii t:f n:tl!rMi. Tle. b: d.v.i? my if- ivrie p:il than I un tei! you. t-lic'liml -" eit t. ami iinini; ant fr w.-Mitln. Went oil t, Im .J. , -jyf,l u: ereat est , t . l cot no tttier. M.s then Cfiim.ent-e-l l.-k'tiz yotu which vn cured lisr, lv exibl..-i ln;e q:.niiH i t nonnJ (.ier. I; ftviu bcr U -H. Tl, - aftcinaids cun-l h.'r and t-ur two rliliJren cf l'i,Hi-iy fiysi-iilH-y. I no of e.tr iieililrs Pad it tail. ar.d ry Tif -'ir'J ttiui tn, iK---i 'A xj:t I'VA. lul ofl.prs R'niiirl us at. I firm firf lo ie::t !uI'aT. ,USve l-il's. anl 1-I ii:..."i liuin. m itl-g.-.t I'Oo.g citrJ entirv!? CTe-.i iiifr.. ..cli n tvf-l.cii:tr ns xv.u, w loch ts arinally p--ji.il and heiiest. Ik! p.et I r e. CK-.. J. 5l!iriTS. P.f!Pia!4r. XniEjrrtioii mid Impurity of tlif. HlooJ. tV-n lir. J. V. K met, Plftr cf Al-evl Oivrvh, Itt,m. la. Ann: I bii. i:.t yo.r l'.lls Willi exlnnrriinary .,-,., w. ii .I;v r,.!t-,:. i i riumt't ;hiwfr I :uu fwii;t in ,!isi.T-?. Ti i' Cii!'e il-.e on-Aiis of ica anil purify I liny a-f t!,c xy l"t ir-mi!y I linr f -r X NOV'. :.!; 1 I rill rrff; VlKlv reOOIUn.f'.il llirm to HIT f.i.... U. Vonif. ' J. V. 1UMKS." Wiltiw. vevuvr. Cc. N. Y.. Oct. 24, : I .u I'fcft-g yi.ur r.-.tl ;i; li I iiis in ti.Tfre, ice. soil liu.t U.-m -.in n. rilent :itrpitiv I . cleHiura Uis V,N-.. .11, ! t ,,:i:,- li.t fuiint.i us of i!,i- tk.t. Jiil tl- MKACIIAM, V. I. Er j sipp.ns, ScrofHlr!. Kins' Evil, Teller, 'I iinmrs, nnd Salt lihrnin. r-.x a ri-.-,.;(.Vf .iVrc'-cf of Ixmis. r.b. 4. int. Pr. Aria: V .ur ViVn uio t?i w-ti of all Hiat Is ;. t 1 1. ui . 'ii'r e. 1 1: y l.avi- nire l my little ia.ii;l'T f r.l.."-vu iorii nj.c!5 bin s.a.i that hal frwv4 '.in.i-nl'le f.T T.r-. lUt li.n'lipT liM ben lof.f c irro: r !,! i ill; l''. !-.lii i kiid I'impk oo htr akin and in i-r tiair. Aftfr enr tlnM was cured, el.p also tr!il vottr l'i,i. .t,i ;l...v '.im ci.rc-l l.ur. ASA MOHGKIIKikV. I.l t uii;atiMii, Ncuialia. und Cont. F ,.m tr,i J.'. r. l-r. ji'.ir' rs. rf Ct .1.'-'i.ii I'piS Cn,uc&. Vi i.-.Kl I.'eisi. Sj.Vi.siAi!. G l, Jen. 6. 1.:C I'um i !ii: sK'iiM u i.i.iktf.il for rl nrlirf ymir kiil bn I'riMT-i.t :ue if ! i!r '. iwt rrj" rt Hiy ctLs yon. A o!! -1 i Inl in I. y ,::ni,t in nt bioiiLl.l .nt ricirrwiipj i.-.n '.. p.i:..i. h 1..;. ,1 in cl.mtiic tl:evn.atisic. .t iv i. ; . sa mil r'. 1 I a i! I l i f -hyi.-i.-oa. tie liiw f" u M.Mir ii: i km .v. ii-Hi!. t y tl.i fi' "r .jf jrer l n: .-j-.it i.i i:!tiiin'ir. 1'r. Mui,-iir.i,. 1 iir,'yi'r Pill. T!:ri. fl!-ct riri!t,h:l ;ur. Ty J-Cl .nn m i'll in tlx) llfi t.f It.-Ui 1 .Oil ll.'W rTilirHy rr!l. orji ,ir C"ttr.ra. War, n Itoinv. I.s 5 Dee.. I'n. Al? : I f Ii-. ii . l.!iily rn 1 l yli.in l-lll iif r.!it-.ii,i.iii-. ijont u itftil iii-.ko tl.il 1 !) iif '.ulp'i rae -.. VINCENT H l!'l I L. Ior Propsy, Ulethom, ur Linilred t on .Inliili, i..,.i!ic tn kiliv ... p-, Uiry sir an Mni I.I I "Jl!-1 v. I'.r Coslivf iirr s or C i!Mipnti'ii, pnd a ll:iMt r rill, il..., a'v .:i-,mM ami rnrii.al. I'i;, Sii;jr'vsiiMi, I'hmiI) ki, Inflrtktim.'i Con. ai.J .-i-.i llrniix'sa. h.,i I'antal Itllml. Iihv Ik-n ,iu-p,j .y n, r klKriat.ic kcli'-n ot tlu l-i'l. M nf t!. n ,r, rt 'n'ain Ml-fl.rT. , kl- ll.K'i.li n i.iWi,,:.U ..-ir :, , kii , i him,;., u !:.iik.os vi n i:l -In J "lit. i . . 1 1 1 i!,e ,',i.',,l!ul r- iiinjin i.ch ifii fr-:-"nt!y Itilii,'- i' hif-.iiiti'i.K ii. '11,,'M ri'iitsiti no uitrr iMM vi niilM'lii b.it'KIM.irv kli:U-lrr. AVER'S niKIUsV ri-CTORAL rois tim uaiip ct i:F r v COtt;HS,(OI,II, II!) Alt SK.M-, lKI.I -KN7..I. l:ltIN( III! IS, AMIOOPINU I'UVtni, fllDl'P, AM II.MA, 1. flPIKXT IOM-UI PTKI.V, "ti t for V.:r r iti f of -"ii-ninptiv ik.1i nts in silrsiicwt of the 'l.wBf. We iikrii n.it ppruk tn tli .iV1lc of lis vlrttiks. Tliiv.it-liunl k,.i-y town, ami nlnuvl eik.y lm.nl' t r tb Amtli-im Stales, lis Tvinlkrln! r..ii' ut i:liii":ikr cvtn plkiiua bate nta,'. tl alrrndy aiK-si-ii.'' Nky. fr w ate lbs f.iniili- in aiiy ciilioJ rii:iitiy i. llii n iiiii.nl will i tit ki.inp iki.tHl rxri'ii.-nre ofi' 'rmvis; suit frkrr yet Ilia rumiiitiiiitini n.n uln-v, l,i. Ii i,i. 1 't iirinn Ihrm k"i"" liiiti(t tr.Thy of il vi, tury rr the kut-llr ami hin frkrn.is ilis.'kw T tin. Ilmv.t n.'i.l l...ir. W I.IV il Is tba m.ikt pouerlid Btitl-V.'.' ! ki. -u In n' f..r the fornil .lkt,!i' ami (lmi-in.ii il:M-r of Hi 'lilni"ikry orckna. it l almj llii Ii.ji.nuti-it ami i.f.-f-t r.'i.ilj tl.nl'rau t km I'l.'yeil f.ir l. tni.ls ami y,..it'ii fom'-ns. Parrnta khotiM , .afl It in Mot fiukot.t liii iniliiKs fiii'iny (but steals n;i'U lSi"i.i ii t.i n tiv'.. Ye l.s n'-Linlai't rivnnds lo t-iivk tiik in r.RT l't(T.'Ai. snxrs mors lirn l. tba ma n..i.ii..ii. it i..,nt O.s.i iIkh' it .lam.. Kk'ni It t-y yov. m.,1 rmr iir .- l.l wliilr tl.y ar i'iiiaUh-. v,it Mt Irct tlii .n niitii nu Imniul. rU ill run tnntt-r Hi." Iim xihsIIs csiiki r tlmt. tiiMi-'unl on Il. Vila's, cars yiair life aTJ". All kn.ia Die .tiTn lful titlaiity of Ihiir (bsoril.ta. sihI as thny Vnow m Hie viHnu of ivnn-.lv. - riwil not do more than to am.iv tbrni It i still rualla th Its! It ca b'. V span no roM. l.o raf. " toll to jirfH'.'T It 'hs Bins! poi fv.'t p.ii1'V sn l tbi.i hil.n '. r.'. . - n te'y oa tt tfir I tit a'iit alu li our klil mi t.:rrii fui U.rir cuia PKtPARFD EY IiH. J. C. AVER, Practical and Analytical Cntirout. LoweJ, AX l SOLD h 1 M A Frank, and C. 1. Wim..-. C: J C. Brenner. Morri.sdiilo ; P. W rorreit. I.u.hera burs: J. B. Segncr, UurensiUo, and 1t dear through tbe wanrrr. srys ti, IP. . kW-tv v jMnan-y a - . - ! swaikii' in i V ' f t .' srAW