If. --i " I ' - ' . - ' As-. t - : ' I t 0 2J r v . M .'-1 1 - nearins inter n- ceo-' -i.. i-fe i.Tjcat. per annum, payaui j -w in tne city or Philadelphia. 2fo offers were -. I mads and enistnifinfl.r thn wnrt rAmiln nn- 77 - . j r . . , 1 ..... . . on tno isi " v. jsuiu- oeaiea proposals 105 tne sale or lease ot as each yef and redecmablu on or after "(the niairi line,""w the X j,,rA.ugnat 1855, were issued. The dir.tri w th 17 . i j, r .4. . 1 . : - - liiiuiOfj, periu,uii:ii uy law ior me reuemp lion eijso ceruncates, expired on the: 1st day ofV-ouat; lad. J,o provisfon has been X11 redemption y. ne terms of the act authori u ?u "-"r'aiPs f State stock, as also ,by the con,iloas of the certificates iasned 5 "-uvC yereor, the time of payment, after r-.t-VrH1 -of tlo minim urn. period, is op uur;"fl dewor tht Commonwealth yet a aue reg. to tbe cre Jit of the gute re . r.,,lullj snonia Demaae lor tlieir "n or, relltion. To redeem these cer tificates a loan Vtyj bPCOaje BeCeisarv, and &s a loan caanctWfected, in the present ti- v.,..! u.i.i.uM , . tne country, on terms wu.cij.uu l"f)e Etate,-than those on recommend that aa-jty given to issue the bonds of the Coaonw(!.ilti in renewal of aaid ccrtiUcates beariA interest at the rate of ;Uvo per cent, per an; VYaljl emi-aanu-and redeemable -oil oryftr tlio ezpira--tioa of twenty year; avi thahe boada be is sued with coupons or eriince3 0f interest t&ttachedj m sums equal umVt to the semi .annual interests taercon, paj on the first .days of February and August iAacb'and er- - sy ycar at sucl1 pwca as may designated. iThis change in the fvrui and ehaer cf tle .certificates, it is believed, will bev advanta geous to the holders, without ini,; tjje liabilities of the Comuiouwaalth, aw jajuce . a willing aud prompt exchange, at W.niiua . for the bonds proposed to be issued ...The condition . of the public wo tj,-ejr general operation, and the receipts asLXpen . ditares for the past fiscal year, will h.eaea. ' . t ' :.. .1... ,r '4i r?- missiouers. .. i . - - - public works, for the year ending io .. -,- 1 nr.-rt "1 rri. .,07isoo, were i, 'j,oiu n. xuengste . expenditutes, including ordinary ana ex - dinary pajDients, for the same period, an ted to Sl,S39,7yi IS. showing an excess ; ceipts, oyer all expenditures, ot $10o,ii85 The extraordinary poycaeuts Jor tne sd - year excluding $133,100 00 paid Jor ro-lay ,1 the south track of the (jolumoia railroad, a , $28,000 00 for re-binliing tbe r reeport aqu duct, wen $C9u,4i:7 t6. The ordinary oxT l;9nditures. wre Sl,148,3G3 40. Apgregat -l receiiis as jtuoo Diiin--u, ji,i,uiuii. ui dinarv extwnditiires SI. 148 ,30o 40. r Net were subsequently inrited, as th section of the said act, and the proposals received are herewith Bub mittedto the legislature for their action .and final disposition. - v ; Having on a former occasion presented mv Tiews of tha propriety and policy of a sale of this branch of our public improvements, a re1 petition of the scntimeats then expressed' be comes unneceseary. Jn relation to this sub ject, mj. opinion .has cot changed. Thee?: perience of the pastTnd a careful examination of the question in its economical and political relations, have strengtheaed and confirmed it That the State should, long since, have bees separated from the management and control of these works, the fcstoryYvf-their 'conrtruc tion and . management clearly demonstrates. JPublic policy and public sentiment demand tins separation; and every consideration ' of present and future interest requires their sale The late financial embarrassments of tie coun try the imperfect character of some of the provisions of the bill authorising the sale, lo- geiner witn tne adverse influence or rival ;in terests, defeated the recent attempt to sell These difficulties have been, or can be, remo ved ; ana a sale yet effected on terms asnplv protective of the rights and interests of the people, and at the same time iust and liberal to me pnrhasers. . . . . ,. 10 reduce the. Mate debt and relieve fh people from taxation, are objects worthy the earnesi ana anxious consideration of the l.o. gislature. - To accomplish these objects spee dily and certainly, a sale of the whole or Dart of our public improvements becomes impor tant and necessary. The revenues of fhe State under the present system of management of th public works, are bnt little more than sufficient to pay the interest of her debt, and the ordiuary expenses of the government. A sale of these works, for a fair consideration, and upon terms just and liberal, would consti tute a beginning in th process of liquidation. that would free our Commonwealth from debt and her people from consequent taxation. In every measure calculated to produce these de sirable results, I will cheerfully co-oDeratd with the Legislature. the currency of the State, in it rrlat; i banking institutious, and their increase, is a nujeci, mat aemauas carviul and iatelliirent lLTauon. r rem tiie notice riven ofnu- erous intended applications to the Legisla- aud an increase of bank- tit i" v .ia.io": ta ct"': i l.iics-.- . - - U 1 . . . 1 : I if ik Tfc CO! ! course of lnsw, practical. Scientinjrfhor ture, with the usual braon (Jai ucationwiu oe tangnt, $ine to ruaice gooa xarmersft. good citizens. ; Whilst individual lib' done much and willdo tion, an appropriation sum as the ' Legislatur would not only aid and b!e enterprise, but wou just recognition of the voivcd. The laws bow in ope A tana eneio : l'r tnis j ,te, otkr to euu ie State. int rf . A:.:x.vt6 urare an hon rtaat -- ,rt rtiO T ;. CP k .,vc r , niia t r prop. annuiy" IlntVmaA0 V1 "7 one. An re thrs Jauiathis kindj been ad orable frter. is sid x . ,-.caUve o interests-iifun and stvOnJf She weasnre. N -T ,-9Ures, ct e3 terai7 .'s. ..co- enUHn ,-ato these, or " ufactnring and other inrement cemri rhouWfeelwair--v doC. ' t , - -i n r T 1 o ti nit- are in sota of their liions too severelv restrictive, and shouldbodified. .Legisla tion on these subjects heretofore tended to TeBtraia the investmenttapital-check in- uu0irj, oa cl:ro me en of the . people in the, prosecution of tutterp rises that aid the- eeTelopment ofomen,e- resources and contribute so larjo the wealth and prosperity of the Statiberal aadjudici- -s;uuu-rutuuir iBuiviaual enter- "uaS me luvnt ot capital, and v,.IUS uu uiecuai industry, would KicAiij 1'iwiioie xue in oi the peojdj .U.1C uui revenues give to the Com u,uu""'u' -"at promit and position ia the sisterhood of Statebieu the charac ter of her citizens andjlimiuble nat.ir.1 iouurccs jusuy entitle To th a niih;f T-ni,r- .w,..; : ,. ! The Report of the Hitendent of Com- tt,ua Jcaoois wm exw you their coadi iion ana me general opns of the system urouguous iu fjoQinaltb. dor m? th past year, l o the valiiud useful suerres- v0 sanction .- to -to mate .T T - mtnoo v-n bei ppror ,hcAi t: th iirnr. . . nd o. time has comw chanjewive action- : aV3t ... - nrc TteCUiui. UadeU'W' A"adein to ViudTcial been con j of drink it COU9?-; onCTlf 1 rnnceat- was tn oir--fx 7.;e V-T1. - remedy w - .ast re action- - - s i n- tbe li? ... , ,Nt toincrel in U 1 'wi,f.d, " "I remedy, U ;tnoVte Wk.S..:.i. r.A if cbaMl-u: rftPer rem - v i t,itho rei --.CTB,DCli) ---.; snu. i i- .,nc. t,ot a mv oir.H session. itV tnore w"" ' aew- .ai cav",i . sc -nt 1 I"" -.--,r tnei' t" t .wJHHf :'n !ao """ more honaisireat perfection oir Vh eancation. tVit your i:-. s in ireo. your IcjrislatiVtwV""?1 of pre" ecoS'z',uS th f,?d A rerC kli was pnt pron .:" n'ffcr.,1 diVfch I The public n ool ler de-In system their varloBS grPhil,cjv ; ' aTt to the high scuooW A. imitation; aud fhekm til primary P cy reflect great crcniodeV worthy of nave been commMiieuX afficien- control. ' It is ir 1 ihoso xrhom schools, so creditlble flupervisW i ami .lit-,u. 'that these our rnn., At iAmmercial lHe ."nv dctoV 1 1 nWeclIn Sftioft thCsa "' to-1 of yu. :;. f ny, r:, ,;.vi.bciai an ilmo - r-f t.it, lecisi' ' .Jrtmicai,V'-"-- 'l ; rtrertv i V' Tmf-r '.If). SI 1 1 .-!. iiiw 'i7 . itaiiu'ri . .Lib in wi v - i - deter.ointf - . ould ,r v, nior r .1 tie3- il " nsleration.lt acr vioas consur Jbe.9Utb " not lopfJ: . . Rnd uk tn ' v. c u0,weaHu 'J Pu?il far a4fH e. r.f. on sum 1 :"l,V.vi,e e Sain . - . we t r out-louse r ut city Jtoisiinrxr ss?E the people. Under the i02 caie of lilwr S I , fl Ibe Pcrat ,Terv- of the next, aiA Pef'V?vJ j still al and eu'.ighleued legisfif. rbliS'! 'S? tbe 1 cti 'farcs umph is wrtain. -Wh "yatenWa, fl,"t fniil clioola i he btlte, i, jVO" the fate of its F0f crowUutno . . s? . e"wa mterestmjr, tbstat sti,.' llV-laaft .;fi, useless A&irJ-F ('vornor. ;n .utl"c 4 '3 cnues.l'or the fiscal year, 7'Ji,0i; 81. .. Tins balance exhibits a small increase in the et revenues, as eompared witn tue net rcve- "s of 1851; and notwithstanding the with- fal of the transportation lines from tbe nmm " t line UL LiJo uaaai, iuc 0 1 taiu icicura -W . i -J..1 i ,rasi year ui; ciLLx'it-'a iuu rcvuuum - TBfaihfclliAu tventv-thre thousand !TA.'r, . ;vroiD.il!l) Jicropa of the past 3 . . if I lit Ol W VH nl.x-ir vear. in l,,t rri.nf til ici or rt v , (roue ofbuSiBCsa.a irgu in confidently ex- for the current year tr T v pected. : j,5 has been paid into . The sum of 01, J,;.),rrl,Ilia i aiiroud com- tho Treasury o t , or.nutlic3, astha tax t capital, this subject will doubtless te pie ?u 10, and strongly urged upon your at aon. Shall the uumber of banks and the '.ftr.t of banking capital be increased and "jo what extent, aud in what localities if t-j scions of absorbing public interest. uaout desiring to assume a general and tomising hostility to all banks, or to covse of banking capital, I cannot dis- uovoaiiy miit reauires. or tne pir- cuiu, "r " - cs that i I pens ?"d a,, tanj . - ,.vi!t lutoMge-paasin mount wrfcvij thert roads. tnisH- tlic su-a paid t by the same companies exhibits iSatisfactery 1 . , -.iti were V-.SiiOo l; a w : The Dalliwal'a (W7 r7& 6u. f X XI.-. sUi'Wug. uei rev- jr ..l our Un-g of im- eT,ue f :;iU,:t a siuiikr balance Uet, the rv, hive less cau-a of eomp.ajit and V' I? i L the general cpcvaUoa of the tttor ...... svstem. , i.,P(,-,-increase iu the bu -o There has.ncL.. ovmdili railroad, and v.- nnl f)Tl3!T' ... ,3 uv. . inilierccriliia imr.v VTZ orations -off be roal, for the '" been hichly satisfactory. The S 6f tht part o. 11.,- m:ua li.e from fLn. to Pittsbur iticIu-' the in r th that would justify the incornora- may.ue demanded lrom ijegis- -s wnen V Qtu. .ecessarv anrl lB;.7T-.sf,.wnn mdis- lasinesi wants of the comnY. ofusedy way be located, should not b'o heir intr ?u otiinr circumstances Should The iu"w ue permitted. - . . caiiRs su ...vaaiusr xi'.e number of ul wants o;etorinined more by the actu of ajiplicaVate trade, than the number jobbers anaoa uie wild laucics ot stock- cecessary etitors. Tho sudden -ind un- be avoided.on ot the currency should such a resuuwuatever tends to produce prevented. jo oe uiscountenanced and interests of t:feaiion of banks the true consulted; anue and people should be tion, as to nur;and honest disctiniina of trad, be cxccality and the demands Public sentimevp their representatives, public or private not demand, nor d tion o! numerou.?s require, tho Jn ihe j resi?!it c pcrlected and forced intotrxl andricoroua . . . i ' ' T ,1 .1 I upcianou uy iqo mere wilh le.liino xperience has proven thltbis,an everv other great, social and la&lorni: tueaud that consent which arises ii ra4icabaD"e in the popular mind, wereiired. Tfeglow process ot the acclimatioijtUe nawUtem to cur social and moral ibere, hibeen ia operation for Dearly t.v,.Vears ; siit is now evident that the periidr anolherUjct it nuLipueiiiuj ui Jegisifljaid ana aiior- ity in lavor of .our noble iim and cobon schools, has arrived. Irtviever forrtjjis ouviously proper and nect-iv iuterpoVjn may present itself, if cJ the great purposo in view cheerful support. .,..' After a careful exaiuiniiciof it is my c!o;ir coiivjctio now prepared for and reqi Cieney in its general surf qualification in its tcacbrs means of suirnnrf. .... .... i T experiment of tho tr Stipennt , "Hire,,, ;tlif,.ll.rii..fl , , : .uni iijL.isurc. I fie , ,ted or.rlif:, .l f - . - . VI II cIloul8, aua the gr system, c!e.niv csi ,',i;u should be furuijed to the Stafa trit, that the sie might be V.'i aA schoM "V-ri,t9lr."7'TTT'r Srir.tcnXJtes J,r.'a . 5;vS ';T,Jf AUH: yonreon.iderat.orte proprif nrl . .v. . v-rUinty v( -.iguana fiai and sale of ta,- - ti . annual report f the departnt V rt lift fjsion-prolonsti oifrhMu- the funds arising .froni, . 1 i cation of exisig laws on this f iaXaJi. " and increasl tfpettib. ir Treasury applieabi, ,iiat - M as to requiifthe controllers f,r f laws regij .,, Lys Id 0f a larjce ami comllioas a, ' v schools of Irladelphia, to repi"9 u,b!!C , aisd provii;,ort Ind X or elsewhere, as m 4 deem : school depaifett, the numlt.; rj , p,oy,,,of the Vfi well iF'TetA safe and conveniei !. condition of ir schools tbe BunJr uJ 6-vstotn-the f'4 0f tlkTse oV The LeS'slaturciip pils, and genaliy such information rC.4,4'N !e,c,S; aJi:lWt,' '5, of lofal loc-V;'51 tof,cV reP; i tion to, the government as may be dSM a ISi'Sf; tlS WA' .Ptwt aseful to tea. of education's reaV .'"iVWcSS V I 1 -1 w . T i I V. I .i MIL 111! I V I I I' II IT ( T TI11B U. or th. hi r? wrv . . to (7( erecting , i:n.if r 'r " r ( out OH-rr" Jj?" conioaar.'icd, tnis J..i-oL"'ir A ana3 aui miiiti of m. be transmitted rr faciuty tant parts of the j5te. tho n-. one arsenal no lor exists ileadville ctn beVspensod mont to the publirviee, li vonrconsiderationjc propril ana saie or w I 20 t cited to prU;e itiallr eceivy the buH ! tit tno sysii rr iucreused ntioa uicreai tsjand increa To imrfe the social, intellectual. uoral condaon. of the people reealaim erring, as'1 ameliorate the human suffering, are oiyscJ that commeiia ttierateires to the CODsideraJon of the philanthr-ji3( an(j 0 statc:s:;i;w Our educational, cUai-,abjc) and reformita-v iustitutiona are justly tb. ,:j the Stafa honorable alike to the v.iiuw.- . mat jouii- s strong cUinis npon j . i ai;y ! liberality Tnev have aeucy d deviscdJimd iaias lit'm. the IW-J ? "P." PV- '. J' a liberiil- tv' r ihe Comiaonwea.t b. TT..:.,mT !. I , , It- nn.rit, o'ir highest in its o cc:s aua icoin, ....... r-,-. - i.i i u " -' .-l:n: . . Vi hj uiyt-ring niateri T f . ui one anoiti squired, and f. cation. I Omnibus AM ied and biSad ain to lit J-U eanrfot!e V.-. r-i'i t ' I mi.- ' k.v""lhe iiff ti d formi to lio: irefiicieucy of th?; '-ctorsd founders have not been disappoint- i pronnefv nnZ.A Kindness and iuve, wkii n.t.i daenco, consuiuta n; iuh. "K'Jr.r.T.T.an ...stored to icson, to sate iia.c -. - ata ,f neT.Jnd.homc, ana me ciU. "2 1 lii. Those tnai reuiaiu , - j 'rut hi ind aid. They sliould noi uc lu,."r the directors will exhibit, i?de- "1' . j.. :il, lie operations oi ot crea- Utility of such sunei vinin.'TIi.' oft;..;-!) rf..;(r , in . luu l;Ilw ; j,arituerii to some counties of the State, nncctioii with the Superintendency,- havafleionstrated that the voice of public authoity o aastain, aud the presence of an oiliru aar.f. t -., have largely contrived 0 excite aud main tain tue deeo inten-s-iow fit bv ! i,i.i;- oulr, educational proess aii improvement. The most markoaiuroii fectd in the svst, has ii . w I -. V , Ml U al Saw, but lis reeard is y; ask your iacn' con- ie'Dermir- :islativac- ibtles bo ,lon.Vo ViHtJaranCB, gas, il,te'V ciiA'i'fe'i'iitatiac- . nsi ,.l t tinte-re- rviV I of Senator to ronrcsentif A' the United States, it wiilJolV'i. i j i in v v qui -njora Jlavin at th tim af I deelarcd to my fellow citle'd tatives. my sentiments inl reeled with our natioualL tew wul not be expected c.tjrpssl. and now re-afrfn, iv rcierren. la niaintn:J;ir. Constitution of our Kopi:tc I01 .States protect tie civilimitri of the people guard wif jeRte ftl, ereut. r.d e.'nentiivl l:nibei free jrovernraeiit of rrn.L.T I yea a . . ana vindicate bv a tnf hriao and country, th-rl VQ obje cationaiitv.i s. and 1 ' estednesi -tfi ;j uaaoaa eaew, .y-Jgjyp J iusixjtor- J 1X1 necessity : dkj-nl -on: VesMn rentsy ULon ny iastitutiun. . itr and importance of pr'pS omnioaation ior " u-.nii li:ive been siro.iij .ll.u..u... . and e .ncoi v-. '.' Vel.re inf .'ilr.diAns.- Vfe Pse r'.li,al.ifan.iri!0l,rol-v .. rt r.rulrrr conipan conomicai.i. .ren ' - . ii union una Laws of carafnUygut'rded.jfc'l;"- tives of ths people, y lar results in til' - other c Unpaids The rrot"V oi -i'V. Iff ft r ng s-,i ''1 '" 2Dd laim the er.feJTr harao'Ol -Am'ri,al citizen. L in oliedience to tbie.rJri i' 1 1 j . i nna or j. . . piWute bo-lus-tho oia efeatioa, wilt f.'.t bo relation to tbeVov.ere h couipar.ies.thi laia r cd and disresgJed. liition tn'.F'iefO i the high and respon you. As a eo-ordic it nill be alike my niiii yo in in on -rotect the rights Kv.nt and prospen ,V ith a sole tlesir ho . L. MIA 11. .... . I inA""roM ny t'-o eoi disc Vvc.t cvhleh -iL ; Mis' III ve. ' e J.-JS Tk ' tie ,.. .- .r.-o W Iff . . r-vLana-. -'-iiirj . ---- '"i. v-. -'4t y v -rJi-- la. u.nci te -fcnW TtJ-tZT .7 ' L' - er,.r -, ,cgisiaiT:rc. ft".;,. J J l!j)IVH (in addition a reusoiia- . . J-TL ' I ' I . I .1 fh 'l""isar ,; ' "'it 5 i" 21? "v'-aon, -; r"ch fi.:. 'a-re ran-,.: , " "ie in. I,, f anes on . road a r.ii7i-v. .d to " Xihe business of the 'mZfiftiii io.uikws i me common .VTTr Tl f 1 I f . . t- .. i .u.inifi, navo largely ex- iwii estimates for its construe u jn sum ot 52. 7,73 ) 00 wa ,uit it session a smn coveriu ,i engineer yet after tbe ex- i , a",0,,at '"us impropriated .1. eu ; bti(i to complete it and wrarjcted,. the further sum of -r estimated hy the enzinccr iM'.ieriueestimateshavebeen -.-j! ae, or iarjo sums rimenpu .ss and ray , t,aV. r.t.: 'Pprovcment vfra."JNf-H1ac ..f..a,lu relieving the sceiiivirv . " mi ftemands As aidin? redncin sf ill ie,! ry-rw7, " and ! ' rllPC lf.nv h; .,-,I belforS'-i'etlon of ,t,. r-4. bertainly-expecfedosc -or n,tlon not-beeii realized. TKthis xpeation SuT)erinten4ent. ur. ?ns of tiie--... sx- ration this eanaj, diefves theVl;cCt.3(uj wf o. v. f' eii to oe jiaia uv .Minnie t:iat may uero or re-cV rtered by the A appropriate to this sr.lje and intimate connected with it, 1 ca;,ot foi.art0 express aiuatnirobaiinn nf j .a);.i.. ' "re otitainad to Enna 4. . iai.s of l j-Ti .-"y1' ' usmx inc Vial, i .. iiegisiaw; as corpo- Pora.-i 1 oibiTOVHttaCfiJiicjnjOctsj a praVce is pernicious, and cuiniq).roe f . . .. . . .i T . : i ii. . - - ' -Jironiflw coiiueiuneu. it perns iu amn,i fiC'pf t,'ao Legislator exposes him ii,lni-llilt ; ? 'S'"ve action in the prera ' 1 Legislation should bo free, even from t? pearance of improper motive ; and evenJp" due and corruntin infli r, , . ' n- side of the iegblaave uZZll VLVL sa and condemned. - it is a cause of mnrn tin I Ulation. l,f f.;..,.. " " "V ' -'""v congrail , bmuiuiio, me nrst ai it i the noblest pursu t of mi n. t " tT,e of dcvolonineut.vindlrrito,! ir. ;! ! w?r5s and assume .--..i.,:".! ".-fwunce county, liita uijI; ali the uieans and aii;Iu cea v.itliiEiueir iweT f;r scll-improveiu ,-w.i. .. . . r e It. n It cea v.itiuctueir wei f;r scll-ir.iprove These ertor. so ivdihbl to them, have highly bemEcial ii thfe r tesults, and c prove the nAessi?.", ai .point with tin. certainty to , e.-iat:is.nent of State ' schoeis. ivcliet- if 'tingi for a di given place r iiiiiif ute "or a week: and again to numii etif .n on.ti meetings, c ing from oneto tliree r nths. At e'v iu this progremio, it hi- become moraut proper n'T"1, 'itutio". wiiJ their - . J. I '-penoi ID: State rsn rfrori.fn me s., biem andShtV octa on - raSib8, ourchildin, thro' rde f f k we ara4 courage! j the ex- of our Cni. rc,' M;c fact, th:.f no State Without "i,ijuii .1 iiir r.ia j of fe.h- -v."... 1"! -roiessioBii lamnj . 1S; iSl4W1j.t, , and assumed in public esteem, the honoVabll rosilion to which it is so justly entitled. S stituting, as it does the substrains of o.Vr i4i.eai mecnaDical. mniir!iPii,i ;..f. .i - - , ' -uw.iillli MHU CUIUUlPf. c al intereMs, it should ever bo regarded as, he chief source of Kr.if nA Vo:i .."e vir.f :.r ;r -"-.-'v"" prosperity. "i(j, it is tue highest in nseful- ,- aiJU 6tiJ, m cnccuraeiti" that I r-. , w.k e exDirienee in thu is mat of a- ceo !ry arl h quarter tn toil . . ' "-"o iieifi this , . to ichif ia, whose ex?s- I ing dial iisc liBU 4' step rnoriaptx wiijl their hi h noris n frovide. 4 ar.fr lC ' r vi j . H i: n, thro' r J. t 1 ii 'a 'I tue ex- ia: jrseucc of sr no ite j p orld.has r i truciioa. if :i i I I Iflii ci ana iaiiu2ei-i!'j cor.tiilctiona f intvnt It urged tliit the fjii.".irfFuoi of our ronulatiou iiJ3' i:.cro. JAjha insane and the n asy.nr.is lor tt:eir itder it impcr.ttivclv :e.3sry that lijt-ro isiiou!d he given to m portion of tpi11"8 'Fa new und entire I'liuci ev" iu;i i",.'tt;:ipii.ii, as a homo :? cf eye jciiow-citizis whose only aile vi Son i.i toft foiu'id in tl ft own icnoranc olteie frii'btful maladav lihri.:,.),'ih,... . i renoa. im suojvjci is w-;y 0f calia and' J issioiwte inquiry. I wi , eheerfully . co- proper h'tife wKh j ; ts. to ecct the Legislattir in all wf-r-Bd industry could accomplish, tias bcew-w :i elSrS roVeVe perfect and fraudulent construction of the old 5"V,-u.4 .mf, nortiouof the new. The large ViuantW of rocks, trees ,'stumps, and roots pla 5ed? bottwi ot the cana, d tha defec !,nri l i,s-d in the embankments, mifltr iFthe wate To iapo almost as rapld.y asad ?d,A5 fi JLr-ck a re-construction of tv- . - ti.m-..W nocessarv: appe the report of commit tee onlays fend Means made to the House of aer?reSt'Vc8in 1819, that the entire am't UepreseriKv . , t , OT)t.rat'.on the "tl o-s-of this canal wasima- Upended on the work Mn.e that f Jai. Y -M' -snorts of the ,'d- 'irears irum -i---r- - ,- nt. jc.Tia",ccl 1 ' r. . rrt - v.in. n rreess Of W--! JZ-X cli,nftte8;0f -AsrB tnn on iuai V--RwX-tue-itanai not 3 "':;t fact, cfofo f-W & na-emeut and reckless expen I iStoDry of thisanal shows, it ts rr,riso that the CornmonweaUh encd-witn .debt, andtaxa. the- 8th of fay ;r . tbo main line of ", he notice re- i- - . " ' 'vtobe ESDO- ness ot all the departments ot law ne and Diomotin,; i ' r"r:i r'.'"- '"4-rulofn,n.. -,11 1 . . ... sts of tt?Tcoxitl-lrluX ln"-."nitrial inter-. mercial nrosnaritv is lartre ?"cial and co the euccess of agricultural industrv. 1ut,lII - A.n interest so important should receiv 1 1 encouragement of all classes of society . 1 Ik . a . . - ' -"jr v,w r j" 1 ger a mere ari-an exertion of physyS '-iTt delic reogth !t has reached the dignity of a or , 1 n. 1 j " - ' 9 (Tzcns. no source' omplisb this obi.-J . ou.'d you decline to act m-fc! ...1.;. i!id then recommend that a adequate r.p natjon be made to the Wes rii Pernsvl- a Hospital for the purpose P eeoinmodntions for tlie care ', ?o..,f isthict as may be practicable i,Bl the oth lass of patients and inmates, k.. this institution is Lber.il in its comprehensive iothe objects ll n , ' nghf tinder its car embracing i.,c. ivell as the sick, he1 Jess and infirrA ' n this connection lwouid commen,to vonr itfention the rennsyl. ania Trainin-r i T Idiotic and Fecblejtfindod Childn.ni iid of tho Commonwehth has heretoforlbcen i. 13 as of v.l,iM f-.--.f-, ci!S. cjieuuuu iu luis lusitution. It is a 4oh! has . 01 3u-terdajr the .Voimal kl...nf,i U.r;i.. .nr,n0i,U le tried thrrml.,,t n ... , . oust 1C wj .-.u iini ifi iieaiif. xk uuismi 3 j e State. . . . The Ilouse- of r 'o .ocsi ieeins vcjto share the bounY 2fae in Philadelpl ii.L; of of Ue people and their representatives honi,i r..ii-. .... . M moL, y. contriDute. t,tato and county much. .ciciic ikvo uono mncn to pro ed and wiNfjand through their agency done. . ilorV rmatln. bs, been .collect-efDcieney-in: tftMuch ye remains to le useful kn.wledgion is demanded. More result, -the establisfijon ani drffusion of irea, ia cotinection-pii. o secure this payments of Staie,. wouliSLaagricultursl The-portanco of such the de- organod as an to the Snvibute, ngnculti knowledge and tV;opry agricultura -industry, cannot en? Cjof ivcV .i 'nrr o . 1 1 . Tib .... ml.-su't IS in fnll rm.V:n .1. IOjC' ofl-a ietTeaeia,"" t.ri". r.?.i?J jl ill I HIT Jr ftrr'-r- i of gr J excellence, liavitj for idir ,u,a- 1' ""yri-i are not 0,,rr M, ate, and Mar Pfr,.i T'."u- religioukre'elin. anH HI., '1: esumaieo.. M,e sutject uearnesf coni ca 10 your aiwtion. I n.,i By-an act of t l-, session, A,,:i.... e ?-tir discharge so " r"X!. " rT 1, 7 ...I. 'ii. . i . -.ui u., mo istate, r. Stat and representin put)lif:ant.-mi; will be the guarantee of its remibli, ii is ume atsn that the resume its true .place in safl'ifiMi nr tramtd it u,. communication ofknowl nnnd, in svnmatliti.' .r, niind, and with living, sp Us impress there. Xbe.G thus trained the wona. lint now t),.. i,ai- ded itself betwiin fi,s-f Tha teacher haa too Jtnuc hers he vitalitybl m supporja equality aching wi ie sehoo Ff sure r '"9 f'ive i e, . to lief. ict, muf aci ing entrv N to jithirL. an.lftKijnt. L 4 . prisons i,' ley are. a ''uaren and he sneeo.vf, lwr fhf m J"jiraid andUl 'unis, ,n pijfil ti)0 "Poaf and Dumb Asy a"d ask to sliipl 'hia' iBVit? our sympathy, "'onwealth-. ii oeueiucuons oi tne Com unib, ia thV;rl ind in thcir darkness tho and bless the X 1 ce will cherish the gift, 1 1 .1 a 40 (1 Dni.Ui, wkhfi som( tfio company,. surpieiaent btil' or Inst ia tli (iencral lawa. whi'n t vji i.uu;t.-a ii: I liic .-f the objects cf thcii V.:c same timc-pruvaiit at; ei.irn to such a3soeiii;,r. dci to your corsid-'rifior i he jansdirti.jnQr'.fy. estate, trusls. tho iaitrne tr.olo and rchioua other a?soeiatirrjr h, recent legislation. T i i conferred for the Tury.cwe k laturo from tho m-juie ff. for special legislation i.i the . are. therefore, tho pro-r t. siicli questions; raid in.siler: matter is within .'heir junsdi should refuso to e'ureriainj: jc ; and clfiirly beyond the j should hot be gricted by Dy tho act of the 10th "An Act to intrease tho n: legislative exnentes ot thcJ provided thut thereafter described and' taxed, shou nco of tho eeretarv of publisaed, or have tbe until tho partv a should nav into the tre the respective sums nanii i ni,Ki. rii f. icst" .1. .V-tlieW cum A r.itnr.l . iv. 'J i . . lili - o t ;oi --iw I-' rx.c --1 " "il i . a . VA-l vbbva5. lH.,nt .I I L,rte t. tot for- -. T-m iva- uica-i tv" l,"TL:"t ll ca iftl . Vji . 1 TapV'r " - .,,'.0 ?-.0' f.lW iet - furvoi ll Jarisdictioc V-is to rJo.-omice t '. 1 V HnriM. '..' Legislature sr(l, pr' ;e t th ...i! i. cl ! T'm "var. o:i ?'u4 io law. nation.1 :.ni9 Bceessit'!' i-V?of th? courts. -.uiuiLiKca fa h the i. i . PntCrV l.fll .1 1 he cin.led ,, -l r 7 . .im wi- e Co: l(lnwaiui pr lung Jr rMsi,- to aam ltOI.!.l i in sn;d A . number of acts passed by fb rffiCr JLcSBlure nd suhject to this tax, romain in ,, caif.the's refary of the Comcionws:: a, the tax , 4cm' not havins; been paid. Tho r: nber h;..t ? ly increasing, and will cor.l nu, toiirf,4 ,.) " A Slim m arr rnnmrlv l.A nfim-i r..- . il . tv nii,.t-, .... Lit.' , ic: :.irv iv-'et'on iivj iuviu wi 111J 111 I f 1 UI LlalJ t-IiriH iflCOL IJI.. UI I IT 1 a il 1 f t t .A... fthV niajJI ioprnved. an the re- Iraled- 1Uo n,nnt'of olveDt nteT d llnara il consi " "n William' Th. boolT. ..Sil band, nf JQh I'1 founts c T -t'-X 'Neaso eai 4 PPICATH--r lor ccaaiviio vi moiV f V. I stT'. -1 Jaaw r "(fiplaces of punishment: to 4 he iK'glected and outcast ' ot o:it- Commonwealth. past ii a sur' guar'antca of 'icss. They should receive ragemeut. u .aim niauireu.. lln no institutional authority of i -designated as tnosFarmers IIiglch '"llyri - tenasylvania,' was corporated.; ci f Per was accepted by tk trustees, &ho , f I sftutioa duly organized Aji eligiU ij r": i wwmwtii xcrn nrni :I!5!nt0a Piuid 1 nid O? r" . ai v .j oi'tl rtf al.J !.. th.-.n. r.. t. .vie I . I ) 1 1 iiita uvjcii m.v.iiin mi .iitit? - . T . ItU wuu.., f . i , r . . "wo. uuaareu acres ui iabro' a c'"'ted tanttrttonateo.to.tt, trak, tne uswtM, institution, by U vin, ot tnt couu'v jhe c.tiZcns tlA ir" have piuuix - . ,en tuou.' the use of the coUeg" , Th addition to th?;apUrrof Pennsylvania I .bows that the J0 lof snch Jan 'i A. O' rr -vva tviiun lefifpo -rs a rbn A Vn f. i:. Jnc 1 oat qutraXrom ofthJuUnJ l0-' for :.T-3h to ,f. "1 w rV f i r- ",M-lIonvr .M'roper r,osl,Ure r measure of thdii Jt for unfv r'ghly lorinanco, of f o llows " . Tt-i.nco oi nli N?n e-x?,i,"nt toc,'fer llpon-hflie t'7 T , , UIIilar7 to then, if18 ,! :-',iTc,le'- Institute wom,i-l.e4 A n H We value. vOf ce will cherish orai and .' Vj ation to an Questions of ana wiselv ont3 dorm, should be carefully l'ie .iietrisl.-ijii-rff l.'1 . , uru. ar . ana no un mori l" PeoPl0 'SV sensitive : a"d condttiori ril P'y interests every class a general rule ar2. , r" r iumPt,ry Jaws, as s aoridenientV, a aouonui expediency: and "'6 crtrZf.n -...ll liberty and privileges or, je jiisimea on the ground znis is admitted, it can i? evils resultihg from in i necessity for regulating Kislative acts, the traffic "g.n'iuors. to what ex- restrained bv nosi- A.. i 7 "ti'tan on tne wi I of i,a Ph vsid tcra !ons 0ir own ln. I - uiiu I -):i I wa l.ihn 11' I QUlUlUUnCSilUl 1JJ iari.E.!nrTuhflr A L. 1 v paid Ion- since. 1 woull bcrcforo roc licnd l blnn.ri..ll,..lt.. I, 1 . I H""I '" mcucQ acts nercaiter :3.ard mo iorce and eCect of law. specnivcly duo thereon he p alter tacir annroval. n.-l. tho payment of theso taxes, i and at the same time cbck vate acts des-i.-rned to be tui.rl eaieu;ation ot chances. Or thn parties m interest might detc y a rosoumonpf the r0. (h day ofifarrdi. Ha.i York and Eriefrnilruid (f,r,,. t ..:i-." f .1.- " ... uucioimu ol ixis coin uieDi, certihed under oath by i i i : . l nrr n rr-1. . .. n . . ... . . . T,l.,I.l 1V T y ?-t W COL ,7''"1"U) l" 1 ensyivanmits Io Itif n-hoff 1 .tI.'TI"'-119 obt r . mt jTipous. spirituous, hh,,; . f t re. Cfcir.pl.ice of busia-7, !2$rJl uo i t wnship of renn, fn'1,?,, s.., vidn slill iitliava ir.les th trs ro 1 withia)ixnon!hs law wodd secure rei-e thaVe-jtnca e dcmaa f. ir cri- a!,ai:!o!ii:Yij Ihe osi orga latere, ra: v to comrjiul mto onwa!tii. akite- tloir presdciig?t iEy idi in f Uie HS! tllC fomrtorane. restrainin-by to !, 1 t . - ----- r.4. valuo of what they now hold, nrl uh.-n the it a uintrsn ,.r . . - v "i-'i y- tao resolution was transmitted U direr tlat Uicy, or either of hein.i nay hottl, inn, tavern, rostntoiekt' o;itcr house or oyster eoils, f pi ve of entertainment, anjowm thrt they are citizens of they are "prepared and readytji j every way to conform to tit JF?k lnlinto liquors, passed -tla.f 4 : D. Iii5. They therefore irajr t them a license forth vc-v will prav, Ac. ' i- BKS.TfM Jan n a ry 1, 1355.- j :' , act VrALUAljiE PKfl ; . '' -..".". .;--'. -. TUG udersignri te't of Land, niorcOr ' coaatf, ieven orif tOT-red.'with- VJaat' then n t& followiat ' wttbl LATH-SAJ,. --R ancnfu -zi r wr, hl, tunaWt f M month ri . . ' Vlltlir. IV li'lTnl'ft. tnt -fZ,,;lie(i rlfc t, ' "T- W'h Ot)ini,n ,.-!, k -r.-i . it wm ,.j,ruv " or "ie rrcoT.fp. t;;: ' " -'.,u vsis- of a coanfr 'tomii':i ' .Taw. iwjjt;-' ;i:"'l'yr.Ti the Jaw of was requested to procure front the Awicr 81, his opinion of the ris;ht of the state of the t0 divert Water frnm -.. .1 u find CllJ' oi tue Chemung river, to the prejii ! -of the jic improvements of -iTannavlvaJi. UClon."ir. In I r-tu c-k.lu nn.l e taaiUUic:U o t "Jin . i " - ; . . . . saino to the T-ii.a A" As rcas e I- a.S f i...i . n nn. r vut mo to the T.efiif.'u A" 1 has 1 'IT wrnfal,' ... ' i ' vin ., eoftfi--' VT. J a - c . l a , n. i municating i t J( f . 9 tern, r r i . y f Ion of t?ie Atiotr- V is horeTritk Or t ot, .nd'i"ie.VoO idling liouoV1;"" ?'C ia- intiat Vo adtniUedJhflta m siem in nrt i..( tiiDj-. . ' ..4 1s I j L A hw'rires.-nl l -:-) not V di av a-ov.nv 1 --V mi'iWn s?,ls l -:i ' 4