Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, August 13, 1856, Image 8
II in in I TEEMS. The Joltrsal is published every Wednesday, at 0E Dollar A Nit Fiftv Cents icr nnuum in advance, or Two Dollars within tho year. Advertisements inserted at fifty cents per square, of twelve lines, for tho first, and twenty -five cents for each additional insertion. A liberal deduction hi ado to those who advertise by the year. The 'Terms' will be strictly udhered to. No paper discontinued without payment of ar rearages, unless at the option oi the publisher. ITIOK SALE A two-story frame House, with a ? half aero of land adjoining, situate in Law renco township, on tho road from Clearfield to Curwcnsville, about li miles from Clearfield. For terms apply to Zcbad Lawhcad, Lawrcnco town ship, or to the subscriber. L. JACKSON CRANS, jnnel- Clearfield, Pa. ITIOU SALE, TWO BUILDING LOTS in the 1 borough of Clearfield ; several BUILDING LOTS and PASTURE AND WOOD LOTS, contain ing from three to ten acres each, near the borough of Clearfield. Also several desirablo FARMS and pieces of .TIMBE1WLAND, in various parts of tho county. Terms accommodating. Apply to I. JACKSON CRAX3, "April 16, 1S56. Clearfield, Pa. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given to all persons interested in the distri bution f moneys in tho hands of Joseph M'Clar- rcn, Guardian of Morgan, minor child of Iho- mas Morgan, late of Decatur township, Clearfield county, doe'd. that Friday tho 15tb day of August. lS5fi. at my office in Clearfield, has been appointed as tho tirao and place of auditing accounts, and makinjr distribution of the proceeds -foresaid. July 3. 135ft. K. S. DUNDY, Auditor. STRAY MARE. A Black inare with white stripe down the face, supposed to be about 5 years old, was found trespassing on the enclosed, improved lands, of the subscriber, in Curwcnville, Clearfield county, on or about the 7th of June, ir. etant. Tho owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges, and take her away, r aha will be disposed of as the law directs. S- G. FILES. Cnrwensville. Jane 2'., 155'-'2n. A MONEY MAKINt; TRADE FOR USE DOLLAIl. JEFFRIESS MANUAL OP PROFITABLE k USEFUL TRADES. ARTS AND OCCUPATIONS. "WITHOUT A MASTER, IS NOW READY l'OE SALE This is one of the most valuable lit tie books of tho times, to all persons out of employment, as a number of money making trades and arts, can bo learned without a master, besido all the genu ine and popular receipts, and instructions of tho day, for tho manufacture of the most taAJicial. and eufeablo articles, now in common 1Tf peron ffsrjTardin,ycne dollar post-paid. JEF FRIES, Ji fries, CJftrfiet.l Co.. Fa., or to Ban man, Tyrone, Blair Co., Fa-, will received copy by return miil. And any person forwarding twenty-five cents, post paid, to C. Jeffries, will receive by return mail, one of the three following instructions: How to make the celebrated artificial Honev. How to raiso double crops, of all kinds of vegeta bles, with little expense, and how to catch all the Wolves, Poxes, Miuks and Muskrats in the neigh riorhood. Any person forwarding fifty eent3, will receive the whole three by return mail. June 4, 1 SOol y. TOO THE TRAVELLING PUBLIC. X NEW LINE OF MAIL HACKS BETWEEN CLEARFIED AND RIDGEWAY ! The undersigned announces to the travelling public that ho is now running a semi weekly liue of hacks from Clearfield borough to Ridgcway, Elk county. Tho hacks are comfortable, tho hor ses good, and tho drivers careful. By special at tention to tho comfortable, safe and speedy con veyance of passengers, ho hopes to scci-re a liber al share of travelling custom. The time for departure and arrival is as follows : Leave Clearfield every Tuesday and Friday morn ing, and arrive at Ridgcway on tho evening of the (auto days. Leave Ridgeway every Wednesday and Satur day morning, and arrive at Clearfield on tho eve ning of tho same days. Julyl6-,-!m A. M. HILLS. TMPORTAXT TO HOUSEKEEPERS ani X FRUIT UROWERS. ARTHUR'S PAT ent Air-Tight Self-Sealinj Cans and Jars, for Preserving Fmh Fruits, c This invention for which a patent has been obtained, commends it self to the attention of Housekeepers aud others, on account of its great simplicity, and the effectu al manner in which it accomplished a very desi rable and useful object The cans and jars arc constructed with a chan nel around the mouth, near the top, into which the cover fits loosely. This channel i3 filled with a. verv adhesive cement, prepared for tho purpose and allowed to harden. In order to seal the ves sel hermetically, ft is only necessary to heat the cover slightly, aud press it into place. It may be opened with as much ease as it is closed, by slight ly warming trie top. i ne oroinary un cans, useu for the same purpose for which this is intended, cannot be closed, as is well known without tho aid of a tinner: aro difficult to open, and are generally so much injured iu opening as to be useless for future service. Bv this simrdo contrivance, tho process of her metical sealing is placed conveniently within the reach of every individual; and fruit, vegetables and butter (it properly prepared) may ho Kept. with their natural flavor unimpaired, tcr an in definite length of tiino. For sale by MERRELL & CARTER. Clearfield, July 23. 1 Soli. Tl'RV LIST for August term, commencing tho 3d Monday, 18th day. CKAXD JCRORS. Burnside. John Young. Bradford. John J. Kylcr, Ales. Forccy, John Stewart, Sr., Isaac Kline, Thomas lioss, Andrew Peters. Bell. Lewis J. Ilnrd. Brady. Joseph Lines, Jr. Clearfield. Jon. Boynton, John Winslow, George VT. Rheera. Chest. Armstrong Curry, Hugh Gallahcr. Fergnsou. William L.Moore. Goshen. Epliraim Shaw. Girard. Francis llugar. Huston. E. D. Patterson. Jordan. George L. Thompson, John Curry, Allred D. Knapp. Morris. M. K. Denning. Tenn. Elisha Fenton. Fike. Alexander Caldwell. TRAVERSE JCROUS. Beccaria. Lemuel Root, Samuel Smith. Jr. John Litz. Bell. John Baker. Boggs. Charles Sloan, Jonas Peters, David Flegal, Jr. Bradford. AVilliam Graham, Jr., Michael Soult, Alexander Livingston, John Crowell, John Shirey, Sr. Brady. II. W. Moore, Thomas Taylor, Na than Peoples, Jos. Postlethwaite, John Pot ter, Peter Asncafelter. Burnside. Samuel Scbring, John Hender son, George Ilorton. - Chest. William Somerville, James Cunv. Covington David St. Clair, John Mulson. Curwensville. Isaac Bloom, Joseph Peters. Clearfield. William Alexander. Decatur. Rnssell Showaltcr, Samuel Mc Clarren, John Gearhart. Girard. And. Murray, Nicholas Roussolot. Goshen. Matthew Tate, Isaac W. Graham. Jordan Robert M. Johnson. . Knox. James Cathcart. ' Karthaus. Oliver Moore. Lawrence Lewis C. Garden, Jac. Hoover. Morris. Daniel Beems. Pike David Dale, Jacob Lcidick. Penn. Greer Bell, Jr. 1 Woodward David High, Wm. B. Alexan jggfjoh" Roles, David Ginter. TVOTICE. In the absence of Eli Bloom, Trea Ll surer of Clearfield county, the Books and Pa l!t hc in tho possession of John McPhcrson ct I V!en'1 to the business at all times Clearfield. May 2. 15(5 ti-;.s- hA the Books of the 7VOTJCE i, ,-. . r inn fsmniisuiuciifc i ..,....----- 1 all rniounts unpaid for Subscription, Advertising, ik.it lis man s - . . ... 1 or Job-worK, are to no wiueu t" i, w marlO B. ROW. C. PURVIANCE, ' . AMEROTYPIST & DAGUERREOTYPIST, CLEARFIELD. PA. Gallery at his residence on 2J Street, one door South of Mcrrell and Carter's Tin-ware establish uiont. junclSTSG HOUSE, SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL r A I X T I iV G . The undersigned respectfully informs the citizens of Clearfield and vicinity that he has commenced tho above busi ness in all its brunches; as also that of paper hang ing. Business will be punctually attended to, and all jobs entrusted to him will be executed in tho verv beat manner. A share of pnbl.o patronage is askod for. Shopon front st. 2 doors north of A.M. Hill s f tore. july2TjQ . J. P. BOYLE. TMPORTANT TO FARMERS! S. A S. i WILSON'S PORTABLE THRESHING MA CHINES, 2,3 and 4-horse powers, a beautiful, sim ple and compact article, can bo procured of Ben jamin Spackman, who is the authorized agent, in the Borough of Clearfield, at manufacturers' pri ces. Mr. Spackman is a practical mechanic, and will attend to the repairing of machines, should they require it. Bersons dcirons of procuring theso machines in time to use them the present sea.;i, should call immediately on Mr. Spackman and laYe their orders, so that he can have them foriw.rdld to him from the manufacturers. J"XXJ'', 1 3'3 '''in FAY MYillTPJST TB-MliJi 1 8 5 6. nnilE OLD CORN Ell STORE OF JL A. M. HILLS. IS JUST NOW JiEIXG CRAMMED with a choice selection of seasonable goods. A T THE PURCHASERS OWN PRICES. READY-MADE CLOTHING in great variety and of the choicest qualities. A large variety of choice DRESS SILKS, which will be sold at city prices. Some beautiful CRAPE and Summer EROCHAE Shawls, which will be sold very low. BOOTS & SHOES, in great variety, lower than thoy h.ive ever been offered in this county. FANCY GOODS extremely low in price, and of the most beautiful patterns. CALICOES at 10 CENTS per yard, warranted fast colors and full width. PLEASE CALL auiemiue MY STOCK If lore jinrcltasijirlcicJifir. Il-E-A-D-Y P-A- is tin motto, ami I am f nil y ilclmni asd to r!i tz Is-I-T-T-Js-E L-O-W-lu-R than any one elm, I'otiri'tltst.tiiili)! "20 ct. Jena ir-'jiti 10." All kinds of marketing, boards aud shingles ta ken in exchange for goods. H. B. A few beautiful Gold Brooches and Gents" Brcast-pia, gold and silver bun ting -case patent lever watches. 4c, very low for the Heady Rhino P. S- Just call at your leisure. I've got goods enorgh to do you ail. so that onccanTt get a-hcad of another, junell.'jii-tf. A.M. HILLS. TOR SALE. The subscriber . X his farm, containing about ii'2 offers for sale acres, with a- bout 23 arres cleared and under good cultivation, having thereon erected one 2-story bouse aiil barn, situated one and ahalf miles above Clear field town, opposite the new bridge. For terms apply to the subscriber on the premises. mayJJ-tf M1LO HOYT. Jr. ZVELSON & CO., Morrit Township, Clearfield Co., Pa., Would respectfully inform the citizens of that vi cinity that they keep constantly oil hand a large assortment of Dry (roods. Hird-Ware. Qii,visirare, Groceries, Coul'eetionaries, Huts ie Cut's. Hoots iV Slioes, and ail oilier articles usually kept in a country store, which they are determined to sell low for cash, country producc, or lumber. August 1, ltj;i. AWS3TIIE TDliT FOR BARGAINS! NEW GOODS AND NEW PRICES !! ''(Jifici sales awl Jw.' profits .' '.' ff"B" AVING just returned from the East, I would 3. A inform my old customers ami the public in judicial, miil i urn now ruceivio aim opening at i my "old stand'1 a splendid assortment of Spring I C . " 1- T ;i, ii :.. , f iiiiu i-uiiiuii i , t ijiji i n urj u j. m il nine lower than any goods heretofore sold in Clearfield, a uiong which will be found MANTILLAS, a large assortment at exceedingly low pries. 1 1.KS. at from 70 cents to 1.23 cents per vard G I NO HAMS, at from 11 cents to 2-3 ceiits per yd. t-AI.Il.UEft. at from a cents to 12 cts per vard. SHAWLS a good article of Shawls, at from 62J cents to-in. each. BONXKTS a liir?e lot nt from 50 ccnt3 to LAB-IES' GAITERS for 1,50 worth -52. li Boots, Shoes and Slippers at from C2i cenis to i..- cents per pair. LADIES' will please call, as I have almost eve rytliintr in their lino, at extraordinary low rates. ttfcJMs Boots, Shoes and Gaiters at very low rrtos. MUSLINS, at from 6 to 12J cents a yard. JEANS, at 20 cents a yard worth 40. CLOTHS Black; Blue, Olive, Green, and other colors, very clieap. OA St I M Lit ES Black and a variety of Fancy colors u tue laresi styles. VESTIXOS a prent variety of fnr.ey and plain SI MMER CLOTHS, Cassimercs, Trimmings, and in short, a variety of almost all sorts of ticntlc- mens and boys wear. Call soou. while you can have an opportunity to select iroui me wuoie siock. All the above, and a great variety of other goods can no puroiiased at the very lowest prices Foil uiMi. as l nave uctermincd not to be undersold. mny2Uot RICHARD M0SSOP. QUEENSWARE A superior lot of Fancy and Common Queensware now openin and for sale at the Most reasonable nrices t- "ie store oi KlUttAItJJ .ViUSSUl. fT "ATS! H ATS '.! RiehaTd SIoop is nowro ceiving and opening a fine lot of Spring and Summer Hats of the latest styles, which u w.ii sen ki prices trom Jl'i cents to 5.00. CLOTIUXt; ! 1.O0O Dollars worth of J Ready-made Clothing at vour cos, at the cheap storo of i. "t . .. " !m A may 21 RICHARD MOSS0P. lITSII! FISH !! Superior Mackerel and tottnstt just received and opening at the chenn Cash Clearfield. eiorc oi liicnaru lossop in may 2U36 TLACK, Imperial and Young Hyson ( Teas of the best quality to be hail at the lowest each r rice at MOSSOP'S. HARDWARE and Cuttlerv iust reerivcfl and now oponing at Mossop's cheap cash store in Clearfield - lnay2l UMBRELLAS and Parasols, a large assortment of the latest patterns, to be had cheap at tuay21'06 MOSSOP'S. TITO LASSES Best Syrup at 00 cents gallon at -i-'-8- may2Il MOSSOP'S. I at a moderate advance at uiayll'56 WM. F. IRWIN'S. T7-1SII. A lot of superior Mackerel anda JL Herrinir, just received and for sale bvi-!J U1S-V14 I IV l I, I 1. .V I V . H ,1, , .. . . ..:.. . v, j . , m. . ,1 A..,. B ACO.N ! On hand and for sale, a lot of first .n-A 1 1 i. ii. , o- , ... un. iiaui-, .-ii'jui'j.rs una r-uies, at tue smn of tho "CHEAPEST GOODS TWO-HORSE CARRIAGE in riHE BEST J- Clearfield countv for sale low for i-m.li cash bv A. M. HILLS. HOODOO L0X SHINGLES wanted by A. ?fcHV'?Ul " H"f "is store, for which lao nighest market prico will be paid In Goods at ne lowest prices in tho:ounty. june23-tf T 1 1 r 1 VT A sec,'nd hand 2hor.se wagon Clo.M 0t 0foharnc for sale verv cheap bv Clearfield, arr2 A M J!rLS- T TA LIT ABLE TOWN 1 .tuu w T m, . i,.;i.d, ,.H,.r tor sale nis l av oaijd. . ,; -n-' a.,,. - L-. i .. ,i. crn Stand, on tho corner ot larKet ana trout of Clearfield. The house is Iar"o and eouimodious and well calculated for a publio house. For particulars inquire of W. A. V.'a'Iace. Esq., or of the subscriber living on the premises. - AY. J. HEMPHILL. March 5th, 1S5G 4: TUST RECEIVED, A SPLENDID ASSORT MENT P NEW BOOKS, STATIONARY, FANCY ARTICLES, CONFECTIOXAKIES, TO BACCO, CIGARS, and DRUGS of all kinds, at .ROBINS' LITERARY DEPOT, SIHW'S ROW. Clearfiald, Pa. THE1 latest publications always on hand, or pro cured to order. Putnam. Godcy. Graham, House hold Words, Leslie's Fashions, Harper. Peterson, and all the -other Magazines furuUhcd Monthly at Publishers' Prices. He would especially call the attention of lovers of the weed' to his 1-irgo stock of tobacco and ci fr.irs. which cannot be surpassed in this rcjrion, consisting of the best quality of ' Natural Leaf," "Black Fat," "Cavendish," '-Congress," and other tobaccos': Havana, Regalia, Principe. Plan tation, Spanish, Half-Spanish, and '-A few more left" cigars. Also a good slock of '-pipes'' and 'fine-cut." . He would also call attention to, tho fact thatlio has just opened a largo assortment of DRUGS, CHEMICALS, AND DYE STUEFS. which he will sell cheujtir than any other estab lishment in the County. THOMAS ROBINS. November 1 1, 1835. "iVTEW GOODS: Tho undersiKf.ed has just re X i ceived a large assortment of NEW GOODS, . at his storo in K A R TJIA US, which he offers for sale cheap for cash or country produce. 1'. i HURXTHALL. September 5. isr5. E XCT1ANEXSUKANCE COMPANY, Jo. 11, .-Torch ants' E3.ca-.30, PHILADELPHIA. This Compan)-, with nn ample Capital, well se cured, is prepared to effect Insurances in Clear field, and adjoining Counties, on terms as liber.tl as consistent with the safotv of t'.-e Company. jno. Mcdowell. Jr.. Oct. ?,. 1S53.1 Sccrrtiry. D WID S. PLOTXEI- Respectfully informs his old friends and the public, that ho h:'.3 obta ined' the services of a good Cutter arid work man as a foreman in the tailoring business, and he is now prepared to attend to any orders in his Bine of work on the most accommodating terms. and i-hort notice, and will have clothing on hand at all times, such ns dreFS coats, frock coats, vests, nnd pantaloons of their own manufacture, and good material at the lowest prices. With a wish to ac commodate, he solicits a share of patronage. New Washington. M;:y 9. 133. "TEvToolTsr" SPRING AND SU3I.',IR GOODS ! rSMIE subscriber has just received a lar;e and JL well selected stock of new troods of iilmost every description suitable for the season. He re spectfully invites all who wish to buy good Goods at tho lowest prices to call at the sign of tho "CHEAPEST GOODS." Approved country produce taken in exchange for goods. Persons wishing to purchase, ar.d rocc-ive a f.iir equivalent fur their money, will do well to give him a call. Remember the sign of the CHEAPEST GOODS, 011 Market street, and call nnd bo convinced that there is truth in the words thereon inscribed. WM. '. IRWIN. C1 on r Held. Pa., may 14. 13 VL ORPHANS' COURT SALE. By virtue of nn order of sale, issuing out of tho Orphans' Court of Clearfield County, there will be exposed to Public Sale, at Pennsville. on Wednesday, Au gust l.l.h, 1S3!. nt 2 o'clock, P. M., the following described property, late the estate of James Moore, deceased. NO. I. A certain tract or piece ef land, situate in Pcnn township, Clearfield county, beginning at a post on the township road and corner of lot of Jos. Russcl, and thence extending along suid lot south 23 deg. w. 11 J perches, thence along lots of Jos. ltusscl. John Ru.-sel and Elisha Fenton. s. 03 deg. e. 17 -1-10 perches to a post, thence s. 25 deg. w. 100 perches to a post, west 30 perahes to a post. north -J7 perches to a post, 11. 25 deg e. :ifi perches to a past. n. Co deg. w. o'J perches to stones, n. 25 deg. e. -i'J perches to a post, S.155 dog. c U.'l perches to u post, s. .! deg. r. 23 perches to a post and 5. 65 deg. e. 7 perches to the place of beginning, con taining 50 acre 107 perches. 1 lie improvements are about 25 acres cleared and under fence, with a young orchard thereon. The balance of the land is wcil timbered with pine, and is about 3 miles from the river. NO. 2. An undivided moiety or half part of a certain tract or piece of land adjoining No.l. Bo ginning at stones, thenco extending alttng No. 1, s. 05 deg. c. 5'J perches to a post, s. 25 deg. w. ti perches to a post, n. 05 deg. w. 02 perches to a su gar and thence 11. 25 deg. e. 100 perches to stones and place of beginning, containing 42 acres VZo perches. TERMS, One-third of the pnrchaso money to rc maic charged on the premises during the lifetime of Jane Wrigglesworth. (late Moore.) interest pay able semi-annually, nnd tlio balanco to be paid as follows: One-fourth thereof at tho time of sale, one-fourth on confirmation of sale, and one-half in one year, with interest, to be secured by bond and mortgage. JOHN ilUSSEL, July 2. 1S5(5. Trustee. Ac. rBVRI AL LIST, l'OR AUGUST TERM, A S5t), (commencing on the third Monday, ISth any ot tne moutu ) D. Michaels. vs. Pcarcc s Adm rs, vs. Reams A Kef hart, vs. William Bloom, vs. David Horn, vs. Mathers A Bovnton. H. Philip's Ex. G. W . Hickman, Valentine Krise, f. Hcggerty, reruson . .aicxanucr.vs. . 1. Jlulston. J. M. Leonard et al, vs S. M. Quiglcy ct al, Kelly fc Dickcrson. as II. B. Miller, P.. P. Hurxthal & Bro. vs B. t P. Lown.berrv. Mtichcll, vs Tozcretal, Torbct ct al, vs A. Caldwell, George Ross, vs Samuel Clark, B. Hartshorn. vs J. & L. Widesnire, 1. . . .. - ' Cumtnings Mahalfey, vs J). Gorman, A. P. Ormand, P. W. Barrett. vs William Bloom, vs J.liza Irvin, vs Montelius. vs D. Kephart, vs Miller A Smith, vs S. J. Thompson, vs Irwin & Hyman, V3 Isaac Gaines. VS Edmund Williams, vs F. P. Hurxthal A Bro. vs I. Gaines, -Mitchell. H. Philip's Ex. Flood Miller, Jacob Arnold, F. & G. Miller, B. D. Hall Co. John Campbell, Corbin & Brother, McGonegal, Irwin & Hyman. vs Elanehams, Joel Cadbury and wife, vs 1. Britton et al, J. Smith, vs H. Brussler, Lucas, Patchin use Kuntz, J. Arthurs, D. Bitter, A. V. Cooper, J. Hoover, R. Wallace, Wilson, vs Davis & Pownal, vs J. M. Cummings, vs J. Ellinger, vs 1 P. Hurxthal, vs A. Cook, vs M. Forcee, vs Thomas E Miller, vs Mahalfey et 111, Goss, vs Goss (Joss. Joel Cadbunr and wife, vs Stono 1 J. Thompson, vs Chnse et al, E. Barto A Thorn, Ex'rs.vs T. Carson, McGbee uso Gapon, vs Jos. Mcfiheo's Ex'rs. John Drnuckcr, vs B. Hartshorn. S. Crow et al, vs John Overdorff, T A? SMafKinn tl'nn.l. W. T t ' - mini. wu. .a ",iit. 1.. -UOIjrC, vs vm. Aaron isyers aua wile, vs John Shoff and wife, vs Lydia Wall A Eason, vs Thomas Mahafley. vs John M. Chase, vs William Blooia, vs William Bloom, vs Scott A Brock way, vs H. B. Swoope. WM. PORTKR, Proth y. M. Hileman, H. 15. Swoopo, M. Noliu, John Stiles, J'owman, Iii-Tal's Adui'ra William Irvin, juJylb ONE GOOD TWO-HORSE WAGON forale by ij''"8-5 A. M. HILLS. PORK and DRIED FRUIT, excellent articles, can be procured at the store of I nrwciisvillc, Feb. 13. II. D. PATTOX. COOKING and PARLOR STOVES, for sale in Curwcnsville. at the store of b13 II. B. PATTOX. K. WRIGHT, MERCHANT, and EXTEN . SIVE DEALER IN LUMBER, Second Street 0110 door south of bis residence, Clearfield, Pa. Clearfield. -larch 1 1, Isjj. I'J EMOVAL : The undersigned begs leave to m inform his friends that he has removed his BOOT AND SHOii STORE, from "Shaw's Row," to his new building, opposite .t 1 ii , C 7 W-..-l. n n.l -t- Annva arhiltll of the Oflico G. R. Barrett, Esq. He still keeps constantly on hand?, every varie- . l.o'llna cllT.nr.rj ffoitnrs rt,llllTiS. t'C Men S ' jf y!l . - ' . . ' 1 . . - - - x 1 - fancy shoes nnd gaiteis. with an excellent assort ment of heavy worn, an ntinprca to me urwu. wants of the people of Clearfield. He hopes his fn'end3 will call at his NEW STORE, and ex amine his Stock. Moots nnd Shoes made to order, nn I mending done as heretofore. ISAAC JOHNSTON. Clearfield, Juno 2;, 1 :.. TiULICIT & BENNER, would respectfully OT inform the citizens of Clearfield, and public generally that they havo entered into co-partnership in the 1 CAVIXET MAEIXG BUSIXESS, and keep constantly on hands, and manufacture to order, at the !owc3t prices, every variety of furniture, consisting of Diitins, Breakfast, and Centre Tables, Sell ing, Writing, and Wash-Stands, Muhcgamj, aud Cununon Bedsteads ; Mahogony nnd Car.c-bottomcd Chairs, Bureaus, Sofas. 'Lounges, Ac, Ac. Coffins made and funerals attended on tho short est notice, with a neat hearse, and appropriate aeeouipan j-nients. House Piiinting done on the shortest notice. Shop and Ware-rooms, snwe as formerly occupi ed bv.lohn Gulich, niearly opposite the 'Jew Store,' Clearfield. Pa Ju'.i X G L i.K'.'I. May 22, '03.-1 y. DANIEL BEXNER. Cast your Bre t I Vjrou. the Waters, for after viauy tints ye shall fi il l it. A Certain Cure for all Rheumatic Pairs. PON'r COMIEMX BI T TirV IT. IT CANNOT K ML. E. C. ALLEN'S COXCEXTRATED ELL1CTRIC PASTE, ASI Alt VuIAV IW. KXTil.'.CT ill. FOIl MAN ISutlSi:. CoiHtrivlit si-rnr'i aerordi His In 2-'-.''. FMAL.JAR 50 CENTS, LARGE JAR SI. fBilE Electric Pju.dc acls upon the MusclesTen-3- dens, aud upon the wholo nervous system, re moving torpidity end producing a healthy action of the blood. There being no volatile matter in its corjpo.ition.it remains in action until itaceom plines 'its woik. It cannot lo-e its strength, and is altogether hnriiilcss, its coiictitucnt pans being cntirciy vegetal. ie. WHAT "WILL IT CURE? . We answer l'.hcumstie Pains, when cvorv-thirg else fails. Cramps, Cholio, Coughs, Chilblain.,, Burns. Scalds, Sprains. Hcadache,TooiJriche. Swel lings, Bruises. Sores. Ring worm. Tetter, St iif Joints, Contracted Chord. Fresh Cuts. I Iterated Jrorcs auil all Scrufulous Dis..nscs where external remedies can bo u-ed. Sore Thriiats, Stiff Necks, Ac. WHAT IT WILL CURE for Horses and Cattle. Sweeny. Spavin. Fistulas. Poll Evil, Windg-ills, Ulcers. Cl.o.ic, Sprains. Collar end Sad Ec Galls. Stun. Biuijcs, S.IiT Joints, Vcrdg'i, Spliut3 and Ruriiiir.g Sores. .'jrms,ja genuino bat those having the words "E. C. Ailcn' Concentrated Elcetrid Paste, O' Ara bian Pain Extractor, Lancaster. Pa. .;' blown in the bottle. JvLo k out for counterfeits. Don't for get to ask lor ALLEN'S. Letters upon Luiine-s. address. E. C. Allen, care of II. A. RockaSeld A Co., Lancaster, Pa. ST.-Jl'or sale at the Drug Store of Charles J. Watson, Clearfield, Pa., and 4?oiir.tryrstorckcepers and Druggist throughout tlic-tate iuayl jo-ly IV EU' ARRIVAL. 11 A. cV .7". PATCTTIX, Have just received a new and sjder.did assort ment of Goods the best that was ever brought in to the upper end of Clearfield County. They in vite their friends and the public generally to give them a call, where they will lind ail kinds of goods usually kept in a Country Store Come nnd examine our stock we charge noth ing for the exhibition. AARON PATCITIN. JACKSOX PATCHIN. Burnside. Nov. 2S. 1355. A VALVAR LB PROPERTY FOR SALE. ..a. I desire to sell my property ia Tyrone Ciiy, Blair Co. Pa., commonly known as the Tyrone City Hotel. Comprising 11s follows: Ote large three story brick houa. Sixly feci, two fronts, and finished off in complete style. A large nnd extensive staijlo, an excellent wash house an 1, other necessary out-buildings. There is nlso. on the same Lots, one frame house, with out-buildings attached, now renting for one hun dred anil thirty dollars per annum. The whole stands upon three valuable Lots as in the plot of said town, and affords Fcveral very eligible loca tions for store, ollices. Ac, Ac. The whole will be sold on reasonable terms. And to nr.y per. siring an investment, or speculation, now Fpccui.ition, now is the chance. Private reasons cause me to seil this val uable property, which is every day increasing ia value. Inquire of Caleb Guyer, or tho subscriber J. D. STEWART. Tyrone City. Sept. 19, lS;5.-tf. LADIES' Handkerchiefs, all Linncn. Tor sale by June 13, '55. It. MOSSOP. fJEV HOTEL: The old 'SKimivr. House ' at 11 SEW WASHINGiOiL has been re-opened and re-fitted by the undersign ed, who respectfully solicits a share of public pat ronage. He is well provided with house room and good stabling, aud intends keeping a Temperance Houso, at which he will always endeavor to make his guests feel t home. JOHN SHETTER. August 1. 1855. tf. "jT E AV A R R I V A L. Tho undersigned has 11 just received a large stock of HEW GOODS, adapted to the season, consisting of DRY GOODS. GROCERIES. H KENS WARE, HARDWARE. COXFECTIOXARIES NAILS. HOLLOW-WARE, CEDER-AVARE, Ac, Ac. JAMES B. GRAHAM. Grahamton, Aug. 22. 1S55. IS'inV HOTEL, AT LUMBER CITT, Clkahfi kld Co., Pa. rHIHE undersigned would respectfully inform X the pnblic, that ho has just opened a NEW HOTEL, at Lumber City, where he is prepared to entertain all who may give him a call. Extensive Stabling attached to tho premises an attentive ostler always in attendance. L. W. TEN EYCK. Lumber City. Dec. 1355. HO! FOR THE TEMPLE OF HO NOR B R A D I X V Al ' (7 I R K ' TI3T, CCPPE2, 6 SHEET-IR0S WARS PUIL1PSBUEG, PA. BRADIN A 7.UGIRK havo just onened nn exten sive Tin, Copper, .y Sheet-Iron Ware Man 11 fnei i ry. w here they arc at all times prepared to supply customers with every conceivable article from the smallest Coffee pot spout to tho longest pipe ima ginable. Thoy will do both a WHOLESALE A RETAIL business, and will at all times have on hand a largo assortment of ready-made ware. HOUSE SPOUTING done to ordor, on the shortest notice, and put up in a neat, substantial manner. STOVES, STOl'E-PIPE, $ KETTELS, of every variety kept constantly on hand They will furnish to order any of tho following Cook Stoves, vii : The William IVnn n.,.. .... tho West, tho Atlantic, and Cook-Complete all of which aro suitable for both wood and coal Among the Parlor Stoves will be found tho "Lady Wushiugtou," tho "Excelsior," 'Homo Parlor ' Ae Produce of all kinds tak goJi- A. A. BR AD IX n f 1 01 , J"0' b- "GIRK. October 21, 18jo.-tf. CJ ROCERIES. Just received aud now T3 M opening, a general assor nieut of f. se '? choice groceries, which will bo sold at theL. -Jsc lowest casn prices at W31 F. IRWIN'S. PROFESSIONAL. "'jib n t trnivlF.R. I. TEST. T ARRI.MER & TEST. A ATTORNEY Al J.ir. , Will attend promptly to all legal and other bu siness entrusted to their care in Clearfield and ad' joining counties. . Clearfiefd, Aug. t. lyao. MEDICAL PARTNERSHIP. Dr. Henry Lorain, having associated with him. in the practice of Medicine. Dr. J. G. liartswick, they offer their professional services to -the citizens of Clearfield and vicinity. They will attend to pro fessional calls at all honrs. and in all seasons. Dr. liartswick will be found during the day at their oflico opposite Dr Lorain's residence, and at night, ot Hemphill's Hotel. Clearfield. Juno IS, 185'i TTT RI CHER SWOOPE, ATTORNEY AND I I. COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Clearfield. Pa. Office in Graham's Row, next door to Journal office. April 13 tf. fSUIOS. J. .M.CULLOUGH, ATTORNEY AT i L AW and DISTRICT ATTORN El . Clearfield. Pa., may be found at his office in Shaw's Row, four doors west of the ''Mansion House." Deeds and otiier legal instruments prepared w i:h prompt ness and accuracy. Feb. 1 :' ly. JACKSON CHAN'S, ATTORXEr AT LAW, CLEAR, FIELD, PA. Office adjoining his residence, on Second St. Augut 1. 1S55. A. WALLACE, ATTORXEr AT LAW, r. T. A V. V T V. T. n . PA. Office nearly opposite the Court House. August 1, H55. Y B. M'ENALLY, 3 A TTO R XF Y A T LA W. CLEA K FIELD, PA- Practices in Clearfield and adjoining counties. .Office nearly opposite "Journal"' office, in Shaw's limi August 1, 155. DUNDY, ATTORXEl' AT LAW, CLE ASIIELD, PA. ' Offico in the room adjoining on the West, the Store of Wm. F. Irwin. August 1, 1.55. D. 13 O. CROUCH, PHYSICI AN. Office in Cur- wcnsvilla. May 1-t, LSja-tf .R. M. WOODS, tenders his profession.-: 1 ser vices to tne citizens ot (. lcurucm aim vicini ty. Residence on Second street, opposite the of fice of L. Jackson Crar.s. where ho can be fuund ui.lcss absent on professional business. Clearfield. May 11, 1S.V. ".n. IOHN II. 3IULLEN, ' pjivsrciAX. FeenrJi rifle. Clear fii Id County, Pa., Having rented the property and situation of Br. F. Hoops, tenders his professional services to the cifixins of Frcnehville. and vicinity. Cilice, cue door east of Lut.'s store, I reulivil'c. May 21, !55.-Gm. TTtM. B. F. AKLEY, l- rnrsiciAX, G rahamtnii . CI" iri. td County. Pa., tenders his profjiiioaal services to the inhabitants of (iruhainton and surronnding country he can at all times be found nt his Otlice, directly oppo site Mr. J. B. Graham's store, when not profes. sion.u.y engaged. Apt. -J- A. M. HILLS, I). D. S. OOice adjoin ing bis Store, Clearfield. Pa. Artifi cial Tooth, from one to a full set, moun ted in liie most approved modern stylo. Filling, Filing, and Cleai.ii.'g done with care and neatness. Teeth extracted with oil tho caro an 1 dispatch modern fvience can furnish. Pit. RILLS, can always be found at Lis office, ns he U now devoting his whole attention to his profession. Junc 20. '55. TTXCITAXGE HOTEL, PIIILirsnuISG. -Bi The subscriber, thaukful fur past favors, would respectfully solicit a continuance of the lib eral patronage bestowcl upon hid House by tha Publi-j He is prepared to accommodate water men, editors, drovers, and ail others who may call with him. in the very best manner. He also purposes to run a line of Hacks from Tyrone to Clearfield, for the accommodation of the travelling pubiie. J. ti. RL'XK. Philpsburg. March II, lS55.-tf. C-i ODD NI.WS ! Tvholcsalo Stora opcnel !BT Tyrone Ci'y, where anybody who wants cheap goods can purchase. The subscriber hasj-.st open jj a large and well selected stock of Goods in T VRO N E C 1 T Y , Comer of Lojan fend J-niata fits. He hns on hands and will constantly keep a lai i'o stock of 0 Dry Goo fs, Groceries, Ha's, Caps, Boots, Shoes. Clothing, Hardware, Queensware Drugs, PRO VIS IOXS of .ill kinds, consisting of " Potatoes. Bacon, Fruit. Beans. Flour, Wheat. Corn meal, Ac. Ac. ALSO, KYE, OATS, CORN, &c. And he hereby givps notice that he will sell his goods as low as they can be purchased in anv town or county this side of Philadelphia, and will taka Boards. Shingles, or even u.or.ey in exelian"( July l. '55. 1 F. ji. ; LL. 4-iOLNG IT ALONE. The undersigned hav-V-JT ing taken to himself the stoic formerly own ed by Patchin A Swan, takes pleasure in informing hi3 friends nnd the public generally, that he La" just received from the city ;i splendid assortment of Dry Goo Is, Hard ware. Queensware, Groceries Confuctionaries, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes. and every thing else usually kept in a country store. Persons wishing to ):iiy cheap and good Goods should not forget that he is determined not to be undersold by r any store int he county. His motto is '-a nimble penny rathe than a slow six pence " S. C PATCillN. Glen Hope. July 5. 1S51. NEW F IRSI ?IE3H E LL U CARTES would inform the. public, that they have just open ed an extensive COPPER. TIN AND SliEET-IROX WARE On. Ecsoni E troct in tha boro'?h oi! C L E A R F I E L D, where they are prepared to' furnish at reduced pri ees. every variety of articles ia their .ine. Steel, Bar-iron, nails, stcves of every variefv - """""s u-cn.-us, pumps of every ucscupuon. stove pipe, patent sau.-a-o cutters t'on,..l-i .l :..Of - 1 . . ' ......-. cv-tt.o eans nept cocstactfy on nana. All orders for cnstTu-s for Flour Mii.s.Saw Mills. ae. wi.i dc l!iantiuily received sad promi-tly at tended to. HOUSE S!,IH,TIf: rr-t -.t nn, ihey are also prcpaled to receive every varie- vi uineic on commission, at a low per-eeiita-'o. o. B. MERRELL. , ,, L.ll. CARTER. CicarCeltjLPcpt. 1?, IS55 13-. r IN KT '.MAKTXCJ.fh0 undersigned KJ would respectfully inform the public. thJt he has taken the o Id si.ir,.! ..,,1...;,..' t,.., . 1 , " 1.:- -.-.eiuoaiii Church, known a .lOUKOW'S SHOP, where tie keens ponatiirii'iT . i,o-.j 1 - . 1 ' J --uu nn,i manniac- Kitchen ' eVCry v,uietJr v Household aud fLMpJ?VCSi B"reaU?' SafM" Cupboards, fcofas, Bedsteads, Ac., of every st vlo and variety rir m r, . JOSHUA JOHN SUN. ClecrGcld. Pa., Aug. 1S55. A ,ot of ramily Groerics ji:st at Moss01)'g ju Clcarfudd. receiving may 21 ".U'S of all kinds and at all price to be had at imyi yi' i.-s.si 1 1 c HAIX PC All's. r,,r t ir, Stand," in Curwcnsville by Old Corner TATTOX c LOCKS Eifrht. 1jv Itiirtv !....- ....! ITr..' . o , . 1 ' " . " ivt a t . 1 m 1 locks for sale at Mossop's Stcro. Jn. 13. BROOK. TYSON fc REHN Wholosale ' Dry Good's Store, No. 14G, Market Street. Philadel phia. lAng. 1. lS5.-ly. T. LAXE .t CO. Wholesale Clothing Store No. 171, Market Street. Every variety of ready made Clothing, in the most fashionable stjlj constantly on baud. Aug. 1. '55-ly. . GEORGE J. WEAVER A CO.. No. 19 North W tcr Street. Philadelphia, Dealers in Carpo chain. Yarn. Manilla and Hemp Ropes. Bed-cord Clothes-lines. Ac., &o. I Aug I,lS5o.-ly. ISAAC M. ASHTON. Hat Store, No. 172 Market St., 'Philadelphia. Hats, Caps. Fun, ic, of every variety, aud the best quality always on hand. Aug. I. 1355.-ly. GEORGE AV. COLLADAY, Conreyaneer and Land Agent, No. .'. Goldsmith's Hall, Philadelphia, will faithfully attend to all business entrusted to his caro. Aug. 1, 1855. ly. CALEB COPE CO, No. 1S3, Market St., Phila delphia. Dealers in Linens, White Goods, Ho siery, French. English and German Silk Goods, La ces, ii loves. Bolting Cloths, Ac. Aug. 1, '55.-ly." BEIDLEMAX HAY WARD Wholesale Uro ocrs. Tea Dealers, and Commission Merchants No. 273, Market Street, Philadelphia. . D. BE1DELMAN, Aug.l.lSjj.-Iy. A. HAY WARD, ' YVILLIAM p- HANSELL & SON, Manufac 1 ? turers nnd Importers of Saddlery, aud Sad dlery Hardware. No. 2S Market Street, Philadel phia. Saddles, Bridles. Harness. Trunks, Whips Saddle Bags, Bridle Filling, Bits. Stirrups. Buckles Carpet Bags, est. Aug. 1, :jo.-ly TTfXtl) & CO Extensive Dry-goods Dealers, No, --. is,, ..isrKet t-t., i't-iladelplna. keep constant ly on hand. large, splendid, and cheap stock of the most fashionable and elegant good3. They in vite country Merchants to call and examine their splendid assortment, before purchasing elsewhere. August 1. lS55.-ly. I7.RIS3IUTII & BROTHER, 1 WHOLESALE TOBJCCO DEALERS, ITo. 10.5 Tf. Third Stroet five doors bolow Race Nov. 211, '51 -ly. I PniLAPRi.rHtA. C LOW ELL & CO., 1'.6 JIarkct Street, PHILADELPHIA; Wnor.rs.ALC Dsalers is lints. Caps. Furs, ire between 5th and 0th St., Philadelphia. Jan. 17, 1S55. MARTIN, MORRELL & CO., (Late OLIVER MART IX CO.) Importers and Dealers in HOSIERY. TRIM, MIXGS. CUM BS. BRUSH ES, FAN CY GOODS.Jtc., TS. 21 North Fourth Street, Philadelphia. M. T. MARTIN. CHAS. II. HA.MRICK DAM'L J. MORRELL. G. R. PEDDLE, Dec. 5, '54. SAXDRSON R. MARTIN. 5 CSSELL & SCIIOTT, lioi. 133 Market St.. 5 Kerciant St., PHILADELPHIA. Importers and Wholesale Dealers iu- DRUGS, CHEMICALS, 4c They respectfully invite their Cluaficld friends to give thcni a call. Jan. 17. '5o.-ly. TTARUIS, ORBISON & CO., f WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, No. 259, Market St., North side between 6th A 7th, Phil idclphia. Drugs, Medicines. Chemicals, Fut cnt Medicines, Surgical Instruments, Druggist's Glassware, Window GLus, Paints. Oils. Dyes, Per fumery, Ac. JOHN HARRIS, M. D. E. B. ORBISOX, Acg.l.j.-l j .J J. SHARSWOOD. JY. KUSHTOX & vo7, 243 5:ark!t Street, PHILADELPHIA; Importers and Dealers in Earthen-Ware,TChina, Glass, and Queens Ware, . Opposite the Red Lion Hotel, Philadelphia. J. Y. RUSHTON, J. C. HOPKINS, Nov. S, '51. -7 y. BOBT. STILSOX. K OONS, IT EI LM AN & CO., No. 107 NORTH THIRD ST., Philadelphia. WHOLESALE DEALERS la Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods. Fifth Door below Race. CHARLES KOOXS. AMOS G. HE1LMAX. Philadelphia. May IS. lS55.-lv. COMtAD & WALTON, 255 Llarket Stre t, . PHILADELPHIA; Importers nnd Dealers in HARDWARE, JROX, XAILS, 4c, 4c They rcspcclfuMy invite the people of Clear c!i. to cor.tiEue their favors. A 113. 1, 1 355.-1 y. HAUL & TAYLOR - Ko. 235 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA, Hare always on hand, at their Wholesale Ware house, a large assortment of the Newest Style of BOOT. SHOE. AXD STRAW GOOT3 BOTH FOREIGX AXD DOMESTIC. All their goods being of their own direel Im portation and Manufacture, they are enabled to oSer superior inducements to Merchants layin- ia their r.oL-k. J 0 ATM. W. PAUL, t. , N.G.TAYLOR. Dec. 1. 1351. ly. A VISir.S CHEAP WATCH AXD JEWELRY J. .r ;.E, No. 7! North Seconb Street, oppo site t,'m Mount Vernon Honse.) Pphiladelphia. lol d Lever Watches, full jcwelitd. IS K. cases. Miver Lever do., do.; Silver Lepine, do.; Quartier tio'.d Spectacles, Silver do.; Silver Table Spoons, f-iiver Desert do. ; Silver Tea do. ; Gold Pens and (oil Case?: ticM Pens and Silver do.: together with a variety of fine Gold Jewelry, GoldCurb Gu.11 d ar.d Foo Chains. All goods warranted t be as represented. Watches and Jewelry, repair ed in the best manner. Also, Masonic Marks, Pins, ic.. made to order.. -,.'1 A11 orJcrs ent hy mail or othcrwiso will be punctually a. ten. led to. His motto is: - Small Profits and Quick Sales.' Philadelphia, April 25, LSoi. ' "1 FOUNT VERNON IIOI'SK. J--- T7o. 59, North Second Street, PHILADELPHIA. Tl;o undersigned having taken tho oIJ well known house, which has been renovated and re modeled throughout, respectfully solicits hisCIear fieM friends to give him a call on their Visits to the ci'y. The furniture is all new. and has heen ."elected with CKrcfroiu Hei.klos well known establishment ia Chestrut Street, and is of the latest and most lasuionaldo style. i he location for Merchants and others cominar ot:.cc:ty 13 convenient, being in the centra ot business. p. L. BARRETT, Aug. 1. lS55.-ly. Proprietor. yiOKF'It, BROTHERS & JONES, A- K03. 153 & 160, Karket Street, , , PltlLAD E L P H I A ; Importers and naniifaciurcrs of City ami ' eastern madi-; h-juts and shoes. - Also, every va.-iety of French and English Shoo Lastin g. Patent Loaihcr, Kid and Calf-skinSj thoe Laces. Gallons, Bindings, 4c., fuiiablo for iiianufacturcrs. Also. Forei.-n and Dotuestiq Straw and Silk Bon ncSs, Leghorn, Panama, and Palm-Leaf Hats English, French, and American artificial ' 1 lowers, Oil Silk, Straw Trimmings, . Ac., Ac. . Having removed toour new Store. No. 15S ISO Market .-.reel, below 5th, South Side, up stairs, we invite your attention to our large and varied Stock of Mraw t.oods. l.oof m.1 vi. ., . . .. , ' "- -"w-, naicimeara pre, uuig for ho approaching Fall Sales. ' .... . .,-.j, oelus exclusively of onrownili. le. t ti. 7,. e "1 - - "a"l"i:"re, we feel confi dt.Lt that our facilities are such that we can offer you n.uueements aarUs variety and p"cesof .ooJS, unsurpassed by any honse tfc.- BUKER, BROTHERS Jnvvi S or . f, tio -ly . . .. jpKfajfr, ? i ft psa) r 1- ircns cash, store-- ' J IUW -tt -I J. F Conor,'. HtJ r: 3n. 13 do Oesh &toro- TT