THE JOURNAL. CLEARFIELD, PA., MARCH 18, F857. . STATE COHVEKTIOir. .The citizen of Pennsylvania who are oppo sed to tha extension of Slavery and to the oth er equally obnoxious principles of the incom ing National Administration, as announced in the Cincinnati platform ; who are opposed to the union of church and State, the exclusion of the Bible from our Common Schools, and in fa?ot f protecting the ballot box from the corrupt influences by which the will of the peoplo was defeated in the recent State and I'rrkidcntial elections, are requested to elect delegates, equal in number to the present rep resentation in the Senate and House of Repre sentatives, to meet in the Hall of the House of Representatives, at rjarrisburg, on Wednesday th 25th day of March next, at 12 o'clock M., to nominate candidates for Governor, Judge of the Supreme Court and Canal Commissioner,to be supported at the ensuing October election. David Taggart, Francis Jondan, John R. Harris, S. P. M Calmont, James J. Lewis, E. V. Dickev, De Lorma Irabrie, C. E. Hoffman, Paxson Tickers, E.P.Shaw, W. Warner, - Isaac B.-nson, John II. Wintrode, John II. Vanvoorbls, A. W. Crawford, - R. B. Moor bead, A. Nine, T. Struthers, C. S. Kauflrnan, Hiram Cleaver, John C. Sloan, J. G. Shiiman, Jonas Augustine, John Musselman, C. S. Eystcr, T. J. Coffey, Joseph Brown, Andrew Gregg, Jos. D. Pownall, L. Reed, John R. Peters, Jas. B. Backhouse, Nich. Voeghtly, Jr., P. W. Housekeeper, James Penrose, W. A. Crabb, John Pnrccll, - Glenni W. Scofleld, James M. Sellers, E. D. Gazzam, John Witherow, G. J, Ball, Chas. B. Penrose, W. E. Frazer, George T. Thorn, J. Dock, S. B. Chase, Samuel Kerr, David Mumma, Jr., S. S. Bishop, John M. Gibboney, John A. Hiestand, Henry Souther, John Wright, W. E. Stevenson, Wra. Hamilton, John W. Killingcr, D. A. Finney. Ilarrisburg, Feb. 21st, 1857. CLEARFIELD COUNTY. All persons in Clearfield connty favorable to the above call, and who are sincerely opposed to Locofocoisra, are requested to meet in County Convention in the Borongh of Clear field, on Saturday the 21st day of March, at 2 o'clock, p. m. to select one Senatorial and one Representative Delegate to the above Conven tion, and to transact some other business of importance. Each Borough and Township are requested to send three or more delegates. March 11. MANY. According to a report made to the Board of Revenue Commissioners at Ilarrisburg, Clear field county is the fourth in the State in re spect to the number of acres within her boun daries, having 750,000. Those having a larger number of acres ares Luzerne 890,000, Mc Keaa 805,000 and Bradford 751,000. The val uation agreed upon by th Board, fixes the amount of property in this county subject to taxation at $1,432,615. Thc Weather, during the last few days, has moderated considerably, and the snow, under the warm rays of the mid-day sun, has to a great extent disappeared. The dams in the river were still covered with ice on yesterday, but the action of the water was wearing it away rapidly. With the present stage of water, it will doubtless require some rain to make a good rafting flood. We understand that the Presbyterians of Clearfield and Curwcnsrille have finally deter mined up on giving Rev. James H. Baird, for merly of Toledo, Ohio, but more recently of Philadelphia, a call as pastor for the congre gations at the places named. Gone to Iowa. Hon. Alex. Irvin, J. B. McEnally, Esq., and Mr. David B. Rodkey, of this place, started this morning for Iowa. They contemplate purchasing lands and loca ting warrants. We wish them good luck. Caged. A man named Dunham was lodged in the jail in this place, on last Thursday eve cine;, charged With improper intimacy with the "better hair' of another man, who lives out in Sinnaraahoning. CDuring rafting, it i likely that we will miss issuing thc Jovrnal one week. G7""Congrcss, on adjourning, appropriated 520,000 to renew the furniture In the Execu tive mansion ; also $11,000 for the repair of the public grounds in Washington. C7""An idea of the amount of letter writing In the Uuited States may be inferred by the number of postage stamps sold, which, during the last year was one hundred and fifty mil lions. CyTfce Northern Independent, a progressive Methodist paper, started to represent the more decided anti-slavery sentiment of that body, has in six months attained a circulation of 10,000. The principal editor is the Rev. "William llosmer. K7"Holders of Lancaster Bank notes, says the Lancaster Examiner, should understand that if they demand payment at the bank, and have an endorsement to that .cfleet made by the cashier, the notes 60 presented will bear ix pfcr cent interest until paid or until a final dividend is made of the assets. The notes, it will be understood, will bear interest only from the time payment is demanded : and those on which no demand is made, will of course not bear interest. . E7"The New York Tribune says, thai the Pope has made to us another consignment of a portion of his refractory subjects. Fifteen men, released from prison and sent to this country at the expense of the Tapal treasury, have just arrived. These exiles will forthwith be forwarded to Scranton, Pa., to join their compatriots, where employment will be given them the expense of their transit being de frayed by the American Industrial Asso ciation. ET"The question of pay and allowances to Lieut. Gen. Scott was fortunately settled dur ing the closing hours of the late session of Congress. The anearages due the veteran, it is understood, will amount to about thirty-two thousand four hundred dollars, and his annual pay and emoluments will hereafter be fifteen thousand dollars. A gratef ul nation, wo are urc, aays the National Intelligencer, will cor dially approve this proceed ing.and deem it far IvM measure of liberality than of Justice. . CLIPPINGS AND SCRIDBLINGS. lijNot as pleasant as it might be to edit a paper and work all day at 'case,' having at the same time a cold that makes ones head feel as big as a lager-beer barrel. C7"The Secretary of the Navy has ordered thc steam frigates Niagara and Mississippi to be equipped with dispatch, to assist in laying tho Atlantic telegraph dffble. CyHenry S. Magraw was re-elected State Treasurer on last Wednesday, by a vote of 68 to 67 cast for Jacob Dock, a member of the House from Philadelphia. E70n the 8th ultimo, Sirs. Mary Taylor, of Hampshire county, Va., seeing an eagle mak ing havo; among a flock of geese, seized a club and striking the national bird, killed it on the spot. JXT" W. A. Williams, Esq., of McKean coun ty, has bjen appointed Representative Dele gate to the Union State Convention, on the part of McKean and Elk counties, and John F. Donaldson, of Tioga, as Senatorial Dele gate, by Tioga, Potter, McKean and Elk. C7Long John Wentworth, as he is familiar ly called, who was formerly a locofoco mem ber of Congress, and a leading politician of that party in Illinois, but now a Republican, was elected Mayor of Chicago on the 3d inst., by a majority of 1,100 ; the balance of the Re publican ticket has still a larger majority. KyThe Legislature of South Carolina has amended thc Constitution so as to require a previous United States citizenship of ten years, as well as a previous residence in that State of two years, as a qualification for voting. The bill was passed by a large majority. Well done for the locofoco State of South Carolina. KT"We find that seme persons have fallen into error relative to the extra session of the U. S. Senate, supposing it to bo an extra ses sion of Congress. The 34th Congress expired on the 3d of March by Constitutional limita tion, and the extra session of the Senate was necessary to confirm the Cabinet nomina tions, &c. C7A great bargain. The ship Adriatic, of New York, of 2,C00 tons and only five months old, which was lately stranded near Dungar von, Irish Channel, was sold, hull and cargo, for '1510 and has since been got off and taken into Queenstown. When repaired and tigged afresh, it is thought she will be worth fully $50,000. C7"John C. Patterson, an eminent lawyer of Wilmington, Del., assisted by his friends gave a French gentleman from New Orleans an awful beating one evening last week, because he had been in the habit of walking out with his, the lawyers wife, late at night. Mrs. Pat terson, one of the most beautiful women in the city, has gone home to her parents. C?The annual Appropriation Bills which passed the House of Representatives before its adjournment appropriated over $35,000,000. This includes $13,000,000 for the army : $12, 000.000 for the Navy ; ' $1,500,000 for steam mail lines ; $2,000,000 for fortifications ; and 5 orm $'3,000,000, for civil 'services, such as coast surveys, capitol extension, custom bou ses, JtC. E7A Monster Gold Nngget. The Sidney Morning Herald' states that a nugget of gold was recently found at Louisa Creek, New South Wales, the value of which is estimated at $20,000. It weighs auont five hundred, but thero is very little gold visible on the surface. This is tho largest nugget of gold yet discov ered in the world. Its discovery produced quite a sensation. C7"The three candidates on the' locofoco State ticket were all formerly printers. Gen. Packer began life as a printer boy : Judge Lewis started in life as a printer, and for a time edited a paper in Lycoming county ; and Mr. Strickland was for fifteen years editor of the West Chester Republican. This, taken in connection vAh the fact that our new U. S. Senator, Gen. Cameron, as well as his compet itor, John W. Forney, were formerly both printers, looks as if our profession was not on ly much respected, but very influential in the Keystone State. nyjlaa a time of it the editor of the War ren Ledger, in trying to collect. After two days' unceasing effort, he got a note from a chap who owed him. and traded it off for a pair of butes," in which ho determined to give his delinquents chase as long as they will hold together. In his last paper he gives two of his Democratic legal patrons a dig." One owed him $10,50 and the other $4. He says he came pretty near trading oil' thc large ac count for a jack-knife, but as he gave the sharp dealer tho choice, he took the smaller bill, and so has. it on hand yet. Ray ther hard col lecting out in Warren, we should think. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of Administration on the e.tateof James L. Flegal, late of Goshen township, Clcarficd county. Pa., deceased, having been granted to the subscri ber, all persons indebted to tho said estate, are re quested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same, will pressnt them properly authenticated lor settle ment. JOHN A. L. FLEGAL. Adra'r. March 18, 1857-Gt-p. Goshen tp.' 171 OR RENT OH SALE, (the latter prcferr . ed.) the former residence of the subscriber, one mile west of Clearfield, on the Pike leading to Luthcrsburg, with about B acres of ground, 6 of whi':h are cleared, and in a good state of cultiva tion ; buildings about 32 by 40 feet ; a good chain pump at the door; and stabling sufficient for three homes and threo cows, as well as all the out-build-in fru tha t are necessary for the accommodation of a family. Terms will bo made reasonable, by March 11 -tf L. R. CARTER. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned Auditor, appointed by tho Court of Common 1'le s of Clearfield county, to "distributo the pro ceeds of the sale of the store of 11. M. Stevenson A Co. to Thos. Ralston, after the 20th December, 1855, pro rata, among tho Philadelphia creditors of It. M. Stevenson t Co.." will attend for that purpose at the office of M. A. Frank. Esq., in the borough of Clearfield, on Saturday the 21st March intr when all those interested can present their da ms E- S. DUNDY, marl I Auditor. FISH! FISH!! Superior Mackerel -and Herring just received ana opening ai me cheap Cash store of Richard Moesop in Oesrfiold, 1,0 " " -THS-ttJlET PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. ' On and after Monday, Feb. 23d,lS57, passenger trains will leave Tyrone station as follows : West. East Fast Line, 1.S7 A. M. 8.55 P.M. Express, . 8.23 A. M. 3 A.M. Mail, 6.21 P. M. 2 T. M. OBINS EXPECTORANT, COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY. TOR THC CURB OF Bronchial affections,Chugks, Colds, Pleurisy, Bron chitis, Asthma, and all other diseases of the throat and lungs, except Consumption. This invaluable remedy is no quack nostrum, but is prepared from the recipe of a regular physician, who during a practice of twenty-five years, used it with unpxr alleled success. It is a combination of expecto rant remedies, simple in their character and usod by every educated physician. It is easily taken, produces no nausea or other disagreeable effects, and gives almost immcdiute relief. In this ever changing climate, where coughs and colds so fre quently end in consumption and death, no family should be without this certain cine. It would be easy to follow in the wake of the ven ders of patent medicine, and multiply certificates got up for the occasion, of miraculous cures, but no such adventitious aid is necessary in introducing this preparation to tho public. Its real value, and never failing success, in accomplishing all promis ed for it, cannot but give it a wide circulation, and rceotnuiend It to all those afflicted with diseases for which it is a remedy. Price 37 Cents per Bottle. Prepared exclusively bv THOMAS ROBINS, Druggist, - March 4, 1857.-tf Clearfield, Pa. WEST BRANCH FIRE INSURANCE COM PANV, LOCK HAVEN, CLINTON CO., PA. CAPITAL, S300,000. Insures Detached Buildings, Stores, Merchandise and other buildings and their contents. directors: non. John J. Pearce, Hon. O. C. Harvey, John B. Hall, T. T. Abrams, Charles A. Mayer, 1). K. Jackman, Charles Crist, W. White Peter Dickenson, Thomas Kitchen. Ho.n. G. C. HARVEY, Prfs't. Thos. Kitchen, Scc'y. T. T. Abrams, Vice Prest The undersigned having been appointed a gent by this company, gives notice that he will insure Buildings of every description, Goods, 4c, on the most reasonable terms. This company is in a prosperous condition, and meets all demands promptly. The capital stock of the company is $100,000 with privilege of increasing to $300,000. A. M. MoNTELICS. Curwensvillo, Pa.; Aug. 20, 1856-6mp REMOVAL. JOSHUA S. JOHNSON, CABINET HIAKFR, has removed his shop to the new building of John Troutman, on Market street, where he will keep on hand or manufacture to order, (of superior finish,) every variety of Household and Kitchen H Ml TUBE, such as Tables, Bureaus, Safes, Stands Cupboards, Sofas. Bedsteads, 4c. of every stylo and variety, which he will dispose of at cheap rates as any o ther establishment of the kind in the county. Call and examine his furniture, and judge for yourselves of its quality and finish. JOSHUA S. JOHNSON. Clearfield, Pa., December 17, 1856. CA. SCIIAFFNER, LUMBER MERCHANT. MARIETTA, Of the firm of Liudsey Sckaffuer, Timber Inspectors, Respectfully offers bis services to the Timber men of the West Branch in the spring, to take charge of the Timber of those who are desirous of returning home and to their business again. From his knowl edge of the business he feels confident of being able to obtain the highest market rates, of all con signments entrusted to him. All attention paid to Timber left to his care after the spring business. As for reference would refer to James B. Graham, Esq. Wm. Powell, Coi,. Jons Patches. Marietta, February 4, 1857-2m. MANSION HOUSE, Clearfield, Pa. The undersigned respectfully announces to thc public that he has leased the above Hotel in Clear field borongh, and that he is prepared to accom modate all who may favor him with their custom. His house is commodious and convenient, and his tnblo shall be supplied in the best manner possi ble. No effort will be spared to render general satisfaction. By strict attention to business, and to tbi wants and comfort of his guests, he expeotg to secure a liberal share of patronage. febir-'57 DAN. M. WEAVER. VD.MIN ISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of Administration, on the estate of John Ad derson, late of Pike township, Clearfield county. Pa., deceased, having been granted to the subscri ber, all persons indebted to the said estate, are requested to make immediato payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will present thein, properly authenticated for settle ment. JOilM Li. Ki-A, Administrator, rih. 4, 1856-Gt-p New Mil 'pert. A DMIN ISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of Administration on the Estate of James Sharp, late of Pike township, Clearfield county, Pa., deceased, having been granted to thc under signed ; all persons indebted to said estate are re quested to make immediate payment, and those haviug claims against the same will present them, properly authenticated for settlement. JOHN PATTON, Administrator, Feb. 4, lS57-6t-p Curwensvillo. C'Cnf I Ort BJ a resolution of tbo Board of JOUl,UU School Directors of the Bor ough of Clearfield, the undersigucd were appoint ed a committee to negotiate a loan not exceeding Eight Hundred Dollars. Persons having about that amount which they desire to invest for sever al years and realize interest regularly can apply to L. J. CHANS, or March 4,1357. R. J. WALLACE. CAUTION . All persons arc cautioned a gainst meddling with the following property, now in possession of Wm. Currv, Sr. and Samuel Curry, of Knox township, as the same belongs to me and only left with the said Curry's on loan. One bay llorso. One bay Mare. One sorrel Mare, Two setts cf Harness, and Two Cows. 11. D. PATTON. Curwcnsville, Dec. 10, 1856-jan7-'S7-3in M O X E Y WILL BE PAID FOR 500 BUSHELS OATS, at tho highest market price, delivered to A. M. HILLS, Clearfield Borough. feb25 . GOOD INTENT HOTEL. Tho subscriber having taken this well known HOTEL in the borough of CurwensviUe, wishes his old customers and the travelling public generally to give him a ealt, as he has the best establishment of the kind in the county. He hopes to give general satisfaction. CurwensviUe, Augl4-'a9 JOS. PETERS. BACON, PORK, LARD, x BUTTER, SALT, and WHITE BEANS, kept constantly on band and for sale by JOSEPH R. IRWIN. Cloarfield. dcc2t-,55 QUEENSWARE A superior lot of Fancy and Common Queensware now opening and for sale at the most reasonable prices at the store of RICHARD MOSSOP. BLACK, Imperial and Young Hyson Teas of the best quality to be had at the lowest caoh T rioo at MOSSOP'S. ! HARDWARE and Cutlery just received aud now oponing at Mossop s cheap oash store in Clearfield ' febll rRON'. Iron of alt kinds, to be had low at the L Store of H. D. Patton, in CurwensviUe. W HEAT F I. O U R for sale at f Jmn241 MERRELL A CARTER'S LARGE lot of Family Grocriee just receiving atMosaqp'sia 01rfiald. rbll.'7 EVANS AND COMPANY'S GREAT Gll'T BOOK SALE, - i ft a ttrnndwav. New York. Ftii4 Gold Jctaelry Given Aunty to Purchasers of . . . boons. All Books will be sold as low as can be had at oth er Stores, many of them for Jess. New books re ceived daily.. A Gift varying in value from 25 cts to $1.00, given with each book at tho time it is sold. Having on hand a very large stock of tteur and val uahle boots, and as our motto is "Large sales and small profits," we are determined to give our cus tomers better bargains than can be had elsewber . Any book published in New York or Philadelphia will be promptly sent, gift included, on receipt of publisher's price. Catalogues of Books and Pre sents, containing full explanations will be sent free to all parts of the country. . - The most tibtral iiutucrmrnts are effeTed to A gents. Any person by sending us an order for ten Books. With money enclosed, will be entitled to an C2-r Book atid Gift. All orders for books, con taining money, (to ensure perfect safety,) should be registered at the Post-office where they are mailed, and directed to Evans & Co., 409 Broad way, New York. liKFKRKNrB. M. Thomas k Sons, South Fourth St, Philadelphia; J. B. Lippencott 4 Co., Phila delphia ; 1). Appleton & Co., Broadway. N.York; Derby A Jackson, Nassau Street, New York. VWSnui for a Catalogue. EVANS 4 Co. Principal Store, 409 Broadway, New York. Branch stores at 126 Chestnut street. Philadel phia, and at Washington. 1. C. Docl7 'Am GULICH & BENNER, would respectfully inform the citixeus of Clearfield, and public generally that they have entered into co-partnership in the , CABINET MAKING BUSINESS, and keep constantly on hands, and manufacture to order,- at the lowest prices, every variety of furniture, consisting of Dining, Breakfast, aud Centre Tables, Sewing, Writing, and. Wash-Stands, Mahogany and . Common Bcd-slcadt ; Mahogony and Cane-bottomed Chairs, Bureaus, Sofas, Lounges, to., Ac. Coffins made and funerals attended on tbo short est notico, with a neat hearse, and appropriate accompany mcnts. House Painting done on the shortest notice. Shop and Ware-rooms, same as formerly occupi ed by John Gulich, mearly opposite the 'Jew Store,' Cloarfield. Pa JOHN GULICH. May 22, '55.-ly. DANIEL BENXER. DOCTOR K E L L I N G ' S CANCER INSTITUTE, For tho Treatment of Cancers, Tumors. Wees, Ulcers, Scrofula, any Growth or Sore. Chronic Diseases, generally, can be cured (if curable,) with out surgical operation or poison. For all particu lars write, state diseases plainly, and enclose twenty-five cents for advice. All letters must have a postage stamp enclosed to pro-pay answer. Med" icinc can be sent any distance. Address C. L. KELLIXG, M. D Mcchanicsburg. Cumberland Co , Pa. tlsrM echanicsburg is 8 miles from Ilarrisburg, on the C. V. Railroad, and accessible from all parts of the Union. Old and young, poor and rich, come all we will do you good. To those afilictcd who cannot visit me per sonally, I will send, per mail, on receipt of S5.00 only, a Recipe to prepare Medicine, with full di rections for use, Jtc. State all particulars. Ad dress as above. February 18, 1857-6m A VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. . I desire to sell my property iu Tyrone City, Blair Co. Pa., commonly known as the Tyrone City Hotel. Comprising as follows : One large three story brick4iouse. Sixty feet, two fronts, and finished off in complete style. A large and extensive stable, an excellent wash house and other necessary out-buildiugs. There is also, on the same Lots, one frame house, with out-buildings attached, now renting for one hun dred and thirty dollars per annum. The whole stands upon three valuable Lots as in the plot of said town, and anorus several very eligible loca tions for store, offices, tc to. The whole will be sold on reasonable terms. And to any person, de siring an investment, or speculation, now is the chance. Private reasons caute me to sell this val uable property, which is every day increasing in value, inquire of Caleb buyer, or tbo subscriber J. D. STEWART. Tyrone City, Sept. 19. I855.-tf. WEAVER, F1TLER & CO., No. 19 North Water Street, Philadelphia, Dealers in Carpet Chain, Yarn, MANILLA AND HEMP ROPES, Bed-cords, Clothes-lines, c, &e. January 1. 1857. 1 year-p. T O O K HERE ! The undersigned has JL-i heat. Rye, Corn, Oats, Bacon, Fish, Salt, Plaster nnd Dried Apples, also a general variety or -Merchandise. to EXCHANGE FOR GOOD BOARDS AND SHINGLES. J. II. HOMMER. March ll'itp Water Street, Hunt, co., Pa fjlO CARPENTERS. Proposals will be re JL coived up to the first of April next, for doing tne carpenter work of a plank frame dwelling house, to be built on the River bank at Curwens viUe, sizo 24 by 68 feet. Plan and specifications cau c seen bv calling at the otUoe or the subscn ber at Curweusville. WM. IRVIN. Curwensvillo, March 11, 1857. IMPORTANT. The person who received, on last Court week, irom the undersigned, at Mr. Lank-h's corner iu Clearfield, a letter directed to S U. Diller. is requested to return tho same - im mediately or leave it at tho "Journal'' office, if it is yet in "his possession, or give information of what he did with it. C. JEFFRIES, marll 3t UNION CANA L. This work having been en larged throughout to admit the largest sized Pennsylvania Canal Boats : the water will be let in from Middletown to Reading, on the 1st day of A pril. Toll Sheets and information respecting the Canal can be obtained at the office of the compa ny. No. 56 Walnut Street. Philadelphia, on appli cation to R. BUNDLE SMITH, iiiarll-3t . President, &e. F OR SAL.E. The subscriber will offer bv public sale, at 2 o'clock P. M. on Saturday the 28th March, one half acre of ground in the town of New Washington, with a two-story frame House, frame stable and other buildings thereon. Terms made known ou the day of sale, bv JOHN M. KIDDLE, for thehcirsof Hugh Riddle, dee'd. Burnsido township, March 11, 1857. 17JOR SALE A two-story frame House, with a half acre of land adjoining, situate in Law rence township, on the road from Clearfield to CurwensviUe, about 1 J miles from Clearfield. For terms apply to Zubad Lawhcad, Lawrence town ship, or to the subscriber. L. JACKSON CRANS, junei Clcarfiol'l, Pa. ESTATE OF JANE KLINE, UKC'D. Letters of Administration on the estate of Jane Klino, late of Bradford township, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all per sons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will mako payment immediately, and those hav ing claims against the same will present them du ly authenticated for settlement. JOHN WILSON, Adm'r. Bradford Tp.. Feb. 25. 1857. BACON! BACON!! BACON!!! A PRIME ARTICLE, Kept constantly on hand and for sale at the store of febll-'5 WM. F.IRWIN. WANTED 100 BUSHELS WHITE BEANS, for which the highest price will be given by MERRELL A CARTER. . Clearfield. Deo. 17. DAFT STOVES for sale very low at leoll Jl.tvttr.LLi A CAtvTKK S. A LOT of good WINDOW SASH, 10 by 12. for rlLOCKSI CLOCKS !! Eight day, thirty hour wwm wr Bute ai mossop s more. ieo 1 1 TlOLASSES Beit Svruo at 114 cent a ralloa IfX as - - (febll JfWeOPi T71XTENSIVE MARBLE YARD, Hi AT TYRONE CITY, PA. Havins just received alo of the beet eastern Mar- Die that cau be procured Mi me ruuauei phia Yards, I am now ready to furnish all kinds of work iu our line, vis : Mon- nnmnt. Tntnti-Tahleii. Mnrhle Door-stcns. Lintels, Mantle-pieces. Centre-Table, Card-Table, Bureau-tons. Ac. of either American or liauan Marble. ri?N. B. All ordersscntbv mail, wompt- ly attended to. We will not bo boat either Htwork or prices. raec24-' I. LLREY M. A. Frank, Esq.. Agont, Clearfield, Pa. CLEARFIELD INSTITUTE. The third quarter of tho presentschool year of this Insti tution will commence on Monday, February 9lh, 1857. Persons wishing to fit themselves for College, Teachers, Commercial or other avocations in life, will here receivo every desired facility. A thor ouzh Scientific and Classical eourse is here given on terms lower than in similar Institutions in the State. Parents at a distancs can oltAin boarding for their sons and daughters under the immediate care of the Principal, where they will receive rare advantages, with all the comlorts and pleasures oi borne; and their morals will be corlully guarded. It is particularly desirous that pupils for the ap proaching term be pres. nt at its commencement, to select their scats and be properly arranged in tneir respective classes. Further information and Catalogues of the In stitute can be had hy addressing, W. A. t,'Aill'U.tL.. I'rmcipal. Aug. 20, 1350. Clearfield. Pa. F A L L AND WINTER STYLES ! at the sign of the "CHEAPEST GOODS," Market Street, Clearfield, Fa. The undersigned has just received and opened at his store room, a large and well selected stock of Seasonable Goods, which bo offers at thenioet rea sonable prices to purchasers. His stock embraces JJKV UOODS. J1AKD WAUK, yihb.ValVARJS, GROCERIES, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Ac. He respectfully invites all who wish to purchase Goods at low prices to give him a call. Approved country produce taken in exchange for goods. Persons wishing to purchase, and receive a fair equivalent fur their money, will do well to give him a call. Remember the sign of the CHEAPEST GOODS, on Market street, and call and be convinced that there is truth in the words thereon inscribed. WM. F. IRWIN. Clearfield, Pa.. Nov. 25, 1858 A MONEY 3IAKINO TRADE FOR ONE DOLL Alt. JEFFRIES S MANUAL OF PROFITABLE USEFUL TRADES, ARTS AND OCCUPATIONS. WITHOUT A MASTER, IS NOW READY FOR SALE. This isonc of the most valuable little books of the times, to all persons out of employment, as a number of money making trades and arts, can be learned without a master, beside all the genu ine and popular receipts, and instructions of the day, for the manufacture of the most beneficial, and saleable articles, now in common use. Any person forwarding one dollar post-paid, to C.JEb FRIES, JrffrUa, Ceirfield Co., Pa., or to A. II. Baumati, Tyrone, Blair Co., Pa., will receive a copy by return mail. And any person forwarding twenty-five cents, post paid, to C. J F.r fries, will receive by return mail, one of the three following instructions: How to make the celebrated artificial Hoxsr. How to raise double crops, of all kinds of vegeta bles, with little expense, and how to catch ail the Wolves, Foxes. Minks i nd Muskrats in the neigh borhood. Any person forwarding fifty cents, will receive the whole three by return mail. June 4. ISiG ly. jOOK HERE !!! LOOK HERE !!!! LAEGEST AND BEST STOCK OF PALL AND WINTER GOODS, EVER OFFERED IN CLEARFIELD COUNTY, PENN'A. The undersigned has just received from the East and is now opening at his Store in the borough of CURWENSVILLE, one of the LARGEST and must extevnvc tor of rallatid 11 tutrr goods ever offered in Clearfield county. Having select ed his goods with the especial view to thc want." of this community, and being determined to srll them at as low prices as they can be purchased any where in this section of country, he hopes to so- cure a liberal share of public patronage. His stock consist of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware. Queensware, and in fact every article kept in a country store. The largest and best assortment of Boots aud Shoes. Hats and Caps, Ready-made clo thing, ic, tc. ic. Country produce and Lumber taken in exchange for Goods. Cash not ret used. CurwensviUe Novl2-:58 H. D. PATTON. T ROADWAY COLD PEN MAN UFA C- JL TURING COMPANY., NO. 3 3 5 BROADWAY, NEIV YORK. LIST OF RETAIL PRICES : Gold Pens. SI CO Gold Tooth Picks. 2 00 Gold Pen and Silver Tooth and Ear holder, 2 00 Picks, 3 00 Gold Pen and double Gold Pencil iWatch ex-Silver holders, 3 00 Keys. 3 00 Mamouth, " 4 00 Ladies GoIdPcncils 2 00 Leviathan. " 5 00 " " 3 00 Fountain Pen, Desk " " 4 00 Holder, 3 00 "with pen 5 00 Mamouth, " 5 00 Gents' Gold Cases Engrossing Pens, 2 00 and Pens, 8 00 Leviathan and Box, 5 00 " " 10 00 Gothic Silver case 4 li Gothic ' 12 00 Pen, 3 00 " Screw Pencil, 8 00 " Engrossing " 4 00 And all other kinds and " Mamouth " 5 00 styles at retail prices. PREMIUMS PRESENTED TO PURCHASERS. To every person buying a gold pen of us we pre sent a numbered certificate, and each of these cer tificates entitles the holder of it. by the extra pay ment of 25 cents, to an article of jewelry, in value from?! toSlOO. This jewelry consists of Gold and Silver Watches in great variety. Silver Goblets, Silver Fruit Baskets. Gold Guard chains for ladies, Lockets. Bracelets, Gents' gold fob and vest chains, Thimbles. Breastpins. Ear Drops. Studs, Rings, Crosses, 4c. none of which sell for less than SI. For every Dollar jiaid us, the tarty is entitled to a numhertil certificate, and by the- payment of 25 cti. extra on each certificate he is eujttled to receive ifhatercr the number of the certificate designates.' We have been in operation for three years and thousands have bought of us, and we have never learned that any one was ever dissatisfied. Thi plan affords every opportunity of obtaining a gold watch or some article of jewelry, for a triflingsuui. All our pens, pencil cases, 4c, are genuine articles-manufactured by ourselves with great care, and offer them precisely at prices asked in all oth er stores in the city. To agents we mako advan tageous offers, and any energetic, pcrsou can do well by working for us. We wish agents in every place in the country, and persons who would like to become such will please address us. and we will send them printed circulars of prices terms, 4c We have no stated periods of distribution. The moment a pen is purchased, the purchaser is enti tled to receive his premium on the payment of 25 cents extra. MERRICK, BENTON 4 DEAN, 335 Broadway, New York. AGENTS WANTED. N. B. Gold Pens rcpointed in a superior man ner. Enclose the pen and 39 cents in P.O. stamps, and the pen will be repointed and returned post paid. The Broadway Gold Pen Manufacturing Compa well known throughout the country, but as there are undoubtedly some who are not acquaint ed with us we append the following well known firms as references : Fellows 4 Co.. No. 17 Maiden Lane, New York. Hicks 4 Mitchell, No. 20 " " Benton Bros., eor. Broadway 4 Courtland St., N. York, and Chesnut street, Philadelphia. J. H. Sturdy 4 Co., No. 5. Gilsey building. N.Y. Gould 4 Wood. No. , Maiden Lane, New York. February 4, 1857-3m. e LOVER SEED, A small lot of Clover Scpd for sale at MERRELL 4 CARTER'S. gE DOUBLE PLEASURE SLErGn three . seats ior saie oy A.M. HILLS. H OLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT, aa tm n! at A MARVELLOUS REMEDY - - FOR A MARVELLOUS AGEJ ! nOLLO WAY'S OINTMENT. THE GRAND EXTERNAL REMEDY.. ' BY the aid of a microscope, we sea millions of little openings on tho surface of our bodies Through these this Ointment, when rubbed on tha skin, is carried to any organ or inward part. Dis eases of the Kidneys, disorder of tho Livtr. affec tions of the Heart, inflammation of jha. Lungs, Asthmaa, Coughs and Colds, ara by iu moans ef-. factually cured. Every housewife tcows that salt , , passes freely through bone or. maat of any thick- : ness. This healing Ointment far mora readily ; penetrates through any bora or fleshy part of tho -living body, curing tha most dangerous inward l complaints,' that cannot be reached by other means. : r ERYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUM AND SCORBUTIC ' HUMORS. ' - ' No remedy has aver done so much for the ear -. of diseases of the skin, whatever form they msy ,' assume, as this Ointment. No ease of Salt Rhena, Scurvy, Sore Heads.' Scrofula or Erysipelas, cn long withstand iu influence. The inventor has travelled over many parts of tha globe, visiting "' the principal hosc-iuls. dispensing this Ointment. giving advice as to its application, and baa thuj been the means of restoring countless numbers la health. SORE LEGS, SORE BREASTS. WOUNDS AND ULCERS. Some of the most scientific surgeons now rely solely on the use of this wonderful Ointment, wbon - having to cope with the worst cases ot sores, nicerr wounds, glandular swellings, and tumors. Profes- , sor Holloway has. by command of the Allied gov- ernments, dispatched to the hospitals of the Last, large shipments of this Ointment, to be used un ' der the direction of the Medical staff, in the worst i cases of wounds. It will cure any ulcer, clandu- lar swelling, stiffness or contraction of the joints, even of 20 years' standing. PILES AND FISTULAS. These and other similar distressing complaints can be effectually cured if the Ointment bewail. rubbed in over the parts affected, and by otherwise following the printed directions around each pot-' . Both the Ointment and the Pills should bt used tit the following cases : Bunions, Mercurial Eruptions, Swellod Glands, Burns, Chapped Hands, Stiff Joints, Chilblains, Rheumatism, Ulcers, Fistulas. Salt Rheum,. Vcuerial Sore, Gout. Skin Diseases. Soto Legs. Lumbago, M ounds of all kinds, Scalds, Piles, Sore Breasts. Sprains, Scalds. Sorea rf all kinds. Sore Throat. Sold at the Manufactories of Professor Hol loway, 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and 214 Strand, London, and by all respectable Druggists and Dea lers of Medicines throughout thLaii4 States, and the civilized world, in Pots, at 25 cents, 62t cents, and SI each. t EThere is a considerable saving by takiac the larger sizes. N. B. Directions for the guidance of patients ia every disorder are affixed taeoch pot April v. io. AT ROBINS' LITERARY DEPOT, Shaw's Row, ClearScld. Pa.. CAN ALWAYS BE PROCURED .BOOKS OF Abb KlHDi tslationary. FANCY ARTICLES AND CONFECTI0NASIES, Tobacco and Cigars, DRUGS, MEDICINES, DYE-STUFFS, FAINTS, Chemicals, 6rc., Sre, 4-c. Among his stock will be found Histories, Biogra phies, Sketches. School Books, Poeticirl, Scientio, Mechanical, ' Medical and Law works ; the latest : publications always on hand or procured to order; all the Magazines furnished monthly, at publish ers prices; fancy acd common letter paper; plain and ruled cap paper ; perforated paper ; note pa per; fancy and common envelopes; blank Deeds; a great variety of Steel Pens ; comoto and fancy pen-holders, peiuils.4c 4c. 4c, which Lc will sell at thc most reasonable prices. His stock of Drugs, Medicines, Dye-staffs, Pai&Ji,'4 4c, is large and well selected; among which lire Calomel, Blue Mass, Quinine, Morphia. Red Pro cipitate ; Rhubarb, root and pulverized ; Hocbell aud Epsom Salts; Cream of Tartar, bulpbur, Sen- . na. Pink Root, Sup. Carbonate Soda. Tartaric A cid, Sulphate of Zinc ; Liquorice, Columbo and Gentian root; Logwood, Oil Vitriol, Blue Vitriol, -Coperas, Alum, Red Lead. Prussian Blae, Chrome Green and Yellow, Vermillion, Terra do Sienaa, and in fact a general assortment. lie has also a fine lot of Ladies' Gold Breast Pics, Ear Drops, Finger Rings, 4c. Also, Watch Guards and Keys, Penknives, Hair oils i Hair,., Reading. Fine and Pocket combs, Tooth-picks, Ra zors and Strops. Sadlcra' Silk, Pearl powder, Fan cy Soaps and Fcrfuuiery a great variety. Also, Prunes. Figs, Raisins, Almonds, Pea-nuts and Filberts ; Candies a geueral assortment ; Cin amon. Cloves. Pepper, and-other spices; Blacking, and Spool Cofton ; thc most popular Patent Med icines of the day ; all of which will be sold at tha , very cheapc-st rates. ' Call and examine the stock and judge for vour selvcs. , tdeclT THOMAS "ROBINS. EMPLOYMENT FOR TIIH "WINTER. 'The best Book far Agenti. TO PERSONS OUT OF EMPLOYMENT. An Elegant Gift for a Father t Pies at to his Family! Send for one copy, nill try it among yow friends' MTANTED Agents in every section of the Fel ted States, to circulate SEARS' LARGE TYPB QUARTO BIBLE. For Tamily Use Entitled "Tho People's Pictorial Domestic Biblo,'1 with about One Thousand Eugravings ! This useful book is defined, if we can form an opinim from the Notices of the Tre? a, to have an unprecedented circulation in every section of our continent, aud to form a distinct era in the sale of our works. It will, no doubt, ic a, few years become The Family Bitit'e of the Amer ican Pctiple. fJThc most liberal remuneration will be al lowed to all persons who may be pleased to pro cure eubbcribcrs to thc above, f rom 50 to lOtico- pics may easily be circulated and sold in each of, thc principal cities and town? in the Union. IT WILL BE SOLD BY SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Application should be made at once, as tha field will soon be occupied. Persons wishing to act as agents, and do. a safe business, can scud for a specimen copy. On tha receipt of The established price, Six Dollars, the Pictorial Family Bible, with a well bound Sub scription Book, will be carefully bexed. and for- -warded per express, at our rUk and expense, to' any central town or village ia the United Suites,, excepting those of California. Oregon, and Texas. Register your Letters, and your xuouev will come safe. wt In addition to the Pictorial Bible, we Dub'.isk a large number of Illustrated Family Works, very upuiur, ami oi suca a nign moral and unexcep tionable character, that while goad men may safe- . ly engage in their circulation, they will confer a Public Benefit, and receive a. Fair Compensation for their labor. Orders respectfully solicited.. For further par ticulars, address the subscriber, (past paid.) ROBERT SEARS. 1S1 William St.. N. Y. WILLIAM TINTIIOFF. CLOCK AN ft WATCH MAKER, Informs the citizens of CurwensviUe and vicinity that he has opened a shop between Peters' and Masons' hotels in said borough, where he is pre pared to do all kinds of work in his line oa tho shortest notice and upon the most reasonable terms. He will warrant all his work for one year. ' He respectfully solicits a share of public patron age CurwensviUe, Deo. 10, 1858- SA ?I U E L JOHNSTON. BARBER AND HAIR DRESSER would resnectfullv inform t)i r ri ' , t f J - J tear field that he has opeued a shop in "Shaw'a Row " ' in the room recently occupied by F. Short, as'a Boot and Shoe shop, where he is at all times ready to Cut Hair in tha niont fothis,.,.;.!. ...i a j Shaving in the most soUutiSc manner. Shampoo j ning a'so performed He solicits the patronage of the public. Jan. 7,1857.- He also keens on inA alun,.i f dandruff, which receives tho highest praise of J wuo use ii. - r 1 flA SACKS OF SALT, for sale by J.UU MERRELL CARTER, Dee. 10.1gj. Clearfield. P. UMBRELLAS and Parasols, a large assortmat) of the late prtMro. t be jt4 cheep at