(--.4 X Hot, J Period .', ircr. 71 "a or 2r "-. 4 t .- .3 I ' 5 v.- 2. 7 "hoa-i-e4- Prow,0" i7 tint e lre.8a&7aeDieI0r,Sa oW.Pnaic TV v--' .' :' . Vih : I : f- v.! "? . !, - 7..' ROW, EniToit avd PRorniETon. 2AEFIELD, PA., JANTJAXY 18. 1856. i a w 71 cr a cat Vnrt.said 'is tlic nrico of mcss ,n ...vcMPart'ncnt of human acti-' Nothing fccomuliaTio.T xuitht- uo exercise of & ! M . llJ jvsicnl or monf a lowers, ivery a- of art scs110 or literature arc tho laboiv -constant, unremitting toil m Qivernnient has ever been framed -its of indolence no nation has ever to any degree of eminence wliatcv mg in the lap of apathy and no srreat can oc consummated through inatten carelessness. nuis wjuoli arc thou-l.t to be cor.t-ln. auove brief paragraph, we would hv- iinucr of tho American Dartv nm,i. ""J "" luiujj WHICH I impress imnn lmi i . i . i vuvo 1 1 u otiiong to more strougly than another, it is thaf mt, harmonious action. There n.-vr party successful that failed to n- mis the great apostle of modern Do. wen Knew, and it was his constant en have the party move and work like And should we not profit by the and experience' of others? Should j to avoid the errors which have in hers in defeat, and practice those cs- iss? Ifweactwise- e certainly will. . "In union there is strength." is a truthful maxim, and to its faithful and incessant prac tice by our revolutionary sires, are we at this day indebted for that groat boon, which is gua ranteed to very citizen of this country civil and rejigions liberty. The perpetuity of these blessings depend, beyond a doubt, npon a just exercise of constitutional rights and privileges and a proper administration of our laws. It is - conceived by a very numerous class of the cit- izens of the United States, that no one is so well calculated to perform tho functions indi-- cated as the individual who has been reared beneath - the - folds of our own "stars and npes." The reflecting mind will have but - little difliculty in arriving at such a conclusion. ! It is not to be expected that a person, imbued with the sanguluary doctrinss of the lied Ec 1 publicans f France, the deidtical fallacies of "',thc infidels of Germany, the agrarian views of , the enthusiasts of Ireland, or the absurd and Superstitions opinions of tlw bigotted Italic devotee, would, at least until a. cal change had hon ertected in his antecedents, be a pro sper -expounder . of our constitution or in any wa calculated to frame laws for either our in dividual, state or national government. Of all foreign influences, however, tiiat miaht ba brought to bear upon the political institutions of this country, it is presumed that none would be more pernicious than that cf pajial ecclesi astical lor its proclivities are, as well as its practices have been, at variance with the fun damental principles of Freedom. Nor does it require any special or elaborate argument to demonstrate this; for if we but glance over tlvvfaco of tho earth, the truth is at once ap parent that in those countries where Catholi cism has the supremacy, there despotism is in variably found to prevail. The restraining, therefore, of any arid all influences that would prove deleterious to the principles of liberty, subversive of our republican institutions, or productive of evil in any way to our Govern ieot, should be carefully guarded against ; an4His for the accomplishment of such a pur pose, by securing the success of our party, tiiat wfcrge our American friends to work stantly,,! unitedlv. n8 th tarsal J-et a a"" discussed in a lucid and perspicuous manner, the suggestions-therein contained arc prudent, useful and practicable, and, taken as a whole, it is an able and statesmanlike production. It has elicited tho commendation of the press generally, throughout the State, and it is only here and there that a violent opjosition sheet will venture to spea of it iu anything like disparaging terms- The financia' afairs of the Commonwealth are rcpref'-nfc1 as being in a wholesome con ditiwV anl it cannot be otherwise than grati pfig to the taxpayers of the State to know, that, notwithstanding laige sums have been ex pended for unfinished improvements com menced under former administrations, no re sort to loaning has been made and that tho rev enue of the year has exceeded the expendi tures to tho amount of SG30.G01 ; that the in terest on the State debt for the past year has been paid, and that the balance in the Treasu ry is amply sufficient to pay the interest for the current year. On the several questions of banks, agricul ture, common schools, the State institutions, &c, the Governor is explicit -and utters opin ions strictly in accordance with his views here tofore expressed on these subjects; the con dition of the public works are set forth clear ly ; several valuable suggestions and proposi tions are made, after which, as a contemporary remarks, "a few well-expressed sentiments, in which every patriotic citizen will heartilv ioin. conclude what we arc disposed to re" ml as one of the best State papers that has ever been issued from the Executive chair." nate a candidate, whkv . llv tion of Hon. -VVm. EigV.t UV . .. '!, ine vote stanainjr inus : t,. n Buckalew 11, Jones 7, Kcu.. H ballot, Bijrler had 18, K.Jn Buckalew C, Porter 7, JonO lrj scattering 3- We have no t ?. tion regarding the election ouv than that the JJveuin? rtrua .s..."v O o any .collision paten stating mat Mr. Jiiglcr w., 4i 6 Latkst from Ki rope. The st tic arrived at Xuw York on the 13 London dates to the 31st tions for f-. .. 1 . . . 1 j-.steruazy naa arnvctt at St. retersW submitted the propositions to the Czar,v latter having three weeks in which to nothing was known as to his intentions. is nothing startling from the seat of war intelligence being limited to details res ing tho capture of Kars. Breadstuff's hadlc clincd considerably at Liverpool. congrks3 lias tlono nothing specially iiu-r- esting during the past week. In the Hase they have several ballots each day for Spik- er, and tho remainder of tho time is speniin defining positions, or something i...,,u. grave and important." mcvenin f t tAs toopn- V.T.. . till 1U L- a 1 W 13, 3 1st 1 Ufi I r i m taw I U Tl ' It in 1 -w the rest W'iii K&ZZ .vceedincly valuable. . - . rG linai portion y-defences oi MTconsidcration of m.hury a our racific temtorj . ; "1 ode. for tbo road to tho r.cmc nB of throw . , 4..e diidumatiti Crres- tvft . country and Great Bri- ponuun - j rendcr9 a dI tam, o. " imvossible, bin 8X;;u;a o readers ., . -a. ...ill l.. hK OI11V lucauo -- , reason tnai 11. ....,.. in case Ol nav ui, .fnrpshins. A. ra un necessary numi;i , t be a sa- io not Oniv n'J . ...... ion mat. i" trr. ing rei.ci : wer ana o. convoy 01 iu" being lnadcquato v - 'railroad communication is not only ving enterprise but . in9t attacks fortifying tno iidc... ' '..l in favor oi from abroaa. " hv any party not, ' !:?.-. rml has been taken, by an J i . iv-"-. ., KTirCUUUlou, " "?r.i ; f:.vorof No stronger grouu- . lias b Z ib Secretary Davis .. Tl.e report of Secrcta X aw DKPAaTMEXT.-Thc rcpoi cfl ry Dobbin is an extreme j - f wheh the 4lh inhtj W'S.ocd the foil "Mice we will emieav-' uKt u. Mr. stand tlio pre c -W to England, Abbott l;av y w Xovemu-r tl., wrote u l7V'wbetl,..J, Uritisli uou'"" n occnt.v ,.Al,.i,Mii-.e N'icaraga the Moscjuitjpoait, so called, or i.l . .1 .. 1 lvr 'WhC- 1849, meiit r i . Costa KIC trai Amurla,'' and a,s "W,-fh anv nait... ... flov-M,.. . T: ;n unite w itn zoti.s in trii-r. i.-;nT the nentrau- ther tiiey; catca in Enar.Ifvins the ne !he V'.7i eanal, railway, br other commum- IV OI ry uoBUin is an . f cts Wlnen . i,t it in srenrcsents in ine i-'1 . u,c,,, . V 7 ,.. e.., it excessively it furnishes soieij , .v. Tho most in.sT.un. and slovenly ntUn. a 11 ' . . 1 Mmmull to Isc open iv me WW aim allny1"' wimracua, ..i f,ta Kica on a 1U of boundary, an-l Wtween the foituer 11 Jry and the Movp uo U nioia " . - j-iI .. ll . ,!,. III Lllti J ssemial part of f- Boftrd is etinng Board. - ".,a,t,t-".1 value U t particularly lorciu e '"''J 1 .. ....,oiirnt . '-,-''s'iD:',nieu " " . i.iliVUlilii t, -- - Lt v.,-it:iin. and far bettor for leak ' . ,,,.. n,.. . .... ',t3 Messrs. rnunfl); nitv-j-Je., ,,35 awl !r. jucRKV,Mifj Msss.tc: satived Itv mo - . - j,. 1J 1 I li 111 1 UwllVV - u.tM v oiliccr . and that a necessity c. irr ',. h errors the BoarU naa I the action WixTtin, t-.-Here, in Clearfield, wo nr., m tho midst of winter. Durina the last two weeks, snow full in lane ouantitin this time it is perhaps three feet "in depth. Lnt.l the close of the past week, the RI..i.,).in was elegant. Within tho r,n.,w: 4. . has it been used by everybody. The morn n, i vanced in years, as well as tho gav and youth ful, have been indulging in the pleasures whirl. arc peculiar to the season. Snrin-in?- imv.r.ii. ity and incipient manhood have been Dlarino- the delectable to smiling misses, and LlusLinic ma.uens i "sweet sixte..." TI10 farmer has taken advantage of the good condition of the roads to convey his products to market, and the sturdy raftsman is busy gliding the slender spar and weighty timttr to the river's brink. In short to use a comnvn phrase all are en deavoring to "make the rpst of it." On last Thursday mor,;,, a ia,se p.lrty left this place for Fhilipsbur where they par took of an excellent dinner at,he house of one Atherton, "who kcepeth an ly.tcd." ami turned again in the afternoon- MT enjoyed an agreeable a:ul .lnUul sleigVide. i iio evening of the same Oy, an..ther party went to Dr. Schryver's, whet tlu time was pleasantly whiled away with "sic a;id dancing, until tho "wee short hours ant the rn to V 1 VTl-MUSR '-'sin-ess." We have receiv- 'Vu ytCOm,U"'cation on the "Timber , ..Buatncss.Hwhich, w ,. . . TerT t , "Jicvc, contains some , very sensibT-aud timely ... . . J "'o writer observe ; i f'SUhns, but, as rfrc-wvW bJforC:ipt; " "'f ' rinded0" nL SOat.f; t7 " tmpossiva . occupied - r-.'Vuc,Ung crresS7cV opporl - ir -blunders-it no twal' " coining on apace, admonished desist and seek, their homes. The cold has been very severe, thevYcr. cury on Wednesday morning falling to 15'e. grees below zero. The wind was very high' several days and drifted the snow in some pit ecs so much as to render the passage of the roads somewhat difficult. ABSTRACTS OF AIIIi'TJAL HEP32TS. 11r. H . n. . UK. j;hfATHS.Vf. llll! !lrll:I v(rinn,.r Hie H.-111V IS Vi.io'Z !lCl'f mn Tl,.. lorized force is 17.SG7. The recruitinir' vice is progressing satisfactorily, and it isle Iieved that in a few months the disparity till uc o creoiiie. J.ulistnie-.ts to the uuinher of 10,5-lti were made during the vear ending S u teniber 30, but tins was not the whole numler who desired to win glory, fightinz under t.e banner of Undo Sam for there wire upwa Is of 20,m0 jiersons who offered to enlist, : id wero refused in consequence of minority : id general unfitness for service. Casual; js amounted to .rvV0. It is lamented, as a grav ing evil, that applications for tho d'iichurgjcf minors are so frequent; the infants who arere leased subject the Government to a serous bill of expense. The Secretary recomni Jids that the contract should b nmdo bindii.f i:i every case where deception has been cnipfov 7j'if,IUOtUficalio" of tUc oisting lav "is The fnojis riM-n . four additional re ;C.?lt"7l'r:l1 ,distributi ! cl. The cavairv -JSJ'?. against the Sionx l.avJL t"ch .w ters at Fort Leavenworth! 'u'V " aU l-" lantry checks the Indians on the OresronrowZT" All intercourse with the Florida Seminoles has been strictly prohibited, titbits are in progress for their removal from the Florida country. The troops have explorud the re gion, have opened roads, and have arrived at sources of accurate information respecting the territory now in possession of the Indian's, so that future operations will be creatlv f '"- ted. The propriety of levyU.- , T" forcomenta in tha I'-.T Rl':lrtmc,,.f' f,'r t,'c purnos .tiSliiir the savages on tnat coast. - qflestion wliich the Secretary declines to leeide, preferring to have it to the milit irv The Secretary cans . - cr l,ll 'a rcfurm.'tiious .-.-, ...vy hvll.ccn arrivc.i at or ce. -ndl. biWkiti precisely tnc " scm- tionVwas in before the retiring BHsh UedA The only thing the Board a(1 put f ;l ua, to put certain ofl-.ceis off dnf, j a crlai' other officers m their lwcLiasoll to fcarfm number of instances we lilissc,i. Urliuve avo no befer than those bv Ca,lt. The Home Squadron, commatoll;aCf the I'ul.lin, consists of the ifSa7t!,t. steamer sh-i.i e I'-.-.. -..- mid Saratoga, I t Thomas. I''i;to!i. The Columbia was l-,fli'c missing -No intelligence lias ucs" yive up ilslost vi"!p All any, which basl s of the frigate The hra.U Sciuadron co" , (ierman- v . . . . - .i... f - . ... "iiiii vi, v.av'ain .win -ij, . tJlo secretary "i i Crabb and.. ? ."Uciary-aie!t " and Ingra. JOlOttS itfii zcSlatriach afl 1 o.te andE " n. 1'ricoiFiii I osHons anl (! Jai son. Sell-rs, J erary Messrs. riioratiojs JI th Lewis, BUfl Jablic liiildin nil fljnl J:villS(in 5i ets ant lloo. uials rand Inlanl ' i(;v? C SSWell Hope, Sellers. ffllronJs Messrs. li r, Eas and Cres!vi Mecti m Districts M.is. 1 feierSbuuiau and La tiHlicbment aii4.Uel. ja.s.Kulinger, Knox : Blutfation Messrs. M rcgg, lloge anfl 'iuni3 Agncndurc an-i vom, ilitia .fsrrau , and Cresspcli. loads and JW&Tf -V Jordan. i-VTS.-ft an tosvu. an.V the vx liainl remarks, tlt the.su ve:-:.- i...vi. l.een 'laaui- i?;.. Janeiro and To this .uivocal position u w occujv ; tc f ;'. t or(j I'almerston rq.Wd under i- - ! l-th 18W, assuring Mr. Lawrence t.at " WT Jo''oSy-coi:; countries went to occui a ttcl0BB politi- hVconnexni as exited the Crown c:'. .co" ' -ull ffld the Shu Snd Territory of ?r nito or a 1eriod of abmt iAO centuries,' Mostito lor a 1"-" , , dom. Trl Lora l', replies in the aifirmaf.Tc, and meut of the Unite.l states . aoj"o -itibrei ces between Nicaragua and Costa Ri-Ut.,-ul r the letters which initiated the ..,7.n MndKulwer Treaty, the ratifications ,f.oVRe r eii-S ...r..:..i. ...,.r,. xebansed 4th July, lb-J. tf p.-ujc I'nn;: ' . i tr.i oi.rrefcliolidclit of the N. 1 fc..v 1:L:nm Timet referring to the unusual importance o y (,!:3ac ri.e Xic-migu.n Treaty, sent to the Senate last Pnu- S week for ratincation, aia, ..-i--- T!;f w;us;ng nitii Nicaracna, i I-,u diction of that repumi claimed by I real iru ,.L r.r- ti.. fiueerts sumed protecienuc. " ;:I,' ,,,." VwWri !ou)pare Uii'-" :-h. Meihrer, Vice an. I lm .en, IFilkns, Ii'rivate tl"1 it ")0, recognised t he juris- I t SCSsion ; $ die over all the territory r i"iloJg? t To.u.r MT,, itair, to belong to the Mos- YV'f$ Tlt" Dol-k. k J o to be covered hy her as-HV? f ffw?Ai ct7" V" , i A 1 r 1 1 S 1:1. U 1 m I Wiling m ha, i i i i ji i ' i r ... ? u : f yjaviirersv-l .V J AisUveirll I t,F-gsonl ;!i elsh. inasics -": rabb and ttn4. i V . Pratt, rriL wne aiu Standing Cor.m, W'lsarloii,5i A t iLiv f !.,. . lias been no cfl'-'- 1 lint protection oi any un i.7i. '...r . I'liofc. aiilk-r, l.on" T h " U -iran t," deAhc command j ; !;.rt"t one to the United States .ccause f; i.nrd.TU,,! of C cS i1 ts of the sloops-of war bolflly repudiated any Sr Cb' Jaini'stowii, Dale, -Louis, and brig 1 o ph.:,. or fi u in that quarter, it opened the oUntr Cloyor. . The sloon Mari... recently attached to the Al:icrican enterprise and o lore. I .agnt . n - ltis, uJ;.ai,- Vivie n S'.iuadr.-W.u lee condemned as un- t, rjtcd States well calcu-fol t .V- Jfper, I'c.u:, Alin-an Mpu.. . J Sont!. vr the 1 . ...i.,,;:,tin9 ini uence in lb: na lit. ,V,lfi f bU. Lolt. ViH 2r . t iv. iif.-1 ' gnu i " .. . c..lt V'hdT -?"-" . . fi . - . ter. .Mr. l layiou, u:vn ', . ..... . i f7 a te. Fn- 'l .r";' , r cmmamiea 0,nhl.ilCL.d that opportunity to neBotiaicwii. iMftI,rrK;.Ibury,...on frigate Con- , r.ritish Minister, Bulwer, fit nghaV, !nd Ai;-V I absolute retirement of Great Br.U.n fr : pT fu.L .o,. accupation or dominion, of whatever s-l W U-J Z'LC v part of Central Ameriea-holdmg M -lir.,,.-l:;;;, the com- r..,tv iH-forc him. showing mat ui" j irw.;ii g.'.r, rDa . .!. ..nntiirii nf I- f 3 I .. 1 1. itwc were likeiy to .net ......-fc -, . j -vi-c-.-m .r, . , . .1 ...t ..irti.-nl.ir nart of the Isthr. M I KiUnsm- seawor T-'o.v.tor has In n or' -0" I'd' The Mc-lit ratieau Squadron . . i . Ii SCZl1. COI. tt!t of th .r'r-ss the st kBu'r iaraiic the sloop Const-1-iS, and tho ,toresh Supply. Nothing has been d '5 -'leurraiiem. ti. v.. India Souaiiroi under in-ind of captain Aiiuor, coiMsts oi me o-'j- ..an, lie steamer i ov.'uitten, me fw-r lid tiie storeship J.l'. Kennedy. Macedo V.1...1 .' The c:l v":'1' 1:1 ,,as :l:,"r e'i some vj"- .i.U.ii n ,or our ve;isuls in tbe East. The Sec'i !?" recoininends sending oo or two --...jcVs (d light draft to navigate the Chinese riV 1 - - . -C T ... J -. ' , - fro i7 New Vork, if October, to relieve the M ;f lonian, whose time abroad has expired. T Jsiu -. ev of Behrins's Straits and tho Xorth I'ih"c, under command ' Coininander llog- if. has bee" " with satisfactory re- ' -.ic account of this expedition is the ijost interestinir part of the Message. Tlrj l'acilic Sfiuadron is composed of the frigate Independence, the sloo;, St. Marv. John Adams, and Decarur, and the steiiiiier Jf.issachusetts, the slooj) Wanen, and the ship i he 1 i 9:1.11m Of 1 Tue 2Cew Bask at Camden. Wo clip the following from the last number of the West Jerseynian: ;-The new Banking House is fast approaching completion, ahd will prove quite an ornament to the principal street of the city, on which it stands. The Institution will go into operation under the most favorable auspi ces, having the good wishes of the entire com munity, which lias felt that the growing busi ness of this section of the State called for an increase of bauking facilities for its accommo dation. There is enough business for both the old and new Bank, and tho judicious manage ment of both these institutions cannot fail to impart a healthy impetus to the trade of which our city is the centre. The new institution will commence banking operations on Wednes day, the second, day of tho new year. The Board of Directors is composed of the follow ing gentlemen : A. W. Markley, Ab. Brown ing, M. Browning, II. W. Howell, C. S. Gar rett, Wm. P. Tatent, B. P. Sisty, N. N. Stokes, Geo. Haywood, Ezra Evans, Wm. Buzby, C. P. Browning, Benj. Shreve. The subordinate officers " having been elected at the Directors Auc meeting on Saturday, the following comprises VWwltaUieir'sl11' V..M . iv- v n . . FaoM a Statcnteiit or ti u.iv ; p" Tens; i25k deceiving Teller, Jamw II. Stc- Eioncra wc learn that the whefc al0.0mls: tYatchTianlP Wm' WriS Runcr and and personal property in 1 cnnsyivanis bio for State purpose-3 r tke year 1855, yalued at 5501,731,301, and .tip asse&?ojent or xo thereon $1,610,007 tho Ux?ablc inhabi ionarpnbering 565,15.1.- Tfie N.al andper- r naniedin ClcarGcM wun ll)r,lbc atSIW10-v?hft tax . and ate purpo Commander of the Department. gallantry of the troops in the Indian campaigns of the year is spoken of in terms of highj? , juaise; hut the unusual extent of operation has caused large expenditures, which hav. exceeded the appropriations. In order to preserve the ctlieiencv of the At my, several measures are suggested, viz : 1. It is essential that there be a revision t.'ie laws regulating rank and command. Tl right of command should follow rank bv o certain mle; ofTieers holding general coniuii sions siiouhl not be placed at once upon t st aft, but have an opportunity to acquire pra tical military knowledge; troops equipped if the S'inii! serriro vIw.nT.l K.. .1:..: 1 ..l . J. t-iioma loot ue sutxiiviiieil into nri ..i v n41 l'antry, or mounted men into' dragoons :i valry. j V. ddicers no longer capable of performij .VC dutv should l) relirf.l frnin' il... &' VI!.,...... .. " . T,"""- ie rates ot compensation should isca' ana tno 'aws respecting allowai V v revision. .J:-. tu Provision of tho Act of i . X" v irSj re as i i g pay of rank and file, sh , ,ed to all enlisted men. comn e o,reilSC of Medical Corps iJrc n.'ll'i101"0 niiI!tT store-keepers fare lartmenls.;U Go,ralio- require to be ii cd' L scloS3 "'tory j.tes The SccretCn, , ( and presses then ,,,. 1 . ' proportion of the" S,l-J ' A Cuns,lWill,, of last year. U ils "commend, ions The anticipations,,,, , . , . ' . of the e8tabliShmoiiUetr,ta,!!:;1I!( ftt thc mlc have not been fulfill "i0. M,1,Ury -vJ'"ra; , ,..;,. .;..;., ..i. 11,0 average cist ot much, andareductioils $u00 her nf to.-n ref-eivml .ICCCSSary. cost, so far, 271,-107. V r yef S.',V" a" ! Washington will aecomiA cwiin near branch ofthe Asylum ztlW? lo Uo is discontinued, and simiUas,c,aSOuIaiss., mended to the branch at lllc1t,'m ,s rCcom' The camels and dromodurVr.urs' ' dered from the East will amY "IV", w wrc or- VL . J. Gray." itant, fori 'XjIK IlARhV 8Q TtucBAi H ' c'ufire. lasi weifci nr on it. . 7To octavo form and printo most handsoiao 2f,usf-ihJarSest and by able anexperienccd'cO. "'".ducted twTOs-wuv lining the scss!?r, is issut(l "Uu-ir tra .havc' 1 The onj uc'niucU deranged n in their pa8sagtr0a0-Mf s00 toniis. there have beo Bithiien obstructed have received nolyu2F connst few day eroj days.-'u Nearly eryVa p'aptjfs,. We iias acoounxs oi uio (tiniwl 4 iev- that seems liiavo fallen eerftt&r. O .-aia3llcir!y--SaJiho retaaiiiliJNrgi. -. ut.umpaBy r . "Wer." xr? V1" Mhrt ,vltO prOClK . "Tl Jvr ' Sv&-i ac'" tvnnal estimates "or J :,. : .f'.nl-rit iri onera- . , , a paper f.- 1 ?rV-'t? -before xisnch evi- --;-.-aiu?il would do wcU ,'l;?rm f, Een and recess expen- It is too Thenum- Thcse animals have been fou i r enruurv.- f".-. j. ... . .. Prim.. n,.,i i. wii...rt?,oui inmo vice here. , lihUry ser- A ujw Professorship of EthiA , other improvcs.:ints at West Poit1 sundr" mended. -rcrecom- Proper attention to the coast . very imoi-tant, particularly the ft"ces. 13 of Ship Island, as connected with thA,(;.at"n of the approaches to Xew Orlcan nce xommanil of the inner eliannnl r.f tlic ' " 1 1 . i v 1 ji vuilll -tidn betweon the Mississippi river and rl,ca' oaf bor. . 1 he entrance should be fortified. for tho erection of arse Mexico and on the Xorth models for all small arms vXrltracinfr llio l.-it. J he .Squadron is under tne com iiitain Mervine. .Michigan steamer has been usefull'." employed in the upper lakes. Like all his predecessors, the Secretary earnestly recommends an increase of the .Na vy, and particularly an addition ot steamships of a light draft of wnter. A great Naval force, the Secretary hints, cannot be improved by tho tap of the drum, like a great army. He considers our Navy too diminutive to contend with that of any respectable power, and too feeble to protect even our own harli rs. Tile aggregate tonnage of the U. S. in 181:!, was 1, lif7,0:7 tons. During the fiscal year it was ", 212,000 lD-'.l'i, and our sea coast, is now great ly increased in extent, and the damage effect ed by a respectable enemy in six months would greatly exceed the cost of a Xavy sufficient to project our commerce sullieiently. The ques tio'if'of an increase ofthe Navy, the Secretary regards as one of peace rather than war. Tho Secretary enlarges at great length upon the apprenticeship system. which he has adopt ed as a means for furnishing a reliable body of seamen for the Xavy, and gives the testimony of ollieers in its favor. But we look in vain for an original idea or suggestion in Mr. Dob bin's report; it is entirely destitute of anything ofthe sort, and exhibits no special knowledge of the service beyond the iigurcs which are furnished by the heads of bureaus. The old aristocratic plan which has resulted in the state of affairs which rendered the action ofthe Navy Uetiring Board necessary, is to be con tinued, and the Secretary adopts the old plan of educating men to be comnjon sailors, with out the hope or prospect of bettering their condition by good behaviour. The estimated expenses of the Department for the ensuing year are $1.1.52105 G7, which is less, by nearly ?G,00C,U00, than the esti mate of the fiscal vcar. t ...,i :,. fi.-it nartieular nart where the canal was expected to be made, j . s... with the latter governn.ei, an arrangement by which neither should t j 1.C able to obtain anj - - -i .. ti.r. otiior. 5ueh a treaty, it lived ui was far the best for the U. States, because;,! ier it tiie strile between me two nations o"; consist of commercial livalry only, in wl because of our advantageous position, au' superior energy and more rapid movenieu.'-1 United States were sure to win the victo-;--. So Mr. Cl u ton made his treaty of IS.-i-i'i t , 1R-..S. Ru t f I . . facs. and k.. , l!lgil'"i - y- A-i(role, in .! ( es- f i ? w 11 Is - aim - r 1 -V, S.aiih.n,:""5-J B.-u .,,,.1 ......iini. tl. I .,.. r, St'Vi:"' - l;JKr tain refuses to maintain if, , Aifdsl mi ?' .i rfHWl than ever to her Mosquito Pitt?- ' llZi 'h4-Jl&r7 T her "occnpati-ni" in Kuatan, ?? ' WueroOVbjwjT bv the most ridiculous pretejf tl'Xp l-"05f'Vf lii well be imagined. Under thesf J ' f ft f our goveniineut has made a tJ' J 1 11 11 -P 6f ?rnf ragua, w'ucii lormaiiy rejiuqj the British Protectorate, nix at once. It will be ratified, djr.M L- t 1 .... ... III..! JL' k . or not, us she chooses. IT 'e;;. however, ventures tho preilFa "'I take carlj" occasion to put question bevond the rang' The name authority SA,"-'itf in tlic L mted States lsew-' in favor of making the itsug "J'Js whose erratic diploniaJLt'-t- hausted AniTican luitie 'r. tte is not likely to suecef great Power in Eia. trust at this time, o, " trillion bf the Czarfr,, n. - I-Co ''1.1. ""O ir.:. - .... itt :casiaf-fl'OvVkv 1 --t; and f cd at lanl TllKASlKT DKr.VRTMEXT. The following is an abstract of the report of tho U. S. Secreta ry of the Treasury, for the fiscal year ending June f0, 18V: The tables on foreign trade show the increase of dutiable goods imported during tho year ending June 30, 18-35, over the year ending June 30, 1851, is $12C,1S5, 000 ; do. of free goods, SlS,052,y20 ; decrease of specie and bullion, $411,43; showing a to tal incrcasj of $11 l,02S,o'J5 in favor of 1S53. The increase last year over 18-50 is given thus: Dutiable goods, $05, 711. OSS ; of free, goods, $18,316,904; decrease of specie and bullion, $908,880 total increase, $S3.144,612. . The foreign imports at nil the ports of the L luted .Mates (including, of cyurse, Calif nia and Oregon) for tno fiscal year enai June ;;(, laoj, were S-dbl.oicj.Vb'J, again $30 j,780,2oo for the preceding year, show a ucciuie ot , h.o, u .uo. xue toiai cB9ir',.. . from the United States to foreign ports fori? 't,rOj ; " for i If'-i " i 'M.ntV S,1A- 2 1- c- tory to England ..s-fj meiit in favor oi'J!,u ing upon the f ullri. toins. which is J'11 mined to maint'. ;,. i. t..i. ist,. , ... illU .11 1 111 113 f o I it ution opMsiifP- . : I Tl on the sov pcrs, and which are tO CUt US ilij';' Pacific YQ'" quest conif'fy her handf peaco tot.' diflicultV ous oce . o the fcuf poses but sue w- . -'H..! . J 4 ' 1 -t . r-.' a. y. o- V .', .r HI, 3j ' ac Si? the 1 ' !'! i, l'rl. c'i- ,7"tn?i II S.l I C. Br U . '1 I n. i r. 'llC-t'Cr, 31" 7 If - t.. Prer. 7""!r of the Colnmbi'o nscai year ending June su, is-jo, wero -b ''iA(f ...r.V "iiiie 1 To o," t'fir. Amironriation, 150,810, against $278,241,004 for the vr& Jwht foii. 00 T-5 t.als inTnv;,a ,T.,"3 ing year, sbWmc a decline of only Il't with nu-S'.T. . V :'atfo,.f2 i ef .,') 1 4i.r.!i'i': Pacific con, rAM)8,218. It will bo seen from this that, I.Ut J'V'MTlVa tfm ? 5 L' ' fi f - fto.? T t' tun 7JUt have be.-n d"ifor the year 1851 the imports cm.-tVjr"" .'n4o: '-L 1 Jm,- iVlwr,!.!? .-' improvement . a .. ...t-oits $27,539,189, for.rrl, rr. lP:Xl''X,';;'or',.,.l, -W ?af Iran.' rf AiJ rA -1. te.- Ov :.. ;ti 5? f -f barrand'rteUl-C -Khow cnange into a ri,i,. iA .re ."""I "r cm in-' in the imi ft. with Jr,yri 7V.,.jr J?nflei,i- ftav . - ' UotJZ;J.--' 9 bU u " 5 e, oir oVn iuf Ml' country. -rY tealT:mU.f th.fota export, oi specie .uj f ';vVGcie3 h?,??. 5357 ,4 is were ot aoiacstic lri i ae,oiuV T A, ' c. r0,,;c0af)i 7.i4 7ii ,,y2o,otroten .t 'u.yV, "ir!a: WWr:'.? i there is an increase ot wyr toor4. .iC.TjR V ' sof foreign p. ouut.., f i'1'. ,.ri r'.? , - tllesports ol specie.-- jr--'-- 'B f -7 I'ViS Ic...rir favors tnc IUiW"lr iw.i" . 7 -, Of . - t,,.' W 4rif,t . rretO. "o. Wto self -quors tl fearfia-J: or c!ir VS-f .'of thi -canal shows, it ts -S,rpri5o that ttie Corampnwealtti ' eEcd with debt and taxa- 'cf-tbc- 8th of 3tay "the mainline of h,e notice' re jto be expo-"ijxebange ''..'Avitli increased lp.na-fi irT N IS li. . . " ed an Ur,argn'"anianeons If n r,.f7 EOok v i 1 J Jefttrio ft ia'A , nancb .C5.X.v -.rusvlvania." was." "J noticed. . V iW J a;uaV,arcccss dr WM accepted by tn, roads h made s.tJ ll?,, -vouege a oueu Becnvrj in Cent" 1 "cuieo. wuu ener- y-g enftiw ""u,1cu,acres fi Tantbro, Hi " "'o cstern rivers ai;2 lhA tKk..i - -V Vr&& ir -a lrl f Viewed thS ty, with v lterau j , in, , rnn. . have pieagM atu n tlKMI?,e,! ." " J donated. , This r valu.hU'x.' Th show's that thc.faers of liV.fllWoMJ wool nsw . appreciate the n-j .taia U. a, route is oti u'ar noiaruua in TL oie value.. Tff.Tr.Vals. an-1 of a cotiSf?'iul. wr,iT0i3tr - - c. ir,,:: 'U. ... i;mliril r. -i i i tion, ana wm TV steni fa om-,..:. t'lS Tirn. . , -l-v.wmi, 1 ir or h- V J