u u 1 f I TOSS L r i'VA C '5 r- J 3 ij 5 I'M I ! I" t 3 mi I VI 1 A m .AH if ill I m i V 'J- : 1 7V. V i RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF TY.FOlt irss JOHN McPHERSON, Esq.. Treasurer of Clearfield County, i said County, from the 3d day of January. A. D. 1855f to January. A.D. 1S56. , - . . DR. . . . -".,.. To Balance due County by Treasurer at last settlement. To am t received from Collectors for 1S55, and previous rears ; To am't received oa Unseated Lands for 1854 and 1855, ' By amount paid Jurors, - Election Expenses, . . 794 15 Constables, . . 1 58 59 Tor Wolf and Fox Scalps, 2D1 72 Assessors,. ..... ' 257 91 For Commonwealth cost3, 273 57 County Commissioners, ' 322 75 For repairs of Public Buildings. "' 86 93 Proth'y and Clerk of Sessions, 142 9 Moore A Wilson, for Printing, ,-; 150 00 II. B. Swoopc, " " 50 00 ' For Jail Fees, '- ' 277 87 Court crier and care of C. II. ; 74 40 Iistrict Attorney. - - 34 50 u tc CI i( ct " .-... For Refunds, 31 74 ' " " Coroner aid Inquisitions, 10140 " " For Justice Fees, 6 75 M " M Clerk to Commissioners, 21125 " " " County Auditors, 62 00 " " For Road Views, 62 00 - " Exonerations. - 214 03 m i, . , i. j.-or j'nci for County, 78 00 t ti u Commissioners' counsel, .. 30 00 M " " For books and stationery, 145 76 " On Chest Bridge contract, 433 00. Treasurer's per contage on receiving 4917 all per ct. 73 75 Treasurer' percentage on paying 6043 a 1J per ct. 00 63 Ealance due Treasurer by county, S6207 87 Amount of Slate and Comity Tax and Militia Fines ditt for 1855, ana previous vw. Tear. Townships, 147 Jordan, - Pike. 1S13 Fox,' : Lawrance, Pike, . BU, Ferguson, Jordan, Penn. 13i9 Clearfield. Covington, 7 Penn, Eoggs, - ; Brady, ' Fergu90n4 Jordan, . 3350 Boggs, Morris, Bell, Ferguson, Karthaus, Penn. Woodward, ISSlJBradford. Jordan, Burmido Morris, 1S52 Fox, Pike, Curwcnsvilla, 1853 Bell, Boggs, Chest, Decatur, Jordan, Karthaus. . Lawrence, -Pike, Woodward, ' Ooshen, Penn, Bradford, Burnside, " 1354 Bell. . . Brady, Chest. . - Clearfield. Curwcnsiillo, Fox, . Ooshcn, Houston, Jordan, . Lawrence, . Morris, . Pike, Union, Woodward, ; 1855 Beccaxia, , : Bell, Boggs, Brady, - Bradford, " Burnside, ' Chest, - Covi ngton, " . Clearfield, Curwensville, Iecatur, Ferguson, Collectors' Names. - James Kea. Jr. William Bloom, 6r. ravid Carr, " Philip Antes. 8amuelJSpneor, Rheinhart Weitzel, -. William L. Moore, -Jfenry fc-wan, . Abraham Spncer, JJavid Litz, Indie Iiugueny, Thomas Fenton, - Joseph Ftiies, George Ellinger, Lather Barrett, William Wiley,? James H. Turner, Joseph Rothrock, John Sundcrlin, John P. Hoyt, Lorens Hartline, Joseph Davis, fieorge W.ghoff,! William Graham. Jr. D. Williams, John Young, Jacob Wise, "' " John J. Bundy, William Caldwell, John Askey, J. F. I-ee, ' Cornelius Shippey, John McCully, Daril Kephart, "Enoch Wi?e, Edward McGarvey, Joseph Shaw, Joseph A. Caldwell, Lisle McCully. William L. Rishl, Mo?es Owens, V. B. Holt. John Myers,' William T. Oipiert, Joseph Peyler, . Katuuol J. Touv, . Ashley M. II ills, Benjamin F. Sterling. Nicholas Brockway, Jacob Flegal, O. II. Lamb, Joseph Pattersin, Benjamin Spacknian, Joseph Potter. T. K. M Cluro, John Dressier, Robert Ilenderson, James Stowart, John Orr. -George Wilson, Jr., Geo. B. Goodlandcr, Jacob Pearco, Jesse Hutton, Adam Hagy, J. B. Gormont, Thomas J. M'CulIongn, Jaccb Bilger, Rus.ell Showalter, Charlos M'Crackon, ' ' " GIVE TIIEI A TRIALr SILVER'S PLASTIC PA INTS -.CHEAP, D U LIA BLE AND PROTECTIVE. WEATHER & PIHE-PBOOP. These Paints will stand any climate, without crack or blister, and harden by exposure; thus making in time an enamel of Stone, protecting Wood from decay, and Iron and other metals from rust and corrosion. - They differ essentially from the so-called Mineral Paints of the day, which arc principally Ochres, and Clays, and are entirely worthless. " SILVER S Plastic TainU arc purely 3IETAL IC, containing no Alumin or Clay. They are levigated finely, mix readily with Lin seed Oil, (without the Iroublo of grinding.l and flow under the brush as frcelp as the best White Lead,, and excel all others in body or covering properties, one pound of which will cover as much surface as two pounds of, Whi!e Lead, reducing the cost two-thirds. There are six distinct eolois, vii : . Olive, Black, Light Brown, Dark Do. Light Chocolate, Deep Do. . All equally valuable as a preservative, and par ticularly adapted to painting the outside of BUILDINGS, FENCES, STEAMBOATS, CARS, ,. , TIN AND IRON WORKS. Remember! Exposure harden$ cud increases the durability of these PjilSTS. DIRECTIONS Jtfij; with pure Unseed Oil, as thiclly as posriile, as the Paint is the tasting or protecting Lody, and the oil simply the medium, or ageut in snrrading.it. FRENCH & RICHARDS General Wholesale Agexts, 2L W. corner Tenth and Karket Streets, PHILADELPHIA. For sale, Wholesale and Retail, Dry and Ground in Uil, by : -.Ui L aserli, Ayrojie Cify, Pa. Dealer in Drugs, Medicines. Paints. Oils. Brushes, Window Glass, Jfce. - (Aug. 15, '55. GULICIl & BENNER, would respectfully inform the citizens of Clearfield, and public generally mat taey nave entered into co-partnership in tho -- - j CABINET MAKING BUSINESS. and keep constantly on hands, and manufacture fr order,-at the lowest prices, every variety of lurnuure, ccnsuiicg ox Dining, Breakfast, and Centre Tables, Sewing, H nnug, and H as'i-i,taruiSj Mahogany, and t . ; Common Bedsteads ; Mahogany ' and Cane-bottomed Chairs, Bureau?, Sofas. Lounges, 4c, Ac. - ------ Coffins xaade and funerals attended on the short est notice, with a neat hearse, and - appropriate sceompanymentsL ;.v . House Painting done on the shortest notice. - l?hop and Ware-room . same as formerly occupi ed by John Gulich, meaily opposite the 'Jew Store,' Clearfield. Ta JOHN GULICH, Mj22,'Mly: DANIEL DENSER; JjLACKBERRY BRANDY, for tho cure of Chol r.f ttira Morbus, Dysentary and all other diseases -lomaca anu powcis, ior s:ue ny xi MOSSOp OOTb- mm tnontffliOES. A large and splendid assort xioots anu cuoi" , ; . , t , for sale at Mosaop s - f Jn. 13. AM. stow of . 18 W.F.IRWllf. - CLEARFIELD CO UN , wt. Fox. -Goshen, Houston, Jordan, Karthacs, Lawrence, Morris, . Fenn, Pike. n account with the 8th day of 51033 85 4719 64 197 90 Woodward, $5956 39 Total am't due from Collectors, for 1855, and previous years, Amount due on Unseated Lands, ""."$1687.42' , Beccaria, Bell, . Hogg?, Brady, Bradford, ' Burnside, Clearfield, r Covington, Chest, , i Decatur, Fox, Girard, . Gosheu, Houston, Jordan, Karthaus, Lawrenco, Morris, Pike, Union, ' "Woodward, 56207 87 251 43 Cour Stato. Militia. 151 67 67 75 - 1370 1 46 . 1 75 I 69 44 00 . 2 35 . 21 05 6 00 " 4 50 ; i 4 10 17 50 17 CI 23 50 . 1 62 " 3-5 00 77 32 50 29 00 23 00 5 00 25 00 18 40 H 00 11 19 29 00 6 00 6 57 20 50 30 50 8 00 5 09 o9 00 3 15 ,8 29 "t 00 50 01 J3 28 13 00 1 00 " 13 14 110.. 7 50 31 61 41 33 25 00 01 29 53 12 05 2 79 24 59 .23 00 45 71 47 53 35 17 10 50! 10 13 10 93 17 50 3 63 ' 9 72 12 50 13 84 9 74 17 54 63 14 13 37 31 00 8 71 6 70 1 50 10 10 13 50 51 68 10 23 50 G 01 71 is so 46 54 117 54 17 00 16 25 10 54 1 33 12 27 . 6 99 3 34 10 04 3 4S 63 4 5G 53 43 53 03 13 50 64 4S 108 40 38 50 159 76 115 57 44 00 44 34 115 2S 33 00 1 92 13 21 8 00 20 19 20 33 27 50 215 03 143.17 17 00 101 2: OS 50 19 00 105 3'. 75 42 13 00 253 11 197 25 34 23 770 S4 22 47 50 177 2 119 47 96 09 : 21 27 CO 24 31 00 ; 97 79 5 89 40 00 200 11 159 03 35 00 49 51 65 79 IS 50 C7 32 66 04 13 00 77 27 77 19 25 00 Balance due Townships, CB. Beccaria, Bell, Bos, Bradford, Brady,- Burnside, Clearfield, Chest, Covington, Decatur, Ferguson, Fox, Girard, Goshen, Houston, - Jordan, Karthaus, Lawrenco, Morri3, Penn, Pike, Union, Woodward, Balance due Townships, We, the undersigned, wealth of Pennsylvania, Esq.. Treasnrer of said vt icness our nanas at Attest. It. J. Wallacb. Clcrk. Wc, the nndcrsigncd. dollars and forty cents, and ninety three dollars collectors and unseated r .1 r iuui uujiiiis uiiu lony Witness our hands this Attest, It. J. Wallace, Clerk. TnE PENNSYLVANIA TELEGRAPH. ENLARGED FORM & SEDUCED TERLIS. THE CASH SYSTEM-ADOPTED. On and lif ter the first of Januury, 1855, the Pknsstlvasia Telecraph, published at Harrisburg, Pa., will be owned und conducted by tho under.'-tgned. who will give their best energies to make it worthy of its cause and of its friends. It will commence the new year printed on en ureiy new typo, and tha Wcelilv trreatlv enlrrw,! rn form while the price will be lower than that of any otner paper of tts class ever published at the ujnmi oj iue iziaie, axd patjiexts avill be ke- QIIRED STRICTLY IX ADVAXCE. No paper will be sent until it is paid for, and all will be discontinued as the subscriptions expires. unless they are renewed Tho Teleghaph is issued SEMI-WEEKLY, on a niiect oi iwcnty-iour columns, duringt ho sessions ot tne Legislature, aud WEEKLY on a doable shett of forty-eight columns the remainedcr of tho year. It will present a comprchcusive summary of tho Legislative proceedings ; all important gv-ucrai laws, as xuey are passed, and aim to cive Uh.. A. ' i 1 . . . . - . . .. . iuu rurrem poimcai intelligence ot tne times in the fullest' and most reliable manner. - In short, the proprietors hope to make it a complete Family and Political Journal, and they confidently appea- to tne people of Pennsylvania to sustain thoir cnl tcrprise. ' . The TELEcnArH will advocate a liberal political policy, and aim to unite all those who, though an imated by the same common purposes, and looking to the same beniSecnt results, seem distracted by the conflict of distinctive organizations. It will sustain the highest standard of American Nation ality; and whiio yielding a sacred obefdience to the compromises of the Constitution, will determined ly resist the extension nf Human Slavery. It will give a cordial, earnest and independent support to tho administration of Gov. Pollock. TERMS STRICTLY IN ADNANCE. The Telegraph will be furnished SEMr.WEKT:. kLY durintr the sessions of the LpciaiatnrA. nnrl WEEKLY, on a double sheetthc, the remainder of the year, at tho folIwing low rates tho mqxev 15 VARIABLY TO ACCOMPANY TJE 0B1II : " Single subscriptions, " 52 00 ' Five copies (1 SO per copy) 9 00' Ten copies fBl 70 per copy) ' 17 00 Twenty copies (1 50 per copy) 39 00" ' And at the same price 50 per copy) on any number over twenty. Clubs should be made up at once, snd the subscriptions forwarded before the firjt cf January, so that they cau commence with uic session oi tne legislature. Subscriptions will bo forwarded from this offinpJCjchard Gates. All orders must be addressed to " 3T ; , M'CLURE A SELLERS, - - " ' ' ' Harrisburg, Pa.'" j hzir Business men will find tho -Teleobapa the very lest Advertising Medium inPcnnsyfvania,out oi me cuiee. . . . Dec. 12, o5.-2t. CLOCKS of every variety and prico, from oe hours to 14 days, for sale by June 27, '55. A. M niLLS. LADIES' Handkerchiefs, all Linnen, for said by June 13, '55. .. . 11. ilOSSOP.L COS FECTION ARIES a -defile the slicZesf as sortment this Borough ever could boast of. at June 27, '35.) -- 7 A. M. HILLS. MUSLIN, at 5 cents per yard, at Mossop's cheap cash store. . - Unne 13 '55. BACON A good lot of Hams nrd Shouldersat June 20.1 W v irwivh John J. Bundy, ' James E. Graham, H. M. Hoyt,, John Williams,- " Joseph Yo;hers, . Aaron C. Tato, Jacob Willhelm, r Joseph Cullingsworth, Daniel Bailey, : 5 21 19 81 5 86 40 76 40 37 85 00 43 77 163 24 133 73 84 39 199 40 89 69 4 00 26 00 11 00 13 50 17 50 41 50 43 50 43 50 52 00 25 00 67 57 123 82 23 54 145 63 129 12 54 21 242 49 141 23 Abraham Uyer?, 3418 34 3076 22,1593 83 3556 12 55,974 45 JOHN M'PTIBRSON, Etq., Treasurer of CUnrfietd County, in. Account with th different Tovxnshiys for Hood Fund . for tit years 1854 and 1855. DR. To balance due Korvl Fund last Settlement, $554 81 : am't ree'd from Unseated Lands for 1831 and 1855, '. 674 88 " CR. ' - . By Am't paid Twp"s -1 r9 2DI Balance duo Twp's. . 20 88 74 06 6 08 82 74 2 69 41 6 27. - o 10 43 00 43 8-5 24 83 20 06 82 65 7 98' 26 42 215 3 48 1 87 42 IO 90 00 00 68 80 85 61 25 81 6 50 10 51 43 90 143 40 .Balance duo, 143 40 $929 19 $329 19 JOIIX HrPIIEnSON Esq., Treasurer of Clearfield County, in ' Account triti the different Township far School l'mid for ttt years 1854 and 1855. ' DR. To amouut due School Fund last Settlement, 1 $1,46146 " " ree'd from Unseated Lands for 1854 and 1855, 828 89 By Am't paid Twp's. Balance dud Twp's. 47 09 53 57 20 05 9 4 5 3 83 20 89 84 46 12 46 S 06 74 42 40 90 04 8 64 9 76 74 90 95 13 S3 09 25 75 92 50 88 14 92t 00 00 18 02 20 60 164 80 71 05 80 05 65 1C9 60 40 63 32 53 317 48 13 89 25 39 21 72 36 24 27 14 53 47 1390 23 Balance duo, 393 62t 893 62 S1789 85 $1789 85 Commissioners of Clearlield County. In the CoTimon- having examined the accounts of John McPhcrson. county, for the year A. D. 1S5.". do certify that we find them as above stated, tho amount of debts outstanding dua the county, are six thousand nine hundred and seventy four dollars and forty six cents. uioarueid tins lata uay ct January, A. i. ibis. KOI5KKT MAUAFiEx, l DAVID It OSS. J. County Com- JACOB AVILHELM, ) misiiioners. Auditors of Clearfield County, havinz examined the accounts of John McPherson. Esn... Treasurer of said county, for tha nar 1S55, do report that they are as above 6tated. The amount due the Treasu rer by tho County is Two hundred end fifty one dollars and forty eight cents, the amount due tho Road Fund by Treasurer is one hundred and forty three tho amount due the Echool Fund is Three hundred end sixty two eonts, and al.-o tho amount due from Lands, is six thousand nine hundred and sovant.v six cents. 12th day of January A.D. 1S53, J. H. SEYLER, GEO. WALTERS, FRANCIS PJSARCB, ; County Auditors. y 1ST OF GRAND JURORS FOR FEB jLi RUAltY TER31, 1S56. William Irwin. John Carlisle, . Joseph Winnery, Jacob Pierce, M. S. I.ummado, Samuel Brilhart, John Yothers, William Reed,. Harvey Moore, D. N. Heath, Martin Hise. ' James G. Williams, Geo. Ileckndom, A. G Welch, Wm. Mapcs, Wm. H. Mercer, James Thompson, James Hughes, William Addlcman, John Jordan, , David Dressier, Matt- M Cullough, Jos. M Cullough, William Hagarty, Farmer, , . Brady, Merchant do Blacksmith, Bradford, x armor, do do do Carpontcr, Farmer, do do do Blacksmth, Furmer, do do Capcntcr, Farmer do do do do do do do Burnside ; ' Covington; Clearfield ; Iecatur ! Fox ; Girard; Jordan ; Karthaus ; Lawrence ; do do Morris ; do Pike; do Fnion ; Woodward ; do do LIST OF TRAVERS JURORS FEBRUARY TERM, 1856. FOR Hamilton Weld, S B. Dillcr, ... . Harris Peter.' John Kephart, William Kirk, Isaac Scofiold, William RisheJ. Farmer, Beccaria! Blacksmith, Boggs Farmer. do Tiniberor, Farmer, do do do Lumberman, do Brady; do do Bradford; John Woolridgo. Edward Albert, John King, Henry Patchin, John Mahaffey, D. F. EUweiler, William Reed, Henry Evans. William Smith, Sol. Maurer. . do larmcr, Burnside: J-umberman' do Farmer, do Clonrfieid; -;- do do Covington ; do Curwensville ;t do .Chest; : do . ; ; Dcetur;,7 do Ferguson ; do G oshen : xanor, Carpenter, Teamster, Farmer, do . Tailor,"-" Farmer A a Farmer, Merchant, Farmer, do ' do - do . do " do- JB. Sesner. Josiah Evans." Levi Rowland, C. La Worrell. Enoch Genrhart. Georgo Kephart, Cornelius M'Cracken, Matthew Bloom. , William Graham, ir.. alentine Hevener. Houston ; r" Lumberman, -patues Cathcart, do Farmer, Wm. A. Reed. Knox; Samuel Clyde, Robert Lawhead, " Wm. T. Irwin', .;' ; Wm. M. Hartman, . Wm. P Smcal, - O, P; Wilder,. . Peter Swartz, . . . Amos Rubier. J. Ferguson, of James, Samuel Spencer, Ross Robinson, " Thos. M'Cracken, ?;' Wm. Cleaver, " ' - ' Jos. G. Itussel," ' ' Samuel Long,- "r J Nathan Cleaver, -1 J.F Coder. . -do-; ' do do " . do - Carpenter, do Justice, do do " do V juawrence ; -v do .- do 7 . , " do . do Morris , do . do do renn ; -. do do ' Lumberman Farmer, do :v 1 do do y do do ' 7 . do .: do ' do Tiko 7 . do Uniou do Jacob Smith. ' ' do Clearfield, January 23. 1S56. r UK All FOR KANSAS ! The Blood Red Banner floats in triumDh on the K07d Cor ner Store," where A. M. Hills has just opened the cheapest and most splendid assortment of Goods, ever displayed before this community, and exactly auapieu 10 meir many ana various necessities. -HATS. CAPS, BOOTS, SnOES, BONXETTS, CAS- SlMtKES, CLOTHS, DKESS GOODS, TOIL ET ARTICLES. DE. LANES, PRINTS, GLOVES, HARDWARE. STONE and yiiEENSWARE, GROCERIES, with fancy articles ad in fimtttm. Clearfield, June 20. 1S55. A. M. HILLS. SAMUEL BERLIN, ir Juniata St., Tyrone City, Pa. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in DRUGS. CHEMICALS. MEDICINES,' PAINTS. OILS. DYE STUFFS, WINDOW GLASS, ' VIALS, PERFUMERY, Ac., tc. Having just opened an extensive assortment of these articles.Pbysicians will find it to their advan tage to give him a call, and examine his Stock be fore ordering from the Eastern Cities; and Coun try Merchants oan also be occoinniodnted with all the Essences. Tinctures. Patent Medicines. Ac, WHOLESALE and liETAIL, at louvxt vrieet. tor He hopes by strict attention' to business, and a desire to please, to merit a share of public pat ronage. April 25, 1S5.V . THE GOOD INTENT HOTEL, CUIU7E2IS71LLE, PA. The Subscriber would inform his friends and the public that he has just refitted and re-furnished his house ami is preparedto render every attention to the travelling community. Uis bar contains liquors of the first quality, and his table Hill always be supplied with the best in market. He respectfully solicits his friends an 1 others to give him n call. WM. 11. FLEMMING. August 1, 1855. ..... , A K- WRIGHT, MEUCUAXT, axi) ENTEN UlJALElt IN LUMBER, Second f Street, ono door south of his residence Clearfield Pa. Clearhcld, March 14, 1S55 JOIIN RUSSELL & CO., TA1VXERS AND CURRIERS. ' . Pcnnville, ClearftdJ Co., Pa., Keep constantly on hand an excellent assortment of leather, whudi they offer for sale at the lowest cash prices. Hides takca in exchange. July 15. 1S54 ... P. OWENS, ' TYE02T3 CIT7, lias just opened a largo and splendid assortment of NEW GOODS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Of every description and quality, ; which he is selling ou" at the lowest prices ever nuvwi! in una region ox uoumry, DRY-GOODS, HARD 4" QUEEXS1VA RE, HATS A- CAPS, ROOTS & SHOES. GROCERIES CONFECTIONARIES, . AT CITY PRICES. He invites his Clearfield friends to give him a call, and exchange their rrgs. lumber, h ingles, and every variety cf produce, for the chk.vpest and best goods, to bo had west of Philadelphia. Feb. 21, 1S55. ly: - vEIMCfllinT ril7n?T im T nrjl I A J 4 A STARTLING ANN OUNCE nr. NT. LATEST AE2IVAL FE0M THE EAST. RR. WELCH, has just returned from the City j with a new and splendid assortment Jf .V atches. Jewelry, and Silver-ware tho largest est and cheapest ever brought into Clearfield con sisting of hunting and open-faced gold and silver watches, gold lockets, gold chains, gold Pens, rings, breast-pins, spectacles, silver forks, bracelets, sleeve buttons, cuff pins, car rings, Ac.. Ac., &e. Watches and jewelry repaired on the shortest notice. ' June 6, '55. . inform hi3 friends that he lin. rrnwivA.-l hi BOOT AND SHOE ST02E, from 1Shaw's Row," to his new building, opposite the Office of James Wi igly, and two doors south of tho Office G. R. Bap.rett. Esq. He still keeps constantly on hands, every varie ty of Ladies slippers, gaiters, pumps. Ac. Men"s fancy shoes and gaiters, with an excellent assort ment of heavy work, all adapted to the various wants of tho people of Clearfield, lie hopes his friends will call at his NEW. STORE, and ex am ino his Stock. ,.v Boots and Shoes mado to order, and mendin done as heretofore . ISAAC JOHNSXCN Clearfield, June 27, 1S55. " " " j AVID S. rLOTNER Respectfully informs his old friends and the nublic. that li hns obta incd the services of a good Cutter and work man as a foreman in tho tailoring business, and he is now prepared to attend to any orders in his Line of work on the most accommodating tcrnis.and short notice, aud will have clothing on hand at all times, euch as drc?s coats, frock coats, vests, and pantaloons of their own manufacture, and good material at the lowest prices. With a wih to ac commodate, he solicits a share of patronage. New Washington. May 9, 155. LACKS TjllTIIlNG The subscriber would inform tho public that he has taken tho li'.ir-k- smun cnop lormerly occupied by George Orr. on the corner of Third and Main streets, in the bor ough of Clearfield where he carries ou the business in all its various branches. JACOB SHUNKWEILER. Juno 6, 1855.-ly 1I5I1ILIPSBURG HOTEL: The subscriber . would inform his friends in Clearfield, and the public generally that he has enlarged and refitted his house, and is now enabled to compete success fulily with any Hotel in the country."- No pains will be spared to render his quests eomfortnlilp. His tablo shall always bo supplied with the best uie maiKct can atrord. and his charges moderate He respectfully invites his friends and others to give him a call. DAVID JOHNSTON. Philipsburg Jan. 31,1355. 1 y. HPYRONE LIVERY STAPLE. The sub- JL scriber. having removed his Livery Stable from Curwensville to Tyrone City, bers leave to his friends and tho public, that he is at all times prepareu 10 supply them with Horses, carriages, buggies, and other vehicles on hire, at tho mosl reasonable terms. Inquire at tho "City Hotel." JAjUJiS vKOVVTUEl.. Tyrone, January 31, 1855.-Cmo. JOHN TROU TM AN, House. Sign and Orna mental Painter. Glazier. Chair maker and I aper Hanger, offers his services to the citizens of liearncid and vicinity. - : Shop oil Marlet Sljust hclaw the Voandru. " CHAIRS, IXJUNGES. SOFAS, ROCKING- CIIAUiS, OTTOMANS, f, e., Kept constantly on hand and made to order, "coual Cm KnnAn . . . . 1 ... , - 111 wauu w Bujr mat can De ootained 1 from the iast, and more durablo in material. , ; Aug. 1, 1855. - A'Ij lUU SKliN SAM? The subscriber .Awouia lniorm .n old friends and tho public generally, that he still continues to keep a house of entertainment in New Washington whore those who call with him will rcccivo every attention and bo made comfortable. 7 Good stabling, and every other convenience for uorses, ou me premises. . hav 11) S. PLOTNER New Washington, Jan.' 31; 1S55. , BEREGE DELAINES. A superior article 0 Lereeo'Delaines in dress noftvrna ot o-, per yard, never sold in this county before for less man ov cents ai KlCUAxtD JIOSSOP'S . June 13, '55. . ! : .. ,-t , CHEAP CI)TI1ING.A large lot of Cheap Cle thing, Men a and Boys, for sale cheap, by 1 June 13, '55. . . - RICHARD MOSSOP BLACKBERRY BRANDY. A certain cure for the Dysentary, for sale by- - ;; - - uuneia, oj. - KICILRD MOSSOP. ." A Large assortment of Stono ware at tho nloro of Juno li.l , W. F. IRWIN. MANTILLAS A Lnrgo lot of Ladies' and Chil ChiT' M11"1-" for sale at Mossop's Cheap Cash Store. . - June 13, '53. m 1OKEK, BROTHERS & JONES, J- Eos. 158 & ieo, Market Street, PHILADELPHIA; Importers and manufacturers of City and -EASTERN MADE BOOTS AND SHOES. Also, every variety of French and English Shoo Lastings, Patent Leather, Kid and Calf-skins, Shoe Laces, Gallons, Bindings, Ac, suitable for manufacturers. Also, Foreign and Domestic Straw and Silk Bon nets, Leghorn, Panama, and Palm-Leaf Hats. English, French, and American artificial ? . Flowers, Oil Silk, Straw Trimmings, . - tc, ic. Having removed to our new Store, No. 15S A 160 larket Street, below 5th, South Side, up stairs, we invite your attention to our large and varied Stock of Straw Goods, Boots and Shoes, which we are preparing for the approaching Fall Sales. All our Goods being exclusively of our own di rect Importation and Manufacture, we feci confi dent that our facilities are such that we can offer you inducements as regards variety and prices of Goods, unsurpassed by any house in tho country. Nov. 8, 1854.-ly. - ..... ..- a. n. ,, . l'kiladetphia. uwk. TlSU-N A REIIN Wholesale Dry oou a oiore. 145. aiarfcetMrppt i'i.,in,!..i phia. Aug. 1, lS5.-Iy. J.00 NEWS .'Wholesale Store cpenel in Tyrone CitV. where anvlwidv wlm uint cheap goods can purchase. The subscriber has jsst "l' large ana wen selected stock of Goods in TYRONE CITY, . Corner of Lojan and Juniata Sta, He has oa hands and will constantly keep a lar stock of 1 Dry Good, Groceries, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes blowing, tiardu-are, Que.ensirare Drugs, PRO VISIONS of all kinds, consisting of Potatoes, Bacon, Fruit, Beans, Flour, Wheat, Corn meal, Ac, Ac. MSI OATS. Ml SYS. SC. And ho hereby gives notice that he will sell his goods as low as they can be purchased in any town or couniy inis Fiue ot I'uilaUelphia, and will take jjoarus, cningies, or even money in exchange. ' July 4, '55.) F. M. BELL ,0 OING IT ALONE. The underpinned hav vTH ing taken to himself the store formerly own- eu Dy i'ateuinc &wan,t:ikes pleasure m informing his friends and tho public generally, that ho has iust received from the city a splendid assortment of Dry Goods, Hardware. Qneenswarc. Grocories. uuiccuonaries, jiaia anu caps, uooLS ; and Shoes. and every thing else usually kept in a country store. Persons wish ins to buy chean and eood Goods should not forget that he is determined not to lo undersold by r any store intbe county. His motto is '-a nimble penny rathe than a slow six pence." S. C PATC11IN. Glen Hope, July 5, 1S54. P. N ELSON & CO., Alums 2 ownstip. Clearfield Co.. Pa.t ljuuiu rcspecuuuy lniorm me citizens ot that vi cinity that they keep constantly ou hand a large assortment ot Dry Goods, Hard-Ware. Qneensrwc, Groceries, and all other articles usually kept in a country store, which they aro determined to sell low for cash, country produce, or lumber August 1, 1855. EXCHANGE HOTEL, Fill LI PS BURG. The subscriber, thankful for past favors, would respectfully solicit a continuance of tho lib eral patronage bestowed upon his House by the 1 ublic lie is prepared to accommodate water men, editors, drovers, and all others who may call wnn mm, in iue very nest manner. lie niao purposes to run a line of. nacks from Tyrone to Clearfield,' for tho accommodation of the travelling public. J. G. HUNK. Philpsburg. March 14, lS55.-tf. . . NEW Mosl MILL At thcOld Pioneer Mills on the oshannon, in Morris townshin. Tim snh scriber has just completed a largo new Grist Mill, which is in successful operation. Grain of a!1 kinds bought, stored, and sold on commission. Dec. 27. '54. - HENRY GROE. APPLICANTS FOR HOUNTY LANDS Under the late act of Congress, will find the subscriber fully prepared, with blanks, forms, Ac, to aesist them in procuring their Warrants. Office two-doors east of Journal Office, up stairs. Mar. 2S, '55.1 . H. BUCIIER SWoOPE. ' JAMES B. GRAHAM Merchant and extensive dealers in lumber. Grahampton, P. O., Clear field county. Pa. May25, '54-Iy. - PROFESSIONAL BARRETT & LARRIjiIER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, having entered into copartnership in the practice of their profession, will faithfully attend to all business entrusted to their care in Clearfield county- G. R. BARRETT, J. II. LARIMER. Clearfield. July 18. IS.')5.-ly. 15UCIIER SWOOPE. ATTORNEY AT LAW. . Clearfield, Pa. Iwo doors East of Journal office. Up stairs. Dec. 1.IS54. L JACKSON CRANS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. Office adjoining his residence, on Second St. August 1. 1855. JAMES DIDDLE GORDON, A TTORNEY A T LA W, CLEAR F J ELD, PA. utaco in the room adjoining, on the East, tho irug iMore, 01 ur. ji. lorrain. Hi Ie may be con- suited in L'renrh and German. August 1, 1855.-1 y. A. WALLACE, ATTORNEY AT T. AW CLEARFIELD, PA. Office nearly opposite the Court IIouso. August 1, 1S55. - JJi. M'ENALLY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, . CLEARFIELD, PA. Practices in Clearfield and adjoining counties. Office nearly opposite Judgo Wright's store August 1. 1855. E. S. DUNDY, ATTORNEY AT 77 4 TP -- CLE AEPIEI. Ti. "P a ' Offico in the room adjoining on the West, the August 1. 1S55. -.1 ' -, . . JOHN II. MULLEN, t, ' - PHYSICIAN, ; . .- Irenchvtllf, Clearfield Co in: til. T'r. Having rented the property and situation of Dr. t . Hoops, tenders his professional services to the citizens of Frcnchville, and vicinity. . Office, one " v ""v a civif, IICUCQTUIO. May 22, 'oj.-fim. - ... . , Dk:b. f. akley, - ' r ., - PHYSICIAN, - :,Graliampton, Clearfield County. Pa., .; tenders his professional services to tho inhabitants of Grahampton and surrounding country he can at all times be found at his Office, directly oppo site Mr, J. B. Graham's store, when not profes. sionally engaged. I A pi.- 25. A. M. HILLS, D. D. S. Office adjoin ing his Store, Clearfield, Pa. Artifi cial Toeth, from one to a full set. ted in the most approved modern style. . . " . -.; . Filling, Filing, and Cloaning done with care and neatnoss. '" .' yi ; ' . -- . j t Teeth extracted with all tho caro and dispatch modern pcicnco'Ciin furnish." , DR. HILLS, can always bo found at hi? office as he :s now devoting his whole attention to his profession. . lJimt J0 ,y WOOD'S ORNAMENTAL IRON WORK, , . " " Eidge Avenue, PHILADELPHIA. The attention of the public is iavited to th0 tonsivo manufoctory and ware-room of the subset ber, who is prcparetl to furnish, at tho shortcut tice, IRON RAILING, of cverj? description for CEMETRIES, PCBLTC A PRIVATE BUILD INGS, Also, VERANDAHS. BALCONIES FOUNTAINS. SETTEES, CHAIRS ' LIONS, DOGS, Ac., Ac, Ao., Ac, ' and other Ornamental Iron Work of a dccoraUra character, all of which is executed with the expren view of pleasing the taste, whilo they comhino aU requisites of beauty and substantial construction Purchasers may rely on haying all articles care", fully boxed and shipped to their place of destina tion. A book of designs will be sent to those whe wish to make a selection. ROBERT WOOD, Ridge Avenue below Spirng Garrden St, Oct.C, '55.-3m. ThiWdelphU ON RAD & WALTON, 255 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA; Importers and Dealers in -..; " IRON, KMLS, 4c, 4-c. They respectfully Invite tho peopla of CUa field, to continue their favors. Aug. 1, lS55.-ly. f OUNT VERNON HOUSE, -LT-l Ko. 59, Korth Second Street, PHILADELPHIA. The undersigned having taken tho old well known house, which has been renovated and re modeled throughout, respectfully solicits his Clear field friends to givo him a call on their visits to the city. The furaituro is all now, and ha been sclectel with care from Henklcs well known establish men I in Chestnut Street, and is of the latest and moM fashionable style. " The location for Merchants and others comirg to the city is convenient, being in the centre of business. 1. j,. BARRET7 Aug. 1, 1855.-ly. Proprietor. ARRIS, ORBISON & CO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, No. 259, Market St., North side between Cth A 7th Philadelphia. Drug?, Medicines. Chemicals. Pat ent Medicines Surzical Instrument. Dnm.;'. Glassware, Window Glass, Paints, Oils. Dyes, Per fumery, Ac, Ac. JOHN HARRIS, M. D. E. B. ORBISON. Au-1, :'55.-lj. J. SHARSWOOD. USSELL & SCROTT, imos. 133 Market St- 5 Kerchaat St.. PHILADELPHIA. Importers and AVholesalo Dealers in DRUGS, CHEMICALS, 4c. They respectfully Invito their Cleafield frlen.ls t gno mcia a can. , JJan. 17, 755.-ly. OOD A CO Extensive Drv-poo.ls Doalrr. x lt7, Market St.. rhiladelnhia. keen rnnciUr' ly on hand a laro. splendid, and clnnn Kr..lr ,.t the most fashionable and elegaeit goods. They iu- vite country .Merchants to call and examine their splendid assortment, before purchasing elsewhere. August 1, 18a5.-ly. WILLIAM S. HANSELL A SON, Manufac turers and Importers of SaddlorT- f;.. dlcry Hardware. No. 2j Market Street, Bhiladol phia. Saddles, Bridles, Harness. Trunks, Whips Saddle Bags, Bridle Filling. Bits, Stirrups. Buckles Carpet Bags, ect. Aug. 1, '55 .-ly BEIDLEMAN A HAYWARD Wholesale Gro cers. Tea Dealers, and Commission Merchant No. 273, Market Stroet, Philadelphia. 1. UiilJJhL.HAN, Aug.l,lS55.-Iy. A. HAYWARD, w. t uoiceaic viotaingjsiore. No. 171. Market Street. F.vcr-ir mriAiT .f ready made Clothing, in the most fashionable stvlas constantly on hand. ( lAug. 1, '55.-ly. GEORGE J. AVEAVER A CO., No. 19 North Wa ter Street, Philadelphia. Dealers in Camel chain, Yarn, Manilla and Hemp Ropes. Bed-cords vioines-iincs, AO., C lAuir 1.IS55.-1t. TSAAC M. ASI1TON Hat Store. No. 172 JL-A Market St., Philadelphia. Hats. Cans. Fnr. Ac, of every variety, and the best quality always on hand. lAu?. 1. lS55.-lv. 1 j - GEORGE W. COLLADAY, Conveyancer and Land Agent, No. 3, Goldsmith's Hall, Philadelphia, will faithfully attend to all business umrusieu 10 nis care. lAusr. 1. ISoo.-ly. CALEB COPE A CO, No. 133. Market St.. Phila delphia, Dealers in Linens, Whito Goods, Ho rnery, irench. tngli.-h and German Silk Goods, La ccs, Gloves, Bolting Cloths, Ac. Aug. 1, !55.-ly. 1UAEL& TAYLOR. - Wo. 25.,5 Market fifrrt. PHILADELPHIA, Have always on hand, at their Wholesale Ware house, a large assortment of the Newest Stylo of BOOT. SHOE. AND STRAW GOODS, BOTH FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC. All their goods being of their own direct Im portation and Manufacture, they are enabled to offer superior inducements to Merchants laying in lucir siock. WM. W. PAUL, N. G. TAYLOR. D00.1.1S54. ly. A VISE'S CHEAP WATCH AND JEWELRY .JL STORE, No. 72 North Secoxd Street, ton. sit the Mount Vernon Housed Pphiladelnhia. Gold Lever Watches, full iowfllct m If . Silver Lever do., do.: Silver Ieni ne. do Onrtr' Gold Spectacles, Silver do.; Silver Table Spoons, Silver Desert do.; Silver Tea do. ; Gold Pens and Gold Cases; Gold Pens and Silver do too-pthor with a variety of fine Gold Jewelry, Gold Curb, Guard and Fob Chains. All goods warranted to ue as represented. atches and Jewelry, repair ed in the best manner. Also, Masonic Marks, Tin?, Ac, mado to order. N. B. All orders eent by mail or otherwise, will be punctually attended to. His motto is: -Small Profits and Quick Sales " Philadelphia, April 25, 1855. J.v RUSIITON & CO., 243 Market Street, PHI L A DEL PHI A? : Importers and Dealers in Earthen-Ware, China, ; Glass, and Queens Waro, ' , Opposite the Red. Lion Hotel. Philadelphia. -- . J. Y. RUSIITON,: : rJ J. C. HOPKINS, Noy, 8, '5I.-ly. .. ROBT. STILSON. ' OONS, IIEILMAN & CO., ' - No. 107 NORTH THIRD ST., PHiLAPELrnuL WHOLESALE DEALEHS" In Foreign ani Domestic Dry Good. Fifth Door below Race. CHARLES KOONS, : Philadelphia, May 16, 1855.-ly. OWELL & CO., ' : 176 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA; Wholesale Dealers ix Hats, Caps, Furs, io inccn ui anu ota cr., rnuadclphia. Jan, 17,.1855. x... ; .- , MARTIN, 31 ORR ELL & CO., . (Late OLIVER MARTIN A CO.) Importers and npnlors in irosrFRV V7? rt if A'GS.COMBS. BRUSHES, FANCY G OODS, Ae. ' So. 24 North Fourth Street, Philadelphia. M. T. MARTIN, CUAS. II. 1IAMRICK. DAM'L J WORK ELL, G, R. PEDDLE, JJec j, o4.J. SAJSDRSON 11. MARTIN,. PR1SMUTII & BROTHER, WHOLESALE , . . TOBACCO DEALERS, No. 105 N", Third Street, Cre ots below R 77T i -4 1 J . r f -' f V4 n n v