Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, July 23, 1856, Image 6

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AL CONFEREES. A meeting of tho
citizens of Clearfield county, opposed to the
policy of the present National Administration
and the election of James Buchanan, are re
quested to meet in tho Borough of Clearfield,
on Saturday the 2nd day of August, to select
three Conferees to represent this conntv in the
Congressional Conference to be held at Brook
ville on the 6th August. July 23, 1856.
, , T.9-T C'KCtf ITA Camp Meeting VTll
be held by the members and friends of the
Methodist Episcopal Church, at New Wash
ington, Clearfield county, commencing on Fri
day the 15th of August, and closing on Thurs
day 21st. Jons Poisal, P. E.
, , James Hcnteh,
July 23, 18o6. Tnos. R. Satterfield.'
Aboct hooped skirts and huckleberries.
Going Up Fremont stock, and several fine
buildings in our borough.
IIot the weather on last Thursday. The
mercury raised to 104 deg. in the shade.
Good the "stum-jack" arrangements of
Bobbins, and the District Attorney's lemon
ade. We are always on hand, gentlemen.
Fixe Dr. Wood's bay horse. Tried him
oursclf, and found him "some" in a buggy.
Shouldn't mind trying him again, Doc.
JrsT ix season the self-sealing cans for pre
serving fresh fruits of all kinds, which cau be
procured of Mcrrell & Carter, on 2d street, as
will be seen by their advertisement.
Arrested. Adam Slong, who murdered
James Devinney about a year ago in Lack tp.,
Juniata county, has been arrested at Sturges,
in the State of Michigan.
"Growing Small by degrees and beautiful
ly less" the Buck and Breck club. They can
now raise eight including officers, members,
outsiders and boys.
Bur xt a field of wheat, consisting of four
acres, belonging to John Morris of Chester co.,
Pa., which caught fire, last week, from the
sparks of a locomotive on the Reading railroad.
IIexct Clat said in the Senate, "I repeat
that I never can and never will vote, and no
earthly power will ever make nie vote, to spread
slavery over territory where it does not exist."
Rumored that Senator Butler will resign
his seit as the representative of South Caroli
na in the U. S. Senate, and that the Governor
of that State will appoint Preston S. Brooks
as bis successor.
Abolish all the secret machinery of the
order, by the American National Council tiiat
met In New York week before last. The cry
of "midnight cabal," &c, is, like Othello's
occupation, gone !
Givex notices of intended applications to
the Legislature of Pennsylvania for new bank
charters, together representing a capital of
$18,830,000 a sum nearly equal to the whole
of the present banking capital of the State.
Let him come ox the individual who threat
ens to pitch into us a la Brcoks style, unless
we apologise. Wc can't afford to comply
with his demand. It seems Loeofoco blud
geon argument is to be used in Clearfield as
well as in Washington city. Go it, bullies!
Dear Affairs kisses in Bnflato, N. Y. A
genteel looking man, named Caiumel, was sent
to the penitentiary in that city, for G months,
Tor kissing a young lady in the street on the
night of the 4th July, as she was returning
from a display of fire-works.
Pleasant the evening we spent in the be
ginning of the week at a friend's house above
Cnmensville. It always makes us feel cheery,
and arouses the kindliest feelings of our heart,
when we mingle with such sociable, agreeable
and hospitable folks as rc met on this occa
sion. Tic Nic Parties seem to be plenty in this
place just now. there having been no less than
two or three last week. We attended a large
one on Saturday, which was a fine ati'air. An
abundant supply of "'the good things of earth"
was on hand, to which ample justice was ren
dered. Such pic-nics are good institutions.
Rotal Game of Chess. Dates from Hono
lulu, Sandw ich Islands, of the 21th May, state
that the king bad officially announced to the
Legislature his intention of marrying Miss
Emma Rooke. The Philadelphia Fun says
this is contrary to the rules laid down by Phi
lador : a rook may hold a king in cheek but
cannot take him .
Ixvaio:i of Nicaragua. By a late arrival,
via Panama, we have news from San Jose, Cos
ta Rica, to June 27. The papers state that
General Mora, the Commander-in-Chief of the
army, tho Vice President and the Secretary of
State had all died of cholera. The troops of
Guatemala and San Salvador had united for
the invasion of Nicaragua.
A Terkible Disaster occurred on the 16th
July, by the burning of the Etcamer Northern
Indiana, while ou her passage to Toledo from
Buffalo. Large numbers of tho passengers
wcro rescued by the 6teanicr Mississippi, and
others were saved ly a propeller and schooner.
Notwithstanding this, from thirty to fifty are
reported to have been lost.
Sad Arr air. Sarah Terry, aged 13, daugh
ter of John A. Terry, of Liberty, McKean
county, Pa., was shot by a younger brother, on
the 22d June. They were in the woods hunt
ing, and had treed a squirrel, Use gin was
tauding between it and her brother, who told
tier to move or he would shoot her. She re
fused and he fired the load entering her side,
from the effects of which she died in about 06
tours. "This should serve as a warning not to
leave children have fire-arms.
Tue Fremont Baxxer. "I see," sys a cor
respondent of the Boston Atlas, "that in Penn
sylvania th2 Buchanan men are forming
Wheatland Clubs,' (Wheatland is tho name
f Buchanan's home,) with banners bearing as
a device a sheaf of Wheat. I beg to suggest
that th banner incribed ith ths mm of John
n v i . t .
v.. x ivuiuui iuuuiii nave as its device a threth. 1
ing machine. That sheaf of v, heat is destined
to be thrashed, and tho wheat to be gathered
into any other garner than that of the border
Impkotemexts. We are pleased to sec that
a spirit of improvement is awake in our town.
At this time we observe preparations for buil
ding at different points. Mr. Jonathan Boyn
ton has torn away his former residence, and is
erecting a fine brick dwelling on its site. TT.
L.Moore, Esq., is putting up a brick dwelling
oa the corner of Locust and 2d Sts., and Jas.
B. Graham, Esq., is putting a fine addition to
his house on the corner of Market and 2d Sts.
There are other improvements going on, all of
which will add to the appearance of our town.
M v r D r . We learn by the Lock Haven
Watchman, that on the 9th July, Win. Hall
was killed, at Kettle Creek, by Jacob W.
Pfouts. Hall, who was in his employ, it ap
pears, had ridden one of his horses and lamed
him. A quarrel ensued, and after handling a
man named Jerry Harkins roughly for inter
fering, Pfouts took his rifle and shot Hall thro'
the breast, killing him instantly it is supposed.
Mrs. Pfouts gave the alarm, and when the
neighbors came in they found the three men
lying on the floor. Pfouts Mas arrested and
committed to the Lock Haven jail. It seems
Rum was at the bottom of the affair.
A Frightful Railroad Accident occurred
near Gwynned Station on the North Pennsyl
vania railroad, 13 miles from Philadelphia, on
the 17th inst., by which not less than. 50 per
sons were killed, and between 200 and GOO
wounded. An excursion train, containing the
scholars and teachers of the Roman Catholic
church of St. Michaels, Kensington, who were
going to Fort Washington on a pleasure trip,
was run iuto by tho regular down train. The
cars of tiie former were driven on top of each
other, and to add to the calamity caught fire.
A most heart-rending scene ensued nineteen
men, women and children were roasted to
death, others crushed and horribly mangled,
and the groans and cries of the wounded and
burning were appalling in the extreme. Rev:
Mr. Sheriden, priest of St. Michael, was tho't
to be among the turned. It is estimated that
1100 persons were on the train when the col
lision occurred.
Flavoring Matters. One of tiie most re
markable, and interesting achievements of
modern chemistry has been the preparation of
certain liquids possessing the flavors of vari
ous fruits. So close indeed is the resem
blance that we are almost warranted in suppo
sing the flavor of the fruits to be actually cau
sed by "the presence of a trace of the above li
quids. Several of these articles arc employed
in confectionary, and are manufactured on a
tolerably large scale. The acetate of amylic
oxyd, when dissolved in six times its bulk of
alcohol, emits a most powerful and agreeable
odorofpear3, and is used in flavoring pear
drops. The valerate of amylc, dissolved in al
cohol, gives the scent and flavor of apples.
Butyric-ether communicates the flavor of the
pineapple, and is used in the preparation of
various beverages. Various other compounds
of the so-called fatty acids, with the oxyd of
amyle and ethyl?, possess very pleasing odors.
Scientific .American.
Thi.3 gentleman, as our readers are aware,
was one of the Congressional Committee that
went to Kansas to inquire into the alleged
outrages and wrongs, ol which so much has
been sid. lie did not co-operate very kind
ly with his colleagues, Messrs. Howard r.nd
Sherman, for the best of reasons, viz : that
the disclosures there made bore very hard
against the side lie i ad espoused, and against
a larcra number of -Missourians, a part of whom
are Mr. Oliver's constituents, who went, into
Kansas to help the people in voting. When
Messrs. Howard and Sherman made their re
port, which h:is been extensively read, and
has made a deep impression on the public
mind, Mr. Oliver announced that he should
present a minority report, which would be an
embodiment of his vijws. On Friday last, lto
fulfilled his promise, and made his report.
It is long, but very unsatisfactory and in
conclusive, lie deals largely in generalities
and broad, sweeping assertions, denying the
truthfulness of his colleagues' report, but un
fortunately, he does not establish the truth of
his own. The. fact is, Mr. Oliver was in a very
delicate position as a member of tiie Kans-is
Committee. It is proved conclusively that he
teas u- ith his Missouri brethren when they. went
into the Territory to aid the people to choose
a Legislature. He says he did not vote, but
he did make a speech to the border men while
they were in Kansas cheating tho people out
of their just rights. He did not vote, but did
he admonish the Missourians that they had no
right to vote? by no means. He was with
them for the purpose of seeing that enough
should cast their votes to have the Legislature
of the right stamp. Mr. Oliver's report will
have very little influence Willi intelligent, fair
minded men. It is the testimony of one who
was particejis crimiuis, partaker of the crime.
He must make out the best esse he can for
himself and his Missouri neighbors and friends.
The more the Kansas troubles are investi
gated, tho worse they appear on the side of
Mr. Oliver and the border men. There is not
the shadow of a doubt that there was a deep
laid p! in to overawe, terrify, and cheat the
bona fi le inhabitants of Kansas in all their e
lections, but especially the one on the 31st of
March, -'55. Then a Legislature was to bs
chosen, and it was thought if men of the rihl
stamp could then bo put in power, the institu
tion of slavery would be firmly established in
the Territory. The Missourians, therefore,
went over to the number of four thousand
nine hundred and twenty-one. Not quite so
manv as that, however ; they cast that num
ber of votes, but it is proved that some of theio
voted fire, six and seven times. The votes
they polled amounted to 4021, while the real
settlers, pro-s'nvcry and anti-slavery, polled
but fourteen hundred and ten. We should
I li!cc to soe Mr. Oliver attempt to explain or
controvert tnis fact. Anybody can make o la
and bold assertions, but it is hard to make in
telliacnt, reflecting men believe that the facts
embodied and proved in the Report of Messrs.
Howard and Sherman are fictions. Phil'aSun.
JohnB. Stitt, Esq., the Administration
Postmaster at CentreviHe, Wayne county,
Ind., has resigned his office and enlisted un
der tho Republican banner
-Hon. George Kathbun, the war-horse of
Democracy in Cayuga county, N.Y., has come
out in favor of Fremont and Dayton.
C. J. DickinsoD, of Detroit, Michigan, has
come out for Fremont. He reports the great
est enthusiasm in the interior for the Repub
lican ticket, and that Southern Michigan will
give it from 5,000 to 10,000 majority.
The Yonkers (New York) Examner, here -tofore
an independent journal, has announced
its intentioun to support -Col. Fremont for
the Presidency.
TV OTICE. Having purchased the Books of the
ii Iiaft'ma"'1 Journal with the establishment
all rmounts unpaid for Subscription, Advertising,
or Job-work, are to be settled with the undersigned
inarl'J S. B. ROW.
naschanjred his office to Shaw n row. lie now
occupies an otljeo with T. J,MoCulIough, Esq. All
business will receive prompt attention.
Clearfield.July Hi. r83vi.
CAUTION. The public are cautioned against
purchasing or meddling with a span of hor
ses ami a sett of double harness in the possession
of alentine Ilevncr, in Huston township, Clear
field county, as they belong to me.
July 1S at JOHN DU E0I3.
VW7"AXTED. A good Blacksmith nt Graham-
ton. Possession of the shop given imme
diately, together with dwelling house. One with
a small family preferred. The situation is a good
one. lor any information address
Juty 2. 'jii JAMES R. GltAlIAM.
W SALE. The subscriber offers for sale his Tav
ern Stand, on tho corner of Market and Front
streets, in the borough of Clearfield. The house
is large and commodious and well calculated for a
public house. For particulars inquire of W. A.
allace, Esq., or of the subscriber living on the
premises. V. J. HLMPHILL.
March 5th. lH;,r,
CAUTION. The undersigned having bought
1 yose of oxen, 1 sleigh. 1 sett of harness, a
lot of square timber in the woods. 1 spring wagon.
1 cow, and 1 colt, at the Sheriffs sale of A S .To
ilers property, on the 8th July. ISiG. notice is
hereby given to all persons not to purchase or iu
termiddle with the aforementioned property
which w e leave with tho said Tozer, as it belongs
Curwensvillc. July 16. ISotf.
HAVE YOU SEEN SAM? The subscriber
would inform his old friends and the public
generally, that he still continues to keep a house
of entertainment in New Washington where those
who call with him will receive every attention,
and be made comfortable.
Good stablirg, an 1 every other convenience for
horses on the premises. DAVID S. PLOTNER.
New Wash ngton, Jan. 31. 1805.
IOlt SALE tho Farm occupied by Richard
In overs, Jr.. situate in Penn township, about
one mile from Penusviilo. it contains 61 acres, of
which 45 are cleared and under good fence. The
improvements are a two-story frame house and
kitchen, barn and out-houses. There is a voun
bearing .-chard on the place, and the whole is
well watered. For terms apply to
ja" Clearfield. Pa.
X as Letters Testamentary on tho estate of Thos.
Wilson, late of Chest township, Clearfield county.
Pa.. deceased, havedcen granted tothe subscribers'
all persons indebted to tho said estate, by bond!
note or book account, are requested to make imme
diate payment, and those having claims or de
mands against the same will present them, prop
erly authenticated for settlement, to .
July 16 Gt Executors.
as Letters of Administration on the estate of
D-jvid Moore, late of Pike township, Clearfield t o..
Pa., deceased, have been granted to the under
signed, nil persons indebted to said estate are re
quested to make immediate payment, and thoso
having claims against the same will present them,
properly authenticated for settlement, to our at
torney, L. Jackson Crans. Esq., Clearfield, or to
cither of us. CALEB W. M'lORE. Lumber Cilv.
TI10S J. MOORE. Pike Twp.. " '
July 10, 135o Gt Administrators.
CHINKS, 2, 3 and 4-horse power!, a beautiful, sim
plo and compact article, can be procured of Ben
jamin SpaeUman. who is the authorized agent, iu
the Borough of Clearfield, at manufacturers' pri
ces. 3Ir. SpaeUman is a practical mechanic, and
will attend to tho repairing of machines, should
Ihey require it. Persons desirous of procuring
tbeso machines in time to use them the present
season, should call immediately on Mr. Spackmau
and leave their orders, so that he can have them
forwarded to him from the'nianufdcturers.
.Iuly lfi, 185,i ;;m
The undersigned announces to tho travelling
puhiie that he is now running a semi weekly line
of haeks from Clearfield borough to Ridgeway,
i:ilc county. Tho hacks are comfortable, the hor
ses good, and the drivers careful. By special at
tention to the comfortable, safe and speedy con
veyance of passengers, he hopes to socure a liber
al share of travellingcustom.
The time for departure and arrival is as follows :
Leave Clearfield every Tuesday and Friday morn
ing, and arrive at Ridgeway on the evening of the
same days.
Leave Ridgeway every Wednesday and Satur
day morning, and arrive at Clearfield on the eve
ning of the same days.
Julyl(5;!in A. M. 11 ILLS.
REGISTER'S NOTICE. Noti;c is here
by given, that the following accounts have
been examined and passed by me, and remain tiled
of rcsord in this otlicc for tho inspection of heir,
legatees, creditors, nnd all others in any other way
interested, and will bo presented to the next Or
phans' Court of Clearfield County, to he held at
the Court House in the Borough of Clcnrfiabl, on
Tuesday, the 19th day of August, 135S. for confir
mation and allowance :
The final account of Simon Rorabaugh; Execu
tor of James Curry, dee'd.
The account of Gould Wilson and Susan Wilson,
Administrators of Jesso Wilson, dee'd.
The account of Mary Eckley, Administratrix of
Joseph Eckley, dee'd.
The final account of William Merrell, Guardian
of Lewis Bloom, minor son of J. R. Bloom, dee'd.
The final account of H. B. Wright, Guardian of
Wesley Ncvling.
The final account of II. B. Wright, Guardian of
Elizabeth Ncvling. now Caldwell.
The final account of U. B. Wright, Guardian of
Greenbury B. Ncvling.
The account of W. A. Wallace, Esq., Guardian of
(Ellis, Peter and Sarah.) minor children of Henry
Kyler, dec:d.
The account of F. F. Coudriet t Samuel Brad
ford, jr, Administrators of Samncl Bradford. dee'd.
WM. PORTER, Register
ClearfielJ. July 1C. 1S06.
It ft OHO reet of B0,l BOARDS wanted by
AUUjUUU A.M. HILLS, athisstoro in Clear
field, for which tho highest market price will be
joid in goods at cash prices. marl 9 tf
ITIOI! SALE. A second hand 2 horso wnon
t1 and a lot of harness for sale very cheap hy
Clearfield, apr2 A. M. HILLS.
7-AGONS and BUGGIES, for ochenv-by
(feblS) "
TiORK and DRIED FRF IT, excellent articles,
i can be procured at the store of
Curwensvillc. Feb. 13. PATTOV
C1UA1N PUMPS, for salo at the
; Stand." in Curwensvillo by
"Old Corner
LOCKS. Eight day, thirty hour and alarm
Clocks for sale at Mossop's Store. Jn. 13.
-"irk nflft SHORT SHINGLES, for snlo low
OWAJW for cash by A. M. HI LLS
A running order fertile by A. M. hills.
GRAIN! GRAIN!! Wheat, Rye. Oats and
Corn, can at all times be procured nt the Pi
oneer Mills, on th Moshannon. in Morris town
ship, at the lowest selling rates.
Julyl'j IIENRY GROE, Agent.
PeiiiicilU, Clearfield Co., I'a.,
Keep constantly on hand an excellent assortment
of leather, which they offer for sale ot the lowest
cash prices. Hides taken in exchange.
July la, 1S04. 1
Resolved, Lu the isatate ami House of Reprmen
tftim of the Commoniprallh of Pemisylrntiia in
General Assemlly met. That the following amend
ments are proposed to the Constitution of the Com
monwealth, in accordance with the provisions of
the tenth article thereof.
There shall be an additional article to said con
stitution to be designated as article eleven, as fol
lows : AHTK'LB XI.
Skction- 1. The state may contract debts, to sup
ply casual deficits or failures in revenues, or to
meet expenses not otherwise provided for: but
tho aggregate amount of snch debts, direct and
contingent, whether contracted by virtue of one or
more acts of the general assembly, or at difl'erent
periods of time, shall neverexceed seven hundred
nnd fifty thousand dollars, and the money arising
from thecrcation of such debts, shall le applied to
the purpose for which it was obtained, or to repay
the debts so contracted, and to no other purpose
Section 2. In addition to the above limited
power the state may contract debts to repel inva
sion, suppress insurrection, defend the state in war,
or to redeem the present outstanding indebtedness
of the state; hut the money arising from the con
tracting of such debts, shall be applied to the pur
pose for which it was raised, or to repay such
debts, and to no other purpose whatever.
Skctiox 3. Except the debts above specified, in
sections one and two of this article, no debt what
ever shall be created by, or on behalf of tho state.
Skctiox I. To provide for tho payment of the
present debt, and any additional debt contracted
a-s aforesaid, the legislature shall, at its first ses
sion, after the adoption of this amendment, create
a sinking fund, which shall be sufficient to pay
the accruing interest on such debt, and annually
to reduce the principal thereof bv a stun not less
than two hundred and fifty thousand dollars;
which sinking fund shall consist of the net annual
income of the public vorks, from time to time
owned by the state, or the proceeds of the sale of
the s.ime. or any part thereof, nnd of the income
or proceeds of sale of stocks owned by the state,
together with other funds, or resources, that may
be designated by law. The said sinking fund may
be increased, from time to time, by assigning to
it any part of the taxes, or other revenues of the
state, not required for the ordinary and current
expenses of government, and unless in case of war,
invasion or insurrection, no part of the said sink
ing fund shall be n ed or applied otherwise than
in cxtinguishmont of tho public debt, until the n
mount of such debt is reduced below the sum of
five millions of dollars.
Skctiox 5. The credit of the commonwealth shall
not in any manner. or event, be pledged, or loaned
to, any individual, eouipany. corporation, or asso
ciation : nor shall the commonwealth hereafter be
co;ne a joint owner, or stockholder, in any compa
ny, association, or corporation.
Skctiox 6. The commonwealth shall not assume
the debt, or any part thereof, of any county, city,
borough, ortowiiohip; or of any corporation, or
association ; unless such debt shall have been con
tracted to enable tho state to repel invasion, sup
press domestic insurrection, defend itself in time
cf war, or to assist the state in the discharge of
any portion of its present indebtedness.
Section- 7. The legislature shall not authorixc
any county, city, borough, township, or incorpora
ted district, by virtue of a vote of its citizens, or
otherwise, to become a stockholder in any compa
ny, association, or corporation ; or to obtain money
for, or loan its credit to. any corporation, associa
tion, institution, or party.
SEcosn Avr.sDMrxT.
There shall be nn additional article to said con
stitution, to be designated as article XII. as follows :
artii'm: xir.
No county shall be divided by a liuc cutting off
over one-tenth of its population, either to form a
new county or otherwise.) without the express as
sent of such county, by a vote of tho electors there
of ; nor shall any new county be established, con
taining less than four hundred square miles.
From section tw o of the first article of the con
stitution, strike out tho words, the city of Phi
ladrlphia. and of each county respectively ;"' from
section five, same article, strike out tho words, "of
Pliilt'lclphia and of the several counties ;"' from
section seven, same article, strike out the words.
'ieitirr the city of Philadelphia nor any.''' and
insert in lieu thereof the words. laid 110 ;'! and
strike out section four, same urtiele, and in lieu
thoreof insert the following :
Sfctios i. In the year one thousand eight liun
drcd and sixty-four, and in every seventh year
thereafter, representatives to the number of onj
hundred, shall bo apportioned and distributed
equally, throughout the state, by districts, in pro
portion to the uu m'ocr of taxable inhabitants in
the several parts thereof; exeept that any county
containing at least three thousand five hundred
t.ixables. may bo allowed a separate representa
tion; but no more than three counties shall be
joined, and no county shall be divided, in the for
niiition of n district. Any city containing a suffi
cient number of taxnblcs to entitle it to at least
two representatives, shall have a separate repre
sentation assigned it, and shall be divided into
convenient districts of contiguous territory, of
ciiual taxable population as near na may be, each
ol which distuets shall elect one representative."
At the end of section seven, same article, insert
these words, ' city of Philadelphia shall he. di
vided into single senatorial district?, of contigu
ous territory as nearly etial in tax.ihle population
a possible ; hut no vard shnll be. divided ill the
formation thereof''1
TI10 legislature, at its first session, after the a
doption of this nmendment. shall divide the city
of Philadelphia into senatorial and representative
districts, in the manner above provided ; such dis
tricts to remain unchanged until the apportion
ment in the year one thousand eight hundred and
To te section xxvi. Article t.
The legislature Bhall have tho power to alter,
revoke, or annul, any 'charter of incorporation
hereafter conferred ty. or under, any special, or
general law, whenever in their opinion it may be
injurious to the citizens of the common wealth ; in
such manner, however, that no injustice shall be
done to the corporators. .
Ix Sexate, April 21. lS5rt.
Resolved, That this resolution pass. On the first
amendment, yeas 21. nays 5. On the second a
mendment, yeas 19, nays'tj. On the third amend
ment, yeas 28. nays 1. " On the fourth amendment,
yeas 2.1, nays 4.
Extract from tho'Jonrnal
Is Horse or Representatives, )
April 21, 13i6. j
Ilc'deed. That this resolution pass. On the
first amendment, yeas 72, nays 21. On the second
amendment, yeas 63. nays 25. On thethird amend
incnt, yeas 64, usys 2a ; and on fourth amendment,
yeas fill, nays 16.
Extract from tbe Journal.
StrRUTiRT's OrriCE. ) A G.Cl'RTIX,
Filed April 21, 1S66. J Stcretaryof theCommon-
irealtk .
Secretary's Office, )
Ilarrisburg, June 27, 1856. j
Pennsylvania, ss.
I do certify that tho above and foregoing is a
true and correct copy of the original ''Resolution
relative to an amendment of the Constitution." as
the same remains on file in this office.
mc same
In testimony whereof I have hereunto sot
my band ana caused to he nnixod tiie
seal of tho Secretary's Office, the day
and year abwve written
Secretary of the Commonuvalth .
Ix Smate, April 51. 1656.
Resolution proposing amndmrnta to tha Cn-
stitution of the Commonwealth, bcingundcr con
sideration. On tbe question.
Will the Senate agree to the first amendment?
The yeas and nays wcro taken agreeably to the
provisions of tho Constitution, and were as fol
low, viz:
Yeas Messrs. Erowne. Euekalew, Cresswell. E-va-ns.
Ferguson. Fleitniken. Hogo. Ingram, Jami
son, Knox, Lauba h, Lewis, M Clintoek, Price, Sel
lers, Shuuian. Souther. Straub. Taggart, Walton,
v oisn, herry, V ilkins and Piatt, teat.r'Zi.
Nays Mestrs. Crabb, Gregg. Jordan, Mellingcr
and Pratt 5.
So the question was determined in the affirma
tive. On the question.
Will the Senate agree to the second amend
ment? . The yeas and nays were- taken agreeably to the
firovisions of the "Constitution, and were as fol
ow. viz :
Yeas Messrs. Browne, Euekalew, Cresswell. E
vans, Hogo. Ingram, Jamison. Knox, Laubach,
Lewis. M'Clintock. Sellers. Shuman. Souther,
Straub, Walton. Welsh. Wherry and Wilkins 19.
Nays Messrs. Crabb, Ferguson, Gregg. Trait,
Prico and Piatt. Spcaitr 6.
So the question was determined in the affirma
tive. On the question.
Will the Senntc agree to the third amendment?
Tbe yeas and nays weir taken agreeably to the
Constitution, and were as follow, vix :
Yeas Messrs. Erowne, Buckalew. Crabb. Cress
well, Evans, Ferguson. Flenniken, Hoge, Ingram.
Jamison. Jordan. Knox, 1-nibach, Lewis, M'Clin
tock. ilellinger. Pratt. Price. Sellers. Shuman.
Souther, Straub, Taegart. Walton, Welsh, Wherrv,
W ilkins and Piatt. Fpexlcr'l.
Nays Mr. G regg I .
So the question was determined in the affirm
ative. On the question.
Will the Senate agree to the fourth amend
ment ?
Tho yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the
Constitution, and were us follow, viz:
Yeas Messrs. Erowne. Puckalew. Cicsswcll. E
vans, Flonirikcn. Hoge, Ingrain. Jamison. Jordan,
Knox. Laubach, Lewis. M'Clintock, Price. Sellers,
Shnman, Souther. Straub, Walton, Welsh. Wherrv,
Wilkins and Piatt. Fpeaier 23.
Nays Messrs. Crabb, Gregg, Mellingcr and
Pratt 1.
So the question was determined in the affirm
ative. Joi UXAL of the Houso of Representatives,
April 21, IfiaG
The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the
provisions of the Const itution, and on the first
proposed amendment, were as follow, viz :
Yeam Messrs. Anderson. Raekus. Euldwin. Rail.
Reck. (Lycoming.) Beck. (York.) Ilernhard. ltoyd.
Rover. Erown. Hruh. Buchanan. Caldwell. Camp
bell, Carty, Craig. Crawford, Dowdull. Edinger.
Fausold. Foster. Getz. Haines, llamel. liarptr.
Heins, Ilibbi?, Hill, Hillegas. Hippie, Holcomb,
Hunsecker, Itnbrie, Ingham, Iunis. Irwin, Johns.
Johnson, l.uporte, Lebo, Lonaker, Lovctt, M'Cal
mont. M'Carthy, M Comb, Maugle. Menear, Mil
ler, Montgomery, Moorhead, Nunnemaeher, Orr.
Pearson. Phelps, Purecll. Ramsey. Rted, Reinhold.
Riddle. Roberts. Shen k. Smith. (Allegheny.) Smith.
(Cambria.) Smith. (Wyoming.) Strouse. Thompson,
Vail, Whallon, Wright. (Dauphin.) Wright. (Lu
zesne.) Zimmerman and Wright. ISpe-iitr 72.
Nays Messrsl Augustine, Uurry, Clover. Co
bourn, Pock. Fry, Fulton, Uaylord, Gibboney. Ha
milton, Hancock, Housekeeper, llunekcr, Lcisen
ring, Magee. Manley. Morris, Mumma, Patterson,
Salisbnry. Smith, (Philadelphia.) Walter, Winl
rode and Ycarslcy 2J.
- So the question was determined in the aCrma
tive. On the question,
Will tho House agree to the seco'hd amendment?
Tho yeas and nays were taken, and were as
follow, viz :
Yeas Messrs. Anderson,'L'ackus. Baldwin. Rail,
Reck, (Lycoiuiug.) Reck. (Vork.) Reruhard. Eoyd,
Rrown, Rrush. Eurhnnan. Caldwell. Cunipbell,
Carty. Craig, Fausold. Foster, Getz, Haines, Ha
niel, Harper, Heins, Hibbs. Hill. Hillegas, Hippie,
Holcomb. Hunsecker, Imbrie. Ingham. Innis. Ir
win. Johns. Johnson. Laportc, Lobo, Long:iker,
Lovctt, M Cnlmont, M'Carthy, M'Cb, Mangle.
Menear, Miller, Montgomery, Moorhead, Nunue
tnaclwr. Orr. Pearson, Purecll. Ramsey, Reed,
Reinhold, Riddle, Roberts, Shcnk. Smith, (Alle
gheny,) Strouse, Vail, Whallon. Wright (Luzerne)
Zimmerman and Wright, i-'ptaier (i3
Nays Messrs. Augustine, Harry, Clover, Ed
inger, Fry. Fulton, Uaylord. Gibboney, Hamilton.
Hancock, llnneker. Lei.-enring, Magee. Mauley,
Morris, Mumma. Patterson, 1'hHps, Salisbury,
Smith (Cambria.) Thompson. Walter, Wiutrode,
Wright (Dauphin.) and Yearslcy 25.
So the question was determine J in the affirma
tive. On the question.
Will the House agrro to the third amendment?
The yens and nays were taken, and were as
follow, viz :
Ykas Messrs. Anderson. Backus. Baldwin. Ball,
Reck, (Lycoming.) Reck (York.) Rcrnhard. Boyd,
Boyer, Rrown. Buchanan. Caldwell, Campbell,
Carty, Craig, Crawford. Edinger, Fausold. roster,
Fry, Getz. Haines. Itaiuel Harper, Heirs. Hibbs,
Hill. Hillegas. Hippie, Holcomb. Housekeeper,
Imbrie, Ingham, lnnis, Irwin. Johns. Johnson.
Laportc. Lebo, Lougakcr. l.ovett. M'Calmont. M'
Coinb. Maugle, Menear, Miller, Montgomery. Nun
nemaeher. Urr. Pearson. Phelps. Purecll. Ramsey.
Reed. Riddle. Shenk, Smith. (Allegheny.) Smith
(Cumbria.) Smith (Wyoming.) Thompson. Whalion,
Wright (Dauphin.) Wright (Luzerne.) and Zim
merman 61.
Nays Messrs. Barry, Clover. Cwbourn. Pock,
Dowdall, Fulton, Uaylord. Uibboncy. Hamilton,
Hancock, llunekcr, Lciscnring. M'Carthy. Magee,
Manley. Moorhead, Morris, Patterson, Reinhold.
Roberts, Salisbury. Walter, Wintrode, Yearslev
and Wright. Spcxier 25.
So the question was determined in the affirma
tive. On the question.
Will the House agree to the fourth amendment?
The yeas and nays were taken, and were s
follow, viz :
Yeas Messrs. Anderson, Packus. Ball, Bock,
(Lycoming.) Beck (York.) Bcrnhard. Boyd, Rover.
Brown. Brush. Buchanan, Caldwell, Campbell. Car
ty, Craig, Crawford. Dowdall, Edinger, i'ausold.
Foster. Frv. Getz. Hamel. Harper. Heins. II ibis.
Hill, Hillegas, Hippie, Holcomb, Housekeeper,
Hunsecker, Imbrie. lunis, Irwin. Johnson, La
portc, Lebo. Longakcr, Lovott, M'Cnlniont. M'
Carthy, M'Couib, Mangle, Menear, Miller. Mont
gomery, Moorhead. Numieniaeher, Orr, Pearson,
Phelps, Purecll. Ramsey. Read, Reinhold, Riddle.
Roberts. Shenk, Smith" (Cambria.) Smith (Wyo- j
ming.) Thomrton. Vail. Walter. Whallon, Wright. I
(Luzerne.) Ycarslcy, Zimmerman and Wright,
Sjtrater ti'J. j
Nays Messrs. Barry. Clover. Cobourn, Fulton,
Gibboney, Haines. Hancock. Huneker. Ingham,
Lei.-enring. Magee, Manley, Morris, Patterson,
Salisbury and Wintrode 16.
So the question was determined in the affirma
tive. Secretary's Oiticf, i
Ilarrisburg, June 27, 1656. )
Pennsylvania, ss.
1 do eertify that the above and foregoing is a
true and correct eopv of the "Yeas" and -'Xavs"
taken ou the Resolution proposing amendments to
the Constitution of the Commonwealth, as the
same appears on the Journals of the two Houses of
the General Assembly of this Commonwealth for
tho session of IboG.
Witness my hand and the seal of said of
fice, this twenty-seventh day of June,
one thousand eight hundred and fifty
Secretary of the Commonwealth .
July 9, 1856 3m.
IKON ! IRON!! The undersigned has just
received, nt the shop of T. Mills, on the corner
of Lueust and Third streets, in the Borough of
Clearfield, a larjre assortment of liouiut, S'nare
and Flat BAH IKON, of all sizes, which he will
sell at as low prices ns it can be purchased any
where in this county.
The nubscriber ofler for sjIo bin valuable
farm, situate two miles from Ourwcnsyille, on the
River road leading to Lumber City ; said farm con
taining 105 acres, sixty acres cleared, under good
cultivation, tbe balance well timbered; with R
good barn, new plank dwelling house, and a good
bearing orchard thereon, and is well watered. For
further information enquire of tho fsnbseriber liv
tnr on the prcmire. SIMON THOMPSON,
ternary r, l9ra
F. meets every Saturday evening, at H o'
clock, at their Half in Merrell 4 Carter's new boil
d ing on Second street. feb2d
TVOTICE. In the absence of Eli Bloom, Trca
11 surer of Clearfield county, the Books and Pa
pers will be in tho possession of John McPherson,
who will attend to the business at all times.
Clearfield, May 28. 1S56.
JAMES B. fIRAFf A.M. Dealer in SAWED
BOARDS. Ac.,"is prepared to fill, on the shortest
notice, all orders for articles in his line of bnsi.
ncss. on as reasonable terms as they can be Tiro
cured in the county
Graham ptonCienrfield Co.. Jan. 23, 1S56
DOCTOR J. S. LOVE, baring laeated at Dr
It trm ff Ilymant t Store, (Pine Swamp P. O.)
Centre Co., respectfully tenders his professional
services to the public.
The Faculty cf Jefferson Medical College. Phila
Dr. AV. J. Wil-on. Potter Mills. Centre Co.
Ir. J. P. Wilson, Centre Hall, Centre Ce.
Dr. Jas Irwin and Dr. M. Stewsrt, Pino Swamp,
Centre Co. July9-3m.
HO ! FOR IOIVAII The Bndersigned, de
sirous of iroinc West, offers to sell at Drirata
sale, three lots in the village of Murysville, one
nan lnuc cast ol iiearncid urtdge, in Boggs town
ship, having thereon erected a two-story weather
boarded dwellinjr house, sood stable, and a black-
smith shop. The terms, w hich will be reasonabl
can be ascertained by inquiring of the undersign-
vi --rrmuj uji imc premises.
may.-s-ti SAMUEL E. DILLER.
i.1 cation will be mailn to tlio Tj"ij!oli,rA nf
Pennsylvania at its next session, for tho Charter
'i an institution with banking privileges, inclad
1US those f ijfuc. discount and deposite. to be lo
cated at Clearfield. Pennsylvania, under the name
and title of "The Clearjirid Eanl:' with acapita!
of SIuO.oi'O. with the privilege of increasing the
same to S200.UUM.
WM. M'RRII.E." J. F. Wr.AVER,'
Cleai field. June 25. IS56-0ia.
The undersigned weuld respectfully an
nounce to his friends cd the public generally,
that he has opened out a new Wagon-Making E
lablishmcnt in -New Salem City,'' Brady town
ship, where he will at all times be prepared to
manufacture, on the shortest notice all kinds of
Wagons. Carts. Wheelbarrows. Ac. The best ma
terial that can be procured will be used, and hij
work will be made in the most substantial and du
rable manner, such as will bear the test of strict
examination. By a close observance of his busi
ness engagements, and by disposing of his work
on the most reasonable terms, which he will di
for either cash or approved country produce, be
hopes to merit and receive a liberal sharo of pub.
lie custom BEN J . EISHEL.
New Sulcm City. Jan. 16, 155t.
r BAHK subscriber has concluded to dispose of his
X property by making a Gift Distribution, bal
ing Sixteen Hundred Shares, at ONE DOLLAR
A SHAKE. Ho feels satisfied that ho can dis
pose of it in this way to the entire satisfaction of
all who may interest themselves ia the Enterprise.
The drawiug and distribution will bo superintea .
ded by a committee into whose hands the proper
ty will be placed as soon as the tickets are sold.
'Hie committee is composed of the following gen
tlemen Chester Munson. Thomas G.Snyder and
O. P. Wilder. The public are assured that they
can rely upon this committee to wauago every
thing fairly and impartially.
For a list of Gifts, see handbills.
All orders for tickets addressed to the under
signed w ill be promptly attended to.
mayU Kylertown. Clearfield Co.. Pa
T II HE undersigned has received and opened at
A his store in Curwensvillc. the largest and best
selected stock of SPR1XG AXD SUMMER
GOODS ever offered in the county. The assort
ment is very extensive and nearly every article
that inav be wanted can be procured from him.
L-A D J-E-S' D-R-E-S-S G-O-O-D-S, of all
kinds, prices and figures, among which will b
found Silks, Delaines. Brilliants, Lawns, Gingham.
Prints, Parasols. Embroideries. Undersleves. Gui
tars. Cull's. Ribbons, Laces, Fringes. Ladies-Dresa
Buttons and Trimmings, Bonnets. Hosiery of aU
sizes, qualities and colors, and Gloves of every
ALSO. Cloths, Cussimcrcs, Vesting?, Boots and
Shoes, Gaiters and Clippers . Hats and a Stock of
good R EA D Y-MADE CLO TH1XG. Also.
Hardware. Queenswaro, Groceries, Fiah. Salt, ,
always on hard. All the above articles, togeth
er with an abundanco of others, will be sold on
reasonable terms for cash, or exchanged for ap
proved produce.
Tbe public is invited to call and examine the
goods and prices, judge for themselves, acd act ac
cording to their own convictions.
ju nci-VaG II. D PATTON.
1Y the aid of a microscope, wo see-millions of
J little openings on the surface of our bodiea
Through these this Ointment, when rubbed on the
skin, is carried to any organ or inward part, l'u
eascs of tho Kidneys, disorders of the Liver, affeo
tions of the Heart, inflammation of tbe Lungs.
Asthmas. Coughs and Colds, are by its means f
feclually cured. Every housewife knows (bat salt
passes freely through bone or meat of any thick
ness. This healing Ointment far more readily
penetrates through any bone or fleshy part of tha
living body, curing the most dangerous inward
complaints! that cannot be reached by other mean.
No remedy has ever done so much for the car
of diseases of the tkin, whatever form they may
assume, as this Ointment. No case of Salt Rheum.
Scurvy. Sore Heads, Scrvfula or Erysipelas, on
long withstand its influence. Tho inventor ha4
travelled over many parts of the globe, visiting
the principal hospitals dispensing this Ointment,
giving advice as to its application, and has thna
been the means cf restoring countless numbers to
Some of the most scientific- surgeons now rely
solely on the use of this wonderful Ointment, when
having to cope w ith the worst cases of sores, ulcers,
wounds, glandular swellings, and tumors. Profea
60 r Holloway has. by command of the Allied gov
ernments, dispatched to the hospitals of tbo L'nat,
largo shipments of this Ointment, to bo osed un
der tho direction of the Medical staff, in tho worst
cases of wounds. It will cure any ulcer, glandu
lar swelling, stiffneis or contraction of the joints,
even of 20 years' standing.
These and other similar distressing complaint
can be effectually cured if the Ointment be well
rubbed in over the par is affected, and by otherwise
follow ing the printed uirocuona around each pot
Both the Ointment and the Pills should be UStd
in the following cases :
Bunions, Mercurial Eruptions, Swelled Gland.
Bnnip, - Chapped Hands, Stiff Joints,
t'hilblaine, Rheumatism, Ulcers.
Flstnlos, Salt Rheum, Venerial Sore.
Gout, Skin Diseases. Sore Legs,
i,uiunago, w oumis of all kinds, bcahls,
Piles, Sore Breasts.
Scalds. Sores f all kinds. Sore Throat.
Sold at the Manufactories of ProfX-ssor Hol
loway, SO Maiden Lane, New York, and 244 Strand,
London, ami by all rcspectablo Drujgists and Dea
lers of Medicines throughout the United State,
and the civilized world, is. Pot, at 25 cents, 021
cents, and SI each.
OrThere is a considerable saving by taking the
larger sizes.
N. B Direction for lh guidance of patients in
every disorder are affixed to eau pot
April , 1V .1