Raftsman's IfluntaL S.'B. ROW, Eorroa axd PnorEiEton. . CLEARFIELD, PA., MARCn 12, 1850. Ncausfcea of the- Philadelphia Convention, re president, MILLARD FILLMORE. V1CB rPESIIEM, .NORtW JACKSON DONNELSON. JIEJT CHANGE, PSIXCIPLES HEVEH. r No betUr exemplification of this, remarks the Philadelphia Sun, can bo shown than the following resolves, written by Prest. PinRcr, with Ais own hatvl, reported to the Legislature .'if New Hampshire by the representative of tii own totcp, and unanimously passed by the Democratic Legislature of Aij otrn State, in 1 17, as follows: . "Resolved, by tho Sonata and House of Rc prsscntatives in General Assembly convened, That o regard the institution of Slavery as a moral, social, and political evil, and, as "such, we deeply regret its existence, and are willing to concur in nil reasonable and constitutional measures that may tend to its ren oval. "Resolved, That all territory which may hereafter be added or acquired by the United States, where slavery does not exist at the slavery nor involuntary servitude, except for the pnnhhment of crime, whereof tho p irfy has been duly convicted, ought ever to exist, but the same should ever be free ; and we are opposed to tho extension of slavery over any such territory, and that we also approv of the vets of our Senators and Representatives in Congress in favor of the Wilmot Proviso. "KcBolrfid, That our Senators in Congress be instructed, and our Representatives be re quested, by all expedient and constitutional means and measures, to sustain the principles herein set forth.'? Attested bv Moses Noams, Speaker of the House, II iiiBaAEc, rresiacnt ot tno benate, Jaueu W..j Williams, Governor." . - - . ' ! And yet Franklin Tierce as Trciident of tho United Stales, and Moses Norris and Jared Williams as United States Senators from New Hampshire, since that timo'have changed ev ery principle contained in the above resolu tions, and repudiate the very doctrines now . which nine years since they so strenuously ad vocated. roirriCAL Pansoxs. In the communica tion signed C.J." which our neighbor up street gav placo to last week, unless wo are oy mistaken, we recognize an old acquain tance the Rev. Cyrus Jetfries who might be either a tolerable preacher, or a tolerable poli tician, but in trying to be both, be spoils both most awfully, and if he don't look out they will spoil r-in It lud i rnwiiirm r tere'e ' lor all manner of transgressions, his bill con taining no less than ten counts. Why there should bo exactly ten neither more nor loss we can't imagine, unless he was thinking of the ten commandments, the ninth r.ne of which lie violated 5n every count. We defy this Rec trend politician to make good not all, but a single one of his charges. This be cannot do, because they are without foundation. Ministers of the Gospel, above all other men, should stick to the truth." Wo copy the above from the Clearfield Re publican of last Wednesday. The logic which It contains is certainly singular. We cannot see the force of the remark that the writer of the communication in the Journal might be either a tolerable preacher, or a tolerable pol itician, but in trying to bo both, he spoils both tnost awfully," unless it is to convcy-the idea that clergymen are to be deprived of the priv ' ilegc ot expressing their opinions in regard to the official conduct of onr Magistrates, in which they are certainty as deeply interested as any ther class of citizens. If that is the mean ing Intended to bo conveyed, we would beg leave to dissent from it as being at variance with justice and constitutional right. We be lieve that it is not only a privilege, but a duly of ministers of tho gospel to point out whatev- ef evil ; tendencies may appear in the official " condnct of those in authority; and if the wri ter believed, as be nndoubtcdly did, that the President was guilty ctas be stands indicted" ; in tho "bill," we seo no reason why he should -not give publicity to his opinions. There can be no plausible justification for endeavoring to prevent preachers from expressing their views on matters pertaining to the political condi tion of the country. It was their practice in tho primitive days of the Republic in the days of Washington, Hamilton and Jay! Frttdom cf ;cecA was one of the great princi ples for which they contended, and in estab lishing it many a brave heart beat its last throb, and many a dauntless patriot left his bones to whiten the field of battle. And are we now, In these enlightened latter days, to see one of the most respectable, intelligent and useful 'class of citizens deprived of that freedom of speech? Are they to be enceringly styled "rtvtrend politicians," and their veracity im pugned, merely because they exercise it 1 We trow not. .' What we hare said above, has been done as an act ' of justice, not to an individual only, ttt to a class of persons whom we highly re spect. - .s to the position "C. J." takes in his communication, have nothing to say that be can attend to himself- . . . .. Where's thz Little iOKer ? Tho Wash ington Union contains the lbic assertion "that it is no part of the creed of a Demo crat, as such, either to advocate or to oppose the extension of slavery. IIe may do thU 0ae or the other, in the cxerciso of bis rights as a citizen and not offend against his Democratic fealty. ' If anybody can invent a platform hich bas wore of the see-saw ,bont it than tali , M hira brir; alone; a lf?5b- ,n4 t 'crit . ' DEMOCRATIC STATE CONVENTION. This body met Ilarriaburg on the 4th March, and organized permanently by selecting Hen drick II. Wright as President, agisted by 27 Vice Presidents, and 13 Secretaries. The following is the Committee on Resolu tions: John L. Dawsoti, Howard L.' Miller, R. Diddle Roberts, David Tidball, Wru. Montgo mery, Emanuel Street, Franklin Vansant, Jno. F. Means, James L. Reynolds, Mifflin I!an num", Wilson Reilly, and J. C. Montgomery. A committee, consisting of ono from each Congressional District, was selected to report delegates to the National Convention, and Electors. The contesi for delegates to Cin cinnati was exceedingly spirited. Gov. Big lcr was here importuning members to send him there, urging lhat it was expected at Washing ton that he would go; but the Co-iveiition concluded to send men who bad not been con taminated by a Washington atmosphere. The delegation is understood to have but cne choice for President, and according to the instructions of tho Convention, must vote for Buchanan, dead or alive. Several speeches were then delivered in glo- ' rificalien of Buchanan and Democracy, when tho Convention adjourned until Wedneslay. Wednesday, Mar. 5. A committee of Cve was selected to inform Mr. Buchanan that he had been nominated for the Presidency. The platform was then repotted and adopted, when the Convention proceeded to nominate a can di late for Canal Commissioner, which result ed in the choice ol Geo. Scott, of Columbia. ' On the oth ballot Jacob Fry, Jr., of Montgo mery, was selected as the candidate for Audi tor General, and on tho 4th ballot, Timothy Ives, of Potter, was declared the nominee for Surveyor General. The 4th ballot stood as fol lows : Ives C9, Alexander 40, scattering 22. Some interesting incidents occurred during the progress of tho nominations. Mr. Reily, candidate for Canal Commissioner, baling his claims upon the ground that he was bora in Ireland. Cf course the Convention would not nominate him, but in lieu ot lhat he was given tlia fullest measure of Democratic applause. Like many other aspiring patriots, Mr. Reilly bad a letter read to the Convention declining the nomination, when it was evident that lie could not get it, and his letter was received with tho liveliest enthusiasm. Sam Black was fitly chosen as the Irish champion, and he ... dwelt eloquently on tba fact that Mr. Reilly though an Irishman, breathed sentiments of loyalty to this country that would do credit to a native citizen ! This remarkable condescen sion on tbo part of Mr. Reilly a mia born on a foreign soil, and yet consenting to obey tho laws and sustain the Constitution of this coun- try,afluctcd the speaker well J;igh to te:irs,and ! tho Convention maniiested its appreciation of Mr. Reilly's patriotism by not nominating him. He roso to the dignity often votes. The Convention adjourned after having made nom inations until the afternoon, when the dele gates met to hear and bo beard by each other. A number of speeches were made, ranging from very good to very indifferent from Jndr. v " which the Convention adjourned tine die. The following are the resolutions adopted, constituting the last Democratic platform : Resolved, That in the present distracted condition of parties, iu which sectional and partial issues have been allowed to attain a dangerous supremacy, wo rccgniz in the policy of tho Democratic party, that which rests upon the Constitution as its basis ; and that it is the party which above all others has, in the language of the illustrious Madison, ev er continued to hold the union of the States as the basis of their peace and happiness ; to support the Constitution, which is the cement of the Union, as well in its liniitatkns as its authorities; to respect the rights and authori ties reserved to the States and to the people, as equally incorporated with and essential to the success of the general system; and to avoid the slightest interference with the rights of conscience or the functions of religion, so wisely exempted from civil jurisdiction." Resolved, That by the general consent of the wise and virtuous of all nations, the fia mcrs of the Republic of the United States, ex hibited in their individual characters and in the result of their public deliberations, a de gree of virtue and a practical statesmanship, to which the history of the world affords no parallel: that in no part of the Federal Com pact is the wisdom of our fathers more con uspicuos.than in leaving the whole question of slavery to the states in their separate capaci ties; and that in the provision for the re -delivery of fugitives escaped from labour or ser vice, they demonstrated a sense of justice an appreciation of tho value cf the Union an at tachment to its preservation an avoidance of one-sided philanthrophy, and impracticable theories of government which present a pro per example for the guidance and imitation of us, their descendants. Resolved, That we look only to the Consti tution, and the exposition thereof which has been afforded by the practice of Democratic administrations, for the chart of our policy. That these constitute, till the fundamental law is changed by methods which itself provides, thc-HiGHEST.LAW of our obedience as citizens ; and that we utterly discard that partial and ex aggerated sympathy, tho attempt to carry which into practice, is at tho peril ot our dear est interests as a nation, and threatens the in fliction of evils of teufold magnitude to those which it proposes to heal. Resolved, That the equality of the States is the vital element of the Constitntionitself, and that all interference with the rights of the States by those who seek to disregard the sa cred guarantees of the past, and by all others, should be rebuked with the same spirit that vou!d denounce and repudiate all attempts to erect odious distinctions between those who arc entitled to share the blessings and benefits orur free institutions. Resolved. That the effort to direct the pow er of the Government by anti-slavery agita tion, under the various names and phases of free Soilism, Anti-Mcbraskaism, Fnsionism, and Republicanism ; and by interfering with the rights of conscience in establishing a re ligious test as a qualification for office, by the secrect oath-bound society of the Know-Nothings, is opposed both to the letter and the spirit of the Constitution, and to the earnest teachings and practice of its . earliest and most honored administrators. Resolved, That we are now as ever unalter ably opposed to the doctrines and designs of an organizations which contemplate tho over throw of the civil and religions rights of the citizen; that the equality of the citizen, like the equality of the, Kta . & .r..i n4 I alienable rigbr, to interfered with by . . , ... out a subversion of the primary objects of our political system, and a repudiation of tbe guar antees of the past and the hopes of tho future. Resolved, That in tho repeal of tbo act known as the Missouri Compromise act, and the passage of the act organizing the Territo ries cf Kansas and Nebraska, free from uncon stitutional restrictions, the last Congress per formed a wort; of patriotic sacrifice iu electing the demands of sectional excitement by un shaken adherence to the fundamental law. Resolved, That this legislation cannot bo deemed unnecessary, but that it was expedi ent to meet the questions cf which it dispos ed, and which could never admit of a more ea sy settlement than at present. That wo recog nize in it the apnlieation to '.he Territories of the United States, of the rule of "equal and I exact justice to all men" of all sections of the ! confederacy, which was designed by the fra tners of our government, and which was de fined as one of its essential principles by the immortal Jefferson. Resolved, That the Democracy of Pennsyl vania, foliowing the counsel of some of the wi sest statesmen of the north and south, were ready on more than one occasion in the past, to extend the Missouri Compromise lino to tlu: Pacific, so as to make it the basis of a final set tlement of the question of slavery in the Ter ritories; but when the proposition was reject ed in 1818, on the ground that it involved an undue concession to the south, by the very men who now clamor for a restoration of tlie Missouri line, there seemed to be but one wise alternative lelf, and that was to refer tbe whole question of slavery in the Territories to tbe people thereof, to be regulated as they might deem proper, and we therefore cheerfully ex tend our hearty support to the policy of the government as recognized in the Compromise measures cf IbGO.und embodied in the laws orga nizing the Territories of Kansas and Nebraska. Resolved, That unerring indication! point to tho Hon. JaWes Biiiu.va.n distitiiriiishcd alike by bis high personal character, bis tried Democracy, bis great abilities, experience and eminent statesmanship as the nation's choice for tho office of President of the United States, for the term commencing on the 1th of March, 18o7 ; and that we do hereby instruct our dele gates to the National Conventionn to assemble in Cincinnati in June next, to use thyir elibrls Resolved, That at a period when sectional ism, in its worst aspects, attempts ta under mine the foundations of tho federal constitu tion, and when an abolition majority a.-pires l supremacy iu the popular branch ol the na tional legislature, and with the prospect of dif ficulties with foreign nations, who for their purposes may seek to intercept end slay the progress of free institutions on li.is cor.tinet.t, in order that they may more effectually arrest the advancing footsteps of oi.r republican ex ample, the statesmanlike qualities cf James Buchanan his lon? a:id well tried services in defence of the Constitution his intimate knowledge of all our relations with foreign countries and bis large and enlightened ex perience point to him ss preeminently the man to lead the victorious columns of .the Democracy in November next. Resolved, That we fully endorse the admin istration of President Piluce as national, faith ful and efficient fully equal to all the impor tant emergencies which the country has had to encounter, and that he has wortbily'maiiitwincd her interests and honor st borne nnd abroad. Resolved, That in tbe rise at home of fac tions based upon a single priueiplc iiiiniic.l to our government and Constitution, and in the stirring and warlike condition of tbe times, we behold dangers to our peace and prosperity, if not to our perpetuity, which should cause" ev ery good citizen to ponder well the steps of of bis political action; and that we earnestly invito the lover of his couu'rVjfjT, ConsTitiif ion in its purity, and trausiuittin, unimpaired to our successors. Resolved, That whatever ca.vs of dissatis faction with the working of our laws and insti tutions may exist in different sections of the country, the proper remedy is to be sought in the temperate exercise of the rijrht of discus sion, and the ballot-box ; that all other evils are insignificant in comparison with that of d inger to the Union ; that all others can wait the sure amelioration of time, if the I'nion be maintained; but that disunion would at once pr.e the destruction-of our present interests and happiness as a people, and tho death knell of our hopes. Resolved, That it was npon the soil of Penn sylvania that Independence was declared, and the Federal constituion constructed, and that it therefore becomes in a special sense the du ty of Pcnnsylvanians to watch over its safety, as secured by the great charter of the Union ; to resist the first approaches of danger to its perpetuity, and forever to cherish and main tain it inviolate, as the palladium of our hap piness, political, social and civil. Resolved, That all vacancies that may take place.in the delegation to Cincinnati, now se lected, shall be filled by a majority of the whole number there present, and that the said delega tion shall have full power and authority among themselves to regulate by whom and how their .votes shall be given in the Convention. Resolved, That tlieDemocraticStateCentral Committee shall require a pledge from each elector, to vote for the candidates for Presi dent and Vice President of the United States, who may be nominated by the Cincinnati Con vention, and in case of tiie neglect or refusal of any elector so to do within a reasonable time, the State Central Committee be and they ara here by empowered to substitute. Crtsade agaixst Free-Masoxs. Tbe Ken sington, Jamaica, Morning Journal, of Janua ry 10, says: "Not long ago, we noticed in onr paper an order from the Pope to tbe late Vicar Apostolic of the Roman Catholic Church of this Island, through the Right Rev. Dr. Nicu windt, Bishop of Cytrum, to excommunicate all persons professing Free Masonry in Jamaica. This order or rescript, Father Benito Fernan dez refused to obey. We now learn that bis Holiness has sent a similar instrument direct to the present Vicar Apostolic, Father Dupey ron, ordering him to discountenance Free Ma sons, and persons connected with other secret societies who are connected with his commu nion, becauso their tenets, being unknown, may be dangerous to the State (what State ?) His Holiness also prohibits the reading of such works as those of Eugene Sue, Which contain moral poison, under an attractive exterior. The rescript, or whatever tbo instrument may bo termed, was read by Father Dupeyron, in open congregation, in the Chapel of the Holy Trinity, on Sunday last. Wo learn, from good authority, that a stone cutter of this city has been employed by the Jesuit Priests here in effacing tho Masonic emblems on tombs in the Roman Catholic burial ground." The Chicago Democrat says that some idea of a religious week day meeting in that city mayhe obtained from tbe fact that on a recent occasion of unusual interest, tbe assemblage consisted of Elxty-eight women, one man and a boy. ..... tactions parties ana recuress legislation, wun- LATER FP.? Iff EUROPE. Ntw York, Mar. 4. The steamer Baltic arrived to-day with Liverpool dates to the 20th. All the envoys to the peace conference have arrived at Paris, and the sessions were to open ou the 23d. The coufidc-nce in the establish ment of peace continues undiminished. The excitement in the public mind relaiivo to the American difficulty is subsiding. The concentration of a large British force in Cana da has been ordered. From the fact that the above dispatch, pre pared in Liverpool, makes no nieUion of the Pacific, it is feared that no tidings of her have bceu received there. The Baltic reached her dock at eleven o'clock. She brings dates to the 20tb, but tbo papers contain no striking news. The London Times announces' that eighteen regiments and battalions of rifl.-s sre to be dis patched to Canada and that several other regi ments will follow. It is also rumored that almost every regiment attached to the home service has received an intimation Hut their services may bo required in Canada. Money continues extremely tight, tbe de mand being in excess of the supply. The i;ew loan of XoDibOOOMJ announced, iryvides for the pending of Exchequer EiiU to the extent Of 3,000,000. As these amounts have to bo naid iu five instalments in t hi- i-.n-rw. of two mo:.ths, the demaud will douLt;,,,,,. tinueto be c.W nnd the market continue stringent. Consols had improved on thoan- a w ji; u-jUiitreailiS j declined to OOJaSO. Rothschilds, it is s,,d, propose taking the whole of the loan Much gossip continues in relation to ti e peace conference. Baron Drunow is reported to have said that Russia sincerely desires peace but if it is not declared within three cr four weeks at the furthest, from the opening of the conference, a-.-r ii.' i fl:P.vji t i(.i,.;i,.f,fo i..t nnai settlement of the question. Lord Clarendon had a private interview with Napoleon immediately upon bis arriv.il r.t Par is. England. The Duke of Norfolk is dead A mulatto girl was found secreted on board the ship Aterian, which arrived at Liverpool from New Orieaas Fraxci:. An article ia the Assemblec Na tionale, touching the defensive works being constructed at Portsmouth, England, has eli cited some remarks, nnd is looked upon as an exhibition of French j-jalousy. ArsTRi.t. So;no additional particulurs cf tho forth coming Austrian. amnesty has trans pired ; it will, with a few exceptions, be un conditional, and be made known individually to tuoso immediately concerned. Those who n Z i II i Rl' IV 1 1 n ( choose can rcassumc tb;ir citizenship - ' and be put in po-n-Msion of their T-rnpertv ; i those who do not choose to return immediate ly, may sell their estates ; those who do neith er, will be considered as demanding that their property shall be handed over to their legal heirs. Asia. 0:i tho 5th of January, six battalions of Russians surprised a battalion cf Turks s'abseq uently burned the Pacha's jlaco and several villages. Rissia. The Emperor's brother, the Grand Duke Nicholas, has be-n married to the Prin cess cf OMenbargh, Alexandria Patromrt. Among tho passengers by the Baltic are B. C. Towsend, bearer of dispatches, and I). E. Hughes, inventor of the new Printing Tele graphic instrument. Feaufi'l Riot is Solth Carolina College. The Wilmington, N.C., Commercial, Feb. 18, has tho following correspondence: "A tre mendous axcitement now prevails in Colum bia. Last night, about 0 o'clock, some of the students of the South Carolina College were walking around the city with murderous object in view, it is supposed. As three of them were walking down Richardson street, imme diately in front of the market house, one of thcrn yelled out the name of the Chief of Po lice, whom they intended murdering that eve ning. This gentleman, hearing considerable noise in Ihe street, proceeded to the spot to arrest tho parlies disturbing the peace. Ono of them pretended to bo almost beastly drunk. The officer commanded the peace, and laid bis hand in the meantime on the shoulder of tho intoxicated person, and as he did this, one of the students puuehed him in the abdomen with his club ; the policeman thinking he had been 6tabbed, immediately struck the student with his bludgeon, splitting his skull dreadfully. This being done, he commanded his fellow po licemen to assist in conveying him' to the guard bouse. As soon as he was lodged there the cry of 'Colhge" was raised by the stu dents, and in less than ten minutes, 100 stu dents were present, all armed with pistols, bowie knives, swords, hatchets and clubs, and rushed to tho guard houso, crying "out! out!" After cutting all the doors and window? into fragment?, they rushed in upon the Chief, each student giving him a wound with knife, bludgeon, or sword, and then threw him out of the second story window on the brick pave ment. The alarm bell Avas then rung to call the citizens together, but too late to bo of anv servicc to the police. This morning, about 10 o'clock, the alarm bell was rung again. On arriving at the guard house, I found the stu dents and several of the citizens "going in lemons" with pistols, swords and bowie knives. Several of the students were carried to their various homes dreadfully cut and bruised. The studeuts had sworn to kill the policeman, and they broke into the guard house, where be had been put for safety, and pulled him out in front of it, where they were each giving him a blow with their clubs, and some cutting him with bowie knives. The few citizens that were present rushed among them and they had a dreadful mnss. The alarm bell was rung to summon the military companies, and in a Bhort time five companies were present. Feb. 19. One of the students died this af ternocn,md ethers arc expected to di to- night. Tbe chief of police died to-night. Three policemen were killed. Oil the 20th, tbe students jrocured immu nitlon from Charleston. They also procured rifles from a neighboring town, under faLc pretences. Tho Mayor having feecured the key of their armory, they sent a Messenger to bint stating that if be did not give up tbe key they wonld break open the armory, which they did accordingly; On tho 21st, tbe Governor went to the campus and demanded tbe arms from tae students, telling them if they did not surrender be would fire upon thea. This be ing done, they gave tip their arms. Caufousia as a Fbee State. Gov. John Bigk-r, in bis Message of the Slh of January. ISvO, bus the following among other remarks npyii the progress of California in agriculture : "That n'tom'shiug progress has been mad in agriculture is demonstrated by the fuct that a few years ago we were almost, if not entire ly dependent r.j-rnthe Atlardic States, Chili, Oregon nnd the Islands for ail the recct-saries and luxuries cf life. Nor,-, however, ly the energy cf our people and the unequalled fer tility of orr sol, we have a superabundance fhr home consumption, and even for e;;tort. Lithe m.:rktt repoits of the All :r.t;c cities are regularly quMetl the prices paid for Ca!i- .C..J... .j,.-.n. una Hour; ct wlitcil exports ex. ceeui:ig 51,WU,;yo iu the aggregate h ive been ' URdo daring the past vcur. This is truly a i t:, ' f it JL . in 1 ri?I ! f;:'-v o1' out- most pTcUZ velopcd sister Si.-t?s. " . "Among the many and vsrie 1 ?:ro-?m f f niir nuut r.w.ltf.- c..;l .!.. t . , may LeTnentTone lli i i.ese are produced i: Ciii.'ornia in greater puinu:ies 10 ine r.eret ian ia nnv nC is.. ! lantic States, and of a quality unsurpassed if i.ui uuequaneu. Jiye and coin, althutieh not so proline in growth as in some of the older W extern States, nevertheless vivid remunera tive returns." Aga: n he savs s productiveness of California, as an evidence; or her wonderful progress a;id prosperity, we may welt and proudly institute a companion with other Stales of tiu coofedeiacv. ! "Ai!io::g til n. anv iutorestir." facta to l i gleaned fnm of.:c:.tl reports andeth ! sources v.e learn that the number ot ;d I the hor- ses a!rl mules in California, is only exceeded m lo States, including the f.-r.-at States cf New xork, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Ohio. In the number of cattle, but 7 States exceed Cal ifornia. Ia wheat, l::t OSteites produced more during tbe year 1So5 while New York alone exceeds California ia the number cf bushels of barley raised. States produce Cf Potatoes, sixteen cf tho Q lil.C f ifl- .... ...... . 1 1 n Of ail tno States of the Union, not one produ ces so many gallons of wine aul iu tho ag gregate value of live slock, but 1 1 of the 31 exceed California." Truly this is a cheering exhibition of tho r.t. . r y-,.. c, C t. fl 1 s- T" . I 7 , . : ' - m. v an imi'ii-aaj -. is lessou IV tile trilsi- ness men of our country. Sur-nosn f:.ii:r..r..i, had been admitted as a slave State how dif ferent would have been her present condition J To understand this, compare Virginia ! Ohio, Missouri with Illinois, or Arkansas with Wisconsin. Have not tho cilizens of all the old States a deep interest in preserving Kansas frpni the curse cf that ins tiintion wliieh smoth- teuds ? Kansas, peopled by freemen, wculu in a few years rival even California or Iu in its progress, and would furnish a vast market for tbe products of our manufactories. So that even as a matter of dollars and cents, wc have a deep interest in preserving Kansas from th curse of slavery. The Gasg or Ho.us TniEvr.s ia Wrsrtnx Pe xx'a. and New York. The Pittsburg Dis patch of March 1st, has the following notice of the arrest of another of the gang of horso thieves, whose, existence has recently been discovered ia the western part of this State: On Wednesday evening, Mayor Bingham, hav ing ascertained that John R. Harper, who was mentioned as an active member of the horse thieving gang by Rutter, in his eonfession,was in Buffalo, N. Y., telegraphed to the officers of that city and had him arrested. ILj was about starting High Constable King after him, when two cHcers from Indiana Co., who were on the hunt" of htm, arrived iu that city and called no on the Mayor, having learned that ho had al ready caused Harper's arrest. The Mayor ban ded over the correspondence to them, and they left last night for Harrisburg, to procure a re quisition to remove Harper to this State. While in prison, awaiting trial in Indiana j county, some four years ago, Harper, aided by Rutter, Brown, and a roan namod Greer, broke jail, and since that time has been living by de predations on the public. An indictment has been ponding against Lira at Ebensburg, and Rutter says he was with him engaged in steal ing horses in Westmoreland and other western counties. He is the same man who, according to R utters account, was at one thre employ ed in onj of the railroad depots at Buf'aio.and stole goods which he sent to Brown to be dis posed of. Thus far Rutter's statements have proved literally correct, and have already led to the discovery of a large number of stolen horses by their owners, and will doubtless result in breaking up one of the most extensive and thoroughly organized band of rascals which has ever csTisted in this part of the country. Earthquakes ix Switzkblaxd. On the 5th, 8th and 2ith of January last, shocks ot carth qnako were experienced in various cauto;:s. A Swiss naturalist, who has for some time closely observed these phenomena, states that in July last the fright lul effects of earthquakes were visible on the tops of the highest moan tains. On the 25th immense masses of ice seperated from the glacier Monte Kosa, came crashing into tho valley beneath, and a solid wall of ice was detached from the peak of tho Wctterhorn. On Mount St. Bernard the shock was as severe as in the valley of the Rhone. Oa the 23th a shock was felt in a circlj cm bracing Ilerraatt, Geneva, Basle, Zurich and Lurgano, which filled the animal world with terror; migratory birds left the vicinity, snd bave not since returned. When does a man look like a cann?n ball . "When he looks round. COMPEKSATIOX VX THE ExCEMITE Ssow -Tbfc excess! v. snow, wth bIch ,h United St. J bave been vUUed this year, mach , have delayed travel and transportation on n7l roads, bave not been without compeaUm . vantages. All through this Sute. M . in the West, they have enabled the f, by the use of tleds, to carry their grain to h' market towns, at & season of the ?eM roads are usually impassable, eithr nhy exceedingly rough. Most cf the pri-!,!f country towns, we understand, are overflo'T j ly been so full of moaev. Thess fief .. gratifying in two respects. They show tba tho agricultrial interest is in a Tery fiouriii. ing condition ; but they show also that farmers have been holding back their griii and that consequently the stock in the coustr at large is greater than has been supposed. I; is plain that four must come down. To tLa Inhabitants of cities, to manufacturers aad op. cratires, and generally to consntccrs of foe! as distinguished from producers, this will I gratifying newj; for it is they who have felt most keenly the late enormous prices of pre visions and who need most the relief of a de cline. But the heavy snows have nut only brought ' eaormotisa qnar-tities of ra;n to tsarket; :L?v ateatdo retutweu n nearly certain that t.ta i TfU,S CTP .Wl!? be 0De ofaIni0it j a-'-'ea maginucie. An agricultural jotuaal ! estimates that tho ammonia addd to ti, . Ly this winter's snows will be as good ai a tLo ro::gh manuring. The protracted cold, more over, forbids the idea of a changeable spring. If former experience is to he relied oa there will be little or no retrocession when the mild weather once sers in 5 bnt the processes of veg etation wiilg- on without those sudden r- j turns lo cold which so often destroy grain cad j 1:1 ,ua".v of the papers, that the irust troes Liv3 j been universally destroyed. Bat We J.2. ; r..onl nu:C0r0U5 sources, that this is r.ct r.-ll' i.,,. . .. . ... , A, . . . " e l;'u;a,: w "" l,,Jl lnt imiwch m fruit trees iiavo been split, or otherwise injur ed, are exceptions. It is not certain, iadeeA, that even trees which have been split, arc rsn tiered permanently useless. On the whc!, the excessive snows of this winter have brouf ht with them many compensations, and it is not improbable that, in a cycle of years, it may b u,3-0 c-t, luci werc omteiy necessary.- the people cf the United States the people of all the world most entitled to hold their s tionality as a proud privilege, sn J boasting th strongest and mo&t heart-rooted attachment i t0 the of their fathers, banded ;va Lorn sires to sous, are the raoi; reckless and careless of fortin influence, aud dtaot j seem to regard it as thuir duty to jtreverro their Americanism pure and nnadulJeratcd. o otter -"'r ", hc face of the earth Bas so little regard for its nawvu.-., . . contrary they all endeavor to protect and sus tain it. Th following ia the opinion wt n, , .... " . -itenvould call an untutored savage. This man saems to have imbibed froiu nsturo sad good common sense the pnro principles of those who framed tho glor:us Union .f tho States, and were willing to receive foreigners here as the "asylum of oppressed bumanily," but not to control the destinies or subvert tL institutions cf our country." Demagogues here may learn a lesson from the "Pure Nativtlsa" of the new King of the Hawaiian Islands,- contained iu the following announcement i Hawaiian Islands, January 13A, 1863. The funeral of the late King took jducc oi 10th. The procession was by far the most Im posing ever witnessed in the islands. CVth 11th tne new King made bis firs? apearanca, and attended a council. The King addressed bis native subjects, and also tho foreigners. From the speech to the latfer we extract the following : "I therefore Stiy to the foreigner that ho is welcome to our shores welcome so long as ho comes with the laudable motive of promoting his own interests, and at tbe sam-s time lespecting those of his neighbor. But if be conies here with no more exalted motiv than tli.-tf of building up his own interest, al the expense of the natives; to seek our confi dence only to betray it : with no higher aaxbi. tion than that of overthrowing our govern ment, and introducing anarchy, confusion aad bloodshed j then he is most unwelcome." Woetht ok Bitxo Pondered. Tho Grand Jurv fcf the Citv of New York made a pre sentment to the Court on Friday, the 22nd wit. We call attention to one or two tacts. Th Grand Jury say, "during the past year tho number cf commitments were ihirfy-six ks ijni, luo hund.el and tUiy-four. Of these. thirty-tiro thousand tercn hundred and thrtt wero persons of intemperate habits. Eight thou sand, r.ine hundred and six wero American bom, while the remaining twenty-seven thou sand, three hundred and thirty-eight wero of foreign birth. I:i view of this fact, the Grand Jury arc forced to the conclusion that ther exists an organized system of deportation and emigration to this country of criminals from, abroad, and they urge that-every means which the law allows be put in force to check this criminal immigration." Here, we say, arc two things worthy of being pondered. First, the intimate connexion be tween intemparar.ee and crime, and second. th.3 grievous burden imposed upon us by pour ing upon this country a tide of worthless ts abon 1 people, who eat up cur substance, fill our alms-houses, and crowd onr prisons. Farxcii Love or Soasdal. A French pro vincial papar contains tho following : ""A trial took placo at our Assizes. It promised rich food for scandal. All tho ladies of the towa bedecked themselves in their smartest toilets, abd crowded to the court-house. On seeing this, the prcsidiug judge rose and said t Per sons here assembled as spectators are not a ware of the nature of tho cause. I therefor invite all decent women to withdraw." A pause took place without a single female mor ing from her. seat. Seeing this, the president agaitv rose and exclaimed : "Officers of tbe Court, new that all decent women baYe retired, turn out tH remainder, -.1