Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, June 25, 1856, Image 5

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    Til 1
The Crops. Passing, a few days eince,
through a portion of tho western part of this
county, we paid some attention to the appear
ance of the crops, which indicates that the
season is very backward. The wheat is short
and thin, yet what there is of it may turn out
pretty well. The lye does not present a vig
orons growth, the stalk being light, and the
head small. We, however, observed a few
fields that looked well. The corn is Very
short, but looks hardy and vigorous, and If the
weather continues favorable, may yet mature
and produce a good .return. The oats and
grass crops, as a general thing, look well.
Cosghessioxal Coxferees. The Ameri
cans and Republicans of Clarion held a Coun
ty Convention on the 19th, at which A. Myers,
Samuel Young and P. M'Gough were appoint
ed Congressional Conferees to meet at such
time and place as may be fixed upon in con
nexion with the other delegates. The Ban
ner says It has been suggested that the confe
rees meet at Brookville on tho 1st of August.
Some immediate action should be taken to
have Clearfield represented in the conference.
Focbtii of Jclt. The Ladies of Cherry
Tree are preparing a Dinner for the benefit of
the new Presbyterian church erecting in that
place. They will spare no pains or expense
to make it as attractive as possible. We hope
that many will take this opportunity of visit
ing Cherry Tree, as they cannot find a more
pleasant retreat lor observing the ordinary an
nual festival of our Country's Independence.
Single tickets, Fifty cents.
That's So." II. D. Patton has received at
his store room in Curwensville, one of the lar
gest and choicest stocks of Seasonable Goods
in the county. lie has a very large variety of
articles, all designed to accommodate the
wants of his customers, which he will sell at
prices to suit the times. Attention is direct
ed to his advertisement in another portion of
this paper.
Am-ucatxox for a Bank Charter. By a
reference to an advertisement in to-day's Jour
nal it will be seen that application will be made
to the nest Legislature for a charter for a bank
in this place, to be called "The Clearfield
Bank," with a capital of $100,000, with the
privilege of increasing it to $200,000.
Charged. The time for holding the next
term of Court in this county, we understand,
has been changed from the third Monday in
September to the third Monday in August.
Some change has also been made in the time
for hotding the other terms, of which notice
will doubtlessly be given injrood season.
A riw dats since, the relative merits of raw
and cooked oysters were being discussed,
when a sprig from the Emerald Isle was asked
if they ever eat raw ones in Ireland, to which
he replied that "Divil the bit wnd they know
what a raw ovstcr was unless it was cooked .'"
West Over. This morning, as Dr. Harts
wiek was returning from a professional visit to
the country, his horse, shying at a woman with
a basket, ran over an embankment several feet
high, and turned entirely over. The Doctor
escaped with a few slight bruises.
Copious Showkrs have fallen in this section
of country within the last week, imparting
vigor and facilitating the growth of vegetation
of all kinds.
Ther will be a meeting f Lumbermen hold
at the Court House in Clearfield Borough, on
the -1th of July, for the purpose of adopting
measures to prevent the floating of loose logs
in the Susquehanna river. All interested are
requested to attend. (jun2j
M A 11 II I E D :
On the 21th June, at the residence of John
L. Cuttle, Esq.. in the Borough of Clearfield,
by tho Rev. Dr. McLeod, of St. Andrew's
Church, Besjamix J. Berry, M. D., of Centre
county, to Mart Axs CiTTi.E,of this borough.
E7If there is any couple within the circle
of our acquaintance that we can heartily wish
an unbounded degree of earthly felicity, it is
this one, and wo trust their future may be as
Lright and pleasanfas the morning of life.
Wo received some excellent cake with the no
tice, for which we tender our thanks.
Escape of Prisoners is Mexico. John A.
C'ullen, of Virginia, and E. J. Wilson, of Ken
tucky, two of the passengers of the barque
Archibald Gracie, seized some six months ago
at La Paz, Mexico, as a filibuster, have arri
ved at Xew Orleans. All on Loard the barque
were thrown into prison, and have ever since
been confined. Recently, however, six of
them made their escape, and the two referred
to allege that, after travelling a dreary jour
ney on foot of seme 1500 miles through Mexi
co, they reached Vera Cruz, and there embar
ked for New Oilcans. They describe their
treatment and that of their comrades in prison
as heartless and inhuman, and complain bitter
ly of the indifference cf our government to
Arrival of Mr. Fillmore The Bteamcr
Atlantic arrived at Sandy Hook en the night
ol the 22d, having on board ex-President Fi'l
pore. In a letter published in the X. Y. Ex
press, received by an earlier arrival, Mr. Fill
more says, as he has been placed in nomina
tion without his desire, he will remain there,
unless his withdrawal is desired by his friends
who placed him before the public as a candi
date. " Possible. The Xew York Day Book, a Eu
chanan paper says: "The time is close at hand
when such statesmen as Sumner and Hale will
have jastico, full justice done them, when, in
short, an Abolitionist will be lynched as read
ily in New York and Eoaton as in Charleston
ct New Orleans."
Oca respected friend "Sagacity,'" is in Tes
tacies over the recent nominations for Presi
dent find indulges frequently in shouts for
Millard Fremont !
Another Fire occurred at Brookville, Jef
ferson county, on the 16th, by which the steam
saw mill and the water mill of L. II. Litch &
Co., were destroyed, involving a loss of about
While the Cincinnati convention was in ses
sion, some locofocos at Lebanon made bets on
the final result, one of which was a day's wa
ges. The Buchanan man having won, the
Picrceite tendered him "ten cents," alleging
that that was Buchanan wages.
A company of So young men, mostly me
chanics, has been formed at Dayton, O., who
intend to st3rt forthwith for Kansas, via Iowa
and Nebraska. The citizens have contribu
ted about $5,000 to pay their expenses.
Thej' go out as actual settlers.
Brecke.vridge, the Locofoco candidate for
Vice President, when in Congress two years
ago, sent a challenge to Mr. Cutting, of New
York, to fight a duel. We shall see how those
locos who had such a horror of supporting the
"'duellist Clay," will swallow this fact.
Jame3 J. Strang, a Mormon leader, was shot
at Beaver Island on the 10th, by two of his for
mer followers. He received three balls in the
body and a severe blow from a pistol on the
head. Strang was lying in a very critical con
dition. The assassins had been arrested.
Another attempt will be made shortly ,to lay
a chain cable for a telegraph across the Atlan
tic. The cable will be 2100 miles long, and two
steamers, each with 1200 miles of cable, will
meet midway between Ireland and NewFound
land, unite the cables, and proceed in opposite
directions to land.
Central America. From Nicaragua wo
learn that General Walker had removed his
headquarters to Leon. There was some sick
ness among the troops. It was rumored that
a revolution had broken out at Costa Kica dur
ing Mora's absence, which it is said was head
ed by an influential family named Castro.
Tkxaxt Holses. An Anglo-French compa
ny is putting up a large number of model ten
ant houses in the Champs Elysecs in Paris. A
peculiarity of the scheme is that the tenant,
al ter occupying the same house for a period of
ten, twenty, or thirty years, according to the
worth of it, and regularly paying his annual
rent, will own the house in fee.
Mexico. Intelligence fromMexico indicates
that much alarm is felt by the government res
pecting the Spanish expedition, and foreshad
ows an application for the protection of the
United States. Southern Members ol Congress
suggest the granting of protection on the con
dition of a cession to us of tho Tehuantcpec
route, wiih the circumjacent territory.
Bills of indictment have been found against
the Directors of the Camden and Philadelphia
Ferry Company, charging them with man- J
slaughter in negligently equipping the steam- j
boat New Jersey, burnt in March, thereby caus
ing death ; also with misdemeanor in neglect
ing the same, they being carriers of passen
gers. The Superintendent, Andrew B. Fra
zee, is also indicted in similar hills.
Ax Impotent Threat. The recusant Whig,
Thomas Butler King, aPennsylvanian by birth,
but a Georgian by residence, told the Buchan
an ratificators in New York that the South
would be with them throughout the glorious
contest. He also added : ii.1ny mafi who does
r.ot go irith the South in. this contest trill le set
dmcn as desiring the dissolution of the Union."
This, then is a war waged for tho South.
Who said "sectional parties."
The Iloilidaysbnrg Standard states that Da
vis shot Johnston with a musket, that belong
ed to Capt. Walls, which he had aboard of a
Canal boat, and loaded for the purpose of
thooting mnskrats. It was one of an old con
demned lot sold by -the State at Ilarrisburg
some five or six years ago. As a singular co
incidence, it is stated that Hutchison shot Ed
monson with a musket out of the same lot,
and within but a tew feet from where Davis
shot Johnston.
Nebuchadnezzar. It is btatcd in the Lon
don .Itlas, that Colonel llawlinson has lately
discovered in a state of perfect preservation,
what is believed to be the mummy of Nebu
chadnezzar. The face of tiic rebellious mon
arch of Babylon, covered by one of those gold
masks usually found inAssyrian tombs, is des
cribed as very handsome the forehead high
and commanding, the leatures marked and
regular. A post mortem examiuation has been
made and tho stomach found full of grass.
A Fraud. A man has been arrested in New
York, charged with having attempted to de
fraud an aged gentleman, residing on Long Is
land, of properly valued at $100,000. It is
stated that the offender induced the old man
to visit his house, and while there, he drugged
him with liquor from clay to day for 4 weeks,
and then induced him to sign a power of at
torney, by which his property was to have
been sold. Before the sale took place, the
old man rallied, and the accused was arrested
and held to bail.
Horrid Ixhcmanitt of a Step-mother. A
recent trial before the Hardin (Ky.,1 County
Court has developed a systematic course of
cruelty by a Mrs. Hubbard, toward her step
daughter, a girl of thirteen years, that exceeds
anything of which we have ever read. It ap
pears that for two years past, the young girl
has been subject to constant d3spepsia, and to
occasional convulsions, with the most excru
ciating pains in her stomach. Recently she
vomited up thirty-three pins of various sizes,
and five needles issued from her side. This
led to an investigation, in the course of which
the girl stated that her mother, assisted by
another woman, had at different intervals
Jhrown hef down and compelled her to swal
low pins and needle3. Since the girl's stomach
has been relieved of '.herina her zenrral health
J is rapidly improving.
FOR. SALE A two-story frame House, with a
half acre of land adjoining, .situate in Law
rence township, on the road from CleRrfield to
Curwensville, about 1 i miles from Clearfield. For
terms apply to Zebad Lawhcad, Lawrence town
ship, or to the subscriber.
jur,e4 Clearfield. Ta.
PAY VP. The judgments, notes, book ac
counts. Ac , of the late firm of D. W. Robbins
Co., and also of bobbins & Menderhall. have
been placed in my hands for collection. Prompt
attention on the part of those indebted will save
costs. W. A. WALLACE.
Clearfield. June IS. lS56-3t
dered to meet 1'or j:arade, on Friday. July 4.
at 3 o'clock in the rooming. Each member will
provide himself with 10 round. of black cartridge.
An appeal will be he'd immediately after parade,
when all absentees for last parade will be heard.
By order of the Captain, GEO. W. RHEEM.
June IS, 16. x'iret serjrL
1 PLASTERING. Cooper & Mitchel. who
have had much experience in the cities of
New York and Philadelphia in tho above busi
ness, are prepared to do work from plain to the
best ornamental of anv description, on reasonable
terms. Address, 'COOPER A MITCHEL..
May 2S. 1S50. Glcnhope, Clearfield Co. Pa.
V SALE. The subscriber offers for salo his Tav
ern Stand, on the corner of Market and Front
streets, in the borough of Clearfield. The house
is Iarj;e and commodious and well calculated for a
public lirne. For particulars inquire of V. A.
Wallace. Esq.. or of the subscriber livinp on tho
premises. W. J. HEMPHILL.
March 5th. 185fi
TIOR SALE-the Farm occupied by Richard
. J'anvcrs. Jr.. t-itnate in l'enn township, about
one mile from Pennsvillc. It contains (51 acres, of
which 45 are cleared and.under good fence. The
improvements are a two-story frame houso and
kitchen, barn and out-houses. There J3 a young
bearing orchard on the place, and the whole id
well watered. For terms apply to
junct ClearfUl 1, Pa.
. borouch of Clearfield ; several RUILDING
ing from three to ten acres each, near the borough
of Clearfield.
Also several desirable FARMS and pieces of
TI-MEEU LAND, in various parts of the county.
Tcrm3 accommodating. Applv to
April 10, 1S50. Clearfield, Pa.
TO! TOR IOWA!! The undcrsiVr.ed.de
- .1 sirous of goin;r West, offer 3 to sell lit private
sale, three lots in the village of Marysville, one
half mile east of Clearfield ihidge, in BuZA town
ship, having thereon erected a two-story weather
boar led dwelling house, good stable, and a black
smith shop. The terms, which will bo reasonable,
can be as.-ertaind by inquiring of the undersign
ed, residing oa tho premises.
may-tr SAMUEL 1. DILLER.
OS Letters of Administration on the Estate of
NATHANIEL HUGHES, late of Chest township,
Clearfield County, Pa., dee'd, have been granted
to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said
estate are requested to make immediate payment,
and those having claims against the same will
present them, properly authenticated for settle
May 23, 1S5G Gt. Administrator.
V The subscriber offers for sale his valuable
farm, situate two miles from Curwensville, on the
River road leading to Lumber City ; said farm con
taining 105 acres, hiity acres cleared, under good
cultivation, the balance well timbered; with i
good barn, new plank dwelling house, and a good
bearing orchard thereon, and is well watered. For
turtner tulornialion enquire oi me suoserioer uv
ing on the premises. ti.uu." iiv-u e --.
February U. lhnu bin
SALE. This is one of the most valuable little books
of tho times, to all persons out of employment,
as a number of money making trades and ar's: can
be learned without a muster, beside all the genu
ine and popular receipts, and instructions of the
day, for tho manufacture of the most beneficial.
and saleable articles, now in common use. Any
per.on forwarding one dollar post-pRid, to C. J EF-
halted, Jtjtrtrs, CfcrrJie4 Co.. l a., or to A. 11.
It.itiiTuitt, Tyrone, Blair Co., Fa., will receive a
copy by return mail.
And anv person forwarding twentv-hve cents,
post paid, to C. Jfffkics, will receivo by return
mail, one of the three following instructions:
How to make the celebrated artificial Hovev.
How to raise double crops, of nil kinds of vegeta
bles, with little expense, and how to catch all the
Wolves, Foxes. Minks and Mnskrats in tho neigh
borhood. Any person forwarding iTfty cents, will
receive the whole three by return laail.
Tune 4. 18ot ly.
LIST OF RETAILERS of Foreign and Do
mestic Merchandize in Clearfield County, for
the year lS.it, subject to the payment of license.
Bradford Township, i Covinsrtoa Township.
John Holt, 14 Francis Coudriet, 11
James J'. Graham, 12T.eviI.nt7., I t
Matthew loreee. l JUohn is. Jj.irmoy, 11
Edward Williams, l-t Chsst Totvnftup.
Albei t & Rrothers, 1 i, Hughes. & Llovd, 14
Foss-s Ton-iiskip. Ciinccnsvillc Bar.
C. Sloan. 1 1 11. D. Patton. 11
Ralston .1 Beatfy, HlMcBride fc Co. 13
Becciriz Township. Eliza irvin i Sous, 12
Clearfield Coal and Lum-. Isaac Rtoom, Jr. 14
ber Co. 14 Moiitchus & Ten Evck, 14
Jeremiah Cooper, It; Decatur Toiriishiji.
S C. PateUin. j l; J'owman & to. J.i
George W. SeholT, 14 J. F Stincr .t Co. 14
L. . eld. 11! uos'icn loicnsinp.
V ra V v To jrfi sh in
ir-. irwin v j-ons,
R. II. Moore,
F. K. Arnold.
Samuel Arnold.
P. W. Rarrett,
14:A. R Shaw. 14
14j Girarl Toii'tisaip.
14 James Irwin & Co. 14
14! Augustus I.econtc, 13
14 Smith & King, 14
141 .Tor.tnn Toias-iip.
14'J. M. Chase A Co. 14
14 David McGehan, 14
George R. Rarrett,
John Dale,
Frederick Arnold,
John Carlisle A; Co.
Frederick Goler.
14'Jamcs M. Pfonzt,
liell Township. Knrthaus Toicnship
Gedder. Marsh & Co. 14 F. P. Hurxthal, 14
i:. L. Miller, 14 R. D. Hall i Co. 14
L.r. smith, 14 Ivobert Jlamcs, 14
B'irtisiilf. Township. I Knox Township,
James McMurry. U'Martin Stirk, 14
A.Patehin A brother, 14 Venn Township.
Cuinrnings AMahaifeyd 4 Hartshorn & Co. 14
Russell McMurry, 1 44 A. Hile & Brother, 14
Eliza Irvin A Sons, 1 1 Wra. C. Foley, 14
Isabella Crosa, 14j Union Township.
Clciriirlii Borough. iPaniel E. Brubaker. 14
A M. 1 1 ills, 14i Woodward Township.
W. F. Irwin, 13'Tkomas Hcnderi-on, 14
Richard Mossop. 13 Gcorgo W. Schoff, 14
R. Shaw and Son, 13. R. B. McCuIly, 14
W.L.Moore, '13 Henry Ryers, 14
Christopher Kratzer, 13! James A. Haggcrty. 14
Powell. Weaver A Co. loj Huston Tuicnship.
Charles D. Wat3on, 14.; Valentine Hevntr, 14
Morris Township. David Tyler, 14
G. F. Hoop, I t! Vtie Township.
J. B. Kyler, 14 A. Bloom, 14
E.F.Brenner, 14 Lawrence Township.
J. P. Nelson A Co. 14Forrest A Smith, 14
Mcrcar.tilo Appraiser.'
NOTICE. An appeal will be held on Saturday
the 28th day of June, at the Commissioners' Ofiico
in Clearfield .borough, when and where all who
feel themselves aggrieved by the above appraise
ment can attend, if they see prorer.
June 4. 1856. WM. F. JOHNSON.
T ADIES' GLOVES. A very larga lot cf black
li net worked GIove3, at 10 cents a pair worth
25cts at Mossop's cheap cash store. Jn. 1. oo.
-IIEAP CLOTHING A largo Jot of Cheap Clef
J thing. Men s and Foys. for sale coeap. r,y
June 13. ':-8. RICHARD MOSSOr.
JOS. E. MOSSOI having made an engage
ment with A. T. LANE A Co.. Wholesale Deal
ers in Clothing, 175 Market St.. Philadelphia, would
respectfully invito his old friends to give him a
call. March 25. IS3t ."m.
Gallery at his residence on 2d Street, one door
South of'Merrell and Carter'3 Tin-ware establish
ment. junclS'56
1 8 5 6.
BEIXG CUAM2ZED with a choice selection of
seasonable goods,
READY-MADE CLOTHING in great variety and
of the choicest qualities.
A. large variety of choice DRESS SILKS, which
will be sold at citv prices.
Some beautifulCUArE and Summer BR0C1IAE
Shawls, which will bo sold very low.
BOOTS A SHOES in great variety, lower than
they have ever been offered in this county.
FANCY GOODS extremely low in price, and of
the most beautiful patterns.
CALICOES at 10 CENTS per yard, warranted
fast colors and full width.
PLEASE CALL and examine Ml' STOCK
leforc purchasing, e.icicherr. R-E-A-D-Y F-A-Y
i 11:11 mono, and ram fully dettrmintd to tetl. a
Irl-T-T-T-E Is-O-W-E-R. than nv one else,
tiotwithstandiitg "20 cf. Jeans wurth 40."
All kinds- of -marketing, boards and shingles ta
ken in exchange for goods.
N. 13. A few beautiful Gold Brooches and Gents'
Breast-pins, gold und silver hunting-case patent
lever watches, Ac, very low for the Ready KLino
P- S-
Just call at your leisure. I've got goods enongh
to doyou all.sothatonecan'tgcta-head of another.
juneIl.Vr;-tf. A. M. HILLS.
rtIIE subscriber has ju?t received a large and
Jl well selected stock of new goods of almost
every description suitable for the season. He re
spectfully invites all who wish to buy good Goodj
a: the lowest prices to call at the sign of the
Approved country produce taken in exchange
for goods.
Fersons wishing to purchase, rnd roceive a fair
equivalent fr their money, will do well to give
him a call.
Remember the sign of the CHEAPEST GOODS,
on Market street, and call and be convinced that
there is truth in the words thereon inscribed.
Clearfield. Pa., may 14. 1S55.
By the latest arrivals Jrom Europe
FI1IIE important intelligence has been received
L that Teace is about being declared. This has
had tho effect of reducing prices ou not only pro
visions, but upon Goods of all descriptions. The
undersigned have, therefore, taken advantage of
this propitious time to purchase an extensive and
well selected stock of
which they are determined to sell at the most rea
sonable prices. Their stock is evtensive. embrac
and GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, to which they would
call the attention of the citizens of Curwensville
and surrounding country.
Thev havo connected with their establishment a
is under the superintendence of the well-known
JKli Willi&wid. I'ly will thwi W wiabltJ to
supply their customers and all others with every
variety of Bjots and Shoes at as reasonable pri
ces as they can be procured elsewhere Their
work will be made in the neatest and most dura
bio manner, which will recommend itself.
All of our stoek w ill be disposed of CHEAPER
THAN THE CHEAPEST for CASH, all kinds of
Luirbcr. Country Produce. Hides. Ac , Ac.
"Quick sale. and smxil profits!.'."'
STAVING just returned from the East. I would
JL inform my old customers and the public in
general, that 1 am now receiving and opening at
my '-old stand" a splendid assortment of Spring
aiid Summer Goods, which I will sell a little lower
than any goods heretofore, sold iu Clearfield, a
mong w hich will be found
MANTILLAS, a large assortment atexecedingly
low pries.
SI I.KS. at from 70 cents to 1,C.' cents per yard.
GIXSIIAMS, atfrom 11 cents t" "5 cents per yd.
CALICOES, at from 5 cents to 12i cts per yard.
SHAWLS a good article of Shawls, at from C"i
cents to 10. each.
BONNETS v large lot at from 50 cents to 55.
LADIES' GAITERS for 1.50 worth 2.
Boots, Shoes and Slippers at from G2J
cent? to 1.2a cents per pair.
LADIES' will please call, as I have almost eve
rythipjr in their line. at extraordinary low rates.
GENTS' Boots, Shoes and Gaiters at very low
ri" tes.
MUSLINS, at from f to 12 cents a yard.
JEANS. t 20 cents a vard worth 40.
CLOTHS Black, Blue, Olive, Green, and other
col'irs. very ehpup.
l AKiiblih? RlncK and a variety ot tancy
colors of the latest stvles.
VESTING3 a great varietv of fancy and plain.
SUMMER CLOTHS, Cassimeres. Trimmings, and
in short, a varictr of almost all sorts of Gcntla-
mei.s' and bovs" wear.
Call soon, while you can have an opportunity to
select, from tho whole stock.
All the above, and a ereat variety of other goods
can be purchased at tho very lowest prices EOU
UVMi. a? I have determined not to be undersold.
QUEEN SWARE A superior lot of Fancy
and Common Quccnswaro now opening
and for sale at the raost reasonable prices
at the store of RIC1IAKD MOSSOP.
fO HATS! HATS !! Richard Mossop is now re
Vij- ceiving and opening a fine lot of Spring
and Summer Hats of the latest style?, which
ho w ill sell at prices from 12i cents to t,00.
CLOTHING ! l OOO Dollars worth of 9,
Ready-made Clothing at your own pri
ce. at the cheap store of 1
;fggrFISII! FISH'! Superior Mackerel and
"O-tij Ccdfish just received and opening at the
4ssaasa cheap Cash store cf Richard Mossop in
Clearfield. may 2166
I LACK, Imperial and Young Ilyson fTS
Teas cf the best quality to be had at
the lowest each price at - MOSSOP'S.
HARDWARE and Cuttlcry just received
. - ? . r , ,
fV-A au now opvmng i. iU'.'sop 3 cneap casa
store in Clearfield mav2t
T TMBRELLAS and Parasols, a large assortment
V of the latest patterns, to bo had cheap at
raay2l'58 MOSSOP S.
7 TOLASSES Best Syrup atPO certs a gallon at
HI lmay21 iuosoi'.
-g-jacfetyi?3? Of every description for sale
iilWAJRtJ at a moderate advance at
mayl4'561 WM. F. IRWIN'S.
A lot of superior Mackerel and.
Herring, just received and f3r salo by'fc
mayll WM. F. IRWIN. SaKd
BACON ! On hand and for sale, a lot cf first
rate Hams. Shoulders and Sides, at the eign
O ALT ! SALT!! A quantity of Coarse and
C Ground Alum Salt, f?r sal at W . F. Irwin's.
VOTICE. In the abeence of Eli Bloom. Trea
ll surer of Clearfield county, the Books and Pa
pers will be in the possessionVf John McPherson.
who will attend to the business at all times.
Clearfield, May 23. ISoO.
PLANK ROAD. Notice is hereby gi.en,
that the commissioners appointed by the act of as
sembly, incorporating thetilenhopo & New Wash
ington Plank Road Company, will on Tuesday Sth
cf July, 166t, open the books of said Company,
to receive subscriptions; at the house of David
S. Plotner in New Washington; the store of Mi
chaels, Worrell. A Co., in Newbuigaud the house
of David M'Keehan in Jordan township.Clcarlield
countv, and that said books will be kept open five
davs at each place. LLIAS lll'KD, V
James Dowj.fr. Sec. j-t nf 1 S'j't'- t
The heirs and legal representatives of Sarah,
(interninrried with George Williams.) Mary, (in
termarried with William Williams.) Rachvl. (in
termarried w ith Jesse Vi'hippoe.) Patience, (inter
married with John Claik.) and Sarah, (int.-rmar-ried
with Richard Curry.) daughter of John
Scott. Iie of Jordan township, deceased, and leg
atees under his lmt will and testament, will please
take notic ; that I have appointed Tuesday, July
22d, 1S56, nt 10 o'clock1 A. M., fi-r the purpose of
meeting w ith tli m at my office, in the borough of
Clearfield, to settle and adjust their respective
claims agwinst said estate.
jnrclS'fn"! Adm'r. d. b. n. et e. t. a.
J In tho mutter cf the partition of the real
estate of said decedent. And now September, 22.
1S03, on motion of W. A. Wallace. Es'j., attorney
for petitioners, L. Jackson Crans. Esq. was appoin
ted Auditor, to apporticn the moneys comiug lo
the respective parties in interest
Clerk of the Orphans' Court.
IN pursuance of the above appointment. I have
fixed, Tuesday, July 22, 18. af 2 o'ebiek. P. M..
to meet the parties iutercsted at mv office in the
borough of Clearfield. L. JACKSON CUANS.
junclS'dS Auditor.
ters Testamentary on tho estate of Philip Da
vis, late of Beccaria township, Clearfield county.
Pa., deceased, havo deen granted to tuo subscriber,
all persons indebted to the sui J estate are request
cd to make immediate payment, and tlioe having
claims or demands against tho estate of the said
decedent wiil make known tho same wilhout de-laj-.
to the undersigned at his residence iu Wood
ward townsbin, couutv aforesaid.
may 14 6t G W. DAVIS. Executor.
il Dow .vol AC, Mich.. March 11. IS jo.
J. A. RHODES. Esq : Dear Sir As I t'k your
medicine to tell on consignment, '-no cure no pay,!"
I take pleasure in stating its effects as reported to
me by three brothers who live in this place, and
thcir'nViffiony is a fair r nccimen cd' all 1 have re
ceived :
W. S. Conklin told inc ,:I had taken nine bot
tles of Chrisiie'sAgue Ualsaut, and continually run
down w hile using it until my lungs and liver were
t'ongested to that degree that Llood discharged
from mv mouth and bowels, so that all thought it
impossible for mo to live through another chiM.
The doctors too did all they could for uie. but- tho't
I most die. Nothing did mcany good until I got
Rhode's Eever and Ague Cure, which at once re
lieved me of the distress and nausea at my stomach
and pain in my head and bowels, and produced a
permanent c.ire in a short time.
II. M. Conklin says : "I had been taking medi
cine of as good a doctor as we have in our county,
and taken any quantity of quinine and specifics
without any good result, from 25th August to 17th
December. I'.ut seeing how nicely it operated on
my brother, 1 j?ot a bottle of Rhode' Eever and A
gue Cure, w hich effected at permanent ure by us
ing two-thirds of a bottle."
S. M. Conklin was nut here, but both the othrr
brothers nay his case was the same as H. M'. I
soid the medicine to toth the same day. -and the
cure was as speedy from the same small quantity,
and I might so specify. Yours with respect.
The above speaks for itself. Goo proof as it is,
it is of no better tenor than the vast number ef like
certificates I havo already published, and the still
greatcramount that iscontinually pouring in to me.
I'ne thing more. Last year I had occasion to cau
tion the public in these words : '! nnticconc firm
who have taken nue of m general circulars, snh-
gtitHt'd the name of their nostrum, for my mr.li-
cine.an.l tneit wtl't brazen impuaenre end tneir
pamphlet with the excatn-itinn, -Itetthe proprietor
oj any oiKer maiici-uc say as mucn tj nc aarra or
Now 1 take pleasure xu saving that tnc caution
referred to the same '-Dr. Christie's Ague Balsam"
that is mentioned in the above certificate.
There are several other industrious people who
are applying to their poisonous trash all that I
publish about mv Eever and Ague Cure, or Anti
dote to Malaria, except the certificates of cures.
and the certificate of the celebrated (. hrmist. Dr
James R. Chilton, of N. Y., in favor of its perfect
ly harmless character, which is attached to every
bottle. 1 hese will aiwavs ?erve to distinguish bit
medicine from imitations. JAS.. A. RHOJKS.
apr2o "50-3m Proprietor, Tro-iidc'iice. R I
BY the aid of a microscope, we see millions ol
little openings on the surface tt our bo'li..
Through these this Ointment, when rubbed on the
skin, is carried to any orgau or inward part. Dis
eases of the Kidneys, disorders of the Liver, affec
tions cf the Heart, inv.apimation oi tnc l.ungs.
Asthmas. Coughs and Colds, are by its means ef
fectually cured. Every housewife knows that sa'.t
passes freely through bone or meat of any thick
ncss. This healing Ointment fjr more radi!y
penetrates through any bono or fleshy part of the
living bod v. curing; tho most dangerous inward
complaints, that caunct be reached by other tneani.
No remedy has ever done so much fr the cure
of diseases of the r-Kin, whatever lorm they may
assume, as this Ointment. No case of Salt Rheum.
Scurvy, Sore Heads. Scrofula or Erysipelas, can
long withstand it3 influence. The inventor has
travelled over many parta of the globe, visiting
the principal hospitals, dispensing this Ointment,
giving advice as to its application, and hns thus
been the meac3 ot restoring countless numbers to
Pome cf the moid scientific Furgeons now rely
solely 6n the ue of this wonderful Ointment, w hen
having to cope with tho worst cases ot sorc3. ulcers,
wounds, glandular swellings, and tumors. Profes
sor Holloway has, by command of the Allied gov
ernments, dispatched to the hospitals of the East,
large shipments of this Ointment, to be used un
der tho direction of the Medical staff, in the worst
cases of wounds. It will cure any ulcer, glandu
lar swelling, stillness or contraction of the joints,
even cf 20 j ears' standing.
Theso and other similar distressing complaints
can be effectually cured if the Ointment be well
rubbed ia over the parts affected, and by otherwise
following the printed direction? around each pot
Beth, the Ointment ar.d the nils should le used
in. the jsl louring casrs :
Eunicns, Mercurial Eruptions, Swelled Glands,
Rums, Chapped Hands, - Stiff Joint,
Chilblains, Rheumatism. Ulcers,
Fistulas, Salt Kheum, Venerial Sorts,
Gout, Skin Diseases. ore Legs,
Lumbago, Wounds cf all kicdf, Scalds,
Piles, Sore Breast. Sprains,
Scalds. Sores if all kinds. Sore Throat.
SoId at the Manufactories of Professor Hol
loway, 60 Maiden Lane. New "iork. and 244 Strand,
Lond"on. and by all respectable Druggists and Dea
lers of Medicines throughout the United States,
and the civilized world, in Pots, at 25 cents, 02
cents, and SI each.
J-jhcrc is a considerable saving by taking the
larger sizes. - ...
N. B. Directions for the guidance of ,-atiectin
every disorder are affixed to each pet
April 0. 1853.
CAPS of all kinds and at all prices to h6 ha-1 at
may 21 MOC-SOP S.
LAKitL' lot oi Family Grc-rif s jur.t receiving
at Mcist'b in Cl-.rf.Id. wy Jl
F. meets erery Saturday evenicg. at 7$ o'
clock, at their Hull'in Merreil & Carter a nw buil
ding on Second streeL feb2S
"I HA nOO Feet of gd BOARDS wanted by
JLUi,UUlJ A.M. HILLS, athisstore in Clear
field, fo'r which the highest market price will b
p.ud in goods at cash prices. uiarl9-lf
BOARDS. Ac, ij prepared to till.cn the shortest
notice, all erdeis for articles iu his line cf busi
ness, on as re.-1-eonabIe terms as they can b , Tiro
cured in the county.
Orahamnton. Clearfield Co.. Jan. 2.1. l.t ' "
"lOHN RI SSEI.L & CO., '
Pennville, Clear fteid Co.. P.,
Keep constantly on hand an excellent assortment
of leather, which they offer for ?ale at !te lowe
cash prices. Hides taken in exchange.
July 15. 1"1.
. hi-i farm, couta.
ho subscriber offers f.r sal
outainine about 02 acres, with a
bout 25 acres cleared and under good cultivation.
having thereon erected ono 2-story house and
num. situated one and a half miles above Clear
field town, opposite the new bridge. Tor terms
applv to the subscriber on the premises,
may 14-:f MILO 1I0YT.
BOOKS ! DOOKS!! GreenleaFs Series of
Mathematical Works are now bting used in
nearly all the Schools, Academies acd Colleges in
the United States, and are without doubt unrival
lei iu point of merit, and in adaptation . to th
W ants of our schools : they have the plainest rule
and best example. to illustrate the whole business
of life. The attention of Superintendents. Direc
tors and Teachers is respectfully invited to thes
works before introducing a uniform series of any
other kind ns the law requires. These books can
be had wholesale, retail or in exchange for old
Rook. when introduced iu the schools, at C. 1.
WATSON S Drug and Rock Store.
Tlearfield. Jan. '.'.0. IS5G 2m.
The undersigned would respectfully an
nounce to hid friends and the public generally,
that lie ha opened out a new Wagon-Making Es
t.ddishmcnt in ' New S.ilem City." Brady town
M'lip. where h will at all times bo prepared to
manufacture, in the shortest notice, all kinds ol"
Wagr.rs. Carts. Wheel barrows Ac. The best ma
terial that can be procured will be used, and his
work will be made in the most substantial and du
rable manner, fach as will bear the teet of strict
examination. Ry a eloso observance of his busi
ness engagements, and by disposing of his work
on the mi-id seasonable terms, which he will do
for either ca.i or approved country produce, h
l-.opcs to merit and receive a liberal tdiare of pub
lic custom RENJ. RISHEL. -New
Salem City. Jan. lo, I3;.
riHE subscriber has concluded to dispose of kid
X propertv bv making a t'ift Distribution, hav
ing Sixteen Hundred Shares, at ONE DOLLAR
A .SHAKE. Ho feels satisfied that he can dia
po? of it in this way to the entire satisfaction of
all w ho may interest themselves in the Enterprize
The drawing and distribution will be superinten
ded by a committee into whose hands the proper
ty will be placed a soon as (he tickets are sold.
'J he committee is composed of the following gen
tlemen Chester Munsou. Thomas it. Snyder and
O. P. WiJJer. The public are assured that they
can rely upoj this committee to manage every
thing fairly and impartially.
lor a list of liifi.i, see handbills. . .
All orders for ticket3 addressed to the under
signod will be promptly attended to.
mjiyl4 Kylcrtown, Clearfield Co., Pa.
D.VH S TLOTNEK Respectfully ioforma
his old friends and the public, that he baa
obta iced the services of a good Cutter and work
man as a foreman ia the tailoring busineas. and
be is now prepared to attend to any orders in hia
Line of work on the most accommodating terms. and
ehort notice, and w ill have clothing on hand at all
times, such as dress coats, frock coats, vesta, and
pantaloons of tbeir own manufacture, and good
materia! at the lowest prices. With a wish to ac
commodate, he solicits a share of patrouag.
New Washington. May 0, 1855.
Morrj Township. Clearfield Co., Pa.,
Would respectfully inform the citizens of that ri
cinity that they keep constantly 03 band a large
assortment of
Fry iiondt. Hird-W.irr. Quecnsit'are, (i rocfriff,
ConfcctioiiArit. Hats A- Cups, Boots V Shoes.
and all other articles usually kept in a country
store: which they aro determi ned to sell low for
cosh, country produce, or lumber.
August 1, 155.
H AVE YOF SEEN SAM' The subscriber
would inform his old friends and the public
generally, that he still continued to keep a house
of entertainment in New Washington where those
who call with him will receive every attention,
and be made comfortable.
Jood stabling, and every other convenience for
horses on the premises. DAVID S. PLOTNER
New Yt iishington. Jan SI, ls55.
"JVEV :OOTS: The undersigned has just re
i 1 ccived a large assortment of
at hi.j .-i'ore in
which ho offers for sale cheap for cash or country
produce k. P. HUKXTIIALL
September 5. 1 355.
Ji ??o. 11. Merchants' Exchange,
This Company, with an ample Capital, well se
cured, is prei.are.l to tSt-ct Insurances iu Clear
field, and adjoining tVuntie. on terms as liberal
as consistent with the safetr of the Comrany.
jno. Mcdowell, jr..
Oct. .1. I.'5. Sccrttary
CAIU.NET MAKINO The undersigned
would respectfully inform tho public, that he
lias taken the old 6taml opposite the Methodist
Church, known as
31 O K R O W S S JI O F.
w here ho keep3 constantly on hand and manufac
ture, to order, every variety of Household and
such as Tables. Rnreaus, Safes, Stands Cupboards,
Sofas, Htdstcads, Ac, of every style and variety
Clearfield, Pa . Aug. 1S55.
H inform the-public, that they have just epen
d an eitensive
Ca Second Street in the borough of
where they are prepared tofurni-h at reduced pri
ct)S. every variety of articles in their line.
Steel. Rar-iron. nails. Steves of every variety
rioughs and farming utensilj, pumps of every
description, etove pipe, patent sautage cotter,
funnels and self scaling cans kept constantly 01
All orders for castings for Flour Mills,SawMilI.
Ac. will be thankfully received snd promptly at
tended to.
They are also prcpated to receive every varie
ty of article on commission, at a low per-ceatage
Clearfield. Sept ID. 1855 ly. '
IOR SALE. A second hand 2 horse wagon
and a let of harness for sale very cheap by :
Clearfield. apr2 A. M. HILLS-
'AGON'S and BUGGIES, for salo cheap, by
(fcblS) H P TATTON.
IORK and DRIED FRUIT, excellent article,
can be procured at the Here of
Curwensville, Feb. 13. H. ! PATTON -
Ci HA IN PUMP', for sale at the ' Old Corner
' f tani," inCurrensrilb by TATTON
: r