' B17CHATTAK AND LOW WAGES. On the 22nd January 1840, Mr. Buchanan made a speech in the United States Senate, (Tide Congressional Globe, for Jan. 1840, pp. 135-6, or Nilcs' Register vols. C7 and 08,) ia which the following passages occur : JIn Germany, where the currency is purely roetalic, and the cost of everything is keuco ed to a hard money standard, a piece of broad cloth can be manufactured for fifty dollars, the manufacture of which, in our country from the expansion of paper currency would cost one hundred dollars. What is the consequence 1 The foreign French and German manufacturer imports this cloth into our country and sella it for a hundred. Does not every person per ceive that the redundancy of our currency is equal to a premium of one hundred per cent, iu favor of the manufacturer. ".No tarifl of protection, unless it amounted to prohibition, could counteract these advan tages in favor of foreign manufactures. 1 would to heaven that I could arouse the atten tion of every manufacturer ot the nation to this important subject. "What is the reason that, with all these ad vantages and with the protective duties which our laws afford to the domestic manufacture of cotton, we cannot obtain exclusive possession of tho home market, and successfully contend for the markets of the world? It is simply because we manufacture at the nominal prices of our own inflated currency, and are compel led to sell at the real prices of other nations. RiDCCE Oca KOXIXAL STANDARD OF PRICES THKOt onorT the world, asd toc cover oca COCSTBT WITH BLESSINGS AND BENEFITS. "The comparative low prices of France and Germany have afforded such a stimulous to their manufacture. that they are now rapid' ly extending themselves, and would obtain possession, in no small degree, even of the English home market, if it were xot for their protective iiTiES. While British man ufactures are now languishing, those of the continent are springing into a healthy and vigorous existence." Having thus given -nr. Buchanan s own smooth and polished language, let us sec what is the meaning of it ia plain English, when he says "reduce our nominal standard of prices throughout the whole world, and you cover the country with blessings and benefits. " Now, what did Sir. Buchanan mean by this language, if he meant anything, but that oar standard of prices should be reduced to that of the hard money currency of Enrope J And what is the European standard then, to which he desired our own to be reduced 1 Accord ing to the best authorities on that subject, Porter's Progress and Wade's History of the Middle and Working Classes, two recent pub lication's, containing statistics collected by the British Government, the standard of pri ces for labor in Europe' is as follows : Wage i France. Calais common laborers 7d, per day, with board, and without dwel ling; Boulogne, od. per day, do. do. ; .Nantes, cd, per day, without board and without dwel ling ; Marseilles. 4d.to 7d. per day .with board and without dwelling. The food ia some dis tricts "consists in rye bread, soup, made of -;.-m f ."T Indian corn, now and oviuc oj.il provisions ana vegetates, Jy, if ever.butcher's meat." In others "wheat n bread, soup iua nitt. -.H.tu.. little grease or lard twice a-day, potatoes, or omer vegetaoics, but seldom butcher's meat." Sweden. "The daily wages of a skilled ag- jn.unurisi are iu. ur eu. ; Willie ine unskilled btam no more than 3d. or 4d. and board themselves. Agriculturists ia the southern provinces live, upon salt fish and potatoes ; in the northern provinces, porridge and rye bread iorm meir iood." Bavaria "Laborers are paid at the rale of chi. per day, in the country." without board. Belgium. "A skilled artizan may cam, in Summer, Is. 2. to Is. 5d. ; in Winter, from lOd. to Is. 2d. ; unskilled, half as much.with- out board ; live upon rye bread, potatoes, and ran. Agricultural laborers have less. Germany. "Dantzig, laborers, 4Jd. to 7d. jci uj, wimooi ooara; .M.umrurg, id. per day, without board; Holstein, 7d. per dav, wunoui ooara. Netherlands. South Holland laborers, Cd to 4d.pcr day, with board; .North Holland -0J. per day, without board ; Antwerp 5d. per day, do. ; West Flanders, G6s, to 101s. per per y ear, wun ooara." Italy. "Trieste laborers, 12d. per day, with out ooara ; do. td. per day,with board ; Istria . to iUd. per day, without board : do. 4d. to O-i. per day, with board ; Lombardy, 4d. to Sd a day, do ; Genoa, 5d. to 8d. per day, do, and wituout lodgings Tuscany, Cd. per dav,with out either." iaxony. "In 1S37 a mm employed, in his own loom working very diligently from Mon day morning to Saturday night, from 5 o'clock in tho morning until dusk, and even at times with a lamp, his wife assisting him in finishing and taking him the work, could not possiblv cam more than 20 groschen f about CO cents' per week. Nor could one who had 3 children aged 12 years and upwards, all working at the loom as well as himself, with his wife employ vi uomg up me wors, earn in tnc whole nioro than $1 weekly." These are facts which speak for themselves This is the doctrino of James Buchanan, in IS 40. Ten cents Aa about the average stand ard of European labor. And it ia to thi standard he wished ours to be reduced. How do you like it, yo honest laboring men of Pennsylvania 7 TERMS. The JorasAL is published every We.lrrsflar at Oxe Dollar axu finr Cents per annum in u auT., ui A. n If iULLAHIi Vt i L 11 1 II year. Advertisements inscrtcdatcftvcentsnersmi-im of twelve line?, for the first, and twenty-five cents toreacn aaoi uonai insertion. A liberal deductio made to those who advertise by the year. - The 'Terms' will be stTietlv adhered to. ' No piper discontinued without payment of ar- rearagea, aniess at the option ct the publisher. lOK SALE, TWO BUILDING LOTS in th JL borough of Clearfield ; several BUILDING LOTS and .PASTURE AXD WOOD LOTS, contain ing from three to ten acres each, near the borough ot Clearfield. Also several desirable FARMS and pieces of TIMLER LANP, m various parts of the county. Terms accommodating. Applvto L. JACKSON CRANS, April 16,T3S5. Clearfield, Pa. VIH TOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby -t; given to all persons interested in the distri bajion of moneys in the hands of Joseph M'CIar ren, Guardian of Morgan, minor child of Tho mas Morgan, late of Decatur township, Clearfield county, dee'd. that Friday the 15th day of August, 1850, at my office in Clearfield, has been appointed as the time and place of auditing accounts, and making distribution of the proceeds aforesaid July 2, 1356. E. S. DUNDY, Auditor. STRAY MARE. A black mare with white stripe down the face, supposed to be about 5 yearr old, was found t res-passing on the enclosed, improved lands, of ths subscriber. in Curwenville, Clearfield county, on or about the 7th of Jane, in stant. . The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay chargos, and take her awav, or she will be disposed of as the law directs. S O. Pi'LES. Cnrwemnrille, June 2b, lS55-2m : c. purviance, AMBROTYPIST A DAGUERREOTTPIST, CLEARFIELD, T A. Gallery at his resided on 2d Street, one door South cf"Merrcll and Carter s Tin-ware establish mcnt, junelS'oS AY TB-BAY. ANDTRBST TB-MQRROW. 1 8 5 0. milE OLD CORXER STORE OF X A. M. HILLS, IS JUST NOW BEING CRAMMED with a choice selection of seasonable goods, AT THE PURCHASERS OWN PRICES. READY-MADE CLOTHING in great variety and of the choicest qualities. A large variety 01 cnoice uuiuas iiiv, nun-u will be sold at city prices. Some beautiful CHAPE and hammer lUiuciiAr. Shawls, which will be sold very low. LOOTS A SHOES in groat variety, lower than they have ever been offered in this county. r.a-M,l uu ury exircuicjjr tun 111 pi mv, aim vi the most beautiful patterns. CALICOES at 10 CENTS per yard, warranted fast colors and full width. PLEASE CALL and examine MY STOCK before purcha-n'ngelseirhere. R-L-A-l)-Y P-A-Y is my motto, ana l am tuny ,ieiernnnca 10 srti a 1-I-T-T-L-a is-u-tr-n-K man ann nneeise, notwithstanding "20 ct, Jeans -worth 40." All kinds of marketing, boards and shingles ta ken in exchange for goods. N. B. A few beautiful Gold Brooches and Gent' Ereast-pins, gold and silver bnnting-case patent lever watches, AC, very low lor the Keaay nmno P. S- Jastcall at yonr leisure. I've got goods enough to do vou all. so that one can tgeta-neadol another. iunell.'56-if. " A. M. HILLS. J NEAV GOODS! SPRING AND SU.HMER GOODS ! milE subscriber has jut received a large and A well selected stock of new goods of almost evcrv descriutiun suitable for the season. He re spectfully invites all who wish to buy good Goods at ths lowest prices to call at tnc sign oi uie "CHEAPEST GOODS." Approved country produce taken in exchange for goods. Persons wishing to purchase, and roeeive a lair equivalent fur their money, wiil do well to give cnu a caii. Kemember the sign of the CHEAPEST GOODS on Market street, and Cill and bo convinced that there is truth in the words thereon inscribe-!. WM. r. IRWIN. Clearfield. Fa., may 14, lf IMPORTANT NEWS PEACE DECLARED ITJ EUROPE!! By the Litest arrivals from Kurove frill E important intelligence has been received A that Peace i3 about beicg declared. This has had the effect of reducing prices on not only pro visions, but upon Goods of all descriptions. I ho undersigned have, therefore, taken advantage of this propitious time to purchase an extensive and well selected stoca ot SPRING AND SV.M.MER GOODS, which they are determined to sell at the most rea sonable prices. J heir stock is extensive, embrac ing EVERY VARIETY and STYLE of LADIES' and GENTLEMEN 'S WEAR, to which they would call the attention of the citizens of Curwcnsville and surrounding country. They have connected with their establishment a BOOT AND SHOE MAXUFACTUR F.which is under the superintendence of the well-known Joseph Williams. They will thus be enabled to supply their customers and all others with every vanetv.pt Uvoti attit hots at as reasonable pr work will be made in the neatest and most dura- Ki mannov. wKii-h will recommend itself. All of our stock will be disposed of CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST f..r CASH, nil kinds of Lumber, Country Frodiice. Hide. e . Ac. apr9-3m MONTELI US A TEN EYCK. EDWARD MOSTELirS. WILLIAM TEN FYCK AWS THE TIME FOB BARGAINS NEW GOODS AND NEW PRICES !! "Quick sales and small profits'.'."'' HAVING just returned from the East, I would inform my old customers and the public in general, that I am now receiving and opening at my "old stand" a splendid assortment of Spring and Summer Goods, which I will tell a little lower than any goods heretofore sold in Clearfield, a niong which will be found MANTILLAS, a large assortment at exceedingly low pries. SILJCS, at from 70 cents to 1.25 cents per yard. GINGHAMS, at from 11 cents to 2j cei.ts per yd. CALICOES, at from 5 cents to 12 cts per yard. SHAWLS a good article of Shawls, at from 621 cents to $10, each. BONNETS a laree lot at from 50 cents to Si"3 LADIES' GAITEKS for 1,50 worth 62. " Boots, shoes and Slippers at from 62 cents to 1.25 cents per pair. LADIES' will please call, as I have almost eve rything in their line, at extraordinary low rates. GENTS' Boots, Shoes and Gaiters at very low r?tc-.. MUSLINS, at from 6 to 12 cents a yard. JEANS, at 20 cents a yard worth 40. CLOTHS Black, Blue, Olive, Green, and other colors, very cheap. CASSIMEKES Black and a variety of Fancy colors of tho latest styles. VESTING3 a great variety of fancy and plain. SUMMER CLOTHS, CasMmeres, Trimmings, and in short, a variety of almost all sorts of Gentlc mens' and boys' wear. Call soon, while you can havo an opportunity to select from the whole stock. All tho above, and a great variety of other goods can be purchased at the very lowest prices FOB CASH, as I have determined not to be undersold. may2l'58 RICHARD MQSSOP. ,QUEENSWARE A superior lot of Fancy and Common Quecnsware now opening and for sala at the most rpasnn.ihln ni-ii at the store of RICHARD MOSSoP. rT HATS! HATS !! Richard Mossop isnow ro cciving and opening a fine lot of Spring , and Summer Hats of the latest stvles, which ho will sell at prices from 12i cents to 5.00. I 'nwnn-ui; i.uuu X'onars worta of 1 rf -i T rT-Tl t , Ann n .. 1 ces, at the cheap store of may 21 RICHARD MOSSOP. garFISH ! FISH !! Superior Mackerel and fcjgjlj Codfish ju?t received and opening at the cheap Cash storo of Richard Mo?-op in aearfielJ- may 21 oG I LiAClv, Imperial and Young Hj3on , Teas of the best quality to bo had at the lowest each price at MOSSOP'S. HARDWARE and Cuttlery just received and now oponing at Mossop "s cheap cash store in Clearfield may21 UMBRELLAS and Parasols, a largo assortment of the latest patterns, to bo had cheap at my21:56 MOSSOPS. "TOLASSES Beat Syrup at 00 cents a gallon at ITX t may 21 MOSSOP'S. A A R ttrr 0f erery. description for sale I at a moderate advance at mayU'56 WM. F. IRWIN'S. .llSII. A lot of superior Mackerel and7 JL Herring, just received and for sale bv"1" mnvl 11 Wf V H:VIV Jrl J J -- - A-.. BACON ! On hand and for sale, a lot of first rato Hams, Shoulders and Sides, at the sign of the "CHEAPEST GOODS." THE BEST TWO-HORSE CARRIAGE in Clearfield county for sale low for cash by i"ne25 A. M. HILLS. fWTflAn LONG SHINGLES wanted by A. UJJAjynj M. Hills, at his store, for which the highest market price will be raid In Goods at the lowest prices in the county. june2i-tf lV"OTICE. All persons are hereby cautioned ll against purchasing or in any way meddling with a certain span of horses, now in possession oi Samuel Sunderlln on my place, in Ben townsuip, they belons to me. ana lie nan mem on loan. 3 ' JAMES M. KELLY Glen Hope, Jnce 21, !S36.-jj2-3t IOR. SALE. The sabscriDcr oners ior saie . his farm, containing about 62 acres,with a- bout 25 acres cleared and under good cultivation, having thereon erected one 2-story house and oarn, situated one ana ajnau mncs ano-re uar- field town, opposite the new bridge, ior terms apply to the subscriber on the premises. may 14 tt nun. JUST RECEIVED, A SPLENDID ASSORT MENT OF NEW 1500ICS, STATIONARY, nTa ATtTTCT.ES. CONFECTION AKIES. XU- BACC0 CIGARS, and DRUGS of all kinds, at ROBINS' LITEKARY DEPOT, SHAWS ROW. Clearfield. Pa. THE latest publications always on hand, or pro cured to order. Putnam. Godey. Graham, House hold Words, Leslie's Fashions, Harper. Peterson, and all the other Magatines furnished Monthly at Publishers' Prices. - . He would csDeciallv call the attention of lovers of the weed' to his largo stock of tobacco and ci gars, which cannot be surpassed in this region, consisting of the best quality of '-Natural Leaf," Jilack jrat, '-cavendish," -congress, ana other tobaccos: Havana, Regalia, Principe. Plan tation, Spanish, Half-Spamsh. and 4-A few more left" cigars. Also a good stock of "pipes" and "fine-cut." He would al?o call attention to the fact that he has just opened a large assortment of DRUGS, CHEMICALS, AND DYE STVETS. which he will sell cheaper than any other estab lishment in the County. THOMAS POBINS. November 14. ln.5. VEW GOODS: The undersigned has just rc i 1 ccived a laree assortment of NtJW GOODS, at his store in KAJi T HA US, which he offers fr salo cheap for cash f-r country produce. TJt . r. . JILKATIIALI. September 5. ls55. v I EXCHANGE INSl'KANCE COMPANY, JL No. 11, Merchants' Exchange, rntLADtiiflHA. Ihi3 Company, with an ample Capital, well se cured, is prepared to effect Insurances in Clear field, nnd a-ljoinin? Counties, on terms as liberal as consistent with the safetv of the Company. jno. Mcdowell. Jr.. Oct. 3. l'.'.Vl Scrretary. CABINET MAKING The undersigned J would respectfully inform the public, that he has taken the old stand oppofito the MethodLd Church. Known as M O K K O W S S II 0 r. where he keeps constantly on hand and manufac ture? t" order. evry variety of Household and Kitchen sTurM'-mniT)?? if' such as Tables. Bureaus, Safes, Stands Cuplxard, Eoias, jcuieaus, o:c., 01 everv sivie ana variety. JOSHUA JOHNSON. Clearfield, Pa., Ang. 1355. TVEW FIRM MEEBELL & CARTER would J." inform the. public, that they have just open- u an extensive COPPER, TIN AND SHEET-IRON WARE MANUFACTORY, On Second Street ia the borough of CLEARFIELD.- whero they are prepared to'furnish at reduced pri ces, every variety of articles in their line. i-tccl. Bar-iron, nails, Steves of every variety 1 loughs ana larming utensils, pumps or every escrtption. stove pipe, patent sausage cutters baud -' rans Kept constantly on All orders for eastings for Flour ainis.onw .....-. c. win be tbankXully received snd promptly at tennea to. IIOl'SE SPOUTING DONE TO ORDER ihey are also prepated to receive every varie ty of article on commission, at a low per-centagc. O. U. MERKELL. L. K. CARTER. Clearfield. Sept. 19. 13."5 Tv. TA AVID S. PLOT -I-' his old friends a oota ined the services TXKlt Respectfully informs and the public, that he has oota ined the services of a rood Cutter and work man as a foreman in the tailoring business, and he is now prepared to attend to any orders in his Line of work on the most accommodating terms.and short notice, and will have clothing on hand at all times, such as dress coats, frock coats, vests, and pantaloons of their own manufacture, and good material at the lowest prices. ltu a wuh to ac commodate, he solicits a share of patronage. New Washington. May 9, 1S55. Jr. NELSON & CO., j)iunit Twuxliip, Clearfield CV, Pa., Would respectfully inform the citizens of that vi cinity that they Keep constantly ou hand a large assortment of Dry Goods, ILird-ll'are, QueeHstrare, Groerries, Cutifeetionaries, Hats ie Caps, Boots Shoes, and all other articles usually kept in a country store, which they are determined to sell low for cash, country'produee, or lumber. August 1, lo55. INSTATE OF JOHN SCOTT, DEC'D. i The heirs and legal representatives of Sarah, (interninrried with George Williams.) Mary, (in termarried with William Williams,) Rachel, (in termarried with Jesse Wbippoe.) Patience, (inter married with John Clark.) and Sarah, (intermar ried with Richard Curry.) daughters of John Scott, late of Jordan township, deceased, and leg atees under his last will and testament, will please take notic i that I have appointed Tuesday, July 22d, 1-S06, at 10 o'clock! A.M., for the purposo of meeting with them at my office, in tho borough of Clearfield, to settle and adjust their respective claims against said estato. L. JACKSON CRANS, junclS'So Adm'r. d. b. n. et c. t- a. ESTATE OF JOHN SCOTT, DEC'D. In the matter of the partition of tho real estato of said docedent. And now September, 22, 1853, on motion of W. A. Wallace, Esq., attorney for petitioners, L. Jackson Crans, Esq. was appoin ted Auditor, to apportion the moucy3 coming to the respective panics in interest. Attest WILLIAM PORTER, Clerk of the Orphans' Court. IN pursuance of ihe above appointment. I have fixed, Tuesday, July 22, 1356, at 2 o'clock. P. M., to meet the parties interested at my office in the borough of Clearfield. L. JACKSON CRANS, junelS'jQ Auditor. A D.MINISTRATORS NOTICE Where X. as Letters of Administration on the Estate of NATHANIEL HUGHES, late of Chest township. Clearfield County, Pa., dee d, have been granted to tho undersigned, all persons indebted to said estato are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will present them, properly authenticated for settle ment, to ROBERT HUG HES, JOHN MAHAFFEY, May 23, IS5f 6t. Administrators. A MONEY MAKING TRADE FOR ONE DOLLAR. JEFFRIES S MANUAL OF PROFITABLE t USEFUL TRADES, ARTS AND OCCUPATIONS WITHOUT A MASTER, IS NOW READY FOR SALE. -This isone of the most valuable little books Of tho times, to all persons out of employment, as a number of money making trades and arts, can be learned without a master, beside all tho genu ine and popular receipts, and instructions of the day, for tho manufacture of the most beneficial, and saleable articles, now in common use. Any pcrt-on forwarding one dollar post-paid, to C. JEF FRIES, Jef.is, Clearfield Co.. Pa., or to A. II. Bauman, Tyrone, Blair Co., Pa., will receive a copy by return mail. And any person forwarding twenty-five cents, post paid, to C. Jkpfbies, will receive by return mail, one of the three following instructions: How to make tho celebrated artificial Hosev. How to raise double crops, of all kinds of vegeta bles, with little expense, and how to catch all tho Wolves, Foxes, Minks and Muskrats in the neigh borhood. Any person forwarding fifty cents, will receive the whole three by return mail. June 4, 1356 ly. AK. WKIUIi I , JIEKC'IIAN 1. ASD JiWiX.. . SIVE DEALER IN LUMBER, Second Street one door south of his residence, Clearfield, Pa. Clearfield. March 1. lbaa. '-. XjEMOAL: Ihe nndersigccd. begs leave to inform his fricnis thst h has removed his BOOT AND SHOE ST0SE, from "Shaw's Row," to his new building, opposite the Office of James ngly. and two doors soui: 01 the Ofllce G. R. Bamett, Esq. Ho still kecrs constantly on hands, every varie ty of Ladies slippers, gaiters, pumps. c. Mens fancy shoes and gaiters, with an excellent assort ment of heavy work, all alspted to the various wants of the people of Clearfield. He hopes his friends will call at his NEW STORE, and ex amine his Stock. Boots and Shoes made to order, and mending done as heretofore. ISAAC JOHNslC.N. Clearfield. June 27, l.-5. GCXICII & IJENJNtlE, would respectiuiiy inform the citiienswf Clearfield, and public generally that they have untered into co-partner- hip in the 1 fsnrvTT 717.4 ICTTVG BUSINESS. and keep constantly on hands, and manufacture to order, at the lowest prices, every variety of turniture, consmung Dining, Breakfast, and Centre Tables, Sewing, Writing, and Wath-Stawls, Mahogany, and, Common Bed-slcads ; Mahoironv and Cane-bottomed Chairs, Bureaus, Sofas. Lounges, Ac Ac. CofUns made and funerals attended on tne short est notice, with a neat hearse, and appropriate accompany ments. Iluiise 1'ainting aone on me snoncsi nonce. StllfL. Oil d War-rriiiii. same as formcrlv occupi ed by John Guliuh, mcarly opposite the -Jew Store,' Clearfield. Pa JOHN (il'LM'H. May 22, 55.-ly. DANIEL UENNLK. Cast your Brrat upon the Waters, for after many ilays y thai I dud it. A Certain Cure for all Eheumatio Fains. kos't covdemx bit tkv it. it cas xot Fall.. E. C. ALLEN'S CONCENTRATED ELECTRIC PASTE, ASD ARABIA TAIS EXTRACTOR. FOH MAS 4 HORSE. Copyright lecnrrd arcordinir to fjatr. FMAL J A It ftrt CENTS, LARGE JAR SI. riII E Electric Paste acts upon the Muscles.Ten X dens, and upon the whole nervous system, re moving torpidity and producing a healthy action f theuood. There being bo volatile matter in it composition, it remains in action nntil it accom r lishcs i?3 work. It cannot Ioe its strength, and is altogether harmlcs.. its constituent parts being entirely vezetaoie. "WHAT WILL IT CURE? We answer RhcnmMic Pair.s. when everything else fails. Cramps, Cholie. Coughs. Chilblains, Burns. Scalds, t-prains. Headache, toothache. .""Wei lings. Bruises. Sores. Kinirworiu. Tetter. Stiff Joints, Contracted Chord?, Fresh Cus.Ulccrated Sorcs.and all Scrofulous Diseases where external remedies can he iwed. Sore Throats. SiilT Necks, 4c. WHAT IT WILL CURE for Horses nnd Cattle. Sweeny. Spavin. Fistulas. Poll Evil, Windfalls, Ulcers. Cholie. Sprains. Collar and Saddle Cialls. Stone Bruises. Stiff Joints, Vertigo, Splints and Kunnine r-ores. !P"None genuine bnt those having the words ';E. C. Allen's Concentrated Electric Paste, or Ara bian Pain Extractor, Lancaster, Pa.. " blown in the bottle J"Look out for counterfeits. Don't for- ect to ask for ALLEN'S. Letters tpon business, address, E. C. Allen, care of If. A. Rockafield 4 Co., Lancaster, Pa. CyFor sale at the Drug Store of Charles D Watson. Clearfield, Pa., and countrvTstorekeepers and Druggi.-d throughout thcStato may2l'Si-!y TVEW ARRIVAL. 11 A. Sf J. PATCH IN, Have just received a new and splendid assort ment of Goods the best that was ever brought in to the upper end of Clearfield Connty. They in vite their friends and the public generally to give t ... -t V . til f goods usually kept in a Country Store Come and examine our stock wo charge noth ing fur the exhibition. AARON PATCIIIN, JACKSON PATCHIN. Bnrnside. Nov. 23, 18jj. A VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. . I desire to sell my property in Tyrone City, Blair Co. Pa., commonly known as the Tyrone City Hotel. Comprising as follows: One large three story brick house. Sixty fect, two fronU, and finished ofT in complete style. A largo and extensive stable, an excellent wash house and other necessary out-buildings. There is also, on the same Lots, one frame house, with out-buildintrs attached, now renting for one hun dred and thirty dollars per annum. The whole stands upon three valuable Lots as in the plot of said town, and affords several very ciigiblo loca tions for store, offices. Ac., I c. The whole will be sold on reasonable terms. And to any person, de siring an investment, or (--peculation, now is the chance. Private reasons cause me to sell this val uable proper'y, which is every dv increasing ia K. loqune oi l&len uuyer, or th subscrir J. D. STEWART. Tyrone City, Sept. 13, lSo.-ti. X A DIES' Handkerchiefs, all Linneu. forssle by -i June 13. R. MOSSOP. "jVEH" HOTEL: The old :Skbkim: Uocse,' at il NEW WASHINGTON, has been re-opened and re-littcd by the undersign ed, who respectfully solicits a share of public pat ronage. Ho is well provided with hou.c room and good stabling, and intends keeping a Temperance House, at which he will always endeavor to make his guests feel at home. JOHN SHETTEB. August 1, 1855. tf. N J E W A R R I V A L. The undersigned has just received a large stock of NEW GOODS, adapted to the season, consisting of DRY GO'DS, GROCERIES, QUEENMV RE, HARDWARE. CONFECTION ARIES, NAILS, HOLLOW-WARE, CEDER-WABE, Ac, Ac. JAMES B. GRAHAM. Grahamton. Aug. 22, 13j5. NEW HOTEL, AT LUMBER, CITY, Cl.EAKFtEI.D CO., I'A. riHIE undersigned would respectfully inform X the pnblie, that ho has just opened a NEW HOTEL, at Lumber City, where he is prepared to entertain all who may give him a call. Extensivo Stabling attached to the premises an attentive ostler always in atUndance. L. W. TEN EYCK. Lumber Citv. Dec. 1S55. H O! FOR THE TEMPLE OF HO NOR BRADIN .V M - ti I 11 A" .sv TUT, C0PPEB, & SHEET-IE0H WARE MANUFACTORY, PHILIPSBURG, PA. BRADIN A M'GIRK have just opened an exten sive Tin, Copper, A- Sheet-Iron. Ware Mimtjartn ry, where they are at all times prepared to supplv customers with every conceivable article from the smallest Coffee pot spout to tho longest ripe ima ginable. They will do both a WHOLESALE A RETAIL business, and will at all times have on hand a largo assortment of ready-made ware. HOUSE SPOUTING done to order, on the shortest notice, and put up iu a neat, substantial manner. STOFES, STOVE-PIPE, $ KETTELS, of every variety kept constantly on hand. They will furnish to order any of the following Cook Stoves, vix : Tho William Penn, Quecu ot" the West, tho Atlantic, and Cook-Complete, all of which are suitable for both wood and coal.' Among the Parlor Stoves will bo found the "Lady Washington," the ' Excelsior," 'Home Parlor ' Ac Produce of all kinds taken in exchange- tit gooii. A. A. BRADIN. JNO. D. M'GIRK October 24, 1855.-tf. GROCERIES. Just received aud now fSQsj opening, a general aior ment of "7ffl choiee groceries, which will be sold at tbekj i Joweit cash prices at . . WJI. IMIiWIN . PROFESSIONAL. JITEDICAL PARTNERSHIP. Dr. Henry 11. Lorain, having associated with him, in the practice of Medicine, Dr. J. G. Hartswick, they ofTer their Trofeesional services to the citiiens of Clearfield and vicinity. They will attend to pro fessional calls at all hours, and in all season. Dr. Hartswick will bo found during the day at their office opposite Dr. Lorain's residence, and at night, at the house of Mr. Richard Mossop. Clearfield, June IP. 156 HBITHKR SWOOPE, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Clearfield. Pa. Office in Graham's Bow, next door to Journal office. April 1$ tf. rfiiios. J. Mx-cv i.i.oruii, attorney ai A L KS and DISTRICT ATTORNEY, Clearfield, Pa max be found at his office in Shaw s Row, four doors west of the '-Mansion House." Deeds and other legal instruments prepared with prompt ness and accuracy. I Feb. 13 ly.. r JACKSON CRANS, Ldm ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLEABFIELD, PA. Office adjoining his residence, on Second :-f. August 1. IS.jo. w T A. WALLACE, ATTORNEY AT LAW CLE A.B FIELD, PA. f3ce nearly opposite the Court House. August I, 155. JR. M'ENALLY, A T TO R NE Y A T LA I V. CLEARFIELD, PA. Practice in Clearfield and adjoining counties. g 'ffice nearly opposite -Journal"' office, in Shaw's Low August 1. lSji. S. Dl'NDY, U A TTORNEY A T LA W, CLEARFIELD, FA. Ofilce in tho rKin adjoining on the West, the Store of "m. F. Irin. August 1, liii. D O. CROUCH, PHYSICIAN, office in Cur- weusville. May 1 1, lS.u-tf TR. M. WOODS, tenders his professional ser JL-T vices to the citizens ot Clearheld and vicini ty. Residence on Second street, opposite the of fice of I. Jackson Crans, where he can be found unless absent on professional business. Clearfield. May 11. ISitj Jin. JOHN II. MULLEN, PHYSICIAN, Fnnejttrtlle. Clearfield County, Pa., Having rented the property and situation of Dr F. Hoops, tenders his professional service to the citizens of Frenchville, and vicinity. Office, one door cast of Luts s store, Ircachville. May 22, 'jj.-t?ui DR. li. F. AKLEY. PHYSICIAN, Grahanitnw. Clearfield Couitv. Pa., tenders his professional services to the inhabitants of Orabamton and surrounding country he can at ail tunes be found at Lis Olhce, directly oppo site Mr. J. B. Graham's store, when not proles sionally engaged. Ay. 1. 25. A. M. HILLS, D. D. S. OfEce adjoin ing his Store. Clearfield. Pa. Artifi cial Teeth, from one to a full set. moun ted in the most approved modern stvle. Filling, Filing, and Cleaning done with care and neatness. Teeth extracted with all the care and dispatch modern science can lurnish. DR. HILLS, can alwavs be found at his office. as he iii now devoting his whole attention to his profession. f June 20. '55. ciearnciu co..ra., win attend promptly to collee tions. acknowledging Deeds, Ac. Befekexces. Hon. G. R.Barrett, Wm. A. Wal lace, Clearfield; Ex-Gov. Wm. Eirrlcr. Philad Hon. David Barclay, Punxsutawney ; Hon. G. W. eigler. lirookville; il in. J. Hurnside. Bellcfonte1 W71XCHANUE HOTEL, PHILIPSUURCJ -- Ihe subscriber, thankful for past favors, would respectfully solicit a continuance of the lib eral patronago bestowed upon his House by the l utiiic lie is prepared to aeeoniiuouato. water men, editors, drovers, aud all others who may call i . -i . - wiiu mm, in iue very oet manner. He also purposes to run a line of Hacks from Tyrono to Clearfield, for the accommodation of the travelling public. J. G. BUNK. Philpsburg. March It. l?D5.-tf. L'V MILL At thcOld Pioneer Mills on the J. 1 .Moshannon. in Morris township. The sub scriher hasjut completed a large new Grist Mill, which is in sueccssful operation. Grain of all kinds bought, stored, and sold on commission. Doc. 27. "!. HENRY 5ROE. COOT) Xr.WS ! Whclcsa!e Store opesod iu M Tyrona City, whero anybody who wants cheap goods can purchase. The'subs-.-riber hasjst opctiwd a larse and well selected stork of Goods in T Y R O N E CITY, Corner cf Logaa and Juniata Sts. He has on hands and will cunitaouiy keep a large stock of Dry (loo-Is, Groceries, Hals, Cups, Z?., Shoes, Clothing. Hardware. Qtttensicare Drugs, PROVISIONS of nil kinds, consisting of Potatoes, Bacon, Fruit. Deans. Flour, Wheat, Corn meal. Ac.. Ae. ALSO, RYE, OATS, CORN, &c. And he hereby gives notice that he will sell his goods as low a3they can be purchased in anv town or county this side of Philadelphia, and will take Boards. Shingles, or even money in csehanre. July 4, '55.) F. M. BELL. r-IOIXG IT ALONE. The undersigned hav V.T ing taken to himself the store formerly own ed by PatchiuA Swan, takes pleasure in informing his frieu ls and the public generally, that ho has jut received from thecity a splendid assortment of Dry Goods, Hardware, Queensware. Groceries. Confectionaries. Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, and every thing else usually kept in a country store. Persons wishing to buy cheap and good Goods should not forget that he is determined not to be undersold by r any store inthe countv. His niotlo id '-a nimble penny rathe than a slow six pence " g. c TATCIIIN. Olen Hope. July 5, 1351. TP3TANT TO HOUSEKEEPERS and X 1RUIT GROWERS. ABTHUBS PAT eat Air-Tight Self-Sealing Cans and Jars, for Preserving Fresh Fruits, &c This invention for which a patent has been obtained, commends it self to the attention of Housekeepers and others, on account of its great simplicity, and the effectu al manner in which it accomplished a very desi rable and useful object The cans and jars are constructed with a chan nel around the mouth, nerr the top, into which the cover fits loosely. This channel is filled with a very adhesive cement, prepared for the purpose and allowed to harden. In order to seal the ves sel hermetically, it is only wetrxary to heat the eov,r slightly, atui pri tt into place. It may be opened with as much ease as it is closed, by slight ly warming the top. The ordinary tin cans, used for the same purpose for which this is intended cannot be closed, as is well known without the aid of a tinnsr; are difficult to open, and are generally so much injured iu opening aa to be unless for future service. By this simple contrivance, the process of her metical sealing is placed conveniently . within the CK.,eV?-7 indivilual; and fruit, vegetables th ,K ef lt. Pr?Pery rrepared) may 1 kept, with their natural flavor unimpaired, tor an in definite length of time. For sale by . .. MERRELL'A CARTER. Clearfield, Sept. 19, isia tf. ROOKING and PARLOR STOVES, for sale iu e .c,u.rwe&sviUo, at the storo of lb'3 li. p. rATTpy. A LARGE lot or Family Grocries just receiving atMoFsop'sin Clearfield. may 21 APS of all kinds and at all prices to be had at BROOK. TYSON REUN aolesal Dry Good's Store, No. 145, Market Street, Pbilaiei. phia. - ' Aog. 1. 13 -ly. AT. LANE A CO. Wholesale Clethin; Stora No. 171, Market Street. Every variety cf read y made Clothing, in the most fashionable y! constantly on hand. I Aug. 1,- nEORGE J. WEAVER A CO.. No. 19 North Wa tor KtrMt VhiI-ula.lni.Lii- DeaJers in Cm.. chain. Yarn, Manilla and Hemp F.op. LVd-cotJj ; Clothes-lines, Ac., Ae. JAug l.li55.-ly . r:AC M. ASHTO.V. Hat Stor, No 172 Market St., Philadelphia. Hats, Caps, Furs. Ac. cf every variety, and tho best quality aiwsyi on band. ' - lAag. I, lja.-iy. GEORGE Y. COLLADAY, Conveyancer and Land Agent, No. 3. Goldsmith's II all. -Philadelphia, will faithfully attend to all business entrusted to his care. fAug. 1. lS13.-ly. CALEB COPE A CO. No. 183, Market St., Phila delpbia. Dealers in Linens, White Goods, Ho siery, French, English and German Silk Goods, La ces. Gloves. Bolting Cloths. Ae. ng 1, '55.-ly. BEIDI.EMAN A HAY WARD Wholesale Gro wers. Tea Dealers, and Commission Merchant No. 273, Market Street, Philadelphia. - - D. Br.lDF.LMAN, Aug I.lS5j.-Iy. . A. hAltf AEH, Y7TLLIAM S. n AN SELL A SON, Mannf.e T T turers and Importers of Saddlery, and Sad dlery Hardware. No. 2d Market Street, BailaJrl- phia. saddles, tfndles. Harness, lrunkj. Whips Saddle Bags, Bridle Filling, Bits, Stirrups. Puckles Carpet Bags. ect. Aug. 1. '55.-.Iy HOOD A CO Extensive Dry-goods Dealers, No, is? M..l . v:t Pkii.j.ik;. L- . ly on hand a large, splendid, and cheap clock of .i . i- i - , . , - . tue lavsi iiMiioDaute auu eiegaui gooas. . i ary in - rtt. IHinntrv XfrVi an t i A j.ll a rwl .utrln. tk.i. splendid assortment, before purchasing elsewhere. August 1, ISai.-Iy . " F RISMUTH 4 BROTHER, WHOLESALE TOBACCO DEALERS, . -No. 105 N. Third Street' five doors below Raca Nov. 29. 'hi -ly PaiLADri.rniA. CO WELL & CO., 176 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA; " ; W boi.es 4le Dealers in Hits. Caps, Furs. S, e. between 5th and 6th St, Philadelphia! -Jan. 17, 1S55. MARTIN, MORRELL ft CO., (Late OLIVER MARTIN A CO.) Importers and Dealers in HOSIERY. TRIM. MINGS. COM BS. BRUSHES. FANCY GtODS.Ac Vo. 24 North Fourth Street. Philadelphia. M. T. MARTIN. CHAS. 11. HAMKKK DAM L J. M0RBELL, G. R. PEDDLE. Dec, a, '5-1 . SANDBSON K. MARTIN. RUSSELL & SCIIOTT, Nos. 138 Market St., 5 Kerch ant St.. PHILADELPHIA. Importers and Wholesale Dealers in - DRUGS, CHEMICALS, 4c . They respectfully invite their Cleafield friend to give them a call. Uan. 17. :53.-Iy. HARRIS, ORBISON ft CO., WHOLESALE DBTJGGISTS. No. 259, Market St., North side between 6th A 7th, Philadelphia. Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Pat ent Medicines, Surgical Instruments, Druggist's Glassware, Window Glass, l'aiats. Oils. lives. Per fumery, Ac, Ac. JOHN HARRIS, "M. D. E. B. ORBISON, Aug. 1, ?a5.-l. J. SHARSWOOD. JY. RUSHTON ft CO., 243 Market Street, T TT T T I n r t n n t . Importers and Dealers in EartheB-War,Chlna, Glass, and Queens Ware,- -"rr - " i I tv.o..-r,i.;. J. Y. RUSHTON, J. C. HOPKINS. Nov. 9, 'j-t.-ly. ROBT. BTII'iN. OONS, II El LM AN ft CO., No. 1C7 NORTH THIRD ST.. Philaii:li an. WHOLESALE DEALERS la Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods. Filth Door below K'. CHARLES KOONS, AMOS G. UE1LMAN. Philalelphia, May 16. lS55.-ly. CON RAD ft VA LTON , 255 Market Stre't, PHILADELPHIA; Importers and Dealers in . , HAEDWAEE, IRON, N.1ILS, fe., They respectfully invite the people of CUar field. to continue their favors. Aug. 1, H55.-ly. pAUL ft TAYLOR. " Ko. 2Z5 STarkot Btrwt, ' PHILADELPHIA, Have always n hand, at their Wholesale Ware house, a large assortment of .. . the Newest Style of ' BOT. SHOE. AND STRAW r.Oojv' : BOTH FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC. ' All their goods binr of their ewa direct Im portation and Manufacture, they axe enabled t i offer superior inducements to Merchants lainin their stock. .'.' AVM. W. PAUL, r , , U TAYLOR Dec I. Ihol. ly. t VISE'S CHEAP WATCH AND JEWELRY J X STORE, No. 72 North Sciysn Street, (oppo site, the Mount Vernon Honse.) Pphiladelphia Gold Irfsver Watches, full jeweUed, 13 K. ca.'s ilvtr Iver do., do.; Silver Lepine, do.; Quartitr" hold Spectacles, Silver do ; Silver Table Spoons. Silver Desert do. ; Silver Tea do. ; Gold Pens and Gold Cases; Gold Pens and Silver do.- to-ethcr with a variety of fine Gold Jewelry, GoldCurb, Guard and Fon Chains. All roods warranted U be as represented. Watches and Jewelry, repair ed in the best manner. A.,S?." M"nic Marks, Pins, Ac., made to order . N. U. All orders sent by mail or otherwise will bo punctually attended to. His motto is: ' Small Profits and Quick Sales -I hiladelphia, April 'lb, ISii. Jf Ol'.XT VERNON HOUSE, -l-'A No. 5C, Korth Second Street, PHILADELPHIA. The undersigned having taken the old well known house, which has been renovated and re modeled throughout, respectfull y solicits his Clear field friends to give him a call" on their visits to the city. . " The furniture is ail new, and has beea selected with care from Uenklea well known establishment in Chestnut Street, and is of the latest and most Lk-h tonable style. The location for Merchants and others coming to the city ij convenient, being in the er'r ot business. if L. UARKETT, - Aug. 1, lS55.-ly. Proprietor. BOKER, BROTHERS & JONES. Not. 158 ft 160, Market Street, PHILADELPHIA; Importers and manufacturers of City and EASTERN MADE BOOTS AND SHOES. Also, every variety of F'rench and English Shoo Lasting, Patent Leather, Kid and Calf-ski&a, -shoe Laces, Gallons, Bindings, Ac, suitable for manufacturers. ". Also, Forciiru and Domestic Straw and Silk Rim. . nets, I-egUorn, Panama, and Palm-Leaf Hats, English, French, and American artificial 1 F lowers, Oil Silk, Straw Trimmings, Ac, Ac. Ha ing removed to our new Store, No. 15S A 160 Market Street, below 5th, South Side, up stairs, we invito your attention to our large and varied Stock of Straw Goods, Boots and Shoes, which we are preparing for the approaching Fall Sales All our Goods being exclusively of our own di rect Importation and Manufacture, feel confi dent that our facilities are uich that we can offar you inducements as regards variety and prices of Ctoods, unsurpassed by any house in the country, "v c 1??";ft- HK0IHM3 A J0XE3. : Nov. fe.lsjl-ly. ... r&ilddhi..