Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, January 07, 1857, Image 3

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- TTe direct attention to the advertisement of
Sir. A. II. Baunian, of Tyrone, headed ''mo
ney, money." lie oflers the highest prico in
cash or stoTes for hides and skins.
Severe Tail. On New Tear's day, as Mwj.
John Iliscy, on his way home, was crossing
the river above town, on the ice, his feet slipp
ed and he fell. Ilia head striking the ice, he
was knocked insensible for some minutes, be
sides luring a gash cut into the back part of
liis head. Persons should be careful when
walking on slippery places.
OtR Carrier requests us to tender his
1 hanks to his np-street lady friends, who kind
ly remembered him on Christmas day, artd
wishes that the most propitious smiles of Pro
vidence may rest upon them. lie assures us
that ho did ample justice to tiie delicious cake,
a fact that we had ocular evidence of ourselves.
lie also returns his thanks" to those who re
sponded to his call on New Year's Day.
A ubrottpks. Mr. II. A. Purviance, of Al
legheny City, is now in Clearfield, engaged in
taking Auibrotype Likenesses. lie is a good,
rrtist, and will doubtless render satisfaction
to all who favor him with a visit, lie occu
pies the room of Mr. P. C. Purviance, one
door south of Merrell & Carter's stove depot.
As Mr. P. expects to remain but a few days,
those desiring superior likenesses should call
immediately at his rooms.
Fire in Ccrwe.nsvillk. At about 2 o'clock
on Tuesday morning, the 23d ult., a fire broke
out in the foundry of Jackson Robison, in Ctir
wensville, and consumed the entire building.
Although the citizens, a large number of whom
lurneikout, came too late to save the foundry,
yet by their commendable eflcrts prevented
the fire from spreading and destroying other
property. The loss of Mr. Robison is from
4300 to $500. We understand that he intends
rebuilding immediately.
Snow at Last. Ou last Friday night sev
eral inches ol snow tell here, which has had
nn enlivening effect upon everything. Sleigh
ing and sledding is going on briskly, and new
lit has been infused into cur lumbermen.
The river's banks will soon be covered with
timber, board, shingles, fee. We are not pre
pared to say whether lbs timber and lumber
business will be as heavy as last spring cruet.
It is certain, however, that the want of snow
has so far retarded operations to same extent.
Ccrwensville. We learn that by a census
recently taken of the neighboring town of
Curwensville, the number of inhabitants is
fixed at 511. This, we think, shows a consid
erable increase since the taking of the last
Xational census. The business transacted in
the place is large. The educational interests
of the town are well attended to. A Gne bi ick
school house, erected by a prominent and in
fluential citizen, is decidedly the liest building
in the county -for that purpose. There are at
present three schools in operation, having 119
nchol.trs. The free schools are open G months
in the y?ur. We presume there are few towns
in the interior of the State, of a proportionate
size, that can boast of raising as much of their
own Iivinr," as Curwensville. We have been
informed that f'l hogs were raised by private
families, and killed this season, producing in
the aggregiits 10,303 lbs. ol pork; also 3.500
11)3. of beef, 1,000 bushels of potatoes, and a
sufficient quantity of corn to fatten the prrk
:rs.' Thea-J are evidences of thrift, which
show what industry and' attention may accom
j.lish on a small pices of ground, and that the
people of that enterj rising town are wide a
w.ike to their interests.
Cleartied Co. Teachers' Institi te. This
association met at the To vn Hall in Clearfield,
on Saturday the 3d January, agreeably to no
tice previously given, and organized by ap
pointing Dr. A. T. Schryver, Co. Supt., Pres
ident pro. tern., L. J. Crans. Esq., and C. San
ford, Vice Presidents, and Miss 11. Goodlll
low and J. L. Morgan, Secretaries.
The President, being called upon, stated tiia
object of the meeting, at length, in a neat and
pertinent address. L. J. Crans, Esq., then, in
response to a motion, addressed the meeting,
showing the necessity and usefulness of such
associations, and closed by reading an essay on
the itnpoi tanc of the study of chemistry. On
motion, Win. C. Rote was called upon to de
liver an address. The' audience having select
ed Grammar for his subject, he treated it in a
masterly style. His remarks gave rise to con
siderable discussion, which was participated in
ly Dr. Schryver, Chas. Sanford, Win. S. Brad
ley, Jos. P. Martin, L. J. Crans, Esq., Miss II.
Goodfellow and J. L. Morgan. After which,
on request. Miss Goodfellow read an excellent
essay, entitled ''Passing Away." On motion
of Win. C. Rote, the authors of the essays
wore requested to furnish copies for publica
tion. A committee, consisting of Messrs.
isanford, Bradley and Rote, were, on motion,
appointed to prepare business for the next
meeting. On motion, adjourned to meet on
Saturday the 17th iusf. Signed by officers.
A Dreadful Typuoos Lots of a thousand
Lives. The North China IIerald,of September
10, which came to hand by the last steamer,
contains the following account of a terrible
typhoon and its appalling consequences:
Tho captain of a large junk from Bangkok has
communicated the following note on the dis
asters occasioned by a typhoon he encounter
ed on tho 12th cf August, on approaching the
Chusan Islands from the south : "We formed
one of a fleet of twenty two junka, bound to
. various ports from Shanghai? to Tientsin?.
On tho twelfth day of the moon the wind
blew fiiriouslv from the northweft, and sud
denly chopped around from the south, sev
enteen vessels soon foundered, and the remain
ing five Here dismatited. Wc also lost both
our double rudders. About one thousand
men perished in th:it storm. In consequence
f assistance liberally afforded by a steamer,
wvn pared from drowning and starving."
COviT the llollid-y.
CIncreasiu? our subscription list.
C7""In session the County Commissioners,
making the annual settlement.
H7"Mects our Court on the 19th of the pre
sent month, being the third Monday.
Dyintcresting the article on our outside,
headed "Russia iu the Light of Prophecy."
C7Convenes the Democratic State Con
vention, at Harrisburgh, on the 2d of March.
C"Good the skating on the Susquehanna,
last week, and those fond of such exercise
made good use of it.
CySHghtly squabbled the head of the last
Clearfield Republican. A wag at onr elbow
says it is nothing unusual.
C"Gone Father Matthew, the renowned
Apostle of Temperance. lie died at Cork,
Ireland, on the Sth of December.
"Appointed Martin Nichols, Jr., by the
Commissioners, as Mercantile Appraiser for
Clearfield county, for the year 1857.
E7"Dead Col. Reah Frazer, of Lancaster.
He died at the State Lunatic Asylum near
narrisburgh, on the 30th Dec.
DC?""Looks comfortable a young lady with
an overcoat on, and a gentleman with a shawl,
such ns we seen on the street one evening, not
very long since.
CExcitir.g the ''muss" kicked Up at a
hustling match down town, the night after
Christmas. We are inclined to think it was a
kind of "free" affair.
OTM Fact. If you want to gain a woman's
affections, don't appeal to her hand, but to her
feelings. One squeeze of the hand, or press
ot the lips, is worth a dozen speeches. Cali
co is an institution of touch, not of logic.
CT"Geling up a Brass Band some of the
citizens of Curwensville. They have excel
lent instruments; and having engaged the ser
vices of an instructor, will in a short time be
ready to blow out good music.
EF""Rich the burlesque on hoops, on New
Year's day. The hoop of the ostensive lady
was so large as to prevent the gentleman oc
cupying any part of the sleigh, and so he had
to walk alongside to drive. The costume of
both was grotesque in the extreme.
"Succeeded the proscriplionists of Vir
ginia, in driving John C. Underwood from
that liberal Slate. Mr. Underwood had the
"audacity" to attend- the National Convention
that nominated Fremont. What a commenta
ry upon our boasted "freedom !"
CTTlenty bears in Dauphin count'. The
Telegraph makes mention of one killed a few
days ago at Bear Gap, and says, "this makes
about twenty bruins that have been captured in
that vicinity within the last eight months ; and
the place is evidently not bare yet."
I7Tragical the tight in one of the bar
rooms in this place, on the Saturday between
Christmas and New Year's day. Fists and po
kers were brought Into requisition. A liberal
application of tho latter is calculated to make
Short work of a scrimmage, and raise bumps
worse than Boils on a man's head.
C5"The man who thought he could learn to
make boots I y swallowing sherry cobblers, has
just got out a work in which he attempts to
prove that by eating hops you will acquire a
knowledge of waltzing. He must bo related
to a chap we know of, who used so much brim
stone that he Ins forgotten how to tell the
truth, imagining himself a scion of a certain
old chap, known as the "fatlier of lies." He
desires to kuep up the distinctive trait of the
family to which he belongs.
IXP""TnK Lion and the Ski se." The wri
ter of the article with this heading, in the last
Clearfield Republican, is certainly more face
tious than truthful. Besides making misrep
resentations, he omitted the final of the af
fair. He should have stated that, when mat
ters were becoming intensely interesting, the
animal, which he is pleased to call the 'skunk,'
suddenly backed out, burst more than a "sus
pcndei," and, consequently, was not visible
to the naked eye for some time after. Doubts
of his precise whereabouts for several days
were entertained, and probably it will always
remain a mystery ; though it is said that the
atmosphere in the vicinity of the Republican
o'.iiee was about, that time strongly impregna
ted with pole-cat perfumery. B'j t lint a it
may, if we judge the author of the article in
the Republican by his production, ho must
lack all the qualities of candor, common de
cency and manliness. As the cockney would
say, "Vot a very hintcrestin' hanimel he must
be." We think he would make o rare acqui
sition to a menagerie. Who bids for him I
Married On the lClh Nov., by John Blair,
Esq., Mr. lIonKKT Stott, to Miss ELiz vntTii
Matcw, both of Woodward tp.
On Dec. 21st, by the same, Mr. Henry Wi
sor, of Bradford township, to Miss Mary A.nn
Elizabeth Okell, of Boggs township.
On tho Jan., by tho same, Mr. Hejsy
Siumel to Miss CatIi auink Waple, both of
Bojrgs township, Clearfield county.
On the 21th Nov., by John II. Dyers, Esq.,
Mr. Samiel McLai gulis, to MissMEBCY Jane
Tozer, both of Chest township.
Notice is hereby given to the stockholders in this
road, that an election will be held at th house of
David Johnson in Philipsburg, on the second .Mon
day in January next, between thehoursof 1 and 4
o'clock, P. M.. to elect a President and twelve di
rectors for the ensuing year.
Tho Stockholders are further notifieil that nil ar
rears of the first instalment of Five dollars per
share of stock, called in by resolution of the board
passed on the 5th May, 1SJ3, are requested to be
paid to the Treasurer, on or before tho 12th day
of January, 1817. By order of the Board,
Philipsburg. Dec. 10. 155. Secretary.
REMOVAL. The undersigned has removed
to the room lately occupied by Richard Olcnnin.
where he is now prepared to furnish customers
with Boots. Shoes, Ac, on tho shortest notice and
must resonablo terms, lie respuetfully solicits a
continuance of a shari of public patronage.
Clearfield. Pec. 17, 13afi. PRANK SHORT.
RETITRNE1. The subscriber having return
ed to the town of Glen Hope, ofTers hi pro
fessional services in the practice of Medicine to
the citizens of this place and tho surrounding
country. No travelling in the night except in
cases of actual necessity. 0-No medicine given out
of the office unless accompanied by the cash
JtUl'L,B, M. I.
The best Bool- far Agents.
u Elegant Gift for a Father to Present to his
Family !
Send for one copy, ani try it among your friends!
WANTED Agents in every section of the Uni
ted States, to circulate SEARS' LARGE TYPE
QUARTO P.IBLE, For Family Use Entitled "The
People's Pictorial Domestic" liiblc," with about
Oue Tbousaud Engravings!
lhis useful book is destined, il wc can torui an
opinion from the Notices of the Press, to have an
unprecedented circulation in every section ot our
wide-spread continent, and to form a distinct era
in tho sale of our works. It will, no doubt, in a
few years become The Family Bible of the Amer
ican People.
I 'iT I he most liberal remuneration will be al
lowed to all persons who maybe pleased to pro
cure subscribers to the above. From 60 to 100 co
pics may easily be circulated and sold in each of
the principal cities and towns in the I'nion. I'J
Application should be made at once, as the
field will soon be occupied.
Persons wishing to act as agents, and do a safe
business, can send for a specimen copy. "On the
receipt of the established price, Six Dollars, the
Pictorial Family Bible, with a well bound Sub
scription Book, will be carefully boxed, and for
warded per express, at our risk and expense, to
any central town or village in tho United States.
excepting those of California. Oregon and Texas. .
T, Register your Letters, and your money will
come sale.
'In addition to the Pictorial Bible, wo publish
a large number of Illustrated Family Works, very
popular, and of such a high moral and unexcep
tionable character, that while good men may safe
ly engage in their circulation, they will comer a
Public Benefit, and receive a Fair Compensation
for their labor.
TOrdcrs respectfully solicited. For further par
ticulars, address the subscriber, (post paid.)
KOUKKT SEARS, lhl William f-t., J. .
Shaw's Bow, Clearfield. Pa.,
Tobacco and Cigars,
Chemicals, SfC., Are., r.
Among his stock will bo found Histories. Biogra
phies, Sketches. School Books, Poetical, Sciectie.
Mechanical, Medical and Law works; the latest
publications always on hand or procured to order;
ill I the Magazines furnished monthly, at publish
ers prices' ; fancy and common letter paper ; plain
and ruled cap paper ; perforated paper ; DOtc pa
per ; fancy and common envelopes; blank Deeds:
a great variety of Steel Pens ; common and fancy
pen-hol ders. pencils. Ac. Ac. Ac, which be will soil
at the most reasonable prices.
Hi3 stock of Drugs. Medicines. Dye-stuffs. Paints,
tc, is large and well selected; among which arc
Calomel, Blue Mass, Quiiiine. Morphia. Red Pre
cipitate ; Rhubarb, root and pnlverizcd ; Rochellc
and Epsom Salts; Cream of Tartar. Sulphur, Sen
na, Pink Root, Sup. Carbonate Soda. Tartaric A
eid. Sulphate of Zinc ; Liquorice, Columbo and
lientian root; Logwood, Oil Vitriol, Blue Vitriol,
Coperas, Alum. Red Lead. Prussian Blue. Chrome
tireen and Yellow, Vermillion, Terra dc Sienna,
and in fact a general assortment.
lie has also a fine lot of Ladies' Gold Breast
Pins, Ear Drops, Finger Rings. Ac. Also, Watch
(iuards and Keys. Penknives, Jiair oils: Hair.
Reading. Fine and Pocket combs. Tooth-picks, Ra
zors and Strops. Sadlers' Silk, Pearl powder, Fan
cy Soaps and Perfumery a ercnt variety.
Also. Prunes. Figs, Raisins, Almonds. Pea-nuts
and Filberts; Candies a general assortment; Cin
amon. Cloves. Pepper, and other spices; Blacking,
and Spool Cotton ; the most popular Patent Med
icines of the day ; all of which will be sold at the
very cheapest rates.
Call and examine the stock and judge for your
selves. plecl7 THOMAS ROBINS
Tho undersitrncd announces to the travellin
public that ho is now running a semi weekly line
ot hacks from Clcarticld borough to ludgeway.
Elk county. The hacks are comfortable, tho hor
tcs good, and the drivers careful. By special at
sention to the comfortable, safe and speedy con
veyance of passengers, he hopes to secure a liber
al share of travelling custom.
The time fordepaiturc and arrival is as follows:
Leave Clearfield every Tuesday and Friday morn
ing, and arrive at Ridgewayon the evening of the
same days.
Leave RiJgeway every Wednesday and Satur
day morning, and arrive ut Clearfield on tho eve
ning of tho same days.
Julyl 6 "m A .M .II I LLS.
has removed his shop to the new building of John
Troutman, on Market street, where he will keep
on hand or manufacture to order, (of superior
finish.) every variety of Household and Kitchen
such as Tables. Bureaus, Safes, Stands Cupboards.
Sofas. Bedsteads. Ac. of every style and variety,
which he will dispose of at cheap rates as any o
ther establishment of the kind in the county.
Call and examine his furniture, and judge for
yourselves of its iiualitv and finish.
Clearfield. Pa-. December 17. 18.6.
Informs the citizens of Curwensville and vicinity
that he has opened a shop between Peters" and
Masons' hotels in said borough, where he is pre
pared to dc all kinds of work in his line on the
shortest notice and upon the most reasonable
terms. He will warrant all his work for one year.
He respectfully solicits a share of public patron
age. (Curwensville. Dee. 10, IB 5f-
Accounts, Notes, Judgments and other evi
dences of debt, of George W. Shoff, have been
transferred and assigned to certain of his credi
tors, and lire now in my hands for collection for
their use. All persons having accounts in said
books, or being in any way indebted to him, will
save costs by calling and settling their accounts.
Docl 7-'5('.-"t Clearfield.
-KIOI) INTENT HOTEL The subscriber
Jf having taken this well known HOTEL in the
borough of Curwensville, wishes his old customers
and the travelling public generally to give him a
call, ns he has the best establishment of the kind
in the county. He hopes to give general satisfaction.
Curwensville. AugU-VJ JOS. PETERS.
OR SALE A two-story frame House, with a
half acre of laml adioining. situate in Law
rence township, on the road froui Clearfield to
Curwensville, about l 4 miles from Clearfield. F'or
terms apply to Zebad Lawhead, Lawrenco town
ship, or to tho subscriber.
jure! Clearfield. Pa.
J HOLDERS. Are hereby notified that a meet
ing of the Stockholders will be held at the ofiico
of J. B. M Enally in Clearfield, on Monday the 6th
day of January. 1S07, at 2 o'clock, P. M. to elect a
Board of Trustees, A-c. for the ensuing year.
dcl0-'30 J. B. M FINALLY, Secretary
has changed his office to tho new brick addi
tion, adjoining the residence of James B. Graham.
All business will receive prompt attcntiou.
Clearfield. July lii. ISiV
ROCERIES. Just received and now
o iroiu ml assortment of
i.:.... ..,... ;.. ,ttl,iRh will be sold at thor HB
lowest cash prices at WM. F. IRW IN S
t i i S VCKS OF SALT, for sale by
Dec 10. IBjO, Clearfield. Pa.
MBRELLAS and Parasols, a large assortmcn
of the latest patterns, iw bo pad cheap at
quarter of the present scnool year 01 mis insti
tution will commence on Jlondaj', November 17th
IWnni m J.ln'n.r to fit themselves for ColIcJTe,
Teachers, Commercial or other avocations in life,
will here receive every desired facility. A thor
niKrb K;nntifi ami Cliissieal course is here given
oncrnis lower than in similar Institutions in the
State. Parents at a distance can obtain Doarning
for their sons and dauchtcrs under the immediate
care of the Principal, where they will receive rare
advantages, with all the comforts and pleasures of
borne; and their morals win oe cariuiiy guruu.
Il i nnrtirnlnrlr desirous that DUnilS fortllC ap-
proacbing term be pres. nt at its commencement,
to select their scats and be properly arranged in
ineir respective classes.
Further information and Catalozues of tho In
stitute can be had 1 addressing.
A. UAJlt 'lsr,L.Li. rrmeipai.
Aug. 20, 1S56. Clearfield. Pa.
CAPITAL, Jj:;tM,0U0.
Insures Detached Buildings. Stores. Merchandise
and other buildings and their contents.
directors :
iron. John J. Pearce, Hon. G. C. Harvey,
John B. Hall, T. T. Abrams,
Charles A. Mayer, D. K. Jaekman,
Charles Crist, W. White.
Peter Liekenson.- Thomas Kitchen.
Hon. U. C. nAKYEY, 1'kes t.
TLos. Kitchen. Sec'y. T. T. Abrams. Vice Prcs't.
J he undersigned having been appointed a-
geut by this company, gives notice that he will
insure Buildings of every description, tJoods. Ac.
on the most reasonable terras. This company is
in a prosperous condition, and meets all demands
promptly. The capital stock of the company is
100,001) with privilege of increasing to S.'ttHt.tloO.
Curwensville. Pa.; Aug. !M. lSiii-timp
Gl'LICII & BENNER, would respectfully
inform the citizens cf Clearfield, and public
generally that they have entered into co-partnership
in the
and keen constantly on hands, and manufacture
to order, nt the lowest prices, every variety of
furniture, consisting of
Dining, Breakfast, and Centre Tables, Seuine;,
M'ritiug, and Wash-Stands, Mahogany, and
Common Bed-s'cuds ;
Mahogony and Cane-bottomed Chairs. Bureau?,
Sofas. Lounges, Ac, Ac.
Coffins made and funerals attended on the short
est notice, with a neat hearse, and appropriate
accompany mcnts.
House Painting done on the shortest notice.
Shop and Ware-rooms, same as formerly occupi
ed by John tiulich. mearly opposite the -Jew Store,;
Clearfield. Pa JOHN GL'LICII.
May 22. 'jo.-lv. DANIEL BENNER .
LAND FOR S ALE. The subscribers offer for
sale a tract of land in Peon township. Clear
field county, containing I3l acres patented land
about 00 acres cleared, the balance covered with
timber of good quality. The improvements are a
good two story frame house, nearly new, log barn
and other out buildings, a never failing fountain
of excellent water at the door, a large hearing ap
plo orchard, mid 12 acres in meadow. The above
farm has many advantages, being in the centre of
a thriving neighborhood, about i of a mile from
Pcnnsvillc and the Glen Hope and Susquehanna
Turnpike ; bounded by lands of Joseph Davis.
Thomas Wain. Thomas Martin and others. A pub
lic road passes by the door, and is about a a mile
from the Catholic Church. Terms of sale will be
made easy and possession given at any time by ap
plication to either of the undersigned.
Pcnn tp., 8 mo., ISth. lS36-.nug27-".nipd.
Having just received a bt of the nest eastern Mar
ble that cau be procured at the I'Diladel-
- .. i t , . r L - ."
pnia larus. i um now rcauy iu luriusu
all kinds of work in our line, viz : Mon
uments, Tomb-Tables, Marble Door-steps.
Lintels, Mantle-pieces. Centre-Table, Card-Table,
I'urcHu-tops. Ac. of either American or Italian
Marble. titN. B. All orderssent by mail, prompt
ly attended to We will not be beat either in work
or prices. Idoc-l- ao.ly 1. ll.Kt-l.
M. A. Frank, Esq.. Agent, Clearfield IPa.
OR SALE. Yatitnhlr. Real E.tc in Bell
Totrnx.'tip. The subscriber oft'eis for sale
his valuable farm in, situate in cll township.
Clearfield county, lyi.ig on the River, 2 miles a
hove Ma gees Mills, containing one hundred and
thirty eight acres anil f7 perches; seventy acres of
whi.-h arc cleared and in a good state of cultiva
tion, and the balance well timbered, having there
on three dwelling houses, large frame barn and
outbuildings, two bearing applo orchards, and is
well watered. A good title will be given. and terms
made easy. F'or jurther particulars ir.quireof the
subscriber. lNovlil-::m JollN WEAVER.
"V5 7"HOL E-KALE. The subscriber wishing to
V retire from tho Mercantile business, (so'.e-
Iy on account of press of Professional business) do
sires to dispose of his entire stock of Store goods
at wholesale and will sell them on the most accom
modating terms. Any person wishing to engage
iu trading in any part ot the county will do well
to call and see mo before making any other ar
rangements. A. il. II ILLS.
Clearfield. August 27. 1356.
kJlll-I. JIANIM lhc undersigned con-
BUSINESS, at his new shop on the corner of Main
and Mechanic streets, one door !-outh of Dr. It.
Wilson's office, where he will be pleased tt accom
modate his customers at all times. Repairing done
on the shortest notice. :iuga R. K. WELSH.
BLACKSMITH I ML The subscriber would
inform the puolic that he has taken the Black
smith Shop formerly occupied by George Orr. on
the corner of Third and Main streets, in the bor
ough of Clearfield where he carries on the business
in all its various branches. -
7"ANTED a situation ; cither ns primary
teacher man .Ac.ltem f or as I'receptress
in a select School of young Misses from the age
ten to fourteen. The latter preferred. Address.
dec2l-flt Graham to;i. Clearfield Co.. Pa.
residence of J. M.' Pi'outz. ia Ansonville,
may be bought cheap by immediate application to
plecl0-if. J. B. M ENALLY.
f kept constantly on hand and for sale, at
the old store room of K. A.W. F. Irwin, by
Clearfield, dec-n-'jj . JOSEPH R. IRWIN.
GRAIN! GRAIN ! ! Wheat. Rye. Oats and
Corn, can nt nil times be pro.Mired nt the Pi
oneer Mills, on the Moshnnnon iu Morris town
ship, at the lowest selling rates.
QUEENSWARE A superior lot of Fancy
and Common Quecnswaro now opening
and for salo at the i.-.ost reasonable prices
at the storoof RICHARD MOSSOP.
SxFISII! FISH !! Superior Mackerel and
Codfish just received and opening at the
cheap Cash store of Richard Mosson in
Clearfield. may 21 66
LACK, Imperial and Young Hyson.
Teas of the best quality to be had at f
the lowest each t rioe at
LADIES' Handkerchiefs, all Linnen. for salo by
June 13, '55.1 B MOSSOP
CLOTHING Roartv-madc Clothing of all
kinds just received" at H. D PATTON S.
aro for sale at Tlias ROUBINS'.
fJTTp TnS! crprv description for sale
Ls4SJVA Fl tj t a moderate advance at
CLOTHING. A general assortment of ready
made clothing just received and opened ac
Nov 2 J j W. V, IRWIN'S.
SLEIGHS. A number of good Sleighs for sale
rVTLWRFRO HOTEL The undersigned hv
ll ing leased the hotel recently kept by Era
Root, in Newburg, Chest township, announces to
the public that be is prepared to accommodate
travellers and others who may give him a call
The house ie well supplied with all the necessaries
and accommodations to make guests comfortable,
lie respectfully solicits a share of patronage.
VAGOX - MAKING. THE undersingned
f would announce that they manufacture
Waggons of all descriptions, Bugsica. Sleds, Ae., at
their shop in New Salem. Brady township, Clear
field county, which they offer for sale at as reasona
ble rates as can be purchased elsewhere. They res
pectfully solicit a share of patronage.
at the sign of tho
Karket Street, Clearfield, Pa.
The undersigned has just received and opened at
his store room, a large and well selected stock of
Seasonable Goods, which he offers at the most rea
sonable prices to purchasers. His stock embraces
GROCERIES. Boots. Shoes. Hats. Caps. Ac.
He respectfully invites all who wish to purchase
Goods at low prices to give him a call.
Approved country produce taken in exchange
for goods.
Persons wishing to purchase, and receive a fair
equivalent fur their money, wl do well to give
him a call.
Remember the sign of the CHEAPEST GOODS,
on Market street, and cull and be convinced that
there is truth in the words thereon inscribed.
WM. i . IRWIN.
Clearfield. Pa.. Nov. 2J. IS36
J will be published about -'5th December next.
In addition to the usual Calendar pages and As
tronomical calculations. '-The Tribuuo Almanac''
will coutain :
Very full and complete Election -Returns for
1?5G. carefully compared with the returns of for
mer years
The important Acts of Congress condecsed
The Government of the United States.
List of members of the present Congress, and of
the next as far as elected, classified politically.
A concise statement of tho doings in Kansas du
ring the past year.
An account of the remarkable contest for Speak
er of the House.
An article on the state of Europe.
An aceonntof the movements of Gen. Walker
and his filibuster companions in Nicaragua.
A classified list of the Governors of the States,
times of holding elections, meeting of Legisla
tures. Ac.
Single copies, 1 2 J cents. SI per dozen; S7 per
100. Postage on the Almanac 1 cent each, pre
paid, or two cents each when not prepaid. Orders
inclosing the cash respect tuny sol i.iitol
G KLhLhl & Jcr.LUA UI,
Nov. ISoG. Tiibunc office. New York.
SALE. This is one of the most valuable little books
of the times, to a!l persons out of employment.
as a number of money making trades and arts can
be learned without a" master, beside all the genu
ine and popular receipts, and instructions of tho
day, for the manufacture of the most beneficial,
and saleable articles, now in common use. Any
person forwarding one dollar post-paid. toCJEF
FlilES, Jrffr,'.. Cle.irfi.ld Co., l a., or to A. II.
ISinm.m. 'Tyrone, R.'air Co., Pa., will receive a
copy by return mail.
Aud'any person forwarding twenty-five cents,
post paid, to C. JerritiES. will receive by return
mail, one of the three following instructions:
How to make the celebrated artificial Honey.
Hdw to raise double crop, of all kinds of vegeta
bles, with little expense, and how to catch all the
Wolves, Foxes. Minks and Mnskrats in the neigh
borhood. Any person forwarding fifty cents, will
receive the whole three by rctuin mail.
June 4. 1S.VS 1 v.
The undersigned has just received from tho East
and is now opening at bis Store in the borough f
and mttr ej-t'vsire tcZ- of F.i'l anJ Wiutrrsoo.1i
ever offered iu Clearfield couaiy. Having select
ed his goods with the especial view to the wants of
this community, and being datcriniucd to sell them
at as low prices as they can be purchase! any
where in this section of country, he hopes to se
cure a liberal share of public patronage. His
stock consist of Dry Goods, Groceries. Hardware.
Qf.eensware, and in fact every ariiclo kept in a
country store. The largest arl btst assortment of
Boots and Shoes. Hats and Caps. Ready-made clo
thing. Ac, Ac. Ac.
Country produce and Lumber taken inexebange
for Goods. Cash not refused.
Curwensville Novl2-'. If. P. PATTON.
1 O TZ1"? -t jT igttzine for the 11-tm of t!,
TE1) MAGAZIXE. the Piunetr M urazin of
the Country, est ih!ix.'te,t in 1S27. Subscribe for
the New Volume commencing wrh the January
number, 1S.7. WAT S JN A CO., the new publish
ers of -Graham's Illustrated Magaiir.o." anmuace
to the Ladies and Gentlemen of the United States
in general, and to the former patrons of the woik
in particular, that it is their intention to make uvi
of all the immense resources at their command to
produce a First Clais .1 tiraz'ttr. To this end no
expentc or exertion will be spared. The best Lit
erary and Artistic Talent will be employed, and
nothing that rnpitj.!, I r.v.'e and enterprise, can ac
complish will be wanting to make this Magazine
more than ever deserving the liberal support so
generously extended to it during the past ."0 years.
Every number will contain 2 lino steel engrav
ings. Oue illustrative of some of the most popu
lar pictures of tho day ; the other a beautiful col
ored Fashion Plate, drawn from actual ariie'esof
costume. Alfo, a number of line wood engraving,
patterns for Crochet and Needle-work. ensracd
from the articles themselves All the latest styles
of ntst'tnicx for 1st tits an I Children w iil be co
pied from tho newest patterns, and fully describ
ed and illustrated in every number.
Ladies about forming clubs of subscribers are
requested to compare '-Graham" with any other
Magazine published, and we arc confident their
good taste and correct judgment will decide iu
our favor.
Gentlemen who are about tosubscr.be for a Mag
azine for their own reading, or to prescDt totiieir
lady friends, should procure a copy of -Graham''
and examine it thoroughly, and then see if any
other periodical presents equal inducements for
their subscriptions.
Tho twelve numbers of '-Graham" for the year
1857, will comprise one of the most inagniticcut
volumes ever ixsued ! containing in all
1200 pages of reading matter !
ltli) fine wood engravings!
12 handsome steoi cngraviugs!
12 beatiful C3lcred fashion plates'.
n0 engravings of ladies' A children's dresses !
50 ooming illustration!
And over ami patterns for needlework. Ac
TERMS: Ore copy, one year, S'J uU ; Two co
pies, j 00 ; Five eopies. and one to getter up of
flub. S10 00 : Eleven copies, and oue to agent,
S2t 00.
Grnham's illustrated magawne will he supplied
to subscribers punctually, and at as early a day in
the month as any other "magaxlne published.
50 South 3d street. FMl'a.
EYTRA NOTICE. Subscribers sending thrre.
do'ti'rs for one year's subscription t Graham,"
will receive n copy of Graham's lnjitt' Pupcrfar
one year without charge !
Send tor specimen numbers or Uraham sill
tuc r.omn rxTFRNIL liEMEQV.
V the aid of a microscope, we see millions cf
little obentnirs r.n tho surface ot our cj:cs.
1 broach these this Ointment, when rubbed cn tho
. - i . :..o.! ,.r- Oli.
SKID. IS CO T ( ICW to miijr OI a vr ivwwift J"-1 .
esses of the Kidneys, disorders of the Liver, affec
tions of the Heart, inflammation cf tSo Lung?.
Asthmas. Coughs and Cold, are by its rjeio ef
fectually cured. Every housewife Icows that silt
passes freely through bone or meat of ary thick
ness. This healing Ointment far more readiry
penetrates through any bone or ficsby part of th
living body, curing the most dangerous inward
complaints that cannot be reached by other meow.
No remedy has ever done so much for the euro
of diseases of tho ikin, whatever form tbey may
assume, as this Ointment. No case of Salt Rheum,
Scurvy. Sore Heads. Scrofula or Erysipclss, can
long wilLatand its influence. Ihe inventor hs
travelled over many parts of the globe, visitimr
the principal hospitals, dispensing this Ointment?
giving advice as to its application, and has thus
been the means of restor ng coubtless cumbers to
Some of the most scientific surgeons now rely
solely on the use of this wonderful Uiutment, when
having to cope with tee worst cases ot sores, ulcers
wounds, glaadularswellings. ai.J tumors. Profcs
sor Hollotvay has. by command of the Allied gov
ernments, dispatched to the hospitals of tho East,
large shipments of this Ointment, to be used UD
der the direction of the Medical staff, in the worst
eases of wounds, it will cure any ulcer, glandu
lar swelling, stiffness or contraction of the joint,
even of 20 years' standing.
These and other similar distressing complain
can be effectually cured if the Ointment be well
rubbed in over the parts affected, and by otherwise
following the printed directions around each pot
Both the Ointment and the Pills shcuU lesc'
in the following cases :
r.ur.ioiiS, Mercurial Eruptions, Swelled Glands,
Hums. Chapped Hands, Stiff Joints,
Chilblains, Rheumatism, Ulcers.
Fistulas, Salt Rheum, Yeneiial Sores,
Gout. Skin Diseases. Sore Legs,
Lumbago, M ounds of all kinds, Scalds,
Piles. Sore Breasts. Sprains,
Scalds, Sores f all kinds. Soro Ihroat.
SoUl at the Manufactories of Professor Hot
loway. t0 Maiden l.ane, New York, and 2U Strand,
London, and by all respectable Druggists and Dea
lers of Medicines throughout the United States,
anil the civilize i world, in Pols, at 25 ccuts, 621
cents, and SI each.
CpThcre is a considerable saving by taking ih
larger sixes.
N. It. I-iiectiof.s for the guidance of utieuU ia
every disorder are affixed to each pot
April 9. ISOo.
in the
Cosmopolitan Art Association,
For the Thirl Year?
See the Rare Inducements'. The management
have the pleasure of announcing that tho collec
tion of Woiks of Art designed for dislribcliou a.-
mong tuo subscribers, whose imioes arc rcc:td
previous to the 2?lh January. is much larger
aud more cosily ll.au on ai.y previous year. A
mong the leadiug woiks iu'tculpture-excoutod
iu the tuest Maiblc is n w r.i,d beautiful
statue of the WOOD NYMPH," the busts of thu
"hree great American Statesmen, Clai, HV.'.irr
and CaHioau ; also Ihe eiqulxi-e ideal bust
Spring;,''' Apollo and Diana, iu Maible. life sine,
together with the following Groups ar.b Situ; "a in
Carrara, marble of the Xlriizqir fart', Heart,
Venn and Afple ; Psyche ; Muffdalen ; Child of
tha te i ; Innocence ; Captive Bird ; and Littlt
Truant; with numerous woiks iu Rronze. and s
collection of several hundred l ine Oil Paintings,
by leading Artists.
The whole of whioh are to b dist ilnted or al
lotted among the subscribers whr3o i.n.es are I c
ceived previous to the Twenty-eighth of January,
'67, when the Distribution will take place.
Every subscriber of Three Dollars is er.tiilel to
a copy of the splendid steel engraving, 'S.1;ur'!.y
Night," or a copy of any of the following M
gazir.es one year ; a'so a copy of ihe - Art Journal
one year, and a ticket iu the Annual Lirtribulieu.
of W orks of Art.
1 bus. for every ?3 paid, a person not only gels
a Ictutilul cngrauing or Magazine ono year, brt
also receives the Art Journal oue year. clJ a tick
et iu the Annual I istribution, makihg four dollars
tco -t'i of rem! nig mutter besides the ticket, by
which a valuable painting or piece of siatu&ry
may be received pi abdUion.
'i hoc who prefer Magazines to the Er;rsvii;g
Sa-.uiday Night.' cau Lave eiUier of the following
oi:c yeart Harper's Magazine Godey s Lady's
Book, United States Magaziue.KrL-kcrbocker X.k
gazir.e. Graham s Maga-tice. blackwcgd Msatitw,
southern Literary Mc.-seugcr
For further pi ti.-uiars. soc the November Art
Jearnal, furnished free oa application to tha s
retajy. For membership. r.J iresi
C. L. DEKBY, Actrsry C. A A.
OlSEroadway, New York, or Yt'esfern ' 'flW, 14i
Water Street, Scndurty, Vhlo
Honorary Secretary. CloarSeld. Tt.
'Ihe Dailt TEt.r.CRArn. Notwithstanding tLe ju
niors spread abroad by our political opponents,
that the -Daily Telegraph" won id be discoitiicucl
af:er the election, we announce to the public that
we shall not only continue its publication, but it
shall be done witU renewe 1 igor ar.d detri miux
tion to meet the pub'ic expectations and wants.
'the publishers w ill spcre co labor or expci.se ta
m ike it a paper cmi- ently worthy of tho capital
of Pennsy.vania, ar.d ore which should be found
at every fireside in our borough
ILo -Daily Telegraph' wiil contain the latest
news received by Magr.etii Telegraph and Mulls.
Wc shall give particular Mtcntiou to osrl.02.il de
partment, and endeavor to uiuke the Reports as
full and interesting as possible. The Kditorial De
partment w ill bounder the ruanagvrceut of abl
mid experienced gentlemen, w ho. upon all ques
tions afFe-:tiiig the pul.Iic. wiil express their opin
ioi;s fairly and fiee'y. t'urnext Legida'uro will
be entrusted with several important dc:ies lb
election of United States Senator, the elec'iCDof a
Stale Treasurer, the apportionment cf the- State,
Ac, which will make the proceedings unusually
interesting and important. The -Telegraph' will
i.e able to present this and all ?her news transpi
ring at the State Capital much sooner and nor
satisfactorily ihan ary o ber paper In the State.
'J he -Semi M eekly and Week-y Telegraph" will
bo published, as heretofore. 'e shall ecdeavor
to make the -Weekly Telegraph' the best family
newspaper in the fctae. It will curtain, all th
latest news up to the hour of going to press. Il
will con-aiu full reports of the maikcts in the At
lau'.ij cities. A portion of our columns will bed
voted to the iuteres's of Agriculture and Meehan-.
ics The -Semi-Weekly' wiil be pubiisaed ou!r
during the tessioDs of tho Legislature. Oorefibrts
shall be to make the Telcgrapn the model-news,
paper of tho State.
TERMS : The Daily Telegraph will be famish
ed at a distance for Si per tnnupi; S2 foe si
months: or I for three months. Single subscri
bers in the town will be furaUbcd at six cents per
week payable wei kly to tho earner.
The Semi-Weekly arid Weekly Telegraph wEJ
be furnished to single subscribers tt Sj per acpuy.
Our Clubs Rates are as follows
Clubs of 5, - - - . , 6!
10, - . . . - , , if
20. 30
The person who raises a claTi will reoeiv co,
py of the paper.o-rari.
"W here ia the person who cannot afford this .
Three cents per week for a ttwspapcr. whioh shall
convey to him. in addition to political intelligent,
ail Toieign. domestic ard local news; in a woni.
ail of political interest which may :r.!svir ei
ther at home or abroad,
xhar.king our friends everywhere for th ener .
ous patror.iige they havo ext-uded to us during '
the campaign, wc trust that tbev wi'I rt u.-e re--cew
their subscriptions, and mtk the Telegraph .'
in future a constant visitor at their Bres:d-s.
A LXEGE lot of Fmisily Grociies just reciiviu
J:1l at Mnssop's in Clearfield. may 21
("APi f All kinds ti tt all r.rlso to b bad. at