Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, November 19, 1856, Image 3

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' -5
? Of the Lutheran Church, will meet in Clear-
field, Clearfield county, Ta., on Thursday eve-
ning, tho 27th inst. It is hoped the brethren
will All be in attendance at the appointed time.
The Conference will continue iu session over
i Sabbath, on which day the Lord's Supper will
I be administered. Tho business of Conference
will be transacted with open doors. All per
t ons are invited to be present.
? By order of the President of Conference.
- Smi -kiburgt Pa., Xoc. 3, 18-50.
REUGiors Nouce. By Divine permission,
: Rev. Mr. Thompson will preach in the Presby
terian church in this place, at the usual hour
In the forenoon, on next Sabbath.
Foa Sale. The Valuable Farm of John
Weaver, in Bell township, is ofTercd for sale.
See advertisement in another column. 11
New Bcildixcs. We notice several new
buildings in course of erection in our borough,
among them a neat dwelling of Vfm. S. Brad
ley, a cabinet making shop of J. S. Johnson,
and a wagon and coach shop of J. W. Shugart
Fire. "We have been informed that the
hause of Mrs. Wooldridge, in Bradford town
ship, was destroyed by fire on Friday night,
the 11th inst. We are not prepared to say
whether the contents of the house were saved
or destroyed.
As Oasc axext. The new brick dwelling of
Jonathan Boynton.Esq., on Second strcet.will
be a splendid bouse, and an ornament to that
part of the town. The new brick dwelling of
Judge Moore, also adds much to the appear
ance of the street.
LrvisG is Hicn in Clearfield just now. Flour
g retailing at $9 a barrel ; butter at 20 cts. per
pound ; beef, by the quarter, at from 4 to G
cts. per pound; buckwheat flour $3 50 per
hundred lbs. ; corn, from 62 to 7o cents pe
bushel; wheat and rye, we can't say what the
price is
XIelpisg HissELr. Some rogne or other re
cently took the trunk of our young townsman
Clarence L. Barrett, whilst on his way to Wis
consia, off the hack at Johnstown, on the
Pennsylvania Railroad, and rifled it of the con
tents. This seems to be a "free" country, in
every particular.
'Some PcMr-Kixs." Abraham Reams, of
Lawrence, whilst presenting ns, the other day
with a couple fine pumpkins, for which we ten
der bim onr thanks, informed us that one vin
in his lot produced no less than ten six of
which weighed not less than 22 pounds apiece.
"Some pumpkins" that !
Asother fire. Welcarn that on lastTburs
day night, the store house of B. D. Hall & Co.
at Salt Lick, in Karthaus township, this coun-
e fire is supposed to Tavo been" tho work of
yan incendiary.
omabti a postmaster at one of the new
n'. . i ... ...
jU mis county, it is said, directs letter
packages, no matter to whafc place they are to
fce forwarded in the direction indicated, with
no other superscription than tho word "wes
terly!" We should like to know where
package, so directed, would stop i It is little
wonder that lette are so often miscarried,
wncn such competent men have charge of some
or tlic post cilices.
Kicn. It is said that the Locofocos of one
of the up-river townships, who had been en
trusted with tho straight-out tickets, are talk
ing of indicting some Fillmore men fur pock-
-....b, invj aiicgc, uiese (lCKl-ls. I tie un-
prcccdcntcd interest and wonderful love dis-
TllAVfl Ii . T ...... f i- . i . . . ..
, j uuiutouj ,or llu straight tick
et, by taking care of and giving them out, sat
j-ucu me irve Americans of the real statj of
r - ji i . ...
uurs, ana ueiernnnea them, if not before de
cided in the matter, to vote the Union Electo
ral ticket, notwithstanding the eflorts of a bu
ay, oun-gliog fellow who rode from his own to
uuuiucr district to create a diversion, but who
waa told that his advice was not wanted there.
lie left auddcnly with "a flea in his ear."'
MrsTEBiors. On Saturday, whilst Mr. Ellis
Askey was hunting on the head waters, of
Montgomcry, in Tike township, thrs county,
he found a small tin-box and a wooden W,
In a dense thicket, 4 miles from any habitation.
Oa Monday Mr. Asker and others proceeded
to tho place, where they found all the bones of
a man, except the skull. In a Testament found
in me iox,were written a couple names.which
were made out to be, K. V. Rightbone, and Ii.
B. Charles, England besides these, on a pair
of spectacles, was engraved Robt. Wright.
The bones arc supposed to be the remains of a
travelling tinker, an Englishman, who had a
wooden leg, and was going through the coun
try, about five months ago, and it is supposed
that he either lost his way, and becoming en
tangled in the thicket where the bones were
found, was unable to extricate himself and
perished from fatigue and starvation, or that
be was destroyed by some wild animal.
Chijca. By way of California wo have re
ceived news from Hong-Kong to the 20th of
August. The rebels tad taken the city of tendcr- T'e reason assigned in the order is a glass of ale, if you please." Shop keeper -v-'L,,r"c'a' "U,J
Keu-luns; also Kintan, now Chan "-tow. lnal lue circulation of foreign coin is a sign of gives mm a scrutinizing look and inquires IIKllHlil 1 mg iakd wanted by
There were Jargo bodiesoftho rebels near foreign s.ereignty , :1m fiL
boocnow, and. the early capture of that cifv A finnn fiw ?(ni.nn a rt..,. indivi.limi, i,aM n,it.. v. pud in goods at cash prices. Imrl9-tf Jc
; inevitable. The rebels were also making
( demonstrations uponPekin. A dreadful frcsh-
' et bad occurred at Canton. All the streets
"ere suomcrged daily lor a lortnight,and much it
property had been destroyed. Ihc great Pa-
godo, fonrtecn centuries old, had been under-
mined by the water, and had fallen, burying
i he Priests beneath it. A great fire had also
occurred at Canton. Hundreds of buildings
and boat, were burned, and two hundred msn,
women and ehtli. . j.
women ana children were burnt and drowned.
The nee crops in the vicinity ol Canton were
greatly damaged by the freshet. Hany villa-
gifcai! also been decoyed.
Se.nator Fi'Msm, Is still in fecblo health,
notwithstanding tin? election u over and uo
capital can now be made out of it.
"The Little Giast," Stephen A. Douglass,
s to be married shortly to Miss Cutis, the
belle of Washington City. Miss Cutts is a
llicu Priced Apples. Mr. J. W. Dodge, of
Cumberland county, Tennessee, raised and ex
hibited some apples at the County Fair, which
were sold at r.uction at $10 50 a dozen about
a barrel and a half brought $111.
California. San Francisco dates to Oct.
12, have received. Trade was active, and mi
ning prospects good. Senator Weller had
been prostrated by a severe fit of sickness.
The news otherwise is unimportant.
SLEicnixc. Snow has fallen to a considera
ble depth north of Lake Siincoe, Canada. At
Barrie and Orilla they had sleighing for two or
three days in the beginning of last week. At
London, Canada. "West, also, there was a heavy
fall of snow.
Or egox . Tho Indian troubles in Oregon
threaten to become more serious. Gov. Ste
vens, who bad' advanced to the Walla-Walla
country to negotiate a peace, had been obli
ed to return. The entire country east and
north of Dog River was in possession of the
A Sweet Man. Mr. M. Quinby of St.Johns-
villc, Montgomery county, N. Y., has sold this
year upward of 20,000 pounds of honey, prin
cipally produced by himself, and the remain
der by a few neighbors who have followed his
example. At 12 cts per lb. he would realize
the handsome sum of $2,500.
Nicaragua. The steamshipTenncsseCjWith
San Juan dates to the 5th inst., has arrived at
New Orleans. The previous accounts of the
battles of Granada and Masaya are fully con
firmed. Gen. Walkers position was still more
favorable, and the health and spirits of the ar
my excellent. The Transit route was in fine
M. E. Conference. Tho Methodist Episco
pal Church recently held their annual Confer
ence in Lawrence. Kansas. Clergymen and
laymen from the various districts in the terri
torics in Kansas and Nebraska were present
The meetings were held in a large pavillion
tent, well attended throughout the day and
"Salt River." Some of our Republican
friends object to going "up Salt River" on any
craft, with General Cass as pilot. Although
he is well acquainted with all "obstructions to
the navigation," having explored that region
some eight years ago, they fear the effect of
any "noise and confusion" upon the old gen
tlemau's nerves.
Qcert. Two curious cases of intermarriag
have occurred in Newton county, Georgja.
Mr. Stephen Daniel, aged 59, married a datigh
7? i 1 1 m . , ml 7"i : - ' i.
yujc "ivm you t)C SO
Kind as to let us know the relationshin of
their offspring ?"
4" -
k'lvaia T "V- t o ...
uvuia, .xo.io. Aavices irom
.ieuce to uio eui inst. state that fifteen of
the Free Statu prisoners on trial f.,r lm.r.'W
had been acquitted, but were immediately re
arrested on the charge of robbing the Frank
lin Post-office. The Free State men-are tak
ing measures to contest the seat of Whitfield
in Congress on tho ground of an illegal clec-
tlOn. Iarfrt mianf itina r.F nlAlMn. ...i ,
- j wv.miicauu iirovi-
s.ons had arrived at Lawrence and tverc bein-
distributed among tho destitute.
SrspExsiox of Relations between Great
Biutain axi Xew Graiidi Tttr ciUi.
7esscl which arrived at Aspinwall onThursday,
, .. WHI I 1 II
r 1- 1 Tl, i'u-ll.n- , 1 . T .
-"""K'M, i anania tar lias receiv
ed the important information that Mr. Griflith,
u. i. 3i. 's Charge d' Affaires at Bogota, hav
ing failed to arrange with tho Xew Granadian
uoiernnient the old standing Mackintock's
claim, Ins biokcn off negotiations with tho
government and given notice that the Admiral
of tho British fest India Squadron lias been
ordered to enforce the paymcut'of the claim
Remarkable VEnnicT. On a recent
for ninnlur in tTicnn rr: : .1.1
. WUU'J' u,swur,i a l
who was instigated to fire the gun which caas-
c1 tho death of the victim, by his father, was
aclH'"cd, and the father and an adult acconi
Plice convicted of murder in the second de-
Srce and sentenced to ten years' imprison-
lnent ln thu penitentiary. The rationale of
this vcrdict is that theso parties being of ma
lurea years, induced the boy to commit the
murder, but that a greater punishment than
that of murder in the second degree could not
go against them
Affaiss is Ccba. Eighty-six Peruvian la
mas arrived rrcontlv Df lf,,, ..
:. ... 1
j " iujl uuL-u 1
iiuporieu ior tuo iuoan authorities by Mr. Ko-
hen, a French naturalist. A considerable re
ward had been offered to the first person who
should succeed in introducing these useful an
imals into the Island, where they are designed
as beasts of burthen. An order has hpon ii.
sued in Havana prohibiting the reception of to our snoP keepers, besides impressing it ui
American coin inofficial proceedings, and de- .n-tlieir m5.nds tbat il la their duty to pay
clarin- that, in fntr,. it
""' "-.! I
spccdies, says much about
amaif amation.
, in his speech at
George Xye, of 2fcw York
Chicago, alluded to this propensity, and said
reminded him of au anecdote. Charles Fox
once visited a lady of rank, who, in a pet, said
to bim, "I don't care for you three skips of a
louse." Fox was good naturcd, so he wroto
as follows :
A lady said to me in her own house,
J dont care for you three skips of a louse ;
I forgive the dear creature forwhat she hassaid,
For ladies speak most of what runs in their head.
'-Of course," said Gen. Xye, "I make no
personal applications." Tbe uproar was tre-
j,. j kjii . ' 11 . 1 1 , . iuii ' 1.1-,. 111 1 1 1 x --". .... MiiMiiiuiiu 1 11 111, iii i ir- 1111 f . 1 :
I -
Europe. At latest dates the Neapolitan
question remained unchanged. From Spain
there is nothing of interest. From France the
news is more interesting. Signs of trouble
are making their appearance in Taris, and a
number of arrests have been made. Menacing
placards are stuck up daily in different parts
of the city, all assuming a revolutionary co
lor. Whether well founded or not, tho opin
ion is very general that not only does, there
exist a serious difficulty between France and
England, but also that the latter has become
reconciled with Austria, and that the latter is
now on more than friendly terms witVRussia,
and it is even supposed that thus allied, Eng
land with Austria, and France with Russia, o-
pen difficulties will ensue ere long. TheFrench
government journals assert definitely and ex.
plicitly that tho Porte has demanded in due
fwrni that the Austrians shall evacuate the
Principalities, and the British the Black Sea,
but they by a secret mutual understanding re
fused to leave
General Cass, the "original proprietor and
projector" of the doctrine of squatter sover
eignty, or non-intervention, has at last been
beaten and shelved in his own State, Michi
gan. J lie ircsiaentiai canvass oi ioio sci-
tlcd his national hopes, and the victory of the
Republicans now prevents his return to the
Senate. There are many persons who will re
gret this, for General Cass has long been re
garded .with the highest respect and esteem
as one of our leading statesmen. But the
country will really lose nothing by his retire-
mnnr. T1a baq nosscsscd the nower to do
much, but has shrunk timidly from the rcspon
sibility of a leader, following willingly in the
wake of others. In 1850 he followed Foote,
and in 1854 he helped Douglas in the repeal
of the Missouri compromise. Toucey is done
for in Connecticut,"Cass in Michigan, Dicken
son in New York, Pierce in New Hampshire
Douglas in Illinois, and a few years more will
seal the fate of that whole tribe of misguided
northern statesmen
Soutuern Programme for the Buchanan
Administration. The following extract from
a letter addressed to the New Orleans Delta
marks out distinctly what the South expects
of the Buchanan Administration :
'My dear sir, it is idle and child's play to
deny that the masses at the North are opposed
to the institution of Slavery. I have purpose
ly mixed with all kinds and classes of the sov
ereign people, this summer, nt the North, with
this main object in view, and I am more than
convinced of the fact. The under current of
public opinion is most decidedly against us,
and that too among good and honest people,
apparently. I am yet to meet and hear the
first man at the North and there are many at
the South who think with them who docs not
oppose the extension of Slavery. Now, sir, I
consider tho extension of Slavery the heart,
core, vitality and existence of this Union
late. We are to have a National Democratic
Administration for the next four years. We
will have a Democratic majority in both Hou
ses of Congress. Nov, then, is the time to
settle this Union question forever. The Na
tional Democrats of the-North hold themselves
friends of the Constitution friends and advo
cates, therefore, of the just rights of the
South. Let them then
nicy nave tlio power for the next four years-
let thorn exercise it boldly and effectually."
I his, tnen, is the language of the South
I . . .
v; ,n !, r i- .,
do,,,.,,,!, ,i., a. t-.-
vaiji-"i' vi uuiuu ine .de
mocracy are its friends they have the power
and tlie South asks that they make e-oo.l
I their nrotnises. Tlmre'ii tmuMn iLoi i
I " .,wv.w WUA. OUIB .
C3"TTe give place to the following, as a fa
vor to a young friend, who seems to have a
desire to be seen in mint, without ?rivinr mi.
A 1 ------ v . O o v M
approbation to anything it may contain :
Mr Editor: Dear Sir: Now that the elect ion
is ovit,wo can find some time to think r,r
local affairs, and attend more to our own inter
ests. The roads throughout our county are
escecdingly bad, in consequence of having
oi-eii more nisniv tavorert than r.r
citizens wuti a "drop from above." Tii
crops in this section of country, look rp.inn
well, and I rovideuce anncars to be hip-bltr
favoring onr Inn.l or.nvi,I.,;: 1 ... ' Vl-l
-. . . o,.,w,i,6 fcuu iuic liucu i
x oco victory. inter is fast approaching, and
Young America is livinz in hirh ho es of n
fine snow, so that the merry jingle of bells, and
the sweet voice of our "fairer sex" mav -rbn
and re-echo o'er hill and dale. We almost im
agine oursclvessnugly ensconced in our town's
sleighing sled under a BuflU'o robe a good
..oi- ,.Fm... :
isuti -.ait.iit.-s auu aoove an, sitlinc riff it
i. - .1 . . . . - . . i
ui-inci-ii mu oi me sweetest little dears im.irr-
Our town IS flourishing like a "Teen biv
tree, planted by the rive? side," and things
so, planted by the rivcF side." and thin.
e-cnorallv arc ntrtvino. .-.,-.i ' x- " . " -.
ica is leaving old Fosrvism in the rli'stAni-P.
' - ' ""rt a vi nam. A. VUtlll ialUCt-
rtuuuii iuu uoys irom nine to tuentv, think
I ll t . w"
they are not sound if they hav'nt ,"f r 5n
. 1 . . . - - --o - 1
int-ir moutii a 'n tv tirn" in ihn, .i-t 1
VtV'?: lw0"..in .their Pocket-
aim .1 urics III liicir nat" tnat inmrt 1 no- I
ales everybody. Uut lo? minors '-can't come
t.,.. .
in" for it would
zauce ot the age of
restaurant keepers
have not yet arrived at local manhood at
least somebody has so expounded the statute
l"rl.aue luon 10 lue aSe. 01 customers.
! USl
Ianthropists, and if they are not actuated by
sejfis or malj t motivos tbeir t
commendable and worthy of imitation.
The conversation of the day now is, about
going to the west. Several of our citizens
have but recently returned, and am vervmnch
pleased with the fair gardens of Agricultural
pieasea witli the fair gardens of Agricultural
wealth with which thev met in that country.
nunureas are going Irom diHerent parts of the
SUtte-quite a number are going" from this
place none, I trust, being in the interesting
situation of the Id fellow who, when be tho't
tt , , . - I
Ins days were numbered, expressed his willing-
ness to go, and was told by a plain, matter-of- I
fact friend that "he was glad to hear it, as his
neighbors wero all willing, too though all '
rules nave their exceptions. 1 ours,
A Youxo America.
seem the law takes co"-ni- IV; " " ,f .."V "J-- Uats and
individuals, and prohibits L...c" "A".."?' oe tne "
- 11- . : I jiiiij. uu mo .iwiiannon, in Jlorris town-
irom selling to those who I shiD. at thn lowest Aniline r,lpi
imatTine a Krllp. ntrnmnr cT'll t,L-
Illinois, it appears, Ha. 6one lor Buchanan, ,
by about. The whole Republican tatc ncivci
is, however, elected by 12,000 majority.
... r- . A
The electoral vote stands now : Jincnanan
170, Fremont 114, Fillmore amoruia io
hear from yet.
Buchanan will not come within 200,000 of
having a majority of the popular vote, and it
is probable that he fall short S0O,COO.
What a Victory !
Winter About. During tho last few days,
small quantities of snow fell in this ection
of country, and tbe atmosphere has become
quite cold.
Married On the 12th Nov., by the Rev. J.
W. Elliott. Abraham Davis, Esq., of Indiana
county, to Mrs. Hannah McGAUCHET,of Clear
field countv.
On the 16th bv M. A. Frank, Esq., Mr. Par.
lee Grauam, to Miss Jane Livisgston, both
of Bradford township.
Died On the 13th Nov, Clara Ann, daugh
ter of Ellis and Mary Jane Livergood, of Go
shen tp., agod 1 year, 3 months and 9 days.
. Township.-
Valuallf Rfal Estate in Hell
Tho subscriber offers for sale
Lis valuable farm in, tituate in Bell township,
Clearfield county, lying on the River, 2 miles a
bove Ma zees Mills, containing one hundred and
thirty eight acres and C7 perches; iove&ty acres of
wliicu are cleared ana in a goou mo oi cultiva
tion, and tho balanoe well timbered, having there
on three dwollinir houses, larze frame bum and
outbuildings, two bearing apple orchards, acd is
well watered. A good title will bo given. ana terms
made essy. ' For lurther pcrticulars inquireof the
subscriber, XoTl9-3m JOIIS WEAVER.
will bo published oui zin jjecemoer ncxi.
In addition to the usual Calendar pases and As
tronomical calculations, "The Xribune Almanac"
will contain : '
Very full and complete Election Returns for
leoe, carefully compared wr.n tue reiurns oi xor
mer years
The important Acts of Congress condensed
The Government of the United States.
List of members of the present Congress, and of
the next ns far as elected, classified politically.
A concise statement of tho-doings in Kansas du
ring the past year.
An account of the remarkable contest for Speak
er of the House.
An articlo on the state of Europe.
An account of the movements of Gen. Walker
and his filibuster companions in Nicaragua.
A classified list of the Governors of the States.
times of holding elections, meeting of Legisla
tures, 40.
Single copies. 12i cents, SI per dozen ; S" per
100. Postage on tho Almanac X cent each, pre
paid, or two cents each when not prepaid. Orders
inclosing tho cash respectfully solicited.
Nov. 1S5C. Tribune office, J'ew York
1 OffTi' A Magazine for the. llomrs o f ihs
TED MAGAZINE, the Pioneer Mtgazine of
the Country, est-iMishe'l in lbl'- fcubaenbe lor
tho New Volume commencing with the January
number. 1857. WATSON' CO.. the new publish
ers of -Graham's Illustrated Magazine,' announce
to tho Ladies and Gentlemen of the United states
in -inoriil. and to the former patrons of tho work
in nnrticular. that it is their iutcntion to make uso
of all the immense resources at their command to
nroduee a l irsl Class Magazine. Io tbis end no
exr.ante or exertion will be spared. The best Lit
erary and Artistic Talent will be employed, and
nothins that ramlul. t tste ami rnfrprisx can ac
complish will be wanting to mako this Magazine
woiy r.uaiw, sm-i!SAboJibpr;Ii upport so
jngs. One illustrative of some of the most "popu
lar pictures of tho day ; the other a beautiful col
ored iashion Plate, drawn from actual articlesof
costume. Also, a number of fine wood engravirsrs
patterns for Crochet and Needlo-work, engraved
from the articles themselves. All the latest styles
of eouumrs for Ladies awl Children will h a co
pied Iroin the newest patterns, and fully describ
ed and illustrated in every number.
Ladies about forming ?Iuh r .l.on...
requested to compare Graham" with any other
--" (juuiiiuou. ana wo are conudent
B f ll,Ble ana co"ect judgment will decide in
Ge'Xnen who are about to mwi.. r,r , m..
"ine for their own reading, or to preeut to their
uuy irienus, should procure a copy of '-Graham"
and examine it thoronr-l.! v nr., I c. ;r
other periodical presents equal inducements for
tneir subscriptions.
,c?0 twelve numbers of "Graham" for tho vcar
J8o7, will comprise one of the most magniScent
volumes ever issued ! containing in all
jzuii pages of reading matter
100 fine wood engravings !
ii. uanusouie steel en?raviiiira'
J2 bcatiful colored fashion plates !
100 engravings of ladies" & children's
60 coiuintr illustration
i dresses !
And over 300 natterns for nnJt.vi,l t
TERMS : Ono copy, ono year, 53 00 ;' Two CO-
juea, j-j uu , iv copies, and one to getter up of
ion im" "-,u topics, ana one to agent.
Graham's illustrated magazine will be supplied
fjuiiuiuaiiy, ana ar as early a day in
the month as any other magazine published.
!?end in your subrcriptions'earlT to the Publish
c" IIAIMIA t'U..
. 60 outh 3d street. ThiPa.
. V.
r.iiitA -UXJLfc. Subscribers sending tl.rrm
nrs lor one year s subscrmtion tn '-(imha.n "
will receive a copy of Grahams Ladies' Paper tor
Send for specimen numbers of Grahani'alllustra
lag n0".? 'J oraham 's Ladies' Paper.
NfcWJf VRti IIOTEI-The undersigned hav
ins leased the hotel rmiinils iron. t. i-
Root in Ncwbunr. Chet tn.hin
: v i - -- -w -r-
.L. t.,.-. . . .T,...i.iivi. tw
,u" puono mat nc is prepared In .wnmum, ni
11 , . , -
',.a":,":re otners wno may crive him a call
Ibe house is weil supplied with all the necoRrie
I 1 . i . . ' - . "
Vr -commoaons to make gnesU comfortable
"" ?T7 801,cua ' """.c? E"1'?'!".S?.- .
u-in taV U.
Tniii'iTcinv .. ..
a .,rn.,nu. " , ji. inns, would in-
-- lorm his iriends and natrm.s tli.it he -;n
fPcna'f commencing Monday 10th Sovcm-
calls in the Dental line. .n5 I, ;T-
oer. ar u. jonnsonsin rninniihiiri in iHmii n
. .. .... - " " "'t
ahif r., 1,;. r-i.e.u 1 .i. I
-- "wm. tcuii
T B-
al. hi
nas changed his office to the new brirk addi.
tion. adjoining the residence of James B. Graham.
ah Dusincss win receive prompt attention.
v,icarueu, juiy in, 10.
RAto?i ! " uhan,d, nn for Bal lot of first
J3 rate Hams, Shoulders and Sides, at tho sign
rjune251 m iir- t c J
-v-toutr nnrrr, t-t
.PiffJAfS;111'" rticlCS'
Curwensville, 11 n Pattov
r -
, LAKUfc j0t of Family Grocries just receiving
at Jlossop;g jn Clearfield. may 21
tflAPd of all kinds and at aU prices to be had at
I c? , M ur 8la tba -Old Corner
. 11 1 1 vr .
aniiii, in t-arwensviue by PAIION
I . 1 & V f . I. m Y f ,n .
fti A r5Ei?5H! Of every descrintinn for intit I
K3rVllWAKt3 at a moderate advance at 'earlieia
Q f
ion will commence on Jionuay, ovcinutr ..
Persons w shin ' to lit tnoroscivcs lor v,",.ru'7'
Teachers, Commercial or other avocations in lite,
will here receive every desired facility- A thor
ough Scientific and Classical eonrse i here given
on terms lower than in similar Institutions in the
State. Tarciits nt a di.-tar.C3 can obtain board in?
for iheir wns and daughters ur.dcr the immediate
care of the Principal, where they will receive rare
advantage?, with all tho comforts and plea-urcsof
heme; and their morals Will oc cariuny guaruc-i.
It is particularly ie?irous mat pupws lormc ap
proaching term be prcs. nt at Us commencement,
to select their seats and bo properly arranged in
their respective classes.
Further information and Catalogues of the In
stitute can bo had hj addressing.
Y. A. lAJUl&Ui. i nncipai.
Aug. 20. 1556. Clearfield. Pn.
BACCO. CIGARS, and DRUGS of all kinds, at
ST5W5 ROW. Clearlle.'d. ?a.
THE latest publications always on hand, or pro
cared to order. Putnam. Godcy. Graham. House
hold Words, Leslie's Fashions. Harper, Peterson,
and all tho other Magazines furnished Monthly
at Publishers' Prices.
Ho would especially call tho attention or lovers
of the weed' to his large stock of tobacco and ci
gars, wnicn cannoi oe surpaascu m luif na'i
consistin-i of the best quality of ' Natural Leaf,"
'Rlack Eat," '-Cavendish,-' Congress,' anu
other tobaccos: Havana. Regalia. Principe. Plan
tation, Spanish, Half-Spanish, and ' A few more
left" cigars. Also a good stock of "pipes"' and
lie would also call attention to the fact that he
has just opened a large assortment of
which he will sell cheaper than any other estab
lishment in the County. THOMAS ROBINS.
November 14. liwa.
SALE. This isoncof the most valuable little boohs
of tho times, to all persons out of employment.
as a number of money making trades and arts, can
be learned w ithout a master, beside ail uic genu
ine uud popular receipts, and instructions of the
day, for tho manufacture of tho moat beneficial,
and saleablo articles, noVin common use. Any
and saleaoio articles, now in cummuu u
person forwarding one dollar post-paid, to
FRIES, Jeffries, Ctenrjictd Co., l a., or
Jiaumnn, Tyrone. JJ.'air Co., Pj., w ill
paid, toU.Jt-
or to -i. Ji
receive a
nmv bv returu mail
And anv nerson iorwaruintr iwcniv-un
- . J - , - . i c ,
post paid, to C. Jkffkiks, will receive by return
mail, one of the three following instructions:
How to make tho celebrated artificial Hosev.
How to raiso double crops, of all kinds of veseta- j
bles, with little expense, and bow to catch ail tno
YVolves, Poxes, Miiiks and Muskrats in the neigh
borhood. Any person forwarding fifty cents, will
rocoivc the w hole three by return mail.
June 4, lSjt ly.
!! LOOK HERE !::'.!
The undersigned has iust received from the East
and is now opening at his Store in the borough of
and must rj-levsire stuci of Fa'l anl IU liter goorti
ever offered in Clearfield county. Having select
ed his goods with the especial view to the wants of
this community, and being determined to seH them
cure a liberal share of public patronage. Ills
oi jry ticoui, (irocencs. Hardware
Cjceciisware, and in-fact every article kept in a
country store. 1 he las-est and best assortment of
..i8 aim noes. uats and Laps, Kcady-ina Jo cio-
lu'"Si c., Ac, e.
I'jill ri In- nMM.vT , , .
.. j ..o uili, i.umucr ia&en in exchange
wruoom. uasu not roluseJ.
Curwensvi.'le N-qv12-'qi1 If. r. PATTO.
"Tiff IV r r .ii ;
-m. cwrc m ii. ii. ratton. m Cur-.vcr.sville.
ui.iuii,-a nnmbcr of good tlcighs for sale
' dv ii. d. l'atton. m
. z . 1 i
IAllluit KHi:S Several excellent Par-
i'r giove3 to be had at Ji. D. PATTOX'S.
CLOTH I N; Ready-made Clothin- of
kinds just received at II. li Patvov.
"i't i CUNTIIACTOKS. Sealed
j- - prono.-ais will bo rewivii, nt tl,a -.o? .. .i..
undersigned in Philipsburr. Centre Co.. Pa., un:i
the evening of the 2oth Nov. inst.. n.r thn
tion and masonry of that portion of the Tvrone
and Clearfield Railromi, lying between the -"-Raid
Eaglo Valley,7' near Tyrone t iiv. on tlio Pencsyl-
about twenty-two miles
u.na i.aurrau, nr.1 l'r.ilir.shnr - a ,1;,,.,,... ..r
x c ' wiaui. V .
,, Pr,,P.osa's will be received for the construction of
11 r11'" "Stance per gross turn, and also for sin
bic rtrtiion" oi one mue in len-'th. pereubi vard
' la"s- 1 '""'es and Speeitieaiiojis mav be st-en at
this office at any time during the week of the le
ting, and any information furnished bv addre-s;n
the underpinned.
mhrsbnrg. Nov. ,. ISoij. Chief Engineer.
M. of J-chool llirectors of Hm.tr ti,..i.i :n
employ six competent school teachers, at Viboral
salaries for the term of four months from the 17th
u.ij oi November. Any further information de
sired, can be had bv nddres:n( t!, ,.r
tho board. ELI AS 1'lsilKJ. I'r;.i'...
G. R. Jooi)i,AN-Dntt. Secretnrr.
T 1... 1 . . i - . .... J
enen furniture, and a variety of other articles.
""" luuue Known on aav of sale. S!n t-
uiv.-ut.-u ai o ciocK, A. M.
- ..... -
jov. a, 1 ABRAHAM RAfLET.
T,.Lf' ' IIAND ! The undersigneTe-
tmucsthe CI.orK ATi li'nrii ni-rv,.
nnsn-iv., . . ""'tl.vi
1 Vi . ' "P on ,ne corner of .Main
ii;i .Mecnanic streets, one door South of Dr. R. V.
Wilson's office, where he will ho ni.. t '.'
mouate his customers at all time. llPr,;r;,im
on the shortest notice. ang20 R. R. WELSH
BLACKS.-1ITI11.NG. The subscriber wonld
inform the public that he has taken the P.I.i,-!.-.
smith Shon formerlv occuniJ htr ..
the corner of Third and ilain streta ;.. i,. i ...
ough of Clearfield where he carries n th,. t..,:
tn all its various branches.
Juno G, ISio.-ly JACOB SHrvxrwrrT rn
QCEENSWARE-aT superior lot of Fany
and Common Queensware now openin'
and for salo at tho iot nn.i.u
at the store of RICHARD MO-vJip
OTb'I FISH "-Superior Mackerel ad
.jt-J f-fulfijl, ,t 1 - . .,
j,v wcMdi aim ufiening at tne
cheap Cush store of Richard Mos-or, in
may 21 jli
TLACK, Imperial and Young Hyson fvj
Teas of tho best quality to be had at E 55 -S i
the lowest each rice at AIOS.SOP'6.
HARDWARE and Cuttlery iust received
and now oponing at ilossop s cheap cash
store in Clearfield " mav2l
UMBRELLAS and Parasols, a largo assortment
of the latest patterns, to be had cheap at
may21'56 MOSSOP'.S. -
T711SII. A lot of superior Mackerel and
-a. He-ring, jus
ust rectorrfwt and for a!e t-;
T E 1)1 L. The undersigned will sell at pub
t lie vendue, at his residence in Pike township
on Saturday the 15th November, the following per
sonal property, viz: J lories. Young Cattle. Sheen,
Jlogs, U agon. Sleus Carriage for shaft or tongue!
JSees, (.rain of all kinds. 1 !.- Ii....i . i i j T.-.-.'
J 1 UU.'I .A llit l II-
Bajaq . VAX- r. UtVLS",
tersTcstamcntary on the estate oTG ideocW id
mire, late of Penn township, Clearfield county,
l'a-. deceased, having been granted to the subscri
bers, all persons indebted to the said estate, are
rcqaestcd to make immediate payment, and those
having- claims or demands against the same will
present tk.in, proper.y- f$21-
Tn r n i . id . i -a v. - '
Oct22 ft Executors.
PAN Y, LOCK HAVE.i;iUMV.i w.,r-
Insures Det.icnea lsnuuings, rimr,j'"n-ui--nd
other buildings and their contents.
Hon. John J. Tcarse, Hon. (I. C. Harvey,
John R. Hall. T. T. Abrams, .
Chnrlo's A, M.ivcr, ! K. Jackman,
Charles Crist, V. V hite, .
Peter Dickenson. 1 nomas Kitchen.
Jlos. G. C. HARVEY", Pbcs t.
Thos. Kitchen, Sce y. T. T. Abrams. ice Pres t.
The undersigned having been appointed -;
grut ly this company, gives notico that he will
insure liuildings of every description, Goods, dc.,
on tho most reasonablo terms. This company is
in a prosperous condition, and meets all demands
promptly, the capital siock oi mo cnuimu i
:rll)0,0GU with privilege of increasing to $:UIO,000.
10 a. M. MONTELiLS.
Curwtfnsvillc. Ta.; Aug. 20, lS56-timp
J. as I-cttcrs of Administration on th Estate of
JOHN DRESSLER, late of Union township.
Clearfield county, Pa., dee'd. have been granted
to tho undersigned, all pcrsous indebted to said
estate are requested to make lmmcuiaio payment,
and those having claims against the same will
present them, properly authenticated for Bottle-
111 cut, to iMtin iinr.,-.-i.r.ii,
1S.'.5 fit. Adm'rs.
THE undersingned-
V v wo
ould announce that they manufacture
YVajrocs of ull descriptions. Uuggies, fcdeds, 4 c, at
their shop in New Salem. Rra.ly township, Clear
field county, which they offer for sale at as reasona--blo
rates as can be purchased elsewhere. They rca-"
pcctful'.v solicit a share of patronage.
Oetl-';,fi-tf WILLIAM LEWIS.
Rl'IlANS' COURT SALE. Ryan order
of the Orphans' Court of Clearfield county;-
thcre will bo exposed to sale on Tuesday the 4th'
djy of November next, at Simon Rorabough's, in "
Chest township, the following described property
of James Currey, late of Burnsido township, de
censed, bounded on the south by landsof James
Gallagher and James Dowlcr, on the east by lands
of J. Crossniun. on tho north by lands of Eisen--Lauer.
and on the west by lands of James Riddle,--containing
1C0 acrcs.moro or less, with a dwelling
house, barn and other buildings thereon erected.
October 1, 18i5. Executor- -
nt a mceliiiir of tho Lumbermen hcia at
Clearfield on tho lsth iust., tho undersigned were
appointed a committee to institute prosecutions a-
gainst all pc-rsonsoi-structing mo navigaoio sireams
by the floating of loose logs. Wit therefore notify
ull person? concerned, that proceedings will bo in
stituted and prosecuted to conviction against all
and every person, whether owner, contractor or
laborer, engaged in putting loose logs into the riv-'-er
or an v of its tributaries in the counties of Clear
field, Elk and Centre. JOIIS M. CHASE.
27. I?v6.
i7U)ll SALE A two-story frame House, with s
. half aero of land adjoining, situate in Law
rence township, ou. the road from Clearfield to
Curwensville, about 1 i miles from Clearfield. For
terms apply to Zcbad Lawhcad, Lawrence town--ship,
or to the subscriber.
Clearfield, Pa.
a-t . .uk-.rjj UCILUINti
LOTS and PA ST CP. E ASl WOOD LOTS, contain
ing from three to ten acres each, near the borough
of Clearfield.
AIsj several desirable FARMS and pieces of
TIMUKK LAS!), in various parts of tho count-ct-
ierms accommodating. Applv to
April If,. ISoS. Clearfield, Pa.
having taken this well known HOTL'L in tho
borough d -uri-i-n;rtll, i j V ..j 1. l l .
0d the travelling public generally to give him a
cull, as he has the best establishment ol the kind
m the county. He hopestogivcgeneraNatifaction.
JuJJfyjuglt-ja JOS. PETE its.
TriIOI.E-SALE. I ho subscriber wishing to-
T retire from the Mercantile business, (sole
ly on account of press of Professional business) do
sires to dispose of his entire block of Store good
at wholesale and will sell them on the most accom
modating terms. Any person wishing to engagw
in trailing in any part ot tho county will do well
to call a ul see me before mating any other ar
rangement?. A. M.'lllLLS.
tjearnelil. August 27, lS.o.
una uric 01 j i,e ISlcarfitltt Ii ml-" will. .
of ?l(t(l,r.i!!), with the privilege of increasing tho
same to S'Jii'l.otif).
)VM. M I.P I E. J. F. WEAVER,'
tlearfield, Jnne 25. lO-Siu.
I AND FOllS A LE.-Thc subscribers offer for-T-.
Sille a trant of land in Pccn township. Clear
fiel l county, containing 1X1 ac cs patented land
...mm ou acres cleared, tho balance covered wiUi
timber of good oualitv. 'i'h irn,lf-ii,-i.ri.i,. fa .
g'Kd two utorv frame hons. nrl nw l..
and other out buil.Jings a never failing fountaiu
01 excellent water at the Uoor. a large bearing ap
plo orchard, and 12 acrts in meadow. The above
i.irm ha many advantages, being in the centre of
a thriving neighborhood, about J of a mile from
1 onusville and the Glen Hope and Smiuehann
Turnpike ; bounded by lauds of Joseph Davis
Thomas Wain, Thomas .Martin and others." A rnh
he rond passes by tbe door, and is about a mile
from the Catholic Church. Terms of sale will bo
untie ca.y ami possession given at any time bv ab
dication to cither of the undcrsi-ncd. "
r . , , , XATHAX MOORE.
Penn tp., 3 mo.. ISth. mS-ang27-;impd. .
TAMES It. UK All AM. Dealer in SWKD
roapii-" n timbkiCsiiisoleJ,
nnt'i.P h '3 r-Pred to fill, on tho shortest
notice, all orders fur articles in liis lino .f busi
ness, on asreasonaWo terms as they can bo nro
curea in the county
;rahnmpton. Clearfield Co.. Jan. 23, 1S06
T UOS ! IRON' !! The undersigned has just
JL received, at the shop of T. .Mills, on tho corner
of lxvust and Third streets, in the Eorouga of
J15". l:lrJ"e rtment of Konorl. Sjnar
awi ttat liAIl IROA. of all siie. which he will
sell at as low prices as it can be purchased any
where in this county.
- j elj-jj-Sm PEXJA M IX' SPACEMAN .
Tho subscriber offers for sale Lis va'unl.la '
wra, enuaie two uiiies irom curwensville on tho
River road leading to Lumber City ; ssid farm con
taining 105 acres, si.vly acres cleared, under good
cultivation, tho balanoe well timbered: with a '
good barn, new plank dwelling house, and a eood
bearing ore hum thereon, and i wn ... j fcr-
e -. . . 1 r - - ...
further information enquire of tho subscriber liy
ing on the premises. SIMOX THOMPSOX
i-cbrnary I'O, 185fl 6m
l c". i" 1L,c,subcriber offers for sale his Tav
str.";, ',i.0,,,th0 er f Market and Front
is iTr i'J . U,TOh of Clearfield. The tons.
1 , nJ co"nodious and woll calenlateKl for a
puo..c honse. For particulars inouire of V. A.
Wallace, Le.. or of the suiscriber living on tin
TV-OTICE is II EREBY GIVEN, that appli
Xl cation will be made to the Legislature of
1 cnii'ylvauia at its next session, for tho Charter
of an institution with banking privileges, includ
ing Mosecf ii?ite. discount and deposito, to bu Jo
catod nt Clearfield. IV.n,-, I, ,.n.i. .1