' Br,.y.'''rWiujw-n A -A c ; ' J' i &)m. J X . V'. 4. tii --;n.. r it of December21' mrm.nes us tvith thwinSinon:-Wc under, stand tr.Shawf'h determined to ci; VtUe Gubernfrialcha5riaKansa3Ter rito His reasp for doiaS 80 w ,,liye not je ed " Theou'semocrat,an--says! - T-nst3a7 uai access to a reliable pri 'te con-H"'5'011' dated ate Lavcnworth,oii Abe mor of Dc. 28tb, from which wo learu ' 'tho in3 news that, on Saturday, the 2!d, r tj.J"'Ce ef the Territorial Register at Lcaven- yurih City, was entered by a mob and the press nd typss taken out, conveyed to tlio river, and thrown beneath the water. Mr. Dellahoy, the editor, was absent tit the time, and thero was no resistance offered to the progress of the ri oter?. After having drowned the press, they returned to the office, and burned a lot of pa per which had been supplied for the printing of the Register. They then dispersed, and numbers were shortly afterwards engaged iu fighting and rowdying arouud the Empire House, and other of the principal drinking sa loons of Leavenworth. The whole aflair was of a most unlawful and disgraceful character. It is stated that the mob was composed princi pally of -dissourians. "The boIo cause of the riotous proceeding was, that 3dr. Dellahoy had made himself obnoxious by taking a bold stand and denouncing the interference of -ilissouriant in the affairs of Kansas. Letters containing full particulars of the above proceedings, from our regularKansas correspondent, were mailed at Leavenworth City on the 25th, and will reach us in a day or two." -" Thb Japan Tkeatv Difficulties. Accord ing to a Calcutta correspondent of the London limes a Dutch official, selected especially from the Hague, was scut to Japan, to make such suggestions to the Japanese as would be accep table to them, in their negotiations with the United States Embassy, under Commodore ' .rtRET. The Dutch being more fumilliar with the Japanese character and Institutions, on ac count of their long intercourse with them, knev irhat restrictions it would be necessary LikOMit p the way, to prevent a free commerce ikdea?ations, to theiojury of the Dutch, Spreads jeiys,iie fully acqnieseing with Cora They hence . . - . . , Our eocial fcJ-O' m a desire for a treaty of peace Ho virtues cith us, with permission to our ships Mffi Pr,s Mclyfor Snpplies,they To loose that bj barred us from extending our Their hatefa! l lt-i0a save through the Japa Ad1 robs as-' ' 0 1 Their vars' Tca then they were so much They corneal, and so completely at the mercy Tis nwjTovt.vninent that a commercial inter Aoen gf c - A faraao, to any extcnt,was quiteout of the qucs- Or 11 5s a,S stato1 tliat tbe Dutch of,;cial - stcfore aluded to, has, since his arrival in Japan Tx.rtii ..' 1 '.fceLai secretary to the im . Inal g,A crnmei.tr All Mrs . u- the tfic.c7 ' Sa,(1 to constitnte the key t. full execution of tuCJLavc sJnco attenJud the 1 PlSUIlS'AI." OF Ma.CBAMPTOS ASDi J m. CoxsuLsr. The correspondent of the NTIvl 1 Tribune, writing from Washington City under' City under.' : date of the 9th Jan., says : "A decisive stejj mise that important Ji!aa C01lta:"s tho S!,r lius been taken relative to British enlistmentsl that .inarf.-r It s.",)n arivc froni ,1 .i.i i- . ,f lunLYumiruw on uns suoject we; i 'cen the two Governments has been closed ly an elaborate and conclusive dispatch to Mrj Liicnanan, sent last Saturdav, requiring th P-rilish Government to refill JTr. Cramptoij or leaving the altetnativc of the Adniinistr I lion giving liini Lie passports here. The sar.J p.vcr signifies distinctly the revocation oft r. V exequators of Consuls Barclay at New Yor, - M ithew at Philadelphia, and Raycraft at Cil K ,r.-4ili, who were iinr.licated in the piilll- taht.V. Engl.uid is indirerfly prepared . - .-.rill iu r i-iii. i. iiv iiri'Tinna i....n t . .. . j?iwent demand may excite a teti! Ion br."'. to some diiricitltv' nj, 4f3ibarras s. From po3itillm,frstt'n's ffifial incTitablc, andn4nje,lts iial 'i?t iined ) ri makes it the cause ol ? t'he Central American qucti ,o5!v wilt be licr own." v " i x IM'. kso -S?iRiEn. An old woria), vyVQ m, who 18 now better knoTi as tV..'te-.,;iot long since profited , t "'1 bctTMUed from the dcaf'lind i'1 ,laior.3i. mission to pcrfjj' n jV 4 HSbv$.r poor deluded ff.ow- I r i -- UfJ-Vooni her, am. the -1 - f - : 1 i . V s . U 4 v -s lCSr:r'tid SI v. her 1 thcr. I E'OY' V Tv5in -Matthev to be 1 1 . - ?. . i -a ,:. ucvu t. !: i.'. !,-. .t .,r , ttW V n Wiieh. cvfent the 3 i ,.-iitan:" ' at an eiK! to drive J )?Trv,..-.SI - Jfatthewa bllnifolded. -if the left fjtnbllwitli an Atw'T '1 to the floir, when ,vf"rfl f to tar. After this C on iCffiij,h.i. - -,even places Vitu a car- rf ri.J" ; upier bp two I 4- - 1 j ' I f- . " V -- J-ffUra' "M evil spirit f '""-.JvV? i s to b.ivepo doubtof I " V4V ..-L-..i- Tfof such treat scrvico tfia 33olutiou of 'xnErht week, '"ry at the aaoth- -. "V V- 1 ied for -a EU.il oi . !Vicd,Vl':.Mtsii.r 4 -. ' . 5.t door and lelt.. A r-V.-.l nl" ? ) ior his npjire- hensiou i.i oflcied lo'Vo SIicrlliY TliV- yung man confined for cos cuuld not resist liie temptation of a free cx an,l left with Chris- tj", but only to return tofs i10nle. Elair Couxtv. Un tar,;h ult. the corps es of two children were foVd in anc:i;irant car at Altoona. After theVa,, is;td reached Gallitzin, iutormation was yeivei by tele graph, that the parents, (w!ioerc Germans,) had discovered themselves. !. children be longed to different families. lc little girl had died from teething the day Vf ore, while the boy had died of fever betwei Hunting don and Altoona. Another clulXthat died liad been lelt at Huntingdon for bisai. son of Abr. Beak's, of Altoona, abo 4 years of age, was so seriously burned onu 28th ult., that he died next morning. Ti, little fellow was opening the stove door, wli clothes caught fire. On the same daynan named Genter was severely injured at la;r Furnace, a spark of red-hot metal having , tered his right eye. The ball 5s very mi blistercd, but the sufTerer can &ti;i sec a littTkj with it,and hopes are entertained that the sight may be irescrved. Bins ron the JIaix Line. Ilarrisburg, Jan. 9. Tlie Ilarrisburg and Lancaster Railroad Company propose to give four millions of dol lars for the Columbia Railroad, parable in eight aJiuual payments after January 1st, 183c with i lit crest at 5 per cent., conditioned for V.t repeal of the tonnage tax. The 1'ennsylvana Railroad Company propose fo buy the whvle of the Main Line at seven and a half wiJIi'ns, payable in ten annual payments from uly, 18j7, with interest at -5 per cent. Theyagroe to keep the Eastern Canal ojcn, and so the Western until the North Western Xa'lro;l'l shall be completed. They propose afco to buy (.the Columbia Railroad t the cost of construc tion, to be ascertained by tlirec coipetent en gineers to be appointed by the St;jfe, v.itii the concurrence of the Company. Tie company agree to pay forever :v dividundiual to t'.at paid to their own stockholders They require the repeal of the tonnage i, and that the State yield the right to 2urasc the Pennsyl vania Railroad Gov. Siiaxxox, it seeij ''as changed his course completely in rerd to the people of Lawrence, who were di unced in his procla mation as a lawless setiJ to overthrow whom he asked President Prcc to send Iiiui I. S. troops, as will be se the following docu ment, given by the;i!'sas correspondent f the New York Tiijs : "To C. RoitixsA. Couinian ler of the cn rolleil citizens ofwcuco : Vou arc hereby authorized and Greeted to tnko such measures and use the polled force under your com mand in sucbanner, for the preservation of the place a 1 l,,c persons of the jicople of Lavrenec vicinity, as in your j-idgmei.t shall be.sV-'cure tI,;lt CHtl- Siiaxxox. Lawiee Dec. 9, 1S-V1. Ax J.lieii Flbet Fou San Ji ax. Our last advic 'iinm Havana stated that a nunilx-r of Enl'slvau.l Trench vessels of war would pirate f .czvo" V'1 ?5K,rt f Sil1' J - A 'Xi England or J' nine L - . ... I i.ugiana or J- ranee contemplates a hosiiwC enpation of San Ju.in and the adjoining terri tory, but it is not improbable that au cll'urt may be made to prevent the influx of emigrants from the United States to Nicaragua, still there is no telling what bold stroke r policy Palmerston and. bis French adviser are alout to wake in Central America. N. Y. Sun. Tassaci!isktts. Gov. Gardiner's message wis delivered to the Legislature on the 3d Jan. ITe recommends twenty-one years' residence I foreign born citizens, and ability to read an! write before they .-.re allowed fo vote ; deprecates the passage of the personal liberty dy ryal ; !iggtJ ,'4,rcaud nnres its sjx-t--hof n;ml)ers of the popular branch of the -c?lV''l,ur-' lU!i' deimunce's lobbying legisla- tion. The message is strongly Native Ameri- Trrc-Va.ri Liibs tone. Ii S V TloSBLUV. On Tm-siibiv v.-nlncr tin. J-st in.i., Mr. S. H. S.weanrey, a gentleman fro tlijutcrior of Pennsylvania, was robbed oC a i)0firmonaic, at the Walnut-street thea tre, Philibjiphia. containing ?17" in notes and gold, ccr ificates for 1057 shares of stock in pronnsav.'1'1 Sniuclianna Coal Company, and besides otYer valiilflHe"-??.10 nearly $10,0W, time of therobberv Mr. Swc.i canzey was stan.1- ing in the . A 1 passagc way, willing to get m me wtyirc. . 3Tax is AYuictnE Eats. A celebrated Ger man transcemi-italist, Louis Fcnerback, few years since, pti'islied a thesis in which h en deavored t-o ir that "man is what he at" and attributes t immorality of the age to th? potato rot. Speilating on tliis eubject th other day, the lVsburg Post says some wag remarked that thnivoulJ satisfactorily account J for the origin of te two factions in New. York llard shells and kfl Shdls! . - On 'Jast WedncsoV. tlie 9th, a frightful ac cident occurred on ftc llnd.'Wn RivcT railroad, near PoHghkcepsie, Y., by which three persons were instactljhilled and about twenty tfodnded. There wasi break Ln.-t bf tc cuc- cd, with the disastniste , ' ..xrLi.i v.r..rtl,..v rai- !etfJf-r. jiiiiat .nvv-f- - a, . F lf f E T IB0.'" 'o the nnbiPply him with Flour.' Soish , the pub? pP'jr him with Flour, ' e;;1IGw nd' BviStalO iv. f TllF. LABCESTiflLL IX THE ToRI.D. -rest and most comprehensive tmllinthe wi, l..irri'iip. Mass. The floor IS UIQ A 7 1 surface of this immenso structure is lb acres; the largest mill in England is 11 3 acres. There are now in operation 40,000 cotton spin dks and 10,000 worsted spindles; and these ar to bo increased to 80,000 and 20,000 respec tively. There arc 1,200 looms in operation, to be increased to 2,400. These, with 2,000 per sons, produce 800,000 pieces of cloth per an num one-half delaines. The weekly con sumption of cotton is 20,000 pounds, or 1,400, 000 pounds per annum, and 500,000 pounds of wool. Once a month the two thousand persons assemble at the cashiers office whero he pays out $50,000 to them for wages, appropriating to each ono tlie exact amount she has earned. 1'AitKEtt III French. This .Nicaraguan he ro is a small, thin man, with but one arm, evi dently in ill health, and, like Walker, about twenty-nir-'e years of age. His demeanor is modest a'ul conciliatoiy, but there is a certain air iusefarablc it is presumed from the hazar- jOU3 i,e )3S ej) which would mark him as ,touo if the bovs." While the former govern - VienJ'was in power in Nicaragua, he Ticted cp as the agent and forerunner of Walker, delaying no little tact and bravery in carry ''iit his secret designs. 1 JfyisWAEixw i-on 1,500,000. A gentle man f Washington City, says the Star of a lu!e dCj received a letter fr0m Portadown, county f Armagh, sdad, making inquiries in relate to the hiirs of John White, who emigrate;,, front the s.:i 1 county, .somewhere about thenar 1814 or :1", a id win is b.-liev-e.l to have it two sons, Abricr ai;d WiJiiam. There is abot f, million and a half of money for the luekys-j-Ucs why can "prove proper ty," &c. TllACEDY ASH;, iwr An account has been given of X attempt of a man najued Williams, ti-om Vrk, to commit suicide on New 1 ear's niAt, because a young woman iii Ilobokon, wlionic. expected to marry, had Ciiangeu iier purpo !t view of this evi dence of love an. I deVfi viion on nis part, liie i.i- i reientevt, ana lias sio been united to him iu marriage, lie feelstter. i . . . . Fasiiioxaiilk Paxs i.vi' mi. A writer al luding to the perfect mA in extravagance which appears to cxit iA Paris the present year, mentions that even y fans now iu use are marked by cJaboratencs.yf workmanship, and cost ar, high as ?2!)CH' cl,. 20 or R3' is considered the merest tri.'leV,jr one if tliosrt highly decorated, carved and eryched articles. M.won or rrrrsnrKnn. At ie municipal election held in Pittsburgh on'l.ist Tuesday, the th in.st., IJingham, the Atitudeaii candi date, was elected Jlayor. Tlie ,te stood liingham, Anier., IP'S, Vote, relar Deni., 10.), Irwin, seceding Deiu., 111").', In Allegheny City, Adams, vebitccr, was elected Mayor on the s line day. $(2 TRAY IlOllSK. Cuniii to tbe toXbi-c of " ii,vrsigii'l. living in De.-amr (..uisltip a Hay Horse. 1 he owner i- hereby notificdl i.nne forward, preve proju-rty. piv cliarf.- r 1 take him nway, otherwise he wi'l .ii.p.-..,i ..accor ding to lar. AllKAHAM J. i).s .lanunry 'J. l? f. 1 - -rA't...... .... .... I i 1. it he iiiiacTsinoii having retired hVTlK!lV.i1,,,1'I'l. fl i,'"ds and the pul.tr.'that ...... Wlllll II.SIA (II Iii the loun.-ni w!;,.."' ".x 'yiee. ore .loortast of where he le.i! bosiiirss ; ' 1 '""on s vow. h-x-i ... A..i . . .j ... ..Kvjijii ii mvjr uviri iinni-a L,wE...rti .1.. r- t ....uu ui L-iuiru .! i c.xel nsive .ltti-ritirl II. BLCIIEU S-WtXpE: Clearfirl 1. .Ts;,. p. A PPJ.ICATIO.V I'Olt J.rCK.VSK.-r.. the o.ro. ':pn,,.;,';',;,r wt ,,f ..Br! ter Sessions .-.t :he fim.,ty r.r Clo'.rfleM Ti . . tition of ,.. sul;eriber7 resp',..-Trni - rr,t.',U" that they ;,r- desirous if ohtainins l.'kc iisu M vinous. spifi.'mniH. niiilt and hrewe.i liouiTS at their plac-j of hovim-.ss. iu -l.uiuher City.' in the township of lVniu iu the county of C I u r. c-i . I that t),ry, or cither of them, are not kcep. is of an.vM.i. . inn. tavern, restaurant, eating house. os.er house or oyster eullar. theater, or other place d entertainment, amusement or refreshment Nyitjhey :ir citizens of the United State.; that biting to Ibj'ttor.1 f5Ur?ady tg!v bond, and i-n . 1S .. T.iey therefore 'p ray intfxAtMmii) J. Xfi-. tKni a liecnro for the nbov tmrposo ; nnl ihcv will pray. Ac. MCVJAMr., H ARTSHORX .t' THOMAt- MeCllAClvliX, January 1. 18').' acting ns partners. "SrALUABLlJ PllOl'PltTY AT V PKIVATJJ s.v.i-:. THE umlcrciirncd offers nt Private .Sale. "!!' acres of band, more or lens, in l'enn township. Clearfield countv. seven or cig.it acres cleared, the ualante covered wilh' vab'aUo TlMUKil. and liavins thereon the following improvements .' h GOOD 5?vy-J83' . with HTJI- -'" .i:" -e wheel Tr ' .!'u ""1 . 1 , 1 '"'-'Hviter. which ; enable the will to runabout ci-Mt tha year. l A LAUGH TU'it-STOliT IlQUXl, well furnished, plastered anJ painted fn'.-hottf with a never-failing Spring of water in thtGellar' ALSO, A ntAME BASK'JJIr, well furnished with threshing floortahli c ull new. having but recently been frcctcs" ( ' " Alrj. eosivenicut. and Mi!stan,,''y ereetvi orr-p.rii.jf-VG.s. - x consiting'of a "SVood-.-l-- c-,n tfouso, ,o There is. no n,.r.e defirailo fc:,Tr, 'W Count v Anv r,,un- ,. z.,- ,iou. can sppi? ,1V t m . ANir Poet 0-jo duurces, vl; on So i'recjises. i.ina II llr-irii..lU LOUntV. l a. joll.V W' 1 1 VEMJRF.X ' -ivrvt. Uv.Ri P,nn T.wnsbip. Dec. 2 JVf" v--itch every eub- 'fc' "fty on 'eceiptof sub pr - ptartand Ilia Frienda" HO I . -to give UDiualiGed pleasure arid 8J W Ta,u ver be. -rice Th i " '-7 Vlr w people at such a SMn?; The,Ln8WfS is of very large .ixe, being printed on heavy plate paper, 30 By 38 inched reV"? . , supero ornament suitable for the fety. beTniiJLPart of the oountrvs bv mall, vi cyiinuer.postage prt-jgj?. nrt-t' t..":.T. k del i vered 0-rSi'T" .bLcIPTlO i Ti atIO7T1 1.prebv notified r.ol t.,mcdlC;V lV5n?B7,h certain set of The unaer- nrr. at Ch.?'in.. . I'' r ncr. at ..1. 'tW.'.-'M'V sfua A-. V tnke a 500. The 1 fur,,;', Ciipablc of uuiii. f L . .1 It... 085 , J...., nrfious, and subscriber feels ,,Uliv, 6 ' o;.iHrtunitv can X ,BU . er business ft L,..:f. So better man, with the abovJ'.t'Y" active bnsiuw to a Jjajing busiut'M. 1 ,,!1, v0trisli-S to go in Curwensvillc, l'-- la 1a., jj, 'i'AYLOU. NEWFIKM.-UAl'.i.,, ; v have jut receive a n,, "X jfCU ACKE ment of goods at their stor "1 'vlondid asort LVMDEU Ciiy v Th'-y invito tlio public to gv,'(, feel n.urcil they will bo at Kx?? venll. islactmn. J,uainer. II ill en. lU?s ii :' ntirc at- other kinds of produce taken in mid U i:i:x.J. Haj;t?(- ' Aug. 1, 1S.)5. rm fillll.ni'lK lroi,f.-,l! xrill 1.. - ' U j , ..... ..v rjff Oi. ey inc suusnoer lur iur winuinj hi a ,tl School Ilou.-ie, to be one storv in Jieig'ut, vtin cellar. Plan and size not j-et determined l'lan arc invited, and ten dollars will he paid U i,y person who will furni.-h a jdar. that my be a lopt. ed for said building the house t be large enough to seat sixty or seventy pupils, two recitatn rooics will hi; required. nlsj ckiths roouis for boys and girls. It is supposed t lie building will cost from !f !;"00 to S200i. AVM. 1JIV1X. t'urweiisvillc, I)ee. 12. ISa.t. 1SOOT AND SriOK STORK; CUAIIAM'.S HOW, CEEAK11KU, PA. The subscriber would inform the public that be has just ojieiiud an entire new stock of Iiiiots and Shiits. in iirahaiu'8 Uow, one door cast of the Jour nal Ofiice. Every variety of I.dis'and ''entlfTi'.eos'fiaitcrs, Lacct! Hoots. Pumps, t'ougresi 1'ooU, Children7 Hme. &c., Ac aaJ Shoes made t of der. C. S. BLACK. An? I. 1S.V1. w KY AUlilVAL. A. vV J. PATCH IX. Have just received a new and splendid assort ment .it' (5 nn-.ls the hest that was ever brought in to the upper end of Cleaifield County. They in vile their friends and the pu'die enernlly t.i pive thcM n call, tvherc they will find all kinds or goods usually kept in a Country Store Come and examine our stock wc charge noth ing for the exhibition. AATtOX PATCH IX. TACK SON JYiTClIIX. IUrr.si.le. Xi.v. 2. lS.'ia. D ISSOI.rTIO-. The partnership hereto- torc existing between John . W illianis ana U'illiain II. Su.itii u :s t h is day dissolved by mu tual con-'i'lit. said Smith having disposed of his in terest to John S. V.'iJ!i.-ini-. .lifX WILIJAMS. V. Ibb'.A.M 11. ,AJITJI. New J7i'.lnrt. Te. '2J. l.Vio. 1 he hooks and aceoHSits of fl-.e firti arc in the hands of John f 'W illiams for :iettlenient. where loo.se indebted will please call iuiniediat.dy. John S. William. janO "t V,"illiaui II. Smith. A VAM'AIJLi: PitOPhttTY I'ORSAl.i:. T. I desire to sell my property in Tyrone City, itluir Co. l'a.. conunouiy known as the Tyrone City Hotel. Comprising as follows : One larse three story brick house. Fi.Tty feet, two fronts', and Cn'rshed off in complete style. A large aint extensive stal.lc. an excellent wash house and other necessary out-huildings. Th?ru is also, on !hc fame Lots, one frame house, wilh out-l.uililiim-s.-ittaehe.l. now renting for one bun dled and thirty dollars per annum. The whole stands upon three valuable Lois a in the plot of said town, mid nifoids several very eligible liga tions for store. oCiees. kit.. Ac. The whole will be sold on reasonable ternM. An.1 to any person, de filing u Investment, r speculation. u.;w is the change, l'rivaio r:iva.s cau.-o in to ll this val uable property. Wh ieii is every day inureasinx ia value. Jn.".iiie of Cleb Hover, or the subscriber. " J. 1. STEWAUT. Tyrone City. Sept. 10. 1355.-tf. 1 i MfJ.SSOP OX IT A XD AOA1X.' The CUf.apcxl Goods dn (he Cvuuty. THE undersigned begs leave to inform his old ctis t oners. :;nd the public, that ho has just returned from the Last, with a splendid assortment of pmaj & mmzn goods, which bp will ?ell lower, for CASH, than ihry can he bought at ony other plaCo in th- County. He is detei irlincd to act upon the motto of 'SMALL PP. OF ITS AND QUrCK SALES."' and wiil sell goods, for cash, at the most triJinir image. ir .i . i 'he sloe!; cl f that it is no hiiuiunn t and fatisfy yoar- MOSS OP SELLS THE C'7ffC.7r-. GOODS IX THE COUXTY.' DHY-GCODS, GSOCIir.I'SS, flTJESNg-TVASS, BOOTS & IIAT3 & CAPS, i:nxxi-:rs: snAHrLs, CO.XFECTIUXAll IKS, . F""- t "-T .Tju2UyrVVfee's iTi'n er bcf'i-c ofTci-.Tin Cioarfield. K AIOtll Ciearfiutd Nov. 14. 1S.-.5. ' ITJII'dilTANT 'IV. TTfM'vpei..",... ent Air-Tioh: 8:lSalin3 0c- ad jtrs for" rreservin- Fr:si Fruits, &o.-ttiw i,,veiHn f" !?oful .k:....i. - I lie ea M it nd i - ... with a chan- cuter si, hllg, an-l pre,, it luZ lj0ntt l oicned with as n.u'ti ease a itt'Ll. ."'"T ,ho ty warming the top. The ordinaiy , '"t, , 3 , lor the same purpose for which thV r l"cd cannot be cloc-.l.1,,,;, LcH kn or t.nnsr: .-.ro diffl.ult to open. -n.I arc . 'i',"1 Mint tA'i 1 and brf'crf ". ""Hvi.lualu io.I r ; ,TU"'n the - pro,,o, Iy " "t't- vegetable witiyc'r natural ibivor ....r ' m"-T "- ker.t deatelength-o'r i; ... 1 r ,M1"uraire.i, for 7 S. AIKlti?.-. - J - -UH! So T:V . . . :., . 'M!-Vm til in Curwcnsville' . f'" DUUGS the Cnrweny8- COtlM AND Pi vne '-cheap con Owensville. 1 "'-'"no.l. coiniiiends it self to the attention of Housekeeper an 1 others on account of its great simplicity, and the effect ii-' rklV XlaJZV: r'd a very desi- a verv aflho' ,? channel ia t:!lcd with nnu JtMow..! toV. "T"1- rr'arul for the purpose scl heniT' nl,";.d".''- 1" rder to 8Cal , ,e Vcs- ......lUrtllV, mr w- ,r tr n Y P HEAVY draught le ba-' -or.t.j,l. . 4.'? ' - - - y ring tctf. aiv m"" ri -.... . . W , habenTe-orcTed a., re fitu v cd. who re.-J rpectiuny s""'"" - " rongc JIo is well provided wiU noire House, abliDS.-ii intend kccpins . '"K,"ninake Lis at whioh he will always - slIErJEn gucaUfecl at home. Au-ust 1, 16aa. tf. " . vpw i:noi)S! At the NScore'fth; underfed at CUEWEl'SViiif . . - 1 .7,0 lir.i-ctand bet a. ort Clcarficl J ; ciuistig of . and Shoes. Carpetingr Oil t'Soth. to. Cloths, Citb.i lucres ces. Embroideries, an d f Whicl, tIl r A2. I, I '- . r t vsTITI'TIl. The nest C ter. cM'iV will eeuunencc on the " IiJ ir.Vto fit th-dve for Teacu 'Si: -life, will here reeeiv. evrde ire l facility -nd attention A thorough ever j - r; ' i,.r:fiaUe course is hero given, on riower Uian other similar Ictitatfcn in Par. ntspt a distance can ohtr.in boammg for 'hoir s.,8 ,.r ,t!lU''hters under the lcuncdiate care of the lWipal. where they will revive rara u vai:!:,,. wl,, a;i the comforts and pleasures ru a hH!-c;a;ic their morals wi'. bo careluily euar-le'l. Tue rates f tuition per quarter ar: Pi auiarj EuslUa.2.i(). i.j.,!, i;u- isli..'.00:t'la.sief.vi.i. Mmli-watj,.,, Algebra Frenc-. Hrewmg. and Pait.tin.Si each- Eurther iuturination can .- hvl by addro'Siag V- A- C V'Pi;EEE. ruivcirAL Apr. 4. ':: Clear fluid. Pa. TPST KIXTIVf-O, A SPI.E.VUIH ASSOKT ! H ilKXT u;- x v v. If c iKS. STATIONARY, fam: AiiTiri.T'.s. i i:i'i:n i.iui. jo- LAtro, CIGARS, ar.A I'Ul'tlS of ell kinds, at EOBIITS' T.ITEBARY DEPOT, EIIAWS Cwrfisld, Pa. THE latest iubiicnlions :-''s;.i3 oi band, or pro cured to order. Putnam. ' ,-. .' raham. lhme h old Words. Leslie's Fashion Itarper. l'. teis..n, and ail tlie other Idagiuines '.-.tiilied Monthly a: Publishers" Priees. V Ue would especially all ifce a(t-..-.n vf 'lovers of t!ie weed' to his largo stock of '. '.lcco and ci gars. whK-h e!i-.t be surpassed ia 'his region, consisting of the bct quality of ' Nalu;. Leaf, ' dilack Fat," '-Caven dish."' "Cngr. .-' ami other tubafens: Havana. Kvgalln. rrttieiv., I'lan tation. Spanish. l:alf-Sp;ini-h. flnd A f'ev. ri,,r(. left'' cigar. A!J a;l slock cf -J.ipe. an l -line-cut." He would also eK attention to the fact thr.lbe h! j'Jst ..prticd a l:ir-c iis.-ortnieiit "1 lKUtls- CHEMICALS. AXi MK STri'.l u hieh b w'll cfMvrhn ny other estab lishment in the County. THOMAS HOlilXS. November It. L-."i.". G1VK TIIKH A TRIAL: NfLVPll'S PLASTIC PA IX TS :-CJEA l JWUA 1SLK AM) PUOTiCl'lIVi:. These Paints will stand any climate, without er;i-k or blister, uud harden by exposure; thul making in time an enamel of Stone, protecting Wood from decay, and Iron and other metIs from rust and corrosion. They differ essentially from the so-called Mineral Taints of the day, which aie principally Ochres, and Clays, and are entirely worthies. SILVER S Plastic Taints are purely MUTAL IC. riiliii'.ii:g i:u Alumin or Clay. The.v are levigated finely, mix readily with Lia .ced Mil. (withi-Kt the trouble of grinding. and thw under the bru-di a" freelp as the beat White Lead, .'ind .cel all vtLcr in body or covering properties, one poV..j:.l of which will cover as much surface a.s two pounds if White Lend, reducing the cost two-thirds. There nr.. sis distinct t olors, viz: Clive, I Lijht 2ro n, i Light Choeola'e, Hack, j Bark Do. Deep Bo. All equally valuable ns a preservative, and par t?cIiirly n.lnpted to painting the outside of BUII.LIXGS, TENCES, STEAMBOATS, CARS, iix and ir.ox wor.K?, I.KMKMiiFR ! EjLj.oiure hardens cud increase the dumb. lily of these I11XTS. Dili l-'C TI XS Alix with pure Lias'rd Oil, as t'ticilr, .-.-y jtttstib'e, us the Paint ii tlie lct-rti? or protcriin? Im t'f. and trr oil simply ihe MnJiu, or acul i,i .;i.-.-.7. . FilL VCIl" A IlrCHAUDS tiKNKUAL WUOI Kl,E AuKSTS. 17. V7. cornsr Tenth, and SXarket Etreets, - - " F H I L A D K L ? II I A . For sale, Whole-all mid Hctail. Pry nd (Iroun in Oil. by liuntiN Tyiune- Citj, Pa. ::.-,r i union IT, in Progs. McJicn.w-.-w ..;r.ts. o;:s. Brushes, l - 15. Ja AX ' i;rr tl'1.L dit2a?""' Literature and r Iie been n.a.le on the most extensive se-.U mong tnc works already engaged, is the r fatiicd" "gkxoa crucifix: winch ttrigtna'lv cost tm tl,rt.,...i j lnform.ng to- nt-iv colle-tion, the diffusion Alnenean An, and theenco.uagcment of l i 11 r.r Renins have not fc- -.-..-".. . " X' o an hare W,. u.i . - -V ,eua' .'-otnm-s.Son. ed American At i tV 0 l ''h. Sculptor,-! 1 1 KAM Powi'liS Sreat.t hv,Ug ouuVry- iii- 'iSi-.'her of hi fv la miji b 'r ; i 'a n i'k l v k kj Tr i j I. 3? 1 fU WMt ' thing 1 ......, . . . - 1 the t-tatesni.-in I'r TOU irml "tatcsnian careful nnd judietons sele" OI,V ;F Xfi r -nna ",a f Art. both in hronro., ,?1 'f.f,Te,-'n T 1-uro:. J'ioe painting?. flirt -.1...I. , . "i'tl u f S : it . ., val,aklo co'leetion ..f . , ' "5 -ar'cry be dirtnhntci KiTki" V "nt'?rs ar-J rt.-.f dii As,K iatio fur the c V.rin "le '.,iU". - .un v iiirnnii Dollars ,,..!,, ...rIl ---f.?:f deb c.ation and entitles him 'simple j i luanv fn-.i attire is,ne-l f V'i'he agent h- "Win Tnoiivatis my Kidckerb. Je of tJnihar- usiin kins- i Jle,'- ,1 u n u TMl VV i CA KTll Vrn prove! j auge Sfviri StXn. for tale by MKilKhlX & CAK1E. Ut. .1, ';.0.J : TVTEW GOODS. The nndemgnca nas jus 1 ceivel a lar"e sssortmcnt-vA' A HEW GOODS, at bin store ia KA Jl T U A I' F, . La ,.ff.r f..f linn for cah prodnce. ' 1 l - K.VU . r'epteiuber 185 . ; . H ' XCIlANtiK lUANCi: COMPAQ Ko. 11, Merchants' Xxcbuise, PHILADELPHIA. This Companv. wbh an nmle Capital, well i cured, is preiarel it ttfect Insurance-! ia t'Je field, and u Ijoinin.r Counties, f-n terras m liber, a-- coDnVcnt with tJic s.detv of the Cuipatiy. JS). Mt'iOWELU Jr.. CU t. ". 1 S5.'.l Frort-jry. TVEW PII.H. MESKELL & CASTPRW?11 IX inform the public, tbat they iave 4r;tl EJ . and cxtep.riva - COPPER. TIN AND .SIIEETJrlOX T Ca fesoni Etreo: in theTiurougl xf C LEA Jl F 1 IZ-lpi kIutc the v arc Drcnared to furnish at r I ccs. every'varieiy of articles i ibt-lr liao. SteH. J'.ar-iron. naiU. sieves cf every Pl..ii-l.s and fanuini' utensils, pumps . v uf .etj A-jry cu irs, ! fuitnels and u'elf sealing cans kopt constantly on . hand. ' o At N I All orders for castirs for Il..ur.MiII';- ,w- . ' Ae. iil be thankfully received end prompt teuJ-d to. S norsi: spouting dom. i i-i iJ.. .,,.T.,.i..(l i.. receive everv i "y"'" 1 '7 ' . ... i.,,v,.r-ce;it ty of i.iticlc ca commit : O.B. MEUKKll J I.. . -1 . - 1 I.' TJTI Clearfield.. pt. li). 1.5-'. 1y, i -m 4 ri fc'i' iiikiAi.i-o under : & i.i ..-., ii-. ;..r.,-.t tho nnoiic. tli : nuui.1 ri.w..u,.., ... ",v. ... L,. tli,. i!.l s!silil ,n'.'U.-l; .!... -.-It L-n.i-ril t----- morrows snor, -' wl-er" he keCTis eonstantlv on hand end a turea to order, every variety of Houfchoif Kitchen 'r.i- "?iir j-firot? j - u -h 3J Tables. Bureaus. Safes, Standi Cupb Sofas, Bei.ieads.4c., of cverv Btylo and T::fSe Clearfield. Ta. Aug. 1- iJV.VT AUKIVAL. A. JL- P A UMU Wurt U'jnm tlirer duori a'- ir- Al'itf Hut? Koud Ktrttt. Tifrn.it Cilif. Pf- V KEEPS constantly on hand a large a90 Thilale'phia :iiid"Pit;burg Cooking, and beating Stoves, of difi'erout pattejr ' prices: Stove pipe, shovels, coal ht.f . .;o. liter niif-t - J.u.Il, I of winch will be s d J III to 20 than can be j Kiased out f tore. l-N?A- 171.L A!SD WIM'EI 1 f.iibT has just receive l,oi?tock of I-.KW OOOl v of most cverv uc ..ii... h he is s.liing off at cxtrmel. .V ctfuli v invites the attcnan Ji;' -iv "-.K.d C..Kids at the lowest Z .. Ih ' 1 y -t re? to tlH j . n i- r c . c Country produce of alcio. i- . ,t market rriccs iu excn eouivalcntlor tueir i. Jf-jj. I.;... n cr.ll. . ,J metal, bra. PyorteoiV-Mhe CTearEeld, on Market street. 5T?rTH th..rf. i- l..,tl, :.. .1 'ii l ue Xovembor 2, 1S55. 53. f I M'M.i7IH'UN. 4 S would inform bis ;:".. h- - hft is nr'isir tf cmT .' want-of lhoe EATING1 one do-ir South .of Jlea a;'.iU" ilotcl, Bore in fcrieap FEESH OYSTZIiS, SltSOE and refreshment genera y" N.-. paint will be rea red to aceommo.latc his isbiners. lAng-. ?y Y.TO! FOR THE TP-UPLU OP TTOXOIV ! 1 jl n n a j) i .y In i u k' s, Tiy, C3PPES, & SE2T-1C2T WAHI. I'illLIPSBUlK- r... BRAI'IX & M'filUi, have ju ..(r.od an cxlcn." siv Ti,i, C:pjier, iV Sheet-1 re l',tre jltiinifirrtre rj. where they are at ntl tiiu' prepared to saf.piy cus-touicrs wiih every concci bl-.- nriicle'from the .ii. all. -.-t Coffee pot spout to t3.iiget pipe lin;. Kcuabto,' They will do hot" - .'" rr" -m Iiolesli: detail . Wnd will "at a "n,' J''e on bac, , r,,"e;it,.f read"' '0 wre. , ' " . II o cs ,: s QUT I X Q ' done ti.i.r.,.- . ' - in a neat. XJr, 'tM Butl5J. Tui P VI E Z'jOl'iPlPE, 4 RETT ELK, The" T.rjf fjP M,f"J.' on 'ook I , v ,rn'f t0,,,1'r ""rK'the folios ir.- l of W ii r '! " ar.i Ci...k-'. -;. i,- ,"--,,c 1 i,r''- N.oves wiii , A rniili-l t v T ' you want irood" hrn-r. xt 1 if you want D-.i . j;owa,aoS, VOU tt-nn if you sndltr ble 'tis fcv J I SrarV ' l r.fT. tv ..---. .'i i 71 " w ! V--"'' 4e it H 1 T vin irfc , - ill en , at the i told ; - n yrof'; tctlter- - J -VFr"T" Jaw. ft lo ueir iciion-..;:.-. r Ti"-- f,T! ' ' -("..UlJL'Uj 1 11 lirl:,.l 1. ' . -f .lUlv.i,.' outi i gnef or h.' . -iu operation. "W