1 .3 "f -i 1 4 THE JOUMAL HOME FACTS AXlrxclES . Wasted A couple bushels of good potatoes, at, this office. Don't everybody come at once. "One lit a time," la the ay. Exhibition As wil1 bc seen b a nollco ln to-day's Journal, ani 'exhibition of tho students of the Cl-rneld Institute is to e given i the Town Ualli ia tbis borough, on the evening of tbe Hth instant. ' . Acceptable. We received a letter a few days since containing a piece of paper ''hillus trated" with a number of X's. If any of our frtends are burthened with that kind of stuff, wc have capacity for a little "more of the same ort." " ' Ir there la any virtue in the old adage that when "March comes ia like a lion, it will go out like a lamb," wo may soou looK. for an snd of the existing severe winter, for more disagreeable and blustery weather could not well be than prevailed during the first three or four dava of tho present month. The winds were high, and the snow, which foil in consid roble quantities, was driven wildly about and by forming into drifts has obstructed the roads very much. The first fall of snow this winter -was the nisrht after Chriatmaa, since which tlmfi liirra ouantities have been added. Da - ring the period from Christmas until now, but little thawing has occurred there being orfly two days, we believe, in which it was percep tible to any extent, and then not enough to "completely "settle down" tho snow. Much Inconvenience has been experienced by those ngaged in making timber and in conveying it o the river banks, by the great depth of tho now, and there is little doubt that but for it mucb more lumber would Lave been taken to market than will bo the ensuing- season. If this snow should happen to pass ofT with rain or a sudden thiw, much damage may be ex pected to result to property of every descrip tion along the streams. Random Thoughts. A short time ago, we vere sitting at the casement in the moment when the chime of the "church-going bell" lroke the quiet which is wont to prevail on the day set apart for the service of Omnipo tent Jehovah. Soon the bustling throng was gliding past: here an aged sire the hoar of years had marked his locks once dark as the raven's plumage his step was unsteady tho )igh of his eye was not as vivid as erst calm ness and content sat upo his brow ; there a j fairy being, with quick-beating pulse, botiyant Kpirits, and high hopes. Happy, indeed, is her present existence; but, alas, as years be gin to thicken on her, anxieties and perplexi ties will arise sorrow may usurp the abode of bliss, and misery dispel tho brightest an ticipations. Close tipon these comes a state ly, qucen-likc form, with beauty stamped on her lineaments; and ar.on one upon whom the world has beamed less brightly. Here goes ona ol the proud "lords of creation;" there passes a '-lone, lorn widow," with grief and poverty as her portion. Tho passers-by have become multitudinous, all hurrying to the sanc tuary, whers the gopel is to be expounded and its precepts taught. What a motley crew they are and what a variety of thoughts are "here "cribbed-np, cabined and confined." litre will be found avarice and selfishness, as well as holy and pious reflections and hopes of a bright immortality beneath the gaudy vest ment as well as the homely garb may throb many a wicked heart and dwell many an un righteous thonght. Stranga thing?, indeed, often transpire ln the gorgeous temj.I.-s of this world. Whilst a highly-perfumed, ki l-gloved acion of fl!en Adam will ear.sj a score of pew doors t fly open as if by magic, a plain, un ostentatious man, though lie may be "a whale Jo a Sib-pond," intellectually considered, will scarcely attract the chilling attention of a bur ly sexton, who bows him into an obscure and uncomfortable scat! "Would the meek and lowly Nazarine, who preached "good will to all men," make such distinctions? Docs lie require that frail humanity should bo superbly attirca witix i.ucr:ng cistnoni'j ana ruAi;.;;g ilk, and make an ostentatious display, in or der to secure an entrance to that happy place, which Schiller designates as "Pie heitern Regioncn. Wo die reinn Scelen wobnen ?" Jay! Wo are taught that only in meekness, gentleness and humility, loving our neighbor as ourself, can wc approach that peaceful bourne which lies in the heavens eternal. Wo see that bill .No. 208, a supplement to the charter of the borough of Cnrweiisviilc, ia tiia county, passed its several readings in the State Senate, on lost Thursday. The Chisesb are queer people. At Pekin there is a phalanstery called the "House of Ilea Feathers," where the poor oro lodged for one fi.'th of a farthing per night. It is Simply a vast hall thickly strewn with feathers. Alcn, women and children all lie down together in the beauty of communism; an im;ncnsc cover let 13 then let down over the party, with holes through which the sleepers pntthtir heads, so as not to bo suUocated. At daylight the pha lansterian canopy Is hoisted np, after a signal on the tam tarn, to Invite holders to draw back their heads or swing. ,Th editor of the Xew Jersey Standard glvos the following brief record cf his sleigh riding experience this wiuter : . TIMo 1st. Cot fast a a sow-bank, and had to walk a mile and a half in snow from knee deep to neck-deep. Eidi5d. Got horses dewn in a snow bank had to ungear and dig tberu out. Got no where, and camo home ditto. Ride 3d. Upset twice lame shoulder knock ed good deal worse thau before. Eide 4th. Upset going one way, and broke .the sleigh to pieees coming the othr. Ride 6th. Only broke one trace, and gave p flefgh-riding as getting too tame ft be JnNreMiag. . GLEANINGS IRCM OTJE FXCHANGES. Hugh Corrigan has beeu convicted of the murder of his wife, 'm T eslmoreland Co.. I a. Mr. Du Pre died in the Queen's Bench Pri son, London, on the 6th, after an incarceration of 41 years, for debt. lion. Iienjamin F. Wade, whose term ol ser vice as United States -Senator from Ohio ex pires March 4, 1807, was re-elected, on Thurs dav, for a second term of six years. The Tennessee Legislature has passed a bill o purchase the Hermitage and present it to the United States, to be used as a branch of the West Point "Military School. The March number of Putnam's Monthly contains several admirable papers, "gravo and gay," which continue for the magazine its wtil earned reputation as the leading literary monthly. "'." Out we3t, the qualifications a man must have to render him eligible to office, are fever and ague, a pork-house, seventeen grown ttp3ons, a military brother-in-law, and plenty of dog leg-tobacco. This Looks Wariike ! It is reported that Capt. Whitley, of the Ordnance Department, Governor's Island, received orders, on Thurs day, from the War Dapartment, to put the Is land in war defence In Turkey, whenever a storekeeper ia con victed of telling a lie, his house is painted black, to remain so for one month. If thcrj were such a law in force in this country, what a sombre and gloomy appearance some of our towns would present. Xo.v-Ixtercocrse. Tho IIouso of Iiepre sentatives of Georgia, by formal resolution, have declined to hold intercourse with Ver mont, and instructed the Governor according ly. They will neither icceivo messages nor send them. Wares and Lives Lost. The ship Great Duke, of Boston, from New Orleans for Liver pool, was wrecked Feb. Oth, and Capt. Samp son ana twenty-nine men were drowned, i lie Great Duke cleared at Xcw Orleaus Jan. 2d with 5000 bales of cotton and 2000 staves. When Edward Everett was entertained at a public dinner before leaving Boston, Judge Story gave as a sentiment "Genius is sure to be rewarded where Ever-ett goes." Everett responded "Law, equity and Jurisprudence; no efforts can raise them abpve one Story." It is stated, in tho New York Times, that since the passage of tho fugitive slave Ian- act in ISjO, thirty five thousand slaves have esca ped from the southern states, and that the "value of tho property" which has thus exer cised its natural rights of manhood is 35,000. Linnaeus, the great botanist, had in his house an mgetnus ami singular contrivance a "co ral clock." In a half circle, round the table of the graat botanist, a number of plants were arranged, which, opening their flowers at a certain moment, told the hour with unerring exactitude. The Steamer Atlantic left New York on Sa- tJrday fur Liverpool, with fifty-one pa?a:ngers, among w hom were the Hon. George M. Dal las, Minister to England, and family, including bis son, who goes out as Secretary of Lega tion. The Baron do Kichsofer, Prussian Min ister to Mexico, was alao a passenger in the Atlantic. General Larimer, formerly of Pittsburg, but now a member of the Nebraska Legislature, having presented and advocated a bill propos ing to allow women to vote, a committee of members came into the IIouso and proposed to present the gallant General with a petticoat, which created a considnrable uproar in the House I Tho "resolution to present" was vo ted down. Some malicious person advertised in tho 2C. Y. Herald for men with pickaxes, watchdogs, terriors and poodles, and that application should be made at the oP.'cc of Richard Bus teed, Esq., or at that gentleman's residence, in Madison avenue, and as a consequence, the applications wera a great nuisanco at both pUces. The police wcro called upon to dis perse the crowd. The Wisconsin- Governorship. Tho Ju diciary Committee of tho Wisconsin Senate have made a report upon the contested elec tion case between Barsdow, the occupant of the Gubernatorial chair, and Mr. Bashford, tho Republican claimant, in which the whole ques tion is elaborately reviewed. The Committee camo to the conclusion that Mr. Bashford is entitled to the fiico having received Co, 872 legal votes, against 8-5,523 for Parstow. In Chicago Miss Lizzie T tittle cowhided a feliow boarder named William Graves for cir culating reports prejudicial to her character. She walked into the parlor, took him by the collar, and laid it on good. If there were more women like Lizzie able and willing to defend their honor against tho misrepresentations of scoundrels, some of tho ill bred loafers who delight ia making remarks degrading to wo lueu would be apt to take up some other trade. The Hawaiian Nation-. The Polynesian s:iys that the Hawaiian nation, which 70 years ago was estimated variously at from 200,000 to -iOO.C'00. now only counts 72.000, a decrease within this period of at Ieiut 2-C. Vat tracts of laud do tot harbor a human soul ; fertile kalo lands, onco under cultivation, arc left to t lie rule of grass and weeds. Tho island of Kanai, remarkable for the productiveness of its soil, and capable to sustain a population of at least 100,000, contains enly C000. . . IiEvrxGr: or a Lover Ccttixo off a Girl's Nose. The La Crosae, Wisconsin, Democrat, gives an account of an Italian cutting otr the nose cf a girl because she refused to marry her. The father of the girl, who is a widower, Las a large family of grown-up girls, which ho Seems anxious to get rid of, and therefore en couraged tho Italian. The girl was invinci ble, and entreaties wea-e of r,o avail. Last week tho lover called at tho house where she was slaying and requested to see her at the door. When eho appoared he seized her by tho nos?, end cut it oil close up to the bridge. The poor girl screamed and fainted, and whilo the family rushed to her assistance, the ber barotnTlMoin mde his escape. A Sharp Dodqk. "Sheepface," in the farce of the Village Lawyer, has found his match. Tho man, Fyler, who murdered his Wife some time since, hear Syracuse, N. Y., is playing a sharp game upon the lawyer who defended him. It appears that the agreement between them was in case Fyler was saved from hanging, his counsel were to have 51000. Of this amount 51000 was paid in cash, and the remainder so- j cured by a mortgage on his farm. The coun sel put in a plea of insanity, and Fyler was sent to tho Lnnatic Aylnm. The mortgage 33 now about due, and the holders, on proposing to fore-close it, were met with the defence that if tho maker of it was iusane when the murder was committed, could he have been sane at the time of civim? the mortgage? It looks as though the law vers were caught this time. CaisE op the Cold. In a communication to the Scientific Jmerican, Mr. T. Barrows, -of Dedham, Mass., alluding to tho intense cold of this winter, itates that he never saw the sky so brilliant and clear by day and night before. He attributes the causo of tho cold to the hun dreds of thousands of tons ol powder which have been burned at Sevastopol, and other, places, having put into circulation large quan tities of nitrous gas. "If saltpeter and salam moniac," ho says, "beput into a given quanti ty of water at 50deg Fah., it will reduce its temperature 50deg." lie therefore concludes that the gases of tho exploded gunpowder named have exerted a great cooling infineuco upon the atmosphere, both in Europe and America. On account of the pure cold air this winter, ho is of opinion that cholera, yellow fever, and the potato rot will not be so preva lent during the present, as in former years. WAsaiNCTOX, March 2. Mr. Crampton has written a note to the editors of the National Intelligencer, slating tiat lie was not instruct ed by Lord Clareedon to submit a proposition for arbitration on the Central American ques tion, but only to inform Mr. Marcy that snch a proposal haa been made to Mr. Buchanan. ?I A II It I E D, On Wednesday the 27th Inst., in Curwens ville, by the Rev. L. L. Still, Mr. William II. Brown, of Clearfield, and Miss Na.vct Owess, of Lawrence township. D I K D : On Monday, the 18th Feb., at the residence cf her son-in-law, Rev. A. Brittain, in Belle foTite, Mrs. Mary GooiiFiillow, of Cieailield, in her Cyth year. On the 17th Feb., iu Burnside township, Clearfield county, Kmma Jane, daughter of Horace and Sarali Patchin, aged 2 years, 7 months and 24 days. On the 1st inst., Cynthia Lxmr, daughter of S. J. fc Amelia C. How, of this borough, aged 2 years, 9 rronths and 1 day. TERMS. The .TornsAt is published every Wednesday, at Use lot.t.AR and Fiftt Cbxts per annum in advance, or Two Joi.i.abs within tho year. Advertisements inserted at fifty cents per square, for the first, and twenty-live cents for each addi tional insertion. A liberal deduction niado to thoo who advertise by the quarter, or year. The 'Terms' will be strictly adhered to. J,'o paper discontinued without payment of ar rearages, unless at tho option ot tho publisher. rjtXHiniTIOX. A Scmi-Ancu.d EzLibiimn Alt of Clearfield Institute will bo held iu the Town ilall, on J-'iiday Evening the J4th instant. Sineo heretofore, on similar occasions, tho Hs'.l has been uncomfortably crowdod, thare will Le 12i ets. admittance charged. TTALVAULK TOW.V PKOPERTY FOH V SAL1'.. The subs -liber oilers for sale It is Tav ern Stand, on the corner of Market and Front streets, in the boron;h of C'laariield. Tho bouse is biric and commodious and well culculatrd for a public hou.e. For particulars iuquiie of W. A. Va!bt e, Esq., or of the uhsoriber liviiic on the premises. W. J. llLMPillLL. March oth. 1535 TVOTICE. Whereas Letters of Administration i l on tho Estate of John Price, decease I. late of iiotrg townsiiip, Clearliuld county. Pa., have been grunted to tho undersigned, it siding in Lawrence township, all persons indebted to said ef. ate Me requested to miike immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate will present tViu, properly authenticated for settlement, to A. T. SsCHIiy VEK. March ,rth, 1S;V. Administrator. AFT STOVES, for salo bv 5 V MEKRELL & CAr.TKK. flearficld, Feb. 27. DISSOLUTION OF PAUTXEKSH1I. Ihe p.trtnerhip heretofore existing between James M. Kelly and Wm. H. Jitkinson, trading under the name of Kelly A Dickinson, id this day bv mutual consent dissolved. .1. M. KELLY. W. H. 1HCK1K30N. (ilea Hope. Feb. IS. 1300. Al,VABLK REAL ESTATE For. SALK. V The subscriber oh'ers for sale his valuable fjtrm, situate two miles froui t'urwc-nsville, ou the Uivcr road leading to Lumber City ; said f.-irm eon taining lua acres, nixty acres cleared, under goo I cultivation, tho balance well timbered; with a good barn, new plank dwelling house, and a pood heal injr. orchard thorcon. and is well watered. For further information enquire of the subscriber liv ing on tho premises. SIMON THOMPSON. February W, fim DISSOLUTION". The partnership heretofore csii-ting between J. t Jl, 1). Patton was this day dissolved by mutual consent. The books of tho late linn remain in the hnnddof U. 11 Patton, vhowill pay all debts agjiipst said firm. Tho Notes nnd Judgments have been transferred to John Patton. .IN') PATTON'. .Ian. 21t, 1355. II. 1. PATTON. X. U. Having taken tho stuck of merebandiso lately owned by the firm of J. A 11. 1. Patton, and added a fresh supply withiu tho l.wt ten days, I will be glad to furnish all our old customers, as well as new ones, with goods, at tho '-Old Corner Stand," at low prices. 11. 1. PATTON. Curwensville, Feb. 13, 1S5G. DRIED PEACHES, of superior qualilv, for sale at S2 per bushel, at tho cheap cash store of fob. 13 llMO.SSOP. BACON. A largo lot of BACOIJfor salo, cheap. for c""h. at fab. 13 MOSSOP S COOKING and PARLOR STOVES, for salo ia Curwensville, at the store of febl.l H P. FATTOy. IROX. An excellent assortment of Tron for sale by 11. D. PATTON, febl3 Citrwcnsville. Pa. OOUK and IRIEU FRUIT, excellent articles. can be procured at tho store ot Cnrwcnsvillo, Feb. 13. 11. D. PATTON". "V"i7"Al'OXS and BUGGIES, for sale ehean, bv Yt (feb!3) H. 1) PATTON. fUIAIN TUMrS, for salo at tho J Stand," in Curwonsvil'e by "Old Comer PATTON OOITP BEANS A lot of ernellent SonnReans 5 for sale by KERRELL CARTER. f jn . Clearfield, Fa.. EXTK -V FAMILY FLOUR, for salo y MF.RR.ELll & CARTER. CloatfielJ, Pa., Jan. lC,18jC. TAMES IJ. GRAHAM. Dealer in aP LLMDER, bQUARED TIMBER, SIlINULLts. HOARDS, Ac, is prepared to fill, on the shortest notice, all orders for articles in his lino of holi ness, on rs rsasonablo terms as thoy can be pro cured in the county lOrahampton, Clearfield Co.. Jan. 23, 1S5S JlAnrtsBrno. J.xr art 2-1-rn. 18;8 mO Til E SCHOOL JUKLCTOKS OF JL CLEARFIELD COL'XTY. Application hav ing been luaJo by the RoarJ of Directors of a ma joiity of the School Dial! iota iu Clearfield county. Mating their desire to increase the Salary of the County Superintendent of s:id county, yon arts re spoctf'ully requested to meet iu Convention at the Court House, in Clearfield, on Patnrdry tho 23d day cf February, ls8, at ore o'clock in the after noon, for the purpose above stated, according to the terms of the eighth section of the Supplement to the School Law, approved the 8th rlaj- of May, Isi.j. A O. CUKTIN. Feb. 6,1553. Pupcr. of Cemmnn Schools. OOKS! HOOKS!! Greculep.fs ries of Mathematical Works are now being used in nearly all tho Schools, Academies and Colleges iu the United States, and nro wi:hout doubt unrival led in point of merit, and in r.daptation to the wants of cur schools ; they ur.ve tue piaiucsi rules nnd test examples to illurate the Lole bue'mess of lii'o. Tho attention cf SuperintcndctitJ, lirec torf nnd Teachers is respectfully invited to tlieso works before introdueics a uniform scries of any other kind rs the law requires. '1 hese book? era be hart wholesale, retail or in cscnange lor oia J'.ooks when introduced in the s.'hools, at C. 1. WATSOX'tJ Drug and Took Store. CloarCeld. Jan. 30. 18jS 2m. Er ALLOA! W.G0X MANUFACTORY. L The undersigned would respectfully sn nounce to his friends and IhejubKo pnera"' that he has opened out a new V agon-Making Es tablishment in '-Xew Salem City." Brady town ?hip, where he will at all times he prepared to manufacture, on the tiorle?t notice, all kinds of Wagon". Carli, Wheelbarrows Ac. Tho best ma terial that ran hi procured will ho used, and his woik wiil bc made in the most substantial nnd du ril le KHr.ti'.-r, such as will bear the test of strict examination. By a closo observance of his busi ness engagements, and by disposing of his work on the most reasonable terms, whieh ho will do f-r either cuth or approved country produce, ho boprg to merit and receive a liberal sboro of pub lic custom LLNJ. WcUEL. New Saloru City. Jan. lfl, 1jo. g1 L H A Tt F 1 1 ILD INSTITUTE. Tho nest V- term of this Institution w:ll cotanier.ee on the 1 Uh of February, 1S56. All persons wishing to Ct themselves for TEArn F.ns, or other avoc.itions in life, will here receive everv desired fuciliiy md attention. A thorough Clns.-:eal and Mercantile course ia here given, on terms lower than any other tiiir.i!ar Institution in the State. Parents at a distance can obtain boarding fr their eons or daughters under the immediate care of the Principal, w hero they will receive rare ad vantages, with all tho comforts and pleasures of a liomejaiio their morals vi!j bo carefully guarded. Tno rates of tuition per quarter are: Primary Fu(tli.h..2-00; High Kup f A .?5.0rt;C!asifies.St-nO-Mathcmatie.i.nhove Algebra S.".; Ficneg. "rawing, and I'aint inp.Sj cach- l'urthcr information enn be hsdbv acldrepsirg W- A- CAMPBELL, i-p.ixcipal Apr. 4. '5S. ClrnrfirLl. TV. IVTEW HOTEL : Th old 'Sf.mmng Hocre.' at il v7 VASHINGTCN. has been rc-openel and re-fitted by the undorsign ed, who respectfully solicits athare of publia pat ronage. Ho is well provided with bouseroom and good stabling, and intends keeping a Temperance House, at which he will alwnys endeavor to moke his guests feel at home. JOHN SHETTER. August 1. lSia. If. E W A R K I V A L. The. undesigned has just received a large stock cf NEW GOODS. adapted to the reason, consiing of LRY GOOUS. GROCERIES. QUEENSWARE, HARDWARE. Co.NFECTlONiUIES, NAILS. Jio-.WW-WARE, CEDER-AVARK, Ac, Ac. JAMES B. GRAHAM. Grahamton. Ang. 22. lS.i.i. NEW HOTEL. AT IiUMBEIt CITY, Cleakfikld Co., Fa. riAHE nndcrsigncd would respectfully inform A. the pnblie, that, be has just opened a NEW HOTEL, at Lumber City, where bo is prepared to entertain all w ho may givo him a call. Extensive Stnbling attached to the promises an attentive ostler always in attendance L. W. TEN EYCK. Lumber City. T'ee. lSi3. BUST RECEIVED, A SPLENDID ASSORT- MENT op NEW ROOKS. STATIONARY. FANCY ARTICLES. CONFECTION'AKIES. TO BACCO. CIGARS, and 1RCGS of all kinds, at EOTJINS LITEEA3Y DEPOT, SIXAWS E0W, Clearfield, Pa. THE latest, publications always on "hand, or pro cured to orler. Putnam. GoJey. Graham. House hold Wordi, Lcf!io'.i Fahiou.. Hurper, Peterson, mid a'l the other Magazines furnished Monthly at Publishers' Pricci. Ho wou.. especially call the attention of 'lovers of the wee F to his largo stoek of tobacco and ci gars, which cannot be surpnsyed in this region, consisting of tho best quality of 'Natural Leai','" "Black Fat," "Cavsndisa,'" '-Congress," and other tobaccos: Havana. Regalia. Priucipe. Plan tation, Spanish. Haif-Spani?!i, and 4-A few more lefv'' cigars. Also a goo 1 Etoek of "pipes'' and Cne-cut.71 Jlo won id also call attention to the fact that ho has just oicned a largo assortment of DRUGS; CHEMICALS. AND 1YE STUEFS, which ho will fell cheaper than any other estab lishment in the County. THOMAS ROBINS. Novemlcr 1 1, lf"i5. ' NEW COOPS ! N'EAV CJOODS! At the Uld Comer Moro of tho undersigned at CURWEIISVILLE. They have just received the largest and best assort lncnt of Summer and Full Goods ever brought to Clearfield: consisting of Dry Good. Hardware. Queenyware, Goccrics, Ccn fectionaries, Hats and Caps. BooLi and Siioe, Carpeting, Oil Ciorh, Ac. Cloths, Caa?iiicre3. Linens, Muslins. Do Luincs, Prints. Dress Silk", Bonnets. Shawla. Mantillas, Fringes. Fancy Toilet articles. La ens, Embroideries, and an endless variety of other articles too numerous to mention, nil of which they offer at the lowest prices and on the easiest terms. A ugj , IS.' j. J. &. H. 1. PATTON. JXa V ABLE PROPERTY AT FRIVATE SALE. THE undersigned offers' at Trivato Sale. 2'IJ acres Of Land, more or lew. in Pcnn township, Clearfield county. seven or eight acres cleared, the balance covered with valuable TIMBER, and having thereon tho following improvements A GOOD SAW-MILL, with LATH-SAW. Roso wheel, Ac., on a good stream f wtor, whieh wilt enable tho mill to run about eight mouths in tho year. A LA 12 TWO-STORY ITOUZll. well furnished, plastered and painted throughont with a never-failing Spring of water in tho cellar' ALSO, A FRAME BANK RAR.V, well furnished with threshing tloor, stabling. Ac, all new, having but recently been erected. . Also, coi enient, ami mbotantially erected OUT-RUILPINCS, consisting of a Wood-Shed, Spring House, Smoke House, Ac, Ae There is no more desira'olo proporty in the County. Any person wishing further "informa tion, can apply to SAwrrx Widehife. living on tho Promises. -Post Office dddresa, Grampian Hills, Clearfield Countv, Pa. - JOHN WirTEMIRE, c - SAMUEL WILMERE '- Pean Township. ! J, lSaS.-Sm1 -IVOTICE.-Vrhcroa Letters cf Almir tration S on tho Kftatet f John Atirant. Ia e cf Brady towoip. Clearfield county. P- de'l, htt.TIe.bn l...l'th ,..wlerbrned. rcMdiDS ! 8ld town- to said Snil', fill IU3VU3JMl.. -- oucsted to wake immediate paymert, and tlios having claims against the samo will pri.--1 .A.,.,k- a nMipr.i icnicd for settlement, to l,ui'c". ,..,.. I .TMV ABIGAIL AUKATN Jan. 23, ISaC-flt Admin i.-tratrlx - A PAliT.M-.il. A.i l fcl',--lli Ha';" u signed, doiiiir business as a Tanner and Cur- PAHTMIR rici- at Cuiwensvillo hi this sounty. will tcko a Partner, who can furnitb a cash capital of at least c iCO i l"e Tannery is large and commodious, and capabla oiMoirg a much larger burines? thau tho yubseriher fods able to do by himself. ?c better opportunity ca bo aCorded to an active bu.sitess man, with the ab."o capital, who wishes to go in to a pa ing business- 13. TATtL'.'R. Cnrw'ens'viHc. Dof. 19. 15. ..mo. ,- TVTEW FIRM.-IlARlcH0BN M'CHACKEX 1 have just received a new and spland:i assort ment of gooda at their store in LUMBER CITY. , Thty iavite the public to givo them a call, rnd j feel assured thev will be iil!e to render entire sat- ; ipfactiuu. Lumber, Hide, Uas. (iraia. and a.1 J other kinds of produce takon iu exoarge. s P.KXJ. IfAKTSiloIty, i TUUW. .McCKACUEN. j Aug. l, is::-. . ; mo ) Bl'IMlI'RS.-Prcposals will I e received J whe tLeyar? prepared to-irnish at redueei pri by the su'oseiibor for tho buil-;in; ot a 1 rici; j CCj, Cvtr v'rarieiv Cl" f.rtieies in their lite. School ilouae. to to one story i:i height, wi.u a cellar. Piun and size rot yet determined 1'iar.n aro invited, ar d ten dollars will be paid toany person who will famish a t lar. that may be adopt ed for said buiiuing the house to be largo enough to teat fiily tr Kevcnry pupi!?. two recitation rooms will he required, tlso cioths rooms for beys and gir!. It is supposed tho luildic!; wiil coat from 1 15(;0 to S-'OOu. Vi'M. IE.VIN. t'urwensviile. lee. 12, 155. BOOT AND KIIOK STOTtK ; GRAHAM'S KOW. CLK AKl-'lITLD, 1'A. The subscriber would inform tbe pcblii that he j has just opennd an entire new ctoek of Boots and Shoes, in Graham's Row, one door earl of tub Jour- ' nal Office. j Kvery variety of Ladies' ard Gcntiemons' Gaiters Laced iioota. Pumps, Congress Hoots, Chlldrcns' Shoes. c ie. Cot4 .n 3 &bvo iua.Ia in order. C. S. BijACIt. Ang. 1. J 9'5 TVTEW AICniVAL. iNI A . Cf J. PA TCIIiX. Hnvo j?t received a new ard rpler.di 1 asrt ment of Goods the best that W3S ever brought in to the ur per end of CU-aifield Couiity. They iu vite their fiien:ls nnd the pubhs gcnersily to give them a call, whera tner will limt a:l kinds cf goud-i usually kept in u Country ttore Come nml examiiie our stock we , bar'- coth- ine for the eihibition. AARON I'ATCIIIN. J -CKSON PATCH IN. Ettrrpide. Nov. 1--." ISSOLUTION. The partnership hereto fore esi.-tt!;g between .Mm S. ll.isniE ard William II. Smith was this day tlitsolvea mu tual consenL said Smith having dispesed of hii ii- tcrtit to vOtlil c. .'..II; til". JOHN S. WILLIAMS. WILLIAM H.SMITH. New Millport, Bee. 22. ISiS. The hooks and neeouuts f the f.rm ere in the hands of John S Williams fr ecitlemetit, whera thoco indebted wiil please call immc.'.:ately. John S. Williams. janO wt William H.Srai'b. V A L V ARE KTRO F E RT Y 1 OR SA LE. j. I desire to soil my property in Tyrone City, Blair Co. Fa., commonly kecru as the Tyroiio City Hotel. Comprising as follows: One large three story brick houss Sixty feet, two fronts, and finished ofT in complete style. A lirgo and cxtensivo stable, an excellent wash house and other necessary cit-buildings. There is also. on tho same Lots, one frame house, with out-'ouildings attached, now renting for one hun dred and thirty dollars per anncm. Tho whole stands upon three valuable. Lots as in tho plot of said town, and afi'ords several very c'iib'e '031 tiotis for store, ofiiies. Ac, Ac. Tb. whole will be sold on reasonable terms. A'-i to any person, de siring an investment, or fpoeulation." cow is tho chance. Private rehouse iute mo (o scli tbi? vst iiable property, yvV.ioh i every day iuerensrr.g ia value. Inuiio of Caleb Guyer. or t f'.y scrier .1.1. Oi t-N AU I. Tyrone City, Sept. 13, laf5.-tf. U COK HERE. JLi MOSSOP OTT IIAXD AGA2X.' The C'icapcsi Goods in ihe Cottuy. THE ondorig nnd be5 leave ta inform his old cus tomers, and tho public, lUnt he has just returned from the East, with a jlenaid assortment of FALL & WISJTEB 00D3, which ho wiil sell lower, for CASH, than they can be bong lit at any other plaeo in the Cearty. lis is determined to act upon tho motto cf "SMALL PROFITS A I'D QUICK SALES," and w ill sell goods, for cash, at the most iriGing advance on cost and carriage. Call and examine tho stck, ar.d a!i;-fy yoiir self that it is no humbug that "MGSSOP SELLS THE JHLJPEST GOODS IX THE COUSTY.' DSY GOOD", GROCKSIE;, QTJE5--'VAP.E, LOOi'S & SHOE', HAT & CAPS, BO XX ETS. SHAWLS, CONFECTION ARIES, riStr, TOBACCO, ETATIOKARV, LIQCCDC, and a little of everythir.jf. All of which w ill be sold at lower r-riVes thnn ev before off ered in Clearfield. lv. MOSSoF. er Clearfield Nov. 14, IS.iS. ' IMPORTANT TO HOUSEKEEPERS and FRUIT tiROWERS. ABiHUP.'S PAT eat Air-Tt"ht Stlf-Soaling Cats and Jars, for Preserving Fresh Traits, Hi. This invention for whifb a latent hss been obtained, commends it self to tho attention of Housekeepers and others, on account of it; great simplicity, and tho cQVctu, al maaiior in which it accomplished a very cLoai rable and nt-eful object The cans and jars are constructed with a. chan nel around tho month, acrr the t, into which the cover fits loosely. This cnel is tilled with a very a-hestvo coin;- u rrcrttrcd for the purpose and e.llow;, - harden. In order to seal tho ves ict hermetically, it if on.'i neceexjy to kejt tUe cover sltl'tty, an.l prss it into f'at. It may bo opened w ith as much ea.e as it is closed, by siigkt tv warminer tho ton. The ordinary tin cans, iiim! forthosamepurpo.se for which this is intended,! Cannot be closcu. nais well known without the aid of a tinner; aro diffioult to open, and are generally $0 much injured iu opening as to be useless for future service Cy ibis simple contrivsnoe, tho process f br metical sealing is placed conveniently -w'thln the reach of every individual; and fruit, vfi'retablea and butter (if properly prepared', tnyr be kep with their natural flavor uuiir.r,ajrC(it tor aa in" definite length of time. For salo bv M Eli HELL "4 CARTEP.. CloarfiMd. Sept. 10. lSaj tf. MICHAEL COXLEY beg leave to inform the citizens of Clearfield and vioinltv that he is now digging coal at tho bank of llobert Owecs, nan a mile enat ot town, where he will have on hands, all winter, a lot of first rite coal, which he will foil at the low rate of ' FOUS CENTS PES BUSHEL at the bank. Orders forcoal can bo bad at Kratzers Store. Clearfield, Sept. 2o, ISob. fTA fi ri"TSV!tl A OCJ"";i"-"l and well aelea-CfkT3-SCj"A R ted ataorunent just reoeiv ed and for sale by Sept. 5. AY. F. IRWIN. (Tffa'i-E A now stock just received at (cHtRjLES Sru o.l W. F. IK WIN s IIRE PKOOF PAINT, for s-ile at -1 Juno 13. 'US K. M0S50P'3 PARASOLS a mr... bauiiful ea'.eotioa. toi o( the latest tyles, for aaft at the ebeip store ef June TT. '3 J ' ; A M. !TIILf SAl'SAfin CUTTERS S. ft cii'Tii ! imtin.vril Saus.K Cutters aca StufTera, for ealo by . uJ MEliTiKLL 4 CARTER. Oct. 31, '.J VE"V GOODS: The nnder?iitnd has jast r i ctivtd a largo assortment of -NEW GOODS, at his store in , t K.i R TH A VS. , icii he ofiTers for sale cheap frr cah or emnrj pVoo.o. V- nUltXTHALL 5e!tefc''cri, 1S55. I ' Ixcii -ixCc j.vscra:;ce com pa? v, il ' JC3. U, yLircl&.s' Zxchungs, r2IL AD ELPHIA. This Compsnv, wi?ii an emple Capital, well r eured. is t.-iepared t effect Iceurancos ia Clear field, nr. 1 adjoinicg Cun,ntie?. on terms as liberal sj occ:?tont with the sif'v ct tfce Ccaspany. JO. iwl"" hLL. Jt i Cct. 3, Ull. Secretary. jVEv rir.i-t :izE?.rLi. t cactee wonn li inform the nul.lic, that they hvva U?t cpen- d tn eitinsivo C0Prr.il, TIN JCD SIIEET-IKON "PASS Cn Second Stieot in the borough oT CLEARFIELD. Steel, itar-iron, nail, sieves cf everv variety I'louciis aud farming uien-fiis. pumps of eer deseitption. aiovo pipe, patent atiuiige cutter, fitarel r.n.l ssif scaling cans kept eonatattly oa hand. AiJ orders for castings for Flour MiliSawMib's, Ac. will La thankfully iccived and promptly t leaied.to. IIOL'SLLSFOVTIXG DOXETO OnDEK." They ai'T a!s J prepated to receive every varie ty ot i::iclc efi timibsion, at a low per-ceutac. 0. 1$. MJ-P.KI'.LL. L.R. CARTER. " CarCcld, Scrt. 10. ISW lv. CARINET .MAKINti The undersigned world respectfully inform tho public, that he has taken lue o'.d stand opptsite the Methodut Church, kuown as :i 0 n r o VrM s s 11 0 p, where bo keeps constantly on Land and manufse te.rc t- order, every viiicty cf Household and Kitoheu snh an Tables. Bcreaus, Safes, Stands Cupboar J. Svfot, Eeds.eiUs, ic, of everv stvie aul varietT. JOSHUA JOHNSON". Clcarf eM.ra . Aug. Z:S. ARHIVAL. -!. IT. SA UMA y. Wrt Evei.i three djore aiave Mryt' Ilsfl. I'lait lluti'i tt'fit, Tyrone C.-.'u, l'a. KErp contactly cn liand a laije arsortmat a Phihidclphia and Pitfshrrg Cook-.ng. FarH-r. Par and heating Floves. f difierent ptti ti., siztf ani pi l.-t-:? 'eve r ipo-Pboveli. e..' '.Us, io. Uii. Cid'.f Mil":. Plinths, Cui:ivat:rs, Ac. Ae , fU of which tti'i bc rt-bi 10 to 20 per ernt. cbaap er lLan caa be purchased out of the cities. If you wr.r.t bargairs. do&'t forget to cat! at Bauman'e Store Store. Nov. 14, '5a.-.:m. to ALL, A?"D WINTER GOODS. TLo fab siib'T has i'-ist received a i.riro ai.d well ee lec'.ed stock of KEW GOD of almost every description suitable to thescaeoa. which he is selling offal extremely low prices. Ho respectfully iuvitc3 the attention of all who wUh to buy good Goo-is at tho lowest prices, to call the sign of tiiO "CHEAPEST GOODS." Country product) of aim out every disci iptioa to ken at market prices in exchacgfor goods. Persons wishing to purchase, and receive a fair I equivalent for tbei iconcv, will do weU to give 1 Lini a call. Remember tho sign of the CHEAPEST GOODS, on Market street, and call and be convinced tbaA tbtrr i3 truth in tho words thtroon inscribed. WM. F. IRWIir. Novcmr?r 25, 1 05 iRESII O VS rEKS ! CHARLES GREA FT would inform his friends nd the public th4 be is prepared to supply the wauta of thuso wke give bici a cr-ll, st Lis EATING KOUSE. or.o dzor Scutj ot Himphill s Hotel, wbere b serves tip FEZSH 0YS7ES--, SAF.Dr"7S?, C3E2SE. : r.cd refre.'hicen'j generally. No pains will b s red to accommodate his t-n.tomers. JAu- 2J TTO! FOR THE TE31PLE OF IIONOK Z II A JJ IX A- MOIRE'S. TII5, C3PPE2, EHZET-IEOIf ?AKS MAnOFAGTOHV, FIULIPSLTKC. PA. TIvAI)II & !u'GIIlK have jupt ontoed an cr'en ive Tm. Capper, Swt-iro.i H'ar M tnufaav rrj, wnero they aro at all times prepared to aurrlr customers with every conceivable article from th smallest Cetfee pot fpoat to tho longest pipe ima gtiia.i.. ihey wili do both a WHOLESALE A EETAIL hnsinesf, and wi!! at all t'mcs have on baad a large ascr!mectof rcsriv-made ware OUSE 8 POUTING done ti order, on tho shoiteFt r.tii. atd rat in a nea', sutbUniial manner. STOVES, STOVE-PIPE, 4 KETTELS. cf every variety kept conlam!y on hand. They will furnish to order nr.y of tho followiac Cook Stoves, v. :-Tbo Willie Vvnn, Queen of the M est, tso At anti-, aud Cook-Complete, all of which are suitable for bo:h wood and coal Among the Parlor stove will be found the "Lad vastiiagton." the "-Excelsior." 'Homo Parlor,' Ac Irodii.'e of all kindg taken in exehantre tyr K0011- A. A. E1LAD1N. . JNO. T. M'GIKK October li. IV ?.-tf. C'OlWrrr' TI1E rTNEP.SHIP her ' cJ -P T J QJIj' totore cxUtir.g between Jo soph aad James Ungerty, ia the metvar.tilo busi- -neM. at JauosviHe, Clearfield Countv. p ba ' beeathisdiy (Nov. 2,) d,ired bv luutnal ca-8crt- JOSEPH IlAGEltTY. Yr 11 JAMES A. UAGEEIY." . Nov. 14, iS.-3t "!issr FLATS. triuiTTHi find llli)r;,nn,&l 1J1. 9, beautiful article for cal nt thn rr ' Jane 27, ol.) A. M. HILLS. A large assortmi-tit iust re ceived and opened by Ii. M0SS0P A large assortment jat re ct-ived at very low prioe lpt-.J TV. r. iraviy. KAT5 of tho latect styles, and most approved una 17 ' iS 1 .v A. M. TiTLL? T ADIf:? AITERS 2sr(cd eciors that eaa't ' be beat in quality or rrico for sale hr Julie 27, 'oa. . . A. M. IlfLLS LADIES' F-RESS GOOPS Urg and boantiful assortment, for alo cheap by June 27, 'jo. kT. A, M. IIILL3 R 0 P f rI7?y) A De,s'ck just receired m A . i OP'S. CLOCKS. Eisht day, thirty hour and alarm. Clocks for.sale at Mossop e Store. Ja. 1J ' IADlESVGLTVrs: A verj- ar,-e"b.t of Lloek ' 1 i rot worked Gloves. at V) cents a pair wc-rti 2ots at Mo?pp cheap eaih.et.oxo. JJb-I3,.'56 3; f 2 J A WA Rfci jn roeeiTd Hi cri a ral araer-taaat ef Hardware ami Ctlrr. v 11 AT K XT i GABTll Aug- L t. t i t i J 0