Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, January 16, 1856, Image 7

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    fig : mmmmB 'mmrnm.
. : SIR JOITI7 TKANBUN. , ' -The
Montreal Hcralf; of Dec. :21th," eontains
the following Lighlyduterestiag additional par-
iicuiara of tho Tourney a?sd discoveries of
Messrs. Stewart, .Anderson,; and ; others, who
recently retufned' from Montreal Island, near
the South of Back Iliveri in. the Arctic Ocean
where, they obtained evidencs of the fate of
Sir John Franklin and his comrade's.'
The party reached the outlet or estuary of
tae river on the 30th of July, and skirted along
its eastern shore as far S3 Point Beaufort, but
found no trace. to reward their search. From
thence they crossed over to Montreal Island,
twelve nwles distant, lying nearlhe, western
shore of the estuary ; probably ,dn that cros
sing, incurring as great' peril as ar.y in the
gloomy record of Arctic travels, pushing their
bark canoes boldly out into the Arctic Ocean,
and forcing their w ay thro' drifting masses of
ice seven and eight foot thick. But they were
prepared to make any. effort to reach the Is
land, which,: as well 83 Point Aigle, near it,
had been tha places Dr. Rae understood the
LViuimaux to raean when describing where
the white party perished in 1850 j and they
had the melancholy satisfaction of procuring,
on that very spot, the fullest possible confirm
ation of Dr. Rao report. They also met Es
quimaux in that vicinity who had seen the
whiles, and gave much valuable information.
Suffice it to say, that on the Island were dis
covered the- remains of a Loat,'which had been
partially destroyed by the natives for the siko
of the wood and the metal fastenings, although
there was sufficient left to identify it as be
longing to the Franklin Expedition, one frag
ment of wood (now, as well as some other
small relics, in possession of the Hudson's
nay company at ijaci:ine) having the name
'Terror'f branded on it, while another has tho
name of Mr. Stanley (surgeon of the Erbus)
cut upon it, this latter being part of a snow
shoe, evidently of English manufacture, being
mada of oak, a sjiecies of wood no'man accus
tomed to use snow shoes would ever select for
the purpose : - .
..N"o paper or books, and no human remains,
were found ; nor was it likely, as four years
had elapsed since this tragedy was enacted
upon a low sandy beach, exposed to the storms
of four Arctic winters; and there is littlo
doubt that either the sea Ins washed ofT, or
the sand lias buiied deep, the unfortunates
who pensued on this spot. The Esnuiniaux
were; very friendly, and freely displaved all
their treasures obtained , from the boat, , or
found near it, and these consisted principaTlv
cf the oars, used by thera ;as tout poles, the
boat kettles, the empty preserved meat cases,
&c, &c., but -bo papers, and the native.? sta
ted, with every evidence: of sincerity, that
none had ever been seen orfonnd. Even-thin''
portable was secured by Messrs. Anderson and
Stewart, aa 1 brought back, and arc now on the
way to Canada ; it wonld be useless to recount
them all, but we may mentioa bar iron, rope
with the government mark on it, oars branded
with the broad arrow; pieces of bunting, re
mains cf a flag, a letter holder, a step of a
mast, &c, all clearly European and all govern
ment supplies.-. Is any thing more wanted ?
The weather is described' as: having boon
"execrable," constantstorms, with ice, snow,
raii,.&Iect, hail, thunder, a:id , whalever else
cm be conceived that is disagreeable.- It is a
jart of the ceacd the natives, even, consider
uciababit ible, merely visiting it, for a short
tinia in summer, w hen the deer pa's that way.
Oirthe 14th August, when tlir? expedition com
men cod its retreat from its coast, the groiiad
wa covered w ith fresh fallen snow, and the
ice; was fcriiiing, in fact ; winter had set in.
r ow lutther detaili of tho last moments of
the party Lave been collected; wa may
mention pno niotinifiil incident reported by an
Es quimaux wom in, who saw the last man die ;
he was large and strong, sho said, and sal on
the sin.lv beach, bis head resting on his hands,
and thus the last survivor of Franklin's Expe
dition yielded up his brave spirit. Messrs.
Anderson and Stewart retraced their steps to
Jreat Slave Lake, from whence the latter con
tinued his journey onwards to lied River set
tlement, and thence by way of the Minnesota
Territory to Montreal, where he arrived on
Friday evening last, direct from the Arctie
Sea, alter upwards of five thousand miles tra
vel ia open craft, and through uninhabited re
gions, without a halt. A few facts, taken at
random, may serve to bring homo to oar ap
preciation what this Northwest expedition ac
complished a'i-1 went through. In 13 months,
to aday, the Iroquois who were sent from La
chine to form part of the expedition, returned
thither, thus performing ia one year tho same
service that Sir George Back got through in
three. - . - . .
-' For sixty days and nights tho party caw "no
Crc, there being no timber oa the Great Fish
River or Arctic coast ; and during those sixfv
days they traveled incessantly in open craft in
a w retched climate, never had dry clothes -or
'slept on dry blankets, and never eat cooked
victual except on rare occasions, when they
-made a little tea by means of a lamp. This
'party of sixteen in all, traveled in bark canoes
down one of the most turbulent rivers known,
even toJS'orthwcst voyagers; ventured among
- the ice on the Arctic-sea, and returned to their
starting point 'without meeting with a' single
' accident to person or propertyand, withal,
performed all that Was required of theni ; iand
Lad they gouo out four qt five years- earlier
J would, no doubt, have" been instrumental In
saving-tho lives of a 'portion-' of Franklin's
. party, .,..,.. ' . .. , - -
One word in conclusion as to the Franklin
expedition.- I he two vessels Erebus andTer-,
TOr leftEnzkmd in 184.1? worn liot ,.,, c:J
r - - - uyflVlUli VI lit
1845. - They probably tried 'several passages
rT)Ut: were LaSed by the ice ; ": and finally, In
1818, -' were crushed probably In . Victoria
uuunor .uu , ui crew neriKiipd tint nna
or more boats got r ff with tho survivors, who
,took all the stores they ciiili collect and trav
eled southwards towards the A
tho hopo of reaching sonie of the'llndson Bay
t'otafiany'a'p'orcsfr '-TIie Reason of. 1819 wa-i
. vv J., 4n
probably sjent on this dreary journey nd rt
as wed indSSO, when they reached the coast at
1ho mouth of Fish river, but in so exhausted
a state that, they could merely run their boat
on the - beach and crawl ashore to die. This
seems ill that is certain, and all that we can cv-
era now, of the fate of the Franklin expedition
a. uxzisq ultragb "was committed - soruo
two weeks since at TViuchcudon, Wisconsin,
by a gang of young men upon a Miss Francis
B.'Bennett: and Wo.: L. Chntterbuck. The
young men, instigated by jealousy, entered
the house, in the evening, one seized Miss IS
threw her over his . shouldor and carried her
out of the house, choking her at the same
time to preveut her screaming ; the others laid
held of the young man, tlraggcd Lim out some
distance,, stripped off a 'part of his clothing
daubed him with bLick paiut, beat him severe
ly, and left him on the ground, bleeding, faint
and disabled. Chutterbuck was the lady's lo
ver, and the young men, all of whom have
been arrested, looked with tne irreen eve of
alousy ou their proceedings. . -
Licbtmsg axoLamp3 of Ueayex. "We Cad
the following unique explanation of electrical
phenomena in the New York Knickerbocker:'
A little girl the idol of a friend of ours, was
sitting by the .window during a violent thun-
uer3tonn, apparently striving to grapple some
proposition too strong for her childith mind.
Presently a smile of triumph lit up her fea
tures, as she exclaimed Oh I know what
makes lis . lightning; it's God lighting his
lamps and he is throwing tho matches' g down
here." --- ----
T7The light of the lamp was dving in the
socket, the midnight clock swung heavily : a
loft, and its brazen tones sounded, loudly . on
the frozen air; it was the bourwhen disembo
died spirits walk, and when murderers like
the stealthy wolf prowl for their prey, the lone
ly watcher shuddered, as he heard a slight
noise at the door; big drops stood on bis pale
brow, the door gently opened, and ia came a
strange cat ! . .
Col. Rowtrxso.v has just discovered among
the ruins of ancient Eabylou an extensive li
brary rot, indeed, printed on paper, bat im
pressed on baked bricks containing many and
voluminous treaties on astronomy, mathemat
ics, ethnology, and several other most impor
tant tranches cf 'knowledge. .These treaties
contain facts arid ; arguments, winch in hi3
opinion, will luive no small operation on the
siuny. oi, sciences to .wnicu they relate, and
which throw great . light oa biblical history
and criticism, and the history of our race.
Till: CASit SYSTEM ADOPTED. n anl af
t'r thft first of Januury, IS.j.i. the Pesxstlvami
TrLr.nn.'.piT.'pnblishcd at llnrrisbur. Pa., will be
owned and ton.luetcd by the un.lcivigned. who
will give tneir best energies to n:ak
its cause and .f iia friemls.
it worthy of
- It will commence the scir yenr p Intel on en
tirely new type, and tha Weekly greaMy enlar ged
in lorm r.anc tne price will ho lowr t inn that of
any vjtH-r pyy.tr ot ?ts cr-rss evr jt'HihJ at the
Cfp't ii o f ih ttiti. Asn p.vvirnsTS wit.i. rtv. r.r.
Q7 i::F.n stsictly it advanck. No paper will bo
sent until it is paid for, nnd all will 1ms discontinued
83 the suhecriiit ions expires, tiniest her are rpnewed
The 'i.i.r.eR.pn i.s i-u3d SEMI-WEEKLY, on a
sheet oT tvvea'y-lour columns. !arin-jt ho sessions
of tho.. Legislature, nr. J Vt'EUIvLY on a, donllc
sheet of forty-tight columns the remaincder (f tho
year. It iiil piciti.t a coinprehenoiro suiaraary
of, Ji3 Lci.-Iativa proceedings; all important
gercral larr.-j. cs they are pasc-i. ard nim to give
the current roliticr.l iutellince of tim lim.-w ;
the fullc.it aJ ttoit reliable manntr. In short,
the proprietors hope to malic ita couiplcto Taiaily
anl Political Journal, and they confidently appca-
10 me j.co i- o: rcnraylvama to nutam their cn!
x :ic lcr.Kr.r:.rTi iti I advosato a liberal nolificol
po.i?y. and ana to ncite all thosu who. though an
i:.iated by the fame c-wuiaon purpo:. and lookinsf
t' tbc sniie lec:riee!!i. results, seem distracted Iy
tao eonlliot ol rtislinctive organizations. It will
Fostaiu tne Jugacsl standuri of American Nation
ality; and while yitidicg a suored obclicncc to the
comprcmiFf? of lug Coi::i!uiion, will detcrrr.ino 1
lv resist ill e cxtunsion of lluuian Slavery. It will
Kive a cardial, earnest and independent support to
iijiu mis. raiion oi fi-v. x OI.T.OCK.
The TtECir.Ai n will be furnished SEMI-WEEK
LY; during Ilo scsiions of the Legislature. anJ
WEEKLY, on a double sheet the, the remainder of
tae year, at tae following low rates the jiosey
Singl mbseription?, 2 00
Five copies (1 SO per copy) 0 (10
Tcncopies($l 70percopr) -J 7 00
Twenty copies (l j0 per copy) Si 00
And at tue same pric-e (51 50 per ccrv) on
number over twenty. Clubs should be made up at
fuv-c, nun ids EUbicuptions forwarded before tlic
first of January, so tiuit they can commence with
me session oi tlie J.onslature.
c . . u : . - - -. . . - .
. uo-rit.iioiis wi:i oeiorwarucJ from this oiiico.
All orders mutt ue a l lrcc l to
, "d'CLt'EE t SELLERS,
' IIariisburg,Ta
i.utir.e.-s men wa! Sr.l tae Teleciiapa the
very bsf Advertising Medium in Tcncsrl va.nia.out
ol the citica. Doc. 12. :55.-2t
rtiit: SCIENTIFIC A .ii E 11 1 C A N . E L-
-M- iiVtrau yeak, Spieadii Engravisra
ani Prizes. ThoLlaventh Annual Volume of tlfis
useiui puoiioatmn commences on the 17th day of
Atimnn. Afr ' P 1 O " .Jf 4 -
. -..u.v-i m.jl v. .i i.o i-ccif ftc j men rait 13 an
Illu-tratel Periodical, devoted chiefly to the pro
mulgation c.f information relating to the various
.Mechanic and Chemie Arts. Industrial Mannfas
turcs. Agriculture, Pat ants. Inventions. Engineer
ing, Millwork, and all interests which tho li"ht of
PKACTICAL SCIENCE is caloalatei to advance.
Keports of U. S. I'atents granted arc also pub
lished cvory week, includicg Official Copies of all
1 ATENT CLAIMS, together with r.cwa and infor
formation upon thotisa-ais of other subjects. .
The Contributors to the Scientific American are
among tho most Ehisf.st Scientific and. practical
men ot tho tii.103. : Toe Editorial Department is
nniveMally acknowledged to be conducted with
Great Ability, and to be distinguished, not only
tor the cxocllcnco and truthfulness of ita discut
tiooF, but for the fearlessness with which error is
combated, and falso theories are exploded. -
Mechanics, Inventors. Kngineers. Chemists, Slan
nfactcrers, Agriculturists, and pkople p eveet
Piiofessiox ix life, will find the Scientific Ameri
can, to bo'of great- valuo in their respective call-ins:..--
Its counsels and suszestiorm ic;n v.
Hundreds of Dollars annually, besides afl'ordin--:
them a continual source of knowledge, the expert
ent-o of-which ia beyond pecuniary t'stimato.
-.' The Scientific American is published once a week
every Ember contains eight large quarto pa-res)
forming actually a complete nnd splendid volume'
illnstrat l with. SE VERAL II UiDRED ORI
GINAL ENGRAVINGS. 1 . .. ? ,., t
i Tec vs. Single Subscriptions. $2 a year, SI for
6 months. Five oopie. for 6 months, S4; 1 year 53 .
For further Clubratesnd statemontof the four
teen laro Cash Prizes, ofierd by tho publishers,
see S. American. ' .Specimen eopics 6cnt Gracis.
Southern, V etern and Canada jaoaeyvo'' Pcst
Office ?t.Unp3, taken at par tor subscriptions.. r
Loftees shoali be directed (post paid) t
- ; -v.- . , IMUNN & CO., . '
Aug. 22. . m Valtoa St., Ne-y Yrk. -i
Nes. 158 & 1GT, Market Street,
Importers and manufacturers of City anil
Also, every variety of French and English Shoe
' Lasting. Patent Lather,kid and Calf-skins, '
'- ; - Shoe Laces, Gallons, Bindings. tc,
suitable for manufacturers: :
Also, Foreign and Domestic Straw nnd Silk Ben
' -cots,' Leghorn, .Panama. and .Palm-Lenf Hats.
' ' English, French, and American artificial '
' Flowers. Oil Silk, Straw Trimmings,
'' - See., ic. ' ., - -
Having removed to our new Store, No. 15S & IfiO
Market Street, below 5th, .South Side, up stairs, wo
niviie j our attention to our large and varied Stock
oi fctraw Goods, Loots and Shoes, which we are
preparing for the approaching 1 all Sales.
All our Goods being exclusively of oar own di
rct Importation and Manufacture, we feel confi
dent that our facilities are such that we can offer
you inducements as regards variety and prices of
uouuii, ; unsurpassed ny any nouse m the country.
: . V.iilil.''? nvf IITl! t, Tfivro
. 8, lSi-l.-ly. ; ...... .: Philudephia.
TSROOTv. TYSON & REHN 'Wholesale Brv
Good's Store, No. 11G, Market Street. Philadel
phia. . Ang. 1, 185.-ly.
OOOD NEWS ! Wholesale Store openel in
SJT. Tyrone City, whero anybody who wants
cheap goods can purchase. The sab't-ribcr has jyst
opened a largo and well selected stock of Goods in
. sT i'liOKE CITY, .
' - Corner of Logai &ni Janiata Sta..
IIo has on hands and will constantly keen a largo
stoekof ! . -
Dry Gaols, Groceries, Hats, Crps, Boots, Shoes,
CIoIMtiz, Hardware, Qnceuntrarz Drugs,
of all kinds, consisting of . ' '
Potatoes, Bacon, Fruit. Beans. Flour, Vbeat,
Corn meal. Ac. La. .
And ho hereby gives notice that ho will sell h
iois as low as ihuy can bo puroliaaed ia any tow
county this side of Philadclidiia. and v. ill tals
Boards. Shingles, or even luoney in exchange. -
Jniyfj. -yj. ," r. :d. l.I-bL.
GOINU IT.ALONi; Tho -undersigned hav
ing taken to himself the store formerly own
ed byl'utchinA Swan, takes pleasure in infoi-min:;
lus friends and the public ffenerallv. that be Lai
just receivel from the citv a splendid assorlmc-ut ol
. t . lr.. ! . .
xjxj uudjj. uardivMK, i;ueciisware, Groceries
Cosilcetsouaries, Hats and Cups. Botd
and. Shoes,
una lUTT liiir.T cio u.'iialiv kor.f, in a
ooiv. . i I'liui.a msiiing xo t,uy ciicap ana yoo
ouii-issuoaw koi i urge t mat ne is letermind not
to tc nndersol'l by may store iutL e couuty.' Hi
motto, is l-a nimblo pcnr.y rath tlinn a slow six
incc.1' . DAICiUN.
Wlcn llvpe, July 5, 1554.
r. NELSON & CO., '
Slum'. TouMiiMtt. ClffirSeld Co.. V.,.
Would respectfully ii)fo.ia the cii'izcns of tint vi
cinity that they keep constantly ou ban 1 a largo
assortment of
Dry Goa.-ix. Ilird-V.'ttre. Own urrtrr. Groceries
Coiit'eelioiiarirs, Ilat ly dps. Boots Sh .?,''
and all o'her artieb?9 nsnally kept in a countrr
store, which they arc determined to sell low for
cash, country produce, or lumber.
August 1, ljj.
The subi-onber. thankful fur j.ast favors,
would respectfully solicit a conlinnar.-ic of thu li;j
er:il patronage bestowed upon his lb.uso by tha
Public He is prepared to aceommo date water
men, editors, drovers, nnd all c'Jiors who xuny call
with lum, in the very best manner.'
He also purposes to run a line of Hack? from
Tyrone to Clearfield, for the accommodation of tho
travelling public. . J. G. HUNK.
'ui!psom-g. March 11. lS55.-tf.
mjLW MILI At fheOld Pioneer Mills on tho
X A Moshannon. in Morris township. The sub
?criber tins just completed a large new G rist Mill
which is in successful operation. Grain of ail
kinds bought, stored, and sold on eo7mission.
Pea. 27. '54. IIENKY GU'.E.
ii Under the lata act cf Conrrc-
. vv i ! 1 fl ii I t '.i a
subscriber lully prepared, vrith blanks, forma, Ac.
to asist them -in procuring thcir W;t rrants.
ORieo two doors cast of Journal Ofik-e. up 6-sird.
Mar. 2j. -55. II. BL'CIIEH SVroopi;.
I'lJlLs li. GilAlIAM Merchant ai l extensive
tteaicrs ia lumber. Gruhanmtnr. I 11 flonr.
licld county, Pa. ' Miiy2 ), 'jb-Iy.
having entered into copartnership in the prastiec
of their profession, will faithfully attend to all
business entruslcd to thcir caro in Clearfield county-
" f. It. P-ALUE'lT,
Clearfield. July 1?. Ig5;.-1y.
- - -Li:Ai;rii:i.t). Pa.
J wo door. East ot Journal cSice. Ud s"air '
Dec. 1. 1Sj4. - '
Office adjoining his residence, on Second St.
August 1. 1S55.
Cflire in the room adjoining, on the E.nst the
Drusr .Store, of Dr. If. Lorrain. IIo may bo'oon
sulted in French and German.
Anwt 1. 1855.-1v.
OCiee nearly oj.posito the Court House.
Au trust 1. H5.j. i. -
H. 3I'N ALLY. ,
Practices in Clearfield and adjoining counties
Ofiico nearly opposite Judgo Wright s store
August 1. 185j. .
. Omce in the room adjoining on the West, tho
More ot V m. F. Irwin. . . . ..
August 1, 3S55. ' '. ' -
- l-rtnchvillfi. Clearfield County, Pa., 'J'"
Having rented tho property nnd situation of Dr
1 . Hoops, tenders his professional servi . i.
citizons- of Froiichville, and vicinity. Office, one
door east of Luti's store, Frenchvilln. - li
U.U. I'. AKLL'Y, - .
-i - ' --' -.-. i PHYSICIAN, '; :; ,
Grahampton, Clearfield Countn. Fa .
tenders his professional sendees to the inhabitants
ot uraliampton and surronndin ,.nf, i.
at all times be found at his-Office, directly oppo
site Mr. J. Ii. Graham's store, when not profes
Eionally. engaged. . Apl. 25. . 1
D. D. S. Offi ft A intn.
&ffW$ in his-Store,.ClcariiclJ..Pa. Ariifi
.77' ', cial Teeth, from one to a full set, nioun
tJ..In.til0 most approved modern etyla. . -, '
I'illillg, FilinL'. and r.loaniniT ;W.
ant neatness. i : : -. :- ;i ,
Teeth extracted with nil iha ram -mj ai.Iv..
, . wuv. C-l'.fcLtll
modem pcienee can lurnish. .".'.".:':.. j
- -DK. HILLS, can alwayn bo found at hia office,
as be is now dsrotinj his . whele , attention to hij
prefcflHon.. i ; ; , t.( jjn. ,
-Vv- A. 21. HILLS
11K !; ; : IK O JY, WO I
.... . - - v- . Eidgp, Avenue,
The attention c f the public is invited to the ex- cXr da;playc. before this community, and exactly
tensive mannfecbry and ware-rooiu f tho sabscri- a,,,,rte(1 to thcir IuaDJ and various necessities,
ber, who is prepared to furnish, at the shortest no- II ATS. CAPS', BOOTS. SHOES, BONNETTS C
tice, IRON HAILING, of every description, for . HLMERES, CLOTHS. DRESS GOODS. TOIL.
LIONS, DOGS, Ac., Ac, lc, Ac, ' '
and other Ornamental Iron AVork of a decorative
.liai.BAta nil P .1. -.- - . 1 . 1
view of pleasing the taste, while they combine all
requisites of, beauty and substantial construction.
Piirhnor. o w,i ....t .ti
fully boxed and shipped to their placo of destina
tion. A book of defins will bo sent to those ,w ho
wish to make a selection. ROBERT WOOD,
: Ridge Avcnuo below Spirng Oarrdcn St., t
.. Oct.6, 'ao.-Sm. !t , . , . Philadelphia
OMtAD & WALTON, r c .
- 255 Kajrket Strsrt,
Importers and Dealers in. u. u
r:, jiiQXyNML?, $c, 4-c.-.,;,';"r" :
They respectfully invite the.pcople.of Clear
field, to continue tlieir favora.'"' ' ' " ' '
Aog.a, 185.-ly. . . i .-.I :
OTo. 03, Korth! Second Street,1 ' '
- 1'be undcrsicncd. haviES takn th-oli1 ttoIT.
known house which has been renovated and re
modeled throughout, respectfully solicits his Clear
field fyiend3 to give" huu, a call on thcir visits to
the eirr. a . - .
-tneiurnimrc is, auricw.nEa. has beon selected
wtthoare from Hcnklcswcdl known cstablish.Hent
fhion.Mo rtvlT' 1 8 lat"t a,lJ-m0St
The furniture is, all new,: and has beon selected
. 1 he : location for .Mere bants and others coming
to the city i3 convenient, being in the centre of
business. . I. L. BARRIO",',
. Aug. J, lc5.-Iy. . . ' , . . l'ropiictor.
No. 2'. Market Norih -sidol
Philadelphia. Drugs. Medicine
. . w.tvmiijij. .
between Glh & 7lh,
ine.v (. hcmicals. Pat-
er.t Me iicincs.
urxi'ial In si rumen Is. !;i-ii"'r;sfV
Ol:u--s?rarc, . imluw GIa.-a. Paiuis, Oils. Lvc.-i, "Per
f:iuiLry, Ac, ic. JOHN 'UAliHIP. M. 1)'.
' ' ' E. n. OHBisnjf,-. :. :
Au. 1, '0.3.-1 v. J. SIIAitSWOOD. r-
. 2Ica. :13a ilarket Si.
5 Hcrchar
it St.
Importers and Whulesale Dealers in . . .
, . DRUGSy CHEXICJLS, ;-c. . ' , ..
They respectfully invite their Cleafleld frienda
to give iheiu a call. Jjan. 17, 05.-ly.-
"(OL & C Kxtcnsive Tiiy-goods Dealer... No,
S.JS- 167, JSiarkei -.:t., ThiJad'jlphia. keen ooii.stant
ly vu hand a large, uphudid. and cheap utoek f
tho most fashionable and elegant goods. Th?v in
vite country ?dcrciia.nts to c:;ll aci examine their
splendid assortment, befra purchasing cLiowhcro
Aug3t I, lo.0.-ly. ...
XriLLIAM S. , IIANSELL & SON, llanufac
? 1 furors and Importers of S:i ddlery, an J Sad-
uicry xiaruware. io. .Market Strttt. ILillcl
phi:i. Saddles. Kridies. Harness. Trunks. Whins
sadule IJags. itoMloEiiiinr, Diis, t-iirnihs, Huckics
Aug. 1, 'Oj.-ly
TOiilDLEMAN i HAYVrAPJ Wholtvale Gro-JL-civ,
Tea Dealers, and Cemmission Mcichauts
No. 273, Markct'tftrctt. rhiladidi Ma.
Ang.l, l?;.j.-ly.
. . A. EA'x'WAiiD,
, . No. 171.
CO. Wholesale Clothfn? 'rtora.
.-lartct fctrcet. : Kvi-rw t-.trxciv nf
reany nia.ic Llothmg. 111 tho most tashiouc.ble stylas
constantly on hand. Aug. 1, :65.-!y.
sJJT tcr
E J. WEA VEll & CO.. No. 13 North War
treet, Philadelphia. Dejiicrs in .('imt
chain, Yarn, Manilla and Ecmp Kepcs, Eod-coi Ja
vniu-ta-iiiics, xc., HQ. Au2 1,1a
-a. Market
l. A.MUfn, 'fat htarii. X.i 17''
-t.. I'hiladeliihii. U:it-i P.-.rw
ic, of every vitrioly, and tho bt quality "always
1 a- ' - ' j
nnd Lard Azcnt, No. 3. Goldsmilirs Hall.
I niladtlphia. will faitbfallv attend to all business
entrusted lo his care. Aug. 1, 13j5.-ly.
GALEB COPE t C, No. 1S3. Market St., Pbila
dtdphia. Dealers in Linens. White Goods, Ho
sicry. Frenob. Enii?!i and German Stilt Goods, La
ccs, Gloves.EoUinj Clath?, &a. Aug. 1, '55.-Iy.
no. 255 Jlcrket
Kara always on hnnd. at their Whole
bou. a large' assortment cf
alo T aro-
tne fewest .vtylo of
eoot. pikh:.-And ptkaw g nor.?
All their goods bcin? of their. own direcl Im
portation and Manufacture, they ure enabled te
oGer superior inducements to Merchants lay in in
their KtooL-
Dec. 1. 1S5L ly.
STORE, No. 72 North fF.ra.tn Sirt
site, thi ?.tout Venton Hon.'.) Pphiladclphia. '
..01a u-iM naicnes, imi jewclied. 15 K, cases.
Silver Lever do., do.: Silver l,mi. dn Omrii.r-
Gold Spectacle. Silver do.: Silrer Tsl.lo Snn'
Silver Desert do. : iSilier Tea do Gold P
Gold Cases; Gold Pens and Silve-rdo.: tog-ther
with a variotv of fine Gold .Tr-wflrv :i(t nr.
Guard and l ob Chains. All goods warranted to
be ns represented. . Watches and Jewelry, repair
ed in the best manner.
Also, Masonic Marks, Pins, Ac., mado to order.,
NE. All orders sent bv mail or nttif.nr-
will be punctually attended to. - '
j 1 is motto is: -Small Profits and Qnlek Sales "
Philadelphia, April 2j, 1855.
- 2-13 Karket Street,
Importers and Dealers in Earthen-Ware, Chirr,
..; Glass, and Queens Waro, ,,
Opposite the Twed Lion Hotel, Philadelphia. "
: - ' J. G.:TTOP!vTXK . 0
- 0 j .. . ... :
o, Ji.-iy. liUUI.
X-- ... u- No. 107 NOliTH THIRD ST., -. .:
' : . ' - 'j i ' '- Philadelphia.' -
In rcreign and Domestic Dry Gooda.
- I'ifth Door below' Race. . "
, r:i : AMOS G. HE1LMA2J
rhiIadelphia..lLiy 16, 1355.-1 j.-:
CO WELL & CO., - . . . "
- .-1 ITS Karkot Strjft,- ;'T rn
Wholesale DeaLehs is Hats', Ctps;' F,trs': t-L,
between 5lh and 6th St., Philadelphia' '
: Jan. 17, 1855. - - ,..'. 1. '
1--. lLa!o OLIVER MARTIN k CO.)
Importers and Dealers in HOSIERY. TRIM
rp' ??.rtJot.V Street,-Philadrinhia. ;
Dec. 5,J4. SANDRSONR.MAE.TIir. -
3fOlC5 2?. TSird gta-cat, ftre ejr baLwr R
V T U 11 R All FOR - KA N.'JAS !--TLe
L iUd Banner Goals in triuuiph ou the -Oll Cor
ner ,-ytore, waere A. 21. Hills has just or-cned the
ureajTO oau uiiKi!pinuiu HFsOrU,l?Dt of tiOOds.
with faucy articles ad infinitum. '
Clearfield. June 20. ISjj. ' A. M. IITLLS.
J--' JljllLVV ,
, .tv.,aw, i i, f1-, t "V TTr
u holosaio and Retail Dealer In
VTina Citv. Pa.
etail Dealer In
,; . VIALS, PERrUMEUY, Ac, Ac. ;
Having just opened
these articles Physicians will find it to their advan
tage to give him a call, and examine bis Stock be
fore ordering from the Eastern Cities; and Coun
try Merchants en also be accommodated with all
the Essences, Tinctures, Patent Medicines Ac
WHOLESALE and RETAIL, at lovrt pric'.
S sIIc hopes by strict attention to bnsir.oss. and
a desiro to please,- to merit a share of pnb'.ie pat-.
i.uus. r . - . . April 2 j, 1805.
HKLSubseriber would inform bis fiiends and tho
puilic tliat helia3 just refitted and re-furnished his
113 respectfully solicits his friends and others to
giyo iiiui a call. . M. it. 1LEMM1NU
August 1, 13j5.
A - K TVItlGIIT JirilCHAVT ,vnrvTrv
A.'sYvii DEi .ERIN L
oth of his resicl
vie.-raeia, larca 14, lsoa.
. , renuvllle, Clizrfdtt 'Co., Pa,
Keep constantly on hand an excellent assortment
of h-arber, Vvhich they offer for sale at the lowest
cai princ. lilies taken m exchange. - .
July 1$, 15j4.
A. r:
OWENS, . :
Has just opened a lara and splendid
i - u ? eery desiinptiia and quality, : .
..u..i i:b i eciiing at tlie lowest prices ever
Known in tins region of Country, . .
ii invites his Llearneld friend. lo give him
a ca:l. and exchange their rugs. lumber. shingles.
Hij-i every variery ot pro'luce. for the Ciffi vrrsT
t uest good.s. to be had west of Philadelphia.
Feb. 2, ISjj.
1 . -
Ell WELCH, has jast returned from the City
with a new and splendid assortment of
Aatetios. .,cwc!ry, and Silver-ware the lnr'est,
jest and cheapegt ever brought jnto ClearSel l con
sisting of hunting and open-fasod gold and silver
warencs, goM lockets, gold chains. gold Tens, rin-breast-pins,
spectacles.VilTer forks, bracelets, sleeve
bntonS; cuiT pins, car r:nj;s, Ac, ic, tc. .
Watches and jewelry repaired on tho shortest
notu-c. Jane 6, .'55.
-gl t'-IO VAL : The undersigned begs lenve to
---w luiuim 1:1a iricnas mat ue nas removed his
jioiu .-1 u:i iv s xiow," to r.ismew buiidiaa-. onnoitc
the nn;(;e of James Wrigly. and t wo doors sou:h of
. II. 1 . . . 1 .
-ue f.u; neeps coDktanty 011 tiand-", every varie
ty of Ladies slippers, gaiters, j umps. Ac. Men's
mrey siioes r.nd gaiterf. with an excellent 1 nort
mcnt of heavy work, all adapted to the various
Tnanrsoi the people of Cleani.-ld.. lie hopes bis
inemis wia call at hi3 NEW STOEE, and ex
amine bis .St.-K.-k.
Loots and fchocs mado to order, and mcndlno-
done as heretofore.
.Clearfield. June 27.
-Rrspectfully informs
Mf h'.s old friends and the rnh'iV
obta ined the services of a iroo-1 Gutter and work
: 1 Al - n ...
man as a foreman in tho tailoring business, and
he is now prej-ared to attend to any orders in his
Line f work on the most accommodating terres.and
short notice, .nnd will have clothing on hand at ail
times, such as dress coats, frock coats, vests, and
pantaloons, of their own manufacture, r.-ul good
material at the lowest prices. With a wish to ac
commodate, ho solieita a sliare of patronage.
New Washington. May i), la35.
1 LACKSMITITINO. The snbscriber would
Uifoi-m the public that helms tsken the
ii.ii.iiui iiju juioiio -mat neiias iiKcii tne i;iacii
hop formerly occupied by George Orr. on
orner of Third and Main streets, in tho bor
sf Clearfield
trie corn
vi vR-aruem wnere aa carries cn mo business
in all its various branches.
Juno fl, lS.3.-ly
B"ii'ii i?i)i iiu iiui inc snosenber
JL would inform his friends in Clearfield, and the
pui.iic generally tliat he has enlarged and reCttcd
his house, and is now enabled to compcf sm-i-c??.
fulily with any Hotel in the country. No pains
win ocsparea 10 render His gtiests comfortable.
His table shall always be-sopplied with the best
the market can afford, and his charges moderate.
He respectfully invites his friends and others to
give mm a can. J'AV ID JOHNSTON
Philipsburg Jan. SI, 1355. ly..
LIVEllY STABLE. The sab-
A .seriber,
hnving removed hia Liverv Stable
Curwensville to Tvrono Citv. hexf.s'lrnrn in
his frfenda and the public, that he is at all times
prepared to supply them with ll-Vrses, carriigcii.
buggies, and other vehicles on hire, at the most
reasonable terms. Inquire at tho ';City Hotel "
Tyrone, January 31, 1355.-Gino ; :j t
TOIIN TItOUT.irAN. ifousc bign and Orna
V mental Painter. Glazier. Chair mbr nn.l
Tapor 11 finger, offers bis services to tlie citizens of
. vicar 1101a and vicinity..- ; . , , .. .
- Shop 071- Market St.. gnat leloio tjte Foundry.
. ' '-; ; CHAIRS, OTTOMANS: c,
kept constahtry on hand and made to order, cqaal
iii beunty to any that.can bo "obtained from tlie
East, and more durable in materiaL -"
Aug 1. 1853. . .? i
HAVE YOU SEEM SAM?-TLe subscriber
would inform hi.S oTil friar.. la t,n,l 1, ,:i,i:.
generally, thai be still continues to keep a house
of entertainment in New Washington where those
Who call m ith hint will receive every attention,
and bo made comfortable. ... ....... .'
' Good Stablin?. and PVenr n'llinr onr.i.ntonns f'r
horses, 611 the premises. DAVID S. PLOTNER.
EREGE JEL.1NES. A :rri article.-
Lerege Delaines in dress natterns. .at 2t cents
per yard, never sold in this county before for less
than 50 cen ts at RICHARD MOSOP'S.
Junel.V'55. ' ' ' '
CHEAP CLOTHING. A large lot of Cheap Clo
thing, Men's and Eoy, for sale cheap, by ' 1
junou, m. ,. i, . iiiuiiAiiu juuasOP. ;
BLACKBERRY BRAND A ccrlain'curo for
the Dysontary, for salo by - ' . : i ,- .
Jrne 13, '55. . RICHARD AIQ350P.-. ;
A Largo nssortmentof tftono ware at the store of
Jane 13.) - - W. F; IRWIN. :
A- An nnaiinroaoUblo stock for sa'.a '' '
Jane 27, '55. A. U. HILW.
rouse ant is prepared to render every attention to
tho travelling community. .; . '.. , -- , from the day of its origin. I ts means ct'n in
lhs bar contain liquors of the first quality, and the public hive been. augmented in proporu"nl:
Lis table will always be supplied with the best in Instead -of a single editor with one or two o""it-'
. . - I i - llXI ldllUII now
rr"K W-YORK TRlRl.Ni:, 1S5-G.
jl ins j. mm xb 13 now iu the mkldic of it, cr
tecnth year; Vol. XV. of its wetklv iceeomw-n-e.l
on the 1st of September last. The American
public need not now be made acquainted with i'
character or claims to consideration. With bnt a
eubordinate regr4 for prudenco, polk-v and ri,'-
"Iar,,.,ult,ha3rra,Ued lo slI for RighcousiUv
for Jmth. for Hnmsmty. against Tortitied Iniini-'
y, I raud and 4Jprreion. There ia not a slave,
trader on this Continent, tho' Le may never re.ii
anything but his bills of sale and notes-payable
who does not know and hate the Thibuxk there ii
not an extensive fabricatorof dragscd and poison
ous Liquors, who docs not 'collider it a very dan
gerous Mud immoral paper, ad wonder why it
publication is -tolerated ia a ovmniercial. cotton
tuyiug City like New-York. The Xarari M,-re -ry
once forcibly Teirarked that it had never known '
a hard, griping, sere Tries avaricious employer L ;
was not hostile to, tiie Ii.i!ti;.VE, nor cue t-mineu. v
generous and kindly who did l.otJikeit! Promvr
and plain-sicken in iis donur.ciatioss of iniquiiv
and aJbus-s of. power, whilst claiming no cxeiiui'.
tion flwn human fallibilily, it may have don
temporary injustice to individuals, but it has nev-
cries of the wronged and Buffering. In its eolumn
Uie advoate of aoycl and unpopular theories con
templating the melioration cf human oe, r,e
eially those of the voiceless and dowa-troddoa
nave ever found aulienee and hospitality whil
H has already resisted, and will persisteiul'r com
bat, every attempt toprowiibo and degrade anr
class because of diversities of Nativltv, or Creed
r i J;"."00.0' calumnies the met aWions.niid
"'VUUC8 lne mo& aendly and untrue, the Tiy
liUSE has frown ct..Q,i;i,-
pniimrlcna . ..... .
uauy oi wrucrs oam litteU by fpecial aeiompiish-
inu experience lor t in mhui,. ii. r
iscufelon to which bis pen is devoted ; the daily
amount of reading matter given more than quad'-'
ruples that of its enrliest issues : a stuff viin.r
correspondents encircles the clobe.
early and intelligent narrations of whatever m
most worthy. of attention; while Politics, Legisla
tion, Literature. Art. llislor
nffe'ets the rocial wcH-beiiig'ef mankind. Poleniia
Thtmlogy alone excepted finds hero t! fp:
and mast searching disscussion.
ita.ned by protound conviction to tho brnifi.
cent policy of Industrial deveiomamit nn.l rt..r...
al Intercommunication whoso tiinL c.nnTiif.ir.i
chsninion (Iiroua-h the Iaat hahW:
uy Clat imbued, mpreover, w ith the epiritoff.r-bearan-jc
towards our weaker neighbors, end tow
ard the much wronged Aboriirincs of this Confl
uent and of Peace wiih All which will hallow the
name of Whig, the Tkibvne, while surrendering
no jot of its proper independence co-operated ca"
nestly and tirdectly with tho Whig p:irtv so long
as its vitality was preserved. When in lATt)-2 an
ac.empt was made to interpolate slave-hunting in
to its creed, we sternly resisted that imposition;
when, at the close of the last Presidential can
vass, it was seen that a large portion of tha Whijs
preferred to defeat thcir own r.artv rather fh.ir.
allow its Anli-islavcry wing to share its triumph,
even under a conservative Chief on a Pro-Slavery
piallorm. we knew and proclaimed that the Whi
party was 110 more, i-'r.fcscom nt eveuis, inoludinir
lae tuie and calumniation f the Know Nolhin '
conspiracy, and. the speedy al son tion ihcreiu of
ifce whole fcroe of Pro-slaverv Whirrism. onlvonn.
firmed our undoubting anticipations. With no
sickly ..lamentations, therefore, for the inevitably
bygone, but with hope, and joy. and srmpa'.hv,
and words of cheer, bavo We bai'led tha beginning
and watched the progress of that mirhty liLlTJi
LICAN movement which impelled by the perfidi
ous violation of the Missouri Compact, and stimu
lated by -tho -astounding outrages whereof the
rights of the Free Settlers of Kyjisas fcavt been tho
victims by repeated and utter vitiation e,f fhmr
electioasl)y an armed mob collected by conspiracy
and hurled suddenly upon them from the border
counties of tl;6 neighboring Sieve State, is destin
ed to sweep awav tho landmark of old i..-rtr
foud. and unito the true hearts and strong arms
of the frce-souled in one mighty effort to confine
the scourge and scandal of our country within the
limits of the States whiuh tanwiscly uphold it. To
the siioces-: of this effort, the energies of the Tu:-Bt-xs
will be sternly devoted; while the TEMPER
ANCE ItEFUKSL incliwlicir tho entire siiPPres--ion
of ths traSc in intoxicating beverages, will find in it,
as hitherto, a'n earnest iird nrflincliin" rhir.T.?nn
Coaimencinfr as a dailv folio slieet of inodi-rnr
sie, iiiid with senrdo'y a -shadow of patronage, tho
.TrunrsE- is now usuodin uuartoform Duiiu fthrce
diitint editions), Scmi-W.d'y, and Wrtily. on a
sheet 4 t by 1 inches, eight ample pages of six col
umns caoh. . Its circulation has steudilv p.rown
from nothing to the following aggregate :
Daily issues, eve. ar.d morii : 29,500
cc!y : :
Caliiornia edition
: G,0C0
Total, : :.
180,175 eopies.
believe no other newspaper in the world has
a .subscription list over half so large as this ; and
no periodical of any sort can rival it. And wbilo
its ; extreme cheapness rendering an increase of
paying readers only m indirect pecuniary advant
age tj us. Las doubtlfs larirclr" swelled it sub-
scriptiors list, it would be absurdity not perceive
ia this unprecedented patronago some cvidcirco
of public approval and esteem.
TESI13 The Tribune employs r.o traveling
agents and semis out no papers on trust. If it is
not stopped when the term' paid for expires, and
the subscriber does not cLooss further to pay for
it. we resort to no ligal process io compul him. On
the Weekly, wo xaoan to stop every paper on tho
expiration of tho advance payment. &rai::rj :
fresh remittance from the subscriber. If u-ji.-c
comes the account is. c!of:J.- Ve pny r-o loua'.
agents wisu no iriOi '-y p-d :-j a::y v.hcu the pa;T
er cannot trust Lim to"i::iii or other wiss S-Tid it to
us; once mailed, its s.iftty is at oar risk, (and a so
rious ri.rk it ofttn proves;; but arc grateful to eve
ry ono who deems it a guod work to obtain and for
ward the names and money of his friends and
neighbors. Our terms invariably are for the
DAILY TRIBUNE, ono copy, S-o per annum.
SEMI-WEKKLY. $3; 2copies for Si; 5 forS11.25.
WEEKLY, S2; 3 copies for S5; a for S3; 10 for
?12; 20 copies toove aii.rfrs for ?2f; larger olubs
S-l eaeh subseribc-r. Additiims may at all tiinos
be made to a club at the price paid by those alrea
Nov. 21. No. 154 Nautu St., Neio-Yori.
1ITLICII & .EENNER. would rcsnectfullv
irfoiT.t the citizens cf ClearSeld, and nublio
generally that they have entered into co-partner-
fchip in the
and 'keep' .constantly on bands,' and manufacture
to order, at the lowest prices, every variety of
furniture, consisting of ,"",',.
Dining, Breakfast, and Centre Tables, SewiuiT
Writing, and Wash-Standx, Mahogany, and
. A ' . ' ',. Common Bedsteads ; .. - -. '.
Mahogony and Cane-bottomod Chairs, 'Dnreaui,
Sofas. Lounges,' iu..' Ac.
Coffins made and funerals attended on the short
est notice, with a neat. hearse, and appropriate
aecompnriymcnts. - . ,
- jiouso fainting aone on tne snortest notice.
Shop and Ware-rooms, same as' formerly occupi
ed by JohnGulich, mearly opposite the 'JewStorc,'
CIcarnelJ. Pa ' JOHN G ELI CIL
May 22, '55.-1 y." ; DANIEL BEN NEK.
CLOCKS of every variety and price, Trom
hours to i 14 days, for sale by ;
Tlinn " T ' . - 1 ... r -vrTv -r
T AliE5' llaodkerchiefa, all Linnen. for sale by
JLi June 13, '55. R. MorfsOP.
BLACKBERRY BRANDY, for the cure iol
?ra Morbus, Dysentary and all other Kio
oi me Etomaca ind bowels, for sale by VI i i i-"lri
arce and splendid'
mcnt Of .Lndiea' (lout li-mona' nnil Chil.lrprw
Eoots and fchceaTor sale at Mossop's. Jn. 12.
G0NFECTJ0XAKIES a -h'Jlcthe diciest" as
sortment this Borou'kh ever could boast of. at
June 27, 555.) - A.M. HILLS.
MUSLIN,' at 5;ccnts pcryaid, at Mossop's cheap
cash store. '' ' June IS ,'ao.
ANTILLAS-lA large lot of Ladies' and Chil-
drens: Mantillas for solo at MosseT''s Cheap
Cash Store. -, .. : ; . J , . A IJmbo 13, li5.
BACON A good lot of llms and Shouldcrs.it
Julie 2t),J : . J- W. E. IRWIN'S..