THE JOURNAL, CLEARFIELD, PA., FEBRUARY 11, 1857. A Minna of the Clearfield County Bible Society will be held on Wednesday, February 25th, at 2 o'clock p. m., in the Commission ers otQce, for electing officers for said Society for the ensuing year. n. Lobai.v, Feb. 9, 1857. Prest. m. Horse ax Sleigh Stolen. On last Thurs day night, bay horse, new sleigh, and har ness, the whole worth about $1S0, were stolen from John Shaw, Sr., of Lawrence township, this county. Suspicions rest upon two men who had stopped at Mr. S.'s oa Thursday at noon. TTe hare understood that the horse and thief hare been traced to the Sinnamahoning region, on the way northward. Thk Mansion House We direct attention to the advertisement of Capt. D. M. Weaver, who Las taken the above named hotel, in this borough. Dan. makes a gentlemanly and obli ging landlord, and will doubtless keep an ex cellent house. A few days since, he invited Us to dine with him, and if the meal of which we then partook is to be taken as a specimen of th eating arrangements of the house, we feel confident that in this respect he will ren der general satisfaction. Trao.tE & Clearfield Uaileoad. A meet ing of the officers of this road was held at Philipsburg on last Friday, at which time the expenses of surveying, locating, &c, as well os the Grit estimate, up to the 1st February, were paid. The amount in cash paid to the coiitractors, after having deducted the retain ing per centage, &c., was about $2,800. This action on the part of the company has inspi rited a!l connected with the enterprise, as well a the public in general, with renewed confi dence that the work of completing the road will be pushed with spirit and alacrity. The Weather last Week the River, &c. In the beginning of the past week, a complete moderation of the cold took place, and on Wednesday a general thaw commenced and continued until the end of the week, during v.-Lich time the snow melted away entirety. On Saturday the water in the Susquehanna was high and raised the ice, and about 10 o' "oik a general break-up occurred in tlj river. The ice passed off with a rush, and in conse quence of gorging for a short time, large pie ce of it were forced out over the banks, tear ing away fences, doing considerable damage io such parts of the reads as pass close alonc the liver, and destroying quite a number of the little bridges over the small streams that flow into the river. On Sunday and Monday, the atmosphere was again cold, and yesterday it snew, blew and friz." We anlicipato some rough weather. Axti-Log MfctTisG. A meeting of the citi. zens of Clearfield County, opposed to floating of loose logs, was held at the office of L.J. Crans, Esq., on Jfonday, Feb. 9, 1807. Hon. J. T. Leonard took the chair; U.J. Wallace was elected Sec'y. Ellis Irwin, Esq., stated the object of the meeting Jo be for the purpose of framing a bill suitable to restrain the float ing of loose saw-logs in the Susquehanna and its tiibntarics. L. J . Crans, Esq., J. L. Cut tic, Esq., and Hon. A. Irvin addressed the meeting. A memorial, prepared by a com mittee appointed at a former meeting, was read by the Secretary. It was Resolved, That a committee of twelve be appointed to prepare a bill, such as would meet the wants of the commuuity. Messrs. L. J. Crans, J. II. Larimer, J. L. Cuttle, T. J. McCuliough, J. T. Leonard, W. A. Wallace, J. F. Weaver, George Wallers, Ellis Irwin, G. L. Reed, J. C Graham and Alex, Irvin were appointed -said committee. It was Resolved, That said committee be in structed to prepare a bill in accordance with the sentiments expressed in the memorial pre viously read. Adjourned toGJP. M., when meeting re convened. Committee appointed to prepare a bill, reported one, such as the interests of our people demand, which, after being amended, was adopted. On motion adjourned. R. J. Wallace, Sec'y. IFolIoirftf' Pills, an unparralleled Remedy for Pwrrjalecnmplaints. TheDanghter of Mrs. Ilentjept'n, of Waukesha, Wisconsin, was for a long time in a very peculiar and delicate 6tate of health, the mother tried a variety of remedies, but without the young lady deriving any benefit. As a final recourse she tried IIoI loway's Pills, which she used three weeks; and found they considerably improved her ; by continuing with these wonderful Pills for ten days more, all obstructions were quickly removed, and she has since enjoyed the best of health. 1JACOX, PORK. LARD. JL BUTTER, SALT, and WHITE BE ASS, kept constantly on hand and for sale by Joseph n. irwin. Cierfield. dcc2t-.".5 '"LST BRAXCn FIRE INSURANCE COM T V r AN Y. LOCK IIAVJ.X. CLINTON CO..PA. CAPITAL, S300.000. Issacs Detached Buildings. Stores, Merchandise and oilier builliugs and their contents. directors : lion. John J. Poarce, lion. G. C. Harvey, ohn B. Hall. T. T. Abr.-ims. Charles A. Mycr, 1- K. Jackman, Charles Crist, W. White. Peter Dickenson, Thomas Kitchen. Hon. O. C. HARVEY, Prest. Thos. Kitchen, Sec'y. T. T. Abrams. Vico Prcs't. The undersigned having been appointed a gent by this company, gives notice that he will insure Buildings of every description, Goods, Ac, on the moat reasonable, terms. This company is ic a prosperous condition, and meets all demands Trr.ptly. The capital stock of the company is S10O.O0O with privilege of increasing to 5300,000. A. XI. X10XTELIUS. Cnrwensville. Pa.; Aug. 20, l30-6mp WANTED 100 BUSHELS WHITE BEANS, w for which the highest price will bo given by MERRELL k CARTER. Clearfield. Dec. 17. A FIRST KATE Sett of Blacksmith ingTools, including Bellows. Anvil. Screw-plates. c , for ale by jjan7 MERRELL A CARTER. CLOVER BLED. A large lot of Clover Seed for sale at MEERELL t CARTER'S, CLIPPINGS AND f CRSB8LINGS. CP"Elected Preston King, Republican, as U. S. Senator from NTew York. ' O-Interesting the letter of our correspond, dent ' Oldtown." Read it. , H7""Riz" the price of whalebone. The great demand for "hoops" is the cause. CP-Midas was so great a man, that every thing he touched turned to gold altered case now : touch a man with gold and he will change into anything. CP-He who is not fair before 0, nor strong before SO, nor witty before 40, nor rich before 50, is one upon whom hops and malt arc thrown away. Kir"A man named John Cotton, who was found guilty of manslaughter in the second degree, in YazooMiss., was sentenced to Jily years imprisonment in the penitentiary. CTho stock of cotton in Mobile, on the 17th January,was 200,000 bales. All the ware houses and vacant lots in the city were occu pied, and still there was not sufficient room. ttyin Fayette county, Pa., Mr. Kennedy Bryson, of North Union tp., shot an eagle, a few days since, near the residence of his fa ther, which measured 7 feet between the tips of the wings. K?"A bill has been introduced into the Le gislature of North Carolina "to encourage and promote matrimony." Don't need such a law here young men plenty, and calico always ready to join. K7"A Sugar House in New York, lately sold $100,000 worth of common brown sugar for 10 cents per pound a higher price, it is said, than the same article ever brought in that market. KF"Coal digging in Pennsylvania is a safer business than gold digging in California, and pays as well. Our coal business amounts to forty millions a year, and California yields but that amount of gold. ' X?Gone to Cabinet making. It is said that Charles R. Huntingdon, recently convicted of forgery, and sentenced to State Prison, has been assigned to tic cabinet-shop, where he is engaged in planing and sawing boards. CJ7-The openers of dead letters in the Gen eral Post Office, at Washington, found 1,900 which contained money. The aggregate a mount is 11,275. Seven eighths of this mo ney has been restored to its owners. !X7Killed a panther, by a Mr. Kunes, in Goshen township, Clearfield county, on the Gth January. Some more of these 'varmints' are in the neighborhood, but we haven't heard of any other being shot. C7The rascals of New York have taken to bagging their victims.- The other night, two of them drew a bag over the bead of Tlioina Ilanna, hauled him into a cellar on the corner of Irving place and Eighteenth street, and robbed him. CyA letter postmarked Mountville, Pa., slates that the body of an unknown man, ap parently 50 to CO years of age, was found ly ing on the turnpike road between Columbia and Marietta on the morning of the 30th of January, with the throat cut from ear to car. C7" There are tribes in Borneo who have a terrible superstition that leads them to hunt their fellow men in order to get their heads, believing that the souls of the beheaded will be their slaves in another world. If they'd get the souls of some people we know of, what diminutive slaves they would have! CC7"Wc sec by the Hollidaysburg papers that W. S. II. Keys, tried in the Blair count' Ses sions for assault and battery with attempt to commit a rape, was acqnitted on the second charge, but found guilty on the charge of as sault and battery. His counsel moved in ar rest of judgment, anl for a new trial for rea sons filed. CyOn Tuesday morning the 31 inst., a man by the name of James Kid was found dead on the ice beneath theAllegheny bridge, at Pitts burg. An inquest was held on the body, and a verdict rendered that, the deceased carne to his death by either falling or Leing thrown from the old Allegheny Bridge. The deceas ed was a young mail of fine promise. ATTENTION RECl'LAUS You are or dered to meet for parade on Saturday, Fcb'y 21st, at 10 o'clock A. XI. Each member will pro vide himself with ten rounds of blank cartridge. By order of the Captain. Feb 1 J l.O. W . R i 1 K E MS, 1st Scrgt. F LOlll! F L O V 11 '.! F L O U II '.!! TUB SCnsritlUKR worm IXKORW his old friends in Clearfield county and the public generally, that ho keeps constantl v on hand SU PERFINE and EXTRA FLOCK- of good brands, which he will sell Wholesale anil Retail at the lowest market prices, at Bauman's old established 'Cheap Stove Store." Look out for tho sign, a bovo Tom XIay's Hotel, Plank Road street. Tvrono city, Pa. .)an-,l-'j--3tl A- I 1 B A UMAX. A DXIINISTUATOR'S NOTICE. Letters 2- of Administration, on the estate of John Ad dcrson, late of Tike township, Clearfield county, Pa., deceased, having been granted to tho subscri ber, all persons indebted to the said estate, are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will present them, properly authenticated for settle ment, JVllZi Ij. Jit A, Administrator, Feb 4, 1350-Ot-p New Millport. A DXIIXISTKATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of Admini.tration on tho Estate of James Sharp, late of Pike towEskip. Clearfield county, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the under signed ; all persons indebted to sail estato are re quested to mako immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will present them, properly authenticated for settlement. JOHN PATTON, Administrator. Teh. 4, 13 jT-Gt-p Curwensville. CA . S C II A F F N E R , LUX1BER XIERCIIANT. XIARIETTA, Of the. firm of Lindsey and Schaffner, Timber Inspectors, Respectfully offers his services to the Timber men of the West Branch in the spring, to take charge of the Timber of those who are desirous of returning home and to their business again. From his knowl edge of the business ho feels confident of being able to obtain tho highest market rates, of all con signments entrusted to him. All attention paid to Timber left to hi3 care after the spring business. As for reference would refer to James B. Graham, Esq. Wm. Powell. Con. Jobs Patche-v. Marietta, Fobruary 4, 1357-2in. H OLLOWAY'S PILLS, AND OINTMENT, are for sal at la.-s. jivdw.o . . BUCKWHEAT FLOTJR. A lot of prime Buckwheat flonr for sale, at lower rates than elsewhere, by (jan7 X1ERRELL & -CARTER. WANTED a situation ; either as primary Teacher in an Academy or as Preceptress in a select School of young Misses from the nge of ten to fourteen. The latter preferred. Address, iliss FANNIE LUCK, dcc2l-Gt Grabauitou, Clearfield Co., Pa. ITIOR SALE A two-story frame House, with a half acre of land adjoining, situate in Law rence townshin-on tho road from Clearfield to Curwcnsville, about 1 J miles from Clearfield. For terms apply to Zebad Law head, Lawrence town ship, or to the subscriber. L. JACKSON CRANS. june4 Clearfield, Pa. CA F-T I O N . All persons are cautioned n gainst meddling with the following property, now in possession of Win. Curry, Sr, and Samuel Curry, of Knox township, as the same belongs to me and onlr left with tho said Curry's on loan. Ouo bay Horse, One bav Mare, One sorrel Mare, Two setts of Harness, and Two Cows. 11. D. PATTON. ,, Curwcnsville, Dec. 10, 18jG-jan7-'57-3m CAUTION. All persons arc hereby cautioned against purchasing or taking an assignment of a note given by me on the 2fith of Inst Septem ber, payablo to Stewart Cowen. for fifty dollars and some cents, as I received no value for the same and will not pay it unless compelled to do so by due course of law. L. W. WELD. Glen Hope, Jan. 2t, 1857-"t o NE DOUBLE PLEASURE SLEIGH three seatsfor sale by 'A. XI. HILLS. F OK SALK. V;ifuaMe Krai Estate in Bell Totfiixiip. The subscriber offers for sale his valuable farm in, situate in Bell towntdiip, Clearfield county, lying on tho River, 2 miles a Jove Magees Mills, containing ono hundred and thirty eight acres and 67 perehes; seventy acres of whicjj are cleared and in a good state of cultiva tion, and the balance well timbered, having there on three dwelling houses, large frame barn and outbuildiugs, two bearing appla orchards, and is well watered. A good title will lie given,and terms mado easy. For iurther particulars inquireof the subscriber. lNovl9-rini JOHN WEAVER. VAN SAN I) COM P A XY'S till E AT GIFT ROGK SALE, 409 Broadway, New York. Fine Gold Jcii'dru Girrii Away to Purchases of Bool,. -All Books will be sold as low as can be had at oth er Stores, many of them for less. New books re ceived daily. A Gift varying in value from 115 cts to SI. 00, given with each book at the time it is sold. Having on hand a very large stock of tinea ml val uahlc boois. and us our motto is '-Largo ealos and small profits' we arc determined to give our cus tomers better bargains than can be had elsewhcr . Any book published in New York or Philadelphia will be promptly sent, gift included, on receipt of publisher's price. Catalogues of Rooks and Pre sents, containing full explanations will be sent free to all parts of the country. The most liberal inducement are fTered to A gents. Any person by sending us an order forten books, with money enclosed, will be entitled to an extra Booh and Gift. All orders for books, con taining money, (to ensure perfect safety,) should be registered at the Post-offico where they are mailed, and directed to Evans A Co., 40'J Broad way, New York. Rekpkknck. XI. Thomas A Sons, South Fourth St. Philadelphia; J. R. Lippencott A Co . Phila delphia ; D. Appleton & Co., Broadway. N. York ; Derby A Jackson. Nassau Street, New Vork. Hi.Vi Jura Catalogue. EVANS A Co. Principal Store. 4 Oil Broadway, New York. Branch stores at 120 Chestnut street. Philadel phia, mid at Washington, D. C. Decl7 :im i "RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OK CLEARFIELD COUNTY, FOR 1330. En Bloom, Esq., Treasurer of Clearfield County, in ihc Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in account w ith said county, from tho .'Id day of January, A. D. laii, to the ath day of January, A. D. l557. hkut- . To amount received from Collectors for IS.'iR. and previous years, Sto'JS 70 To n mount received from unseated lands for lf.04 and l.sji, 3-1 1 1 74 To amount of interest on bridge order, 27 00 By balance due Treasurer by county last settlement, 5201 43 By amount paid as follows : To Jurors and Talesmen, 1201 72 Election expenses. 1413 9:1 Commonwealth costs. 5tH 27 Woll, panther, wild cat and fox scalps. 271 99 For fuel for county purposes, ' 74 70 Jail fees and boarding prisoners, 1(54 23 Refunds, 92 0 4 Road views, - 179 00 Court crier and caro of Court House, 67 50 County Auditors, 99 50 Constables, 119 51 Assessors. 5S( 70 County Commissioners. 207 75 For repairs to public buildings, 511 :iS Proth'y and clerk of sessions, 275 70 For count y printing. 191 20 District Attorney lees. 120 00 For Coroner's fees and inquisi' tions, Justices' fees. 30 02 9 37 Commissioners' clerk, 216 00 Exonerations to collectors, 2t0 05 Per centage to collectors, 2nd 09 Commissioners' counsel, 100 00 Books and stationary, 89 00 On bridgn contracts, 900 00 Treasurer's percentage on recei ving SS0G7 00 atliperct, 121 00 Treasurer's per centage on recei ving S79";3 00 at li per ct, 119 ."50 Costs on sales of unseated lands, 4i 02 $5145 CG Balance due Treasurer, 73 17 3440 Co Amount of State and county tax due from collec tors ior i.m. ana previous years Year.Townships. Collectors names. 1 S-17 Jordan, James Rca, jr. 1SJS Fox, David Carr, 1S19 Clearfield, David Litz, Covington D. Hufjueny, Burnside, John oung, 1S01 Jordan, 1). Williams, 1802 Fox, John J. Dundy, Curwcnsv. John Askoy. 1303 Chest. John M'CulIy, Decatur, David Kcphart, Pike, Jos. A. Caldwell, 1304 Chest, S. J. Tozer, Curwcnsv. B. F.Sterling, Goshen, Jacob Flegel, Jordan, Jos. Patterson, Lawrence, Bcnj. Spackman, Morris, Joseph Potter, Pike, T. R. M'CIurc, 1305 Beccaria, James Stewart, Boggs. Geo. Wilson, jr Covington John B. Banuov. Clearfield, T. J. M'Oullough, Huston, H. XI. lloyt, Lawrence. A C. Tate. Morris, Jacob Willhclin, Pike, Daniel Bailey, I'enn, Jos. Collingsworth, Woodward Abraham Bycrs, 1S38 Beccaria, S. K. Hcgerty, Bell, Charles iSmitb. Boggs, John W. Kylar, Bradford, John Holt. Brady, Jacob Kuntz, . Burnside, James Weaver, Chest, Jonathan Fry, Covington Daniel Rollet, Clearfield, Wru. F. Irwin, Curwensv. John D. Thompson, Decatur, George Kephart, Ferguson, D. W. lloyt. Fox, James Xloorehead, Girard, N. Roussolot, Goshen, J. A. L. Flogal, Huston, Asa Yonng, Jordan, Robt. XL Johnston, Karthaus, J. C. Xl'CIoskey, T .T Ptheftrt. Co. State. 205 51 92 14 1 46 6 33 1 62 30 01 3 15 S 29 1 00 27 19 33 68 45 71 47 5S 35 17 4 74 45 85 52 20 13 25 10 54 6 99 3 31 53 43 10 03 23 40 S3 90 49 7(5 15 57 44 34 64 91 14 23 1 87 14 89 62 79 31 S9 76 3S 139 03 5 67 10 37 52 93 90 09 31 42 133 95 52 96 17 85 , 54 21 60 39 30 57 7 73 196 64 114 84 1G0 03 "55 49 101 37 77 06 247 73 125 94 437 21 314 63 121 01 43 70 204 62 44 63 82 27 4i 14 173 4rt 177 63 127 07 85 80 133 59 117 91 135 82 4 50 63 55 85 29 56 54 73 14 95 93 65 43 00 87 16 53 04 74 26 57 SO P9 52 10 23 219 94 95 t9 Lawrecco, Abraham Ream 219 94 Unrri. John Hoover. 212 53 133 49 i J.mM Arthurs. 179 58 80 94 Pike ' Lewi I. Bloom, 336 44 220 84 Union, Jas. W. Hollopctcr, 66 20 60 31 Woodward Samuel Haggerty, 190 J4 97 3J 4836 73 3097 55 Amount due on unseated lands - . ' for 1356. 2905 45 14a2 69 Amount of notes and judgments not included above, , 219 43 S7991 71 4550 24 Amount of orders outstanding, 793 3L S7193 40 Amount of Militia tax due for 1856, and previous years : 1343 Bell, Rhinehart nctiel, Henry Swan, Philip Antes, Ab'm Spencer, Joseph Stitcs, David Litz, D. Hiigueny, Wm. W iley, Thomas Fenton, John Sunderlin, Lorerw Hartlim, Joseph Rothrock, Joseph Davis, John Young, 1). Williams, Jacob Wise, JohnAskey, David Kcphart, . Jos. A Caldwell, S. J. Tozer, 6 00 4 10 14 09 17 50 29 00 9 80 S3 00 25 00 32 50 00 20 60 13 12 30 50 16 23 7 00 8 00 17 25 19 50 7 54 15 50 1 OO 1 JO 10 04 13 50 31 57 41 80 33 00 8 35 9 54 45 00 36 00 11 00 31 43 24 33 20 90 43 50 11 7.i 13 37 13 47 17 50 30 02 66 00 41 00 27 50 49 50 22 00 19 47 36 M 13 85 4 00 15 62 12 87 14 00 17 50 21 50 25 50 45 50 50 50 35 00 .- 37 00 14 50 30 50 Jurdan, Lawrence, Peun, Bogg. Clearfield, Covington, Jordan, Pcnn, Bell, Karthaus, Morris, Penn. Burnside, Jordan, Xlorris, Curwcnsv' Decatur, Tike. 1349 1850 1351 1352 1353 1854 Chest, Curwensv'e. B. F. Sterling, Goshen. Jacob Flegel, Jordan, Jos. Patterson, Benj. Spackman, Jos. Potter, T. 11. Xl CIure. George Wilson, jr. Jacob Pearee, J. B. Barmov. T. J. Xt'Cullough, H. XL llovt, A. C. Tate. Jacob Willbclm, 'Daniel Bailey, Jos. Collingsworth, Ab'm Byers, S. K. Hegarty, Charles Smith, John W. Kylar, John Holt, Jacob Kuntz, James Weaver. Jonathan Fry, Dauiel Rollcy, Wm. F. Irwin, Lawrence, Xlorris, Pike Boggs, Bradford, Covington, Clearfield, Huston, Lawrence, Xlorris, Pike, I'enn. Woodward, Beccaria, Boll, Boggs, Bradford. Brady. Burnside, Chest,. Covington, 1S05 1850 llearheld Curwensv'e. John D. Thompson, Decatur, George Kephart, Ferguson, Fox, Girard, Goshen, Houston, Jordan. Karthaus, Knox, Lawrence. Xlorris, Penn, Pike, I). W. lloyt, James Xloorhead, N. Roussolot. J. A. L. Flegal, Asa Young, Robert M. Johnston, J. C. Xl'CIoskey, D. J. Catheart Abraham Reams, John Hoover, James Arthurs Lewis I. Bloom, I nion. J, W. Hollopeter, Woo dwaramuel Hegarty. Total, Em Bloom. Esq.. Treasurer, of Clearfield County, in account with the different townships, for Road fund for 1S04 and 1S05 : DEliTOR. To balance duo Road fund at last settle ment, 143 40 To amount received froin unseated lands for 1304 and 1355. 6176 73 CRF.niT. By ain't paid tp's. Bal.ductp's. Beccaria, 303 92 ISeU, 326 22 20 63 RogL's, 110 20 BraUf.rd, 160 72 IS 73 Rradv, 30 1 73 Burnside,' 199 13 Chest. 170 78 Covington. 92 00 63 41 Clearfield. 12 0(5 Curweusville, 8 00 Decatnr, 201 33 Ferguson, 2s) ;ti Fox, 214 73 42 92 Girard, 117 22 Goshen, 10 99 32 37 Houston. 1232 36 Jordan. 573 91 Karthaus, 160 90 Lawrence, 123 60 Morris, 800 13 Penn, 161 10 Pike, 126 Ct 18 72 Union. 214 5(5 Woodward. 500 64 Bal.duc tp's, 226 73 -Bal.duotpsS226 73 56620 13 &6020 13 Eli Bloom. Esq., Treasurer of Clearfield County, in account with the different townships for School fund for 1354 and 1355 : PET1TXK. To balance due school fund at last settle ment. 393 62 To amount from unseated lands for 1S51 and 1855, 6519 53 CRKOIT. By am't paid tp's. Bal.duetp's. Beccaria, 372 97 80 43 Bell, 2S0 83 30 12 Boggs. 75 00 22 90 Bradford. 162 00 27 69 Bradr, 300 00 20 43 Burnside, 401 01 Chest, 1S2 40 GS 04 Covin -ton, 77 32 21 91 Clearfield. 11 92 Curwensville, S 00 Decatur, 191 80 53 S3 Ferguson, 25 17 Fox. 113 47 Girard, 97 50 66 43 Goshen, 1S7 29 33 51 Houston, 1025 62 121 83 Jordan. 221 40 105 02 Karthaus, 175 00 63 41 Knox, 135 50 30 04 Lawrenco, 103 20 2 92 Morris, 7S7 29 167 13 Penn, 100 00 22 25 Pike, 113 95 Union. 280 00 f 16 39 Wroo Iward. 2;')6 01 S3 16 . Bal.duetp's 1226 11 -Bal due tps 1226 11 SJ943 20 S 09 1.1 20 Wb, tho undersigned Commissioners of Clear field county, in tho Commonwcal'li of Pennsylva nia, having examined the accounts of Eli Bloom, Esq., Treasurer of said county, for the year, A. D. 1856, do certify that we find them as above stated. The amount of debts outstanding due tho county are seven thousand nine hundred and ninety-one dollars and seventy one cents ; tho amount of out standing orders are seven hundred and ninety three doilars and thirty-one cents. Witness our hands this 10th day of January. A. I). 1357. DAVID ROSS, Attest JOHN IKWIN. R. J. Wallack. JACOB WILL11ELXI, Clerk. Commissioners. We, tho undersigncdAuditors of Clcsrfield coun ty, having examined tho accounts of Eli Bloom, Esq., Treasurer of said county, for the year A. D. 1806, do report that the accounts are as above sta ted. The amount due the Treasurer by the county is three hundred and seventy-eight dollars and seventeen cents. The amount due tho Road fund by the Treasurer is two hundred and twenty-six dollars and seventy-eights cents ; the amount due the School fund is one thousand two hundred and twenty-six dollars and eleven cents. Also, tho a mount due the county from collectors and unseat ed lands, notes and judgments is seven thousand nine hundred and ninety-one dollars and seventy one cents, and the amount of outstanding orders is seven hundred and ninety-threo dollars and thirty-one cents. Witness onr hands this 16th day of January, A. D. 1857 A. C. TATE, Attest FRANCIS PEARCE, R. J. Wallace, - . FETER HOOVER, Clerk. AaHrs. T71 XTE.N'SIVE MARBLE YAK D Hi AT TYRONE CITY. PA. Having just received a lot of the best eastern Xlar- blc that can be pnieurca at tue l nuauci- r-r phia Yards, I am now ready to furnish.. - all kinds of work in our line, via : Xloa-iL uincnts. Tomb-Tables, Maible Doo r-s t e 11 s. ltC-4 Lintels. Mantle-pieecs. Centre-Table, Card-Table, i, . . .. . i . - r . i Itureau-Inps, c, oi eiiuer .American or iinusn Marble. MT'N. B. Ail orders sent by mail, prompt ly attended to We will not be beat either in work or prices. Idec21- aft.lyj I. ULREY. XI. A . Frank. Esq., Agent, Clearfield. Pa. f-ILEAR FIELD INSTITUTE The third V quarter ot the present senool year ot tnis insti tution will commence on Xlonday, Fcbruwry 9th. 1807. Persons wishing to fit themselves for College, Teachers, Commercial or other avocations in lite, will here receive every desired facility. A thor ough Scientific and Classical course is here given on terms lower than in similar Institutions in the State. Parents at a distanca can obtain boarding for their son and daughters under the immediate care vf the Principal, where they will receive rare advantages, with all the comforts and pleasures of home; and their morals will be carfully guarded. It is particularly desirous that pupils forthe ap proaching term bo pres. nt at its commencement, to select their seats and be properly arranged in their respective classes. Further information and Catalogues of the In stitute can be had by addressing. W A. I. AjlrB.fc.LL, l'rincipal. Aug. 20, 1850. Clearfield. Pa. F ALL AND WINTER. at the sign of the STYLES "CHEAPEST GOODS;' Market Street, Clearfield, Fa. -. The undersigned has just received and opened at bis store room, a large and woll selected stock of Seasonable Goods, which ho offers at the most rea sonable prices to purchasers. His stock embraces 1)11 V CIMtUS. HARDWARE, qi&LAS-UAKh, GROCERIES. Boots, Shoes, Hats. Caps, Ac. He respectfully invites all who wish to purchase Goods at low prices to give him a call. Approved country produce taken in exchange for goods. Persons wishing to purchase, and receive a fair equivalent fur their luoucy, will do well to give nun a can. Remember the sign of the CHEAPEST GOODS. on XIaiket street, and call and be convinced that there is truth in the words thereon lnscriocl. WM. f . IRWIN. Clearfield. Ta., Nov. 20, 1355 , -MONEY 3IAKINO TRADE FOR 2 - ' UM-J DOLLAi. JEFFRIES S XI AN UAL OF PROFITABLE USEFUL TRADES, ARTS AND OCCUPATIONS. WITHOUT A MASTER, IS NOW READY FOR SALE. This is one of tb r.cct valuable little baoks of the times, to all persons oui of employment, as a number of money making trades and arts, can be learned without a master, beside all the genu ine and popular receipts, and instructions of the day, for the manufacture of the most beneficial, and saleable articles, now in common use. Any perron forwarding one l'iar post-paid. toC. JEF FRIES, Jrffrirs, Clearfield Co., fa.. OT to A. II. Bannisin, Tyrone, Blair Co., Pu., will receive a copy by return mail. And any person forwarding twenty-five cents, post paid, to C. Jeffries, will receive by return mail, one of the three following instructions: How to make the celebrated artificial Hoxey. How to raise double erops, of all kiuds of vegeta bles, wiih little expense, and bow to catch all the Wolves, Foxes. Minks and Xluskrats in the neigh borhood. Any person forwarding fifty cents, will receive the whole three by return mail. June 4. 1306 I y. jOOK IIEKE li! LOOK HERE I!!!! LARGEST MD BEST STOCK OF FALL ATD WINTER GOODS, EYER OFFERED IN C LEAH IT ELD COl'XTV, I'EXX'A. The undersigned has just received from the East and is now opening at his Store in the borough of C Uli 1 1 K A'.S VII.LE, ono of the L AUG EST and most rj-trvsivc stock of 1'u'l aiul Winter good ever offered in Clearfield county. Having select ed his goods with the especial view to the wants of this community, and being determined to sl-11 them at as low prices us they tan be purchased any where in this section of country, he hopes to se cure a liberal share of public patronage. I1U stock consist of Dry Goods. Groceries. Hardware, Qs.censware, and in fact every article kept in a country store The largest and best assortment of Boots and Shoes. Hats and Caps, Ready-made clo thing, 4c, Ac. Ac. Country produce and Lumber taken in exchange for Goods. Cash not refused. Curweusville Novl2-:56 II. D. PATTON. BROADWAY GOLD PEN MANUFAC TURING COMPANY., NO. 3 3 5 BROADWAY. NEW YORK. list Of it f.taii. rn:cKs : Gold Tens. St 00 Gold Tooth Pbks. 2 00 Gold Pen and Silver Tooth and Ear holder, 2 00 Picks, 3 00 Gold Pen and double Gold Pencil A Watch - ex-Silver holders, 3 00 Keys. 3 00 XIauiouth, " 4 00 Ladies GoldPencils. 2 00 Leviathan. " 5 00 ' " " 3 0' Fountain Ten, Desk ' " 4 00 Holder, 3 00 'wiihpcna 00 Xlamouth, " 5 00 Gents' Gold Cases Engrossing Pens, 2 00 and Pens, S 00 Leviathan and Box, 5 00 " l!) 00 Gothic Silver case k " Gothic 12 00 Pen, 3 00 " Screw Pencil, 8 00 " Engrossing " 4 00 And all other kinds and " Mainouth " 5 00 stvles ft retail prices. PREMIUMS PRESENTED'! O PURCHASERS. To every person buying a gold pen of us we pre sent a numbered certificate, und each of these cer tificates entitles the holder of it. by the extra pay ment of 20 cents, to an article of jewelry, in value frouiSl toSlOO. this jewelry consists of Gold and Silver Watchos in great variety. Silver Goblets, Silver Fruit- Baskets, Gold Guard chains for ladies. Lockets. Bracelets, (cents' gold fob and vest chains, Thimbles, Breastpins. Ear Drops. Studs, Rings. Crosses, Ac. none of which sell fl-r less than 51. For every PoHur ju-iJ uiZVte party it entitled to a nnm'ieretl certificate, and ly the piunient of 20 els. extra on each certificate lie is entitled to receive vital ever t,'te mtmler of the certificate designates. We have been iu operation for threo years and thousands have bought of us, and we have never learned that any one was ever dissatisfied. This plan afford s every opportunity of obtaining a gold watch or article of jewelry, for a trilling sum. All our pens, pencil cases. Ac, are genuine arti cles manufactured by ourselves wiih great care, and offer them precisely at prices asked in all oth er stores in the city. To agents we make advan tageous offers, and any energetic person can do well by working for us. We wih agents in every place in the country, and persons who would like to become such will please address us. and we will send them printed circulars of prices term, ic We have no stated periods of distribution. The moment a pen is purchased, the purchaser is enti tled to receive his premium on the pavment of 20 cents extra. MERRICK. BENTON A DEAN, 330 Broadway. New York. AGENTS WANTED. N. B. Gold Pens rcpointed in a superior man ner. Enclose tho pen and 39 cents in P.O. stamps, and the pen will be repointcd and returned post paid. The Broadway Gold Pen XIanufaeturing Compa ny, is well known throughout the country, nut as there are undoubtedly some who are not acquaint ed with us wo append the following well known firms as references ; Fellows A Co.. No. 17 Maiden Lane, New York. Hicks Si XIitehc!I,No. 20 " " Benton Bros., cor. Broadway A Courtland at- N. York, and Chcsnutstreet. Philadelphia. J. H. Sturdy A Co., No. 5, Gilsey building. N.Y. Gould A Wood, No. 8, Maiden Lane, New York. February 4, 1357-3m. Jl ISSING. The undersigned requests the per 11JL son having his ax in possession, to return the same immediately, . -JanJl . JOHN TROUTMAN. LET US REASON TOGETHER. HOLLOW AY'S PILL S WIIY ARE TTE SICK T IT has been the lot of the human rac to be weigh ed down by disease and suffering. HOLLO WAY'S PILLS are specially adapted to tho relief of the WEAK, the NERVOUS, the DELICATE, and tho INFIRM, of all elimcs, ages, sexes, and constitutions. Professor Holloway personally su- rerintends the manufacture of hi medicines in tho nited States, and offers them to a free and mlijht ened people, as the best remedy tho world ever saw for the removal of disease. THESE PILLS PURITY THE BLOOD. These famous Pills are expressly combined to op- crate on the stomach, the liver, the kidneys, tho lunirs. the skin, and the bowels, correcting any do rangemcnt in their functions, purifying the blood, the very fountain of life, and thus curing disease in all its forms. DISPEPSIA AND LIVER COMPLAINTS. Ncarlv half the human race have taken these Pills. It has been proved in ail parts of the wor!4, that nothing has been found equal to them in cases of disorders of the liver, dyspepsia, and ctcmach complaints gcnerallv. They soon give a healthy tone to these organs, however rnucn derange!, and when all other means have failed. GENERAL DEBILITY. ILL HEALTH. XIany of the most despotic Governments bare of pened their Custom Houses to the introduction of these Pills, that they may become the medicine of the masses. Learned Colleges admit that thia medicine is the best remedy ever known for per sons cf delicate health, or where the system ha a een impaired, as its invigorating properties never fail to afford relief. FEMALE COMPLAINTS. No female, young or old. should be without thio celebrated i?dicine. It corrects and regulates the monthly courses at all periods, acting in many ca ses like a charm. It is also the best and safest medicine that can be given to Children of all ages. ana for any complaint; consequently DO lamiiy nouw De wiMiout it. Ilullotray's PilU are the beft retnrJy Znot?H in tk vort,l Jor tne following Diseases: Asthma Diarrho? econdarvSymptom oughs ChcslDiseasee Stone and Gravel Colds Fever and Asue Venereal A ffectioua nfluenza Powcl Complaints Female Complaints Cottiveness Inflaination Worms of all kinds Dyspepsia Indigestion Ixmness of Spirit Debility Liver Complaints Inward weakness I'ropsy 1'ilcs Headaches Sold at tho XIanufactories of Professor Hol low 4V, SO Xlaiden Lane. N. York, and 244 Strand, London, and by all respectable Druggists and Deal ers of Xledicine throughout the United States, and the eiviiized wolrd, iu boxes at 20 cents, 62i cents, and SI each. t!Thre is a considerable saving by taking, the larger sizes. N. B. Directions for the guidance of patients in every disorder are affixed to each box. apr9'56 AT ROBINS' LITERARY DEPOT, Shaw'g Row, Clearfield, Pa., CM.Y ALWAYS BE PROCURED BOOKS OF ALL KUSDS, Stationary, FANCY ARTICLES AND CONFECTION ARIES, Tobacco and Cigars, DRUGS, XIEDICINES, DYE-STUFFS, TAINT3, Clirtnirail, Ire., $-c.. r. Among his siock will be found Histories. Biogra phies. Sketches. School Books, Poetical, Scioijtie, Mechanical, Medical and Law works; the latest publications always on bander procured to order; all the Magazines furnished monthly, nt publish ers prices; fancy ar.d common letter paper; plain and ruled cap paper ; perforated paper ; note pa per; fancy and common envelopes; blank Deeds; a great variety of Steel Pens ; Common and fancy pen-holders, pencils. Ac. Ac Ac, which he will sell at the most reasonable prices. His stock of 1'rugs, Medicines, Dye-stuffs. Paints, Ac. is large and well selected; auiog which aro Calomel, Blue XIass. Quinine. Xlorpbia, Red Pre cipitate ; Rhubarb, root and pnlvcrized ; Rochelle and Epsom Salts: Cream of Tartar. Sulphur. Sen na. Pink Root, Sup. Carbonate Soda. Tartaric A cid. Sulphate of Ziac ; Liquorice, Columbo and Gentian root; Logwood. Oil Vitriol, Blue Vitriol, Copcras, Alum. Red Lead. Prussian Blue, Chrome Green and Yellow, Vermillion. Terr do SUnta, and in fact a general assortment. He has alsa a line lot of Ladies Gold. Breast Pins. Far Drops. Finger Rings. Ac Also, W atch Guards and Keys. Penknives. Hair oils; Hair, Reading. Fine and Pocket combs. Tooth-picks, Ra zors and Strops, Sa llets' Silk, Pearl powder, Fan cy Soaps and Perfumery a great variety. Also, Prunes, Figs, Raisins, Almonds, Pea-nnta and Filberts; Candies a general assortment; Cin amon, Cloves. Pepper, and other spices; Blacking, ' anil Spool Cotton ; tho most popular Patent Med icines of the day ; all of w hich will be sold at the very cheapest rales. Call and examine the stock and judge for -yourselves. IdeeU) THOMAS ROBINS. E XIPLOYX1ENT FOR THE WINTER. The Lett Book for Agents. TO TERSONS OUT OF EM PLOY XI EXT. An Elegant Gift for a Father to Present to hia Family ! Send for one copy, and try it among your friend! WANTED Agents in every section of Ibe Uni ted States, to circulate SEA'RS' LARGE TYPE QUARTO LIliLE, For Family Use Entitled "The People's Pictorial Domestic Bible,' with about One Thousand Ei,grairgs ! This useful book is destined, if we can fcrro an opinion from the Notices of the Press, to have an unprecedented circulation ia every section of our wi le-spread continent, and to form a distinct era in the sale of our woiks. It will, no doubt, in a few years become The Family Bible of the Amer ican I'oople. irsIhe most liVeral remuneration will be al lowed to all persons who may bo pleased to pro cure subscribers to the above. From 50 to 100 co pies may easily bc.circnlated and sold in each f the principal cities and towns in the Union. IT WILL BE S'lLD BY SUCSCKI TTION ONLY ""Applieaiion should be made at once, as tie field will soon be occupied. Persons wi.-!:ing to act as agents. a.nd do a safe business, can send for a specimen copy. 'On the receipt of tho established price. Six Dollars, the Tictorial Family Bible, with a well bound Sub scription Bock, will bo carefully boxed, and ft r warded per express, at our risk and expense, to any central town or village in the United Statce, excepting those of California. Oregon and Texas. "Register your Letters, and your money will como safe. In addition to the Tictorial Bible, we publish a large number of Illustrated Family Woiks. very popular, and of such a high moral and unexcep tionable character, that while good men may ss ly engage in their circulation, they will cotifir a Public Benefit, and receive a Fair Compensation for their labor. "J Orders respectfully solicited. For further par ticulars, address the subscriber. Cpuat paid.) RORERT SEARS, ls William Su N. Y. Y7TLLIAXI TINT HO F F. C LOCK AND WATCH MAKER, Informs the citizens of Curwensville and vicinity that he has opened a thop between Peters' aci Xlasons' hotels in said borough, where ho is pro pared to do all kinds of work in his lice on tho shortest notice and upon the most rcasonablo terms, lie will warrant all bis work for ono year, lie respectfully solicits a share of public patron age. (Curwensville, Dec 10. 1S5G- GOOD INTENT HOTEL. The subscriber having taken this well known HOTEL in tho borough of Curwensville, wishes his old customers and the travelling pnblic generally to give him a call, as he has the best establishment of the kind in thecounty. He hope to give general satisfaction. Curwensville, Augl4-'59 JOS. FETERS. T B I h: XI EN A ELY. ATTORNEY AT LAW ha changed his office to the new brick addi tion, adjoining the residence of James B. Graham. All busine.-s will receive prompt attention. Clfurfield. July 16. lS-Sli. 1 HO SACKS OF SALT, for sale by -IUU XIERRELL 4 CARTER, Dec. 10.1 S56, Clearfield, Pa. " UMBRELLAS and Parasols, a large assorrsatj' of tho latcot patters?, to bo fe&i ohoap at watered 2iGS&HF. '