Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, November 05, 1856, Image 3

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f ' '
TVasted In payment of subscription at
tbis ofScc grain, potatoes, wood, &c.
The Washingtonians will hold a meeting in
the Court House, on Monday erening, Novem
ber 17th, at early candle-lighting.
Pctsax, IIorsEHOLD Wobcs and SCIIOOIFI.L
iow, for November, are on our table, filled
with choice and interesting matter.
BrXT to Death. Three men and a woman
travelling In an ox-tf agon were bnrnt to death
by a prairie fire near Bruckheat Grove, 111.
At the Ohio State Fair, a Lrasj wire screen
was exhibited that was so fine that in a single
inch of its surface, there were 2-3,C00 meshes.
Co an ox Schools. We have the Report of
Dr. Schryrcr, the Superintendent of Common
Schools in Clearfield county, on hand and will
publish it next week.
School Tejkchers. The attention of
School Teacher? is called to a notice of the
Directors of Brady township, who wish to em
ploy six competent teachers.
The Teople of South Carolina have return
ed Hon. Preston S. Brooks to Congress, and
armed him with seventeen canes, a brace of
pistols, a revolver, and a raw hide.
The Bask of England his raised its rate of
interest to six per cent., in consequence of the
drain on its coders, caused by tha exports of
gold to India and other onarters.
Loss bt Fires. The total loss by fires in the
United States during the last month, so far as
ascertained, is $1,336,000; making the total
for the year thus iar $ 15,S9Ct,000.
Graham's Magazine. Under the control of
the new proprietors, this magazine is gaining
popularity, and deserves to be ranked auioug
the first class monthlies of the country.
A Sprcri vTOR in Liverpool, England, has
otlered the city authorities $5,000 per annum
for the use of the lamp-posts, tv post adverti
sing bills oa ! The oflor was not accepted.
Ireland. Accounts from Iralaml state that
the failure in the potato crop this year will be
y no means so great as was anticipated at the
early re-appearance of the mysterious blight.
Large Squash. Mr. George Home, of Dar
ly township, Delaware county, raised, the past
season, a Valparaiso squash, weighing ninety
three poundsxnd measuring 6 feet both ways.
Largest Squash. Mr. Samuel Iloard, of
Chicago, has raised a squash in his garden,
this season, which weighs 1S6 pounds. This
is probably the la-gest squash ever grown ia
tbis conntry.
Gale. The late gale on Lake Michigan has
been most destructive. The propeller Toledo
was totally lost off Port Washington, with sixty-two
persons on board, thr-e others being
saved. .
Smoking Hams. A fanner in southern Ala
bama advises persons smoking hams, to throw
upon the fire occasionally a handful of china
berries'which, he says, will be an effectual pre
ventive against skippers.
Sxow. On last Friday morning, the 31st
October, there was a fall of snow in this re
gion. In some sections of the county, a suf
ficient quantity fell to cover the ground.
Old Winter is coming."
The Knickerbocker, for November sus
tains its well earned reputation as a superior
periodical, and its appearance always produ
ces an enlivening sensation upon our feelings.
It is a welcome visitor, indeed.
Havana. Advices from Havana sny that a
second expedition was fitting out there against
Mexico, to enforce the payment of the claims
due to Spanish subjects. An expedition was
also preparing against St. Domingo to seize
on the republic.
Large Fee. Captain Albert Pike, of Ar
kansas, is said to have recently gained a suit
in the U. S. Supreme Court at Washington, D.
0., on an Indian claim for $329,000, for which
he is to receive the snug fee of $lo0,000, be
ing one-half of the value.
Canada. Several days since, ia Canada.
West, two females wcr.t out in the evening in
search of their cows, and not returning that
night, search was made in the morning, when
their skeletons were only to be found, their
flesh having been devoured by the wolves.
To Clean a Gcs. The Scientific American
says that a gun can be cleaned in a moment
by attaching a sponge to the rod and dipping it
in spirits of turpentine, and then wiping out
the barrel. The gun is dry almost as soon as
the rod is withdrawn, and it is ready for use.
, At tue commencement of the present year
there were in the United States about 22,000
miles of railroad, employing about 5,009 loco
motives. It is estimated that these locomo
tives consume between four and five million
cords of wood annually, the product of at least
100,000 acres oi woodland.
Ax Old Mill. The first grist mill ever erec
ted in Pennsylvania, is still in existence. It
is a quaint old stone building, and bears date
about 1680. It is located on a small stream
near Gcrmantown, and some of the original
machinery imported from England, is still re
tained in the mill.
Female Teachers. Ex-Governor Slade, of
Vermont has just sent out another company of
female school-teachers to the West. There
were twenty-five in the company, going to Il
linois, Indiana, Missouri and Iowa, and they
swell the total who have thus gone out under
Gov. Slade's auspices to 420.
The Scalpel. This quarterly has been
changed to a monthly, and is published at 10
cents a number or $1 a year. Dr. Dixon is
one of the most independent journalists of
whom we have any knowledge, and slashes
right and left into quackery and bungling pre
ttndert in the protession. His periodical is,
In brief, rich, rare and spicy, and we shall al
ways weicome it to our tanctum.
. Arrested. The Elk Reporter says that a
horse thief, named John Keef, was arrested in
Ridgway, on Monday the 13th Oct. lie was
arrested on suspicion, bat about two hours af
ter he was at rested a Mr. 3rooks, of near Cu
ba, 2s", T. rode up in pursuit of the thief, and
identified the horse. This ia the second horse
thief captured in Kidgway within 2 months.
We hear very distressing verbal accounts
of suffering in Michigan, in consequence of
the dense smoke from tha marsh and bog fires.
In the vicinity of Battle Creek it is said that
consumptive persons have died in spasms, cat
tle have suffocated, and poultry have dropped
dead. Thousands of acres have burnt over,
and immense damage had been caused to pro
perty. - ' . j
An ice machine has just been completed at
the Cuyahoga iron works, Cleveland, Ohio,
w hich is capable of producing one ton of solid
crystal ice in twenty-four hours. A trial has
recently been made with the above result,
while the mercury stood at eighty degrees in
the apartment. The estimated expense of
manufacturing ice by such a machine is $5 j
per ton, one-fourth of a cent per pound.
A New CorxTEnFEiT. A new counterfeit 1
ten dollar bill on the Girard Bank ha made j
its appearance, which may deceive the unwary.
It is easily detected, however, by its having j
on the right hand end of the note a gronp con
sisting of a man and woman in a lovelike atti- j
tu ie, in placo of the med illion head of Stc- !
phen Girard, which appears on both euds of j
the genuine. j
Copartnership. It may interest our breth
ren of the press to know that Dr. J. C. Aver, ;
of Lowell, (Cherry Pectoral and Cathartic
Pills.) has associated with him, his brother
Fredeiick Aver, Esq., long and favorably
known as a leading merchant of the West.
Mr.Ayer will conduct the widely extended bu
siness of the firm, which now reaches to the
commercial nations of both hemispheres, while
the Doctor will devcte himself to the scienti
fic investigations and pursuits. Merc. Jour.
C-.sxel Coal. In 'Lesley's Manuel of Coal
and its Topography', it is stated that '-this ar
ticle is carbon, nearly pare from clay and sand;
while black slate is characterized by it excess
of clay. When black slate is charged with
from 30 to 50 per cent, of carbonaceous mat
ter, it greatly resembles and has been repeat
edly presented fcr true Cannel Coal. The un
common and rare qualities of Cannel, togeth
er with its acknowledged scarcity, has stimu
lated the monopolizing speculation spirit of
the day to the trial of its represfintatives when
ever they appear, and announcements have
repeatedly been node of the discovery of en
ormous beds of it, which were, in fact, noth
ing but beds of compact black slate.
Apart from a chemical analysis, three con
venient tests may easily be applied by any
one in doubt ; the weight of blackslate is plain
ly greater than that of cannel coal ; a spliu'er
of it will not light and blaze like one of can
nel coal, but merely glow in the flame T.here it
is held ; and thirdly ,a heap of it on the ground
will not make a fire unassisted by wood or
coal, whereas a single lump of cannel laid up
on an ember will bo entirely consumed.
Cannel, Glance, Splint, Bon' Coal, Black
slate, are but so many gradations in a mixed
and ever varying proportionate deposit of car
bon auJ sandy clay of an original vegetation."
Medical Ultrcism. If there were health
in a multitude of medical systems as there is
sail to be wisdom in a multitude of counsel
lors, sickness would be unknown in this age of
so called pathological discoveries. The hom
eopathists tell us that the salvation of our lives
in sickness depends upon infiuitesimal doses
and infinite dilution ; the hydropathists pro
fess to rain health upon us from shower baths,
or soak disease out of us with wet blankets ;
while a still newer set of exclusives propose
burying us up to the armpits in earth putting
both feet in the grave as it were, by way of
saving our lives ! Then, we have Sangrados,
who arc all for bleeding, blistering, and low
diet; and tnincr.ilits, who believe in nothing
but mercury and its oxides. It happens, un
fottuuately, however, for all these theorists
that they can show no practical proof of the
assumed infallibility of their methods ol cure.
Not so Professor Ilolloway, who has really in
augurated a new era in the history of the heal
ing art, and whose medicines fur the last twen
ty years have annually rescued tens of thou
sands from impending death. This is no as
sumption, but a fact verified by the unimpea
chable evidence of a cloud of witnesses.'
The archives of Lis central offices in London
and Xew York, contain more than half a mil
lion of manuscript certificates, authenticated
in the strongest manner, and placing beyond
the possibility of doubt the infallibility of his
Tills and Ointment in nincteen-twentieths of
the maladies to which man is subject. Great
Britain, the Continent of Europe, India, Chi
na, Australia, the United States, the West In
dies, British America, every civilized land,
and every country to which the pioneers of
civilization, commercial and religious, have
found their way, ring with the fame of these
all-conquering remedies. There is no written
language in which ho cannot produce testimo
nials of their efficacy, no printed one in which
they are not advertised and recommended
Such is the demand for them in all parts of the
world that they may be justly called a great
commercial staple, and the number of agencies
for their sale amounts to tens of thousands !
Trofessor llolloway, whose comprehensive
mind is the motive principle of this immense
system of popular dispensaries is now in this
country. His manufactory for the Continent
is at Xew York, and there is no newspaper in
the Union that ha not endorsed his prepara
tions ; no city or town within the same limits,
where they are not known and appreciated.
These facts speak for themselves, and clearly
show, that while so many medical dogmatists
have been groping in the dark, he hasactua'ly
discovered and applied the true and only
means of eradicating the primary causes of
disease in the human system. Xew York
Sunday Timet.
quarter of the present school year of this Insti
tution will commence on Monday, November l.th
1Sl'crsons wishing to fit themselves for College,
Teachers. Commercial or other avocations in life,
trill hero receive every desired facility. A thor-on-h
Jjcientific and Claspicnl course is here given
cacnn lower than in similar Institutions in the
State. Parents at a dietancs can obtain boarding
for their sons anl daughters order the immediate
care of the Principal, where they will receive rare
advantages, with all the comforts and pleasure of
home; and their morals will be carfuily guarded.
It is particularly deirous that pupils forthe ap
proaching term be pres. nt at its commencement,
to select their seats and be properly arranged in
their respective classes.
Further information and Catalogues of the In
stitute can be bad b addressing, ' -
W A. CAMPBELL. Principal.
Aug. 2J. 1S3S. Clearfield. Pa.
TVTEWBl'Kli HOTEL The undersigned bav
X 1 ing leased the hotel recently kept by Ezra
Boot, in Newburg. Clitst 'township, aunounces to
the public that he is prepared t- accommodate
travellers and others who may give him a call
The houc is well supplied with all the i.eccssaries
and accommodations to make guests comfortable.
Ui rcspectfallv solicits a share of patronasre.
SHERIFF'S SALES. By virtue of sundry
writs of Vein. 1Cjt., issued out of the Court
of Common Pleas of Clearfield county, and to mo
directed, will be exposed to public sale, at the Court
Jlou-o in the boroucli of Clearfield, on MONDAY
THE 17th DAYOFNOVEML'F-K. li'o'h the follow
ing described real estate, to wit:
A certain tract of land, situate in wn"
ship. c-ntniuiug 2j ) acres, being part of the Tho
mas rtewarlsoa survey, with n me ami one bait'
story log huu.-e and log barn thereon erected, aud
about '1) acres cleared, and in a g'd tate.f culti
vation. Seized and taken in execution ami to be
sold as the property f Joseph E. Loirau.
.l.so A ccriain'lot of land, situate in the Bor
ough of Clearfield. Clearfield county, and known in
the plan of said borough as b-t number one hun
dred and twenty-scvcnT bounded on . Seized
and taken in execution and tv be sold as the pro
perty of James I lollenback.
Also A certain tract of land, in Durnside town
ship, Clearfield county, containing seventy acres
more or less bounded by 1. V. miih. J. lowlcr.
J. M"Murrey. with a house and barn thereon erec
ted, and '2i a-rcs cleared. Seized aud taken in ex
ecution and to lc sold as the property of 1'atid
Fulton. Simon Fulton. Lory Latiugan, and Alexan
der and John MoCoy. terra tenants.
Also Pefendanti interest in a certain tract of
land, situate in Morris township, all that tract of
land and saw-mill property, situate on Alder run.
containing '222 acres mure or less. Also, all the
timber standing on the land 'old Ainos Hubk-r and
tlcorgc Nairliowl.beinz the Latin premises bought
by Vanu A WiUhelm troia lavid tJrati. having e
rectcd thereon five dwelling houses, stable, single
saw-miii. and other out-buildiugs, and about i a
cres cleared. Seized and taken in execution and
to be sold as the property of David Wane.
Also All that certain tract of land, situate in
Morris townbii. viz : all that tract of laud and I
siw-mill property on Alder run containing 222 a
cres. more or less: also, all the timber standing
on the laud sold Amos llubler and ileorze Xair
bood. being the same premises bought by Vt'iilhe'tu
and Wann from l'avid tiratz. having erected there
on 5 Dwelling houses and stables, single saw-mill
ami other ouihuildinjrs and about 5 acres cleared.
Seized and taken in execution and to be sold as the
property of David Wann.
Also A certain tract of land, situate in Morris
township, all that tract of land and saw-u:ill pro
perty situate on Alder run. containing '222 acres
more or less. Also, all the timber standing on the
land sold Anios llubler and lieorge Nairhood. be
ing the same premises bought by Vun and AVill
he!m trom D.Oratz. having erected thereon i del
Jirifr houses, stable, single saw-mill aud other out
buildings and about five acrescleared. Seized and
taken in execution and to be Sold as the property
of Jacob WiUhelm and David Wann.
Al so A certain tract of land, situate in Fergu
son township, containing 90 acres bounded on tlic
south by Orance Thurston, west by J. Straw, with
log bouse and log stable thereon ; '20 acres cleared,
and a small orchard. Seized and taken in execu
tion and to be sold as the property of Albert Thur
ston. Also A certain tract of land, situate in
township, containing one hundred acres, bouuded
west by tl. Mase. south by U. Caldwell, norih and
cast bv J. Thompson, ami ?) acre? cleared. Seiz
ed and taken in execution and to be sold as the
propertv of William Curry, sr.
Alsi.A-A certain tract of land, situate in Fergu
son township, containing lull acres, bun tide I by
lands of Cyrus Thurston. V'ui. Thnrston and oth
ers, with cabin house and stable thereon erected,
and acres cleared. Seized and taken in execu
tion and to be so'd as the property of Cyrus H.
Also A certain tract of land, situate in Chest
township, containing forty acres, more or less,
bounded north by olomon Tozi-r. west by Chest
creek, south by Jonathan Pearce's heirs and other
wiib log house and log barn, and 3 acres cleared
and under fence. Seized and taken in execution
and to be sold as the property of David Wood.
Also Two certain lots of land in Curwcnsville
boronjrh. beginning at corner of No. ."55 on State
street and running along the line of said lot I St
feet to an alley 20 feet wide, thence along the end
of lots No. -W and No. .'ia. I'M! feet to lot of Jesse
lliehards, thence north ISO feet to State street,
thence along State street to place of beginning,
with a large Tavern house and stable erected there
on. Also, one other lot beginning at corner of No.
:ii south ISO feet to 20 feet alley, thence west 8o
feet to lot of Nancy Scoficld. thence along the a
foresaid lot to State street, thence along State st.
fe j feet to place of beginning, with frame house
and frame shed erected thereon. Seized and ta
ken in execution and to be sold as the property of
Wm. W. Fleinming.
Also All the right and interest in a house and
lot in New burg, bounded on Main street. Chest
creek. 2i0 feet to an alley cast by S. Tozer, w ith
frame bouse and frair.e stable ; one acre on the
west side of Chest creek, bounded on the road lead
ing to west by Jesse Wilson's, cast by Chest creek.
His interest in 2('0 acres, more or less, bounded by
Giites and Marsh and David Mitchell. Seized and
taken in execution and to be sold as the property
of tiilbert L. Tozcr.
Also A certain tract of land, situate in Law
rence township, containing ten acres, bounded by
lands of Elisha ArJery. John Dougherty and John
Howies, with n log house and log barn erected
thereon, and about nine acres cleared aud UDdor
fence. Seized and taken in execution and ta be
sulci as the property of Taylor Kowlcs.
Also A certain" tract of land, situate in
township, containing one hundred aTCs land. more
or less, with a grist mill and saw mill, two dwel
ling houses and storehouse erected thereon Said
premises being seated on Mo.-haunsn creek, ad
joining other lands of said Henry llroc. Seized
and taken t- execution and to be sold as the pro
perty of Jlenry ttroe and Samuel McKean.
Also A certain tract of land, situate in Burn
side township, bouuded south by John Prown, west
by Stephen Ilrothers. north by Evans lloice. with
log houfc and log barn thereon erected. 00 acres
cleared. Seized and taken in execution and to be
sold as the property of Nathan Kearn.
Also A oertain house ar.d lot in Newburg. one
acre of land on the west side of Chest creek, two
thirdi of 200 acres of same in Chest township.
Seized and taken in execution and to be gold as
the property of Gilbert Tozcr and J. Taggart. -
Also A certain tract of land, situate in Chest
township. containing 214 acres more or less, begin
ning at corner of McEwen and Williams' thence
by lands of Aaron Pearcc. south 160 perches to
black oak. thence by James Curry cast III perches
to post, by land of James Curry, sr, north 12 deg.
e. 22 perches to post, cast a3 to Walnut g. 22 to post,
thence by lands if Simon Rorabaugh east 162 to
hickory, thence by Thomas Wilson and otherlands,
and north 200 perches to an ash. thence west 220
perches to place of beginning. Reserving out of
the above 9a acres sold to Aaron i'earce by defen
dant. Seized and taken in execution and to be
sold as the property of Moses Pearcc.
Also A certain tract of land, situate in Brad
ford township. Clearfield county, containing 103 a
crcs adjoining lands of Edward Williams on the
south. Boynton on the north. lands of Benjamin
Spackman on the east and lands of Baker and De
baas on the west : 8 acres of cleared land, small
orchard and round log house and barn on the same,
now in possession of A. Hummell. Seized and ta
ken in execution and to be sold as the property of
Henry Meyers.
Also A certain tract of land, situate ia Morris
townihip, with griet mill and 9w mill,thre dwel
ling houses and store house erected thereon, as the
property of defendants, bounded by Lorain, Eng
land and Swartx and other lands of Henry Groe.
Seized and taken in execution and. to be sold as
the property of Henry Groe and Samuel McKean.
Also A "certain lot in the borough of Clearfield
(viz : all the interest of deft) and known as lot No.
14. bounded on the south by lot No. 13. on the west
by Water street, on the north by lot No. la and on
the east by Front street, being 200 feet deep by CO
wide with two dwelling houses erected thereon.
Seized and taken in execution aud to bo sold as
the property of Bichard Glennnn
Also A certain tract of land, situate iu Fergu
son township. Clearfield county. 3l0 acres on w bich
there is about 8!) acres cleared, dwelling Louse,
store house and bank barn and other buildings
part of the tract warranted in name of Mark Free
man and John Fry. and being same premises bo t
bv defendant from Wm.-Wiley by deed dared 2th
April. ISiO. recorded in book M page II. that part
of the same tract sold to Andrew Davis, by deed
.f t'th Nov.ISjO. recorded Clearfield, bookM page
312. being not included in the survey. -Also, ipvied
on all defendants interest in and to a certain tract
of land sitante in Ferguson township. Clearfield
eountv. surveyed on warraut to John Stcincr, con
taining 4o0 acres, more or less, with a saw mill and
dwelling bouse theron erected, being saint premi
ses bought bv defendant from Win. Irwin by deed
dated 17 Juiic. 1j0. recorded in Clearfield, in
VkH page 10, defendant waives inquisition.
Seized aud tnkcu ia execution aud to be sold as the
propertv of Thomas li. Davis.
Ai.so-All defendant interest in a house and b t
in Newburg. bounded on Main street. Chest creek,
2'i0 feet to an alley, east by Tozers, with frauw
hjiise a:id stable. oi:e a:re fn the west side o:
Chest ereik. bounded en the road leading t
west, by J. Wilsons east of Chest creek ; hi inter
est in 2ny acrts. n.orc or les-s. bounded by Gcttes
and Marsh and David Mitchell. Seized aud taken
in execution and to be sold as the property of Gil
bert Tozer.
Also Two certain - lot in Kylerrowr. situate
north of Main street 112 feet running back 21(5 ft.
t r.n alley, known as lot No. S and tf iu said town
with dwelling bouse, store house and stable there
on. Seized and t.iken ia execution and to be sold
as the property of Thomaj Kyler.
Also A certain bouse and lot in Ansonvillo.
beginning at corner of Henry and I.ucinda streets,
thenre south 4'J deg. east by Henry s:reet 53 feet,
thence south 41 deg. w 20&" feet to a 2i ft, alley,
(known ns lot No. b) tbenee by said alley north 49
defc. w 6 j feet to I.ucinda street, north 41 deg east
200 feet to place of beginning, known as lot No.
10. with plank house and stable thereon. Also. 1
other lot. known as lot No. S, and having fifty ft
front on Henry stree- beginning nt corner f.f lot
No 10, thence south 4'J deg. e 50 feet, s 41 deg. w
bv lot No G. 200 feet to 20 ft alley, thence by said
alley south 4S deg. w ::0 feet to No 10. and ther.ee
bv No 10 to place of beginning, with a t .vo-story
frame store house thereon. Also, anothc tract or
piece of lrnd. in Jordan township. ::s follows : Be-
eir.nicg at a lduIock, oy lan is oi jui.i
It deg e 51 perches to post, s 5 i deg e '2n perches ,
to a hemlock, thence by land of t! ricr IJell s 10 dg I
70 perches, more or less, to an ash down, thence by I
John Pateheus s 50 deg w h'i pert lies to hemlock. ,
thecce by lands of Win. TLurs'ou n 50 deg c 4 ' .
perches fo place t.f beginning, ontaitiii g ii'O a-
eres. more or less, eizeu oihi isen in cavcui,uu
anil to be .- IJ as the properly of James M. Pfoutz.
Also By virtus of a writ of .if lv Vvrm.
all that certain three story grist mill situate in
Morris town-hip. Clearfield county, in the north
side of the Moshanuan crei k.. ontaicing in front
.'io feet, more or less, and in depth feet and the
lot or piece of ground aud curlillage nppurtcnant
to said building. Seized nd taken i:i execution
and to be sold as the property of Henry Groe.
Also All that certain three story grist mill, sit
uate in Morris township. Clearfield county, on the
north fide of Moshannan eretk. containing in front
on said fi feet, more or less, nnd in letigih 40 feet,
and the lot or piece of ground and eurtillage ap
purtenant to said building. Seized and taken in
execution and to be sold as the property of Henry
G roc.
JoSIAlI K Ki:ED. Sh'fl".
Clearfield, Oct 29. ISM.-tc.
iTfcECISTER'S .NOTICE. Notk-c is herc
&, by given, that the following accounts have
been examined and passed by inc. and remain filed
of record in this office for the inspection of heirs,
legatees, creditors, ar.d ail others in any other way
interested, and will be presented to the next Orphans'-
Court of Clearfield County, to be held at
the t'ourt House in the Borough of Clearfield, on
Tuesday, the 17th day of November, lj-j. for con
firmation and allowance:
Thclir.nl account of Andrew Jloore and Elisha
Fenton. administrators of James Moore, of Penn
township, des'd.
The final account of James Thompson n"d Sam
uel C. Hepburn, administrated of Wta. Hepbuiu.
late of Penn township, dee'd
The finnl account of l'avid V.'oi i. a 'u.icistrator
of James Wood, late of t'hes: township. decM.
The account ot James Wiigley. ad:uiuis:rator 4e
louiit non of Wni. Hartshorn, late of Curwens
v il!e. deceased.
The account of l'obcrt Porter, administrator of
Joseph Morrow, late of Lawrence towir-uip. dec d.
The final account of AVn. Merrell. guardian of
Adaline Bloom minor child of John K. Bloom, late
of Clearfield borough, dec" I.
The account of Wm. L. Wallace, administrator
of Isaiah Fullerton, late of Clearfield bi. rough,
The final account of Jes-e Tlutior.. .7 dm Byers
and Samuel Weaver. ndmii;i;:.'ratc.rs of Jonathan
Pearcc, late of township, dec d.
N. B. The following accounts have als' been
filed in the Begistcr's office, ar.d will be presented
for confirmation.
The final account of John Carlisle, administra
tor of Joab Ogdcn. late of Bra iy township, diro'd.
The final account of John Carlisle, executor of
James Carson, lata of Bradv ton.siiip. dec -1
WM Pur.TEB. Bcgi.-ter
Clearfield. Oct. 22. 1S53.
. EDITOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned
J.. an Auditor appointed bv the Ort.d:an." ourt
of Clearfield county, in the matter of ttic settle
ment of the account of Giles Stephens, administra
tor and Trustee of the estate of Wm. Stevens. Lite
of Indiana county, Pa., deceased, and to make dis
tribution of the proceeds of the sale of said dece
dents real estate in Clearfield county, to and a
moug those entitled thereto, has appointed Friday
the 14th day of November next, at 1 o"cloc. P.M.
to attend to the duties of said appointment at the
ofiice of Larrimcr and Tet. in the borough of
Clearfield. Oct 22 1 I TEST. Auditor.
PROFESSIONAL. A. M. Hills, would in
form his friends and patrous that he will
spcnl the wct-k. commencing Monday 10th Novem
ber, nt D. Johnsons in Philipsburg. to attend to all
calls in the Dent:;! line, and will consequently be
absent from bis omeo in Clearfield. Oct20
GRAIN! ;KAIN !! Wheat. Eye. Oats and
Corn, can at all times be procured at the Pi
OLeer Mills, on the Mosiiannon, in Morris town
ship, at the lowest selling rates.
TAXXxns axd crnniEns.
PennciiU, Cle-trfifld Co.. Pa.,
Keep constantly on hand an excellent assortment
of leather, which they offer for sale at the lowest
cash priees. Hides taken in exchange.
July 10, 154.
has changed his office to Shaw's row. He now
occupies an office with T.J. McCullough, Esq. All
business will receive prompt attention.
Clenrfield.July Hi. 185S.
REPAIRING Watches. Clocks and Jewelry
repaired by Frederick Smell on the shortest
notice, and all work warranted well done.
Leave all articles in care of A. M. Hills, who
has on band a beautiful assortment of Gold Breast
Pins. Shirt Studs and Cuff Buttons, which he will
sell VERY LOW forthe READY.
Clearfield. Sept. 5, 185P..
THING, call immediately on M. A. FRANK,
who has just purchased a lot and is now disposing
of them VERY LOW. You will find him in Gra
ham's Row, Clearfield, Pa., three doors cast of the
Journal ottice. Aug. 27.
VT ARK&&Cr;l every description for sale
--rr-iirvv R tj at a moderate advance at
tersTestaiocntaryon theestateof GideocWide
mire. Ute of Penn township, Clearfield county.
Pa., deceased, having been granted to tie subscri
bers, all persons indebted to the said estate, are
requested to make immediate payment, and those
having claims or demands against the same will
present them, properly authenticated for settle
Oct22 Ct Executors.
C A PIT AT. s.';eo.(oo.
Insures Detached Buildings. Stores, Merchandise
and other buildings ami their contents.
Hon. John J. Tearce, Hon. O. C. Harvey,
John B. Hall. T. T. Abrau.s.
Charles A. Mayer, D. K. Jackman,
Charles Crist. W. White.
Peter Dickenson. Thomas Kitchen.
Hot. G. C. HARVEY". Pre sr.
Thos. Kitchen. Sec'y. T. T. Abratus. Vice Pres't.
The undersigned having been arointed a
gent by this company, gives notice that he will
insure Buildings of every description, Goods, ic
on the most reasonable terms. Tbis company i
in a prosperous condition, and meets all demands
promptly. The capital stock of the company is
"id 00.000 with Tirivilege of increasing to :;oo."oo.
Curwcnsville, Pa.; Aug. 20. l-Jtl-Stnp
fc m as Letters of AdminiMration on the Estate of
JOHN DRE.SLER. Luc of I'cion towuship.
Clearfield county. Pa., dee'd. have been granted
to the undersigned, all persots indebted to said
estate are requested to make immediate paymciit.
and those having claims against the Fame nil!
present them, properlv auihenticatfd for settle
Oct 1 . 1 S51 t. Adm'rs.
AGON - .MAKING. THE undersir.gned
? would announce that tby manufacture
Waggons of all descriptions. Buggies. Sleds. Je.. at
their shop in New Salem. Brady towu.-hip. Clear
field county, w hich they offer for sale at a reasona
ble rates as can be purchased elsewhere. 1 hey res
pectfully solicit a share of patronage.
Octl-'5fl-tf WILLIAM LEWIS.
RPH ANS' COERT SALE. By an order
of the Ort.hans' Court of Clearfield county.
there will be exposed to sale on Tnesday the 4th
day of November next, at bimon Rorabough's. in
Chest township, the following described property
of James Carrey, late of Biirr.side tuwrisbip.de
eeasd. bounded on the stiuth by lauds of James
Gallagher and James Dowltr. on the east by lands
of J. Cros.-mau. on the north by lands f Eisen.
bauer. and on the west by lands of James Ki Idle,
cnutaiiiing 1 00 acres, wore or loss, with a dtvciiiag
house, barn and other buildings thereon erected.
Tlhks Ca.-h. SIMON KORAB' l"G II.
October 1, lcijfl. Execuior.
JL.i at a meeting o!" the Lumbermen held at
Clearfield on the l!b inst.. the undersigned were
appointed a committee to institute prosecutions a
gainst all personsobstructing the navigable streams
by the floating of loose logs. We t.'icrefore-noiii'y
all persons concerned, that proceedings will be in
stituted and prosecuted to conviction agiinst all
and every person, whether owner, contractor or
laborer, engaged in putting loose logs into the riv
er or anv of its tributaries in the counties of Clear
field. Elk and Centre. JOHN M. CHASE.
August 27. 1S56.
OR SALE! A two-storv frame House, with a
half acre of land adjoining, situate iu Law
rence township, on the road from Clearfield to
Curwecsville, about li miles from Clearhel I. For
terms apply to Zebad Lawhead, Lawrence to n
thip. or to the subscriber.
junci Clearfield. Pa.
1 borough of Clearfield : several BUILDING
ing from three to ten acres each, near the borough
of Clearfield.
Also several desirable FARMS and pieces of
TIMBER LAND, in various parts of the county.
Terms accommodating. Applv to
April !. 1S;G. Clearfield. Pa.
GIOOD INTENT HOTEL. The subscriber
( having taken this well known HOTEL in the
borough of Curwensville. wishes his old customers
and the travelling public generally to give him a
call, as he bas the best tstallishinvnt of the kind
in the count v. He hopes to give general satisfaction.
Curwcnivilje, AugU-'JU " JOS. PETERS.
wriIOLE-SALE. The subscriber wishing to
v retire from the Mercantile business, (sole
ly on account of press of Professional biitii-.css) de
sires to dispose of his entire stock of Store goods
at wholesale and will sell them on the most accom
modating terms. Any person wishing to engage
in trading in any part of the county will do well
to call ani see lac before making any other ar
rangement". A. M. HILLS.
Clearfield. Angust 27. 15(5.
cation will be made to the Legislature of
Pennsylvania at its next session, for tbc t'am ter
of an institution with banking privileges, includ
ing those of issue, discount and uVpusite. 1.1 he lo
cated at Clearfield. Pennsylvania, under the name,
and tiile of ''c VlearfmhT ' :u2.'' with a capital
of tdoy.cot), with the privilege of increasing the
same to S2nn.fifli1.
John patto.v,
wm. m'bride.
ii. p. thompson,
jas. t. leonard,
wm. a. wallace.
;. L. REED.
Clearfield. Juno 2i. iSju-l'nu.
LAND FOR SALE. The subscribers offer for
sale a tract of land in Penn township. Cletr
Celd county, containing l"l acres patented land
about tto acres cleared, the balance covered with
timber of good quality. The improvements are a
good two story frame house, nearly new. log barn
and other out buildings, a never failing fountain
of excellent water at the door, a largo bearing ap
p'o orchard, and 12 acres iu meadow. The above
farm has many advantages, being in the centre of
a thriving neighborhood, about j of a mile from
Pennsville and the Glen Hope and Susquehanna
Turnpike ; bounded by lands of Jo?cp"h Davis.
Thomas Wain. Thomas Martin and others. A pub
lic road passes by the door, and is about i a uiiie
from the Catholic Church. Terms of sale will he
made easy and possession given at any time by at
p'.katiou lo either of the undersigned.
1 S "o-a u g 27 tn pd .
Penn tp.. S mo.. iMh.
the last three years, 1 have been engaged in a
business known only to myself, and. comparative
ly few others, whom I have instructed for the sum
of each, which has averaged me at the rate
of i.'5.t)(i0 to SiV.IMM) per annum ; and having made
arrangements to go to Europe next Spring, to en
gage in the same business. I am willing to give
full instructions in the art to any person in the U
nited States or Canadas. who .will remit me the sura
of SI. I am indu-ed. from the success I have been
favored with, aud the many thankful acknowledg
ments I have received from those whom I haTe in
structed, and who arc making from 55 to sli per
day at it. to give any person an opportunity to en
gage iu this business, which is easy, pleasant, and
very profitable, at a small cost. There is positive
ly no huuihug in the matter. References of the
best class can be given as regards its character, and
I can refer to persons whom I have iustructed.who
will testify that they are making from S5 to 515
per day at the same. It is a business at which ei
ther ladies or gentlemen can engage, and with per
fect case make a very handsome income. Several
(a i'-t 'm various parts of New York State, Pennsyl
vania, and Maryland, whom I have instrueteb. are
now making from S3 to 55 per day at it. It is a
e-'Heral bniuei. and but a few shilling is requir
ed to tart it. Upon receipt of SI. I will immedi
ately send to the applicant a printed circular con
taining full instructions in the art. which can be
perfectly understood at once. All letters must bo
addressed to .4. T. Parson, 345 Broadway, X. Y.
5ptmbr IT, 1358-lm
IT has been the lot of the human race to be wei-i,
ed down by disease and Fcffering. HOLLO.
WAY'S PILLS are specially adapted to the rt-iif
of the WEAK, the NERVOUS, the DELICATE,
and the INFIRM, of all climes, age, sexes, ati
cocstitutiocs. Professor llolloway personally ju.
Cerictcnds the manufacture of his medicines inth?
nited States, and offer them toa free and enligt;.
encd people, as the best remedy the world tcr
saw for the removal of disease.
These famous Pills arc expressly combined to op
erate on the stomach, the liver, the kidneys. ti
lungs, the skin, aud ike bowels, correcting any c
raujjement ia their functions, purifying the Hood,
the very fountain of life, and thus curicg discaj
in all its forms.
Nearly half the human race have taken iLess
Pills. It has been proved iu ail parts of the world,
that nothing has been frond equal to them io cast
.f disorders of the Ever, dyspepsia, and stomach
complaints generally. lUyswn give a healthy
tone to these organs, however tnnch derang-.'d. acd
when all other means have failed.
Many of the most despotic Gorernmcn's have o
pened their Custom Houses to the intr-ductiu3 of
these Pills, that :bey may become the medicine of
the maesvs. Learned Colleges admit that thU
medicine is the be-t remedy ever known fjr pcrf
sons of delicate health, or where the sv-um bn
been impaired. s is iti ijor.v.ing properties rsvtr
fail to g fiord relief.
Jlvioir-it'. Pi'S't nrt the b"t rcmr-dy Zrioirn i.i r-'
t'-n,t'l Jor the fu' lowing l)i-fj':
Asthma Di.irrha-a Sec ndary5ynip!ea.
Cough Chest Diseases Stone and tJrarel
Colds Fe ver and Ague Venerea! Affection
Intlaer.a 1'owil Complaints Female CuapiainU
Costi-. ceess In3anjat;eu Worms of ill kinds
Dyspepsia Indigestion Low r.ess tf piri;ji
I'cbil'ty Liver Complain! Ir.u-ird utilness
Dropsy Piles Headaches
SoM at the Manufactories of Professor IIvL
lowav, SO Maiden Lane. N. Yoilt. and 2-U S'reti,
London, and by all respectable Druggists and Deal
ers of Medicine throughout the United states, and
the civilized wolrd, iu boxes at Z-'i cents. Q2i cents,
and SI each.
IjTbtie is a considerable saving by tak!oj
the larger sizes.
N. BT Directions for the guidance of patients ia
very disorder are aGxed to eaeh box. aprt'iO
t'ol.ls CoHvhs send
Pptr-rirr.:!. Mtw, 2Cih IV.-., 1."5.
I'R. J. C. A rrs r I '! net !ii?atiy
the Ut n-uiiy I lx-ve eTr tmiaU f
Ct:h. li'tttrMNr', I ui?H anl
c t: '-t'lnilaul ?) mj iu-of a Cm1. i j.ur
C H r'F.K T I'ttTttRiL ! I CuTFtaTlt O" in
itir pm-rtkv ani n-j tamUy for t! last
t-n T'-n th h:i- imaii it io ijie
rir virtiii-s On li. t.'-a:iiWit :" t1:--o.nii-l
uins. j;i;r; KMGIIT, M.I.
A. it. M KTLKV. f l'T!r.X. V writM: I
y.Mir ir.cT -t.l my f au-J in my family etc? uiicn
Tia invented it, ani ii th m-ii-iir t-r ;i
piiriMw fx-rr f . A:f. Vifh a cull 1 4lmr.i I v-.ir-r
py fa..-11'r fiu- t!!Uir fr a bcltl-j than Jo without it, .-r
t-Vi.: atiy o:Ipr rm!r.w
Croup, Vi tec ping Coch, Indnenzn.
RaoTiinx Atf: I t.;1I r!ir-rh;!!y certify yonr
l- lit? l"t r-m ly wv i l".c the euro oC 1 1 -f7
Owt'i. f" and ihc cn-st ft j of i-hiMren. U f
your frs:r:iity in ho Si!ih at"'reci: your nkill, anj
Cumu.v-!;tl Your iii-rliciiie ti nr po;tl-.
i: 1 1: A M CON KMX, M. P.
AMOS I.FE. F-sq-MorrEKrr. Tuwnt. SJ Jnru.
"I hi tfdi'x:- Ix3ihRya. whirl, confin-! ir. !'-t
nix wcrk; t'tok n.r5 tur.li.-iot-? without re!k-f; nnllr
tried yeur 1'ect hy t'c lvi-v f tmr rV.-r m;:i.
Th f.rn reiifVtrl lire rri-j in my thrrmt
InDir-t; It-" than n hf th LerftU? math- m-eroiii'lf triy
VfU. Ymr meI:-mv arc the chw-it amU a t:l-t
we can liny, an! we re-m n. Ductor. ami your rm
ha. iw the ior null's fr-ieit-J."
Asthma or PhlUisic nnd RronrliiMs,
Wist MiM-HivTEft. !v- rix4. K-'A
V'iirCfHKT I'trr-HAi. w wrf m-inc :iLr ik,:--
e-ire in lhi 9n-tin. It hn$ rv?f-veI wr-ral f--ni nl".f
inn yiuitinns f mt:iini?itn, anl i- ci"rt t in;!
Hiio h:v l:tfjre I ni'!er n;t afrfti-m of tV- Iut.r- i-r t..
h t f ny ycr. HK.XUY U I'AKKS. V.r.hant.
A. A. It MS FY. X.P- Amt. Moxbo O
wrii. rV;-t. l-o-: I:iriiig my pia, ti(v if nn y vr?r
I h-v O.uir.l tii!i!2 eijnal to yiir Chfrft iiXTuR.L f r
viii: t-w a'ii i-h--f Iu ojiiji;ui;tive fatieii: or curijC
j"h a- ni" r ii m !.
We miht a i I tIi:tie4 of rviTrnc Vwt the mct r'Tr
ri't'' jraf iT i!,e vi. tti.-s yf ihi ri'Uie-ly is tutij iu it
eV'H uj.n tr;a!.
Pn-!-y noon,. rifiw.ly ha. evrr lt-n knovn rhu-h
c:rr.1 many ai.! ich ?iti.-pon c.t as Uiis Sn..-
lmitnri -ii ! rm rnch; bat errn thoe thCKi7.T
rfi"T0E t a'Tr.l relief a thI cHi;ftrt.
A-ror UtH'c Xrw YvK Crrr. Mar n &. lfl55
T-itto Avm. i-tTrriL: 1 Fjel it a t( a ihwtirv
t ;ti' -r'a vmi wltAt yotr I'hecky I't-ik-l li ti i-r
mv v ir-. he lia-1 I-ei five inotilh Ia? htz lin-h-r th
.1 ?'-iipt'inor4Viiompii.n, fr.i hk"h hh
w- I i-fMrme pve hr mneh relit f. Me j'teatji'y
f-.?hi. until lr. J:rorc f thw riy. where we baTepnr.i'e
f"T avire. rectijimcU'ied a trial i4" yur me-lkine.
it'. hi K.inJii'v"i. as r.e 1t yuiir kiM U-t La rerv--n-1
t'rr:i rbut Iay. he fc vA y t - trn?ts rh
t'j . but i-i fr trrj hT eonli. and C3vli- hu-i- ii
Yi'ira wiili irmiittle an ' rz''!.
oi:LANUo SlItLUY, or Sr3JiiUJ'.
f..iffH.'r. k it tli'ur till ymi ).sve tiiI Avri '
Ct.t'TT I't!!- It i ThK'ie hy !!' M 'h- r-sst Bifiri
- ht-iiit- "i :if .rln. la cures ai! cn-t.tt.l it. Ir-j'ak
i--.ii ii-.i:is ul irlut. J'hiinw b-ti ZcA,vr.
Ayei?s Cat tar tic Fills.
ry at..! Mtli'-j::e lae lire a
L t tx'i! :i. ti Jo pi
nriuf ;Jih ix-.-t. tti" .-t
j".i:v:tv uKi-li is kf.'Uti t'. nutn. Ti.:it:n.er.t!.re pnr
re s?h--ii ''.t.it tl:fe lux- lute iitiK-s whr.li stitiims in
f reileirc tt.e oruinnrv ii.Ui"iii'. nti;l tiwt lli.y in mv
i'rxifTittii'y njn tUv --;l:i of.n!l i-i.-n. Tl;-TarTKH
!ca.a:it t fi:kc. ti.t j-'ivifiii .i i tir. Th'-Ir
'tratii.;: XT.'.i..'rt!-s li-n::'nte '.'nr it3 m-tivit.. ni !hr x.5y.
rei::o'i Ilit? i'r:w'ti..:.s -f L' etp'Tis, ;:ni"v tlie hi
i.I ej4 :"-s.-s. 1 by " ;l.e '?.'. ..uit brh
tk-rej or-au intv il.-ir n:Tiiral -ii. tiiirt lit!t::y
to:ie Hi.Ii -p.-iiL.t'i t- vl.' I s-i.-ri. im'j
they r:ir-" the ct-rv y c.tm;t..:iiT T f-rrr U!y. i-ct
Ua f.-r.iti. Vole an.I da:i :-i'r. J;a :I.t have Iw.Xe i
tiic t Hv. t ii t;i.si.-il: s-ii-.l. hilt tltt- i-r. jnjwvriiit
eTcvts. r-."r .i: ti.. t.n:-'. i. Ilj-.il:i-l;i !.t.
s.tt sii.i t-t i hyji.- :;! te mj !"rti St rf-.IV.iri.
Pvin; ti.ir-ist'iNi. tiiy an- ifA-a:it tkt-; thI l,-tt
I'utiy ;;.&.!, ar.- f : t- fior.i s-ir r'.-k i f lrinn. Cs--
hsvr ti nr. ,c x.l.U U fvri'. b. i v..'r th.-y rt ;
t-ui:.tJvtl ly tIK- 4'-icli .itttl -o-;tr-u il cli-iiA-ro
v tu ImUJ li.r n.;j.uu uf tli.;n..U. MiUiy e:uiur:.t
cr,--yn.f-ii hii-I i-lyI.-tis I'e I.-t t ti;ii ir.iit-?i t ii
fy to thf pitIir tf-r r'-Vn'.iifi'y rf ny rt-ni.sli. li:irpJ
era Lace -H-r:t ir t!ie r.nnnrY of th.ir nmt it-t-m tltt
itiy lrp;!n,t-,- ;;s coiiti ib'ite ic-bieiiM-1) to the rdnf
afl'ictrJ. suffcriTijX frii-w-itHu.
Tbe Ajjri.t U-'ow depI l t.!aJ to rnnuVli Rrnti try
Anirriritn Aln.n-wr. fTntitinit'f .lin-.-ti.Mr t T tlKr f utl
fi-rii:i.-tw uf Ihi ir cnt-. of t!io fi.ll.rt .'tis cmi'laiiit:
Ci.ttitv n,-.. Bi!u4w Co:ufbunt. i:l.-i.rwt.i-rn. Iiurayt
HfartWn. I!..l:i he a.i-i'i..' Iiviu f bumau-h. f".
. ludieti-m. M.h-1 M '- ! a rin"
ari-int :h-r-t4mm. FHtr.!-n - . I, f .'n r'l'f. ail I lr
.!an l Cuta.-.n l-i-n.-i- b rv.;mre ail craomt.t
Vli.-iiif. S r.-f!!!a v.r h'!-" f- '- 'l 'v Itruy-
ii- th k;:n-.a!s-.c Hf systn-u cure many
ct-ii.th.ii,iii h it : " l .
rva. Ii. sii.-li a V.- t.'w. J'arti lUin.l:!. Neuralgia a:tl
S-mia Ii rital'ility, IVmir-iiK-nt c! the Liv-r anl KiJ-im-j
j. (i,ut. .fi.i irthir kin.lil ooi-il..i!itg arii-ini; from a
Iuw itlate f the t.xtr or oltmctkn .-f its functi..ti&.
lh unt W ::t -ff I'J uni'ricciii'.t?l d-a!er ith snn.A
o:ln.r yi'.l th.y Mtike CH.re proE: on. Ak t. Aval's
Viim. '"! nothing oir. No othi-r tiiey ran pira
you rMuiri iih tl:ia in iu t-ithnur Taiae or ctirativ
powrrx. Tli aik aut tUe best ail tUcre is fcf ttn io,
auJ tl.ry !"-ulJ liave it.
IreiareI by Dr. J. C. AVER,
Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lovell, 2&ss.
rsiif 23 Cts. rem Box. Five Boxes roa $ 1.
M. A Frank, and C. D. Watson. CIcarficM ; J
C. Brenner. Morrisdalo ; P. "U' liarrett. Lntbers
barg; J. B. Segner, Curwentville, aud by deaUra
rhrtnfgb. tt rairar. . rVp f,
T7rTWlciia assort- j -"c-5LISrat"5 ccTftrj? .
. I v..ti HC-