Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, July 02, 1856, Image 2

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VOL. 2.-N0. 46.
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Oh give not up to sorrow.
And never know despair
Let hope light np the morrow,
With all its holy sheer,
Why should we mar the moments
That past ns swiitly fly,
By ernel, dark forebodings,
. When joy itself is nigh i
- though dark misfortunes meet ua,
And friends and fortune fail,
v - And many objects greet us,
To tell the saddeo'd tale
. Let'a view it as our sharo of toil,
That's nobly to be borne
And light will be the burthen,
Uowe'er the heart was torn.
Oh give not up to sorrow.
And never know despair
liet Hope light up the morrow,
With all its holy cheer,
lie who can light th e darkness
Will every care disarm
The storm of life will ra?t te-day ;
To-morrow brings it calm.
. ' Sabbath before last before a very large con
gregation, in the church in Asburton Place,
Boston, Rev. Dr. Kirk delivered a deeply in
teresting sermon, in allusion partly to the pre
sent state of affairs in our country and our du
ty in relation thereto. The morning lesson,
? which proceeded it, the 2d chapter of Lamen
tations, was very appropriate to the occasion.
Dr. Kirk selected for his text Joel, chap
ter 11, verses 16 to 18, "Blow the trumpet in
Zion, sanctify a fast, call a solemn assembly ;
Gather the people, sanctify the congregation,
assemble the elders, gather the children, and
those that suck the breasts ; let the bridegroom
go forth out of his chamber, aud the bride out
" of her closet. Let the priests, the ministers of
the Lord, weep between tbe porch and the al
tar, and let them say, Spare thy people, O
Lord, and give not thy heritage to reproach,
that the heathen should rule over them ; where
fore should they say among the people, where
is their God I Then will the Lord be jealous
for his land, and pity his people." Joel's min
istry, ho showed in the outset, was mainly a
message to a guilty people calling them to re
pentance in a time of man's degeneracy and
God's vengeance "a day of darkness gloom
iness." Our own day ho compared to that,
passing thus from the Jewish theocracy to the
American Republic, and he believed we were
' called to the same course as was then prescrib
ed for them.
God had a fearful controversy with this na
tion, as was evidenced in our sins and embar
rassments. And there was a sufficient reason
' for the divine indignation against us. To whom
much was given, much was expected. Our
trust was the highest of all committed to na
tions, and tho very denial or ignoranco of it
was among onr greatest sins.
Ours was from the very beginning, in its ve
ry origin a religious history ; it abounded in
wonderful interventions of providence j ours
was an untrammelled religion ; and a position
of security from all the political agitations and
military despotism of Europe. Ordinary sins
became with us aggravated and extraordinary
sins; even as God bore with the heathen cf
old, but when the Jew did wrong he became
liable to divino vengeance. We had, if ever
a nation had, a holy, inestimable trust for oth
er nations, for posterity, for mankind. No
people could ever have dono so much, from
- their circumstances, for tho world's advance
ment in holiness. Yet where God had looked
for grapes he had found wild grapes he had
lound us boastful, haughty, self-complacent
and independent before him, when wc should
have cherished benevolence and humility, and
looked at ourselves as the almoners of his
bounty. .
But probably our greatest sin, was ourAthc
ism ; most of us had a correct theory, yet had
put the divine being under foot, by not ac
knowledging him in all the affairs of life.
What a trial of God's patience must our con
duct be. But we ought to notice, in the sec
ond place, that His judgments had begun a
raong us. The father of our country clearly
saw tho intention of Providencc.and had coun
selled us to live at peace with other nations,
having none but a peaccab'o connection with
them. But God had suffered tho contrary to
take place, and no human sagacity could pre
diet the result. We were making treaties with
Persia to the satisfaction of Russia and the a-
larm of England ; wo were constantly in fric-
- tion with England, and tempting her, with
France andSpa"xn,to turn their arms against us
"And in what condition," said Dr. Kirk,
i" are our affairs at home J A glance at them
js all we may undertake. But two powers are
now. at work in the midst of ns, as antagonis
tic, as terrific in their convulsive encounter as
" tho northwest hurricane rushing down upon a
south-eastern swell of the Atlantic Ocean. If
you can to-day strangle Ilercules in the cradle
with your feeblo hand, the day is coming when
no human power can withstand him. I won
der that any American citizen ihould doubt
whether we have reached a crisis in advance
of all the critical periods of our former history
'There lies on the statute-book of each of
fifteen of onr States,a peculiar doctrine,which
is expanded into various enactments. There
exists at the same time, in the minds of the
majority, probably seven-tenths of the citizens
of the thirty-one States, a belief that that doc
trine is unsound.
"It will corrupt tho community that believes
and practices it ; it will corrupt legislation ;
grow in audacity ; gradually wield all the pow
ers of the executive and judiciary to its own
ends, and finally, turn the United States into
a despotism, not only toward the African race,
but a tyranny of the slave power over the
friends of human freedom." ... .
Some might counsel silence upon this sub
ject. Mr. Kirk believed, for one, the day of
silence passed forever ; and that the cautious
and conservative will soon discover it. The
introduction of Missouri as a slave State, the
base violation of the very compact formed at
her admission, tho history of Kansas, and pre
sent condition of affairs, were connected to
gether, and traceable to the same fountain
The' river has not yet reached its mouth ; it
might be forded hero ; but soon it would sweep
away, in its terrific current, Constitution, en
actments and every human barrier, and under
mine tho republic itself. No man could re
sist the corrupting influence, and fierce temp
tations, and the tremendous impulse of abso
lute, irresponsible power over our fellow men,
having accepted it. That slave-owners should
aim to control tho mighty forces of our gener
al government, he did not wonder ; nor did he
question that they were doing it.
Thus he only pointed to the tlinnder-cloud
that hung over us. "God," said he, "may a-
vert it. Man can not. Coaxinff. comnromise.
' a t
letting alone, are all too late. Mr. Brooks
is nothing in this matter. Mr. Douglas is
nothing in this matter. Tho doctrine that a
negro is not a man and the doctrine the the -gro
is a man have now come to the death-struggle
of the contest. Neither will yield until a
continent has been swept with the deluge of
civil war." Tho murders, duels, tho false
sense of honor, the carrying of arms, were a
natural growth of that institution, and "when
the Southern chivalry comes to form the cus
toms of Freedom's metropolis, and gntta per
cha bludgoons take the place ol candid dis
cussion, free men will bear it no longer."
Men might talk of dissolution of the Union j
but he believed that when it came, it would be
a moral dissolution, and not a territorial one ;
and when men were weary of fanatical and
protracted war, some Napoleon the I. or III.
would take the reins of power, and as many
white men and as many negroes as would bo
left would bo the slave population of America.
When brothers fight, they fight to the death,
and when the Union is dissolved, Freedom
bids the world farewell ; the hopes of our fa
thers, and the hopes of the oppressed, the
hopes of the best spirits in Europe sink for
the present century. A civil war in America
will be a war of the world j the despotic pow
ers of Europe, the Catholic powers, will take
the side of the Cavalieis against the Puritans.
Our present duty was to penitcntially seek
forgiveness for tho sins of tho past. Our only
hope was in repentance. Ho did not mean to
say we must not act ; that, perhaps, we must
not fight. But no action would bo wise or safe
until God should have forgiven us. God could
deliver us, and would, in answer to prayer.
We learned this from God's commands and
promises, and from tho recorded examples of
men and communities.
He did not believe that praying was all wc
had to do ; but nothing would be effectual, un
til a portion of the people, at least humbled
themselves before the olli-nded majesty of
God. It was easy to counsel violence ; it was
easy to counsel inaction ; neither of these rem
edies would meet tho case. "But our God
will show the remedy, whou wo shall havo re
turned to him with contrite hearts. L'ntil then
wc know not what to do."
Wo should recognize our perilous and pain
ful condition ; and should see the hand of God
in it, permitting the punishment of our sins;
we should turn unto the hand that was smiting
ns and seek forgiveness for the past and
strength and guidance for the future. In con
cluding Dr. Kirk referred Christians for their
watchword to the 4Cth Psalm of David.
A poisoned Valley has been discovered in
Batten, in Japan. Mr. A. Loudon visited it
last July, and states that when within a few
yards of the valley, a strong and suffocating
smell was experienced, but this ceased as the
margin was approached.
The bottom of it appears to be flat, wifhout
any vegetation, and a few large stones scatter
ed hero and there. Skeletons of human be
ings, tigers, bears, deer, and all sorts of birds
and wild animals, lay about in profusion.
The ground on which they lay at the bottom
of the valley, appeared to be a hard, sandy
substance, and no vapor was perceived. The
sides were covered with vegetation.
It was proposed to enter it, and each of the
party having lit a cigar, managed to get with
in twenty feet of the bottom, where a sicken
ing nauseous smell was experienced without
any difficulty of breathing. . A dog was now
fastened to the end of a bamboo and thrust to
the bottom of the valley, while some of the
party with their watches in their hands ob
served the effect.
At the expiration of fourteen seconds ho fell
off his legs; without moving or looking a
round, and continued alive only eighteen min'
utes. Tho other dog now left the company
and went to his companion. On reaching him
be was observed to stand quite motionless, and
at the end of ten seconds fell down ; he never
moved his limbs after, and lived only seven
minutes. A fowl was now thrown in, and died
in a minute and a quarter. And another, was
thrown in after, and died in the space of a
minute and a half.
A heavy shower of rain fell during the time
that these experiments were going forward,
which from the interesting nature of the ex
periments, was quite disregarded. On the op.
posite side of the valley to that w hich was vis
ited lay a human skeleton. The head was rest
ing on the right arm. The effect of the weath
er had bleached tho bones as white as ivory.
This was probably the remains of some wretch
ed rebel, hunted towards the valley, who had
taken shelter there unconscious of its character.
"Pshaw ? a woman keep a secret ! Who
ever knew one to keep anything twenty-four
"That's a libel upon the sex, Mr. Podkins
invented, I'll be bound, by some thrice reject
ed bachelor, w ho could think of no other modo
of revenge. Let anybody put a secret in my
possession, and if I can't keep it till the day
of judgment, then I wasn't christened Laura,
that's all."
"Guess I will try you sometime," said Pod
kins, as he applied a match to his cigar, and
walked out.
Proceeding to a confectioner's, he purchas
ed a mammoth sugar heart and two smaller
ones. These ho took to his shop, and cut a
piece of shingle tho exact size of tho large
heart, and placed the wooden counterfeit in
the paper with the small ones, that the packa
ges might look as near aliko as possible.
Nearly tea time Podkins entered the sitting
room whero Laura and her friend Mary were
busily plying their needles. Seating himself
near by, he drew from his coat pocket two
small bundles, and presenting one to each of
the girls, remarked that he had long contem
plated making them some presents, but hoped
as an especial favor to himself that they would
not tell each other what the paper contained.
Laura and Mary promised obedience, the same
time casting uneasy glances at the mysterious
"Remember, the first who breaks her pro
mise will forfeit her claim to the title of se
cret keeper, and mend my coat in the way of
penalty," added Podkins, rising to exhibit
more fully a most sorrowful-looking garment
so "tattered and torn," that a tailor would
havo been puzzled to decide what was its ori
ginal shape.
The girls considered themselves safe con
cerning tho coat, and chided the wearer for
being so skeptical in regard to their ability to
keep a secret. Curiosity was only half satis
fied, however, after ascertaining that Podkins'
generosity bestowed a heart. It was not long
ere tho donor overheard Mary and Laura in
the kitchen, teasing one another to reveal, by
some sign, at least, the forbidden fruit. But
each stood their ground wonderfully, and Pod
kins feared his coat would remain tattered.
The girls' sleeping apartment was contiguous
to the one occupied by Podkins and his friend
Barlow. As only a thin partition separated
the rooms, it was easy to hear ordinary con
versation from oue to tho other without the
folly of listening. Tho two men were snugly
ensconced in bed, when Mary and Laura en
tered the adjoining bed-room. The door had
scarce been closed, when tho former exclaim
ed : "Now, Laura, do tell mo what was in your
paper. It looked just liko mine, and I verily
believe it is tho same thing. I shall not sleep
a wink to-night if you don't. Come, do tell,
that's a good girl, aud then I will tell you what
is in mine."
"Well," replied Laura, "there were two su
gar hearts in mine."
"And there was only one in mine," said
Mary, in a disappointed tone.
At this point a respcctablo portion of the
bolster went into Barlow's mouth, while Pod
kins took refuge beneath the bed-clothes to
smother his laughter as best he might.
At breakfast the next morning, while Laura
was pouring out tho coffee, Podkins, turning
towards Barlow, said very gravely : "Well,
there were two sugar hearts in mine."
"And thero was only one in mine," respon
ded Barlow, so exactly Imitating Mary's tone
that she almost faucied herself speaking.
Tho coffee-pot dropped, to the great confu
sion of sundry cups and saucers, and then
came a burst of laughter from the four that
fairly made the dishes dance.
"I will take that coat after breakfast, if you
please, Mr. Podkins," said Laura, quietly, af
ter tbe mirth had somewhat subsided.
A Wat to Keep Egos. During a long voy
age to SouthAmerlca it was noticed how fresh
the eggs continued to be. The steward was
called upon for his secret. He said as he pur
chased his slock, be packed it down in small
boxes rasin boxes and afterwards, about
once a-weck, turned every box but tho one out
of which ho was using. That was all. The
reason of his success is, that by turning the
eggs over he keeps the yolks about the middle
of the albumen. If still, tbe yolk will after a
while find its way through the white to the
shell, and when it does so, the egg will spoil
Hens understand this fact, for they, as is well
known, turn over the eggs upon which they
sot at least daily.
The camels which were recently brought to
New Orleans from the East, excite much cu
riosity. A correspondent of the New Orleans
Picayune, who was on board the transport
Fashion, in which they were brought on shore
from tho ship Supply, gives the following ac
count: Towards evening, the dreary mud banks of
the mouth came in view, tho land all the time
sinking lower and lower. The camels were
on board the United S'Jvtes storcship Supply,
by the side of which we were soon fastened,
and ready to receive the animals. It being
late we did not transfer any of them that day.
We went aboard tho ship Supply, however,
impelled by curiosity to see tho wonderful
beasts. They were lodged below, well shel
tered from the bad weather, and had three
Arabs and two Turks to attend to their wants.
Tho ship had brought them a long voyago
from Smyrna, consequently the poor animals
had been confined in a very narrow place for
over thrco months. They numbered thirty
five, including several young ones, one of
which was born on the voyage, in tho vicinity
of the Trade Winds, in consequence of which
t jo jolly Jack tars called it "Trade Wind."
The others had various Arabic cognomens,
but it is intended to name them after the
States of the Union, which would be highly
The next day the camels were installed in
their new home, but not without some difficul
ty, for their natural timidity rendered them
difficult to manage. The animals being all
safely on board, and everything in perfect or
der, we bade adieu to the ship Supply, both
fired a salute, and our ponderous wheels stri
king the waters bore lis out into the open sea,
in full speed for Matagorda Bay.
The weather, with very littlo exception, con
tinued pleasant and tho sea smooth, a very
fortunate thing for tho camels. They are a
very patient animal, scarcely ever uttering a
sound, but arc extremely belligerent among
themselves, it requiring all tho watchiug and
care that can be bestowed on them to prevent
them from biting each other.
There were two or three that boasted two
humps, but the majority had only one. It is
supposed they will prove of infinite service on
the great prairies of Texas, and each camel
will certainly bo more valuable there than five
horses the country, in some respects, resem
bling the desert plains of the East, if wc sub
stitute grass in the place of sand. They can
carry enormous weights, and can bear heavy
fatigues and long continued journeys thus
being of great service to our armies on the
frontiers. The only difficulty to be apprehen
ded is from the climate in winter, for tho cold
will weigh most rigorously on them. To this,
however, they may become gradually accus
tomed, and the animal being fully acclimated
there will be no further trouble about that.
They will cairy without stopping, except at
long intervals, immense weights of baggage
and stores, under a hot, broiling sun, the fa
tigue of which would soon kill a horse. By
importing a great many, the United States
will soon have a considerable breed of camels
on the Western Continent. It may bo said to
Columbia's honor, that sho has taken the lead
in introducing these powerful aids to civiliza
tion among us, for tho conquests of peaco sur
pass those of war. We arrived at the bay of
Matagorda on Monday evening, May 12. The
next morning the animals were taken ashore,
and at last regained their liberty. Tho in
habitants crowded around them, with pardon
able curiosity, to behold the huge, uncouth
animals, and many were the sensible compar
isons given vent to on the occasion. The Ar
abs and Turks, who had dressed themselves in
rich Oriental costume, were kept busy ex
plaining to the inquisitive crowd. Now and
then a camel, in tho full excess of joy, would
run with a terrible leaping and kicking among
the people, who would consequently give it
full room te gambol in. That evening, they
all started for their destination, in regular
Eastern order, as for a distant caravan.
We take the following from tho Trinity,
California, Times. It certainly records one of
the most remarkablo instances we have ever
heard of, of canine 'sagacity' as it is called,
but which, in thia instanco seems more like
the exerciso of tho same reason with which
man is gifted, but the exclusive possession of
which ho arrogates to himself.
Wm. Dredge lives about five miles from
town, at the base of the mountains which tow
er north of us. A short time after midnight
on the morning of Wednesday last, ho was a
rouscd from his slumbers by the mournful
howl of a dog. No menace on his part could
rid him of the presence of the strange intruder.
The dog continued to walk around the cabin,
still repeating his dismal moaning and how
ling, occasionally making efforts to effect an
entrance through the closed doorway. Sur
prised and somewhat alarmed at this singular
demonstration, Mr. Dredge at last hastily dres
sed himself and unbolted tho door, when a
large mastiff rushed within. The dog at once
caught hold of his pants and employed every
gentle means to induce the gentleman to ac
company him outside. Dredge's first impres
sion was that the animal wa3 mad, and yet bo
peculiar and earnest were the dumb entreat
ies, that he finally yielded and preceefl ed with
out the cabin. A joyful yell was the result,
and the delighted brute now capering aud wag
ging his tail before him, and now returning
and gently seizing him by the hand and pants,
induced Dredge to follow him.
Their course was up tho precipitous sides of
the mountain, and soon they were forcing
their way through a snow drift that had settled
in one of its numerous abrasures. Here comes
the wonder. Upon the Bnow lay the body of
a woman who had evidently perished from
cold and exhaustion. ITer limbs were alroady
stiffened in the embraces of death. But what
was tho surprise of Mr. Dredge to see that
faithful dog ferret out from a bundle of cloth
ing that lay by the side of the woman, a
young child about two years of age, still warm
and living. A little inspection, aided by the
pale starlight and tho brightness of the snow,
enabled him to discover that the person of the
woman was nearly naked. With a mother's
affection she had stripped her own person in
order to furnish warmth to her exposed infant.
Th trusty dog had completed her work of
self sacrifice and immolation.
Mr. Dredge immediately conveyed the child
to his cabin, and arousing some of bis neigh
bors, proceeded again to tho mountain to se
cure from attack of wild bcats the person of
the unfortunate woman. ITer body was bur
ied the next day. The child and dog have
been adopted by this good Samaritan. But
as yet he has been unable to obtain any light
as to tho name of the woman, or how she hap
pened to stray on the dismal mountain side at
such an unfortunate hour. Tho child is do
ing well, and is truly a handsome boy.
Many of our readers have doubtless heard
of the brilliant stucco whitewash on the cast
end of the President's house at Washington
The following is a receipt for making it, as
gleaned from the National Intelligencer, with
some additional improvements learned by ex
periment :
Take half a bushel of nice unslackcd lime ;
slake it with boiling water, cover it during
the process to keep it in the strainer, and add
to it a peck of clean salt, previously well dis
solved in warm water ; three pounds of ground
rice, boiled to a thin paste, and stirred in boil
ing hot ; half a pound of clean glue, which
has been previously dissolved by first soaking
it well, and then hanging it over a slow fire,
in a small kettle, within a large one filled
with water. Add five gallons of hot water to
the whole mixture ; stir it well, and let it
6tand a few days covered from the dirt. It
should be put on right hot ; for this purpose,
it can bo kept in a kettle on a portable fur
nace. It is said that about one pint of this
mixture will cover a square yard upon the out
side of a house, if properly applied.
Brushes more or less small may be used ac
cording to'lhe neatness of the job required.
It answers as well as oil paint for wood, brick
or stone, and is cheaper. It retains its bril
liancy for many years. There is nothing of
the kind that will compare with it, either for
inside or outside walls. Coloring matter may
be put in and made of any shade you like,
Spanish brown stirred in will make red or
pink more or less deep according to the quan
tity. A delicate tinge of this t very pretty
for inside walls. Finely pulverized common
clay, well mixed w ith Spanish brown, before
it is stirred into tho mixture, makes a lilac
color. Lamp-black in moderate quautitics
makes a slato color, very suitable for the out
side of buildings. Lamp-black and Spanish
brown mixed together produce a rcdisu stone
Yellow ochro stirred in makes yellow wash ;
but chrome goes farther, and makes a color
generally esteemed prettier. In all these ca
ses, darkness of the 6hade w ill of course be
determined by the quantity of coloring used.
It is difficult to make a rule, because tastes
arc very different ; it would be best to try ex
periments upon a shingle and let it dry. We
have been told that green must not be mixed
with lime. The lime destroys tho color, and
the color has an effect on the whitewash, which
makes it crack and peel.
When walls have been badly smoked, and
when you wish to have them a clean white, it
is well to squeeze indigo plentifully through
a bag into tho water you use, before it is stir
red in tho whole mixture.
If a larger quantity than five gallons is wan
ted, the same proportions should be observed.
A Wholesome Dkixk. The excessive use
of cold water during the sweltering heat of
summer, often results in serious and alarming
illness. It is therefore advisable that some
beverage should be substituted for it, of which
those oppressed with thirst can partake with
safety. For this purpose I am aware of no bet
ter or more refreshing drink than the follow
ing :
Take of the best white Jamaica ginger root,
carefully bruised, two ounces ; cream of tar
tar one ounce ; water, six quarts, to be boil
ed for about five minutes, then strained; to
the strained liquor add one pound of the best
white sugar, and again place it over the fire ;
keep it well stirred till the sugar is perfectly
dissolved, and then pour it into an earthen
vessel, into which you previously put two
drachms of tartaric acid, and the rind of one
lemon, and let it remain till the heat in redu
ced to a lukewarm tempertture , Then jdd a
table spoonfull of yeast, stirring them well
together, and bottle for use.- The corki must
bo well secured. The drinks will bo in high
perfection in four or five days. Thia is a rery
refreshing and wholesome beverage, and one
which may be largely partaken of without any
unpleasant results even in the hottest weather.
Those who make nso of old cider, will find
thia much superior as common field beverage.
Cermaniou-n Telegraph.-
(Front th rittsturg Dispatch.)
We notice in the papers mention of a young
woman having been recently defected in the
garb of a man among the workmen employed
in Smith's whip factory iu Westfleld, Mass.,
and, now that it can do no injury to expose her
secret, we shall throw a little light upon her
previous history, at least during her three)
years' residence in this vicinity.
The young woman first made her appearance
in the West in 1831, when she sought and ob
tained employment as a workman in the whip
factory of Mr. Underwood, then engaged in
the business in our city. After working some)
three months for him, she complained of ill
health, and thought a more active life would
suit her better and engaged as a cabin boy,
running a whole season on our rivers in that
capacity, without the slightest suspicion that
she was other than a smart but rather delicata
lad. In the sumcr of 1852 she appeared in bet
river garb, in the wareroom of Mr. JobnW.
Tim, the well known whip manufacturer on
Wood street, and asked work as a "finisher
in his shop, which she obtained, filling the
situation creditably for two years, and endear
ing herself to all her fellow workmen by her a
miable and obliging disposition, none of whom
suspected, when joking with ber of her pen
chant for female society, and gallanting tho
girls, that they were oonvcrsing with one of
tho fair sex.
In tho summer of 1854she worked less Btead
ily, devoting several days iu the week to buy
ing peaches, which she sold again in the mar
ket ; this led to dissatisfaction on tbe part of
her employer, and she left the shop, engaging
for a few months in the fruit and confectiona
ry business in a little shop she opened on Pcnn
street, in the Fifth Ward. . This was finally
closed, and she left the city a year or eighteen
months ago to turn np again in tho Westfleld
Whip Factory. All we can learn of her histo
ry is that she sailed from Rochester, New
York, and during ber residence in this city
was several limes visited by a man named D
who was represented by her as an uncle. Sbo
had with her a little girl, some nix or eight
years old probably her daughter but who
passed as her deceased brother's orphan child.
She boarded on Boyd's Hill, behaved herself
common Jably, had no vices but scgar smoking
joined a Methodist church in Allegheny, and
never was spoken evil of except in regard to
her intimacy with a young Irish widow, an ac
quaintance sho mado alter leaving the whip
factory, and with whom she finally left our
city ; but this chargo did not effect her much,
as she assured her old acquaintances that she
had married the w idow !
During her residence of nearly three years
in Pittsburg, the only one who suspected her
sex was tbe woman who kept the boarding
house, and who had belter opportunities of ob
servation than others but she said nothing of
her suspicions until the girl had left town.
Her employer reposed every confidence in
her, and during a portion of her stay with him
employed her iu the out door business of the
establishment. After leaving Pittsburg, her
acquaintances here heard nothing of her for
sometime not, indeed, until some accident
revealed her sex, at Westfield, Mass., when
Mr. Tim received a letter of inquiry from a
manufacturer ia that place; and a brother in
the church another, from the Methodidt minis
ter at Westfield, enquiring as to her conduct
and reputation here of which they could
give no other than a favorable report.
The most charitable construction we can
put upon her adventures is that 6Uo Is a widow;
who, having ascertained that men command a
much higher compensation than her own sex,
for the same amount of work, had determined
to assume the male garb, to earn a living for
herself and child. It may be, however, that
for one fault society had expelled and friends
abandoned her and that, with more than the
usual energy of her box, instead of falling still
lower victim to man's passion she betook her
self to the coat and pantaloons as a protection
against the scorn of one sex and the wile of
the other. AVhatever is the solution of her
strange conduct, sho deserves credit for her
energy and determination, and wo regret that
her secret has become known, affording a It
did a safe asylum.
Since the above was written we learn that
the lady was married some twelve years ago,
in Rochester, where she and her husband o
pened a small confectionary, and not succeed
ing very well in business, they abandoned it
and engaged as waiters in a hotel. After be
ing in the hotel sometime, her husband be
came jealous of the attentions of another man,
and had her arrested and confined in jail about
three months. She is Irish, or of Irish paren
tage her real name is Connolly, but she pas
sed in this city by the name of Wm. J. Pally.
She camo to work for Mr. Tim in June, 1852,
with rhem ihs rfnmnd uV.il August, ISC2.
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