Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, January 28, 1857, Image 3

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. '
Thr Baptist Church of Clearfield will hold
their next "commnnion" on the first Sabbath
in February, in the Lutheran meeting-house.
Tho meetings will commence on Thursday
evening preceding the first Sabbath.
Thi'ete9 Abott. On the night of the 20th
inst., some rogua 6tole tho meat of two hogs
from John Blair, Esq., of Boggs township, du
ring the absence of himself and wile.
House Bcrxed. On Wednesday last, we
learn, the liouso of Roswell Luther, Esq., of
Brady township, with all its contents, was de
stroyed by fire. Mr. L. had been in this place
on that day, and on his return home lound his
house burned down. -Wo did not hear how the
.fire originated.
Scddkn Change. Monday morning last was
the coldest we had this winter the thermom
eter indicating 21 to 20 degrees below zero.
During the day it moderated, and in the eve
ning it commenced raining, which continued
during the night and next dav. The snow
incited away considerably yesterday.
Examixatiox. The semi-annual examina
tion of the 'pupils of Clearfield Institute will
be held during Wednesday and Thursday of
next week, in their respective school-rooms
Patrons, trustees, and all interested in the
cause of Education, are respectfully invited
by the Principal to attend.
T. & C. Railroad. In the latter part of the
past week, the officers of the Tyrone & Clear
field Railroad passed along a part of the line,
aud, wo have been informed, concluded to
have a change made at the short curve at Mt.
Pleasant point. By making an embankment,
at an increased cost of $1-3,000, which, we be
liev, the contractors arc willing to take and
the company to pay, tho danger of a curve of
ronie tweuty-odd degrees can be avoided, be
sides shortening the distance some. For the
sake of having a safe road, a few thousand dol
lars should not be withheld.
A Word of Advice. We take it upon our
selves to advise such persons as have let t
Clearfield on account of the supposed severity
of our winters, to repent of their precipitate
flight, and return 'iuiniebmtlv.' Whilst from
almost all sections cast, west and south, we re
ceire accounts of deep snows and of the mer
cury being during the entire day below zero,
we can congratulate ourselves upon having a
very moderate quantity of congealed vapor,
and th-'.t the weather clerk was so compassion
ate as to order the quicksilver to ascend above
that famous point before mid-day. It is true,
we had a lew very cold mornings, by way of
variety; but as a whole we had a. moderate
and endurable winter. We begin to think
that there is more than mere speculation in
the doctrine of a milder climate nearer the
poles. This winter's experience would seem
to establish it conclusively ; though the fact
that no perceptible diminution of cold can be
felt at a less distance than twenty-three hun
drcd miles north of this place, might create a
doubt in the minds of the incredulous as to
the conclusiveness of the testimony. But any
rational individual, when he reads the accounts
of railroads being obstructed and streets shut
up with snow iu Philadelphia, Baltimore and
Washington, all lying south of us, and then
views the few inches of snow which surround
Iiim here, he must involuntarily conclude that
his close proximity to te north pole, it there
is anything in the theory already mentioned.,
must have something to do with it, and lie
should thank his stars for placing him in such
a delightful and desiraLle latitude.
Cocrt Proceedings. Common Pleat. The
following were the only causes tried the oth
er causes in the list having been continued :
Philip Ford et al vs. Chadee, Stout & Co. et
al. Feigned issue to test right to money ari
tdng from sale of store ofli, M. Stevenson
Co. Tried, jury discharged, and L S. Dundy,
Esq., appointed auditor to distribute funds a
niong certain creditors of said linn. Larimer
for Flfts ; K. J. Wallace and for Defts.
F. P. Hurxthal & Bro. vs. Berj. and Peter
Lonnsberry. Action lor damages for non-delivery
of raft on contract. Tried, ami verdict
for Defendants. Linn and McEually for Pills.
Wallace and Dundy for Defts.
Kelly & Dickenson vs. Joseph Best. Appeal
from Justice of the Peace. Verdict for Pills.,
$61. Wallace for PLTs., Larimer for Deft.
B. D. Hall & Co. vs. Isaac Gaines. Debt.
Verdict for P12s. SS8,G2. Wallace for Phis.,
JIcEnallv and Linn for Deft.
M. E. Wood vs. Job England. Appeal from
Justice of the Peace. Tried verdict for PhT.
$15. McEnally for rifl"., Crans for Deft.
In the Court of Quarter Sessions the follow
ing were disposed ol :
Commonwealth vs John Uzz'.e. Assault and
battery. Defendant sentenced to pay a fine of
$10 and costs and undergo an imprisonment
lor 20 days. McCulIough and Crans for FlfT.
Wallace for Deft.
Commonwealth vs John Rowles. Assault
and battery. Defendant sentenced to pay a
tine of $5 and costs and be imprisoned 4 days.
McCulIough, Wallace and Crans for P13. and
Cuttle for Deft.
The Grand Jury acted on 11 bills of which 8
were leturned true bills 3 Ignoramus.
The Grand Jury, in their presentment, re
commended the building of a new court house,
provided it can be done without any additional in
crease of taxet.
Morals of the Court of Spain. Tho Lon
don Timet in a late article upon Spain, says :
'Furthermore, the scandals of the palace are
eaid to be graver than at any former period.
The Queen, it is reported, has thrown aside
the Jast remnant of decency, and relapsed, af
ter a short period of restraint, into excesses of
which even a southern capital is ashamed.
The King, on the other hand, is divided from
Lis wife by an intense mutual dislike, and is
reported to be actually plotting against her
throne. His narrow intellect is entirely ruled
by the prices, who surrounded him, and these
risen are all on the aide of Montemohn and le
gitimacy. His present scheme seems to be to
force the Queen to resign, to place Count
Montcmolin in her room, and to marry the in
fant Princess to Monteniolin'a nephew. Such
is tho royal couple to which the destinies of
E7"Bnsy our lumbermen. . .. '
EPRe-electcd Mr. Harlan as U. S. Sena
tor from Iowa.
KThe Republicans have carried the muni
cipal elections in Pittsburgh, Allegheny City
and Birmingham.
C""Killed a bear weighing Sol lbs., at Mt.
Union, Huntingdon county, last week. His
carcass sold for 15 cents per lb.
"Arrested for stealing lumber the speak
er who "took the floor." lie and the lady
who "took the veil" are to be tried together.
d7"The latest way to pop the question is to
ask the fair lady "if you shall have the plea
sure of seeing her at the minister's."
CF"A Fact. A fool in high' station is like
a man on the top of a mountain ; everybody
appears small to him, and he appears small to
K7A good Idea. It is said that a certain
town in New England, iu order to get rid of
supporting a pauper, elected him to a seat in
the Legislature.
K7"Decidedly cold last Monday morning.
The thermometers indicated 24 degs. below-
zero. Jack Frost, we suppose, is, like calico,
trying to "spread" himself.
E"A Louisiana correspondence of the Jour
nil of Commerce says the sugar crop of that
State will fall short 100,000 hhds. the present
year. In 1853 the yield was 405,000 hhds.
C7A disputed point whether the recent
storms east and south were caused by the" defeat
of the Democracy in this State for U. S. Sen
ator, or on account of Dr. Kane's trip to 11a-
Gallon. Gabriel Cannon has been chosen
Lieut. Governor of South Carolina. When
that State secedes from the Union, that'Can
non will probably "go off," and Gabriel will
"blow his horn."
Cyin mourning the last Bellefonte Watch
man, at the defeat of John W. Forney for LT
S. Senator. A copious lachrymal demonstra
tiou will undoubtedly relieve the poor fellow's
lacerated "pheclinks."
CC7IIeavy Loss. Senator Bell's losses by
the "inaurrection" panic were greater than
has been reported. Xo less than sixteen of
liis slaves were killed by the excited populace
some with, and some without the forms ef
law ?
K7"PIcnty mad dogs in Illinois. At Jo-
liet, last week three children and a number of
cattle were bitten; and at Augusta a single
dog bit upwards of twenty cattle, hogs and
sheep, most of which have since gone mad.
The stock bitten was estimated to be worth
$3,000. '
K7IIunt, in his reminiscences, ralates that
Coleridge, upon the death of a master of a
school he' bad attended when a boy, remarked
"It was lucky that the cherubims who took
him to heaven were nothing but faces and
wings, or he would have infallibly flogged
them on the wa"."
HPTruc An exchange says: "When a man
gets mad and stops bis paper, ho always bor
rows the next number of his neighbor to see
if the withdrawal of his paper hasn't killed
the editor, and dressed the columns of his pa
per in mourning. Such men are apt to ima
gine that the world rests on their shoulders.'
C7Queer freak. One of the female luna
tics in the New York Asylum, the Sj'racusc
Courier savs, has the delusion that she has
been the wife of each successive President.
She is now Mrs. Pierce, and her nuptials with
Mr. Buchanan arc anticipated by her about the
time of his inauguration.
C7"Large Award. The United StatesCourt
of Claims at Washington has decided a claim
to the amount of 180,000, against the United
States, in favor of the widow of Reeside, for
many years a great mail contractor. The
Court reported a bill to Congress granting her
the amount, which was immediately passed u
nanimously by the House.
C3"Xew Kink Forty-two scoundrels, cm-
bracing some of every grade in the fraternity,
such as burglars, highwaymen, sneak thieves,
bullies and pimps, were arrested Friday night
a week, in New York, and placed on exhibi
tion, free gratis, that persons who had lost
property might see, and it possible, identify
them. We think the plan of literally caging
andjexhibiting scoundrels, would soon produce
good results.
rX7Zachariah Chandler, who has been cho
sen by the Republicans ol Michigan to replace
Gen. Cass in the Senate, for six years from the
4th of March next, is a leading and popular
merchant of Detroit, and at the same time a
zealous and energetic politician. He was tho
Whig candidate for Governor in 1S52, and
shared the fortunes of General Scott, having
been beaten by Robert McClelland, the present
Secretary of the Interior.
C7-The Harrisburg Herald speaks of a new
counterfeit $10 note on the Ilarrisburgh Bank
which it says is very different from the coun
terfeit on the Bank of Montgomery County
tens. It has portraits of Washington and Kit
teuhouse in the centre canal boat on one end
and male and female on the other with train
of cars at the bottom of the note. The genu
ino ten has the State Capitol in the centre,with
the Goddess ot Liberty in the foreground,
seated. The vignettes on the ends are both a
like two females.
CTart. Six "democratic" members who
boarded at Wilt's Pennsylvania Hotel addres
sed a note to Samuel Menear, one of tho mem
bers who voted for Simon Cameron, request
ing him to leave the house, on which Mr. Me
near replied that as lie is not williug longer to
associate with persons who have "so little
knowledge of what is becoming in members of
a high and honorable body" he intended to
leave it. The six "gentlemen" who made this
insulting request were C. M. Leisenring, J. C.
Evans, B. Nunnctnacber, J. Pearson, M. IlofJ
raan and Franklin M'Uvain, and d?8crve to
hive tneir skunkim rtcerded.
B io ii am Yorsn. This Mormon despot, ac
cording to a corretponiieni irom c ian, is cu
rving matters with a high hand, doing every
thing iu his power, by persecution and other
wise, to drive ont of the Territory those who
do not sympathise with the peculiar institu
tion under which he has acquired an absolute
sway. The Mormon emigrants, on their way
in the hand-cart train to the Salt Lake, are rep
resented ns suffering greatly. The train con
tained 350 souls, of whom 50 were already
dead,and they were dying at the rate of 15 a day
409 Broadwav. New York.'
Fine Gold Jewelry Given Airay to l'ur chasers of
All Books will be sold as low as can bo had at oth
er Stores, many of them for less. New books re
ceived dailv. A Gift varying in value from 25cts
to $1,00, given with each book at the time it is sold.
Having on hand a very large stock of new and val
uable books, and as our motto is '-Lare sales ana
small profits," wc arc determined to givo our cus
tomers better bargains than can bo natl eisewnei
Any book published in New York or Philadelphia
will bo promptly sent, gut inciuucu, on rcccipi oi
publisher's lirico. Catalosues of Books and Pre
sents, containing full explanations will bo sent
free to all parts ot the country.
I ho most liberal inducements are encreu to A
gents. Any person by sending us an order for ten
books, with moucy enclosed, will bo entitled to an
extra Booi ami Gift. All orders for books, con
taining money. to ensure pcricct satety.) snoum
be registered at tho Post-office where they are
mailed, and directed to Evans A Co.. 409 Broad-
wav. New York.
Kefeubsck. M. Thomas A Sons. South Fourth
St, Philadelphia; J. B. Lippencott A Co . Phila-
ucipma ; if. Appicion io.,i)rorany.i. joi,
1 i i t I. -v . Oi . T.
ieroy . uacKgon, assau nreci, .u-n iuib.
Z3?fteiil for a Catalog-uc.
Principal Store. 409 Broadway, New York.
Branch stores at 125 Chestnut street. Philadel
phia, and at AVashington. I. O. Dec 17 2m
livr:L J o ii n s t o ' .
would respectfully inform the citizens of Clear
field that lie has opened a shop in '-thaw's How,'
in the room recently occupied by F. Short, as a
Boot and t?hoc shop, where ho i3 at all times ready
to Cut Hair in the niot fashionable style nnd do
Shavins in the most scientific manner. Shampoo-
ning a'so performed Jle solicits thepatronae of
the public. Jan. f. 137.
A V TION . All persons are cautioned a-
Vy eainst meddlinjr with the followineTropcrty
cow in possession of Win. Curry, Sr, and Samuel
Curry, of Knox township, as tho same belongs to
mo and only leit with tho said Curry s ou loan.
One bav Horse, Unc bay Mare, One sorrel Mare
Two setts of Harness, and Two Cows.
11. 1). PATTON.
Curwcnsvillc, Pe?. 10. lS."fl-j jan7-'57-.'5ra -
T7IOK SALE A two-story frame House, with a
JL halt acre of land adjoining, situate in Law
rence township, on -the road from Clearfield to
Curwcnsvillo. about U miles from Clearfield. 1'or
terms apply to Zebad Lawbead, Lawrence town
shin, or to the subscriber.
jtmet Clearfield, Pa.
ITO.NEY r OUN It. A sum of money wa3
ItA found in Clearfield borough, this day, (the
21st.) by the undersigned, wlncu Ujo owner can
have by describing tho same, and paying for this
" mirv rt ivu 1
UUIICt'. tfVU.l IVLiI.Mj, Mil
Bradford tp., Jan. 21, 1857.
A ' OK
Em Bloom, Esq., Treasurer of Clearfield County
in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in account
with said county, lrora the Jd day ot January, A
1). ISjO, to the 5th day of January, A. V. 1607.
To amount received from Collectors for 1856. and
previous years, S159S
To amount received from unseated lands
for 1(554 and 1855, 3141 74
To amount of interest on bridgo order, 2" 00
By balance duo Treasurer by county last
settlement, $251 43
By amount paid as follows :
To Jurors and Talesmen, 1251 72
Election expenses. 1443 93
Commonwealth costs, ' 364 27
AVoIl, panther, wild cat and fox
271 09
71 75
For fuel for county purposes.
Jail fees aud boarding prisoners, 164 23
Refunds, 92 G4
Jtoad views, 179 00
Court crier and care of Court
House, 67 50
County Auditors, 99 50
Constables, 119 51
Assessors, 580 70
County Commissioners. 207
For rvpairs to public buildings, 511
Proth"y and clerk of sessions, 275
For count v printing, 191
li.-triet Attorney fees, 120 00
For Coroner's fees and inquisi
tions, 35 02
J u slices' fees, 9 37
Commissioners' clerk, 216 00
Exonerations to collectors, 210 0.1
Per ccntage to collectors, 296 09
Commissioners' counsel, 100 00
Books and stationary, 89 50
tin hridgo contracts. 800 00
Treasurers percentage, on recei
ving 5-0t7 00 at U per ct, 121 09
Treasurer's percentage on recei
ving 7953 00 at 1 i per et. 119 30
Costs ou sales of unsealed lands, 45 02
5115 CO
Balance due Treasurer,
i - ,
?1 15 66
Amount of Stale and county tax due from eollec
tors for 1S56, and previous years :
Year. Townships. Collectors mtuies. Co.
1517 Jordan, James Ilea, jr.
205 51
92 14
lSWF'ox, David Carr,
1S49 Clearfield, David Liti,
Covington I), llugucny,
Burnside, John Young,
1S51 Jordan, 1). Williams.
1852 Fox, John J. Bundy,
Curwensv. John Askev.
1853 Chest. John M CulIy,
Decatur, David Kephart,
Pike, Jos. A. Caldwell,
1551 Chest, S. J. Tozcr,
Curwensv. B. F.Sterling, -(oshen,
Jacob Flegel,
Jordan, Jos. Patterson,
Lawrence. Bcnj. Spackiuan,
Morris, Joseph Potter,
Pike, T. It. M'Clure,
1355 Beccaria, James Stewart,
Boggs. (Jeo. Wilson, jr
Covington John B. Bannov,
Clearfield. T. J M Cullough,
Huston, II. M. Hoyt,
Lawrence, A C. Tate.
Morris, Jacob Willhelm,
Pike, Daniel Bailey,
Ponn, Jos. Collingsworth,
Woodward Abraham Byers,
1 45
6 38
30 01
3 15
1 00
27 19
45 71
1 C2
8 23
33 6S
47 58
V.3 17
45 ?5
13 25
6 99
63 43
23 40
49 76
44 31
14 28
62 79
76 36
5 67
52 95
31 42
52 96
54 21
30 57
52 20
10 54
3 34
10 08
86 90
15 57
Ct 91
1 87
14 89
31 89
139 03
10 37
90 09
133 05
17 85
60 39
7 73
lit 84
55 49
77 06
125 91
314 63
43 70
41 68
46 14
177 63
85 80
117 91
29 56
14 95
43 00
53 Ot
57 80
10 23
S3 09
1S55 Beccaria, b. K. Hcgcrty,
Bell. Charles Smith.
Boggs, John W. Kylar,
Bradford, John Holt,
Brady, Jacob Kunts,
Burnsido, James Weaver,
Chefct, Jonathan Fry,
Covington Daniel Bullet,
n. iiriii.id Win. V. Irwin,
196 64
160 OH
101 37
247 73
457 21
121 01
204 62
82 27
173 46
Curwensv. John D.Thompson, 127 07
1)p,-ntiir. Gooree Kephart, 16 59
Ferguson, I. W. Hoyt,
F'ox, James Moorehead,
(iirard. N. Koussolot,
135 82
4 50
56 85
54 73
93 65
J. A. Li. t legal,
Asa Young.
Eobt. M. Johnston, 87 IS
Karthaus. J. C. M'Closkcy, 74 26
Kr-ox, I. J. Catbcart, 99 52
L.Trens; Abratiuia licam:, 1? 01
13 49
fi 94
220 84
CO 31
97 97
S1838 73 3037 55
.Amount due on unsated lauds .,..-
for 1856, 2905 45 142 69
Amount of notes and judgments
not included anove,
57991 71 4550 21
Amount of orders outstanding
f 93 31
S7193 40
Amount of Militia tax due for 1S56, and previous
vears :
,iJ Bell.
Rhiuehart Iletzel,
Henry Swan,
Philip Antes,
Ab'in Spencer,
Joseph btitcs,
David Litz,
D. Uugueny,
Via, W iley,
Thomas Fenton,
Lorenx Hartline,
Joseph llotbrock,
Joseph Davis, ' .
John Young,
D. Williams,
Jacob Wise,
John Askey,
David Kephart,
Jos. A Caldwell,
H. J Toier,
B. F.Sterling,
Jacob Flegel,
Jes. Patterson,
Benj. Spackman,
Jos. Potter,
T. It. M'CIure.
George Wilson.jr.
Jacob Pearce,
J. B. Barmoy.
T. J. M'Cullough,
11. M. Hoyt,
A. C. Tate,
Jacob Willhelm,
Daniel Bailey,
Jo3. Collingsworth,
Ab'm Byers,
S. K. Hcgarty,
Charles r-inith.
John W. Kylar,
John Holt,
Jacob Kuuts,
James Weaver,
Jonathan Fry,
Daniel Rolley,
.Wm. F. Irwin,
, John D. Thompson,
George Kephart,
It. W. Hoyt.
James Moorhead,
N. Koussolot.
J. A. B. Flegal,
Asa Young,
Robert M. Johnston,
J. C. M'Closkey,
I). J. Cathcart
Abrahnui Reams,
John Hoover,
James Arthurs
Lewis I. Bloom,
J, W. Hollopetcr,
Samuel Hegarty,
6 00
4 10
14 09
17 50
29 00
9 80
33 U0
25 00
32 50
6 00
20 50
13 12
30 50
16 23
7 00
H 00
17 25
19 50
7 54
15 60
1 33
10 04
13 50
31 57
41 80
33 1)0
1 awrence,
Girar J,
Kartbaus, -
9 54
40 00
36 00
11 00
31 43
24 33
25 20
43 50
11 75
13 37
13 47
17 50
30 02
66 00
41 00
27 50
49 50
22 05
19 47
36 50
13 85
4 00
15 62
12 87
14 00
17 50
21 50
25 60
45 50
35 50
35 00
37 00
14 50
30 50
Eli Bi-ooii, Esj.. Treasurer, of Clearfield County,
in account with tho differeut townnhips, for Road
fund for 1854 and 1355 :
To balance duo Road fund at last settle
ment, $143 40
To amount received from unseated lands
for 1854 and 1855, 6476 73
By ain't paid tpY Eal.duetp's.
Beccaria, 303 92
326 22 20 CS
110 20
165 72 13 73
304 73
199 13
176 78
92 00 93 41
12 06
8 00
201 33
23 35 "
214 73 43 M
117 22
155 99 S3 &7
1232 36
673 91
160 95
123 60
850 13
134 10
126 63 L8 T2
214 56
500 64
Bui. due tp's, 226 73
-Bal.duetps5226 78
$6620 13 S6C20 13
Eli Bloow, Esq., Treasurer of Clearfield County,
in account with the different townships for
School fund for 1554 and 1855 :
To balance due school fund at last settle
393 62
To umount from unseated lands for 1S54
and 1855,
6549 53
By ain't paid tp's. Ral.due tp'i.
Beccaria, 372 97
Bell, 2S0 83
Boggs. 76 00
Bradford, 162 00
Brady, 300 00
Rurnside, 451 01
Chest, 162 40
Covington, 77 32
Clearfield, 11 92
Curwensville, 8 00
Decatur, 191 S3
Girard, 97 50
Goshen, 187 29
Houston, 1025 63
Jordan, 221 40
Karthaus, 175 00
Knox, 155 60
Lawrence, 153 25
Morris, 787 29
Penn, 150 00
Pike, 113 95
Union, 280 00
Woodward, 266 04
85 43
30 12
22 90
27 69
23 43
63 04
SI 64
3 S3
25 17
143 47
66 43
33 51
121 83
155 02
63 41
5 04
2 92
167 13
22 25
16 39
33 16
Bal.duetp s 1226 II
Eal due tps 1226 11
S6943 20
S6913 20
We, the undersigned Commissioners of Clear
field county, iu the Commonwealth of Pennsylva
nia, having examined the accounts of Eli Bhiom,
Esq., Treasurer of said county, for the year, A. D.
1856, do certify that we find them as above stated.
The amount of debts outstanding due the county
aro seven thousand nine hundred and niuety-one
dollars und seventy one cents ; the amount of out
standing orders are seven hundred and ninety
three dollars and thirty-one cents. Witness our
hands this 16lh day of Januarv. A. D. 1357.
Clerk. Commissioners.
AVe, the undcrsigncdAuditors of Clearfield coun
ty, having examined the accounts of Eli Bloom,
Esq., Treasurer of said county, for the year A. D.
1856, do report that tho accounts are as above sta
ted. The amount due the Treasurer by the county
is three hundred aud seventy-eight dollars and
seventeen cents. Tho amount due the Road fund
by the Treasurer is two hundred and twenty-six
dollars and seventy-eights cents ; the amount due
the School fund is one thousand two hundred aud
twenty-six dollars and eleven cents. Also, the a
mount due the county from collectors and unseat
ed lands, notes and judgments is seven thousand
nine hundred and uincty-one dollars and seventy
one cents, and the amount of outstanding orders
is seven hundred and ninety-three dollars aud
thirty-one cents. Witness our hands this 16th day
of January, A. D. 1357
. . . ' A. C. TATE.
P. J. Wj mack. PETER HOOVER.
Chrk. Auditors.
Morris, John Hoover, 212 53.
Pern, James Arthars, . 1(9 aS
Pike, Lewis I. Bloom, 336 44
Union, Jas. W. Hollopetcr, 66 20
Woodward Samuel Uaggcrty, 190 31
TVTEWBTlUi HOTEL TLc undersigned hav
11 iag leased the hott l recently kept by Ezra
Root, in Newburg, Chest t iwnsfiip, nnonr.c?s to
the public that he is prepared to accommodate
irril!rr and others who inav give him a call
The house is well supplied with all the necessaries
and accommodations to make guests coratoriaoie.
He respectfully solicits a share of patronage.
Oct29-'56-.lin CYRUS II. THURSTON.
"VWrACJON - .tl AKIN ti. THE undorsingnea
?? would announce that they manufacture
Waggons of all descriptions. Buggies. Med?, Ac, at
thciVshop in New Salem. Brady township. Clear
field county, which they offer for mlo at as reaona-
ble rates as can epnrrliasea ciscwncrc. iur res
pectfully solicit a share of patronage.
Octl-'56-tf WILLIAM LEWIS.
at the sign of the
Market Street, Clearfield, Fa.
The undersigned has just received and opened at
his Etore room, a large and well selected stock of
Seasonable Ootids, which he offers at the most reji
Eonab'.o prices to purchasers. His stock embraces
GROCERIES, Boots. Shots. Hals. Caps, &e.
Ho respectfully invites all who wish to purchase
Goods at low prices to givo him a call.
Approved country produco taken in exchange
for goods.
Persons wilting to purchase, and roeeive a fair
equivalent far their money, will do arell to give
him a call.
Remember the sign of tho CHEAPEST GOODS,
on Market street, and call and be convinced that
there is truth iu the words thereon inscribed.
WM. x . IRWIN.
Clearfield. Pa- Nov. 26. 1S56
will be published about 2.".tli DeceinVr next.
In addition to tho usual Calendar pages and As
tronomical calculations, "The Tribune Almanac"
will contain :
Very full and complete Election Returns for
1356, carefully compared with the returns of for
mer years
The important Acts of Congress condensed
The Government of the United Statt-s.
List of members of the present Congress, and of
the next as far as elected, classified politically.
A concise statement of the doings in Kansas du
ring the past 3-car.
An account of the remarkable contest fur Speak
er of the House.
An article on the state of Europe.
An account of the movements of Gen. Walker
and bis fillibusler companions in Nicaragua.
A classified list of the Governors of the States,
times of holding elections, meeting of Legisla
tures. Ae.
Single copies, 12' cents, SI per dozen ; 57 per
100. Postage on tho A'manad 1 cent each, pre
paid, or two cents each when not prepaid. Orders
inclosing ths cash respectfullv solicited.
Nov. 1856. Tribune office, New York.
1. O: I-: DO L LA ii.
SALE. This isone of the most valuable little books
of the times, to all persons out of employment,
as a number of money making trades and arts, can
be learned without a master, beside all the genu
ine and popular receipts, nnd instructions of the
day. for the manufacture of the most beneficial,
and saleable articles, now in common use. Any
perj-on forwarding one dollar post-paid, to C.JIZF-y-Vi7i',
Jeffries, Clr.,rf ,ll Co.. I'a.. or to A. II.
Bin mm, JTyroiie, Blair Co., Pa., will receive a
copy by return mail.
Ami any person forwarding twenty-fire cents,
post paid, to C. J uKFitiK.s. will receive by return
mail, one of the three following instructions :
How to mako the celebrated artificial Jlostv.
How to raise double crops, of all kinds of vegeta
bles, with little expense, and how to catch all the
Wolves, Foxes. Minks and Miukrafs in the neigh
borhood. Any person forwarding fifty cents, will
receive the whole three by return mail.
June 4. 185! Ir.
The undersigned has just received from the East
and is now opening at his Store in the borough of
JUKW HAZY ILLi:, ore of the JvUUb.fT
and mn tt rrtrrsive stock of Fa'l and IV inter cooilt
ever offered in Clearfield county. Having select
ed his goods wi;h the especial view to the waists of
thisconiinimity, and being determined to s.dl them
at as low prices as they can be purchased any
where in this section of country, he hopes to se
cure a liberal share of public patronage. His
stock consist of Dry Goods, Groceries. Hardware.
Qscensware, nnd in fact every article kept in a
country store. The largest and b st asoi tment of
Boots and Allocs. Ilafs and Caps, Ready-made clo
thing. Ac., Ac. Ac.
Country produce ami Lumber taken in exchange
for Goods. Cash not refused.
Curwensville Novl2-:56 II. P. PATTON.
"I 0.y -l Mjzasiu for th" Horn of the
TEli MAGAZl.XE, the 1'ionrrr Misazincof
the. Country, estriilishfl in 1S27. Subscribe for
the New Volume commencing with the January
numberdS57. WATSON A t O., the new publish
ers of -Graham's Illustrated Magazine.' announce
to tho Ladies and Gen'lemen of the United t:it'-s
in general, and to the former patrons of tho work
in particular, t!mt it is their intention to make use
of all the immense resources at their command to
produce a First Class tna:ine. To this end no
cxpenfe or exertion w ill be spared. The best Lit
erary and Artistic Talent wiil be employed, und
nothing that rajntaf, lisle aitJ eiitrrjirif can ac
complish will ho wauting to make this Magazine
more than ever deserving the liberal support so
generously extended to itdtiring the past 3:1 years.
Every number will contain 2 fine steel .engrav
ings One illustrative of some of tho most popu
lar pictures of the day ; the other a beautiful col
ored Fashion Plate, drawn from actual articles of
costume. Also, a number of tine wood engravings,
patterns for Crochet and Needle-work, engraved
from the articles themselves Alt the latest styles
of costume for laHits und Children will be co
pied from the newest patterns, nnd fully describ
ed und illustrated in every number.
Ladies about forming clubs of subscribers are
requested to compare '-Graham"' wi!h any other
Magazino published, and wc are confident their
good taste and correct judgment will decide iu
our favor.
Gentlemen who are about to subscribe for a Mag
azine for their own reading, or to present to thcTr
lady friends, should procure a copy of '-Graham''
and examine it thoroughly, snd then sec if any
other periodical presenU equal inducements for
their subscriptions.
The twelve numbers of 'Oraham" for the year
1357, will comprise one of the most magniCoeut
volumes ever issued ! containing in all
1200 pages of reading matter !
100 fine wood engravings!
12 handsome steei engravings!
12 beatiful colored fashion plates !
10il engravings of ladies' 4 children's dresses !
50 coming illustration ! i
And over 300 patterns for needlowork, to
TERMS : One copy, one year, S3 00 ; Two co
pies, S5 00 ; Fivo copies, and ono to getter up of
tlnb, S10 00 ; Eleven copies, and one to agent,
S20 00.
Graham's illustrated magazine will be supplied
to fubscribors punctually, and at 83 early a day in
the month as any other magazine published.
t'end in your subscriptions early to the Publish
ers, ! WATSON A CO..
50 Houth 3d street. Phil'a.
EYTRA NOTICE. Subscribers sending three
dollfrs for ono year's subscription to "Graham '
will receive a copy of Grnhaia't Ladie Paper for
one year without charge !
Send for specimen number of Gmiiam'. Tn.,.,..
j iA .M.ii. ;,A 'O-ti-B, t I.;' P.64r.
IT has been the lot of the human race to be weigh
ed down bv disease and suflering. HOLLO
WAY'S PI LI-S" are FpeciaHr adapted to the relief
of the WEAK, the NERVOUS, the DELICATE,
and the INFIRM, of all climes, a get. sexes, and
constitutions. Trofessor Holloway personaljy
pcrintends the manufacture of his medicines in tho.
United States, aud offers ihem to a free audi nliifht
ened people, as the best remedy the world ever
saw fur the removal of disease. " t
These famous Tills arc expressly combined to op
crate on the slomaeh. the iiver. the kidneys, tho
lungs, the skin, and the bowels, correcting any de
rangement in their functions, purifying the blood,
the very fountain cf life, aud thus curing disease
iu all its forms.
Nearly half the human race Lave tsken tfceso
Pills. It has teen proved iu all partsof thcwerld.
that nothing has been found equal to them in casw
of disorders of the liver, dyspepsia, and stomach
complaints generally. They soon give a healthy
tone to these organs, however much deranged, and
when all other means have failed.
Many of ihemost derpotic Gevcrnmeutu have of
pened their Custom Houses to the introduction of
these Piils. that they may become the medicine of
tho masses. Learned Colleges admit that fhia
moui.-ine is the best remedy ever known for per
sons of delicate health, or where the system ha
been impaired, as its invigorating properties never
fail to afford relief.
No female, young or old. should be wiihont this
celebrated medicine. It corrects and regulates the
monthly courses at all periods, acting in many ca
ses like a charm. It is also the best and safcxt
medicine that can be given to Children of all ages,
and for any complaint; consequently no family
thotild be without it.
Hulo:cxi'$ Pills nre the he-:t remedy litvtnt tit tit
tror'd for the fnlloii-ing Dite isc :
Asthma Iiarr!)ia eeondarySymptoms
Coughs Chect Diseases Stone and Gravel
Colds Fever and Ague Venereal AuVetions
Influenza 1'owel Complaints Female Complaint
Cifc-tivenesa I rifinmation Worms of all kind '
Dyspepsia Indigestion Lowne'3 of Spirits
1 ebilUv l.it r Complaints Inward weakness
v Piles Headaches
JoM at the Manufactories of Profcasor IIol
low ay, hi) jMaiuuit Lane, i oik, ana ill Tirana.
London, anil by all respectable Druggists and DclJ
ers of Medicine throughout the United States, and
the civilized wolrd. iu boxes at 2' cents, G2j eenfs,
and each.
HTLtie is a considerable sating by taking
the larger sizes.
N. P.. Dincitons for tiic guidance of patients iu
every disorder arc aGxed to each box. aprO'afi
J. t-haw's Row, Clearfield, Pa.,
Tobacco and Cigar,
Chemirs'ls, i-c, ilj-e., A-r.
Among his stock will be found Histories, Biogra
phies, .--ketches. School Books, Poetical. ScUnlio.
Mechanical. Medical and l.iw works; the latest
publications' always on bander procured to order;
all the Magazines furnished monthly, at publish
ers prices ; fancy and common letter paper ; Iain
and ruled cap paper; perf-rated paper; cote pa
per; fancy und common envelopes; blank Deeds;
a great variety of Meel Pens ; common and fancy
peu-hoMers. peiicils.Ac. Ac. Ac, which he will tell
at the most reasonable prices.
His slot k of Drugs. Medicine, Dyc-3tuCV. Paints,
Ac, is large and well selected: among which r
Calomel. Pluc Mass. Quinine. Morphia. Red Pre
cipitate ; Rhubarb, root aud pulverized ;'Rochcl!
and Epsom .Salts; Cream of Tartar. Sulphur, Sen
na. Pink Root, Si'p. Carbonate Soda. Tartaric A
cid. Sulphate of Ziue ; Liquorice. CVilumHo and
Gentian root ; Logwood. Oil Vitriol, Ulue Vitriol,
Cot-eras. Alum. Red Lead. Prussian Rlue. Chrome
Green and Yellow, Vermillion, Teira de SitEDa,
and ia fact a general assortment.
He has !a a fine lot of Ladies' Gold Preait
Pins, Ear Drops, Finger Rings, Ac. Aire. Watch
Guariis and Keys. lVnknhtrs. Hair c;; Hair.
Reading. Fine and Poeket combs. Tooth-pick. Ra
zors and Strops. Sailers" Silk, Pearl powder, Fan
cy Soaps and Perfumery a great variety.
Also. Prunes. Fi,rs. Raisins, Almouds, Tea-nut
and Filbcils; Candies a general asortnier.t ; Cin
amon. Cloves. Pcpj-cr. and other spices; Rlacking,
and Spool Cotton ; the most popular Patent Mou
icinea of the day ; all of which w ill be sold at tii
very cheapest ra'cs.
Cull and examine the stock and judea for you
selves. deel 7 THOM A-S"ltOBlNS.
TU ie.tt ISooL' for -tvj.
An Elegant Gift fjr a Father to Trtaect to hi
Family !
Send for cue copy. ai i try i: among yo:ir Jritnds'
WANTED Agents iu every sfctiou of the Uni
ted States, to circulate SEARS' LARGE TYP3
OUARTO 151 DEE. For Family Use Entitled -TL
People's Pictorial Domestic, Eilie,'' with about
One Thousand Ei;gravir-g '.
1 his useful buvk is destined, if wo can form an
opinion from the Notices of the Press, to have ait
unprecedented circulation in every section of our
wide-spread contiutct, and io form a distinct r
in the sa'.o cf our woiks. It will, iio doubt, in a
few years become Tho Family E:b!e cf the Amer
ican People.
E"i?Tho most libera! remuneration wiil be al
lowed to all persons who may be pleased to pro
cure subscribers to the above. From 60 to lun co
pies may easily be circulated and lord in each of
the principal cities and towns ia tho Union. IT
""Application sitoui 1 be made at ones, as tio
Cold will soon be occupied.
Persons wishing to act as agents, and do a safe
business, can send for a specimen copy. T"On tho
receipt of the established price. Sis Dollars, tho
Pictorial Family J:;ih. with a well bound Sub
scription Rook, will be carefully bused, and for
waidcd per express, at our risk and expense, to
any central tow n or village iu the United States,
exceptir,? those or California. Oregon and Texas '
.Register your Letters, and your money will
come s ifo.
In addition to the Pictorial Bible, wo publish
a lar:e number of Illustrated Family Works, very
popular, and of such a hieh moral and unexcep
tionable character, that while good men niy safe
ly cnaie in their circulation. t!uy wiil confer a
Public Benefit, and receive a Fair Compensation
for their labor.
Orders respectfully solicited. For further par
ticulars, address the subscriber, (post paid
ROBERT SEARS. ISi William St.. N. Y.
Informs tho eitiicns of Curwensville and Ticir.ity
that ho bus opened n shop betwe-n Peters' and
Masons' hotels in said boronh. where he i pr
pared t do all kinds of work in Lis lice on tho
shortest notice aud upon the mst reasonable
terms. Uowiil warrant all his work for one Tear,
lie respeotfully solicits a share of public pa'tron
a Curwensville, Deo. 10, lsoG-
GOOO INTENT HOTEL. The ubscr7b7r
havmsr taken this well known HOTEL in tho
borouRh of Curwensville, wishes his old customers
nnd the travelling nnl.i; i,an.-n. .- u-
call, as he has the best establishment M the kind
in the county. He hopes to give general satisfaction.
Curwensville. AugU-'oii JOS. PETERS
has rliHni'ril I-. iu r.Tt., r, i, . : . r.
. "f - "... v.ii. v v . -; lien Ui tl..
tion. adjoining.tho residence of Jumes H. Graham.
All business wL'l receive prompt attention.
Clearfield. .1 til v 1(. 13 u'i.
1 Ci( SACKS OF SALT, for safe by
Dec IQ.1S.-.G, Clearfield. 1'y
TTMBRELLAS and Parrels, a lnro;o assorting
U of the lato-t paMeryp, fce had cheap at
1 1-
I s