Mil. TJIE JOURNAL. AFFAIRS AT HOME. Vaicatios of Reai, axd Personal Proper t iM Clearfield Cocxty. By a reference to statement of the Commissioners, published io to-day' journal, It will be seen that the to tal amount of real and personal property in thU county Is valued at $1,608,476. Of this, $782,G1G Is seated property, and $490,433 un seated. The value of horses, cows, &c, is put down at $147,926 ; carriages, bnggies, &c, at $8,639 ; money at interest $25,228 ; watch es 52,793 ; and trades and occupations at $G0, 804. The total number of taxables in the county fs 3,971- The table is an interesting and valuable one, and undoubtedly required a great deal of time and labor to prepare, and the clerk deserves praise for the manner in which ft Is got up. Mat PxRTT-The pupils of the Clearfield Institute, under tho superintendance of Sir. and Jlrs. Campbell, went a May-ing on last Thursday. One of the young ladies, chosen by ber companions, was crowned as queen and seated upon a rustic throne erected amidst a cluster of beautiful pines. During the course of the afternoon, ample justice was done by scholars and guests to a sumptuous repast pre pared for the occasion. Youth, beauty, and some farther advanced in years, met together, and altogether it was an enlivening scene, and calculated to raise grateful emotions in the heart of the beholder. Everything passed off pleasantly, though the party wcro compelled to disperse.early in consequence of a shower of rain. Wo tender our thanks for the Ueli crous cake which was sent us. . , Xaxual or Arts asd Occupations. Got up and prepared with great care and expense by C. Jettrits, 31. D. We have been favored by the author with a copy of this work. It is a compilation of valuable, practicable recipes, designed for general use. The book has been prepsred at a heavy expense, the manuscript copy alone having cost over $700. It gives directions for imitating the grain or wood, niarble, &c, how to prepare paints, cements, to make inks, cleansing compounds, syrnps, tii &c. Price $1. The book can lo pro cured by remitting the price to C. Jeffries, M. 'J., Jeffries P. Clearfield Co., Pa. Mossop has just received an abundance of new goois, for spring and summer wear. His btock is extensive, and selected with an espe cial view to the wants of this community. Persona wishing to purchase seasonable goods st low prices, should give him a call. lie has a'.so an extensive assortment of Ready-made Clothing, which be will sell very cheap. Cook's Premicx Commercial Ink The lo vers of good writing ink, will And this an ox ce'!rit article. It flows freely, and after he ir c c.n the paper a few moments- assumes an cx;: finely dark cast. We arousing some of !: rw, and find it to be a prime article. It car; be procured of Mr. John S. Hoyt, of Law-r-iz township. Tk Razoii Powder Max, is "in town, ha tit.?,".?, tilling stones, singing songs, and sahicg any quantity of his powder, liniment, He is a genius in his own peculiar way. il.a paste and paiu extractor can be procured ?t O. D. Watson'a Drug Store. Attention is Jirccted to his aivertisemcnt in another col umn of to-day's Journal. Robbiss has received a stock of new books of various kinds at his Literary Depot, oppo site the Journal office. Give him a call. California. The steamer George Law ar rived at New Yt.rk on the 10th with San Fran c.jco mails of the 21st April. Heavy rains v fallen throughout California, which -had Teri mining operations a new start. The t;;Ain crops promise a most abundant harvest, business at San Francisco wa3 dull. Flour was selling nt $11, being a decline' of $2,50 a barrel. Other leading articles had also de clined. A largo Cro had occurred at Flacer ville on tho 16th loss $50,000. A dreadful accident occurred on tho Panama Railroad, by which ovor thirty persons were killed and Hfty wounded. The train that was wrecked consisted of nine cars, containing 900 passen gers. No further riot difficulties had taken place at Panama. Jcdge Crawford, of Washington, on Mon day, released the Hon. P. T. Herbert, charged with killing Thomas Keating, on bail for $10, 000, for his appearance at the next term of the Criminal Court of the District of Columbia, commencing on the third Monday of June. James II. Bcrnet and James Owner became his bail. ' . DIED: At his residence in Morris township, Clear field co., on the 23th of April last, William M. Ht'NTER, Esq., in the 71st year of his age. D. O. CROUCH, PHYSICIAN. Office in Cur i wensville. May 14, 1856-tf DR. M. WOODS, tenders his professional ser vicea to the citizens of Clearfield and vicini ty. Residence on Second street, opposite the of fice of L. Jackson Crans, where be can be found unless absent on professional business. -Clearfield. May 14, 1356 3m. NOTICE. Raving purchased the Books of the Raftsman Journal with the establishment, all rmounts unpaid for Subscription, Advertising, or Job-work, are to be settled with the undersigned marl9 S. B. ROW. JOS. E. MOSSOP, having mado an engage ment with A. T. LANE 4 Co., Wholesale deal ers in Clothing, 175 Marketat.. Philadelphia, would respectfully invite his old friends to give him a call. March 26, 1656 3m. JAMES B. GRAHAM. Dealer in SAWED LUMBER, SQUAKED TIMBER, SHINGLES, BOARDS, ie., is prepared to fill, on the shortest notiee. all orders for artioles In his line of busi ness, on as reasonable terms as they can be oro cured in the eounty. Qrahampton, Clearfield Co.. Jan. 23, 1856 MILITARY NOTICE. The Members of the Clearfield Regulars are notified to meet at the Court House on the Fourth Saturday (24th) cf May, in summer uniform, for drill, at 10 o'clock a. n. The resolution nasscd by the eompany on lait parade day, in regard to Cues, will be strictly AMOUNT OF THE VALUATION OF THE REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY in Clearfield eounty. es returned by the Assessors of tho various boroughs and townships, for the trl-ennial assessment of 1355. - Beccaria, Bell, 5gg : Brady, . Bradford, Burnside, Chest, Covington, Clearfield, Curwcnsville, Decatur, Ferguson, Fox, Girard, Goshen, Houston, c Jordan, Karthaus, . Knox, Lawrence, Morris, Penn, Pike, Union, Woodward, Total. ; 3? v qH. jrO SJ . H.- j.o ? ?g. oS- "p gS " gg. 245 41249 31799 -8502 " 618 140 120 52G7 87695 - 158 45211 28118 6740 200 285 95 2740 -83389 129 20457 . 9124 4117 250 50 1775 85773 1329 88S3G " 30574 12875 1100 732 133 4080 ' 138602 23C ' 370G0 0G05 11735 750 1645 60885 .293 41320 .13383 10392 670 '530 188 4024 ", 70507 153 36763 16773 6545 300 100 50 C75 G120G ,161 U4239 ,10351 4595 155 290 2243 31873 170 62630 ' 890 2557 4050 940 770 7760 ' 69597 .105 22925 - 1250 3000 610 180 3S20 31GS5 138 ..2508 17500 5554 1G5 40 2175 ! 57942 123 .-25265 1291 4825 375 275 50 CIO 32G91 19 6020 -13777 1291 475 "150 20713 117 11912 18240 3975 75 2240 36442 72 11607 14060 30GO 105 60 1280 : 30172 . 6G 12850 86238 2972 500 - 500 93060 123 16411 12777 3979 150 115 100 1845 34S77 100 12408 -12G36 ,4625 185 110 ,2175 32139 97 14800 I 18861 . 3146 180 60 60 1320 38427 295 5654 9327 12715 150 1340 50 2900 9213G 203 34826 60116 7938 540 120 2735 100275 167 32618 9310 6525 1G00 790 2700 -63543 240 63059 8155 9893 10C60 730 170 4385 S7052 73 17536 18C59 2022 153 30 550 38950 153 25152 38779 6098 C50 100 1770 72849 3971 1 78261G j 490433 I 147926 25228 8G56 I 2793 608G4 l150847G We. the undersigned, Commissioners of Clearfield conntv, do certify that the above tnble is a correct compilation from the assessments for 1850, as returned to this office. ROBERT MAHAFFr", ) n T . r , DAVID ROSS, J Robert J. Wallace, Clerk. ; ; JACOB WILLIIELM, J Commissioners' Office, Clcarficd May 21. 1S55. F OK SALE. The subscriber Offers for sale his farm, containing about t.2 acres, with a.. bout 25 acres cleared and under good cultivation, having thereon ' erected one 2-story house and barn, situated one and a half miles above Clear field town, opposite the new bridge. For terms apply to the subscriber on the premises. mity 14-tf MILO HOYT. BOOKS! BOOKS ! ! Grecnleefs Series of Mathematical Works are now being usod in nearly all the Schools. Academics and Colleges in the United States, and are without doubt unrival led in point of merit, and in adajtation to the wants of our schools ; they have the plainest rules and best examples to illustrate the whole business of life. The attention of Superintendents, Direc tors ami Teachers is respectfully invited to these works before introducing a uniform series of any other kind as the law requires. These books can be had wholesale, retail or in exchange for old Books when introduced in tho schools, at C. I) WATSON'S Drug and Book Store. Clearfield. Jan. 30, 1856 2m. enforced. xnayl4 G. W. RHEEMS, O. S. TVOTICE. At a meeting of the Stockholders 11 of the Tyrone and Clearfield Rail Road, at l'hilipsburg, 5th of May, 1856, the following per sons were elected as Directors of the Company for the present year : JAMES T. HALE, President John T. Matthias, Jonathan Boynton, David I. Pruner, George L. lteed, A U. Curtin, John Button, Charles It. Foster, Jitues T. Leonard, James C. Williams. Lewis J. Crang, James B. Graham, Edward Perks. At a mcetinsr held bv a maioritv of the Board. William Bngshaw was appointed Secretary to the Board, and Josiah W. Smith. Treasurer. James E. Montgomery, was appointed Engineer, to locate the road immediately for said Company. And it was further directed by the said Board, that five hollars on each share, by the respective Stockholders.' bo duly paid to the Treasurer Josiah W. Smith, within thirty days from this date. JAM'ES T. HALE. President. William BAssnAw, Secretary. May 7.1S56. KYLERTOWN GIFT DISTRIBUTION ! 1.GOO. GIFTS FOR THE PEOPLE ! ! npUE subscriber has concluded to dispose of his A property by making a Gift Distribution, hav ing Sixteen Hundred Shares, at ONE DOLLAR A SHAKE. He feels satisfied that he can dis pose of it in this way to the entire satisfaction of all who may interest themselves in the Enterprize. The drawing and distribution will be superinten ded by a committee into whose hands the proper ty will be placed as soon as the tickets are sold. The committee is composed of the following gen tlemen Chester Munson. Thomas G. Snyder and O. P. Wilder. The public are assured that they can rely upon this committee to manage every thing fairly and impartially. For a list of Gifts, seo handbills. All orders for tickets addressed to the under signed will be promptly attended to. JOHN W. WILl.nELM, mayU Kylertown, Clearfield Co., Ta. IMPORTANT NEWS ! FEME DECLARED II EUROPE!) By the latent arrivals from Europe THE important intelligence has been received that Peace is about being declared. This has had the effect of reducing priucs on not only pro visions, but upon Goods of alt descriptions. The undersigned have, therefore, taken advantage of this propitious time to purchase an extensive and well selected stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, which they arc determined to sell at the most rca gocablo pri:cs. Their stock is extensive, embrac ing EVF.RV VAKIKTV and STYLE of LADIES' and GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, to which (hey would call tho attention of the citizens of Curwensville and surrounding country. - They hare connected with their etWisliment a BOO T AND SIIOEMA S'U FACTOR F.which is under the superintendence of tho well-known Joseph Williams. They w iil thus be enabled to supply their customers and all others with every variety of Boots and i?lioe at as reasonable pri ces as they can bo procured elsewhere. Their work will bo made in the neatest and most dura ble manner, which will recommend itself. Ail of our stock wilt be disposed of CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST for CASH, all kinds of Lumber, Country Produce. Hides, kit . Ac. apr3-3m MONTHLIES & TEN ETCK. EDWARD MO!fTET.TCS. WILLIAM TEN EVCIT. NEW GOODS! SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS ! TnE subscriber has just received a large and well selected stock of new gooJs of almost every description suitable for the season. He re spectfully invites all who wish to buy good Goods at the lowest prices to call at the sigu of the "CHEAPEST GOODS." Approved country produce taken in exchange fur pood 3. ' Persons wishing to purehaso, aud receive a fair equivalent fur their money, will do well to give lu in a call. . Remember tho sign of the CHEAPEST GOODS, on Matket street, and call and bo convinced that there is truth in tho words thereon inscribed. WM. J. IRWIN. Clearfield, Ta., may 11, 1855. f3aAdTjis20f every description for sale giOWAjPat a moderate advance at mayl4-5SJ WM. F. IRWIN'S. .A 1 r f imAMAv TlfiiV oka! nnrl JL Herring, just received and for sale bv'FM may!4 WM. F. IRWIN. ALT! SALT!! A quantity of Coarse and u rouna Alum ?ait, lor sale at W. b . Irwin's. BACON ! On hand and for rale, a lot of first rate JIams, Shoulders and Sides, at tho sign of the ' "CHEAPEST' G00DS.': G.ROCERIES. Just received aud now gvjj opening, a general assortment of EIkR choice groceries, which will be fold at the lowest cash prices at WM. V. IRWIN 8. 1 n I rUin Feot of ?ood BOARDS wanted by IUU,UUU A.M. HILLS, at his store in Clear field, for which tho highest market price will bo piid in goods at cash prices. marliMf 4Jj);r REWARD. Escaped from the custody oi me undersigned, fchenll ot LJearueM county, on the morning of April 20, WM.II. BLOOM. iioisaDouio I ;et iu incues nigu, nas uarK hair and dark eyes, is about 31 years of age, and a phy siciao hy profession. The above reward will be paid for his delivery to tho undersigned. JOSIAH K. HEAD, Sheriff Clearfield, Pa, May 14, 185G. rjniLIP DAVIS' ESTATE Whereas Let JL ters Testamentary on the estate of Philip Da vis, late of Beccaria township, Clearfield county. j'a.. ueccarfeu, navo ueen grapted to the subscriber, all persons indebted to tho said estate arc request ed to make immediate payment, and those having claims or ucinauds against the estate of the said decedent will make known the same without de lay, to the undersigned at his residence in Wood ward township, county aforesaid. may 14 fit G W DAVIS, Executor. A HUMAN LIFE SAVED ! Dowagiac, Mich.. March 11. 1355. J. A. RHODES, Esq : Dear Sir As I took your meuicme to sell on consignment, '-no cure no pay," I tako pleasure iu stating its effects as reported to mo by three brothers who live in this place, and their testimony is a fair specimen of all I have re ceived: W. S. Conklin toll me 'T had taken nine bot tles of Christie's Ague Balsa.n, and continually run down while using it until my lungs and liver wcro Congested to that degree that blood discharged from my mouth and bowels, so that all thought it impossible for me to livo through another chill. The doctors too did all they could for mo. but tho't I must dio. Nothing did me any good until I got Rhode's Fever and Ague Cure, which at onco re lieved me of the distress and nausea at my stomach and pain in my head and bowels, and produced a permanent cure in a short time. H. M. Conklin soys : "I had been taking medi cine of as good a doctor as we have in our county, and takeu any quantity of quinine and specifics without any good result, from 25th August to 17th December. But seeing how nicely it operated on my brother, I got a bottle of Rhodes' Fever and A guo Cure, which effected a permanent cure by us ing two-thirds of a bottle." S. M. Conklin was not here, but both the other brothers say his ease was tho same as 11. Ms, I sold tho medicine to both the eamo day, and the euro was as speedy from the same small quantity, and I might so specify. Yours with respect, A. HUNTINGTON. The above speaks for itself. Gooa proof as it is, it is of no better tenor than the vast number of like certificates I have already published, and thcstiil greateramount that iscontinually pouring in to me. Ono thing more. Last year I had occasion toeau tion the public in theso words : "I notice one firm who have taicn one of my general circulars, siib stitut'd the name of their nostrum for my medi cine, and then villi brazen impudence end their pamphlet with the exclamation, -Lft the proprietor of any other medicine say ax much if he dares"irc Now I take pleasure iu saying that the caution referred to he same "Dr. Christie's Ague Balsam" that is mentioned in the above certificate. There are several other industrious people who are applying to their poisonous trash all that 1 publish about my Fever an! Ague Cure, or Anti dote to Malaria, except tho certificates of cures, and the certificate of the celebrated Chemist, Dr James R. Chilton, of N. Y., in favor of its perfect ly harmless character, Which is attached to every bottle. Theso will always serve to distinguish my medicine from imitations. JAS. A. RHODES, apr2.V5')-3m Proprietor, rroAidence. R I LET US REASON TOGETHER. IIOLLOWATS PILLS. Wn' ARE AVE SICK ? IT has been the lotof the huinnn raco to be weigh ed down by disease and suffering. HOLLO WAY'S PILLS are specially adapted to the relief of the WEAK, tho NERVOUS, tho DELICATE, and tho INFIRM, of all climes, ages, sexes, and constitutions. Professor Holloway personally su perintends the manufacture of his medicines in the United States, and offers them to a free and cnlight- cnud people, as the best remedy the world ever saw for the removal of disease. THESE PILLS PURIFY THE BLOOD. These famous Pills aro expressly combined to op crato on tho stomach, the liver, the kidneys, the lungs, the skin, and the bowels, correcting any do rangement in their functions, purifying the blood, tho very fountain of life, and thus curing disease in all its forms. DISPEPSIA AND LIVER COMPLAINTS. " Nearly half the human race have taken these Pills. It has been proved in all partsof tho world, that nothing has been found equal to them in cases of disorders of the liver, dyspepsia, and stomach complaints generally. They soon give a healthy tone to these organs, however much deranged, and when all other means havo failed., GENERAL DEBILITY. ILL HEALTH. Many of the most despotic Governments have o pened their Custom Houses to the introduction of theso Pills, that they may become the medicine of the masses. Learned Colleges admit that this medicine is the best remedy ever known for per sons of delicate health, or where the system has been impaired, as iU invigorating properties never fail to afford relief. FEMALE COMPLAINTS. No female, young or old. should be without this celebrated medicine. It corrects and regulates the monthly courses at all periods, acting in many ca ses like a charm. It is also the best and safest medicino that can bo given to Children of all ages, and for any complaint; consequently no family should be without it. Ilollowatf't Pills are the Best remedy Lnown in the world for the following Diseases : Asthma : Diarrhoea SecondarySymptomS Coughs ChestDiscases Stoue and Gravel Colds Fever and Agua Venereal Affections Influenza Bowel Complaints Female Complaints Costiveness Infiamation Worms of all kinds Dyspepsia Indigestion Lownoss of Spirits Debility Liver Complaints Inward weakness Dropsy Piles Hoadaches SoM at tho Manufactories of Trofeisor noL low at, 80 Maiden Lane, N. York, ami 244 Strand, London, and by all respectable Druggists and Deal ers of Medicine throaghout the United States, and the civilized wolrd, in boxes at 25 cents, 62i cents, and St each. Kjjp'Thcro is a considerable saving by taking the larger siies. N. B. Directions for the guidance of patients in ; every disorder are affixed to each box. api9 59 rpKEASURER'S SALE OF UNSEATED LAn lllS for Taxes lor me years ioo ieoa. Notice is hereby given, that in pursuance of an act of Assembly, passed the 12th day of June, A. D. 1815, entitled. "An act to amend an act direct ing tho mode of selling unseated lands for taxes, Ae.,tho following tracts of unseated lands inClear- fceld county, will bo exposed to puouc saie.oroui crv. for the taxes due and unpaid thereon, at the Court House in the borough of Clearfield, on the second Monday of June next: . , Beccaria Township. Acs. Ps. Oinier and IVarrantte.' " Tax. 50 Thee. Weston Thomas Keatland, ' ?12 24 115 Abraham Witmer, ' 13 17 115 Michael MuF?or. "13 17 William Wright, :- " 15 75 01 Jehn Cooper Ephraim Flair, "23 56 102 Sarah Billington, 4 47 Win. Powder William Brown, 14 34 A. K. 'Wright Jacob Mn.?crsmith, 19 35 110 John Dillon Robert Wilson, - 5 67 Jas. Gallahcr Frederick Ucnman, 1 62 50 William Bosinan, 4 20 26 F. & J. Shoff AdamMysincopc, . 5 19 Wm. Hammond Herman Witmer, " 33 57 SO J. McCulley rhilip Gloninger, 1 67 54- John Beam, 10 73 C. Copenhcifer Samuel Turner, 15 20 100 Moses Robison P. Gloninger, 3 83 123 Fred k. Shoff John Bausman, , 6 81 .64 A. K. Shoff William Bausuian, 3 59 3 Lionel Weld Peter Miller, 5 26 140 ; Michael Fouti, 4 18 51 Ab. Warrick Henry Landis, 11 07 Wm. Potter Frederick Hublcyj 3 92 3 Jas. Stewart Frederick Ifenman, 7 98 John Oshalt John Kctland, 6 27 16 And.WhiMlur Thomas Billington, - 66 Kclley & Dickcrson, rhilip Mysincope, 9 73 50 John Mysincope, 6 31 Bell Tovrship. James McGhee, 27 00 Arthur Bell Benjamin Gibbs, 23 39 JacobSnyder Margaret Shippen, 16 24 Boggs Tovonsnip. Smith 4 Powell Barbara Snyder, 3 SO John Kephart Henry Fauncc, 3 90 F. Hansom Henry Faunco, 3 64 90 Fisher Powell Barbara Snvdcr, 12 37 90 1'isher.Doling A Co Barbara .Snyder, 6 IS Patrick Doling, 5 20 George Hootuian, 6 V2 Luke Kyler, 3 40 O.W.Cearhar. Walter Stewart, 4 16 72 David Goss Bichard Thomas, - 3 44 114 David Frazier Richard Thomas, 1 61 63 Hurdman Phillips Kich'd Thomas, 2 72 Bradford Township. CO J. W. Smith Hugh E'y, 14 50 Kratzer.Laniohi Fulton, GO Matthew Foreey, 15 77 Thomas Holt John Nicholson, 11 72 Abm. Hoover Thomas Hawthorn, 4 19 Jos. A Wm. Sanson, 4 20 J.Wooldridge Aaron Loavy, .13 80 William Sausoin, .4 21 Thomas Forcey, C 03 Thomas Forcey, 4 20 - V. U. Holt, 8 40 William Graham, jr. 3 53 John Graham, jr. 3 53 Levi Pearce Aaaron Lcavy, 2 80 Wm. Askey T. Cope, 6 05 John Dalo B. O. Linn, 2 07 J. Graham, ... 6 12 Ab. Graham Isabella Jordan, 2 53 Geo. Suieal Andre wByard, 19 42 Brady Township. Acres. Ps. Oiener . Warrantee. Tax. 250 Joseph Read Jared Ingcrsol, 14 25 313 Jared Ingorsol, 17 84 202 John Hart's heirs John Hart, 11 i'i 202 John Hart, - 11 52 303 David Espy Wm.Kirkpatrick, 17 54 363 F. Beatis estate D. Kennedy, 20 63 161 Ann Kennedy, 4 56 100 Hay & A. L. Sehnoll Roberts fe Fox, 3 10 215 Conrad Long. 19 J5 513 Est of S.Cochran Jos. Ferron, 29 51 151 152 162 195 279 55 140 124 43 20 55 63 234 20 135 200 50 83 85 125 98 133 93 99 77 8 332 150 500 4.-J3 301 93 100 70 119 119 100 132 53 80 65 30 52 315 23 159 123 mo ioo 200 60 145 40 150 S5 85 100 145 75 109 I'O 347 35 1 32 1 641 645 492 1434 305 1993 626 5032 5S77' 5879 5881 5S36 250' 143 300 105 5C31 13 213 110 3577 3509 3510 1999 1999 .1041 228 115 320 100 77 135 521 501 370 100 102 78 200 500 40 55 Tilton Reynolds Henry Wykoph, i9 32 32 1 310 209 100 100 150 100 103 100 121 163 433 433 100 433 Lot Miss Curry Bobert Curry, 12 6t . Samuel Johnson, 6 57 Harrison Hall Robert Curry, 13 24 James Reed, 5 70 Robert Ross Casper Stiver, 5 52 L. J. Crans, now J. McClare Joseph Ferron, 7 69 T. L. Batdof Christian Lowe, 29 63 M. Ley"s heirs Christ. Lowe, 35 63 Christian Lowe, 25 11 M. J. Torter Roberts A Fox, 5 70 Geo. Munn Roberts & Fox, 3 16 103W.W.FIemming Roberts A Fox.4 53 AdaiuWhceler Roberts AFox, 11 40 B. D. Roushe A Co. 23 50 Samuel Ambrose, 4 96 David Irvin Roberts A Fox, 1 71 Burnside Township. Wm. Bigler Mary Crawford, - Frederick Kuhn, Peter Getz, Jaa.Thompson SatnT Roberts, Gcorgo GraST, Uriah Loyd Christian Stake, J. C Fishers estato Matthias Slough, L. R. Carter Henry Musser, Georgo Graff, Gcorgo Ross John Cunningham CAesf Township. 153 Drinker A Clark Wm. Cook, 153 John Cunningham, 31 Jas. Thompson Henry Pole, 153 A. Steer's heirs John Musser, Clearfield Boronxh. No. 131 5337 5363 5370 5373 5374 5403 5410 5359 5377 5377 5407 5104 1893 1899 1902 1942 Ono! 734 1083 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1013 1100 483 1000 325 573 890 89 545 4272 4272 4200 4181 4188 Curwcnsville Borough. lot in name of John Scott, 22 40 Covingfon Township. Anson G. Phelps. Georgo Mead, IS 04 George Mead, 21 96 George Mead, 25 30 Georgo Mead, 25 30 George Mead, 25 30 George Mead, 25 30 Georgo Mead. 25 30 Georgo Mead, . 25 02 Georgo Mead, 25 30 George Mead, 11 14 Georgo Mead, 23 00 Gcorgo Moad, 7 26 Tetcr A. Karthaus. Morris A Stewart, 12 32 Morris A Stewart, 20 24 Morris A Stewart, 20 33 Morris A Stewart, 12 52 . Decatur Township. 195J Joseph Harrison, 19 08 404 Teter Owens Charles Risk, 23 44 360 David Kephart, 31 55 433 153 LeonardlWallace JacobCox,40 25 90 llSDan'l Albert Jos.Hambleton, 8 41 16'J 134 J. Hammerslaugh Hugh Ely,14 50 33 120 William Montgomery, 2 62 G.AJ H. Stincr, 60 Themas Edmonson. 3 03 KephartAAlbsrt JobnPrinker,6 26 Jacob Baughman John Skyron,4 35 Jon.Kenhart Jacob Downing, 4 35 62 108 David Gearhart John Skyron, 5 45 37 49 James Albert Joseph Sansom. 2 36 58 J. Gearhart, Esq John Canon, 8 53 Enoch A David Gearhart John Skyron, 21 53 40 Daniel Ayers Gcorgo Graff, 6 61 32 Perks A Bowman William Sansom, 4 70 76 9 JamesAlbcrt William Sansom, 6 61 Ferguson Township. 233 159 Greenwood Bell John Ham bright. 10 13 433 153 Charles Huston George Ros3. 24 30 100 Boll's Estate P. Gloninger, 5 60 Fox Township. Rudolph H. Evans. -425 James Wilson. 14 78 50 . James Wilson, . . 176 Sillman liar wood. 330 James Wilson we6t J . 11 35 De Witt C. Morris. 405 James Wilson west J . 17 C7 - - -; - Nathan Bailey. -200 " James Wilson east part, 6 90 35 135 50 50 93 243 76 54 4183 COO 4275 990 4188 190 4183 990 424 1 937 4233 947 ' 4212 33 4090 923 1534- 20 1535 600 4399 .372 4396 215 4400 44 4340 1S8 4260 090 106 William Turns, James Wilson middle p"t 2 ?0 James Wilaon. 1 34 12 . William A. Wallace. - : " James Wilson west part, " 6 54 James Wilson, - "J 34 12 U. S. Land Company. Tames Wilson, - - 43 10 James Wils n, 43 54 James Wilron,- ' '' ' ' 15 46 James Wilson, 21 20 ' James Wilson, ." " -" 92 James Wilson, - ,- - - 27 60 Spencer A Sniler. " ' James Wilson, . 17 . . William B.Gordon. James Wilson. 9 Daniel Oyster's Estate. James Wilson. - II Alexander Vial. James Wilson, fi James Wilson, 34 R. Davenport, ... 5 Cirard Township. -1 ' Anson l. Phelps 10 ?4 04 ?5 12 34 5356 1100 George Mead, 7 72 5371 1083 George Mead, 7 62 5357 1000 Georgo Mead, 7 00 5350 1100 George Mead. 7 72 5364 1065 120 OeorgoMead, 7 50 5365 752 George Mead, 20 77 5362 1003 George Mead, ,7 05 5353 1043 Georgo Mead, : 7 23 5375 1C33 Gcorgo Mead, 7 56 5351 110ft George Mead, 7 67 5363 1100 George Mead, T 72 5372 1100 Georgo Mead, 7 67 5352 793 Georgo Mead. 5M 5353 1100 George Mead, 7 67 4354 1003 George Mead, 7 72 5355 1100 Gcorgo Mead, T 67 5359 1000 , Georgo Mead, 7 0" 537S 1100 George Mead, '7 72; 5379 641 George Mead, 4 43 1 A. A W. Murray. i 1883 ' 260 Morris A Stewart, 7 23 J. Stitcs and wife. 1913 115 16 Morris and Stewart, 1 M Francis Hugucny. 1937 219 53 Morris and Stewart, 6 10 Francis Coudricl. 1S90 254 120 Morris and Stewart, 7 11 A. and J. Spackman. 1390 367 45 Morris and Stewart, - It 1 1937 - - 77 Morris and Stewart, I i3 1943 50 Morris and Stewart, ' 73 1925 163 Morris and Stewart, 1 50 1925 256 ' Morris and Stewart, 5 72 1922 325 5673 5674 530 7 5055 0675 201 200 1041 1041 990 9'J0 1041 Cfcshcn Township. Anson G. Phelps. Duo on theso lauds for 1S52 and 1553 5313 653 Georgo Mead, 5314 900 Georgo Mead, 5315 100'J Georgo Mead, 5316 1000 George Mead, 5317 1059 CO George Mead, 5313 1099 George Mead, 5319 1009 Gcorvre Mead, 5320 1100 George Mead, 5321 1003 CO George Mvad, 5322 1100 George Mead, 5323 1100 George Mead. 5324 1100 Georco Mead. 5325 G23 Rcorge Mead. 5325 1100 Goorgo Mead, 5327 1100 George Mead, 5323 1100 George Mead, 5329 1100 George Mead, 5330 1100 George Mead, 5331 1100 Georgo Mead, John Keating. 2 Morris and Stewart, J. 1. Rider. George Mead, Huston Township. John B. Otto, fi Moore and Delany, 8 Moore and Delany, William Powers, William Powers, Moore and Delany, William Parker. 4257 833 15 James Wilson, U. P. Land Company. 4231 633 James Wilson, 4234 525 James Wilson. 4235 939 James Wilson, 4236 490 James Wilson, 4226 9H0 James Wilson. 4229 955 123 James Wilson, 4230 623 112 James Wilton, 4225 740 James Wilson, Thomas Holt. William rowora,' G. B. Gordon. James Wiison, James Wilson, Jordan Township. Cram, Blake A Parley. Reuben Haynes, Luke Morris, Joseph Milliard, Robert Gray. John Ilinghurst, Sarah Ward, George Eddy. Moore Wharton, George Ashton, Richard Titers. Susanna Ward, John Dorsey, William Sloss. Adam Khoad. Drinker and Clark. Daniel Smith. Greenwood Bell. Adatn Kcigart, Daniel Bausnian. G. A Mary McCormack, Thoma3 McElee. Jonathan Jones, Samuel Jordan, James M. Chae. Caleb Foulk, Georgo Wescott, Robert Wharton, Gcorgo Shoff, John Boyd, Robert Wharton. Adam Kuhn, Ebcnezer Brcnham, David Brown, Karthaus Township A. G. Thelps. George Mead, George Mead, George Moad, George Mead, Georgo Mead, George Maad, . Georgo Mead, P. A. Karthaus. Morris and Stewart, Morris and Stewart, Morris and Stewart, Morris and Stewart, George Vaux. Morris and Stewart, Poter McDonald, George Mead, Charles Willink, Charles Willink, Charles Willink, Charles Willink. Charles Willink, Charles Willink, Charles Williuk, . Charles Willink, Charles Willink, Lawrence Touinship. A. G. Phelps. 292 1101 George Mead, 5293 1100 George Mead, 294 1100 George Moad, - 5295 1100 George Mead. 5295 1100 George Mead. 97 11 CO George Mead. 5293 1100 George Mead, 5299 1100 George Moad, 5300 1100 George Mead. 5301 1100 George Mead. 5302 1100 George Mead, 5303 1100 George Mead, 5304 1100 Georgo Mead, 5305 1100 GeorpeMead, 5306 1100 George Moad, 5307 1100 '" George Mead, 5303 1100 George Mead, 5309 1100 George Mead. 5310 1100 Georgo Mead, II 1100 Georgo Mead. . 5312 1900 JeorgeMaJ, Felomon Kline. 5202 91 Roberts and Fox, 5051 090 4225 250 4235 500 ( 437 43 435 50 433 153 433 153 429 41 433 153 433 153 433 153 433 153 103 129 290 433 153 21 156 200 100 120 433 153 2U3 433 153 433 153 300 133 153 103 433 133 433 153 5109 1100 5411 1100 5412 747 5413 1013 5405 1100 5414 1000 5405 167 27 1900 600 1901 773 1943 507 1093 200 1944 513 05 100 5412 301 1093 46 10 1094 149 101 1095 362 29 1096 69 1097 193 3465 3 1 58 3465 437 3465 317 3466 40 43 17 21 27 00 27 00 23 55 29 70 29 70 14 fi5 14 85 14 85 14 85 29 70 16 86 29 70 14 85 14 85 14 85 14 85 14 85 8 85 15 20 70 25 70 25 66 P0 65 80 70 20 11 97 43 03 35 43 66 75 33 06 65 79 65 13 42 40 49 93 17 82 in 86 S3 73 43 94 43 72 43 50 4H 50 43 04 43 50 43 50 4 50 43 50 12 20 14 45 16 44 S3 40 24 20 15 60 5 60 0 72 3-3 40 2t 43 35 40 36 40 33 60 11 20 14 44 6'1 5 33 40 8 8 5 7 8 8 I 37 43 21 12 40 31 80 6 20 1 So 2 66 9 21 20 13 4 15 12 26 1 00 26 94 19 65 1 24 8 42 8 42 8 42 8 42 8 42 42 42 42 62 62 8 05 '8 42 8 42 8 42 8 42 8 42 8 42 8 42 8 42 8 05 14 82 4 10 410 65 440 103 440 20 , 423 MorrCs Township.'' ' ' Ho..,. I . - . , u. T t m u - . . Joseph Turner for '52-'53 10 5 70 IS 144 159 402 205 327 373 421 150 300 14 272' 457 200 154 153 99 433 153 433 153 433 153 43.3 153 279 153 433 153 433 153 433 153 433 153 433 153 433 153 433 153 433 153 100 153 300 3S0 455 223 82 43f 431 200 101 ICS 100 231 60 ICO 11 lit III 125 139 13 137 95 14G 348 132 411 121 SO 27 332 203 244 93 COO 480 5781 r778 57771020 109 24 123 3587 850 33S8 970 3531 52 3591 50 420 210 43 soo 150 110 404 177 15 48 200 433 422 433 100 sno S8 Joseph Turner, Joseph Tarner, : . George Haybeckar, .. ' ueorge v ettel, 1 . William Werts, Christian Werts, . ' David Sanck, ' E. Terks A Co. Jesse Yarnell, McKean and Butler. . , Christian Musser, ' Johnston A Bowman. Peter Yarnell, ' John Lorain. ' Michael Souder, E. C. Burton. Robert Glenn. W. II. Sanderson. Francis Johnston John Nicholson, S. C. Thompson. Hetty Morris, . Snyder A Large. Franeis Johnston, Hard man Phillips.. Richard Thomas, Shaw and St. John Smith. Thomas Morris, William Morris, ; Samuel Meredith, William Miller, ; Hetty Morris. Thomas Fitzsimmons, Gcorgo Clymer, ' Robert Gray, Robert Rainey, Patrick Moore, Mary Morris, Magnus Miller, Nalbro Frazer, William Hoover. Francis Johnston. Wm. Drinkejs' heirs. . John Fry. jr. John Thomas 1 years John Cook. Jacob Wetzel. Kcubon Haines, rnrsell & Co. - Joseph Simons, Daniel Y. Bradley. Robert Shaw, Hvraan Gratz, J.J. Miller. John Nicholson, M.Beam. William Morris, 11. Beam. Robert Morris, Gcorgo Hoover. John Swanwick, Robert Thomas. Christian Baker, Swartz & Bower. Francis Johnston, J. Farlow, James 5'Girk's estate. 22 William Evans, Philip Elanchard. Patrick Havs, ' S. & II. Gratz. William Morri3, Samuel Miles, Jr. Bernard Gratz, Joseph Henry, David Hall, Charlos Hall, William D. Kirwin, George Wetzel, Paul Wetzel, Reuben Haines, John Barron, J. J. Linglc, James Smith, JVtin Township. William Hepburn. Cochran Tract, nke Township. John Nficholson, . John N icholson, John Nicholson, Daniel Hartsock, Benjamin Johnson, . Benjamin Johnson, Union Township. Gartland Irwin. Roberts & Fox, Charles Blanchard. GO Roberts & Fox, R. Britton, Roberts & Fox, Henry Baily. Roberts & Fox, n'oocfu-rtri Tou,ijftfr. Dr. James Lock. 120 Henry Drinker, William Drinker, William Hagarty, John Morgan, Robert Wallace. 3 Peter Henry, Hugh Ralston, William A. Wallace. 28 Samuel Hamilton, Thomas Ralston. R. McGhee, Lisle McCulhy. 57 Philip DiffcndafTer, Read Alexander & Co. 115 Mary Connolly, Daniel Fulkerson, Dr. Houtz. 153 Philp Lost, 153 Jacoh R. Howell, 153 William Johnson, G3 George Bickhaui, Hard man rhilips. CO John M'Cahen John Lampblack, McCullv. 38 143 113 100 21 10 50 V 1 10 14 9 M ' 4 92 7 83 8 98 : 33 50; 11 25' . 15 CO. I 1 74 34 00. 54 60. 25 CO 14 39 21 81 12 3 4.1 4rt 43 49 43 40 43 40 28 Oft 43 49 43 45 43 40 43 40 43 40 43 41 43 40 43 49 IS 60 13 62 47 Eft 53 24 22 60 47 77 43 61 ' 43 21 10 00 10 09 10 60 10 oo 23 10 4 00 10 00 J7 60 17 82 13 07 9 60 14 62 81 81 13 81 41 12 12 13 2 81 S3 1J .20 81 12 20 6 62 15 OO 21 74 81 88 6 60 60 3 20 31 67 1 69 75 88 1 78 22 S' 20 15 12 22 84 19 38 14 I S5 08 60 83 SO 82 41 7 68 21 8 87 22 15 Pigot Shaw, 3 Henry Hetrarly, 34 Georgn Baker. 2 42 Bank ot N. A. 433 153 T. P. Wharton, 86 83 ELI BLOOM, Treasurer. Treasurer's Office, Clearfield, 1 s March 10, 1S50. "i rALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY FOR V SALE. Tho subscriber offers for sale bis Tav ern Stand, on the corner of Market and Frent streets, in the borough of Clearfield. The houea is large and commodious and well calculated for a public house.: For particulars inquire of W. A. Wallace, Esq., or of tho subscriber living on the premUiea. W. J. HEMPHILL. March 5th, 1356 ...... NOTICE. Whereas Letters of Administration on the Estate of John Price, deceased, lata of" Boggs township, Clearfield county, Ta., have been granted to the undersigned, residing in Lawrence township, all persona indebted to said estate ar requested to mako immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate will present them, properly authenticated for settlement, to A. T. SCHRVVER. March 5th, 1S56. Administrator. ' DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.; The partnership heretofore existing between James M. Kelly and Wm. R. Dickinson, trading under the name of Kelly A Dickinson, is this day by mutual consent dissolved. J. M. KELLY, W. R. DICKINSON. Glen Hope, Feb. 18, 1856. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR SALr: The subscriber offers for salo bis valuable farm, situate two miles frnn Curwensvillo, on the River read leading to Lumber City ; said farm ooa -taining 105 acres, sixty acres cleared, nnder good- cultivation, the balance well timbered; - with good barn, now plank -dwelling bouse, and a gne bearing orchard thereon, and is well watered. For lurtner information enquire or tne 8ufsrier nv- inz on the premises. SIMON THOMPSON. Febrnary 2?, 1856 6ra