0 n . 4 ' it 6. Co. Ct Of; liims ss at mtlis were d in d by, that ions. iclu- )em latc, ents i lat- rnier hira ould lore i 0 bo that 1 in-! ihey ents is is Bu- thej arty tion wo; heir :tics d of spa seen iscd i-mit om- ioso Iiilo men cx- pre i to Frc- ned of a s m tion e of e of the rom and ian- :ra- our lec r of led. mg i of re- rhc en thy of im wo cc tnd rgo . in ;an ild Ips n- en, on TyOTJCE.-IIaving purchased the Boob of the 1 Rafamau Journal with tho establishment all rmounts unnaidfor Subscription. Advertising, or Job-work, are to be settled wiih the undersigned. mar!9 . 6. B. ROW. 3 PUPVl cr MDROTYPIST DAGUERRE0T1TIST, CLEARFIELD. PA. Gallery at his. residence ou 2d Street, or.ts door :rout.iot ilerrell and Carter s iin-aisi-s.iwij iiient. janelso' oorsE, 7IGN AND ORNAMENTAL iT T I X ( . The undersigned respectfully informs the citizens ct ClearLeia ami vicinity that he had commenced the above busi ness in al! its brunches; ad also that of paper hang in. Business will be punctually attended to, and all jobs entrusted to h!m will be executed in tiie very best manner. A share of publ.c patronage is asked for. Shop on front st. 2 doors noria of A.M. Hill's store. fjuly23;5i1 J.P.B01LE. T.75?Ci1TANT TO FARMERS! - S. A S. J. WILSON'S PORTABLE- IMRESHING MA CHINES, 2, and -i-horse powers, a beautiful, sim ple and compact article. c:in bo procured of Ben jamin Spackaaan. w ho is tho authorized agent, in the Borough of Clearfield, at njnaufctnrers' pri ces. Mr. Spackman is a practical mechanic, and will aU.nd'ta the repairing of machines, should they require it. Persona desirous cf procuring theso machines in time to use then tho present season, should call immediately on Mr. Spaceman and leave their orders, so that he can have them forwarded to him from tho manufacturer;!. July 10, 1S5!) 3m -; FiYfC-MYilllTMill 13 5 6. ' rruiE old corn er stoke of A A. M. HILLS. IS Jf.-IXOW lSI2I?Cn CRAMMED with a choice selection of seasonable goods, AT THE rULlCITASERS OTVN PRICES. BEADY-MADE CLOTHING in great variety and of the choicest qualities. A large variety of choice DIIE53 SIL1CS, which v ill be sold at city prieen. tome beautiful CilAPE and ?ummcr EIIOCHAE Shawls, which will be sold very low. BOOTS SHOES in great variety, lower than they have ever been olTered in this county. 1A.MY esm-meJy low in price, and ol the most beautiful patterns. CALICOES at 10 CENTS per yard, warranted fist colors and full width. PLEASE CALL a.U examine MY STOCK Irfore purcka.i?ielicifliere. 11-E-A-D-V 1-A-Y ii my riwt.to, and I am fully determined to sella L-l-T-T-L-E L-O-iV-E-ll than any one els?, ictiritistiindinsr "20 ct. Jcau worth -10. All kinds of marketing, boards and shingles ta ken iu exchange for (roods. X. B. A few beautiful Gold Brooches and Gents" Breast-piud, gold and silver hunting-c:wo patent lever watches, &c, very low lcr the i.eady ivhino P. S- Just call at yonr leisure. I've got goods cnor.gh to doyou all, so that one can't get a-hcad of another. juncll,'6!5-tf. - A. M. HILLS. B jlOlt SALE. The subscriber offers for es A his farm, containing about 62 acres, with a bout -j acres cleared and under good cultivation, having thereon ercetcd one 2-story house and oarn, situated one and ahalf miles above Clear field town, opposite the new bridge. I'or terms apply to the sabscriber on the premises. mayl4-tf MILO liOYT. TP. KELSON & CO., M-jrrii Toirn-Iiip. Clearfield Co., Pa.. Would respectfully inform the citizens of that vi cinity that they keep constantly ui hand a large assortment oi Dry Goods, ILird-Ware. Queeiistcare, Groceries, Confetti onarie.t, llatx iV Clips. Hoots & Shoe-, and all other articles usuaiiy kept iu a country store, which they are determined to sell low for caati, country produce, or lumber, August I, ISoii. "NOraTHE TIME- FOR BARGAINS ! NEW GOODS AND ITEW PHICES !! l'OnieJb sales and snmll promts I!.'" AX AVI ACS just returned from the East, I would I-A inform iny old customers and the public in general, that I am now receiving and opening at my "old stand'' a splendid assortment of Spring and Summer Goods, which I will sell a little lower than any goods heretofore 3oId in Clearfield, mon which will be fuund MANTILLAS, a large assortment at exceedingly low pries. SILKS, at from 70 ccr.t3 to 1.23 cents per yard. GINGHAMS, at from 1 1 cents to 2 cents per yd. . Auiuiji-..-?, at lrom o cents to lj cts rer yard. SHAWLS a good article cf Shawls, at from 02; ccnts-to 10. each. BONNETS A large lot at from 59 cent3 to LADIES GAITLUS for 1,50 worth S2. ' Loots, Shoes and Slippers at from G2 J ccnis to i.o cents per pair. LADIES' will please call, as I have almost eve rvthing in their lire, at extraordinary low rates. GENTS' Boots, Shoes and Gaiters at very low rptes. Ml'SLTNS. at from 6 to 12 cents a yard. JEAN'S, at 20 cents a yard worth i'). CLOTHS Black, Lluo, Oiivo, Grocn, and other coiors. very tncap. CASSIM'EUES Black and a variety of Taney colers of tho latest stvlcs. VESTINGS a great variety of fnncy and plain. Sl'ilMEit CLOTHS, Cassimeres, Trimmings, and in snort, a variety or almost all sorts of Gentle mens' and boys' wear. Call soon, while you can have an opportunity to select from the whole stock. All the above, and a great variety of other goods can ro purchased at tho very lowest pries FOB. vai-mi, ns j. nave determined not to bo undersold may2l'.)f5 K1CHAHD M0SS0P. QUEENS WABE A superior lot of Fancy and Common Qucenswaro now openiu and for salo at the r.iost reasonable prices i . n ........ . - at the store of lilLUAItU l'J.-tOP. fl HATS! HATS !! Hichard Mossop is now re cciving and opening a fine lot of Spring and Summer Hats of the latest styles, which he will sell nt prices from 12 cents to 5.00. CEOTIIEVU ! 1,000 DollarT worTh of - , " Beady-made Clothing at vour own pri- fi ccs, at the cheap store of " jJ may 21 BICIIABD MOSSOP L2- !PttlJS,ll I F.l11 :! "Pcrior Mackerel and vr-iU S Just received and opening at the r7a,;uc;P 'ash store of Richard Mossop iu Clearfield. may 21'56 LACK, Imperial and Young Hyson fT3 Teas of the best quality to be had at ; 3 the lowest each T rice at MOSSOP'ST C HARDWARE and Cuttlery just received nua now opornng at Mossop "g cheap cash store in Clcnrficld may21 TTMBRELLAa and Parasojs. a largo assortment of tho latest patterns, to bo had cheap at '"ay21 MOSSOPS. MOLASSES Rest Syrup at 90 cents a gallon at Imay21 MOSSfkP's MOS.SOP'S. 'hi AiRK??Lirr- 0f e very description for salo yiilrM at a moderate i advance at mayll'56 WM. F. IRWIN'S. .1 ISTT A 1r,t flf Blinoriii- MnIrKl n n.l . I' nn:n r i i ti-& mayl4 , . i ,ftr t. ......... XS i WM. F. IRWIN. BACON ! On hand and for sale, a lot of first rate Hams. Shoulders and Sides, at the sitm of the 'CHEAPEST GOODS." THE EEST TWO-HORSE CARRIAGE in ClcartuW bounty for sale low for ensh by junc25 .:- A. M. HILLS. Kf BONG SHINGLES wanted by A. tJjJAJJJ JI. Hills, at his store, for which T the highest market price will be paid In Goods at the lowest prices in tho county. fjune25-tf I7IOU SALE. A secondhand 2 horse wagon and a lot of harness for sale vcrv cheap by Clcnrficld; pr2 A. M. HILLS. ALITABI.E TOW rKurt.iw x x x. V .SALE. The subscriber pners for sale his lav em ctanu, on curuvr ui .umn. tho bcroush of Clearfield. The house is large and commodious and well calculated for a public house. For particulars inquire of . . A. Wallace. Esq., or of the subscriber living on tho premises.' . W.J.HEMPHILL. March 5tb.-lS5o . TPST RECEIVED, A SPLENDID ASSOHTr el MENT OF NEW BOOKS. STATION A1U, FANCY ARTICLES. CON FECI ION ABIES, 10 B CCO, CIGARS, and DRUGS of all kinds, at EOBINS' X.ITEKAPY DEPOT, . SHAV'3 ROW, Clcariold, Pa. THE latest pnblicationa always on hand, or pro cured to order. Putnam. Godey. Graham. House hold Words, Leslic"s Fashions, Harper. Peterson, and all the other Mag izine3 furnished Monthly at Pubiuhers' Prices. Ho would especially call the attention of lovers of tho weed' to his lurge stock of tobacco and ci gars, which cannot be surpassed in this region, consisting of the best quality of ' Natural Leaf, "Black Fat." '-Cavendish," -Congress, ' and other tobaccos: Havana, Regalia, Principe. Plan )!. Pmrish. Half-Snanish. and '-A fuw more lef cigar3. Also a good stock ot '-pipes and fine-cut.'' He would also call attention to the fact that he has iust opened a large assortment of DitUGS. CHEMICALS, AND DYE STUEFS. which ho will sell che.jptr than any other estab lishment in the County. THOMAS HOBINs. November It, 1355. " "RJEW GOODS: The undeisigncd has just re-j L ceived a large assortment of I ITEW GOODS, ( i at hi3 store in K A K T HA US, which he offers for sale cheap for cash or country produce. ' F. P. HUitXTIlALL. September 5, 1355. - TT1 XCT1 ASOELNS ITIIAXCE COMPAN ir, S i 3,'o. 11, Iterchants E-oban:e, P II I L A D E L ? II I A . Thi3 Company, with an amjilc; Capital, r.cll se cured, is I'Vcparcd to elTcot Insurances in Clear field, and adjoining Counties, on terms as liberal as consistent with the safety of tho Company. jno. Mcdowell, Jr.. Oct. 3, 1555.1 Secretary. D VVID S. PLOTNEE. Respectfully ir his old friends and the public, that L iorms ho h:!3 cbta incd the services of a good Cutter and work man as a foreman in the tailoring business, and he i3 now prepared to attend to any orders in his Line of work on the most accommodating terms. and short notice, and v.-ill have clothing on hand at all times, such as dress coats, frock coats, vests, and pantaloons of their own manufacture, and good material at the lowest prices. With a wish to ac commodate, he solicits a share oi" patronage. New Washington. May 9, 155. I E Y G00 1) sT SPIlINii AND SUMMER GOODS ! rSiriE subscriber has ju:-t received a large and A well selected stock of new goods of Jilmost every descrip tion suitable for the season. He re spectfully invites all who wish to bay good Goods at the lowest prices to call at the sign of the "CHEAPEST GOODS." Approved country produce taken in exchange for guods. Persona wishing to purchase, and roceive a fair equivalent for their money, will do well to give him a call. Remember the sign of the CHEAPEST GOODS, on Market street, and call nnl be convinced that there i3 truth in the words thereon inscribed. WM. J. IRWIN. Clearfield, Pa., may 11, 1S.V3. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. By virtue of an order of sale, issuing out of the Orphans' court ot ciearueid county, tucre will be exposed to Public Sale, at Penrisville. on Wvducsday, Au njt ivtk, iiii-.i:, t a i. 2.1 ., i. r-i.-iu described property, late the estate of JncsMoore, deceased. NO. 1. A certain tract or piece cf land, situate in Penn township, Clearfield county, beginning at a post on tho township road and corner of lot of Jos. Russcl, and thence extending along said lot south 25 deg. w. Hi perches, thence along lots of Jos. Russcl, John Russcl and Elisha Fcnton. s. 65 deg. e. 17 -10 perches' to a post, thence s. 25 deg. w. 100 perches to a post, west 50 perches to a post, north 37 perches to a post, n. 25 deg c. 3'i perches to a post. n. 05 deg. w. 59 perches to stones, 11. 25 deg. e. o'J perches to a post, e.65 deg. e tl.1 perches to a post, s. 32 deg. w. 25 perches to a post and s. 05 dog. e. 7 perches to tho place of beginning, con taining 50 acres 107 perches. The improvements are about 25 acres cleared and under fence, with a young orchard thereon. The balance of the land is well timbered with pine, and is about 3 miles from the river. -- NO. 2. An undivided moiety or half part of a certain tract or piece of land adjoining No.l. Be ginning at stones, thence extending along No. 1, s. G5 deg. c. 59 perches to a post, s. 25 deg. w. 71 perches to a post, n. 05 deg. w. 92 perches to a su gar and thence n. 25 deg. c. 100 perches to stones and place of beginning, containing iZ acres 135 perches. TERMS, One-third of tho purchase money to re main charged on the premises during the lifetime of Jane Wriggleswortb. (late Moore.) "interest pay able semi-annually, and tho balance to be paid as follows : One-fourth thereof at the time of sale, one-fourth on confirmation of sale, and one-half in one year, with inUrcst, to be secured by bond and mortgage. JOHN RL'S.-EL, July2,lS55. , Trustee. Ac. rjniiiAL list, rou au; ust term, A 185!i. (commencing on the third Monday, 18th day of the month ) D. Michaels. vs. Pearcc's Adm'rs, vs. Bcms & Kephart, vs. William Bloom, vs. David Horn, vs. Mathers &, Flovnfon. 11. Philip's Ex. G. W. Hickman, Valentine Kriso, S. lleggerty, ccrgusun v iiiesnnucr. vs. r-. j . Kalston, J. M. Leonard ct al, vs S. M. Quiglcy ct al, v. . 1 1 - . . . -. . . Kcliy it Diekerson vs 11. B. Miller, vs 1J. & P. Lownsbcrry, va Tozer ct nl, vs A. Caldwell, vs Samuel Clark. l P. Hurxthal 4 Bro. Mtiehcll, Torbet et al, Gcorgj Ross, B. Hurtshorn. vs J. fc L. Widcmire, T . ' Cummings X MahafTcy, vs D. Gorman, A. 1'. Orniand, vs William Bloom, P. W. Barrett. Mitchell, it. Philip's Ex. Flood & Miller, Jacob Arnold, F. & G. Miller, B. D. Hall & Co. vs Ll'.in Irviu, vs Montclius. va D. Kephart, V3 Miller t Smith, vs S. J. Thompson, vs Irwin & llyman, V3 Isaac Gaines, vs Edmund Williams. vs F. P. Hurxthal & Pro. vs I. Gaines. John Campbell, Corbin A Brother. McGonegal, Irwin &. Hynian, vs Blanehams, Joel Cadbury and wife, vs D. Britton ct al, J. Smith, vs H. Brassier, Lucas. vs Davis ,fc Pownnl, r.'Tinin Ikq K nnf ' T r Patchin use Kuntz. vs J. M. Cumniinjrs, t.,... a J J. Arthurs, vs .1. i.iiingcr, vs F. P. llnrxthal, vs A. Cook, vs M. Forcce, vs Thomas E Miller, vs Mahafl'ey ct al, 11. Jiittcr. A. V. Cooper. Hoover, R. Wallace, Wilson, Goss, VS tOS3 it jOSS. Joel Cadbury nnd wife, vs Stono, Powell ct al, J. Thompson, vs Cha.m ct nl E. 15arto & Thorn, Ex'rs. vs T. Carson, McGhec nso tlapon, vs Jos. McGhec's Ex'rs, John Drauckcr, S. Crow et al, T. t Susanna Woods, Aaron Bycrsand wife, M. Hileinan, H. B. Swoope, M. Nolin, John Stiles, Bowman, Ingal'a Adm'rs, William Irvin, julyl vs B. Hartshorn, vs John (ivcrdorfT, vs Wm. Ij. Moore, vs John Shoff and wife, vs Lydia Wall A Enson, vs Thomas Mahaffey. vs John M. Chase, va William Bloom, vs William Bloom, vs Scott A Brockway, vs H. I. Swoope. WM. PORTER. Proth y. ONE GOOD TWO-HORSE WAGON for sale by jnne25 A. M. HILLS. I30RK and DRIED FRUIT, excellent articles, can be procured at tho storo of Curwensvillc, Feb. 13. II. D. FATTON. OOKING and PARLOR STOVES, for sale in Cnrwcnevilte. at the store of febU H.D. RATION. a K. WRIGHT, MERCHANT, axd EXTEN ! SIVE DEALER IN LUMBER, Second Street one door south of his residence, Clearfield, Pa. Clearfield, March 11, 1S55. BE 21 OVAL: Tho undersigned begs leave to inform his friends that he has removed bis t E00T. AND SHOE ST0UE, frja "Shaw's Row," to his new building, opposite theOEice of James Wrigly. and two door3 south of theOfliee G. R. Barrett, Esq. . Je still keeps constantly on hands, every varie ty -f Ladies slippers, gaiters, pumps, ic. Men's flir.-y shoes and gaiters, with an excellent assort meit of heavy work, all adapted to the various waits of tho people of Clearfield. He hopes his fi-i nds will cail at his NEW STORE, and ex auine his Stock. ;ooU and ShoC3 made to order, and mending do c as heretofore. ISAAC JOHNSTCN. jt'learScld. June 27, 1S55. TITLICII & EENNER, would respectfully X inform the citizens of ClcarSeld. aud public giceraUythat they have entered into co-partner-Ttn in the . J CAUIXET MAKIXG BUSINESS, ,4 keep constantly 0:1 hands, and manufacture Cp order, at tho lowest prices, every variety of fip niture. consisting of lniii'x, Breakfast, and Cadre Tables, Seiciiis:, t Writing, and IVash-Slnn fs, Mahcany, and Common Beds' eels ; ?ahcgony ?nd Can-bottomcd Chairs, Buroattj, Sfas. Lounges, ic, Ac. Collins msde and funerals attondc 1 on the short et notice, with a neat hearse, and appropriato 4 conipanynients. lioase Painting done on the shortest notice. Vhop and Ware-rooms, s:iine as formerly oenpi- Jliriield. Pa 'JOHN GUI.tOli. oj.-iy. DANIEL BENNER. - Cu-i'oir Urea I upon the "Waters, for after matty d-i'j y shall find it. A'ertaia Care fr all I.lie-aniatic Psina. D'JlS- CON Ii LM V LIT Tit V IT, IT f'AX.VOT FAIL. E. 0. ALLEN'S COXdpXTRATLJ ELECTRIC PA AND AtvillAS i'AIN r.XTnACTOI!. KOR Jf AX II o STE, kor ifA" ft uunsi;. (A, ;":-.; ftred arcordin? to Jaw. SMA I.'JAR .50 CENTS. LARGE JAR 1. fBHE ilectric Paste acts upon tiio Muscles, Ten A dtn and u-ton the whole nervous system, re moving te pidity iind roduciug a healthy action of the bl.'l. 'il.ire being no volatile matter in its compotion. it .tiuains in action until itaccoin pliches its-v.ork. cannot lose its strength, and is altogethvr barings, its constituent parts being entirely vegetable. WHAT TILL IT CURE? Vi'e answer Rhcu.ii.tie Pain.-;, when everything else fails, Cramps, 'h dic. Coughs, Chilblains. Lurns. Scalds, sprain.- Jiea daclic,i'ooth;M:liv.S wel lings, Bruises. Sores. B.ig worm. Tetter, Stiii' Joints, Contracted Chords, Frih Cu's.UIccrate l Sores. and all Scrofulous Diseases where external remedies can be used. Sore Thro$, Stiff Necks. Ae. WHAT IT WILL CU,g for Horses and Cattle. Sweeny. Spavin. Fistuas, Poll Evil, Windfalls, Ulcers. Cholic, Spraiis, "oilar and Saddle Galls. Stone Bruises, SUu Join Vertigo, Splints and Running Sores. i .'iT.N'one genuine but 'lose having tho words "E. C. Allen's Conceptrate Electric Paste, o-Arabian Puin Extractor. Lane::tcr.Pa..:' blown in the botilc fir '"Look out for c anterfc-its. Don't for get to ask for ALLEN'S. Letters upon business, ad ress, E. C. Allen, care of H. A. Rockafield i Co., .ar.casier. Pa. 'TSFor sale at the Dra; Store of Charlc3 D Watson, Clearfield, Pa., and -ouutryTstortkeepcrs and Druggist throughout the tato mavil -y JEW ARRIVAL. a A. A- PATCH IX, Have just received a new a t splendid assort mcnt of Goods the best that as ever brought in to the upper end of Clearfield CTonnty. They in vite their friends and the pub; s generally to rive them a eall. wbora tlio- Trill find ail kinds of goods usually kept in a Counts Store Come and examine our stock-wo charge noth ing for the cxhi'jitiou. AARON ?ATCIIIN, JACXSO: 1'ATCHIX. Eurnside, Nov. 2:, 1355. 1 A VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE -fa - x desire to sell my property i Tyrone City, Blair Co. Pa., commonly known as the Tyrone City Hotel. Comprising as follows -. One large three story brick hot e, Sixty feet, two fronts, and finished off in cow iota style. A large and extensive stable, an impellent wash house and other necessary out-bui lings. There is also, on the same Lots, one frnu; .house, with out-buildings attached, now renting for one hun dred and thirty dollars per annum ,Thc whole stands upon three valuable Lots as 'J the plot of san l town, nnd atiords several very -ligi bio loca tions for store, ofiices. tc, ka. The rholo will bo sold on reasonable terms. And to arT person, de siring an investment, or speculation, row is the chance. Private reasons cause me t sell this val- uaoie property, v. nicli is every day ir.orensing la value. Inquire of C;;'cb Guyer, or t;. mbscriner J. D. trEWART. Tyrone City, Sept. 10, lS55.-tf. LADIES' Handkerchiefs, all Linnrr. for sale by Juno 13, '55. 1 R MOSSOP. N JEV, v iiui iij : 1 r.e old 'Snrini:-. House.7 at ' T - T r t r a .Trr-..,..,.' has been re-opened and re-iitted by tiu arideroign cd, who 1 esp'.cU'uily fjicits a share of blie pat ronage. " Ha is well provided with houso room f n 1 good stabling, and intends keepinga Temper.'. e Iloust;. at which ho will always endeavor to make his guVstsfetd at home. JOHN S1IJTTER. August 1, 1S55. tf. . s -TJ- E W A P. R I V A L.-The uadcr.isncd has 1 1 just received a largo stock of NEW GOODS, adapted to the season, consNtin" f DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. QUEENS ARE, HARDWARE, CONFECTION ARIS, NAILS. HOLLOW-WARE, CEDER-WARE, JLe.. Ac. , . JAMES E. GHAUAM. Grauamton. Aug. 22, 1355. . - NEW HOTEL, AT LUMBER CITY, CtEAitFii,i) Co., Pa. rjnilE undersigned would respectfully inform iu rl-, lnl,lic' that ho hil just opened a NEW HO ILL, at Lumber City, where ho is prepared to entertain all who may give him a call. Extensive Stabling attached to the premises an attentivo ostler always in uti?ud.-ince. T , L. W. TEN EYCK. Lumber City, Dec. 1S55. O! FOR THE TEMPLE OF Ii) NOR B R A D I X t. ai ' s. TIN, C0PP2E, & SHEET-IKON WARE MANUFACTORY, l'HILIPSBUBG, PA. BRA DIN .t 5FGIRK have just opened an cvten sivo Tin, Copper, A- Shr-rt-lron Ware M-tii,ifnetn-rij. where they arc at all times prepared to supply customers with every conceivable article frain the smallest ColFee pot tpout to tho longest pipj ima ginable. They will do both a WHOLESALE Jt RETAIL business, and will at all times have on hand a I largo assortment of ready-made ware. ( nous E S P O U T I X G done to order, on the shortest notice, and tut un in a neat, substantial manner. 1 1 STOVES, STOVE-PIPE, 4- KETTELS, of every variety kept constantly on band. They will furnish to order any of the folbiwin" Cook Stoves, via : The William Penn, Queen of tho West, tho Atlantic, and Cook-Complete, all of which are suitablo for both wood and eoaL Among the Parlor Stoves will bo found the "bady Washington," tho '-Excelsior," 'Home Parlor,' Ac. Produco of all kinds taken in exchange for goods. . A. A. BR A DIN n . t . - JS0- M'GIRK. October 21, 1S55.-IT. G GROCERIES. Just received and now f-Q I opening, a general assor mcnt of I C ' choice groceries, which will be sold ut the t-:Lsir lowest cash prices at WM. P. IRWIN'S .J PROFESSIONAL iTTjAS. H. LAftRIWEn. 1. TEST. LARRIMER & TEST. ATTORXEYS AT LAW, Will attend promptly to all legal and other bu siness entrusted to their care in Clearfield and ad joining counties. Clearfield, Aug. 6. lS5f.. ? TEDICAL PARTNERSHIP. Dr. Henry XlA Lorain, having associated with Lim. in the practice of Medicine, Dr. J. G. Harts .viek, they offer their professional services to the citizens of Clearfield and vicinity. They will attend to pro fessional calls at all hours, and in ell seasons. l.'r. Hartswick wiilbc found during the day at their o!5eo oppoito Dr. Lorain's residence, and at nisht. at Hemphill's Hotel. Clearfield. June 18. 1R50 BiT EUCTIER SWOOPE, ATTORNEY AND Ajt. COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Clearfield. Pa. OSce in Graham's Row, next door to Journal office. April IC tf. rjlIIOS. J.M CULLOUGII, ATTORNEY AT A LAW and DISTRICT ATTORNEY, Clearfield, Pa., may be found at his office in Shaw's Row. four doors west of the '-Mansion House. !! Deeds and other legal instruments prepared whh prompt-ne.-.s and accuracy. Feb. 13 !y. L. JACKSON CR ANS,- ATTORXEY AT LAVS, CLEARFIELD, PA. OSeo adjoining his residence, on Second St. August 1. Is55. ttT A. WALLACE, V ? A TTOKXEY AT LAW, CLE A B FIELD, PA. Office nearly opposite the. Court House. August 1, 155. 31'ENALLV, A TTO R XE Y A T LA I CLEARFIELD, PA- Practices in Clearfield and adjoining counties. -0;'aco nearly opposite -Jourt Low. ai" oSice. in Shaw's August 1. 1S55. S. DUN'DV, A TTORXEY A T LA W. Hi CLE A2FIELD, PA. OfSce in the room adjoining on the West, the Store of Wm. F. Irwin. August 1. 155. D. O. CROUCH, PHYSICIAN. OfuceinCur- wensviije. 1 1. i55,;-tf "gVR. M. WOODS, tenders his professional ser-.H-P vices to the citizens of Clearfield and vicini-13-. Residence on Second street, opposite the of fice of L. Jackson Crar.s. where he can be found unless absent on professional business. Clearfield. May 14. 1K50 3m. JOHN II. MULLEN, I'lIYSTCIAX, Freneiiville. Clearif Id Comity. Pa., Having rented the property and situation of Dr. F. Hoops, tenders his professional services to the citizens of Freucbvilie, end vicinity. CfSce, one door cast of Lutz's store, Frtnchvillo. May 22, '55.-'.m. ,R. D. F. AKLEY, PHYSIC TAX, G ran a niton. Cie. zrfield Count;. P:j., tenders Lis profusivna! services to the inhabitants of Grahamton an I surrounding country he can at all iiuics bo found at his Office, directly oppo site Mr. J. B. Graham's store, when not proi'es. sionally engaged. Apl. 25. A. M. HILLS. D. D. S. Office adjoin- r 1 : ' . 1 . r l 1 1 . , . : r l'Trfr3 1I!g ins .(.on.-, v:v;iiuuia, a a. -vriiu- dJXLrCr cial Teeth, from one to a full set, moun ted in the most approved modern stylo. Filling, Filing, and Cleaning done with care and neatness. Teeth extracted with nil the care and dispatch modern s.-ienoe can furnish. DR. HILLS, can always be found at his office, as he is now devoting his whole attention to his profession. f June 20. '55. I EXCHANGE HOTEL, FIIILIPSBURG. J The subscriber, thankful for past favors, would respectfully solicit a continuance of tho lib eral patronage bestowed upon his House by tha Public He is prepared to accommodate water men, editors, drovers, and all others who may call with him, in the very best manner. He also purposes to run a lino of Hacks from Tvrone to Clearfield, for the accommodation of the travelling publi j. J. G. RUNIC. rhi!psburg. March U. 1855.-tf. GOOD NEWS ! holesile Store opeuol in Tyrena City, where anybody who wants cheap goods can purchase. The subscriber has j-.st opened a largo and well selected stock of Goods in T V it O N E C I T V , Comer of Lojran and Juniaa Sts. He has on hands and will constantlv kceni lurge stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hits, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Clothing, Hardware, Qucen.ncure Drtizs, P R O VIS IO X S of all kinds, consisting of Potatoes, Bacon, Fruit, Beans. Flour, Wheat, Corn meal. .to., ic. ALSO, 11 YE, OATS, CORN, &c. And he hereby gives notice that he will sell his goods as low as they can be purchased in any town or county this side cf Philadelphia, and v. ill take Boards. Shingles, or even money in exchange. July 4, '55. F. M. BELL. GOING IT ALONE. The nr.dci igned hav ing taken to himself the store formerly own ed by Patchin &, Swan, takes pleasure in informing his friends and tho public generally, that ho has just received from the city a splendid assortment of Dry Goods, Hardware. Quccnsware. Groceries, Coufcctionarios, Hats and Caps. Boots cud Shoes, I and every tiling else usually kept iu a country i store. Persons wishing to buy cheap and good Goods should not forget that he is determined not to be undersold by r uuy store intho county. His motto is -a nimble penny rathe than a blow sis pence." S. C PATCHIN. Glen Hope, July 5. 1351. TMEY7 FIRM 3TEHRELL & CARTER would inform the. public, that they have just open ed an exiensivo COPPER. TIN AND SHEET-IRON WARE - fflMVJFAmmY, Ca Second Street ia the boreufli of s V L E A R F I E L D, where they are prepared t or furnish at reduced pri ces, every variety of articles in their line. Steel. Bar-iron, nails, steves of every variety Ploughs and fjrming utensils, pumps of every doscuplion. stove pipe, patent sausage cutters. funnels an 1 sell sealing caus a.epl constantly on hand. All order for castings for Flour Mills. Saw Mills. Ac. will be thankfully received snd promptly at tended to. HOUSE SPOUTING DONE TO ORDER. They aro also nrepatcd to receive every varie ty of article ou commission, at a low pcr-centao. O. B. MERRELL. L. R. CARTER. Clearfield. Sept. 19, 1S55 1y. CABINET M A KING. Tho undersigucd would respectfully inform the nubliiv th-.t- i, has taken , the old stand opposite the Methodist i 'L L. 1 ' M l) it K n AV nn t,, t, f , U V V, , f " r....u ..v nc.-fi, tuun ! j iLi ; y on .nana and manufac tures to order, every variety of Household and Kitchen such as Xablcs, Lureaus, Safes, Stands Cupboards scfas, Bedsteads, Ae., of every style and variety ' . , , , . ' JOSHUA JOllSOS. ClcarCcld. Pa.. Aug. 1355. les. Bureaus, Safes, Stand A LARGE lot of Family Grocrics just recoivinc? CM at Mossop'a in Clearfield. n,ay i fa fAPS of all kinds and at all prices to be bad at "A tinny 2M . MOSSOP S IIKAIN l'UMPa, for salo at, the ' Gld Corun'r fgtand," in CurwensviHe by PAT TON V- if r 'g. .T tfairt.T hour and alarm y C locks for sale at Mossop's Store. Jn: 13 BROOK. TYSON & REIIN Wholesale Dry Good's Store, No. 146, Market Street Philadel phia. (Aug. 1. ISaIy. T. LANE A CO. Wholesale Clothing Storo J.. No. 171, Market Street. r Every variety of ready made Clothing, in the most fashionable stylo constantly on hand. L '55.-1 y. GEORGE J. WEAVER & CO.. No. 19 North Wa tcr Street, Philadelphia, Dealers in Carpo chain, Yarn, Manilla and Hemp Ropes. Bed-corJi Clothes-lines, Ae., Ac. J Aa? 1. 1355.-ly. TS VAC .11. ASI1TO.V. Hat Store, No. 172 A Market St. Philadelphia. Hats, Caps, Furs. Ac., of every variety, and the best quality always on haiuL Aug. I. Is55.-ly.' GEORGE W. COLLADAY, Conveyancer and Land Agent, No. 3. Goldsmith's Hall, Philadelphia, will faithfully attend to all business entrusted to his care. IAuS- J 1353.-1 j. CALEB COPE A CO, No. 1S3, Market St., Pbila delphia. Dealers iu Linens. White Goods, Ho sicry, French, English and German Silk Goods, La ce. G loves. Bolting Cloths. Ac. Aug. 1, '55.-ly. BEIDLEMAN A HAYWARD Wholesale Gro cers. Tea Dealers, and Commission Merchants --No. 73, Market Street, Philadelphia. D.BEIDELMAN, Aug.1,1355 Iy-1 A. HAYWARD, VS7TLLIAM S. HANSELL A SON, Manufac V T turcrs anl Importers of Saddlery, and Sad dlery Hardware, No. 2S Market Street, BLiJalel phia. Saddles, Hri lles. Harness. Trunks. Whip Saddlo Bags, Bridle Filling, Bits, Stirrups. Eucklci Carpet Bags, cct. Aug. 1, '55.-1 y XTOOD A CO Extensive Dry-goods Dealers, No, -A 1S7, Market St., Philadelphia, keep constant ly on hand a large, splendid, and cheap gtock of the most fashionable and elegant goods. They in vite country Merchants to call and examine their splendid assortment, before purchasing elsewhere. August 1, lS55.-Iy. JTUtlSMUTII & BROTHER, 1 WHOLESALE TOBACCO DEALERS, No. 105 H. Third Streot fire doors below Race Nov. 1i, '51 -ly. Philapelphia. (LOWELL & CO.. J - 176 Marktt Street, PHILA DELPHIA; Wholesale Dkaleps in Hits. Caps. Fan. 5-t between 5th and 0th St., Philadelphia. Jan. 17, 1S55. MARTIN, 3IORRELL & CO., (Late OLIVER MARTIN A CO.) Importers and Dealers in HOSIERY. TRIM A7 -YfV.S. COMBS. BRUSHES, FANCY GOODS. Ac.' No. 24 North Fourth Street. Philadepphia. M. T. MARTIN, CHAS. H. HAMRICK DAM'L J. MORRELL, G. 1. PEDDLE, Dec. 5. '54.1 SANDRSQN R. MARTIN USSELL& SCIIOTTV A 27os. 133 Market St.. 5 Merh ant St . PHILADELPHIA. Importers and Wholesale Dealers in DRUGS, CHEMICALS, 4c They respectfully invito their Cleafield friends to give them a call. Jan. 11. '55.-ly. HARRIS, ORIJISON & CO.. "WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. No. 259, Market St., North side between 6th A 7th, Philadelphia. Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Pat ent Medicines, Surgical Instruments, Druggist's Glassware, Window Glass. Paints. Oils. Dves, Per fumery, Ac., Ac. JOHN HARRIS, M. D. E. B. ORDISON. Aug. I, ?33.-l.l J. SHARSWOOD. JV. RUSHTON & CO., 245 Market Street, PHI LADELPHI A; Importers and Dcale rs in Earthen-AV arc.Chfna. iilass. and Queens War, " Opposite the Red Lion Hotel. Philadelphia. J. Y. RUSHTON, J. C. HOPKINS. Nov. 8. '54 .-ly. ROCT. STILSOX. KOONS, nEILMAN & CO., No. 1U7 NORTH THIRD ST., PHILADtLFIJLl. WHOLESALE DEALERS In Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods. Fitlli Door belon Race.' CHARLES KOONS. AMOS G. HE1LMAN. ; Philadelphia. May 10. 1S55.-1y. CONRAD & WALTON, 235 Market Stre t, PHILADELPHIA; Importers and Dealers in HARDWARE, IROX, XAILS, 4c, They rcspectfnly invito the peoplo of Clear field, to continue their favors. Aug. 1, l55.-ly. jAUL & TAYLOR No. 255 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA, Have always on hand, at their Wholesale Ware house, a largo assortment of the Newest Style of BOOT. SHOE. AND STRAW GOODS. BOTH FOREIGX AXD DOMESTIC. , All their goods being of their own direel Im portation and Manufacture, they are enabled to ofier superior inducements to Merchants laying iu their stock. WM. W. PAUL, N. G. TAYLOR. Dee 1. 1S54. I v. A VISE'S CHEAP WATCH AND JEWELRY J: A ST'MiE. No. 72 North Secoxp Street, (oppo site tlie jrortnt Vernon Honsr.) rphiladelphia. Gold Lever Watches, full jewelled. IS K. cases. Silver Lever do., do.; Silver Lepinc, do.; Quartier; Gold Spectacles, Silver do.; Silver Table Spoons, Silver Desert do. ; Silver Tea do. ; Gold Pens and Gold Cases; Gold Pens and Silver do.: togethot with a variety of fipe Gold Jewelry, Gold Curb, Guard and Foo Chains. All gooda warranted t be ns represented. Watches and Jewelry, repair ed in the best manner. Also, Masonic Marks, Tina, Ac., made to order.. N. B. AH orders sent by mail or otherwiso will be punctually attended to. His motto is: "-Small Profits and Quick Sales, Philadelphia, April 25, 1S55. "If OF.VT VERNON HOUSE, lfA JSc. 9, North Second Street, PHILADELPHIA. The undersigned having taken the old well known house, which has been renovated and re modeled throughout, respectfully solicits hist'Iear field friends to give him a call on their visits to the city. The furniture 3 all new, and has been selected with care from Henklcs well known establishment in Chestnut Street, and is of the latest and most fashionable style. The location for Merchants and others coming Jo the city is convenient, being in the centre ot business. I. L. BARRETT, Aug. 1, 1355,-ly Proprietor. BOKER, BROTHERS & JONES Nos. 158 & 160, Market Street, PHILADELPHIA; Importers and manufacturers of City and EASTERN MADE BOOTS Avn Jiml- Also, every variety of (Vni.ti a t..,-T"J.v ' . Lasting,, Patent lieatherKncnr0 . Shoe Laces, Gallons, Biudi-"'! ' "' suitable for manufacturers. "s "C K Also Foreign and Domestic Straw and Sri Bon- Lng ish, Ircnch. and American artificial I lowers, Oil SHk, SMraw Trimming?, MaIkciA?tr0r.d t0rr lw Store' - i5Si J ii Irite v I ; ?W 5.lh' Sonth Side P stairs, we of Strayw CnT Ur ,are -d varied Sck ot straw ooods, Boots and Shoes, which wo are rrrourgCoohta-PIr0achinS Fa" slles " dtnt tl.n ... r -V-r- "" iu, WO letl COnn- ucnt fiat our fucilitia .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers