THE JOURNAL'. 7 AFFAIRS AT HOMLV .' Cliariield & Trao.sB Raihoad. The char terfcr thii company having; been procured, an election for officers, for its permanent or ganization, is advertised to be held at Philips burg on the 5th Hay, as will be seen by a no tice in to-day's Journal. As soon as the com tany i fully organized, active measures will be adopted for raising the lequistte amount of stock, and for putting the road under contract. Too much commendation cannot be bestowed upon those who took an active part in pushing forward this enterprise, and the energy and determination which have already been mani fested give bright promise that, in a few years, the snort of the "iron horse" will be heard re verberating amidst the hills and dales of Clear field county. " . The Hives, last week, was too high for run ning rafts, the water having surmounted the banks in many places. On Friday it had fallen a little, but on the evening of that day and du ring Saturday some rain fell which caused it to rise higher than it has been for several years. Much drift-wood floated down. On Monday the water commenced falling and con tinued doing so until Tuesday morning ; da- Ting which time it'fell'about-8 feet 8 inches. Notwithstanding the high stage of water, a few rafts were "pulled out" for tho "Island." It Is rather unsafe' to run now, but it Is ex pected that in a day or two tho water will bo In a good rafting condition. - Tub Weather, during the past week was pleasant, the sun shining with much warmth, which had the effect of melting away the great er portion of the snow which had accumulated la the woods during the winter to an unprece 'dented depth. On Friday evening and on Sat urday, there were a number of warm showers Spring seems to have fairly set in, and in a short time the husbandman, will be enabled to commence farming operations. Timber on iaE SisxEMAiioNisa. We learn that there has been got out on the Sinnernaho ning only about one-third tho quantity of square timber, and nearly the same amount of boards there was last year. As the season for hauling has been good, the lumber has all been got in, beside' a large amount of saw logs for floating, and stock for home manufacture. The number of taxables in Clearfield couuty amounts to about 8, COO or 3,400. This, nnder the new license law, will entitlo the licensing of 21 or 22 hotels, for the entire county, which shall be apportioned, according to the law, "with reference to the couvsnieneo of the public, and the accommodation of strangers, travellers and sojourners. Dace Agais. Wm. II. Bloom, who, a short time since, bid a rather unceremonious good bye to Sheriff Reed, was brought back here on last Saturday morning. He had gone to Bal timore, was there taken and placed in "du rance vile" until Mr. Reed sent for and, by very urgent solicitation, induced him to return. West Over. On Monday, whilst a number of hands were engaged in constructing a board raft in Shaw's dam, the rope became unloosed r and before any one was aware of it the raft had got into the current and was carriod over the edge of the dam ; no special injury, how ever, that we heard of, was done. Gone. A large number of saw logs which Mr. Archibald Shaw had run into a pond at his tuiil, were carried out into the river on Satur day night, in consequence of the high water creating a current, and were drifted down the .stream. We presume he will loose the great er part of them. Ox last Fridat, Mr. Miles, of Brady town ship, whilst engaged on a raft on the opposite side of the river at this place, dropped his pocket book, containing some $73 in gold, in to the water, but fortunately succeeded in re covering it again. A Fiiie almost. On last Thursday at noon one of the out-buildings on the premises of Hou. G. R. Barrett was discovered to be on flre, but before any serious damage was done the flames were extinguished. A number of building and pasture lots, and several desirable farms and pieces of timber land, are offered for sale by L. J. Crans, Esq. See advertisement. Auova our now advertisements will be found the legal card of If. B. Swoope, Esq. He re quests us to say that he contemplates remain ing here permanently. Should no Journal appear next week, it must be attributed to the fact that we have gone down the river. MARRIED: On tie 12th April, by F. Pierce, Esq.,ITon. James T. Leonard to Miss Amanda J. Lasich, both of this borough. On the 10th April, at Birch Island, by Cor nelius Conaway, Esq., Mr. Robert W . Dlxlap, of Clearfield, to Miss Hester Ktxer, of Scotts ville, Huntingdon Co., Fa. DIED: On tbe 9lh April, George, son of Richard aud Margaret Mossop, of this borough, nged 2 years, 1 mouth and 4 days. At Wallace, Fountain county, Indiana, In October last, Mr. IIexbt J. Radebaigii, aged forty-three years. Mr. Radebaugh was formerly a resident of this county, and his loss will be regretted by a large circle of friends and relatives yet resi ding among us. He emigrated to the West Rbout the year 1 83 J, and leaves to mourn his loss, a wife and six children. No Daxoer or Baskrettct. It is stated in a Washington letter that the receipts of the U nited States government fox the week before list exceeded its expenditures by tho sum of SI ,400,000. At the same ratio i'or one year the receipls would exceed the expenditures . 73,000,00". A MAHVKLI.OTJ3 EETJED Y : ' FOR A MARVELLOUS AGE ! ! HGLLOWAY'S O.SJTfflBftT. .. THE GRAND EXTERNAL REMEDY. BY the aid of a microscope, we see millions of little openings on the surface of our bodies. Through these this Ointment, when rubbed on the skin, in carried to any organ or inward part, dis eases of the Kidneys, disorders of tho Liver, affec tions of the Heart, inflammation of the Lung.', Asthmas, Coughs and Colds, are by its means ef fectually cured. . Every housewife knows that salt passes freely through bono or meat of nny thick ness. This healing Ointment far more readily penetrates through any bone or fleshy part or the living body, curing the most dangerous inward complaints, that oannot be reached by other means. ERYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUM AND SCORBUTIC HUMORS. , No remedy has ever dono so much for the Jcure of diseases of the skin, whatever form they may assume, as this Ointment. No cose of Salt Kncum, Scurvy, Bore Heads, Scrofula or Erysipelas, can long withstand its influence. The inventor has travelled over many parts of the globe, visiting tho principal hospitals, dispensing this Ointment, giving advice as to its application, and has thus been the means of restoring countless numbers to health. SORE LEGS, SORE BREASTS, WOUNDS AND ULCERS. Some of the most scientific surgeons now rely solely on the use of this wondarful Ointment, when having to cope with tho worst cases of sores, ulcers, wounds, glandular swellings, and tumors. Profes sor Holloway has, by command of the Allied gov ernments, dispatched to the hospitals of the East, large shipments of this Ointment, to be used un der the direction of the Medical a tad. in the worst cases of wounds. It will cure any ulcor, glandu lar swelling, stiffness or contraction of the joints, even of 20 years' standing. PILES AND FISTULAS. These and other similar distressing complaints can be effectually cured if the Ointment be well rubbed in over the parts affected, and by otherwiso loiiowing tne printed directions around each pot, Both the Ointment and the Pills should be used in the following cases : Bauions, Morcurial Eruptions, Swelled Glands iiurns, Chapped ilanua, Chilblains, Rheumatism, Fistulas, Salt Kheura, Gout, ' Skin Diseases. Lumbago, Wounds of all kinds. Piles, Sore Breasts. Scalds, Sores f all kinds. Stiff Joints, L leers, Vcncrial Sores, Sore Legs, Scalds, Sprains, Sore Throat. Sold at the Manufactories of Professor Hoi loway, 60 Maiden Lane, Now York, nnd 244 Strand, London, and by all respectable Druggists and Dea lers of Medicines throughout the United States, and the civilized world, in Pots, at 25 cents, 62J cents, and SI each. hero is a considerable saving by taking the larger sues. N. C, Directions for the guidnnco of patients in every disorder are amxed to eacn pot April 9, IS5(j. TVTOTICE. Having purchased the IVoks of tho J. 1 Raftsman's Journal with the establishment, ail rmounts unpaid lor Subscription. Advertising, or Job-work, are to be settled with the undersigned! marlV S. 11. HOW. DISSOLUTION. The partnership heretofore existing between A Ifred Montelius. Edward Montelius and William Ten Evck was mutual ly dissolved on tho 1st dav of March. 1S53. The books are in the hands of Montelius .fe Ten Eyek, lor collection. il'J J r. 1,1 L S, 1 t.2i Jb 1 t'K LO. Curwensville, April 9, 1356. 3t- F OR SALE. The subscriber offers for s.ilo his residence in the Horou;rh of Clearfield, consisting of a lot and one-third of a lot in the bu siness part of the town, only three doors from the Court House, with thereon erected a largo and com modious Dwelling House, Barn, Carriage Hons?, wasn xiouae, omoKe iioui?, ice House, JJatn House, and other out-buildings. There is also a new and convenient double office, well furnished. with permanent Book Cases, on the lot, leaving a yard ot thirty leet between the house and oCice, and which is well improved. The office and ground it stands on will be sold sepcrate from the house. . ALSO, 25 acres of land in Boggs township, ad joining lands oi ueorgo Hess. ALSO, all his interest in the F.ingold mill oad lumbering establishment, on Clearfield Creek. ALSO, several thousand acres of tinibor land in Elk county. All of which will be sold on reasonable terms and possession given within three months nftcr date. U.K BARRETT. Clearfield, April 0, 1S5G. 3t. -ILEARFIEL-D INSTITUTE. The next W term of this Institution will commence on the 2Sth of April, 1S56. All persons wishing to fit themselves for TEArn Elts, or other avoentions in life, will here receive every desired facility and attention. A thorough Classical and Mercantile course is here given, on terms lower than any other similar Institution in the State. Parents at a distance can obtain boarding for their sons or daughters under the immediate c.tre of the Principal, where they will receive rare ad vantages, with all tho comforts and pleasures of a home;anc their morals carefully guarded. Tnc rates of tuition per quarter are: Primarv Euglish.52-50; High Eng ih.5.nO:ClaSjues.Sti-"0-Mathcma-.ics.abovo Algebra S3; Frcncg, Drawing, and Paint ing.'Si each Further information enn bo had by addressing W- A- CAMPBELL. pitixeirAi. Apr. 0, '56. Clearfield, Pa. IMPORTANT NEWS ! PEACE UCUlieil EUROPE !i By the latest arrivals from Europe THE important intelligence has been received that Peace i3 about being declared. This has had tho effect of reduojng prices on not only pro visions, but npon Goods of all descriptions. Tho undersigned have, therefore, taken advantage of this propitious time to purchase an extensive! and well selected stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, which they are determined to sell at the most rea sonable prices. Their stock is extensive, embrac ing EVERY VARIETY and STYLE of LADIES' and GENTLEMEN'S WEAK, to which they would call the attention of tho .citizens of Curwensville and surrounding country. They have connected with their establishment a BOOT AND SHOE MAXUFACTOIir,whieh is under the superintendence of the well-known Joseph Williams. They will thus be enabled to supply their customers and all others with cvciy variety of Boots and Siors at as reasonable pri ces ns they ean bo procured elsewhere. Their work will be msdo in the neatest and most dura ble manner, which will recommend itself. All of onr stock will bo disposed of CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST for CASH, ail kinds of Lumber, Country Produce. Hides, Ac, Ac. apr9-3m MONTELIUS & TEN EYCK. EDWARD MOSTELIUS. WILLIAM TF.1 KYCK. F OR SALE. A secondhand 2 horse wagon and a lot of harness for sale very chenn by Clearfield, apr2 A.M. HILLS. PlfiCi nnfl SHORT SHIXrtLESwanted by A. OUU,UUU M. Hills, at his store, for which tne ntguest maritct price will bo paid in uoods at the lowest prices in the county. marl'J-tf 1 fin nnl Fcet of g0'1 BOARDS wanted by 1UU,UUU A. M. HILLS, at hisstoro in Clear field, for which the highest market price will be piid in goods at ca.-"h prices. raarl9-tf R AFT STOVES, for sale by MERRELL CARTER. Clearfield. Feb. 27. COOKING and PARLOR STOVES, for salo in Curwensville, at the store of feb!3 H P. PATTOV. TERMS. The Jocrsal is published every Wednesday, t Ose Dollar axd FiFTr Cests per annum in advance, or Two Dollars within the year. Advertisements inserted at fifty cents per square, for the first, and twenty-five cents for each addi tional insertion. A liberal deduction mado to those who advertise by the quarter, or year. The 'Terms' will be strictly adhered to. No paper discontinued without payment of ar rearages, unlets at the option ct the publisher. JOS. E. 3IOSSOP, having made an engage ment with A. T. LANE A Co., Wholcsnlo Deal ers in Clothing, 1T5 Market St., Philadelphia, would raspcctfully invito hii old friends, to give him a call. - - March 2rt.-18it 3m. JAMES Ii. GRAHAM. Dealer in SAWED LUMBER, SQUARED TIMBER, SHINGLES, BOARD:, Ac, is prepared to fill, on tho shortest notice, all orders for articles in his lino of busi ness, on as reasonable terms as thoy can be pro cured in tho county U rahampton. Clearfield Co., Jan. 23. 1S.15 BOOKS! r.OOKS!! Grcenleafs Scries of Mathematical Works are now being used in nearly all the Schools, Academies and Colleges in the United States, and are without doubt unrival led in point of merit, and in adaptation to tho wants of our schools ; they have the plainest rules and best examples to illustrate the whole business of life. The attention of Superintendents, Direc tors and Teachers is reapectlully invited to these works before introducing a uniform scries of any other kind as tho law requires. These books can be had wholesale, retail or in exchange for old Book"? when introduced in the schools, at C. D. WATSON S Drug and Book Store. Clearfield. Jan. 30, 185ti 2m. HALLOA! NEW WAGON MANUFACTORY. The undersigned would respectfully an nounce to hi3 triends and the public generally, that ho has opened out a new Wagon-Making Es tablishment in "New Salem City," Brady town ship, where he will at all times bo prepared to manufacture, on tho shortest notice, ail kinds of Wagons, Carts, Wheelbarrows. Ac. The best ma terial that can bo procured will be used, and his work will bo made in the most substantial and du rable manner, such as will bear tho test of strict examination. By a closo observance of his busi ness engagements, nnd by disposing of his work on the moat reasonable terms, which be will do for either cash or approved country preducc, ho hopes to merit and receive a liberal share of pub lic custom BENJ. RISHEL. New Salem City, Jan. 16, 1856. SELECT SCHOOL A Select School will bo opened in Lumber City. Clearfield county. Pa., on Tuesday the 1st day of April, for pnpils of both sexes. Tho undersigned, who will have charge of it. has had long experience as a toaeher, and will spare no pains to impart to tho pupils confided to his care, a solid education. TERMS, PER MONTH OF FOUR WEEKS. Orthography,Rcading.Writing & Arithmetic, 51,00 English Grammar, Geography, and Book keeping, - - 5 - 1.50 Higher Branches nnd Classics, r - 2,00 Particular attention will be given to Orthoopy, according to the most approved standards, to cor rect and elegant reading, and to composition. If required, an Evening Class will be opened for tho convenience of those whose avocations might prevent them from attending the day school, and for the instruction of young ladies and gentlemen, who contemplate becoming efficient teachers. March 26, 1856-Ct WM. MARTIN. TUST RECEIVED, A SPLENDID ASSORT MENT OF NEW BOOKS. STATIONARY, FANCY ARTICLES. CONFECTION ARIES, TO BACCO. CIGARS, and DRUGS of all kinds, at HOBINS' LITERARY DEPOT, SHAV'S ROW, Clearfield, Pa. THE latest publications always on band, or pro. cured to order. Putnam, Godcy, Graham, House hold Words, Leslie's Faahions, Harper, Peterson, and all the other Magazines furnished Monthly at rubiiiiicrs Prices. Ho would especially call the attention of llover3 of the weed' to his large stock of tobacco and ci gars, which cannot be surpassed in this region, consisting of the best quality of '-Natural Lnaf," "iSlncK rat. "lavendisli, ' "Congress," and other tobaccos: Havana, Regalia, Trineine. Plan tation. Spanish, Half-Spanish, and 4-A few more jett ' cigars. Also a good stoes ot "pipes and "fine-cut. ' He would also call attention to tiie fact that he has just opened a largo assortment of DRUGS, CHEMICALS, AND DYE STUEFS. which ho will sell cheaper than any other estab lishment in tne County. THOMAS R0BIN3. November 14, 1R55. 1 TALI' A RLE PROPERTV AT PRIVATE SALE THE undersigned offers at Private Sale, 20'J acres ot Land, more or less, m l enn township, Clearfield county. seven or eight acre cleared, the balance covered with valuable TIMBER, and having tucreon the toiiowmg improvements A GOOD SAW-HULL, with LATH-SAW, Rose wheel, Ac, on a good stream "t water, which will enable tho mill to runabout eight months in tho year- A LARGE TWO-STORY HOUSE, well furnished, nlastcrcd and nainted throughout with a ncver-f ailing Spring of water in the cellar' ALSO, A FRA.ME HANK IJARN, well furnished with threshing floor, stablinij, Ac, all new, having nut recently been erected. Also, coavenient, and substantially erected OUT-BUILDINGS, consisting of a Wood-Shed, Spring House, ?mokc House, Ac, Ac There is no more desirable property in tho County. Any person wishing further informa tion, ean apply to Samlei, Widrmire, living on the Premises. Post Office dddress, Grampian Hiils, Clearfield County, Pa. JOHN WIDEMIRE. SAMUEL WIDEMIRE. Penn Township. Deo. 2o, ltj5.-3mo LETUS REASON TOGETHER. HOLLWAY'S PILLS. WHY ARE WE SICK ? JThas baen thelotof tho human race to be weigh ed down by disease, pnd suffering. HOLLO WAY'S PILLS pro specially adapted to the relief of the WEAK, the NERVOUS, tho DELICATE, nud the INFIRM, of ail climes, ages, sexes, and constitutions. Professor Holloway personally su perintends the manufacture of his medicines in the U nited Statos, and offers them to a free and enlight ened people, as tho best remedy tho world ever saw for tho removal of dissase. THESE FILLS PURIFY THE BLOOD. These famous Pills are expressly combined to op erate on the stomach, the liver, the kidneys, the lungs, tho skin, and the bowels, correcting any de rangement in their functions, purifying the blood, the very fountain of life, and thus curing disease in all its forms. DISPEP5IA AND LIVER COMPLAINTS. Nearly half tho human race havo taken theso Pills. It has been proved in all parts of the worH, that nothing has been found equal to theia in cases of disorders of the liver, dyspepsia, and stomach complaints generally. They soon give a healthy tone to these organs, however much deranged, and when all other means havo failed. GENERAL DEBILITY. ILL HEALTH. Many of the most despotic Governments have o pened their Custom Houses to tho introduction of these Pills, that they may become tho medicine of the masses. Learned Colleges admit that this medicine is the best remedy ever known for per rons of delicate health, or where tho- system has been impaired, as its invigorating properties never fail to afford relief. FEMALE COMPLAINTS. No female, young or old, should bo without this celebrated medicine. It corrects and regulates the monthly courses at all periods, acting in many ca ses like a charm. It is also tho best and safest medicine that can be given to Children of all ages, and for any complaint; consequently no family should bo without it. Iloltoway's Pills are the Lest remedy Inown in the world for the following Diseases: Asthma Diarrhoea SesondarySymptoms Coughs ChestDiseases Stone and Gravel Cold Fever and Aguo Venereal Affections Influenza Rowel Complaints Female Complaints Costivcnoss Infiamation Worms of all kinds Dyspepsia Indigestion Lowncss of Spirits Debility Liver Complaints Inward weakness Dropsy Piles Headaches Sold at tho Manufactories of Professor Ilor.- lowav, 80 Maiden Lane, N. York, and 2U Strand,' London, and by all respccUblo Druggists and Deal ers of Medicine throughout tho United States, and the civiliiej weird, in boxes at 25 cents. (521 cents, and 51 each. Jj?There is a considerable saving by taking the larger siiet. N. B. Directions for the guidance of p aticjts in every disorder are affixed ta each box. spr'J 50 npREASt.RER'S SALE OF UNSEATED i . Notice is hereby given, that in pursuance of an net of Assembly, passed the 12th. day of June, A. D. 1815, entitled, "An act to amcnu an act uircci- mg the mode ot selling unecatea lanas ior iaxc, Ao., tho followingtracts of unseated lands in Clear field countv. will be exposed to public sale, or out cry, for tho taxes duo and unpaid thereon, at the v . . m , , , l .1. Uourt Jiouso in tne oorougn oi iicaruciu, vu iuv second Monday of June next : Bcccaria Township. Acs. Ps.. Otener and Warrantee. Tax. 151 50 Tbos. Weston Thoma3 Keatland, S12 24 162 118 Abraham Witiner, la 17 162 llti Michael Musser, 33 17 195 William Wright, 15 76 27i 04 Jthn Cooper Ephra'un Blair, 23 53 65 102 Sarah Billington, 4 47 140 Wm. Dowder William Brown, 14 34, 124 A. ii. Wright Jacob Musfcremith, 19 35 48 119 John Dillon Robert Wilson, 5 67 20 Jas. Gallaher Frederick iienman, 55 50 William Bosman, 63 26 F. A J. Shoff Adam Mysincope. 234 Wm. Hammond Herman Witmer, 20 P0 J. McCullcy Philip Gloningcr, 13b" 54 John Beam, 200 C. Copenhcifer Samuel Turner, 50 100 Moscft Robison P. Gloningcr, 83 123 Fred k.Shofl John Bausman, 83 64 A.K.Shoff William Bausman, 125 2S Lionel Weld Peter Miller. PS 140 Michael Foutz, 13 51 Ab. Warrick Henry Landif. 93 Wm. Totter Frederick Hubley, 99 3 Jas. Stewart Frederick Jlenman, 1 62 4 20 5 19 33 57 I 67 10 78 Ji 20 3 (H C 81 3 59 5 20 4 13 11 07 3 92 7 9S 77 John Osball John Ketland, 6 27 8' 18 And.Whistler Thomas Billington, 06 Kelley & Dickerson, 332 Philip Mysincope, 9 73 150 50 John Mysincope, 6 31 Bell Township. 500 James MeGheo, 27 Oft 433 Arthur Boll Benjamin Gibbs, 23 39 301 JacobSnyder Margaret Shippen, r 16 24 Jlozgs Tvwnsnip. 93 Smith A Powell Barbara Snydor, 3 80 100 John Ivephart Henry Faunce, 3 90 70 F. Ransom Henry Faunco, 3 Ct 119 90 Fisher A Powell Barbara Snyder, 12 37 119 00 Fisher Doling ACo BarbaraSnyder, 6 IS 100 Patrick Doling. 5 20 132 George Hootman, f 92 53 Luke Kylcr, 3 40 80 G.W.Gcarhart Walter Stewart, 4 16 65 72 David Goss Richard Thomas, 3 44 30 114 David Fraiior Richard Thomas, 1 CI 52 63 Hardman Phillips Itich'd Thomas, 2 72 Bradford Township. 311 23 60 J. W. Smith Hugh Ely, 14 50 Jratier,LanichlFulton, fcfl 1"9 Matthew Forccy, 15 77 i nomas Jlolt John Nicholson, 100 Abm. Hoover Thomas Hawthorn, 100 Jos. A Wm. Sanson, 2iM) J.Woold ridge Aaron Lcnvy, 60 William Sansom, 145 Thomas Forcey, 40 Thomas Forccy, 150 V. P.. Holt, 85 William Graham, jr. 85 John Graham, jr. 100 Levi Pcareo Aaaron Lcavy, 115 Wm. Asfcey T. Cope. 75 John Dale B. O. Linn, 109 J.Graham, 90 Ab. Graham Isabella Jordan, 347 Geo. Smcal AndrcwByard, Brady Township. 11 72 4 19 4 20 16 SO 4 21 6 03 4 20 8 40 3 53 3 53 2 80 C 05 2 07 6 12 2 53 19 42 Io. Acres. Ps. Owner Warrantee. Tax. Joseph Read Jared Ingersol, 14 25 Jarcd Ingersol, 17 84 John Hart"s heirs 49 John Hart, 11 52 David Espy Wm. Ivirkpatriek. 1 7 54 P. Bcatis' estate D. Kennedy, 20 68 Ann Kennedy, 4 55 Hay? A A. L. Schnell Roberts & Fox. 3 10 Conrad Long, 19 95 Est of S.Cochran Joe. Ferron, 29 51 Tilton Reynolds Henry Wykoph, 59 32 Miss Curry Robert Curry, 12 64 Samuel Johnson. 6 57 Harrison Hall Robert Curry, 18 24 James Reed, 5 70 Robert Ross Casper Stiver, 5 62 L. J. Crans, now J. McClare Joseph Ferron, 7 e9 T. L. Eatdof Christian Lowe. 29 68 M. Ley's heirs Christ. Lowe, 35 63 Christian Lowe, 2ti 11 M. J. Tortcr Roberts A Vox, 5 70 Geo. Munn Roberts A Fox. 3 16 7S- 103W.W.Flemniing Roberts AFox.4 53 Adam W bccUr Koberts A Fox, 1140 B.D.RousheACo.28 50 Samuel Ambrofc, 4 95 David Irvin Roberts A Fox, 1 71 Burnside Township. Wm. Eigler Mary Crawford. 30 33 Frederick Kuhn, 29 54 . Peter Gets. 21 10 Jas.Thompson SaraT Roberts. 10 13 George GraB", 10 13 Uriah Loyd Christian Stake, 15 23 J. V t ishcr s etatc Matthias Slough, 10 12 L. U. Carter Hcnrv Mitsser, 8 10 George" Graff, 10 12 George Ros3 13 58 John Cunningham 21 84 Chest Township. 433 153 Drinker A Clark Wm. Cook, 29 50 433 153 John Cunningham, 29 50 100 31 Jas. Thompson Henry Pole. 5 90 433 153 A. Steer s heirs John'Mussy, 38 30 Clearfield Borough. Lot No. IS1 40 Curwensville Borough. One lot in name of John Scott, 22 40 Corint;fon Towitship. Anson G. Phelp. 53S7 734 GeorgoMead, 33 01 5303 1033 George Mead, 24 90 5370 1100 GeorgoMead, 25 30 5373 1100 GeorgoMead, 25 30 5374 1100 GeorgoMead, 25 30 5408 1100 GeorgoMead. 25 30 5410 1100 George Mead. 25 30 53S9 1043 George Moad, 25 02 5377 1100 GeorgoMead, 25 30 5377 483 GeorgoMead, 1114 5407 1000 George Mead, 23 00 5104 325 Goorgo Mead, 7 25 Peter A. Karthaus. 1893 573 Morris A Stowart, 12 32 1399 890 Morris A Stewart, 20 21 1902 83'J Morris A Stewart, 20 3H 1942 645 Morris A Stewart, 12 52 Decatur Township. 19,"i Joseph Harrison, 19 OS 404 Fcter Owens Charles Risk. 23 41 360 David Kophart, 31 55 433 153 Leonard AWallace JacobCox,40 25 90 113 DanT Albert Jos.Hambloton, 8 41 163 131 J. Hammerslaugh Hugh Ely, 14 50 33 120 William Montgomery, 2 62 G. A J H. Stinar, 35 CO Thcmas Edmonson. 3 03 135 KephartAAlbsrt JohnDrinkcr,8 26 60 Jacob Baughnian JohnSkyron, 4 35 50 Jon.Kephart Jacob Downing, 4 35 62 108 David Gearhart JohnSkyron, 5 45 37 49 James Albert Joseph Sansom, 2 36 93 53 J.Gearhart.Esq JohnCanon, 8 53 213 Enoch A David Gearhart John Skyron, 21 58 73 40 Daniel Avors George Graff, 6 61 51 32 Perks A Bowman William Sansom. 4 70 76 99 JatncsAlbcrt William Sansom, 6 61 Ferguson Township. 233 159 Greenwood Bell John Ham- hriirht. 10 13 433 153 Charles Huston Gcorgo Ross, 21 30 100 Bell's Estate P. Gloningcr, 5 60 354 250 324 313 641 202 615 202 492 30.-1 1434 3G3 305 161 1993 100 620 215 5VS2 613 5877 K ion 250 220 115 1 13 320 300 00 195 77 SCSI 135 13 521 218 501 110 370 3577 100 3S0'J 102 3M6 1993 200 5o0 40 1093 63 521 310 1 209 M0 100 150 100 100 100 121 163 Fox Tmenship. Rudolph II. Evans. 4272 425 James Wilson. 173 4272 50 James Wilson, 1 76 Sillman Harwood. 4200 330 James Wilson west i 1133 De Witt C. Morris. 4131 40i James Wilson west i IT 07 Nathan Bailey. 41Sc 203 Jams Wikon ca;t part, 5 ?0 William Turns. 41 83 COO James Wilson midu.e p 4275 090 James Wilson. 34 12 C 54 34 12 43 10 . 43 51 15 46 21 20 92 .27 60 17 10 0 Dl 11 01 8 65 34 12 5 34 William A. ailacc. 4188 190 Janiss Wilson west part, 41S3 900 James Wilson, . . U. S. Land Com ran v-. 4241 . 037 James V.'ibon, 423S 947 James Wils n, - 4242 336 James Wilson, 4090 923 James Wilson, 1534 20 James Wilson, 1535 COO James Wilson. Snnoer A Spiler. 4399 372 ' James Wilson. William R. Gordon. 1396 216 James Wilson. Daniel Oyster's Estate. 4i00 4t James AVilson. Alexander Vial. 4340 1S3 James Wilson, 4260 990 James Wilson, 108 B. Davenport, Girard Township. Anson G. Phelps : 5355 1100 George Mead, 5371 10S3 George Mead, 5S57 lOOil George Mead, 53i?0 3 i 00 GeorgoMead, 5364 103 120 George Mead, 5355 752 (ieOrge Mead, 5362 1003 Goorge Mead, 5358 1043 George Mead, 5375 1083 George Mead, 7 62 7 00 7 72 7 50 20 77 7 05 7 23 7 56 7 67 7 72 7 67 5 60 7 67 53fU 1100 GeorccMead. 5303 1100 George Mead, 53-2 1100 George Mead. 5352 793 Gsorgc Mead, 5353 1100 Gcoree Mead. . 4354 100S George Mead, 5355 1100 George Moad, 5359 1CC0 GeorgoMead, 5376 1100 GeorgoMead, 379 Cll George Mead. A. A W. Murray. 200 Morris A Stewart. J. Stitcs and wife. 115' 10 Morris and Stewart, Francis Hrrgueny. 213 53 Morris and Stowart, Francis Condriel. 13S3 7 23 4 82 6 10 7 II 6 16 2 03 73 1 50 5 72 1913 1937 1S90 1S90 1937 234 120 Morris and Stewart, A. and J.Spaekman. 4i Morris and Stewart, Morris and Stewart, Morris and Stewart, Morris and Stewart, Morris and Stewart, 3f.7 77 60 163 258 1913 1925 192C Goshen Township. Anson G. Thelps. Due on theso lands for 1B52 and 1S53 6313 653 George Mead, 5314 900 Gcorgo Mead, 5315 1000 George Mead, 5316 1000 GeorgoMead, 5317 1059 CO George Mead, 5313 lO'.VJ GeorgoMead, 6319 1099 GeorgoMead, 5320 1100 George Mead, 5321 1008 60 George Mead, 5322 1100 George Mead, 5323 1100 GeorgoMead, 5324 1100 George Mead, 53H5 623 George Mead, 5325 1100 George Mead, 5327 1100 Goorge Mead, 5323 1100 George Mead, . 5329 1100 George Mead, 5330 1100 George Mead, 5331 1100 GeorgoMead, John Keating. 1022 201 2 Morris and Stewart, M. P. Rider. 5325 200 George Mead, Huston Township. John B. Otto. 5C73 1041 8 Moore and Delany, 5074 1041 8 Moore and Delany, 6867 990 - William Powers, 505a 690 William Powers, 5075 1041 Moore and Delany, William Parker. 4257 853 15 James Wilson, U. S. Land Company. 4231 C33 James Wilson, 4234 526 James Wilson. 4235 9.-9 James Wilson, 4235 490 James Wilson, 4226 990 James Wilion. 4229 i:55 121 James Wilson, 4230 62.3 112 James Wilson, 4225 740 James Wilson, Thomas Holt. 50G4 990 William Powers, G. B. Gordon. 4235 250 James Wiison, 4233 600 James Wilson. Jordan Townhip. Cram. Blake A Tarley. 437 43 Reuben Uaynes, 435 60 Luke Morris, 433 153 Joseph Hilliard, 433 153 Robert Grav, 429 41 John Ringhurst, 433 153 Sarah Ward, . 433 153 Gcorgo Eddv, 433 163 Moore Wharton. 433 153 George Ashton, Richard Peter. 109 Susanna Ward, 129 John Dorf-ey, Wiiliam SIoss. 290 Adam Rboads. Drinker and Clark. 433 153 Daniel Smith, Greenwood Bell. 21fi 158 Adam Reigart, Daniel Bausman. 200 ii. A Mary McCorraaclt, Thomas McElee. 100 Jonatlan Jones, 120 Samuel Jordan, James M. Chase. 433 153 Caleb Foulk, 293 George Wescott, 433 153 Robert Wharton, 433 153 George Shoff, 300 John Bovd, 133 153 Robert Wharton, 103 Adam Kuhn, 433 133 Fbenezer Brenham, 433 153 . David Brown, 26 73 17 64 21 60 27 00 27 00 23 55 29 70 29 70 14 fcl It 85 14 85 14 5 29 70 16 60 29 70 14 85 14 85 14 85 14 85 14 85 8 85 18 20 70 70 25 Co SiJ f.5 60 70 20 ii o: 4.1 ' 25 48 66 75 33 06 f 6 79 65 13 42 40 49 93 17 82 16 85 33 73 4S 04 4H 72 48 50 43 50 4S 04 43 50 48 i0 4S 50 43 50 12 20 14 45 10 44 53 40 21 20 10 SO 5 GO 6 72 S3 40 24 4S 35 40 36 40 33 CO 11 20 14 44 f.O 58 33 40 Karthaus Township. A. G. Tholps. Georgo Mead, George Mead, George Meal, Gecrgo Mead, Gcorgo Mead, George Meal, Georgo Mead, P. A. Karthaus. Morris and Stewart, Morris and Stewart, Morris and Stewart, 5109 5411 5412 5413 540$ 6414 5405 1900 1901 1943 1093 1944 5412 1 093 1091 1095 1098 10U7 3405 3465 3468 3468 1100 1100 747 1043 1100 1000 167 600 773 507 200 513 3 no 301 48 8 49 49 5 75 7 25 8 in 8 50 I 21 57 20 43 24 21 43 12 40 31 SO 6 20 1 6i 2 63 9 II 20 13 4 15 12 26 1 00 2 94 19 65 1 21 Morris and Stewart, George Yaux. 93 Morris and Stewart, Peter McDouald, George Mead, 10 Charle Willink, 101 Charles Willink, 29 Charles Willink, Charles Willink, Charles Willink, 53 Charles Willick, Charles Willink, Charles Willink, 48 Charles Willink, Lawrence Township. A. G. Fholpi. GeorgoMead, George Meal, George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, Georgo Mead, George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, Geerge Mead, GeorgoMead, GeorgoMead, Gcorpe Moad, Geerge Mead, Gcorgo Mead. George Mead, George Mead. George Mead, ' George Mead, George Mai. - fob'inon Klin. . Eobcrts and Fox. 149 362 69 198 31 437 517 40 5292 5293 5294 5295 5296 5297 5293 5299 5300 5301 5302 5303 5304 5305 5306 5307 6303 5309 5310 5311 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 110O 1100 1100 lino 110!) 1900 9 42 S 42 42 8 42 8 42 8 42 8 42 7 62 7 62 ft 05 R 42 8 42 8 42 S 42 8 42 8 42 8 42 8 42 ft 05 14 82 5312 91 4 10 Morris Townnhip. Hf r.rv Lorain. 443 C5 440 109 440 20 Joaeph Turner for 'J2-'53 ID Jcsi-rh Turner, 10 M Joseph Turner. " 10 61 10 1 9 63 4 92 7 83 63 59 11 25 15 CO ; 175 54 CO 54 6! 25 00 14 3 21 81 12 35 43 40 43 4n 43 40 43 40 2S 00 43 40 43 40 43 40 43 40 43 40 4.1 41 4.1 40 43 40 12 50 13 62 47 SS 63 Ct 22 60 47 7T 43 61 4S 21 io'co 10 09 10 69 10 CO 23 1ft 4 CO 10 CO 2" 60 17 S2 13 07 9 60 14 62 SI 81 13 SI 41 12 12 19 5 00 2 81 83 13 20 31 12 20 423 Georgo Haybeckcr, " 402 Georgo Wetzel. " 2.i8 William Wert. u , 327 Christian Wertz, 1" 373 David Sanck, , . E. Perks A Co, 421 . Jesse YarccJL . ' - , McKean and Butler. .150- ." Christian MuMcr, Johnston A Bowman 390 1'etcr Varneil, . John Ixirain. , 14 70 Michael Soudcr, E. C. Burton. . : - . 272 18 Robert Glenn, . W. H. Sanderson. 47 lit Francis Johnston, 200 150 John Nicholson, S C. Thompson. 154 Hetty Morris, Snyder A Larg. 163 Francis Johnston, Hardman Phillips. - 99 ' ltiobard Thomas, Fhaw nnd St. John Smith. 433 153 Thomas Morris. 433 153 William Morris. " -433 153 Samuel Meredith, 433 153 William Miller, 279 153 Hetty Morris. 433 153 Thomas FitzMmmons, 433 153 George CI vmer, 433 153 RobortGar, 433 153 Robert Rai'nrv, 433 163 Patrick Moore, 433 153. Mary Morris." 433 153- Masnus Miller; , 133 153 - Nalbro Frazer, William Hoover. 100 153 Francis Johnston. Wni . Drinkcas' heirs: r.r0 John Fry. jr. " 30 John Thomas I yesrs - John Cot-k. 451 Jacob WatxeL' ; 2-3 Rcubon Haines, Furse'l & Co. ' 82 Joseph Simons, Daniel IV. Uradloy. 43tl lit lolert .Shaw, 431 111 . liyman Gratz, J.J.Miller. 200 John Nicholson, M. Htani. 101125 William Morris,- II. Beam. '. ICS Kobert Morris, George Hoover. 100 John Swanwicfc, Koliert Thomas. "SI Christian Raker, Swartz ct Bower. 50 Francis Johnston, 10O J. Tarlow, James M'Girk's estate. 211 22 1C3 19 1-.7 83 J5 143 11G 5 IS William Evans, Thilip Blanchanl. Patrick liava, S. it 11. Gratz. William Morris, Samuel Miles, Jr. Bernard Gratz, Joseph llcnrv, David Hall, ' Charles Hall, William D. Kirwin, Goorge Wetzel, Paul Wetzel, Hcuben Haines, John Earron, J. J. Lingle, James Smith, Penn Township. William Hepburn. Cochran Tract, Pike Township. . . John Nicholson, John Nicholson, John Nicholson, Daniel Hart sock, Benjamin Johnson, Benjamin Johnson, 1C2 411 121 113 100 27 2V3 241 03 5781 r.oo 5778 480 5777 1020 19 24 123 6 C2 1JV (0 21 74 SI C J5 60 ro Union Township. Gartlan! Irwin. S50 Koberts c Fox, 31 C9 Charles Blanchard. 970 60 Koberts & Fox, 57 75 It. Britton. 62 Koberts & Fcx, 1 85 Henry Baily. 50 Koberts & Fox, 1 7S Woodward Tcicnsh'p.. Dr. James Lock. 420 120 Uenrv Drinker, 2 2 ? 210 William Drinker, 20 IS 43 William llagartv, 3 12 S'.K) John M.orgin, " 25 22 Koltert Wallace. 150 5 Peter llenrr, 7 81 140 Hugh KalMon, ?S William A. Wallace. 401 28 Samuel Hamilton, 12 3S Thomas Kahton. 177 K. McGhee, 14 F3 Lisle .McCullov. 15 57 Philip Dittetidafler, 1 25 Head Alexander & Co. 4S 115 Marv Connolly, 4 fS 2'X) Daniel Fnlkerson, $ 60 Dr. lloutz. 4?.3 153 Thilp Lost, ?, Si 422 163 Jacob K. Howell, S2 4i 433 lo-l William Johnson, G8 Zi 100 C3 Goorge Bickbam, 7 6? Hardman Philips. 260 GO John Jl'dlien 21 37 MS John Lampblack, 8 22 McCullr. 38 Figot Shaw, 8 IS Henry Ilegarty, S4 George Baker. 2 41 Bank ot N. A. 433 153 T. r. Wbarlon, cy 35 ELI BLOOM, Treasurer. S538 S591 S591 Treasurer's Ort.ce, Clearfield, .uarcu t., isoo. "IT A LIABLE TOWN PROPERTV FOR SALK. The subscriber offers for sale bis Tar- ern Stand, on the corner of Market and Frent streets, in the torouch of Clearfield. The hou-a is largo and commodious and well calculated for a ublio hon?c. tor psrticnlars inquire of W. A. iVallace, Esq., or of the subscriber living on the premises. . J. UHMFHILL- 21arch 5th, 1553 TVOTICE. Whereas Lexers of Administration 11 on the lsUt Of Job'. Prie loe-d- lata of Roprrs township, Cleared countv. Pa., hare bn granted to tho unde ginned, residing in Lawrene township, all pcr-onj indebted to said estate ate requested to incite immediate payment, and tho having clair.lS npainot said estate will present thetu, pror,rly authenticated for settlement, te A. X. SC1LRYVER. Mrch 5th, 1553. Administrator. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP I'hfi nsrtnar&hin nratnf.N ..!,(! nr. James M. Kelly nud Wm. R. Dickinson, tradb. under the name of Kollv 4 Dickinson, is this dy by mutual consent dissolved. ' - ' ' J. M KELLTi - - : W. R. DICEIXSON . C.Ien Hope, Feb 13, 1S50 - i VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. The eultcribcr offers for sale bis valnahl farm, situate two miles from Cnrwensville, on the Rivr road lending to Lumber Ctty ; aetd farm eon taininz H)5 acres, sixty acres cleared, undercook cultivation, the balance well timbered; with - coed tarn, nw plank dwelling bue. and a go boar ice: orchard thereon, and i wIl watere. . For further lufarmatioa inquire of lh nuhfvribtr lir-ir-a on t'a prmi!. SIM05 THO.MPSOK. erary 27, ieo ens' t t;- 4 i F r it