- a, ( . HE EAFTSMAI'S JQBR5AL. Vlearfleld, Pa. Wednesday, Fn 28, 1853. - To Correspondents. We bave on our table three or four communications, which we hare been unable to examino. They will bo atten ded to next week. " A. L. K. xour rhymes miscalled poetry, eapnot appear iu our paper. . We suggest that you attend a certain "Institute" we wot 'of, and, enter the "Preparatory Department" where they study "Spelling and Defining, Reading and Writing," thennterthe "Higher Department," and take lessons in . "Orthogra phy, Reading and Penmanship!" ' Perhaps after this course, you may be able to writs an article fit to appear in print.' : ' 1 J. K. Your article is entirely too personal. In addition to that, the subjects are unworthy f notice. ; ' " ' " 4. 3. i4o Market M. xour name was stricken off our list, because your paper was returned by the Post Vaster, marked "re fused." ' - Boggs" no name, no sense, and no read- ing it.' Better attend to your own aflairs, and set a good example to your meddlesome neigh bors. ' - -, - O. H. Philip.burg. Tour "2" have been received through Gen. Hill. A. & J . P. We acknowledge receipt of $1. The bill was good. B. O. P. Letter enclosing $5 received, and acconnt squared. Can't publish your "Pencil Notes" -loo absurd did'nt think you were so weak in the upper story. Wasted: A boy to learn the printing bu siness, at this office One from the country, about tihrteen or fourteen years of age, would be preferred. A smart, attirs lad willing to qo wnai no s toia, wno aon't imagine be's a gentleman,", because ! he may happen to have nine or ten hairs on his upper lip, will find a good situation. " ADuntisrKATioN Ihtkioues. Washington is foil of rumors concerning the intrigues of the administration in reference to the organization of the House of Representatives. Its stipen daries and wire-pullers are busy night and day endeavoring by intrigue, combination, corrup tion and bribery, to secure the organization of the House of Representatives. HorsEBOLD Words for December retains all the interest which has heretofore given that most excellent periodical its world-wide eelebrity. It is emphatically one of the best re-prints of British Magazines, and all who de- ! light in this species of literature should em brace the earliest opportunity of securing a copy. Dix & Edwards, 10 Park Place, N. T. Price f 3 per annum ; f 3.50 with the Jovmal. Traoxc Post OrriCB. We call the attention f our readers to the Letter of F. M. Bill, Tq., ia another column, from the Ilollidava- burg Standard, in relation to his removal from tha Post Office. It is a rich developement.and those who know this "second Daniel come te Judgment," will not be at all surprised at his withholding support" from any one whom he supposed opposed to the Catholics. It's a fam ily fracas bowover let them fight it out.' '. rcRcn ASS or Cvba. A letter from London to fhc N. T. Courier and Enqirer, informs the public that the purchase of Cuba by the Uni ted States is possible if the latterwill give two hundred million, of dollars, one half to be ap- l" ,UD " ivreigu ucui vi Spain, and the other half to the liquidation ot the home debt. One hundred millions of dol- Ian is about one fifth of the face value of the forefgn debt of Spain, which stated in full is JCICO.000,000, but the faith of Spain is of such nature that the bond holder, would gladly accspt one hundred millions of dollars from the United States as full payment. ' Thk CiscisxATt CosvtsTios. The Bolters from the National Council in Philadelphia, it will be remembered, called a Convention to meet in Cincinnati, which accordingly assem- a iui iTeaaesaay. under our head of news by the last mail,' will be found that we have yet received of its proceedings, which are Veingwaited with general anxiety. We think the National Council which meets next February, might form a truly national plat- i ifi in iiBTiur mi.r. is " i.m i hhii liiiii ii nwn wi mm i " ' " . : . . ' I of the Slavery question, no which we could all unite. Unless something of this kind i. done ft will be impossible for the American Party to elect tho President. associatiost. The advertisement of the. "Cosmopolitan Art Association," In an other column will be found worthy of atten tion. The object of this Association i. to en courage the Fine Arts, and disseminate whole some literature. For this purpose they have established a Gallery of paintings and station ary, by the moat distinguished Artist, of America acd Europe, which are annually dis tributed amoag the subscriber., who, in addi tion to their chanee in the distribution, receive monthly one of tho $3 magazine., which alone la the full vain of the subscription. We com. icesd it to our readora with the utmost confi dence, and have no doubt they will be well aati.fled with the investment of t3, which they can send to R. J. Wauaoi, who i. au thorised to reeeivee .ubeerfptfens. i Tag News. The most important feature of the week's news is the eflort made by France ana England to bring Sweden into active al- nance wita ihem.V lien, i Canrobert; is in Stockholm, charged with this mission,' and: Sweden is required either to assent or refuse. From the Crimea there is absolutely toothing to report. The armies are engaged in buil- ding hnts for winter, with occasional milita- engaged in the .war $250,000,000 of which ty promenades and exchange of long shots was to England alone. Think of that ye tax with the Cossack piquets. Several rumors of paying citizens of Penna. We have a debt of battles near Simpherpol have turned out to be false. Letters Irom Sevastopol say mat itus- sian projectiles from the nortlTsIde reach al most every part of the city, and that a desul tory fire is kept up on both sides. The Allies say that the Russians, although keeping jip a continual fire, are making preparations for a retreat. A despatch from Vienna says that a message had been received at the Turkish Em bassy stating that the bombardment of Nico laieff co nmenced on the 20th of October, and continued during the whole of the following day. The result is not known. It was added that the emperor Alexander had been induced to leave the place before the bombardment be gan but the Duke Constantine conld not be prevailed upon to quit the townl Unfriendly relations are arising between' Great Britain ane SpainI Firstly in reference to the case of a Mr. Boylan, a British resident at Santiago, who was expelled from Cuba in April last, not withstanding the agreement of Spain to sub mit his grievances to the arbitration of Mr. Mure, the British Consul at New Orleans. Se condly with reference to the appointment of Don Domingo Modstich as Governor of Fer nando Po. Britain demands indemnity for Boylan's losses, and says that as Don Mod stich is an old slaver, his appointment is insul ting to the British feelings and must be can celled. ; - -' The excitement respecting a war with tho United States has quite subsided, and the journals, ashamed of the panic they created try to excuse It, and let themselves down quietly by attributing what they call the hos tile attitude of the American Government to an election ruse on the part of the President and his Cabinet, although it is notorious that the exeitement was begun, fostered, and kept alive by the London Times. Anxietv is now manifested to learn how the news of the ex citement, and the comments of the Times will be received in America. Intelligent Eng lishman of all ranks express themselves pain ed and humiliated by the whole affair. The Secretaryship oif the Colonies is still vacant. There is no other political news. SiaGi lae DrvsLOPBMEST. A correspondent of the Cin. Gazelle writes from Pittsburg, that when the case of Pasimore Williamson wasar- gued, last summer, at Bedford, on tho motion to bring Williamson out on a writ of kaieas cor- pvs, tnroo of the J udges Messrs. Lowrie. Woodward and Knox were in favor of grant- I Ing the writ, and two, Black and Lewis oppo- j sed to it. When the Court re-umhw in Philadelphia, Judge Kane and his friend, had an interview with , our Judges, and coramuni- cated to them the fact, that the President had ordered the Unitad State, Marshal, in casethe Court should direct the writ to issue, to re move Williamson from Moyaraensing to a U. State, receiving ship, and defend him there, with United States marines and soldiers against any force tho State might send to take him. The question presented to our Judges was, whether it was prudent to risk threatened col lision? They, it seems, had not the nerve to stand up for State Rights. Judge Lowrie and Woodward changed their opinions, ani the writ f habeas corpus was not issued. ouia anything oe more contemptible I If u . i this statement is true. :he pusillanimous con- I duct of these Judges (!) merits and will receive the contempt of every citizen of the State, who has any regard for the honor and sover eignty of the Commonwealth. : Correspondenco of tho Journal. . ' Philadelphia, Nov. 24, 1855. Has our Jesuitical P. M. opened an lnquis- torial office beneath the sign of the "Post Of fice," in your town, and are all suspected let- trs now detained for examination? For there j, a , crew loose somewhere, as I search in vain in your columns for a "stray leaf" from our g00dly village Nothing daunted, however, I try once more to nuzzlo thir di,,rimi-.ii.,. and see if they can stop this; perhaps they w a - -m um aw uj are not to blame, but we know they do worse things than this. "XufT-std." Old Winter has'at last found as but. Ice and snow both made their appearance this past week; though in limited quantity, yet enough to warn u. of the close of our lovely Autumn. nrevions with snch nnr. moonlight evenings that even an inhabitant of bricks and mortar' could feel romantic ; but the trees are all stripped and bare, the wind oee,ioi, ,.. f, ... A J ties aronnd the corners of tho streets with the same sharp air that we can remember was the forerunner of winter last year the note of preparation is therefore heard on all sides , . . . - -w oonv vi inn iiiuuaaDUS OI 1 OOr in OUT city it is to be hoped that it may not be severe. The amount of stirring news at this season . , , f C l 'W" WUb E&' ana tne tightness of the money market. Of the former there seems to lie but little probability I " . . ... - ' I or evon possibility, but the latter ia a rmai I Itivo certainty. Money is now commanding pretty good rates of Interest, but of course there is to tho lender a proportionate risk, and the note-shaver has to be a pretty shrewd indi- ridnal or whil o-tMn fh. i. Tiaual, or whilo getting the interest, he may loe the principal. Stock, have been very lowt A panic in the market two weeks since cau.i ed a sudden decline, and many of our good R. R. stock, fell in four day. at least from 10 to 20 per cent.' ' A better feeling now prevail.. and another week will probably .how things on a inoro settled basis. , The extraordinary financial operation, of the Bank of Franco a. detailed in the foreign paper., ha. caused a fear hero that a constant drain of specie mar take place long as the present war fn Eu- J rope lasts, and that American Securities will be sent home for sale yet there is little prob- j ability of this taking place; though, le3'ond I uonot cold commands a srood erica in FP now, and they require it there. Talking of money reminds me of an item in last news : I the Rothchilds have already raised over $500 - 000,000 and loaned them to the governments only one-fifth of what England has already spent tor this war. and we rmnnhin nf nnr es. Rather let us be thankful that we breathe the air from. the Alleghenies, than bow to the sceptre ' which Victoria wields. Still' let ns stand by the Keystone State and not sigh for a government more replete with royalty than our own. There is one merchant in our City, who-thinks it is about time that wesho'd have titles in this country, and that wealth should command the same respect here that it docs in Europe. Poor fellow, how much better it would be if ho were to transport himself and his money to priest-ridden monarchial Europe, than to burden the soil he treads upon, or taint the air he breathes here this is a fact, and he in earnest and sincere. . A few words about trade, Business is fast falling off and the quiet that usually follows a storm is spreading over us. On Market St., the jobbers are dull and the same maybe said of all other places except where flour and grain are concerned both of which meet with an active sale, both for home consumption and export. Prices still keep up, flour sells free ly at $9.00 and wheat may be quoted at the av erage price of $2.00 though $2.25 has been obtained for some lots this past week. There is some prospect that the credit of the city will soon be restored again, as the long-waited-for bill, to raise $1,000,000, has passed the Common Council at last, and is now before the other branch cf the city government for its sanction. It is to be hoped that this vexed and vexing question wih soon be settled. - Quite a large number of our leading ITotel keepers have been bound over during this week to answer at court for selling liquors on Sunday among-them we notice the Girard House, Jones Hotel, and others of the fash ionable kind. Our Mayor is detarruir.rf in en force tho law whilo it exists, and ho is iu the station to do so. No one knows the value of such a law. h,.t thn. .... wuv ii tu its j'juviicai working. , "Sam" seems to be quiet since his recent victories, and will not probaoly be heard of mucn more till about the latter end of Febru ary, when he calculates upon "talking some." Yonrs, &c, , . OLIVER. Da. BE ALE PAEE05ED. Gov. Poi.t.Of ' ha. pardoned Dr. Beaie, who was convicted of Rape on the testimony of Miss Mudge, last fall. The Governor's reasons for extending the executive clemency are strong, though for onrself we very much doubt the propriety olSlewat" Whon I found that my occupancy the act. The Dardon att ti, which it wa, granted, which are a. follow. :- He received communications from one huu(irei and forty dentists and twenty three nTZrZ o - .. kv.iuuvuj n i is milt- i ters transpiring under the influence offthrr ; unsaie .ma unrenauie ; irom a number of oth. er physicians named, and that they mm innocent ; from a large number of the bar, and citizens of various States, including the names ot Uovernors, Attorneys General, &c. that they believe he was cvnvicted on insuffi cient testimony ; from a number of clerv- mcu, tiiat they be.ieve him innocent; from the mayor oi riiuaaeipnia, and Dfty members of tar riiiiadelphia City Councils; from mem bers of the Legislature, Judges of the Su preme Court, editors of Philadelphia newspa pers, and Ave thousand othsr citizens of Penn- svlrania and New York. vith fiv r y. r..- on the trial, all aski enumerating all these facts, the Governor says : And whereas the board of Inspectors of the said Philadelphia County Prison. nnr.,.nro ' O ---- - - - - j ... .AUUl by their communication on file in the office of of the Secretary of the Commonwealth, have unanimously recommended the pardon of the said Dr. Stephen T. Beale, because, in their opinion, the end contemplated by the la- in the moral reform of the prisoner'has been at tainedbecause full, and ample satisfaction has been rendered to public seutiment by the imprisonment he has already undersone be cause his health is undoubtedly breaking I down under the sufferings of body and mind which he has already endured, and because mo uesuuue conuition or his aged parents, and bereaved and sorrowing wife and children imperatively demand the support and pre sence of their son, husband and father. And whereas, after a full and careful exam ination of the facts and evidence in the case, aided by the scientific discussions to which it has given riso, (without any intention to re flect upon the prosecutrix, who no doubt tes tified to what she believed did occur nor to impugn the integrity of the learned jude ed that the defendant Dr. Stephen T. Beala. is B?' of the crime whereof he stands rf6l'i and W11S conTicted upon evideuce ""iLV16 10 lt charaer, and insufficient in ".. 1 ao, therefore, in consideration of the pre- mjses pardon the said Dr. Stephen T. Beale. ,a Cn,I?e T hereof ha is convicted as afore- said, and he is fully pardoned accordingly. Opr Position I feel no unkindnesa-. h?s,Vlitv to the foreigner whatsoever. I am " eVr?""nKf bIe9ainS v wuuui miviua. x. win ten nim. 'came d them with ns. If you have been Sfe object of oppression in a foreign land. rmr here Rnd 00 free li in mother land you have RIlfTp rtA Trrkm warn n .3 . I - V i ... ' ttUU ouure our pien- iy. our law. win protect you ; our laws will give you freedom such as you cannot enjoy elsewhere in the world beside. . But we reserve to ourselves the right to govern our country, (Shouts of applause and cheering.) Leave that, trk iv m W rknll 11 1 ty . , "I" a11 ueneB our free institutions afford. That is the great hoon we offer. What other country in the wunu uuoia iuu gamer ione. Jan one of 1 you go to a foreign land, and become invest- nu,u vim pour political privileges conceded to tne people ot it f No; not one foreigner, therefore, come here, and take ev ery thing but the rieht to zovern us. knl l"""-"-; a must taite care tnat we do not IV i . . "... . V pecome alien, in our own 'land. Thi. liberty is ours. Our blood and that of om fathers h been .hod fcr it. It i. our. by our right and our hub ; auu mis land we intend to govern, am wo wm govern." Mr, llritttndtn's Speech in Ph'la&tlphia, From the Democratic Standard. . Ttrojjb Post Officr. O..TravgkDenr air iu your, issue oi October -31, yiu briefly notice my removal .from ; the office of :; Post j Master, ana express-' a desire to know the grounds or my aeposal. For your satisfaction A 1 . . a. U 1 . na w ' imspuuiic. in general, L deem it ' I l!roPor t0 make a statement of facts, u LbiL9' ?f ill," L"?-.wi,,il!' sSr- undenia- -uerfVct-- iy wiuing, to aoiaa tneir s ana your verdict,: - i r I - . 1 . - i . . . I On the 2d day of July last, I received a Vlll iriuirij ter from D. W. Moore, f Agent in Mail hp,art." ment, Washington City.) relative to certain charge against me. lie iu formed me that I was "accused of belonging to the K. JTs, and nsing the official station which 1 hell, to the prejudice of tTiose who come under thecen sure of that -intolerant party;" and further that "these charges were made by respectable men, and that, unless satisfied of their falsity. i tJl - . ... . ne wouia oe consiramea to-withhold any fur ther support.'? To this I replied "I have ev er been a consistent National Democrat, ani as such, was supported by the bjjt Democrats of the county; when I applied for the office. And as to my having any connection with - the K.N's, or any other party that would, pro scribe a man for religion or place of, birth,, I pronounce it a wilful and malicious lie, and such I can now,' or at any time prove it to be. Having explained my position officially, I have only a word to add as a private citizen. If good and true Democrats are to be harassed and turned out of office at the request of Whig catholics, who seek to fatten at the hands of an administration they have ever opposed, is it to be wondered at, should such an administra tion be held in contempt t 1 speak thus plain that you may know that I care neither tor the frowns or favors of an administration that can listen to such a charge, either against myself or. any of my fellow democrats. . As to who your authors are, I know not, nor do I care I brand him as an unmitigated liar." To this I received a response dated Jnlv 8th. Says Mr. Moore, "your letter of the 3d, pleas ed nievery much. 1 snowed it to Judge Camp bell, and he was as much pleased as I was, and expressed himself in the most friendly terms lowaias you.- Ana so. sir, trie matter rested until some of my friends (?) of this place sent oil a petition for my removal, which was an swered by the appointment of JohnB. Stewart, to take my place. As to the grounds of rav removal, I am perfectly ignorant. Upon the reception of my deposal, I immediately ad dressed a note of inquiry to the department, as to the cause, but up to this time, have been treated with silent contempt. .Now, sir, allow me to say, that I am not conscious of any official delinquency.- 1 have ever dischar ged my duties with promptness and integrity ; and, I am happy to siy, to the'entire satisfac tion of the community ut large. Why, then, am I removed I know not. - As I stated to Mr. Jkoore, I now state, I have not, and nev e rl ,2 7 connection with any party organi 'cd for political purposes but the Xitional De mocratic party, and (o this I am willing to be qualified any day. About the time I received the letters from the department. Mr. D. A. Magehan, of the "Iron Democrat," called upon me' and inform ed me that John B. Stewnrt (the present in cumbent of the office) was going all through the county circulating that I was a K. N., and that he was trying his utmost to get nie turn out of office. He further requested me to publish a denial of the charse. &c. which I did through the columns of the Democrat, as perhaps you may have seea. Mr. Magehan, at that time expressed any thing but a favora ble opinion of (as he called him) this John B. ! lne rost lHce was going to result an an un- TZt Zl' J fT J consent to my doing so. There was only o exception at that time, and that was John B. l:0: & i.ivi iiir w .is it puur uiau auu wanted something to tnccnUlo in Mr. Stewart, you say, "will doubtless make an attentive offieir, as you hear him highly spoken of." The Iron Democrat vouches for his "honesty and capability," and thinks that nonocaa honestly object to his appointment." As for you, my dear friend, I am indeed sorry that you have no more reliaMe method of ob taining truthful information on this subject. At all events, sir, the appointment is the most unpopular on that could have been made. For myself, I care not ; but, sir. I re gret the effect that it will have on the Demo cratic party. - . I am, sir, as ever, yours in the bonds of Jcffbrsoman Democracy, F. M. BELL. Tyroe City, Nov. 0th, 1855.- OaCANiziTios , of Congress r-Congrcss meets on Monday wee!c, and more than ordi nary interest attaches to its organziation. The Albany Journal says a circular has been sent to Ihe American members as apian for or ganising the nouse of Rcpresentalives in the 31th Congress on the following basis: To call a meeting of members of the Amer ican Order who support the resolutions adopt ed by the American Council at Philadelnhia. 12th June, 185-5. a ins meeting snail prescnoe obedience to these resolutions as the test of elizibilitv to any office or appointment within the power of the House of Representatives. If a sufficient numler of National Americans cannot oe assembled to eflect an organiza'ion upon tne above basis, a conference shall be in- vited with all members favorable to an organ- lsauon upon the basis of maintaining existing laws upon the' subject of Slavery as a foial&ni. conclusive settlement of that subject. "that this conference shall refuse to sun- port any nominee for any office within the ap pointment of the nouse, who will not take and subscribe the followins declaration of principle and action 1. That he will obey and enfoice when called on so to do, all laws enacted by tho Federal and State Governments, as paramount to any other authority within their respective aud appropriate jurisdictions. 2. That he will abide by and maintain the existing laws upon the snbject of Slavery, as a final and conclusive settlement of that subiect. iu spinii auu in sunsiance. ... 3. That he will abstain from and discourage the agitation of the slavery question. 4. That he will confer no subordinate ap pointment upon any one who will not make aud subscribe the foregoing declaration. 11. that the organization thus effected shall bo regarded as a patriotic truce, for the pur . . . : i i . . ; . . p"o v pretcnuug legisiauve anarcny, tor car rymg on the Government in accordance with the forms of the Constitution, and for the maintenance of the public peace and dignity against sectional agitation. ' III That every member who unites in this . e s a; r pin 01 orgauizaiion snau De iree to resume his political relation, and maintain his political opinions as heretofore ; nor shall he be bound to any alliance beyond the act of putting the House of Representatives into legislative ac- tion. IV. That a committee bo appointed to re port a ticket in conformity with the princi ples of this plan of organization, presenting the names of suitable nominees for the various offices within the appointment of the House of Representatives. . . 1 3 The President. Message will not be for warded In advance a heretofore, to distant nwpapir.. COMMODOEK StQCK0M AlU-HICAKIsif. At -,be JT,.eti?S Mb Awericanajn Treq- ion, on.rriaar vwiiDg,; to rejoice over.-thcir recent victories the following letter was r-- cejveu irom xtmiaottore Stockton: j. ? - , rPiscsTO, Nov. 14, 1855.'' Gentlemen I am informed by your letter bf 1 yesieraay, inai a meeting is to be held at . i . f . - : - xiivuu, vu i iia.i;, iiieio.u mac. com mem- i TraV? OI ",e principle l the American par iy . ou a M "tnat 11 18 wel1 known thai that you jiave for several years approved those principles, tnerelore you are earnestly invi- leatoDe present, and to address your fellow cuizens on inai occasion." I thank veu for tue - invitation, .although previous engage "-l"1--" "' iem my ueing present. - u., uK, iiuweTer, 10 let tne occa sion pass without expressinsr mv entire on currence in the patriotic, principles of the A- uieriuan party, wnicu have had for so many j vi nj- ueau ana ueart. He then recapitulates tho "American prin uiiH ujjuu iu care taaen oy our forefathers to preserve our institutions against oieign lunuence, &e., ana concludes as fol lows : The crafty engineers of Dolitical anecnl tion, see no danger, and never will see any, niutu uoes not uneaten to arrest their profita ble control of parties. The doctrine that " A mericans alone shall rule America," designed to restore the government, as it was in th days of Washington, to the hands of Ameri cans aione, is stigmatized by the organized "-"" i puimcians wno wield tne machinery for manufacturing the incumbents of office. "uiu mji- me i: resiiency aownwaras, as a pestilent heresy, and those who hold to this ancient Amencun doctrine, are denounced as traitors. 1 lie progress of events is rapidly bringing the country to the condition when but two parties will contend with each other the one the American party, the other the Foreign party. The American party will seek me rrstoratiou oi the government to Ameri can control, such as it was when it came fresh irom tne American people, fho Foreign iar. ty will seek to propitiate the foreign element. yuuucr iu us insoient aniDition ana aspiring prouominance, conicna lor the continuance and extension ef its privileges, cringe with servility to its dictates, and offer new bribes tor its lnenpship. The simplo fact .that the next election of a President of the United states may turn upon the assertion of the re nunciatioa by the American people of the aoctnne mat "Americans alone should rule America,' should be sufficient to astonish and alarm us. If the doetrine be renounced, it will be ewing to the overpowering force of the foreign element in our population. The migh- ij power or mat element lias been guaged by the astute politicians who are allied tc it. They nare measurea its length and breadth, its heighth and depth, and they- are ' willing to siawe ineir aestimes on its omnipotence. It was tha praetorian guards, composed of foreign mercenaries, who put up for sale the imperial purple at Kome, and it is the foreign mission aries among ns who now offer to the politicians who bold the reigns of party sway, the next Presidency, aj the price of favors to be con- lerreu on them, and privileges perpetuated hereafter. There is no country, there never has been any country, where such an issue, if squarely, tariy, ana distinctly -presented to tne people, couia te decided any other than one way, and that in favor of the "country born." Will the people of the' United States repudiate a sentiment ol this sort 1 They will do no such thing. Already they have arisen spontaneously and rushed to the standard in scribed with the words "Americans shall rule America." It is vain for politicians to attempt to arrest the progress of tho American party by efforts te compel it to adopt portions of the creeds which distinguish other parties. It will not thus be induced to endanger the cause in which it is engaged. The safety of the ieo pie is the supreme law, and while that safety is endangered, every thing else is of subordi nate interest. "Place none but Americans on guard." was the order, of Washington at a crisis of imminent danger. r With assurances of high regard, I am your friend and obedient servant, . R. F. STOCKTON. Wuzk Rooues Fall Oct, &c Read the following, extracted from . a long editorial .of the Easton -frgwt, one of the organs of the so called Democracy of old Northampton : We must acknowledge our surprise and re gret at the attempts, originating principally with the office-holders of the general govern ment, to bring the name of Gen. Pierce be fore the Cincinnati National Convention for re-noraination. It can hive no effect except to divert the attention of the people and the expression of public opinion from seeking for fit and available candidates, and can result in nothing. No National Convention would be, in our opinion, so insane as to nfcir.inate him. ana no aeieai would bo so utter und inglori ous, as that which his name would bring. . The course and policy of his Administration has almost lost Pennsylvania to the Democra ay. . . cy already, and his nomination would give it the finishing blow. No man at all conversant with the tone of public opinion in our State would entertain a particle of hope with him as our standard bearer. A general and deep seat- ed conviction of his wan: of nerve, his want of nonesty, ana his want of ability pervades our waoie people, and no amount of effort could efface it. We hear it constantly and daily cx- pressed by ail classes of people m this region an Rre informed that the same outspoken sentiments are heard all over the State. The blunders which marked the first year of his Administration, instead of being' redeemed, have only been aggravated. The people have with pain seen the small manoeuvres of the Township politician emanating from the Pre sidential chair. They have mourned over the evidence that dignity and statesmanship are ignored in little intrigues to build up cliques for re-nomination, and are compelled to ad mit that the only prominent feature of his ad ministration consists in tho pusillanimous dodging of every embarrassing question, and a persistent shutting of his eyes to every per plexing duty. The weakness of his regime has evoked gross violations of the law and the Constitution from the fanatic Know Nothing Legialatnre of Massachusetts and the Nullifi es of Missouri, and when the eyes of all the conservative men of the nation were eagerly turned to Washington for a demonstration which should at ono effort vindicate and de fend the Constitution against abolitionism and disunion, the President, calm and smirking, seemed to be tho only man in the land who had never heard the startling intelligence: - His official organ to the editing of which, it is well understood, his liesure hours are de voted, and for which he aloue is responsible, excluding everything that'does not square with his see-nothing, do-nothing tactics, publish ing whole columns for the sake of saying no thing, and occupying both sides of every dan gerous question with a nimble agility that would earn applause for a Ravel, is a consis tent and fitting exponent of his policy. - C3"A squaw in Central Michigan had a pa poose on her arm that was exceedingly white for a member of its race, which fact induced a gentleman to ask if it wa. a half-breed ; where upon shoj replied "No, no, not . a drop of white blood about It half , logon amT half i missionary.' "t ! '- PE-NCIL NOTES; ; f ' Pfwfy rain, bad Hoys, and empty pocket. Wantsd another girl to do hoM,.work B notice. ' ; Passable the new bridge. It will soon bm tirply finished. X ' Elected Bash ford the Republican candidate tar Qoyerner in Missouri. Coming Christmas, and the railroad. We axe bound to have it at last. - Dull our exchanges. They are aa barraa ef news as a bull-frog is of bristles ' . :' E mpty our coal-box. I'ts your turn now Char. ley, so 'fork over' and get a load.- ' -via. FitztsJ ovt the exeitement growinr out cf tie talk of a war with Eozland Vive labambncr Improvement. A new plank walk ban before the MethoUi.t Church. It wa.much d.k1I Sat the roads, and the individual it ... . the swallow tail with brass buttons. Ila'a 'aomw pumpkins.'. :' t . Commence! in earnest the wire working foi- the Presidency ia 1353. We jto fa for a free fla and no icouziaz. Worls u-eU-tbf, -juC law" in this nsiVhbar. hood. If it works as well every where else, we dont think it will bo easily repealed. . Editorial Convention. A. CoDTention af Nebraska editors has been called to meet at Ilnnt.' ingdon.on Wednesday tho 19, of December. CWthe sickly season. Our Phviioiani ar eomparaUroly idle, and we mean no diarespect to them, when we wish that they may long remain so. Scarce local iiems. Every person appear to bo attending to Lis own business, and if so, we tare arrived at "a eonsomation devout! v nV. i j vv .. .VU .4, Crowded onr advertising columns. Wo 1 been compelled to omit several this week, ia order to give our readers tho usual quantity of reading matter. .. Don at last thost boots, and that load of rroea wood wo got a short time aineo. Who has a load of good dry wood to girt iu in exchange for sub scription? JVwj.n.-Wm. II Bloom hai juit ocenod a neat and fancy Drug Store in Curweuiville. Qo it Dr., we ll back you, as long as you dont a-ivo Lt much at a dose. Tailed o.The Clearfield ladies talk of intro ducing the "Hoop fashion.' We hope the Eurgeaa. and Council will immediately proceed to widen the board walks. Thanlsgiving. We regret to say, to the dis grace of our town, that Thanksgiving Day was en tirely disregarded. . Stores wore open, and buti- ness transacted as usual. Fresh Oysters X Tommy Robins'. . He has just opened a new saloon, where those who are fond of bivalves can regale on them at their ease. Tommy ia the most onterpraing man in town. . .. Tru4 Americanimt. A- cumber of Jlew Tork ladies have pledged themselves to employ only American fabrics in their dreas and furniture. to the exclusion of foreign production. Suffertil tho turkies on Thanksgiving Iay. Our Devil came d ogged near, busting a -su.-en. der, the Sr.. collapsed a flue, and wo'had orfpl dreams from an overloaded tumjack.' Pleasant to travel over the Turnpike (') between this and C'urwecsville. It'a in a splendid eondi- tion! We hav'nt heard of more than aix vehic! ticking fast in the mod during fhe past week! Acquitted. Judge Stewart, who baa-been oa trial in New York, for bribery and corruption. The Jury, however, recommended him to resign his office, aa fcead been guilty of -irregnlaritioeV Quarterly M.;tis The Melhoiist Friends have been holding a Quarterly Meeting at Car- wensville, for the past few dayi. P. E. Poisd. was preient and preached oa Sabbath. Wo loam that it wm an interesting meeting. Tennessee. The Senate of TercrMeohav pas sed resolutions demanding Congress to extend tho time of naturalization, - and expressing the sense of tho Asit-mbly that no Roman Catholio ought t hold office under tho General Government. Should I active tho members of the Ordor throughout the county. Sow is the time to work. Leave no effort untried, honorably to incrsaso our uumbcr. Kemomber that we will aoon enter up on a Presidential campaign, and "in timo of peace prepare for war." ' For so! tho '-Raftsman's Journal"' andr.everT thing belonging to it. , We'll sell on easy terms, as we must attcud oxalnsivcly to our professional bu siness. ' But we are bound to see the paper kept up and sustained, and if wo eant sell to a good, man, we can keep it. Probable that we have baen humbugged with, the publication of a curtain advertisement. We have written for information and should it turn out ae we suspect, we'll give tho gentlemen tho benefit af a larger, space in our columns. It'a something that wont be done more than onco. Commendible the conduct of those citszen whe hauled trees, set them out. and otherwise beautK tied our Graveyard yesterday. Thej deserve the greatest credit for their disinterested labor of love, and. they have made quite an alteration in the appearauoe of that, so lately, barren and car lacted apot.. .Than is to Mr J. J. S. Radebangh, for a dolf. cious roast of venison.' IF she had seen us regaling on it on Monday, wo think she would have come to the conclusion that we appreciated her present. It's gone where the good things go, and there', plenty of room for more. Who'le bo tho next t call forth our thanks? . American victory in Virginia, At a special election held for State Senator. 'in the benitorial District composed of Hardy, Morgan and II amp- shire counties, Mr. Ark strong, the American can didate, was elected by 262 majority over his oppo nent, though Mr. Wisk had 67 majority in the same counties for Governor, , Net Idea. Barnnm says he Intends to oreet a Lyceum Hotel in Xew York, embracing within it. walls a Lecture and Concert Hall, a Library anct Reading Room,. Resturact, rooms for instruction in music, and adult evening schools, and a largo aaloon for the social enjoyment of families and friends, and all this without the use or prosenoe of intoxicating drinks. Aeta days." This seems to be all the rage at present. The Louisville Times thus takes it off: "Yon present a man a small account, ho will pay yea in a few days; pretty girls expect to marry in a few days; nigger hoys whistle few days; brass band, blow out a few days; hi,h follows sing a few days; and we expect to give our reader, sesae interesting local news in a few days ". And we hope some of our abaeribers wilt pay their " eripMon in a few das
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers