THE JOURNAL: ' ' AFFAIRS AT IIOME. -, Thb "WxA-Tnisa moderated consiJerabl y last Wet, and the snow thawed enough to destroy the sleighing, which had continued daring a period of eighty-eight days, nearly one-fourth" of a year. Monday was "frisky as a flirt;" near noon a general breeze was raised in the shape of an equinoxial storm. - It is feared that the severe and continued - cold of the present winter has killed the peach trees in tbia section of country. Examina tions have exhibited the fact that the bark on tree tested is dry and has apparently no vi tality, and the more tender branches seem to be completely dead. Th Eivir. The water, within the last few days, has been raising the ieo on the Susque hanna, not enough, however, to break it, tho we may look for a general "break -tip" in a nort time. It is unsafe to cross on the ice miow; we have heard of several sleighs and led breaking through. Caution should be used, as fatal accidents might . readily result froja crossing. . Turn Last o thb Seasos. On Friday last, large sleighing party went from here to Gur wcnsrille, where they werd joined by a num ber more, and then returned to this place. The whole party stopped at the hotel of G. D. Lanich, where an excellent supper had been prepared lor the occasion, and to which all did ample justice. The party consisted of about "sixty ladies and gentlemen, all of whom, after spending an agreeable eveuing, went home well pleased. - A5TI-ADJOXI3TRATIO In pursuance of no tice previously given, a public meeting, com posed of persons opposed to the present Na tional Administration, was held at Clearfield on tike afternoon of Saturday the 19th inst., to choose delegates to the Stajc Convention, to .be held at llarrisburg on the 26th, which is to carry out the Union movement originated by the opposition members of the Legislature. The meeting was organized by appointing Gen. A. If. Hills, President; Philip Antes and O. IToyt, Vice Presidents ; and S. B. Row, Sec'y The meeting proceeded to elect delegates, which resulted as follows : Senatorial dele gate, Ilenry Souther, Esq,., of Elk Co. ; Rep resentative delegate, J. B. McEnally, of Clear field ; and in case of his absence, Gen. A. H. Hills to act in his stead. Tho meeting then 'adjourned. ' ' " GLEANISCS. Vrx Onio River at Evansville is 2,815 feet wide, bciilg wider than the Mississippi at St. Louis. Ir roc vrisn to care a scolding wife, never fall to laugh with all your might until she cea ee,'then kiss her I J&aji Dbtpe.v, who received SI wousds in - one day, at the storming of Sebastopol, is en tirely recovered, and again doing duty. Two ncxniiED Filmbcsters, including Col. Parker II. French, left Xew Orleans on tho 'ISth inst. in tho Daniel Webstor, to joia Gen. Walker at Nicaragua. Tns annual valve of poultry in tho United States is estimated at $20,000,000. The City ox" New York expends yearly, $1,000,000, -in the purchase of eggs alone. SEVESTr-TuntK battles were fought during -the year liC, in which 78,937 men were kil led. .The whole number of deaths occasioned by war cannot be less than 800,000. i Socth Carolina has elected no delegates to the Democratic National Convention, but the members of Congress from that State have de termined that she shall be represented at Cin cinnati. Thb TVrA.fDOTTK Corx, whoso prolific quali ties havo been heretofore noticed, is pronoun od at the Patent Office to be comparatively worthless, either for distillation or fattening purposes. Tujs world counts one emporer more. K.isa, "brother-in-law of one of the petty kings of Abyssinia, after dethroning his relative, has assumed tho imperial crown, under the name of Theodore I. "Ladt Cohk," said Sidney Smith, "was once so moved by a charity sermon," that she i begged me to lend her a guinea for her con tribution. I did so. She never repaid me, ' and spent it on herself." Tn MArt from California for Ufah, in Jan- uary last, was carried over the Sierpa Nevada mountains by a Norwegian, who footed it on enow shoes seven feet lon2 and four inches wide, in the form of skates, and shoved hiin- ' self along with a pole. The Cincinnati Gazette states that on Tnes- ' day or last week and the day before, there were 1 arrivals of steamboats at that port from New Orleans, bringing 10,000 tofts of groceries, among them 5,000 hogsheads of su gar and 10,000 barrels of molasses. Tub Boston Bee says : Nearly every woman I we meet in the street has on a pair of boots . good, honest, longlcjrzed, water proof boots. How much better is this than paper soled, dis " ease clinching, ridiculous shoes. We ore be 1 grinning to think the millenium is approaching. .Women wear boots actual, soled, uo mistake -Soot. T Fitcb Lake or Tbi.vidad. The Earl of Dun- - donald has purchased estates surrounding the ,airf)ve named Lake, and he has obtained a grant ' of about one-third the surface of it. A com- pany has recently been formed in London, for tho purpose of manufacturing a "patent fuel" f this pitch, mixed with other substances, to fo used as a substitute for coal by the West "Indian steamer!. .Gamk. It i estimated by the. Journal of Commerce that there are sold in the mar- kets of New Tork, during luo year, 40,000 woodcocks, 30,000 partridges, 10,000 rabbits, " 30,000 canvass-back ducka, 5,000 brant, 2,000 malhtrd, 30,000 black duck54 500.wild geese, 10,000 dozen plover and snipes, and 25,000 dozen wild pigeons. Largo quantities of game, howeverare shipped to Europe from New York, by the steamers. Canvass-back ducks command high prices in England. , . Ah, Doctaw, does the choleraw awfect the highaw awdaw?" asked an exquisite of a cel ebrated physician in Now Orleans. "No," replied the M. D.,but It's death on fools, and you had better leave the city immediately ." The fellow sloped. Thb Liquor Question. As yet the Com mittees of Conference of the Senate and Douse of Representatives at llarrisburg, have been unable to come to an understanding on the Liquor Bill. :What will be done with it, Is hard to tell. - " CoscnEssiosAL J oke. In the House of Rep resentatives, last week, Mr. Giddings, while delivering a speech, said that Mr. Richardson was like Balaam he would not speak t "It is true," said Mr. Richardson, in reply, "I am somewhat like Balaam ; when I am in the pres ence of the gentleman of Ohio, I let the ass speak." Upon this there was much laughter and squirting of tobacco juice. ... ... Fobligx News. The steamer Tersia arri ved at New York yesterday, with liews from Liverpool to the Sth inst. She brings no news of the missing steamer Pacific. The prospects Of the Peace Conference arc unchanged. The Emperor Napoleon is reported to have made a speech recently in which he said that he ho ped for peace, but France must be ready for peace or war. Flour has declined about sixty three cents per barrel wheat and corn havo also declined considerably. The Case of Coburn and Dalton, tho two young men who assaulted Wm. Sumner, be causo of his familiarity with their wives, has terminated, and tho sentence is ns follows: "Edward O. Coburn, for assault on Wm. Sum ner, 10 months in the common jail and a fine of $250 ; Benj. F. Dalton, for assault on Wm. Sumner, 5 months in the common jail and a fine of S200." Thus ends, says a Boston pa per, one of the most melancholy aflairs that has transpired in this city for a long time. It is recorded as a fact that an engineer on one of the Eartern Railways, on approaching a sixteen foot draw, with his engine, tender, a baggage car and two passenger cars, at the rate of 40 miles an hour, and discovering to his horror, w hen w ithin a quarter of a mile of it, that tho draw was open, instantly realized that to break up in time was absolutely impos sible, and "opened wide" rushing over the gap at tho fearful rate of -80 or 00 miles an hour, with his train, safe and sound ! Don't believe a word of it. Tub Accident at Philadelphia. Wo last week mentioned that a lamentable accident had occurred on the Delaware, on Saturday evening, the 15th inst., rat about 8 o'clock, by tho burningjof the. steam ferry boat, New Jersey. Sho started from the foot of Walnut street, for Camden having on board, according to the estimate of Capt. Corson, over 100 persons, quite a number being women and children. The boat on reaching the eastern channel, was unable to proceed further, in consequence of the ice. Sho was then run back to the west ern channel and up along the Island, the inten tion of tho pilot being to tako her round the Island. When opposito Chestnut street the alarm of fire was given, and in a moment all was terror and consternation. The shrieks of the women and children fell fearfully on the 4ear. when near Arch street, within 10 or lo feet of shore, sho becamo unmanageable, and taking a sudden turn towards the stream, the passengers were seized with a fresh alarm, and a great number leaped into the water, and some upon cakes of ice. The burning boat drifted back to the Island again, and was final ly carried near to tho Jersy Shore, where sho burnt to the water's edge. About CT lives were lost. m a n it 1 1: i. On the 20th March, by Rev. John Flegal.Mr. Jacob Lewis to Miss Sarah Welch, both of Jefferson Co., Pa. On the 23d March, by Rev. L. L. Still, Mr. Joshua S. Johnson and Miss Savessa Hooveh, bosh of Clearfield borough. TERMS. The Journal is published every Wednesday, at O.n'e Dollau avi Fifty- Cf.nts per annum iu advance, or Two Dollars within the year. A il i'(.rt iLi.nuiTi (a ins nrto.I n fi ft v on n t npr Kmiarc. for the first, and twcnty-Sve cents for each addi tional insertion. A liberal deduction maao 10 those who advertise by the quarter, oyear. The -Tcrmi' will bo strictly adhered to. "Jo paper discontinued without payment of ar rearages, nnlcFJ at the option of tho publisher. TOS. I". MOSSOP, having made an engao- I inent with A. T. LANE A Co., Wholesale Clo thiers, li J iilftrnet r-i.. muaueipnia, woam rwoci fully invito his old friends to give him a cull. March Wi. 1S56 ."m. (SELECT SCHOOL A Select School will ho 3 opened in Lumber City. ClenrJicld county. la., on Tuesday the 1st day ot April, lor pupils ot nowi sexes. Tho undersigned, who will havo charo of it, has had Ionj experience as a teacher, ami will spare no pains to impart to tho pupils confided to his care, a solid education. . TERM.?, PER MONTH OF FOUR WEEKS. Orthoeraphy;ReadinK.Writinr .1 Arithmetic, $1,00 Enslixli tirumiuar, Geography, and l!gok- kecpinir, ' " .- " - 1.50 Higher UtancUs and Classics, - - 2,00 Particular attention will ho given to Orthoepy, according to the mot approved standards, to cor rect and elegsnt reading, and to composition. If required, an Kvening Class will be opened for tho convenience of those whOM avocations might prevent them from attending the day school, and for tho instruction of young indies and gcn'tlctnen, who contemplato becoming fficiont teachers. March 2.i. I3QC-St ;. WM.-MARTIN1. frnn ilAfi SHORT SniNGLESwantcd by A. JUU,UUU M. Hills, at his store, for which tho highest market prico will bo paid In Goods at tho lowest prices in tho county. - (marlfl-tf 1 f( f(f I'cct of Emrl BOARDS wanted by lUlijUUU A. M. HILLS, at hisstore in Clear field, for which tho highest market price will bo pnd in goods at cash prices. marltf-tf COCKING- and PARLOR STOVES, for sale in Cnrwensville, at .the store of fPbis - H. D. PATTON. C1HAIN PUMPS, for salo at tho "Old Corner J Stand.?' in Curwensville by PATTON B" ACON. A larare lot of BACON fo sal, cheap. for cash, ai . . I wo- iM - , ."wi.-v w NOTICE. Having purchased the Books of the Kaftirmana Journal with the establishment, all rinounts unpaid for Subscription, Advertising, or Job-work, arc to bo scttlud with the undersigned. niarW g. B. ROW, LUMBER, SQUARED TIMBER, SHINGLES, BOARDS. 4-c. . is prepared to fill, on the shortest notice, all orders for articles in his lino of busi ness, on as reasonable terms as they can be pro cured in the county Orahampton, Clear6cld Co.. Jan. 23. BOOKS 1 BOOKS I ! Grecnleafs Series of Mathematical Works are now being used in nearly all tho Schools. Academies and Colleges in the United States, and aro without doubt unrival led in point of merit, and in adaptation to the wants of our schools ; they have the plainest rules and best examples to illustrate the wholo busiueg of life. The attention of Superintendents, Direc tors and Teachers is respectfully invited to these works before introducing a uniform sories of any other kind as tho law requires. These books can bahad wholesale, rctaftj or in exchange for old Books when introduced in the schools, at C. D. WATSON'S Drug and Dook Storo. Clearfield. Jan. 30, 18i(5 2m. HALLOA! JTEW WAGON MANUFACTORY. Tho undersigned would respectfully an nounco to hi3 friends and tho public generally, that he lias opened out a new Wagon-Making Es tablishment in "New Salem City," Brady town ship, where ho will at all times bo prepared to manufacture, on tho shortest notice, all kinds of Wagons, Carts, Wheelbarrows &c. Tho best ma terial that can bo procured will he used, and his work will bo made in the most substantial and du rable manner, such as will bear tho test of strict examination. By a closo observance of his busi ness engagements, ami by disposing of his work on tho most reasonable terms, which ho will do for cither cash or approved country produce, he hopes to merit and ruccivo a liberal share of pub lic custom BENJ. 1USUEL. New Salem City. Jan. 10, ISOrt. CLEARFIELD INSTITUTE. Tb next term of this Institution will commence oa the 1 1th of Februafy,.J850. All persons wishing to fit themselves for TsACn eus, or other avocations in life, will here receive every desired facility and attention. A thorough Classical and Mcrcantilo is hero given, on terms lower than any other similar Institution in tho State. . . Barents at a distance can obtain boarding for their sons or daughters under tho immediate care ol the 1 rincipal. where tuev will roeoivc rare ad vantages, with all tho comforts and pleasures of a nomc;ano their morals wil be caretully guarded. Tne rates of tuition per quarter arc: Priwary Euglhsh.$2-50; High Eng ish.$j.OO;Clas3ics:S3-00-M.'ithematics.above Algebra $3; l'rcncg, Drawing, and Painting. 5 cach- l'urthcr information can bo hsd by addressing Wr- A- CAMPBELL, puincipal Apr. 4, '05.1 Clearfield. Ta. TVTEW HOTEL: Tho old 'SKnniso Ilocsa, at J- 1 .NJEW WASHIXGTOJf, has been re-opened and re-fitted by the undersign ed, who rospectfully solicits a share of publio pat ronage. Jle is well provided with house room and good stabling, and intends keeping a Teinperanco House, at which bo will always endeavor to make hii guests feel at homo. JOHN SHEXXER. August 1. 1.S55. tf. TVVE W A It Jt I VAL The undersigned has 11 just received a largo stock of NEW GOODS, adapted to the season, consisting if DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, QUEENS-WARE, HARDWARE, CONFECTION ARIES, NAILS. HOLLOW-WARM,-: CEDER-WARE, Ac, Ac. JAMES B. GRAHAM. Grahamton, Aug. 22. 1355. IS FAY HOTEL, AT LUMBER CITY, Clbarfteld Co., I'A. rilHE nndersigncd would respectfullv Inform X the pnblic, that he has just opened a NEW HOTEL, at Lumber City, where he is prepared to entertain all who may givo him a call. Extensive Stabling attached to the promises an attonlivo osller always in attandanco. L. W. TEN EYCK. Lumber City. Pee. lS.r5. fUST Itl'CEIVF.I), A SPLENDID ASSORT- I MKNT OF NEW V.OOKS. STATIONARY, FANCY ARTICLES. CONFECT ION A R IES, TO BACCO. CIGARS, and DRUGS of all kinds, at ROBINS' LITERARY DEPOT, SHAW'S ROW, Clearfield, Pa. THE latest publications always on hand, or pro cured to order. 1'utnam. Uodcy. Graham, House hold Words, Leslie's Fashions, Harper, Peterson, and all the other Magazines furnished Monthly at Publidhors' l'rices. Ho would especially call the attention of 'lovers of tho weed' to his largo stock of tobacco and ci gars, which cannot bo surpassed in this region, consisting of tho best quality of "Natural Leaf," "Black Eat," ' Cavendish," "Congress," and other tobaccos: Havana, Regalia, Principe. Plan tation, Spanish, Half-Spanish, and "A few more left" cigar3. Also a good stock of "pipes" and "fine-cut." Ho would also call attention to the fact that he has jmt opened a large assortment of DRUGS, CHEMICALS, AND DYE STl'EFS, which ho will sell chrajirr than any other estab lishment in the County. THOMAS ROBINS. November 11. 1855. TVKW' GOODS! NEW GOODS ! At the 1 Old Corner Store of the undersigned at CURWENSVILLE. They have just received the largcsland bestass'ort went of Summer and Fall Goods ever brought to Clearfield; consisting of Dry Uoods. Hardware, Quccnswaro. Goceries, Con fectionaries, Hats and Caps, Root and Shoes. Carpeting, Oil Cloth, Ac. Cloths, Cassimcrc. Linens, Muslins. Do Laine, Prints. Dress Silks, Bonnets, Shawls; ' Mantillas, Fringes, Fancy Toilet articles. La ces. Embroideries, and an endless variety of other articles too numerous to montton, nil of which they odor nt the lowest prices and on the easiest terms. Aug. 1, IS-'ij. J. A 11, D. PATTON. TfALUAllLK PROPERTY AT V 111 1 VAT 12 SALE. THE undersigned offers at Private Sale, 200 acres of Land, moroWjr lens, in Fcnn township. Clearfield county. seven or eight acres cleared, tho halanco covered with valuable TIMRER, and having thereon tho following improvements A O00D SAW-MILL,;1 with LATH-SAW". Roso wheel, ie., on a good stream "f water, which will e-nablo tho mill to run about eight months in tho year- A LARGE TWO-STORY I TO ITS E. well furni'hed. plastered and painted throughout with a nevcr-fuiling Spring of water in tho collar' ALSO, A Fit AM K BANK BARN, weTl furnished with threshing floor, stabling, io., all new, having but recently been erected. Also, convenient, and bubstantially erected OITT-RUILDINGS, consisting of a Wood-Shed, Spring Houso, Smoke .Mouse, &c, io . Thero is no more, desiraolo property in the County. Any person wishing further informa tion, can apply to Samukl Wioemibb, living on tho Premises. Post Office dddress, 7 Grampian Hills, Clearfiold County, Pa. JOHN WIDEMTRE. SAMUEL WIDEMIRE. " Pcnn Township, Dec. 2 1855.-3mo IXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, for sale br j MEItRELL & CARTER. Clearfield. Pa., Jan. 16.1B56. -';. PORK and DBIED FRUIT, excellent artiolos, can be procured at the store of Curwensvillo, Feb. 13. " 11. P. PATTON. W 'AGONS and BUGGIES, for sale cheap, by (feb!3) At. U ! F1 ON. An excellent aesortment of Iron for sale hy H. D. rAllu.', febU . - Carwanmlle, TREASURER'S SALE OF UNSEATED LANDS for Taxes for the years 1854 & 1S55. Notice is hereby given, that in pursuanco of an act of Assembly, passed the 12th day of June, A. D. 1815, entitled, "An act to amend an act direct ing the mode of selling unseated lands for taxes," Ac., the followingtracts of unseated land3 in Clear field county, will be exposed to public sale, or out cry, for the taxes due and unpaid thereon, at tho Court House in the borough of Clearfield, on the second Monday of June next : Jseccaria lownthip. Ars. Pn. Ourtier atid Warrantee Tax. S12 24 13 17 13 17 15 76 23 50 4 47 151 50 Tbos.WestoItt Thomas Keat'and, 102 110 102 113 195 279 04 55 102 1 0 12t Abraham Witmer. Michael Muster. William Wright, Jehn Cooper Ephraim Blair, Sarah Billington, i m. Powder illiam lVrowa 14 34 A.K.Wright Jacob Mufscremith, 19 35 T. l. 1..l vr! K r- 4S 119 John Dillon Robert Wilson. 5 C7 20 Jas.Gallahcr Frederick Herman, 55 50 William Bosmao, 63 28 F. & .1. Shofr Adam Wyfcncope. 231 Wm. Hammond Herman Witmer, 20 SO J. McCulley riiilip Gloningcr, 130 54 JohnBeani, 55 103 C. Copenhcifer V. Gloninger, 20 . Samuel Turner, .50 100 Moses Kobison P. Gloninger, 83 12-1 Frcd'k.Shoff John Bausman, 85 ClA.K.Shoff William Bausman, 125 28 Lionel Weld Peter Miller, 13 140 Michael Fouti, 138 51 Ab. Warrick Henry Landid. 93 Win. Potter Frederick Hubley, 99 3 Jas. Stewart Frederick Henman,' 77 JohnOshall John Ketland, . . S 10 And.Whitler Thomas Billington, 332 Kclley 4 Dickcrson, Philip Gloningcr, 150 10 John Mysincopc, Bell Township. 500 James McGhcc, 433 Arthur Dell JSerjamin Gibbs, 301 JaeobSnydcr Margaret Shippen, Jiozgs T'ou-nsnip. 1 62 4 20 5 19 33 57 1 67 10 78 4 20 10 20 3 Si 6 SI 3 59 5 26 4 13 11 07 3 (12 9 6 27 23 10 93 100 70 119 119 100 J 32 53 SO C5 Smith A Powell Darbara Snyder, 3 80 3 90 3 64 onn ivcpnart nenry taunce, V. Ransom Henry 1'aunco, 90 Fisher & Powell Barbara Snyder, 12 37 90 Fisher.Doling ACo BarbaraSnyder, 6 18 Patrick Doline, 5 20 George llootman, ' 6 92 Luke Kyler, . S 40 G.W.Gearhar'. Walter Stewart, 4 IS 72 David Gosa Richard Thomas. 3 44 30 114 David Frazier Richard Thomas, 1 61 52 68 Hardman rhiEipsRich'd Thomas, 2 72 Bradford Township. CO J. W. Smith Hugh E'v, " 11 50 Kratzer.LnniehAFulton. 66 Matthew Forcey, 15 77 .Thomas Holt John Nicholson, 1172 Abm. Hoover Thomas Hawthorn, 4 19 , Jos. A Wm. Sanson, 4 20 J Wooldridgo Aaron Leavy, 16 SO 23 169 123 100 100 200 CO 115 40 150 b. 85 100 145 75 109 90 347 William Sansom, Thomas Forccf , Thomas Forcey, V. B. Holt, : W'illiam Graham, jr. John Graham, jr. I.evi Tearco Aaaron Lcavy, Wm. Asko.y T. Cope. . - . . John Dale Gcorgo Moore, J. Graham, Ab. Graham Isabella. lordan, Geo. Smcal Andrew Byard, 21 03 20 10 53 53 80 , 6 05 2 07 6 12 2 53 19 42 Tax. Brady Township. A'o. Acres. Ts. Owner J WarranU. 354 32 1 6tl 645 492 1431 305 1998 250 Joseph Read J a red Ingorsol, 14 25 313 Jarcd Ingersol, 17 84 202 John Hart's heirs John Hart, 11 49 202 John Hart, 11 62 30S David Espy Wm.Kirkpatrick, 17 54 303 F. Beatis estate D. Kennedy, 20 68 161 Ann Kennedy, 4 56 100 Hays A A. L. Schnell Roberts A Fox, 3 10 215 Conrad Long, 19 95 513 Est of 3. Cochran Jos. Ferron. 29 51 623 562 5877 ' 5S79 5SS1 5ssr 250 ' 113 300 195 5631 13 218 110 3577 5009 3016 1999 Tilton Reynolds Henry Wykoph, 1011 59 32 220 Miss Curry Robert Curry, 12 64 Samuel Jordan, 6 57 Harrison Hall Robert Curry, 18 24 James Reed, 5 70 Robert Ross Ca?per Stiver, 5 52 L. J. Crans, now J. McClure Joseph Ferron, 7 69 T. L. Batdof Christian Lowe, 29 68 M. Ley's heirs Christ. Lowe, 35 63 Christian Lowe, 26 11 M. J. Porter Roberts 4 Fox, 6 70 Geo. Mann Roberts A Fox, 3 16 115 320 100 77 135 521 501 370 100 J02 78 103W.W.Flemming Roberts A Fox.4 53 200 AdamWheeler Roberts A Fox, 11 40 500 B.D.KousheACo.25 50 40 Samuel Ambrose, 4 96 Burnside Township. S24 Wm. Biglcr Mary Crawford, 30 3S 310 Frederick Kuhn, 29 54 209 retcrGetr, 21 16 100 Js.Thomp5on Sam'l Roberts, 10 13 100 Gcorgo Graff, 10 13 150 Uriah Loyd Christian Stake, 15 23 100 J. C Fisher's estate Matthias Slough, 10 12 100 L. R. Carter Henry Musser, 8 10 100 George Graff, 10 12 Chest Toicmhip. 433 153 Drinker A Clark Wm. Cook, 29 50 433 153 John Cunningham, 29 50 100 31 Ja. Thompson Henrv Pole, 5 90 433 153 A. Steer's heirs John"Muser, 33 30 Clearfield Borough. Lot No. 181 40 Curwtimville Borough. On? lot in name of John Ssott, Covington Township. Anson G. Thclps. 53o7 784 Gcorgo Mead, 5368 1083 GeorgoMcad, 5370 1100 Ooor-e Mead, 5373 1100 George Mead, 5374 1100 Georgo Mead, 5408 1100 George Mead. 5410 1100 Oeorgo Mead. 63'i9 1048 Georgo Mead, 5377 1100 George Mead, 6358 483 Goorge- Mead, 6407 1000 Gcorgo Mead, 5404 325 ' George Mead, Peter A. Karthaus. 1893 578 Morris A Stewart, 1899 890 Morris A Stewart, 1902 889 .Morris A Stewart, J9U 645 Morris A Stewart, Decatur 7"otcnA'p..t 195i Joseph Harrison, 401 Teter Owens Charles Rish, 360 ' David Kcphart, 22 40 04 95 30 30 30 30 30 02 25 30 11 11 23 00 7 23 32 21 38 52 03 44 55 25 41 50 62 03 2 35 35 45 3(1 53 53 61 70 61 . 433 153 IxsonaHAWallace JacobCox,40 90 118 Dan'l Albort-os.Hambleton, 8 . 169 134J. Hammerslaugh HughEIy.14 33 120 William Montgomery', 2 35 00 J.tG H. Stiner Theraas Edmonson, 3 135 KephartA Albsrt JohnDriuker,6 50 Jacob Baughman JohnSkyron,4 50 Jon. Kephart Jacob Downing, 4 62 108 David Gearhart John Sky ron, 6 37 49 James Albert Joseph Sansom, 2 98, John Canon, S - 243 Enoch A David Gearhart . John Skyron, 21 76 40 Daniel Avers George Graff, 6 54 32 Perks St Bowman WiUianx i . Sansom. 4 78 99 JamesAlbert William Sansom, 6 ' '-FeTg-sjton Township. - 233 159 Greenwood Bell John nam- bright, 10 433 153 Charles Huston George Ross, 24 , 100 Boll's Estate P. Gloningcr, 5 Fox Township. Rudolph H. Evans. 4272 425 James Wilson. 14 4272 .60 , . James Wilson, 1 Sill m ah Harwoed . . ' 4200 330 James Wilson west i 11 Do Witt C. Morris. 4181 405 James Wilson west 4 :i 17 Nathan Bailey. , . ' - 4183 200 James Wilson east part. 0 - William Turns.--' 41RS 00 . - James Wilson middle p't 4275 W ' - : Jamtt Wllsen. - ; S4 William A. Wallaoe. Jams Wilson west part, 6 54 James Wilson, , 34 12 U. S. Land Compaey. . James Wilson, 43 10 Jamea Wilg.n, . 43 64 James Wilson, 15 46 James Wilsonr 21 ZD James Wilson, 92 James Wilson, 27 60 . Spencer A Spilcr. , James Wilson, 17 10 William B. Gordon. James Wilson, 94 Daniel Ovster's Estate. - James Vilson. 11 04 Alexander Vial. James Wilson, . 8 65 James Wilson, Zi 12 B. Davenport, fi 31 Cirard Township. 4183 41S3 4241 4238 4242 4090 1534 1535 4399 4390 4100 4340 4260 190 990 937 947 336 923 .20 600 372 216 44 113 990 109 Anson O. Phelps George Mead, 4eorge Mead, Georgo Mead, George Mead, 535 5371 5357 5360 5364 5305 5302 5353 5375 5361 5363 5372 5352 5353 4351 5355 5359 5376 5373 1SS3 1913 1937 1890 1890 1937 1918 1925 1929 1100 1083 1 t'OO 1100 10CC 752 1003 1043 10S3 1100 1100 1100 793 1100 1000 1100 1000 1100 641 200 115 213 254 3f.7 77 50 : 163 250 r 72 T 62 T 00 7 72 7-50 77 120 George Mead, George Mead; Oeorgo Mead, George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, G-orgeMead, Gcorgo Mead, ! George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, Georgo Mead, George Mead, : 05 23 58 67 ?2 C7 60 67 72 7 00 72 43 A. A W. Murrav. Morris & Stewart, T 23 ' J. Stites and wife. Morris and Stewart, 4 62 Francis Hugueny. Morris and Mcwart, ,6 10 Francis Coudriel. - ' -; Morris and Stewart, 7 11 A. and J. Spackman. Morris and Stewart, ''CIS Morris and Stewart, ' 2 03 Morris and Stewart, ' "' -73 Morris and Stewart, - 1 59 Morris and Stewart, A 71 Gcshen Townsfdp. . Anson G. Phelps. . . . - Georgo Mead, .-17 64 George Mead, - 21 60 George Moad, 27 00 . Gcorgo Mead, ' 27 00 George Mead, 23 55 George Mead, 29 "0 George Mead, 29 70 Gcorgo Mead, .14 85 ' Georgo Mead, . 14 S5 George Mead, 14 85 George Mend, 14 85 Georgo Mead, 2V 70 George Mead, 16 86 George Mead, 29 70 George Mead. - 14 65 George Mead, 14 85 George Mead, 14 65 Georgo Mead.. 14 85 ; Gcorgo Mead, 14 85 1 53 120 45 5313 5314 5315 5316 5317 6318 5319 5320 5321 5322 5323 6324 5325 5326 5327 5323 5329 6330 5331 C53 900 1000 1000 1059 1099 1099 1100 1003 1100 1100 1100 C23 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 CO John Keating. 1922 201 . 2 Morris and Stewart, 8 S3 J. P. Rider. 5325 200 George Mead, 16 20 Hniton Township. John B. Otto. 5673 1041 8 Mooro and Delany, 70 25 5674 1041 8 Moore and Delany. TO 25 5S67 090 William Powers, 69 60 5068 990 William Powers, 66 80 6675 1041 Moore and Delany, 70 29 ' W illiam Parker. 4257 683 15 James Wilson, 1107 ' C S. Land Company ' 4231 633 James Wilson, 43 03 4234 526 James Wilson. 3 43 4235 9?9 James Wilson, 68 75 4236 490 James Wilson. 33 06 1228 990 James Wilson, 66 79 4229 965 12J JamesWilson, 65 13 4230 623 112 James Wilson. 43 40 4225 740 James Wilton, 49 03 Thomas Holt. 5064 930 William Powers, 17 62 G. B. Gordon. 4225 250 James Wiison, 19 86 4236 500 . James Wilson. S3 73 Jordan Township. Cram, Blake ParUy. 437 43 Reuben Havnes, 4? 04 435 50 Lnke Morris, 48 72 433 153 Jotcph llilliard, 43 50 433 153 Robert Grav, 43 60 429 41 John Reigbart, 4 C4 433 163 Ssrah Ward, 43 50 433 153 Georgo Eddy. 43 50 433 153 Moore Wbarton, 43 60 433 153 George Ashton, " 4-3 50 Richard Peters. 109 Susanna Ward, 12 20 129 John Dorsey, 14 45 William Sloss. 290 Adam Rhoads. 16 44 Drinker and Olark. 433 153 Daniel Smith, 85 40 Greenwood Bell. 210 159 Adam Reigart, 24 20 Daniel Bausman. 200 G. A Mary MeCornaek, 16 80 Thomas McElee. 100 Jonathan Jones, SCO 120 James Jordan, 6 72 James M. Chase. 433 153 Caleb Foulk, 18 40 293 George Wescott, 24 48 433 153 Robert Wharton, 35 40 433 153 Gcorgo Shoff, 38 40 300 John Bovd, 33 60 133 163 Robert Wharton, 11 29 103 Adam Kuhn, 14 44 433 133 Ebenozer Brenham, 60 58 Karthaus Township. A. G. Phelps. 5409 1100 George Mead, ' 8 49 5411 1100 George Mead, 8 49 5412 747 George Mead, 5 76 5413 1043 George Mead, 7 25 5406 1100 Gcorgo Mead, 8 50 5414 1000 George Mead, 8 60 6405 167 27 . George Mead, 1 24 P. A. Karthaus. 1900 1901 1943 1093 1944 5412 1093 1094 1095 1094 1097 3105 5465 3466 310u .) 600 778 507 200 513 100 301 40 Morris and Stewart, Morris and Stewart, Morris and Stewart, Morris and Stewart, Georgo Vaux. Morris and Stewart, Peter McDonald, Georgo Mead, - Charles Willink, Charles Willink, Charles Willink, Charles Willink. -Charles Willink, Charles Willink, , Charles Willink, Charles Willink. Charles Willink, Lawrence Township. "A. G. Thelps. George Mead, George Mead, -George Mead, - George Mead, George Mead, ' George Mead, Georgo Mead, - .. ., -George Mead, - .. George Mead, George Mead, Georgo Mead, George Mead, Georgo Mead, Georpe Mead, , . " Geergo Mead, George Mead,.' .. Georgo Mead, George Mead. . , George Mead, George Mead, . George Mead, , Solomon Kline. ' : Roberts and For, Morris Township., ' ; Henry Lorain. - -Joseph Tamer for 5Vi8 Joseph Turner, " Jespjih Tumw, . 87 20 43 24 21 43 12 4 SI 80 6 20 1 66 2 66 8 21 20 13 4 15 12 26 1 00 26 91 IB 65 1 21 95 10 101 29 149 303 CJ 193 31 437 317 40 63 44 6293' 5293 5294 5295 5295 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1900 8 42 8 42 8 42 8 42 8.42 8 42 8 42 . 8 42 7 62 T 62 . 8 05 8 42 8 42 8 42 8 42 8 42 S 42 8 42 8 42 8 05 14 82 4 10 S297 5298 5299 5300 6301 5302 5303 5304 5305 5308 5307 5303 5309 5310 5311 5312 2002 91 440 440 440 65 109 2d 10 69 10 59 10 68 423 George Haybceker, . " 402 George Wetiel. " 208 William Werts, ' " 527 Christian Wertr, " 373 David Sanck, , " E. Perks A Co. 421 - Jesse YarncH. McKean and Butler. 150; Christian Musser, Johnston A Bowman, f 0(7 Peter Yarnell, John Lorain. ' 14 70 Michael Souder, E. C. Burton. 572 18 Robert Glenn, :. W. W. Sanderson. 437 144 Francis Johnston, 200 150 John Nicholson, S C. Thompson. 154 Welty Morris.. - Snyder A Large. v- -18.1 Franeis Johustoa, Hard man Phillips. 89 Richard Thomas, Shaw and St. John Smith. ' . ,10 1 " 9 3 4tJ T 83 8 W 5t W 11 25 f H M 1 75 - H M 64 50 M 60 14 W " 81 12 IS - 43 4o 43 44 43 49 43 40 23 00 43 40 43 49 43 40 43 40 43 40 43 40 43 40 43 40 12 to 13 CI 47 ee 63 24 22 60 47 T7 " 48 61 43 21 . 10 00 . 10 09 10 00 10 00 23 10 4 00 10 00 '17 W 17' 11 - 18 07 0 60 14 C2 84 81 13 81 41 15 12 19 , 6 00 2 SI 88 19 30 81 Thomas Morris, -William Morri. Samuel Meredith, WiL'iam Miller, Welty Morris, Thomas Fitzsimmoes, George Clytner, Robert Gray, Robert Ralney, ' Patrick Moore, Mary Morris, Magnus Miller, Na'.bro Fraier, William Hoover. Franeis Johnston. Wm. Drinkcus' heirs John Fry. jr. . John Thomas 4 years John Cock. Jacob Wetiel. Reuben Haines, . .. rnrsoll It Co. Joseph Simons, - -r Daniel W Bradley, .'iu Robert Shaw," - Hvroan Oratr, J. J. Miller. John Nicholson, ; - M. Beam. ... William Morris, Ja' II. Beam. ' Robert Morris, George II cover. -John Swanwick,f . . Rolcrt Thomas," Christian Baker, .".. Swartz & Bower. - Francis Johnston, J. Far low, imci M'Girk's estato. " William Evans, rhilip Blanchard. Paf rick Hays, S. & H. Grstr. William Morris, -Samuel Miles, Jr. Bernard Gratz, Joseph Henry, ' David Hall, Charles Hall. v William D. Klrwin, George Wetzel, Paul Wefzel, Reuben Haines, John Barron, Pev.n Tmrttship. William Hepburn. Cochran Tract, . . 6 62 15 00 21 74 Pike Torcnthip. 6781 600 John Nicholson,' 6778 4S0 John Nicholson, 57771020 2i John Nicholson, 109 Daniel Hartsock, 24 Benjamin Johnson 129 Benjamin Johnson, Cni'on Toicnship. 81 as 60 60 20 Gartland Irwin. . Roberts & Fox, Charles Blanchard. 3537 150 80SS 970 tl 69 6? 74 1 SB 1 75 60 Rolterta & Fox. It. Britton, Roberts & Fox, Ilenry Baily. Roberts &Fox, Woodward Toicnship. Dr. James Lock. 120 Ilenry Drinker, William Drinker, u William Uagarty, John Morgan, Robert Wallace.- 6 Peter Henry, Hugh Ralston, William A. Wallace. 28 Samuel Hamilton. Thomas Ralston; R. McGhee, Lisle McCulley. 67 . Philip Diffendaffer," 3531 3591 f-2 50 420 '240 43 800 150 140 401 177 16 22 80 20 16 8 12 25 22 7 64 6 96 19 14 86 ' 1 86 4 08 80 S3 SO 62 46 80 83 7 63 21 87 8 23 Head Alexander & Co. 49 200 115 Mary Connollv, Daniel Fulkcrson, Dr. Houtz. Thilp Lost. Jacob R. Howell; William Johnson, George Bickham, riardman Philips. John M.Chase, John Lrmblack, 433 15 422 153 4S3 153 100 68 290 P3 3 McCully. Flgot Shaw, . 8 13 Henry Heearty, 2 42 Geortre Baker. ELI BLOOM, Treasurer. Treasurer's Office, Clearfield, I March 19, 1335. f " TWLUABLE TOWN PROPERTY FOB. SALE. The subscriber offers for sale bis Tar ern Stand, on the corner of Market and Front streets, in the bo ronh of ClearQeld. The bouse is large and commodiotis and well calculated for a pnblio hoase. For particulars inquire of W. A Wallace, Esq., or of the subscriber living on the premise!.. W. J. HEMPlIILIi -March 5th. 1356 HTflTtrr WI, t , .1 11 ontheKstate of John Price, deceased, late of uoggs township, Clearfield coenty. Pa., have bees granted to the nndereigneid. residing in Lawrenoe township, all persons indebted to said estate are reqnested to maka immediate pavmect. and tboa bavins; claims against said estate will presto them, properly amhenticated for settlement, to- A. T. SCHRYVER. March 6th, 1556. - Administrator RAFT STOVES, for sale hy MEKRELL 4 CABTSX' Clear6eld. Feb. 27. ... DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. lhe partnership heretofore existing betweva James M. Kelly and Wm. R. Dickinson, tradlbg coder the name of Kelly Dickinson, ta thie 4jr by mntual consent dissolved. - - - - . , l S - J. M. KELLY. - WJJ. LICKINBOS. Glen Tfope. Feb. 13.1356. :. . VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE The subscriber offers for sale hit valuable farm, sitaate two miles from Curwensville, on the River road loading to LumberCity; said farmeoa taining 105 acres, sixty acres cleared, tinder good' cultivation, the balance well timbered ; with good barn, new plank dwelling house, and a goo4 bearing orchard thereon, and is welt watered. For farther information enquire of the shwiber lie in on the premHe .- . SIMON THOMPiJOK. Fehrnarv 20. 185ft T.tb . - . : - - D RIED PEACHES, of superior quality, fre bus at per uusoii, ai me cneap casnsrCT (feb.iy, r. Mosscr. of SOUP BE ASH. for t ale by ' -A lot rf ereelleat Smp feoaaa lURRELL CARTER.-. -: . CTeacftelAi Psv- .. 7 B S 433 153 433 153 433 163 433 153 279 153 433 153 433 153 433 15.1 433 153 433 153 433 153 433 163 433 153 100 153 soo , . e0 46 22$ . 82 - . 439 114 431 III 200 101 125 ;. 106 .- 100 231 50 ' . "100 Ja 341 '22 ISO 10 137 8S 95 113 14 R4S 132 110 411 121 100 CO 27 ."2 203 : 3 4 i 1 ' i 5