i.ivfli TIIE' JOURNAL: ' - . home r acts'-and .fancies . Tu2 Election. On last Friday, the election for Borough oflicers came off in this place. political issues entered into the contest the principal matter at variance being the "hog question." One party, upon whoso ban ner, very appropriately fastened to a rfog-wood fctaff, was painted with brilliant lampblack, an exquisite picture cf a '-juvenile l'ig'.'tied vith a log-chain, were favorable to ah ordinance re quiring the impounding or ''a! I quadrupeds of tli species swine; the other, whose motto was 'Root hog or die' held that in this land of lib.erfyV rorkc. T: full right to run at large and do as he ple.:d. Theday was a fine one the sun shining brightly high up in the azure vaultj above clouds abont four fathoms thick, which were showering down upon the 'devoted ltcads of the combatants a goodly supply of.' snow tbo -gentle .'zephyrs were swaying the trees, till out of sheer respect they bowed their heads to the earth and the atmos phere was redolent with the balmy breath of old Boreas. It was a fit day for such a contest, which soon waxed warm anxiety was depict ed on many a countenance, and in some in stances the controversy is said to have become unusually spirited, though wc wont vouch for th accuracy ,of the report. . At last, after a hard day's engagement, the battle was ended, when it appeared that . the . antiruu-at -large-hog ticket was elected. Wc rre pleased to be able to state that jio blood was spilled or bones broken. - The only spcial damage done fell up on somebody's olfactory organ, which assumed 'a very. rye (wry) appearance. Of course, no bod yjnosc (knows) whose it.was. ' X. B. Country hogs visiting town will here after be required to have special permits in tho shape of rings in their noses, and so forth. Tt'-H-E-w! On last Thursday morning, Ave had undoubtedly tha coldest weather that has been -experienced here, .not only this winter, bst at any time within the recollection of our oldest citizens, At 5 o'clock the mercury was between CG and 38 deg. below zero at 7 o' clock it was still 31 dcg. below 5 at 10 o'clock, the tun shining at the time, it was at G ; and it was not until near 11 that it rose to zero. At 11, the mercury rose 2 deg. above. In all the short thermometers, the mercury was com pressed into the bulbs. Such extreme cold was calculated to-test the nerves of sensitive peo plti'at least. As Cor ourself, Wrapped in a huge cloak, our feet sticking in the fire, with ever--thing aqueous congealing around us, we were pondering as to tho probability of our having been metamorphosed into a Laplander and translated into the Arctic regions, and were beginning to speculate upon the chances of the north pole making fire-wood, when our rcvei ie was interrupted, and we were brought to recog nize our own identify and whereabouts by a 'friend rushing in and hurriedly asking if it ?astnt "most d-awful!y cold !" BoEorcii Officers. The following persons, who constituted the "Young American" tick et, were elected in thii borough on last Fri day : Burgess, George 1. Lanich, Sr. ; Town Council "W. A. "Wallace, Jas. Alexander, V7. S. Bradley, Jos. AT". Baird, Henry YT. Park ; High Constable William Reed; School Di 'rectors John McFhei son, L. J.Crans; Asses sor Henry B. Smith ; Judge John W. Shu gert j Inspectors A. II. Shaw, John Trout man; Constable Wm.K.Barr; Overseers of Poor XL Shirk, C. P. Watson ; Auditors VT. F. Irwin, O. B. Merrell, J. L. Cuttle. Caved-ix. Tho roof on the new office of Win. A. Wallace, Esq-, was crushed down on last Saturday evening by the weight of the enow which had collected on it. The top of the brick walls arc somewhat damaged, though perhaps not to a very great extent. There is tlanger to be apprehended from tho 1 Jrge quan tity of snow on roofs, and it might be well enough to remove it soon. The Slewing during the past week was as good as ever, though the roads were in places much drifted, and for several days wc had a perfect rush of sleds, loaded with flour, grain, pork, fie, from -Indiana county. Sellers ask $11 a barrel for flour, $1,75 for wheat, 8. cts. for pork, and other things in proportion. For expanded prices and tall snow drifts, Clear field is hard to beat. The other day we heard a gentleman from Marietta tell the best anecdote of "the sea son." He says that Dr. Kane, accustomed to the extreme cold of the Arctic regions, had to put on linen clothes, and walked down Chest nut street fanning himself, when the mercury was 5 dcg. below zero. Kane must either be '"some" on cold weather, or peoplo tell high pressure stories about him. Laweexcs Towxsnii. The following offi cers were elected in this district on last Fri day: Hi chard Shaw, Jr., Justice; Matthew Ogden, Jr., Constable;' John Orr,A. II. Reed, Snpt-rvisors ; W. T. Fulton. Ross Head, School Directors; Wm. A. Read, Assessor; Jas. A. Head, Auditor; Jordan Head, Wm. L. Riahel, Inspectors ; Joseph Jordan, Judge. AHaixroad Meetixg is to be held at the Court House this evening, for the purpose of advancing the Tyrone, Clearfield and Erie Road. It is to be hjopod that every individual that possibly can, -will he in attendance to aid in pushing along an enterprise that will con ifer so many and such lasting benefits, if car tied into effect. TEMr-ECAscE CTeeh-nc. On "Monday even ing a large meeting of the friends of Tempe rance was held at the Court House, in Clear field, G. Philip Gulich acting as presiding of ficer. A number of matters, calculated to ad vance the cause, were ably discussed by Messrs. McEnally, Crans, Weishampel, Hoyt, Robin son and others. Appointments. The County Commissioncrs have appointed W. A. Wallace as their coun sel, and Win. F.Johnston, of Union township, Mercantile Appraiser. , GLEANINGS THOSE OTJR FXCHANGES. i There arc 'fict Friday's in February this year. : The like will not occur again- for GO years. A Deer was recently shot in the streets of Mauch Chnnlv. It had come down from the Mountains in search of food. .' Wendlc Philips says no Yankee is satisfied with the truth, unless you prove it is worth eight or ten pcr-cent. .... The man who was frightened by the bark of a tree, is supposed to have been of a nervous temperament. - Some people turn up their noses at this world as if they were in the habit of keeping company with a better one. The Allegheny Valley Railroad has been completed to Kittanning, and trains have com menced making regular trips. A great central sea in Africa has been recently discovered between the Equator and 10 degrees south latitude. It is twice as large as the Black Sea, and has no outlet. About Tour weeks ago, a pair of horses, with an open sleigh, came up to the door of a tav ern in the southern part of Minnesota, and the landlord, on going out, found the bodies of five men frozen stiff in the sleigh. It is stated that the stagnation of business in Cincinnati is so great, that there are over ton thousand applicants for relief from the public charities. ' The small pox is prevailing to a great ex tent in PHIadelpbia.Norristown and Wilming ton, m any cases have occurred, some of which have proved fatal. ; The Syracuse Chronicle says two hundred fugitive slaves have passed througli that city the past year, and thirteen within the last twelve days. They keep smart officials out West. One of the postmasters wrote to the Department in quiring whether "them little pictur's of Wash-: ington" would pay postage ! The Cincinnati Gazette states that the five leading offices in that county yield the follow ing profits: Treasurer, 40,000; Clerk, S25, 000; Auditor, ?18,000; Sheriff, 520,000 ; Pro bate Judge, $1-3,000. A package of letters reached Falls Village, Conn., last Friday a-wcek, which was mailed at Hartford, July 4th, 18-54 ! In the package' was a note of over $2000, directed to the Iron Bank. Thomas J. Snyder, a humane and intelligent farmer residing ia Delaware, has adopted the plan of strewing a quantity of wheat-screenings around the fences of Lis fields, every few days, for the use of the birds. Three young ladies, on going to bed at Mr. Hunt's near .North Salem, Hendricks county, Ia, a few evenings since, took a vessel of live charcoal into their bedroom, and on the next morning were all found dead. A firm in Worcester advertise four thousand barrels of flour, on consignment, comprising the choicest brands, at from fifty cents to a dollar less than current prices. This looks like a premonitory symptom of a decline in breadstuffs. A railroad passenger car, weighing eight tons, left Washington City, on the loth inst., for Alexandria, drawn by five horses over tho ice on the Potomac. When last heard from, mora than half way to Alexandria, it was mo ving safely. The Tyrone Era of last Thursday says The United Brethren have quite a revival going on at the present time, in that place. There has been upwards ot twenty converted to God, since the meeting commenced, and the pros pect is quite favorable for as many moro. The New Orleans Sun tells of a machine which has been invented "out South," which enables a man to tell when he is getting too drunk. It is called a Jnddlevmecrt'a.ral gives timely warning by hitting a fellow suddenly under tho short ribs the moment ho has got enough. Among the speakers at the Republican Mass Convention at Concord, X. H., was Judge Blaisdell, of Lebanon, one of the main pillars of the Democratic party from the beginning, who declared that the ultra pro-slavery acts of Gen. Pierce's administration had made it im possible for him or other honest democrats longer to act with that party. The steamship Prometheus arrived at Xew Orleans on the 11th inst., from California, bringing with her three hundred and fifty thou sand dollars in gold. Another battle had been Jought between the United States troops and the Indians at Walla-walla, in which the for mer had twenty-three men killed and wounded.- The loss to the Indians is not given. The Boston Flirtation, rendered tragic by the death of young Summer a few weeks after the assault upon him by the eggricved hus bands, has terminated in the acquittal of Coburn andDalton,w ho were charged with manslaught er. Physicians testified that he died from a sore throat, caused by exposure to the weather, and not from the injuries they inflicte'd. Mr. Edward Everett, in a contribution of his to the X. A. Review, makes honorable mention of the department of jurisprudence in this country, and inquires,-" What country in Europe can produce within one generation six names as distinguished in this department as those of Marshall, Story, Kent, Webster, Pinkney and Whcaton, not to name some who- still live." , .A missionary of the American Sunday School Union, in Iowa, writes, that during the intense ly cold season many persons have lost their lives in attempting to cross the prairies. Re cently a family in Mitchell county, consisting of father, mother, four sons, and a daughter ; met this tragic fate. They lost their way, and the cold was extreme, and, after wander ing about awltilc, they sank down in the sleep of death. ; The St. Louis papers notice an odd occur rence in the selection of a juryman in that city recently. The mines of eligible jurorsarc put in a box, and the requisite number for a panel drawn out, as in this state. One of the persons thus selected turned out to have been in jail under six indictments, for burglary, larceny, counterfeiting, &c. A good selection,, that. As Elopemejjt is Jllixos. A correspond ent of the Chicago Press, writing from Tulon, under date of Jan. o0, says: There has been the most intense excitement in our neighbor hood the past week, occasioned by the elope ment of A. Moncrief, Esq., a married man,with the wife of Wm. Rose, on the 22d inst. The guilty parties both resided here. Mr. Moncrief has enjoyed, until the past season, the almost universal : confidence of our community, as a man of correct principles and as a gentleman. Such has been the confidence rexosed in him that for several years past he has held tho office of magistrate, and other offices, and last fall was the democratic nominee for representative to the State Legislature, for this and Teoria county, and ran ahead of his ticket. Xo one trusted in him moT implicity as a man of hon or and a gentlemen, than the injured husband. Mr. Rose was,up to the hour of this unaccount able elopement, a warm and Unsuspecting friend of Mr. M., and had stood by him as such while others were abandoning him. M. leaves a wife of irreproachable character, a woman deserving of the best of husbands, and a love ly, interesting boy. She is left her alone a mong 8trangers,but amid those who will do all that is possible to relieve her in her afilictiou. Mrs. Rose was a lady of fine personal appear ance, of a good family and at the time of the elopement a member of the Baptist church. Ilex husband is one of our most worthy citi zens, esteemed by all who know him. lie was kind and indulgent to his wife, too much so for the proud, ref ractory woman who has so base ly deserted him. Mrs. R. left three interest ing girls, worse than motherless. She took with her a little boy. The father and his friends are in hot pursuit of the guilty parties, with the hope of recovering t". e child. . Mrs. R. managed to procure her husband to be ab sent, that she might better consummate her wanton enterprise. She broke the crystal out of his gold watch, so that he would be com pelled to leave it at home as a pillage for her. She rifled his drawers, and took besides a quantity of gold, all the valuable property about the house of a portable nature. Mon crief is supposed to have taken a considerable amount of money with him, belonging to par ties for whom he had collected it in his official capacity, besides leaving many creditors to whistle for their dues. Both parties had been married for ten years and upwards, and circulated in the best socie ty. Mrs. Moncrief says that thero was never an unkind word passed between her hnsbaud and herself ; that his conduct is shrouded in the deepest mystery to her. She attributes her soul crushing misfortune to liquor. This affair does not take an air of romance with us; it .shocks us it grieves and staggers us. Mrs. Rose left a letter behind for her sister, in which, after bidding an everlasting adieu, she the heartless adultress "hopes to meet them in Leaven !" The entire, community deeply svmpathize with the injured parties, and may God grant them strength to bear their misfortunes, which now weigh so heavi ly upon them. , . Contested Election Case. John B. Beck, who contested the election of Johu C,M"Ghcc from the Lycoming district, has been admit ted to a seat in the House, eight democratic members of the committee having returned a report in his favor. The report occupies strange ground to our view, the gist of which is as follows : It appears that the general elec tions in Sharon township, Potter county, were to l e held at a certain school house, which was sold in 1S52, and the purchaser moved it a few rods from its former location. On the morning of the general election in 1SV, the purchaser informed one of the officers that he would not permit the election to be held there, owing to sickness in his family. Tho officers accordingly removed the polls to the new but actual school house ; and on this ground eight democrats threw out the vote of an entire lec tion district, and thus defeated Mr. M'Ghec. DISSOLUTION. The partnership heretofore existing between J. i , 1). Pntton was Ibis da dissolved by mutual consent. Tho books -of tho late firm remain in the hands of 11. 1) Patten, who will pay all debts aguipst said firm. Tho N'otea and Judgments have bcrn transferred to John 1'ntton.' .ISO. IUTTOX. Jan. 21st, IMC. - 11. H. PATTON. N. 1. Having taken the ."took of inereh;mdi?o lately owned by the firm of J. t II. I. Patton. ami ad'lol a fresh supply within the last ten Jays. I will be glad to furnish all our oM eu.-foincrs, cs will hs new ouef. with good?, at the "Old Corner Stand," at low prices. 11. D. PATTON. Cur wens ville, Feb. 10, l'3."o. ATTENTION REGULARS! You are or dered to m?ct for parade on Friday, February 22d, nt 10 o'clock A. M. Each meuiber will pro vide himself with five rounds of blank eartridcre. Uu.--iDe?s of importance to all the members of the company will be transacted. l?v order of tha Captain. Jan. SO, ISiO. GEO. W. 1UIEE.M, 1st Sergt. fin RIAL LIST FOR FEBRUARY TERM, JL 18515. 1. Josdah W. Thompson, vs. L. J. Crans, garni shee of Isnrio Smith. 2 K. Wallace, vs. Joseph E. Logan. 3. TI. rhilip's Executor, Sc.. vs. llcuins Jt Kcp hart. 4. 1). Boner, vs. It. Pennington. .r. Itobert Litz, vs. Philip Pollard. . Snmncl Hnprnrty. vs Kobert Mothers. 7. Alexander fc D. Ferguson, vs. Thos. Ralston. 8. David Askcy. vs. Prison Conaway. 9. If urxthal & Brother, vs. B. & P. Launsberry. 10. Torbet ct al, vs. Samuel Caldwell. 11. George Koss, vs. Samuel Clark. 12. IJ. Hartshorn, vs. S. & John Widcmirc. 13. Curamings & Mahaffcy, vs. D. Gorman. 14. A. P. Onnand, vs. William Bloom, Sr. 15. H. Philips1 Executor, vs. I). Kephart. " l'. J. t G. It Steiner, vs. Kobert J ratlins. 17. Montellius.TenEytktt Co., vs. Gilbert Tozer. 18. John Campbell, vs. Williams & Coozer. l'J. Coibin, vs. Harxthal & Brother. 20. James Smith, vs. II. Brusler: 21. Samuel A- Lucas, vs.' Davis & Townal. 22. Fitch A, Boynton, vs. Dougherty &. McUlaugh lin. 23. Fitch & Boynton. vs. Wm. H. fc Jno. Miller. 24. 11. Wallace, vs. Thos. E. Miller 23. Beyers & wife, vs. J. ShoffA wife. WM. POUTER, Proth'y Clearfield, Jan. 23, 185t5. DRIED PEACHES, of superior quality, for salo at $-2 per bushel, at the cheap cash store of fob. 131 It. MOSSOIV B ACQN. A large lot of BACON for sale, choap, for cash, at ' fob. 13 1 MOSS(Jt'; COOKING and PARLOR STOVES, for sale in Curwensvillo, at the store of feblS . II. D. PATTON. ' RON. An excellent assortment of Iron for sale by II. D. PATTON, febl3 Curwensvillo, Pa. P ORK and DRIED FRUIT, excellent articles, can be procured at the store of Curwensvillo, Feb. 13. II. D. PATTON. AGONS and BUGGIES, for pale eheap. by . (febl3) 11. J) rATTO-N. c IIAIN PUMPS, for sale at. tho "Old Corner Stand," in Curwensville by PATTON SOUP BEANS. A lot of excellent Soup Beans for sale by MERRELL A CARTER, . jn23 Clearfield. Pa. ' EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, for sale bv - . - MERRELL & CARTER. Clearfield, Pa., Jan. 10,"H50. . JAMES It. GRAHAM. Dealer in SAWED LUMBER, SQUARED TIMBER, SHINGLES, BOARDS, &c, is prepared to Till, on tho shortest notice, all Orders for articles in his line of busi ness, on as reasonable terms as they can be pro cured in the county Grahamptoc, Clearfield Co., Jan. 23, 1S55 Habmscth'g, Janvabv 2"TH. 1??J O THE SCHOOL DIRECTORS OF CLEARFIELD COUNTY. Application hav ing been made by the Board of Directors of a uia jority of the School Distriotd in Clearfield county. stating their desire to increase the Salary of the Connty Superintendent of said county, you aro re spectfully reqnestcd to meet in Convention at tho Court House, in Clearfield, on Satnrdiiy tho 2"d day of February, 1350, at one o'clock in the after noon, for the purpose above stated, according to the terms of the eighth section of the Supplement to the School Law, approved the Sth day of May, 1P55. A.G.CURT1N. Feb. G, 1S56. Super, of Common Schools. BO ) KS! ROOKS!! GreenlcnTs Serio of Mathematical Works aro now being used in nearly all the Schools, Academies and Colleges in the United States, and aro without doubt unrival led in point of merit, and in adaptation to the wants of our schools; they have the plainest rules and oest examples to illustrate the whole business of life. Tho attention of Superintendents, Direc tors and Teachers is respectfully invited to these works before introducing a uniform series of any other kind na the law requires. These books can be had wholesale.'- retailor in exchango for old Books when introduced in the schools, at CD. WATSON'S Drug and Book Store. Clearfield. Jan. 30. 18 j 2ni. A LLOA! NEW WAG ON MAN UFA CTORY. Tho undersigned would respectfully an nounce to his friends and the public generally, that he has opened out a new Wagon-Malt irg Es tablishment in "New Salem City." Brady town ship, where ho will at all times be prepared to manufacture, on the shof test notice. iH kinds of Wagons, Caili, Wheelbarrows Sc. The Lot ma terial that can bo procured will be nsed. and his work will he made in the most substantial and du rable manner, such as will bear the test of strict cxnmiuntion. By a cloc observance of his buF ness engagements, and by-dispoeing of his work on the most reasonable terms, which he will do for cither cash or approved -country produce, he hopes to merit and receive a liberal thaio of pub lic custom BEN J. RISIiEL. New Salem City. Jan. 16 Sj(5. CLEARFIELD INSTITUTE The :ext term of this Institution wiil commence on the 11th of February, lS'.O. All persons wishing to fit themselves for Thacit eps, or other avocations in life, will here receive every desired facility and attention. A thorough Classical and Mercantile course is here given, on terms lower thau any other similar Institution in tho State. ; - Parents at a distance can obtain boarding for their sons or daughters tinder the immediate care of the Principal, where they will receive rare ad vantages, with all the comforts and pleasures of a homc;ane their morals wilbc carefully guarded. Tne rates of tuition per quarter are: Primary Euglish.2-50; High Enr i.-h." .OrtjClassics.S-HO-Mathcniatics.above Algebra $3; Frcneg, Drawing, and Paint injr.Sj each-' Further information can bo hsd by addressing W- A- CAMPBELL, l-itixrnvu. Apr. 1, ';5. Cixirfi'l'l, Va. NEW IIOTFE: The old 'Sew.ivo House.' at KEW WA3HINGI02L has been re-opened and re-fitted by the undersign ed, who respectfully solicits a share of public pat ronage. He is well provided with house room and good stnblintr. and intends keeping a Temperance House, at which he will alwaj-s endeavor to make his guests feel at home. JOHN SHETTER. August 1, LS35. tf. "jf EW A R K I V AL. Th- undersigned has X j-frt received a large stock of .: NEW GOODS, adr.pted to the season, consisting of DRY GOODS. GROCERIES. qlEKNSWARE, HARDWARE. CONFECTION ARIES, NAILS. HOLLIHV-WARE, CEDER-WARE, Ac.. (c. JAMES B. GRAHAM. Gral.amton. Aug. 22. IS55. - NEW HOTEL, AT LUMBEH CITY, C'i.kakki:i.i Co., I'a. rrHlE undersigned would respectfully infirm JL the pliblic, that he has just opened a NEW HOTEL, at Lumber City, where he is prepared to entertain all who may give him a call. Extensive Stabling attached to the premises an attentive ostler a'nvavs in attendance. L. W. TEN EYCK. Lumber City, Dec. 18.".". "ifUKT RECEIVED, A SPLENDID ASS'JRT y MENT OF NEW- BOOK:. STATIONARY. FANCY ARTICLES. CONFEC'l ION ARIES, . TO BACCO. CIGARS, and DRUGS of all kinds, at ROBINS' LITERARY DEPOT, SHAV'S EOW, Cleared, Pa. THE latest- publi-rfbns alwaj-3 on hand, or pro cured to order. PuVam. Gouty. Graham. House hold Words. Leslie's Fashions. Harper. Peterson, aud oil tho other Magazines furnished Monthly j at Publishers Prices. He would especially call the attention of -lovers of the weed' to his large stock of tobaeco and ci gars, which cannot be surpassed in this region, consisting of the best quality of -Natural Loaf," Rlack- Fat," ' Cavendish," -'Congress.'" and other tobaccos: Havana. Regalia, Principe, Plan tation, Spanish, Half-Spanish, and '-A few more left" cijrnrs. Ateo a good stock of "pipes"' and 'fine-cut.1' . Ho would also call attention to the fact that he has just opened a large assortment of DRUGS, CHEMICALS, AND DYE STUEFS, which bo. wiil sell ciftrjtr than any other estab lishment in the County. , THOMAS ROBINS. November 14, 1853. WEW GOODS ! NEW CJOODS ! At tho JL 1 Old Cornvr Store of the undersigned at CBRWENSV.IL LE. . Thc3' have just received tho largest and best assort ment of Summer and Fall Goods ever brought to CIcarSeld ; consisting of -Dry Goods.- Hardware. tuccnsware, Gocerics, Con fectionarics, Hats and Caps. Booti and Shoes, Carpeting, Oil . ,. Cloth, Ac. " ' Cloths, Cnssitneres. Linens, Muslins. De Laities'. r Prints. Dress Silks, Bonnets, Shawl', Mantillas; Fringes. Fancy Toilet articles. La ces. Embroideries, and an endless variety of other articles too numerous to mention, all of which they offer at the lowest prices and on the easiest terms. A u g. 1, 1853. J. & 11. D. PATTON. T'ALPABLE PItOl'EUTY AT V PRIVATE SALE. TUB undersigned offers at Private Salo, 20'J acres of Land; more or less, in Pcnn township. Clearfield county. seven or eight acres cleared, the balance covered with valuable T1MRER. and having thereon tho following improvements A COOD.SAVy-WlbW ; with LATH-SAW, Rose wheel, ic., on a good stream ff water, which will enable the mill tu runabout eight months in the year- . w- A LARGE TWO-STORY HOUSE. well furnished, plastered and painted throughout, with a never-failing Spring of water in the cellar ALSO, A FRAME BANK BARN, . well furnished with threshing floor, stabling, ic., all new, having but recently been erected. Also, convenient, and substantially erected OUT-BUILDINGS, , consisting of a Wood-Shed, Spring House, Stnoko House, Ac, Ac There is no more desirable property in tho County. Any person wishing further informa tion, can apply to S ami el Wihemiee. living on the Premises. Topt Office dddrcss, - Grampian Hills, Clearfield County, Pa. JOHN W IDEM I RE, . SAMUEL WIDEMIRE. : Penn Township', Dec. 2, lii$5.-$m- TVTOTICE. Whereas Letters of Aduiiai'tration J.N ou tho Estate of John Auraut, late of Brady toirnship. Clearfield county. Pa., dee'd, have been jrrautcd to the undersigned, residing in istid town shi, all persons indebted; to ?::id c?t:i!c are re quested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will present them, properly authenticated for settlement, to 1 ABIGAIL AURANT. Jan. 23, ISJG-'it Administratrix. A lARTNi;it WASTE)).- The unler JSi. signed, doing business as a Tanner nnd Cur rier, at Curwensvillo in this sounty, vi'.l take a Partner, who can furnish a cash capital of at least 5ud. The Tar.iH-rv is large and commodious, and capable of doing a "much larr-er business than the subscriber feels able to do by himself. No better opportunity can be afforded to an active business man, with the above capital, who wi.-hes to fco in to a pa 3 ing business. S. B. TAYLOR. Curwctisville. Dec. 19. 1S.".'. 3m o. JVTKW FIRM HARTSHORN A M'OK ACKEN 1 1 have just received a new and splendid assort ment of goods at their store in LUMBER CITY They invito the public to give them a call, and feel assured they will be ablo to render entire s:it irfaeuon. Lumber. Hides, Rags, Grain, al ail oilier 01 iiruuucc ium-h m uicnic. J 1 ll 1 1 1 ' ' ' 1 THOS. McCRACIvEN. Aug. 1, 13.r3. ripO BUILDERS Proposals will be received JL by the subscriber fur the building of a brick School Houso, to bo -one story in height, witu a cellar. Pian and size not j-et deteriuli.ed l'i;uis are jnvited, ai.d teu dolli-rs will be paid to :;ny person w ho will furnish a plan that inu y be adopt ed for said building the house to be large enoi.h to seat sixty or seventy pupils, two rccitalicn rooms will be required, also eioihs rooms for boy? and girls. It is supposed the building will cost from 1000 to 2c'0o". WM. IRYIN. Curwensviile.Dec. 12. 1853. OOT AND SHOE STORE ; GRAHAM S ROW, CLEARFIELD, TA. The subsc-rilior would inform the public that he lias just openod an entire new stock of Boots and Shoes, in Graham's Row, one door east of the Jour nal Ofao. Every variety ef Lsdies' and Gcntlemcns' Gaiters. Laced Roots,. Pumps. Congress Roots, Children:)' Shoos, Ac, Ac. ; Boots anl Shoes made to orJ'r. - C. S. BLACK. Aug. I. ls).",5. PVTEW ARRIVAL. 11 A. t- J. l'ATCJIIN. Have just received a new and splendid as'oVt ment of Goods. the best that was ever brought in to the upper end of Clearfield County. They in vite their fi tends and the public generally to give them a call, where they will find all kinds of goods usually kept iri a Country Store C ome ana examine; our stock ins: for the exhibition. -we charge noth AARON PATCIIIN. ' JACKSON PATCIIIN. Burnsida. Nov. 2. lS3.'. DISSOLUTION. The partnership hereto fore existing between John S. Williams and William II. Smith was this day dissolved by mu tual consent, said Smith having disposed rjf his in terest to John S. William--. - JOHN S. WILLIAMS. WILLIAM II. SMITH. Xew MUlport, Dee. 22, 1S33. The books and accounts of the firm arc in the hands of John S Williams for settlement, where those indebted will please call immediately. John S. Williams. JniiO "t William H. Smith. VAT.ITARI.E PROPERTY" FOR SALE. J. Z desire to sell mv property iu Tyrone City, Rlair Co. Pa., commonly known as the Tyrone City Hotel. Comprising as follows : One large three story brick hott-e. Sixty feet, two fronts, and finished off in complete style. A large and extensive stable, an cv-elient wash house and other necessary oat-building3. There is also, on the same Lots, one frame house, nith outbuildings attached, now renting for one hun dred and thirty dollars per annum. The whole stands upon three valuable Irfts as in the plof- of said town, and affords several vtv eligible loca tions" for store, oilices. Ac, Ac. The whole will le sold on reasonable terms. Ard to anj- person, d--sirinir an investment, or ' speculation, now. js the chance. 'Private reasons caiire me to sell tills val uable, property, which is every day increasing ia value, lnonire of Caleb Guver. or the subscriber J.D.STEWART. Tyrone City, Sept. 19. lS.-tf. TT OOK HERE. i-i JlOSOP OX II A XD AG A IX! The Cheapest Goods in the County. THE undersigned Legs lone to inform his o.'d cus tomers, and the public, that he has just returned from the East, with a splendid assortment of ?&Aj & wimm oodds, which he will sell lower, for CASH, than they can be bought at ar.j- other place in the County. He is determined to act upon the motto of SMALL PROFITS AND QUICK SALES. and will, sell goods, for cash, at the most triding advance ou cost, and carriage. 1'aH and examine the stock, and satisfy your self that it ii no humbug that "MOSSOP SELLS THE CHEAPEST G OODS JX Til i: CO UXT Y. ' BE.Y--G0ODS, GSOCEEIES, QUEEN5--EE, BOOTS & SHOES, IIAT3 & CAPS, ISO XX 12 T.. SUA U'LSf . COXFECTIONARIES, Fisn, TOBACCO. STATlrtXARV, I.IQCOItS, and ft little of everything. All of which will be sold at loivcr yrioe than ev er before offered in Clearfield. . R. MOSSOP. Clearfield Nov. 14, 1So5. ETMPORTANT TO HOUSEKEEPERS Axn jL FRUIT GROWERS. ARTHUR'S PAT eat Air-Tijlit Self-Sealing Cans and Jars, for PreservinsTFrfsh. Fruits, &c. This invention for which a patent has been obtained, commends it sell' to the attention of Housekeepers and others, on account of its jireat simplicity, and tha .eff-'-etu-al manner in which it accomplished a very desi rable aud useful object The cans and jars are constructed with a chan nel around tho mouth, ncrr the top, into which the cover fits looselj-. This channel is filled with a ver- adhesive cement, prepared for the purpose and allowed to harden. Iu order to seal the ves sel heniieticall3T, it ii only ueevcxary to heat the cover xltzhl'y. and press it mlo pin cf. It may bo opened with as much easo as it isclosod, bj-siight-y warming the top. The.erdinary tin cans!, used for the same purpose for which this is intended, cm not be closed. sis well known without the -aid of a tinnsr; are difficult to open, and are generally so much injured iu opening as to bo useless for future ser ice. By this pimple- contrivance, the process of her metical cealing is placed conveniently within tho reach of every individual; and fruit, vegetables aud butt?r (if properly pepared) may bi kept, with their natural flavor unimpaired, lor an in definite length of time. For sale bv MERKELLi CARTER. Clearfield. Sept. 19. ISaj tf. rT7-. MICHAEL CONLEY" begs 1-y j .h.l;T!x.-'iy leave to inform the citizens of IriSS Clearfield and vicinity that he is now digging coal at the bunk t'f Robert Owens, half a mile cast of towu, where lie will have on hands, all winter, a lot of first rate coal, which lie will sell at the low rate of ,-. FOUR CENTS PER BUSHEL at the bank. . - . .. Orders for coal can be had at Kratrtrs Store. Clearfield, Sept. 2ii, 1S33. ' 1 rr.r A k.ni..f iful onjl wl f J5jD VA R y ted "IJortiiiciit just reecir- cd and for Sale by Sept. 5, W. F. IHWIX. liyOCERis25 Sept. 5, W. F. IRWIN'S F IRE-PROOF PAINT, fur sale nt June 13. '55 R. MOSSOP 'S.- 1ARA50LS a roost beautiful selection, aud of . the latent style, for sale at the cheap store of JnneJT. A. M. HILLS. ATENT SAUSAGE CUTTERS-S. O GARTH'S improved Sausape w w m .- 1 uJ ntntUKLL. CARTEL.. Stuffcrs. for salo by Oct. .TI, oj-1 N i;W GOODS: The undersigned has jmt re ceived a large assortment of . - - NEW GOODS, - '- -- at his store in '- -K A K THA US, which he offers for sale cheap for eaxb or country produce. F. P. HER XT If ALL. September 5, 1S35. EXCHANGE INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 11, Merchants' Exchange, PHILADELPHIA. This Company, with an ample Capital, well se cured, is prepared to effect Insurances in Clear iicld, and adjoining Counties, .on tenus as liberal as consistent with the safctr of the Company. jno. Mcdowell, Jr.. Oct. 0, IS iSccrtiary. VEV FE&M MERRELL & CARTER would X i . iiiforiA tho pultlic, that they have just cpen- d rrn extensive COPPER. TIN AND SHEET-IRON WARB :f;JAfjUFACT0RY, Ou. Second Street in the boroirjh of C L 12 A R F 1 12 L 1), wlf-re they arc prepared toTumish at reduced pri ces, evary variety of articles in their line. Steel, Bar-iroJt'. nails, pteves -f every variety Ploughs and f-ruiing juU-nsi's. pumps of orery -description, stove pine, patent sausage cutters. funnels and self scaling cans kept constantly ou hand. ; Alloiders forcastings for Flour Mills.Saw Mills, Ac. will Lo thankfully rtevived snd promptly at tended to. , .i . HOUSE SPOUTING DONE. TO ORDER. They are also prepated to receive every varie ty of article oa comiasiou, at a low per-crnlage O. B. MERRELL. L.R. CARTER. Oarficld, Sept. 13, lS5o ly. (TiABINET MAKING. The undersigrl would respectfully inform the public, that he has taken tho old bland opposite tho MethoLiat Church, known as .' 31 o u r o v s s ii o r, where ho ko-ps. constantly on hand and manufac tures to order, every variety of Household f KitcLcu such as Tables, Bureaus, Safes, Stands Cupboards, Sofas, Bedsteads. Ac, of t-verv siv!5 and rritv. JOSHUA jOHNSOii. Clearfield, Pa., Aug. lSoo. TV EW ARRIVAL. 1 . A. II. BAUMA? Ware lioavi Ihrcti doors ahoye Mzyt'' Hot!, FlavJk Ron strut, Tt;rii);e Citv, Pa. KEEPS constantly on band a large assortment Philalelphia and Pittsburg Cooking. Parlor, Ear and heating Stoves, of different patterns, siiviaad prices: Stove jdpc, shovels, coal hods, Ac. Also. Cider Mills, Ploughs, Cultivators.- Ae. Ac, all of which will be sold JO to 20 per cent, cheap, er than can be purchased out of the cities. If you want bargains, don't forget to call at Cantnan'i Stove Store. Nov. 14, 'j5.-r.rn. IALL AND WINTER GOODS. The sub-s-.-iib-r has just received a large and well lected stock of 5EW GOODS, . ; t'f almost every description suitable to the season, which he is selling off at extremely low prices. He resjiectfully invites the attention of. all who wish to buy good Goods at tho lowest prices, to call a4 the sigu of tho CHEAPEST GOODS." Country produce of almost every discriptiom to ken at market prices in exehango for goods. Persons wishing to purchase, and receive a fair equivalent for their uiont-y, will do well to gW him a call. - Remember the sign of the CHEAPEST GOODS, on Market street, and call and be cimvrnced that there is truth in the words thereon inscribed. wm. F.iRwnr. November 2, lS.'i.l. IfJlRESII OYSTERS' CHARLES GREAFF .A- would. inform his friends and the pnMic tha he.is prepared to supply the wauls of thos h give him & call, at his EATING HOUSE, oi:e door South of Hemphill's Hotel, whcr lie serves up FRESH OYSTERS, SARIIJTES, CHEESE, and refreshments generally. No pains will be spa red to acccmmi'idate hi customers. Aug. 29. TFO! FOR THE TEMPLE OF HONOR -IA li RADIX Cr M GIRK'S, TIN, C0PPEP, & SHEET-IRON "WARS ; HAHUFAGTOBY,- PHILIPSBURO, PA. . RRADIN A M'liIRK have ju.-t opened an eitn sive Tin. Copprr, A- &h"t-lron Ware Mrnufartu ry. where they are at ail times prepared to supply customers with every conceivable article from th" smallest Coffee pot ?pmt to tho longest pipe ima ginable. They will do both a . WHOLESALE A RETAIL business, and will at all times have on Land largo assortment of rc-ady-iuadc ware. HOUSE SPOUTING done to order, cn tho shortest notice, and put tip in a neat, stilstantial manner. STOVES, STOVE-PIPE, $ KETTELS, of every variety kept constantly on hand. They will furnish to order any of the following Cook Stoves, viz: The William Pcnn. Queen of the West, tho Atlantic, and Cook-Cosupletc. all of which are suitable for both wood and eoaL Among the farlor Moves will be found tho "Lady Washington." the Produce of all goods. -r.xceisior, - -Jiomo l'arlor,' Ao. kinds takes iu exchano for A. A. ERA DIN. JNO. D. M'GIRK. October 21. 133.r. frJTssTrj-l THE PARTNERSHIP hera fer-AUaJXLOJV tofore existing beiwcen Jo seph and James Hagerty, in the mercantile busi ness, at Janesville, Clearfield Countr. Pa., im been this day (Not. 2.) dissolved by mutual cos sent. JOSEPH IIAGERTV. JAMES A. HAGERTT. Nor. 14, 'jj.-3t . M ISSES' FLATS, trimmed and untrimmed, a beautiful article for salo at the store of June 27, :j5.J A. M. If ILLS. A large assortment just re ceived and opened by -. B. MOSSOP fn t v -rf A largo assortment just re L-sr! lPO D S ceived at Tcry low price by l?dpt. $. W. F.IRWIN. HATS rof the latest styles, and most approved quality, received, and for eale by June 27, oi. A. M. HILLS. LADIES AITERS assorted r olors that can't bo beat in quality or prjco for sale by June 27, 'ia. A. M. UiLLS. LADIES' DRESS GOODS a Icrgc and oeautiful asortment, for sale cheap by Juuo 27, 55.1 A. M. niLLS. fGRfifisrl A new et,M"k jn!t waived C LOCKS. Eight day, thirty hour and alarm Clocks for sale at Mossop's Store. Jn. 13. ; LADIES' GLOVES. A very large lot of b'.aHe net worked Gloves, at 10 centa a puir worth, 25ct3 at Mossop's cheap cash store. Ju. 13, rtTAall RICHARD MOSSOr, ha !iiV RjP J"ust rid and opened . r general assertmeat ef Hardware aad Clf - - Aug zz. P II