t 5 I "i THE JOURNAL. "'-AFFAIRS AT HOME. AoaiccLToat. Oa the 4th page we publish portion of an address delivered by lion. J. Jloyt, of this county," before the Centre County Agricultural Society ; we will in our next publish the remainder. The subject of Agricultural Improvement is one upon vAiich too much attention cannot be bestowed. This remark is particularly applicable when refer ence is bad to this section of country. The business of lumbering so absorbs tho atten tion of a large - proportion of our peoplo that it withholds them from engaging in that pur suit in which alone is centred the permanent prosperity of any community. After a while, it may be within, comparatively speaking, a lew years, the valuable timber susceptible of easy transit to market, with which this region now abounds, will become scarce, and the lumber business much contracted. This is a natural and inevitable result, and when it does come many persons who are now actively en gaged in it will have to seek some other voca tion. And where is there one which is more honorable and respectable, more promotive of happiness and contentment, or better calcula ted to bring an individual into affluent circum stances, than that of agriculture ? Objections, it is true, may be raised to a mountainous sec tion of country as having many disadvanta ges; but all these obstacles can be overcome, it properly managed. Massachusetts was at one time a barren, sterile, rocky region, void of cultivation and not producing enough to supply her inhabitants. Now, however, under a system of scientific farming, she has become rich and productive, and her agriculturists are ranked among the best in the country. And why should not similar results be arrived at here where we have the advantage of naturally productive valleys, and adjacent uplands that are susceptible of easy improvement I "We know no reason, and if, as we see stated, there are deposits of good lime in the county, the making of rich, productive farms will be ren dered the more easy. tVe trust that those who are more immediately interested in agri culture will exert themselves in arousing the citizens of our county to a proper appreciation vt the importance of this subject. Railroad Mnmixc A meeting was called last evening in the Court House, oa about ten minutes notice, to hear Mr. L K. Laudis, and other gentlemen from Philadelphia, w ho were on tLeir way to celebrate the coming Fourth. Mr. Laudis was just from a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Sunbury and Erie Eoud, where niuusures were taken to secure the immediate completion of the western end of that road. Mr. Landis made a very appro priate speech. The meeting was also address ed by II. B. Swoope and Hon. G. K. Barrett. L. J . Crans, Esq., presided. lvEPROAcniNG Americans. On last Sabbath, we listened to a sermon delivered by Bishop Yorxc, of Eric, in the Catholic church in this place. In the course of his remarks he referred to the Know-Nothing movement, and with all the gravity and solemnity imaginable made the startling announcement that "Jesus Christ was not an American that he was a foreigner and a Jew by birth," and that 'ithe n!y exclusively American religion was wit nessed in the horrid orgies and nasty practi ces of a sect who had perched themselves on tho peaks of the liocky mountains, and in the valley of the Salt Lake." Are American cit izens 'to be thus reproached for the lewd, sin ful and outrageous practices of tho Monnous ? Are they to be charged with being the cause of these T Aud who, after all, constitute the mass of this deluded class ? Every intelligent reader knows that since their settlement in the Salt Lako valley, their greatest accessions have been from abroad, and it is but recently that we saw mention made of 2000 Europeans being on-their way to join this sect in their present home. And yet Americans are to be blamed for "the horrid orgies and nasty prac tices' of these foreign followers of the Moi hion prophet ! We think, if His Holiness, the Bishop, would confine himself to his appro priate mission of "Christ aud Him crucified," instead of indulging in slang phrases and abu sive epithets of the American people such as midnight cabal," "bands of traitors," etc., etc. it might give less cause for the fault find ings and 'persecutions' to which he alluded. VTe have seldom listened to a more Jesuitical ermon, or one more calculated to stir up the 'bigotry and rhissions of his audience. While pretending to counsel them to bear, silently jcrsecution and reproach for Christ's sake, he ilid not fail to remind them of all that could .appeal to their prejudice and arouse their hos tility to Americans and Protestants refer ring, among other things, to the Louisville e lection riots, and representing that numbers of faithful catholics were there shot down in the streets, because they adhered to the reli gion of Jesus ! The Bishop is good at telling bis side of the story, and this is a fair spec i men of his pacific and charitable admouitions to his flock. JCew AnvEttTisEMtSTS. Special attention is directed to the new advertisements in to-day's Journal. The administrators of J. Pcarce, dee'd, offer for sale a piece of land in Chest township. A blacksmith is wanted at Gra liamton. Jas. M. Kelly cautions the public against purchasing or meddling with a certain span of horses. E. S. Dundy, Esq., publishes an auditor's notice. Jno. Russell, trustee, of fers for sale several tracts of land, late the cs tato of James Moore, dee'd. CLIPPINGS AND SCEIBBLIJTQS. The Connecticut House of Representatives has appropriated $15,000 for a school for idi ots. The Senate has yet to act upon the ap propriation. The third trial of Win. Arrison, the alleg ed murderer of the Allisons, will commence at Cincinnati on Monday, July 7. It is thought some difficulty will ensue in empanncling a jury. Attention Buchanan Men ! All of you who have "any Democratic blood in your veins," are hereby ordered to repair to the surgeon, and have it "let out." This order is imperative. Memphis Whig. ' It is bcmored in Washington that in case Mr. Buchanan should be elected", Mr. Slidell will be Secretary of State, and Gen. Quitman Secretary or War. What a glorious time the fillibusters would then have ! Davis, the murderer of Johnston, was ar rested at Saltsburg, on the 23d June, and the Sheriff of Indiana county conducted him to nollidaysburgjWhere he is now securely lodg ed tc await his trial at the next court. It is stated that the three " American" jour nals in Xew Hampshire the Concord Repor ter, the especial organ of Governor Metcalf, the Manchester .imtrican, and the Portsmouth Ballot have all declared for Fremont. The dat fixed for the election of electors to elect a President and Vice President of the United States, is the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November, in all the States. It will fall this year upon the 4th day of the ! month. Thf farmers of Chicago, Illinois, and its vicinity, are preparing to cut their wheat, which is said tc be a fair average crop. Spring wheat, oats and corn are suffering from the continued drought, and the grass crop will be rather light from the same cruse. "Bcck and Breck," the rallying cry of the democracy, is suggestive. The following sa tirical hit is from the Berkshire County Eagle : "We know what to look for when Arnold Doug lass drives the democratic team, with a "Haw, Buck! Gee, Breck! G'lang there, dang ye !"' A Great Tailors Shop. M. Godillot, in Paris, employs sixty -six sewing machines, kept in motion by a steam engine of nine horse power, anu which sewed all the overcoats for the Crimean army. Besides the ruachiues.one thousand women and girls are constantly en gaged in sewing. Boltinq Buck. The St. Louis .lnzeiger des Weslens, a German daily and weekly paper, with a large circulation and much influence anions; the Germans in the "West, which has hitherto acted with the Administration, repu diates both tho platform and the candidates of the Cincinnati Convention. New York. In the city of Xew York, the Tribune, Times, Herald, Post, and Courier and Enquirer, support the nomination of Fremont. Buchanan is supimrted bv the Journal nf Com merce and Aeirs, aud Fillmore by the Express as the first. Those wishing to raise large' quantities of this article for pickles will do well to try the experiment." Jcdoe Kellog, of Michigan, made his first visit to the Federal Capital last week. Not certain as to where he was when the cars stop ped, he followed the rest of the passengers who were leaving. As he entered the main hall of the depot, he saw one man caning an other ferociously all over the room. "When I saw that," said the Judge, "I knew I was in Washington, immediately." The sarcasm of the remark is as biting as the wit is pungent. FOR SALE A two-story frame House, with a half acre of land adjoining, situate in Law rence township, on the road from Clearfield to Curwensvillc, aboat 1 J miles from Clearfield. For terms apply to Zebad Lawhead, Lawrence town ship, or to the subscriber. L. JACKSON CRANS. jane Clearfield. Pa. PAY UP. The judgments, notes, book ac counts, Ac , of the late firm of D. W. Bobbins & Co., and also of Robbing & Menderhall. have been placed in my ' hands fur collection. Prompt attention on the part of those indebted will save costs. W. A. WALLACE. Clearfield, June 18, 185f.-3t PLASTERING. Cooper & Mitchcl, who have had much experience in the cities of New York and Philadelphia in the above busi ness, are prepared to do work from plain to the best ornamental of any description, on reasonable terms. Address, COOPER & MITC11EL. May 23, 1356. Glcnhope, Clearfield Co. Pa. VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE. Tho subscriber offers for sale Lis Tav ern Stand, on the corner of Market and Front streets, in the borough of Clearfield. The houso is large and commodious and well calculated for a public house. For particulars inquire of W. A. Wallace, Esq., or of the subscriber living on tho premises. W. J. HEMPHILL. March 5th, 13jC I7"OR SALE the Farm occupied by Uichard Dan vera, Jr., situate in l'onn township, about one mile from Pcnnsvillw. It contains 61 acres, of which 45 are cleared and under good fence. The improvements are a two-story frame bouse and kitchen, barn and out-houses. There is a young bearing orchard on the place, and the whole is well watered. For terms apply to L. JACKSON CRANS. jane Clearfield. Pa. FOR SALE, TWO BUILDING LOTS in the borough of Clearfield ; several BUILDING LOTS and PASTURE AND WOOD LOTS, contain ing from three to ten acres each, near the borough of Clearfield. Also several desirable FARMS and pieces of TIMBER LAND, in various parts of the county. Terms accommodating. Apply to L. JACKSON CRANS, April 16, 1356. Clearfield, Pa. HO! I'OR IOWA!! The undersigned, de sirous of going West, offers to sell at private sale, three lots in the village of Marysvillo, one half mile east of Clearfield Bridge, in Boggs town ship, having thereon erected a two-story weather boarded dwelling house, good stable, and a black smith shop. The terms, which will be reasonable, can bo ascertained by inquiring of the undersign ed, residing on the premises. may2S-tf SAMUEL B. DILLER. A DMIMSTRATORS NOTICE. Whcre- J- as Letters of Administration on the Estate of NATHANIEL HUGHES, late of Cheat township, Clearfield County, Pa., dee'd, have been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will present them, properly authenticated for settle ment, to ROBERT HUGHES, JOHN MAHAFFEY, May 23, 18"6 6t. Administrators. - Storm. On last Sunday evening, a heavy rain storm, accompanied by thunder and light ning, passed over this neighborhood. A num bcr of trees were struck by the lightning. We have not heard of any serious damage having been done. The rain was much needed, and in that respect the storm was of great benefit ATbemexdofs Excite31ent, we understand. was rained on kit Wednesday at Philipsburg, ival of the hack from Tyrone. If the individual who produced it had his just deserts, he would be turned out to browse on thistles, which are said to be emblematical of Lis peculiar genus. Ratting. The recent rains along the river have had the effect of raising the Susquehanna to a good rafting stage, of which those who fcsrc rafts to rnn, are taking advantage. The Annual Exhibition of Clearfield Insti tute will be held in fiont of the Town Hall, on Thursday evening, the 10th init. The pu- are respectfully invited. and Mirror. The weight of talent and influ ence is immeasurably on the side of Fremont. An ArrnAY occurred in "Williamsburg, Blair county, on the 21st June, in which a man iwrn- -, . i , r , t i .ill 1 .1 eu I'liristopucr Ji. iiocaer siaoueu unuuier man named Frank Davis, causing his death in a few jninutcs. llocker fled immediately af ter the perpetration of the deed, and at last accounts he had not been arrested. Both par ties were intoxicated at the time. A sisoi'LAn mode of robbery has been de tected at Dublin. A man used to send a large press by the Liverpool steamer, beaded "this side up." In this press was a compartment in which he bid himself. At night, when all was still, he would get out and rob the ware house of valuables, and retreating to his hiding-place, would be safely conveyed with his plunder to his own house. The ITtica Observer says pigions are devas tating the newly planted corn fields, in the counties of Cattaraugus and Chatauquc, and in that of Erie Pcnn., to such an extent that the farmers are in despair. Not a field of corn escapes, and so strong are the flocks of birds, in point of numbers, that the hunting them with cuns and all other usual methods of frightening them, amounts to naught. The following are the names of a few of the comc-outers from the "Democracy :" Ham lin and Morrill, of Maine ; Cleveland, of Con necticut : Preston King, Abijah Mann, D. K. Tompkins, A. S. Murray, J. J. Viele, D. G Floyd and P. Dorshcinier, of X. York ; F. P Blair, of Maryland ; A. P. Stone and N. II Swayne, of Ohio ; Trumbull, Bisscll, Kccrncr and Knox, in Iliinois, and "W. C. Bryant, in Xew York. The wheat harvest is progressing rapidly in Ohio, and in Tennessee and Kentucky is draw ing to a close. In the southorn parts of Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, the wheat will all be cut during the present week. In some parts of Virginia and Tennessee the fly has injured the crop, but the grain fully matured,and is there fore of a superior quality ; and the great in crease in the amount sown will swell the crop beyond an average one. "Worth trying. The Maine Cultivator says "When a cucumber is taken from the vines let it be cut with a knife, leaving about the eighth of an inch of the stem, then slit VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. The subscriber offers for sale his valuable farm, situate two miles from Curwcnsville, on the River road leading to Lumber City ; said farm eon taining 1U5 acres, sixty acres cleared, under good cultivation, the balance well timbered; with a good barn, new plank dwelling house, and a good bearing orchard thereon, and is well watered. For further information enquire or the subscrilwr liv ing on the premises. SIMON THOMPSON. February 20, lSoii fun VMO.NEY 3IAKLNG TRADE FOR uyji DOLLAR. JEFFRIESS MANUAL OF PROFITABLE fc USEFUL TRADES, ARTS AND OCCUPATIONS, WITHOUT A MASTER, IS NOW READY FOR SALE. This is one of the most valuable little books of the times, to all perrons out of employment, as a number of money making trades and arts, can be learned without a master, beside all the genu ine and popular receipts, and instructions of the day, for the manufacture of the luot beneficial, and saleable articles, now in common use. Any person furwoi ling one dollar post-paid, toC. JEF FRIES, Jeffries, OUartirld Co., Pa., or to A. II. Baitmin, Tyrone, Blair, Co., Fa., will receive a py by return uiail. -- any person forwarding twcw.jv cents. buuuuiutr on the th w"n a Knife from its ..- iPflVIRff a Crn oil.. - . . . rate slit there will be, a new cucumber as Mnr o - '? return po.st paiu, Qm Jekkkies, will receive ouc vi Liircc lullowinjt instruction. . How to make the -olebrated artineial Honev. How to raise double Ci.n8. 0r aii kinds of vegeta bles, with little expense, ai.j i,ow t0 Ctttch all the Wolves, Foxes. Minks and Musk.,4 ;n the neigh borhood. Any person forwarding Uiy ccuts, will receive tho whole three by return mail. June 4. 1 Soft ly. LIST OF RETAILERS of Foreign and Po lnestic Merchandize in Clearfield County, for the year 1S56, subject to the payment of license. Jraford Tou-nship. i Covington 1 otcHSuj) John Holt James 15. Graham, Matthew Forcce, Edward Williams, Albert & Brothers. Boosts Township. C. Sloan, Rulston & Beatty, Jiercaria lowasiip 1-tiFrancis Coudrict, 12; Levi Lutr., 14 .John B. Barmoy, 14 Chest Toirnhip. 14 Hughes t Lloyd, Uurwensvile -Dor. 14 H. D. Patton, -14jMeBride fc Co. Eliza Irvin & Sons, Clearfield Coal and Lu in-, Isaac Bloom, Jr. TOS. E. 3IOSSOF, having made an engago- cF went with A. T. LANE & Co., w holosale deal ers in Clothing, 175 Market St.. Philadelphia, would respectfully invito his old friends to give him a call. March 2o. lS5oSm. 13 C. PCRVIAXCE, . AMBROTYPIST DAOUERRE0TYPIST, CLEARFIELD, PA. Gallery at his residence on 2d Street, one door South of Merrcll and Carter's Tin-ware establish ment. junel8'56 PAY TC-MYJBflTflnST TC-MflRRCW. 1 8 5 6. rilllE OLD CORX ER STORE O F X A. M. HILLS. IS JUST NOW BEJSG CRAMMED with a choice selection of seasonable goods, A T THE PURCHASERS QTVX PRICES. READY-MADE CLOTI11NU in great variety and of the choicest qualities. A large variety of choice DRESS SILKS, which will be sold at citv prions. Some beautiful CRAPE and Summer BROCHAE Shawls, which will be sold very low. BOOTS A SHOES in great variety, lower than they have ever been offered in this county. FANCY GOODS extremely low in price, and of the most beautiful patterns. CALICOES at lO CENTS per yard, warranted fast colors and full width. PLEASE CALL and examine MY STOCK before purchasing elsewhere. R-E-A-D-Y P-A-Y iswiy motto, and lam fully determined to e(l a L-I-T-T-L-E L-O-W-E-R than an one else, nottcithitrrndinf "20 e. Jeans worth 46." All kind of marketing, boards and shingles ta ken in exchange for goods. N. B. A few beautiful Gold Brooches and Gents' Breast-pins, gold and 'silver hunting-cane patent lever watches, Ac, very low for the Ready Rhino p. s- Just call at your leisure. I've got goods enough to do you all. so that one can't get a-head of another. junell,'5l-tf. A. M. HILLS. NEW GOODS! SI'HIKG AND SUMMER GOODS ! rpiIE subscriber has just received a large and A well selected stock of new goods of almost every description suitable for the season. He re spectfully invites all who wish to buy good Goods at the lowest prices to call at the sign of the "CHEAPEST GOODS." Approved country produce taken in exchange for goods. i Persons wishing to purchase, and receive a fair equivalent fur their money, will do well to give him a call. Remember the sign of tho CHEAPEST GOODS, on Market street, and call and be convinced that there is truth in th words thereon inscribed. WM.X. IRWIN. Clearfield, Pa., may 14, 1856. . IMPORTANT NEWS! PEACE DECLARED IN EMOTE!! By the latest arrivals from Europe THE important intelligence has been received that Peace is about being declared. This has had the effect of reducing prices on not only pro visions, but upon Goods of all descriptions. The undersigned have, therefore, taken advantage of this propitious time to purchase an extensivo and well selected stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, wbich they are determined to sell at tho most rea sonable prices. Their stock is extensive, embrac ing EVERY VARIETY and STYLE of LADIES' and GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, to which they would call the attention of the citizens of Curwcntville and surrounding country. They have connected with their establishment a BOO T AND SHO E MA A UFA C TO KV. which is under the superintendence of the well-known Joseph Williams. They will thus be enabled to supply their customers and all others with every variety of Boots and Shoes at as reasonable pri ces as they can be procured elsewhere. Their work will be made in the neatest and most dura ble manner, which will recommend itself. All of our stock will be disposed of CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST for CASH, all kinds of Lumber. Country Produon. Hides, 4e , Ac. aprJ-3m MONTELIUS A TEN EYCK. EDWARD MOSTF.t.IUS. WILLIAM TM EVCK. bor Co. Jeremiah Cooper, fci. C I'atubin. George W. Schoff, L. W. Weld, Brady Township. R. H. Moore, F. K. Arnold, Samuel Arnold, P. W. Barrett, George H. Barrett, John Dale, Frederick Arnold, John Carlisle A Co. Frederick Coler, Belt Township. Gedder, Marsh A Co. E. L. Miller, Li. G. Smith, 14 Muiiteliusi Ten Eyck,14 14 j Decatur J otcuship. 14, Bowman A Co. 14 J. F Stincr A Co. 14 Goxfiei I'owtijthip. E. Irwin A Sons, 34 A. li. Shaw. 14 Girard Township. 14 James Irwin A Co. 14 Augustus Leconte, 14;Smith A King, 14 Jordan Totrnship, 11! J. M. Chwc A Co. 14'DavidMoGehan, 14!Jamcs M. Pfouzt, I Kxrthaus Township, 14iF. P. Hurxthal, -14iB. D.llall A Co. 14 Robert Haines, Burnside Township. I Kuox Township. James McMurry, 14 Martin Stirk, A.Patuhin A Brother, 1 4 Penn. Township. Cummings A MahaiTey,14,Hartfchorn A Co. Russell McMurry, 14A. Hile A Brother,, Eliza Irvin A eons, 14 vt rn. V. toley. w .. 111 TT...- lsaocna iToss. i Clearfield Borough. A M. Kills W. F. Irwin, Richard Mossop. R. Shaw and Son, W. It. Moore. Christopher Kratzer, Powell, Weaver A Co. Charloi D. Watson, Morris Township. G. F. Hoop, J. B. Kyler, E. V. Brenner, J. P. Nelson A Co. 13 14 14 14 14 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 Union 'lomnship Daniel E. Brubaker, 14 Woodiotird Township 13: Thomas Henderson, 13'jGoorgo W. Schoff, 13 R. B. McCulIy, 13 Henry Iyers, 13'Jaines A. U a; 13 liiixtnn I ftmnsttto 14 Valentine Hevner, 14 David Tvler. 14 11 PU-eTownsliip. 14 A. Bloom, 14 14 Lawrence Toumship 14 'Forrest A Smith, 14 B M. F. JOHNSON. Mercantile Appraiser. NOTICE. An rpeal will be held on Saturday the 28th dav of June, at the Commissioners' Office in Clearfield borough, when and where all who feel themselves aggrieved by the above appraise mentean attni. n iney tee proper. June 4, 1856, WM. F. JOHNSON. W;S THE TIME FOR BARGAINS ! NEW GOODS AND NEW PRICES !! "Quick sales and small profits'.!!''' HAVING just returned from the East, I would . inform my old customers and the public in general, that I am now receiving and opening at my "old stand" a gplcndid assortment of Spring and Summer Goods, which I will sell a little lower than any goods heretofore sold in Clearfield, a niong which wilt he found MANTILLAS, a Wgo assortment at exceedingly low pries. Ml.htv at from 0 ceuts to 1,25 cents per yard. GINGHAMS, at from 11 cents to 2d cents per yd. CALICOES, nt from 5 cents to 1 2 J cts per yard. SHAWLS a cood article of Shawl t fr. cents to 10, each. 1WKXETS-A largo lot at from cen,a LADIi&S' rtaiTVPs fnrliO worth BooIh. choes ana iii o t from oJJ cents to 1.2.i cents per pair. iiAluKS' will please can, as l nave almost eve ry thinjr in their line, at extraordinary low rates. WMis i5oots, enoea anu uaiters ziurj io rptes. ML'SLINS, at from 6 to 121 cents a yard. JKAXS. at 20 cents a yard worth 40. CLOTHS Black, Ulue, Olive, Green, and othr colors. vrv cheap. CASSIME1UJS Black and a variety of Fancy CoWrs of the litt aivlef- hoAlNGfe a gre variety of fancy and plain. SUMMER CLOTHS, Casflicro. Trimmings, and in short, a variety of almost nil sorts of Gentle mens" and boys' wear. Call soon, while you can have an opportunity to select from the whole stock. All the above, and a great variety of othm goods can be purchased at the very lowest prices rou CASH, as 1 nave uctcrminea not 10 e unimraim .... .. vininon Mi'kjfl OTICE. In the absence of Eli Bloom, Trea surer of Clear6eld county, the lloks and Pa pers will be in the possession of John McPhersen wno win attenu 10 toe Business at au tunes. Clearfield, May 28. 18;6. G1 LKS HOPE & NEW WASHINGTON FLANK UOAD. Aotice is hereby given, that the commissioners appointed by the act of as sembly, incorporating tbeGIeiibope ew Vt ah ington I'lauk Road Company, will on Tuesday bth of July, 1856, pen the books of said Company, to receive subscriptions; at the house ol J'avtd S. Plotner in New Washington; the store of Mi chaels, Worrell, A Co., iu N-wbur unJ the house of David M'Keehan in Jordau Uwu?hip.CIcarfi'ld county, and that said books will be kept opto five days at each place. EUAS 11 CRD, Pres't. James Dowi.kr, Sec. junel8"fi-3t ESTATE OF JOHN SCOTT. DKC'l) The heirs and legal representatives of Sarah, (intermarried with George Williams,) Mary, (in termarried with William Williams.) Rachvl, (in termarried with Jesse Whippoe.) Patience, (inter married with John Clark.) and Sarah, (intermar ried with Richard Curry.) daughters of John Scott, lato of Jordan township, deceased, and leg atees under his last will and R-gtament, will please take notic that I have appointed Tuesday, July 22d, 1856, at li) o'clock' A. M., for tho purpose of meeting with them at my office, in the borough of Clearfield, to settle and adjust their respective claims against said estate. junelS'Si? Adm'r. d. b. n. et c. t. a. INSTATE OF JOHN SCOTT, DEC JLli In the matter orthe partition of the I). real estate of said decedent. And now September, 22, 1853, on motion of W. A. Wallace. Esci.. attorney for petitioners. L. Jackson Crans. Esq. was appoin- .iiiuiuir, io apportion tne moneys coming to ted the respective parties in interest Attest WILLIAM PORTER, Clerk of the Orphans' Court. IN pursuance of the above appointment. I bavo fixed, Tuesday, July 22, 1856. at 2 o'clock, P. M.. to meet the parties interested at my office in the borough of Clearfield. L. JACKSON CRANS, juncl6'5t Auditor. PHILIP DAVIS' ESTATE. Whereas Let ters Testamentary on the estate of Philip Da vis, late of Reecaria township, Clearfield county. Pa., deceased, have deen granted to tho subscriber, all persons indebted to the said estate are request ed to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the estate of the said decedent will make known the same without de lay, to the undersigned at his residence in Wood- wara township, county aforesaid. mayl4 t G W. DAVIS, Executor. CLEARFIELD LODGE. No. 1ST? I O of t F. meets every Saturday evening, at 7t o' clock, at their Hall in Merrell A Carter's new btfrt' diugon Second street. fb20 - AMES B. GRAHAM. Dealer io SAWEI LI MBER. SQUARED TIMBER, UIUL-. . BOARDS. Ac. is prepared to fill, on the shortMt notice, all orders for articles in his line of busi ness, on as reasonable terms as. they .can. b nto- -cured in the county. ." Orahampton. Clearfield Co . Jan. 23. J' JOHN RUSSELL & CO., -TAXXEK8 AMD CUKXrERS.. ; . Perrnviiie, (Yw&W Co , Keep constantly en hand an excellent assortment of leather,' which they offer for sale at the lowejt each prices. Hides taken in exchange. July 15, 1354. . ... MEDICAL PARTNERSHIP Dr. Henry Lorain, having associated with him. in tb practice of Medicine. Dr. J. G. Hartswick, they offer their rofeional services to the citizens of Clearfield and vicinity. They will attend to pro fessional calls at all hours, and in all seasons. Dr. Hartswick will be tvnnd during the day at their otuce oppuMtc Dr. Lor sin's residence, and at nijrht, at the house of .Mr rlicbard Mossop. . Clearfield. Juno 18, 1S56. "jVrOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that rpH 11 cation will be made to tho Legislature of Pennsylvania at its next session, for th- Charter of an institution with banking privileges, includ ing those ot issue, discount and aeposite, to. be lo cated at Clearfield. Pennsylvania, under the aam and title of The CiearneJd Bank," with, aeapital of $100,000, with the privilege of increasing tie same to 5200.000. JON. ROYNTOX, J. F. WEAVER, G. L. REED. RICHARD SHAW, JAMES B. GRAHAM. JOHN PATTON", WM. M'BRIDE. H. P. THOMPSON. .IAS. T. LEONARD. WM. A. WALLACE, Clearfield, June 25. 1856-6in. DISSOLUTION OF P A R N E RS 1 1 LP.-Tb partnership heretofore existine between Ben jamin Hartshorn and Thomas McCracken, trading in tne name ot Hartshorn & McCracken, was this day mutually dissolved ; of which ail concerned will take notice. J he books and accounts of th late firm can hesan by calling at tbe old stand; 15tJ. HAKltllUK., THOS. MCRACKEN. Lumber City, June 10, 156. THE undersigned is now doing btrsiness ia hi own name. Having just received anew and hand- some assortment of gwds. he would be pleaded to nave an nts oiu menus and customers to give bira call. BENJ; JrAKTSUORN. Loin bcr City, June 25, lt5. QUEENSWARE A superior lot of Fancy and Common Qucensware now opening and for sale at the most reasonable prices at the store of RICHARD MOSSOP. f( HATS! HATS !! Richard Mossop is now re cciving and opening a fine lot of Spring J. and Summer Hats of the latest styles, which he will sell at prices from 121 cents to 5,00. CLOTHING! 1,000 Dollars worth of Ready-made Clothing at your own pri ces, at th cheap store of may 21 RICHARD MOSSOP. FISH ! FISH "Superior Mackerel and Codfish just received and opening at the cheap Cash store of Richard Mosxop in Clearfield. may 21'56 BLACK, Imperial and Young Hyspn fV5 Teas of the best Duality to be had at K ' the lowest each pnoe at MOSSOP'h. HARDWARE and Cuttlery just reeeived and now oponing at Mossop "s cheap eash store in Clearfield tnav'21 T TMBRELLAS and Parasols, a large assortment y ot tbe latest patterns, to be had cheap at may21'5t MOSSOPS. MOLASSES Best Syrup at 90 cents a gallon at may2l MOSSOP'S. may 14 '56 J Of every description for salt) las a moderate advance at WM. F. IRWIN'S. TTHSH. A lot of superior Mackerel and JL Herring, J mayl4 just received and for sale by! Vt M. I. AH. Wlt. BACON ! On hand and for sale, a lot of firet rate Hams, Shoulders and Sides, at the sign oi toe v.iitiAi-r.Bi uoJOr.' A HUMAN LIFE SAVED ! Dowauiac. Mich.. March 11. 1S5C. J. A. RHODES, Esq : Dear Sir As I took your medicino to sell on consignment, -no cure no .pay," I take pleasure in stating its effects as reported to me by threo brothers w ho live in this ilace, aud their testimony is a fair tpeeimcu vf all 1 have re ceived : W. S. Conkliu told me '! had taken nine bot tles of Christie's Ague I'.aUa ii.and continually run down while using it until my lungs and liver were Congested U that degree that blood discharged from my mouth and bowels, so that all thought it impossible for me to live through another chill. The doctors too did all they could for roe, but tho't I must die. Nothing did me any good until I got Rhode's Fever and Ague Cure, which at once re lieved me of the distress and nausea at my stomach and pain in my head and bowels, and produced a permanent cure in a short time. H. M. Conklin says : had been taking medi cine of aa good a doctor as we have in our eounty, and taken any quantity of quinine and specific without any good result, from 25th August tolTth December. l!ut seeing how nicely it operated on my brother, I got a bottle of Rhodes' Fever and A gue Cure, which effected a permanent cure by us ing two-thirds of a bottle." S. M. Conklin was not here, but both the other brothers say his case was the same as H. M s. I sold the medicine to both the same day, and the cure was as speedy from the same small quantity, and I might so specify. Yours with respect. A. HUNTINGTON. The above speaks for itself. Gooo proof as it is, it is of no better tenor than the vast number of like certificates I have already published, and the still groateramount that iseontinually pouriDg in to me. One thinjr more. Last year I had occasion to cau tion the public in theje words : " noticeonefirm who have taken one of mit general circulars, sub stituted the tiame o f thr.tr nostrum for my mrdi cine, and then with brazen impudence end thrir pamphlet with the exclamation, -Iet the proprietor of any other medicine say as much if he darcx'c Now I take pleasure iu saying that the caution referred to the same "Dr. Christie's Agne Balsam" that is mentioued in tbe above certificate. There are several other industrious people who are applying to their poisonous traih all that I publish about my Fever and Ague Cure, or AntiT dote to Malaria, except the certificates of euros, and the certificate of the celebrated Chemist, Dr. James R. Chilton, of N. Y., in favor of its perfect ly harmless character, which is attached to every bottle. These will always serve to distinguish my medicine from imitations. JAS. K. RHOl'ES, '. apr2o"5(5-i5ni Proprietor, Proaidencc, R I HUtfLWATS riLLS. WHY ARE WE SICK 7 IT has been the lot of the human raco to be weigh ed down by disease and suffering. HOLLO- WAY'S PILLS are speciaO.V adapted to ".e reiir of the WEAK-the WKRY0U5, the DELICATE, and the INFIRM, Cf all climes, ages, sexes, and constituticuv. Trofei'sor HoIlwiy personally tu perie'lCnds the manufacture of his medicines iu the united btates,aua oners mem iua irecanu enugm encd people, as the best remedy the world ever saw for tb removal of disease. THESE PILLS PURIFY THE BLOOD. Tbess famous Pills areexpresfdy com tuned to op erate on tho 8tamaoh. tho liver, the kidneys, the lungs, the skin, and the bowels, correcting any de raugemcnt in their functions, purifying tho blood, the very fountain of life, aud thus curing disvaujc in all its forius.i . , OISPEPSIA XNO LIVER COMPLAINTS. Nearly half the human race have takeu these fills. It has been proved in all parts of the worK, thavnthinir has been found enual to them in cases of disoiAr8 0f the liver, dyspepsia, and stomach complaints ,-Mierally. They soon give a healthy tono to these org- howevor much deranged, aud when all other means t,are failed. GENERAL DEBILITt ILL HEALTH. Many of the roost despotic 'vernnients have o- nened their Custom Houses to the introduction of these 1 ills, tuat tney may necoma the medicine ot tho masses. Learned Colleges admit that this medicine is the best remedy ever known for per sons ef delicate health, or where the system has been impaired, as its invigorating properties never fail to aUord relief. FEMALE COMPLAINTS. . No female, young or old. should be without this celebrated medicine. - It corrects and regulates the monthly courses at all periods, acting in many ca- I - 1 1 T . , . 1 1 . , C i ses use a aariu. j.t is also tne oesi ana saiefci medicine that can be given to Children of all ago, nd lor any complaint; consequently no lamiiy should be without it. Hollo waif s Pill are the best remedy known in tte world for the following JJ if cases : Asthma Diarrhoea SecondarySymptsms Coughs Cbestlnseases stone and O ravel Colds Fever and Ague Yenereal Affections Influenza Bowel Complaints Female Complaints Costi veness Inflamation Worms of all kinds Dyspepeia Indigestion Lowness of Spirits Debility Liver Complaints Inward weakness Dropsy Piles . , Headaches Sold at the Manufactories of Professor Hol miwat, 80 Maiden Lane, N. York, and 244 Strand London, and by all resneetahle Uruirrista and Deal ers of Medicine throughout the United States, and tne crvuizea wolra, in boxes at o cents, ojj ceuu, and nh ESThere is a considerable saving by taking the I&rcrpr niTa . N. B. Directions for tbe gnidawe of patients in every disorder aro atnxea to earn uva. tra j BOUND FOR CURWENSVIIiLE. THE PLACE TO' GET ANYTHING YOU WANT IS AT JI.DjPATTON'S STORE! "THAT'SSQJ!" THE undersigned has received and opened at his store in Curwensville, the largest and beet selected' stock of. SPKJXG AKD SUMMER GOODS ever efferc-d in the eounty. Tha assort ment is very extensive and nearly every articl that may be wanted can he proewred from him L-A-D-I-E-S' D-R-E-S-S G-O-O-D-S, of all kinds, prices and figures, among which will b found Silks, Delaines. Brilliants, La wns, Ginghamf, Prints, Parasols, Embroideries. Undersleves. Col -lars. Cuffs, Ribbons. Laces, Fringes, Ladies Dreaa Buttons and Trimmings, Bonnets. Hosiery of all sites, qualities and colors,- and 3 loves of every description. ALSO, Cloths, Cassimeres, Vesting?, Boots aad Shoes, O afters and Slippers . Hat, and a Stock of good READY-MADE CLOTHING Also. Hardware. Qucensware, Ocoeeriea, Fish, Salt, At , always on hard. All the a bov articles, togeth er with an abundance of others, will be sold on reasonable terms for cash, or. exchanged for ap proved produce. The public is invited to call and examine th goods and prices, judge for themselves, and act as- cording to their own convictions. junc2'66 IE Dv PATTON WA1.X : sat.1 :: a quantity er coarse ani -7 ''round' Alum fcalt, for sale at W. F- Irwin's. BOOKS! IJOOKS!! Greenleafa Serias o Mathematical Works are now being used . nearly all the Schools. Academics and Co1efr , the United States, and are without doub UIf lT.v led in point of merit, and in adapt"01 ,0 ' wants of our schools ; they have tb plaineit ruj and best examples to illustrate the whole J'),rec. of life. Tbe attention of Superintender tbesa tors anil Teachers is rcspectlulty invifj"M cf anT works before introducing a uniform books can other kind as tbe law requires.,,,, for 0jd be had wholesale, retailor -00,? at C D fbioks when introduced in WATSON S Drug and Boo o" ,, " CWrfield. Jan. SO. 1 1 , H4I m v-'-'WA301 MANUFACTOBY. Tk-. 7ignd would respectfully an nounced tnis and 'Re public generally, that h Il1'n,,, out a new W agon-Making t- Ublishn-01 in "Xew S,"n Cit " Brady t0r--ship Sere be will at all times be prepared to mau'eurS on h fhortest notice, alt kinds cf iVriSVHSvCarts, Wheelbarrowa .ftTk'x.Jiil work will be made in the mwst subrtantialaad du rable manner, tuch as will bear the test of edict examination. By a close observance of hU bnei nes epgag. ments, and by di-osing of bis worit on the tncfct reasonable terms, which heili-d for either eaih or approred cuuntry prode, h hpetoineiit and rcocire a libetal tharo of pub lic cust'.m HENJ. RI?nE2. New Salem City. Jan 16 ISjti. KYLEKTOU N JIFT DISTKIUl'TiOtN ! 1.600 GIFTS FOR THE PEOPLE ! ! riMI!" subscriber has concluded to diSpoSo of his JL property by making a Oift DUtribation, bav ins sm ten hundred Charts, at O.N E DOLLAR A SHARK. He fccU zaiikBed that ho can dis pose of it in this way to the entire satisfaction of all w ho may interest luetBselves in the tmerprtxa. The draviiug and distribution will be snpvrinten led by a committee into whoso hands tbe proper ty will bo placed as soon a the tickets are sold The committee is composed of .tlve following gen tlemen Chester Munson, Thontss (. Snyder and O. P. Wilder. Tbe public are a3nrd that tbey can rely upon this committee to manage Every thing tairly and impartially. tor a list of txilts, fee handbill.' A U orders for tickets addressed to the under signed will be promptly attended to. . J'JUS W. WILLIIHUI. . maj-14 Kylertown, Clearfield Co., Pa. a LAROE lot of Family Groeries just receiving at Moseop s m Ulswrssio. may SI CAPS of all kinds and at all prices to b bad at "may 21 MOcSOP S IT A V K YOU SEEN "Li would inform SAM?-r-Thtj cnbseriber his old trjeuds aad tho publia generally, that he stiVi continues to keep, a bens of eniertainment ia New Washington wicre thos who call with him will receive every attention, and be made comfortable (Sood stabling, and every' other eonvecteneo Tar horses on the premises. DAVID S. PLOTNER. JNew t asbingtott, Jan. 31, l&5. 1 fUl AHA Feet of good BOARDS wasted by 1UU,UUU A . M-H I LLS, atbisitoro ia Clear field, for which the highest market prioe will bo piid in goods at eash prices. (marl -f TTTOR SALE. A secondhand Zbon wagon A' and a lot of harness for sale very cheap by Clearfield. apr2 A. M. HILLS. w AGONS and BUGGIES, for sale cheap, by (feb!3) H. D PATIQN. PORK and DRIED FRUII. excellent articles, can bo procured at the storo of Cnrwenrville. Feb. 13. It. I). PATTCN. CHI A IN PUMPS for at tha "Old Oornar t Stand," in Cnrwensville by PATTON CLOCKS. EighA day, thirty hour and alarm Clocks for al at MOSSOP'S Storo. JJn. 13. f-Hft IVin SH0RT SHINGLES, for sal. low jyjyj,Jjyt for cash by A. M. HILLS TWO OrEX AND ONE TOP HUGGY in good Tanning order for sale by ' A. M. HILLiv ONE tiOOD TWO-HORSE WAGON foriaU by Ijune231 A. M. HITX3 THE BEST TWO-HORSE -CARRIAGE a Clearfield oounty for sal lotr for cash by June? A. M HILL.