JUL b iw",-- , ''. - - 1 : - 1r .! 1 -- b if ! I! it I ii if f : - 1 C " - i-! . 4!:' t r f ( lit; it S : . ; !lv r.-7 (I l -- - K n: I it IK. 3 if A PARTNER WANTED The isnder signed, doing business as a Tanner and Cur rier, at Curwensville in this county, will take a Partner, who can furnish a cash capital of at least $500. The Tannery is large and commodious, and capable of doing a much larger business than the subscriber feels able to do by himself. No better opportunity can be afforded to an active business man, with the above capital, who wishes to go in to a paj ing business, S. B. TAYLOR. Carwensville. Dec. 19, 1855, 3mo. NEW FIRM. HARTSHORN & M'CRACKEN have just received a new and splendid assort ment of goodi at their store in LUMBER CITY. . They invite the public to give them a call, and feel assured they will be able to render entire sat isfaction. Lumber, Hides, Rags Grain, and all other kinds of produce taken in excanger- r BENJ. HARTSHORN, . thos. .Mccracken. - Aug. 1. 1S55. . ...... VEW ARRIVAL. IV . . A. JL B A VII A N, Wart Room thru doors ahov iljy' IIotl, Plant lioad street, 1 yrone City, J. a. KEEPS constantly on hand a larzc assortment e Philadelphia and Pittsburg Cooking, Parlor, Bar and beating Stores, of different patterns, sires and prices: Stove pipe, shovels, coal hods, io. - Also, Cider Mills, Ploughs, Cultivators, Ac. Ao., all of which will be sold 10 to 20 per cent.- eheap r than eau be purchased out of the cities. If you want bargains, don't forget to call atRauman's o. r"n,. ia 'r, .,, FALL ASD WINTER GOODS. The sub scriber has just received a large and well e lected stock' of NEW GOODS, . , of almost every description suitable to the season, which he is selling off at extremely low prices. Ho respectfully invites the attention of all who wish o buy good Goods at the lowest prices, to call at the sigu of the ..." .-"CHEAPEST' GOODS." " Country produce of almost every discription ta ken at market prices in exchange for goods. Persons wishing to purchase, and receive a fair equivalent for their money, will do well to give ham a call. .. , i Remember the sign of the CHEAPEST GOODS, en Market street, and call and be convinced that there is truth in the words thereon inscribed. V. : - - - Wil. F.IRWIN. November 25, 1835. - ' TVrEW ARRIVAL. . 11 , , A. V J. PATC1UX, Have just received a new and splendid assort ment of Goods the best that was ever brought in to the- upper end of Clearfield Connty. They in vite their friends and the public generally to give them a call, where they will , find all kinds of goods usually kept in a Country Store. .- Come and examine our stock wo charge noth ing lot the exhibition. AARON PATCHTN. JACKSON PATCHIN. ' Barnside, Nor. 23, 1355. - : : - A VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. . I desire to sell my property in Tyrone City, Blair Co. Pa., commonly Known as the Tyrone City Hotel. Comprising as follows : One large three story brick house. Sixty feet, two fronts, and finished off in complete style. A large and extensive stable, au excellent wash house and other necessary ut-bui!dings. There it also, on the same Lots, one frame house, with out-buildings attached, now renting for one. hun dred and thirty dollars per annum. - The whole ctand upon three valuable Lots as in the plot cf taid town, and affords several very eligible loca tions for store, offices. Ac, ko. Tho whole will be old on reasonable terms. And to any person, de siring an investment,' or speculation, now is the chance. Private reasons caute me to sell this val uable propertywhich is every day increasing ia value. Inquiro ef tWeb Onyer. or the subscriber. J. D. STEWART. T-Tyrone City, Sept. 15, 1655.-tf. ;? LOOK HERE. , M OSSOP OX IIAXD AGAIN! , .: : Thi Cheapest Goodi in the County.' THE undersigned begs leave to inform his old cus tomers, and . the public, that he has just returned from the East, with a splendid assortment of WINTER GOODS, which he will eeTl lower, for CASH, than they can be bought at any otlior plaee in the County. He if determined to act cpon the motto of ;7SMALL PROFITS AND QUICK SALES." srod will ifll goods, for cash, at tho most trifling Svanee on cost and carriage. ' Call and examine the stock, and satisfy yoar 'elf that it is no .humbug that . "MOSSOP SELLS THE CHEAPEST GOODS IX THE CO VST I.' BEY GOODS, GROCERIES. QUEENS-WARE, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, . BOXXETS. SHAWLS, C0NFIXTI0NARIES, riSH, TOBACW. STATIOSARr, LIQUORS, and a little of everything. . Alt of which will be sold at lower prices than ev er before offered in Cloarfiold. r . It. 1 OSSOP. Clearfield Nov. 14, 185i. IMPORTANT TO HOUSEKEEPERS and J. FRUIT GROWERS. ARTHUR'S PAT ont Air-Tight Self-Sealing Cans and Jars, for Preserving Fresh Fruits, &o. This invention for which a patent has been obtained, cojnuiends it- elf to tho attention of Housekeepers and others on aocount of its great simplicity, and the - effectu al manner in which it accompliihcd a very desi rable and usctul orject .The cans and jars are constructed with a ehan nel around the mouth, nerr the top, into which the cover fits looeelv. This channel is filled with a very adhesive cement, prepared for tho purpose and allowed to harden. In order to seal tho ves sel hermetically, it is only Hecetsarif to heat the tovcr attzhtlu, awl press U into place. , It may bo opened with as much case as i is closed, by slight ly warming the top. The ordinary tin cans, used for the same purpose for which this is intended, cannot be closed, as is well known without the aid ef a tinnsr; are difficult to opcn. and are generally M much injured in -opening as to be useless for future service. i By this simple contrivance, the process of hcr isetical pealing U placed conveniently " within the reach of every individual; and fruit, vegetables ana Dutter (it properly prepared may be kept, with their natural flavor unimpaired, tor an in dc&oite length of time. Tor sale by . T - MEKRELL & CARTE Rj- . Clearfield, Sept. 19. 1 Sj5 tf. "- J A beautiful and well selec ted assortment just receiv- d and for &1I0 by Sept. 5, W. F.. IRWIN". . ', A new stock just reeefved at LIE Si? Sep-5, W. P. IRWIN'S. F IRE-PROOF PAINT, for sale at June IS, '55V R. M03S0'S.' BEREGE DELAINES. A superior article o Berego Delaines in dress patterns, et 25 cent per yard, pever soli in this countv before for loss than JOeonts at . - , , RICHARD M0SS0P S. Janol3, . . , . . CHEAP CLOTHING. A large lot of Cheap Clo thing, Men's and Bovs, for sale cheap, bv Juno 13, '55. RICHARD MOSSOP.' B LACKBERRY BRANDY. A certain cure for 1 the J'ysentarv. for sale bv - - . June 13, 'ii. ... RICHARD MOSSOP. A Large assortment of Stone ware nt the store of JunelS-l. . " ' W. F. TRWIN. M ACKEREL, HERRING and CODFISH, at tho tore oi Jn 18.J - W. IKWiif.-? G TTPtMPS.-fJrTsale'iiT.tliSWrCpn in vinvrnsvrtle bv - 1 1 ATTON BAC02t-r-A large of BACON for sale, cheap, for cash, at ; . f fob. 13 ilOSSOP'S . . PORK and DRIED FRUIT. excoUent articles, can b procured at the store of vCarwenaviUe, Feb. 13. . - , H. D. PATTOX. ! Iron;. . efcIS -An excellent a;jorUnBt of Iron for rale " ,,H.D..PATTON. ; . CnrwDrrine, Fa. ' CLEARFIELD LODGE Nb. 108 LO. of O. F. meets every Saturd.iv evening, at 6i o' clock, at their Hall in Merrcll A Carter's new buil ding on Second street. feb2 J JOnr RUSSELL & CO.", TAXXERS AXD CURRIERS, ' ; PenncilU, Clfrrfitf'l Co., Pa., Keep constantly on hand an excellent assortment of leather, which they offer for sale at the lowest cash prices. Hides taken in exchange. - ' July 15. 1S54. D AVID S. PLOT.NE R Respectfully informs bi old frirnds and tho ttublic, that he has obta ined the services of a pood Cutter and work man as a foreman in the tailoring- busiues3, and he is how prepared to attend to any orders in his Lineol work on tne most accomniouaiin!? icrius.uiiu short notice, and will have clothing on hand at all timos. such as dress coats, frock c;uts, vests, and pantaloons of tlicir own niannfrtcture, and good material at the lowest price3. With a wish to ac commodate, ho soliuits a share of patronage. N"ew Washington. May 9. 1S55. BLACKSMITIIIXG Tho subscribur would inform the publie that he has taken the Black smith Shop formerly occupied by George Orr. on the corner of Third and Main streets, in the bor ough of Clearfield where he carries on the business in ull its various branches. JACOB SIIUXKWEILER. . June 6, 1355.-ly PI1ILIPSBURG HOTEL: Tho subscriber would inform his friends in Clearfield, and the public generally that he has enlarged and refitted his bouso, and is now enabled to compete success fully with any Hotel in the country. No pains will be spared to render his guests comfortable. ,His table ahull always bo supplied with the best the market can afford, and his charges moderate. He respectfully invites his friends and others to givehim a call. DAVID JOHNSTON. Philips 'jarg Jan. 31,1S55. 1 y. TYRONE LIVERY STABLE. Tho sub scriber, having removed bis Livery Stable from Curwensville to Tyrone City, begs leave to his friends and the public, that he is at all times prepared to supply them with Horses, carria gos, buggies, and other vehicles on hire, at the most reasonable terms. Inquire at the liCitv Hotel." JAMES CROWTHER. - Tyrone, January 31, lS55.-Cmo. J OIIN TKOUTMAN. House. Sign and Orna mental Painter. Glazier, Chair maker and Paper Hanger, ofTer? his services to tho citizens of Clearfield and vicinity. c-hop on iMirket !l..just Of low tne rati miry. Z11AUIS. LOUXGES. SOFAS. ROC1UXG CHAIliS, OTTOJIAXS, Ac, . kept constantly on hand and made to order, equal in beauty to anv that can be obtained Irom the East, and more durable iu material. Aug. 1. ISjd. HAVE YOU SEEN SAM? Tho subscriber would inform his old friends and the public generully, that be still continues to keep a house ot entertainment in Jew Washington where those who call with him will receive every attention. and be made comfortable. Good stablintr. and every other convenience for horses on tho premises. DAVID S. PLOTNER. rew ashington, Jan. .31, ls.5. JEW GOODS: Tho undersigned has just re ceived a large assortment of NEW GOODS, - at his store in K A II T 11 A U S, w hich he offers for sale cheap for cash or country produce - r. P. HURXTHALL. September 5. l.oa. I EXCHANGE INSURANCE COMPANY, i Ko. 11. Merchants' Exchansre. PHILADELPHIA. This Company, with an amnio Capital, well se cured, is prepared to effect Insurances in Clear field, and adjoining Counties, on terms as liberal as consistent with the safety of the Company. Oct. 3, 1S55. . . Secretary. CABINET MAKING. Tho undersigned would respectfully inform the public, that he has taken tho old stand opposite the Methodist murcu, known as M ORKOW S S HOP. - whero he keeps constantly on hand and manufan- tnres to order, every variety of Household and Kitchen - - FURS1TURE, such as Tables. Bureaus, Safes, Stands Cupboards, Sofas, Bedsteads, Ac., of every stvlo and varietv. JOSHUA JOHNSON. Clearfield. Pa., Aug. 1S55. N EW FIRM MERRELL & CARTER would inform tho nublic, that thev have iust onen- d an extensive ; COPPER, TIN AND SHEET-IRON "WARE : MANUFACTORY, 0a Second Street in the borough, cf : CLE A R FIE L D,. whero they are prepared to'furnieh atroduedd pri ces, every variety of articles in their line. Steel, Lar-iron, . nails, steves of every varietv Til . 1 l r , . ., " " j iuu;;ii3 unu iarming uionsus, pumps ot j every uescripiioa. stove, pipo, patent sausage cutters, funnels and self sealing caii3 kept constantly on nana. Alltrders for castings for Flour Mills.Saw.Mills. Ac. will be thankfully received end promptly at- HOUSE SPOUTING DONE TO ORDER. They are also prepated to receive every varie ty of article on commission, at a low per-centago. O. U. MERRELL. ' , " L.R. CARTER. Clearfield. Sept. 19, 1S53 ly. r II O! FOR THE. TEMPLE OF ITflXOK B R A D 1 A- At & J ii k .S. TIN, COPPER, & SHEET-IE0N WARE fflAHUFACTORY, ' nilLIPSBL'RG, PA. BRADIN & M'GIRK have just openod an exten sive 1 m, Copper, ty- bitet-Iron Ware Minufaetu- ry. wiierc iney arc ai an times prepared to supply customers with every Conceivable article from the smallest Coffee pot spout to the longest pipo ima- I WHOLESALE &. RETAIL business, and, will at all times have on hand a large assortment oi roaay-maae ware. r . 11 OUS ES P O UT I X G ' done to order, on the shortest notice, and put d r . i. . , . ... ' iu a neai, BuubiaiiwiM manner.' STOVES,' STOVE-PIPE; $ KETTELS', , r i of every variety kept constantly on hand. They will furnish to order any of -tho followin Cook Stoves, viz: The illiani Pcnn, Queen of the west, the Atlantic,' anl Cook-Complete, all of which are suitable for both wood and coal. Among the Parlor Stoves will be found the ''Lady Washington," the '-Excelsior," 'Homo Parlor,' Ac. 'Produce of all kinds taken in exchange for goods. A. A. BRAD1.V. - - ' JNO. D.' M'GIRK. October 24, 1S35 tf. fTri D v"--? '"'g0 assortment jnst re hzJr-JzQQLDSy ecived at very low-price by ? Sdpt. , . . r W. F. IRWIN. Q Pj f)V ZZ b,00k juf received 7 iri c J MOsSOP', C LOCKS. Eight day, . thirty hour and til. arm Clocks for salo at Mossop's Store. .In.; 13. ADTEd' GLOVES. A very, large lot ufblack set worked Gloves, at 10 cents a pair worth E 2iets at Mossop's cheep cash store. Jn. 13, '55. ifl f K O Uf a r Ct I A A ., . general awortuient of Hardware and Cutlery. , " - . -- - ; , BACON A co I lot ef Hami and Shouldertat ' Juael 1 i W. T. IRWXVS; H D R YGnTTrTJ A largo ortmen iustre Tffp " Q r S-J ceived and opened by Aug. 2-'. , ; .. .7 R. MOSSOP. 4 K. WRICIIT, MERCHANT, axo EXTEN SIVE DEALER IN LUMBER, Second Street, one door south of his residence, Clearfield, Pa. Clearfield. March 14. 1335. J - eURRAII FOR KANSAS ! The Blood Red Banner floats in triut.-.ph on tho 'Old Cor tier Store," where A. M. Hills has just opened the cheapest and most splendid assortment of Goods, ever displayed before this community, and exactly adapted to "their many and various necessities. HAT.. CAPS, BOOT.S. SHOES, BONNETTS, CAS- SI.MERES. CLOTHS, DRESS GOODS, TOIL : ET ARTICLES. DM LANES. PRINTS, ; " GLOVES. HARDWARE. STONE and 1 QUEENSWARE, GROCERIES, with fancy articles tul infinitum. Clearfield. June '20. lS.Va. A. M. HILLS. REMOVAL : The nndersigncd begs leave to inform his friends that he has removed his BOOT AND SHOE STORE, from "Shaw's Row," to his new building, opposite the Office of James Wrigly. and two doors south of the Oflice G. R. Barrktt, Esq. He still keeps constantly on hands, every varie ty of Ladies slippers, gaiters, pumps. Ac. Men's fancy shoes and gaiters, with an excellent assort ment of heavy work, all adapted to the various wants of tho people of Clearfield. Ho hopes his friends will call at his NEW STORE, and ex amine his Ftwk. . .. Boots and Shoes made to order, and mending done as heretofore ISAAC J011NSTCN. Clearfield, June 27, 1335. GULICII & DENNER, would respectfully inform tho citizens of Clearfield, and public generally that they havo entered into co-partnership in the CAB I SET MAKIXG BUSIXESS, and keep constantly oa hand, and manufacture to order, at the lowest prices, every variety of furniture, consinting of Dining, Breakfast, a tul Centre Tables, Scu-ing, - Writing, and Wash-Stands, Mahogany, aui Common Bed-s'.cads ; Mahogony and Cane-bottomed Chair?. Bureaus, Sofas. Lounges, Ac, Ac. . Collins made and funerals attended on the short est notice, with a neat hearse, and appropriate accompanyments. House Painting done on the shortest notice. - Shop and Ware-rooms, same as formerly occupi ed by JohnGulich, mearly opposite the 'Jew Store,' Clearfield. Pa JOHN GULICII. May 22, !io.-ly. DANIEL BENNER. THE GOOD INTENT HOTEL, CUSWENSV1LLE, PA. The Subscriber would inform his friends and the public that hehas just refitted and re-furnished his house ami is prcparedto render every attention to the travelling community. His bar contains liquors of the first quality, and his table will always he supplied wih the best in market. - He re'peeffnllv solicits his friends and others to give him a call." WM. R. FLEMMING. August 1, 1855. G1IVE THEM A TRIAL: SILVER'S W PLASTIC PA IXTS : CHEAP, nURA B LE A SI) PR O TEC TIV'E. WEATHER & P1RE-PR00P. These Paints will stand any climate, without crack cr blister, and haidcn by exposure; thus making in timo an enamel of Stone, protecting Wood from decay, and Iron and other metals from rust and corrosion. They differ essentially from the so-callod Mineral Paints of tho day, which aro principally Ochres, and Clays, and are entirely worthless. SILVER'S riastic Paints are purely METALL IC, containing no Alumin or Clay. They are levigated finely, mix readily with Lin seed Oil, (without tho trouble of grinding. and flow i.'iidcr tho. brush asfreelp as the best White Lead, and excel all others in body or covering properties, one pound of which will cover as much surl'aco as two pounds of White Lead, rcdueiiic; the cost two-thirds. There are six dialinct tolors, viz: Olive, I Lirht Brown, Light Chocola'.e, Black, I Dark Do. Deep Do. All equally valuable as a preservative, Bnd par ticularly adapted to painting the outside of - 5 ' BUILDINGS, FENCES, STEAMBOATS, CARS, TIN AND IRON WORKS. Remember! Exposure hardens and xncrcast the durability of thnc P.1ISTS. DIRECTIOXSMix with pure Linseed Oil, as tkiclly as possible, as the Paint is the. lasting or protecting body, and the oil simply the medium, or agcut in spreading it. FRENCH & RICHARDS General Wholesale Agents, Iff. W. corner Tenth and Market Streeta, PHILADELPHIA. For sale, Wholesale and Retail. Dry and Ground in Oil, by Sam'l Berlin", Tyrone City, Pr. L'calor in Drugs. Medicines. Paints, Oils, Bru-acs, Aug. 15, '55. Window Glass, Ac. nniiE X EN PENNS Y LVAN1 TELEG R A I'll . ENLARGED FORM & REDUCED TERMS. THE CASH SYSTEM ADOPTED. On and af ter tho first of Januury, 1S55, the Pennsylvania TELF.r.RArn, published at Harrisburg, Pa., will bo owned and conducted by tho undersigned, who w ill givo their bct energies to make it worthy of its cause and of iti friends. It will commence tho new year printed on en tirely new typo, and tho Weekly greatly enlarged in form while the price will bo lotcr than that of any cuter piper oj us class ever puiilt shed at tlut Capital of thei Slate, ad j-aymknts will cb nn- tuiHEi strictly ix advance. No paper will 1)0 sent until it is paid for, and all will be discontinued as the subscriptions expires. unless thovnre renewed Tho Telegraph is is?uad SEMI-WEEKLY, on a Fuect oi twenty-four columns, duringt ho sessions ot the Legislature, und WEEKLY on a double sheet o f forty-eight columns the remaiaeder of tho year, it will present a comprehensive summary ot the legislative proceedings; all important general laws, as iney are passea, ana aim to give me current political intelligence ot the tunes in the fullest and mo3t reliable manner. In short, the proprietors hope to make it a complete Family una i oiuie.it journal, ana ttiey confidently anpea to tho people of Pennsylvania to sustain their enl tcrprise. The Telhoraph will advocate a liberal nnlitit.l policy, and aim to unite all those who, though an imated by the same common purposes, and looking to tho same benificent results, seem distracted by tne conflict ot distinctive organizations. It will sustain tho highest standard of American Nation ality; and while yielding a sacred obedience to tho compromises of the Constitution, will determined ly reaibt the extension of Human Slavery. It will give a cordial, earnest and independent support to the administration of t.ov. Pollock. - . TERMS STRICTLY IN ADNANCE. ine AEi.EC.KArxi will bo furnished SEMI-WEEK- l&vrV?3 tb BCiions of the Legislature, and V EEkLl , on a double sheet tho, tho remainder of mo year, ai mo following low rates tho jioset 1 . ARIABLY TO ACCOMPAN Y TilK ORDER ; ;?ingle subscriptions, Five copies (SI S0iorcorv S2 9 17 00 no no Ten copies (51 70 per copy) l wenty copies (! b0 per copy) 39 (-0 And at the same price (SI 50 per copy) on any number over twenty. Clubs should bo made up at once, and tho subscriptions forwarded beforo tho first of January, so that they oan commenco with the session-of the Legislature'.; Subscriptions will bo forwarded from this office. All orders must be addressed to ;, .; '; J M'CLUKE & SELLERS, .' Harrisburg, Pa. 11 Basinets men will find the. Telkp.rai'A the very lest Advertising Medium inPenn.svlvania.out eg ine cities. - - . . Dec. 12, 'o$r2t. "IT ADIES' Handkerchiefs, all Linnen, for sale by JLi Juno IS, 'io.l . R. vos.siip MUSLIN, at 5 cents per yard, at Mossop's cheap cah store. ; . - .JuP0 13, BOOTS A SHOES. A large and splendid assort ment of Ladies', Gentlenicns' and Childrens' Boots and Shoes for sale at Mossop's. Jn. 13...- MANTILLAS A largo lot of Ladies' and Chil dren's Mantillas for sale at Mosson's nhenn Cash Store i ' f Juno 13 5.' r BLACKBERRY BRANDY", for the cure of Chol era Morbus, Dvsentarv and all other di ef the stomach and bowels, far sale bv R Mni OKER, IiROTnEHS & JONES, Ho. 158 & 160, market street,. PHILADELPHIA;. Importers and manufacturers of City and . . EASTERN MADE BOOTS AND SHOES., i , Also, every variety of French Rnd English Shoe Bastings" Patent Leather, Kid and Calf-skins, - Khoe Laecs. Gallons,-Bindings; Ac., suitable for manufacturers. Also. Foreign and Domestic! Straw and Silk Bon nets, Leghorn, Panama, and Palm-Leaf Hats, ; English, French, and American artificial . Flowers, Oil Silk, Straw Trimmings, , Ac, Ac. " Having removed to our new Store, No. 153 & 1G0 Market Street, below 5th, South Side, tip stnirs. we invite vour attention to our large and varied Stock of Straw Goods, Boots and Shoes, which we are preparing for the approaching Fall Salc3. ' All our Goods being exclusively of our own di rect Importation and Manufacture, we feel confi dent that our facilities are such that wc can otfer you inducements as regards variety nud prices of Goods, unsurpassed by any house iu the conntry. BOKER, BROTHERS & JONES, . : Nov. 8, lSjl.-ly. . Philadelphia. BROOK. TYSON & REI1N 'Wholesale Dry Good's Store, No. H6, Market Street. Philadel phia. Aug. J. 135.-1 y. GOOD NEWS ! Wholesale Store opened in. Tyrone City, where anybody who want3 cheap goods can purchase. The subscriber hasjist opened a large and well selected stock of Goods in T Y R O N E C I T Y , ' - Corner of Logan and Juniata Stt, ne has on hands and will constantly keep a largo stock of - ' ' Dry Gowls, Groceries, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Clothing, Hardware, Queensware Drugs, " P Ii O VIS IO XS of all kinds, consisting of - r Potatoes, B.teou, Fruit, Bean". Flour,. Wheat, Corn meal, Au., c. Mi flffi CM. RYE. K And he hereby gives notiee that he will sell his goods as low as they can be purchased in any town or county Lhis sido of Philadelphia, and will take Boards. Shingles, or even money in exchange. July 4, '55.') F.M.BELL. iiOING IT ALONE. The undersigned hav- ing taken to lumsclt the store lormurly own ed by Ptitchin A S'.van. t;ikcs pleasuro in informing his friends mid the public generally, that ho has just received from the city a splendid assortment of Dry Woods, Hardware, liuecusware, Groceries, t onleetionarics. Hats and Caps, lioou and. Shoes, and every thing else usually kept iu a country store, i ersous wishing to buy cheap . and good Goods should not forget that he is determined not to be undersoM bv r any store mthe ct'unty. llis motto is '-a nimble penny rathe lhau u slow six pence ' C l'AlCJll. Glen Hope, July 5. 1S54. J. P. NELSON & CO., JWorrh Totrnsliip, Clearfield Co., Pa., Would respectfully inform the citizens of that vi cinity that they keep constantly on hand a large assortment of ...... Dry Goods. Hard-Ware, Queensware, Groceries, Confectioniiries, Hats V Caps. Boots Jjr Shoes, and all other articles usually kept in a country store, which thej' are determined to sell low for cash, conntry produce, or lumber. August 1, IS55. I EXCHANGE HOTEL, PHILlPSnURG. -i The subscriber, thankful for past favors, would respectfully solicit a continuance of the lib eral patronage bestowed upon his House by th'i Public Ho is prepared to aecoinmodato water men, editors, drovers, and all others who may call with him. in the very best manner. ' Ho also purposes to run a line of Hacks from Tyrone to Clearfield, for the accommodation of the travelling public. J. G. RUNK. l'hilpsburg. March 14. lSr.5.-tf. - TV' EH" MILL At thoOId Pioneer Mills on the J.1 Moshannon, in Morris township. The -sub scriber has just completed a large new'Grist Mill, which is in successful operation.. Urain of all kinds bought, stored, and sold on commission. . Dec. 27. 6. HENRY GROE. P R O t E S S I O N A L rfTHOS.J. McCULLOUGH, ATTORNEY AT A LAW and DISTRICT ATTORNEY", Clearfield. Pa., may be found at his office in Shaw's Row, four doors wei-t of the '-Mansion House." Deeds and other legnl instruments prepared with prompt ness and accuracy. Feb. 13 ly. BARRETT & LARRIMErT ATTORNEYS AT LAW. r having entered into copartnership in the practice of their profession, will faithfully attend to all business entrusted to their caro in Clearfield coun ty. G. R. BARRETT, .1. II. LARIMER. Clearfield. Julv 13. 1555.-Iv. - RUCIIER SH OOPE, - ATTOllXEY AT LAW. Oleapfiflp, Pa. Two doors East ot Journal ofiicc. Up stairs. lee. 1. 1854. ' L JACKSON CRANS, ATTORXEY AT LAW CLEARFIELD, PA. OCieo adjoining his residence, on Second .St August 1, 185."t. JAMES RIDDLE GORDON, A TTO R2 E r A T . LA W, - .. CLEARFIELD, PA. Office in the room adjoining, on tho East, the Drug Store, of Dr. II. Lorrain.' He may be con sulted in French and German, August 1, 1 855.-1 y. - - M ' ' r. .'. W. A. WALLACE, ATTORXEY AT LAW CLEARFIELD, PA. Office nearly opposite the Court House. August 1, 1S55. J B' MEN ALLY, ATTORXEY AT LAW. , CLEARFIELD, PA. Practices in Clearfield and adjoining counties. Office nearly opposite Judge Wright e store. August 1. 1H05. .; , DUNDY, , .4 TTO R XEY AT T.A W ; CLE AR FIELD, PA. Ofhce in the room adjoining ou the West, the Store of Win. F. Irwin.- .. . August 1, 1S55. JOHN II. MULLEN, ; PIIYSICIAS', ; Frenrhville. Clearfield County, Pa., Having rented the property and situation of Dr. HoopS tenders his professional services to the citizens of Frenchville, and vicinity. - Office, ono door cast of Lutz's store, Frenchville. ... uay 'W.-tim. F. AKLEY, "-':. Pit 'STrT4 V Grahampton Clearfield County. P.,' tenders hi professional services to the inhabitants of Urohauipton and surrounding country he can at all times be found at his Office, directly oppo site Jlr. J. B. Graham's store, when not profes. sionally engaged. J Apl. 25." . A. M. HILLS, D. D. S. " Office adjoin ing his Store, Clearfield, IV Artifi cial Teeth, from ono to a full set. nuuin. d in tho most upproved modern style. fining, riling, and Cleaning done with care and neatness. - . : Teeth extracted with all the care and dispatch modern science can furnish. . j.- . DR. HILLS. Can IilwavsbA found nt hi nfTiott as he ia now devoting his whole attention to his profession. ' -. June 20. '55. ; GEO. B. GOODEANDER, SCRIVENER:and JITSTICB OF THE PEACE." Lntharilhnrir Clearfield Co., Pa., will attend promptly to collec tions, acknowledging Deeds, Ac ' - ' ' : Refebexcep. Hon. G. R. Barrett, Wm. A.Wal lace, Clearfield I Ex-Govt Wra, Bigler, Pbilad.; Hon. David Barclay. Punxsutawnev : Hn. a. Ys Zdgitr, Broekville; H?n. J, Burntide, Bellefoute, B' to "CrOOD'S ORNAMENTAL 11 IRONWORKS, ' ' " 5 ? Ridge Avenue, 7 - PHIL A DELPHI A. . The attention of the public i3 invited to the ex tensive manufectory and ware-room of the subscri ber, who is prepared to furnish, at tho shortest no tice, IRON RAILING, of every description, for CEMETRIES, PCBLTC A PRIVATE BUILD INGS. Also. VERANDAHS. BALCONIES, ' FOUNTAINS. SETTEES, CHAIRS. LIONS, DOGS, Ac, Ac., it;., Ac, - . and other Ornamental Iron Work of a docorafivo character, all of which is executed with the express viewed pleasing the taste, while they combine all requisites of beauty and substantial construction. Purchasers may rely on having all articles care fully boxed and shipped to their place of destina tion. A book of designs will bo sent to those w ho wish to make a selection. ROBERT WOOD. Ridge Avenue below Spirng Garrden St., Oct. 6. '55.-3m. Philadelphia ONRAD & WALTON, . 255 Market Stre.t,' PHILADELPHIA; Importers and Dealers in - IROS, XjSILS, . They rcEpectfully invite tho people of Clear field, to continue their favors.. "Aug. , lS55.-ly. ... 31' OCNT VERNON HOI SE. No. 59, Korth Second St:eot. PHILADELPHIA. The undersigned having taken the old well kuown house, which has been renovated and re modeled throughout, respectfully solicits his Clear? field friends to give him a call on their visits to the city. , The furniture is all new, and ha3 been selected with care from Ilcnklcs well known establishment in Chestnut Street, and is of the latest and most fashionable style. The location for Merchants and others coming to the city is convenient, being in the centre of business. 1. L. BARRET7, Aug. 1, 1555.-ly." Proprietor. ARRIS, ORIJISON & CO., WHOLESALE DSTJGGISTS, No. 259. Market St., North side between Cth A- 7th. Philadelphia. 'Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Pat ent Medicines, Surgical Instruments. Druggist's Glassware, Window Glass. Paints. Oils. Dvfs. Per fumery, Ac, Ac. JOHN HARRIS, M.' D. E. B. ORBLSON, Aug. 1, '55.-1 j. J. SIIARSW00D. RUSSELL & SCIIOTl Nob. 13S Market St.. 5 Merchant St., PHILADELPHIA . Importers and Wholesale Dealers in DRUGS, CHEMICALS, $c. They respectfully invite their Cleafield friends to give them a call. .Ian. 17,-'55.-1 y. HOOD & CO Extensive Dry-goods Dealers, No, 1S7, Market St., Philadelphia, keep constant ly on hand a large, splendid, and cheap stock of the most fashionable and elegant goods. They in vite country Merchants to call and examine their splendid assortment, beforo purchasing elsewhere. August 1, 1355.-ly. VS7TLLIAM S. HANSELL & SON, Manufac l turers and Importers of Saddlery, and Sad dlery Hardware. No. 2S Market Street. Bhiladel-r-hia. Saddles. Bridles. Harness. Trunks, Whips SaduloBags, Bridle Filling, Bits, Stirrups. Buckles Carpet Bags. ect. f Aug. I, :55.-ly B EIDLEMAN A HA YWARD Wholesale Gro- No. i'73 Market Street, Philadelphia. D.BE1DELMAN, l,lS5:..-ly. A. HAY WARD, Aua 4 T. LANE A CO. Wholesale Clothing Store, -t No. 171, Market Street. Every variety of ready made Clothing, in the most fashionable stylos constantly on hand. Aug. 1, '55.-ly. GEORGE J. WEAVER A CO.. No. 19 North Wa ter Street, Philadelphia, Dealers in Carpet chain, Yarn, Manilla ahu Hemp Ropes, Bed-cords Clothes-lines, Ac, to. Aug I,lS55.-ly. . ISAAC M. ASHTON. Hat Store, No. 1 72 Market St., Philadelphia. Hats, Caps, Fur, Ac. of every variety, and the best quality always onhand. ..." Aug. I, lS55.-ly. GEORGE W. COLLADAY, Conveyancer and Lund Agent. No. 3. Goldsmith's Hall, Philadelphia, Vyiil faithfully attend to all business entrusted to hicare. Aug! 1, S55.-Jy. C ALEB COPE A CO. No. ISC. Market St.. Thila delphia. Dealers in Linens, Whito Goods, ilo siery. irencu. English and German SilkGoods. La ces, Gloves. Bolting Cloths, Au. Aug. 1, '55.-ly. IJtAl'L & TAYLOR. ' No. 255 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA, llavo always on hand, at their Wholesale Ware house, a largo assortment of the Newest Style of BOOT. SHOE. AND STRAW GOODS, BOTH FOREIGN AXD DOMESTIC. All their goods being of their own diree'. hn portation and JlucBtseture. they are enabled to offer superior inducements to Merchants la3 Ji:2in their stock. W.M. W. PAUL. ' n. o. tailor: Dec. 1. 1854. Iv, ...... A VISE'S CHEAP WATCH AND JEWELRY J.- STORE,; No. 72 North Second Street, tovvo- site, th Mointt Vernon- House.) Pphiladelpbia. Gold Lever Watches, full jewelled. 18 K. cases. Silver Lever do., do.; Silver Lepine, do.: Quarticr; Gold Spectacles, Silver do.; Silver Table Spoons, Silver Desert do. ; Silver J ea do. ; (told l ens ana Gold Cases; Gold .Pens and Silver do.: togcthei with a varietv of line Gold Jewelry, Gold Curb uafd and loo. Chains. All coods warranted t be as represented. Watches and Jewelry, repair cd in the best manner. . Al.-'o, Masonic Marks, Pins, Ac, made to order. N. B. All orders sent by mail or otherwise will be punctually attonded to.-' llis motto is: "small Fiofits and Quick sales,' Philadelphia, April 25, 1S55. J. Y. RUSIITON & CO. 243 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA; Importers and Dealers in Earthen-Ware,JChina, Glass, and Queens Ware, Oppos-ite the Red Lion Hotel. Philadelphia. J. Y RUSIITON, J. C. HOPKINS. Nov. 8,' '54.-ly. ROBT. STILSON. KOONS II EI LM AN & CO., . No, 107 NORTH THIRD ST.; " . - , Philadelphia. WHOLESALE DEALERS In Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods. Fifth Door below Race. ' . ' CHARLES KOONS, ' ',- AMOS G. UEILMAN. . ' Philadelphia, May 16, 1355.-ly. COWELL & CO., . : . j - ; . ' 176 Market Street, s ' ".'PHILADELPHIA; Wholesale Dealeks ix Hats, Cp, Fun, 4 t between 5th and Cth St., Philadelphia. ; Jan. 17, 1S55. . ' i i. ' MARTIN, 310RRELL & CO;, - (Late OLIVER MARTIN A CO.) Importers and Dealers in HOSIERl . TRIM, MINGS. COMBS.BRUSHES. FAN CY GOODS,Ae. No. 24 North Fourth Street, Philaderphia. M. T. MARTIN, CUAS. H. HAMRICK DAM'L J. MORRELL, G. R. PEDDLE, 1 . Dec 5, '54 SANDRSON R. MARTIN., F RIS.M I'TH & BROTHER, WHOLESALE TOBACCO DEALERS',, -No. 106 K. Third Street, doors belew Kot. 29: '51 7ly J five Isjilapelthia. - SAMUEL BERLIN. ' r J i , tt-t , "V V3nitaSWTynCiry, Pa. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in -DRUGS, CHEMICALS.. 'MFDTCINE? PATTS OILS, DYE-STUFF. WINDOW GlAsV VIALS. PERFUMERY, Ac, Ac ' navmg just opened an extensive assortmect ef theso article.? Physi.vans will find it to their ad vaa tage to give mm a call, and examine h Stick be-.r fore ordering from the Eastern Citioa, and Couu try Merchants can al.so bo a.couimodatei with all tho Essence. Tinctures. Patent Medieirips f WHOLESALE and RETAIL, at hu-M '. Lw"He hopes by strict attention to business, ae J a desire to please, to merit a share of public ronage. . . . IFni 25. 1S45. .4 r. OWENS. : ; " TYRONE CIT7, Has just opened a large and splendid asjcrltoi t of NEW GOODS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ui every ueicripiion. ar.a quality, which he is selling off at the lowest priei known in this region cf Country, prieci evsr ""l-GOODS. HARD A- Q TIEEXS WARS. . HATS A- CAPS. BOOTS A- SHOES GROCERIES A- COXFECTIOSAR AT CITY PRICES. He invites his Clearfield friends to rive u'try a call, and exchange tkeir rags. lumber, shiclc?" and every variety of produce, fr the cheapest and best goods, to be had w.est of Philadelphia. Feb. 21, 1S55. ly. r HI TAFFIT- IT Titnrni I'AMii fll LAM S T, VTJ' IX ANNOUNCEMENT LATEST ARRIVAT. rpmvr tttc -p a T R . WELCH, has just returned from tho Citv w,tl a new ftn,J splrndid assortitint o'f A atehes, Jewelry, and Silver-ware the larte sest and cheapest ever brought into Clearfield-vu-sistirg of hunting and open-faced gold and silv watches, gold lockeU. gold chains, gold rens,rir, breast-pins, spectacles, silver forks, bracelets, slctvc buttons, cufi" pins, ear ring3. Ac. Ac, Ac. Watches aad jewelry repaired on the shorty notice- June fi, 'ii. rpiIE NEW-YORK TRIBUNE, 18057- nit iKiuiMi is now in ine middle of its te tecnth year; Vol. XV. of its weekly issue commen ced on the 1st of September last. The American public need not now be made acquainted with a character or claims to consideration. With but subordinate regard for prudent, policy and pop ularity, it has aimed to stand for Righeousnei for Truth, for Humanity, against toriuitj iLi.-iui-ty, Fraud and Oppression. - There is not a .T trader on tlm Continent, tho' Le msr rcvr r anything but his bills of sale and j. jtc-j aralie. who dts not know and hate the Triblxh;" the.e i not an extensive fabricator of drugged and poison ous Liquors who does not couidcr it a verv dan gerous and immoral paper, and vender why St publication i tolerated in a couiuiercii.! co on buying City like New-York. The Xetcari ry once forcibly remarked that it had never ktciu a hard, griping, screwing avaricious tmpleyerrhc was not hostile to the Tuibvxe, nor one eminently generous and kindly who did notlike it ! Prompt unl plain-spoken in its denunciations of iniquity nnd abuses of power, whilst claiming no exmp tion from human fallibility, it way have done temporary injustice to indivi deals, but it ha; cct cr been unfaithful to Principle, ncr denf 3 "the cries of the wronged and suffering. In iu column the advocates of novel and unpupular thec-I z; templating tho melioration of human wok. tf.p. cially tioo of the voiceless and dovrn-troi it t, have cvr found audience and hospitality ; it has already resisted, and will persistently eons bat, every attempt toproscrire and djraie any class because of diversities cf Nativity, or Cri. In defiance of calumnies the most atrocious, and of holtilitics the most deadly and nntruc; the Tui bcxe has grown steadily in public appreciation from the day of its origin. lis means of sorviig the public have been augmented in proportion.. Instead of a single editor with one or two asiisV ants, its organization now comprises a numert. body of writers each fitted by special acaomnlilh inect and experience for the pirticular line f discussion to which his pen is devoted ; the daily amount of reading matter given uore than quad ruples that of its earliest issues; a staff of vaUti correspondents encircles the globe, trausniittirj early and intelligent narrations of whatevr': most worthy of aUvtAiou; while Pj".lic, l i;V;a. tion. Literature. Art. History in short. Y.bTL-vor affects tho eocial well-being of mankind. I oleniis Theology alone excepted Lzli Lefe ihe r.--4 and mot soarehing disscussion. Attached by profound conviction to the ber!;5 eEt policy of Industrial development and Ic'.-c;-al Intercommnnioation whose ir.-r; cos-!.aoj champion through the Injt ha'f-ccnlury was II 83 uv Clay imbued, moreover, nith the spiiittffo bearanco towards our weaker ne'ghb.iis. and tow-, ard the much, wronged A 't.iiiiies of this Conti nent and of Peaco with All tthich will ii..!'uv it name of Whig, the Tribcxe, while surrcnderinx no jot of its proper independence co-operatsd ca nes'ly and ardently with the Whig party so lop g as ius vitality was preserwJ. When in i attempt was made t :..;crpolato slave-hunting tr its creed, we sternly resisted that imposition ; when, at the ciu?c of tho last Presidential cai--vass. it was seen that a large portion of tho Whijs preferred to dofoat their own party ralL-tr thaa allow its Anti-Slavery w:ug to share itj triuarpL, even under a conservative Chief on a Pro-Slavery platfoim, we knew -i. I j-ro-il.Virc-d tliut ths Vr: party was no more. Subsc.juent events, ir..'luajng thc rise and calumniation of the Know Ncihitsrr conspiracy, and the speedy absorption tber:u ui the whole foroe of Pro-slavery Whigism, only ror. -firmed our undonbiing anticipations. With r-j sickly lameutatious, therefore, for the i.eritab'y bygone, tut with liopc, and -j-v, and synpatly, aud words of cheer, have we hailed the bigiiiti.'. and watjhed the progress of that mighty REPUB LICAN movement which impelled by the pcrfldl-' ous violation cf the Missouri Compact, and stimu lated by the astounding outrages whereof tho rights of the Free Settlers of Kansas havt been the victims by repeated and utter vitiation of t'lt-'r elections by an armed mob collected by consmruey and hurled suddenly upon thein from the bodi counties of the neighboring Slvc Stnte, is detun ed to sweep away the landmarks of old party feuds, and unite the true hearts and strong tra:e of the frcc-souled in ono niighly effort to confine the scourge and scandal of our country within th limits of the St-ites which unwisely uphold it. Te the success of his effort, the energies of the Tr.i bcxe will be sternly devoted: while the TEMPER ANCE REFORM, including the entire surprcss.oc. of the trafic in intoxicating beverages, will find i- it, as hitherto, an earnest nnd nnflinching champion." Commencing as a daily folio sheet of moderate size, and with scardcly a shadow of patrdnage, the TnuiCSE is now issued in quarto form Daily (three distinct editions), Semi-W etkly. and Weiiy. on a sheet 41 bv Zi inches, eight ample pages of six col umns each. Its circulation has steadily gruwn from nothing to the following aggregate : -Daily issues, eve. and mora : 29,500 eopiea. -Semi-Weekly : : : . : H.I75 , " AVeely : : : : L36.500 - California edition ? : : 6,000 - Total. : ' ' : ' : 1S6, 175 copies. We believe no other newspaper in the world I as a subscripiion list over nail so large as this ; ana no periodical of any sort can rival it. And while it extreme chcainicss rendering an increase of paying readers only as indirect pecuniary advant age to us, has doubtless largely swelled it sub-. seriptions list, it would be absurdity not perceive in this unprecedented putronage some evidonoe of public approval and esteem. ; - TEEMS: The Tait'i-XE cmplovs no tj-avi?"j agents and sends out no papers on trust. If it is not stopped w hen the term raid it.r expire, aiti tho subscriber does not choose further to pay f x it. wo resort to no legal process to compel him. On tho Weekly, we mean to stop every paper tn the expiratiou of tho advance payment, awaitirj a Ircsli remittance from the subscriber. IJ E"uo comes the account is closed. Vie pur r.o mm: agents wisn no money paid to any when the r aa er cannot trust hi:u to mail or other wise send it U us; once mailed, its safety is at our risk, (ant a se rious risk it often rrovesl: but are grateful to eve ry ono w ho deems it a good work to obtain and for- ward the names ana money oi uis iricoas mu neighbors. Our terms invariably are for the - - DAILY llllliLAL. ono copy, percnuum-PE.MI-AVEEKLY. 5.1; 2 copies for S5; 5forS!l WEEKLY, S2 ; 3 copies for S5 ; 5 for fS r 7? K-r 12; 20 copies to one akcrksb for 20; lurger o.iitf t r.-u-h Knhscribrr. Additions may at all tinea be made to a club at the price paid by tho.-ealrti- dy in it. - GREELY A McELR AiH. Nor. 2t .) ' No. Ml iXasssu t-t Xeu-ro t awwait5g-'aC'KCaiV( qmiii vow