V THE JOUMAL. AFFAIRS AT ITOlE. Chinch Notice. On Sunday the 4th day cf May next, the Rev, C. Diehl will preach Ms farewell sermon, at 11 o'clock ia the morning, ia the Lutheran Church ia Clearfield Borough, and ia the afternoun at 3 o'clock, at Kyler's Meetisg house In Bradford township. .? f t ' 2T. B. In the moraing, after serviceman elec Hon for church officers will take place. '. April 28, 1S5.' , ' i Fee RivEa-lRArnxo &c. The-" tmusiial: quantity of water in . the Susquehanna and its tributaries, has retarded rafting-operations -ve ry miicn. greac tnniber o: raits hava pas eed this phice last week but, we -understand, lad to tie p between here and Lock Haven. The Lock IL7en Watchman, of the 22d, says, hat speculators, pilots, tec, are about in con siderable numbers, hut that nothing can yet he judged certainly as to the probable prices, though good siuare pine timber Is held at eight, ten and twelve cents, and ;oak at fonr teen i and that there is a good prospect that better prices will bi obtained this year than last. The Middletown Gem, of the 23d, says, "the river i now too high for the landing of rafts. A, numbciv howeverj landed last week at Portsmouth, and several passed through for the lower market. ,'..' . ' . The river is in good running-condition now at this place. In fact'' 'most, if not all, of the raits have passed down. Gas Licjit. One of our exchanges says "Tho Xtw York gas company announce that after November 1st they will reduce the price of gas from S3 to $2,50 per ,1,000 fret." This reminds U3 ot a proposition we heard peken of the other day 16 get up gas-works ia Clearfield. It was said that a number of our citizen have already engaged,1 or agreed to hare the liglii -giving air introduced into their houses. The Court House. Churches and Hotels will doubtless all have it ; and if the works are got up without unnecessary espenst: for extravagant buildings, kc, doubtless it will make the stock of the company good, and add much to the conveniences of our town in to the Lsrg&in. Badcodit:p.v ofJCsidgj-s. Our supei visors of roads will find plenty to do in repairing th bridges ever the small runs along the various roads through tha county. We hear that many cf tho bridges arc either entirely go.". or el-ie in a situation to make it dangerous lor horses to cross on them. The loss cf a horse on such u bridge would make tha supervisors or com pany owning the bridgo liable lor damage. A hint, Scc. New Oil Cloth. We observed tho Odd Fallows List week furnishing their Hall with a splendid oil-cloth carpet, which willadd much to the neatness and comfort of the Lodge. The goat will be kept iu the ante-chamber hereafter. For the 'Ti&TL-iUi&u's Journal." pLAsnso Trees. Mr. Editor : I observed Isst week that a number of persons were en gaged in planting trees along the foot-walks, and was pleased to se them make choice of the sugar-tree. In my humble opinion, how ever, fruit trees would be mora preferable. J list for a moment imagine yourself standing, ub a May day, at 1ho head of Market street, looking down towards the river, and all along, n loth side, hundreds of apple an( peach trees, in full bloom, spreading their fragrance on the valley "s air, aud beautifying the town, and t-?Il lis it your opinion then don't coincide with mii. But further on in the year, let ?::oi Irocs be fcnr.d bearing loads of delicious HM, ar.l the charm will be still teater. Strict icrcugli laws could be oiuc-Jcd to pio iiZi th trees from the deprcjda'ioas of z:-.ch a would feci disposed to destroy them, and ths Vfcla-j of propetty v.oidd ui much crbaaecJ by this crcLid improresneiit in rl'. t!:c i'-iceis. Lt'OM'XY. Tzir rruEsrs ii cle arfiell couiit?. With much rdut.ince 1 have to bid yoa c d:tu. aly sojouru with you, as a Missionaiy, j:r upwards ot throe tnontha, has endeared yoa ti my heait, and I hud fondly Loped to be fi 2tsy it: Ibis county the year out; but it hts LjcE ordered otherwise. 1 havo been cal led bsck to Harrisburg, to assist in editing and .publishing our church organ, the ''Church Ad vocate. " I endeavored to preach the iruth a monf!t yon, and did so ''without money and 'without price," while the extreme personal kitd:)03 received at the hands of many of you 'v.-rs an abundant compensation. May the Lord bless y on all. I shall endeavor to have another preacher sent iu my place, as soon as one can to found who can be spared. Very affection ately yours, i:c. J. F. Weishampel, Sa., "Whsionnrv from the "Church of dod." C;atfid. Pa., April EC, 18."G. MARRIED : On th 2J of April,' by John II. Byers, Esq, p Wniiiu Srr.raicGE. of Chest townshiD. Xr to Miss jar ah C. Haeeiios, of Burnside town- atup, Clearfleld county. AccorsTS from Illinois represent the coming wheat harvest as likely to be as good ns the last, and much larger than ever before harves ted ia the souctry. . The snow within CO days u estimated to have been worth ten millions .f dollars. A rrw eats sixoe a little son of Mr. Eower 'T?., drowned in Memphis. Tenn, by falling in to the immersion pool of the Baptist Church. vortrr. to the rrocKuyLDERs of 1 THE Cl.EARITELDAND TYRONE RAIL HO VD COMPANY. Take Ettice, that the charter having been duly granted to tho said mf VLT'" ertiTn will he held at the house of D-Jchnson Vhilip-burz, Centre ceacty, on MONDAY the 5th iiAYnext, at 2 o'clock P. 2its elect by a ma jority of the votes present, to be given in person or by proty, ft Tresidsnt and twelve Directcrs to manage the affairs of said company nntil the 2a iii .nu i w . v .-..-.. - " . , - - hCEC 'snrsB.GP.AnAii, d. j. ff.uner, v: TV ft rr, jit. A G Cl'RTIN J TIt.Ll AM POWELL. CHAF. It I'CSTEB " BICHAHD H1IAW, ri.LLS.iRWIN, . J H iMf. ' Jpril 1 t!h. !-''. JOSIAH W SMITH, HENKY LOK A1N. J. P.MYNT0N, '.niTni-i"r'',f'. JOS. V.. MOSSOP, having made an engage -mnt i:h A T. LAKK A Co.. Wholesale Heal ers ia ci.v.hing, 17i Market r . Philadelphia, would reroeetfuiW invito Lis old friends to trivc him a call- ' ' - March 2d. "1 rf-'.-tj 2m. j JAMES B. GRAHAM. Pealor in f AWED LUMBER, 8Q0ARED TIMBER, SHINGLES, A., is prepared to fill, oa the shortest notion, ill orders for articles in his line of hnsi n ?(, oa s.s reasonable terms &s thoy oaa be pro-, cured ia the coanty - - i . - Graharapton, Clearfield Co.; Jaa. 33, 1866 57-SOR 8ALE,-XWO BDILDING LOTS in the V borough of Clearfield : several EOLLB-INQ I.0T3 and PASTURE AND WOOD LOTS, contain ing from three to ten acres each, near the borough of Clearfield.: ' V. . i ,' Also several desirable PAltMS and pieces ' of TIMbEK LAND, in 'various parts cf the county. ' Terms accommodating.' Arplvto ' ' l ... .... v 1, JACKSOJJ CRASS,'- April 1C. ISjG. . ; - " ! "Clearflel.t. l'a. REGISTER'S -NOTICE. Notice is here by given, that the following . aecoutts have ben examined and passed by toe, ucd remain filed of record in this office for the inspection of heirs, legatees, creditors, and all others in any other way interested, and will be presented to the next Or phans' Court of Clearfield- County, to be held at the Court House, in the Borough of Clearfield, on Tui'edaT, the 20th day of May, 185(5. for confirma tion and allowance: - - : Th final account of Isaac Goss. Administrator of Kihard Davis, dee'd. WM.: TORTER, Register Clearfield. Ajirit 2.t. 186. CEEAUF1EED. INSTITUTE The next term of this; Inti:ution will coiumcuee on the 2Sth of April, Jsif.o. . All persons wishing to fit themselves for TcArn es, or other vocations in life, will here receive every desirod fncility and attention. A thorough Classical and -Mercantile courtte ia here given, on terms lower than any other similar Institution in the t?tate. . , . Parents at a distance can obtain boarding for their sons .or. daughters under tho immediate enro of the Principal, whero thoy -will receive rare ad vantages, with all the comforts and pleasures of a lioracjano their morals vil be carefully guarded. 'i'ne rates of tuition per quarter are: Primnry Euftli.-h-Sl'-iO; High Eng. ih.$'.00;Clasgic.Sd-OU-Mathematic3.above Algebra SI!; Frencg, Drawing, aud Paint ing.J each Farther information enn bp hsd by n'hlressing V- A-,--CAMPliKLL. raiscipjn Apr. 0, riC t . Clear lulil. 2t. ' T ICE.VSE -NOTICE. The following named JLi persons have filed in the Office of the Clerk of the Court of Quarter .Sessions of Clearfield County, their respective Petitions for Licence .'it May Ses sion next, arecabl v to Act of Assembly of March 2v, lS.'.O, entitled "An Act to regulate the Sale of i utovicating Liquors, viz : Win. II . Henderson, Innkeeper, Woodward tp. Clearfield bor. tileartieM bor. Clearfield bor. Cnrwcusville h Carwem-villc b Curwcnsville b Curwensville b 1'ika township Ilrady towns'p I.uthcrsburg b Brady to'.rna'p 1'renchvillo b Ilrady towns "p Brady towns p Curwensv i!l b Covington tp. Co.-hrn town'p Covington t"p IViin town.-hip ClearlU-ld Lor amuel Ivivans. Innkeeper, C.onrge D. Lanieh. Wm. J. Hemphill, Stephen (i-rart'. David Smith, i.-vnae lilomn. jr. Win. A Mason, Jauit-s lllooru. s. XitS. Mary Drau;ker It V. Moor-. Ji-.hu Wall.' Joseph MnNon. Lfcnry loodl.imler, leor? W. Long. Win. "V. flctumir.g ir.domen Kawder, John Selfridge, 13. 1J. l.cc. T. C. Da is, P.ichard Mosiop. nplO 'j- Innkeeper, 1 nnkec;er, liestaura ut Innkeeper, 1 iinkeeper, 1 nnkeeper. Innkeeper, Innkeeper, Innkeeper, Innkeeper. I iitikoeper, rnnkeejier. I tir.kecpcr, I nnkeeper, I nnkeeper. Innkeeper, J niikeeper. LiEkceper. Iiiiikeepe WM. POUTER, Clerk nil'OUTANT .M'.WS! PIA0 DEELAREB II EHRQPE!! By the latest arrivals from Eurc.pc Til E important intelligence has been received th:it Peace is about being declared. ..'i'hi.jhas had the effect of reducing prises on not only pro visions, but upon Goods of all desciiptiou'f. The undersigned have, therefor!;, taken advantage of this propitious time- to purchase au extensive and well selected stock of SPRING AM) Sl'!IMi:it COODS. which they are determined to sell at tho most rea soiiftlde prVes. Their stock is extensive. er.ilrn? ini l.VKHY VAH1KTV and STYLE of LADIES' aud GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, to which thoy would eal! tho attention cf lhc citizens of Curwensville and .surrounding country. Thev have conriected with their establishment a boot a xo Fior: ;r.i wfactui: I'.-which is under the supet intendence of the well-known .lo-eph Willii'.iiis. They will thus be enabled to supply their customer arid ail other.s with every variety of Uuot.t iin.l Zf.Ucci at reasonable ir i ces a .- they can be procured flicwhere. Their wjrk will be made in the i.o.itc.t and ino.-t dura tilo manner, which will recommend it-elf. .'.!: A oia- fioek v, ill be di-iposed of CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPI-.ST for CASH, nil kinds of Lr r. iT. Co'j:;frv l'io.li' e. Hide'. '.. Ac. srjs-:''-a " Mj:;TLL1L.' i TEN ETC'iC. -a::u io-- Tri.i'-. wu.i iam tr1; v.v k. 4 nt riAN liirr: saved; J. l Hon-icic-. Mich.. March 11. ISiii. J. .. ':K'5DErf. i:-q : Dear Sir As I took yonr Medicine to f!! on eonnignmt-t.t. uo euro no pay.'; I tske pleasure in stating it eii'ecis f s seportot to me by three brothers who live in this place, and their te.'ticioay is a fair rpcetmcn cf all I have re ceived : 'i Vr.S Coiiklin told me -T had token nine bot tles of Christie "Aeo JJfilsa n , nnd continually run down while usiuglt nntil tny lungs and liver were Congested to that degree that blood discharged from mv month and bowels, so that all thought, it i in pebble for too to live through another chill. The doctors loo did nli they could lor me, but tho't 1 must die. Nothing did me any good until I got Rhode'3 Tever nnd Ague Cure, which at once re li;vcd me of the distress and nausea at my .stou.ich and pain in my head and bowels, and produced a permanent cure iir a short tiice- H. M. Conklin snya : "I had becu taking medi cine of as pood a doctor As we have in ouv county, nnd takeu anv quantity of quinine and specifics without any good result, from 2,"th August to 17th Iecember. Put seeing how nicely it operated ou my brother. I got a bottle of Rhodes' lever and A gue Cure, which effected a permanent cure by us ing two-thirds of a bottle." S. M. Conklin wa3 not hre. but both the other brothers say his case was the same as H. M's, I sold the medicine to both the raiue day, n.nd the cure was as speedy from the saine small quantity, and I might so specify. Y'ouis with respect. A. HUNTINtiTON. The above speaks for itelf. Oooa proof as it is, it is of no better tenor than the vat number of like certificates I have already published, anl the still greater amount that isoontinuatly pouring in to me. One thing more. Last year I had occasion tocau tion the public in these words : u I notice o)u Jit-m v.hu have taken one of my general circulars, sub stttiit'J the name of their nostrum for my medi cine, and then vith brazen impudence end their pantphlct with the i.relantatinn, Jt the proprietor of any other mctlteine say as much if he Jarrs'c Now I take pleasure in saying that the caution retVrred to the same "Dr.ChVittie's Ague Balsam" that is mentioned in the above certificate. Thre are several other industrious people who aro iipplying to their poisonous trash all that I publi-h about my Fever and Ague Core, or Anti dote to Malaria, escept tho certificates of cures, and the certificate of the 'elebrated Chemist, Dr. Jiitnec R. Chilton, of N. Y., in favor cf its perfect ly harmless character, which i3 attached to every bottle. These will always serve to distinguish my medicine from imitations. JA3. A. RHODES, apr23 '5ti-3ut i. Proprietor, PrOiidence, R. I. FOR SALE. A scotd hand 2 horse wagon and a lot of harness for sale vcrv cheap bv Clearfield, apr2 A.M. HILLS. PfLA nnfl PHORT SIIISOLESwanted bv A. OUUjUUU M. Kilhi, at his etore. for which the hietest market price will be paid In floods at : the lotrjt prices in the county. marI9-tf fl 'iOKINC. and PAKLOR STOVES, for talc in ! J Cnr.T!icv !!! ft the 'f-rc of ! j 'f.-M3 V.: H. D. PATT0'. ; Tin mramimwaws.- POORS ! BOOKS ! ! Grecntcnrs Series of JL Mathematical Work are now being used, in , nearly all the bchoola. Academies and Colleges iu. tho United States, and are without doubt unrivnl led ia point of merit, and in adaptation to the wants of our schools; they have the plainest rules and best examples to illustrate the whole Iu3tucf3 of life. The attention of Superintendents, Direc tors and Teachers is respectfully invited to these works before introducing a uniform series of any other kind as the law requires. These books can be bad wholesale, retailor in exchange for old Books when introduced in the schools,, at. C D. WATSON'S Drug and Book Store. ... r , . Clearfield. Jan. 30. 1 85ri 2m. . . . HALLO A! NEW WAGON MANUFACTORY. The undersigned would respectfully, an nounce to his- friend and the public generally, that he has opened out a new Wagon-Making La- tablishmcnt in -New Salem City. '.i Brady town ship, where he will at ail times be prepared to manufacture, on the .shortest notice, all kinds of Wagons. Carts, w heelbarrows.- &c- iho nest ma terial that can be procured wid be usedT aud his work will be made iu the most substantial and du rable manner, such, us will boar the test of strict examination. By a close obaervanoo .of his buei nesstmgagonienis, and by Uipoiing of hU :WOrk on the moot reasonable terms, which he will do for cither cash or approved country produce, he hopes to merit and receive a literal share of pub lic custom CENJ. RISI1EL. New Salem City. .Tan. 16, 1859. SELECT SCHOOL. A Select School will be opened in Lumber City. Clearfield county; Pa., on Tuesday the Ut day of April, for pupils ol .botli sexes. The undersigned, who will have charge or it. has had long esperioncc as A toachcr. and will sjiare no pains to impart to the pupils confided to his care-, a aotid education.. ' TERMS, PER MONTH 0E FOUR WEEKS. -; Ortho'rapby.Ileadin:;. Writing i Arithmetic, S1,00 English tirammar, Oeography, aud Book keeping, ' -- .7 : i Higher Blanches and Classics, - 2.00 Particular uttention will bo given to Orlhocpy, according to the most approved standard, to cor rect and elegant reading, and to composition. If required, au Evening Class will be opened fur the convenience of those whose avocations might prevent them from attending the day school, and for the instruction of young ladies nnd gentlemen, who contemplate becoming efficient teachcr.c. March 20. l.SoO-Ot WM. MARTIN. JUST UECEIVEI), A SPLKNDID ASSORT MENT OF NEW BOOKS, STATIONARY. FANCY ARTICLES. CONKKCTIONAKIES, TO BACCO. ClARS, and DRUGS of all kinds, at ROBINS' LITERARY DEPOT, SHAW'S ROW, Clearfield, Pa. THE latest publications always on hand, or pro cured to order. Putnam. Oodcy, (irahaui. House hold Words, Leslie's Fashions. Harper. Peterson, .Did all tho other Magazines furnished Monthly at Publishers' Prices. He would especially call the ttlention of 1ovci of the weed' to his large stock of tobaeeo and ci gars, which cannot bo surpassed in this reprion. consisting ofthe best quality of 4;Nr.tural Leaf,'' Illack Fat,'' 'Cavendish,' 'Congress.'" and other tobacco-: Havana. Regalia, Principe. Plan tation, Spanish. Half-Spanish, and -A few more left'" cigars. Also a good stock of -pipes'' and 'fmc-etit.:' Ho would al.o call attention to tho fact that he ii ii - just opened a larste assortment of DRUGS, CHEMICALS, AND DYE STl'EFS. which he will sell chrajnr than any other estab lishment in the County. THOMAS ROBINS: November ll. 13."j. -iFaluXblk PKOPLKTY AT l'KIVATi: SALIE THE undersigned ofTors nt Private Sale. 209 acres of Land, more or less, in Penn towcMiip. Clearfield county. seven or t ight acres cleared, the balance covered with valuable TIMBER, and having thereon the following improvements A 000D SAW-lvi!LL; wli'i LATH-SAW. Rose wheel, Ac, on u good stream cf water, which will enable the mill to runabout eight months in tho year -t LARGE TirO-XTOIZY JIOUXIZ. well furnished. plastered and painted throughout wuh a never-failing Spring of water in the cellar' ALSO, A FRAME BANK II All X, well furnished with threshing lloor, stabling. Ac., ail new, having but recently been erected. Also, convenient, and .substantially crcct'-d OrT-BUILDINGS, consisting uf a Wood-Shod, Spring House, Smoke House, Ac, Ac There is no nioro desirable property in the County. Any person wishing further informa tion, can apply to SA'.trr.L Wiukuire, lhing on tho Premises. Post Oflice dddrcss, Grampian 1 1 i ! ! s , ClcarCcld County, Pa. JOHN W IDEM I RE. SAMUEL WIDEMIRE. Penn Township. Dee. 20. LSoo.-.tmo LET US REASON TOGETHER. II0LL0WA1"S TILLS. WHY ARE WE SICK ? IT has been the lot of the human race to be weigh ed down by disease nnd suffering. 1IOLLO WA"!S Pll.T.S arc sneoi.tllv adapted to the relief of tho weak, tho Nervous, the delicate. and the INFIRM, of all climes, ages, sexes, and constitutions, l'rofcssor Holloway personally u perintends the manufacture of his medicines in tho United States, aud offers them to a free and enlight ened people, as the best remedy tho world ever saw for the removal of disease. THESE FILLS PURIFY THE BLOOD. These famous Pills are expros-ly combined to op erate on tho stomach, tho liver, the kidney, the lungs, the skin, and the bowels, e.rreeting any de r.mgcincnt in their functions, purifying the blood, the "very fountain of life, and thus curing disease iu all its forms. D.'SPEPSIA AND LIVER COMPLAINTS. Nearly half the human race havo tukeu theso Pills, it has been proved in all parts of the world, that nothing has been found equal to them in cases of disorders of the liver, dyspepsia, and stomach complaints generally. 'J hey soon gie a healthy tone to these organs, however much deranged, and when all other means have failed. GENERAL DEBILITY. ILL HEALTH. Many of the most despotic Governments Iihvc o pened their Custom Houses to the introduction of thcio Pills, that Ihty may become tho medicine of tho masses. Learned Colleges admit that this mediciuo is tho best remedy ever known for per sons of delicate health, or where tho system has beenimpaired, as its invigorating properties never fail to aiferd relief. FEMALE COMPLAINTS. No female, young or old. should be without this celebrated medicine. It corrects and regulates tho monthly courses at all periods, acting in many ca ses like a charm. It is also tho best and safest medieine that can begiven toChildren of all ages, and for any complaint; consequently no family should be without it. Hollo K,My' Pills are the Ust remedy Inown in tit ico rid for th following Diseases: Asthma Diarrhrea SccondarySymptoms Coughs ChestDiseascs Stone and Gravel Colds Fever and Aue Venereal Affections Influenza Iiowcl Complaints Female Complaints Costivencss Inflamation Worms of all kinds Dyspepsia Indigestion Lowncss of Spirits Debility Liver Complaints Inward weakness lropy Piles Headaches ,itSolJ nt the Manufactories of Professor Hol low ay, 80 Maiden Lane, N. York, and 244 Strand, London, and by all respectable Druggists and Deal ers of Medicine throughout the United States, ant . the civilized wolrd. in boxes at 2j ecnt,62i eeuts, j and SI each. 5jtAThere is a considerable saving j by taking the larger sizes. . I N. I!. Directions for the guidance of patiepts id every disorder are athsed to each box. aprvt 1 CMf Beet of good HOARDS wanted by lRt9J.nJ A.M. HILLS, at his store iu Clear field, for which the highest market price will bo p-lid in goods at cah P""2 marlO-tf 11 l AFT STOVES, for sale by Clearfield, Teb. 27 "VOTICE. Having purchased the Booka of the j. Kaftmtan Journal with tho establishment, all rmount: unpaid for Subscription. Advertising, or Job-work, arc to be settled with the undersigned. niarlO S B R'.'W. nriKEsr KEit's sale of. unseated JL LANDS for Taxes for the years 1S54 A ISjj. Notice is hereby given, that in pnrsuar.ee of an net of Assembly, passed tho 12th day of June, A D. 1815, entitled. -An act to amend an act direct ing the mode of selling unseated lands for taxes,'' Ac, the following tracts of unseated lands in Clear field county, will be exposed to public sale, or out cry, for the taxes duo and unpaid thereon, at the Court IIoas in the borough of Clearfield, on the teeond Monday of June next : Beccaria Township. Ars Ps. Owner and Warrantee. ,, 151 50 Thus. Weston Thomas Keatland, lf2 tlii ,.. . Abraham Witmer, 162 116 T. ; . . Michael Musscr, 1S; - V i William Wright, L'79 4"t Jhu Cooper Ephraim Blair, , !j 1U2 Sarah Billington, 140 ,Wm. Dowder William Brown, Tex. , SI 2 24 Lt 17 13 17 .15 76 23 56 4 47 14 31 121 : A. K. Wright Jacob Mussorsmitb, 19 43 119 John Dillon Robert Wilson, ":'5 "5 G7 20 Jas.GalliUicr Frederick Eenman, . 1 1 62 ,1 20 5 19 33 57 1 67 10 7S 16 20 3 m 6 SI u 3 59 . 5 26 4 18 11 07 . 3 92 ''7 OS . C 27 CO 9 73 6 SI 27 00 23 39 16 21 3 80 3 00 3 61 f.O William Rot man, . Tl 6.1 231 20 13i5 200 25 F. A J. ShofJ Adam Mysmcnpe, Wm. Hammond Herman, Winner,,. S0,J. McCullcy Philip Gloniuger, ttl ... John Beam, C. Cop'enheifer Samuel Tumor, 50 100 Moses Robisou P. Gloningcr, 83 12.1 Fred'k. Shoff-John Bausman. . 85 64- A. K. Shotf William Bausinan 125 2h Lionel Weld Peter Miller. S3 110 ... Michael Foutz, 1Z6. 51 Ab. Warrick Henry Lnndis, ; i .1 v. m. rotter I redericK itiuuey,; 3 Jas. Stew art Frederick Henman,' . JrJin Oshall , John Kctiaud, 10 And. Whistler Thomas Billington, Kellcy & Dickerson, Philip Mysincope, 50;r ' : , John Mysincoyc. Bell Township.' ' ' ' ' '' .lames chee. - Arthur Bell Benjamin Gibls. JacobSnyder Margaret-Shippen, Bosgs Townsnip. ... - . Smith A Powell Barbara Snyder, Tohn Kephart Henry Faunce, 150 5(i0 4;;.T sui OS 1 00 70 ill) 119 100 132 F. Ransom Henry Fauucu, 0 U0 Fisher A Powell liarbara Siivder. 12 00 Fisher Doling A Co RarbaraSnvder. 6 IS Patrick Doling. ' 5 20 Ucorcro Hootman. 6 02 53 LukeKyler. 3 10 b0 G.W.Goarhar. Waiter Stewart, 4 16 65 72 l'aidos3 Richard Thomas. 3 4t 30 114 David Frazier Richard Thomas, 1 61 52 OS I laid in tin Phillips Kieh-d Thomas, - 72 Bradford Township. Sir. CO J. W. Smith Hugh E'y, If 50 23 " Kratzer.LanichA Fulton. 00 l.iO Matthew Foreey, 15 77 123 Thomas Holt John Nicholson, 11 72 1"0 Abtn.lioovvr Thomas Hawthorn. 4 10 too Jos. A Wm. Sanson. 4 20 2"'l J.Wooldridgc Aaron Lcavy, K0 60 V illiuin Sanr m, t 21 115 Thomas Forcey. 6 03 10 '1 humns Forccv, -I 20 130 Y. 15. Holt, S 40 S5 . William Graham, jr. 3 53 t5 John Graham, jr. 3 53 100 Levi Pearce AaarouLeuvy, 2 SO 145 Win. Askey T. Cope. " 6 Oi 75 John Dnlu 1. O. Linn. 2 07 100 J. Uiaham, 6 12 00 Ab. Graham Isabella Jordan, 2 53 317 Geo. Smeal AndrcwByard, 10 42 Brady Township. -Yo. Arrrs. Ps. Oimer Warrantee. Tax. 351 250 Joseph Read Jared I ngcrsol. II 20 321 31-1 Jarcd Ingersol, 17 Si 011 202 John Hart's heirs John Hart. 11 43 045 2o2 John Hart. II 52 402 30-1 David ICspy Wm.Kirkpatriek. 17 51 1451 ' 303 F. Reatis' estate D. Kennedy, 20 6S 505 It! Aun Kenned v, 1 56 ITOS 100 Hay? A A. L. Schne!! Roberts A Fox. 3 10 62'3 577 1 :,.7y 5rfl aSfi J 2;u 1 13 300 l'J.'l 215 Conrad Lor., 10 05 51S - E--t of S. Cochran Jos. Fcrroh, 20 :! Tilton R-yuoids Henry Wykojh. 1041 220 50 32 Miss Currv- -Robert Currv'. 12 61 115 320 Ho 77 130 '21 5o I 370 100 Samuel Johnson. 6 57 Harrison Hall Robert furry, IS 2t James Peed. 5 70 Knhert Ri-ss Casner Stiver. 5 52 L. J. Crans, now J. MoClnre Joseph Ferron, 7 6? T. L. r.at-lof Christian l-owe. 20 0 M. Ley's heirs Christ. Lowe. 35 63 Christian Lowe. 20 II M. J. Porter Roberts A Fox,' 5 70 Geo. Munn Roberts A Fo.v. 3 18 56S1 13 21S l!ti 3577 '.j'ifi'J 30 1 6 l'Jl'O 102 103W. W.FIemming Roberts A Pox.-l 53 .'ij Adi:m-. hce'.er ir..berts Jt i ox. 11 -10 5o0 B.D. EousheACu. 2 50 10 Samuel Ambroue. 4 03 55 Iaidlrviu Roberts A Fox, I 71 Burnside Township. 32 1 Win. Bigler Mary Crawford. 30 3S 310 Frederick Kuhn, 29 54 203 Peter Getz. 21 16 1000 100 Jas. Thompson Satu'l P.obcrts. 10 13 Idil ItPorge lira:-:. IU 1J 150 Uriah Loyd Christian Stake, 10 23 100 J. C Fisher's estate Matthias Slough, 10 12 100 L. It. Carter Henry Musser, S 10 100 George Graff, 10 12 121 George Ross IS 5S 163 John Cunningham 21 SI Chest Township. 433 153 Drinker A Clark AVm Cook. 20 50 433 153 John Cunningham, 29 50 100 31 Jas. Thompson Henry Polo, 5 00 433 153 A. Steer's heirs John Muter, 3S 30 Vlearftvld Boroftgh. Lot No. ISl 40 Curwcusrile Borough. Onc lot ill name of John Scott, Coringtvn. Township. . Anson G. Pholps. Tir I - Georgo Mead, It'Srf George Mead, 1 100 George Mo ad. ' l)0i -' George Mead, ' 1 100 George Mead. 1100 eori?e Mead. 1 (00 Georgo Mead. 101S George Mead, 1160 George Mead, 483 George Mead. JdOO George Mead, C2j George Mead, Fetcr A. Karthaus. 12 40 VJo7 5308 5370 5373 5374 5408 5110 5350 5377 5377 5-IU7 15 01 :i m 25 30 25 30 25 30 25 30 25 30 25 02 25 30 11 14 23 00 5101 L-KM 1809 11)02 1012 573 Morris A Stewart, 890 Morris A Stewart, ,sk Morris A Stewart, 510 Morris A Stewart, 20 21 20 3 12 52 Decatur Township. 105$ Joseph Harrison, 10 05 401 FetrrOwcns Charles Risk, 23 4 1 3 50 David Kvphart, 31 55 433 153 LconordAWallace Jacob('ox.40 25 00 llHDan'l Albert Jos.Hambleton, 8 41 J00 134 J. Hanimvrslaugh Hugh Ely. 1 i 50 33 12) W illiam Montgomery. 2 02 G.A J II. Stiiier,. 35 60 Thomas Edmonson. 3 03 J35 KcphartAAlbsrt JohnDrinker,6 26 50 Jacob Uaughman JohnSkyron.4 35 50 Jon. Kephart Jacob Downing, 4 35 "2 103 David Gcarhart JohnSkyron, 5 15 37 40 James Albert Joseph Sansom, 2 36 t'S 58 J. Gearhart, Esq John Canon, 8 53 2i4 Enoch A David Gearhart John Skyron, 21 58 76 SO Daniel Avers George Graff, 6 CI 51 52 Perks A Bowman William Sacsom. 4 70 70 00 JamesAIbcrt William Sacsom, 6 61 Ferguson Township. 233 159 Greenwood Bell John Ham-.. - bright. . 10 J 3 433 153 Charlci Huston George Boss, 21 30 100 Bell's Estate P. Gloningcr, 5 CO Fox Township. ' ' ' ' Rudolnh H. Kvans. 4272 1272 4200 41S1 1185. 425 James Wilson. 14 76 ! 50 James Wilson, 1 76 Sillman Harwood. 330 James Wilson weft 11 SO De Witt C. Morris. 405 James Wilson et 17 07 J - Nathan Bailey. 209 Jam s Wilson eart part," 6 90 ' William Turns. James U'il-oc middle p't 20 r(T j James Wilson. f " 34 Li j f 41 PS 4273 41 11S3 4211 423 4242 4090 1534 1535 43P9 4306 44C0 4340 42C0 00 et'O 130 William A. Wallace. ' " ' -i damei Wilsoa weet part. . -"6- 61 Jenifs wnsos, --'- ; 'V. S.-Ind Company. - '- James Wilson, - James Wilt n, . ' James Wilson, - -James Wilson, ; - - James Wilson, ' . ' James Wilson, - Spencer A Spilcr- James Wilson. William B. 'erdon - James Wilson. - Daniel Oyster's Estalo.'' James Wilson. - ' ' - Alexander Vial. Jamc Wilson, James Wilson, " B. Davenport, ' - 34 12 i ' -. v 43 10 4.1 44 15 46 21 20 - 92 SM7 336 923 20 600 27 60 I : 17 10 91 11 04 216 41 1SS )t6 t , S Ii .1 34 12 a 34 ' . Glrelrd Township. . . ' Anson G. Phelps 5356 1100 . George Mead, ,. ,' ' 5371 103 George Mead. " 5357 1000 George Mead, 5360 1100 ' . George Mead, '' ' " 5304 1066 120 .George Mead, 5365 '752 'George Mead, 5362 lOOrt George Mead. 535S 1043 ,. George MeaU ; 5375 10S3 , George Mead. 5361 1100." , tieorge Meal, . "( : , 5363 1100. ' George Mead. ' . 5.72 1100 George Meud, ; . 5352 7f'H . George Mead. , 5353 11 Oo George Mead, 1354 1004- George Mead, 5355 110Q . . George Mead, 5359 100O : .'" George Mead, 7 72 7 62' 7 00 7 72 7 50 j 'J 77 i 7 05 :1 'I ! 7 56 j 7 67 j 7 72 ! ' 7. C7 j 5 co ; 7 67 i 7 rs 7 67 1 7 00 ; 7 72 i 1 ! t 7 2$ ; : ' 1 2 : ! 6 10 i 7 11 j e 15 ! ". 73 1 50 b 72 2 T3 ! 17 61 1 ri oo I 27 I'O ! 17 oO i JS 55 T. 7l 20 70 1 1 85 ; 1 1 S5 ! I 1 ss j It &5 1 29 70 ; J6 t6 1 29 70 ) I 1 b'. ! i t si ! J i S5 I 14 5 I I I 85 j 85 16 2 ' i 70 ! TO 2-S 66 SO j i,0 fo 70 20 ; 1 11 97 I 43 03 I 35 IS j 61 75 I 33 06 i 6 79 ; 6. 13 4 2 tO 12 93 17 S J j 53 75 j I 1 4S 94 4S 72 4 50 4S 5C 43 04 48 50 4- 50 45 50 i 50 12 20 II 15 16 44 3S 40 24 20 16 0 5 6" 6 72 35 l'- :i 43 56 1" 36 iO 3S 60 11 2i 14 41 flit ,R 38 40 5376 1100 5379 611 ' Gcurze Meud, A.1" W. Murray. I8b3 2-30 ; Morris A Stewart, j .r J. Stites aud ifc. . 1913 llj. jlO Morris and Stewart, . Francis llugucny. ' 1937 21d 53' Morris and Stewart," Francis Coudriel. 1S90 254 120 Morris and Stewart. A. and J. Spackman. ISi'O 367 43 Morris and Stewart, ( 1937 " 77 Morris and Stew-nrt. 19lS 5tt Morrij and Stewart, 1025 163 , Jlorris and Stewart, 1926 256 Morris and Stewart, . (icshvn Township. Anson It; l'helps. I'ue on these lands for ld52 and 1S53 5313 653 5314 '.ion 5315 T lift 1 1 '316 1000 5317 1053 53 IS 1000 5319 1CJ0 5320 II oo 5321 100S 5;;22 II 00 5323 1100 532 t 1100 5525 623 5326 1100 5327 1100 532S 1100 5329 1100 5330 1100 5331 1100 George Mead, George Mead, G corse Mead, tieorge Mead, Gcoi e Mead, Georgo Mead, Gcortrc Mead, George Mead. Georce Mead, Georjre -Mead, tieorge Mead. Georg" Mead, Georjre Mead. eorge Mead. (George Mead, tieorge Mead. George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, John Keating. Morris and Stewart. 'J. P. Rider. Georgo Mead, Jluilon Township. John B. Oltn. Moore and Delany, Moore and Dclany. William Powers, W'iliinm Powers. Moore and Delany, W illiam Parker. J iimcs Vv il. oii. 60 60 1922 201 200 1 0 11 1011 000 900 557 1 5367 5060 5675 1011 4257 S--i 15 u. F. Land Company. Jamos V ilson. .'umcs W iligji. James Witson, .Ti nies Wilson, J.imcs Wiison. J.miea Wilson, James W ilon, James W ilson. Thomas Holt. William Powers ; . 15. Gordon. James W iison. James Wilson. 4231 1234 1235 4 236 4226 4229 42jO 4225 f.3v OS'J 490 9''0 li'.5 62S 740 I2t 1 !2 505 1 900 2.'-0 500 Jordan Township. ram, Blake A TarUy. Reuben Hayccs, Luke Morris, : Joseph Billiard, Robert Gray, John Biiighur&t. Saruh Ward. George Eddy. Moore Whart-n. tieorge Ahtnn. Richard Tcters. Susanna Ward, John Dorsey, William SI051. Adam Khoadi, I'rinkcr aud Clark. Daniel Smith, Greenwood Bell Adam Roigart, ( IS :o 153 153 41 153 437 135 433 133 120 433 433 153 433 153 4 33 153 100 123 20- 433 1j3 21 156 Daniel Ilausman. G. A Mary Mc'.'crmack, Thomas McElce. Jonatliaii .Tonca, Samuel Jordau, Jamc3 M- Chnee. Caleb Foulk, George Wcscott, . Robeil Whjrlon, tieorge Shoff, Jubu Ikyd. . Robcr- Whartou, Adam Kuhn. F.berexer Brenham. David Brown, Karthaus TowntMp. A. G. Phelps. George Mead, George MeaJ, George Mead, George Mead, George Mead. Georgo Mead. George Mtad, P. A. Karthaus Morris and Stewar'. Morris and St- wart, Morris and Stewart. , .Morris and Stewart. Georgo Vaux. Moiria and Stewart. Peter Mrl'onald, George Mead, Charles W illiun, t harles W'iiliiik, Charles WiMink, Charles M illink. . iharlcsAVii'.itk. . Charles W'iUink. Charles Wilhuli, Charles Willmk. Charles WiJlmk. 200 I no 120 453 153 453 153 433 133 300 13 j 153 103 433 133 433 153 t 5109 1100 Mil 1100 5112 747 5413 1013 5106 1!00 6414 D'OO 5105 167 27 1300 600 1901 778 1913 507 1093 200 1911 513 35 100 5412 301 1093 l'i 1" 1091 119 101 1095 302 29 1 096 69 ; 1097 13a 3165 31 55 3165 437 3166 317 3 10-3 40 46 5292 1100 52l3 II OA 5294 1100 529j 1100 5236 1100 5297 1100 ' 5293 I1"0 5299 11C0 5300 1100 5501 1100 5302 1100 5303 1100 5304 1100 5305 HOO 5306 HOO , 5307 1100 530)1 1100 5309 1100 5310 1100 5311 11"0. 6J12 1900 5202 91 5 1?i 49 5 76 7 25 i f- 50 ! 8 50 j 1 24 ! i 45 :t 7; Tr 1 j i sn ' a o t 11 as ' 1 21 Lnwrtnce Towmhip. A. G. I'holps George Mead, George Mead, Geerge Mead. George Mead. George Mead, GeorgaMead, . Georga Mead. Georgo Mead. GeorgflMead. George Mead, . . Geergfl Mead, . ' ' ' George Mead. George Mead. Georpe Mead, George Mea-1. Gecrge Mead Georgo Moad. George Mead.. George Mead. George Mead, GeorgMei. J-'domon Ivlice. , . Roberts and Tex. . " S 42 P 43 fi 42 42 8 42 9 42 j 8 ii 1 7 62 j t 2 8 0 1 ; 42 42 42 4-2 42 8 8 8 12 42 S 42 . 14 F2 i 1? Morris JVvi?s :.. Henrv Leraifl. 1 Joseph Turner for r52-'53 10 ? 44'i 410 3 1C0 20 10 .3 4 tO 423 402 r;ot 227 373 421 150 3"0 It 272 Joseph Turner, " ' Georgo Ilaybecker, 10 55 10 14 ; 9 X 4 9f 7 8S 8 95 53 59 11 2 I C9 1 75 31 00 '51 69 23 00 II o9 21 M 1 2 S 43 in. 43 40 43 40 43 40 . 28 00, 43 40 43 40 43 40 . 4 4' 43 40 . 43 4 4X 40 . 43 40 Georgo wctiel. - v" William Werts. -"' ' Christian WcrU, ' David nek, K. Perks A to Jesse Yarnell. - ' McKean and Putter- . ' Christian Miuser Johnston A Bowman. Prter Yarnc!!, John Lorain. ' Michael Snidcr, . . L. C-Burton. Robert Glenn, M' . H. Sandrrfor , 1 ' ' Francis Jobr!tor . John Nicholt-oa..-, S. C. Thorap'or... ' 'Hetty Morris, , .. Si-.y.lcrJ Large: "' , Francis Johnston, V . Ilardmau ITiillips . . . .",' ' P.ichard Thon:as, 16 4. HI 150 200 151 13 99 Fhaw nnd St. John Smith. , 45.T 153 433 153 433 153 433 lo3 279 153 4i3 I 3 433 153 153 153 453 153 13;; 153 433 153 4o5 13 Thomas Morri. ' W illiam Morru, , Samuel Meredith," William Miller, , . H-tty Morris. ..... Thomas FiUiimmciis, George Clycjcr,, ,. Robert. Gray, . . Robert Rainey," Patrick Moore, Mary Morris, ' ' . Magnus Miller,- Naibro Frszer. William Hoover ' 100 133 Francis Johnston. 12 $9 . Wm. Driiikcjs' Leira. . 3ro ,T,.bn Fry, jr. IS a? j?il - John Thomas 4 years - 4 47 86 John Cook.. . " - 4o" Jacob Wetiel. 5S 71 225 Reuben Haines, " 22 60 riirs'cll& C.. G?"! Joseph Sinmns, 47 77 Dauicl W. Bradlcv. 43C 111 Rolrt Shaw " : 48 ftL 431 11 1 llyruiin tiratz, t- 43 !' J. J. Miller. - 2h Ji.Ln Nichobon, 10 W M. Beam. 1U1 125 William Morris, , 10 03 II. Beam. lr BoiK-rt Morris, ! f ;-orge Hoover. ! Jolm Swanwiv k, 10 C"l Boln-rt TLonian. .. 2" Uhrisliau B.iker, 23 1 Sw irt2 Bower. :"' Francis Jcli!..ton," 4 y Drt) J. larlow, 10 J.ttucs M'Gtrk'a estate' 211 William Lvans, Z7 bO 1'Jiilip B'unchard. I".? 19 Patrick Hays, 17 c S. K !l. (jratz. 137 38 William Mcrri, IS 07 f-' 140 Samuel Miles, Jr. 3 61 ll Bernard tiratz, 1152 SIS Joseph ITenrv, S4 SI 132 119 David Hull, " 13 SI 111 Charles Hall. 41' 1? 121 1"" William I). Kirw in, 12 19 t"'. fi'oorgo M'e'zct,. b 27 Paul AVcfzel, . 2 51 33'2 Iveubcu Ilatnes, 38 13 2''3 John Barrt'it, 20 SI J. J. Lingle, - - 211 James Smith, , , 12 20 I'c'fil Tmrnih-'p. "i 111 aril Hepburn. ?3 .'ccf:r.vj fra.-t, 6; Tike Tov mhip. -57S1 foo John N icbol.Mjn, - IS d o77s jso John Nicholson, 21 74 o777 102'i "1 John .Nivholson, ol 08 lfi'.l .. Tankd Harts., ck . 5M 2t Bcnjaritin Johnson, 12'J Bt i jamiu JcIuijoh, 3 -0 I'fion Townrhip. CJ.irtl tnd Irwin. 35S7 3) Roberts fi. I'm, !1 6 f'harlfs BLiiichnrd. 3i?S. 00 IiobetlH & Lev, f7 7t . Britton. 35?1 52 lC.ilrrts Fox, 1 S? Henry Bailv. .".l 60 " Roberts St Fos, 1 o H ix'-Tu arJ Towns'i p. Dr. J.imcs Lock. 431 12' ll t!i r Li inker, 22 S' 250 AViHiaui Diii'kr, 2" 16 t3 William tjagartv, 3 1? 300 John -Morgan, . 2f 2? Ridert Wallace. 15 5 FYter Htnrv, 7 S4 110 Hugh Hal-it on, " PS W illiam A. Wallarp. 404 28 .Samuel Hamilton, 13 PS Tbomaa Ralston. 177 K. McGhee, 14 53 I.islo Mcf'nllcv. 16 67 Philip DiU'eudanVr, 1 15 Head .Hesandcr Jv- Co. 4 113 Marv f'oiiuollv, ' 4 0? 21 Pauicl riilkt-rson, 3 6' Dr. Iloutz. 4"3 I'liilp Lost. 6 S? 422 1A3 Jacob K. Hewtl!. ."2 4i 4oo 153 At illiam Johnson, 30 6 C3 V.vorgc Bickbam, 7 6 Hardman PhiHpa. rr,.i o John M Cahvn 21 FT I'S ' John Lsmidii-'-b, - 2? M.Cully. Zh Bigot .Shaw, 3 15 Uvury IJ gai ty , 1 George BAcr. 2 42 Fltrk of V. A. 43 lf-3 T. P, Wharton, ?5 SS ELI BLOOM, Titstimer. Treasurer's Oflico. fdcarSld. March 13, 1G. IMI.l'ABLE TOAVN l'ROPERTV FOR SALE The mbscrilr offors for ii'.e bis Tar em tMac-i. on loo corner of Market and rtn ellrct' in tufl '-"?rongh of Ckstfkld The ham 's "arSe aD' ccinmolious and well calculated for TMllt.t.-. tiMiitt 1 r irhfuliii , , . ..I '-. IV k 'Vaila' e. Eiq . or of the subscriber livin; cn the premises. W J HUMFllILL March ith, lt56 TVOTICL WLoreas Letters of Admiaistretics 1 on the Estate f John Ti ice. deceased. Ia'8 ef Srnt!'l 'o ti' undcrtigned. residing in Lawrenra requested to make immediate payment, and tha having cUiius agaiort ssid tftate will present them, rroperly authenticated fS-r setilemant. t . A. T. SCIIRYVEK. . March 5th, 1853. Aduux-istrator. DISSOLUTION OF r.VKERSUir lhe partnership heretefcre exi3ticg between Jfiines M Kelly ml AVta R Pickicscn. trsdti. underthe cazte cf Kelly 4 Dickinson, ie this dty rJ mutual ci.uti.i uitrcivea. J. M EELLY. MV R. EICKIJ 52N -S-en Hcpe. Feb 15, iei5. : 1 VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FCF. VAZ.Z lhe cubicrifcer cfars for eI& his vtlitl.'. frta, s:tafte two cilt-j frenx CurTeterille. lb Eivfer rosi leadicj ta Lun-bferfity ; rtii fsis cza taimng 105 a:ies. sixty aeres cKcrsd, itirr cood CultiTation, the balauc -well tixstsred . rith a good bsrn, new f Unk dulling hru6ad egcrJ bbaring orchard tbereoij. and, is wr'A wa'erel Fir further infcrmstiou en-'iire cf !! !!i-'r.fer lir inz on be premi-" SIMON IHMT'. February 2". I?s'j 6m " ' r 1