THE JOURNAL. AFFAIRS AT no.ME. CleaeField Borocch. Strolling about town a few day since, we incidentally commenced counting the number of stores, shops. &c., and found that there were eight dry goods Stores, one drag store, two book and stition ery stores, fire tailoring establishments, fire boot and shoe shops, three saddle and harness shops, three cabinet and chair-making estab lishments, one foundry, four wagon-makers' shops, two printing offices, one .crockery, one tin-ware manufactory and store depot, four blacksmith's shops, one clock , and watch-maker, one lirery stable, and three hotels. There may be some more establishments which we jailed to obserre. We hare residing in the town two preachers, though there are five chur ches here, four physicians, one dentist, and nine lawyers in active practice. We know of no way in which these several branches of industry can be made to extend their business operations more readily than by informing the public at large of what is done, and manufac tured, and where. And how can this be done more easily than by a system of liberal adver tising 1 A newspaper is the medium which has conducted many a man to fortune, and many a worthy fellow has failed by neglecting to make use of this convenient and economi cal vehicle of carrying himself into notoriety. Have we ax Engine among i s ? This query suggested itself to us by reading accounts of a large number of fires which have occurred recently In different places, and by which an immense amount of property has been destroy ed. Wo believe there is no engine, or any other kind of apparatus in our town, by means of which a fire could be extinguished. The largo.' number of wooden buildings here would facilitate the destruction of a large por tion of the town, should a fire break out on a stormy day. The necessity of having a good engine must, therefore, be apparent to every property holder and busicess man in the place. What shall be done in the matter? Will we do without an engine, and by so doing leave tho town as food for the devouring element whenever it may happen to burst forth ? Or shall we have an engine and other fire extin guishing apparatus among us soon t We shall see ! Ahbrottps. The attention of the citizens of Curwensville and vicinity is directed to the advertisement of M. W. T. Purviance in to day's Journal. Itfr. P. is a good artist and has rendered entire satisfaction here. . The am brotype is a much more desirable picture than the Daguerreotype, for tho reason that is is more clear and distinct, and possesses the quality of "unfading durability." Beef. We arc pleased to learn that the gvod people of our borough arc in a fair way ;f being supplied regularly with beef. For this purpose, our townsmen, Messrs. Clark Wilson and David Etzweiler, have purchased a. supply of beef cattle, and have erected a temporary building on the Market lot, where they will sell out their meat. This arrange ment will certainly be a great accommodation. Dentistry. We call the attention of the citizens of Philipsbtirg and neighborhood to the card of Dr. A. M. Hiila, who contemplates spending next week in that place, during which time all who wish to have any opera tions performed on their teeth, can be accom modated br calling on him. New Iitos Establishment. Mr. Benjamin S packman, as will be seen by an advertisement in another portion of to-day's Journal, is pre pared to supply all who are in need of the ar ticle, with bar iron of various sizes. He can be found at the shop of T. Mills, near the cor ner of Locust and Third streets. . A. M. Hills offers to sell the new goods which he is just receiving, "a little cheaper than any one else" disposes of articles of the same description, as will bo learned by peru sing his advertisement which can be lound elsewhere in this paper. Ijt Town. On Monday evening Senator Dia ler arrived in this place, and will spend a few days among his friends and acquaintances. MARRIED: On Sunday the 27th April, by Levi Speece, Esq., Mr. Tuomas Lord, of Beccaria township, to Mrs. Mabia McDonsal, of Fenn township. Ou the 22d May, by tho same, Mr. Valen tine Dale, to Miss Olive McDonnal, all of Fenn township, Clearfield county. On the 5th inst., by the Rev. S. M. Cooper, Mr. E. K. Shibet, to Mis3 Sarah M. Wal lace, both of this county. On the same day, by the same, Mr. Josiah M. ScnnncoNGOST, to Miss Barbara E. Self ridge, both of this county. The Home of Fierce. In Concord, N. II. on Wednesday last, June 4, the effigies ol Franklin Fierce and Preston S. Brooks were banging in front of the State House, 80 feet from the ground, on the Fierce and King liberty pole, erected in 1852. An effigy of Col. George hung in another part of the city, beaiingan inscription upon his front, "The glorious and godlike administration of Frank linFicrcc.' Stbawberbies. The N- Y. Tribune says that Jersey strawberries made their appearance in that city last week, and sold at 23 cents a basket. It says, that wood absolutely refuses to. bo bent so as to form a basket that will hold a less quantity, and that strawberries, in that City, at 25 cents a ba.ket, may be understood abroad to be equal to ?1 50 a quart. Too high I The aggregate value of the real ind person al property cf New Vork city, as returned by the assessors, is 5523,131,873 08 an increaise cf 12i,2;3W2 01 over list year. CLIPPINGS AND SCSIEBLINGS. IIox. Dayii Barclay will be a candidate for re-nomination. S: says. the Jejfersouian. Bcrnt. The eautern wing of the Louisiana penitentiary was destroyed by fire on the Sd. Loss $200,000. Nine prisoners escaped. ''There is a gre.-.t demand," says a Yankee pedlar, "for a species Of plaster which will en able gentlemen to stick to their business." The M. E. General Conference, in session at Indianapolis, decided, 91 to 125, against ex tending the time of appointments beyond two years. Sam Slice: says he would rather breax a yoke of steers any day, than to make up a quarrel between two women when they get their dander up. There were thirty-five fires in the United States during the last month, in each of which cases the loss was not less than S 10,000. The entire loss amounted to 51,707,000. It is calculated that the clergy costs the United States $G,000,COO annually, the crimi nals $19,000,000, the lawyers $35,000,000, to bacco $40,000,000, and rum over $100,000,000. 'Put not off till to-morrow what can be done to-day," said a mother to her procrastinating son. "Then, marm, let's eat that apple pie you put away for to-morrow ; we can do that to-day." False. It was reported that the Warren Co. Bank had failed. The Warren Mail says they know nothing of it at home, and that on the 7th May nearly $30,000 in specie were in the vaults ot the bank. A Horrible Affair occurred at St. Joseph, Missouri, about the 22dult. Jacob Friend, wife and five children were brutally murdered by some unknown demon? in human guise, and the house then burned. A Rat Catcher says "one pair of rats, with their progeny, will produce in three years no less a number than C10,S08 rats, which will consume day by day as much food a3 C1,CS0 men, leaving eight rats to starve." Abolition Convention The Convention of Radical Abolitionists, which met a Syracuse, X. Y., on the 20th May, nominated Gcrritt Smith for President, and Samuel M'Farland, of Fenn'a, for Vice President, alter which the body adjourned sine die. Mr. Brook., (the South Carolina rufiiun, has challenged Senator Wilson for words spoken hi the Senate in relation to the assault on Mr. Sumner. Mr. Wilson declines the challenge, justifies the language used, and avows his in tention to defend himself if attacked. The way to h ike a fashionable bonnet is this ; Take a handful of artificial roses, each a different color; six yards of ribbon, ditto; and six yards of lace. Secure the whole to your Lump of amativencss with two long pins, and the article is complete. Oct Again. The Brookville Jejjcrsoninu, af ter a suspension of two months,-has pgain made its appearance. The editor has been raft ing, plastering his ofiice, ike. He says he ex pects to issue regularly from now till after the election. What then, Brady 7 Quit till spring 7 Gassy. The Hollidaysburg Standard is in ecstacies over the arrival of some pipes for the gas works about being erected in that place. Diabolus thinks it is useless expenditure to put up works, when so much pas is running on legs thro' the streets of that "ancient borough.'' The Wool Tram:. The clipping season has now fully commenced in Western Pennsylva nia and other wool-growing States, and the mild weather is quite favorable for shearing. It is snid that many agents and speculators have already gone into the wool-growing dis tricts to make contracts with the farmers for the purchase of new wool. Tue recent Election in New Orleans re sulted in the success of the whole American ticket. The Mayor has 2000 majority. Mr. Trepannicr, the clerk of the First District Court, was shot and stabbed several times by a party of Sicilians. Much fighting, stabbing and shooting occurred throughout the day. Three Sicilians were killed. Tut House Committee of Investigation into the assault committed by Brooks on Mr. Sum ner, made a report, and the majority of the committee recommend the expulsion of Brocks for his unmanly and disgraceful conduct. As it requires a two-thirds' vote to expel a mem her, the South Carolina bully may possibly manoge to secure enough votes to prevent it. The editor of the Utiea Herald says that he once knew a wild widow who cut out her own daughter in the good graces of her lover and married him herself. To obtain revenge for this unmotherly trick, the daughter set her cap for the young man's rich father, (of whom, he was the only heir,) and actually married him and had children, to the infinite annoy ance of the other parties.' This occurred in Onondago county, New York. The N. Y. Express contains "A query pro posed and an answer expected," the object of which was to ascertain who was the author, and what is the correct reading of the' line so often (and so frequently incorrectly) quoted, "Fine by degrees and beautifully less." It may be found in Prior's Henry and Emma, where Henry, speaking to Emma, says : 'No longer shall the bodice apply laid. From thy full bosom to thy slender waist, That air and harmony of shape express, Fine by degrees and beautifully less." Look Oct ! Judge Smyscr, of the Mont gomery county circuit, decided recently that, under the new license law, "by the 10th sec tion, the Bond given by the license is totally forfeited, upon a conviction had for any viola tion of the provisions of this act, or of any other act for the observance of which said bond is conditioned. This forfeiture extends not only to the fine and cost3, but to the fall and entire amount of the penalty of the bond ai this is a feature to which wc desire es- ! pecially to driw tho attention cf the parties, j ' and especially of the sureties."' , tii .raft, mm? s iyu LATEE FROM EUB0PE. The Cunard steamer Niagara arrived at Hal ifax on June 5, en route for Boston, with Liv erpool dates to May 24. The excitement on the Italian question still continues. The Brit ish Ministry has again triumphed over the op position on a motion of censure for the aban donment of .the maratime law touching neu trals in the late treaty of peace. Nothing de cisive has transpired in relation to the Sound Dues. The Russian successes in Circassia are confirmed. The Liverpool cotton market had been easier, with a slight decline in lower grades. Breadstuff's were a shade lower than previous quotations. Provisions were weak, with moderate sales. The money market was easier, and Consuls unchanged. TnE National "American" Council in New York, after an animated debate on Wednesday, as to the propriety of abolishing secresy in their meeting, ultimately decided it in the af firmative, by a large majority. Speeches ere made by Hon. John M. Botts, Hon. Humphrey Marshall, Hon. Thomas A. Jenks of Rhode Is land, Hon. Bayard Clark, of New York, Mr. Saunders and others. .There was a discussion on a resolution by a Massachusetts delegate, to the effect that no difference of opinion on the subject of the Presidential nomination al ready made should exclude a delegate from a seat in the Convention. No decision was had on the resolution, further than referring it to a Committee. The Committee on Resolutions reported one using very strong terms in de nunciation of the Brooks and Sumner outrage. In the debate upen the above resolution, all of the Southern members who spoke, including John M. Botts, Mr. Alexander, of Baltimore, and others, condemned the outrage upon Sum ner, but opposed the passage of the original resolution. Messrs. Goodwin, Leslie, Brittain and Buckingham of New York condemned it- in strong terms, and favored the resolution. The resolution being modified, on the sugges tion of Mr. Botts, was finally adopted. New officers for the ansuing year wenrballotted for. Mr. E. C. Bartlett, of Ky.,was re-elected Pre sident of the National Council ; Mr. Erastus Brooks, elected Vice President ; Mi.Deshler, of Md., re-elected Corresponding Secretary ; Mr. Crane, of Ohio, Treasurer ; Mr. Stephens, Recording Secretary, and Mr. Goodwin, of N. York, Chaplain. Our Foreign Eelations-The French Minister. Washington, Juno 3. Several days ago Count Sartiges received through the Post Of fice a newspaper containing a h-tter from a Washington correspondent, treating of the set tled antipathy of foreign Governments towards the United States, as now maintained by the conduct of the foreign Representatives in their intercourse with society and our public men, and which letter was superinduced by the al ledged indecent and insulting language against our Government, and especially against the Secretary of State, at a dinner recent I- given by Count Sartiges. The envelope enclosing the newspaper in question, bore the seal of the State department. On Saturday Count Sartiges called on Mr. Marcy, indignantly complaining of the insult, and demanded that its suspected author be banished, intimating that in the event of fail ure to do this, he would demand his passports. Mr. Marcy, of course, disavowed all knowledgo or responsibility concerning tho letter, and expressed regret that anything had happened to occasion offeuee. Here was a dilemma,but Count Sartiges was apparently satisfied, and the Secretary released from his unpleasant po sition, by tho author, who was a Government employee, but who did not send the letter to Count Sartiges, promptly resigning his office. The Russian Minister, to-day, gave a pic-nic entertainment at Arlington Springs, to his dip lomatic associates, and others. Tim Lock Haven and Tyrone Railroad. In the Whig of tho 21st ultimo, we asked the question "What has become of the President and Directors of the Lock Haven and Tyrone Railroad 7" When we made the inquiry wc expected that some one, "booked up" on the subject, would give us the desired informa tion, but we are as deep in the fog now as then. Early in the spring a meeting of the stockholders was held at Lock Haven, when there was a President and Board of Directors elected, and also a Chief Engineer appointed. Now, we would like to know why the Presi dent and Directors so elected, do not order the Engineer to go on and locate the road. They certainly know that they arc the persons to act in 'the matter, and that tho stockhold ers expected them to act when they elected them. Several months have passed away since their election and they have not even held one meeting, nor done anything to further tho pro ject. In justice to the stockholders tlicy are bound to give some reason why they do not go on with the work. Bellefonte Whig. Hollow ay1 s Ointment and Pills, astonishing Remedies for Scrofula. Mr. Henry Judd, of Detroit, Michigan, was in a most alarming state of health, he had been a great sufferer from scrofula for a number of years, and final ly all parts of his body broke out into sores, rendering him an object of horror to every one, he tried some of the most reputed reme dies known, but they didnottonch his com plaint, and in the greatest alarm, he consulted a friend as to what course he ought to adopt, when Holloway's Ointment and Pills were re commended, which be commenced using, and by persevering with these remedies for a short time, he was perfectly cured, after every other remedy had failed. Congress. The following is a fair specimen of the proceedings of Congress during every day of last week. The Locofoco members had gone to Cincinnati and the remainder took ad vantage of the circumstance to visit their homes. Whington, Juno 6. Senate. The" Sen ate was not in session. HocsE. In the Honsc about a dozen mem - ute's scEsion. J OS. E. MOSSOP, having made an cngage w;k a T LANE .t Co.. Wholesale Deal ers in Clothing,175 Market st.. Philadelphia, would respectfully invito his old friends to give him a nil. - March 26. 1S56 3m. "lYTOTlCE. Having purchased the Books of the 11 Ruftxtiian's Journal with the establishment, all rniounts unpaid for Subscription, Advertising, or Job-work, are to be settled with the undersigned. marl9 S. 13. ROW. 1 PLASTERING. Cooper Mitehcl. who have had much experience in tho cities of New York and Philadelphia in the above busi ness, are prepared to do work from plain to the best ornamenUl of anv description, on reasonable terms. Adlre?, "COOPER A MITC1IEL. May 23. liotJ. Clenhope, Clearfield Co. Pa. FOll SALE A two-story frame House, with a half acre of land adjoining, situate in Law rence township, on the road from Clearfield to Curwensville, about I J miles from Clearfield. For terms apply to Zobad LawhcaJ, Lawrence town ship, or to the subscriber. . L. JACKSON CRANS. junet Clearfield, Pa. TVOTICE The stockholders of the Glen Hope 1 1 and Little Rald-eagle Turnpike, are notified that an election will be held at the house of Wm. T. dilbcrt. ii len Hope, on Friday the 13th June, and fur tiio purpose of taking a vote for or against a division of said road. T. D. DAVIS, Prea't. Attest A. Moore, See. JMy 19. ISjG-Ht 7"A LU A li L K TOWN PROPERTY FOR v SALE. Tho subscriber oilers for sale his Tav ern Stand, on the eorner of Market and Vront streets, in the borough of Clearfield. 1 he house is large and commodious and welt calculated for a public house. For particular? inquire of W. A. Wallace, Esq., or of the subscriber living on the premises. W. J. HEMPHILL. March 5th. lSr5 I TOll. SALE tho Farm occupied by Richard Danvers, Jr., situate in Penn township, about one mile from Pennsvillv. It contains 04 aere?. of which 45 are cleared and under pood fence. The improvements are a two-story frame house and kitchen, barn and out-houses. There is a young bearing orchard on tho place, and tho whole is well watered. lor terms applv to L. JACKSON CRANS. juncf Clearfield. Pa. "iOR SALE, TWO BUILDING LOTS in the A? borough of Clearfield ; several BUILDING LOTS and PASTURE AND WOOD LOTS, contain ing from three to ten acres each, near the borough of Clearfield. Also several desirable FA11MS and pieces -of TIMBER LAND, in various parts of the county. Terms accommodating. Apply to L. JACKSON CRANS, April 16. 1S.-.0. Clearfield, Pa. yTO! FOR IOWA!! The undersigned, dc Jl it tirous of going West, offers to sell at private sale, three lots in the village of Marvsvilie. ouc- half mile east of Clearfield Jiiidge, in Boggs town ship, Laving thereon erected a two-story weather boarded dwelling house, good stable, and a black smith shop. Tho terms, which will be reasonable, can be ascertained by inquiring of the undersign ed, residing on the premises. " may2S-tf SAMUEL B. DILLER. VD M I N I STK A TORS' NOTICE. Where as Letters of Administration on the Estate of NATHANIEL HUGHES, late of Chest township, Clearfield County, Pa.. dec'd,have been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will present them, properly authenticated for settle ment, to KOIJKRT 1RT.1IKS, JOHN MAnAFFEV, Mny 23. Ct. Administrator?. f ALUARLE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. The subscriber offers for sale hi valuable farm, situate two miles from Curwensville, on the River road leading to Lumber City : said farm con taiuing 106 acres, sixty acres cleared, under good cultivation, tbn balance, well timbered; witn a good burn, new plank dwelling house, and a good bearing orchard thereon, and is well watered. For further information enquire of the subscriber liv ing in the premises. SIMON THOMPSON". February L0. 1S30 Cm 4 .MONEY MAKING T K A I E FOR IV. OME DOLLAR. .IKT?r--RT7??rS MAXIUL HV PliOPTT ART.K .t USEFUL TRADES, ARTS AND OCCUPATIONS, WITHOUT A MASTER, IS NOW READY FOR SALE. This isonc of the most valuable little books of the times, to all persons out of employment, as a number of money making trades and arts, can be learned without a master, beside all tho genu ine and popular receipts, nnd instructions of the day, for the manufacture of the most beneficial, and saleable nrticles, now in common use. Any pcr-on forwarding one dullar post-paid, to C. JEF FRIES, Jcffrirs. CUirfuU Co.. J'a.. or to .1. II. li iu man. Tyrant, Blair Co., Pi., will receive a copy by return mail. And any person forwarding twenty-five cents, post paid, to C. JcrrRirs, will receive by return mail, one of the three following instructions: How to mako the celebrated artificial Honey. How to raise double crops, of all kinds of vegeta bles, with little expense, and how to catch all the Wolves, Foxes, Minks and Muskrats in the neigh borhood. Any person forwarding fifty cents, will receive the whole three by return mail. Juno 4. 1856 ly. LIST OF RETAILERS of Foreign and Do mestic Merchandize in Clearfield County, for the year IS50, subject to tho payment of license. HruHford Township. Covington Township. John Holt. f-t Francis Coudriet, 14 James B. Graham, K'j Levi Lutz, It Matthew Forccc, liJohn B. Rarmoy, 11 Edward Williams, ltj Ciest .Totcushij. Albert & Rrothcr. 14 1 Hughes A Lloyd. 11 Boigs luiciisktp. CuncensvilU lior. C. Sloan. 11 II. D. Ptttton. II Ralston k Bcatty, 14 McBride A. Co. 13 lircr.-rria Township. jEliza Irvin t Sons, 12 Clearfield Coal and Lum- Isaao Bloom, Jr. 11 her Co 14 MonteliusATen Eyck.M Jeremiah Cooper, S C. Patch in. George W. Schoff, L. W. Weld. Brady Township. R. H. Moore, F. K. Arnold. Hamuel Arnold, P. W. Barrett, George R. Barrett, John Dalo, Frederick Arnold, John Carlislo L Co. Frederick Coler. Belt Township. Gedder, Marsh A Co. E. L. Miller, 14! Decatur Totcnship. 14 Bowman & Co. IT. 14 . 1. F Stiner & Co. 14 14 j (roshcu Township. I K. Irwin & ir-ons, 14 HjA. P.. Shaw, 14 14 j Girard Township. 14 James Irwin & Co. 14 Hi Augustus Lcconte, 13 MjSmith & King, It It Jordan To ion sh ip. ll!J. M. Chase A Co. 14 14 j David McGehan, 14 14 James M. Pfoiitt, 1 1 I Kirthans Totfnskip. 1 IjF. P. Hurxthal, 14 14 B. D. Hall & Co. L.O. Smith, I I Robert Haines, Bamxue Township. I Knox Township. James MeMurry, 14 Msrtiu Stirk, A. Patching Brother, U I'eutt Township. CummingsA Mahaffey ITHartshorn A Co. Ruscell McMurry, 14!A Hile A Brother, Eliza Irvin A Sons, 1 1 Win. C. Foley, Isabella Cross, l li Union Toiansltip. Clear fitld Borough. jDaniel E. Bruhaker. 14 A M. Hills 14 j Woodward Township. W.F.Irwin, 13;Thomaa Henderson, 14 Richard Mossop, 13 Georgo W. Schoff, 11 R. Shaw and Sou, 13 R. B. MoCally, 1 1 W.L.Moore. 13! Henry Bycrs, 14 Christopher Kratzer, 15 James A. Haggcrty, 14 Powell, Weaver A Co. I3i Huston Township. Charles D. n atson, 11 ; Valentine Hevncr, 14 Morris Township David lylcr. 11 G. V. Hoop, J. B. Kyler, E. K. Brenner, J. T. Nelson it Co." 14 Pile Totcnship. 14 A. Bloom, 14 1 1 Lawrence To wnship. 14lForrost A Smith, 14 WM. F. JOHNSON, - Mercantile Appraiser. NOTICE. An appeal will be held on Saturday the 2Sth day of June, at tho Commifsionera' Office in Clearfield borough, when and where all who feel themselves aggrieved by the abovo appraise ment can attend, if they see proper. June 4, 185. WM. F. JOHNSON. - Hj opr,-, general assortment of t !j leweit cash prices at - WM r.IKWI5'S "7 MOITNT of TIIF V VLUATION OF TllE IlEAL AND PERSONAL PRpPKHTl A in c2LS5 county, L fetur td by the Assessors of the various boroughs and, for ,h. tri-ennial ajsesiiijc'ct of 1S5C K- SI ! a M 3 J? re m ' Beccaria, i 24" 41249 Pell, -158 4o211 Boggs, 123 204i7 Bradv, S29 S8SCG Bradford, 23G 370GO Burnside, i 203 41320 Chest, 153 3ti7C3 Covington, 161 11239 Clearlield, 1 170 MR80 Curwensville. IO.j 22025' Decatur, I 138 y2;(8 Ferguson, j 123 2-")2G5 Fox, i l'J f020 (Jirard, i 117 11912 Goshen, I 72 115'J7 Houston, 00- 128V) Jordan, 123 10111 Karthaus, 100 12108 Knox, i7 14800 Lawrence, 205 G00.j4 Morris, 2'K? 34820 Penn, 167 3201 Tike, I 210 C:H)o9 Union, i 73 17530 Woodward, j 1-j3 254 2 Total. I 3971 I 782G10 r. 81799 28118 0121 CO074 009,! 1 "S1 1UJ 4 U 10351 fc'90 17.-00 1231 13777 18210 j 14000 ( 8623 ( 12777 ; 12030 I 188G1 CU!6 9310 j 8155 i 180")9 3S779 490433 i 1 Wc. the undf-rsigned. Commissioners of Clearfield county, UJ certi compilation from the assessments for -a returned to this oflije. Attest Robert J. Wallace. Cleik. Commissioners' Office, Clcarticd May 21, 1 5v.'t. NEW &00DS! SPRINC AND .SUMMER GOODS ! TITHE subscriber has just received a larg and X well selected stock of new g.mds of almost every description suitable for tho season. He re spectfully invites all who wish to buy Rood Goods at the lowest priuea to c;ill at the sign of th "CHEAPEST GOODS." Approved countrv produce taken in exchange for goods. Pi rsons wishing to purchase, miJ-roccivc a fair equivalent for their money, will do well to give him a call. . Remember the si-n of the CHEAPEST GOODS, on Market street, and eall and be cominccd that there is truth in the words thereon inscribed. WM. i. IRWIN. Clearfield, Pa., may 1 LJ- iMPORTANT N EWS ! PFACE BECr-ARRlI III E I B II P E H i u u u u uuuujtMui " " - " ' By the latest ' arrirats from Furope rf THE important intelligence has been received X that Peace is about being declared. This has had the effect of reducing prices on not only pro- visions, but upon Goods of alt descriptions, llie undersigned have, therefor, taken advantage of this propitious time to purchase an extensive ana well solcclcd stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, which they are determined to sil at tho most rea sonable prices. Their stock is extensive, embrac ing EVERY VARIETY and STYLE of LADIES' and GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, to which they would call the attention of the citizens of Curwensville and surrounding country. Thev have connected with their establishment a BOOT Ay D SHOE AT .4 A UFA C TOR F.which is under the sepcrintendence of the well-known Joseph Williams. They will thus be rnabled to supply their customers and all others with every variety of Boots and Shoes at as reasonable pri ces as they can be procured elsewhere. Their work will bo made in the neatest and most dura Mo manner, which will recommend itself. All of our stork will be disposed of CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST for CASH, all kinds of Lumber. Countrv Produce. Hides. Ac . Ac. apry-Sra " MONTE LI Ft A TEN EYCK. FDWARU MOSTPMV8. WM.LtAJf TEN T.trK. WWS THE TIME 1X)R BARGAINS! NEW GOODS AND NEW PHICES !! 'QiticJc Sites and smill profits:!!''' I TAVING iust returned from tho East, I would IX inform my old customers and tho public in 1 general, that I am now receiving and opening at j my '-old stand" a splendid assortment of prin- ant summer tiooas, wnicu l win sou a nine lower than any goods heretofore sold in Clearfield, a- mong which will be found j a large assortment aievsceaingiy low pries. &ILKS, at from 70 cents to 1,23 cents jer ysrl. GINGHAMS, at from 11 cents to 25ci.ts per yd. CALICOES, at from b cents to l?i cts per yard. SHAWLS a good article of Shawls, at from GUi cents to ?10, each. BONNETS A large lot at fr.nn 50 cents to S3. LADIES' GAITERS for 1,50 worth " Hoots. Shoes and Slippers at from CJJ cents to 1.-5 cents per pair. LADIES' will please-eall, as I have almost eve rything in their line, at extraordinary low rates GENT?;' Boots, hocs and Uaiters' at very low rftes. MUSLINS, at from C to 121 cents a yard. JEANS, at 20 cents a yard worth 43. CLOTHS Black, Blue, Olive. Grten, and ether colors, verv cheap. CASSIMERES Black and a variety ef Faney colers of the latest styles. VESTINGS a great variety of fancy and plain. SUMMER CLOTHS; Cassiineres, Trimmings, arid in short, a variety of almost all sorts of Geutlc mens' and boys' wear. Call soon, w hile you can have an opportunity to select from the whole stock. All the above, and a great variety of other goods can be purchased at the very lowest prices FOR CASH, as I have determined not to he undersold. mayl'56 RICHARD MOSSOP. QUEENSWAKE A superior lot cf Fancy and Common Qucenswaro now opening and for sale at the l'.ost reasonable prices at the store of RICHARD MOSSOP. HATS! HATS !! Richard Mossop is now re ceiving and opening a fine lot of Spring & and Summer Hats of the latest styles, which he will sell at prices from 121 cents to 5,00. CLOTHING ! l-OOO Dollars worth of Ready-made Clothing at your own pri ces, at the cheap store of mav 21 RICHARD MOSSOP. J3yFISH FISH !! Superior Mackerel and r!S Codfish just received and opening at the cheap Cash store of Richard Mossop in Clearfield. may 2U56 "I3LACK, Imperial and Young IIj fson f-T.S a M f 4 , 1 . 1 , , 6 the lowest each price at MOSSOP'S. f HARDWARE and Cuttlery just received Tg), aud now opening at Mossop'j cheap cash t!3 store in Clearfield may2t UMBRELLAS and Parasols, a large assortment of tho latest patterns, to be had cheap at niay21'56 MOSSOP S. MOLASSES Best Syrup at OO cents a gallon at (mayll MOSriOP'S. ISH. A lot of superior Maj.-kw1 andi Herring, just received apd fr sale f-yj nyl4J WM F.IRUIN. JsgCM ffiT"V-juc5?r33 Of every description for sate kSySiiWAjlgJat a moderate advuace at mayl t'501 WM. F. IRWIN'S. BACON ! Oo hand and for sate, a lt or first "nt. and 31 each. - -rate Hams, shoulders and Sides, at the sign ! STThere ic a considerable of the CHEAPEST inrts " A tUSDtitT Of ('l)lim nA I (5 round Alum Salt, for stle at W F lawix'g e H ft fi a a. c c 8 L o. c o . m pr c a, ?. c- 502 C740 4117 12875 11735 10392 C515 4595 2557 1250 .'.554 4825 1291 3975 3000 2972 3979 4025 793S G525 939.7 2(122 CO'JS CIS 200 250 1100 C70 3t 4050 3000 110 285 50 732 750 530 100 155 1M0 510 105 275 120 95 135 188 50 290 770 ISO 40" 52C7 2740 1775 4080 1G15 4024 G75 2243 77GO 3S20 2175 CIO 150 2240 12S0 500 1315 2175 1320 2900 2735 2700 438S 550 1770 87695 85389 3577o ; 138032 , " G0S8.V 70507 If 6120tr.; S1873- C9597., 31C85 : 57942 ' 32691 : .-2U713 36442 . co 172 ; 930GO 34S77 ' 32139 : 38427 92130 10G27.". 53513 97052 3895tf 72849 37." CO 105. 115 1-85-00 1310 00 100 1IO 60 50 120 170 30 100 500 150 280 150 i 540 1000 1 - 90 10C60 C"0 730 159 17920 I 25228 J 8050 ! 2792 G08G4 r 1508170 ROBERT MAHAFFi", DAY II li'f. JACOB WILL1IELM M. f !- VOTR'K.-In the abeence of Eli Bloom, Trea 1 surer cf ClcitrGeld county, the Books and Fa ' pers will be in the possession of John Mcl'herson, w ho ill attend to the business at all times. Clearfield. May 2. IS..!'.. VLAiiCiF. lot of l'amilv CJrocrics just receiving at Mo ssoj.'s in Clearfield. may 21 IJIULIP DAVIS ESTATE Whereas Ll ter Testamentary on the estate of Philip Da vis, late of Beccaria townfHp. Clearfield countr.' Pa., deceased. hae deen granted to the subscribe, all persons indebted to the said estate arc request ed to make immediate payment, and those haviDj; claims or demands against the tttat-j of the said decedent will make known the same without, de lay, to the undersigned at his residence in Wool ' ward township, countv aforesaid. ntavl-1 tit W. DAVIS, Executor. A HUMAN LIFE SAVED! Dowa.;ia-, M-ivfa., Mrch II, lSi5. I mioncVoU on coiieolnVey' As 1 took your - I take pleasure in stating its effects as reported t mo b three brothers who live in this place, and, their testimony is a fair specimen of all I havero-' j ccjVcd : j y Conkiia told me ' I had taken nin bot-; tjt.a 0f Christie's Ague balsa n.and continually run down while using it until my lungs and liver wr' Congested to that degree that blood discharged from in v mouth and bowels, so that all thought it impossible for me to live through another chili. The doctors too did all they could for me, but thot' I must die. Nothing did me any good until I got Rhode's I'evr r and Ague Cure, which at once re lieved ms f the distress and nausea at my f totnach and pain in my hoad and bowels, and produced a permanent cure in a short time. H. M. Conklinsays: '! had been taking medi cine of cs good a doctor as wo have in onr county, and taken any quantity of quiniuo and pctac without any good rciult" from i'5th August to 17th December. Put seeing hew nicety it operated oa my brother, I got a bottle of Rhodes' Fever and A gue Cure, which effected a permanent cure by ui ins: two-thirds of a bottle." p. M. Conkliu was uot here, but both the other j brothers say hi-- case was the same as H. M's. I ! sold tho medicine to both the same day, and the cure was as speedy lrotn tho sjme small quantity, and I might so rnceify. Yours with reFpoct, A. HUNTINGTON. The above speaks for itself. Uooa proof as it is, it is of co better tenor than tho vast number of like certificates I have already published, and the Mill greater amount that iscoutinually pouring in to me One thing more. Last year I had occasion tocaw tion the public in thc?e words: "7 noticconefim who have taicil one of my general circulars, sub-. stitufd the name of their nostrum for my medi cine, an I then icith brazen intpinlenec end their pamphut with the txcfamation, Lrtthc proprietor of any olhtr medicine say cs much if he darrs"A c j Now I take pleasure in saying that the caution rrfcrre-t to the samo "UrXbnstie s Ague ualram that is mentioned in the above certificate. There arc several other industrious people who arc applying to their poisonous trash all that 1 publish about my Fever and Ague Cure, or Anti dote Vi Malaria, except the certificates of curcc, and the certificate of the relebrated Chemist. Dr. James It. Chilton, of N. V., in favor of its perfect ly kirmlrss eharartcr, which is attached to every bottle. These will always serve to distinguish iny medicine from imitations. JAS. A.KHODES, apr23 "56-om Proprietor, Trojkidence, R I A MARVELLOUS REMEDY FOR A MAR VELLOUS AGE ! ! HOLLOWAY'S QUmAEttT. THE GRAND EXTERNAL REMEDY. V the aid of a microscope, we see millions cf -li little openings on tho surface of oar bodiee Tbrouirh these this Ointment, when rubbed on h kin. is carried to any organ or inward part. Dis eases of the Kidneys, disorder of the Liver, affec tions of the Heart, infiiunmation of the Lung. Asthmas, Coughs vnd Colds, are by its means tf fcctually cured. Every housewife knows that salt pass's freely through bone or meat of any thick ness. This healing Ointment far more readily j ecetratcs through any bone or fleshy part of thfc living body, curing th most dangerous inward comjduints.tliat cannot be reached by other means. ERYSIPELAS. S A LT RHEUM AND SCORBUTIC HUMORS. No remedy has ever done so much for the cura of diseases of the skin, whatever form they may assume, as this Ointment. No case of Salt Ebcum, bcurvy, Sore Heads, Scrofula or Erysipclaa, can lung withstand its influence. The inventor baa travelled over many parts of the globe, visiucg the principal hcpitals, dispensing this Ointmtni. giving advico as to its application, and ha thus been the means of restoring countless number t- health. SORE LEGS. SORE BREASTS, WOUNDS AND ULCERS. Some of the most scientific surgeons now rely solely on the use of this wonderful Ointment, when having to cope with the worst cases cf sores, nicer, wounds, glandular swellings, and tumors. 1'rcfei aor Holloway has, by command of the Allif d gov ernments, dir-patched to the hospitals of the Last, large shipments of this Ointment, to be used un tier the direction of the Medical staff, in the worst cases of wounds It will cure any ulcer, glandu lar swelling, stiffness or contraction of the joints, oven of 20 years' standing. PILES AND FISTULAS. Theae and other rimilar distrung complaint can be effectually cored if the Ointment be well rubbed in over the parts affected, and by otherwlsa following the printed directions around each pot. Beth tht Ointment an.i the Pilis should be ui in fu following cast . Bunions, Mercurial Eruptions, Swelled Glands, Burns. Chapped Hands, Stiff Joint. Chilblains, KheumalUm. - .. .. , Ulcer, Fistulas, Salt Khetun, Venenal Eoret, Oout, F kin Diseases, Sore Legi, Lumbago, Wounds of all kinds, Scalds, Pile. Sore Breasts. Spraina,'- Scalds. Sores f all kinds. Sore Threat Sold at tha Manufactories of Professor Hol loway, 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and 244 Strand. London, and by all rentable Druggist j c cf Medicines throughout the Unit - M(, the civilil(d worid in Tots, at 25 s and Dea lt pi Steles. eenw, 62i : t. v. i larger sues. j VP. Direction. f.r the guWaore ef fatitntats ' Hi.'.r.t.r r .fS.n.l lonrk iwt April , 19V rr O ic CP?