Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, February 20, 1856, Image 4

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gaffera's fflimwl
ai3 i :ta za i
S. B. ROW, Editor axd Proprietor.
. For some months past an effort has been ma
king to unite all opposed to the present Na
tional Administration on one common plat
form. Tfee necessity of this is obvious to ev
ery intelligent observer of political affairs.
If the opposition is distracted split up into
two, three or more factions the Tierce Dem
ocracy must and will undoubtedly be the vic
tors iu the ensuing Presidential contest. But
if all those who are opposed to the Adminis
tration combine, success will inevitably at
tend their efforts. The most of the American,
Whig, and Republican members ol the Legis
lature, fully cognizant of this state of affairs,
and urged by many of their friends in differ
ent sections of the State, have issued a call,
iaviting all who arc favorable to such a move
ment to meet in county conventions on the 19th
of March, and elect delegates to a State Con
vention to be held at llarrisburg on the 20th
of the same month, to take such action as the
exigencies of the case demand, and to select
a State Ticket. We see by the Ilarriiburg
.Telegraph that the American members of the
Legislature have drawn up and signed a mem
orial to the American .National Convention, to
assemble at Philadelphia, asking that body to
abolish all secret forms in the organization, so
that they can act on an equitable and liberal
basis with all others w ho are opposed to the
National Administration.
Tnis la eorfainly an important movement and
it is to be hoped that it will result in the
union contemplated. The call will bo found
elsewhere in to-dar's Journal.
- This gentleman's position on the Nebraska
question, has been the subject of so much
newspaper comment that it has become quite
notoriotis. It is alleged that, during the can
vass which resulted in his election, he profess
ed to bo an anti-Xebraska man and in favor of
the restoration of the restrictive clauso of the
so-culled Missouri Compromise Act. Since
the meeting cf Congress, however, ho has as
sumed an attitude directly antagonistic there
to. This subjected him to the severest criti
cism of many prominent journals in different
sections of the country. Among others, the
Pittsburgh Gazette took him to task. In a let
ter, written sometime in January last, in an
swer to the strictures of that paper, Mr. Uar
clay says be "gave no pledges publicly or pri
vately Nebraska or anti-Nebraska." This,
we presume, will depend iu a great measure
rtpoa what may be regarded as being embraced
in the term "pledges." If expressed opinions
r declarations will come w ithin the meaning
r.f the phrase, then it would seem that Mr. B.
' did givo "pledges," as is evidenced by the fol
lowing extract from a letter, dated Benezette,
' Elk Co., Feb. 2, 183G, written by R. C. Wins-
low upon this sabject. The writer says:
'I was at Brookville at the time of the nom
ination of D. Barc'ay, and he told me that he
was anti-Nebraska anl in favor of the rcstora
. tion cf the Missouri Compromise line, 'and
that from principle, too,' and that he did not
fear the consequences of agitation 'it must
and should be restored, and that the people
were traitors to themselves if they ever held
their peace until it was restored."
He further states that Mr. B. told one of the
delegates who was in that convention, that "he
was anti-Nebraska, tooth and nail, and in fa
vor of the restoration, &c, let what would
ccmo." There is nothing equivocal in the
language of Mr. Winslow it is direct and pos
itive and the entire letter is couched in the
most confident and emphatic language. It ful
ly sustains the allegations heretofore made in
the Journal regarding Mr. Barclay's position
on this question.
It -would seem that ill lack meets Mr. Bar
clay at every point. Very recently he took
a step that is likely to involve him in some
difficulty with his own party. IIi3 politi-
' cal friends seem to be displeased with the part
he took in the election cf a Speaker. Mr. B.
favored the jdnrali.ty rule, and on the ballot
which resulted in the election of Mr. Banks, be
did not vole at all. This does not prove satis
factory to the Democracy they say he should
have voted fair and square for Aiken, without
Asking any questions ; that by not voting, he
favored the election of Mr. Banks; and that
the success of this gentleman is attributable
to, and the responsibility of it rests upon Mr.
Barclay. He is truly an unfortunate man, and
it remains to be seen whether ho will be able
to explain matters to tho satisfaction of his
Democratic constituents. One thing, howev
er, seems to be reduced toa certainty : his fate
is sealed, and when his present term expires
he will 1m laid beneath the political sad, un
honored and unpitied.
The Democratic Mass Mektisq held last
night in the Court House, was a "one-horse"
affair a magnifieent failure composed, as
we are assured, of a couple dozen of the Un
ierrified, and the remainder of tickled Know
Nothings. Gen. Pierce, the Nebraska bill,
the President's course in relation to Kansas,
and all that kind of thing, was endorsed, and
: the faithful were urged to "leave no stone
- unturned" that would in any way aid in secu
ring the success of the yarty in the approach
ing contest.
-1 PTilccdid aort-
pud CUildrens'
:, Jn.M.
Senator Brown, of Philadelphia, has intro
duced a bill in the Senate, which fs thought
w ill be more acccptablo to that body than the
one offered by Judge Wilkins. It will bo seen
that it makes wise discriminrtion between city,
borough and country wants. It provides that
"no storekeeper shall sell less than five gallons
of vinous, spirituous, malt or brewed liquors,
or any raixlure thereof; uor shall the keeper
of any restaurant, eating house, oyster house
or cellar, theatre or any other placo of enter
tainment, amusement or refreshment, sell in
any quantity; brewers and distillers shall bo
licensed agreeably to the act of April 10th,
1SI9, but shall pay three times the rates there
in fixed. This act shall not apply to impor
ters selling imported liquors, but their license
i3 to be increased three-fold. Nor shall the
act apply to druggists or apothecaries com
pounding liquors upon physicians' prescrip
tions, or selling for manufacturing, mechani
cal -or chemical purposes. License to sell shall
be granted only to citizens of temperate habits
and good moral character. The licenses to be
granted Courts of Quarter Sessions, aiid
the applications to give public notice very
much as heretofore, but with additional res
trictions. Every licensed hotel in cities,
towns and boroughs, to have at least six bed
rooms and twelve beds; and in the country,
four Bedrooms and eight beds, lor tho use of
travellers tho applicant to give bond, &c, in
$1,000. Venders of wines, malt or distilled
liquors, are thus classed where annual sales
amount to 20,000 and upwards, a license of
350; $3,000 and less than S10,000, --30 ;
6,000 and loss than 8,000, S200 ; $4,000 and
less than 0,000, 150 ; S200 and less than
4,000, 100; less than 2,000, 50; no li
cense to be granted for less than the last nam
ed sum. Hotels are to be thus classed and ra
ted according to the estimated yearly rental:
10,000 or more, a license of 1,000; $8,000
and less than 10,000, 800; 0,000, C00 ;
1,000, 400; 2,000, $200; 1,000, 200;
$500, 100; 000, 75; under 300, the li
cense shall be 50. In Pittsburg and Alleghe
ny no license shall be granted for less than
100, nor in the county towns and boroughs,
for less than 75. The Courts are prohibited
from granting more licenses than exceed the
population of one to every 200 taxables in the
city and counly towns and boroughs; and a
number in the countrv.
Proclamation ox Kansas. Pres't. Pierce
has issued a Proclamation on Kansas, invoking
"all good citizens to promote order by render
ing obedience to law" meaning, of course,
that all shall subiuit to the enactments of the
Missouri mob-Legislature of Kansas. Com
menting on this movement of the President to
aid tho Missouri bullies, while professing to
aid the people of the Territory, the National
Intelligencer stiys: "The Government paper of
yesterday contained an Executive Proclama
tion which, for the information of our readers,
we transfer to our columns. Following on the
heels of his recent special Message to Congress
on the same subject, it is evidence that the
President anticipates something like civil war
in the land of vaunted "'squatter sovereignty,"
and is preparing to meet the crisis. It is
proof, also, of another thing, which perhaps
the President does not discern so clearly; and
that is, the political error which has "brought
these troubles upon him and upon the country.
Surely, never has any false step of Govern
ment in our brief history, if in the history of
any free country, been so fruitful of evil of
unmixed, uncompensated evil as the uncalled
for repeal of the Missouri Compromise. And
now the President is endeavoring, with tho
best intentions no doubt, to avert one of its
disastrous consequences by a Proclamation.
What a sight, in this free Republican country,
to behold an Executive Proclamation forbid
ding civil war! We most devoutly hope it
may have the effect; but we fear that men who
are aiming rifles and revolvers at each other's
fraternal breasts will bo little disposed to heed
the President's admonitions. And then should
he find it necessary to interpose the military
power of the General Government and that
must be the next step what a state of tilings
shall we not then present to the world and to
uie country: is Jt not enougn to make angels
weep to see so happy, harmonious, peaceful a
country blessed in every clement of national
and domestic happiness as was this only two
short years ago suddenly, by one mad and
perverse act, converted into an universal arena
of discord and of threatened commotion V
Ntw Hampshire. Both parties seem to be
giving their best energies to carry N. Hamp
shire the first battle-ground in the campaign
of 185(5. The Americans and Republicans
have nominated Gov. Metcalf for reflection,
and an immense mass meeting was held at
Concord recently, at which addresses were de
livered by Senators Hale, Bell, Amos Tuck,
aad others. The Democrats are also sending
their heaviest artillery to the field. Senator
Wheeler, and Congressmen Orr, Cobb, Lane,
and others, have been stumping it for tho Ad
ministration party, and "Wells, their candidate
for Gove;nor,i3 conductinthe campaign most
vigorously. As the election o"mes oil before the
Cincinnati Convention, Pres't Pierce has much
at stake on tho result. Everything looks as
tho' New Hampshire would open the ball Ly
giving the Nebraska party a signal delcut.
Swearing 'Em. The Democracy, who have
such a great aversion to '-oath-bound political
organizations," it would seem, are a very con
sistent set of individuals "over the Ift.-'
At the recent Democratic Convention in Phil
adelphia, tho following oath was administered
to all the members before they were permitted
to take their seats :
"I do hereby solemnly swear or affirm that
I am not, and do not intend to become, a mem
ber of any political organization, secret or o
pcn. which proscribes any of our fellow citi
zens on account of birth place or luligion." .
The reporter of the Timet was expelled to
prevent an accurate report of their proceed
ings being publish.!. After all hands' were
sworn, the Convention elected delegates to
the National Convectionall favorable to Bu
chanan. MUSLIX, at 5 cents per
. cash store. - - ' ' 1
. Whereas indications exist that public tran
quility and the supremacy of tho law in the
Territory of Kansas are endangered by the rep
rehensible acts of purposes or persons, both
within and without the same, who propose to
direct and control its political organization by
force : It appearing that combinations have
been formed therein to resist the execution of
the territorial laws, and thus, in effect subvert
by violcnee all present constitutional and legal
authority. It also appearing that persons re
siding without the Territory, but near its bor
ders, contemplate armfcd Intervention in the
affairs thereof : It also appearing that other
persons, inhabitants of remote States, are col
lecting money, engaging men, and providing
arms for tho same purpose : And it further
appearing that combinations within the Terri
tory are endeavoring, by the agency of emis
saries and otherwise, to induce individual
States of the Union to intervene in the affairs
thereof in violation of the Constitution of the
United States : " -
And whereas, all such plans for the determi
nation of the future institutions of the territo
ry, if carried into action from within the same,
will constitute the fact of insurrection; and if
from without, that of invasive aggression, and
will in either caso justify and require the for
ciblc interposition or the whole power of the
General Government, as well to maintain the
laws of the Territory as those of the Union.
Now, therefore, I, Franklin Pierce, Prcsi
dent of the United Statcsj do issue this my
proclamation to command all persons engaged
in unlawful combinations against the constitu
ted authority of the territory of Kansas cr of
the United States to disperse and retire peace
ably to their respective abodes, and to warn
all such persons that any attempted insurrcc
tion in said territory, or aggressive intrusion
into the same, will be resisted, not only by the
employment of the local militia, but also bj
that of any available forces of the U. States,
to tho end of assuring immunity from vio.
lencc, and full protection to the persons, pro
perty, r.nd civil rights of all peaceful and law
abiding inhabitants of the Territory.
If, in any part of the Union, the fury of fac
tion or fanaticism, inflamed into a disregard of
the great principles of popular sovereignty,
which, tinder the Constitution, are fundamen
tal in the whole structure of our institutions,
is to bring on the country the dire calamitv of
an arbitrament of arms in that territory, it
shall be between lawless violence on one side,
and conservative force on the othuo, wielded
by legal authority of the general government
I call on tho citizens, both of adjoining and
of distant State-?, to abstain from unauthoriz
ed intermeddling in the local concerns of the
territory, admonishing them that its orgaui
law is to be executed with impartial justice ;
that all individual acts of illegal interference
will incur condign punishment ; and that any
endeavor to intervene by organized force will
be Ermly withstood.
I invoke all good citizens to promote order
by rendering obedience to the law; to seek re
medy for temporary evils by peaceful means ;
to discountenance ana repulse the counsels
and tho instigations of agitators and disorgan
izes: and to testify their attachment to their
country, their pride in its greatness, their ap
preciation of the blessings they enjoy, and
their determination that republican institu
tions shall not fail in their hands, by co-operating
to uphold the majesty o.f the laws, and
to vindicate the sanctity of the Constitution.
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set
my hand, and caused the seal of tho United
States to be affixed to these presents.
Done at. the City of Washington, the elev
enth day of February, in the year of
our Lord one thousand eight hundred
seal and fifty-six, and of the Independence
of the United States the eightieth.
Fbaxkus Pierce.
By tho President :
W. L. Maucv, Secretary of State.
ArFAinsis Kansas. Authentic information
has been received from various sourcers that
an overwhelming force of the citizens of Mis
souri were organizing upon the borders of
Kansas, for tho purpose of invading the Ter
ritory, demolishing the towns, Sec. Prepara
tions were made to resist the invaders, and
aid has beert solicited from the Governors of
Ohio and New York.
A letter writer from Lawrence, dated Jan
uary 25th, to the New York Times, says
Last night, about sixty men were detailed
from the different companies, and a party put
at each of our fortifications. Cabins were has
tily thrown up within tho entrenchments,
stoves prepared, and they are now boarding
themselves in soldierlike order. The fort at the
foot of Massachusetts street is circular, about
100 feet in diameter, made of earth and tim
bers thrown up about seven feet high ; with a
walkabout four feet wide upon the top. Up
on this circle wo have a soldier in full uniform,
walking night and day, giving our town some
thing of a military appearance. Generals Ro
binson and Lane are constantly in the Council
Chamber, with other subordinate officers.
Tho whole movement of the enemy is so
shrouded in mystery that we know not bow to
speak for the future. We can only provide
for defence as well as in our power; then,
"trust in God and keep our powder dry.". A
campaign cannft bo kept up now as easily as
in Decembe r. Then, our harvest-was just over,
the weather was mild, and men could leave
their families for a few days w ithout their suf
fering. Now, provisions, money and wood
are scarcer, and many who came before to our
aid could not bo urged to do so again without
paying them in advance, so that their families
would not suffer in their absence. We have
started men to day to different parts of the ter
ritory, to expose our dangers, and charge them
to be ready at an hour's notice.
To all Concerned. Having purchased the
books of the establishment with the Journal
office, all unpaid accounts are to be settled
with the present proprietor. We mention this
for the infoimation oi these interested. '
Kafhaii dcaver,--
J. J? Coder, ... .
.Twoh Smith. J-! ' ''
' do
The ''Harry Hotspurs" of the Virginia Le
gislature have been working themselves into a
terrible passion ever the fact that a citizen of
Virginia, named Parsons, was arrested in our
State, last lall, on a charge of attempting to
kidnap a colored person. Mr. Parsons under
took, it seems, without process of law, to cap
ture a negro whom he nllegorl to be bis uncle's
slave, but was resisted by several persons and
frustrated in his design. Subsequently, Mr.
Parsons, as he should have been for proceed
ing without lawful authority, was arrested on
a charge of atfemptingto kidnap. Ho was
then taken before a committing Magistrate,
and held in 2,000 to appear and answer before
the Court, which commenced its session on
tho Monday following tho act for which Mr.
Parsons was anrestud. .At that term of the
Court, on the oath of several witnesses who
swora that the nearro was a free man, the Grand
Jury of Blair county found a true bill againsthe no wrong that is, independent action to
i arsons, wnereupon ne gave bail in the sum of
1,000 himself, and two sureties in a like a
mount, to answer the charge of attempting t
kidnap a free man, at the term of t!ie BI
County Quaiter Sessions, which commen
on the Fourth Monday of January, lc.G. Tjiiz
case came on at the tofni cf tho Court dej -g-nated,
and after a fair bearing and impartial
trial, as Pennsylvania Courts and Juries kiow
unawed and
by threats from any
quarter, Parsons w3 acquitted cf the c!t;rge,
ard discharged fr
j custody. f
history of the case. Now
So much for thd
for a glimpse at th
Virginia Legislate.
"chivalric" action of the
. Tho language they use
is mere bombast ::i ridiculous fal-dc-ral.
The whole act is I ughable in its ridiculous
ness, and if it had cat been gravely entertain
ed and gravely paled by one branch of the
Legislature of ScVcrcign State of this Con
federacy, would mAt with but little notice
The Fourth Section of the Act as it passed the
House of Delegates, provides a6 follows, viz
"Sfc. 4. If tho said James Parsons, Jr.
shall hereafter be arrested and imprisoned up
on the charge aforesaid, or shall be arrested,
tried aiit convicted upon the same, and sen
tenced tfc the penitentiary of the State of Pcnn
cr be therein confined, the Governor
ia is directed to demand his irume
ren.ler and release from tho proper
of Virg
diate s1
autnoruts ot l'c
thereof .Khali caus
to be allied for, i
authority's of Pennsylvania, and in default
so the writ of habeas corpus
and such other proceedings
to be hat as to him shall seem best on bis be
half. AVI if the said writ and proceedings
shall not Vlect the release of said James Par
sons, Jr., V, such timo as the .Governor shall
deem reasonable under the circumstances, then
it shall bo tholuty of the Governor, and he
is hereby direci to make proclamation of the
fact, and within-n days after said proclama
tion 'he is directed to seize and imprison in
the jail or penitentiary all citizens,' and to
seize and hold all prcrty of tho State of
Pennsylvania, auofall property of the citizens
of said State, until the release and surrender
by the proper authorities cf said State of the
said James Parsons, Jr., and his property from
all liability, by reason of the prosecution cr
conviction for the charge aforesaid, or any
other chargo against him, on account of any
conduct Connected with the attempt made by
him to recover the slave aforesaid. And until
the payment of such demands as fho said Jas.
Parsons, Jr., may have sustained by reason of
said prosecution, trial and imprisonment, and
in all proceedings under this act, and for tho
enforcement of the provisions of the law, the
Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia
shall have lull power and authority to call up
on and demand the services of all civil and
military oflicers of the State and all private
citizens whatsoever are required under tne
penalty of misdemeanor, to obey the call and
command of the Executive authority."
St. Valestixk's Dat. Last Thursday, the
11th, was St. Valentine's day. Valentine was
Christaiu teacher at Rome, in the time of
the Emperor Claudius II., nearly sixteen cen
turies ago. Claudius persecnaed the Chris-
tians,andput many todeath. Valentine assitcd
the Christians and tried to save their lives.
He was himself arrested and sent to the pre
fect of Rome, who tried every means by
threats and promises to induce Valentine to
renounce bis religion. He refused to do so.and
was condemned to bo beaten with clubs, and
then beheaded, lie was executed on the 14th
of February, in the year 270 of the Christian
era. He was cannon ized, has for many centu
ries been called St. Valentine, aud his name
celebrated in the churches as an illustrious
martyr. Centuries ago it used to be a custom
to make a kind of lottery, in which the names
of girls were put and drawn out by the boys.
More recently it is the tradition that the birds
choose their mates on that day, and boys are
now only allowed by custom to send Valentines
by mail. It is a custom often abused, and its
use attended with a good deal of expense to
the Post Ofiicc Department. Millions ore un
doubtedly mailed every ycar,one-third of which
at least go to the dead-letter office. However,
that will not be the case this year. If birds
choose their mates and marry on St- Valen
tine's Day this year, they will have rather a
chilly time for that interesting process. Even
the migratory birds havo been overtaken by a
very severe winter at the sunny South. Yet,
tradition hath it that even they must choose
their mates on the 14th of this month or re
main singlo for a year.
Contested Seats is Congress On Thurs
day last, Col. Florence presented the memori
al of A. H.Rcedcr, contesting tho seat of J.
S. Whitfield as Delegate from Kansas, to the
House. It states that the pretended election
of Whitfield, in October last, was absolutely
void, being without any valid law or qualified
voters to sustain it, aad that he was elected by
non-residents and other illegal voters. The
memorial, with others, contesting the seats of
Mr. Allen, of Illinois, Mr. Gallagos, of New
Mexico, and Mr. Eustis, of Louisiana, was re
ferred to the Committee on Elections.
Oasb. &Hoie.
From N. Y. Jhra,a Advocj
Some weeks ago al,el ttS attention of
our readers to tho sect of cnvents, and we
were gratified to Z5 that our remarks wind
suggestions mci(h a most filTrable recep
tion and wcvcry extensively circulated
through the -r"13 of other journals, religious
and secular We "iavo waited patiently for
some niov'e"' u our stae legislature toward
embody i 'n 'aws tno undoubted sentiment
of tho ille on u's subject: but we have wai
ted inAn" ur 'egislatrs are as much afraid
of rc'ns''t i' 513 t',e Chinese,and they shrink
fronie very aets which, if performed, would
e is but little manliness among our public
They seek to be only the unthinking,
esponsible indices of party. They hope that
eir oEcial conduct may be satisfactorily ne-
fiativc, and that at the next canvass there will
charge them with. They do uot aspire to lead
the public mind ; they only hope to follow it,
and, like the timid, apostle, they follow afar
off, keeping a relative position, which will war
rant them to hurrah for a victory, while it will
give them a good start in a retreat. More than
anything else they dread to meet the cry of
persecution. By the threat of this the great
American parly has already" been overawed,
ami the reformers whom the mighty surge of
American feeling lifted into public place have
found the fiery patriotism that glowed so fierce
ly in the council-room, damped and chilled al
most to extinction in the ungenial region of
legislative publicity- The Americans, the Pro
testants, the freemen of the country must try
r , i ii ....17: ,
again, .ten wno can uo uoiuiug m (juuut uo
semblies have no business there. Let them re
turn to the quiet walks of domestic life, which
many of them are well calculated to pursue
with advautage to themselves and the commu
nity. The times require other men in public
places men who fear God, and only God.
' Having appealed iu vain to our legislature,
we now appeal to the people. Is it your will,
men of America, that women shall be held in
slavery, by foreign priests, in your l.iidst ?
There are scattered over our country hundreds
of strongly walled and barred houses, into
which young women are artfully inveigled.and
fiom which they are not permitted to depart.
In these places their lives are one continual
scene of oppression, cruelty, outrago and dis
grace. The torments inflicted by Spanish in
quisitors were humane, contrasted with the
cruelties of the convents. To them thero was
at least a speedy end. By the force of their
very violence they were brief, and under sharp
bodily pain the soul was often exalted to al
most seraphic grandeur. In the convent, soul
and body are racked by ingenious contrivanc
es, until the one becomes exausted of sensibil
ity, and the other of nervous energy ; and the
lively, romantic girl, pure from her mother's
hearth, is transformed iato a soulless thing ;
with afiections dead at the root, with the mind
broken at its springs ; a passive living corpse
in the hands of the priestly ghouls, who have
made her this. Wo will not insult yoa by ad
ducing proof that all this, and more is true.
You can read, and you have read, and you
have thought too, about this matter until you j
need no statement of evidenco to determine
your judgment. The book of Miss Bunkley, 1
if there were no other, is abundantly sufficient.
It is a plain statement of facts, which bears
the stamp of truth so certainly that no unpre
judiced reader can read it and doubt its perfect
faithfulness. It corroborates all that we should
reasonably infer, had we no positive testimo
ny; it is corroborated by the odicial reports of
Catholic authorities, and by many other wit
nesses, who, like herself, have been so happy
as to escape from the coils of priestly art and
the barbarity of priestly lust. We have noth
ing in bar of all this but the simple denial of
the parties accused of this horrible wickedness.
Shall these dreadful places remain among
us, and shall they bo imperia in imperio, sov
ereign estates of the priests, within which
there shall be no law but their own will ? This
is the question for you to decide. God made
man the protector of women, and there is no
obligation laid upon him by his Creator which
an American is so ready to fulfil. Yet here in
America there are hundreds of women inveig
led into places where they are unprotected by
tho law. Their very names arc changed, and
thus the register of their baptism is virtually
effaced. They have ceased to live to society.
They are no longer components of it. Walls
and I ars prevent escape. They are entombed;
shut in from all aid, from sympathy, frym pro
tection of law, the foul work of prostrating the
will and perverting the morals is begun. Day
after day, with pcrseverieg art, it is continu
ed. Hounds do not so remorselessly pursue
the hare as tho priests and accomplice nuns
bunt down and worry out the wretched victim,
lured from her father's house by wily agents of
these dens of silent, unrestricted wickedness.
What will you do about it ? All this mon
strous wickedness is powerless to resist the ex
pression of your will. We would not have you
interfere with religious rights or even super
stitions j we would have you vindicate the sov
ereignty of your laws andbring, every woman
in the land under their protection. We would
havo you reannex convents to the L'nitcd
States ; and not suffer independent Pashalics
to be established here, within the domains Of
which Oriental despotism may lord at pleasure
over helpless women. We would let the law
into tho inmost chamber of that ecclesiastical
web, and thrust it between the bottle spiders
and their rrcy. The way is easy and sure.
Let public meetings be called immediately,
to consider this subject. Let petitions bo
drawn up and circulated, demanding the ne
cessary legislation. Theso will be siirn
ed by almost all to whom they are presented,
and a wonderful energy will suddenly be in
fused into our legislators. We would rcconi
mend the formation, throughout the country,
of "a league for tho protection of women.
which should ascertain the sense of the com-
inanity and seenre the exnresslon of it.
All this would be unnecessary if we hid in
the Legisla teres of the country "men with
bones in them." It would only be necessary
for one to m ove for a committee to inquire
whether any legislation is required for the bet
ter protection of women. The committee once
raised, there would be no difficulty in devising
and procuring proper laws, provided tho com
mittee should be men fit for the times.
Axxj-Natioxal Administration Stath Cox
VENTION. The undersigned, Members of tb
Legislature of Pennsylvania, having been so
licited by their iellow-citizens,' In diflVreU;
parts of the Commonwealth, to devise a plan
of united action, by which, all opposed to the
destructive policy and principles of the Na
tional Administration may co-operate in the
support of a State Ticket, respectfully invito
all who are in favor of such a movement, to aj
scmble in City aud County Conventions on th
Viik of March next, to elect Delegates equal iq
number to their representation in the State
Sewate and House of Representatives, to a Con
vention to be held at Harbisbcrg, on the 204
cf the same month, for the purpose of nomina
ting candidates for Auditor General, Canal
Commissioner, and Surveyor General, to be
supported at the ensuing fall election, and to
take such other political action as may bo ne
cessary to the prisis.
R. B. M'Comb, J. W. Killinger, James J.
Lewis, John Ferguson. David Taggart, J. II
Shuman, L. Reed, P. W. Housekeeper, Jacob
Struble, Fr. Jordan, E. Joy Morris, W. E
Frazier, Philip Clover, Andrew GreggD. A.
Finney, Henry Souther, Henry C. Pratt, Sam
uel Kerr, K. ilaines, William Hamilton, Sam
uel Caldwell, J. Dock. C. L. Hunsecker, Del
orma Imhrie, John Wright, A. W. Crawford,
J. Henry Wir.trode, Jonas Agustine, G.J.
Ball, T. L. Baldwin. W. A- Barry, D. Thelps.
Daniel Lott, David Mum ma, Jr., James L- Sel
lers, John C. Flennikcn, David Mellinger,
II. Gaylord, and J. Brown.
llar'rislurz, February 1C, 1856.
Inter esw.ng trom Mexico. The Panama"
Herald, Feb. 5, says : By way of Acapulca we
have dates from the capital of Mexico to tho
10th of January.
Two attempts at new revolutions have been
discovered :
one attempting to establish, for
tlje thjrd time an imperial government, and
calling to the throne the-eldeet son or the de
ceased Emporer, Don Augustus Iturbide, an 1
in the event of his failure, Senor naro y T
raeriz, ex-Minister of State, in whoso posses
sion documents have been discovered relating
to this subject.
The object or the other Is to depose General
Camonfort from the Presidency, and re-establish
tho statute laws and privileges which the
Alvarez revolution demolished.
Several persons have already been banished,
with a view of discovering the mover In thee
revolutions, and among them Senor llaro j
The supremo government has Issued a de
cree suljecting Don Antonio Lopez do Santa
Anna to the decision of the Supreme Court of
Justice, for having sold the national lands, for
not having subjected the treaty of Mesilla to
tho inspection of the Council, for having ap
propriated to himself a part of the indemnifi
cation, and for having ordered the atrocitie
which were committed in the war ol the South
and cf Michoacan.
The property of Santa Anna remains at the
disposal of the Supreme Court, subject to the
decision of the tribunal.
Tho cx-Ministers, ex-Governors', and Com
manders General of the dictator, aro also to
be similarly judged. The military chiefs wh
have committed extortions or inhuman acts
are to undergo a military trial.
There are other items in tto decree, not of
much importance.
The decree has been issued at the urgent de
mand cf the people, and in order to satisfy
public opinion, and has been issued sinco tha
triumph of the Ayutla revolution.
The steamer Panama arrived at Panama ca
the 1st of February, with fourteen passoigers
and 23,000 in specio frcm Mazatla:i. Th
purser reported as foliows : Ths 1'acif.i Mail
Steamship Company's steamer. Panama, F. B.
Baby, commander, from Sari Francisco, Jan.
12, arrived atMazatlan, Jan 20 ; left same day
at 6, P. M.; arrived 22d at San Bias. Found-
in port the Archibald Gracie andCebccca Ad
ams ; the prisoners were on shore ; left same
evening, and arrived on the 25th at Manzai.II-
la ; left same day. On the 28th arrived at Ao- -
npulca, and left same day for Tanama.
The JorRSAt. is published every Wedoe4v. -
at One Dollar and Fifty Cests per annum in
advance, or Two Dollars within the year.
Advertisements inserted at fiftv cents ncrmnara.
for the first, and twenty-five cents for each addi
tional insertion. A liberal deduction mad to
those who advertise by the quarter, or year.
The 'Terms' will be strictly adhered to.
No paper discontinued without payment of Ar
rearages, unless at the option ot the publisher.
3hm foutrtisfmrnfs.
OOKS. Those having in their roj;essioa-
fcooks boton?ins to tne unaersignod, are ro-
quested to return them immediatalv.
fob20 H. "b. swoorE.
CLEARFIELD LODGE No. 193 I. 0. of 0
F. insets every Saturday evening, at 6i o'
clook, at their Hall in Merrell & Carter's new buil
ding on Second street. fob20
SALE. A well finished house and twe lots, in,
tha borough of Clearfield, iu a most desirable lo
cation, will be sold on easy terms, if application b
made immediately. Inquire at this office. .
feb'20 It. .
lhe partnership heretofore existing between
James M. Kelly nnd Wn. R. I'ickinsoa, trading
under the name of Kelly & Dickinson, i thif day
by mutual consent dissolved.
(lien Hope. Feb. 13, 1S56. '
The subscriber offers for sals his valuable
farm, situate two miles from Curwcnsville, on. the
River road loading to Lumber City; said farm con
taining 105 acres, sixty acres cleared, under good
cultivation, the balance well timbered; with a
good barn, new plank dwelling house, and a good
bearing orchard thereon, and is well watered. For
in? on the premises. 6EM0S TH0MPSCV
1 February 2!, lb9 9m