tm mm mm THE ESIE EAILE.OAD CASE. Tus E. & N. E. Raileoad Co. vs. Joseph Caset. Iih Supreme Court. The Erie and .North East Railroad was chartered on the 12th of April, 1812. The charter contained this clause, "that if the said Company shall misuse or abuse any of the privileges hereby granted, the Legislature may resume , the rights and privileges granted to said Company." In September, 1851, on a bill filed at the suit of the Attorney General, the Snprenic Court de cided that the company had made an unauthor ized and illegal location ot their road in the city of Eric, and at llarbor Creek. The Le gislature, at the ciose of the last session, pass ed a bill repealing the charter, and authorizing the Governor to appoint a Commissioner to take the charge and custody of the road, and ' the proceeds to be deposited, and the road and U the property to be at the further disposi tion of the Legislature. 1 The Governor approved this act on the 6th of October, and appointed Mr. Casey Commis sioner to take charge and custody.of the road. r.pfnrfi actual nosscssion was taken, the Com pany applied to the Supreme Court for an in junction against the Commonwealth alledgmg, 1st. That the Act was unconstitutional. 2d. That the forfeiture of lire Charter, if any Ji'ad occurred, had been waived by the Spte. 3d. That the Acts aUcdgcJ by the State Against the Company were not ground of forfeiture to justify the the character. The case was -argued before the repeal or' Sttprems Court at Philadelphia, on the Dth of January, on a motion for a preliminary injuction, by Hon.' 'Win. Mi Meredith and St. Geo. Tucker Campbell, Esq., for the Company, and Hons. James-Thompson and Joseph Casey for trie Commonwealth. On the 28th nit., the opintea of the Court was delivered, sustaining the constitutionality of the law, and the sufficiency of the grounds of forfeiture. Chief Justice Lewis, and Jus tice Woodward dissenting. "God nstp the Poor," exclaims a female contributor to the N. Y. Nirror, "God help the poor while the hoary-headed monarch, Wintcr is abroad in his wrath, binding the earth in his icy manacles! Hunger may be long borne, for a very little will suffice to keep ofr absolute starvation ; and though food be ' scanty, xcaler is not to be' be bought up by speculators, and even that will go far toward sustaining life. But stinging, merciless, terific cold the remorseless tyrant that will not be appeased with little fastening, like a vulture, upon body and soul, (for our corporeal and spiritual arc too nearly in sympathy not to be atiectcd each' by the other,) freezing up the blood," paling the check, paralyzing the very heart it's appalling I Why is it, that as men Leap tp treasures on their heads, the weight must crowd down their hearts 1 Why has gold such power, not only of attraction, but con traction, corrosion; eating out every better feeling of the nature, shrivelling up human sympathy, ever narrowing the orbit cf the soul ? "Why ahall the bouuties of God be the very weights teat shall at Iast;press men down and forever bar them from His presence ?" The fair philanthropist closes her appeal with the following truthful remarks : "The cost of snany a fashionable hat would provide rent and food for some time, to gladden the in most soul of some wearied, despairing moth er, and her helpless children. I have seen pocket handkerchiefs that would pay half a Ten's rent in comfortable apartments; collars whose cost would furnish a winter'sprovisions; fans equivalent to a ton of coal; furs for which a small house and lot would not pay. Cut I could quote adivfiniivm. If every lady when about .to purchase a dress at twenty shillings per yard, would make it two dollars, giving the difference to some association, making all other expenditures contribute a help to that cause,aboveal others. Wo'J the prospered ones but look at their wealth in the light of. Eter nity, keeping curtainless the windows of their eonls to God's light, love-ward, they would pot be long giving their testimony that 'twas truly "more blessed io give than to receive;" and the prayers of those who were ready to pe rish should be winged angels, carrying the in cense ol their good deeds to the throne of God. "In as much as yc have done it unto one of the least of these, ye have done it xinto me." The Liquor Bitx is the Sexate. The Ilar risburg correspondent of the Phila'd. Ledger, writing under date of the 31st. Feb., says : 'The Liquor question is now fully before the Senate. Like the House, that body is divided into three faction those in favor of the un conditional repeal of the act of last session, and a return to the old license system, those opposed to a repeal of that act under any cir cumstances, and those in favor of the repeal and the substitution of a restrictive license sys tem. ; -The former are not in a majority in the Senate as they are in the House, but are very pertinacious in their" efforts to put themselves rizlit noon the record. The first movement made by thcui was yesterday; to have the House- bill, repealing the existing law, refer red to a select Committee of five, rather than to the Committee on ; Vice and . Immorali ty. This, after a long discussion, -was lost, yeas 11, nays 18, which was thought to be par tially a test vote on the question of repealing the present law. I therefore subjoin it: Yeas Messrs. Buckalew,Crabb.Cresswell,Evans,Ely, Ingr3ni.Kii:in'ger,Kno3:,Laubach,McClintoek, Straub, "Walton, Welsh and Wilkins 14. Kays-Messrs. Browne,EurgusonFlennikcn, rinneyjFrazierjGreggjHoge, Jamison, Jordan, Lewis, Pratt, Price, Sellers, Shuman, Souther, Taggart, Wherry and Piatt, Speaker 13. ' This voto is so far a test, that it is said no one voting ia the negative on the question would vote against the unconditional repeal of tli3 present law, while all the yeas might not. Among the'yeas is Mr. Wilkins of Allegheny county, who would vote for the naked repeal, if the question was brought up, but said that Lc would do it with great reluctance unless a strict license system wa3 subhtitutod for it. This morning the effort to call up the House Bill was renewed, but ineffectually. A motion to suspend the orders of the day, that it might be considered," was lost yeas 11, nays 21. Subsequently, in the sessions, a direct motion to take it up was lost yeas 12, nays 20. And this afternoon the consideration of tho House Bill was fixed for Wednesday next, after the license bill read in place by Mr. Wilkins. Afpaibs in Washixcton. Jan. 31 It is un derstood beyond dispute that but for Mr. Walker's revolutionary movements, Nicara gua and Great Britain would before now have concluded a treaty satisfactory to the former with regard to the Mosquito Territory and kindred questions, and at the same time not conflicting with the Clayton-Bulwer treaty. The hundred votes cast for Mr. Smith, of Virginia, for Speaker this afternoon, were by th friends of Messrs. Orr and Fuller, with Mr. Wheeler added. Messrs. Barclay, Hick man, Williams, and Haven voted with the tri umphant opposition. The plurality will again be voted on to-morrow, with a better prospect of sr.c'cess than heretofore. According to an oflicLil decree just receiv ed from Stockholm, the Swcedish Govern ment has removed the import and export duty from various kinds of iron. In the Senate, to-day, Mr. Seward made an able speech on Central American affairs, en forcing the Monroe doctrine in forcible lan guage, and alluding to the possibility of a war with England. Concerning the present con flict now convulsing Europe, he says the Brit ish ada-.lnistration has long been unfaithful to the cause of free institutions in Europe, and fho French empire is, in my eyes, a hateful usurpation... Nevertheless, both these admin istrations are temporary and practically ephem eral, while- the Russian empire is an obstinate .in J portentious reality. I accept, says Mr. Seward farther, the oracular exposition of the first Napoleon, and believing that Europe must soon b-j cither Republican or Cossack, I rec ognize beneath the masks of the Allies the western nations contending against an advan cing despotism. Although no duty and uo propriety requires us to intervene on their side. I should Le very unwilling to engage my country in combination against them. I re gret also '.he sad condition of the Central A merican States, which seems t render them as incapable of profiting by our intervention as the French people were when in 1780 they de mantled a like interposition, the fulfilment of precedent treaties of coramcrca and alliance. Nevertheless a war with Great Britain is among the possible solutions of present embarrass ment. We certainly can look for no modera tion on her part hereafter if we overlook her persistent refusal to fulfil this the most impor tant of all our international engagements. It will bean idle dream to suppose ourselves free and safe, if vc leave her to waylay us on all sides of all our isthmus passages from our At lantic region to the Pacific States. He coun sels a notice to Great Britain that we shall in terfere to prevent her exercise of dominion in South America, if it shall not be discountin ued within a year, and also that authority bo now given to the President to execute that de layed purpose. A dispatch from Cincinnati, dated Jan. 28, says: "There was quite a stampede among the staves in the border counties of Kentucky, in this vicinity, last night, and several of the fugitives having bi-en discovered hero, the of ficers, at noon to-day. proceeded to arrest them. On approaching the house where the slaves were secreted, the latter fird upon the officer:?, wounding two or three spectators, but not seriously. Otio slave woman, finding es cape impossible, attempted to cut the throats cf her three children, and so far succeeded as to kill one of them instantly, and wound the other two very severely- Six of tho slaves were apprehended. Eight are said lo have made their escape. Gov. Sii.vx.Vox is now violently denounced by the "Border Ruffians" and a';l their news paper crgans, for making peace with the peo ple of Lawrence during the late outbreak. They profess to consider the terms of the treaty as outrageous and insulting. Tho truth ap pears to be that, when the Governor readied Lawrence and listened to the statements of the Free Soilers, he found that he had been egregious!- deceived by the Border Ruffians, and so did not hesitate to do the best he could, by making peace upon such terms as lie thousht likely to satisfy both parties. Washington-, Jan. 20. As Mr. Grcclcj- of the New York Tribune, was coining from the Capitol this afternoon, he was attacked bv Mr. Rust, of Arkansas, who, with bis .Cists, inflict ed several blows on Mr. Greeley's head; and afterwards, as he was approaching the Nation al Hotel, Mr. Rust struck his arm severely with a stick. The assault, it is presumed, was in consequence of certain strictures in a "Wash ington letter in the Tribune of Monday, on Mr Rust's proposition in the House, requesting the candidates for the Speakership to withdraw from the contest. Facstis I. Emperor of Hvyti, has met with a severe repulse in his effort to conquer the Dominicans, who inhabit a portion of that is land, his army of eighteen thousand men hav ing been attacked and routed by four hundred of the enemy, who captured his military chest, containing three millions in llaytien notes, and SS0,000 in specie together with the guns, baTo-a-" and ammunition of the invaders. The Makket3. Philadelphia. Feb. 2. The Flour market is exceedingly dull and prices are unsettled. Holders nominally ask SS,2S per bbl., but buyers will not pay over S. There' is but little wheat odering sales of prime red at $I,S2 and $1,93 pet bushel. Eye is held at 1,18, but buyers refuse to pay this figure. Corn is dull yellow is held at 72, but buyers offer only 70. Oats 40 and 42. llou. Geo. M. Dallas lvis sent to the Presi dent his acceptance of the mission to England. The small-pox is raging so badly at Alton, Illinois, that the usual business of the place is suspended. A man "bent" on folly, eventually finds himself "straightened" in circumstances. I71XTKA FAMILY FLOUR, for s-le by 1A Mh'RRELL A CARTER. Clearfield, Pa.. Jan. 16.1S.VL JAMES B. G It AH AM. Dealer in PAWED LUMBER, SQUARED TIMBER, SHINGLES, BOARDS, ic. is prepared to fill, on the shortest notice, all orders for articles in his line of busi ness, on as reasonable- terms as they can be pro cured in thceounty Grahamptun, Clearfield Co., Jan. 23, IftoG CLEAR FIELD ACADEMY STOCKHOLD ERS aro notified to meet at the ofiiee of J. B. McEnally in Clearfield, on Saturday the 9th day of February 1S06, at 3 o'clock v. ni., "for the purpose of electing Directors and officers for the ensuing year RICHARD SHAW, Prcst. I. B. McExally. Sec"y. Jan. .10, ISO!. ATTENTION REGULARS! Yon are or dered to meet for parade on Friday, February 22d, at 10 o'clock A. M. Each member will pro vide himself with five rounds of Mark cartridge. Business of importance to all the members of the company will be transacted. ' By order of the Captain. Jan. .10. 185U. GEO. W. ItUEEM, 1st Scrgt jVOTICE. "Whereas Letters cf Administration L on the Estata of John Aurant. lato of Brady township. Clearfield ecunty. Fa., dec d, have been granted to the undersigned, residing in said town ship, all persons indebted to said estate ore re quested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will present tl iva. properly authenticated for settlement, to ABIGAIL AURANT. Jan. 23,lj--t Administratrix. PVTOTICE TO COLLECTORS. Delinquent L Collectors, ly referring to the. Receipts and Expenditures published iu another column of this paper, wiil find the amounts they are in arrears to the County, State and Militia Funds, and are here by nolilicd. for the last time, lbat unless their uc conuia are gnuarcd ur without delay, they may expect a visit from Sheriff Reed. Those of lonprcst slaedins.wiH receive irio consideration at ma hands. F.y order of the Board of Cem'rs. R. J. WALLACE, Jan. 23, lS:i-t. TYTEW HOTEL: The old -Fnviusr. Housi:,' at Pi 2?T7 WASHINGTON, has been rc-cpencd and re-fit ted by the undersign ed, v ho respectfully solicits a share of publii pat ronage. II,? is well provided with l;one room and good stabling, and intends keeping a Temperance House, :tt uii'.-li h will always endeavor t make his iruests feci at !: oioe. JOHN SHKTTEil. August 1, tf. jVf.E W A It It IV A L. The undersigned has 1 i just received a large stock of KEW GOODS, a laplcd to She season, consisfing of J'RT GOMD-5. GROCERIES. Ql'EF.NsWAEE, HAUDWAUE. COXFECTIONAUIES, NAILS, HOLLOW-WARE, CEDKR-WAUE, i.e.. tc. JAMES B. GRAHAM. Graham ton. Au;. 22. 1805. 1JOOK Ma; TiOOKS: BOOKS!! Grcenleafs teerics of itcmatical orks arc now being used in nearly all the Schools, Academies and Colleges in the United States, and arc without doubt unrival led in point of merit, and ia adaptation to the wants of our schools; they have the plainest rules and best extiisples to illustrate the whole business of l:fj. Tho attention cf Superintendents, Direc tors and Teachers is respectfully invited to thesa works bc-fore introducing a uniform series of any other kind ks the law requires. 1 heso books can l; had wholesale, retail or in exchango for old Bn.dis when i'ltiodiiced in the schools," at C. D. WATSON'S Drug and Book Store. Clearfield. Jan. Z'.). 1 itti 2m . qDEGISTER'S NOTICES. Noti-o U hcrc 6 bv riven. lh it' the foilowinz accounts have ' TlCi;. .1111, 111! i'Ji W 1!! ....... .mnued and patted by mc, itrd remain filed rd in this o&ic fV.r tiie inspection of heir, been ex o! rc-jor legator s, creditors, and all others in i:ny ot;;cr w;iy in't'ercstc I. and will be presented to the next Or phans' Court of Clearfield County, to be bel l at the Court House in tho Bcwu zh of Clearfield, on 'i'uesi;v. tho X'.'ih d:iy of February, ISj-j, for confirmation and allowance: The final a -count of Ahrcham Ncvlin, Admiu- istrator of Edith Ncviiag. decc I. The account of Wm. J. Hemphill, Excculor of Thomas Jlccipbill. deceased The hn;il acjount ot J K'lin utiles, uuaraian o . . . , Henrietta Smciil. The account of Jofeph McClarrcr.. Guardian of Levi Thomas Morgan. The account of Genres nnd Phcebe Sackets, Ad ministrators of David S:i:-l;ets. dee'd. V.'M. PJRTER. Register. CloirSel I. Jan. 20. ISO... 4T( )V RT PR OC L A NATION'. W 1 1 1 :R FAS j Tho Honorable -JAMES BURNS1DE. E.-q.. Pi xM lnnt .In ! --e of the Court cf Common Ple;t3 of the t wentv-liKu Judicial District, composed of the counties of Clem-Geld. Centre :' Clinton and the Honorable RICHARD S II AAV and JOHN P. HOYT, Associate .Judges of Clearfield county, have i.--n'd their precept bearing date the TWENTY SECOND l"v of Dec. l.:st. tome directed, for the holdir. cf a. Court of Common Picas. Orphnn'a Court. Court of Quarter Session:'. Court of Oyer and Terminer, and Court of General Jail Delivery, at Clearfield, in and for Clearfield county, on the THIRD MONDAY cf FEBRUARY, nct. be in" the l.rh i.;v of the month. NmTICE IS, THEREFORE, HEREBY' GIVEN, To the Justice of the I;a, and Consta bles, in and for the said county of Clearfield, to appear in their own proper persons with their Rolls, Records, Inquisitions. Examination:?, and other Remembrances, to do those things which to their office?, and in their behalf, pertain to be done, end Jurors and AYitnessea are requested to be then and there attending, and not to depart without leave, at their peril. GIVEN under my hand, at Clcarteld, this I Sth day of Nov., in the your of our Lord one thous and eight hundred and Cfty-fivo ,and tho eighti eth year of American J ndopenuence. i JOSIA1I R RLE D, Sh'ff. Clearfield, Jan. 2.1. ISio.-to CJIlEltlFF'S SALES. virtue of sundry writs of Fieri Facizs, issued out of the Court Common Picas of Clearfield county, cr.d to mo directed, will be exposed to public sale, at the Court House in the borough of CTcnraold. on MONDAY THE IStu DAY OF FEBRUARY, ISjS. the follow ing described property, vi. : Three certain tracts or pieces of land, situate in Decatur township, Clearfield county, IV... viz : The undivided fourth of the following tracts, ono con taining aires, more or k-es, bounded by lands ot John (iearliart, James McGirk's heirs, John AVhite, Il-.rion Lever and the Moshannon creek, having erected thereon a saw mill, 5 dwelling houses, ono bank barn and all the land cleared and under fence. Also, one other tract situate in said town ship, containing about 80 aercs, bounded by land of John Gcaihart and Moshannon creek, with 33 acres cleared. Also oue other tract in said town ship, containing about acres, bounded by the Moshannon creek and above land and lands of John Shimmcl Seized, taken in execution and to bo sold as the property of E. B. Pike. By virtue of a writ of Lcc:iri Farias, a certain messac'.'o or tract of laud situato in Bradford town ship, Clearfield County, beginning at the south west corner of tho tract, thense by AVm. Stewart's survey south 251 perches to a post comer of AVm. Hoover's purhasc, thenco east by Hoover's and Forceo's purchase 162 perches, thence south by Forcee's purchase ti2 perch, and five-tenths, thence bv M. Forcee's other land 72 perches to a post by a maple, thenco nerth 173 perches to whito pine of Snmucl Harrier's purchase, thenco north 42 west 130 perches to a post, theuce north 7i perches, thcncc'wcst 113 perches to place of begin ning, supposed to contain 310 acres more or les3, being part of the Blair Mo'Clauncliau survey on warrant dated 7, 17'J2(seo mortgage book J, paga 127.) and deeded to tho said Crosar Potter by the said J. AV. Smith. Seized, takcnin execution and to ba sold as the p'ropcrty of Cwsar Totter. J0SIAI1 R, REED. Sheriff., Clearfield. Jan. 30, 18S8. KrOTICE The undersigned Laving retired I from the editorial chair of the Journal, re spectfully informs his friends and the public, that he may be found in his old cilice, one door east of the Journal office, up stairs, in "Graham's Row," where he will always bo ready to attend to their legal business, having determined to devote to his profession his entire and exclusive attention U. BUCHER SWOOrE. Clearfield, Jan. 9, 1S56. ALLOA! NEW WAGON MANUFACTORY. The undersiirned would respectfully an nounce to his friends and the public generally, that he has opened -Out a new Wagon-Making Es tablishment in '-New Salem City." Brady town ship, where he will at all times be prepared to manufacture, on the shortest notice, all kinds cf Wagons, Carts, M'heelbarrows. Ac. The best ma terial that can be procured will be used, and his work will be made in the most substantial and du rable nramier, such ns will bear tho test 6f strict examination. By a close observance of bis busi ness engagements, and by disposing of his work on the most reasonable terms, which be will do for either cash or approved country produce, ho hopes to merit and receive a liberal shrc of pub lic custom BEN J. RISHEL. New Salom City. .Tr.n. lo; lS5o. CLE ter LEAR FIELD INSTITUTE. Tho next tho 1 1 th of February, IS5o. All persons wishing to fit themselves for Teach ers, or other avocations in life, will here receive every desired facility and attention. . A thorough Classical and Mercantile courso is hero given, on terms lower than any other similar Institution in the St.itc. Parents r.t a distance can obtain boarding for their snrs or daughters under the immediate care of the Principal, where they will receive rare ad vantages, with all tho comforts and pleasures of a hoinc,anc their morals will bo carefully guarded. Ti:c rates of tuition per ounrtcr fire: Primary Eu;rlisii,S2-50; High Lag ish. 5.O0;Classics,S3-0ir-Jlalhematicj.aboye Algebra S3; Frencg, Drawing, nnd Paint ing. 55 each- FurtLcr information can hs hsd bv addressing W- A- CAMPBELL. T-itixnr.u. Apr. f. '55.1 Clearfield. Pa. APPLICATION FOR LICENSE. To tho Honorable the Judges of the Court of Quar ter Sessions of the County of Clearfield: Tho pe tition of tho subscribers respectfully represent, that they arc desirous of obtaining License to sell vinous, spiriluouf. malt and brewed liquors at their place of bus:ncr3, in ''Lumber City, ' in the te.tvhf-hip of Benn, in the county of Clearfield : that they, or either of them, aro not keepers of any lioitl. ii;n, tir. eru, restaurant, eating house, oyster house or oyster cellar, theater, or other place cf entertainment, amusement or refreshment ; that they are citizens of the United States; that ihcy art prepared and ready to give bond, and in every way to conform lo the Act of Assembly, re latii'g lo liquors, passed the 14th day of April A D. 1355. They therefore vriy the Court to grant them a license for the above purpose ; and they will prav, Ac. BENJAMIN HARTSHORN & THOMAS MjCRACKEN, January 1 . 1 ?5f. acting ns partners. mBIAL LIST FOR FEBRUARY TERM, JL is.).-.. 1. Joi;th V.. Thompson, vs. L. J. Crans. garni shee of Isaac Smith. 2 R. Wallace, vs. Joseph E. Logan. 3. H. Philip's Executor, ic, vs. Reams A Kep hart. 4. D. Boner, vs. R. renninston. o. C. 7. 8 9. 10. 11. 12. Robert Litz. vs. Philip Pollard. Sr.inuel Hagarty. vs. Robert Mathers. Alexander Jfc IK Ferguson, vs. Thos. Ralston. David Askcy, vs. Biison Conaway. Hurxthal A Brother, vs. B. A P. Launtberry Torbct ot al. vs. Samuel Caldwell. George Eos?, vs. Samuel Clark. B. Hartshorn, vs. S. A John Widciuirc. Cummincs A ilahaffey, vs. D. Goiman. 13 11. A. P. Onuar.d, vs. Vi illiam 15. It. Philips' Executor, vs. D. H. J. A G. 11 Srciner, vs. Robert Grnthus. J". Montcllius.Tcn Eyck A Co., vs. Gilbert 'fozer. IS. Juhn Campbell, v. Wiiiiams A Cooicr. 1'J. Corbin. vs. llur-xthal A Brother. '20. James .Smith, vs. H. Brus'er. 21. Samuel A Lucas, vs. Davis A Fownal. 22. Fitch A Boyiiton. vs. Doucchcity A McGlau:rh- lin. Fitch A Boynton. vs. AY m. H. A Jno. Miller. R. Wallace vs. Thos. E. Miller Beyers A wife, vs. J. Siioff A wife. 2-t. 25. ' v. ji. 1'Uiili.ii, i roia v. C'ic.-.iTu-n. .Tr.n. 2'1. lS"o. ' NEtV HOTEL, AT IiUMEEIl CITY, CLEAKFIELPiCO., PA. 'I THE ur.dersigncd would respectfully inform the t.r.blic. that ho has iust opened a NLAV HOTEL, at Lumber City, whero he is prep red to entertain all who may give hi in a call. Extensive Stabling attached to the premises an utteuuve osder ahvavs in attendance. " L. W. TEN EYCK. Lumber City. Dcv JSf.ii. - "KL'.ST RECEIVED, A SPLENDID ASSORT i$ ME NT OF NEW BOOKS. STATIONARY, FANCY ARTICLES. COXFECTIONAR1ES, TO BACCO. CIGARS, and DRUGS of all kinds, at nOBLTTS' LITEHAEY DEPOT, SHAW'S E0"W, Cleared, Ta. THE Litest publications always on haul, or pro cured to order. Putnam. Godcy. Graham, House hold Words. Leslie's Fashions, Harper. Peterson, and all the other Magazines furnished Monthly at Publishers' Price.-;. He would especially call the attention of 'lovers of tho weed' to his larL'e stock of tobacco i'.r.d ci- srars, which cannot be surpassed in this region consisting of the best quality of '-Natural Leaf." Black Fat." 'Cavendish,'' -Congress," and other tobaccos: Havana, Regalia, Piiueipc. Plan tation. Spanish. Half-Spanish, and '-A few more left'' cirrars. Also a cood stock of pipes'' nnd 'fine-cut." He would also call attention to the fact that he has just opened a larcre assortment of DRUGS. CHEMICALS, AND DYE STl'EFS which bo will sell cheaper than any other estab lishment in the County, THOMAS ROBINS. November 1J. loSS. JEW GOODS! NEW GOODS ! At the Old Corner Store of the undersigned at C TJ B 7 E IT S V I L L E . TLcv have iust received the lanrcstand best assort ment of Summer nnd Fall Goods ever broujrht to Clearfield; consisting of Dry Goods. Hardware. Quecnswarc, Gocerics, Con fcciionarics. JIals and Caps. Boots and Shoes, Carpeting, Oil Cloth, Ac. Cloths, Cassimercs, Linens, Muslins. Do Laincs, Prints. Dress Silks, Bonnet3. Shawls. Mantillas. Fringes, Fancy Toilet articles. La ces. Embroideries, and an endless variety of other articles too numerous to mention, nil of which they offer at the lowest prices and on the easiest terms. Aug. 1, 1855. J. A H. D. PATTON. "W7"A LU ABLE PROPERTY AT V PKIVATE SALE. THE undersigned offers at Private Sale. 20'J acres of Land, more or less, in Pcr.n township. Clearfield county. seven or tight ceres cleared, the balance covered with valuable xi.MUt.ii. ana avm thereon the following improvements . A GOOD SAW-SI Lb, , with LATH-SAV,. Rose wheel, Ac., on a good stream 'f water, which will enablo the mill to runabout eight months in tno year- A LAKU1Z TIVO-STORJ' HOUSE. well furnished, plastered and painted throughout with a never-fauing spring ct water in tne ceiiar ALSO. A F11A3IE BANK BA11N, well furnished with threshing uoor, stablinir, Ac. all new, having but recently been erected. Also, convenient, and tubstantially erected OUT-BUILDINGS, consisting of a AVood-Shed, Spring House, Smoke Honse, vc., ic There is no more desirable property in the County. Any person wishing limber informa tion, can apply to Samuel mnEMiBE,- living on tho IVemises. lost Vlnco address, Grampian Hills. Clearheld county, ra. JOHN ATII'EMIRE. SAMUEL AVIDEMIRE Tenn Township. Dc. 2. 155.-cmo MERRELL & CARTER, Clearfield. Fa. C1AITIOX, All persons are hereby notified nof J to meddle or interfere with a certain set ot BLACKSMITHS TOOLS in the possession of S.D. Morean, as they belong to the undersigned. b J. C. PATCHIX. Glen Hope. Dec. 5. . A PARTNER WANTED. The under signed, doing business es a Tanner and Cur rier, at Curwensvillc in this county, will take a Partner, w ho can furnish a cash capital of at least S500. The Tannery is large and commodious, and capable of doing a much larger business than the subscriber feels able to io by himself. No better opportunity can bo afforded to an active business man, with "the above capital, who wishes to goia to a paj ingbusinesj. S. B. TAYLOxt. Curwensville. Dec. 19. 1?55. Smo. pV"EVl-'IR3I. HARTSHORN A M'CRACKEN 1 have just teceived a new end splondid assort ment of goods at their store in LUMBER CITY. They invite, the public to give them a call, yid feel assured they wut ne aoie to renaer enure s;u isiaction. Lumber, iliaes. uags, urain, ana other kinds of produce taken in cxeange. REX J. HARTSHORN, THOS. McCRACKEN. Aug. 1, 1855. all rglO BUILDERS. Proposals wiil be received JL by the subscriber ft-r xhc building of a brick School House, to be cno story in height, w ith a cellar. Plan and site not yet determined Plans are invited, and ten dollars w ill be pail to any person who will furnish a plar. that may be adopt ed'l'or said building the Louse to be large enough to seat sixty or seventy pupils, two recitation rooms will be required, also cloths rcores for boys and girls. It is supposed the building will eost from S15('0 to S20(J0. Ciirweii-villc, Dec. 12, 1S55. WM. IRVIN. BOOT AND SHOE STOKE ; GRAHAM'S ROW, CLEARFIELD, PA. The subscriber would inform the public ihat he has just openod an entire new stock of Boots and Shoes, in Graham's Row, one door cast of the Jour nal Ofuee. Every variety of. Ladies and Gentlcmcns' Gaiters, Lacel Jioots, rumps, congress ijeuis, Childrcns' Shoes, Ac, Ac. Boots and Shoes mado to order. C. S. BLACK. Aug. 1, 1555. 7VEW ARRIVAL. il .!. .5- J. PATCH IX. Have just received a new and splendid sssort nicnt of Goods the best that wh? ever brought in to the upper end of Clearfield County. They in vite their friends and the publis generally to give i'uciii a call, where they will find all kinds of goods usually kept in a Country More Come and examine our stock v.o charge noth ing for the exhibition. AARON PATCHIX. JACKSON PATCH IN. BurnsiJe. Nov. 23, IS 5 5. DISOLl TlON. The psi tncrslup Hereto fore existing between John S. Williams and William II. Smith was this day dissolved by mu tual consent, said Smith having disposed of hia in terest to Jchn S. William. JOHN t?. U ILL1A.MS. WILLIAM II. SMITH. New Millport. Dec. 22, 1S55. Tho books nnd accounts of the firm aro in the hands of John S Williams for settlement, where those indebted will please call immediately. JO. 'I It O- tllliil!l. jan9 St William II. Smith. A VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. I desire to sell my property in Tyrone City, Ehiir Co. Pa., commonly known as tuo lyror.e Citv Hotel. Comprising as follows : One largo three story brick house. Mxty lect. two fronts, and finished cu in complete style. A irL',aml extensive stable, an excellent wash linn an ami other necessary out-nuilamss. mere r, ...... r. . . is a!o. on the same Lot, one frame house, with out-buildings attached, now renting fjr ono hun dred and thirty dollars rer annum. 1 he 'whole stands upon three valuable Lots a3 in the plot of ai l town, and a lords several very cueioio io.i tior.s for store, offices. Ac, Ac. The whole will bo sold on reasonable terms. And to any person, dc an investment, or speculation, cow is the chance. Private reasons cause mo to sell this val uable r-ro-pertv. which is every day increasing ia value. Inquire of Caleb Guyer, or the subscriber. Tyrono City, Sept. 19. 1355.-tf. W OOK HERE. jL JIOSSOP OX IIAXD AGA1X: The Cheapest Coeds in. the County. THE undersigned begs lcavo to iniorra his old cus tomers, and the public, that he has just rcturncu from the East, w ith a rplendia assortment of FALL & WINTER O0DDS, which ho will sell lower, for CASH, thnn they csn bn hnns-ht at anv other rdace in the County. He is determined to act upon the motto ot SMALL PROFITS AND QUICK SALES,"' and will sell goods, for cash, at the raest trifling advance on cost and carnage. Call and examine tho stock, and satisfy your self that it is no humbug that "MOSsOP SELLS THE CHEAPEST GOODS IX THE COUXTY. ERY-CrCOBS, CROC'SUrS'S, QTJEIf53-WAr.ii E00TS & SHOES, HATS & CAi'S, UOXXETS. SIIA1VLS, CONFECTIONARIES, riSH. TOBACCO. STATIOSARV, HQrOPS, and a little of everything. All of which will be sold at lower prices than ev cr befyre offered in Clearfield. R. MOSSOP. Clearfield Nov. 11, l'O. TjIPOsITANT TO nOUSEKEEl'EKlS An E HU IT GROWERS. AETIIUK'S f AT t Air-Ti'ht S: Jf-SealinT Ca.s and Jars, for Prccerviag Trrsh Fruits, &o This invention for which a patent has been obtained, commends it self to the attention of Housekeepers and others, en account of it? rcat simplicity, and tho effectu al manner in whi-.-h it accomplished a very desi rable and useful object The cans and jars are cocstructea wnn a cnan- ncl around the mouth, terr the top, into whica. the cover fits loosclv. This channel is filled with a very adhesive cement, prepared for t.ic purpesa and allowed to harden. In crd?r to seal tiie ves sel hermetically, it is only nceecsary to heat the cover sllz hihi, an I .-' it into p!acr. It may be opened with as much case as it i3C!o3od, by sight ly warming the top. lae oruinary im cai.a. usva for the same purpose for which this is intended. cannot be closed. asi3 we.l known without tue aid of atinnsr; are difficult to open, and are generally so much injured iu opening as to bo useless for future service. By this simple contrivance, the process oi her- mctical sealing is piaceu conveniently itnuiu iuc reach of every individual; and fruit, vegetables and butter (if properly prepared) may be kept, with their natural Uavor unimpaired, tor an in definite length of time. For salo by MERRELL A CARTER. Clearfield, Sept. 13, 1355 tf. fXnST- -s MICHAEL CONLEY begs I 5L--Lf Y b.'aye to inform the citizens of J iy(g Clearfield and vicinity that he is now digging coal at the bank of Robert Owens, half a ruilo eai of town, whero ho will have on hands, all winter, a lot of first rate coal, which he will sell at the low rate of ' " rous cirsrs pes etjsel at the bank. Orders for coal can be bad at Kratzcrs Store. Clearfield, Sept. 2 lao A beautiful and well selec ted assortment just recciv- Sent. 5.1 W. F. R1WLN. i --FTr-- - rS A new stock just received at jyILErri "tSij Scpt.5.. W. F. IRWIN'S T7IIRE-PR00F PAINT, for sale at JP- Juno 13.'51 R. MOSSOP'?. IjARAfJOLS a most beautiful selection, and of the latest stvlcs. for sale at the cheap store ef June 27: '55.J ' " A. M. HILLS K? for sale by jan23 cd and for salo by INTENT SAUSAGE CUTTERS S. O" . GARTH'S improved Sausago Cutters 'and Stcffcrs. for sale by MERRELL & CARTER. Oct. 31, '55. JVEW ROODS: The undersigned has just r ll ceived a largo assortment of NEW GOODS, at his store in . KA R TJIA US, which he offers for salo cheap for cah or country produce. F. P. H U RXT HALL. September 5. 1555. iXCIIANCJE INSURANCE COMPANV, ll No. 11, Merchants' Exchange, PHILADELPHIA. This Company, with an ample Capital, well -cured, i? prepared to effect Insurances in Clear field, and adjoining Counties, on terms as liberal as consistent with the safety of the Company. jno. McDowell, Jr.. Oct. 3, 1355. Secretary. TVEv IIEil HETIHELL & CARTES would IN inform the public, thit tbey have just opn d an extensive COPPER, TIN AND SHEET-IRON WARE S'lASUFAGTORY, Ca Second Street ia the borough of C LEAR FIELD, where they are prepared to furnish at reduced pri ces, every variety of articles in their line. Steel. Bar-iron, nails, Steves of every variety rioughs and farming utensils, pumps of every dscitption. stove pipe, patent sautago cutter, funnels and se'.f sealing cans kept constantly on bund. Ail orders for castings for Flour Mill,Saw Mills, Ac will Le thankfully received snd promptly at tended to. HOUSE SPOUTING DONE TO ORDER. They are also prepated to receive every varie ty of article on commission, at a low per-ccntage. O. E. MERRELL. L.R. CARTER. Clrnrfield. Sept. 19, 1S55 ly. riABi NET MAKING . The undersigned v would respectfully irsform tbe public, thai ha bas taken tha old Church, kuonn as stand opposite, tho Methodist 31 OR ROW'S SHOP, where be keeps constantly on hand and manufac tures to order, every variety of Household aaJ Kitchen FUBHiTURE, such as Tables. Bureaus, lafes, Stauds Cupboard, Sofas. Bedsteads, Ac., ot every style and variety. Clearfield. Pa.. Aui. 1S55. 7VTEW ARRIVAL. ri A. H. BA UMAX. Ware Room ihrr doors aisve Slays Hotel, Plant RoaA street, Tyrone City, Pa. KEEPS constantly on hand a large assortment o Philadelphia and Pittsburg Cooking, Tarlor. Bar and heating Stoves, of different patterns, si les and prices : Stuve pipe, shovels, coal hods, Ae. Alro, Cider .Mills. x"lougas, Cultivators, drc. Ac, all of which wiil be sold 10 to 20 per cent, cheap er than can-be purchased out of the cities. If you want bargains, doa't forget to call at Bauman'j Stove Store. Nov. 14, '5o. 3m. F LL AND WINTER GOODS The sub scriber has just received a large and well ea- lecied stock of XEW GOODS, of almost every description suitable to the season, which he is selling off at extremely low prices. II respectfully invites the attention of all who wish to buy good Goods at the lowest prices, to call t the sign of tho "CHEAPEST. GOODS." Country proluco of almost every discription ta ken at market prices in exchange for goods. Persons wishing to purchase, and receive a fair equivalent for their raoncy, will do well to give him a call. Remember the sign of tbe CHEAPEST GOOES, on Market street, and call and be convinced ibal there is truth in tho words thereon inscribed. AVM. F. IRWIN. . November 25, 1S35. -fTRESII OVSTEKS!- X would1 inform his frien CHARLES GREAFF friends and the public that he is prepared to supply tho wants of these trko give him a call, at his EATING HOUSE. one door South of Hemphill's Hotel, where fce serves up FRESH OYSTERS, SAB.ZIXES, CHEESE, and refreshments generally. No pains will be spa red to accommodate his customers. 1-Aug. 29. II IO! FOR THE TEJirLK OF HONOR TIN, C0PPEB, & SHEET-IRON "WAEE fflAHUFACTORY, rHILIPSBl RG, PA. BRADIN A M- G1RK have just opened an cxten iivo Tin, Copper, iV S'teet-lion IVare TanufacJv ry, whero they are at all times prcpaiod to supply customers with every conceivable article from tha smallest Co flee pot spout to the longett pipo imi. ginablo. They will do both a "WHOLESALE A RETAIL business, and will at all times have on hand a large assortment cf rcady-iaa-ie ware. II O US E S 1 OUT I XG done to order, oa the bhortcst notice, and put up ia a neat, substantial manner. STOl'ESy STOVE-PIPE, f KETTELS, of every variety kept constantly on hand. They wiil furnish to order any of the following Cook Stoves, viz : Tho William Pcnn, Queen of tho Vest, tho Atlantic, and Cook-Complete, all of which are suitable for both wood and coal. Among the Parlor Stove? will be found the !Lady Washington," tho "Excelsior,"' 'Home Parlor,' Ac. Pro-luce ef all kiudt taken in exchange for goods. A. A. BRADIN. JNO. D. M GIRK. October 21. Jo.'.O.-tf. 'TnTrr77-l TI1E PARTNERSHIP here, '2j-?FnarU tofore existing between Jo seph and James Ilageriy, in the mercantile busi ness, at Jancsvillc, CharCeld County. Pa., baa been this day (Nov. 2.) dissolved by mutual con sent. JOSEPH HAGERTV, JAMES A. HAGERT1. Nov. 11, '55,-Ct MISSES' FLATS, trimmed and nntrimmed. a beautiful article for sale at tho store of June 27, '55. A. M. HILLS. K V fi t"A'.-L A large assortment just re ceived and opened by R. MOSSOP Ct ft v SM-f A large assortment just re L'-HVV-iLP O D iS 'J ceived at very low price by" sdpt. 5. AV. F. IRWIN. 'gTTATS of the latest styles, and most approved JL JL ouautv. received, and lor sale oy Jur.c 27, 'o5. A. M. HILLS. r ADIE3 GAITERS assorted colors that can't jL-i be beat ia quality or price for salo by Jane 27, '0 5.J A. M. HILLS. . LADIES' DRESS GOODS a large andbeautifu! assortment, for salo cheap by Juno 27, '55 A. M. HILLS. C'jr n tr r '31 A new stock just received at piffiriEiii 2.. kcftci-s. , , G LOCKS. Eight day, thirty hour and alarm JJn. 13. Clock3 for sale at Mossop's fctore. LADIES' GLOVES. A very large lot of black net worked Glovc3. at 10 cents a pair worth 2icU at Mossop's cheap cash store. Jn. 13, '55. - RICHARD MOSSOP, faai jut Teccired and opened l general assortment ff Hardware and Catley-. I . Ang 22. '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers