.-'PI 1 t "' t.i . 1 THE-MOTS t r 111 IP ;5 f i t VI " i I 'X 5 il tit, M ill i KATY VAT LIFS OX DE BLAIN". The following parody on Tannahilo's universal iy popular song, '-Jesse the Flower of Dunblain,' was written, it is thought, by the Don. James M Porter, of Easton. It is one of the best of its kind De sun vas gone down shoos t pehint the blue moun tains, Und left de tark nTebt to come on us arain. Ven I sthumbled along 'mongat do sob warn ps and oo fountains. To see vonce my Katy vat lifs on de blain. How sohweet Is te lilly, mit its prown yallow plos- 0UQJ , Und so is te meatow. all cnforpil intf itmh - 'Bat no-ting so burty, and schtiuks in mine posom, " ov-ureei iuue rk.aiy rat his on ae uiain. File's pashful as anv. shustlike her annt Chinnv. She's noider high larnt, nor yet foolish nor vain; Und he's a great tillain, midout anv feelin. Dat would hurt mine sskweet Katy vat lifs on ae oiain. My tays vas like noting dill I met mit mine Katy; All dem tings in do town dey vas nonsenso and lam I tidn't see a gall I vould call my tear lady. Till I met little Katy vat lifs on do Main. I ton't care how hizh I misht eat in de nation. From all dem high places I'd come town aain, .mt .iun ib tv ojs uuiiog ij uave u rrcat station. Yen I couldn't have Katy vat lifs on de blain. Enisi lTisToar or GrAsto. The London Farmer's Magazine furnishes the following : comprehensive history of Guano : "Guano, as most people understand, is imported from (the islands of tho Pacific mostly of the Cbin cha group, off" the coast of Peru, and under . the dominion of that government. Its sale is made a monopoly, and the avall3, to a great extent, go to pay the British holders of Peru vian government bonds, giving them, to all in tents and purposes, a lien upon the profits of a treasure intrinsically, more valuable than the gold mines of California. There are deposits of this unsurpassed fertilizer in some places to the depth of sixty or seventy feet, and over large extents of surface. The Guano fields arc generally conceded to be the excrement of aquatic fowls, which live and ncstla in great numbers around the is lands. They seem designed by nature to res cue, at least in part, that untold amount of fertilizing material which everv river and " brook is rolling into the sea. The wash of al luvial soils, the floating refuse of the field and forest, and,bovo all, tho wasted materials of great cities, are constant!- being carri:J by the tidal currents out to sea. These, to a cer tain extent at least, go to nourish, directly or indirectly, submarine vegetable and animal life, which in turn goes to feed the birds, which in our dny are brought away by the ship load from the Chincha Islands. The bird is a beautifully-arranged chemical laboratory, fitted up to perform a single opera tion, viz : to take the f sh as food, burn out the carbon by means of its respiratory func tions, and deposit the remainder in the shape of an incomparable fertilizer. But how many ages have these depositions of seventy feet in thickness been accumulating J That a little bird, whose individual existence is as nothing, should in its united action pro duce the means of bringing baek to an active fertility whole provinces of waste and barren lands, is one of a thousand facts to show how apparently insignificant agencies in the econ omy of nature produce momentous results." Tcreisji Fust Wheat. Thero have been received at the Patent Office one hundred bushels of Turkish flint wheat, procured by the United States Dragoman at Constantinople, from the foot of Mount Olympus. The wheat has alreedy been tested in Virginia and Mary land, and has proved both hardy and produc tive. It possesses, in a remarkable degree, the quality of long koepin, as was indicated bv a sainplo shown us, u.-KiU In vutt x-a this country, by Captain Porter of the Navy, four years ago. We learn that the Sultan takes a lively interest in the affairs of this country, and has intimated that there are other wheats in Ills dominions which would be highly desi rable for our government to obtain. A plan has been suggested which would un doubtedly prove highly advantageous to the agricultural interests of this coui.try cf im porting largo quantities of wheat from the shores of tho Mediterranean and Black Seas lor supplying our farmers with seed at about the cost of tho original purchase, freight, &c. It has been proposed that the storeships of the navy, which usually return from the Mediter ranean in ballast, be freighted with seed wheat, purchased by government, and sold to agricul turalists at a nominal rate, on condition that they shall cultivate the same, and report the result to somo proper authority, by whom the excess of cost may be refunded to them. We understand that wheat of an excellent quality can be purchased at Constantinople, under or dinary circumstances, lor less than half the usual price in the Atlantic markets and the United States. If this be true, it would be cheaper and more profitable to tli-3 farmer in the end to sell his own, and purchase his seed wheat from abroad, as the change of soil and climate would often cause his crop to mature earlier and give an increased yield. A Simile tft Certain Ctre foti Pjr.rs. In view of the immense suffering by this dis tressing complaint, I request spcae'ln your columns to make known a certain, safe and simple remedy, with the hopo that it will be copied by other journals, that all afflicted may have the" benefit of it. It is simply white pine pitch, mad into the size of ordinary pills, and from ten to eighteen, (according to tho state of the disease,) taken during the day, until re lief is had. One case among the many which have been cured was that of a person who, af ter havim failed to obtain relief from the most eminent medical skill, and even suflercd a re sort to the knife, without obtaining relief, has been entirely cured by the above, and now en- jovs excellent health. 1 our3, &c, 11. A. N. B. The pitch should be used in its natu ral state, or in the condition it is in when ta ken from th tree. Albany Alias. - There are many truisms in the world.""' -Fk the following as a sample in cvery-day life: One new bonnet will make a young lady feel happy very- One "funny man" will bother a whole neighborhood. One goose hiss will disturb a whole assembly. One bad novel will waste whole reams of good paper. One drop of oil will ston a hideous noise. Ono "jolly rnw" will turn all the inhabitants of a street out of doors. One pretty flirt will makeado- r.en plain girls unhappy for an entire evenin One song will set thirty people talking. oTn Babylos Dr. Oppert, of France, has BPc.uVwo yean oa the site of old Babylon, ei- Biniu.-6 .v cuneiform inscriptions on iuo bricks ana -., s. jie states that this famous old city, in the ,,vs of jtg granfieur acd pow er, covered rather than afJ area of 00 nqnare miles, being aW two and a half more than the site of London. ,.,t u h, was not Inhabited, there being -g flld9 to supply tho city with corn ana tttr8 in caso oi siege. . : 'A friend jest returned from abroad says uce found, two Austrian custom officers en deavoring to maka out bis name from bis trav elling "trunk. One called while the other wrote. They had got it Mr. Varranti Solei jier." The trunk was marked "Wen-anted -5ole-latber." 0 T, "lossop - i t v a-CBm. COTwisn, i "1 " A.CON- A ' A Lady o.x Beards. A fair correspondent of the Home Journal has the following sensi ble remarks on the wholesome habit of wear ing the beard, which has lately come into fash ion : ......... "It is astonishing what change a few years has wrought in regard to shaving. Once, ev erybody shaved, but now, I mnch mistake, if every gentleman has not found to shave or not to shave, a qnestion suggested by his morning toilet. Alas for the razor-strop man. His oc cupation is nearly gone. I hope he will suc ceed in finding another, for the present gene ration will be a bearded race. "1 was quite interested last winter in read ing a XaturaI History of the Human Species,' by Lieutenant-Colonel Charles 11. Smith, in which ho states that the bearded races are the conquering races. For this reason the beard less races are averse to the union with them. This aversion he states to be the result of ex perience, proving the superior activity of those who have sprung from such races. Jcnghis, Timurand JSadir Shah, were directiy, or in their ancestry, descended from Caucasian mo thers, and hence, also, the jealous exclusion of European women from China. T he progres sive nations, be tells ns, are a bearded and hairy race. Samson's strength lay in his hair. Bereft of that his mighty power was gone. The lion is the king of the forest. IIow much of bis proud beauty he owes to his magnificent mane, bhave him, and he is king no longer. "I cannot imagine whv a beard is given to man, unless it is to try his patience, if he is to spend r.;s time m a daily cutting it off, as it daily asserts its right to a manifested exist ence. The beard is an emblem of manly pow er and dignity, and is certainly an clement of manly beauty. Tho Father of the Faithful and all the old Patriarchs and Prophets wore a beard ; so tid tlie fcaviotir, when he dwelt as man among the hills of Judea. So, too, most of the venerable divines who have transmitted to us their schemes of theology. It is a uiod- n innovation to shave off the whole beard. It was not commotr before the commencement of (he last century. Moses forbade the Jews to mar the corners of the beard, and David, when Lis Embassadors were insulted by Ila nan's shaving oil" one-half their beards", per mitted them to tarrv at Jeric'uo till their beards had crown. While the beard, properly wornl is nn or nament, it 13 sometimes rendered hideous by inc manner in winch it is trimmed. A round mass of bristles on the chin is never becom ing, yet sometimes thin-cheeked, long-faced gentlemen elongate their countenances in thia war; o!t-?a these tuffs irr-part alow, animal expression; they never confer dignity nr bear.ty. Some few are greatly improved by full vhiskcr3, others by a moustache. Son:e look best with the beard trimmed rather close. It requires an artist's eye to decide on what is most becoming. Nature leaves a varying out line to the beard which is more perfect than any semi-circie cut by the razor. "Perhaps you may think I have wandered from my proper sphere in writingabout beards. I had no idea of doing so when I commenced this letter; you must charge it all to the snow storm. I must leave tho sulject ol ladies dress for another day. Yours, &c, "Axxa Horn." ; The man who built the overslaugh has taken up ins residence in .eir Jersev. On Tuesday of oysters a- last he drove two-hundred head cross Newark Bay. CLCARFIELD LODGE No. 103 I. O. of O. F. meets everv Saturday evening, at 6 o' clock, at their Ha'.fin Mcrrell & Carter's new buil d ir.g on Second street. feb?0 JOHN RUSSELL & CO.. HHS AND CZTRnriCKS, I'emivilU, Clearfield Co., Pa., cash prises. Hides taken in exchange. Jnly 15, 1S51. DAV11 S. PLOTS Ell Respectfully informs his old friends and tho public,- that he has obta incd the services of a good Cutter and work man as a foreman in the tailoring business, end he is now prepared to attend to any orders ia his Line of work on the most aceomraodatin:: terms. and short r.otice, and will have clothing on hand at all times, such a3 dre?s coais, frock co its, vests, and pantaloons of their own manufacture, and good material at the lowest prices. With a wish to ac commodate, ho solicits a share of patronage. New AVashington. May 9, 1855. BLACKS.MITITIXG. The subscriber would inform tho public that he has taken tho IJlack sictth Shop formerly occupied by George Orr. on tne corner ot lnird and JMain streets, ln-tiio Dor ough of Clearfield where he carries ou the business ia all its various branches. JACOB SHUNKWEILER. June 6, 1335.-1 y PIIIL1PSBUHG HOTEL: The subscriber would inform his friends in Clearfield, an 1 the public generally that he has enlarged and refitted his house, and is now enabled to compote success fully with any Hotel in the country. -No pains will Le snared to render h:s eucsts comfortable. His tahlo shall always be supplied wun tne dcei tho market can afford, and his charges moderate. He respectfully invites his friends and others to ito him a can. u. iv Philipsburg Jan. 31,1355. 1 y. nnYllONE LIVERY STAPLE. The sub- JL scribcr, having removed his Livery ttaMc from Curwensvillo to Tyrone City, begs lcavo to his friends and the public, that ho is at all times prepared to supply them with Horses, carriages. hussies, and other vehicles on hire, nt the most reasonable terms. Inquire at tho '-Citv Hotel." JAMES CROWTHER. Tyrone, January 31. lS55.-fimo. "FOIIN TKOUT3IAN, House. Sisn and Orna mental Painter. (J lazier, Chair maker r.nd Pancr llanser. offer? his services to the citizens of Clearfield and vicinity. tlton en MtrL't .. j'tt Ifloie the Vnnnitrv. CHAIRS. LOUNGES. SOFAS, NOCKING- CHAIRS. OTTOMAN'S, Ac, kept constantly on band and made to order, equal in beauty to anv that can be obtained from the Ea't, and more durablo in material. Aug. 1, IS55. AVE 1 Obi Si.KA SA.ii:-lnc subscriber would inform his old friends and the public generally, that be still continues to keep a house of entertainment in New Washington tthere those who call with him will rcccivo every attention, and be ma le comfortable. Good stabling, auJ every other eonvenier.ee fir horses on the premises. DAVID S. PLOXNER. New Washington, Jan. 31, 1355. BEREOE DELAINES. A superior article o Bcrego Delaines in dress patterns, at 25 cer.t3 per yard, never sold in this county before for less than 50 cents at RIC1LVUD MOSSOP'S. June 13. '55. c HEAP CLOTHING A large lot of Cheap Clo thing, Men's and Boys, for sale cheap, by Juno IS, 'jS. RICHARD MOSSOP. B LACKBERRY BRANDY. A certain cure for the Dysantary, for sale by Juno 13, '55. RICHARD MOSSOP. A Largo assortment of Utono waro at the store of Tunc 1S.1 W. V. IRWIN. MANTILLAS A large lot of Ladies' and Chil dren's Mantillas for sale at Mossop's Cheap Cash Store June 13 '55. T LACKBERRY BRANDY, for the cure of Chol nd all other diseases J era Morbus, Bysentary and all other diseases Ct stomach and bowels, for sale by R Mossop MACis.lREr herring aui CODFISH, at tho gtore " fin 18.1 W. F. IRWIN. BAtX M of Hams and Shnuldersat Jan30 ) - . W. F. IRWIN'S. good lot of WXInwiN' jacT)H Smith, - .lti. Clearfieldr January 23r 4 K. WRIGHT, MERCHANT, asd EXTEN- XJL SIVE llEALEKIJN L.U.UIJfclv, second direct, one door south of his residence, Clearfield, Pa. Clearfield, March 11, MoX. mr rim a ii for KANSAS t The Blood iJL It Red Bunncr floats in triumph on the lOld Cor ner Starr," whero A. M. Hills has just opened the cheapest and most splendid assortment of Goods, ever displayed before this community, and exactly ndapted'to their many and various necessities. HATS. CAPS, HOOTS. SHOES, LOXNETTS, CAS SIMEKES. CLOTHS. DHES3 GOOUS. TOIL XT ARTICLES, DE LANES. PRINTS, GLOVES, HARDWARE, STONE and QUEENS WARE, GROCERIES, with fancy articles ad infinitum. ClcarfioliL June 20. ISjj. A. M. HILLS. REMOVAL : The undersigned begs leave to inform his friends that he has removed Lis BOOT AND SEOS STORE, from "Sha-.v's Row," to his new building, opposite tho Ofaee of James Wri.?!y, and two doors sdlith of the OSce G. 11. Bakrett, Esq. He still keeps constantly on hands, every varie ty of Lailies slippers, gaiters, pumps. Ac. Men's fancy phocs and gniteifl. with an excellent assort ment of heavy work, all adapted to the various wants of tha people of Clearfield.' Ho hopes his friends will call at his NEW STORE, and ex amine his Stock. Roots and Shoes made to order, and mending done ns heretofore. ISAAC JOHXSTCX. Clearfield. June 27, 155.V GUL,1CII & BENNF.R, would respectfully inform the citizens of Clearfield, and public generally that they have entered into co-partner-thin in tho UABIXET MAKING BUSINESS, and keep constantly on hands, and manufacture to order, at tho lowest prices, every variety of furniture, consiiting of Dinincr, Breakfast, ami Centre Tables, Seici?it?, Writing, and Wash-Stands, TJahcgGtiy, and Common Bei-s!caJs ; Mahogony and Cane-bottomed Chair?. liuri-aus. Sof i.?. Lounires. c, tc. Coffins made cud funerals attended ou the short est r.otice, with a teat hearse, and appropriate accompany ujc-r-fs. Hcuje Painting dune oa the shorted noiL-e. Shop niid Ware-rooms, same us formerly occupi ed bv John Galich. mearlr onposite the 'Jew .Store' Clearfield. Pa JOHN G L'LICII. May 22, :oj.-Jy. DANIEL UENNER. ffMIE bOOD INTENT HOTEL, JL CU3VEN5V1LLS, PA. The Subscriber would inform his friends an I the public that he h.isju5t refitted an J rc-farni.-heJ Lis hou.-'e and is prepare lto render every attention to the travelling community. Ills bi.r contains liquors of the first quality, and his table will always be supplied with tho best in market. Ha rcsncctfully go'.iciis bis friend-? and others to give him a call. WM. R. F LEMMING. August I. 1S55. G1IVE TriE.tr A TRIAL: SILVER'S "T PLASTIC PAINTS : CHEAP, DURA BLE A XD VII OTECTI VE. WEATHER &nBE-P?400P. aneae i anus will stand any climate, without crack or blister, and harden "by ciposure ; thus making in time an enamel of Stone, protecting W ood from decay, and Iron and oiher metals from rust and corrosion. They differ essentially frcra the so-called Mineral Paint-s of the day. wbuh arc principally Ochres, and Clays, and are entirclv worthies?. SILVER'S Tlastic Paints are purely JSIETAL IC, containing uoAlumin or Clay. They are levigated finely, mix rcadilv with Lin seed Oil, (without the trouble of grinding. and flow under the brush as t'reolp as the best Whito Lead, and excel all others in body or covering properties, one pound of which wiil cover as much urlacc as two pounds of bite Lead, rcducinx tue ccit two-thirds. There arcsii disunct eolors. vis; Olive, I Lijht Brcwn, j Lia-ht Chocola'.e, Slack, f Dark Eo. Deep Do. All equally valuable as a preservative, and par ticularly adapted to painting the outside of Remember ! Exposure hardens citi increases the durability of Arte PAINTS. DIRECTIONS Mix with pure Linseed Oil, as tht citij as po.i.uLle, as the l aint i t tne lasting or protecting body, awl t'te oil simply the inrjium, or asreut in sprridinr it. FRENCH k RICHARDS C e.veiial Wholesale Ac::.vts, H. VI. corner Tenth and Market Streets, PHILADELPHIA. For sale, Wholesale and Retail, Pry an 1 Ground in Oil. by Sam l Uep-lin, lyroite City, Pa. Dealer in Drugs, Medicines Paints, Oils, Brushes, Window Glass, Ac IAug. 13, '35. riTUIE PENNSYLVANIA TELEGKAPH. JL ENLARGED FOBM & REDUCED TES2IS. THE CASH SYSTEM ADOPTED. On and af ter the first of January, 1S35, the Pennsylvania Telecbai-ii, published at Harri.tburg, Pa., will bo owned and conducted by tno unaersignea. hqo will give their best energies to xnako it worthy of its cuusc and ot its lnends. It will commence the new year printed on cn- tirclv new tvpe. and tho Wecklv crcatly enlarged in form while the prico will bo lower titan that of any other piprr of its class rvc.r publisltea at tue CupU.it of tie rtate, axi payments will nr. ke yrir.tD stiui-tly is advance. No paper will be sent until it i3 paid for. and all will bo discontinued as the subscriptions cxpircs.unless they are renewed Tho Ti:i.i:Git.U'n is is.suod SEMI-WEEKLY, on a sheet of twenty-four columns, duringt ho sessions of the Legislature, and WEEKLY on a douh'.e sheet o f forty-eight columns tho ren.aiueder of the 3'ear. It will present a comprehensive summary of the Legislative proceedings ; all important general laws, as they nro passed, and aiia to give tbe current political intelligence of the times in the fullest and most reliable manner. In short, the proprietors hope to make ita complete Family and Political Journal, and they confidently appca to the people of Pennsylvania to sustain their enl terprise. Tho Tr.Lcr.itArn wiil advocate a liberal political policy, and aim to unite all thoso who, though an imated by the same common purposes, and looking to the same benilicont results, seem distracted by tho conflict of distinctive organizations. It will sustain the highest standard of American Nation ality; and while yielding a sacred obedience to the compromises of tho Constitution, will dcterinod lv rcsht tho extension of Human Slavery. It will give a cordial, earnest and independent support to the administration of Gov. Pollock. TERMS STRICTLY IN ADNANCE. Tho Teleokwh will be furnished SEMI-WEEKLY during the sessions of tho Legislature, and WEEKLY, on a double sheet tho, tho remainder of tbe year, at tho following low rates the mosey INVARIABLY Til ACCOMPANY TllU.OKDEU : Single subscriptions,' " S2 Oft Five copies C$1 80 per copy) 9 00 Ten copies (51 7(1 per copy) 17 O Twenty copies C$1 50 per copy) 39 00 And at tho game price C;l 50 pur copy) on any number over twenty. Clubs should be made up at onco. and the subscriptions forwarded before tho first of January, so that they can commen?e with the session of the Legislature. Subscriptions will bo forwarded from this office All orders must be addressed to M'CLURE & SELLERS, llarrisburz, Pa. Hsr3 Easiness men will Gnd the Telec.kapa the very best Advertising Medium inPennsylvania.out of the cities. Deo. IZ, ao.-2t. ' CLOCKS of every variety and price, from hours to 14 days, fur sale by Juno 2?. 'aa. A. M HILLS T ADIES Handkerchiefs, all Linnen. for sale by f 1 0N FECTI0N A RIES a "lertle the slictett" as sortmont this Borough ever could boast of. at Juno 27, '55.) A. M. HILLS." T.T CSLIN, at 5 conts per yard, at Mossop's choap X-H- cah store. June la, 'ia "I300TS k SnOES. A larce and splendid assort j ment of Ladies', Gentlemeas and Childreni' Boots and Shoes for sale at Mossop . Jn. 13. OKER, BROTHERS tc JONES, Bos. 158 & 160, Market Street, . PHILADELPHIA; Importers and manufacturers of City and EASTERN MADE BOOTS AND SHOES. Alao, every variety of French and English Shoe Lasting?, Patent Leather, Kid and Calf -skins, Shoe Laces, Gallons, Bindings, lc, suitable for manufacturers. Alo. Foreign and Domestic Straw and Silk Eon ucta. Leghorn, Panama, and Palm-Leaf Hats, English, French, and American artificial i'lowors, Oil Silk, Straw Trimmings, &c, c. Having removed to our new Store, No. 15S t 100 Market Street, below 6th, South Side, up stairs, we invite your attention to our large and varied Stock of Straw Goods, Boots and Shoes, which we are preparing for tho approaching Fall Sale.. All our Ooods being exclusively et our own oi r"ct Importation ov.il Manufacture, we feci confi dent that our facilities aro such that we can offer you inducements as regards variety and prices ot Goods, uusurpiissed bv any house in the conntrv. POKER, BROTHERS A JONES. Nov. S. laj-i.-ly. Philadelphia. ROOK. TYSON t REHN Wholesale Dry Uood's Store, No. 14d, MaiketStrcet. Philadel phia. Aug. 1, lSS.-ly. GOOD NEWS ! Wholesale Store opened ia Tyrona City, where anybody who wauts cheap goods can purchase. Tho subscriber basj-t openod a large and well selected stock of Quods in T V KO.VE CITY, Grnor- of Lojan and Jcniaa 5t. He has on hauls and wiil constantly keep a lnrge stock of Dry Goods, Gmeries, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Clothing, HarJicare, Queensieare Drugs, p so v is i a n s of rH kinds, cor.-ii-fting of Potatoes, Bacos, Fruit, Beans, Flour, Wheat, Corn meal. Ac. Ac. mi mi mi m u. And ho hereby gives notice that he will se!! his goods as low astut-y eon be purchased in anv town or county this side of Philadelphia, and will tako Boards. Shingled, or even uiouc v in exchnngs. July 4, ' p. M. BELL. pOING IT ALONE. The undersigned Lav HJ3ir.;j tnken t himself tho store formerly own ed by Patching Swan, takes pleamiro in inforinin,; Li friends and the public generally, that ho has just reueive.1 fru;n ifcc city u splendia assortment oi Dry (.loo 1. Hardware. Quccasware. Groceries, Cotfsotionaries, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, and every thing els-3 usually kept in. a country store. Persons wishing to buy cheap and good Goods should not forget that ho is determined not to be underbid by r any store iuthe county. Ilia motto is "a niiabls l cucv rathe than a slow six pence " " S. C PATCHIN. Glen Hopo: July l, 1351. "sT P. NELSON & CO., 8! Murrix Tuu-nship. Clearfield Co.. Pa., Would respectfully inform the citizens of th.it vi ciuity that they keep constantly ou hand a large assortment of ury into i tl ir.l- i xrr. IJtuenswirr. trrorerttS, Confectioneries, Hits Cups, Bozt !f Show, and all other articics usually kept m a country j s;oro, v. uicn iney arc ueterimncu io ecu low ur cash, country produce, or lumber. August i,"iso:. lXC'IIANOE HOTEL, PHIUPSCI IIG. JLJ The subscriber, thankful for past favors, would re.-pectfully solicit a continuance of tho lib eral patronaro bestnu-cd upon iii House by tho Publis lie is prepared to accommodate water men, editors, drovers, and all othcr3 who uav ca!l with hiju, in the very best manner. He also purposes to run a line of Hacks from Tyrone to Clearfield, fur the accommodation of :he travelling ?uWi:. ' J. G. KUNlv. Philpsburg. March II, ISoa.-tf. VEV .MILL At thcOld Pioneer Mills on tho loshaniion, in Morris township. TViiil. scribcr has juit completed .1t-... r.m oi g.Wfi Ln-.-.r,-itvrcd. "as4 sold oo commission. Doc.2r.-5-l. 1 1 KS R YG R O E. PPLICANTS E 'Oil HO INT Y LANDS Under the late act of C-: neross. will fnd tho subscriber fully prepared, with blanks, forms, ic. to asiat them in procuring thtir Warrants. Office two doors cast of Journal Office, up Rtairs, Mar. 2-, '55. 11. BUCHER SWOOI'E. P it O F L" S S I O N A L . T 1IIOS. J. MrCl'LbOlCH, ATTORNEY AT LAW and DISTRICT ATTORNEY. Clearfield, Pa., muT be found at hi olhce in Shaw s Row, four doors west of tho '-Mansion House.'' Deods and other legal iustryuents prepared nith prompt ness and accuracy. Keb. 13 ly. AUHETT & LAi:UI?TEIJ, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. having entered into copartnership in the practice of their profesian. will faithfully attend to all business entrusted to their care in Cleerfield coun ty. G. K. UAKKKlf, J. -Iv. II. LARIMER. Clearfield. Julv 13. 1555- II. huciier swoon:. ATTORNEY AT LAW. CLF..vnri?.i.n, Pa. Two doors East of Journal office. Up stairs. Dec. I. 1S54. L JACKSON CJIANS, .. A TTO R NE Y A T LA W. CLEARFIELD, PA. Offieo adjoining his roidonec, on fecond St. August 1. 155. JAMES BIDDLE CORDON, A TTORNEY AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. Office in the rooui adjoining, on tho East, the Drusr Store, of Dr. H Lorrain. Ho may be con sulted in French and German. AViguft 1. 1855.-ly. WALLACE. ' ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. OCicc. nearly opposite the Court House. August 1. 1-V6. J 15. 31'ENALLY, ATTORNEY AT L-iW. CLE AIRFIELD, PA. Practices in Clearfieid and adjoining counties. Office nearly opposite Judge Wright's store. August 1, 1S55. E. S. DUNDY. ATTORNEY AT LAV', . CLEARFIELD, PA. Office in the room adjoining on the West, the Store of Wm. F. Irwiu. Anguft 1. 1S53. J OI1N' II. MULLEN, PHYSICIAN, Ficnehville,. Clearfield Coinitit. Pa.. Having rented the property and situation of Dr. F. Hoops, tenders his professional services to the citizens of Freucbville, and vicinity. Office, one door east of Lutz's store, Ficnehville. May 112, :55.-Sm. DK' B. E. AKLEV, PHYSICIAN. Grahampton . Clearfield County. Ftz., tenders his professional services to the inhabitants of Grahampton nni surrounding country he can at ail times ho found at bis 0ace, directly oppo site Mr. J. B. Graham's store, when not protes. sionally engagci. Apl. A. M. DILLS, D. D. S. 02i?e aljoic- IL ing his More, Ueiuuel.l, Pa. ArtiU- cial Teeth, from ono to a f.;il set, moun ted in the most approved mociorn style. 1'illins, Fiiinx and Cleaning done with care and neatness. Teeth extrnultl with all tho cars and dispatch modern science can furnish. DR. HILLs. can always be found at his office. as he is now devotinz his wholo attention to his prof'seion. 'Tune rr, "55. rOOD'S ORNAMENTAL IRON WORKS , Eidge Avenue, PHILADELPHIA. Tho attention of the Tinblie is invited to th tensive manufactory and ware-room of theeubcri bcr, who is prepared to furnish, at the shortest no tice, IRON 11AILINU, or every description, for CEMETRECS, PUBLIC & PRIVATE BUILD INGS. Also. VERANDAHS. BALCONIES, FOUNTAINS. SETTEES, CHAIRS, LIONS, DOGS, 4c, 4c. 4c, 4c, and other Ornamental Iron -Work of a decorativ character, all of which is ex eon ted with the exprea view of plesiiig tho taste, while they combine all requisites of beauty and substantial constrnction. Purchasers may rely on having all articles care fully boxed and shipped to tbetr place ot destina tion, -v dock oi aesigni win oe Bent io incie wno wwh to make a selection. ROBERT V OOD, Ridge Avenue below Spirng Oarrdcn St., Oet.O, '5i.-3ni. Philadelphia CONRAD & WALTON, 235 Market Stre:t, PHILADELPHIA; Importers and Dealers in IRON, NAILS, $c., 4-c. They respectfully invito tho people ot Clear field, to continue their favors. Aug. 1, 18ia.-ly. MOUNT VERNON f x 27o. 9, Sorti iiorsE. fecond St:eot, PHILADELPHIA. The undesigned having taken the old well known house, which has been renovated and ro modeled throughout, respectfully solicits hia Clear field f.ieuds to give him a call ou their vi:ts to tue city. The furniture is a:l new. ainl has been selected ti:h care from Henkles we'll known e itablishtnent in Chestnut Street, and is of the latest und most fashionable style. The locution for Merchnrit.s and others coming to the citr is convenient, being in the centre of tu?inc" ' 1. L. BARRET?, Aug. 1, !S55.-ly. Proprietor. AUK1S, ORBISON 4 CO., " WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, No. 259, Market St., North side between 6th Jfc 7th, iiii-iucipiiia. l'rugs, -Medicines. Chemicals, Pal- ent M(iii'iiip S urical Instruments. Pruz'ist'a futaerv c., A; JOHN HARRIS. M. D. E. B. ORl'.ISON. Aug. l,'55.-lj. J. SUARSWOOD. i'ssell a scnoTT. .V Nos. 13d Market St.. 5 2!erchaat St., PHILADELPHIA. Importers and Wholesale Dealers in DB UGS, C HEMIC. 1LS, $c. They respectfully invite their Cleafield frier.di to give them a calf. Jan. 17. '55.-ly. jTTOOD A CO Extensive Dry-goods Dealers. No, 3. A lit, Market St., Philadelphia, keep constant ly on hand a lurg. eplendid. and cheap stuck of the most fashionable and elegant goo li. They ia vite country Merchants to coll cud examine their eplendid assortment, before purchasing elsewhere August l, lS55.-ly. 7TLLIAM S. HANSELL &, HON, Mauufae- T turcrs end Importers of Saddlery, and Sad dlery Hardware, No. '2-i Market Street. Bhilaiei phia. Saddles, Bridles. Hurncss, Trunks, Whips Saddle Bags, Bri Jle Filling, Bits. Stirrups. Buckles Carpet Bags, cct. I Aug. 1. '55.-ly tIDLE.MAN i HAYWARD Wholrsiile Gro wers. Tea Dealers, and Commisjion Merchants No. -7;:. Market Street, PLiladolphiM. D. BEIDELMAN. Aug.l,1655.-!y.J A.HAYWARD, AT. LANE h OO- Wholesale CI naole styloa - --o'tuado CJothlnr ' Aug. 1, '55.-ly. C.-inwf,."- .. ... . -VEORGE J. WEAVER A CO.. .-"o. 19 North vY.v Jf ter Street. Philadelphia-, Dealers in Carpet chair.. Yarn. Maniilaand Hemp Ropes, Bd-cordi Clothes-lines, ic, Ac. fAuS l.lSC-o.-ly. SAAC 31. AS21TON Hat S:orf. o iTJ i M arkct St., Philadcl:.hia. Ha'3, Caps, i uri. lc. of every variety, anJ tbe best quanty-nway on hand. " Aug. I, l-i.j5.-ly. GEOUUE W. COLLADAY. Conveynncer und Land Agent, No. 3. Goldsmith's Hull, Philadelphia, will faithfully attend to all business entrusted to his car. l-nS- li lSis.-ly- CALEB COPE A CO, No. ISO, Market St., Thila dclphia. Dealers in Linens. Whito Gooda. Ho siery, Ercncb. English and (ic-rman Silk Goods, La ces, Giwves. Bolting Cloths. &s. Aug. I, '5o.-ly. P iAl'L 4 TAYLOR. No. 2oj ilarket Etrcet, PHILADELPHIA, Have always on hand, at their Wholesale Ware house, a largo assortment of the Newest Stylo of BOOT. SHOE. AND STRAW GOODS. BOTH FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC. All their goods being of their own direel Im portation and Manufacture, they are enabled to offer superior inducements to Merchants laying ia their t-tock. WM. W. PAUL, N. G. TAYLOR. Dec. 1. 1551. It. VISE'S CHEAP WATCH - STORE, No. 72 North Sect AND JEWELRY coxa Street, (oppo site the Mount Vernon House..) l'phila'aelpnia. Gold Lever Watches, full jewelled, IS K. catct. Silver Lever do., do.; Silver Lepine. do.; Quartier; Gold Spoctacles, Silver do.; Silver Table Spoons Silver Desert do. ; Silver Tea do. ; Gold Pens and Gold Cases; Gold Pens and Silver do.: togetbei with a variety of fino Gold Jewelry, Gold Curb Guard and Fod Chains. All goods warranted t bo as represented. Watches and Jewelry, repair ed in tho best manner. Also. Masonic Marks, Pine. Ac, made to order. N. B. All orders sent by mail or otherwise wiil bo punctually attended to. His motto is: "-Small Profits and Quick Sales,' Philadelphia, April '5, 1655. Y. KUSIITOX & CO., 245 Market tr?ot, PHILADELPHIA; Importers and Dealers in Earthen-WareTChina, Gloss, and Qacens Ware, Opposite the Red Lion Hotel. Pbilade:phl. J. Y. RUSHTOX, J. C. HOPKINS. Nov. 8, '51.-1 y. ROBT. STILS0N. rOONS, HEILMAN 5s CO., No. 107 NOKIU THIRD a i.. PiHLADELrniA. "WHOLESALE DEALERS In XcroiTi and Domestic Dry Goods. Fifth Door below Race. CHARLES KOONS, AMOS G. 11L1LMAN. Philadelphia, May 13, lSio.-iy. COWELL & CO., 173 Karket Street, PHILADELPHIA; Wholesale Dealers in Hits, Cap?, Furs, between 5th and 6th St., Philadelphia. Jan. 17, 1S55. 4-s, MAIiTIX, MORRELL & CO., (Lato OLIVER MARTIN & CO.) Importers and Dealers ia HOSIERY. TRIM, riVGS.COMBS.ERUSHES, FANCY GOODS, ie. Ifo. 24 North Fotirth Strtat, Philadepohia. M. T. MARTIN. CI1A3. 11. HAMRIl'K DAM'L J. MORRELL, G. R. PEDDIJi. Dec. 5. 'at.l ' SANDRSON R. MARTIN. TJUISMUTH & lmOTUEK, A1 WHOLESALE TOBACCO DEALERS, ITo. 105 !T. Third Street, djors below Rsoe Nor. 20, ii -ly. five riatASxtpuia. SAMUEL BERLIN, Janiata St., Tyrone City, pt Wholesale and Retail Deal.r in DRUGS, CHEMICALS. MEDICINES. Piint OILS, DYE STUFFS. WINDOW GLAi ' VIALS, PERFUMERY, io., &e. Having Just opened an extensive aasortment these articlea.Physicians wiiifnd it to their drn tage to give bini a call, and exam in hU Stoct iZ fore ordering from the Eastern Ciliee; and Cn try Merchant! can also be accommodates wl-h .m the Essences. Tinctures. Patent iltdiciat WHOLESALE and RETAIL, at lowst f"He hopes by strict attention to busintM HJ a desire to please, to merit a ihare of public ,a ronage. April 25. la F. OWEA'S, TYE05E CITT. Has just opened a lares and splendid anvraccti of NEW GOODS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Of everv deiarintion and analitr. which he is feliine off at tbe lowest price ttJr known in thi region of Conatry, DRY-GOODS. HARD Br Q UEENS WA R HATS & CAPS, BOOTS V SHOES. GROCERIES a- CONFECTIONERIES. AT CITY PRICES. He invites hi Clearfield friends to cU Lin a call, and exchange their rags, lumber, fhlnglct. and every variety of produce, for the CHEanij and best goods, to be had wcat of Philadelphia. rD. Zl, 1SJ0. iy. . SEBASTOPOL Mi AT IAS!! ST ART LI-NO ANNOUNCEMENT. LATEST ARRIVAL FROM TEE EAST. KK. WELCH, has just returned from tho City with a new ana splendid assortment cf atcnes, Jewelry, and fcilver-ware the larz-tit. 1 iest and cheapest ever brought into Clearfield ooa j sisting of hunting and open-faced gold and t:Wr watches, gold JocketJ. gold chains, cold Pecs. r.a;t. breast-pins, spectacles, silver forks, bracelets, s'.tcto buttons, cuff pins, car rings, Ac., Ac, Ae. Watches and jewelry repaired on tho shorui4t notice. June C, '5i. THE NEW-YORK TRIBUNETiisiTe. TnE Tkitk-ne is now in the middle of its fif teenth year; Vol. XV. of its wockly insue commen ced on the 1st of September last. The Amerieau public need not now be made acquainted with character or claims to consideration. With but subordinate regard for prudenca, policy and pop ularity, it has aimed to stand for KigheoasucA tir. IWfe fSnd7p.fVaKoB.aiaerBifi Jnio-i-' trader on this Continent, tho' he may ner re4'V anything but his bills of sale and notes-pay j who does not know and hate the Tkibc.ve; therein not an extensive fabricator of drugged and poison ous Liquors who does not cotsi-Jcr it a very dan i very dan ler why it V iaL cotton- jrJL Mercu- gerous ana immoral paper, ana wcnier publication is tolerated in a commercial. buvinir Citv like New-Yoik. The Neicjr ry once lorcioiy remaraea mat it nai never aaown , a h-r-J, griping, screwing avaricious employer who was not hostile to tho Thisi'vi:, nor one eminently ger.erocs and kindly who did not like it ! Prompt and plain-spoken in its denunciations of Iniquity and abuses of power, whilst claiming no exemp tion from human fallibility, it may have don temporary icjustico to individuals, but it has nev er been unfaithful to Principle, nor deaf to tho cries of the wronged and suffering. In its columns the advocates of novel and nnpopalar theories con teroplating the melioration of "human woes, espe cially those of the voiceless and down-trodden, have ever found audience asd hospitality ; while it has already resisted, and will persistently com bat, every attempt toproscribe and degrade any class because of diversities of Nativity, or Creed. In defiance of calumnies the most atrocious, and of ho'tililiee the most deadly and untrue, tbe Tat riWE has grown steadily in public appreciating from thedHVof its origin. Its means of Benioj th'e publie have been augmented in proportion. Instead of a single editor with oner two aniet auta, its organization now coxup'ses a nomaroiii boa v of writ era each,;JJ)', bv special accouipiijb Jafi&iif of TeTf.b lis iVXKH'vfJ'i!. Tuples ttr.l o: its earnest ities; a Tos-a correr-pondetts encircles the globe, trauswiuics; early trd intelligent carratioc of whatever U ntost worthy of aKention; while Tolitics, Legisla tion. Litcmture. Art. History ia short, whatever uUV-cts the 0?ial well-boing of mankind. Polrmid d Th'-c.ocv alone excepted finds hero the freest ar,d most searching diescussion. Attached bv iiroi'ound conviction to the beclfi cct:t --oiicy c-t Tndustrial development and Intern e! Iut-rC'jr:?murjieation whose most conspicuous ciiiuipk'u tiir.-agh the last half-century was Uas uv Clav imbued, moreover, with the spirit f for bearance towards our weaker neighbors, and tow ard the much wronged Aborigines of this Conti nent and of Peace with All which will hallow tbe uauic of Whig, the Triccse, while surrendering no jot of its proper independence co-operated ea ncsily on! urdently with the Whig party so long as ius vitality was preserved. When in 1S50-2 an attempt was made to interpolate slave-bunting in to its creed. e sternly resisted that imposition; when, at tho close uf the last Presidential can vass, it was soon that a large portion of the Whigs preferred to defeat their own party rather than allow its Anti-Slavery wing to share its triumph, even under a conservative Chief on a Pro-Slavery platform, wc knew and proclaimed that the Whig party was no more Subsequent events, including the rise and calumniation of the Know Nothing conspiracy, and the speedy absorption therein of the whole force of Pro-slavery Whigisin, only con firmed our ucdoubting anticipations. With u sickly lamentations, therefore,-for the Inevitably bygone, but with hope, and joy, and sympathy, and words of cheer, havo we bailed the beginning and watched the progress of that mighty REPUB LICAN movement which impelled bv the perfidi ous violation of tbe Missouri Compact, and stimu lated by the astounding ourrages wncreof fee rights of the Free Settlors of Kansas havt been tho victims by repeated and utter vitiation of their elections by an armed mob collected by conspiracy and burled suddenly upon them from the border counties of the neighboring S-leve State, is destin ed to sweep away the landmarks of old party feuds, and unite the true hearts and strong arms of the free-sou lei in one mighty effort to confine the scourge and scandal of our country within tho limits of the States which unwisely uphold it. To the succew of this effort, the energies of the Tlti BrxE will be sternly devoted; while the TEMPER ANCE REFORM, including the entire suppression of the traEc in intoxicating beverages, will End in it. as hitherto, an earnest sud unflinching champion. Commencing as a daily folio sheet of moderate siio, and with pesrdely a shadow of patronage, the TaicrsE is now bsued in quarto form Daily (three dii-tinct editions), Sftni-li rttly. and Weiily. on a sheet 44 by 31 inches, eight ample pages of six col umns each. Its circulation has steadily grom from nothing to the following aggregate : . . Dailv issues, eve. and morn : '29,500 eopU. Somi-Weekly : : : : 14,175 Wcely : : : 186,500 California edition : : : 6,000- Total. : : : : 1S0.17S copies. We believe no ether newspaper in the world hc a subscription list over half so large as this ; and no periodical of any sort can rival it. And while its extreme cheapness rendering an increase of paying readers otily as indirect pecuniary advant age to cs, has doubtlcrs largely swelled itsub script ions list, it would be absurdity not peroeiva in this unprecedented patronago some evidence cf rnblio approval and cs;ocm. TESTIS1 Tho Triw-xk employs no traveling cgenis and sends out to papers on trust. If it is not stopped when the term paid for expires, and tho subscriber dees not choose further to pay for it. we resort to no legal process to compel him. On the Weekly, we mean to stop every paper on thef expiration of the ndrance payment, awaiting fresh remittance from the subscriber- If bod comes the account is closed. V.0 pay DO local agents wisn no money paid to any when the pay er cannot trust him to mail or other wiso send it to us: onco mailo 1, its safety is at our risk, (and as-' rious risk it often proves); but ore grateful to eve ry one who deems it a good work to obtain and for ward the names and money of his friouds and, Eeighbors. 0'ir terms invariably are for tho DAILY TRILUNE. ono copy. So per annum. SE SI r-WEEKLY. S3; 2copics forS5; 5 for 511 .23. WEEKLY, S2; 3 copies for Si; a for $3; 10 for $12; 20 copies to one address for S 20; larger clubs il each subscriber. Additions may at all time be made to a club at the price paid br thore alrea dy in It. GREELY A McELRATH. Kov. 21. ' .Vs. 154 .YMru Sti, JtnoTtri. i.