Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, December 24, 1856, Image 3

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St. Andrew's Ciiircii. Subject on Sunday
night, 28th instant : Variety ot religious de
nominations in our country.
W tender the compliments of the season
to our patrons, wishing them all a Merry
Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Rev. Dk. McLeod, on Sunday evening,
w hilst returning from church, slipped on some
ice, and sprained one of his ancles so severely
as to prevent him from walking for sonio days.
, Our Carrier requests us to announce that
V.e will have an excellent Address for New
Years' Day, and that he should bo pleased if
all would be prepared to greet biro, on that oc
casion in a substantial manner.
The Weatheb, during the last few days, has
been very cold, and tho Susquehanna is frozen
over. On Mouday several inches of snow fell.
A little more of the article would make good
sledding and sleighing, for which all are look
ing anxiously.
TraosK & Clearfield Railroad. We have
been informed that the contractors are deter
mined to push the work between Tyrone and
Philipsburg with vigor, and for this purpose
liave already some 200 hands at work on the
line. This looki as if something was to bo
done, and ivc think the company should con
gratulate themselves upon having given the
contract to such spirited and encrgatic men as
Messrs. Brady, Mowrer and Lingo!, to whom
we trust it may prove' a profitable job.
Shooting ix tue Streets. During the last
week we heard on several occasions pistols or
other fire arms discharged in our streets. This
is wrong as well as dangerous. We see by the
Gazette that on the loth a man was killed in
Pittsburg, whilst engaged loading some furni
ture, by a ball from a pistol which had been
shot at a mark. The ball, striking a stone,
glanced and struck the unfortunate man on the
bead, causing death in a short time. We trust,
therefore, that persons will in luturo desist
from shooting within our borough limits.'
Remember the Pook. The . cold winter is
upon us with all its rigors, and as those who
are blessed with a fair share of this world's
goods gather around their cheerful firesides,
they should not only feel grateful to the great
Ruler of tho Universe for the blessings they
enjoy, but they should not be forgetful of the
poor who may be in our midst. Yc are all too
apt to think when wo are comfortable our
selves that all is right we but seldom reflect
that there may be those who are actually want
ing the necessaries of life, who lack the where
withal to keep soul and body together. Such
should be looked after, and the hand of Chari
ty extended to them. A trifle would send a
thrill of lwpc to the heart of a desponding
fellow, lighten his grief, and chec him on his
weary way. While wc can, we should extend
a helping hand ; for Fortune is a fickle jade,
and there is no telling how soon any of us may
be reduced to penury. It would scarcely be
Lelieved if wo should say that here, in Clear
field, there are persons who sometimes have
not a dozen mouthsful of wholesome food in
their bouse and yet it is the sad truth. - Such
things should draw the attention of an enlight
ened, christian community, and wc trust that
every one will occasionally glance into tho a
bodes of the lowly to see if pinching want is
lurking about, and drive it hence. "To feed
the hungry and clothe the naked," are virtues
lor the exercise of which yon have promise of
reward hereafter, for Christ says, "Inasmuch
as ye have done it unto the least of one of
these my brethren, ye have done it unto me."
Plenty Delinquents.
CyScarce money and provisions.
C7"Not hard to take Robins' oysters.
CySlippery the streets on last Sunday and
DJ" Excellent no doubt the turkey we are
invited to assist in eating to-morrow.
KAbout the man who thinks he is all
brains; but who others think has also a very
lair share of ears.
C7"Punny to see men, women and children
all transformed into tumblers on the icy side
walks after a slight sprinkle of snow.
C"Wants a Situation Miss Fannie Luce,
as primary teacher or preceptress. See ad
vertisement in another column.
C7"On Hand our young friend Joseph R.
Irwin, with plenty of butter, bacon and beans.
See advertisement elsewhere.
KTTut into prison at Indiana Rolenda
Hooks, of Cherrytrce borough, charged with
.killing her infant.
DjTo meet the Clearfield County Teach
ers Institute, on the 3d of January. For par
ticulars, consolt the notice of our worthy
County Superintendent.
CyBought the Messenger printing office at
Indiana, Indiana county, Pa., by our towns
man, Clark Wilson, Esq., late of the Clearfield
Republican. He takes possession this week.
We wish him pecuniary success.
27"Queer what strange fancies a little old
rye, taken in small doses, will produce in the
minds of some. The other night we met a
male biped, who bad been indulging in vari
ous potations, who imagined himself to be a
locomotive, and was prrEng and blowing at a
fine rate. lie didn't find out his mistake until
lie brought up against a j sign post, which ena
bled him to identify himself.
EWhat Then 7 Some editor says that
-the destiny of the world bangs on the smallest
trifles. A little miff" between Charles Bona
parte and bis love Letitia flight have broken
oft" a marriage which gave Wth to Napoleon
and the battle of Waterloo! To which anoth
er says : "Yes, that is the net. But suppose
a 'little miff' had taken plate between Adam
and Eve 7 What then ?"
fjyjn demand coal, woo'L and 'ding-bats.'
C7"fn circulation counterfeits pn the Co
lumbia bank,IIairisbnrg bank nndfliranl tank.
CT7A came of Chance--the mama-re f
Senator Donglass. Why Because bo drew
Ctttft for bis wife. '
E7"Sloshin2 about Dunham, of -the Lock
ITaven Watchman, lie rapsour' down-town
"neighbor" savagely over thejfctmcklcs.
C37-THE Way it was Dose! In Washing
ton township, Cambria county, where there are
three hundred amL eighty taxable, five hun
dred and fourteen votes wero polled in No
vember. Buchanan received 481, Fillmore 12,
and the Union electors 21.
CT'Tomd Stones, &q. We direct attention
to the advertisement of I. Ulrey, of Tyrone
City, which will be found in another portion
of our paper. He uses the best of American
marble, and finishes his work in a neat and du
rable manner. Persons wishinir to nrocure
anything in bis line, might do well by giving
him a call.
I7"Cooi.. A mercantile firm in Boston, re
ceived last week a letter from the captain of
one of the brigs they had chartered, dated
Barbadocs, in which he informs them that as
he believes the United States ar! coins to e-
ternal smash, he has sold ship and cargo and
pocketed the money, which, he didn't think,
they, would ever see again, concluding with
some complimentary allusions to our country
men and wishing that he had never seen any
of them.
Marrted On Nov. 9, by the Rev. A. Crow
ell, Mr. Benjamin Forsby to Miss Maria Ed
jiisto.v, both of Cambria county.
On Dec. 9, by the same. Mr. John Moore to
Miss Amanda Parson, both of Woodward tp.,
Clearfield county.
C7"Every Reader will please notice the
advertisement descriptive of Mr. Sears' Picto
rial Family Bible, and send for the "Printed
Catalogue of all our Illustrated Works. uTo
the unitiated in the great art of Selling Books,
we would say that we present a scheme for
money making, far better than all the gold
mines of California and Australia. irAny per
son wishing to embark in tho enterprise, will
risk but little by sending to the Publisher S23,
for which he will receive sample copies of the
various works, (at wholesale prices,) carefully
boxed, insured, and directed, affording a very
liberal percentage to the agent for his trouble.
With these bo will soon bo able to ascertain
the most salcable,and order accordingly. Ad
dress (post paid) Robert Sears, Publisher,
181 William Street, New York.
TUB hest place to cet thkm I AT
409 Broadway, New York.
Fine Gold Jewelry Given Away to Purchasers of
All Books will be sold as low as can bo had nt nth
crStores. many of them for less. New bonks re
ceived daily. A (J ift varying in valuo from 23cts
to S1.00, given with each book at the time it is sold.
Having on hand avery large stock nf new and val
uable books, and as our motto is "Large sales and
inall profits," wo aro determined to give our cus
tomers better bargain than can be had elsewhere.
Any book published in New York or Philadelphia
will bo promptly gent, gift included, on receipt of
publisher's price. Catalogues of Books and Pre
sents, containing fall explanations will bo sent
free to nil parts of the eountry.
Tho most lihrrul inducements arc offered to A
gents. Any person by sending us an order for ten
books, with money enclosed, will be entitled to an
extra Bool and Gift. All orders for books, con
taining money, (to ensure perfect safety,) should
be registered at the Post-office where they are
mailed, and directed to Evans & Co., 409 Broad
way, Xcw York.
Kkperevce.M. Thomas i Pons, South Fourth
Ft. Philadelphia; J. B. Lippcncott & Co . Phila
delphia ; D. Applcton & Co., Broadway. X.York;
Derby A Jackson, Nassau Street, Xcw York.
3f"Send for a Catalogue.
Principal Store. 409 Broadway. Xcw York.
'Branch stores at Philadelphia and nt Washing
ton. 1). C. Decl7 3ra
Xotice is hereby given to the stockholders in this
road, that an election will bo held at tho house of
David Johnson in Philipsburg. on the second Mon
day in January next, between the hours of 1 and 4
o'clock, P. M., to electa. President and twelve di
rectors for the ensuing year.
The Stockholders are further notified that all ar
rears of the first instalment of l ive dollars per
share of stock, called in by resolution of the board
passed on the 5th May, 180(5, are requested to bo
paid to the Treasurer, on or before the 12th da v
of January, 1S47- By order of the Board.
rhilipsburg, Dec. 10. 1855. Secretary.
an order of the Orphans' Court of Clearfield
county, there will be exposed to public sale at the
house of George W. Long, in the town of Luthcrs
burg. on Thursday the lath day of January, ISO",
at 1 o'clock. P M., the following described proper
ty of Alfred Carlisle, a minor, Viz : Two certain
Lots of Ground, situate in the town of Luthers
burg, in Brady township. Clear6eld county, and
having erected thereon a frame house and barn.
TEKMS. One third cash on tho confirmation of
sale; balance in two equal annual payments with
interest. SAMUEL A UN OLD.
Dec. 17, 1858. Guardian of said minor.
RETURNED. The subscriber having return
ed to the town of Glen Hope, offers his pro
fessional sen-ices in the practice of Medicine to
the citizens of this place and the surrounding
country. No travelling in the night except in
cases of actual necessity iXo medicine given out
of the office unless accompanied by the e:ish.
dcclT-St S D. llllLLE. M. D.
REMOVAL. The undersigned has removed
to the room lately occupied by Richard Glennin,
where he is now prepared to furnish customers
with Boots, Shoes, Ac, on the shortest notice and
most resonablo terms. Jle respuctfully solicits a
continuance of a shara of publiu patronnge.
Clearfield. Dec. 17,1 Soft. FRANK SHORT.
J. l having located in Curwensvillc, would here
by inform Marnsmen and others, that ho is pre
pared to do all kinds of repairing to guns on short
notice. Also. Clocks repaired at his residence.
Curwensrslle. Pa , Deo, 10, 1856.
fessor of Photographic Chemistry. Gallery
nt his residence on 2d Street, one door South of
Mcrrell & Carter's Tiu-waro establishment, Clear
field, Pa. Sj"Days of operation: Friday and
Saturday of .each week junclS'55
for which the highest price will bo given
Clearfield, Dec. 17.
frrArSjl 0f evcry description for sale
ilAlPL.WA R at a moderate advance at
Nov26'56J Vim- IK WIN a.
CLOTHING. A genend assortment of ready
made clothing just received and opened at
Xov26 W. F.IRWIN'S.
LEIlillS. A number pf good Sleighs for sale
,by II. If. Fatton.
The bent l'mok for Agents.
Aa Elegant Gift for a Father to Present to his
Family !
Sent for one copy, and try U among your friends'.
WANTED Agents in evcrv section of the Uni
ted States, toriroulato SKA11S LARGE TYPE
QUARTO BIBLE. For Family Use Entitled "The
People's Pictorial Dnmestio Bible," with about
One Thousand Engravings'.
This useful book is destined, if we can form an
opinion from tho Notices of the Press, to have an
unprecedented circulation in every section of our
wide-spread continent, and to form a distinct era
in the sale of our works. It will, no doubt, in a
few years become The Family Bible of the Amer
ican People. ,
Ui""The most liberal remuneration will bo al
lowed to all persons who may bo pleased to pro
cure subscribers to the above. From il) to 1011 co
pies may easily bo circulated and sold in each of
tho principal cities and towns in the Union. IT
"' Application should be mado ut once, as th6
field will soon Vo occupied.
Persons wishing to act as agents, and do a safe
business, can send for a specimen copy. 0n tho
receipt of the established price, Six Dollars, tho
Pictorial Family Bible, with a well bound Sub
scription Book, will bo carefully boxed, nnd for
warded per express, at our risk nnd expense, to
any central town or village in tho United States,
excepting those of California. Oregon and Texas.
Register your Letters, nnd your money will
coino safe.
If In addition to the Pictorial Bible, wo publish
a large number of Illustrated Family Works, very
popular, and of such a high moral nnd unexce
tionablc character, thatwhilo good men may safe
ly engage in their circulation, they will confer a
Public Benefit, and rcccivo a Fair Compensation
for their labor.
Orders respectfully solicited. For further par
ticular, address the subscriber, (post paid.)
ROBERT SEARS. 1SI William St., X. Y.
Shuw'g Row, Clearfield, Pa.,
B0DK8 OF Abb
Tobacco nnd Cigars,
.. Chemicals, Ire.., re., f-c.
Among bis stock will bo found Histories, Biogra
phies, sketches. School Books, Poetical, Seientio,
Mechanical, Medical and Law works ; the latest
publications always on hand or procured to order;
ull the Magazines furnished monthly, ut publish
ers prices ; fancy and common letter paper ; plain
and ruled cap paper; perforated paper ; note pa
per ; fancy and common envelopes; blank Deeds;
a great variety of Steel Pens; common and fancy
pen-holders, pencils, ic. Ac. .to., which be will sell
ut tho most reasonable prices.
His stock of Drugs, Medicines, Dye-stufTs. Paints,
&o.t is large and well selected; among'which are
Calomel, Blue Mass. Quinine, Morphia, lied Pre
cipitate ; Rhubarb, root and pulverized ; Jlocbelle
and Epsom Salts; Cream of Tartar. Sulphur. Sen
na. Pijk Root. Sup. Carbonato Soda. Tartaric A
cid. Sulphato of '.iuc ; Liquorice, Columbo and
Gentian root; Logwood, Oil Vitriol, Blue Vitriol,
Coperas. Alum. Red Load. Prussian Blue. Chrome
Green and Yellow, Vermillion, Terra de Sienna,
and in fact a general assortment.
lie has also a fine lot of Ladies' Gold Breast
Pins, Ear Drops, Finger Rings, Ac. Also, Watch
Guards and Keys, Peuknives, Hair oils; Hair.
Reading. Fino and Pocket combs, Tooth-picks. Ra
zors and Strops, Sadlers' Silk, Pearl powder, Fan
cy Sonps and Perfumery a great variety.
Also. Prunes. Figs, Raisins, Almonds, Foa-nuts
ami Filberts ; Candies a general assortment ; Cin
anioii. Cloves. Pepper, nnd other spices; Blacking,
and Spool Cotton ; tho most popular Patent Med
icines of the day ; all of which will be sold at the
very cheapest rates.
Call and examine tho stock and judge for vonr
selves. decl7 THOMAS ROBINS.
JL The Vcw York Ledger
has now attained the extraordinary circulation of
One Hundred and Ninety Thousand copies. The
Ledger ij devoted to Polite Literature. Original
Tales, Sketches, Poetry. Essays. Gossip and current
news, r.nd maintains a high moral ton It is ev
erywhere acknowledged to be the best family pa
per in the world ! Hence its extraordinary nnd un
heard of popularity. Mr. Bonner, tho proprietor
of the Ledger, employs the best talent in the coun
try, nnd by so doing makes the best paper. Such
writers as Fanny Fern, Sylvanus Cobb, jr., and E
merson Bennett, aro permanently engaged on it,
and will write for no other paper hereafter. Mrs.
Sigoumcy, also, writes constantly for it: so do a
host of other popular authors, including Mrs. Em
ma D. V.. N. Southworth. Alice Cary, Mrs. Vaug
han. Mary W. Stanley Gibson, Clara Sydney, Ac.
The Ledger is beautifully illustrated every week
The New York Ledger is printed on beautiful
white paper, and is composed of eight pages, ma
king the handsomest weekly paper in tho country.
It is published every Saturday, nnd sold at nil the
news offices in every city nnd town throughout the
country ; nnd is mailed for subscribers &t two dol
lars per annum ; two eopios are sent for three dol
lars. Any person obtaining eight subscribers at
?l i0 each, (which is tho lowest club rate3.) and
sending us S12. will be entitled t a copy free.
Terms invarinblv in advance. Address all letters
to ROBERT BONNER. Publisher of
New York Ledger. 4 1 Ann St.. N. Y.
N. E. Now is a good time to - ubseribe as Emer
son Bennett's great original Novel of Frontier Life
will bo commenced in tho Ledger on tho first of
January. decl7-2t
Tho undersigned announces to tho travelling
public that he is now running a semi -weekiy line
of hacks from Clearfield borough to Ridgcway,
Elk county. Tho harks are comfortable, tho hor
tes good, and the drivers careful. By special at
scntion to the comfortable, safe and speedy con
veyance of passengers, he hopes to secure a liber
al share of travelling custom.
Tho time for depaiture nnd arrival is asfollows :
Leave Clearfield evcry Tuesday anil Friday morn
ing, and arrive at Ridgeway on tho evening of tho
same days.
Leave Ridgeway every Wednesday and Satur
day morning, and arrive at Clearfield on tho eve
ning of the same days.
Julylft Sm A. ML1IILL3.
GOOD INTENT HOTEL The subscriber
having takeu this well known HOTEL in tho
borough of Curwensvillc, wishes his old customers
and the travelling public generally to give him a
call, as he has the best establishment of the kind
in thecounty. He hopes togive general satisfaction.
Curwensvillc', AugU-'ii'J JOS. PETERS.
ITIOR. SALE A two-story frame House, with a
half aero of land adjoining, situate in Law
rence township, on tho road from Clearfield to
Curwensvillc, about 1 i miles from Clearfield. For
terms apply to Zebad Lawhcad, Lawrence town
ship, or to the subscriber.
junc4 Clearfield. Pa.
HOLDERS. Aro hereby notified that a meet
ing of the Stockholders will be held at the office
of J. B. M Enally in Clearfield, on Monday tho 5th
day of January. 1857, at 2 o'clock. P. M. to-elect a
Board of Trustees, Ac. for the ensuing year.
dcclO-'aS J. B. M'ENALLY, Secretary
has changed his office to the new brick addi
tion, adjoining tho residence of James B. Graham.
All business will receive prompt attention.
Clearfield. July 16.
ROCERIES. Just received and now
jf oneniuz. a central assortment of
choice ?roceries. which will be sold at the
lowest cash prices at WM. F. IRWIN'S.
1 Clfl SACKS OF SALT, for sale by
Dee. 10, 1S00, Clearfield, Pa.
residence of J. M. Pfoutz, in Ansonvillc,
may be .bought cheap by immediate application to
me, ideelO-tf.J J. B. M ENALLY.
quarter of the present school year of this Insti
tution will commence on Monday, November 17th
Persons wishing to fit themselves for College,
Teachers, Commercial or other avocations in life,
will here receive every desired facility. A thor
ough Scientifio and Classical course i here given
on terms lower than in similar Institutions in the
State. Parents at a distancs can obtain boarding
for their sons and daughters under the immediate
caro of tho Principal, where they will receive rare
advantages, with all the comforts and pleasures of
borne; and their morals will be earful ly guarded.
It is particularly desirous that pupils forthe ap
proaching term be present at its commencement,
to select their scats and be properly arranged in
their repcetive classes.
Further information and Catalogues of the In
stitute can bo had hy addressing.
W A. CAMPBELL. Principal.
A tig. 20, mfi. Clearfield. Pa.
CAPITAL, ."mt.no').
Insures Detached Buildings, Stores. Merchandise
and other buildings and their contents.
directors :
Hon. John J. Pcnrcc, Hon. Ci. C. Uarvcy,
John B. Hall, T. T. A brains,
Charles A. Mayer, D. K. Jaekiuun,
Charles Crist, W. White.
Peter Dickenson. Thomas Kitchen.
Hos. G. C. nARVEY, Brest.
Thos. Kitchen, Sec'y. T. T. Abrams. Vico Prcs't.
Tho undersigned Laving been appointed a
gent by this company, gives notice that ho will
insure Buildings of every description, Goods. Ac,
on tho most reasonablo terms. This company is
ia a prosperous condition, and meets all demands
promptly. Tho capital Flock of the company is
5100.000 with privilege of increasing to S:'.()ll.(H)0.
Curwensvillc Pa.; Aug. 20, 1856-omp
G.ULtCII & BEN NEK, would respectfully
inform the citizens of Clearfield, aud public
generally that they have entered into co-partuer-thip
in the
and keep constantly on hands, nnd manufacture
to order, at tho lowest prices, evory variety of
furniture, consisting of
Dining, Breakfast, aud Centre Tables, Sewing,
M'ritiug, and Wash-Stands, MaJwgany, and
Common Bedsteads ;
Mnhogony and Canc-bottomcd Chairs, Bureaus,
Sofas. Lounges, Ac, Ac.
Coffins made and funerals attended on the short
est notice, with a neat hearse, and appropriate
accompany ments.
House Painting done on tho shortest notice.
Shop nnd Ware-rooms, same as formerly occupi
ed by Job n G ulich, meurly opposite the 'Jew Storo,'
Clearfield. Pa JOHN G ULICH,
May2J 55.-1 y . DANIEL BENNER.
LAND FOR SALE. Tho subscribers oflerfor
salo a tract of land in Penn towushin. Clear
field county, containing 131 acres patented land, I
about tiO acres cleared, tho balance covered with
timber of good quality. Tho improvements are a
good two story frame house, nearly new, log barn
and other out buildings, a never failing fountain
of excellent water at tho door, a largo bearing ap
plo orchard, and 12 acres in meadow. Tho above
farm hua many advantages, being in the centre of
n thriving neighborhood, about j of a mile from
Pcnnsvillo and the GlcnHopo and Susquehanna
Turnpike ; bounded by lands of Joseph Davis,
Thomas Wuln. Thomas Martin and others. A pub
lic road passes by tho door, and is about i a milo
from the Catholic Church. Terms of salo will be
made easy and possession given at any time by ap
plication to either of the undersigned.
Tenn tp., 8 mo., ISth. lS50-aug27-;!mpd.
1" cation will bo made to the Legislature of
Pennsylvania at its next session, for the Charter
of an institution with banking privileges, includ
ing those of issue, discount and deposite. to bo lo
cated at Clearfield. Pennsylvania, under tho nanio
nnd title of 'The Clear f rid Batik." with a capital
of $100,000. with the privilege of increasing the
sauio to 520(1.000.
Clearfield. Juno 25. lS5o-6u).
an order of tho Orphans' Court of Clearfield
county, there will be sold nt PRIVATE SALE, the
one undivided half part of a certain piece or par
cel of land, situate in Chest township, Clearfield
county, bounded on tho North and East by lands
of Thomas Wilson, late dee'd, on the South by
lands of Simon Pennington, and on the West by
lands of S. G. Tozcr containing about acres
tho cstato of Edwaisl Hose, minor son of Edward
Rose, late dee'd. For ftrnn, information, apply
Clearfield. Nov. 2t, 185ft. Guardian.
OR SALE. Yahta'.Je Real Estate in Bell
Toirii.thiv. Tho subscriber oilers for sale
his valuable farm in, situate in Bell township.
Clearfield county, lyii;g on tho River. 2 miles a
bove Magecs Mills, containing one hundred and
thirty eight acres and 67 perches: seventy acres of
which arc oleared and in n good state of cultiva
tion, nnd the balanco well timbered, having there
on three dwelling houses, largo frame barn and
outbuildings, two bearing appla orchards, and is
well watered. A good title will be given. nnd terms
made easy. For iurthcr particulars infuirenf the
subscriber, NovIJ-3in JOHN WEAVER.
Tho subscriber offers for salo his valuable
farm, situate two miles from Curwensvillc on the
River road leading to Lumber City ; said farm con
taining 105 acres, sixty acres cleared, under good
cultivation, the balance well timborcd; with n
good barn, new plank dwelling house, and a good
bearing orchard thereon, and is well watered For
further information enquire of the subscriber liv
ing on tho premises. SIMON THOMPSON.
February 20. 1850 Cm
WHOLE-SALE. The subscriber wishing to
retire from the Mercantile business, (sole
ly on account of press of Professional business) do
sircs to dispose of his entire stock of Store goods
at wholesale and will sell them on the most accom
modating terms. Any person wishing to engage
in trading in any part of the county will do well
to call and see mo beforo making any other ar
rangements. A. M. HILLS.
Clearfield. August 27. !S5ft.
CJTILL ON HAND! The undersigned cn
BUSINESS, nt his now shop on the corner of Main
and Mechanic streets, one doorouth of Dr. R. V.
Wilson's office, whore he will be pleased to accom
modate his customers at all times. Repairing done
on the shortest notice. aug20 R. It. WELSH.
LACKSMITIIING. The subscriber would
inform the public that hehas taken the Black
smith Shop formerly occupied by George Orr. on
tho corner of Third and Main streets, in the bor
ough of Clearfield where he carries on tho business
in all its various branches.
RAIN! GRAIN!! Wheat, Rye, Oats and
Corn, can at all times be procured nt the Pi
oneer Mills, on the Moshannon in Morris town
ship, at tbo lowest selling rates.
QUEENSWARE A superior lot of Fancy
and Common Queensware now opening
and for sale at the most reasonable nrices
at the store of RICHARD MOSSOP.
FISH! FISH '.! Superior Mackerel and
Codfish just received and opening at the
cheap Cash store of Richard Mosson in
Clearfield. V . may 2U56
9 LACK, Imperial and Ypung Hyson
Teas of the best quality to be bad al
the lowest each price at MOSSOP'S.
UMBRELLAS and Parasols, a large, assortmen
of the latest patterns, to be had cheap at
may21'56 MOSSOP'S.
LADIES' Handkerchiefs, all Linnen. for sale by
June 13, '55. R. MOSSOP.
TVEWHUKG HOTEL The undersigned bav-
11 ing leased the hotel recently kept iy .Lira
Root, in Newburg. .Chest township, announces to
the public that ho is prepared to accommodate
travellers and other wno way give umi a
The house is well supplied with all the necessaries
and accommodations to make guests comfortable.
Ho respectfully solicits a share of patronaee.
Oct2'.l-'56-3m CYRUS H. THURSTON.
"l7"AGON - MAKING. THE undcrsingned
U would announce that they manufacture
Waggons of all descriptions. Buggies, Sleds, Ao.k at
their shop in New Salem. Brady township, Clear
field county, which they offer for salo at as reasona
ble rates as can '? purchased elsewhere. They res
pectfully solicit a share of patronage.
at the cign of tho
Karke; Street, Clearfield, Fa.
Tbo undersigned has just received and opened nt
bis store room, a large and well selected sUck of
Seasonable Goods, which ho offers at the most rea
sonable prices to purchasers. His stock embraces
GROCERIES, Boots. Shoes. Hats. Cups. Ac.
He respectfully, invites all who wish to purchase
Goods at low prices to give him a call.
Approved .country produce taken in exchange
for goods. , ': .
. . Porsoni wishinjj'to purchase, nnd receive a fair
equivalent fur their money, will do well to give
him a call.
. Remember the sign of live CHEAPEST GOODS,
on Market street, nnd call nnd be convinced thai
there is truth in the words thereon inscribed.
Clearfield, Pa.. Nov. 2fi. 1S50,
will bo published about 25th December next.
In addition to the usual Calendar pages and As
tronomical calculations, Tho Tribune Almanac"
will contain :
Very full and complete Election Returns for
135B, carefully compared with the returns of for
mer years
The important Acts of Congress condensed
The Government of the United States.
List of members of the present Congress, and of
t'ao next as fur as elected, classified politically.
A concise statement of tho doings in Kansas du
ring the past year.
An account of tho remarkable contest for Speak
er of tho House.
An artieKvon the state of Europe.
An account of tho movements of Gen. Walker
and his fiIlilU3ter companions in Nicaragua.
A classified list of tho Governors of the States,
times of holding elections, meeting of Legisla
tures. Ac
Single copies, 12i cents, S-l per dozen ; 57 per
100. Postage on tho Almanao I cent each, pre
paid, or two cents each when not prepaid. Orders
inclosing the cash respectfullv solicited.
Nov. 1S5H. Tribune office, New York.
SALE. This isoncof the most valuable little books
of tho times, to all persons out of employment,
ns a cumber of money making trades and arts, ean
be learned without a master, beside nil the genu
ine and popular receipts, and instructions of the
day, for the manufacture of the most beneficial,
nnd-saleable nrticles, now in commonn.se. Any
person forwarding one dollar post-paid, to C. JEF
FRIES, Jeffries. Clearfield Co., l a., or to A. II.
Baiimni, Tyrone. Bfair Co., Pa., will receive a
copy by return wail.
And any person forwarding twenty-five cents,
post paid, to C. Jffpkies. will receive by return
mail, one or the three following instructions:
How to make tho celebrated artificial Honey.
How to raiso double crops, of all kinds of vegeta
bles, with little expense, and bow to catch all the
Wolves, Foxes. Minks ami Muskrats in the neigh
borhood. Any person forwarding fifty cents, will
receive the whole three by return mail.
June 4. 1S5') ly.
Tho undersigned has just received from the East
nnd is now opening at his Store in the borough of
and mo ft ejtmirr stork of Fall anul TI"V uter goods
ever offered in Clearfield county. Having select
ed his goods with tho especial view to the w ants of
this community, and being determined tos;ll them
at as low prices ns they ean be purchased any
where in this section of conn Irj-. he hopes to se
cure a liberal share of public patronage. His
stock consist of Dry Goods. Groceries, Hardware.
Qxeenswarc, and in fact every article kept in a
couutry store. The largest and best assortment of
Boots and f'hoes. Huts and Caps, lleady-nialc clo
thing, Ac, Ac. Ac
Country produce and Lumber taken inexchango
for Goods. Cash not refused.
Curwonsvilto Xovl 2- -.fi H. P. PATTON.
"I A M igaziiif for the Horn's of the
TED MAGAZINE, the Pioneer Magazine nf
the Country, est-iblished in 1S27. Subscribe for
the New Volume coiiimeueing with tho January
number, 1857. WATSON A CO., the new publish
ers of 'Grahain'ii Illustrated Magazine.' announce
to tho Ladies and Gentlemen of the United States
in general, and to the former patrons of the work
in particular, that it is their intention to make use
pf all tho immense resources at their command to
produce a First Class Magazine. To this end no
expense or exertion will he spared. I he best Lit
erary and Artistic Talent will be employed, nnd
nothing that rajntal. taste- and enterprise can ac
complish will bo wanting to make this Magazine
more than ever deserving the liberal support so
generously extended to it during the past '.Hi years.
Evcry number will contain 2 fino steel engrav
ings. One illustrative of some of the most popu
lar pictures of the day; the other a beautiful col
ored Fashion Plate, drawn from actual articles of
costume. Also, a number of fine wood engravings,
patterns for Crochet and Needle-work, engraved
from the articles themselves ' All the latest styles
of , costume for ladies and CJtifdrr will be co
pied from the newest patterns, and fully describ
ed and illustrated in every number.
Ladies abont forming clubs of subscribers are
requested to compare '-Graham'' With any other
Magazine published, nnd wo are confident their
good tasto and correct judgment will decide in
our favor.
Gentlemen who are about tosubsor.be for a Mag
azine for their own reading, or to present to their
lady friends, should procure a copy of "Graham"
and examine it thoroughly, nnd then see if any
other periodical presents equal inducements for
their subscriptions.
The twelve numbers of 'Graham" for the year
1S57, will comprise one of the most magnificent
volumes ever issued ! containing in all
1200 pages of reading matter !
100 fine wood engravings'.
12 handsome steel engravings!
12 beatiful colored fashion plates !
100 engravings of ladies' A children's dresies '
50 coming illustration !
And over 300 patterns for needlework, Ae
TERMS : One copy, one year, S? 00 ; Two co
pies, $5 00 ; Five eopios. and one to getter up of
ilub, S10 00 ; Eleven copies, and ono to agent,
S20 00.
Graham's illustrated magaztne. will be supplied
to subscriber's punctuaHy, and at as early a day in
tho month as any other magaiine published.
Send in your subseriptions early to tho Publish
er tt'ATSOX A CO..
r0 South 3d street. Phil'a.
EYTRA NOTICE. Subscribers sending thrre
dollnrs for one year's subscription to '-Graham.1'
will receive a copy of Graham'1 s Ladies' Paper for
ono year without charge !
Snd for specimen numbers of Graham's Illustra
ted Uaguics sod &ha'i Ladfea' Poev.
IT has born the lot of the buistn race V
ed down by disease and eufferiDg. . oigh
WAY'S PI IJ.S' are specially adapted lo thti.
of tho WEAK, tho NERVOUS, the DKLICA-r
and the INFIRM, of all climes, ages. svcs, id.
constitution. Professor Holloway personally su-
Iicrintends tkcmanaficlnreof his medicines i.- tho
uitcd States,and offers themtoa free and enlight
ened ppl. as the best remedy the world rcr
saw for the removal of disease.
These famous Pills are expresfly combined '.o op
erate on the stomaeh. the liver, the kidneys, tba
lungs, the sk'fii. and the bowels, correcting any de
rangement in their fund ions, purifying the blood;
the very fountain cf life, and thus curing disease,
in all its forms.
Nearly half the human race have taken fheso
Pills. It has been proved in all parts of the World;
that nothing has been found equal to them incases
of disorders of the livor. dyspepsia, and stomach
complaints generally. They soon give a healthy
tone to those organs, however much deranged, and
when all other means have failed.
vManv of the most despotic Governments have o
pened their Custom Houses to tho introduction of
these Pilis. that they may become the medicine of
the masses. Learned Colleges admit that this
medicine i tho best remedy ever known for perf
sons of delicate health, or where tho system ha
been impaired, ns its invigorating propertied never
fail to iiuorJ relief.
No female, young or old. should be without this
celebrated medicine It corrects and rcgulntos tho
nion;hly courses at all periods, acting iu many ca
ses like a charm. It is n!sothe best and safest
medicine that can be given to Children ot" all ages,
nnd for any eomplaiut; consequently jio family
should bo without it.
Hollotraf Pitts are. the best remedy know " (
vorld jor the following Disease:
Asth ma Diarrhoea Seconder vSymptorns
Coughs Chest Disease Stone and Gravel
Colds Fever and Ague Venereal Affections
Intlu?n:a Bowel Compluiuts Fcinule Complaints
Coidivcnoss liifiamation Worms of all kinds
Dyspepsia Indigestion l.ones of Spirits
Debility Liver Complaints inward weakness
Dropsy Piles Headaches
Sold nt tho Manufactories of Profcr not-l-ow
ay, N) Maiden Lane, N. York, and 24 1 Strand,
Loudon, ami by all respectable Druggists and Deal
ers of Medicine turoughout tho United States, and
the civilized wolri, in boxes at 25 cents, 6:.' j cents,
and l each.
I"c?"Tlitro Is a considerable saving- by taking;
the larger tizei.
N. B. Directions for the guidance of paticnh.in
every disorder are affixed to each box. apr'J'55
in tho
Cosmopolitan Art Association,
For the Thirl Year?
See tho Rare Inducements! Tbo management
have the pleasure of announcing that tho collec
tion of Woiksvf Art designed lor distribntion a-liio-.ig
the siihst-ribir. whose nuiues are received
previous to the 2-tli January. :57, is much larger
and more costly than on any previous year. A
moiig the leading works in Sculptun executed
in the finest MarbK is the new and beautiful
statue of the '-WOOD NYMPH,' the busta of tho
"hrco great American Statesmen. Clay. Wtbtter
and CaHionu ; also tho exquisite ideal bust
Spring." Anollo aud Diana, iu Marble, life size,
together with the folionwig Groups anb Statues in
Carrara marble of the Struggle forthe Heart,
Yenus and A;;:lc ; Psyche; Mugdaleu ; Child of
tha Se,i ; l-tuoceuce ; Captive. Bird ; aud LitUt
Truant ; with numerous woiks in Bronze, and a
coliectiou of several hundrud Fine Oil Paintings,
by leading Artists.
The whole of whioh are to Too distributed or al
lotted among tho subscribers whoso nuincs are re
ecived previous to the Twenty-eighth of January,
'57. w hen the Distribution will take place.
Every subscriber of Three Dollars is entitled to
a copy vf the splendid steel engraving, Saturday
Night,"' or a copy t.f any of the following So Ma
gazines one year ; also a copy of the -Art Journal'
one year, and it ticket in tho Annual Distribution
of Works vf Art.
Thus, for every S3 paid, a persen not only get
a beautiful engruuing or Magazine one year, but
also receives the Art Journal one year, and a tick
et iu the Annual Distribution, mnkihgowr dollars
worth of trading matter besides the ticket,- by
w hich a valuable pointing or piece of statuary
may be received jn abdition.
Those who prefer Magazines to tbo Engravinj
'Saturday Night.' cjmi hove citJier of the following
one year: Harper's Magazine. Godey's Lady
Book. L Tiited Str.tes Magnzine. Knickerbocker Aia
gazino. Grahnm-s Magazine, Blackwood Magazine,
Southern Literary Messenger.
For furtht-r pui-tii-ular. Bee the November Art
Ji.orna!. furnished free on application' to the bta
retajy. For membership, address
C. L. DERBY. Actuary C. A A.
SIS Broadway, Now York, or Western Office. 166
Water Street. Sandusky, Ohio. -K.
Honorary Secretary. Clearfield. Ta.
Thk DAii.r Tki.ei;k.wh. Notwithstanding- the ru
mors spread abroad by our political Oppununts.
that the -Daily Tel -graph' would be discontinued
afier the election, wc announce to the public thai
wc shall not only continue its publication, but it
shall be done witu renewed vigor aud determina
tion to meet the public expectations and wants.
The publishers will spare r.o labor or expense- to
make it a paper emir.eiitly worthy uf the capital
of Pennsylvania, u:;d one wbi .-h should be fuund
at every fireside in our borough
Tho -Daily Telegraph' wiU contain the latest
news received by Magnetic Telegraph and Maili.
Wc shall give particular attention to our Local de
partment, and endeavor -to moke the Reports as
full and interesting a? possible. The Editorial De
partment will be undtr the management of abli
and experienced gentlemen, who. upon all ques
tions affecting the public, w ill express their opin
ions, fairly and freely. Onrnext Legislature will
bo entrusted w ith several important' duties tho
eiection of United States Senator, the election of a
Mate Treasurer, the apportionment of the State,
te which w ill make the proceedings unusually
interesting and important. The -Telegraph" will
lie ubla to present this aud all other news transpi
ring at the State Capital much sooner and mora
satisfactorily than nnv other paper in the State.
The -Semi-Weekly and Weekly Telegraph' will
be published, ns heretofore. We shall endeavor
to mike the -Weekly Telegraph the best family
newspaper in the State. It will contain all tha
latest news up to the hour of going to press. It
v, ill contain full reports of the markets in the At-,
lantie cities, A portion of our columns wiU bedo
yoted to the interests of Agriculture and Mechan.
ics. The -St-mi-Weekly' will be publisaed only
during the sessions of the Legislators. Our effort
shall be to make the Telegraph the model new.
patH-r of the State.
TERMS : The Daily Telegraph will be furnish-,
rd at a distance for SI per annum; S2 for six
months; or 51 for three months. Single subscri
bers in tho town will be furnished at six cents por
week payable weekly to tho carrier.
The Scini-Weekly and Weekly Telegraph .will
be furnished to single subscribers at52 per annum.
Our Clubs Rates aro as follows :
Clubs of 5, - - - . . i
V) ' - - , - ,17
" a - - - - - - 30
The person who raisa a club will receive a co
py of the paper gratis.
Where is the person who cannot afford this?
I hrce cenU per week for a newspaper, which shall
convey to him. in addition to political intelligence,
a l foreign, domestic and local news ; in a word,
all of political interest which may transpire ei
ther at home or abroad. ." . ,
Thanking our friends everywhere for the gener
ous patronage they have extendqd to us during
the ca-.r;p3fgn. wc trust that they will at once re-,
new their subscriptions, and make the Telegraph,
in future a constant visitor at thtir firesides.
4 LARGE lot of laiuily Grocries just receiving
J.M- at Mossop's in Clearfield. may 21-
CAPS of ail kinds end at all prices to be bad at
fy3 - - i&jieevs '