-5 THE JOURNAL. nOlE FACTS AND FANCIES. Asti-Boom Mketwo- A meeting of the cit ! lxens of Clearfield was held at the Prothonota Ty's office on Monday evening, March 17th, 1856. On motion, Eixis Iawis, Esq., was tilled to tfae clla5r Do11" Eichard Shaw, Jno. Wearer, Jas. B. Graham, Wm. L. Moore, r Wni. Porter sad Christopher Kratzer. elected Vice Presidents, and L. Jackson Crans and Gen. A. 31. Hills appointed Secretaries. The object of the meeting having been stated, on motion C. D. "Watson, Clark "Wilson, James Wrigley, J. R. Reed and William Powell were appointed a committee to draft resolutions ex nressive of the sense of thi3 meeting. During the absence of the committee, on motion, Sam uel Mitchell, D. W. Moore, S. B. Row, Jnc. L Cuttle. R. J. Wallace and Christian Pottarf were appointed a committee to prepare a me mortal and remonstrance. On motion, the President was authorized to appoint a commit tee consisting of one gentleman in each bor -ough and township to obtain signatures to the jtmonstrance. The following committee was then appointed by the President: - Eotrea. James Forrest : Beccaria. John Swan Bell. Frad. G. Miller; Brad v. Geo. B.Qoodlander Buroside. Jno. Patcbin : Bradford, James B. Gra ham ; Chest, Chas. S. Worrell ; Clearfield, Chris tian Kratzer: Covington. Fr. Coudriet: Curwens- T.. Xf 1 1 . T? . irn T T Mnf tii- rard, Ron. Peter Lamm ; Goshen, A. B. Shaw ; Huston, P. Havener; Jordan. II. Swan; Kartbaus, B. D. Hall ; Knox, Conrad Baker ; Lawrence. Hon. B. Shaw Morris, Maj. J. Wilhelm ; Penn. Wm. C .Foley; Pike, Hon. Wm. Irvin: Union, Wm. F. Johnston; ood ward, Jno. 11. Uuaso. The Committee on Resolutions then report - ed the following preamble and resolutions .which were unanimously adoDted : Whereas, a number of companies have been in corporated by the Legislature who have erected booms in the Susquehanna river; and whereas we have just learned that a bill has been reported for the incorporation of a similar company to erect a boom at Jersey Shore, and that other boom compa nies are projected, " Be it resolved. That the erection of booms In the Ecaauehanna river impedes the navigation there of, causes detention and loss to our citizens, and if the system is continued of incorporating boom companies it must eventually destroy the timber and board business of Clearfield county, render valueless our forests and deprive our citizens of their means of support. Resolved. That the booms now constructed have 10 impeded the descending navigation, that our citizens have been seriously injured, and that some legislation is necessary to protect the interests of those who os our great highway ia carrying our principal product to market. Resolved, That we are opposed to any further obstructions beirg placed in the rivor, and there fore to the incorporation of more boom companies as no been cs.a be constructed without injuring the descending navigation Resolve'. That we will memorialise the Legis lature upon the subject, and request our Senator, Jlrnry Souther, Esq., and our Representative, Seth to construe? TSbodfs Wcrii hoor.ble means to pre- to have such a law passed in relation to booms now in existence as may protect our interests. Resolved, That the act of May 8th, 1855, entitled "A supplement to an aot to regulate the taking np or lumoer, &c., was uncalled lor, is oppressive ,1 ii . . , . i ana scouia oe repeaiea. On motion, Wm. F. Irwin, A. II. Shaw and L. Jackson Crans were appointed a Committee f Correspondence. On motion, it was resolved that the proceed jugs oi mis meeting do signea oy tuo i resi dent and Secretaries and published, and that a copy of the samo bo furnished to each of the members of the Legislature. Adjourned. Ellis Iiiwin, Prest L. Jackson Crans, I ... A. M. Hi 11 3, Secys. Eastbe Day. It ia stated that the Council of Nice, in the year 325, laid down the rule, that Easter Sunday should be the first Sunday after full moon, which happens upon, or next after the 21st of March. "Then the Fast of Lent Is continued for forty days before Easter Sunday, and the first of those days is called led Ash Wednesday, from a custom of sprink .Hng ashes on that day. Ehrove or Shrive Trtesday Is the day preceeding, on which the folks shrive or. confess to the priest, and are allowed to make merry afterwards,from whence carne the custom of cock-fighting, ic, on that day. Shrovo Tuesday is tho next Tuesday af ter the first change of tho moon ia February, The earliest day on which Easter can fall is .tho 22d of March, and the latest the 25th of April. Suppose the full moon to occur on the 24th of March, the first full moon after the 21st of March would cot occur until the 13th .of April. In 1853, Easter jvill fall on the 21th of April. In 1845, it fell on the 2.'ld of March, the samo as this year. In 1818, ft fell on the irllest possible day, the 22d of March." - Exhibition. The semi-annual exhibition of the Clearfield Institute ctme ofT at the Town Hall in this borough, on last Friday evening. At an early hour, tho house was crowded to overflowing, and it was with much difficulty that all the ladies, present could be seated. . Tho Hall was well lighted, and beautifully dec orated with evergreens. Wo were much pleas ed with the performances. Good taste was Aaplayed in the manner of their arrangement, and the performers, male and female, acquitted themselves in a manner highly creditable to themselves, and flattering to the principal of the institution. It was cause of gratification to teo the interest that Is taken la educational aflalrs, as was evinced in the large crowd of spectators present ; and it must have been en couraging to both teacher and pupils to wit ness such a manifestation of interest. The Clearfield Brass Band was in attendance and enlivened the performances with a number of spirited and well-played tunes. This Shoes are great promoters of consump tion and like fashionable ailings in human be ings. It is surprising that ladies, possessing the good sense which all must accede to them, should permit themselves to indulge in the nse of thin-oled, cloth shoes, in weather such as we have now. Uardly a day passes that we do not observe females walking along our streets In shoes that cannot possibly protect their feet from the moisture. It Is little wonder, there fore, that so many of our American ladies are such delicate creatures. A couple years since, A very Umablt English lady, In a eonversa- tlon on this subject, reniarKea to ns mat uCr countrywomen paid the greatest attention to keeping their feet well protected and in con firmation exhibited a pair of shoes, wnicu to us seemed welt calculated for that purpose, being cork-soled and supplied with good-sized heel-taps and yet they were rery neat. It seems as if a false pride the vanity of dis playing little, contracted feet (a wag sug gests understanding, as being a better term, but we object to its use on this occasion,) pre vents many of our ladie3 from wearing an ar ticle ot shos that would in a great degree protect them from colds and coughs, and that almost inseparable concomitant, consumption. Firk im Beccaria. On Monday the 10th instant, at about 12 o'clock M.,tbe large dwel ling and store house of Mr. John Swan, on Muddy run, in Beccaria township, was con sumed by fire, together with bis entire stock of goods, furniture and whatsoever the build ing contained. The family, we understand, were taking their dinner in an apartment at one end of the house, when the fire broke out at the other, and before it was discovered had got under such headway that nothing could be rescued from the devouring element. It is supposed that tho fire originated at the place where the stove-pipe passed thiough the sec ond story floor, which was laid with loose boards. The loss of Mr. Swan will doubtless ly be from $3,000 to $5,000. The Algeeixe Law. On the 13th Inst, Mr Souther presented a petition to the Senate for the rerjeal of the following section of the Act known here as the "Algerine Law :" "Sec. 1. That if the parties are unable to flp-ree unon tho amount to be paid, the lumber, logs, shingles, bolts or timber, shall be deliv ered to the owner, but in such case the owner or owners of the said lumber, or his or their grant hrivinsr charge of the same, shall be lia ble to arrest on a capiat ad respondedum, from which he bhall not be discharged until he or thev shall eive bail absolute before the justice who shall uue such capias, to pay to the per son or uersons takiu ud such lumber, logs, hinrles. bolts or timber, the judgment that may be recovered, with costs of suit :" Fire. On Tuesday of last week the Saw mill.of Howard Merreil, in Bradford township, was destroyed by fire. The fire, it is supposed, originated In tho carpenter shop attached to the mill. The loss of Mr. Merreil will be most seriously felt in his inability to saw up the large number of logs which he has on band, though by the destruction of the mill he will lose not lass than $500. New Post Ojfices. A new post office has been established at Moore's Mill, in L'uion township, styled "Rockton" W. F. Johnson, postmaster. Another new office has also been tAUwJiod-atJegQnte's Mill, in Girard town- Left. Win. II. Eloom, who was committed to jail on a capias for breach of promise of manage, loott raiuer unceremonious . leave last night. The jail wall was scaled by means of a ladder, the lock of the outer door taken off, and the prisoner thus made his escape. Me. Vacguas, of Sandy mil, who, with his wife, went to attend the funeral of her father near Utica, fell dead upon the track of the Central Road near Amsterdam, on the 4th. The train bad been stopped by a temporary obstruction. Mr. Yauglian, with other pas sengers, got out to see what occasioned the delay, walked a few rods ahead of the train, and after learning the causa of the detention, fell dead upon the track. "Union for the Sake of the Union." A meeting of those opposed to the present National Administration will be held on Sat urday the 22d inst., for the purpose of select ing delegates for the Union Convention to be held at Ilarrisburg on the 2Gth. Attendance is requested at 2 o clock. I ho opponents of me Aumintstration are requested to give it msir irnrneoiaie attention. marlO MAR1U , On the 6th inst.. bv Rev. J. L. Pnrdv. Mr. LwiScnderland, of Clearfield county, to Miss Catharine of iter, of Indiana county. On tho 8th in3t., at the resilience of Mr. G Darr, by John t . Lee, Esq., Mr. Jons Kime to Miss Ann C. Darr, of Clearfield county. On the 13th inst., by Rev. John Flegal, Mr. ArocsTCs Weitemon to Miss Sophia Miller, both of Clearfiald county, Pa. DIEDi On Monday, tho 10th March, Mrs. Eliza, wife of John Kline, jr., of Bradford township. TERMS. The JorRSAL is published eycry Wednesday, at Ose Dollar and Fiftv Cents per annum in advance, or Two Dollars within the year. ' Advertisements inserted at fifty cents per square, for the first, and twenty-five ceuts for each addi tional insertion. A liberal deduction made to those who advertise by the quarter, or year. Tho 'Terms' will bo strictly adhered to. No paper discontinued without payment of ar rearages, unless at tho option of the publisher. "JVOTICE. Having purchased the Docks of the J. 1 Raftsman's Journal with tho establishment, all rmounts unpaid for Subscription, Advertising, or Job-work, arc to bo settled with the undersigned. roar 13 S. Ji. V.oW. rOfl AnI SHORT SHINGLES wanted bv A. 0JJfjJJ M. Hills, at his store, for which the hiacst market price will be paid In Goods at the lowest prices in the county. -Jmarl9-tf 1 fin slnn Fcct of BOARUS wanted by J.UU,UUU A.M. HILLS, athisstoro in Clear field, for which the highest market price will be pi id in goods at cash prices. marl9-tf Q;r It E WARD. Escaped from the custody tJpO of tho undersigned. SberiiT of Clearfield county, on the night ol the lflth, WM. II. BLOOM. He i about 5 f:ct 10 inches high, has dark hair and dark eyes, is abotft 31 years of Cgo, and a phy sician by profession. The above reward will be paid for his delivery to the nndersigncd. JOSIAH K. READ, PberifT. Clearfield, Pa. , March 19, 18ag. COOKING and PARLOR. STOVES, for sale in Curweuavillo, at the store of feb!3 II. D. PATTOX. YRON. An excellent assortment of Iron for sale I by febl3 II. D. PATTON. Cnrwensvillo, Pa. PORK and DRIED FRUIT, excellent articles, ean be procured at the store of Curwensvillc, Feb. 13. H. D. PATTON. TTAGONS and BL'UGIES, for sale cheap, by (feb!3) 11. D PATTON. CHAIN PUMPS, for sale at the fiand," in Curwensville hj "Old Corner PATTON TREASURER'S SALE OF UNSEATED LANDS for Taxes for the years 1854 18o5. Notiee is hereby given, that in pursuance oi act of Assembly, passed the 12th day of June, A. D. 1815, entitled, "An act to amend an act direct ing the mode of selling unstated lanas ior wiies, AO.,tne-IOUOWingiraciaui uuaeum iuu. in vi.. field county, will bo exposed to public sale, or out cry, for the taxes due and unpaid thereon, at tho Court House in the borough of Clearfield, on the second Monday of June next i Ars. Vs.. Otcner aiul Warrantee. Tax. 151 50 Thog. Weston X nomas neauuna, 1,12 115 Abraham Witmer, $12 24 IS 17 13 17 162 110 JVlionael xuusser, 195 William Wright, 279 04 Jehn Cooper Ephraim Rlair, 15 76 23 56 4 47 55 102 fcstraU liillingion, 140 Wro. Powder M illiam Brows, 12 1 A. K. Wright Jacob Mussersmith, 14 34 19 35 4 119 John Dillon Kobert W uson, 20 Jas.GaJlaher Frederick Herman, 55 60 - William Bosnian, 63 23 F. A J. Shoff Adam Wyscncopo, 5 67 1 62 4 20 5 19 234 AVm. Hammond Herman turner, 80 J. McCullcy Philip Gloninger, 54 John Beam, 33 57 1 67 20 10 78 4 20 133 55 103 C. Copenheifer F. Gloninger, 200 Samuel lurner. 16 20 3 83 G 81 3 59 5 25 50 100 Moses Robison P. Gloninger, 83 123 Fred k. Shoff John Bausiuan, 85 64 A. K. !?hoff William Bausman, 125 23 Lionel Weld Peter Miller, 93 140 Micbael ioutl, 4 13 11 07 51 Ah. WRrrick Henrv Landu, 93 Wm. Potter Frederick Uuoley, 3 92 9 77 8 3 16 Jas. Stewart Frederick Uenman, John Osball John Kctland, 7 93 6 27 And. W hitler Thomas Billingtoa, Kelley & Djckerson, Philip Gloninger, John Mysincope, Btll Towmhip. James McGhee, Arthur Bell BeDjamin Gibbs, JaeobSnydcr Margaret Shippen, JJoggs Tcwnsnip. Smith A Powell Rarbara Snyder, John Kepbart Henry Faunce, F. Ransom Henrv Faunce, eo 332 150 50 00 27 00 23 39 433 301 16 21 93 3 80 3 90 3 64 100 70 119 90. Fisher & I'owrai Barbara enyuer, 12 37 119 90 Fisher,Doling ACo BarbaraSuyder, 18 100 132 Patrick Doling, Georgo llootnian, Luko Kyler, O.W.Oearhar'. Walter Stewart, 72 David Goss Richard Thomas, 114 David Fraiier Richard Thomas, 20 92 40 53 80 65 30 U 41 61 52 63 Hardman Phillips Rich'd 'lnomas, 72 Bradford Townshiv 316 23 15'J 123 100 100 200 60 115 40 150 85 85 100 145 75 1M 90 347 60 J. W. Smith Hugh E'y, 14 50 Kratzer.f.anichAFulton, 68 Matthew Forcer. 15 77 Tli nmu Unit John Nicholson. 11 72 Ahm Ilotivar Thomas Hawthorn. 4 19 Jos, & Wm. Sanson, J Wooldridge Aaron Leavy, William Sansom, Thomas Forcey, Thomas Forcey, V. B. Holt, William Graham, jr John Graham, jr. Levi Pearco Aaaron Leavy, Wm. Askoy T. Cope. John Dale George Mooro, J. Graham, Ab. Graham IsabollaJordan, Geo. Smcal Andrew Byard, Brady Township. Acres. Ps. Owner Jb Warrantee. 4 20 16 60 4 21 6 03 4 20 8 40 3 53 3 53 2 80 6 05 2 07 6 12 2 53 l'i 42 Tax. 354 324 641 645 -493 305 1993 C23 250 313 202 202 aoi 161 100 215 51 Joseph Read Jared Ingersol. 1 1 25 Jared Ingersol, 17 81 John Hart's heirs John Uari, 11 49 John Hart, . 11 52 David Espy Wm.Kirkpatrick,17 51 ati. Kennedy, 20 68 TT . . Ann Kennedy, 4 56 "y? a. la. Schncll Roberts i'ox, 3 -Ow.- v - ina Jcs. Ferron, 29 10 5H2 5877 5879 5S31 53SS 250 113 300 195 5331 13 213 110 3577 5009 3513 1993 Tmt a. a. 51 32 Tyton lleynolds - Henry Wykoph, 1011 220 Miss Curry Robert Curry, 12 61 115 Samuel Jordan. 6 57 320 Harrison Hall Robert Curry, 18 24 100 James Reed, 5 70 77 Robert Ross Casper Stiver, 5 5 135 L. J. Crans, now J. MoClure Joseph Ferron, 7 69 321 T. L. Batdof Christian Lowe, 29 68 501 M. Ley's heirs Christ. Lowe, 35 63 370 Christian Lowe, 2d 11 100 M. J. Porter Roberts & Fox, 5 102 Geo. Munn Roberts & Foxr 3 H 73 103 W.W.FIemming Roberts .tFox.4 53 200 AdamWhecler Roberts 4 Fox, 11 40 600 B.D.Rou3hcAOo.23 50 40 Samuel Ambrose, 4 90 Bumside Township. S21 Wm. Rigler Mary Crawford, 30 33 310 Frederick Knhn, 29 54 209 Peter Gets, 21 16 100 Jas.Thompson Sam'l Roberts, 10 13 100 George Graff, 10 13 150 Uriah Loyd Christian Stake, 15 23 100 J. C Fisher s estate- Matthias Slouch, 10 12 100 L. R. Carter Henry Musser, 8 10 100 George Graff, 10 1 Chest Toicnshin. 433 153 Drinker & Clark Wm. Cook, 29 50 433 153 John Cunningham, 29 50 luu ji jas. xnompson Henry fole, o v(J 433 153 A. Steer's heirs JohnMusser. 33 30 Clearfield Borovgk. Lot No. 1SI 40 Curwensville Borovgh, &ne lot in name of John Scott, Covington Township, Anson G. Phelps. 40 5337 7S4 George Mead, 18 04 5333 10S3 GeorgoMead, 24-9! 6370 1100 GeorgoMead, 25 30 5373 1100 GeonreMcad, 2 30 .VS74 1100 GeorgoMead, 25 30 103 1100 GeorgoMead. 25 30 5410 1100 GeorgoMead. 25 30 53"9 1043 GeoreeMead. 25 0 5377 1100 GeorgoMead, 25 30 635S 483 George Mead, 11 14 5407 1000 George Mead, 23 00 5404 32j George Mead. 7 26 Feter A. Kartbaus. 573 Morris A Stewart, 13 32 890 Morris A Stewart, 20 21 883 Morris A Stewart, 20 33 45 ilorris t Stewart, 12 52 Jjecatur Township, 195 Joseph Harrison, 19 OS 404 Peter Owens Charles.Rish, 23 44 3rt0 David Kephart, 31 65 433 153 Leonard Wallace JacobCox, 40 25 90 113Dan'l Albert Jos.Hamblcton, 8 41 169 131 J. Hammerslaugh 11 ugh Ely, 14 50 33 120 William Montgomery, 2 62 35 60J.&O H. Stiner Tbeniaa Edmonson, 3 03 135 Kephart A Ibsrt JohnDrinker,6 25 50 Jacob Baugbman JohnSkyron,4 35 50 Jon. Kepbart Jacob Downing, 4 35 62 103 David Gearh art John Skyron, 5 45 37 49 James Albert Jossph Sansom, 2 36 93 68 J.Gearhart,Esq John Canon, 8 53 213 " Enoch A David Gearhart John Skyron, 21 58 76 40 Daniel Ayers George Graff, 6 61 4 32 Perks A Bowman William Sansom. 4 70 76 99 JainesAIbert William Sansom, 6 61 Ferguson Township. 233 159 Greenwood Bell John Ham bright. 10 13 433 153 Charles Huston GeoreoRoss, 24 30 1S93 1899 1902 1912 100 Bell's Estate P. Gloninger, 5 60 Fox Township. Rudolph II. Evans. 4272 425 James Wilson. 14 73 4272 50 James Wilson, 1 76 Sillman liar wood 4200 330 James AVilson west i 11 35 De Witt C. Morris. 4IS1 405 James Wilson west i 17 07 Nathan Railey. 41S3 200 James Wilson east part, 6 90 William Turns. 4188 600 James Wilson middle p't 20 70 4375 W0 James Wilson, 34 IS William A. Wallace. 6 54 4188 190 James W ilson wesi pail, 34 12 43 10 4183 9S0 James v uson, U. o. .Land company. 4241 937 James ilson, 4238 947 James Wilscn, 43 54 15 40 21 20 4242 330 James w uson, 4090 923 James Wil3on, 92 1534 20 James uson, 1535 600 James Wilson. 27 60 Spencer & tpiier. 17 10 0 94 11 04 A1Q1 S72 James Wilson, William li. uoraon. 4393 21o James Uson, Daniel Oyster s .stai9. 4400 44 James Uson, Alexander lai. 4340 113 James ilson, 4250 990 James Wilson, 8 65 84 12 5 34 106 B. Davenport, Girard Township. Anson G. Phelps 72 1 5356 1100 George Mead, 5371 1033 George Mead, 5357 1000 George Mead, 62 00 5360 1100 George Mead, 5364 1066 120 George Mead, 72 50 5365 752 George Mead, 53(52 1003 George Mead, 5358 1043 George Mead, 5375 1083 George Mead, JO 77 7 05 7 23 T 7 7 7 b 56 5361 1100 George Mead, 5363 1100 George Mead, 5372 1100 GeorgoMead, 67 72 67 5352 793 George Mead, 5353 1100 GeorgoMead, 4354 1000 George Mead, 60 67 7 7 7 7 7 4 T 4 e T 0 2 1 S 72 67 00 5355 1100 GeorgoMead, 6359 1000 George Mead, 5376 1100 George Meaa, 5373 611 George Mead, 72 43 23 A. w. .Murray, Morri3 A Stewart, J. Slites and wife. 18 Morris and Stewart, Francis Hugucny. 53 Morris and Stewart, Francis Coudriel. 120 Morris and Stewart, A. and J. Spackman. 45 Morris and Stewart, Morris and Stewart, Morris and Stewart, -Morris and Stewart, Morris and Stewart, Ocshen Tcxcnship. Anson G. Phelps. 1SS3 260 115 213 254 367 77 50 163 255 82 10 1913 1337 11 1890 16 1890 1937 1943 03 73 50 1925 1926 T2 5313 653 900 George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, 60 George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, Georgo Mead, 60 George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, 17 64 21 60 27 00 5314 5315 1000 5316 1000 5317 1059 5313 1099 5319 1099 5320 1100 5321 1008 5322 1100 5323 11 CO 5324 1100 5325 623 532(1 1100 27 00 23 55 29 70 29 70 14 85 14 85 14 85 14 85 29 70 16 86 29 70 14 85 14 85 5327 1100 5323 1100 5329 1100 14 85 14 85 14 85 5330 5331 1100 1100 John Keating. 1922 201 2 Morris and Stewart, J. I Rider. 5325 200 Georgo Mead, Huston Township. John B. Otto. S E5 15 20 5673 1011 5674 1041 5367 990 Mooro and Delany, Mooro and Delany, Williasa Powers, 70 25 70 25 65 80 63 80 70 20 5QG6 990 , William Powers, 5673 1011 Moore and Dolapy, William Parker. 1257 683 15 James Wilson, U. S. I nd Company 4231 633 James Tr"ilson, 4234 525 James Wilsod, 42. 353 Jaffiinilo"a,- 422rt 9'jo James Wilson, 422J 9(55 123 James Wilson, 4230 623 112 James Wilson, 4225 710 James Wilson, Thomas Holt. 50C4 990 William Powers, 11 97 43 03 35 43 66 75 6 79 65 42 40 43 It 17 62 G. B. Gordon. James Wiiaon, James Wilson, Jar da nTc wnship. 4225 4236 250 &00 16 85 63 73 Cram. Elate A Parley. 437 435 43 Keuben ilayccs, Lnke Morris, Joseph Hilliard, Robert Gray, John Eeighart, Sarah Ward, Georgo Eddy, Mooro Wharton, George Asbton, 43 91 50 43 433 153 433 153 429 41 433 153 433 153 433 153 433 153 43 50 43 50 48 04 43 50 43 50 43 50 43 50 Richard Peters. Susanna Ward, John Dorscy, William Sloss. Adam Rhoads, Drinker and Clark.. Daniel Smith, Greenwood Bell. Adam Rcigart, Daniel Bausman. O. A Mary McCormtck, Thomas McElee. Jonathan Jones, James Jordan, James M. Chase. Caleb Foulk, George Wescott, Robert Wharton, George Shoff, John Boyd, Rober- Wharton, Adam Kubn, . Ebonezor Breohanj, Karlhaus Township. A. G. Thelps. GeorgoMead, George Mead, Georgo Mead, George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, P. A. Karthuus. Morris and Stewart, Morris and Stewart, Morris and Stewart, Morris and Stewart, George Vaux. Morris and Stewart, Peter McDonald, Georgo Mead, Charles Willink, Charles Willick, Charles Willink. Charles Willink. Charles Willink, Charles Willink, Charles Willink, Charles Willitk, Charles Willink, 12 20 14 45 15 44 36 40 21 13 5 6 20 S5 40 24 43 36 40 36 40 33 60 11 20 14 44 60 53 8 49 8 49 6 76 7 25 8 50 S 50 1 24 S7 20 43 24 21 43 12 40 51 6 1 2 9 20 4 12 1 26 94 19 65 1 24 Lawrence Township, A. G. Phelps. Georgo Mead, George Mead, George Mead, Georgo Mead, George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, ; George Mead, ' George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, Georgo Mead, Georpo Mead, Geerge Mead, Georgo Mead, Georgo Mead, Georgo Mead. George Mead, Georgo Mead, George Mead, Solomon Klino. Roberts and Fox, 5292 1100 5293 1100 S 42 8 42 8 42 8 42 8 42 8 42 8 42 8 42 1 62 7 62 8 05 8 42 8 42 8 42 8 42 8 43 8 43 8 42 8 42 8 05 14 82 4 TO 5291 1100 5295 1100 5298 1100 5297 1100 5293 1100 5299 1100 5300 1100 5301 1100 5302 1100 5303 1100 5304 1100 5305 1100 5306 1100 5307 1100 5303 1100 09 1100 5310 1100 5311 1100 6312 19C0 2002 91 Morris Township. Henry Lorain. 440 65 Joseph Turner fer'SS-'SS 10 56 440 103 Joseph Turner, " 10 53 440 20 Joseph Taraer, 10 56 109 123 290 433 153 216 153 200 100 120 433 153 2J.i 433 153 433 153 300 133 153 103 433 1 33 5409 1100 5111 1100 5113 747 5113 1013 5406 1100 5414 1000 5105 107 27 1900 600 1901 773 1943 507 1093 200 J944 513 95 1C0 5412 301 1093 46 10 1091 149 101 1095 362 29 1096 69 1097 193 3165 31 53 5465 437 3466 317 34G3 40 46 423 Georgo naybecker, 402 Georgo Wetzel. 206 William WerU, 327 Christian Wert, 373 David Sanck, E. Perks & Co. 421 Jesse Yarncli, McKoan and Butler. 150 Christian Musser, Johnston A Bowman. 303 .Peter Yarncli, John Lorain. -14 70 Michael Soader, E. J, Burton. 272 13 Robert Glenn, W. V Sanderson. 437 144 Pranc Johnston, 200 160 John lucholsop, S. C. Thompson. 154 Welty Morris, Snydr Large. 183 Frsneis Johnston, Hardman Phillips. 9 Richard Thomas, Shaw and St. John Ssith. 10 14 9 63 4 92 7 S3 8 96 53 50 11 25 15 00 1 75 ti 00 54 60 25 00 14 S3 21 61 12 05 433 153 433 153 433 153 433 153 273 153 433 15.3 433 153 433 153 433 153 433 153 433 153 433 153 433 153 100 153 Thomas Morris, 43 40 43 40 43 40 43 40 23 eo 43 40 43 49 43 40 43 40 43 40 43 40 43 40 43 40 12 50 1R 62 47 86 53 24 22 60 47 77 William Morris. Samuel Meredith, William Millor, Wolty Morris, Thomas Fitzsinimons, Georgo Clymer, Robert G ray, Robert Rainey, Patrick Moore, Mary Morris, " Magnus Miller, Nalbro Frazer, William Hoover. Francis Jobns'on. Wm. Drinkeas heirs. John Fry. jr. John Thomas 4 years John Cook. Jacob Wetzel. Reuben Haines, . PurSi.lI &: Co. Joseph Simons, soo 380 4C6 223 82 Daniel W. Bradley. Robert Shaw, II jinan Oratz, J. J. Miller. John Nicholson, M. Beam. 436 431 114 111 43 61 43 21 10 00 10 09 200 101 125 William Morris, II. Beam. 10? Robert Morris, 1060 George Hoover. 100 John Swanwick, 10 00 Robert Thomas. 231 Christian Baker, 23 W Swartz & Bower. 50 Francb Johnston, 4 00 ICO " J- Farlow, 10 00 James M'Girk's estata. 241 22 William Evans, 27 50 Philip Blanehard. 139 19 Patrick Havs,' 17 S2 S. & II. Gratz. 137 3S William Morris. 13 07 S5 143 Samuel Miles, Jr. 9 60 i 146 Bernard Gratz, 14 62 848 Joseph Henry, 81 81 132 119 David Hall, 13 31 411 Charles Hall. 41 12 121 100 William D. Kirwln, 12 19 50 George Wetzel, 5 00 27 Paul Wetzel, 2 81 832 Reuben Haines, . S3 13 203 John Barron, 20 31 Penn Township. William Hepburn. 93 Cochran Tract, 6 62 Pike Township. 600 John Nicholson, 4S0 John Nicholson, 5781 5778 15 21 81 5 00 74 S3 50 60 20 57771020 109 129 21 John Nicholson, Daniel Hartsock, Berjaciin Johnson, Union Township. Gartland Irwin. 850 Roberts & Fox, Chiles Blanchard. 2557 SI 69 35S8 970 60 RoJf'ts & Fos, II. Brittod, 3591 52 Roberfs St Fox, Henry Bailv. B531 50 Roberts &"Fox, irbocftfflni Towr.ship. Dr. James Lock. 67 1 SS I 78 420 120 Henry Drinker, 22 SO 240 William Drinker, 20 16 43 William Uagarty, S 12 800 John Morgan, 25 22 Robert Wallace. 150 5 Peter Henrv, 7 64 140 Hugh Ralston, 8 98 William A. Wallace. 404 28 Samuel Hamilton, 19 38 Thomas Ralton. 17T R. McGhee, 14 3 Lisle McCullev. 18 57 Philip DifleuriafTer, 1 36 Read Alexander & Co. - 48 115 Mary Connolly, 4 08 200 Daniel Fulkcrson, 9 GO Dr. Houtz. 433 153 Philp Lost, - 23 SO 422 153 Jacob K. ITowill, 82 43 433 153 Wiiiiaiii Johnson, 8-i 32 100 68 Goorge Bickham, 7 68 Hardman Philips. 260 John M.Chase, 2137 63 John Lamblack, 8 2S McCullr. 85 Pigot Shaw 8 18 ITenry Hegarty, 2 42 George Baker. ELI BLOOM, Treasurer. Treasurer's Office, Clearfield, i March VJ, 1350. VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE. The subscriber offers for sale his Tav- -rn Stand, on the corner of Market and Front streets, in the borouzh of Clearfield. Tha housa is large aud commodious and well calculated for a public house. For particulars inquire of W. A. Wallace, Esj., or of tha subscriber living on the premises. W. J. HEMPHILL. March 5th, 1S56 TVTOTICE 11 on the Estate of John Prie. d Boggs township. Clearfield county. Pa., have been ! giauicu 10 mo unaersigneu, rending in Lawrence township, all persons indebted to caid estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those havinjr claims against said ai ;h them, properly authenticated for settlement, to t , A. T. SCliRYVER. March 5th, 1353. Administrator. RAFT STOVES, for sale by MF.RH Ft. MERRELL A CARTER. Clearfield, Feb. 27. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. Ihe partnership harntnfnrA .ric.n vi James M. Kelly and Wm. R. Dir.ltin r.A;,... under the name of KIlv A riiKVincnn .-. .v.-. j by mutual consent aisaolred. J M.KELLY, , tt v . W R- DICKINSON. Glen Hope. Feb. 18, 1S56. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. The subscriber offers for sale bis yalnablo rrm, situate two miles from Curwensville, on the fiyer road loading to Lumber City; said farm oon taming 105 acres, sixty acres nioxnui cultivation, the balance well timbored; with a good barn, ricw plank dwelling honsa. and a good bearing orchard thereon, and is well watered. For further information enquire of the rabsoriber Hy ing on tbo premises. . SIMON THOMPSON Jrcornary 20, 18a(5 Cm D RIL'D PEACHES, of Superior n7itv. fnr sale at S2 per bushel, a tha ehean cash stora feb. 13 K, MOSSOP. of 1 s OCP BEANS A lot of excellent Soup Beans Iforselahy MEBKELL CARTFR 2? Cltsrald, Pa i . - nr v rnirR. for ! by E ..1... VSr,-L , CARttR. MERRLLI Clearfield Pa.. Jan. 16,1356. .-o n RR&IIAM. Dealer in SAWED T LI MBER SuaIeD TIMBER, SHINGLES, BOARDS, AO.,' f.ep.red to fill th. .hortott notice, all orders for articles m his line of " busi ness, on as reasonable terms as they ean bo pro cured in tbo county Grahampton, Clearfield Co., Jan. 23, 1356 H Aitnism-RG, jAyrT 25th. 1SS3 t-tt ir u niHir. niKEUiuns ing bee:, made by the Board of fetors of . .ma jority of tho School Disiriots ClBaf"5g: Itatine their dciro to increase tho Salary of ta Coau.y Superintendent of said county, rou are ro spectrin v requested to meet in Convention .t th W House! in C!ear4c!d, on Saturday thi .3d day of February, ls53,t on clock '"the after noon, for tho purpose above sted the terms of tho eighth section of ilia Supplement gtt.Sdfl Law, approved Feb- !. l55tV Super, cf Coinmoi; SohooU. BOOKS! HOOKS!! Greenlesrs Series cf Mathematical Works are now bing used la nearly all the Schools. Academies and Colleges in the United States, and are without doubt led in yoint of merit, and in adaptation to the wants of our schools ; they have the plainest hum and best examples to illustrate the whole business of life. Tho attention of Superintendents. Direc tors and Teachers U respectfully invited to theso works before introducing a oniiorul series of any otber kind os Iho law requires. These books can be had wholesale, retnil or in exchange for old Rooks when introduced in tho 6chooU, at CD. WATSON Drug and Book Store. Clearfield. Jon. ."0. 1856 2m. -' A l.LOA! NEW WAGON MANUFACTORY. The tixsdcn-igued would respectlully an nounce to his Inends ana uie poous gcueron, that ho has opened out a new Wagon-Making Es tablishment ia '-New Salem City." Brady town ship, where he will at all times bo prepared to manufacture, on tho shortest notice, all kinds of Wagons, Carts, Wheelbarrows. Ac. The best ma terial that can be procured will bo used, and hi work will be made iu the most substantial and du rable manner, such as vrili bear the test cf strict examination. Ry a closo o'-scrvanca of hia busi ce tngagcmecU, and ly disposing of his voiV on tho most reasonable terms, which he will do for either cr.sa or approved country produce, ha bvpes to merit and receive a liberal shfcre of pub lic custom BENJ. RISUEL. New Salem City. Jan. 16, 1S56. CLEARFIELD INSTITUTE. Tho nest term of this Institution will ectacienoa ou the 11th of February, IS56. All persons wishing to fit themselves for Teach ers, or other avocations in life, will here recoiv every desired I'&ciUty and attention. A thorough Classical and Mercantile course is here given, en terms lower tcsn any other similar Institution ia the State. Parents at a distanca can obtain boarding for their s.ins or daughters under the immodiata car of the 1'rincipLl.- where they will receive rare ad vantages, with all tho comforts and pleasures of a homc;ane their morals wilj bo carefully guarded. Tne rates of tuition per quarter are: Primary Eo:rlish.$2-50; His'a Eng Uh.S5.00;Clasics,S3-00-Mathtmatijs.above Algebra 53; Freacg, Drawing, and Paint irg.55 each Further -information oan be fcsi by aidresaisg W- A- CAMPBELL, principal Arr. .4. '55-1 Clearfield, Pa TVEW nOTEL: The o'.d 'Sfsris HotTeE,' at 1 KEW WASHINGTON, has been re-opened and re-fitted by the ucuersigaj- ed, whoespectfuliy solicits a share of publio ft- rotige. He is well provided with hanse room and goal stabheg, fcnd intends keeping a Temperance House, at which ho will al -aja endearor to mako hia. gueaU feel at homo. JOILS SHETTER. August 1. 1S55. tf. IV JEW A R R I V A L The uedcrsira hi NEW GOODS, adapted to the set so 3, consisting rit TRY GOODS, GROCERIES, QUEENSWAEZ, H ARDW All E. C05FECT ION ARIES, NAILS. HOLLOW-WARE, CEDEK-WARE, Ao.. Ac. JAME3 B. GRAHAM. Grahamtop. Aug. 22. 1555. NEW nOTEL. AT LUMBER CITY, Cllaefield Co., Pa. THE trfiersigned would respectfully-inform tha public", that he has just opeced a NEW HOTEL, at Lumber City, where ho ispreparod' to entertain all who my give him a call. Extensive Stabling attached to the presim en attentive onler slwajv in attendance. L W. TEN ETCS. Lumber City. Dec. 1855. JUST RECEIVED, A SPLENDID ASSORT MENT OF NEW ROOKS. STATIONARY. FANCY ARTICLES. COXFECTIONARIE3. TO BACCO. CIGARS, and DRUGS of all kinds, at ROBINS' LITERARY DEPOT PHAW'S KOW, ClearScld, Pa. , THE latest publications alwavs on hand, or r.ro. cured to order 1 iui:ni. uociey. urauam, noma lie's Fashions. Harper. Peterson hold Words, Le arner. Peterson. ani an the other .Magazines furnished Monthly at Publishers- Prices. He would oj-pecialiy call the attention of levers ' of the weed' to bis large stock of tobacco and -cigars, which cannot be surpassed in this region, consisting of the best quality of 'Natural Leaf," Black Fat," .'-Cavendish," Congress," and other tobaccos: liavana, Regalia, Principe. Plan tation, Spanish, Half-Spanish, and ,;A few mora Uft" cigars. Also a t,ood itock cf "pipes" and 'Ee-out.' lie would also call attention to tbo fatttbatha ajw nvuid a(JJ KBU lO U has just opened a largo assortment DRUGS, CHEMICALS, AND DY of DYE STFEF3. which he will sell cheaper than any other estab lishment in the Count-?. THOMAS R0BIN3- Noveciher 11, 1S55. TVTEW 11 Old c GOODS' NEW GOODS! At tha Corner Store of tho undersigned at CUSWENSVIL L . They hae just received the largest and best assart ment of Summer and Fall Goods ever brought pt Clearfield; consisting of Dry Goods, Hardware, Queensware, Goceriea, Con fectionaries, Hats and Caps, Boots a . . . j. nu caoes. carpeting, uu Cloth, Ac. Cloths, Cussimereg, Linens, Muslins. Do Laice,' Prints. Dress Silks, Bonnets, Shawls Mantillas, Fringes, Fancy Toilet articles'. La ces. Embroideries, and an endless variety of other articles too numerous to mention, all of which they offer at tho lowest prices and on tho easiest tnns Aug. 1, 1S55. J. a H. D. PATTOy. VALUABLE PROPERTV AT ,, , PRIVATE SALE THE undersigned offers at Private Sale, 209 acres of Land, more or les, in Penn township. ClearfiaU " oounty, teven or eight aores cleared, th balanes covered with valuable TIMBER, and harin A GOOD SAW-MILL, wim LA1U-SAW. Rose wheel, Ac , on stream water, which will enabla tho runabout eight months ia the year. food mill t A LARGZ TWO-STORY HOUSE. well furnished, plastered and painUd throughout with a never-failing Spring of water in th oellsr' ALSO. A FRAME BANK BARN, well furnished with threshing floor, stabling, 4 all naw, having but recently been ereotd. Alio, ooavenient, and aubstantiajly erected . , OUT-BUILDIN GS, oonelstlcgof a Wood-Shed. Spring House. &rok. House, Ac., ito rJ-.re i" BO tt0r' dlol property la tha County. Any person wiping further iuforwa tion, can apply to Sactu Wine, UriBg n m,a? I" 0455 dddreas, Grampian Eills, Cirn!d County. Pa. - - '.'- JOHN WTDEMXRE. - ' i Penn Teweshly, Tee. Ti, 1?55.-Sjn.