Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, January 09, 1856, Image 6

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For the "Raftsman's Journal."
Give me for ink, the vilest liquid mire, ,
A pen of Adder's tooth, a brain of fire; -Bay
me with ball-dogs, chafe me with oppression.
Rouse all my Datura with a world's transgression;
Then, with your poiton'd falsehoods pierce me thro'
And I'll describe the slanderer to yon.
He is a monster, hideous, fell and dire ;
begat in hell, Beelzebub his sire,
Suckled by envy, where vile serpents crawl, .
His meat is poison, and his drink is gall.
Cajoled by each vile passion of the race,
In black deceit he filUa demon's place. -The
dark Tartarian caves are his abode,
lie feasts upon the venom of the toad.
At virtues self h hurls his poisoned darts ;
His music is the groans of broken hearts.
The sights he lores, the burning blush of shame
And human mis'ry is his constant aim.
fie loathes whatever may be pure and chaste.
And what's most putrid, most delights his taste,
And with the greater rottenness of the feast,
So is this Vulture's appetite increased.
In each vile passion there are viler deeps
"Where this false, filthy, slimy reptile creeps.
.In every sorrow there's a deeper wo
Where this malignant fiend would have us go.
In each disgrace there is a deeper sh line
V?tth which this demon still would mark or name.
All malice, haired, enmity, and rago. '
Within his breast, their horrid contests wage.
With poisoned arrow on the string, he stands,
With fiends and devils nerving both his hands.
His gory lips, and sulphur flashing eyes.
Show he consumes with malice and with lies.
Hating all rights, and trampling on all laws.
He has more stings than Centipedes have claws.
And every blighting lie, by malice hurled,
With thousand tongues he bays around the world.
A strange distorting glass, in either hand
He carries, in his ravings o'er the land.
He suffers no one harmlessly to pass ;
Look here ! be cries, and holds you out the glass.
You look, and lo! the virgiu, pare and fair,
liecomes a bloated imp with viprous hair -The
man of God is preaching for the fleece,
AVould sell his people for a crown a-piece.
The Statesman, toiling hard, a realm to save,
Is a self-seeking coward, and a knave,
"he judge, who would to all. the right dispense,
'ceives a bribe, instead of evidence.
dearest, kindest friend, well tried for years.
)Useen through this, a lurking foe appears.
econile' 10 lauuiui lo aer spouse ana bead,
hi.84'LaAofu' traitress to your bed.
UU let
satiate enemy to bliss.
look at nothing as it is.
1 breed, h als,Ila,. murky dens of vice
eioni th ,,e8' tbie hatefu' cocatrice.
Co ev'.. 1 name; their parentage we trace -
, r. "Ul an mnnfr Boom nlitro n l.a
v?r. P?rts of this proeenv. 4
3for eountkss numbers yet untold,
vomuui is too small to hold.
-jO- i io eanu wun uiaeous yen,
,.roo that e'er escaped from hull.
LiksflA riiS'ocusts-all around they fly,
And whatiTfTeir stings may touch, must die.
Like Satyrs too, their pestilential brcatii
Spreads jealousy, misanthropy and death.
They hence expel, where'er they spread. abroad,
Our social pleasures and the love of Uod.
No virtues can remain where they can dwell.
For all their "tongues are set on fires of hell."
If they but hiss at innocence, she appears
To loose that beauty she has known for years.
Their hateful breath our inward peace destroys,
And robs us of our hearts most cherished joys'
Their various forms no pencil e'er can paint,
They come as friend, or minister, or saint.
'Tis now a Congressman, or President.
Then gentleman, or lady lenient.
A farmer, or mechanic seeking pelf,
Your neighbor oft. and often, 'tis myself.
Or otherwise when sunk beneath her load,
She takes the form of viper, or of toad.
The furious madman, or the hateful quack,
or ravinir maniac.
1 m,,n
k.- . ..
The Raftsman's Journal is published on Wed
nesday at $1,50 per annum in advance. If not
paid at the beginning of the year, $2,00 will be
Advertisements will be inserted at $1,00 per
square of 12 lines for three or less insertions. For
every additional insertion 25 cents will be charg
ed. A deduction will be made to yearly adver-.-9rs.
i subscription taken for a shorter time than
ntns, and no paper will be discontinued un-
irrearages are paid, except at the option of
uer. K.Ji.KU V.
Hon. Samuel Linn, . Bellefonte.
Hon. wm. L. Moore. Clearfield
Hon.Beni n. Bonsall. Luthcrsburir.
-A Frcd k G. Miller, . Cloarfield
' , lrJohn L. Cuttle, . .
Hr"rac. . James Wrielev. . . "
District Att'v. Robert J. WallaB.
Treasurer. .. John McPherson, "
Co. Surveyor, H. B. Wright, . . Glen Hope.
Commiss'n'rs, George Earhard. . . XewMillport-
William MoC'racken, Lumber City.
Wm. Men-ell, . . .Clearfield.
Auditors. . . Aaron C. Tate. . . Clearfield.
Isaac W.Graham, .
J. B. Shaw, . . Clearfield.
Coroner. ... George Richards, . . Clearfield.
.Arrival and Departure of Mails at Clearfield.
.Xastern, daily, Sundays excepted, at 7 P.M.
JFestern, " " 8 P.M.
Smith's Mills, Saturdays, 5 P.M.
Sinnamalioniog.Wednesd. & Saturd. 8 P.M.
.'arthana, Saturdays, 6 P.M.
t-" ;lertown, Mondays & Thursdays, 12 M.
I rn, daily, Sundays excepted, at 4 A.M.
1 m, " A A.M.
Mills, Jridays, 7 A.M.
' ijv Vhoning Tuesdays Fridays, C A.M.
; ;' ' - j . Thursdays, 8 A.M.
" rf. V Mondays & Thursdays 1 P.M.
. . -.SwAwill close at 9 o'clock, P. M. '
K ii tn mon. of tnnn anrl viinltv.
v verve this lor future reference.
. C- D. Watsox, Post Master. .
unvensville lor Marron. via
w T nmluiv f7ttw nouw Cqtit. I
returns same day at 8 p.m j 18
Atiwjt nrrrrro
? i ? - .' ' i- n f -r e ft -nm
Kiuu Kakestraw
Mary Elder
J.W CampV.n.
Lewis Smith.
P. B. Miller.
Edw'd. Williams
L. Schnell.
i'A" nrVmnnantf a
, w C S
C -) C I
- ' S H. "
- ' Vr -
T C. PUKVIANCE, Ambrotjpist, Curwensville,
L Clearfield county, l'a.
Aug3 '59.
TT B. WOODS, Attorney at Law,
Indiana, Pa.
Professional business promptly attended to.
F. AKELY, Grahamton, Clearfield coun-
Penn'a. April 1.
DO. CROUCH, Phtsicus, Curwensville. Clear
. field county, Fenn'a. May 14.
R. II. R. BRYANT, Luthersburg, Pa., tenders
his professional services to the public in gen
Luthersburs. October 13, 1859.
I J. CRANS, Attorney at Law and Real Estate
Jm Agent, Clearfield, Pa. Office adjoining his
residence, on Second street.
Way IS.
"1T7ILLIAM A. WALLACE, Attorney a(. Law,
W Clearfield, Pa. Office, one door north of the
Post Office, on Second street. Sepf. 1.
ROBERT J. WALLACE, Attorney at Law. (and
District Attorney,) Clearfield, Pa.- Office in
Shaw's new row, Market street. May 20.
HBUCIIER SWOOPE, Attorney at Law, Clear
. field. Pa. OEct in Graham's Row. one door
east of the 'Raftsman's Journal' oflice. Nov 10.
IriRAXK SIIORT, Boot and Shoe-maker. Shop,
on Second street, (nearly opposite Reed p&tl
Weaver's Store,) Clearfield, Pa. May 4, 189.
Til W. MOORE, Land Surveyor, will attend to all
JL . business eutrueted to him with care and dis
patch. Grampian Hills, Pa., Nov. 23, '59-6mp.
MA. FRANK, Justice of the Peace, Market st.,
. Clearfield, Pa. Bu sincss entrusted to Lis
care will receive prompt attention,
made and money remitted
GEORGE W. RIIEEM, Dealer in Drugs, Medi-
VJT cincs, Stationary and Fancy articles. Room
formerly occupied by Lorain, on Market Street,
Clearfield. Sell cheap, for cash Apr20.
WILLIAM F.IRWIN, Market street, Clearfield,
Pa.. Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Mer
chandise. Hardware, Queenswarc, Groceries, and
family articles generally. ' Nov. 10.
TOHNGUELICH. Manufacturer of all kinds of
J Cabinet-ware, Market street, Clearfield, Pa.
He also makes to order Coffins, on short notice, and
attends funerals with a hearse. Aprl0,'59.
JOSHUA S. JOHNSON, Cabinet Maker, Market
street. Clearfield, Pa. He will also attend fu
nerals with a hearse, when called on; and make
coffins to order, on short notice. Nov. 10.
DR. WM. CAMPBELL, offers bis professional
services to the citizens of Morris and adjoin
ing townships. Residence with
Kylcrtown, Clearfield county.
J. 1. Denning in
May 11,18jU. .
. De
B. SHAW. Shawsville. Clearfield county. Pa.,
ealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware,
Oueensware. Ac.
sells cheap for Cash, or exchan
ges for Lumber or approved country produce.
HF. N AUG LE. Watch and Clock Maker, and
. dealer in Watches, Jewelry. tc. Room in
Shaw's new row, Market street, opposite the Rafts
man s Journal efhee, Clearfield, Pa. Aov 10.
JB M'ENALLY, Attorney at Law. Clearfield,
. Pa. Practices in Clearfield and adjoining
counties. Office in new brick addition, adjoining
the residence of James B. Graham. Nov. 10.
RLACKSMITHINS.-Shunkweiler k Orr, thank
ful fornast favors, would respectfully solicit a
continuance of a share of publio patronage in their
line of business. Shop on Third St. Nov. 10.
RICHARD MOSSOP, Dealer in Foreign and Do
mestic Dry Goods, Groceries, Flour. Bacon,
i-r. Room, on Market street, iew uours
oi.ri,u. Pn Anr27.
T 1TITI rTiT'n Y i l ,, nf i i
JLi field. Pa. Will attend promptly to all le?al
and other business entrusted to their care in Clear
field and adjoining counties. August 6, 1856.
rpHOMAS J. M'CULLOl'GU, Attorney at Law,
X and Notary Public, Clearfield, Pa. Office on
Market street, one door west of Richard Mossop's
store. Deeds and other legal instruments prepar
ed with promptness and accuracy. Feb. 13.
JOHN RUSSEL k CO., Tanners and Curriers,
Punnville. Clearfield Co , Pa. Keep constantly
on hand an excellent assortment of leather, which
they offer for sale at the lowcsteaeh prices Hides
of all kinds taken in exchange Julyl.i-o4.
Surveyor, offers his professional se
ecr and Land
i professional services to the
citizens of Clearfield countv. All business en
trusted to him will bo promptly and faithfully ex-
acuted. He can be fouud at the banking bnnsi. of
Leonard, Finney 4 Co. Sept. 21, 1S59.
DR. M. WOODS, tenders his professional servi
ces to the citizens of Clearfield and vicinity.
Residence on Second street, opposite the office (ff
L. J. Crans, E?q. Office, the same that was recent
ly occupied by Hon. G R Barrett, whero he can
be found unless absent on professional business.
TAEXTAL CARD. A. M. SMITH, offers his pro
JL fessional services to the Lad ics and Gentlemen
of Clearfield and vicinity. All operations upon the
tectn executed with neatness and despatch. Beina
familiar with all the late improvements he is pre
pared to make artificial teeth in the best manner.
Office in Shaw's Now Row, Clearfield. Sep. 1 5
TOUR TEETH ! DR. A. M. HILLS, desires to
announce to his friends and patrons, that he
is now devoting all of his time to operations in Den
tistry, loose desiring Disservices will find him at
his office, adjoining his residence, at nearly all
times, and always on Fridays and Saturdays, un
less notified otherwise in the town papers the week
belore. All worK warranted to be satisfactory.
BOOT t SHOE MAKING. The undersigned hav
ing entared into partnership in the above bu
siness, at the end of the now bridge, 1J miles a
bove Clearfield borough, are prepared to do all
kinds of work in their line on the shortest notice
and most reasonable terms. JOHN S. 110VT,
a. n. iiuir.
N. B. All kinds of country produce and hides
taken in exchange for work. June 23, 1S08
Octl3 , a ' a well tupph"1 t0 1859.
."Bills of JLxc.
stanM."7 rmi"ed. Eicl.'aTAPrafU Discounted.
or .V.Grh&m.EM loon-
? Wallace. ? f-
JlJ are the Best Calieoes yet offered to the PC?
lie for the money. Wholesale Agents,
April 20, 1859-6m. New York. ,
11 ARRIVAL 11 Just received at the
store"' (ifWm. Irvin. in Curwensville. a very large
and well selected stock of Fall and Winter Goods."
comprising everything adapted to the wants of
the people. Please call and examine the goods
and priees. . September 24, !So9.
PLASTERING The subscriber having lo
cated himself in the Borough of Clcarlicld
would inform the publicthat he is prepared to d
J. work in the above line, from plain to ornamental
of any description, in a workmanlike style. Also
whllewusbing and repairing done in a neat man
ner, and on reasonable terms.
-April 7. 1353. ' ' EDWI5T COOPER
ccs to the citizens of Clearfield county.
thnt ho" is still enaaecd. at his old stand
and BOX TOMBS. Also Head and Foot Stones
of the latest and most approved styles, and on th
most reasonable terms. All orders promptly at
tended to. Address, ISAAC libltLL,
Aug. 2j, 18o8.-dec23-'57. Tyrone City
JLJ SHOP AHEAD:!!! The subscriber thankful
for past favors, takes this method of informing
his old customers and the publio in ireneral, that
he bos removed his shop from the Foundry to th
shop formerly occupied by George W. Urr, on .ec
ond street, Clearfield. Pa., where he will continu
to manufacture W aeons of every description, to
order, of good material and in a workmanlike
manner. Also, Wheelbarrows, Harrows, Grain
cradles, dc, made on snort notice, in superior
style, and of the best stock. Itepairing ot every
kind done with dispatch, and on reasonable terms
June 29, 1S59. WILLIAM It. liuyiVA.
SEALED PROPOSALS will be received un
3 til Anril 1st. fWiO. for the building of a Luthe
ran cborch, near the residence of J. F.W- Schnarrs
in Karthaus township, wbieh is to be a scantling
frame 50xM feet. 18 feet from foundation wall to
enve of roof, with a vestibule of feet, an end gal
lerv above and a cupalo on bellfrv the work to
commence in the spring. More definite specifica
tions can be obtained hy calling on J. J-.
Schnarrs, Esq.. or Rev. C. Fetzcr, in said town
ship. Proposals may be nddressed to any one of
the undersigned ouildiDg committee.
Karthaus. December 7, 1859.
T"oOKIl TeRE!- LOOKII ERE!! The un
M.J dersigncd take this method of informing the
public generally that they have entered into co
partnership in the JSIackcmitliing Dusine.?, and
can be found at the shop formerly occupied by Ja
cob Shunkweiler, on I bird street, in the borough
of Clearfield, where they will be pleased to see
their old customers, and as many new ones as can
make it convenient, to give them a call.
Bring on your hoes, your spades, and picks,
Your log chains and your pulling sticks,
Your sleds, your sleigbs. your horse and mare,
No three-year old, phall then go bare.
Your epcars we'll work up then j'ust right.
To pruning hooks for every hight,
' Y'our swords too, shall then be wrought
To plough-shares such as Cain ne'er bought.
uec. o, laos. utuitljK IV. UKK. -
J Marlet Street, Clearfied, J'a.The under
signed would inform his old customers and friends
that be has opened a new stock in the building
which be erected on Market street, east of the
'Cleartieli House" and immediately opposite It.
Mossop's store, where he will serve customers with
1..nA;t,,.- .1'-",ur';mSnr- lll.ll !
te2;?2V?i. lit-lSerr,7 liradM, Cherry Bran-
Hy, liye YVtiai-ir fort Winer, Common Brandy,
IV hniu. A-e., all of which he will dispose of at
reasonable rates, and to which he invites the at
tention of those who desire anything in that line.
Country produce taken in exchange for goods, at
cash prices. Give me a call.
of Land, 65 of which are cleared and under culti
vation, situate on Clearfield Creek, on the main
road leading from Clearfield town to Clearfield
Bridge, in Clearfield county, Pa., nnd three miles
from the former place. The house i3 large, new.
well calculated for a Tavern, and will command
nearly all iho custom of the watermen during the
freshets, which usually last from four to six weeks.
There arc also a good Barn. Wood Shed, Wash and
Bake House, and various other buildings necessa
ry for convenience and comfort. The terms of sale
will be made easy say four annual payments.
For further information inquire of L. J. Crans,
Esq., Dr. A. T. Scbryvcr, James II. Larimer, Esq.;
Clearfield, or L. W. Weld, Glen Hope, Clearfield
county, Pa. Possession can bo given so that the
buyer or rentor can have the benefit of the spring
business, which alone will amount to more than
double the rent A, T. SCHRYYER.
Clearfield, Pa., January .5, 1359-tf.
1 I t Ne w Sprinsr Goods.
L,. & V. RMZENSTEIN, corner of Main and
Joy streets, opposite William Barker's "Mansion
riouse," LOCK. HAVEN", PENN'A.
The undersigned would respectfully announce
i mo citizens oi v-iearnoin county, especially
Lumbermen coming to Lock Haven, that they have
jusi racivcu vneir spring goods, comprisin"
iremenaoii8 stocK ot tuhionablo and s-asonnble
which can t be found in any town this side of the
city ; all of which, they are determined to sell at
so Biigni an aavance on city cost, ond at such
great reauction irom tne usual prices, as to aston
ish even the closest buyer. Tho goods are all new
mm iasnionnoio nnd nave been selected with the
greaiesi care ana will De warranted in point of
.1 i.:,: i i , .
uurauiuiy. uciucmoer me place :
Opposite Wm. Barker's '-Mansion House.
Lock Haven, Pa., March 16, 18o9-3in.
yJ.iinual Success of the Cosmopolitan Art Asso
ciation. from an portions ot the country subscri
bers to this popular Art institution, (now in its tith
year.) are being received in a ratio unparalleled
with that of any previous year.
Any person can become a member by subscri-
V:.... r 'f i. : i. 1 1 .:. i : . .
uiui: vu, nuiiiu mil uilillio llliu lu
1st. The beautiful Steel Engraving, "Shaks
pear and His Friends."
2d. A Copy of the elegantly Illustrated Art
Journal, one year.
3d. A Free Season Admission to the Galleries,
548 Broadway, New-York
In addition to which, over four hundred valua
ble Works of Art are given to subscribers as Pre
miums, comprising choice Paintings, Sculptures,
Outlines. fcc, by the first American and Foreign
Artists. The superb Eneraving, which every sub
scriber will receive immediately on receipt of sub
scription, entitled "SltaLspeare and His I'rients,"
is of a character to give unqualified pleasure and
satisfaction. " No work of equal value was ever be
fore placed within reach ot the people at such a '
price. The Engraving is of very large size, being
printed on heavy plate paper, 30 by 38 inches,
making a most superb ornament suitable for the
be scfltxitber the library, parlor psoffice. Itc
c ..... - , .. . . C il . i .
ei dtJ S NEWS '.TEiill Uken
. The subscriber P-
his U Know i
lovn "v " favor
be ui'iOn1?
. " Lnaire Uis umc ffr(i . ttn
BOSliei. 0.fTtp
having'becom .
cently kept by
alive Ul wiw tni - , I rp
liberally extendedf fte above Hole , re
,.c i.VXJ.-AMts a continu-
, 11- a- , ..tofnre been so
00 aoie 10 rentier sail u-ij:-- . tne
vor with a call, by stri. especially y
, - . , - ' . that ne w i"
ana comiort 01 nis gucsi.'." , c...
w:j h ,.. ?i..,. ,n who J
iuiuuieiown, 1 a , Jiarcu i- he wants
pectfully announces to th -
in general that he now occupies tt,cJj rcz-
mile east of S. Baudcr's old stand,- -public
township, where he is prepared to u'guse
all who may favor him with their cuttn
house is commodious nnd well adapted i-ite
tertaiument of travelers, and his table will $
be provided with the best that the market cu
ford. His stable is also convenient and good.
March 9, 1 859.
' Curwrnsvile, Clearfield Cortntu, Penrfa
The subscriber, forinerly-of the Exchange Hotel
Philipsburg, having taken the aoovc house, situate
in the cast end of the Boroujrh tit Curwensville
on the bank of the Susquehanna River, would res
pectfully announce to the travelling publio, that
he is fully prepared to accommojato strangers
and all others who may favor hioi with a cU
The house is new, well furnished, large and com
modious, and travellers will find every convenience
necessary 10 inoir comiort. Ample stabling is at-
lacuuu 10 me premises DAVID JOHNSTON.
Curwensville, February IT. 1858.
to lnlorm hisold customers and the public ceno-
.....j v u.u imi-uny uiien the ahove well
known stand, and that he has entirely r, att,i .i
refurnished it in a stylo adapted to the age. and
the wants of the entire travelling community.
HIS TABLE will always be provrded with every
Inrnrv Ik. ... n .-1. ..... j . -
...... luciunitcnunu eurrounaiug country Will
uij van wm oe supplied with the choi
cesi wines and liquors. HIS STABLES, which
are the best and most eonimnilii na i, -.a
within a day's travel, will alwavs be in ehnro-a nf
iiitrnriil nn.l 1 .: i ., w .
"iicuuvu uosucrs in short, every
uvjiaiuutuv i nis esiunusnnient will be supplied
with all the comforts and coukwupiwoj tho
traveller could desire. WM. A. MAKdV
Curwensville, June 2. 18."S.
rlLD, I A. The Ulldersinrnpd nuniil ri:r.aitrll
inform his friends and the travel lino, nulilm in
general, that he has taken the above house, (for
merly known as the Hemphill Hotel A and that
the house hns been recently refilled, imnmrn,!
and newly furnished: th:it Mtn.i.. uii.i;..
has just been completed : and that he is Pre
pared to accommodate all who nmv -;,-. h;ra
a call m the most pleasing and agreeable manner.
Ho is amply provided with everything to render
his house a desirable stonninT' rI.r and -will
endeavor to entertain his guests in a manner that
cannot fail to give tbe fullest satisfaction. Tho
house is situated in a pleasant and quiet part of
the town, and no expense or attention will be spa
i t ,nakc il one of ,ne best bouses in the county.
A liberal patronage is respectfully solicited. Il'is
bar will be supplied with nn nsfirrm.nt r I,.T
liquo s. june2-'681 H. HAYS MORROW.
IT ROLDLY, th atyourGolden Salve
'X saved mvlife
I was brniio'lir. tn 1h a K;.,lz
2 iv -Tag W...twhnTD-nT,.,,.r
...... .-ecu uuacs curca inn: ii.i
nurse my
i I . w i. . ,l,f.. 1
iitfft orreer, iMirrii. Massachusetts.
It Can't be liuhhed Out It Can't be Rubbed Out
i it A i h un ir-.-S'.s tiOLDEX SALVE
lta. saved li fe. tn Lovel Has saved life ii, Tmll
Has saved life in IMircll Has saved . ife in Lou-e.ll
By completely curing Piles. Rheumatism. Cuts
Lruises, Sprains, Old Sores. Scrofulous Humors.
r-rysipeias, rimpieson the tace, Corns and Chil
uiuir-s, .ore hippies. Broken lire-arts. um nnH
liana?. i.oils. Scratches on Ilorsps. Snrn Tii
Cows, ic.; and is adapted for every kind of sore
or numor that atuicts hnmacitv All lhrn,.
r.,i i..,.. .i . . . " -r:"v,
iimsu huu itre me mnsi siit.ir.nr tn m,i ,inni.
should supply themselves with ilia n..l,l,...
It arts vi t i out pain heals rariidl v. nml nnin
unuuKii iii.-iuiiiiy. xiconcnins no poison, and hns
n ouensive odor. '1 he Uoldcn Sal ve has. hr its
'""i'"'" outtiss m curing uie various external
iscases, secured n lasting rcnutation commpnun.
rate to its worth. Physicians use it extensively
nml lAclir ; . -. , . , , . . J
-tj in 113 ouiinir vaiuc in cnecning in-
namatory action, and to its healing nowor n.
tlemcn of the Press, the Pulpit and the Ear. the
high and tho low, the rich and the poor, testify to
the matclilo" efficacy of the Golden Salve
Manufactured solely by 0, P. WIIITTEN. 35 and
7 East Merrimack street. Lowell, Mass. 25 cents
per box. G. W. Kheem. Clearfield ; Jacob Koons,
Troutville; Howard Merrell. Bradford ; Edward
William. Woodland; Ellis Irwin A Sons. Lick
Run; A.B Shaw.Shawsville; P.A.Gaulin, French
ville ; Thos. O.Snyder, Kylertown; Henry Swan
Ansonville; J. L. Allison. New Washington ; and
by M. A. FRANK, General Agent. Clearfield, who
will supply all country merchants on liberal terms
Lowell. Mass.. August 17. 1859.
A LARGE LOT of new Prints. Delaines. Plaids,
jf kc. Also a fine selection of Cashmeres. Eng
lish and French Merinos, and all styles of Ladies'
dress goods, at tho "corner store" of Win. Irvin,
in Curwensville. September 24.
4 LARGE LOT of Nails, Glass. Paints, Oils, Bur
J.. ning Fluid, Turpentine, Alcohol, ka., very
low by the quantity, at tho "corner store" of
Curwensville. September 24. WM. IRVIN
4 FINE LOT of Buffalo Robes of different
L -and prices, for sale at the'eheap corner storo
Wm. Irvin, Curwensville. September 24
. VERY LARGE Stoci of Clothi. Booted I
Shoes, Hats and CanR. am nm .,ir..ir sale
low by m. Irvin, Curwensville. sr1- 2i-
HENRY DISTON'S Mill and X-c';.a,
Loveland t M Ann snnnritir ippin
ws, and
g Axes,
at m. irvin . in Cumotisi-illi.
ept. 24.
HIDES taken at the high'Price exchange
for goods by Wm. Ir"1' nt ,ne "cheap cor
ner" in Curwensville f September 24.
WINTER Bonnet ?haw,s. Mantillas, Cloaks.
4c., alargcrf0rtnieiltat the "corner store"
in Curwensville''
September 24.
"PRUGS A" MEDICINES, an assortment, at
JT the r turner store
Curwensr- i - .
rue cnean corner storn'
ABST.iJ,BU00 ixt:nt,)ccrwexs ille,
llcarheld County, Pa. The subscrihpr
rcalus, plnal liuiculty, lelons. Marls. Chafing,
Cancerous Sores. Ringworms. Salt Rheum. Sore
Lips. Frost-bitten limbs. Chafed Infant
Heavy drhtu-v'tr -h: .raFWfi
John SSPfoM V
15, 1S3J. :.
i Vrwx? h. V '
mTn INO P.-r..-
J The harden, r
v?-rtF.R A
r' . undersi
int. ""7--. vn. 0er.eaT . . . 0re
Ul v."
Barber Shop,
. i .ill tphs vl v , itnrnei u
a nuii . wilt:? "
: . nl " .1 TIW ivww"
.wy '
13 Vrge assortment of Men .
P 0 1 nlUr 9ale at the the veryl-;
Wtw?vr- ft large lot 01 6'
oWboLLAR a P0SS0p?
. . ' - . - HI."- n. r IV. ..
Vicii ' ,
rier i v
by 18. iog hou 2i P out-uil-
amgsineit wuhy anu V" rine.honsitoii
venient to7arge springand spring Anll
hassufficicD -jheland " TTict ia
St orchard otand fencing '"" ' ;urjor
place,, grafted trees. d JeIlt
for pasturing dr6hoice fruit- l ' . . a.
Crcs-10 cleared a, ALSO, one con t.r ni
This lanAtaer , , b,e
For terms a 5 .
October 1.1.
ffio Clcarfi
y -
hereby gives notice thX
nf ClearScl
eir books, i
c,;tnl in t
ly, hles and Testaments, nrcA
ficeTIT James Wrigley,
RcEistci7i HHor.
Clearfield. The books are of var.. .ires :
dapted to supply either private indiuau e
aay schools at very cheap rates. Vry s
; i..i.i.. v. i i n- y J L.
"i"ic tau wc uau 3 low as .J C (. Id
and testaments as low as fij cents apiece.
The people of the countv "cnpmilr
vitel to leave with Mr. Wrielev nn-v ilnnntiiiJ
may be pleased to make in nid of tbe fundji
oocicty. signed by order of the Exeeutie
ta'ttce. ALEX. McLEOD. Preside
"rao-6CSI '1 Jf.-0 'I'D i
'KliaVIS T "U 'ii. v raiq oaiS
-Jd A'jo.ia bjuiijos 0J -dB3qodS eq
ll.l(i.l puwq uo sda33j oru aii A -unoo
uj lib ui aoqjo Aue ucqj ao jioj juk ltd og no
eq qsuo joj A9Aiimi3xo zuinog spuojui an
''. iio.n.T Ki tJit vi.oj miitjij no -xsajt
Ho VldlljJO hlJJWJOt'lUVO-T BUI DI "naJTliai.-T
aiou spooyjo qxiuu "pUB dJlBA Al'dA3 -jovj uiji
. "uyiyj i miyirj joj tjjauijg -t.it, iij
" J-"'.'? 1" SJO'g 'Hooq Jo pn;Y
jo jpojsaAisuoixa un pouodo jsnfgcq -ejnaS .tjini
aoj liSduisuq ooqo oii) ui poc"u4 uaoq BUiiiuM
pua JOJ(uujooq KopiHud si oq. -Jaquosonv t
8tix aiioxs nous anv jnnu u iv'
! EVIL, is a t n
stitutionnl disease, a taint, orcorruption of :he
blood, by which this fluid becomes vitiated k
and poor. Beinz in the circulation, it i,.,...,!.,
the whole body, and may burst out in ciwease on
any part of it. No organ is free from it.-yutacks,
nor is there one which it may not destrck- The
scrulous taint i, vai inuslx-f ""J
iiill-hio air, filth and filth v haLit.S-JeaItbJr
sing vices, and, above all. by the veierVr-PJ '
tion. hatever be its ori,ri. i, ia beradi""
fnmri----:---i J--- -nii i, r. ' 7 the
unto the third and fourth generation ;" indeed'
seems to be the rod of Him who savs "I'will l
tho iuiauitics of thefntli
.fT .4a - i , UUIKI
tions or sores.
This IViul . . '. cruP-
H irrnn.
llfif. in II,. 1.1 1
BUU.n een-
uepresscs tbe energies of Jhe to
that scrofulous constitution nm
scrofulous complaints,, but they have far 1 powTr
to wit hs an. t ia f.iti.Air ni. j- iwer
qnuy, vast numbers peri.-h bv disorders wh;,-K
although not scrofulous in their nature re,i
rendered fatal by this taint in the system V'
of the consumption whuh deeeminates the hum-m
family has its origindircctly in this scrofulous 1
tamina tion, and many destructive diseases of th.
hver kid,ieys,brain,and indeed, of all ihllrHus
arise from or are aggravated by the same c-iue
One quartcrof all our people are seroiuloua their
persona are in vaded by ibis tui king contamination
and their health is undermined by it. To ck-in
it from the system wc must renovate the blood bv
analterativeinedicine.and invigorate itbvhcalthi
food and exercise. Such a medicine we "supply i
Ayer s Compound Extract of Sarsaparilu.
..( -.: j ... .. jjniij
mo iiiiisi turo.uHi remeuv wiuen th n,r.,i;,..i .i.:,,
v. u. inucKcan uevisc lor this every where pre
vailing and fatal malady. It is combined from t.ie
mo! active remedial thai )ir l.n j
lor the expurgation of this foul disorder frorf the
. v i .-?i;ii vtitu
oioou, ana tne rescue ot the system from it des
tructive con.-scouenccs. 1 li ner- il si, ,.,.1,1
i.-re 01 noi oniy scroiula. but al-o those
Mercurial liseases, Dropsy, Dyspasia, Debility
and, indeed, all Complainti nr;;r from v,t;,.t '.!
or Impure Llood. Ihe popular 'ief in 'intvirrt-
y "i u,,.i isiounuea in liu ior scrofula is
uuceneration ot the blood, if- practical rjurnoe
flml l-irhia tn.C, iiiij . 1
luc.miiiHiiariiii.i iu purity and re
6v,"i""" "us uai nuia.'iuoui which Sound
health is impossible in eontn'natcd constitutionn
iiii c V.iiu.uil iui-IiS. f-jrafl the
109 nr i7, n. : l .. ; - r- .. , . . ' I
vj i. r,.,Mi, y ji'tj'C) uf cv composed
cojo n.iinu ine range meir action ca
niui.iiiu or evade thu- ineir r enetrat
A Am a nr...... ..I...,.-. X i Ii ......
-"L - ' f-ropenies. the inalid
.. .i..u.pla or pnysical debit
, r"""""i4 uis neaitn or enerra ,
ptored-bv a rpfn.vnt m... i rner?y re-
Not a'U' "... . u "P'ena inviting
w y-j vuic me every-jn v comnlnir,..
of every bodWiut aln m r.. "t. omPints
ed to furnish-cratis m v a ., piLas-
taininjr certicatea of r "...' '""n" On-
for their ,,.,in th. nT",:"- Rn.a ."'rections
tivenets 7T, L,h,.r.. ri "3 " Co
ordered StJJ .:,.',ar'' from dt.
and At,,,., I.'.. . "7"1 '"'""on, iMll
w..tt.c w nu twc oy uepositin from the blru .1
of corrup and ulcerous matter.whioh. in the lun,
iver and internal organs, is termed tubercle
the irlands. suollina- .i .u- ..,vrtles lr
s un. -
oiuer iinecuons which arise from it, sucbas Erup
tive ami Skin Diseases, St. Anthony s Rose
OT Ervsinfilns ViTi.Tlna l.ulnl.. T?l...-',o ' T!-r
and Boi!s. lumors, Tetter and Salt Reuin, Scald
"vi, iiiiiuriii. jMieumaiinn. Liniiirm n ...i
nprfips Roii.i.t, .1 -. , r, u, nw,A ; .. . -
portion of the humaurganiKrn. eorreetinir iudiT
IISed Hftinn oi, rflnrinir it. I,.l,i . .. .la
and Mori, Inaction of t hi Bowel Fiat.T VMFh HriP
Loss of Aipetitc, JaniuHee. sZ Jt' i4? IZ LW5
arisinir from . . i iUS , ? tW; hrvV
or obatrution of iu foncthin
n f J.- r , " """"I me DOdTJ
Al fcJiTs UUERHV PKc'r W
. fv . . . r -.-x.
Croltvti roncJtitis. inclvift iJc
oi m. lrvm. in I staifes or the trfi7i of .,rZUr.itx l.i J . ' iC'."- TT
STOVES, for -ale tLS..f-?i .1f'. ffe- . -'' ('
i - -' -'Erm i r . . u. njw ' i
violins 1
1 fv MVn;
0 ; ygc.
Pot vt
feJ panics -- '
s SvcraW. and J
ics.. oi
j,rownc anu "
Standing Con
F..J- oto?
Vnttrs. go io-'
ForVB8 t0 ?!
.-seat session :
.w. Foster, M
v.ires, goto
l-nr . CO tO
For KO tO A:
v' fa. - j
For 1 goto.M
For g go toil
Lz.. v; iinnoi
For sugo to
For roIO to h
MiTWr, Lous-'
" i'. M
.i-kt-'r. try,
For 'larlf oA!
For sBpcrv51'" '
tor goo't);o jxi
For eondiftoM
For i.eat iM S
For rood tsl-
Vor all nul..r-
For good OfollAi yrriiV
For "penootoJCeif? -;h
For good Eto3,f.isU,di;
For to.Mjf,'! U:t
l or good sa t0 Mt-aiCT
For gooJ Fa,(o V i.v Ui -y
E. a i nnri Al 1 I r
shovel Pl0-;l
good horst,,11'!
" L.
hur sunerior n..
For barn door
1 VI
For superior gl
for long handle
For spades nrd"',
tor hoes and nrel
For fcrrels of akV
For brass snuffers 4 I
For superior lard lau
For good lemon snu-
For good crk screws
F'or tggcodlersi bcate
X or goon ureinj loaMtrrs,
For superior flesh forks,
For good basting spoony
1-or good twine boxe.
lor ieat spring balar
tor good corn trir l
For good corn sheVi
. Fyr. -sn perior caur!
Country produce,
f you
xr you want good tS
IFjou want Lxtfv
jou rant good
IF vou S:J.
, . , "'ucs or s J
'r TOO W;lr.t l 11
r yoa ,(
:ut sh perior W li'1
i r
IF ydS1 "eei;ent Rfoe
1 1 V3U V
1 F you w " :
IF you wac . ,
IF you want ".S
1 F you want i.V
IF VClfl Vint u.
IF you want BnoJ?"
you want fino jV,
lr you want Oran-r
IF you wantago.3d
IF you want a good MnlJ
jF you want good Gardl
l you want Willow alf'A
"i n good Uur
you want Tobacco an.
11- you want Fancy Wall
1 I- t . . . . - ' 1 au,&
it you want Manilla he
j-ou wantraJin orFui.
r you want SKn. T .
j p - xjeis
" jou want good Saw-mi
If TOU Want. Pi..... t ...
tn -vi.u.i.j.eju
rpi. iiou ui.
It you want Cood Store Rl
I VOU Want frrtrt.l v'l r..
f, JOU "ant superior Black
tf you want a Smoothing t
rp o -
J r vom Bint nA t.
- p. " 'vt . ,
k. w 1
1 .rri
:. I'e.i'."'":1
super Iul Iiu "
Amerlfc fc'PJ.;,:: J-"'
iron a'. JpArjL-.hsLi-r
von w.., ii . " -1
I F v I 4 Llfract of t .
IFv!fD runs I
1 1- you. want Harde v? .. to
lr vou want, n a.. t
. i an, b
that dis- JF you want good White M,
in rarely you want good colored M
ingpro- l you want silk Handkervl
j r you want cotton Handke
rp lu ,rant Liuen Tab' oil
yoa want new Sehrmi n.,i.Ar.
J r you Wflnf
tp i. ,"vu unaersun .
IF you want fashionable Cov
you want fJ.K;...nr-litc..rJ
if you wa;; k iKr-yitiTi
J r tnn n-. .
t ".-'onl,i est' A
if r..::
TOU Wllnt . r. " '
It you want a superior CIocl RU
IF you want Fancy C?pf
IF you want Table Oii Clot lu
If you wantroni Fi, ..J -
tf - -soy -wy i
.K FAST ft t-r- Jlr
blelThe Tl Sec.rcx-.rJ; '-'-i5i rr-
nth al
tbo T...-RPt. frnot wool ft rc . - i
gives n.: ua"
is . - . ji . i j m .
' to the pnbli
''who want ago.
: . .. : . I. ti ..
o a
at he isTrep!!.
iiu Rimxiviiii
.TI7tbeiiorOT,-l"v-" ,i -ustain v. oracoiintr,,nrau:Vv'"S,;1
to DO w
jaw off fo-0rt
' -yieirfelloi.:.:""'
1 'stcnir J n orferation . ' i
. i J v ini.ii. n .