if ; P t; i .- : vby.s. B. row. CLEARFIELD, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12, 1850. YOL. 2.-M). 3'. t LOOK AT HOME, tlnjuld yoa feci inclined to censuro - Faults yoa may in others view, Ask jrvur own heart ero you venturo, If that has i.ot a failing too. Let not friendly vows lc broken, lather strive a friend to gain ; " JUsnr a wurd in anger spoken. . ! --. Finds Ha passage home aain. i Do lift, then, in Idle pleasure, . Trifle with a brother's fame ; t'unrd it as a valued treasure Sacred as your own good nauio. Io not form opinions blindly llastines to trouble tends"; .. Those of whom we've thought unkindly - Oft become our warmest friends.' Froiu the '-iealpel."' . , LI FE LIGHTS ASD SHADOWS. . BIB. W. R. The bright frost-sparks were on the trees in the forest, and when the moon, with her mild torch, lighted them up, they glittered like so inany fairy diamonds; they glowed with light and lustre, changing from sparks of light to bluo and green gems; and all the air flickered with these specks of frost, painted into dia dems by the rich, soft moonlight. There is nothing bo beautiful in all nature as one of these evenings; the air is so still that if the soul listens, it cannot shut out the angels' whispers that come to us mixed up with music that cannot be printed. Angola never speak when the sun shines, nor when the white robe of winter has folded all nature into its pure mantle ; no, they only come when the moon bines in late autumn, when the nights are clear and the air keen, and the frost sparkles with cold. Then all earnest souls can hear them. They do not address the ear; they speak to the spirit,and fill it witli love and har mony, with mercy and blessings. Spring, with its flowers and birds, bad come, ml scattered its smiling glances on all the works of God. Summer had succeeded, and ripened the fruit, and dressed np the year with full-lapped bounty; and then had come one of the frost-nights, mingled with moon-fire the nights on which the mercy-angels are abroad on errands of goodness. I had saf it long lime fn my window, watch ing tho white, fleecy clouds that floated over the deep-blue iky. They were brilliant with reflected light, and as gaudy as the royal diamond-spangled robe of some eastern queen. I went to the window, and returned to my li brary, and then went again, with uncovered head, into the boundless sea of mystic cold and light, and listened Ut the seraph voices, (I lis ten with my spirit,) and tlen returned again to my warm room, to enjoy the delightful con trast between bathing my body in dead heat, and plunging my living spirit into tho fathom less sea of glittering light. Why I could uot sleep, I know not ; but I could not. I was too happy; I felt a serenity that spoke of mercy, of some good to be done; some suffering spirit, that needed the hush of a ltst blessing, was speaking to me, and sccm el to say : -Can jou not watch one slurt hour, when I have not slept for two long nights, and shall never sleep again till I awake into ever lasting life? Know you not that love darts her message into tho human heart through space, over seas, mountains and jJuins; and wben sorrow pleads fur mercy, tho spirit hears it it hears it just as a merciful God hears our prayers and listens to our wants?" My soul was so full of thought and blessings that -I was in a sea of thankfulness and joy, when I was roused by the patter "of two little feet on the door-stone. I knew it was a child's step, it was so soft, and yet so confident ; a child's step has no fear in it the innocent hav no fear. Tho little rap fell on the door; it wsms a soft rap, for her little hand was cover ed with a mitten to keep the frost-diamonds frira biting it. 'The frost has no feeling for little hands; it only loves to shine and spar klu, and sparkle and shine, before the warm sun shall come and spoil its beauty and power to harm. I opened the door, and in stepped little Julia, muffled in a shawl, and mittens, and hood ; and her little shoes wet; stiff with cold, and they creaked on the floor, and her face was all covered with love, and looked very bright, and the still tear stood in her eye, and she could not speak. . ."Oh, Julia!" said I, "are you not ccld, child? and why is my darling cut alone?" , "It is so light sir, that I could come easily without being lost." .... . "I know it is light, but it is very cold ; you came alone, did you not?" 0 yes, sir, Mr. Doctor, I came (done, but I was not afraid, nor cold any ;" and her bright red lip trembled, and she could not speak ; imd on hr cheek the frost had painted a full, red flush, and the skin was whit as the snow flake. She looked very beautiful, and her heart was full, too full to tell mo more. And too were not afraid,you said, and you nro ouly nine years old, I think, and have come three miles,' fn the night, too, all alone did you cbrno to me, Hiss Julia " "Yes, Mr. Doctor; my mother is very sick, and I came fo get you to cure her, and she said God protected all good children, and then she seemed to be with me all the way, and I was not afraid ;" and here the dear child burst into tears. ' ' ..;- " ; I was very busy warming the child, for I was enchanted and bewildered by the fidelity and confidence of the charming little girl," for I off? swa her light form tripping along the highway to school, her blue eye as mild as a summer dew-drop, when sho lifted towards me something, that glittered, and said, in her sweet, low voice, "Please win you go and see my mother, tb-night, Mr. Doctor 1 She sent you this gold ring she had no money and she cried when she gave it to me, and said it was one my dear papa gave her when they were married in New Qork city, and sho wanted to keep it for me, but she will give it to you, sir, if you will come afid sec her to-night ; she is afraid she will die before to-morrow, and then sho cannot tell you what she wants to; and she is all alone, too, only a little girl, Katy Wharton, caaie over to stay with her while I came after you ; so please do go and see my dear mother to-night, good Mr. Doctor." The fervent love and artless simplicity of the chiM had so overcome me, that I had prepared myself to start, unconsciously. My wife had risen from her slumber, aud was listening to the story cf the child, and when I returned to the gate with my robes and cutter, I found lit tle Julia and my good wife waiting fo accom pany me. 1 oldmg them closely in my thick, warm robes, I drove rapidly over the ground ; a slight snow had fallen and coverad the dark- brown earth.' My residence was near a thick wood, and my track to the dwelling of the sick woman led me through a thickly settled part of the large aud flourishing village of A . The house was small, and forbidding in its ex terior, and when we reached the gate, little Julia bounded from the sleigh with the elastic step of a young fawn, glided across the yard, and entered the house in advance of us, and, rushing to the bedside, she held up the ring and cried foy, as her tiny arm clasped her sick mother's neck, while sho covered ITcr pale cheek with fervent kisses. "Dear mother," she said, in a soft, low voice, "don't cry now, nor cough any more, for the good doctor has come now, and the lady has come too, to help ma to take care of you;" and she ran to the ! able to bring some drink for which her mother had motioned. Myself and companion stood by tho bedside of a sick and dying woman, who had been whose parents had taught her to love self arid forget all else in the world beside. Come into the apartment, gentle reader, and see where the daughter of the rich and proud sometimes ends her days. A small room, with scanty furniture, some poor, and a part of it very rich, the broken fragments of a splendid outfit, given her by her father when sie left New York for her home in the West. The whole scene was reall- comfortless, al though the hand of taste and pride had evi dently tried in vain to hide the. real facts by great tact in arrangement, and perfect neat ness throughout the room. The address of the lady at once marked her as one who had been lired in a far higher circle of life than she now occupied, for she saluted us with that dignified simplicity that always characterizes the wo man of good breeding. Our fiist duty was to provide for her comfort, and then receive her bequests, for she was rapidly drawing towards the close of her weary pilgrimage. My wife had arranged her conch anew 5 her cough had been quieted by a soothing draught, and she lay resting her failing body, gathering strength for this last conflict with her fate, when little Julia rushed up to the bedside and asked, in a very earnest tone, "Dear mother, do Isaiah, and David, and Joseph have to go to a.sonp-house in heaven to get something to eat? or do they have bread enough in heaven, mother ?" "My strange child," said the dy ing mother, "why do you ask me that?" "Oh, you know the other day, when we were so hungry, you made me read to you in the Bible that 'God hears the ravens cry,' and then you sent me down to the merchant's for a lit tle flour, and when he sent me back because I had no money, and you cried so, I kept think ing about the famine in Samaria, andliow Jo seph's brethren went down into Egypt to buy corn, and Joseph wept when ho saw them, and gave them something to cat; and I knew, be cause yon said so, that even some good people now could not get bread to eat because it cost so much, and you said they had to go to soup houses to be fed, and beautiful fine ladies had to go there in the great city of Boston last year, and I wondered if people were ever hun gry in heaven." The poor child relieved her self cf all this with great earnestness. , A deep crimson flush overspread the face of the poor mother, and her eye glanced wildly at the face of my wife, as she said to the child : "No, my dear, children are not hungry there; but you must not talk so strangely." Great God ! what thoughts rushed across my soul at this strange scene ! Have we become a race of demons, thought I, and do children begin to doubt the justice of God ? A sudden silence seized the group, and through my soul rushed wholo years of anguish- Children starving in a land of bread! mothers, nursed in pride and luxury, brought to feel the bony fingers of want, and grapple, on a dying-bed, with pale famine's icy touch! What, thought I, shall I hear 'next? Surely something heart-breaking has preceded such a train of thought in the mind of this child. And who can this sick lady be, inquires the reader, and where did she come from, and whoso daughter was she, and had she any mo ther alive; or was she some poor out cast one of those -whom God almost forgets to coin fort ? She was none of these ' Eliza E was the daughter of a rich mer chant in New-York city. About twenty years before I was called to see her, she was seated in a gorgeous parlor, surrounded by splendid mirrors, playing on her piano, and courted by rich suitors, and flattered by a poet's love. The world may not know it, but the western physician docs, that among the surging tide of wealth and home-hunting life that swells a cross the great lakes, and spreads across the prairies of tho West, even to the shores of the Pacific, there are a smaller number of emi grants that swarm out from the houses of the merchant princes of our great commercial me tropolis. The place is too strait for them, and luxury, vice, and indolence have enervated them too much to enable them to buffet tho rude breakers of city life. These sons., from the euchre tables, the drinkins saloons, and club-houses of that refined and Christian city, arc married to tho highest bidder who has cash to give with his daughter; and the young pair is shipped west with bales of goods and boxes of merchandise, to-become aristocracy of tho villages and cities of the West. While the West is thus peopled with these ribbon men and women from the commercial capital, the hardy sons of toil and exertion flow back from the farm and places of toil, to fill the places of clerks in the great city's trading-houses, and become the future merchants of the vast Babel of trade. Among these adventurers, in the year '34, was a young merchant of much promise who ranked much higher than the average of this class of men. He had become the husband of the accomplished Miss E . . The doting parents had dismissed them with their blessing and a stock of goods, and they had taken up their residence in the village of F , where a year or more of prosperity had placed them at the head of the village aristocracv. But fortune has her changes, and rolls her mad waves over the hopeful and the stout hearted. One of these tempests of fire, that a just God rains on cities, as he did on Sodom for her sins, came upon New-York ; and on a cold night in December, the red tongue of the '" 1 "t ' ;-r ' - and scattered her proud merchants as beggars in the streets. The man of millions, in a single night, found himself without means of a breakfast; the fam ily that dwelt in a palace, were houseless and naked ; the mothers who toiled for their daily bread, wcro rich as the richest. I shall never forget the strange scene that was presented at our capital, for the whole State suffered; so wide-spread was the desola tion, that none could measure it ; but every heart was touched with pity for the homeless and the brcadless. The night was intensely cold ; the water froze in tho hydrants, and the devouring clement rioted unrcbuked on the labors and the hopes of men. The sun rose in tho east on a sea of smouldering ruins ; all night had mothers mourned and wept, and when daylight came, fathers of stony hearts, that never prayed be fore, prayed then : "Give us this day our daily bread !" So wide was the desolation that no one could see its shore, and thinking men rushed up to the capital, to ask the loan of a million of dol lars, to blunt for a little time the sea of suffer ing that none could really fathom. I saw the whole struggle, and beard the prayers of the sufferers, and the proud buffetings of those who held the purse-strings. Men implored for the love of God, and the tears of suffering and helpless women and chil dren, that aid which the State alone could give. They repeated the golden rule, and wept hot tears of suffering, for the fire had painted with red flame a red spot far once in tho heart of the golden princes. They knew that men could sufljbr; they had seen their own wives and daughters clinging to them in despair, covered with silk, and spark ling with bright jewels, and asking where they should sleep and cat. And the dry-souled politician now spoke with a tongue of fire, and repeated those golden words, "Do unto others os you would that others should do un to you," and wept for aid ; but those words sounded as strangely as the song of a seraph chanted in the halls of Bedlam. "Now," said the wily wire-worker, "is the time to punish New-York. She has refused us all succor at the West, she has no heart ; when the flame has died from her ruins, a heart of ice will a gain beat in her bosom. By the grace of God show her no mercy, for she deserves none. Give her the silver rule sho repeats the gold en one, but will never live by it." Such was actually the language that fell from the lips of Chetstian men, stung by tho demon of a golden selfishness. Said one, "I will vote to relieve this cry for mercy, but tho words stick in my throat so mnch selfishness deserves no pity." The boon was granted, and the tried and suffering city drew one long breath of love and gratitude to the bounty of the State. Reader, we must now return to the bedside of our sick patient, prepared to un derstand who sho was and tho causes of her condition. Sho was the daughter of a wealthy merchant, who lost his last dollar in tho huge iire of '35; he saw the labors of a' long life swept from him in an hour, and the hope of his family went down in that whirlpool of fire, i His 'son-in-law had a few thousands in his western' home, but an inexorable necessity I Beggary stared him in the face, and ho informed his daughter of his fate and asked for aid, arid with'that uoble impulse that over guides the great-hearted, full-soulcd woman, she resolv ed to send her father all to save him from want. Their business had been prosperous, v-and they lived in the first sunshine of gay prosperity. Her husband responded with as full a heart, and in a week his splendid stock of goods had disappeared tinder the hammer, and the cash was forwarded to the parents in New-York; and then came the new life in which the heart grows amid the rushing of wild tempests, and we feel that life has a dignity in it, because we have humanity in our hearts, and can weep with those that weep, and rejoice with those that rejoice. Our patient had the form of a queen, and her face bore the impress of nobleness and love no daughter of the Tyrol was ever more lovely. Uer husband was a man, and only needed the rod and the scourge to make him shine. He sought a position as a clerk, their servants were dismissed, and she resolved to learn the art of managing her own house. She could play her piaub,but could not make bread for qer husband and child. She knew not how to wash and iron her own carmcnts. She had been taught tlwt to do so was vulgar; but now it was to contribute to her father's com fort, and send joy to her aged mother's heart, it became a pleasure and a joy. George had returned one morning 'from the store, and found his wife weeping. He spoke words of comfort to her, and asked her tUe cause.- She responded, in a tone of firmness, that she was ashamed of her education, aud had resolved to learn to work ; "I will know how to maktt bread for my husband in less than a week." George smiled at his wife's resolution, and a shade of saditcsss passed over his face. Their life's morning had open ed bright and cloudless as the rays of early dawn. One year of life had been all sunshine; now they were without means, his store clos ed, his fine house rebanished: their parents w heels of fate revolved so fast and so rudely, that the stoutest were often crushed in its wild whirl. Their infant smiled in its wicker cra dle ; Mary said to her husband, "We cannot keep servants, and you and our darling maj starve, for aught that I can do for you what a poor creature am I ! Why, I cannot make bread !" When the husband had left for his business, meditating on the change in their condition, Mary started for the minister's house, and frankly told her frit nd -her rcsolu tion,for all knew by this time their necessities. They both started for the residence of Dr. P , and it was soon arranged that the la dies would alternate in their visits, and aid the resolute wife in acquiring a knowledge of arranging her house, setting her table, and cooking her food. In a few weeks she had acquired considerable knowledge of the duties of a useful wife. She knew the joy of contrib uting to her own and her husband's wants, and no bread was ever so sweet to her as that which Mary set before her husband made with her own hands. But a year passed, and her parents sunk under the heavy stroke of disaster; the current was too deep ; it bore them to the grave. Now more than ever Ma ry felt the blessedness of her good deeds to her parents, and learned that to be useful was to be happy, to bo good was to be like the angels. George struggled on with his new position in life. Pride rose up and mocked him, but he looked it steadily in the face, till his man hood outgrew hi3 early training and learned the real power of self-dependence. But woe betide us when all the winds blow calamities to our hearthstones ! George was seized with ajtyphoid inflammation of tho lungs, a disease that sweeps hundreds of stalwart men in mias matic districts to a sudden grave ; and in a week tho noble Mary was a widow and Julia an orphan. She thought her cup was full before, but now it ran over with bitter sorrow, and she bowed her head before the blast, and said in the deep faith of a smitten spirit, "Thy will be done, O God !" The black hearse came, tho pall covered the form of her husband. With Julia and a few humble friends she fol lowed their stay and support to the grave; the last hymn broke on the silent air ; 4he coffin was lowered; the earth fell heavily on tho lid; fainter and fainter grew the sound, and a long earth-raouud covered the body of the noble young father. It is natural and seems appropriate for the young and the old to die; but when the thread is cut in full life, and hope, home, wife, child, arc all made desolate by the blow, it looks as though the law of life was reversed in its en actment, and a great wrong was done. Our friend now missed the hand on which she had leaned, and turned herself to find same ray of light beaming on her destiny ; she saw no star beyond her on the sky-verge of her com. ing days, but she committed her all to the hands of that great and loving One who stills the young raven's cry, , and looked up with cheerful hope. . What now, was to be done? The fire had devoured her father's wicked gains, gathered up by speculation in bread, and the tear and heart-buinlngfi of hungry children, and heart- compelled him to recall the whole. broken mothers ; her father, mothor and hus band were dead, and naught was left to her but poverty and her h'ttic feeble Julia. She had learned how to work, could cook her own food, and she resolved to know more of hon est, inspiring toil. In less than a month she had command ol her needle, as a tailoress and dress maker, and with her superior genius, she soon found employment among the best of her sex; for the truly noble among them, who had known her as the gay and beautiful wife, now beheld her with admiration for her courage and her vigorous struggles with the reiterated blows of a mysterious Piovidcnce. She felt a deeper joy for the blessings of her humble ta ble, because procured with her own hands, and Julia was delighted with all the little gifts tjiat the heart of a mother so joyfully brings to the lcing it loves. In tho fierce fires of suffering, Mary had learned that other hearts could suf - fer, and to the poor she liecame a messenger of mercy, wherever suffering human hearts could be found. She made the widow's heart to sing for joy, and the orphan, at the sight of her loving lace, smiled through its tears. She found "that to give is more blessed that to re ceive." rtie was known ly all tho pooras the "good Mary," who came to make them happy, and if she had nothing to bestow, sho smiled on the sufferct, and his pain grew lighter un der its sunny power. Through long years the loving Mary had supported herself and child by the toil of her own hands. Unfortunately she had removed from the scene of her trials to the village where I found her, for better prospects, where at last her powers sank un der accumulated labors, and a severe fever had brought her far away from her humble friends, on that cold night I found on her last bed of rest ; neglected and forgotten by the busy world, attended by two little children, adorned with most saintly meekness and full of the most joyful expectations of a bright and immortal future. As the night was far advan ced, and my duties for the next day vcrj- ar- dous, I left my excellent Wife, whose heart was ever open to the child of want, to watch tho balance of the hours before day, and made my morning I had heard too much for sleep a thousand unavailing thoughts rushed through my brain. I awoke in deep despair; my soul was very sorrowful. What marvel, thonght I, that the starving child, who walked alone over the cold earth by tne nuMjr -flight to get a doctor for her dying mother, should ask ii .. folks in heaven kept "public soup houses' where all the por could have enough to eat ? The story of my patient had chilled mo to the bone, and 1 sat speechless for some time on the bedside. The sun was shining cheerfully w hen I cross ed the yard for my faithful pony, and I soon made the few calls my limited practice re quired, when I again sought tho humble cot tage of my patient. I had bought a few com forts at the country store, and found my angel wife, ever faithful, and now gone to her re ward at her post by the bedside. She had been weeping over the little Julia, who slum bered sweetly by her mother's side. She, too, slept. Both awoke shortly after my entrance. Gazing tenderly upon her little face, the mother closed her eyes and murmured a few words of prayer, and then addressed mo as calmly as though in health. "Doctor, you know all of my history that is of consequence, except what relates to my dear child. I have penned a few directionf for one of her aunts, who will doubtless discharge the trust I be queath to her. Would to God I could lighten the pecuniary part of it. Yonr kindness has brought you here, as I learn it ever docs at the summons of the wretched ; I shall need no medicine, the lamp is exhausted ; the flame even now flickers; in a little while I shall go hence." She had wearied herself by the exertion of speaking, and dozed; I went into the little kitchen to consult with my wife upon our fu ture cfl'orts. I kept my eye occasionally on the face of my patient, and had withdrawn it but for a moment, when I saw her move con vulsively; I ran to her, and she asked dis tinctly for water; she swallowed a little, and thanked me, even gracefully, so quiet was she; sho closed her eyes, and her pulse fell rapidly. Suddenly she drew her child to her breast, and calmly uttered, To God and you I leave her!' My wife was instantly at her side. I turned my eyes towards her face; it was placid heaven; the spirit of the good and beautiful had fled to the home of the Immortals. Father M'lvor was one of the worthiest of the Presbyteriau clergymen, but, like his an cestors, very much set in his own way. lie came from the Scotch, and it was one of his forefathers who prayed at tho opening of one of their ecclesiastical courts : "Oh, Lord, grant that we may be right, for thou knowest we arc very decided-" A Western editor, in speaking of a friend, says : IIe has his weak poiuts, but telling the truth is not one of them." Nice puff, that. A Yankee has invented a plague which kills off all who do not pay the printer. It's mor destructive than the consumption - w Why is Ilorace Greely liko a field of dam aged wheat ? Because he has bea. struck by Ku.tt. - . :..' ; - THE AVALDEISSL'S. - In the beautiful valley of Piedmont there exists a people whose history, iu point of pe culiarity aud interest, rivals even that of the ancient Jews. Their origin is a subject of dis pute. Some attribute it to Peter WaM, a. wealthy merchant of Lyons, who bfing deeply impressed by the sudden death of a friend, with the sense of human frailty, renounced the world ami devoted himself to the promotion of re ligious truth. Others maintain that the Pro testant doctrines are of much earlier origin, and that Claudius of Turin was their founder, a devoted Christian of the ninth century. Whoever their founder" mav have been there- is strong historical evidence of the ancient or igin of the WaUlenses, and that they received large accessions by the labors of Waldo, be- ing also, especially favored by him with a j translation of the Bible into the Waldensian tongue. They were originally called Yallen ses, (men of the Valley,) which being easily changed into Waldcnscs the Papists took ad vantage of this circumstance to disprove their ancient origin. Their history is the contest between Protes tant ism apnd the Papal power. It is a history of the most violent and inhuman persecutions, and furnishes us with a beautiful example of firmness and Christian fortitude. Great and learned men they had not ; but all were abl to read and write, and their pastors were usu ally men of no ordinary powers of argumenta tion. The bishops of Hone, at first endeavored to pursuade this people torenounco their heresy, and accordingly pent monks to confar. with them; but the later soon returned, somo of them ' declaring that they had learned mora scripture from the Waldensian children than f rom all the religious controversies they had ever heard. The Waldcnsians, at length, pro posed to defend their princixdes in open da bate. The bishops and monks could not hon orably decline so fair a proposition. They ac cepted the terms of debate, and Montreal near Carcossone was selected as the fdace for ami cably and fairly deciding the great contost be. appointcu tune this ecclesiastical discussion commenced, and was earnestly prosecuted for several days 5 but Popery having failed to support itself by scriptural argument, abrupt ly terminated the discussion and had recourse to physical power. The ambitious and tyran nical pope, Innocent the III., instituted ths Inquisition and the Waldeusians were the first '- if? inhuman tortures. Thousands were subjected to vue . . . , . , punishment whose only crime was that of a rcdfiuw- A few princes were convinced of their loyalty, and seemed desirous of favoring them ; but tho false and slanderons reports of tho papal church too easily instigated these rulers against the helpless Waldcnscs. Falsehood and cal umny were heaped upon the peaceable Men of the Valleys, and the civil and papal power now united for their extermination.' It was a contest, oa the part of the Waldensians, for principle, on the part of their enemies for plundei. For a period of more than four cen turies did th!s righteous people endure all th persecutions that the malice, avarice and blind zeal of their enemies could deviso ; but in stead of being annihilated their doctrines wera disseminated, and settlements established in the valleys ofPrcgala, Fraissinaire, Loyse, Dauphing, in Provence, Flanders and Calabria in Austria and Germany, and. at one time, they numbered in Europe, eight hundred thou sand. It is said that they still exist in tho valleys of tho Alps, protected by tho fast nessea of their mountain homes, and the power of him for whom they suffered, "a ptcvliar f co plc zealous "J" good works." A pretty woman is one of the "institutions" of the country an angel in dry goods and glory. Sho makes sunshine, blue sky, Fourth of July, and happiness wherever she goes. ; Her path is one of delicious roses, perfuma , and beauty. She is a sweet poem, written in' rare curls and choice calico, and good princi ples. Men stand up before her as so many ad- . miration points, to. melt into cream, and then' butter. ..Her words float round the car, like music, birds of Paradise, or the chimes of the Sabbath bells. Without her, society would lose its truest attraction, the church its firmest reliance ; aud young men the very best of com forts and company. Her influence and gener osity restrain the vicious, strengthen the weak, raise the lowly, flannel-shirt the heathen, and . strengthen the fainthearted.- Wherever you fiad the virtuous woman, you also find . plea sant fireside, bouquets, clean clothes, order, good living, gentle hearts, piety, music, light, and model "institutions" generally. She is the flower of humanity, a very Venus fn dimi ty ,aud her inspiration is the breath of Heaven. . A nev stove has been invented for the com- fort of travellers. It is put under the feet, and a mnstard plaster upos the head, "which , draws the heat through the whole system. Said to be a Yankee invention. Patent righta sell cleverly. Why is a man who owns a calf,' like a loco- ' motive ? Because he can boast of a "a eow ' catcher." The young man who sent this, . is incoming so brilliant that he charges & dol lar an hour to allow people to look at fcim in the tan. ... , . , '' 1 ', .-. . ir