mm, TIIE JOURML. HOME FACTS AND FANCIES. Ash-Booh Meeting. A meeting of the cit ltens of Clearfield was held at the Prothonota . ry's office on Monday evening, March 17th, 1856. On motion, Eixi3 Inwix, Esq., was called to the chair; lion. Eichard Shaw, Jno. F. Weaver, Jaa. B. Graham, Win. L. Moore, TVra. Porter and Christopher Kratzer. eotai Vice Presidents, and L. Jackson Crana and Gen. A. M. Hills appointed Secretaries. The - object of the meeting having been stated, on motion C. D. Watson, Clark Wilson, Jame3 - - Wrigley, J. R. Eeed and William Powell were appointed a cemmittee to draft resolutions ex pressive 01 me sense or this meeting. During the absence of the committee, on motion, Sam- eel Mitchell, D. W. Moore, S. B. Row, Jnc. L. uiue, it. J. Wallace and Christian Pottarf wrere appointed a committee to prepare a me rnorlal and remonstrance. On motion, tho President was authorized to appoint a commit tee consisting of one gentleman in each bor oughand township to obtain' signatures to -the remonstrance. The following committee was then appointed by the President: t? ?i3 jJAm!.?-,Torret EeecMia. John Swan; Bell, Fred. O. Miller: Brady, Cleo. B. GoodUnder Eurnside, Jno. Patch in ; Bradford, James 15. Gra ham ; Chest, Chas. S. Worrell ; Clearfield, Chris tian kratzer; Covington. Fr. Coudriet; Curwens ille. Gen. John Patton; Decatur, K.IInhcs; Fox Jas. Moorheai ; Ferguson. Hon. J. P. Ifoyt Gi rard, lion. Peter Lamm ; Goshn, A. B. Shaw Hnston, P. Havener; Jordan. U. Swan; Karthaus', B. I). Hall; Knox, Ccnrad Baker ; Lawrence. Hon. R. Shaw; Morris, Mnj. J. Wilhelin; Pcnn, AT in. C Foley: Pike. non. Wm. Trvin - I'nmn i- woonston; v oodward. Jno. M. Chase. The Committco on Resolutions then report d the following preamble and resolutions which were unanimously adopted : v Whekeas, a number of companies have been in corporated by the Legislature who. have erected booms in the Susquehanna river ; and whereas we -hare just learned that a bill has been reported for i the incorporation of a similar company to erect a .boom at Jersey Shore, and that other Loom compa nies are projected, . Be it resolved, Thst tho erection of booms in the Susquehanna river impedes the navigation there of, cause detention mid los3 to our citizens, and if ihe system is continued of incorporating boom companies it must eventually destroy the timber and board business of Clearfield, county, render valueless our forests and deprive our citizens ef their means of support. . - - Resolved. That tie booms now constructed have so impeded the descending navigation, that our itizens have been seriously injured, and that soma legislation is necessary to protect tie interests cf those who use our great highway in carrying oar principal product to market. IZtsolved, That we are opposed to any further obstructions being placed in the river, and there fore to the Incorporation of more boom companies, as no boom can be constructed without injurin" tho descend ing navigation j Resolved. That we will memorializa the Lb-5j- i lature upon the subject, and request our Senator, Henry Souther, Esq., and our Representative. Seth A. Lackus. Esq., to use all honorable means to pre vent the incorporation of companies empowered to construct booms on the Susquehanna river, and to have such adaw passed in relation to boom3 now ,ia existence as may protect our interests. Rexolvrd, That1" " lf -Mtij. auy fiiuineat lo an act t roguWte tao u.i.; ;.. f,t lumber," Ac, was uncalled for. is oppressive end should be repealed. Oa motion, Wm. F. Irwin, A. II. Shaw and L. Jackson Crans wera appointed a Committee xf Correspondence. On motion, it was resolved that the proceed ings of this m-.-cting be signed by the Presi dent and Secretaries and published, and that a copy of the same be furnished to each of the members of the Legislature. Arljonsned. Elli3 Iawia, Prest. L. Jackson Crans, A. M. Hills, ecjs. Easter Dat. It is stated that the Council of Nice, in the year 325, laid down the rule, that Easter Sunday should be the Crst Sunday after full moon, which happens upon, or next after the 21st of March. "Then the Fast of Lent id continued for forty days before Easter Sunday, and the first of thoso days is called led Ash Wednesday, from a custom of sprink ling ashes on that day. Ehrove or Shrive Tuesday is the day preceeding, on which the Xolks shrive or confess to the priest, and are allowed to make rierry afterwsr JSjfrcm came the custom of cock-fighting, La., on that day. Shrovo Tuesday i3 the next Tuesday af ter the first change of the moon in February. The earliest day on which Easter can fall is the 22d of March, and the latest tho 2-3th cf April. Suppose the full moon to occur on the 24th of March, the first full moon after tho 21st of March would not Occur until the ISth .of April. In 1859, Easter will fall on the 21lh of April. In 181-3, it fell on the 23d of March, Ihe same as this year. In 1813, it felt on the arliest possible day, the 22d of March." Exhibition. The semi-annual exhibition of the Clearfield Institute carno olf at tho Town Hall in this borough, on last Friday evening. At an earlv hour, tho houso was crevded to overflowing, and it was with much difficulty that all the ladies present could be seated. The Hall was well lighted, and beautifully dec .orated with evergreens. We were much pleas ed with the performances. Good taste was aplaycd In the manner of their arrangement, and the performers, male and female, acquitted themselves ia a manner highly creditable to themselves, and flattering to the principal of the institution. It was cause of gratification .to Bee the interest that is taken In educational affairs, as was evinced in the large crowd of spectators present ; and it must have been en couraging to both teacher and pupils to wit ness such a manifestation of interest. The Clearfield Brass Band was in attendance and enlivened the performances with a number of spirited and well-played tunes. .', r This Shoes are great promoters of consnmp tion and like fashionable ailings in bunvan be ings. , It Is surprising that ladies, possessing the good flense which all must accede to them, should permit themselves to indulge in tho use of thin-soled, cloth shoes, in weather such as we have now. TJardly a, day passes that wd do not observe females walking along our streets In shoes that cannot possibly protect their feet from the moisture. It Is little wonder, there fore, that o many of our American ladies are ach delicate creatures. A couple years ilncc ji ?ry tstisjabl English jady,' in a convem tion on thi3 subject, remarked to us that her countrywomen . paid the greatest attention to Keeping their feet well protected and in con urination exhibited a pair of shoes, which to ns seemed well calculated for that purpose being cork-soled and supplied with good-sized heel-taps and yet they were very neat. It seems as if a false pride the vanity oi dis Frying iuiie, contracieu leet (a wag sug gests U7iderslandiug, as being a better term but we object to its use on this occasion,) pre vents many of our ladies from wearing an ar ticle of shoes that would in a great degree protect them from colds and coughs, and that almost inseparable concomitant, consumption. Finn is Beccaeia. On Monday the 10th instaut, at about 12 o'clock M.,the large dwel ling and store house of Mr. John Swan, on Muddy run, in Beccaria township, was con sumed by fire, together with his entire stock of goods, furniture and whatsoever tire build ing contained. Tho family, wo understand, were taking their dinner in an apartment at one end of the house, when the fire b-oke out at the other, and before it was discovered had got under such headway that nothing could be rescued from the devouring clement. It is supposed that the Ore originated at the place where the stove-pipe passed thiough the sec ond story floor, which was laid with loose boards. Tho loss of Mr. Swan will doubtless ly be from $3,000 to $5,000. The: AtcERixs Law. On the lSlh inst, Mr. Souther presented a petition to the Senate for the repeal of the following section of tho Act known here 33 tho "Algerino Law "Snc. 1. That if the parties are unable to agree upon the amount to be paid, the lumber, logs, shingles, bolts or timber, shall be deliv ered to the owner, but in such case the owner or owners of the said lumber, or his or their agent having charge of the same," shall be lia ble to arrest on a capias ad rcspondedum, from which he bhall not be discharged until he or they shall give bail absolute before the justice wr.o shall is.ue such capias, to pay to the per son or persons taking up such lumber, logs, shingles, bolts or timber, the judgment that may be recovered, with costs of suit FtRE. On Tuesday of last week the Saw mill of Howard Merrell, in Bradford township, wa3 destroyed by fire. The lire, it is supposed, originated- in tho carpenter shop attached to the mill. Tho loss of Mr. Merrell will be most seriously felt in his inability to saw up the large number of legs which he has on hand. though by the destruction cf the mill he will lose not'loss than $500. New Post Opices. A new post odce has been established at Moore3 Mili. in Union township, styled "Rockton" XV. F.Johnson, postmaster.' Another new office has also been established at Leeconto's Mill, in Girard town ship, and A. Leeconte appointed postmaster. Left. Win. II. Bloom, who was committed rerj.trt-Ti. - marriage, took rather unceremonious leave last night. The jail wall was scaled by means of a ladder, the lock of tho outer door taken c3, and tho prisoner thus made his escape. Ma. Vaiguan, of Sandy Hill, who, with bis wife, went to attend the funeral of her father near Utica, fell dead upon the track of the Central Road near Amsterdam, on the 4th. The train had been stopped by a temporary obstruction. Mr. Vaughan, with other pas sanser3 got out to see what occasioned the delay, walked a lew rod3 ahead of the train, and after learning the cause of the detention, fell dead upon the track. "Union for tho Sake of tho Union." A mcetitijr of those opposed to the present National Administration will be held ou Sat urday the 22d inst., for the purpose of select- delegates for the Union Convention to bo held at Harrisburg on the 2'jth. Attendance s requested at 2 o'clock. The opponents of the Administration are requested to give it thsir immediate attention. marlU MARllIED, On tho 6th inst., by Eev. J. L. Purdy, Mr Levi Scndeeland, of Clearfield county, to Miss Catuauixe Si iter, of Indiana county. On the 8th ;nst., it the residence of Mr. r Darr, bv John F. Lee, Esq., Mr. John Kime to Miss Ann C. Dark, of Clearfield county. On the 13th inst., by Rev. John Flegal, Mr. Acgustcs Weitemo?! to Miss Sophia Miller, both of Clearfield county, Pa. DIED: On Mondav, the 10th March, Mrs. Eliza, wife of John Kline, jr., of Bradford township. TEH. US. The Joct.sal is published every Wednesday, at Dollar ani Fiftv Cexts per annum in advance, or Two Dollars within the year. Advertisements inserted athttycectdpersquare. f(?r tho hrst, and twenty-live cents lor cacu aUJi tional insertion. A li!?erI deduction made to those who advertise by tho quarfer, cr year. The 'Terras will be etrict'.y adhered to- ro paper discontinued without payment or ar rearages, unless at the option ottho publisher. NOTICE. Having' purchased the Books of tho Kaftanmn s Journal with the establishment all rmounfs unpaid for Subscription, Advertising or Job-work, arc to be settled with the undersigned marl9 S. B. HOW. jrnn nrm short shingles wanted by a JjjAiJj M. Hills, at his store, for which ,. ' . i a ; rill r .1 T J.-.. tne nignesi maraei price win oe pain m uouuj at the lowest prices in the county. mar I'.'-tt 1 CU finn Fect of Sd BOARDS wanted by lUUjUUU A.A1. 11II.L.S, at lus store in Clear field, for which tho highest market price will be p"id in goods at cash prices.' mar!9-tt tody oarfiel ,OOM lie ii about 5 fiet 10 inches hi;;h, has dark hai and dark eyes, is about 31 years of age, and a phy sician by profession.-. The above reward will be paid for his delivery to the undersigned. P... . J josi AH K. READ. Sheriff. Clearfield. Pa. , March 19, 1858. - -i:irK I n and PARLOR STOVES, for eale in V Curwensvillc, at tho Store of I ' ' fcbl.3 . ' - -' ; II. D-PATTON I RON. An excellent asortmeut of Iron for sale by II.D. r AT TON, fcbl3rIV Curwensville. Pa. "L50KK and DRIED FRUIT,' excellent articles JL - can bo nrocnrwl at the store of Curwensville; Feb. 13. ' II. D. TATTON. "VSTAGOXS and BUGGIES, for sale cheap, by T (fet13) 11. l FAXTU-N -1IIA1N .J Stand. PUMPS, for sale at the "Old Corner &y.CT REWARD. Escaped from the cu QfCJ of the undersiirned. Sheriff of CI nuuntv. on the nisht ol the lath, WM.- II. BL ' in Cnrwenstille by . - PAT1W TREASURER'S SALE OF UNSEATED LANDS for Taxes for the years ISoi & ISSj. Notice ig hereby given, that in pursuance of an act of Assembly, passed the 12th day of June, A. p. 1815, entiiled, "An act to amend an act direct ing the mode of selling unseated lands for taxes." Ac, the following tracts of utseated lands in Clear field county, will be exposed to public sale, or out cry, for the taxes due and unpaid thereon, at tho Court House in the borough of Clearfield, on tho second Monday of June next : Beccaria Township. Acs. Ps. Otc7ier atitl Warrantee. Tax. 151 50 Taos. Weston Thorna Kcatland, 12 21 102 113 Abraham Wjtuier, 13 17 162 113 Michael Musses, 13 17 193 William Wright, 15 7(5 279 01 Jehn Cooper Ephraim Blair, 23 56 55 102 Sarah Eillington, 4 47 140 AVm. Powder William Brown, 14 31 121 A. K. Wright Jacob Mussersniitb, 19 55 43 119 John Dillon Robert Wilson, 5 67 20 Jas.Uallahcr 1-rcdenck Herman, 1 t 50 William Eosman, 4 20 23 F. A J. ShotT Adam Wvsenconc. 5 19 55 63 231 20 13a Wm. Hammond Herman Witmer, 80 J. McCulley Philip Gloninger, 54 John 33 57 1 67 10 73 4 20 IS 20 ,3 83 Jb 103 C. Copenheifer P. Gloninger, Samuel Turner, 50 100 Moses Itobison P. Gloninger, 83 123 Fred k.Shoff John Eausinan, S5 6t A. K.Shoff AVilliflm KiMismnn. 6 8i 3 59 125 93 133 93 99 77 8 332 23 Lionel Weld Peter Miller, 140 Michael Foutz, 51 Ab. Warrick Henry Landis. Wm. Potter Frederick Hublcy, 3 Jas. Stewart Frederick Henman, John Osha.Il John Ketiand, 18 And. Whitler Thomas Eitlington, Kcllsy A Dickerson, 5 2 4 11 3 7 6 13 07 92 IKS 2 i hilip Gloninger, John Mysincope, 9 6 73 150 50 31 . Bell Township. James McGbcc, 500 27 23 00 433 CGI Arthur Bell Benjamin Gibbs. JacobSnydcr Margaret Shippen, 13 Boggs 'Towusuip. Smith & Powell Barbara Snvdar, 3 21 93 3 SO 1C0 jonn ivepuart nenry iaunco, F. ltausora Henry Faunco, 90 0 rv Kni'.n(n A til 113 90 Fisher & PowellBarbara Snvdor, 12 37 119 100 132 99 Jtishor Doling ACo BarbaraSnvder, 6 13 i atrick Uoang, Ueorgo llootman, ' Luke Kyler, G.W.Oearhart Walter Stewart, 72 David Goas Richard Thomas, 111 David Fruzier Richard Tlmmaa 53 60 65 SO ?. llardman Phillips Rieh'd Thonits, 2 72 Bradford Township. 60 J. W. Smith Hugh E'y, 11 Kratzer, La nichA Fulton, 50 Ci 77 72 19 20 HO 21 03 20 40 53 53 K0 05 07 12 53 12 23 153 123 Matthew Forccy, Thomas Holt John Xjcholson. Abm.IIoovar Thomas Hawthorn. Jos. fc Win. Sanson, J Uooldridgo Aaron Leavy, W"illiam ifansom, Thomas Forcey, Thomas Forccy, V.B.IIolt, William Graham, jr. John Graham, jr. Lovi Pearce Aaaron Leavy, Wm. Askey T. Cope, John Dale George Moore, J. Graham, Ab. Graham Isabella Jordan, Geo. incal Andrew Byard, 15 11 4 4 ItS 4 c 4 8 3 3 O 4W 8 2 0 19 100 100 200 CO 145 49 150 b. 85 100 145 75 lft'J 90 3i7 Brady Township. Acres. Ps. Owner M Wtzrrxntre. Tn-r 354 324 ca 615 492 1431 250 Joseph Kead Jared Ingcrsol, 11 25 313 Jared Ingcrsol. 17 81 202 John Hart's heirs John Hart, 1 1 49 202 John Hart, 11 52 303 David Espy Wm.Kirkpatrick, 17 51 353 F. BeaLU' estate D. Kennedy, 20 G3 151 Ann Kennedr, " 4 5o 100 Hay? t A. L. Schnell Roberts 05 1933 062 5577 5S79 ! 5331 Tilton Reynolds Henry Wykoph, 1011 59 32 S35 250 220 Miss Carry Robert Curry, 12 CI 115 Samuel Jordan, 6 57 320 Harrison Hall Robert Curry, 13 21 1&0 James Reed, 5 70 77 Robert Ross Casper Stiver. 5 52 135 L. J. Crans, now J. XcClare Joseph Ferron, 7 69 521 T. L. Batdof Christian Lowe, 29 6S 501 11. Ley's bcira Christ. Lowe, 35 C3 370 Christian Lowe, 23 11 100 M. J. Porter Roberts & Vox, 5 70 102 Geo Munn Roberts & Fox. 3 13 73 103W.W.Flcmming Roberts AFox,4 53 200 AdamWbeeler Roberts A-Fox, 11 40 '500 B.D.RousheACo.23 50 4!) S-amuel Ambrose, 4 93 Burnside Township. "21 Wm. Eiglcr Mary Crawford, 30 33 310 Frederick Knhn, 29 51 209 Peter Get. 21 16 100 Jas.Thompson Sam'l Roberts, 10 13 100 George Graff, 10 13 150 Uriah Loyd Christian Stake, 15 23 100 J. C Fisher's estate Matthias Slough, 15 12 100 L. R. Carter nenry Musser, 8 10 100 George Graff, 10 12 Chest Township. 433 153 Drinker & Clark Wm. Cook, 29 50 433 153 , John Cunningham, 29 50 100 31 Jas. Thompson Henry l'olo, 5 90 433 153 A. Steer's heirs John Musser, 33 30 Clem field Borough. 113 300 195 5331 13 213 110 3577 5ti09 3.) 10 1999 Lot Mo. 181 , : 40 Curwensville Borough. One lot in name of John Scott, 22 40 Coringlon Township. Anson G. Phelps. 5357 5303 5370 5373 5371 - 7S4 1033 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1013 1100 483 1000 325 George Mead, 13 04 24 Hi 25 30 25 30 25 30 25 30 25 30 25 02 25 30 11 14 23 00 7 23 George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, Georgo Mead, George Mead, -Georgo Mead. George Jlead, George Mead, ' George Mead, George Mead, ; 5403 5110 5319 5377 5353 5407 5401 George Mead, Peter A. Karthaup. 573 Morris A Stewart, 12 S2 890 Morris fc Stewart, 20 21 839 Morris A Stewart, 20 33 545 Morris fc Stewart, 12 52 1S93 1SQ9 1902 1942 Decatur Township. 195J Joseph Harrison, 19 03 . 401 Feter Owens ChnrlcsRish, 23 44 300 David Kephart, 31 55 433 153 LeonardAWallacc JacobCox,40 25 90 113 Dan'l Albert Jos.IIauibleton, 8 41 109 131 J. Hamnierslangh H ugh Ely, 11 50 33 120 William Montgomery, 2 62 S5 60 J. & G II. Stincr ; Themas Edmonson, 3 03 135 . KepbartAAlbsrt John Drinker, 6 23 50 Jacob Baughman John Skyrort, 4 35 50 Jon. Kephart Jacob Downing, 4 35 fi2 103 David Gearhart JobnSkyron, 5 45 37 49 James Alberts Josonh Sansom, 2 35 93 58 J. Gearhart. Esq John Canon, S 53 213 Enoch & David Gearhart - JobnSkyron, 21 5S 76 40 Daniel Ay ers Georgo Graff, 6 61 54 32 Perka & Bowman William i . Sansom 4 70 76 99 JamesAlbert William Sansora, C 6 1 . . , Ferguson Toicnship. V." J - -" '233 159 Greenwood Boll John Ham- ,. bright. 10 13 " 433 153 Charles Huston George Ross, 24 30 inft Ball's Estate P. Gloninscr. 5 CO Fox Township. Rndolnh II. Evans."- ' ' ' 4272 425 ' James Wilson. 14 73 a7-2 4 Ml James Wilson. 175 Sillman Ilarwood .4 200 330 - ' James Wilson west ' 11 36 - De Witt C. Morris. 4181 405' . - James Wilson west i 17 07 Nathan Bailor. ' iiR"i 50n r James Wilson east part, 6 90 - William Turns. 4183 600- " 'James Wilson middle p't 20 4275 999 - James Wilson, ! 31 William A. Wallace. 41S3 190 Jams Wilson west part, 41S3 t'90 James Wilson, U. S. Land Company. 4211 937 James Wilson, .; 4233 947 James Wils.n, 4212 330 James Wilson, 4090 923 James Wilson, 1534 20 - James Wilson, 1535 600 James Wilson, Spencer & Spiler. 4399 372 James Wilson, William B.Gordon. 4393 213 James Wilson. Daniel Oyster's Estate-. 4-100 41 James son. Alexander Vial. 4310 113 James Wilson, 42G0 990 James Wilson, 103 B.Davenport, Cirard Township. Ar.son G. Thelps 5356 1130 George Mead, s 5371 103.1 Georgo Mead, 5357 10CO George Mead, 5330 1100 George Mead, 6 54 34 12 43 10 43 54 15 46 21 20 92 27 60 IT 9 11 8 C5 31 12 6 31 7 7 7 7 7 20 1 7 7 7 7 5 7 7 7 7 7 4 7 i 72 62 00 72 50 77 05 23 55 67 72 67 60 67 72 67 00 72 43 23 S2 53i54 10CG 53t5 752 5.V52 1003 5353 101.1 5375 10S3 5351 J 100 530.? HP" 5372 liPO 5352 793 5353 110 4354 10O0 5355 1100 5359 K-00 5370 1100 120 George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, Goorge Mead, George Mead, Georgo Mead, G :orge Mead, G ?orge Mead, Deorge Mead, Geor&alea(i. Georgo ad, Georgo Mcd. Gsorge Mead, A. A. W. Murra Morris A Siswart, J. Stitcs and wife. 13 Morri3 and Stewart, Francis Huguecy. 63 Morris and Stewart, Francis Coudriel. 120 Morris and Stewart, A. and J. Spackman. 45 Morris and Stewart, Morris and Stewart, Morris and Stewart, Morris and Stewart, Morris and Stewart, d'-shen Township. Anson G. Phelps. George Mead, Georgo Mead, George Mead, George Mead, 5373 1SS3 1C1S 1937 1S90 1590 1937 1943 1925 1923 611 2C0 115 213 254 sr.7 77 50 163 25 G 10 11 16 03 73 50 72 5313 053 900 1000 1000 1059 1099 17 61 21 60 27 00 27 00 23 53 2J 70 29 70 11 83 14 63 14 85 14 85 TJ 70 1(5 85 53 J 1 5315 5316 5317 5313 60 George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, 6319 1099 320 11 CO 5321 1003 CO 5322 1160 5:i2.- 11C0 . 3321 1100 George Mead, - George Mead, Gaorge Mead, George Mead, Goorge Mead, George Mead, George Mead, . . George Mead, Georgo Mead, George Mead, John Eoating. 2 Morris a.-xl Stewart. J. P. Rider. Georgo Mead, Huston Township. John B. Otto. 8 Moore and Delany, 8 Mooro and Delany, WiHiam Power.', William Powers, Moore and Delany, 5325 (523 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 uca 201 5327 5323 5329 14 85 14 14 14 14 a 13 330 5331 1922 5325 200 20 5073 5674 1011 Kill 990 990 1011 70 70 25 S-!7 6ii 80 cr, so 70 20 II 97 33 05 63 79 65 13 42 40 49 93 5055 5075 William Parker. James Wilson, U. S. Land Company 4257 S3 15 Jsces Wilson, James Wilson. 422-5 9 JO 4229 J -J James Wilso-c. 112 James Wilson, J ii. IViJNion Thomas Hole. -. 42.59 623 710 4225 5034 SQ3 WiHiara.rowers, G. B. Gordon. 4225 250 509 James Wiison, James Wilsoa, Jordan Township. 16 85 23 73 4236 Cram, Blake & Parley. 437 435 433 433 429 433 433 433 43 Reuben Hayncs, Luke Morris, Joseph Hilliard, Robert Gray, John Reiguart, Sarah Ward, George Eddy, Moora Wharton, George Arhton, 43 91 43 72 13 50 43 50 43 04 43 50 43 50 43 50 43 50 12 20 11 45 16 41 36 40 21 20 18 SO 50 153 153 4t 153 153 153 433 153 Richard Peters. Susanna Ward, John Darsey, William Sloss. Adam Rhoads, Drinker and Clark, 151 Daniel Smith, Greenwood Bell. 153 Adam Reigart, Daniel Bausman. G. A Mary MeCormack, Thomas McElee. Jonathan Jones, James Jordan, James M. Chase. 109 129 290 433 216 200 100 120 433 153 293 4. 433 15 3 200 Caleb Foulk, George Wescott, . Robert Wharton, George Shoff, 35 40 24 43 33 40 36 40 33 60 11 20 John Boyd, 153 " Roijer Wharton, Adam Kubn, 133 Ebcnczcr Brechaia,. Karlhaus Township. A. G. Phelps. 133 103 433 14 44 CO 53 Georgo Mead, George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, Georgo Mead, P. A. Karthaus. Morris and Stewart, Morris and Stewart, Morris and Stewart, Morris and Stewart, George Vaux. Morris and Stewart, Peter McDonald, Georgo Mead, . Charles Willink, Charles Willink, Charlc3 Willink, Charles Willink, Charles Willink, , Charles Willink, Charles Willink, Charles 'Willink, Charles Willink, Lawrence Township. JV. G. Pbelps. , George Mead, , . George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, . George Mead, George Mead, ; George Mead, Georgo Mead, '.-, George Mead, George Mead, ' S George Mead, George Mead, -. Georgo Mead, . Georpe Mead, George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, George Mead. Georgo Mead, Georgo Mead, , George Mead, Solomon Kline. ,:. Roberts and For, 8 49 8 49 109 1100 1100 747 5411 b TO 25 50 r VV 5113 1013 5106 1100 5414 100O 5105 1C7 , 21 1900 1901 1943 1493 600 773 507 200 513 100 301 46 149 3G2' : 69 193 31 437 S17 40 17 20 43 21 21 43 12 40 1944 5412 1093 1091 1095 1093 1097 3155 5465 3465 34G3 95 31 0 1 2 9 20 4 12 1 10 101 29 58 23 91 19 65 1 24 46 5292' 5293 1100 1100 8 42 8 42 8 42 S 42 8 42 .8 42 8 42 5291 1100 5295 llod 5296 1100 5297 1100 5293 1100 5299 1100 5300 1100 5301 J100 5302 1100 5303 1100 5304 1100 5305 1100 5303 114)0 5307 1100 5303 1100 5309 1100. 5310 11C0 5311 1100 5312 1900 2002 91'' 8 42 7 62 7 02 8 05 8 42 8 42 .8 42 8 4 8 42 8 42 8 42 8 42 8 06 14 S 4 10 Harris Township. . Henry Lorain. 418 65 , Joseph Tnrntc for '52-' 440 109 Joseph Turner, 440 -ft Josf a Tarnr, " 53 10 10 53 10 55 423 Georgo ITaybecker, 10 14 402 George Wcticl, - - " 0 63 215 William Wcrts, : 4 S3 327 Christian Wertz, 7 83 573 David Sanck, " S 93 L Perks A Co. 421 Jesse Yarnell, 53 50 - McKean and Butler. 150 Christian Musser, 11 25 Johnston A Bowman. 3(50 Peter Yarnell, 15 00 John Lorain. 14 70 Michael Souder, - 175 E. C. Burton. 272 13 RobertGlecr, 54 C3 W. W. Sanderson. ' 437 111 Francis Jihnslon, 51 60 200 150 - John 'icbol!on, 25 CO S. C. Thompson. 151 Welty .Morris, . 11 Z3 Snyder A Large. 1S3 Francis Johnston, 21 SI Ilardman Phillips. 99 Richard Thorn, 12 35 Shaw and St. John Smith. . 433 153 Thomas Morris, 43 40 433 153 William Morris, 43 40 433 153 Samuel Merediib. 4 5 40 433 153 AViiliam Miller, 43 10 273 153 Welty Morris, 23 CO 433 153 Thomas Fitzsim mors, 13 49 433 153 George Clyincr, 43 40 433 lo3 Robert Gray, 43 1J 423 153 Robart Rainev, 43 40 433 153 Patrick Moore", 43 40 433 153 Mary Morris, " 43 40 433 153 Magnus Miller, 43 40 433 153 Xaihro Frazcr, 43 40 .Vi'liaiji Hoover 100 153 Francis Johcstcn. 12 50 Win. Brinsejs' heirs 300 .Thu Fry.' jr. IS 62 3S0 John Thomas 1 vea;j 47 80 John Cock. r3 Jacob Wetzel. 21 223 Reuben Haines, 22 6J Pursc-11 & Co. S2 Joseph Simons,. 47 77 Panic! W. Ilrad!ey. 430 III Robert Shaw 43 Ct 431 111 IlvmaOratZ, 43 21 J. J. Millor. 200 John Nicholson, 10 00 1 M. Beam. j 101 125 William Morris; ' 10 C9 II. Beam. 1C8 Robert Morris, 10G0 Georgo Hoover. 100 John Swan wick, - 10. CO Robert Thomas. 231 Christian Baker, 23 L0 Swartz & Bower. 50 Francis Johnston, 4 00 100 J. Farlow, . . . 10 CO . James M'Girk's estat . 241 22 William Lvmis, . ; " 27. 50 PhiiiD Blaachard." 139 19 - Patrick Hays, 17 S. II. Grstz. 38 William Morris. JJ3 ' Srumiel Miles, Jr. . Bernard Gratz, Joseph Henry, 119 David Hall. l.:arlea Hall. 100 Wiliiaia D. Kirwin, GfcONR Wetzel, Paul Wefi.J, Iteubcn Haines', J obn Barron, Penn Toicnship. William Hepburn. Coehran Tract, Pike Towr.ship. John Nicholson, John Nicholson, TT.Tnii-rrjiftsocs-; 137 05 145 843 132 411 121 50 27 S32 203 13 9 07 60 C2 11 81 13 81 SI 41 12 10 12 5 00 2 SI 33 10 20 31 S3 6 57S1 600 CO 21 "i co . . 24 i riii. . v i i Union Township. u art land Irwin. Roberts & Fok, . Charles Elancbard. "Rr,iVJL4& Fox, Koberts For, - -. Henry Baily. Roberts & Foi, Woodward Township. Dr. James Lock. 120 Henry Drinker, William Drinker, WiKiam Hagarty, John Morgan, Rolert Wallace. ' 5 Peter Henry, Hugh Rahton, William A. Wallace. 23 S;rmuel Hamilton, . Thoinas Ralston. R. McGhee, Lt.sld McCulley. 3oS7 350 52 0 21 C7 69 338S 3531 1 78 420 0 16 12 210 43 300 lf)0 HO 4C4 177 16 43 200 433 422 20 8 25 7 6 13 C8 3 11 57 Philip DifiendaCer, Read Alexander S: Co. 115 Mary Connolly, Daniel Fulkcrson, Dr. Ilontz. Philp Lost, Jacob R. Ilowell, William Johnson, George Bickhata, Ilarduian Philips. John M. Chase, John L-imblack, CS 60 1&3 153 153 63 S3 CO 2 43 S3 32 7 6S 433 100 2G0 C8 SS 21 S HI 23 18 12 McCully. Pigot Shaw, 3 Henry Ilecarty. 2 Georgi Baker. -12LI ELOOM, Treasurer. Treasurer's Office, Ciearflcld, f March 19,' 1856. f VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE. The ntbscriber offers for sale hi; Tar- em Stand, on tn wn?r cf Market aod l rcnt ' streets, in the borough of Clearfield. The houso j is large and couimodious and well calculated for a public honso. For particulars inquire of 'W. A. Vallace, Esq., or of the sabseribr livin? on the premises. - W. J. DEMFHILL. March oth, lbatt "JVOTICE. V.'bercas Letters of Administration j 1 1 on tho Estate of John Prico, .deceased, late of Boggs township, Clearfield county. Pa., have been granted to the undersigned, residing in Lawrenco township, all persons indebted to 6aia estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate wfll present them, properly authenticated for settlement, to A. T. SCURYVER. March 5th, 1555; Administrator. RAFT STOVES, for Rale by MERRELL A CARTER. Clearfield, Feb. 17. j. DISSOLUTION OF rAUTNERSIIIP. Ihe partnership heretofore existing between James M. Kelly and W'm. R. Dickinson, tradiufj under the name of Kelly A Dickinson, is this day by mutual consent dissolved. ' - ' J. M.KELLY. . W. R. JDICKINSON. Glen Ilope. Feb. 13. 1S56. ' "' ' . ALU ABLE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. he subscriber offers for sale bis valuable farm, situato two miles from Curwensville, on the River road leading to Lumber City ; said farm con taining 105 acres, sixty acres cleared, under good cultivation, tho balance well timbored; with a, good barn, new plank dwelling house, and & good, bearing orchard thereon, and is well watered. For further information enouire ef the subscriber liT ing on tho premises. 6IM0X THOMPSON. . February 20. 156 6m DRIED PEACHES.' f superior-quality,' for sale at $2 per bushel, at the chean cash store of fcb.13 R. MOSSOP. O for al by ' . KERRELL CARTER. i jn:3 Clsrild, r XXTIIA FAMILY FLOVR, for sale r it, " IdEilRELL fcCARTLR. ClearuVdd, Pa.. Jan. 3 0. 1S53. - - - - JA3ICS B. GRATT A3I, Pcaler in SAWLT LbMDER, StiUAREB TIMEER, SlIINGLIS. BOARDS. Ac, is prepared to fill, on tho shorten notice, all orders for articles in hid lino of busi ness, on afl reasojiablo terras as they can bo pro cured in the county, (traharopton, CIcarSeM Co.. Jan. 23. 155 Haiuhrbi -nr., Jaxhaky 25th. 1856 TO TIIE SCHOOL JJIIIECTORS CP CI.FAR FIELD COUMY Application fcav been niado ty tho Board of Directors of a ma jority of the School Districts - in Clearfield county, statin their de.-iro to increase the Salary cf tie County Superidtdadent of said county, you are to pec'.fuHv reaPl to meet in Convention at lbs j Court House, in Clearficdu. on Saturday the 23d I c.1 j dy ef February, 1656, at one o'clock in the after ! noon, for the purpose abovo stated, according to tue terms ot the eihin section til tno Snppicment to tho Schoyl La-, tpprovrd the Eth dav cf ilav, 1355. - - A.G. CURTIN, Feb. 6. lS.'fi. SirfT-of Cemmon Sobools. OOKSI BOOKS !! Greetlcofs Seriee of Maihematical Woiks aro now being ujed in nearly all tha Schools, Academics and Colleges in the b niud States, ixv i aro without doubt surival' led in point cf merit, and in adaptation to th wants of our schools ; they have the plainest rul4 and beat examples to illustrate the whole basinet cf Ufa. Tho attention of Superintendents, Diroo tors end Teachers ia respectfully invited to thciu woihs bcore introducing a uniform series of anv cifccr kind oa the law requires. Thcso booka can bo had wholesale, retailor incx.-haDgc for old Rooks vilicn introduced in th eohools, tt C. D. jVATSON'S Drug and Lock Store. ' Clearfield. Jan. 33, 135v2ci. ' e bl.OA! XL V" W A G 0 N! M A J C FA CTO R Y . Tho undersigned ttouIJ resrectfuily an not;cco to his friinds and the publio genera!!, thst he has opeted out a new wagon-Making Io tablishment in "Xcw SaU'in City." Bradv town Lip, where he W HI at all times be prepared to r.:anufaeture, on tho phortest notice, all kinds f atir.)o. Cart.. Wheeibarrows Ae. The best ma terial that can bo j rocured vill be nsed, and b1i work trill be Biado iu tho most substantialand d rabla niariner, s jch as will bear the test of strict examination. By a eloe observance cf his busi ness cnjaijemcrits, and by tiiypoi-in cfvbis work on tLa liiciat I'aacaatio terms, which he will do for either each or approved country prednse, he ' hones to merit and receive a libera! tEare rf pub-" lio'custca 1'e::j. RISIILL. Now Salem Citr. Jan. 13.' 1353. ' ' CLEARFIELD INSTITUTE. The nst term f this Institution will cftntnenco n the 1 llh of February. 1310. -All v, iJliirrjj to fit themselves far Tr acb ehs, or other p.vixj.'itiens in life, will hero receive every Jetired fncility nnd atte-ntion. A tboroagu C!aj;;ica jinl Mert-antiie coar?e is here giTen,cn ternia lower tiaa try other similar Institution ia the State. . - rareiiU at VSulance e?.n ootain boarding . for the'r sons cr daughters under tho immediate car of the Priueiyihl. where they will rectivo rare ad vactsc?, irith all tfco enrofotts and pleasures of a homf;'e their morals vilj be carefully sruardci. Tee rates f tuition per ou.irter re: PrimarT EuprIih.52-5?; H:'-h Ib.t ish.5.rtO;Clats:cs $-:Q-MHtliematies.above Algebra $2; Prencg, Drawing, and Paint ii.S5 pach- Furtber irforniarion can be hsl bv addre';r;-V- A- CAMPEELL. rnrscipxi ' Apr. 4. V)5. Clearfitld, Pa. TVTEV HOTEL: The o!d 'Sk.riko UorF at 11 i;E"W VA3HIXGI0N, , has been re-opered and ro-fittcd by the undersign ed, w ho lesj-ectfuliy solicits a Ehara of publis pat ronage. . ilo -is well provided wiih honse room and good etablin?. and intends keepin-r a Temperaneo Ilocse . T. ; 1 . 1 :n, . . . . ' r" " "in ui-3js enaeavor to make uia LiySVll!1 ?-e" JOHN SUETTER. I ivi: v a nit i vjTi''ZJr'r7'rrr- ill rnip.:-i n 1.,. . r a- fed anted to tae sf3i.. drrn dry gg6ds, rocern--5. oueexswabe hardware. co.n'fkctioxaries. ' -2; ails. hollo;t-vare, clder-waes, Ao.,Ae. - A, J.51E3 B. GRAHAM. AT LUMBER CI TTT Clekfikld Co., Pa. THE undeiiigncd would reppectfully .infnrfTi th pnidi-i, that ho has juft opened 2EW HOTEL, ati-uniber Ci'y, where bo is prepare! to entertain sll who may give him acill. Eaterisivo Stablirg attached to the preml : au attentive osUer alwavs in attendance. L. W. TEN ETCET 1 Lumber C4tr. Dej-. 1?55. ' BUST RECEIVED, A SPLENDID ASSORT al MENT OF NEW BOOKS. STATIONARY, FANCY ARTICLES, CONFECTIONAFvIES, TO BACCO. CIGARS, and DRUGS cf all kinds, at ROEI2IS' LITERAHY DEPOT, EHAVTS ROW, Clearfla'd, Pa. ' TIIE latest publications hlways on hand, or pr" cured to ordwr. Putnam. Godey. Graham. House hold Words, Leslie's Fashions, Harper. Petersoa,. and all the other Magazines fumUbcd Monthly ai PablLihcrs' Prices. He would especially call the attention of lover cf tbo wesd to bis larje Mock of tobacco and ol gars. wiich cannot btj surpassed in this region, consisSin.T of the best quality of '-Natural Leaf," 'Clack Fat," '-Cavendish," '-Congress," and oihcr vJjaccoa: Bavana, Regalia. Principe. Plan tatinn, t'pacibh, Half-Spanish, and "A few more left" cigars. Aleo a ood stcck of "pipes" tad -fine-cut." s - lie wuuld also call attccti-n to the fast that he has iu'st opened a larpe assortment ef t - ' jjilUGS. CHEMICALS, AN1 DIE STUEF3. which he will sell cheaper taan any other osw.b lijhment ia the County. V THOMAS ROBINS. November 11, 1555. TEV GOODS! NEW GOODS I At the 11 Old Coraer Store of the undersigned at CTJEWEKSVILLE. They have jutt received tholargestaadbestaaaort mcnt of Summer and Tall Goods ever brought to ClearSold; consisting of -Dry Gooda. Hardware, Quccnsw&re, Gecerles, Coa fectionaries, Hats and Caps. Boon and Shoes,' Carpeting, Oil Cloth, Ac. . ' Clotts, Cajiuierea, Linecs, Muslins. De Laicej, -Prints. Dress Silks, Bonnets. Shawls, Mantillas, Fringes, Fancy Toilet article. La ces. Embroideries, and an endless variety of other, articles too numerous to mention, ail of which they offer a' the lowest prices and on tho easiest term . Aug. 1,1353. J. A II.D. PATION. - T7ALUAOLE PROPERTY AT V - PRIVATE SALE TIIE undersigned offers at Private Sale, 203 acre of Land, moreorles. in Per.n township. Clearfield county, seven or tight acres cleared, the balance covered with valuable TIMBER, and having, thereon the following improvements . A GOOD 8AWrE31U,v;.. with LATH-SA Rose wheel, Ac. on roe-4 stream "f wcter, which wilt enable tie mill to run about eight months in the year- -' .A LARGE TWO-STORY HOUSE. well furnished. plastered and painted throughout ' with a never-failing Spring of water in the cellar ALSO, A FRAME BANK BARN,, well furnished with threshing floor, stabling,' & all new, harlng but reoently been erected. ; Also,coavenient,and substantially ereotod OUT.BUILDINGS, " eonsisticg of a Wood-Shed, Spring House, Emoke Iloue, Ao., Ao '.".... - There is no more desirable property la th County. Any person wishicg- further informa tion, can apply to SAjrrci. Widesire, living qb tH PrAmiw.t Post Cfritse dddreR. Ora rtan Hills, Clearfield County, Pa. BAMUEL WIDEMIRE. Fenn Tewayhip, De. 2 1?55. ,mo-