the 4tifiiai THE JOUMAI, AFFAIRS AT I10.ME. Clearfield Boroioh. Strolling about town a lew days since, we incidentally commenced counting the number of stores, shops. &.c, and found that there were eight dry goods stores, one drug store, two book and stition-, ery stores, five tailoring establishments, five boot and shoe shops, three saddle and harness shops, three cabinet and chair-making estab lishments, one foundry, four wagon-makers' shops, two printing offices, one crockery, one tin-ware manufactory and stove depot, four blacksmith's shops, one clock and watch-maker, one Hvcry stable, and three hotels. There may be some inoTe establishments which we tailed to observe. We have residing in the town two preachers, though there are five chur ches here, four physicians, one dentist, and nine lawyers in active practice. We know of no way in which these several branches of industry can be made to extend their business operations more readily than by informing the public at large of what is done, and manufac tured, and where. And how can this be done more easily than by a system of liberal adver tising? A newspaper is the medium which has conducted many a man to fortune, and many a worthy fellow has failed by neglecting to make use of this convenient and economi cal vehicle of carrying himself into notoriety. Have we as Excise among us ? This query suggested itself to us by reading accounts of a large number of fires which have occurred recently in different places, and by which an immense amount of property has been destroy ed. We believe there is no engine, or any other kind of apparatus in our town, by means of which a fir could be extinguished. The large number of wooden buildings here would facilitate the destruction of a large por tion of the town, bhould a fire break out on a stormy day. The necessity of having a good engine must, therefore, be apparent to every iroperty holder and business man in the place. What shall be done in the matter i Will we da without an engine, and. by so doing leave thotown as food for the devouring element whenever it may happen to burst forth ? Or thai we have an engine and other fire extin guishing apparatus among us soon 1 We shall see 1 ' AbaoTYPES. The attention of the citizens of CuVvensville and vicinity is directed to the tidversement of Mr. W. T. Furviance in to layTa towmal. Mr. V. is a good artist and has I 'rendered entire satisfaction here. The arn- brotype is a much more desirable picture than the Daruerre''" ..- .!..; of "untaaiug uuiaujin... i - i t ri : j quality of being supplied regularly with beef. For this purpose, our townsmen, Messrs. Clark Wilson and David Etzwciler, have purchased a supply of beef cattle, and have erected a temporary building on the Market lot, where they will sell out their meat. This arrange ment will certainly be a great accommodation. DKNTurnr. We call the attention of the citizens of Philipsburg and neighborhood to the card of Dr. A. M. Hills, who contemplates spending next week in that place, during which time all who wish to have anv opera tions performed on their teeth, can be accom modated ty calling on him. New Inox K st a n L i r n m e x't . Mr. IJenj.-imin .1'i.n..,i.,ii, .13 i.i oc .scon oy an advertisement in another portion of to-day's Journal, is pre TiariMl to fclirtrtfi nl! m.-l... .i.... :.. . i , ... a.,,; ,,, uvea oi me ar ticle, with bar iron of various sizes. He can be found at the shop of T. Mills, near the cor ner of Locust and Third streets. A. M. Hills oilers to sell the new goods which he is just receiving, a little cheaper" man any one else" disposes of articles of the s-ime description, as will be learned by pern- King ins advertisement, which can be found elsewhere in this paper. luitj.-un -Honuay evening Senator Big- arca in tins place, and will spend a few uajs among his friends and acfiuaiutaates. MARRIED On Sunday the 27th April, by Levi Spcecc, ts,l- -ur- A "omas Loan, of Beccaria township. lV -urs.JUEIA .-UCUO.WVAL, Of Pcun toWIlshil). On the 22d Mav. bv the s.imn TI.NE Dale, to Miss Ouvu McDoxsal, all of - - J -' - v Penn township, Clearfield county. On the 5th inst., by the Rev. S. M. Cooper, iu.r. v.. jx. aniaKT, to Miss Sarah M. Wal j.ace, both of this county. On the same djy, by the same, Mr. Josiah M. Scurecoxoost, to Miss Barbara E. Self- ridge, both of this county. i he Home of Pierce. In Coucord, X. D. u dnesday last, June 4, the effigies ol riERCE and I'resto.y S. Brooks were Hanging in front of the State House, 80 feet from the gronnd, on the Pierce and King -.ij- ro.e, erected in 1852. An effigy 'of ; ,,u'utw UUDS a another part of the city, beaungan inscrption upon his front, "The glorious and godlike administration of Frank lin Pierce. Strawberries. The N- V tv;k T . , A tribune says that Jersey strawberries made their appearance m that city last week, and.sold at 25 con's a basket. It says, that wood absolutely refuses to be bent so as to form a basket that will hold a less quantity, and that strawberries, ia that ci7, at 25 cents a basket, may be understood abroad to be equal to $1 50 "a quart. Too high I The aggregate value of the real and person al property of New Fork city, as returned bv the assessors, is 5523,131,873 08-an fncrcas'o cf $21,251,022 01 over last vcar. CLIPHI7GS ANT- SC2IEELINGS. llos. David Bauclav will be a candidate for re-nomination. S- says the JefenorJan. Burst The eastern wing of the Louisiana penitentiary was destroyed by lire on the 3d. Loss $200,000. Nine prisoners escaped. 'There is a great demand," srvys a Yankee pedlar, 'for a species of plaster which will en- j able gentlemen to stick to their business." ' The M. E. General Conference, in session at Indianopolls, decided, 91 to 125, against ex tending the time ol appointments beyond two years. Sam Slick says he would rather brean a yoke of steers any day, than to make up a quarrel between two women when they get their dander up. - There were thirty-five fires in the United States during the last month, in each of which cases the loss was not less than $10,000. The entire loss amounted to $1,757,000. "It is calculated that the clergy cdsts the United States $6,000,000 annually, the crimi nals $19,000,000, the lawyers $35,000,000, to bacco $40,000,000, and rum over $100,000,000. "Put not off till to-morrow what can be done to-day," said a mother to her procrastinating son. "Then, marm, let's eat that apple pie you put away for to-morrow ; we can do that to-day." False. It was reported that the Warren Co. Bank had failed. The Warren Jat7 says they know nothing of it at home, and that on the 7th May nearly $30,000 in specie were in the vaults of the bank. A Horrible Affair occurred at St. Joseph, Missouri, about the 22d ult. Jacob Friend, wife and five children were brutally murdered by some unknown demon i in human guise, and the house then burned. A Hat Catcher says "one pair of rats, with their progeny, will produce in three years no less a number than 040.808 rats, which will consume day by day as .much loud as 61,680 men, leaving eight rats to starve." AnoLinos Convention The Convention of Radical Abolitionists, which met a Syracuse, X. Y., on the 29th May, nominated Gerritt Smith for President, and Samuel M'Farland, of Fcnira, for Vice President, after which the body adjourned sine die. Ma. BnooKS, the South Carolina ruflian, has challenged Senator Wilson for words spoken iu the Senate in relation to the assault on Mr. Sumner. Mr. Wilson declines the challenge, justifies the . language used., and avows his in tention to defend himself if attacked. The way to make a fashionable bonnet is tin: Take a handful of artificial roses, each and six yards of lace. Sccnfir-'litei .,4&tq i -vcai.n. 1 he Lrookville Jcjjersonfau, ,i ler a suspension of two months, has again made its appearance. The editor has been raft ing, plastering his office, &c. He says he ex pects to issue regularly from now till after the election. What then, Brady ? Quit till spring ? Gasst. -The Hollidaysburg Standard is in ecstatics over the arrival of some pipes for the gas works about being erected in that place. Diabolus thinks it is useless expenditure to put up works, when so much gas is running on legs thro' the streets of that "ancient borough. The Wool Trade. The clipping season has now luiiy commenced in Western Pennsylva nia and other wool-growing States, and the mild weather is quite favorable for shearing. It is said that many agents and speculators have already gone into the wool-growintr dis tricts to make contracts with the farmers for tlie purchase of new wool. Till.' ntTi'VT V r : x- St t in cwurioans re s""'" me success of the whole American ticket. The Mayor has 2000 majority. Mr. iiei.anmer, tne clerk of the First District Court, was shot and stabbed several times by aiMiij oi Sicilians. Jluch fighting, stabbing snooting occurred throughout the d.nv Tl o--i- Auree oiciuans were killed. The House Committee of Investigation into the assault committed by Brooks on Mr. Sum- ner, made a report, and the majority of the Commif tea ri'mmmond l . "-" ea)ui2iuii Ol JirOOKS lor his unmanly and disgroceful conduct. As it requires a two-thirds' vote to expel a mem ber, the South Carolina bully may possibly manage io secure enough votes to prevent it. T. .T. I r n . - tuuur oi me l, tica Herald sava that he once knew a wild widow who cut out her own daughter in the good graces of her lover and marnect him herself. To obtain revenge for this unmotherly trick, the daughter set her capior the young man's rich father, (of whom he was the only heir,) and actually married lain and had children, to the infinite annoy ancc oi me oincr parties. This occurred in Uuondago county, Xew York. Tue X. Y. Express contains A nuerv pro posed and an answer expected," the object of wmcn was to ascertain who was the author, and what is the correct reading of the line so often (and so frequently incorrectly) ouotcd. ''Fine by degrees and beautifully less." It may be found in Prior's Henry and Emma where Henry", speaking to Emma, says : 'N lonjer shall tho bodice apply laid From thy full bosom to thy slender waist, That air and harmony of shape express ' Fino by degrees and beautifully less." ' Look Oct! Judge Sniyser, of the Mont gomery county circuit, decided recently that, unacr tne new license law, "by the 10th sec tion, the Bond given by the license is totally forfeited, upon a conviction had for any viola tion of the provisions of this act, or of any other act for the observance of which said bond is conditioned. This forleiture extends not only to the fine and costs, but to the full and entire amount of the penalty of the bond and this is a feature to which we desire es pecially to dnw the attention of the parties, and especially 0f the sureties." - LATEE FE0M EUROPE. The Cunard steamer Niagara arrived at Hal ifax on June 5. en route for Boston, with Liv- At.iv 94. Th.- fvoiAemcnt on i the Italian question still continues. The Brit ish Ministry has agatn triumphed over the op position on a motion of censure for the aban- ilnr.mpnt nf thi wriratim law touching neu trals in the late treaty of peace. Nothing de cisive has transpired in relation to the Sound Dues. The Russian successes in Circassia are confirmed. The Liverpool cotton market had been easiex, with a slight decline iu lower grades. Breadstuff were a shade lower than previous quotations. Provisions were weak, with moderate sales. The money market was easier, and Consuls unchanged. . The National "American" Council in New York, after an animated debate on Wednesday, as to the propriety of abolishing secresy in their meeting, ultimately decided it in the af firmative, by a large majority. Speeches were made by Hon. John M. Botts, lion. Humphrey Marshall, Hon. Thomas A. Jenks'of Rhode Is land, Hon. Bayard Clark, of New York, Mr. Saunders and others. There was a discussion on a resolution by a Massachusetts delegate, to the effect that no difference of opinion ou the subject of the Presidential nomination al ready made should exclude a delegate from a scat in the Convention. No decision was had on the resolution, further than referring it to a Committee. The Committee on Resolutions reported one using very strong terms in de nunciation of the Brooks and Sumner outrage. In the debate upon the above resolution, all of the Southern members who spoke, including John M. Botts, Mr. Alexander, of Baltimore, and others, condemned the outrage upon Sum ner", but opposed the passage of the original resolution. Messrs. Goodwin, Leslie, Brittain and Buckingham of New York condemned it in strong terms, and favored the resolution. The resolution being modified, on the sugges tion of Mr. Botts, was finally adopted. New officers for the ansning year were ballotted for. Mr. E. C. Bartlett, of Ky.,was re-elected Pre sident of the National Council ; Mr. L'rastus Brooks, elected Vice President ; Mi. Deshler, of Md., re-elected Corresponding Secretary; Mr. Crane, of Ohio, Treasurer ; Mr. Stephens, Recording Secretary, and Mr. Goodwin, of X. York, Chaplain. Our Foreign. Relations The French Minister. Washington, June 3. Several days ago Count Sartigcs received through the Post Of fice a newspaper contaiuing a letter from a Washington correspondent, treating of the set tled antipathy of foreign Governments towards the United States, as now maintained by the conduct of the foreign Representatives in their intercourse with society and our public men, .t.d. .which letter was superinduced by the al- , ' Uing language against 1 OUT f . f -n r I . uy wOuuViKV.'jM(l especially againf;,'" iUn . . T v.v. ,.v.,aier m question, core the seal of the otate department. un oauiruay (Jount Sartiges called on Mr. Marcy, indignantly complaining of the insult, ana demanded that its suspected author be banished, intimating that in the event of fail urc to do this, he would demand his passports r.. t - ... 11 9 o course, disavowed all knowledge or responsibility concerning the letter, and expressed regret that anything had happened to occasion oticncc. Here was a dilemma,but count bartiges was apparently satisfied, and the Secretary released from his unpleasant po sition, uy the author, who was a Government employee, but who did not send the letter to Count Sartigcs, promptly resigning his offi.-e I he Lussian Minister, to-dav, gave a pic-nic entertainment at Arlington Springs, to his dij) lomauc associates, and others The Lock Haves axd Ttroxe Railroad. In the JVhig f the 21st ultimo, we asked the question "What has become of the President and DIrecters of the Lock Haven and Tyrone Railroad ? ' When we made the inquiry we expected that some one, "booked up" on the sul.ject, would give us the desired informa tion, but wc are as deep in Ibe fog now as then. Larry m the spring a meeting of the stockholders was held at Lock TLivo n vhn thcre was a President and Board of Directors elected, and also a Chief Engineer appointed Now, wc would like to know why the Presi dent and Directors so elected, do not order the Engineer to go on and locate the road Ihey certainly know that they arc the persons to act in the matter, and that the stockhold ers expected them to act when they elected them. Several months have passed away since their election and they have not even held one meeting, nor done anything to further the pro ject. In justice to the stockholders thev are bound to give some reason why they do not e;o on with the work.2c,,We H rr . ... inuttny m umimew ana Jt'iiis, astonislnnjr Remedies for Scrofula. Mr. Hcnrv Judd. of Detroit, Michigan, was in a most alarming state of health, he had been a great sufferer from scrofula for a number of years, and final ly all parts of his body broke out into sores. rendering him an object of horror to every one, he tried some of the most reputed reme dies known, but they did not touch his com plaint, and in the greatest alarm, he consulted a friend as to what course he ought to adopt, when Holloway's Ointment and Pills were re commended, which he commenced using, and by persevering with these remedies for a short time, he was perfectly cured, after every other remedy had failed. CoxoREgs. The following is a fair specimen of the proceedings of Congress during every day of last week. The Locofoco members had gone to Cincinnati and the remainder took ad vantage of the circumstance to visit their homes. Washington, Juno 6. Senate. The Scn- ate was not in session. House In tho Housa about a dozen mom- bers assembled, and adiourncd altera -min ute's session. TOS. E. MOSSOP, Jtariug made an engage ment with A. T. LANE A Co., Wholesale Deal ers in Clothinjr. 175 Market st.. Philadelphia, would respectfully invite his old friends to give him a call. TVTOT1CI:. Having purehnscd the Bocks tf tho ll Rafttniaii's Journal with the establishment, all nnour.ts unpaid for Subscription, Adrcrtising, or Jcb'wcrk. are to be settled with the ur.dcr?i:med. innriy P. B. KOW- PLA ha LASTERINC Cooper & Hitchcl. who ave had much experience m the cities of New York and Philadelphia in the above busd- ncps, are prepared to do ork trom plain to itic best ornaiuontal of anv description, on reasonable terms. Address, "COPEK A J1ITCHEL, May 2. lSat. Olenhope. Clearfield Co. Ta. 171011 SALE A two-story frnme House, with a 1 bnlf ncre of lind adjoining, eitnato in Law rence township, on the road from Clearfield to Curwensville, about M miles from Clearfield. For terms apply to Zebad Lawhead, Lawrence town shin, or to the subscriber L. JACKSON CRANS. juncl Clenrfield. Pa. 7VTOTICE. The stockholders of the Glen Hope 11 "aqd Little rald-eagle Turnpike, are notified that an election will be hcM at the house of Wm. T. Gilbert, G len IIopo. on Friday the 13th June, and for the purpose of taking a vote for or against a division of said road. T. 15. 1AVIS, Prest. Attest A. Moore. Sec.' May l'J. 18')6-2t TfALUARI.E TOWN PROPERTY FOR T FALK. The subscriber offers for sale his Tav ern Stand, on the corner of Market and Front streets, in the borough of "Clearfield. The houso is lare and commodious and well calculated for a pnblie house. For particulars inquiro of W. A. Wallace, Esq., or of the subscriber living on tho premises. W. J. HEMPHILL. March 5th. 1S56 ITIOR SALE the Farm occupied by Itichard Ianvers. Jr.. situata in Penn township, about one mile from PennsvillJ. It contains 64 acres, of which 45 are cleared and under good fence. The improvements lire a two-story frame houso and kitchen, barn and out-houses. There is a younr bearing orchard on the place, ana tuc wnoie is well watered. For terms apply to L. JACKSON CRANS. junet " Clearfield. Ta. F OR SALE, TWO BUILDING LOTS in the borongh of Clearlicld ; several UtlLiWi.Mjr LOTS and PASTUEU AND WOOD LOIS, contain ing from three to ten acres each, near the borough of Clearfield. Also several desirable FARMS and pieces of TIMBER LAND, in various parts of the county. Terms accommodating. Apply to L. JACKSON CRANS. April 16, lSifi. Clearfield, Pa. T TO ! FOR IOWA!! The A JL sirous of jroine West, offers to sell at private sale, three lot in tho village of Marysvillo, one- half mile east of Clearfield Uridge, in Uogg3 town ship, having thereon erected a two-story weather boarded dwelling house, rood stable, and a black smith ehon. The terms, which will be reasonable, can be ascertained by inquiring of the undersign ed, residing on inc premises. mav2S-tf SAMUEL B. DILLER. A milNISTRATORS' NOTICE. Whcrc- as Letters of Administration on tho Estate of NATHANIEL HUGHES, late of Chest township, riearfiebl Cuintv. Pa., dee d, have been granted to the undersigned, alt persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will present them, properly authenticated for settle mciit, to ROBERT HUGHES, JOHN MAn AFFEY, May 23, lSj Ct. Administrator. TJALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Y TKo . jjI!uoer Cltv : said fa rm ion taming 105 acres, sixty asres cleared, under good ouiiivuiiun, me Damnce . well timbered: with a good barn, new plank dwelling honso, and a irood "-- '"o oreuaru luercon, and is well watered. For tinner luiurmaiion enquire ot the subscriber liy wi " me premises. fclJiU THOMPSON, l ebruary 20. lS.t fim , jiu.m.1 jiaki.m; TRADE FOR t j- f i ;v ; a n r. r. 4 i? oi me timea. to all persons out of cmploj-mcnt. as a number of money making trades and arts, can be learned without a master, besido all the genu ine and popular receipt.-?, and instructions of the u.i, irr ir.e manulacturc ot the most beneficial, and saleable articles, now in common person forwarding one dollar post-paid, to U.JLF 1'h.JKH, Jrftrtrs, Ct'arfirU Co., Pa., or to A II h uimaii, Tyrone, Blair Co.. Pa., will receive a copy oy return mail. And any person forwarding twenty-five cents, postpaid, to C. Jeffmes, will receive by return mail, one of the three follon-ino- i tr.:., . How to make the celebrated artificial jioxKV. now toramo UouUlo crops, of all kinds of vegeta bles, with little expense, and how in nth i? Wolves, Foxes, Minks nnd Muskrats in the neigh borhood. Any person forwarding fiftx-..nto n'iii receive the whole three by return mail. ' June 4. i5,b iy. LIST OF RETAILERS of Foreign and Do mestic Merchandize in Clearfield Countv. for the year 1358, subject to tho payment of license. Bradford Township, i Covington Toirnship. John Holt, 14 Francis Coudriet, 14 James C. Graham, 12 LcviLutz, n Matthew Forcoe, 11 John B. lijirmov. Edward Williams, Albert fc Brothers. It 11 11 1.1 12 11 14 14 Chest Township. Hughes & Lloyd. Cnnreiunille Bor. II. It Vnttr., Bostsrs Towiitkin. C. Sloan". 14 Kahjton & Bcatty, If MeBride & Co. Becari. Township. IKliz.i Trvin & Sons, ""'"-"i vou.1 uiiu uni- isa.-io iiiooni, Jr. ber Co. 1 4 Jlon te 1 uis & Te n By c k , 1 4 14; Ureal ttr Towushiit. Jeremiah Cooper, S. C. Patch in. (ieorgo W. Sehon", J4 jsowm.m A Co. 1 i J. f Miner Co. 11 L. W. W eld. 141 Uosheu 1 own ship. IE. Irwin fc Sons, 14 B fa-flu Tuuraxhin. R. 11. Moore. F.K.Arnold. Samuol Arnold, P. W. Harrett, is. thaw. 14 1-1) Uirard Township. HjJames Irwin & Co. 14 1 1'Augustus Lcconte, 13 UjSmith fc King, 14 14 .for.lan Township. George It. Larrett, iohn X)al' .lohn'SAetco. 14 j.m. Chase & Co. 14 14 14 lMvid AlcOeban, 14 James M. ITouzt. 14 IrederickColer, Bell Town shin. I Jvirt luzus Totenahtp. 14 F. I'. JIurxthal. 1 Gedder. Marsh A Co. E. L. Miller, L. i. Smith. - 14 n. u. nan A Co. 14 Robert II nino B tmisiile Totrnshin. I A"o 7V,.,.t;.. James McMurrv. U:Mrilnsi;,i, J A. Patching Brother. II . rr.....,.7.. Cumminjsi- Mahaffcy.l 4 Hartshorn A Co. Russell McMurry, 1 1 ' A . Hile t Rrother, Ehza Irvin A Sons, 1 1 Wm. C. Folev, Isahella Cross. 14 Union ln,i; Clearfield Boroush. Daniel V. Iin,l,.U. A 1. 1111IS. . . T w . ! - 14, Woodioard Township. 13Thomas Henderson, 14 LI Georgo W. Schoff, 14 W. F. Irwin. Richard Mossop. R. Shaw and Son, W. L. Moore. Christopher Kratzcr, Powell, Weaver & Co. '),". n. aict-ully, 14 13) Henry Rycrs, 14 lojJames A. Ilaggerty, 14 13 Huston Township. 14 j Valentine Hevner, 14 David Tyler, 14 11 PiieToiv.tehip. Charles D. Watson, . Morris Townsiin G. F.lloon. . . . J. B. Kyler. E. V. Rrenner, J. P. Nelson A Co. li; A. liloom. 11. 14 14 Lawrence. Township. Forrest & Smith, 14 WM. F. JOHNSON, Mercantile Ant, ,u 7JC?- 4n PPcal win be hell oa Saturday the 2bth day of Juno, at the Commissioners' Offico in Clearfield boroucrh. when nfl -n .t. feel themselves aggrieved by the above appraise ment can atcenu, 11 tney sco proper. OJI- W-M. F. JOHXjjO.V. GROCERIES. Just received and now f-3 opening, a general assortment of t 5 K : choice groceries, which will be sold at thobiiUfc lest cash prices at . WM. F. HiWIN'S. JFA-FRIES X MANUAL OF PROFITABLE & I SEFl'L TRADES, ARTS AXD OCClPATIOXS V""1,IVT.A FASTER, IS NOW READY FOR S ALL. '1 his is one of the most valnnl.l.. i;itt AMOUNT OK Til E VALUATION OF Til K REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY in Clearfield eotmty, as returned by the Assessors of tho various boroughs acl townships, for t- tri-er.r.ial assessment t 18...... 2 (o c ft "3 o Ikccam, Dell, Doggs, Drady, Bradford, Burnsidej Chest, Covington", Clearfield, Curwensville, Decatur, Ferguson, Fox, Girard, Goshen, Houston, Jordan, Karthaus, Knox, Lawrence, Morris, Penn, Pike, " L'nion, Woodward, Total. 215 loH 129 S23 266 21)3 153 161 170 ID", 13S 123 U 117 72 0t) 12S ptO '7 21-" 20. 107 21G 73 153 SI7OT 28118 9121 30571 200-3 J 3383 10773 10351 600 17500 1201 13777 18210 i moo 86238 12777 12030 1SS01 2327 00110 0310 M55 18050 38770 45211 201-57 68836 37060 41320 36703 14239 o2030 22025 32"S 2-V205 f,020 11012 11007 12S50 10111 J 2 108 14SOO (.-)054 31820 32018 63059 1753C 2olo2 3071 I 782G1G 490L"3 We. the undersigned. Coniraiisioncrs compilation from the assessments lor I Attest Robert J. Wallace. Clerk. Commissioners' Office, ClearCcd May 21, NEW GOODS! SPRING AND STJUMER GOODS ! rrUIE subscriber has just received a large and X well selected stock of new goods of almost ri-om dcsiTintion .suitable for the season. lie re spectfully invitee all who wish to buy good Hoods at the lowest prices to call at tne sign 01 mo "CHEAPEST GOODS." Approved country produce taken in exchange for goods. . . Persons wishing to purchase, and roceivc a fair equivalent fur their money, will do well to give him a call. Keincinber the sign of the CHEAPEST GOODS, on Market street, and call and be convinced that there is truth in the words thereon inscribed. WM. f. IllWIN. Clenrfield, Ta., may 14, 13ii!. j IMPORTANT -NEWS' FEME DECLARED II EUROPE !l Bij the latest arricals from Europe riJlE important intelligence has been received X that Peace is about bein declared. Thisba had the effect of reducing prices on not only pro visions, but upon lioods of nil descriptions. J he undersigned have, therefore, taken advantage of this propitious time to purchase an extensive and well selected slock of SrRIXG AND SUMMER GOODS, which they arc determined to sell at the most rea sonable prices. Their stock is extensive, embrac ing EVEKY VARIETY and STYLE of LADIES' and GENTLEMEN S. WEAK, to which they would call the attention of the citizens of Curwensvillc and surrounding country. Thev have connected w ith their establishment .-! , JlUOT.i D SIIU12 MA.lJFACTOHY.vAci --ifj ...v,. vi....iiim.- nn ui:;crs wnn everv variety of Boots n,,,l Shnr at n rc.tftnn.ible pri ce? as they can be procured elsewhere. Th.-ir work will be made in the neatest and most dura ble manner, which will recommend itself. All of our stock will be disposed of CUE PFT1 TIIAX THE CIIKAPEST forCASIl, all kinds of Lumncr. Country Produce. Hides. JL,: , Ac aprt)-3m MOXTELIl'S & TEN" FYCK EPWAUb MUXTK1.H-S. lL,.lAyt TKS v"lC WWS THE TIME FOR DARCAIXs: NEW GOODS AND NEW PRICES .'! 'tjttel- saJes aiirl smi'l profits. gen my and man any Roods heretofore soi l in C'r.-. riU.l.1 - mong which will be f.und ' MANTILLAS, a lar-e assorfnirnf it ptmA.Kni.1 low pries. 0 , r - . af frola " cc,1,s ,0 'i25 cents per yard. IN(:l'AMS, at from 11 cents to 25cci.t? per vd. CALICOES, at from 5 cents to 121 cts per yard. SHAW LS a good article of Shawl, at fi.., r, ' cents to "JIO. each. BONNETS a lare lot at from ."0 cents to .j. LADIES' GAITERS for 1,50 worth 52. " Boots, Shoes and Slinners at from R1 cents to 1.2j cents per pair. A lilf.-l i, 1 . - . 1. puaso can. as 1 have almost eve rything in their line, at extraordinary low rat. s. GEfS Boots, Shoes and Gaiters at very low nmcs. J-51- at from 5 to 121 cents a var 1. JEANS, at 20 cent a yard worth !)". CLOTHS Black. Blue. OHvc Croon t,, r.n.c voiors, very eneap. CASSIMERES Black and a vnri. tv ,.r v..,. 1 . - - v v colors of tho latest stvlcs.. o.VwT,r'.:,Sra Prcat variety of fancy and plain. SLMMER CLOTHS. Cassimovos Tri.tuJ ...a n short, a variety of almost all sort ,.f f.i.- mens ana oors wear. Call soon, while vou can h.ivn nn r.Tnuirhi;i. t.. elect from tho whole stock. - All the fthovrv n 1 1 1 1 - ir.nof r . . t n r . i 1 can bt purchased at the t-.Ml, as I have determined not to tie undorold my2l'5li RICHARD MOSSOP. ' QUEENS WARE A superior lot of Fancy and Common Queenswarc now opening and for sale at the rMmnnUi, at tho store of RICHARD MOSSOP. HATS! HATS II-Richard Mossop is now rl ceiylnS and opening a fine lot of Sprin" . fcuinmer lUtsof the latest stvl.-s, w hich he will sell at prices from I2i cent to S 00 PJLOTIIIXCJ 1-1.000 Dollars worth of RcaJy-mado Clothing at your own pri- 1 ai iiiccueap store ot ,nl,y21 RICHARD MOSSOP. !!-Surior Mackerel and "uu, just receivca and opening at tho cheap Cash store of Richard Molscp ia Clearfield. - mav zi XLACIC, Imperial and Young Hyson Teas of the best quality to be Lad at ' the lowest each price at 3IOSSOP S. HARDWARE and Cuttlcry just received and now oponing at Mossops cheap cash store in Clearfield mav21 UMBRELLAS and Paraeoli?, a lare assortment of the latest patterns, to be had cheap at may2I'ot MOSSOPS. MOLASSES Best Syrup at 00 cents a gallon at lmay211 MOSSOP'S. "HA RlfmTn" vcry acsenption for sale 3 a mod lerate advance at inayl4'56 WM. F. IRWIN'S. IIISII. A lot of superior Mackerel and3 Herring, juat received aud tor Palo bv-t 1 .......111 .-..... J Ifer1:- - 1 WM. F. IRWIN. BALOX ! n hand and for sale, a lot of Grst rate Hams. Shoulders and Sides, at tho si-n of the -CHEAPEST 0OI)S."" JALT! SALT!! A quantity of Coarso and ItjvusI Alum Salt, fcx 3ai0 at yf. r.Ewi-. HAVING just rHurned from the East, I would inform my old customers and the public in icral. that I am now receiving and oienin" at '-olJ stan 1 a splendid assortment of Spriir' Summer (Soods, which I will srii iii!t Z p S- r. a t- 8502 618 j 110 120 5267 ?760.S 6740 200 283 95 2740 -83S60 4117 250 ' 50 1775 35773 12875 1100 732 135 40S0 1S86S2 11785 7i0 - 1645 6C88.5 10392 " 070 ! 530 188 4024 70507 0515 300 100 50 C75 6120 4595 155 200 2243 31873 '2557 4050 S 940 770 7760 69597 1250 U00O 510 180 3820 3168-5 5551 105 40 2175 57942 4825 375 275 50 610 32601 1201 475 ' 150 20715 C975 I 75 2240 304 12 "060 ' 105 60 1280 30172 "7' .500 " 5tK) 9306O ! ?079 1 150 115 100 1345 34877 40-5 ! 185 110 2175 32130 ' SI 40 ' 180 00 ! 00 t -1320 S8427 1"715 150 1340i 50 2iKX 0213ti. 738 540 j 120 273-5 100275 C5"5 I'lOO 700 -700 . 53543 P803 10000 730 170 4385 07052 m., . i.jf) SO -550 - ?8956 002S 050 100 1770 72840 j 14702G I 25228 8050 i 2703 60S61 1508470 i of Clearfield countv. Jo certifv that the above table iu a correct S56. as returned t- this ofiko. . KOlJKKT MAIIAFF1T, ) ? IA ID L, . s JACOB WILLIIEL3I, J rVOTlCE. In the absence of Eli Bloom. Tra 1 surer of Clearfield county, tho Books and Pa pers will be in the posseysion f John McPhorson, who will attend to the business at all times. Clearfield. May 2. liti. 4 LARGE lot of Family Grocrics just receiving j- at Mossop s in Clearfield. may 21 PI1 1 LI V, DAVIS' ESTATE Whereas Let ters Testamentary on the estate of Philip Pa- vi.s. late of Uccearia township, Clearfield county. Pa., deceased, have dcen granted to the subscriber, all persons indebted to the said estate arc request ed to make immediate payment, and those having claimt cr demands against the estate cf tho said decedent will make known tho tame without de lay, to the undersigned at his residence in Wood ward township, county aforesaid. mavl4 l't W. PAVIS, Executor. VII UMAX LI FE SAVED ! Powagiac. Mku., March II, lS-io. J. A. RHODES, Esi : Dear Sir As I took your medicine to sell on consignment. ,:no cure no pay." I take pleasure in stating its effects as reported l mo by three brothers who live in this place, and their testimony is a fair tpcciuicn cf all I have re ceived : W. S. Conklin told rae -I had taken nino bot ties of Christie's Apruo R.ilsa u, and continually run down while u.hi it until -my lunjrs and liver wer Congested to that degreo that blood discharged from" mv mouth and bowels, so that all thought it imnossible for me to live throush another chill. The doctors too did all they oould for me, but thot I must die. Nothing did mcany good until I got Rhode's Fever mid Ague Cnrc, which at Qnce re lieved me f the distress ana nausea at my stomach and pain in my head and bowels, and produced a permanent cure 111 a snort lime. " H. M. Coiiklin Kavs : ' I had been taking medi cine of as sood a doctor as wa hayain but county. wi.hout any g.,oTresuU. from 2.ith August to I7t:, . 1 ""7r- ut eng How nicely it operated on .. a uome at iinoacs' l ever and gue ure. which effected a permanent cure bv us nig two-thirds of a bottle." J S. M. Conklin was not here, but both the other brothers say his case was the samo as II M ' I soM the medicine tn both the came dav. and th curc was as speedy from the game small qnantitv and I mi-lit so sj.ecifr. Yours with respect ' T. ,' ' , . A. IIUNTINttTOX The above pcaks for itself. Oooa proof as it i " "v ""cr lenor than the vast numhr r r i;u titHtt th, vame. of their nostrum for my mr,U rtl,r. a l thru trnh braze iwpndtncc end their that is mentioned in the above. J here are several other industrious people wh arc npplving to their poisonous trash all that I publish about my Fever and Ague Cure, or Anti dote to Malaria, except the certificates of cure, and the certificate of the celebrated ChcmM Dr James R Chilton, of N. Y., in favor of itn perfect! v h 'siex ehararter, which is attached to everv These will always serve to dislin-nish my medicine from imitations. JAS. A. RHODES apr2 I 56-:;M Proprietor, PrOAidcpce, I I A MARVELLOUS REMEDY FOR A MARVELLOUS AGE!! HOLLOWAY'S 01HTMEST. THE GRAND EXTERNAL REMEDY. t,.'c ai'1 of a rnicmscope. wc see millions of MJ little opening.-, on the surface of our belies J hrousrh these this Ointment, when rubbed on tho slim, is carried to any organ or inward part Di--cases of the Kidneys, disorders of the Liver affec tions of the Heart, inflammation of tho LuniM Asthma. Coughs ad Colds, are by iu means ef fectually cured. Every housewife knows that salt passes freely through bone or meat of any thick ness. This healing Ointment far moro readilv ponciratcs through any bone or fleshy part of th living lKdy. curing the most dangerous inward com plaints, that cannot be reached by other incam, ERYSIPELAS. SALT RHEUM AND SCORBUTIC N. , , HUMORS. ,1 remedy has ever done ro much for the euro of diseases of the ckin, whatever form they mav assume, as this Ointment. No case of Salt Rheum. Scurvy, Sore Heads, Scrofula or Erysipelas, can Ions withstand its influence. The inventor haj travelled over many parts of the globe, visiting the principal hospitals, dispensing this Ointment, ffiving advice as to its application, and has thus been the means of restoring countless numbers to health. SORE LEGS. SORE BREASTS. WOUNDS AND ULCERS. Some of the most scientific surgeons now rr!i solely on the use of this wonderful Ointment, when iiavinj i copu jiu me worst casas ol sores, ulcers, wounds, glandular swellings, and tumors Prf.-I eor Holloway ha., by command of th. rrnments. dispatched to the hospitals of the Easi, larg-s shipments of this Ointment, to loused un der the direction of the Medical staff, in th. cases of wounds. It will cure anv nicer. rlil... tZ . .? 1 rC"d-V rubliahcd. and the Mil Sr:.tcrmoUt that wcontinii.lly pouring in to m. tne ailing more. Last year I had oecwSn tocau .on the public in these words I notice one fi, , in, litre talrn one of mv s?frrrl ; "... ,-mphU-t tnti thr rrclamat,..,,. T t th-prnvTirtnr or any at tier inrttau say at much ifhiddreSier I -Now 1 take pleasure in saying that the caution f n lcrred to the same i-Pr.Chr!.tii., t n.i,.- I lar swelling, stiffues or contraction of tho joint--even of CO years' standing. ' tu - PILES AND FISTULAS. Ihcseand other similar distressing complainfj can bo cflcctually cured if the Ointment be well rubbed in over the parts affected, and by otherwise following the printed directions around each pot. Both the Ointment and the Pills should be used t the following cases : Bunions, Mercurial Eruptions, Swelled Glands, Burns. - Chapped Hands, Stiff JoinU, Chilblains, Rheumatism, Ulcers, Fistulas, Salt Rheum, Venerial Sores, Gout. Skin Diseases. - - Sore Legs, Lumbago, Wounds of all kinds, Scalds, Piles. Sore Breasts. . . Sprains, Scald. Sores f all kind. Sore Throat. " Sold at the Manafactories of . Professor Hol loway, tf Maiden Lane, New York, and 214 Strand, London, and by all respectable Druggists and Dea lers of Medicines throughout the U nited Stares, and tho civilized world, in Pot, at 2i cents, 62i' cents, and SI each. t-"pI'hcrc is a considerable saving by taking tho larger sizes. - - - - - - - - - N. B. Diroction3 for the guidance of atimtj ia every disorder are affixed ttf each tft . Ax ril 9; - :