Will i. mm THE JOURNAL. AFFAIRS AT HOME. Heavy Loss. Mr. Christian PottaifJ, of this place, lost last ween $2,200 in the following manner: On Tuesday he drew from the Mid dletown Bank the amount named, in currency, among which were $G50 on the Harrisburg Jj.ink. On the same day he came to Harris burg and got gold for the $650 at the bank. The next, Wednesday, morning at 3 o'clock, be took the cars coming west. Before he left the hotel, finding his money a little bulky, he wrapped the whole of it together, put it in the side-pocket of his overcoat, rolled the coat up sml placed it, wrapped up in acouple of shirts, in his carpet sack. This he did in Ins room,' w here no one could see Lira. . lie went to the station when the cars came in, at the time des ignated above, and whilst putting a band-box and another package in the baggage car and fretting checks for the same, he set bis carpot s ick down. At the moment when ho was do ing this, the whistle blew, and hastily picking :p what he supposed to be his carpet-sack, entered the car. "When day dawned, he for the first time discovered that, instead of hav ing his own carpet-sack, containing the $2,200, he had another. By this time the cars were somewhere in the neighborhood of Lewistown. He immediately went through the cars to see if he could discover his property in the pos session of some one, else. He continued his journey to Altoona, where, not having been able to find it, he made his loss known, and took measures to have it hunted up. Whether Mr. FottarfT, in the hurry, accidentally picked up the wrong carpet-sack, or whether some sharper was aware of him having the. money in his, and in the few seconds during which he had set it down, took it up and replaced it with another, as is frequently done, cannot yet be decided. Mr. PottarfTs greatest Lope of recovering his money rests upon the probabil ity of his having himself taken the wron sack. The loss is a heavy one., and every one who is acquainted with Mr. P. will undoubted ly regret it sincerely. Mr. Fottarfl oflers a reward of $200 for the recovery of the raoney. I. O. O. F. At a regular meeting of Cher ry Tree Lodge, No. 417, I. O. O. F., held May Sth, 185G, the following preamble and resolu tions were offered, and accepted by the Lodge. Whebeas, an All-Wise and Inscrutable Pro vidence has suddenly removed, from his sphere i f usefulness, on earth, our well beloved bro ther, Xatuasit. IIlcues of Cherry Tree Lod, No. 417, I. O. O. F: Resolved, That in N. Hughes, while living, we recognized a brother of nobleness a phi I.TT.thropist r.n Odd Fellow, practicing the principles of F. L. and T. Iltiolvtd, That, while our sibtcr, the wife of V.:v h"ce:ir?d, mourns the lssof a kind and af f.'Ctiouuto husband, her Tilth; git I one f the lvst of f.ithers, our Lodge laments the lo.ss of an cxec'ler.t member, and Iha community a ni"st valuable citizen. Inched, That wccsfcml U the rfdicted fam ily ? the deceased 'our hearty commiseration a:: l warmest sympathy that, from a long and intimate acquaintance with him, we feel ju-ti-Ik-d in tiie belief, that he has gone "v. here the wicked cease to trouble, and the wear are at r.-st." " . ' ' lleiotei'J, That, in respect f:.r the deceased, i;r Hall be clothed in the habiliments of mour ning, for thirty days. A'eto.'rerf, That a copy of these resolutions he given to the widow of our deceased broth vr,f hat they be recorded on the minutes of our Lodge, and copies furnished the "Democrat & Sentinel," and "Raftsman's Journal," for pub hcation. r. G. Gid. Kmports, i P. CJ. 11. II. McCormic The Cold. During a portiou of last vreck, we were treated to a spell of cold weather, and on Friday the air was filled with snow. Fires were suddenly kindled up, and heavy clothing immediately brought into requisition. Men, women and children, whenever seen out-doors, were shivering and shaking as if they were af flicted with the ague. The fruit, it is feared, is all destroyed, though we hope it may not be. Vegetables and garden productions gen- -rally are frozen. On Friday, the mercury in the thermometer was at the middle of the day not higher than 44 dog. above zero. And this at the end of "the merry month of May." What a great "kedenfry !" this is ! Ambrotites. By an advertisement in to. day's Journal, it will be seen that Mr. W. T. Purviance is at present engaged in taking am lrotypc likenesses. There is one quality a bout these likenesses that is preferable to the daguerreotypes and that is, they cannot be easily destroyed. A visit to Mr. P's rooms will well repay any one who may be desirous of having likenesses taken. We would state that Mr. Purviance is a good artist, and will undoubtedly render satisfaction. Commenced.' We have learned that the en gineers of the Tyrone and Clearfield Railroad have commenced locating that portion of the toad, near Fhilipsburg, where the heaviest work will be, preparatory to letting. We un derstand also that quite a number of shares of stock have been taken by merchants in Phila delphia, and that others will follow their exam ple as soon as an opportunity for doing so pre sents itself. "The work goes bravely on." Mvn.vG at Cirwexsville We understand that the schools f Miss Larubnrn and 'Mr. Kote in Curwcnsville, together with a number cf the citizens of the place, had a fine pic-nic party on last Saturday. They assembled in the grove to the south of the town, where tome hours were pleasantly spent by all who parti cipated. Everything passed off satisfactorily and agreeably. Everybody's Interest. We invite atten tion to the advertisement in this paper, head ed "A money making trade for one dollar." The book contains many, valuable recipes, which it might be well enough for everybody to have. A fa km inPenn township, and a two story frame house in Lawrence, are offered for sale by L. J. Crans, Esq., as will bo seen by refer ence to advcrUsuicnts in to-day's Journal. A MOUNT OF THE VALUATION OF THE in Clearfield county, as returned by the Assessors r. Ill o auAicm t, f lC.? tri-eani.il assessment of 135s) "3 ft, fs fa -5" O-1 si a"' a 30 ft a P. Becearia, Bell, Boggs, Brady, Bradford, Burnside, Chest, ; Covington, Clearfield, Curwcnsville Decatur, Ferguson, Fox, Girard, Goshen, Houston, Jordan, Karthaus, Knox, Lawrence, Morris, Penn, Pike, Union, Woodward, 245 ,41249 45211 20457 88836 37060 41320 36763 14239 62630 295 32508 '25265 5020 .11912 .11607 12850 16111 12408 ,-14800 65654 34826 32618 63059 1753G 25452 31799 28118 9124 30574 9695 13383 16773 10351 890 17500 1291 13777 18240 14060 86238 12777 12636 18861 9327 60116 9310 8155 18659 38779, 8502 6740 4117 12875 11735 10392 6545 4595 2557 1250 r 5554 4825 1291 3975 3060 2972 3979 4625 S146 12715 7938 6525 9893 2022 C098 293 153 161 170 105 138 123 19 117 72 66 123 100 97 295 203 167 246 73 153 Total. 8971 I 782616 490433 I 147926 We. the undersigned, Commissioners of Clearfield county, do certify that the above table is a correct compilation from the assessments for 1856. ad returned to this office. KOBERT MAIIAITT, ) o Attest- ' DAVID ROSS, S Robert J. Wallace, Clerk.'- JACOB WILLIIELM, ), ' Commissioners' Office, Clearfied May 21, 1856. NEAV GOODS! SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS ! ' " rilllE subscriber has just received a large and JL welt selected stock of new goods of almost every description suitablo for the season. He re spectfully invites all who wish to buy good Goods at the lowest prices to call at the sign of the "CHEAPEST GOODS." Approve 1 country produce taken in exchange for goods. Persons wishing to purchase, and roceivo a fair equivalent fur their money, will do well to give him a call. Remember the sign of the CHEAPEST GOODS, on Market street, and c:ll and be convinced that there is truth in the words therwn inscribed. WM. r. IRWIN. Clearfield, Ta., may 11, ITS. IMPORTANT NEWS ! PEACE DECLARED I TJ EUROPE !! By the latest arrivals from Europe rilflE important intelligence has been received L that Peace is about being declared. This has ha l the effect of reducing prices on not only pro visions, but upon Goods of alt descriptions. The undersigned have, therefore, taken advantage of this propitious time to purchase an extensive and well selected stock of SPUING AND SUMMER GOODS, which they arc determined to sell at the most rca-. soiialdc prices. Their stock is extensive, embrac ing EVERY VARIETY and STYLE of LADIES' and ti EXTLEMEN'S WEAR, to which they would call the attention of the citizens of Curwensville and surrounding country. '1 hey have connected with their establishment a 1JOO T AXD SHO i MA XUFA C TOR I". which i.-? rr: lor the superintendence of the well-known Jo.ejh Wiiiiaias. 'J hey wilt thus bo enabled to supply their customers and all others with cycry va-rietv of liooti atid ii'inr nt as reasonable -pri ces as they can be procured elsewhere. Their work will be made in the neatest and mostuura blo manner, which will recommend itself. All of our stock will b) disposed of CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST f'r CASH, all kinds of Lumber. Country Produce. Hides. Ac. , Ac. j.pr'i-.im JKXTKLlL'!i fc TEN EYCK. KDWAllU SIONTHf.IirS. Wlf.MAV TKN KYI'K". TfOAFS TIIE TIME : FOR BARGAINS! ITEW GOODS AND NEW PRICES !! "Quiet; sales and sm-dl profits HAVING just returned from the East, I would inform my old customers and the pnblie in g?ncral. that I am now receiving and opening at my "old stund" a splendid assortment of Spring and Summer Goods, which I will sell a little lower than any goods heretofore sold in Clearfield, a mng which will be found MANTILLAS, a largo assortment atexceedingly low pries. SILKS, at from 70 cents to 1,25 cents per yard. GINGHAMS, at from 11 cents to 23 cciits per yd. CALICOES, at from 5 eents to 12 cts per yard. SHAWLS a good urticlc of Shawls, at from 02 cents to S10. each. RON NETS a larjre lot at from 50 cents to S3. LADIES' GAITERS for 1,50 worth 2. " Poot3, Shoes and Slippers at from 625 cents to 1.2j cents per pair. LADIES' will please call, as I have almost eve rything in their line, at extraordinary low rates. GENTS' Boots, Shoes and Gaiters at very low rtes. MUSLINS, at from 0 to 12 cents a yard. JEANS, at 20 cents a yard worth 40. CLOTHS Black, Blue, Olive, Green, and other colors, very cheap. CASSIMERES Black and a variety of Fancy colers of the latest styles. VESTINGS a great variety of fancy and plain. SUMMER CLOTHS, Cassimeres, Trimmings, and inehort, a variety of almost all sorts of Gntlc mens' and boys' wear. Call eoon. while you can have an opportunity (o select from the whole stock. All the above, and a great variety of other goods can be purchased at the very lowest prices FOR CASH, as I have determined not to bo undersold. m.iy21'55 RICHARD MOSSOP. QUEENS WARE A superior lot of Fancy and Common Quecnswarc now opening and for gale at the most reasonable prices at the store of RICHARD MOSSOP. fT HATS! HATS !! Richard Mossop is now re ceiving and opening a fine lot of Spring and Summer Hats of tho latest styles, which he will sell at prices from 12J ccnU to 5,00. ""ILOTIIING ! 1,000 Dollars worth of J Ready-made Clothing at your ow ccs, at tho cbeao store of may 21 RICHARD MOSSOP. FISH ! FISH !! Superior Mackerel and 1 Codfish ju3t received and opening at the 1 cheaD Cash store of Richard Mossot in Clearfield. may 21'50 XLACK, Imperial and Young Hyson (fS -"A Teas of the best quality to be had at f J the lowest each p rice at MOSSQP'S. HARDWARE and Cuttlcry just received and now oponing at Mossop "s cheap cash store in Clearfield inay21 UMBRELLAS and Parasols, a large assortment of tho latest patterns, to be had ehcap at mayil'afi MOSSQP'S. M 0 LASSES Best Syrup at 00 cents a gallon at (mayZl .. , Mussui o. HA b K--"S J UI every aescripiioniorsaie Z-ilVA R at a moderate advanco at inayl4'at) WM, F. IUWIX'S. Tj''ISIT' A lot of supetior Mackerel andrgv X Herring, just received and for sale bylTnh? WM. F. IRWIN. tf j B ACON ! On band and for sale, a lot of first rate Hams, Shouldor's and Sides, at fho sign iJn ' CHEAPEST GOODS.1' ' ijJALT! SALT!! A quantity of Coarse and J Ground Alum Salt, for sale at Xf. p. Ihwim's. REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY of the various boroughs and townships, for the ' O 1-5 c c c S3 2. e c a 3 P. o P r , S" o rr p 618 200 250 1400 670 300 4050 3000 375 475 140 285 50 732 750 530 100 155 94Q 510 165 275 120 95 135 188 50 290 770 180 40 60 75 60 100 110 60 50 120 170 30 100 6267 2740 1775 4080 1645 4024 675 2213 7760 3820 2175 610 150 2240 1280 500 1345 2175 1320 2900 2735 2700 . 4385 550 1770 87695 83389 85773 138632 60885 70507 6120G 31873 69597 31685 57942 32691 , 20713 36442 30172 930C0 34877 32139 S8427 92136 106275 53543 97052 38950 72843 105 115 185 60 500 150 180 150 1600 10060 C50 1340 J r.in i 790 730 159 I 25228 8656 I 2793 I 60864 I 1508476 IVTOTICE. In the absence of Eli Bloom. Trea L surer of Clearfield county, the Books and Pa pers will be in the possession of John McPherson, who will attend to the business at all times. Clearfield, May 23, 1836. LAUGE lot of Family Grocries just receiving jt- at Mossop'a in Clearfield. may 21 PHILIP DAVIS ESTATE. Whereas Let ters Testamentary on the estate of Philip Da vis, late of Becearia township, Clearfield county. Pa!, deceased, have deen granted to the subscriber, ail persons indebted to the said estate are request ed to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the estate of the said decedent will make known the same without de lay, to tho undersigned at his residence in Wood ward township, county aforesaid. ruayll Ct G W. DAVIS, Executor. An UMAX LIFE SAVED ! Dowagiac, Mich., March 11, ISaS. . J. A. RHODES, Esq: Dear Sir As I took your medicine to sell on consignment 4;no cure no pay," I take pleasure in stating its effects as reported to me by three brothers who live in this place, and their testimony is a fair specimen of all I havere cei ved : W. S. Conklin told me :I had taken nine bot tles of Christie's Ague Balsan,and continually run down while using it until my lungs and liver were Congested to that degree that blood discharged from my nioulh and bowtls. so that all thought it impossible for me to live through another chill. The doctors too did all they could for me, but tho"t I must die. Nothing did tueany good until I got Rhode's Fever and Ague Cure, which at once re lieved me of the distress and nausea at my stomach and pnin in my head and bowels, and produced a permanent cure in a short time. II. M. Conklin says : ';I had been taking meli cinc of as good a doctor as we have in our county, and takeu any quantity of quinine and specifics without any good result, from 20th August to 17th December. But seeing how nicely it operated on my brother, I got a bottle of Rhode" Fever and A gue Cure, which effected a permanent cure by us ing two-thirds of a buttle. M. S. M. Conklin was not here, but both tho other brothers say his case was the samo u II. M"s, I sold the medicine to both the same day, and the cure was ns speedy from the same small quantity, and I misht so specify. Yours with respect, A. HUNTINGTON. The abovo speaks for itself. Goot proof as it is, it is of no better tenor than the vast number of like certificates I Lave already published, aud tlic still greater amount that iscontinually pourinjr in to mc. One thing more. Last year I had occasion to cau tion the public in these words: "I notice one Jinn irfio lifzre taken one of my general circulars, sith stitnt'd the- name of their nostrum for my vinli riiif, and thru until brazen iaipnlcitce fit-i their pamphlet with the exclamation. 1st tin proprietor of any oilur wlicine say a-t itiurlt if he da-ret" ice Now I take pleasure in saying-that ihe cautiou referred to the samo-' Dr. Christie's Ague Balsam" that is mentioned in the above certificate. There are several other industrious people who are applying to their poisonous trash all. that I publish about my Fever and Ague Cure, or Anti dote to Malaria, except tho certificates of curc3, nnd the certificate of the celebrated Chemist, Dr. James R. Chilton, of N. Y.. in favor of its perfect ly harmless character, which is attached to every bottle. These will always servo to distinguish my medicine from imitations. JAS. A. RHODES, opr23'i(J-Sm Proprietor, ProAidencc, R I LET US REASON TOGETHER. IIOLLOWATS PILLS. WHY ARE WE SICK t IThas becnthelotof the human race to be weigh cd down by disease, and suffering. HOLLO WAY'S PILLS arc specially adapted to the relief of the WEAK, the NERVOUS, the DELICATE, and the INFIRM, of all climes, ages, sexes, and constitutions. Professor Holloway personally su perintends the manufacture of his medicines in the United States, and offers them to a free and enlight ened people, as tho best remedy the world ever saw for the removal of disease. THESE PILLS PURITY THE BLOOD. These famous Pills are expressly combined to op erate on the stomach, the liver, tho kidneys, the lungs, the skin, and the bowels, correcting any de rnngemcnt In their functions, purifying the blood, the very fountain of life, and thus curing disease in all its forms. DISPEPSIA AND LIVER COMPLAINTS. Nearly half the human race have taken these Pills. It has been proved in all parta of tho world, that nothing has been found equal to them in cases of disorders of the liver, dyspepsia, and storoaeh complaints generally. They soon give a healthy tone to theso organs, however much deranged, and when all other means have failed. GENERAL DEBILITY. ILL HEALTH. Manv of themost despotic Governments have o- pened their Custom Houses to the introduction of these Pills, that they may become tho medicine of the masses. Learned Uollogeg admit that tms medicine is the best remedy ever known for per sons of delicato health, or where the system has been impaired, as its invigorating properties never fail to afford relief. FEMALE COMPLAINTS.' No female, young or ld should be without this celebrated medicine. It corrects and regulates the monthlv courses at all periods, acting in many ca ses like a charm. It is also the best and safest medicine that can be given.to Children of all ages, and for any complaint; consequently no family should be without it. ITollovttys Pills are the best remedy known in the irorld for the following Diseases: Asthma . . Diarrhoea . SecondarySymptoms Coughs ChestDiseases btone and Gravel Colds Fever and Aguo Venereal Affections Influenza Bowel Complaints Female Complaints Costivenesslnflamation -. Worms of all kinds Dyspepsia Indigestion' Lowness of Spirits Debility : Liver Complaints Inward weakness Dropsy Piles Headaches 1 Sold at the Manufactories of Professor Hol loway, 80 Maiden Lane, N. York, and 241 Strand, London, and by all respectable Druggists and Deal ers of Medicine throughout tho United States, and the civilized wolrd, in boxes at 25 cents,621 cents, and 1?l each. rpThcre is a considerable saving by taking iho larger siies. N. B. Directions for tho guidance of patients in every duvrci wc afiLxcd U cacH bvs. ar TREASURER'S SALE OF UNSEATED LANDS for Taxes for the years 1S54 A 1855. Notice is herebv siven. that in nursuanec of an act of Assembly, passed the 12th day of Jane, A. u. ioi?, cntiuea, "An act to arcer.a an act direct ing tho mode of selling unseated lands for taxes," Ac, the following tracts of unseated lands in Clear field county, will be exDoscd to public sale, or out cry, for the taxes due and unpaid thereon, at tho court nouso in the borough of CIcarncSd, on the second Monday of June next t Becearia Township. Acs. r. Otrtter and Warratitte. .Tax. 151 50 Tbos. Weston Thomas Keatland, S12 24 163 11 ' Abraham Witmer, 13 17 162 lid Michael Muescr. 13 J7 195 William Wright, 15 76 27'J 01 Jehn Cooit r Ephraim Blair, 23 5(5 f5 102 Sarah Lillingtou, 4 47 40 Wm. Dowder William Drown, 14 S4 12-1 A. K. Wright Jacob Mnssersmith, 19 35 4S 110 John Dillon Robert Wilson, 5 7 20 Jas.GaJlaher Frederick ilenman, 162 55 50 William Bosnian, 4 20 63 26 F. & J. Shoff Adam Mvsineouc. . 5 19 234 Wm. Hammond Herman Witmer, 33 57 20 80 J. McCullcv PhiliD Gloninzer, 1 67 136 54 JohuBcam. 10 78 200 C. Copt-nheifer Samuel Turner, 16 20 SO 100 Moses Robison P. Glouingcr, 3 88 83 123 Fred k. Shoff John BRUsman, .6 81 85 64 A. K. Shoff William Bausman, 3 59 125 23 Lionel Weld Peter Miller, 5 26 9S 1.40 Michael Fout. 4 18 133 il Ab. Warrick Hcnrv Landis, 11 07 3 92 7 98 6 27 66 73 6 31 92 . Aim. Potter Frederick Hublcy, 3 Jas. Stewart Frederick Henman, John Oshall John Kctland, 16 And.Whistler Thomas Billington, Keliey & Dickerson, Philip Myaiucope, 50 John Mysincope, Btll Township. James Mcfihcc, Arthur Bell Benjamin (iibbs, JacobSnydcr Margaret Shippcn, ' Boggs T'ovcnsuip. Smith & Powell Barbara Snyder, John Kephart Henry Fauncc, F. Ransom Hcnrv Fauncc, 90 Fisher A Powell Barbara Snvdcr. 99 77 8 332 15U 500 433 27 00 23 39 16 24 3 SO 3 90 3 64 301 93 100 70 119 119 100 J 32 12 37 90 Fisher. Doling 4Co BarbaraSnyder, 0 18 Patrick Doling, ' George Hootcnan, Luko Kyler, O.W.Gearhart Walter Stewart, 72 David Goss Richard Thomas, 114 David Frasier Richard Thomas, 66 Hardinan Phillips Kich'd Thomas, 53 80 65 30 52 Bradford Towvship. 315 60 J. W. Smith Hugh E'y, 11 50 23 Ivratzcr.LaiiichiFulton, 66 150 Matthew Forccy, . 15 77 123 Thomas Holt John Nicholson, 1172 100 Abm. Hoover Thomas Hawthorn, 100 Jos. k Wm. Sanson, 4 19 4 20 16 M) 4 21 6 03 4 20 8 40 3 53 3 53 2dO . J.Wooldridgc Aaron Leavy, 60 William Sansom, 145 Thomas Forcey, 40 Thomas Forccy, 150 V. B. Holt. 85 William Graham, jr. 85 John Graham, jr. 100 Levi l'tarco Aaaron Leavy, 145 " Wm. Askey . T. Cope, 75 John Dale 15. 0. Linn, 100 J.Graham, J)i) . Ab. Graham Isabella Jordan, 317 Geo. Smcal Andrew Byard, 2 80 6 05 2 07 ti 12 2 53 19 42 Tax. Brady Township. iVo. Acres. 354 250 321 313 611 2H2 6 15 202 42 ::os 1434 3r,:; 305 101 1998 100 62.1 215 5B2 51S 250 220 115 143 320 300 100 1!)5 77 5Gsl 135 13 521 21 S 5!H 110 370 3577 100 300 J 02 3nl(5 78 : 1999 200 500 40 1939 5 324 310 20'.l 100 100 150 100 100 100 121 163 Ps. Otcu-er Js Warrantee. Joseph Head Jarcd Ingcrio!. 14 25 Jared Ingcrsol, 17 SI John Harfs heirs .John Hart, 11 40 John Hart, 11 52 David Espy Wm.Kirkpatrick. 17 54 F. Bcatis' estate D. Kennedy, 20 6S Ann Kenned v, 4 56 Hays & A. L. Sthnell Roberts & Fox. 3 10 Conrad Long. . 10 95 Est of S.Cochran Jos. Fcrron, 20 51 Tilton Reynolds Henry Wykoph, 59 Miss Curry Robert Curry. 12 Gl Samuel Johnson. 0 57 Harrison Hall Robert Curry, 18 21 James Reed, 5 70 Robert Ross Casper Stiver, 5 52 L. J. Craus, now J. McClurc Joseph Fcrron, 7 C9 T. L. Baldof Christian Lowe, 20 68 M. Ley's heirs Christ. Lowe, 35 03 Christian T owe, 2'i 11 M. J'. Tortcr Roberts & Vox, 5 70 (Jen. Munn Roberts i Fox. 3 16 103W.W.FIemming Roberts .tFox.4 53 Adam Wheeler Roberts , t Fox. 11 40 50 96 71 3S 54 16 13 13 23 12 10 12 58 84 50 50 90 30 15. D.RousbeiCu. 28 Samuel Ambrose. 4 "David Iryin Roberts & Fox, 1 Bnrnsi'tfe Township. . Wan Bigler Mary Crawford, Frederick Knhn, Peter Get, Jas. Thompson Sam'I Roberts. George GraST, . Uriah Loyd Christian Stake, J. C Fisher's estate Matthias Slough, L. R. Carter Henry Musser, George Graff", George Ross John Cunningham Chest Township. 153 Drinker & Clark Wm. Cook, 153 John Cunningham, 31 Jas. Thompson Henry Pole, 153 A. Steer's heirs John Musser. Clearfield Borough. Xo. 181 - Curwensville Borough. lot in name of John Scott, Covington Township. 30 2S 21 10 10 15 10 8 10 18 21 29 29 5 38 433 433 100 433 Lot Ort 40 40 Auson G. 1 helps. George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, : fJeorgo Mead, George Mead, George Mead. George Moad, . George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, 5367 y.m 5370 5373 5374 5408 5410 5359 5377 784 1083 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1048 1100 483 1000 325 578 890 18 24 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 11 23 7 12 20 20 12 04 96 30 30 30 30 30 02 30 14 00 26 r 32 24 33 52 5377 5407 5404 1898 1899 1902 1942 George Mead, Peter A. Karthaus. Morris t Stewart, Morris & Stewart, Morris A Stewart, Morris & Stewart, 889 545 Decatur Township. 195 J Joseph Harrison, 19 03 411 Peter Owens Charles Risk, 23 44 360 David Kephart, SI 55 433 153 LeonardAWallace JaeobCox,40 25 90 118 Dan"! Albert Jos.IIamblcton, 8 41 169 134 J. Hamrucrslaugh Hugh Ely, 11 50 33 120 William Montgomery, 2 62 .G.JtJ H.Stincr, '35 60 Themas Edmonson. 3 03 135 KcphartAAlbsrt JohnDrinkcr,6 26 50 Jacob Baughman JohnSkyron.4 35 50 - Jon. Kephart Jacob Downing, 4 35 -62 108 David Gearhart John Skyron, 5 45 37 . 49 James Albert Joseph Sansom, 2 36 93 58 J. Gearhart, Esq John Canon, 8 53 248 Enoch David Gearhart JohnSkyron, 21 58 76 40 Daniel Aycrs George Graff, 6 61 54 32 Perks k Bowman William Sansom. ' 4 70 76 : 99 JainesAlbcrt William Sansom, 6 61 Ferguson Township. 233 159 Greenwood Bell John Ham- bright. 16 13 433 153 Charles Huston George Ross, 24 30 100 Bell's Estate P. Gloniuscr, 5 60 Fox Towwhip. . :- Rudolph II. Evans. 4272 4272 4200 4131 HSc 425 James Wilson. 14 78 50 James Wilson. 1 76 Sill man liar wood 330 James Wilson west 1 11 56 Dc Witt O. Morris. 405 James Wilson west i 17 07 Nathan Bailey. 200 James Wiliou east part, 6 90 William Turns. James Wilson. William A. Wallace. James Wilson west part James Wilf on. V. S. I-and Company. James Wilson, ' James Wits n, James Wilifon,' James Wilson, James Wilson, : "James Wilson.' - Spencer 4 Spiler.-: James Wilson, William R. Gordon. James Wilson. ' Daniel Oyster's Estate. I 4188 4275 600 990 190 990 937 947 336 923 20 600 372 216 41 188 990 106 p't 20 70 34 12 , 6 54 34 12 4.1 10 41 54 15 46 21 20 92 27 60 : 17 10 9 94 , 11 04 8 63 34 12 5 34 4188 41S3 4241 4238 4242 4090 1534 1535 4394 4398 4400 4340 4260 James VI ilson, : , , Alexander Vial, James Wilson,' James Wilson, : B. Davenport, Girard Township. . Anson G. Phelps George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, 120 George Mead, George Mead. George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, . George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, OeorreMeml, r 5356 5371 5357 1100 103 1000 7 62 7 00 7 72 7 50 20 77 7 05 7 28 7 5 7 67 7 72 7 67 Jv 60 7 67 7 72 7 67 7 00 7 72 4 48 7 28 4 82 6 10 7 11 6 16 3 08 73 1 .so 5 72 5360 1100 5364 10H 5365 752 5362 1008 5358 1043 5375 1083 5361 1100 5363 5372 5352 5353 4354 5355 1100 1100 798 1100 1008 1100 1000 1100 611 George Md, George Mend, George Mead, -George Mnd. . George Mead, George Mend. A. & W. Murray. ; Morris 4 Stewart, J. Stites and wife. 1G Morris and Stewart, . Francis Uugncny. M Morris and Stewart, Francis Coudrirl. 120 Morris and Stewart, 5359 5376 5379 1883 1913 1937 1890 260 115 218 t 24 A. and J. Spackmxn. 5 20 1890 367 45 Morris and Stewart, 6 92 1937 77 Storris and Stewart, 3 40 1943 50 Morris and Stewart. 4 16 1925 163 Morris and Stewart, 3 44 1926 256 Morris and Stewart, 1 ' Gcshen Township. - Anson G. Phelps. Due on these lands for 1852 and 1853 26 73 17 64 21 60 27 00 27 00 28 55 5313 653 George Mead, 5314 900 George Mead. 5315 1000 tJeorge Mead, 5316 1000 George Mead, 5317 1059 60 George Mead, 5313 1099 George Mead, 5319 1099 George Mead, 5320 1100 George Mead, 5321 1003 60 George Mead, 5322 1100 George Mead. 5323 1100 George Mead, 5324 1100 George Mead, 5325 623 George Mead, 5326 1100 , George Mead. 5327 1100 George Mead, 5328 1100 George Mead, 5329 1100 George Mead, 53.'!0 110tt . George Mead, . 5331 1100 George Mead, ". John Keating. 1922 201 2 Mrrw and Stewart. .T. P. Rider. 5325 200 George Mead, Ifaston Township. John B. Otto. 5673 1011 8 . Moore and Dtdany, 5674 1041 S Moore and DcUny, 5SC.7 9110 . r William Powers, 50(16 990 William Powers, 5075 1011 Moore and Dclany, AVilliain Parker. 4257 833 1 5 James Wilson. U. t. Land Company. 4231 C?;! James Wilson, 4234 52i Js.mes Wilson. 4235 9S'J James Wilson. 4236 490 James Wilson, 4226 990 James Wilson. Ui5 123 James Wilson. : 4230 f.2S 112 James Wilson, 4225 740 J .Tines Wil-oii, Thomas Holt. 5031 990 William Powers. G. B. Gordon. 4225 250 James Wiison. 4230 500 JuiiieS Wilson. Jordan Township. Cram. Blake fc Parley. 437 48 Reuben II ay lies. 435 50 Luke Morri, -433 153 Joseph Ililliard, - 433 153 Robert Gray, . 429 41 John Ringhurst, 433 153 Sarah Ward, 433 153 George Eddy, 433 153 Mooro Wharton, 433 153 George Ashtou, Richard Peters. 109 Susanna Ward, 129 John Dorscy, William Slo?s. 290 Adam Rhoads. Drinker and Clrk. 29 29 14 85 14 85 14 85 14 85 29 70 16 86 29 70 1 1 85 14 85 14 85 14 85 14 S5 S 85 15 20 70 25 70 25 66 go fiO so 70 20 11 97 43 03 35 48 66 75 33 0ii f.' 79 (5 13 42 40 49 93 17 S2 11 86 o'i 73 4S 91 4 i 72 48 50 k; 5 4S 01 43 50 4S 50 48 50 11 0 12 20 14 45 16 44 56 40 21 20 16 bO 5 60 6 72 3 40 24 43 36 40 o'l 40 33 60 11 20 It 41 60 58 r. j 40 433 153 Daniel Smith, Greenwood Bell. 216 156 Adam Rcigart, Daniel Bausman. -200 G. & Mary MoCoruiaik, Thomas McElce. H10 Jonathan Jones, - 120 Samuel Jordan, James M. Chase. 433 153 . Caleb Foulk, 293 Georgo Weseott, 433 153 Robert Wharton, 433 153 George Shoff, 300 John Rovd, 133 153 Robert Wharton. 103 Adam Kuhu, 433 133 Ebencter Brcuham, 433 153 David Brown, Karthaus Twruship. A. O. Thclps. 5409 1100 George Mead, 8 49 8 49 5 76 5411 1100 George Mend, 5412 747 George Mead, 5413 1043 George Mead, 7 25 5 50 8 50 1 24 37 20 43 24 21 43 12 49 31 80 6 20 1 SS 2 66 9 24 20 13 4 15 12 26 1 00 26 94 19 65 1 24 5406 1100 George Mead, 5414 1000 Georgo Mead. 5405 167 27 George Mead, P. A. Karthaus. 1900 600 Morris and Stewart, 1901 773 Morris and Stewart, 1943 507 Morris and Stew art, 1093 200 Morris and Stewart, George Vaux. 1944 513 95 Morris and Stewart, 100 Peter McDonald, 5412 301 George Mead, 1093 46 10 Charles Willink, 1094 149 101 Charles Willink, , 1095 362 29 Charles Willink, 1096 69 Charles Willink, . 1097 198 Charles Willink, 3165 31 58 Charles Willink, . . . 3465 437 Charles Willink, , 3466 317 Charles Willink. 3466 40 4'i 2 Charles W illink, . Lair ivrtnce Township. A. G. Fhelps. I )inrf p fpnd 5292 5293 5294 5295 5296 5297 5293 5299 5300 5301 5302 5303 5304 5305 5306 5307 5308 530.l 5310 5311 5312 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 lino 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 lino 1100 1100 1900 8 42 H 42 K 42 8 42 H 42 42 K 42 8 42 7 62 7 02 ! 05 8 42 S 42 8 42 8 42 8 42 George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, (Jeorgc Mead, George Mead, George Mead. George Mead. George Mead. George Mead. Georgo Mend, ;corpo Mead, Gcrge Mead. Georgo Mend, ' George Mead, George Mead. George Mead, Georgo Mead, George Mead. Solomon Kline. Roberts and Fox, R 42 S 42 11 82 4 10 5202 VU Morris Township. Jlenry Lorain.' ; ' Joseph Turner for '52-M 10 5 Joseph Turner, 10 59 Joseph Turner, " 10 58 440 65 440 109 440 20 423 403 20 327 373 421 George Haybecker, 10 14 . Georgo Wettol, 9 6 J William Wcrtz. 4 92 Christian Wertz, T SS David Sanck, 8 SS E. Perks k Co. Jesse Yarnell. 53 59 McKean and Butler. Christian Musser, 11 25 Johnston A Bowman. Peter Yarncil, 1 00 - John Lorain. Michael Soudcr, ' 1 75 E. C. Burton. . Robert Glenn, 34 00 150 300 14 70 272 16 437 144 200 150 154 183 , W. II. Sanderson. Francis Johnston, M 6 John Nicholson. 25 00 S. C. Thompson. Hetty Morris. 14 59 Snydvr & Large. Franeis Johnston, 2181 llardman Phillip Richard Thomas. 12 35 ?9 Si aw and St. John Smith. 433 15.1 Thomas Morris, 43 40 433 153 William Morris. 4.1 4 4-T1 153 Samuel Meredith, 4.1 4A 43 453 William Miller, 43 40 279 153 Hetty Morris. 28 Ort ?33 15.1 Thomas Fitzsiinmons, 43 4 433 153 George Clvmcr, . 43 4i 433 l i-1 Robert Gray, . . 43 4 433 153 Robert Raincy, 43 4 433 1.V1 Patrick Moore, 43 4ft 433 153 Mary Morris, 43 49 433 153 Maguus Miller, 43 40 433 15-1 Kalhro Fraacr. 43 40 William Hoover. 100 153 u Francis Johnston. 12 50 Wm. Drinkcjs' heirs. John Fry. jr. 1R 62 John Thomas 4 year3 47 86 John Cook. Jacob Wetiel. 5S 24 Reuben UaitieS, 22 60 Fur sell & Co. SS2 Joseph Simons, 47 77 Daniel W. Bradley. 430 111 Robert Shaw, 43 61 431114 Hvrnan Gratz, 43 21 J. J. Miller. 2U0 Johu Nicholson, 10 00 M. Beam. 101125 William Morris, 10 03 II. Beam. KW Kobert Morris, 10 GO George Hoover. 100 John Swanwick, 10 00 Koliert Thomas. ZSl Christian Baker, 2-3 10 Swartz & Bower. 50 Francis Johnston, 4 On 100 J. Fallow, 10 00 James M'Girk's estate. " 211 22 William Evans, . . 27 50 Philip Blanchard. ISt) li) Patrick Uavs, 17 S2 S. & H. Gratz. 107 H8 William Morris, 13 07 9 ) 113 - Samuel Miles, Jr. - i 60 110 : Bernard Gratz,- li 62 348 Joseph Henry, SI 1C2 ll'J David Hall, 13 Gl 411 - Charles Hall, 41 12 121 100 William D. Kirwin, 12 151 - 50 - Georgo Wetzel, 5 00 '17 Taul Wetzel, 2 81 S:i2 Kcubcn Haines, 33 l'J 203 John Barron, 20 SI J. J. Linjrle, 211 James Smith, 12 20 Peun Township. William Hepburn. Cochran Tract, Pike Township. John Nicholson, John Nicholson, 21 John Nicholson, Daniel Hart sock, Ucnjamin Johnson, Benj imin Johnson, Union Township. Gartl.ind Irwin. Hobcrts & 1'o.v, 03 WO 4 G 02 5781 5778 15 21 31 5 5 00 71 an 50 GO 20 07771020 10!) 21 12'J ;i G5) '7 7-5 1 hi 1 78 Charles Blanchard. Cj3o 070 G Hobcrts & Fox, K. Britton, -35:il 52 Hobcrts & Fox, . Henry Daily. , SOUl 50 Huberts & Fox, IVaoiIward TuvHship. Dr. James Lock. 420 120 Henry Drinker, 140 William Drinker, 13 . William llagaity, 00 ' John Morgan, KolHjrt Wallace. 150 5 Peter Henry, 140 Hugh IUlstoti, William A. Wallace. 401 2a Samuel Hamiltou, Thomas Kalslou. 177 K. McGhee, Lisle McCtilley. 10 57 Philip Differidafler, Read Alexander & Co. 48 115 Mary Connolly, 200 Daniel Fulkcison, Dr. Houtz. 133 155 Philp Lost, 22 2 50 1G 12 22 34 4 6 1? 14 1 4 9 3 83 0 60 SO 46 32 63 122 453 153 Jacob R. Howell, 154 William Johnson, . 63 George Bickham, 36 7 100 2m OS CS Hurdmau Philips. CO John M'Cahen 21 37 8 22 John Lampblack, McCuily. - Pigot Shaw, 3 13 Henry negarly, 31 George Baker. 2 12 Bank ol N. A. 133 153 T. T. Wharton, 33 3S ELI BLOOM, Treasurer. ' Treasurer's Office, Clearfield, I March 13, 185G. y ALVABLE TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE. The subscriber offers for sale his Tav ern Stand, on tho corner of Market and ront streets, in the borough of Clearfield. The hous is largo and commodious and well calculated for a public house. For particulars inqnire of W. A Wallace, Esq , or cf the subscriber vib on th premises. . W. J. HtMl lIILL. f March 5th, 1855 . VALUABLE KEA I. ESTATE FOB SALE V The subscriber offers for sale his valuable farm, situate two mites from Curwensville, on the River rond leading to Lumber City ; said farm con taining 105 arrcs. sixty acres cleared, nnder pood cultivation, the "balance well timbered; with a good barn, new plank dwelling house, and a good Fearing orchard thereon, and is well watered. or furtbsr information enquire of the subscriber liv- ing on tho premises. SIMON THOMFSON. February 20. 1356 6m ' ' TVfOTICE. Having pnrcbnscd the Books of the 11 Rafr?nn't Journal with fbe'eetablisBnient, all rmounis unpaid for Subscription, Advertising, or Jvb-work, are to be settled with tho undersigned. marlO P. B. ROW. .1 OS. E. MOSSOP, harins made an ng"g- . . t. t ivk On . Whnlcsata Heal- mw mem who a. i- i. V..V, , , , . . ,j crs in Clothing, 175 Market st.. Philadelphia, would. rtSfCClIUIi V inVUU UlSVIU mmM.-. - - call. .. - : : March 2ft. 185cU-3m. r- ROCFKIES. Jus received and now r I iiHirlindnt of I ff iTf oneniii2, a reneral cboico groceiics, which will be joM let the a lowest cash prices at WL F; IRM & t lUU.lHH) A M nil.LS, at hi' store in Clear field, for w hu h the highest market price will be paid in gods at cash prices. - paiarlS-U - ... . - . . . . . - r - .u.