Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, March 04, 1857, Image 4
: si 0 . For the "Raftsman's Journal. CHRIST IN THE STORM. "It Is I, be not afraid." Jems. ..How much easier it is to trust in human probabilities, than in the Divine promises. A christian woman, in a storm. TTben the lowering storm draws near, When mine eyes its blackness ee, " Then I will not yield to fear, t For my Satiour aays, 'tis he. - 2tt ns in the threat'ning storm, ' Jesus in the thundeY's voice, Jesus in the lightning's form, I Even in danger I'll rejoice. ' Yes, I hear the Saviour say. When the raging billows roar, I appoint the storm at sea, I will gnide-tbee safely o'er. Jesus, thou art ever near j - Savionr, thou art always kind ; And I won't give way to fear ; Thou canst see, though I am blind ; Thou art'rnighty, though I'm weak ; Thou wilt perfect all for ine ; In thee aU my good I seek, In thee all my good I "See. God, who worketh allin all, Works for gvod to my poor sonl ; Give the wine, or give the gall, All is right, I'll drink the whole. Sinking, then I'll heafthy voice Saying, "fear not, it is I." . In thy words I will rejoice, Till I meet theo in the'sky. There, roy Saviour, I shall s;c, TLrougu this present seeming strife, IIow thy wisdom guided me, Ilow thy power sustained my life ; How, all-loving as thou art, Thou didst draw my soul above ; Thou didst soothe my anxious heart ; Thou didst fill me with thy love. Blessed be thy blessed name, Holy, holy, holy Lord ! From thy hand my mercy cflme ; Ever be thy name adored. . Blessed Saviour, glorious King, Let thy triumphs still extend ; Let thy willing captives sing, And exulting piaise ascend. J. J. H TERMS. Tho Joitrsal is published every Wednesday at One Dollar aJ Firrr Cksts per annum in advance, or Two Doli.ai-.s within the year. Advertisements inserted at fifty cents per square, of twelve lines, for the first, and twenty-five cents for each additional insertion. A liberal deduction made to those who advertise by the year. Tho 'Term?' will-be strictly adhered to. No paper discontinued without payment of ar rearages, unless at the option of the publisher. .2fOWS TJIE TIME FOR BARGAIN'S! NEW GOODS AND NEW PRICES.!! "IJiiiek sales and small profits BAVING judt returned from the East, I would infurui my old customers and tho public in general, that! am now receiving and opening at my "old stand" a splendid assortment of Spring and Summer (joods, which I will sell a little lower than any goods heretofore sold in Clearfield, a ning which will be found MANTILLAS, a largo assortment atexceedingly low pries. hll.KS. at from 70 cents to 1,25 cents per yard. GINGHAMS, at from 11 cents to 2ieetits per yl. CALICOES, at from 5 cents to 121 cts per yard. SHAWLS a good article of Shawls, at from 62i ctr. ts to S!0, caci. BONNETS A large lot at from 50 conta to So- LADIES" GAITERS for 1,50 worth S2. " Boots, Shoes and Slippers at from C2i cent to 1.25 cents per pair. LADIES' will please call, as I have almost cve yythin"' in their line, at extraordinary low rates. GE-NTS' Boots, Shoes and liaiteis at very low rrtc. , 3ICSLTKS. at from C to 12i cents a yard. JEAN4, at 2!) cents a yard worth 40. CLOTHS lilnck, Blue, Olive, Green, and other colors, vcrv cheap. CASSIAIEKES Bla.'k and a variety of Fancy eolcrs of the latest style". VESTING.-1 a great variety of fan?y and plain. SI MMER CLOTHS, Cassimercs, Trimming.-1, and in short, a variety of alison all sorts of Gcntle rnens' and bovs' wear. Call soon, while you can have an opportunity to select from tho whole stock. All the above, and a great variety of other goods can he purchased at tho very lowest prices FOR CSH hs I have determined not to be undersold. mny21'j6 RICHARD MOSSOP. PAY TO-DAY, ASD TRUST TG-MQSEDW. 18 6 O.' THE OLD CORNER STORE OF A. M. HILLS. IS JCPTNOW JJEJNG CRAMMED with a choice selection of seasonable goods, A T THE PURCHASERS OWN PRICES. RKADY-MADE CLOTHING in great variety and f tre choicest qualities. A large variety of choice DRESS SILKS, which will be sold at city prices. Some keautitnl CRAPE and Summer BROCHAE Shawl, which will be sold very low. BOOTS & SHOES in great variety, lower than tiiey hnve ever been offered in this county. FANCY GOODS extremely low in price, and of tho most beautiful patterns. CALICOES at 10 CENTS per yard, warranted fast colors and fall width. PLEASE CALL and era mine. MY STOCK hefore pitrrliasingelseirhere. K-f '-A-D-V P-A-Y t. my motto, and I am fully determined to fella. L-I-T-T-L-E L-1)-W-E-R than anv one else, notwithstanding "20 et. Jeans vurth 10." AH kinds of marketing, boards and shingles ta ken in exchange for poods. N. B. A few beautiful Gold Brooches and Gents' Breast-pins, gold and silver hunting-caso patent lever watches, Ac, very low for the Ready Rhino p. s- Jo?t call at yonr leisure. I've got goods enough to doyou all, so that one can't get a-head of another junell.'jo-tf. A. M. HILLS. REMOVAL. Tho undersigned ha removed bis . BOOT AND SHOE SHOP to the room lately occupied by Richard Gier.nin. where he is now prcparod to furnish custtfmers with Boots, Shoes, Ac, pn the shortest notice end most resonnhle terms. Ho rcspuctfullv solicits a continuance of a sharj of publie patronage Clearfield. Dec. 17, is.VS. FRANK SHORT. PARLOR STOVES Several excellent Par- l"r Stoves to be had at II. I. PATTON'S. CLOTHING. A generol assortment of ready made clothing just received and opened at f'ov-b W. F. IRWIN'S. H A R rTSnrj evcry description for sale . modcrato advance at Kov2iT5(i) WM. F. IRWIN'S. FLSII FISH !'. Superior Mackerel an vounsn just received nnd oneninjr at th m """" iviisoi itiuuaru tosson in Clearfield. ,i TirCKWllEAT FI.OUR.A lot of prima JU Buckwheat flour for sale, at lower rates than lsowh.rthy rjan7j MEKRELL 4 CARTER. arcos l.iwi nMhtore. TIAILY, SEMI-WKfcHi. t im XJ TELEGRAPH. - . - - tr r v The Dailt Teieceapu. INolwunsisnaing me ru mors spread abroad by our political opponents. mat tne -.uany xoicr1"!'" " afier the election, we announce to the public that wa shall uot only continue its publication, but it shall be done with renewed vigor atd determina tion toineet the public expectations and wants. The publishers will spare no labor or expense to . r-. . t .i .1 . make it a pper omir.enuy wormy oi uio cajuui of Pennsylvania, and one which should be found at every fireside in our borough The 'Daily Telegraph' will contain tho latest news received by Magnetio Telegraph and Mails. V. e shall give particular attention to ouriociu ue partnient, and endeavor to make the Reports as full and interesting as possible. The Editorial De partment will be under the management of able and eiperienccd gentlemen, who, upon all ques tions snVetinr the nublia. will express their opin ions fairlr Had freely. Our next Legislature wilL be entrusted with several important duties the election of United States Senator, the election of a State Treasurer, the apportionment of the State, 4c which will make the proceeding? unusually interesting and important. Tho 'Telegraph' will be able to present this and all other news transpi ring at the ctuto Capital much sooner and more satisfactorily than any other paper in the Stuto. The 'Semi-Weekly and V.'cekly Telegraph' will bo published, as heretofore We shall endeavor to mako the -Weekly Telegraph' the best family newspaper in tho State, it will contain all the latest news op to the hour of going to press. It will con'aia full reports of the markets in the At lantic cities. rA portion of our columns will bode voted to the interests of Agriculture and Mechan ics. The 'Semi-Weekly' will be publisaed only during the sessions of the Legislature. OurefTorts shall be to make the Telegraph the model news paper of the State. TERMS : The Daily Telegraph will be furnish ed at a distance for S4 per bnnum; 2 for six months: or &1 for three months. Single subscri bers in tho town will bo furnished nt six cents per week ravablo weekly to the oarner. The Semi-Weekly nnd Weekly Telegraph will be furnished lo single subscribers atS2 per annum Our Clubs Rates arc as follows : Clubs of 5, - S9 10, - 17 " 20, ------ 30 The person who raises a dab will receive a co ny of the paper prat is. Where is the pcrKin who cannot afford this? Three cents per week for a newspaper, which shall convoy to him, in audition to political intelligence. all foreign, domestic and local news; in a worn all of political interest which may transpiro ci thcr at home or abroad. Thankinz our friends everywhere fur the gener ous patronage they have extended tons during the campaign, we trust that they will at once re new their subscriptions, and make the Telegraph m.tuturo a constant visitor at their nrcsi'les. I ULT .1 SSI ltrazme lor the Homes of the J OJ I People GRAHAMS IL I. ITS TRA TED MAGAZIXE. the Pioneer Mt,r:ine of the. Cotcrrtry, eitatilwhejl m 1S-7. Subscribe lor the New Volume commencing with tho January number. It57. WATSON & CO., the new publish ers of 'Graham's Illustrated Magazine,' announce to the Ladies and Gentlemen of the I nilcd States in general, and to the former patrons of the work in particular, that it is their intention to make'use of all the immense resources at their command to produce a First Clais Magazine. To this end no expense or exertion will be spared. The best Lit er:iry and Artistic Talent will be employed, and nothing that c:nVti, tistc a:iJ enterprise, can ac complish will be wanting to make this Magazinf more' than ever deserving the liberal fnpport so generously extended to ltdnnng the past 'M vears Every cumber will contain Z fine steel engrav ings. Ono illustrative of some of the most popn lar pictures of the day : the other a beautiful col ored Fashion Plate, drawn from actual articleso; costume. Also, a number of lino wood engravings. patterns for CrocRto and Needle-work, engraved from the articles themselves All the latest styles ot costumes Jor Isjities awl Children wi:l be ev pied lrom the newest patterns, and fully descrio ed and illustrated in every number. Ladies about forming clnbs of subscribers are requested to compare "Graham'' wi;h any othe Magazine published, and we nro confident tliei; good taste and correct judgment will decide in our favor. Gentlemen who are about to subscribe for a Mag- azino tor their own reading, or to present to thoi lady friends, should procuro a copy of "Graham' and examine it thoroughly, nnd then see if any other periodical presents eqnal inducements i their subscriptions. Tho twelve numbers of "Graham" for the yea 18o7, will comprise ono of the most magnificent volumes ever issued ! containing in all 1200 page3 of reading matter ! 100 fine wood engravings ! 12 handsome steel engravings! 12 bcatiful colored fashion plates ! 100 engravings of ladies" 4 children's dresses ! 50 coming illustration ! And over UuO patterns for needlework, 4o TERMS : One copy, ono year, S3 00 : Two co pies, S" 00 ; Five copies, and one to getter up of tluh, 510 00 : Eleven copies, and cue to agon S20 00. Graham's illustrated magazine will be snpplie to subscribers punctually, and at as early a day i the month as any other magazine published. Send in your subscriptions early to tho Publish ers, WAlsUi .V CO., 50 Sonth .Id street, Phifa EYTRA NOTICE. Subscribers sending three, (loltrrs for one year's subscription to "Graham. will receive a copy of Gr.ikahi 's La-lieS Paperfor ono year without charge : Send for specimen numbersof Grahnm'sTIIastra ted Magazine and Graham s Ladies Paper. TVEWBl'Rli HOTEL The undersigned hav 1 ing leas"d the hotel recently kept by Ezra loot. in Aewburg. Chest township, announces the public that he is prepared t accoramodato travellers and others who may eive him a cal The honsc is well supplied with ail the nccessaric and accommodations to make guests comfortable lie respectfully solicits a share of p.-aronage. Oct2'J-'58-3ni CYRUS II. Tiil'RSTON. Yv ACiON - MAKING THE undersingne M'aggons of ll descriptions. Euggies. Sleds, 4c, a their shop in Now Salem. Brady township, Clear- held county, which they oiler for Bale at as reason a blc rates as can be purchased elsewhere. They res pectfully solicit a snare oi patronage. C A MLR IDG E JOHNSTON Octl-'5G-tf WILLIAM LEWIS. BLACKSMITII1NG Tho subscriber would inform the public that he has taken the black smith Shop formerly occupied by Georgo Orr. on the corner of Third and Main streets, in the bor ough of Clearfield whero he carries on tho business in all its various brandies. Jnnc 6, lS5j.-Iy JACOB SHCNKWEII.ER. GRAIN! GRAIN!! Wheat, Rye, Oats and Corn, can at all times be procured at the Pi oneer Mills, on the Moshannon in Morris town ship, at the lowest selling rates. JulvlC HENRY GROE. ROCERIES. Just received and now JI opening, a general assortment of choice groceries, which will be sold ot the' lowest cash prices at WM. F. IRWIN'S. fnnAiA LONG SHINGLES wanted by A. OYjJ.)fJ :t. Hills, nt his store, for which the highest market price will bo paid In Goods at tho lowest prices in the county. junc25-tf QUEENSW'ARE A superior lot of Fancy and Common Qucensware now opening and for salo at tho isost reasonable prices at the store of RICHARD MOSSOP. TLACK, Imperial and Young Hyson f2?? M9 Teas of tho best quality to bo had at f' tho lowest each t rice at MOSSOP'S. "VV'OODEN WARE A lot of superior Buckets V ? Tubs and AVillow Baskets, just received and for sale at the sign of the nov2fi ' CHEAPEST GOOD3 " CLOTHING. Roarty-mada Clothing of all kind s, just received at II. D PATTON'S. fllWO ON'E-IIORSE PLEASURE SLEIGHS, -i- for sale by A. M. HILLS. A LARGE lot of Family Grocries just receiving atMossop's in Clearfield. may 21 C"1.- of all kinds and at all prices to bo had at ' may21 MO630P 8 - 1 .1. F C0dcri:i toe mmmmu mmmm, 13 ROOK TV-iOV 4 RHEN Wholesale Dry Good's Store, So. UC, Market Street, Philadel- phia. REMOV4L : Tho unetersignca negs leave 10 inform his friends that he has removed his . . . . , . BOOT AMD bltUJS aiuxwr,. from "Shaw's Row," to his new nunaing. opposite the Office of James V rigly. anu two uoors bouiu oi the Office G. It. Barrett, Esq. He still keeps constantly on nanus, every vane- of Ladies, dinners, caflers, pumps. Ac. Men's fancy shoes and gaiters, with an excellent assort- mcntot heavy worK, an auapieu wants of the people of Clearfield, ite hopes friends will call at his TEW STORE, and bis ex amine his Stock. . Boots and Shoes made to order, and mending done as heretofore. IsAAC JOlUNSlLiN. Clearfield, June 27, lS5o. GOING IT ALONU. Tho undersigned nav ing taken to himself the store formerly own ed by I'atchin 4 Swan, takes pleasure in informing .. . . . , it- n .... i. n i. .. j hia trienns ana me puono eeneruiir, iu iw m ust received lrom thecity a splendid assortment oi Dry Goods, Hardware, yueensware, rocenca, - M . .. .. 1 I ' - t Coutecuonaries. iiais ana vups. wuu and Shoes, and every thing elso usually kept in a country ctAro 1'iTSons wisnin? to out c neap anu eouu Goods should not forget that he is determined not in he, undersold bv r any store lnthe county, ills motto is "a nimble penny rathe than a slow six pence" S. C PATCHIN. tilen ltopo, jmy a. ioa. I EXCHANGE II0TJ:L, riHLir.MJl ku. AA Tho subscriber, thankful for past favors, would respectfully solicit a continuance of the lia eral patronage bestowed upon his House by tha Public lie is prepared to accommodate water men, editors, drovers, and all others who may call WiTli him, in the very best manner. Ha also nurnoses to run a lino of Hacks from Tyrone to Clearfield, for the accommodation of tho travelling public. J. G. RLNK. Philpsburg. March 11, isoj.-ii. DAVID S. ELOTNER Respectfully inronns bis old friends and the public,' that ho has obta ined the services of a eood Cutter and work man us a foreman in the tailoring business, and ha is now prepared to attend to any orders in his Line of work on tho most accommodating tcrms.and short notice, nnd will have clothing on hand at ail times, such as dress coats, frock coats. Tests, and pantaloons of their own manufacture, and good material at tne lowest prices. na a wish iu u commodate, he solicits a share of patronage. New Washington. May a, lsao. TVTEW ARRIVAL. iS A. 4- J. PATCH IN, Havo just received a new and splendid nssort luent of Goods the best that was ever brought in to the upper end of Clearfield Connty. They in vite their friends and tho public generally to give them a call, where they will find all kinds of eoods-usually kept in a Country Store. Come and exaniiiie our stock we charge noth ing for the exhibition. AARON PATCIirX. JACKSON PATCHIN'. Burnsidc, Nov. 23, 1355. 77IOR SALE tho Farm occupied by Richard I. Danvtirs. Jr.. situate in I'enn township, about one mile from Pcnnsvillj. Itcoutains 01 acres, of which 45 are cleared and under good fence. The improvements are a two-story frame houso an kitchen, barn and out-honses. there is a young bearing orchard on the place, and the whole is well watered. For terms apply to L. JACKSON CRAXS. junet Clearfield. Pa. TVT E V A 11 R 1 V A L. The undersigned has Il just received a largo stock of NEW GOODS, adapted to the season, consisting of DRY' GOODS. GROCERIES. Ol'EENSWARE, 11 A RDH'A It E, C( )N FECT ION A RIES, NAILS. HOLLOW-WARE, C E D K It-W A R E , 4c, 4v JAMES B. GRAHAM. Grahamton, Aog. 22, 1355. TO! FOR THE TEMPLE OF HONOR 1 Ji R A I) I 2T tV M'G 1 R ICS. TIN, COPPER, & SHEET-IRON WARE PHILIPSIJLTIG, PA. ERADIN 4 M'G IRK have just opened an exten sive Tin, Copper, Y Sliest-Iron Ware Manufacin n. where they are at all times prepared to supply customers with every conceivable article from the smallest Coffee pot spout to the longest pipe ima ginable. They will do both a WHOLESALE 4 RETAIL business, and will at all time-) have on hand a largo assortment of ready-made ware. HOC S i: & P O U T I X G dono to order, on tho shortest notice, and put up in a neat, substantial manner. STOVES, STOVE-PIPE, $ KETTELS, of every variety kept constantly on hand. They will furnish to order any of tho following Cook Stoves, viz: The William Penn, Queen of the West, tho Atlantic, and Cook-Complete, all of which are suitable for both wood and coal. Among tho Parlor Stoves will be found the "Lady Washington." the "Excelsior," 'Home Parlor,' 4c. Produco of all kinds taken in exchange for goods. A. A. ERADIN. . JNO. 1). AI'UIRK. October 21, l?35.-tf. 7IIOLE-SALE. Tho subscriber wishing to retire from the Mercantile business, (sole ly on account of press of Professional, business) de sires to dispose of his entiro stock of Store goods nt wholesale and will sell them on the most accom modating terms. Any person wishing to engage in trading in any part of the county will do well to call and see m before making any other ar rangements. A. JI. HILLS. C!earfieId, August 27, 13.ir. IOR S A L E, T W"o"li U I LD I NG LOTS in the borough of Clearfield ; several BUILDING LOTS and PASTURE AND WOi LOTS, contain ing from threo to ten acres each, near the borough of Clearfield. Also several desirable FARMS and pieces of TIMUER LAND, in various parts of the county. Terms accommodating. Apply to L. JACKSON CHAN'S. April 10, lo3f. Clearfield, Pa. HAVE YOU SEEN SAM' Tho subscriber would inform his old friends and tho public generally, that he still continues to keep a hoaso of entertainment in New Washington w here those who call with him will receive every attontion, and be made comfortable. Good stabling, and every other convenience for horses on the premises. D. S. PLOTNER. STILL ON II AN I ! The undersigned eon rinuesthe CLOCK AND WATCH MAKING BUSINESS, at his now shop on the corner of Main and Mecbnnio streets, one door South of Dr. It. V. Wilson's office, where he will bo pleased to accom modate his customers at all times. Repairing done on the shortest notice aug20 R. 11. WELSH. TAMES It. GRAHAM. Denier in SAWED LUML1ER, SQUARED TIMBER, SHINGLES, BOARDS, 4c., is prepared to fill, on the shortest notice, all orders for articles in his line of busi ness, on as reasonable terms as they can bo nro cured in the county. Grabampton, Clearfield Co.. Jan. 2.1, 18.5(5 HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE The late residonce of J. M. Pfoutx, in Ansonville, may be bought cheap by immediate application to me. decl0-if. J. B. M'EXALLY. HARD WARE and Cuttlery just received f. aud now oponing at Mossop'a cheap cash -J store in Clearfield'' . mv2l ' JANGASTER MONEY will bo taken at par -J for Goods at City Prices, at tho store of Clearfield, Doc. 3. RICHARD MOSSOP. JEWELRY" A lot of fino Bro.vit Pins Ear Drops. .Shilt Studs, 4c, for sale very cheap, by Clearfield. Dcc.3 THOMAS ROBBINS. ' OOK AND PARLOR STOVES, for sale by JOS. PETERS, Curwensvillcs: ' Nov. 26, 1850 6t IRON. Iron of all kinds, to be had low at the Store of 11. D. Patton, in Curwensvillo. T HEAT T ? . JanJU FLOUR for talo at ' MERRELL 4 CARTER'S 1 1 Oostt c"1"' ... BOKER, uioiiir.i; a jimw, Kcs. 158 & 160, Market Street, PUILASHLfltls; Importers and manufacturers of City and EASTERN MADE BOOTS AND SnOES. Also, every variety of trench and Kngiisn t-noe Lasting, Patent Leather, Kid and CaU-sKins, Shoe Laces, Gallons, Bindings, 4c, suitable for manufacturers. Also, Foreign and Domestic Straw and Silk Bon nets, Leghorn, Panama, and i'alra-ea uais, English, French, and American artificial flowers, Oil Silk, Straw Trimmings, Ac, 4c. Ilaving removed to our new Store, No. 15S4 160 Market Street, below 5th, r-outh hide, up stairs, wo invite your attention to oar large and varied Stock of Straw Goods, Doots and Shoes, wnioji we are preparing for the approaching Fall Sale. . .. . . t i : i . e J: All our boons ocing exclusively vi ouruu ui rct Importation and Manufacture, vse feel confi dent that our facilities are such that we can ofier you inducements as regards variety and pri-'es of Goods, unsurpassed by any house in the conutry. BOKER, BROTHERS 4 JONES. Kov. 8, lS54.-ly. I'hitatteif.ma. 4 VISE'S CHEAP WATCH AND JEWELRY 1 3L STORE,. No. 72 North Second Street, (oppo site the Mount Vernon. House.) Pphiladclphia. Gold Lever Watches, lull jwweiica, 13 iv. cases. Silver Lever do., do.; Silver Lupine, do.: tjuartier; Gold Spectacles, Silver do.; Silver Tablo Spoons, Silver Desert do. ; tilvcr lea do. ,-. uoia i eua aim Gold Cases; Gold Pens and Silver do : together with a variety of fine Gold Jewelry, Gold Curb Guard and loo Chains. All goods warranted t be as represented. Watches and Jewelry, repair ed in the best manner. Also, Masonic Marks, Ping, 4c.; made to order. X. B. All orders sent by mail or otherwise will be punctually attended to. - II ia motto is: "Small Profits and Quick Sales, Philadelphia. April 23, 135S. MOUA'T VERNON HOL'SE, No. 69, Korth Second Street, PHILADELPHIA. Tho undersigned having taken the old well known bouse, which -haa been renovated and re modeled throughout, respectfully solicits his Clear field friends to give him a call on their visits to tho city. The furniture is all now, and ha3 been selected with care from Henklos well known establishment in Chestnut Street, and is of the latest and most fashionable stvle. The location for Merchants and others coming to the city is convenient, being in the centre of , : I 1 PIRiil-TT business. Aug. l,lS53.-ly. Proprietor L2AUL & TAYLOR. Ho. 355 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. Have always on hand, at their Wholesalo Ware house, a large assortment ot the Newest Stvle of BOOT, SHOE. AND STRAW GOODS. UOTIl FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC. All their goods being of their own direct Im portation and Manufacture, they ore enabled to offer superior inducements to Merchants laying in their stock. WM.- W. PAUL, N G. TAYLOR. Dec 1. lS.r.4. ly. CONRAD & WALTON, 235 Marke: Stre t, PHILADELPHIA; Importers and Dealers in HARDWARE, IROX, XjIILS, f, r., 4c. They respecjully invito the pcoplo of Clear field, to continue their favors. Aug. 1, IS.'-.'i.-ly. T71X CHANGE INSURANCE COMPANY, ' i Vr 11 M raV, Cv aV - i-wn PHILADELPHIA. This Company, with an ample Capital, well so cured, is prepare ! to effect Insurances in Clear field, and adjoining Counties, 011 terms as liberal as consistent with tbo safut3' of the Company. jno. Mcdowell, Jr.. Oct. 3, 1S53. ' Secretary. K OONS, II EI LM AN & CO., .No. 107 NORTH THIRD ST., Philadelphia. WHOLESALE DEALERS . Ia Foreisnn aad Domestic Dry Goods. Fifth Door below Race. CH ARLES JCOONS. AMOS G. 1IE1LMAN. Philadelphia, May 16, 13a5.-ly. JY. RUSIITON & CO., 245 Market Streo;, PHILADELPHIA: Importers and Dealers in Earthen-Ware.'China, 'l -3 1 - ojasi, unti vueens are, Oppofrito tho Red Lion Hotel. Philadelphia. J. Y. RUSH TN, J. C. HOPKINS, Noy. S. '51.-1 y. ROBT. ST1LSON. HARRIS, OR15ISON & CO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, No. 2j9. Market St., North sido between 6th 4 7th Philadelphia. Drug3, Medicines. Chemicals, Pat cnt lcuicines, Surgical Instruments. Druggist s Glassware, Window Glass. Paints. OH. Dyes, Per luiaery, dec, Ac. JUiii HAiuwb, n. 1). K. JJ. ORIJISOX, Aug. 1, 'S3.-n.l J. SHARSWOOD. MARTIN, MORRELL & CO., 'Late OLIVER MARTIN 4 CO.) Importers and Dealers in HOSIERY. TRIM MIA GS. COM BS. BR USHES, FA N C Y G 00DS,4o No. 24 North Fourth Street, Philadelphia. M. T. MARTIN. CIIAS. II. HAMRIcK. DAM'L J. MORRELL, G. R. PEDDLE. Dec. 5, '64.1 SANDRSON R. MARTIN XYUS.SE LL & SCIIOTT, V Nos. 138 Market St.. 5 Mcrohaat St. PHILADELPHIA. Importers and Wholesale Dealers in DRUGS, CllEMIC.ILS, &c. They respectfully invito their CleaHfld friend to givo them a call. J.Fan. 1 7. ja.-ly. HOOD 4 CO Extensive Dry-goods Dealers. No, 1S7, Market St., Philadelphia, keep constant ly on hand a large, splendid, and cheap stock of the most fashionable and elegant goods. They in vite country Merchants to call and examine their splendid assortment, before purchasing clsewhero. August I. 1S55. ly. COWELL & CO., 17C Market Street, PHILADELPHIA; Wholesale Dealers is Hatt. Caps, JFrrt'dJ-c between 5th and 6th St., Philadelphia. Jan. 17, 135j. "1PS7"ILLIAM S. IIAN'SELL A SON', -Uanufac T f turers and Importers of Saddlery, and Sad . dlcry Hardware. No. 26 Market Street. Rhiladel phia. Saddles. Bridles. Harness, Trunks. Whips Saddle Rags, Bridle Filling, Bits, Stirrups. Buckles Carpet Dags. ect. (Aug. 1, 'ai.-ly I71RIS3IUTH & BROTHER, 1 WHOLESALE TOBJCCO DEALERS, No. 105 N. Third Street- five doors bolow Race Kov. 2'J. 'a -ly.) PniLAnr.Lpnn. BEIDLEMAX 4 HA Y WARD Wholesale Gro cers, Tea Dealers, and Commission -Merchants No. 273, Market Street, Philadelphia. D.UEIDELMAX, Ang.l,lP5..-ly.1 AHAYWARD. A T. LANE 4 CO. Wholesale Clothing Storo J. No. 171. Market Street. Every variety of ready made Clothing, in the most fashionable stylos constantly on hand. f Aug. 1, '5i.-ly. GEORGE J. AVEAVER & CO.. No. 19 North Wa ter Street, Philadelphia, Dealers in Carpe chain. Yarn. Manilla and Hemp Ropes, Red-cords Clothes-lines. Ac.. 4o. Ang 1. 18.5.-ly. IS AAC JI. ASH TON. Hat Storo. No. 172 Market St., Philadelphia. " Hats. Caps. Furs, 4o.. of every variety, and the best quality always on hand. Aog. I. litoa.-ly. GEORGE W. COLLADAY, Conveyancer and Land Agent, No. 3. Goldsmith' Hall, Philadelphia, will faithfully attend to all business entrusted to his earn. Aug. 1, 1355.-ly. CALEB COPE A CO, No. 183, Market St., Phila delphia, Dealers in Linens. White Goods, Ho siery, French, English and Gorman Silk Goods, La ces, Gloves, Bolting Cloths, o. fAug.-l, '5.-ly. PROFESSIONAL. AM. HILLS, D. D. P. Orico adjoin- rxs ing his Store. Clearfield. Pa. Mf-A Artificial Teeth, from oiie to a fall ;et,s' 1 1 mounted in the most approve! modern style. Filling, Filing, and Cleaning done w ith care and neatness. ' ' Teeth extracted with all tho care and. dispatch modern science can furnish. DR. HILLS, can always bo fonn-1 at bis oT.co, as he is now devoting his whole attention to his profession. June 2-1. '.'" . MEDICAL PARTNERSHIP. Dr. nenry Lorain.' having associated with him, in tho practice-of JMcdiciuc, Dr. J. G Eartswick. they ofier their professional services to the citizens of ClearficM ami vwinity. ; They will attend t pro fessional calls at all boors. And in all seasons. Dr. Hitrtswick will bo found during the day ct their cilice opposito Dr. Lorain's residence, and at Jiight, at his residence, on 2d street, one door north .- 1 ,i- - . T 13 1 L OI jveeu a n eaver s e.orc. juijc RETURN ED. The subscriber having return e l td the town of Glen Hope, offers h;s pro fessional services in the practice of Medicine to tho citizens ot this piace and tuo stirrounaing country. T-No travelling in tho night except in cases of actual necessity. "No medicine given ont of the office aniens accompanied by the cash. rtecl7-.n It. It lll.l.r.. M. v. DR. 15. F. AKLEY, PHYSICIAN, GrnJiamton, Clearfield CotnUir. Pa., tenders his professional services to tho inhabitants ot Urahamton and surrounding country be can at all times bo found at bis Ofrico, dy-ectly oppo sito Mr. J. B. Graham's storo, when not profes. sionally engaged. (Apl. 25. rrmos. j. mccullough, attorney at JL LAW and DISTRICT ATTORNEY, Clearfield, Pa., may be found at his office in Shaw's Row, four doors west of the '-Mansion Hou-o." Deeds and other legal instruments prepared with prompt ness and accuracy. (t-b. 13 ly. DR. 31. WOODS, tenders his professional ser vices to the citizens of Clearfield end vicini ty. Residence on Second street, opposite tho r.f- fice of L. Jackson Crans. where he can be found unless absent on professional business. Clearfield, May 14. Is5 . m. T" AR RIMER & TEST. JL ATTORNEYS AT LAV,', Will attend promptly to all legl and other bu siness entrusted to their care in Clearfield and ad j'jining counties. Clearfield, Aug. 0.1330. JR. M'ENALLY, ATTORNEY AT LA IV Clearfield, Pati'a. Practices in Clearfield and adjr.inirg conr.tics. Office in new brick addition, adjoining the resi- J r T-..i a .1 , . - uence 01 rami's i. iimnum. agusi 1. T71 S. DUNDY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MUm C IcarjieJd, lJe,m a. Office in the new brick addition, adjoining the res idence of James 11. Graham. August 1. 1Sj.". JACKSON CRANS, ATT ORNEYATLAW, A Clrarfitld. Penu'u. Office adjoining his residence, on Second Street, Olearfield. August 1. IS55. KIll'CIIEK SWOOPE, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Clearfield. IV 'See in Graham's Row, next tioor to Journal office. April 13 tf. T A.WALLACE,.! Tl'ORXE YA T L.W T CI emr fidd, PtllH a. Office nearly opposito thn Court House. Angl-':i."). O. CROUCH , PHYSICIAN. Cffice inCur 1 wcnsvillc. Msv I-l. 1 .'.d-tf 1VEW FIRM.-KER2ELL & CAItTER would Il inform the. public, that they have juat open ed an extensive COPPER. TIN AND SIICET-IRON WARE BiAHUFAC'fOBY,- . Oil Seconal Strst t, in tne borough of CitarfielJ. where they are prepaied to furnish at reduced pri ces, every variety'tf articles in their line. Steel. Ra.r-iion, nails, Steves of every variety Ploughs and farming utensils, pumps of every descrtption. stove pipe, patent sauiage cutters, funnels and self scaling cans kept constantly on hand. All orders for castings for Flour Milia.Saw Mills, 4c. will be thankfully received snd promptly at tended to. HOUSE SPOUTING DONE TO ORDER. Tbey are also prepated to receive every varie ty of article ou commission, at a low per-centage. O. B. MF.RRKLL. L. R. CARTER. Clearfield. Sept. 19. 155 la HALLOA! NEW WAGON MANUFACTORY' Tho uudersigned would respectfully an nounce tojhis friends and tho public generally, that he has opened out a new Wagon-Making Es tablishment in '-New Salem City," Brady town shfp, whero he will at all times ba prepared to manufacture, on tho shortest notice, ail kinds of Wagons. Carts. Wheelbarrows. 4c. The best ma terial that can bo procured will Le used, and his work will be made in the most substantial and du rable manner, such as will bear the test of strict examination. Ry a close observance of his busi ness engagements, and by disposing of his work on the most reasonable terms, which ho will do for either cash or approved country prodaoc, he hopes to merit and receive a liberal share f.f pub lic custom BENJ. RiSUEL. New Salem City. Jan. 16. ISO d. T r. NELSON St. CO., Murris TourHthip, Clearfield Co., Pa., Would respectfully inform the ciiiiens of thai vi cinity that they keep constantly on hand n large assortment of Dry Guo'ls, Hard-Ware. Q'tecasiezre. G metrics, Confectinnaries, lilts Jr Caps. Roots & S'lOrs, and all olher articles usually kept in a country store, which they are determined to sell low far cash, country produco, or lumber. August I. lSij. TVEW HOTEL : The old 'Sktirint. House ' at 11 NEW WASHINGION. has been re-opened and re-fittc 1 by the undersign ed, who respectfully solicits a share of publics pat ronagn. He is well provided with house room and good stabling, and intends keeping a Temperance House, at which he will always endeavor to make his guests feel at home. J'JIIN SHETTER. August 1. .'835. tf. 5 .TO! FOR IOWA!! Tho nndcrsigned.de .1 sirous of going Wt, offers to sell at private sale, threo lots in tho village of Marysvillo, one half mile cast of Clearfield Rridgc, in'Bo.rgs town ship, having thereon erected a two-story weather boarded dwelling bouse, good stable, aud a black smith shop. The terms, whu-h will bo reasonable, can be ascertained by inquiring of tho undersign ed, residing on the premises. may2S-tf SAMUEL B. DILLER. I"OR SALE. The subscriber offers for sale his farm, containing about i2 acrcS, with a bout 2j acres cleared and under good cultivation, having thereon erected ono 2-story house and oarn, situated one and a'half miles above Clear field town, opposite the new bridge For terms apply to the subscriber on the premises. iay 14-tf MILO IIOYT. REPAIRING Wab hes. Clocks and Jewelry repaired by Frederick Smell on the shortest notice, and all work warranted well dono. Leave all articles in care of A. M. niUs. who has on hand a beautiful assortment cf Gold Breast Pins. Shirt Studs and Cuff Buttons, which he will sell VERY LOW for the READY. Clearfield, Sept. 3, lSitl. JOHN RUSSELL & CO., TANNERS AND CURRIERS, Pennville, Clearfield Co., Pa., Keep constantly on hand an excellent assortment of leather, which they offer for sale afthe lowest cash prices. Hides taken in exchange. Jnly 15, 1So4. TVEW GOODS The undersigned has just re--Li ceived a largo assortment of NEW QOODS. AT HIS STORE IN KA R THA US. which ho offers for salo cheap for cash or country produco. - F. P. HURXTHALL. September S. 1555. SALT-' SALT!! A quantity of Coarse and Ground Alum Salt, for sale at W. F. Irtw'i. AMBROTYPES--P. C. PCRA'IANCE.' Pro fessor of rbotogranhio '".rairr.y4 Gallery at hia residence on 21 Street. cn Howr Sonth of Merrell & Carter's Tin-ware establishment, Clear field, Pa. ODays of pv.uration Friday and Saturday of eaoU week '" june!8'55 . IF YOU WANT CH EAP WINTER CLO TIIIN'tJ, call immaaiaujly a M. A. FRANK, who ha3 just purchased a W and is now disposing of them VERY LOW. You will find b'm in Gra ham's Row, Clearfield, T., throe doors ra-tofflka Journal office . Awg. 27- . TVOTICr. In the absence of Eli Bloom, Tre 11 surer of Clearfield eoatiy, tho Books and Pa per? will be in the possesion of John McPhersoa, m UK Mill t L ' ' III -.l. : . n ' j m " - - . ... Clearfield. Mav 2i. .IS.""! - - - "'V'OTICE. Having purchased the Books of the II Ilaft-mairs Journal with the establishment 11 rmoants unpaid for Subscription. Advertising, or Job-work, arc to be settled with the undersigned. morl9 B. KUV. Kt tfU Feet cf g-vd BOARDS wanted by JU,uUU A. M HILLS, at his store iv. Clear field, for which the highest market price will bm p-id in good.s at cssh price: - jmarl9-tf Iv. WRlcinT, MERCHANT. as n EXTEN SIVE DEALER IN LI MBER. Second Street one door south of his residence, Clearfield, Pa-. . Clearfield, March li. X6jo. CLEARFIELD LODG E No. 193 L O. of O. F. meets every Saturday evening, at 7f o' clock, at their Half in Mcrrell & Carter's tew nit ding on Second street. feb20 HATS! HATS !! Richard Mossop Is nosr rat v2 ceiving and opening a fine lot of Spricg and Suaimer Hats of the latest styles, whioh ho will sell at prices from I2j cents to 5,00. -' CHiOi lllAl! l.UUG Hollars worth ot , iicsj-iaa-je v,io.ning ai your own pri ces, at the cheap store of may 21 RICHARD MOSSOr. "jntOR SALE. A secondhand 2 horse wagon JL and a lot of harness for sale verv cheap by : Clearfield. apr2 ' A. M. HILLV. Xf( f(( SHORT SHINGLES, for sale low OV J,XJ for cash by A. M. HILLS. 7"AGON8 and BUGGIES, for sale cheap, by feb!3) If. D PATTON. OLASSES Best Svrup at 90 cents a gallon at (may21 . MOSSOP 3. (BLOCKS. Eight day, thirty hoar, and alarm J Clocks for sale at Moasnp'a Store. ' Jn. 13. n V) AYHBS . Cathartic Pills, (SUGAR COATED.) 4j AX KIKE tO CLEANSE THE PLOCD AND CTJES THE SICK Inintiun, l-'athcrt, ?1 otli era, PhjiieUn, I'liiJaiilliro;Ut, read thir KrTceta, aud j 11 dire ot their Virtues, tvTl HIE cciu: OF Ileadathe, Sick lIeJache,IonI Stomach. VirrsiUKO, Pa- My 1, 1WV Pa. J. CAVER.' it: I have hocn rtifelfr cnrl of t,, -ort !-ua ': '..? ht.y b "'5 un I.svt by ijM M tw ' of rmir I'iil. It ?9-iii9 So risc frufn a liml tcxttach. bich. tiny 1 I'rifrt: it u'c.fv i li'v m ill vur others M thrr cW 1110, rhc fact U :-ib KL'.-uuig. Yuri aitii tiij-ect, D. W. rREt-LE, Clerk of wintr C'Mrton. Eilioiis DicrJfr snd Lirrr Couiplaints. IFr.vTa.-T cr tbi Tut mj. V,.,i..,1WTcy, 1.C,: rb, ItM.t Si : I h:iv- ..-J y r.ir t'il'.s :u fennl aj;d hiMph"! jm.-rioo pr srniu jn mn-'t turui, a:id ouinnt Ltviuieto Mr i!:rv .11 r lf--t -;li.irri e ?mpl7'. Tbrir mttt- . I.v.n:3 xc'n ytu ilm Iwr iqu:iKanl iU-ciiitd, eoaeirit ly Th( r-.' r.v a 'i-irJ. ! ifnu.ty fcr tle.-anpeniftit of tat orpBi. futi-wj. 1 Iiuvt f uc'! nw of Wim d iik w cuav'.c tial it li tit l Tiiv i!d to U-tn. I tatoniiij y.iCi?, AUS7.i BALL, M. PI ytician -f i'u Xunm UotpiUtL Iysenery, Relax, and Worms. V-mr C'tr.cr, liir.ti.iMi, Llv.O. !icu, Nov. lfl, IMS. Dm. a: V vur 11 ure t! H-rfuction of sieriUii. Tkt r hnve 115 -f mor p.-xl tlian 1 ran tell m. the" ha t lH.-a oJi Bi:J pinir.il nony for moiiths. V'ent otT to l- ilocioiT i ot r- Ht eiu'J, but got no In Itor. f-ha tt;on rnmiiicn-"-l tu).-.i p ronr l'il!.w!:ivli tn cnrd her t.y cnpllLr large ((UHiitiitv of ir (dtad; frni L- N-iv. Tiw-y fierr s cnnM ber nj onr twt cbildrcv pf blx!y u'fe-i!te:-r. On of ruir niffMjors haf it hvL ant mv wuo cnre.t bi:o with two do vl your I'ill. bi otbrrs nronud iu H!i f:om to twcty dol?a tloctoV tails, niii! U-st c:ir."i time m:tlnut tinc cmed cnUrcy ern then. Sncli a me-Iiritir Vinii , v. hitii is ctu:y good houcst, ill l prized fitre. GEO- J. OBirnV, ftrtnufo Inditfstion nnd Imparity of the 1'looJ. rVt,n tier. J. T. It net, lister cf A-lrent CltrrcS, Bourn. Pe. An: I hunt i:vd yunr Yi ith extmor-Uurr twee' in m f.;n-..!y ni;-l am-'g th I nm eiiltsl o'fsit In rtisTrw. To TVKiilnl lh organs of iticenrKm an 1 puffv the lIjoil tiny Me, die very lt rcmut 1 have knus n, in-1 1 can eiifii!ntlv r-omininl tl-.em HBiy frin,Jfc " J. Y. Klllfi Warsaw, W iomixg Col X. T Oct. 24. lili. Prim Si : ! am mil. ymr Catliartic I'ill in my jruo U., auft fliitt tiioni n .t.Hletit purrntive to rleanaillM -m:i aud juiifv i fiiunrnir'n .f th htnrv,J. JOITX O. MEACHAU. M.U. irryt-ipelfis. Scrofula. Kinss Evil, Tet'fr Tumors, anil Salt Rhevm. Frrn a t' rn ,?-i'i-tp .Vm-Jtant nf S. Louis, ftb. i, JS. Da. Avrr.: Your Pi'ls am th ni"m of a'l t) t j:t in r.-.e licitie. Tt.--y Lav- cured jay little (tanglier -r i:;cet-TTr s.-;-is i:u Ti.-: .a!iiis ftnd feel that ha.1 j)'v,t acniAblo .r ycar-t. iir mother tiAS brn loQf grK"ti. y aftMot.Ml witl: Wr.tc':iw aiid riiriplfe on her akin tirJ in hair. Aftvr our rlnld vu cuje.1. Vt aieo trilyonr i'i'.u. n 1 ?:-y l:f.ve curo-1 hvr. ASA MOKOKIS-'K. Khcniur.lisr.:, Ncuialin, r.nd Goit F. ot the tTcv. Vr. J!ii.cti. cf He Sl'JIi-viisl Kpi. iStnet I'lLAtKi r.t'i-FR. SiVANyn. Ga- Jtn. E.lt6. Tl5rnit : I lioi.!d - i: : -atf-ful for the rrrf j iur hj hroi:!;lit mi- it I oi l not rr't'Oi t my fyeu. A coid MttWil is n 'i-l t.r l Wouj.lit" rn txccjatiiie nei.r-.i;r j uiM. hit 1 iil.'-! in rioiu.ic rhr-ffi-ali1". Ni i.U"Tv.tiu-fT 1 1 a i U:e lt tf -hy4H-ian, u ! cri-w tviif-v? aM-i w:i-e, unfit, l-y w-t? orin-t' i-r excei !int Bgnt ia i aliii;w;. It. Mnrkruxi. I u-i'Vour 1'iti. Iln-if cilt-cta :v. Ijiil s.r.-. iy rirciiir in Uv nc uf ttit-iti I am ut'r i-stir-jlv a-lt. j I'a. AitK : 1 l-jie !wn euiiiviy rurrd l.y fur I'ill -f fthoiiciiic Cwui a i.-ii:tiid ui.-ic It-.nt Tn."tci! Tio lot yc-u-. Vl.NCKNi-Lll'KIL. - For Dropsy, I'lcthora, or kinfictl Com-- plaints, irtit.oii-s an ucti put o, th a; an exctl ivri t-i.e-iy. f Kor Cotiv-nr or CV-rsiippilon, or.d as n Litt-r I'ill, il.. -t ir-ilt.-,i !e - rSvVtol. Iit, Supiiif ;1, 1'oralyj.rt lnflnHtron- . t luu, nm I fun l-frii-s, nn I'aa-tiail llHi:l nr! have K-eD cui-'i t y li e ailria f ".'U if tlioM ,'ii,i- . , Mol cf the fiill in m!Vft rvtnin erccry. 1 v-h. l tlnMig'i f ahml rt p:e-iy in i.i.fnl . i dnniioti in a pt.l.iic pill, fn.m ih'ilr-a'1l'ul K-lti- crs (hut fie tjuently liiilf-v i? irtt,iiiiiiu tw. ';a-ac cvDtain nr mor cuiy or tiiinrral tultjintire n h.iifve' AVER'S CHERRYVEGTOnAL rtn THE RATIO JL'KE of KUOSCIUT. IIOOriB COl :tiU, CI14II. I, kTHMA, ia CIPIKXT CO?(V?tPTIOX, and for the r- Iirf of c-ni-iiri ptieiinj tu advanced of th disco. - j - We iwd rot iieaV lo r' "ie " "? V- f Thtoiichont ev.;rv town. at...lwrtt every hasilet of th Anin-k-an Stat'-a-'its won.i-1 cum cf ruiniooary com plaints have in.:, it aire.! known. y, frw are tha fcin.i.its in anv civilind r."!7" ihw continent withojit me pm.uHi'exior.. ii.-e f yet th ron.mv.ni'ios ai.v vihere' h 1,aT' monK theni . tne livi,.R tioi.l.v , crr over the .nhtle and 1 dan- -geroi.. din-aa.- of lh, I'-wt and lunp. Awhile it ia th most roweifnl antidote ct l'- n to man lor the formi dat.lo and rinnpsoiw .l. flnionary ontana, it !. the r:''"-'"''5' ",l KUMiiy ,ht n l n ploved f. infanta an ?onnF lM- TarenU abonld hav it in atore a-n1 io. em my thai Ceaia tiTKn them nn-rt-p.u.' w haT abnntant rronnds to tvliere the t himi lafTmti save more live .y th ctm-.iimii!:u:i-i it preve t than thoe it enrea. Keep it by yon. ami cure y.njr " while tiiey ar curable, nor nei ect ilirm until no iman akill ran master th Inexorable , cankt-r'that. fiiste! on tl ri-a!s. eaU yonr life away. AU know the .!rr f.'-l fatality of lime disorder, and a they know too tl- irtnes cf this remedy, w need m4 do more than lowP them il ia still niad the IklI it ran be. V spare r f.t. no lare. no toll to prwhu it the aiost perfect po''- '"1 thna aff.Td those who rely ots it th best aperhich our skill can furnish foi th.4 cm- PEtrJRED BY U. J. C. AVER, Practical aJ Analytical Chenust, Lowell, Xsa j AXr SOLD BY JI. A Frk m.d C. 1. Wnr-son. Clou'-... -C. TrcTine- Morris l-'o ; T Tarr 't . a burg, J. 1 Serncr, CurwttaviUo, aol i y - thresh t rsuatry 6.rt $, lt. w - ' 5 n - : 5 i I .1 J to t i i i if 1 1 Vf i)1 n si I 1 1 i AX I -. inr